Name: The Rebel Society

Members: Charlie Strickland & Jai Marshall

Manager: Kat Kellison

Crowd Reaction: Cheer

Entrance Music: ‘When the Levee Breaks’ by Led Zeppelin

Fighting Style: Technicians

Finisher Name: The Rebel’s Code

Finisher Description: Top Rope Spike Piledriver

Tag Team Moves: Double Arm Drag, Double Brainbuster

Career History: sVo

Other Information: N/A

Entrance Description: There is a loud cheer from the crowd as ‘When the Levee Breaks’ by Led Zeppelin hits the sound system, and the figure of Kat Kellison slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Kellison poses at the top of the entrance ramp, before waving her hands forwards! Soon Kellison is flanked either side by Jai Marshall & Charlie Strickland who join her in the pose! The fans continue to cheer as the trio walk down to the ring, Kellison walking straight ahead whilst Marshall & Strickland slap hands with fans on either side of the entrance ramp. The Rebel Society quickly climb into the ring and pose in the middle of the squared circle, as the music slowly fades out.

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