Kyle McRae is set to face wrestling legend Lindsay Troy tonight on the first PWA supershow, after sVo Owner Jon Page called in a favour from the fellow PWA Fed-Head last week on Showdown!

PRIME Boss and SHOOT star Troy will take on McRae in singles action, with Jon Page holding a grudge against McRae for perceiving the Scottish Star of embarrassing the sVo with his two losses against HOW’s Xander Azula a few months ago! Will Troy take McRae out of action or will McRae be able to pull out a shock?

On the same event which will see stars from PRIME, MVW, SHOOT, HOW & the sVo face off, the sVo will also be represented in tag team action against SHOOT’s No Laughing Matter.

With the supershow being headlined by Christopher America of HOW vs. Ivan Stanislav of PRIME, make sure not to miss it  live from the Honda Center in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, January 14!

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