sVo Uprising #003
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
7th November 2021

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2013 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Night, Jay Wildman, Cody Williams & Nathan Paradine. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena. The camera pans around the sold out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show that will feature non-stop in-ring action from the future stars of the sVo!

Open Challenge

‘Welcome To Toronto’ by K Money hits the sound system, and there are loud boos from the crowd as onto the top of the entrance ramp steps Alissia Young, Jake Hughes & Scott Cole of the Canadian Connection! Young signals to the crowd, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp bopping her head to the music. Cole & Hughes roll into the ring under the bottom rope before climbing to the second rope and staring out at the crowd with their arms folded, before jumping down as Alissia Young grabs a microphone as the music fades out.

Alissia Young: “Last week on Showdown, we stood out here in this ring and laid out a challenge to any team in the world to come and take a shot at the sVo Tag Team Championship belts….”

The fans boo loudly as Hughes & Cole hold the belts in the air.

Alissia Young: “But here we are standing out here on our own! It seems that no tag team in the world wants to step to the best tag team in the world!”

The fans continue to boo loudly, but suddenly “Going out in Style” by the Dropkick Murphy’s hits the sound system and there is a cheer as the arena is basked in a green glow. After a few seconds Tom Flynn & Sean O’Grady, collectively known as the Shamrocks, step out onto the top of the entrance ramp and raises their arms in the air to acknowledge the crowd!

The Canadian Connection look surprised by the arrival of the Shamrocks, but quickly call for a referee to get in the ring and it looks like we are going to start the night off with a Tag Team Championship match!

Flynn cracks his knuckles at the top of the entrance ramp whilst O’Grady hypes up the crowd, before the pair march down to the ring and climb in, ready to fight!

sVo Tag Team Championship Match
The Canadian Connection vs. The Shamrocks

With both teams in the ring, the referee holds the sVo Tag Team Championship belts in the air to signal that they will be on the line in tonight’s opening match! The fans cheer loudly for the challengers, as Tom Flynn prepares to get the match started against Scott Cole.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung and Flynn ducks under an attempted clothesline from Cole, before spinning and landing some big right hands on the champion! Cole looks like he is reeling as the former bare knuckle brawler Flynn lands some big blows, before taking down his opponent with a snapmare takedown! With Cold in a seated position in the middle of the ring, Flynn bounces off of the ring ropes and lands a big knee to the face of his opponent!

The fans cheer loudly for the move from Flynn, as he makes the tag out to his partner Sean O’Grady. The Shamrocks look ready to take the fight to the champions as O’Grady jumps into the ring and lands some big stomps on Cole as he tries to get to his feet. O’Grady follows up with a back suplex on the Champion, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a diving elbow drop onto his opponent! The fans cheer as O’Grady makes the cover!




Before the three can be counted, Hughes is quickly into the ring to break up the attempted three count! The fans boo loudly as the referee has to restrain Hughes and force him back out of the ring! O’Grady tries to take advantage by pulling Cole up to his feet, but Cole lands a low blow on his opponent with the referee’s back turned!

The fans boo loudly as Cole takes advantage of the low blow to land some knee strikes to O’Grady, before taking him down to the mat with a backbreaker. O’Grady staggers back up to a standing position, but Cole is there again with a German suplex, before making the tag out to his partner Jake Hughes.

The fans boo loudly as Hughes jumps into the ring and stomps away on O’Grady, before taunting to the fans! Young cheers on the champions on the outside of the ring, as Hughes waits for O’Grady to get to his feet before following up with a brainbuster in the middle of the ring! With O’Grady clearly hurting, Hughes makes the cover!




This time it is Tom Flynn who is in to break up the cover, which gets a much more positive reaction from the crowd! The referee forces Flynn out of the ring, but as he does Hughes and Cole land a double team suplex on O’Grady! The referee turns to see Hughes making another cover attempt!




This time O’Grady kicks out in the nick of time to save the chance of winning the Tag Team Championships for his team! Hughes looks furious with the referee as he complaints loudly that it should have been a three count!

The referee boos loudly towards the Canadian Connection, however Hughes spends too long complaint as he turns around and is caught with a jawbreaker from O’Grady as he tries to pull him up to his feet!

The fans cheer loudly as O’Grady crawls over to his corner and makes the tag out to Tom Flynn!

Flynn leaps into the ring like a whirlwind and begins to stomp away on Hughes in the middle of the ring! Scott Cole tries to jump into the ring to get involved, but Flynn knocks him down with a massive punch as well!

Flynn turns his attention back to Jake Hughes and hits a backbreaker, before signalling for his finishing move! The fans rise to their feet and it looks like we might have some new tag team champions on the horizon, as Flynn waits for Hughes to get up before nailing a massive spinning spinebuster in the middle of the ring! With Cole already knocked down, Flynn makes the cover on Jake Hughes!







Alissia Young pulls Jake Hughes out of the ring at the very last second to save the tag team belts for the Canadian Connection! The fans boo loudly as the referee admonishes Alissia Young who pleads innocence on the outside of the ring!

However, on the opposite side of the ring, the fans boo even louder as Scott Cole rolls into the ring with a tag team championship belt in hand, before smashing Tom Flynn in the back of the head!

Cole rolls back out of the ring with the evidence in hand and grabs hold of Sean O’Grady, as Jake Hughes crawls over and makes the cover on Flynn just as the referee turns around.




It’s all over and the Canadian Connection have stolen the win and kept hold of the belts, with a little help from Alissia Young!

Young and the Tag Team Champions celebrate with their belts in the ring, as Flynn and O’Grady look on ruefully from the outside of the ring, after coming within a whisker of claiming the belts for themselves.

Winners via pinfall: The Canadian Connection

Ice In My Veins

The cameras head backstage after the big tag team championship match, where Absolute Zero is standing by with Katie Smith in the interview area! Katie Smith has a microphone in hand as they both stand against the sVo branded back drop.

Katie Smith: “Absolute Zero, thanks for joining us here tonight. Now we understand that straight after Showdown last week you went straight to Jon Page’s office and demanded a rematch against Big Aug tonight on Uprising! What made you ask for the rematch and do you think the result will be any different tonight?”

The usually easy going Absolute Zero glares at Katie Smith as he answers the question.

Absolute Zero: “I asked for the rematch because I need to correct the fluke result that was last week on Showdown. Big Aug is a nobody, a rookie, someone that won’t even be in the sVo after I embarrass him out there in the ring tonight….”

Katie Smith: “Well he did….”

Absolute Zero: “Wait, I haven’t finished answering your question yet, don’t interrupt me…”

Zero glares at Katie Smith who looks a little uneasy at the change in attitude from the veteran.

Absolute Zero: “You asked me why I think the result will be any different tonight? I think the result will be different because I have been in this industry for fifteen years and Big Aug has been here for fifteen minutes. Tonight, I send that big rookie back to Brazen where he belongs…”

Smith starts to ask a follow up question, but Zero holds a hand up to signal that the interview is over, before storming off of camera shot. Katie Smith shrugs her shoulders towards the camera as the scene fades out.

Absolute Zero is certainly not happy about losing a match he was so confident of winning last week, but can he get the job done this week against the impressive Big Aug?

Single Match
Hiro Ryuu vs. Dale Norman

With youngster Dale Norman already in the ring and waiting for the match to start, ‘Starman’ by David Bowie hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as the mysterious Hiro Ryuu slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Ryuu drops to his knee and raises a finger in the air for a few seconds before slowly pointing his finger down towards the ring. Ryuu then rises to his feet and walks slowly to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Ryuu climbs to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd before backflipping to a standing position in the ring!

With both men in the ring the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started. Both men slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring before locking up. Norman tries his best to push Ryuu backwards, but Ryuu sweeps the legs of his opponent away before dropping an elbow on the rookie. Norman quickly rises back up to his feet, but Ryuu lands some hard kicks to the rookie before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the corner of the ring. Norman hits the turnbuckle hard, and Ryuu follows with a running elbow strike in the corner which gets a big cheer from the fans.

Norman staggers out of the corner of the ring and Ryuu takes him down with a fisherman’s suplex with a bridge into a cover.




Norman manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat and the match continues! Ryuu quickly gets back on the offensive as he pulls his opponent back up to a standing position, however Norman fights back with some right hands of his own! Ryuu aims a spinning heel kick at his opponents head to try and get back into the match, but Norman ducks under the boot of his opponent before following up with a clothesline!

Ryuu quickly gets back up to a standing position, but Norman follows up with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring, before bouncing into the ring ropes and then dropping a knee on his opponent! Norman rises up to his feet and gets a mixed reaction from the crowd as he poses over the body of his opponent!

Norman waits for Ryuu to get back up to a standing position, before landing a knee to the midsection followed up by a DDT! With Ryuu down on the mat, Norman makes the cover!




It looked as if Dale Norman was going to score a big upset right there, however Ryuu manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat at the very last second! Norman can’t believe it as he argues with the referee, before pulling his opponent up to his feet.

With Ryuu looking unsteady on his feet, Norman bounces off of the ropes for extra momentum before looking for a lariat to put away Ryuu, but Ryuu seemingly has the move scouted as he counters with a flapjack in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer Ryuu on as Norman stumbles up to his feet looking confused, which allows Ryuu to hit a European uppercut, before following up with a springboard dropkick! With Norman down after the quick combo, Ryuu quickly leaps on his opponent and makes the cover!




Norman kicks out at the very last second and the match continues! Ryuu looks surprised with the resilience shown by the youngster, as he rises to his feet and poses for the fans. The fans cheer Ryuu on as he waits for Norman to get to his feet, before hitting an elevated DDT in the middle of the ring! With Norman holding his head in pain, Ryuu calls for his finisher! Norman slowly rises up to his feet, but Ryuu grabs him and lands a ‘Tokyo Sunrise’! The fans cheer for the powerful move as Ryuu makes the cover on Norman.




It’s all over and Hiro Ryuu picks up another victory! The fans cheer as Ryuu rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory! Ryuu celebrates the victory with the fans in the arena, as Dale Norman is helped fromthe ring by the referee.

Winner via pinfall: Hiro Ryuu


The camera pans around the Goodfellas Casino Arena, capturing shots and reactions of the sold out crowd in attendance. It cuts to a shot of a young kid dressed as El Froggo. It then transitions to a shot of three college aged males who are shirtless and have the letters “S-V-O” painted on their upper body.

The camera cuts to ringside on the hard camera side to a shot of the sVo Champion, “The Hollywood Rockstar” Cody Williams sitting front row. He flashes a smile to the camera and then stands up to acknowledge the crowd.


(Clap, clap, clap clap clap)


(Clap, clap, clap clap clap)

sVo interviewer and correspondent Katie Smith appears in the shot next to him.

Katie Smith: “I’m standing here with the new sVo Champion… “The Hollywood Rockstar” Cody Williams. Cody, it’s great seeing you back in the fold and what a delight to have you here at Uprising.”

Cody Williams: “Thank you Katie, it’s great to see you too. It’s been a long time. And it’s even greater to be here sitting alongside all of these rabid and loyal sVo fans!”

The audience responds with loud cheers.

Katie Smith: “What brings you here to Uprising?”

Cody Williams: “When I caught wind of this new show and that all of the rising stars and young lions were being showcased, I wanted to get a front row seat and watch the future of sVo up close and in person. And I will be the first to say that the future looks bright and I will be keeping my eyes and ears open. And maybe in the not so distant future, an opportunity for someone will present itself.”

Katie Smith: “The future is definitely bright.”

Cody Williams: “And speaking of opportunity and firsts… I wanted all of you to hear it here first, that my match against Kyle McRae on Showdown… I have decided to give him the opportunity of a lifetime. Our match will now be for the sVo Championship!”

The Goodfellas Casino Arena erupts at the announcement.

Katie Smith: “You heard it here first! Next week, Cody Williams will be defending the sVo Championship against Kyle McRae in his first match on Showdown in eight years. Thank you for your time Cody, I hope you enjoy your time here and the rest of the show. Now let’s get back to the action!”

Cody Williams raises a fist to the camera and then flashes a wink and a smile as we head back to the ring for more action packed excitement!

Single Match
Big Aug vs. Absolute Zero

The familiar sound of “Ice, Ice Baby” hits the sound system and the fans cheer as dry ice rises up from the sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds, the veteran Absolute Zero steps out of the dry ice and stands at the top of the entrance ramp bobbing his head to the music! The fans cheer Absolute Zero, as he takes a few seconds to acknowledge them before making his way down to the ring and diving in under the bottom rope! Absolute Zero turns and poses for the hard camera with his arms crossed and his head bopping to the music!

“Starts Right Here” by Foreign Air and Kenny Mason plays and out comes the towering form of the man called Big Aug! “Big Aug” August Lazar puts a hand on his forehead and scans the crowd before heading towards the ring slowly. The big man then raises a hand in the air and raises his arm to the cheering crowd. He steps onto the ring apron and eggs the crowd on for a louder response then steps over the ropes to enter the squared circle. 

Absolute Zero looks more focused than usual as he looks to score a victory over Big Aug, the man that beat him last week on Showdown! The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the match is quickly underway, with the fans seemingly split right down the middle of their support of the two fighters.

Big Aug looks for a big clothesline to start the match off, but Zero uses his speed to duck under the arm of his opponent before laying into the rookie with some big body shots. Big Aug staggers away to try and put some distance between himself and his opponent, but Zero bounces off of the ring ropes before landing a running cross body onto his opponent! Big Aug pulls himself up to a standing position using the ring ropes, but as he does Absolute Zero runs at the rookie and clotheslines him over the top rope and to the floor below!

Zero looks fired up as he marches around the ring whilst Big Aug pulls himself to his feet on the outside of the ring. Zero looks determined to avenge his embarrassing loss to the rookie, as he runs at the ring ropes before leaping out of the ring with a suicide dive straight into his opponent! The crowd are on their feet for the impressive move from Zero, as Big Aug falls hard backwards into the security barrier, whilst Zero rises on his feet.

Zero slaps hands with the fans in the front row, before laying into Big Aug on the outside of the ring with some stiff kicks. Zero pulls Big Aug up to a standing position on the outside of the ring, before grabbing him by the arm and shooting him off into the steel ring steps! The big man hits hard into the steps, and Zero follows up by rolling him back under the bottom rope.

Zero poses for the fans, before sliding into the ring himself. Zero bounces off of the ring ropes before landing a rolling thunder on the rookie! With Big Aug down and hurting, the fans cheer as Zero makes the cover!




Big Aug grabs hold of the bottom rope and the referee stops the count at two!

Zero curses himself for not showing the veteran awareness that he should have done in pulling Big Aug away from the ropes before making the cover, before landing some mounted punches to the big man.

Big Aug powers himself up to his feet, but Zero stays on the offensive with some stiff chops across the chest! Zero grabs Big Aug by the arm and tries to send him into the corner of the ring, but Big Aug counters and whips Zero into the corner! Zero looks shocked as he hits the corner hard, and Big Aug follows up with a running corner back elbow in the corner!

Zero staggers out of the corner holding his jaw in pain, and Big Aug quickly follows up with a Pendulum backbreaker in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer Big Aug on as the rookie rises up to his feet and poses for the fans! Zero staggers up to his feet, and Big Aug quickly grabs him around the throat before slamming him down with a chokeslam in the middle of the ring! Big Aug quickly drops down and makes the cover!




Big Aug thought he had the victory right there, but somehow Zero digs deep and gets his shoulder up! Big Aug grabs Zero up off of the mat, and lands some big right hands to the high flying veteran. Zero tries in vain to fight back with some big right hands, but Big Aug absorbs the punches before hitting a front face suplex, followed up with a powerslam in the middle of the ring!

The rookie looks like he is closing in on victory once again as Big Aug poses for his finishing move, causing the fans to rise to their feet!

Absolute Zero staggers to a standing position, before Big Aug sends him down with the ‘Dunked On’, before making another cover!




It’s all over and lightening and stuck twice, as the rookie Big Aug has defeated the veteran Absolute Zero for the second straight week in a row!

The fans cheer as Aug rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee, as Absolute Zero slowly rolls out of the ring looks upset with the result!

Winner via pinfall: Big Aug

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