sVo Uprising #002
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
10th October 2021

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2013 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Night, Jay Wildman, Cody Williams & Nathan Paradine. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena. The camera pans around the sold out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show that will feature non-stop in-ring action from the future stars of the sVo!

Single Match
Dale Norman vs. Flip Dixon

The fans in the Goodfellas Casino arena are on their feet for the opening match of the night, with Dale Norman and Flip Dixon already in the ring and ready for action! The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and both youngsters move out of their corners of the ring and circle around each other.

Dixon and Norman lock up, before Dixon quickly twists Norman into a reverse wrist lock. Dixon tightens up the hold, but Norman counters with a go behind on Flip Dixon, before progressing to a side headlock. Dixon shoots Norman off into the ring ropes, before knocking him down with a shoulder block as he bounces back into the middle of the ring! Flip Dixon follows up with a scoop slam on Dale Norman, before hitting a big snap suplex in the middle of the ring! Dixon rises up to his feet and poses for the fans, with the sold out crowd loudly cheering for the son of Gunner Lang!

Dixon climbs to the top rope and waits for Dale Norman to rise to his feet, before leaping off of the top rope and looking for a double axe handle shot. However Norman has the move scouted as he ducks out of the way, before catching his opponent with an impressive standing dropkick! Flip Dixon quickly gets back to his feet, but Norman hits a double leg takedown before pounding away with mounted punches! Flip Dixon fights his way up to a standing position, but Norman grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ring ropes, before knocking him down with a stiff clothesline as he bounces back! This time Dale Norman poses for the fans, but the crowd reaction is not as positive for the youngster!

Norman waves away the reaction from the crowd as he pulls Flip Dixon up and hits him with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest. Norman backs Dixon into the corner of the ring with the chops, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him corner to corner. Dixon hits hard in the corner, but as Norman tries to follow up with a big splash, Dixon gets his feet up and kicks the on running Norman in the face! Dale Norman staggers away and Flip Dixon follows up with a face buster out of the corner!

The fans cheer for the big move from Flip Dixon, as he rises quickly to his feet and screams at his opponent to do the same. Norman slowly staggers to his feet, but Dixon catches him with a kick to the midsection before taking him down to the mat with an impressive snap suplex! With Norman down on the mat, Dixon floats over and makes the cover.




Dale Norman gets a shoulder up before the three can be counted and this one continues! Dale Norman tries to get to his feet to avoid Dixon attempting another cover, but Gunner Jr has other ideas as he takes Norman down to the mat with a snapmare. With Norman in a seated position in the middle of the ring, Dixon bounces off of the ring ropes and lands a diving dropkick into the face of his opponent!

The fans cheer loudly for the impressive move from Flip Dixon as he rises up to a standing position and poses for the fans again! Flip Dixon waits for Dale Norman to get to his feet, before sending him into the corner of the ring with an Irish whip! Norman hits the turnbuckle hard, and Flip Dixon takes a leaf out of his old man’s book as he runs at his opponent in the corner and hits a ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’! The fans pop for the big combination move from Flip Dixon, as he quickly hooks the leg to make another cover on his opponent!




It’s all over and Flip Dixon picks up the victory! The fans cheer on the youngster as he rises up to his feet and poses for the fans, before the referee raises his hand in the air in victory! Dixon continues to soak in the celebrations of the fans as he climbs to the nearest turnbuckle and poses for the Las Vegas crowd.

Winner via pinfall: Flip Dixon

Single Match 
Karina Baynard Vs. Lucy Von Drake

Karina Baynard is already in the ring and waiting for her opponent as she warms up to face the Blood Money member Lucy Von Drake!

There are boos in the arena as ‘LVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as Lucy Von Drake walks out, with her husband James Von Drake as always by her side. Lucy signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. Lucy holds her arms in the air in the middle of the ring as James Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on his wife.

JVD still looks a little beat up from his sVo Immortals encounter with Samuel Amos last Thursday night, as he stands at ringside and watches on as his wife stares down her opponent and waits for the opening bell.

The fans boo Lucy Von Drake as she makes her way to the middle of the ring as the bell rings for the match to start, and ties up with Karina Baynard. The newcomer uses her power to back Von Drake into the corner of the ring! The referee calls for a ropebreak and Baynard gives Von Drake a clean break, only for Von Drake to slap her opponent across the face!

The fans boo loudly as Von Drake steps back laughing whilst Baynard looks furious! Baynard looks for a big lariat on her opponent, but the Blood Money member ducks out of the way before landing some right hands to Baynard. Baynard staggers backwards, and Von Drake takes her opponent down with a Sidewalk Slam. The fans boo Von Drake as she pulls Baynard up to her feet and runs her into the corner of the ring, before smashing her face first into the turnbuckle! Baynard stumbles back and Von Drake rolls her up from behind.




Baynard gets a shoulder up and this one continues! JVD continues to shout encouragement to his wife from ringside, as she pulls Baynard to her feet and shoots her into the ring ropes. However Baynard bounces back and lands a running shoulder block to her opponent! The fans cheer Baynard on as Von Drake gets to her feet, and Baynard lands a scoop slam to her opponent. Baynard then bounces into the ring ropes and drops the knee on her opponent before making the cover.




Lucy Von Drake gets her shoulder up before the three! The fans sound disappointed that Lucy Von Drake did not suffer the loss there, as Baynard tries to stay on the offensive by pulling her opponent to a sitting position and slapping on a headlock. JVD continues to shout encouragement to his wife, as she struggles against the headlock before freeing herself with some back elbow strikes. 

Baynard looks for a clothesline, but Von Drake ducks out of the way before hitting a  Russian Legsweep. Baynard quickly gets to her feet, but Lucy Von Drake is there and waiting with a Neckbreaker, before following up quickly with a T-bone Suplex! The fans boo loudly as Lucy Von Drake cockily flips up to her feet, before heading to the corner of the ring to pose for the fans! Lucy Von Drake soaks in the boos as she stands in the corner waiting for her opponent to get to her feet, before springing forward and hitting the ‘One Hit Wonder’! The boos continue as Lucy Von Drake makes the cover.




It’s all over and it is a victory for Blood Money as Lucy Von Drake picks up the three count over Karina Baynard! 

JVD rolls into the ring and pushes the referee away, before raising the arm of his wife in the air in victory himself! The fans continue to boo the Von Drake’s as they celebrate the victory in the middle of the ring.

Winner via pinfall: Lucy Von Drake

The sVo Presents ‘Vendetta 2021’ on PPV
17th October 2021
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas NV

Single Match
Steven Love vs. Hiro Ryuu

With Steven Love already in the ring as sVo Uprising returns from a commercial break, ‘Starman’ by David Bowie hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as the mysterious Hiro Ryuu slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Ryuu drops to his knee and raises a finger in the air for a few seconds before slowly pointing his finger down towards the ring. Ryuu then rises to his feet and walks slowly to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Ryuu climbs to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd before backflipping to a standing position in the ring!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the action is quickly under way as Steven Love attacks his opponent with some quick punches! Love, who is still looking for his first win in the sVo, backs Ryuu into the corner of the ring, before stomping him down to a seated position. Love takes a few steps back before running and landing a big knee to the face of his opponent! Love looks pleased with himself as he slowly walks away, but is loudly booed by the fans. Hiro Ryuu slowly rises up to his feet and holds his jaw in pain at the big early move. 

Love grabs hold of Ryuu and pulls him into the middle of the ring, before landing some big knees to the midsection, and then taking him down to the mat with a double underhook slam! The fans boo as Love rises up to his feet and poses for the fans, before bouncing off of the ring ropes and landing a big elbow drop on his opponent! Love’s elbow meets the chest of Hiro Ryuu, and Love quickly follows up by making the cover on the Japanese star as he looks for his first sVo win.




Hiro Ryuu gets a shoulder up off of the mat which gets a big cheer from the fans. Love however doesn’t look as impressed, as he pulls Ryuu roughly to a vertical base. Love lands some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of his opponent, but this seems to wake ‘The Last Emperor’ as he fires back with some knife edge chops of his own. Ryuu backs Love up before landing a European uppercut!

Love staggers backwards from the force of the blow, and Ryuu takes him down to the mat with an impressive springboard dropkick! The fans cheer for Ryuu as he rolls to his feet and taunts to the crowd, before allowing Love to get to his feet and then hitting a backdrop suplex! Ryuu follows up with a Bridging Tiger suplex to make the cover on his opponent!




Everyone in the arena thought it was all over right there, but somehow Love gets a shoulder up off of the mat just in time! Ryuu rises up to his feet and looks out at the crowd, as Love struggles to his feet in the corner of the ring. Ryuu runs at Love in the corner of the ring and lands a high knee, before pulling his opponent away from the ropes and hitting an impressive elevated DDT! With Love down and hurting, the fans rise to their feet as Ryuu signals for his finishing move!

Love slowly begins to stagger to his feet as he is stalked by Ryuu! Love finally turns around, and the fans pop as Ryuu lands the ‘Tokyo Sunrise’ on his opponent before making another cover!




It’s all over and Steven Love’s search for an sVo ring continues as Ryuu picks up the three count. The fans cheer the Japanese star on as he rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee.

Winner via pinfall: Hiro Ryuu

The sVo Presents ‘Uprising #003’
24th October 2021
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas NV

Single Match
Ida Guildress vs. Eve Silvester

With Eve Silvester already in the ring as Uprising returns from a commercial break, “Heads Will Roll” by Yeah Yeah Yeah’s hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo the arrival of Ida Guildress at the top of the entrance ramp! The English born star taunts to the crowd at the top of the entrance ramp by blowing a kiss to the crowd, before slowly strutting down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Guildress slowly climbs into the ring before climbing to the nearest turnbuckle and posing for the sold out crowd.

With both ladies in the ring and ready for action, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started!

Ida Guildress looks to improve her poor winning record as she quickly takes the fight to the newcomer, nailing her with some big right hands right from the opening bell. Silvester fights back with some right hands of her own, but Guildress blocks the attack from her opponent before sending her into the ring ropes with authority. Silvester bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Guildress takes her down with an impressive arm drag takedown. Silvester pops up to her feet but Guildress follows up with a Gutwrench Powerslam. 

The fans boo Guildress as she rises up to her feet and taunts the fans, before stomping away on her opponent. Guildress pulls Silvester up to her feet by her hair, before bouncing off of the ring ropes and landing a big running knee to the face of her opponent. Silvester holds her face in pain as she tries to pull herself to her feet, but Guildress lands an Enzui Shining Wizard before making the cover.




The fans cheer as Silvester kicks out before the three count! Guildress looks angry at her opponent as she pulls her up and slaps her hard across the face. Silvester fights back with some right hands, and the fans cheer as she sends Guildress into the ropes before landing a clothesline. 

Guildress looks angry as she gets to her feet, but as Silvester looks for a neckbreak, Guildress counters with one of her own! Guildress lands a kicking combo on Silvester, before taking her down to the mat with a facebuster!

The boos continue to ring out around the arena towards Guildress as she rises up to her feet and poses for the fans! Guildress signals for her finisher, before allowing Silvester to her feet and grabbing her from behind! Guildress hits the ‘Evil Eye’ on Silvester, before making a cover on her opponent!




It’s all over, and in a dominating performance it is Ida Guildress who picks up the win over Eve Silvester! Guildress rises up to her feet and looks pleased with herself as the referee raises her arm in the air in victory. Ida Guildress waves away the boos from the fans as she continues to celebrate her victory.

Winner via pinfall: Ida Guildress

The sVo Presents ‘Showdown #114’
31st October 2021
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas NV

Single Match
Kenneth D Williams Vs. HyperNova

Sash! – Encore Une Fois hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the young French star HyperNova steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp, with his manager Victoria Isabel Patience by his side. Flashlights go off up and down the entrance ramp as HyperNova marches down towards the ring as if he is on a fashion runway. Victoria Isabel Patience slowly walks behind him as HyperNova stops just short of the ring, and poses for the nearest camera. The boos continue as HyperNova slowly climbs into the ring, before using the nearest turnbuckle as a hammock and relaxing with his feet up on the ropes. 

3, 2, 1, The lights in the arena begin to dim as the countdown ends and the Tron springs into life with a shot of “The Human Highlight Reel” Kenneth Williams giving the camera a few playful winks. The fans jump straight to their feet in cheer as “Family Ties” by Baby Keen & Kendrick Lamar begins to play through the sound system. The familiar adlibs of Keem accompanying the vinyl horn flutters of the classic instrumental echo throughout the arena as Kenneth Williams steps out onto the ramp.

Fire and pyro began shooting out of the stage as Kenny stands at the ramp with a playful grin as he stands at a military rest with his head cocked to the side before taking off in a full sprint to the ring, making sure to slap hands of the fans on his way. He hops onto the outside of the turnbuckle before looking out into the crowd and delivering a vicious dab with a look of disgust on his face. He hops into the ring and prepares in his corner.

The fans are clearly behind Williams in this match as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started! HyperNova quickly makes his way over and lands some right hands to his opponent, but Williams fights back to some right hands of his own! Williams grabs hold of HyperNova by the arm and shoots him into the ring ropes, before landing a jumping calf kick to knock him down as he bounces back. VIP shouts encouragement to her client as HyperNova quickly gets back up to his feet, only for Williams to take him straight back down with a scoop slam, before bouncing off of the ring ropes and landing a leg drop on his opponent.

Williams pulls HyperNova up to his feet and sends him hard into the corner of the ring with an irish whip. HyperNova hits the turnbuckle hard, and Williams takes the chance to taunt to the fans, getting a big cheer from the sold out Las Vegas crowd! Williams looks to follow up with a big clothesline in the corner of the ring, but HyperNova dives out of the way and Williams hits the turnbuckle hard. Williams staggers out of the corner holding his chest in pain, and HyperNova takes the chance to take his opponent down with a front Russian leg sweep.

The fans boo as HyperNova rises up to his feet and poses for the fans, but as he does it gives Kenny D Williams the chance to get to his feet! HyperNova finally turns to face his opponent, but as he does Williams catches him with some big right hands, before landing a spinning neckbreaker. HyperNova gets back to his feet quickly, but Williams lands a kick to the midsection before following up with a reverse DDT! With HyperNova down, Williams makes the cover!




It looked all over there, but somehow HyperNova manages to get a shoulder up before the three count! Williams quickly rolls up to his feet and poses for the fans, before waiting for HyperNova to get to a vertical base. HyperNova looks for a right hand, but Williams ducks the arm of his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a spinning back suplex. With HyperNova down in the drop zone, the fans cheer as Williams makes his way to the top rope! Williams poses for the fans for a few seconds, before flying off of the top rope with the ‘Smoker’s Prayer’ onto his opponent! The fans cheer as Williams makes the cover!



No! It looked all over after that impressive move from the top rope, but before the three VIP reaches into the ring and puts the leg of her client on the bottom rope! The fans boo loudly as the referee spots the rope break and stops the count, as VIP walks around the ringside area looking very pleased with herself!

However one person that isn’t very pleased is Kenneth D Williams, as he rolls out of the ring to confront HyperNova’s manager! Williams chases VIP around the ring, but just when it looks like he will catch up with her, HyperNova cuts him off by diving out of the ring with a suicide dive! The fans are on their feet for the big move, as HyperNova picks himself up before rolling Williams back into the ring! The fans boo as HyperNova rolls back into the ring himself, before landing a Spinning Sit Out Powerbomb on Williams in the middle of the ring and making the cover!




Everyone in the arena thought it was all over right there, but somehow Williams kicks out at the very last second! HyperNova & VIP both can’t believe it as they argue with the referee that it should have been three! HyperNova finally turns his attention back to his opponent, as he stomps down on Williams a few times before climbing to the top rope himself! HyperNova looks for an impressive 450 splash from the top rope, but Williams rolls out of the way at the very last second which causes HyperNova to crash and burn! The fans cheer loudly as Williams jumps into the ropes and lands the ‘HiiPower’ on the Frenchman!

The fans cheer loudly for the move, but Williams isn’t finished there as he pulls HyperNova up to his feet, before landing the ‘Lights Out!’! Williams pulls HyperNova away from the ring ropes and to the middle of the ring and stares at VIP so that she can’t interfere as he makes the cover!




It’s all over and it is Kenneth D Williams who picks up the three count to keep his impressive winning start to his sVo career going, at the expense of the Frenchman HyperNova!

VIP looks on angrily from ringside as the referee raises the arm of Kenny in the air in victory in the middle of the ring! The fans are sent home happy as Williams celebrates the victory on the second rope as Uprising episode two heads off of the air!

Winner via pinfall: Kenneth D Williams

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