sVo Sunday Night Showdown 134
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
31st July 2022
After the intro for the PWA, the entrance video package for Sunday Night Showdown begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Showdown’ by Pendulum as highlights of past action from 2013 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Night, Jay Wildman, Cody Williams & Nathan Paradine. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Sunday Night Showdown’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena. The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on the HOTv network on PWA:TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show!
Previously on sVo Ultimate Victory 2022
17th July 2022
- Johnny Moretti & Athena moved to the final of the Victory Cup tournament, before Johnny Moretti scored the ‘W’ in the final to earn himself the trophy and a further sVo Championship shot.
- Bronson Johnson defeated Junior Gambino to capture his first sVo gold, the Roulette Championship.
- Blood Money had to face a replacement team with the Black Brothers ruled out due to injury, with the replacement being the SHOOT Project’s SAIGO!
- Carny Sinclair captured the Las Vegas Championship in a big match against Big Aug!
- Hugo Ryzing competed in his first sVo match for months, scoring an unpopular victory over former Tag Team partner Darwin Jones in a hard hitting match.
- William Vorheez survived a scare in his match against Kenneth D Williams to retain the sVo Championship in the main event.
Cashing In
Boos ring out around the sold out Goodfellas Casino Arena as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny ‘All-Star’ Moretti steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring. Moretti is clearly not dressed for battle tonight, decked out in an expensive Italian suit, and shows his distain for the fans who used to idolise him as he turns his nose up at his fellow Las Vegas natives, before climbing into the ring.
Moretti waits for the music to slowly fade out as he grabs a microphone from the ring announcer Natasha Ortiz. As the music fades out, the boos from the crowd seem to get louder to match as Moretti stands in the middle of the ring soaking it all in.
Johnny Moretti: “I am out here tonight because I am a man of my word….”
More loud boos from the sold-out Vegas crowd.
Johnny Moretti: “I made a promise at the start of the Victory Cup that I was going to win it all, and here I am, a man of my fucking word…..”
Even louder boos from the crowd.
Johnny Moretti: “Athena, Curtis Knight…. None of them could stand in my way, just like William Vorheez will not be able to stand in my way from me claiming my destiny. Vorheez, Jackpot 2022 – in this very ring…. Your time runs out and I will re-claim my sVo Championship!”
Moretti throws the microphone to the floor and raises his arm in the air to loud boos from the crowd, the challenge clear from the Victory Cup winner towards the 3x sVo Champion William Vorheez for a title showdown at Jackpot 2022, as the scene fades out.
Pony Up the Gold!
The cameras head straight backstage to the office of Jon Page, where the sVo Owner is preparing for tonight’s show from behind his desk, when the door bursts open.
Anthony Moretti: “Ooooh!”
Page sighs as in walks Anthony Moretti and Joe Barone, two members of Blood Money. Both men are wearing dark expensive looking suits, with the menacing Barone just a few steps behind Moretti.
Anthony Moretti: “We been here all day and no sign of those masked freaks! So I guess this is the time when you hand over those lovely looking Tag Team Championships to us right?”
Page slowly rises up to his feet, shaking his head.
Jon Page: “The Black Brothers have got until the end of the night before they have to relinquish those titles…. And I haven’t had an update on their medical condition yet tonight…. So no, no belts for you guys.”
Moretti looks outraged as Barone stands behind him, arms folded.
Anthony Moretti: “This is an outrage! What more do we have to do get what is rightfully ours? MADONE!”
Jon Page: “Look, I have had the same conversation with the Canadian Connection earlier today. You both won on Uprising, so if the Black Brothers can’t prove they are fit to compete by tonight then your match against the Canadian Connection will be for the sVo Tag Team Championships!”
Moretti looks angry as Barone stares at Page, expressionless as always.
Anthony Moretti: “Your playing with fire here Page, and the Canadian Connection are gonna be the ones getting burned! We will send those canucks packing back over the border by the end of tonight, and it’s going to be YOUR fault!”
Moretti signals for Barone to follow him, before spinning and making his way out of the office. Barone stares at Page for a few more seconds, before following Moretti and slamming the door behind him.
Commercial Break
Doing it for the Family
As the cameras return from the commercial break we head straight to the interview area backstage which is plastered with logos for the sVo and for HOTv. In front of the background stands Katie Smith, microphone in hand, and towering over her is the massive frame of former Roulette Champion Athena!
Katie Smith: “Athena! Tonight you face Hugo Ryzing in the main event of Showdown. Just what made you throw down the challenge to such a dangerous individual?”
Athena smirks at the question.
Athena: “Simple, Hugo felt he could screw with my family. The way he has treated my brother has been disgusting. These guys used to be tag team champions, they used to be best friends and Hugo threw it all away just to try and get his way to the top here in the sVo! You might have scored a win at the PPV Hugo, but tonight you have to take on the person with the biggest balls in the family!”
Athena flexes her bicep to the camera and sends a little wink to Hugo Ryzing.
Katie Smith: “Well last week on Uprising your brother Darwin took on your husband Curtis Knight in the main event, with Curtis winning out in the end. How are things in the family after that match?”
Athena : “Things are fine Katie, don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Darwin is sitting in tonight’s event, but he will be back fighting fit before you know it…… which is more than I can say for Hugo Ryzing after tonight!”
Single Match
Absolute Zero (#12) vs. ‘Big Aug’ August Lazar (#5)
Back to Winning Ways
There are loud cheers from the fans as August Lazar rises up to his feet, before having his giant hand raised in the air by the referee. Big Aug looks delighted at picking up the victory over his old rival Absolute Zero, a look of relief on his face after getting back to winning ways after his disappointing defeat in the Las Vegas Championship match at the PPV.
Big Aug takes the time to acknowledge the fans who are cheer and chanting his name, before the big Romanian lets out an almighty roar, before making his way back up the entrance ramp, slapping the hands of the fans in the front row as he goes.
With Big Aug quickly back to winning ways, will be look towards recapturing the Las Vegas Championship from Carny Sinclair or other things in his sVo career?
Unsanctioned Violence?
The big screen flickers on, revealing footage from HOTv partner High Octane Wrestling’s previous edition of Chaos as we go backstage at the Mabee Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma where HOW interviewer Brian Bare is standing by with a visibly-frustrated Xander Azula as we focus on a particular portion of the interview that week.
Xander Azula: “Hell, I did promise this was an unsanctioned path, didn’t I? If no one wants to test my mettle here, then I will simply have to seek violence elsewhere. Tell me, Brian…what is the fight capital of the world?”
Bare looks perplexed by the question, raising an eyebrow before responding.
Brian Bare: “Well, I’ve heard Dubai is being seriously considered…”
Xander cuts him off again, shaking his head in disappointment at such an odd response.
Xander Azula: “Las Vegas, Brian. Always has been, always will. And as the fight capital of the world, it’s the perfect place to go looking for one. I’m feeling froggy enough to jump at this opportunity, and there is absolutely zero chance of failure for your new favorite fighter. Wish me luck Brian, this is a curious venture to say the least!”
Brian Bare: “Well, good luck Xa–”
Azula doesn’t give him a chance to finish the sentence before walking off, leaving Brian looking confused and slightly disappointed as the big screen fades to black.
High Octane
The cameras head backstage to the interview area where Jon Page is standing by with Katie Smith! The pretty red head as always has a microphone in hand, whilst Page looks stoically into the camera.
Katie Smith: “Boss! Thanks for joining me here tonight! It’s a big show coming straight off of Ultimate Victory, but what we really wanted from you is a reaction to the highlights we just saw from last weeks episode of HOW’s Chaos show on HOTv. The internet has been abuzz with rumours that Xander Azula was directly calling out some members of the sVo roster in his interview with Brian Bare?”
Jon Page: “I have heard the rumours Katie, and if Xander Azula feels ‘froggy’ enough to jump over here to Vegas than I am sure everyone here in the Sanctioned VIOLENCE Organization will welcome him appropriately!”
Page leaves an extra emphasis on the word ‘violence’, with his thick London accent.
Katie Smith: “With the action hotting up on PWA:TV and lots of different promotions signed, do you think this sort of thing might become more common as we move forward?”
Page smirks as he nods his head.
Jon Page: “I would say so Katie, we have already had the Black Brothers defend the sVo Tag Team Championships against Blood Money on a SHOOT Project event not that long ago, and last week was full of cameos left right and centre. I keep across all of the action, and my number one and only goal here is to make the sVo produce the highest rated shows across all of the networks on PWA:TV. That is why if Xander Azula really wants to come to Vegas, the fight capital of the world, and step foot in an sVo ring…. Then I will be personally hand picking an opponent for him!”
Page holds a hand up to Katie Smith to signal that the time is up and the interview is over, just as she was about to ask who that opponent might be.
Katie Smith looks disappointed, whilst the scene fades to black with Page staring into the camera, right down the lens and into the eyes of Xander Azula, wherever he may be watching.
sVo TapOut Championship
Submission Match
Alissia Young (c) (#2) vs. Junior Gambino (#11)
Commercial Break
Tag Team Match
The Von Drakes (#5) vs. BIG Trouble (#6)
Commercial Break
7th August 2022
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
The Contender
The cameras head backstage as BIG Trouble continue to celebrate their BIG victory in the middle of the ring over the Von Drake’s, where Katie Smith is standing in the backstage interview area. However instead of being ready to interview, Smith looks agitated as she checks her watch and shrugs her shoulders to the camera.
Katie Smith: “He’s late, we are supposed to be on live right now….”
The cameraman replies to Smith, but it is inaudible.
Katie Smith: “He is probably stoned again or something. I’m not explaining to Page why we couldn’t get this interview, let’s go and find him!”
Smith marches off down the hallway in the direction of the locker rooms, as the camera man struggles to keep up behind her. Smith finally reaches the locker room labelled ‘Kenneth D Williams’, and angrily pounds on the door with her fist.
Katie Smith: “Come on Kenny we are late here!”
As Smith hammers on the door, it pushes open, clearly not shut properly. As the door swings open Smith let’s out a scream, seeing Kenneth D Williams laying unconscious on the floor in a pool of his own blood. The camera man drops the camera in panic and it shoots the action sideways up from the floor, as Katie Smith screams for help until backstage workers flood into the room to check on Kenneth D Williams, the man who was nearly the sVo Champion just two weeks ago at the PPV!
The camera finally cuts out leaving the fans wondering, just what happened to Kenny?
Single Match
Carny Sinclair (#3) vs. El Froggo (#28)
Welcome to the Carnival
After the big win for the Las Vegas Champion, Carny Sinclair is handed the belt by the referee and holds it high in the air in the middle of the ring. As Sinclair celebrates, El Froggo slowly begins to get to his feet and leave the ring, but the Champion has other ideas! Sinclair motions to the massive Russian Reznikov on the outside of the ring, who picks up the masked luchador like he was a toy before tossing him back into the ring!
El Froggo staggers up to his feet, but as he does Carny Sinclair hits the ropes before knocking him back down to the mat with a Cannonball Headbutt! The fans boo loudly for Sinclair, as he motions for Reznikov to get into the ring!
The 6’4”, 400lb Reznikov climbs into the ring over the top rope, before scooping El Froggo to his feet! Carny Sinclair watches from the corner of the ring whilst cradling his Las Vegas Championship belt, as Reznikov delivers a devastating modified shoulder breaker to El Froggo in the ring!
Sinclair and Reznikov celebrate whilst standing over the limp body of El Froggo, with everyone in the arena wondering just who will be able to take the Las Vegas Championship from Carny Sinclair now that he has Reznikov by his side!
Commercial Break
sVo Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
Blood Money (#3) vs. The Canadian Connection (#2)
Not So Fast
As the referee raises the arms of Anthony Moretti and Joe Barone in the air in victory, the crowd boo loudly as Moretti demands a microphone from the ring announcer Natasha Ortiz. Moretti has a smirk on his face as he grabs the microphone out of the hands of Ortiz, as Scott Cole and Jake Hughes bail out of the ring and slowly make their way back up the entrance ramp.
Anthony Moretti: “Ooooh! Did you ungrateful fucks just witness the greatest tag team in the world or what?”
There are loud boos for Moretti, as Barone slowly paces around the ring, making eye contact with as many members of the audience as he can.
Anthony Moretti: “Well don’t worry the party ain’t over Vegas! Junior Gambino, NEW TapOut Champion tonight! Johnny Moretti, FUTURE sVo Champion after his challenge tonight!”
More boos from the crowd.
Anthony Moretti: “But now for the present, it’s time for all of you people to see Jon Page walk down that entrance ramp and hand those sVo Tag Team Championship belts over to THE most dominating team in the wrestling world today! Come on Johnny boy, don’t keep us waiting!”
The crowd continue to boo loudly as Barone and Moretti stand in the middle of the ring with their arms raised, ready to be presented with the Tag Team Championship belts.
However instead of Jon Page’s music hitting, it is ‘World of Shit’ by Nailbomb that blasts over the sound system! Blood Money look shocked, and there is a big pop from the crowd as Igor and Boris, the Black Brothers, march down the entrance ramp with the sVo Tag Team Championship belts in their hands! The Black Brothers certainly don’t look ready to hand them over, as they circle the ring once before climbing up onto the apron!
The terrifying masked Tag Team Champions stare down Blood Money as the crowd erupts once more, ready to see the fight that was supposed to go down two weeks ago at Ultimate Victory!
However, it’s Blood Money who don’t seem interested in fighting, as Moretti and Barone both drop down to the mat and roll out of the ring under the bottom rope as the Black Brothers climb over the top rope! Blood Money retreats up the entrance ramp to loud boos from the crowd, as Igor and Boris Black hold the ring. The Black Brothers hold the tag team championships high in the air as Blood Money take one last look back at the Champions, before disappearing around the curtain.
Commercial Break
Main Event
Athena (#8) vs. Hugo Ryzing (#19)
Family Affair
The boos ring out around the arena as Hugo Ryzing rises up to a standing position and demands that the referee raises his arm in the air in victory. The referee does so, but Ryzing doesn’t seem in much mood to celebrate as he pushes the referee away after a few seconds and turns his attention back to Athena who is slowly beginning to get to her feet.
The boos from the crowd grow even louder as Ryzing laughs, before bouncing off of the ring ropes and wiping Athena out with a massive lariat! Ryzing stomps away on Athena on the mat, as the referee tries to intervene only to be pushed down by Ryzing!
Ryzing waves off the boos from the crowd as he pulls Athena up to a standing position, before setting her up for the ‘Ryz-up’! However, before Ryzing can hit his finishing move, there is a pop from the crowd as an angry looking Curtis Knight storms down the entrance ramp!
Knight quickly dives into the ring, as Ryzing pushes Athena away before meeting Knight with some right hands! Knight and Ryzing trade big right hands in the middle of the ring, before Knight is able to duck under the arm of his opponent and clothesline Hugo Ryzing over the top rope.
Ryzing quickly pops up to a standing position on the outside of the ring, but decides against climbing back into the ring, as he backs up the entrance ramp with a smirk on his face, staring straight at Curtis Knight!
‘The Dark Horse’ checks quickly on his wife, before locking eyes with Hugo Ryzing from across the arena as Showdown heads to its last commercial break!
Commercial Break
Live on PPV on HOTv
28th August 2022
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Last Chance
The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green laser lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as the sVo Champion William Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp. Vorheez marches slowly down to the ring, his eyes fixated on the ring, looking determined, and focused. As Vorheez climbs onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring, the lights slowly come up and the music fades.
The first ever 3x sVo Champion stands tall in the middle of the ring, as the fans cheer loudly for his appearance. Vorheez unhooks the gold from around his waist and raises it up into the air with one hand, getting another big pop from the crowd. After showing the gold to all four sides of the arena, Vorheez places the belt over his shoulder and is handed a microphone by the ring announcer, Natasha Ortiz.
William Vorheez: “Two weeks ago I stepped into the ring with my latest challenger, Kenneth D Williams. I got to be honest, I thought that match was going to be a stroll, a real walk in the park – But Williams really brought it that night and pushed me to my limits! I might still be standing here as the sVo Champion, but it would be an honour to defend this belt against Williams again someway down the road!”
There is a big cheer from the fans as Vorheez stares at the big gold belt on his shoulder.
William Vorheez: “So after defending my belt against a fresh new challenger and being taken to my limit, imagine how disappointed I feel standing here knowing that at the Jackpot PPV in just a few short weeks I am going to have to be going one on one with Johnny All Star for what seems like the hundredth time!”
There are boos from the crowd as soon as All-Star’s name is mentioned.
William Vorheez: “How many chances does this guy get? He has been trying to beat me since 2013, and has only proved that he doesn’t deserve in the same ring as me!”
A loud ‘Vorheez’ chant begins to ring around the arena.
William Vorheez: “Now I know this match is set in stone. All Star gets his shot because he won the Victory Cup, but after this shot it is done. I haven’t got many more matches left in these old bones and I don’t want to waste them all on Johnny fucking All Star. If All Star doesn’t beat me for this at the Jackpot PPV…..”
Vorheez holds the belt in the air and pauses for dramatic effect.
William Vorheez: “…. Then he doesn’t get another title shot for as long as I hold this belt!”
The crowd cheer loudly as Vorheez drops the microphone in the middle of the ring and returns to showing off his gold to the crowd. The cameras zoom in on Vorheez and the belt as Showdown heads off of the air, with Johnny ‘All Star’ Moretti knowing that he potentially only has one last chance to get his hands on the sVo Championship!
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