sVo Showdown #111
14th July 2013
Goodfella Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada


There is a huge cheer in the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of the Las Vegas strip as (S)aint by Marilyn Manson hits the sound system and the camera pans around the screaming fans that are packed into the arena. The camera picks out certain fans who are holding different signs with hand written messages about their favourite sVo stars. Gold strobe lighting flickers over the darkened arena as the frenzy builds with the fans all eager to see their favourite fighters in action. Highlights of Showdown #110 action plays on the giant screen in what was a massive week in the sVo!


There are loud cheers from the fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena as the last show before the Deadly Habits PPV kicks off with ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hitting the sound system! After a few seconds of the music playing, there are even louder cheers as the home town hero Johnny All-Star slowly emerges from the back onto the top of the entrance ramp.

All-Star poses for a few seconds on the top of the entrance ramp before walking down towards the ring, slapping the hands of the fans that line the entrance ramp. All-Star finally climbs up into the ring and receives a microphone from the ring announcer Natasha Ortiz. All-Star paces around the ring for a few seconds soaking up the cheers from the fans and waiting for the music to fade out.

Johnny All-Star: ‘Last week our sVo Champion William Vorheez promised the world that he was going to prove just how good he actually was by walking down to this very ring in the main event and beating me fair and square…’

There are loud boos from the fans as the highlights from the main event of last week are shown on the giant screen in the arena, with Vorheez picking up the three count by cheating during the match and holding the tights of his opponent to score the win.

Johnny All-Star: ‘I think that all Vorheez proved to the world was that even he doesn’t believe his own words. Vorheez is only champion because he is being propped up by Amy Page and the rest of the Company.’

There are even more boos from the crowd for the mention of the sVo President and the Company.

Johnny All-Star: ‘However I am going to make sure that all that comes to an end next week at Deadly Habits. It might not be a one on one match, but I am going to do everything I can to make sure that you, the fans, have a sVo Champion you can be proud of by the end of the night….’

The crowd cheer loudly for Johnny All-Star as he looks out at the fans, but before he can continue speaking, “Meet The Monster” by Five Finger Death Punch hits the sound system and the third competitor in next week’s main event makes his way out from the backstage area! The fans cheer for ‘the Coolness’ Pat Fullam, as the giant stands at the top of the entrance ramp and locks eyes with All-Star, before making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring!

All-Star paces around the ring looking at his opponent for next week as Fullam climbs up and into the ring, stepping straight over the top rope. Fullam and All-Star pace around each other as Fullam is handed a microphone of his own.

Pat Fullam: ‘A Champion that everyone can be proud of, that’s something that I agree with you on. The crowd will be able to be proud of ME when I walk out of the Deadly Habits with the sVo Championship belt!’

The crowd seem split in their support of the two men, as Fullam and All-Star continue to pace around the ring, each keeping an eye on the other and waiting for an attack.

Johnny All-Star: ‘Don’t bet on it big man. I have the whole of Nevada in my corner next Sunday night. I am not going to fail. If you really think you can beat me, then how about we settle things right here tonight?’

There is a loud cheer from the fans who seem delighted at the prospect of seeing such a big match tonight, but Pat Fullam seems to have other ideas as the ‘Coolness’ stops pacing and faces down All-Star.

Pat Fullam: ‘Not so fast. I didn’t come out here to fight you tonight. William Vorheez said that he wanted to win to prove he was the best, but I think that we both know differently. I came out here because we both know that Vorheez won’t keep his word and the moment things begin to go south for him at Deadly Habits, the whole of the Company will be out at ringside gunning for me and you.’

There is another boo from the crowd at the mention of the Company again as All-Star slowly nods his head, agreeing with everything that Pat Fullam has said.

Pat Fullam: ‘A month ago me and you worked together when the Company were beating down Go-Go Spectacular, and despite that Go-Go is still on the injured list. I put it to you that next Sunday at Deadly Habits, me and you take care of Vorheez as early as possible and then battle it out one on one, and let the best man win!’

Again there are loud cheers from the fans who seem to like the idea that Pat Fullam is pitching to All-Star, as ‘the Coolness’ stands tall in the middle of the ring. However before Johnny All-Star has a chance to respond to what Fullam is saying, “Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones hits the sound system and the sVo President Amy Page walks out onto the top of the entrance stage with a microphone in her hand! Amy Page has to wait for the boos to die down as All-Star & Fullam stare back at the leader of the Company from the ring.

Amy Page: ‘Johnny, Johnny, Johnny… Are you really stupid enough to believe these lies that Fullam is trying to sell you right now? Normally I would say no, but then again you are from right here in Las Vegas…’

The crowd react angrily to the remark from Amy Page as All-Star and Fullam stare back at the sVo President.

Amy Page: ‘Do you really think that Fullam won’t stab you in the back the first moment he gets to get his hands on the sVo Championship belt? Let’s see just how much you two can trust each other right here tonight on Sunday Night Showdown…. Pat Fullam vs. Johnny All-Star in the main event for tonight!!’

The crowd give a mixed reaction to the announcement of the huge main event for tonight, as All-Star and Fullam eye each other up suspiciously in the ring. Will Fullam and All-Star battle the match out fairly tonight or will they try and take each other out before next Sunday’s main event to tip the odds in their favour?


After that massive announcement from Amy Page regarding tonight’s main event, the cameras cut backstage to the interview area where the sVo Las Vegas Champion Matt Fuller is standing by with pretty young interviewer Sasha Shay. The enthusiastic Sasha has a microphone in her hand, whilst Fuller holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt which is draped over his shoulder.

Sasha Shay: ‘Well I am standing by with the current sVo Las Vegas Champion, Matt Fuller! Now Matt we are only one week away from the Deadly Habits PPV where you have been challenged to defend your sVo Las Vegas Championship belt back Nathan Judge…’

Fuller snots in derision as he interrupts Sasha Shay in mid question.

Matt Fuller: ‘Nathan Judge is a mere rookie. He doesn’t belong in the same ring as me despite to be challenging for this prestigious title belt. Did you even know that the likes of Jay Wildman, Nathan Paradine, Bobby Dean, Wrecker and ‘Joey Equinox have all held this title belt before Sasha?’

Shay enthusiastically nods her head and smiles.

Sasha Shay: ‘I did know that Matt, but Nathan Judge is currently undefeated since making his first appearance in the sVo just before the Countdown to Violence PPV, do you not worry about him carrying on his streak at Deadly Habits?’

Fuller taps the Las Vegas Championship belt that is on his shoulder whilst shaking his head.

Matt Fuller: ‘Forget about Nathan Judge. Did you know that Reaper is the longest reigning Las Vegas Champion of all time when he kept the belt for 78 days? By the time Deadly Habits rolls around I will have held this belt for 62 days, which means that I am only 16 days away from writing my name into the record books. Judge isn’t the man that is going to take that away from me.’

Sasha Shay: ‘But don’t…’

Before Sasha Shay can ask the question, Matt Fuller raises a finger and places it on the young blondes lips.

Matt Fuller: ‘I don’t want to hear any more about Judge’s unbeaten run. At Deadly Habits I am going to bring all that to an end. I have paid my dues in this business, I am going to become the longest reigning Las Vegas Champion of all time, and then I am going after the big one.’

Matt Fuller smiles at Sasha Shay, who looks sligtly shocked at Fuller place a finger over her lips, before the sVo Las Vegas Champion walks away from the scene.

Matt Fuller vs. CJ Dreamer
Officiated by Hector Arenda

“Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch hits the sound system and there is a big cheer from the crowd as a pyro explodes above the entrance stage. After a few seconds Matt Fuller walks through the smoke created by the pyro and holds his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt up in the air to signal to the crowd.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from Erie, Pennsyvania, he weights in at 253lbs……He is the sVo Las Vegas CHAMPION, MATT FULLER!!’

Fuller waves to the crowd for a few seconds before sprinting a full speed down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring. Fuller rolls up to his feet before jumping to the second rope of the furthers away turnbuckle in one fluid motion, holding his arm in the air to signal to the crowd. Fuller jumps down off of the turnbuckle and shadow boxes in the corner of the ring as he warms up for his match.’Stricken’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and boos ring out around the arena as the cocky looking CJ Dreamer slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with the sVo Tag Team Championship belt around his waist. CJ Dreamer takes one look out at the thousands of fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena before making his way down towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, representing the Company, from Chicago, Illinois, weighting in at 240lbs……He is one half of the sVo TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… C..J DREAMER!!’

CJ Dreamer ignores the fans at ringside that reach out to touch him as he sprints down the final part of the entrance ramp and dives head first into the ring. CJ Dreamer sits on one knee in the middle of the ring looking out at the crowd as his music fades out.

With the Las Vegas and Tag Team Champion both in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the opening match of Sunday Night Showdown #111 to get started! Fuller and CJ Dreamer circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before Fuller reaches forward to tie up with his opponent. However CJ Dreamer sees the move coming and lands a big punch to the midsection of his opponent. Fuller doubles over in pain, and Dreamer catches the Las Vegas Champion with a kick to the face.

The crowd boo the move from Dreamer, as Fuller quickly gets back up to his feet. Matt Fuller lands some big punches to the face of CJ Dreamer, however as he does the Tag Team Champion is able to duck under the arm of his opponent and duck behind his opponent to grab him in a waist lock. Fuller tries to twist and turn his way out of the waist lock, however CJ Dreamer keeps his arms locked and takes down his opponent with a big German suplex!

Fuller holds the back of his head in pain, but the match is all CJ Dreamer in the early going as he lands a half nelson suplex on his opponent before making a cover!




Matt Fuller manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! The Las Vegas Champion looks in pain as Dreamer grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Dreamer grabs hold of Fuller by the arms and sends him into the ring ropes, but Fuller is able to reverse the irish whip and send Dreamer into the ropes! Dreamer bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Fuller sends him down to the mat with a powerslam!

CJ Dreamer looks shocked with the big move from Fuller as he gets straight back up to his feet, only for Matt Fuller to land a running drop kick on his opponent! The fans cheer the massive move from the Las Vegas Champion, but it sends the man from Chicago right over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! Matt Fuller stands tall and poses for the fans in the middle of the ring before climbing out of the ring and making his way after his opponent.

Matt Fuller, the former backyard wrestler, nails some big stomps on Dreamer as he tries to get to his feet. CJ Dreamer eventually rises up to a standing position, but as he does he is thrown into the security barrier by Matt Fuller! Dreamer staggers forward arching his back in pain, but as he does he is grabbed by Fuller who sends him face first into the steel ring post! Dreamer holds his face in pain as Fuller grabs him and tosses him back into the ring under the bottom rope!

Fuller slaps a few hands of fans at ringside, before climbing up onto the ring apron. Fuller signals to the crowd, before launching himself back into the ring and onto his opponent with a springboard leg drop on CJ Dreamer! Dreamer looks like he might have been hurt from that move as Fuller quickly makes the cover!




Everyone in the arena was hoping that Fuller had the result right there, but CJ Dreamer gets a shoulder up off of the mat! Matt Fuller looks surprised that CJ Dreamer managed to kick out, as he brings Dreamer up to a standing position. Fuller lays into Dreamer with some stiff knees to the midsection, before locking him in a side head lock to try and wear down his opponent. Dreamer tries to struggle out of the side head lock, before then suddenly countering with a big back suplex onto his opponent!

Matt Fuller quickly rises back up to his feet holding the back of his head in pain, but CJ Dreamer lands a picture perfect standing dropkick to take Fuller into the corner of the ring. With Fuller in the corner, the fans boo loudly as CJ Dreamer lays into the Las Vegas Champion with some big body punches in the corner. Fuller looks to be reeling from the punches, before out of no where grabbing hold of Dreamer by the legs and dropping him across the top of the turnbuckle with a snake eyes! CJ Dreamer staggers out of the corner holding his face in pain, and Matt Fuller tries to load him onto his shoulders for a death valley driver! However the fans rise to their feet as CJ Dreamer manages to counter with a swinging DDT to drop Fuller on his head!

CJ Dreamer rolls back up to his feet and taunts to the crowd as Matt Fuller struggles up to a standing position. Dreamer grabs hold of Fuller by the arm and sends him hard into the ring ropes, but as Dreamer looks for a back body drop in the middle of the ring, Matt Fuller sees the move coming and counters with a big kick to the face! CJ Dreamer staggers away holding his face in pain, giving Matt Fuller the chance to bounce into the ring ropes before wiping CJ Dreamer out with a massive clotheslines that causes him to flip over in mid air!

CJ Dreamer looks as if he might have had the air knocked out of him as he tries to get up, only for Matt Fuller to grab hold of him and roll him up into a cover!




It looked like it was all over right there, but somehow CJ Dreamer managed to kick out! Matt Fuller looks down in disbelief at the sVo Tag Team Champion as the Company member lays on the mat in pain. Dreamer tries to get to his feet, but as he does Matt Fuller sends him back down to the mat with a scoop slam, before pointing to the top rope! The fans cheer loudly as Matt Fuller begins to climb the ropes and make his way to the top of the turnbuckle! The fans rise to their feet as Fuller taunts to the crowd before leaping from the turnbuckle with a ‘Phoenix Splash’ looking to put away the Company member! However CJ Dreamer seems to have the move scouted, as he lifts his knees up and drives them into the body of Matt Fuller!

The fans boo loudly as Matt Fuller struggles up to his feet using the ring ropes. Fuller holds himself in pain from the counter from CJ Dreamer, but Dreamer doesn’t look like he is going to show any mercy on his opponent as he lands a big running high knee to the face of his opponent! CJ Dreamer signals to the crowd and gets nothing but boos, before leaping forward onto Matt Fuller and landing a ‘Sweet Dreams’! Boos continue to ring out around the arena as CJ Dreamer rolls across and hooks the leg of the Las Vegas Champion to make the cover!




It’s all over, and on the first match of the last Sunday Night Showdown before Deadly Habits, it is the sVo Tag Team Champion CJ Dreamer who has picked up a victory over the sVo Las Vegas Champion Matt Fuller! The boos continue to ring around the arena as CJ Dreamer rises to his feet and is handed his championship belt by the referee who then raises his hand in victory! With CJ Dreamer picking up a massive singles win over Fuller, will Fuller be able to recover in time for next Sunday’s Las Vegas Championship defence against Nathan Judge at Deadly Habits?

WINNER: CJ Dreamer by pinfall


The cameras cut to the backstage interview area where Elena Cruz is standing by against the sVo branded backdrop with a microphone in her hand and a smile on her face. To the left of Elena Cruz stands the Starr Brothers, with Darren and Simon both looking a little bruised from their encounter with the Company last week.

Elena Cruz: ‘Last week Darren you sensationally turned to the offer from the Company to join them, after which they brutally attacked yourself and your brother. Any regrets about the decision?’

The two brothers look to each other and nod on their agreement.

Darren Starr: ‘Not one bit of regret. The Company showed exactly what they are all about with a sneak attack on us. We came here to the sVo to become the Tag Team Champions and mark our name on the world of wrestling. Dreamer and Washington are running scared of the Starr Brothers.’

There is a big cheer from the crowd who are watching the interview on the giant screen inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena.

Simon Starr: ‘Washington and Dreamer don’t seem prepared to take us on two on two. Sure they might pick up victories when the numbers games are with them, but these guys are supposed to be the Tag Team Champions! If they are two champions then come out and fight us like champions!’

Elena Cruz: ‘With Amy Page, the President of the sVo, in the corner of Washington and Dreamer, do you not think that getting your shot at the Tag Team Champions will be an uphill struggle?’

Simon Starr: ‘Amy Page can try and hold us back all she wants, but at the end of the day the true cream always rises to the top. Amy Page’s backing or not, Washington and Dreamer’s days as Tag Team Champions in the sVo are numbered.’

The Starr Brothers bump fists with each other as the scene fades out.


There are boos in the arena as the giant screen in the Goodfella Casino Arena switches to the inside of the President’s office, with Amy Page sitting behind the desk. Page is flanked by the rest of the Company, with the sVo Tag Team Champions Scott Washington and CJ Dreamer and also the sVo Champion William Vorheez. Standing across from Amy Page stands a man wearing a mask, looking at the papers that are in front of him.

Amy Page: ‘El Volante, on behalf of the whole of the sVo, let me be the first to welcome you to the Sanctioned Violence Organization!’

There is a cheer from some of the crowd who recognise El Volante from his days of wrestling in Mexico. The masked fighter slowly bows his head and picks up the pen from the desk of Amy Page. El Volante signs the contract that is sitting on the desk before handing the pen back to Amy Page.

Amy Page: ‘I’m delighted to have you as part of the sVo, after all we did have a spot open up on the roster last week!’

There is a chuckle from the Company members standing alongside Amy Page, with Page obviously referring to the former Company member Harry Black who was fired last week by Page. El Volante stays silent from behind the mask and simply stares straight forward at Page and the Company.

The Company members and Amy Page look at each other uncomfortably in the silence, before stepping forward. Scott Washington first steps forward and towers over El Volante, with the sVo Tag Team Championship belt over his shoulder. El Volante doesn’t flinch, as Washington steps away and is replaced by CJ Dreamer who stares down the new masked superstar. Finally CJ Dreamer steps away and the new signing comes face to face with the sVo Champion William Vorheez. Vorheez and El Volante stand face to face staring each other down as the scene fades out.

Joshua Curtis vs. Tobias Devereux
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

The sound of guitars echo through the arena as “Been Away for too Long” By Soundgarden plays through the arena. The lights are dimmed and multicolor spotlights spin throughout the crowd. The crowd gets up to their feet in a mixture of cheers and boos as the spotlights all merge together turning white in the middle of the stage. There in the spotlight is the one and only “De Cajun Sensation” Tobias Devereux.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisana, weighing in at 260lbs…. Tobias DEVEREUX!’

Tobias is dressed in his trademark black tights, trench, and fedora. Tobias is making his way down the ramp talking junk to the fans as he does so. Tobias slides under the bottom rope into the ring popping up to his feet. Tobias jumps up onto the middle rope in one of the corners and takes off his hat and coat tossing them down to a stage hand before jumping off and waiting in the corner for the bell.

As ‘Desert Apple’ plays over the sound system, ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ Joshua Curtis walks out from behind the curtain and bows to the audience.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan and weighting in at 215lbs…. He is the Heavenly Warrior…. Joshua CURTIS!!’

Curtis walks down the ramp and around the ring, meeting with some of the fans before stopping at one fan in particular and producing a rose for them and giving the lucky lady a kiss on the cheek. Curtis then rolls into the ring and prepares to do battle.With Curtis and Devereux both in the ring, the bell is rung and the referee gets the match started! Curtis and Devereux stare at each other for a few seconds, before moving forward into a collar and elbow tie up in the middle of the ring. Devereux begins to push Curtis backwards into the corner of the ring, but the Heavenly Warrior quickly counters into a wrist lock on Devereux. The Cajun Sensation tries to twist and turn his way out of the wrist lock, before taking Curtis down to the mat with a side head lock takedown.

Curtis pops straight back up to his feet and looks for a jumping calf kick on his opponent, but Devereux ducks under the leg of his opponent and bounces into the ring ropes. Devereux bounces back off of the ropes and lands a stiff clothesline on Curtis to send him down to the mat! Curtis quickly gets back up to his feet, but as he does Devereux takes control of the match with a scoop slam on his opponent before bouncing into the ring ropes. With Curtis on the mat, Devereux drops an elbow down into the chest of his opponent before making the cover attempt.




Joshua Curtis manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Devereux grabs hold of Curtis by the hair and pulls him back up to a standing position, but Curtis manages to fight his way out of the grip of his opponent with some back elbows into the midsection of Devereux. Devereux doubles over in pain, and Curtis grabs hold of his opponent by the arm and whips him hard into the corner of the ring. Devereux hits the turnbuckle hard, but Curtis quickly follows up with a big splash in the corner!

The fans cheer the big move from the Heavenly Warrior as Devereux stumbles out of the corner. The Japanese fighter quickly makes his way to the top rope as the fans rise to their feet in anticipation of seeing some high flying action! Devereux slowly turns around, but as he does Curtis lands a flying crossbody from the top into the cover on the Cajun Sensation!




Much to the disappointment of the fans Devereux is able to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three is counted by the referee! Joshua Curtis himself looks disappointed that it wasn’t a three count as he rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd. Devereux slowly begins to get up to his feet, but Joshua Curtis goes straight back to work on his opponent with some big right hands. Devereux absorbs the big punches from Curtis, before returning with some right hands of his own! Devereux backs Curtis up with some big punches, before taking him down to the mat with a quick snap suplex!

The Cajun Sensation taunts his opponent to get to his feet, before landing a Cajun Driver onto Joshua Curtis! Curtis lays on the mat in pain as Devereux again rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd. The crowd respond by booing the Cajun Sensation, upset over his recent actions against Roscoe Shame over the past few weeks. Devereux taunts for his finishing move, before hovering over Curtis as he gets up to his feet. Joshua Curtis slowly rises to a standing position, but as Tobias Devereux looks for a ‘Devereux Devestation Mach 2’, Joshua Curtis manages to counter with a ‘Coat of Arms’!

The fans cheer the signature move from Joshua Curtis as he rolls back up to his feet. Tobias Devereux quickly rises up to his feet, but as he does Joshua Curtis continues to build momentum as he lands a spinning thrust kick on his opponent. Devereux holds his side in pain from the kick, but Joshua Curtis quickly follows up with a belly to belly suplex straight into a cover!




It looked like it was all over there with Curtis picking up a big victory ahead of his Deadly Habits showdown against James Von Drake next week, but Devereux managed to get a shoulder up a the very last second!

Joshua Curtis stares at Tobias Devereux in disbelief, wondering just what he his going to have to do in order to put away the Cajun Sensation tonight on Sunday Night Showdown! Curtis quickly bounces into the nearest ring ropes, before landing a knee drop onto Devereux. With Devereux on the mat, Joshua Curtis now signals for his finishing move, and it looks like he is ready to put Devereux away!

Curtis pulls Tobias Devereux to his feet ready for the ‘Beheading’, but before he can pull The Cajun Sensation up, he takes the opportunity to roll Joshua Curtis up into a cover! The fans boo loudly as Tobias Devereux puts his feet on the ropes just out of view of the referee in order to gain the extra leverage!




There are loud boos from the fans as Tobias Devereux rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory! Devereux doesn’t seem ashamed at all of the way he won the match, as he cockily taunts the fans as Joshua Curtis slowly rises up to his feet. Curtis argues with the referee back up the entrance ramp as Tobias Devereux continues to celebrate in the middle of the ring.

WINNER: Tobias Devereux by pinfall


As Devereux continues to celebrate his victory in the ring, the boos suddenly turn to cheers as “Drop the World” by Lil’ Wayne hits the sound system and the video for Roscoe Shame hits the giant screen in the arena! After a few seconds the former sVo Champion himself slowly steps up onto the top of the entrance ramp and signals to the fans! Shame has a microphone in his hand and has his eyes focused on Devereux in the ring, who adopts a fighting stance and challenges Shame to join him in the ring!

The fans look like they are ready to see these two rivals get it on as Shame confidently walks down the entrance ramp. However as Shame climbs up onto the ring apron before stepping into the ring, Devereux drops and rolls out of the ring! The fans boo loudly as Devereux waves away the challenge of Shame and backs up the entrance ramp!

Shame shakes his head in disgust at his former friend as he stares at at Devereux backing up the entrance ramp!

Roscoe Shame: ‘Wait a minute, what the hell is this? You cost me a shot at the sVo Championship belt and then run away from me?’

Devereux shakes his head and waves his arms at Shame.

Roscoe Shame: ‘You ran last week and you are running this week as well? Well Tobias, no more running! Next Sunday I challenge you to settle this like a man in an environment you can’t run from! At Deadly Habits I am going to have my revenge inside a steel cage!’

The crowd pop for the huge challenge from Roscoe Shame as Tobias Devereux stares back at his former friend from the entrance ramp. Tobias doesn’t look too pleased with the challenge being thrown down, before suddenly smiling and nodding his head in agreement! The fans continue to cheer, with Deadly Habits being set at the scene that Shame and Devereux will settle things inside a steel cage!

20th July 2013
Vorheez vs. Fullam vs. All-Star


As Sunday Night Showdown returns from the commercial break, there are cheers in the arena as ‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits the sound system and the Starr Brothers Darren and Simon slowly step out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Darren Starr and Simon Starr slap hands with the fans along the entrance ramp before both sliding into the ring. The fans continue to cheer for the exciting Starr Brothers as Darren and Simon grab hold of microphones from ringside as the music fades out.

Darren Starr: ‘It seems like a lifetime ago that CJ Dreamer invited me to join the Company, and hell who could blame them for asking?’

The fans boo at the mention of the Company and the tag team champion CJ Dreamer.

Simon Starr: ‘However what we can blame them for is there reaction when my brother turned down their offer. CJ Dreamer and Scott Washington poked a hornets nest when they attacked my brother and me. That is why at Deadly Habits, we the Starr Brothers challenge the sVo Tag Team Champions for a tag team title match!’

The fans cheer loudly for the challenge from the Starr Brothers as the attention turns to the entrance ramp to see if the Tag Team Champions will answer the challenge. However instead of Washington and Dreamer, there are boos from the crowd as ‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and Nathan Judge and James Von Drake walk out from the back!

Judge and Von Drake stand at the top of the entrance ramp staring down at the Starr Brothers with unhappy looks on their faces.

James Von Drake: ‘Where the hell do you two get off? You have been here what, two minutes? Already you are throwing out challenges to the Tag Team Champions? After mine and Nathan’s lesson to the world in tag team wrestling last week, if anyone gets a shot at the gold at Deadly Habits it should be us!’

The fans boo loudly as Judge and Von Drake play up to the crowd trying to get them to agree to the statement.

Darren Starr: ‘Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t you two clowns already have matches for the PPV?!’

There is a big cheer from the crowd, as James Von Drake looks enraged on the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge tries to hold back and restrain his new found friend before address the Starr Brothers.

Nathan Judge: ‘Sure we might be facing Curtis and Fuller, but those two aren’t even a challenge. We could beat both of them and then become Tag Team Champions!’

The crowd boo loudly at the arrogance of Nathan Judge and JVD, that they could defeat the Las Vegas Champion and the Heavenly Warrior before taking on the Tag Team Champions.

Simon Starr: ‘Ok, if you two are really that confident. How about you come down here right now and get it on! Let’s see who really deserves to face the Tag team Champions!’

The crowd cheer loudly as JVD and Nathan Judge look at each other before nodding heads! Judge and JVD make their way down to the ring and slide in, as a referee runs out from the back to make this impromptu tag team match official!

Nathan Judge & JVD vs. The Starr Brothers
Officiated by Hector Arenda

With both teams at ringside, the tag team championship #1 contenders match gets started with Nathan Judge and Darren Starr in the ring for their teams. Darren Starr tries to get the match started early with some big right hands to the face of Nathan Judge, before grabbing him by the arm and whipping him hard into the ring ropes. Judge bounces back into the middle of the ring, but as Darren Starr tries a dropkick Judge is able to swat him away! Darren Starr quickly gets back up to his feet, but Judge quickly clotheslines him straight back down to the mat.

The crowd boo the actions of Nathan Judge as JVD tries to get the crowd riled up as he stands on the apron. Judge grabs hold of Darren Starr in a side head lock in the middle of the ring and tries to wear down his opponent, before taking him down to the mat with a side head lock takedown. With Darren Starr’s shoulders down on the mat, Nathan Judge makes a cover!




Darren Starr is able to get a shoulder up off of the mat! Nathan Judge grabs hold of Darren Starr by his hair and pulls him up to his feet. Nathan Judge whips Darren Starr hard into the corner of the ring, before running at him and looking for a spear in the corner! However Darren Starr sees the move coming, and manages to dive out of the way, causing Nathan Judge to hit the turnbuckle post shoulder first!

The crowd cheer as Nathan Judge staggers backwards holding his shoulder in pain as Darren Starr makes the quick tag out to his brother Simon Starr. Simon Starr hops into the ring and quickly takes down his opponent and an arm bar takedown. Judge holds his arm in pain as Simon Starr stomps away on the arm of his opponent, working over the shoulder that Nathan Judge hurt when hitting the turnbuckle post!

Nathan Judge slowly gets up to his feet, but Simon Starr sends him down to the mat with a spinebuster in the middle of the ring! With Nathan Judge in the middle of the ring and hurting, Simon Starr makes the cover!




James Von Drake manages to get into the ring and break up the cover before the three can be counted! The referee orders James Von Drake out of the ring as Simon Starr rises up to his feet and does his best to get the crowd pumped up. JVD argues with the referee in the corner of the ring about being ordered out of the ring, and as Simon Starr pulls his opponent up to his feet, Nathan Judge takes the chance to land a low blow on Starr behind the back of the referee!

The fans boo loudly for the low blow from Judge, as the referee turns around having missed the illegal move completely! Nathan Judge quickly makes the tag out to James Von Drake, and the former Las Vegas Champion jumps into the ring. James Von Drake stomps away on Simon Starr as he tries to get to his feet, before sending him down to the mat with a quick snap suplex with a float over into a cover attempt.




Simon Starr shows just how much he wants to get the victory for his team and get the chance for some revenge against Washington and Dreamer at Deadly Habits by getting a shoulder up off of the mat. James Von Drake cockily rubs his elbow in the face of his opponent before pulling him up to his feet and locking him in an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring! Simon Starr shouts out in pain as JVD pulls back on the hold, using his free hand to hammer the midsection of his opponent with big punches!

The referee asks Simon Starr if he wants to quit, but Simon Starr bravely shakes his head as Darren Starr tries to get the crowd behind his brother with a loud clap. Simon Starr seems to respond to the claps from the crowd as he slowly begins to stir, before countering with a hip toss takedown on JVD!

The crowd cheer as Simon Starr tries to make his way to the corner to take out to his brother, only for JVD to grab him from behind in a waist lock before taking him down with a massive German suplex! With Simon Starr on the mat, JVD hammers him with big punches to the back of the head before rising up to his feet and taunting to the crowd!

The crowd respond by booing, but James Von Drake seems to waste too much time with the crowd as Simon Starr slowly begins to get to his feet behind the former Las Vegas Champion! James Von Drake slowly turns around, but as he does he walks straight into a ‘Star Slam’! The crowd pop for the finishing move from Simon Starr, but he seems too exhausted to take advantage as both he and JVD lay motionless in the middle of the ring.

Nathan Judge and Darren Starr both hold their hands out desperate for the tag, and it is Simon Starr who begins to stir first as he slowly begins to crawl towards his corner. There is a big cheer from the crowd as Simon Starr makes the tag out to Darren Starr, and the high flying superstar immediately begins to climb to the top rope!

The fans rise to their feet waiting to see a high flying move from Darren Starr with JVD motionless in the ring, but before he can hit the move the sVo Tag Team Champions suddenly hop over the security barrier out of the crowd! There are boos all around as CJ Dreamer pushes Darren Starr off of the top rope and down to the floor, whilst Scott Washington smashes Simon Starr in the face with the Tag Team title belt!

Darren Starr smashes his head on the announcers table on the fall down from the top rope, and the referee immediately calls for the bell to be rung!

Nathan Judge pulls his partner JVD out of the ring and the team retreat back up the entrance ramp as the Tag Team Champions stand over the Starr Brothers!

WINNERS: The Starr Brothers by DQ


The cameras cut to the backstage area and the parking lot where there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Harry Black is seen approaching the backstage entrance! Black, the man who was fired from the Company and the sVo last week is dressed in normal street clothes of jeans and a black t-shirt, however the Brit finds his entrance to the Goodfellas Casino Arena blocked by two burly security guards.

Harry Black: ‘Hey, I’m not here to cause any trouble. I am here to see Amy Page, I really need to speak to Amy…

The security guards both look at each other, before looking back down at the man from London, England. The security guards are silent, they simply shake their heads.

Harry Black looks disappointed and slowly turns away, before turning back and trying to rush past both the security guards! The security guards are quickly able to restrain Harry Black and eject him from the area as Black shouts out the name of the sVo President…


‘Let The Sparks Fly’ by Thousand Foot Krutch blares throughout the sound speakers. The lights suddenly flicker and smoke arises atop of the entry ramp. Suddenly from behind the smoke Diamond Legend appears on the stage. His head lowered with his hood over his head. Slowly lifting his head up the lights lights come back to a steady. Looking left, looking right Diamond Legend smiles and continues his slow, cockish walk to the ring. He blows kisses at beautiful girls and give little boys nudgies while telling them to fuck off. He spits at people and swears at them consistently.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring weighting in at 228lbs…… Diamond LEGEND!!’

Before stepping in the ring he walks up the steel steps slowly before walking along the ring before putting his back to the ropes and lowering his head again. Once again the lights begin to flicker. From all four turnbuckles little pyrogryhphic stars burst from out them. A plethora of different colors. Diamond Legend picks up his head and now he looks infuriated. He jumps over the top rope and begins running around the ring talking to himself as he looks off into the crowd and taunts them. Finally he jumps to the middle of the ring and whilst doing so, BOOM! In unison some more pyro comes from the turnbuckles and together they make one big baby blue star that vanishes into thin air. Diamond taps his chest and grabs the microphone from Natasha Ortiz.

Diamond Legend: ‘Now I am out here tonight for my match against Roscoe Shame…’

There is a big cheer from the Las Vegas crowd for the former sVo Champion, something that seems to get under the skin of Diamond Legend.

Diamond Legend: ‘Shut the hell up!’

The crowd boo loudly for Diamond Legend, as the founder of Fuck Me Inc smirks at the reaction from the crowd.

Diamond Legend: ‘But before I fight and beat Shame, I felt I have to come out here tonight on my show and respond to the challenge that was thrown down to me by Logan Black last week…. Is he serious? Logan Black wants to meet me in a no holds barred match? Normally I wouldn’t waste my time on someone like Logan Black, after all I have already taken care of business with him and his tag team partner…. but seeing as I have nothing better to do at Deadly Habits, Logan Black, it would be a pleasure to embarrass you in front of all of these peoples one more time!’

The crowd boo loudly at the cocky attitude of Diamond Legend as he tosses the microphone back to Natasha Ortiz before retreating to the corner of the ring and waiting for his opponent Roscoe Shame to make his way to the ring. With Diamond Legend accepting Logan Black’s no holds barred challenge, does Logan Black really know what he is letting himself in for or will he be able to avenge Rose Finnegan who is still on the sidelines because of Legend?

Diamond Legend vs. Roscoe Shame
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

With Diamond Legend already in the ring, The fans in the arena cheer as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring… from Kalamazoo, Michigan he stands at 6’6″ and weights in at 265lbs…. Roscoe SHAME!!’

The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.The referee calls for the bell to be rung and this match between a former sVo Champion and a young up and coming fighter is under way! Diamond Legend slowly circles around Roscoe Shame, before rushing in and nailing some big right hands on Roscoe Shame. Diamond Legend begins to back Shame back against the ropes, only for Shame to cut him off with a knee to the midsection. Shame grabs Legend by the back of the head and smashes him head first into the turnbuckle! Legend stumbles backwards, and Shame grabs hold of him and lands a big back breaker before making an early cover!



Many in the crowd thought it was all over already, but Legend gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Roscoe Shame grabs hold of Legend and pulls him up to his feet, before hammering away on him with some big right hands. With Legend reeling, Shame sends him into the corner of the ring before landing a big splash!

The crowd cheer for the momentum that Shame is building as he bounces into the ring ropes and lands a massive clothesline on Diamond Legend! Legend looks in pain, as Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd that he is ready to end things! Legend slowly staggers up to his feet, and Roscoe Shame places him in position for the ‘Shame Time’! The crowd cheer for the finishing move from Roscoe Shame, but before the former sVo Champion can hit the move, Legend counters with a big back body drop!

Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet with a shocked look on his face, but Diamond Legend is back on the offensive with a big kick to the back of his opponents head! Roscoe Shame drops down to the mat, and Diamond Legend quickly leaps on the back of his opponent and applies a camel clutch submission hold! The fans boo loudly as Diamond Legend screams at his opponent to quit whilst pulling back on the head of Roscoe Shame.

Roscoe Shame bravely tries to pull himself closer to the ring ropes as the referee asks him if he wants to quit. Diamond Legend pulls back harder on the submission move, but Roscoe Shame reaches forward with one last effort and reaches the bottom rope! The referee calls for a rope break, but Diamond Legend keeps the submission move locked on as long as he can without getting disqualified!

The referee boo loudly the actions of Diamond Legend as he finally breaks the hold and rises up to his feet with a huge smile on his face. Legend taunts the fans, but only gets louder boos as Roscoe Shame slowly begins to get up to his feet. Shame looks in pain from the submission hold as Diamond Legend runs at him and lands a side walk slam onto the former sVo Champion! With Shame on the mat, Diamond Legend hooks the leg and makes the cover!




Shame shows just why he is a former sVo Champion as he gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three count! The fans cheer loudly for Shame kicking out, but Diamond Legend is less impressed as he lands some big mounted punches to the face of his opponent before Shame is able to battle his way to a standing position.

Shame runs at Diamond Legend to try and fight his way back into the match, but Diamond Legend ducks under the attempted clothesline from Roscoe Shame, before spinning around and landing a kick to the midsection on Shame. Shame doubles over in pain, and Diamond Legend lands an inverted DDT! With Roscoe Shame on the mat after being dropped on his head, its no Diamond Legend’s turn to rise to his feet and signal for the end of the match!

Diamond Legend stalks Roscoe Shame as he begins to get to his feet, before setting him up for the ‘End of Story’! The fans boo loudly, but the boos turn to cheers as this time Shame counters with a big back body drop of his own! Roscoe Shame bounces into the ropes, and as Legend gets to his feet he lands a big boot to the face of his opponent!

The fans cheer Roscoe Shame loudly as he raises his hand in the air and shouts at Diamond Legend to get to his feet after the massive big boot that might have knocked him out! Diamond Legend looks unsteady on his feet as he rises up, giving Shame the perfect chance to land a knee to the midsection, followed by a massive ‘Shame Time’ in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer for the once banned move, as Shame makes the cover on Legend in the middle of the ring!




It’s all over, and ahead of his massive steel cage match against Tobias Devereux at Deadly Habits, its Roscoe Shame who picks up a big victory over the up and comer Diamond Legend!

Roscoe Shame celebrates the victory in the middle of the ring, as Diamond Legend slowly rolls out of the ring and staggers to the back. After a gruelling match against a former sVo Champion, will Diamond Legend be in optimum shape to face Logan Black in his grudge match next week at the PPV?

WINNER: Roscoe Shame by pinfall


After the victory for Roscoe Shame, there is a cheer from the crowd as the action heads to the backstage area and Pat Fullam is seen preparing for his main event match against Johnny All-Star which is coming up next. The 7’2” giant known as ‘the Coolness’ looks in a confident mood, but before Fullam can make his way to the move his path down the corridor is blocked by the sVo Champion William Vorheez!

Fullam towers over Vorheez, but the sVo Champion doesn’t seem intimidated by the giant that he will have to face next Sunday at Deadly Habits for his championship belt.

William Vorheez: ‘You really think that you can trust Johnny All-Star out there tonight? You really think he isn’t going to go out there later tonight and try and take you out of the match next Sunday?’

Fullam stares down at the sVo Champion, but remains silent.

William Vorheez: ‘You can’t trust All-Star, on Sunday in the main event it is every man for himself. You either stab All-Star in the back or he will do it to you. Take All-Star out of action tonight, and then we fight one on one? What do you say, Coolness?’

Fullam stares down at Vorheez, continuing to remain silent. Fullam and Vorheez lock eyes for a few seconds, before Vorheez steps aside and let’s Pat Fullam continue down the corridor towards the ringside area. Johnny All-Star vs. Pat Fullam is next after the commercial break!


As Sunday Night Showdown returns from a commercial break the cameras head backstage to the interview area where the sVo President Amy Page is standing by with interviewer Elena Cruz standing against an sVo branded back drop. The fans boo immediately as they see the smiling face of Amy Page on the giant screen in the arena.

Elena Cruz: ‘Well Amy, next week is the massive Deadly Habits PPV, and in the main event William Vorheez has to defend his sVo Championship belt against not just Johnny All-Star but Pat Fullam as well. Does this match stack the odds against the Champion keeping in mind that he doesn’t have to be pinned to lose his title belt?’

The fans cheer loudly at the thought of William Vorheez’s sVo Championship reign coming to an end this coming Sunday night at the Deadly Habits PPV.

Amy Page: ‘Let me tell you something Elena, when you are apart of the Company the odds are never against you. William Vorheez might be stepping into the ring with Fullam and All-Star, but at the end of the night he will definitely be stepping out with the sVo Championship belt still in his possession.’

Elena Cruz: ‘You certainly seem very confident of that fact?’

Amy Page: ‘Why wouldn’t I be? William Vorheez is the greatest Champion in the history of the sVo, and on Sunday he proves it to all the miserable people out there watching as well!’

There is a loud boo for Amy Page from the fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena watching on the giant screen.

Elena Cruz: ‘In tonight’s main event we see the two challengers for the title going head to head as All-Star takes on Pat Fullam. Do you think the winner of this match will be the greatest threat to Vorheez’s Championship reign this Sunday night?’

Amy Page: ‘All-Star and Fullam seem to think that they can join up and defeat William Vorheez, but the only reason they came back to the sVo last month was not to fight the Company, but to get their hands on the one piece of gold that has alluded them both for their whole careers. My prediction is that they will both try and take each other out of the match tonight, and that neither men will be left standing..’

Again there are loud boos from the fans as the interview ends on the smiling face of Amy Page as the action fades out and returns to ringside for tonight’s main event!

Johnny All-Star vs. Pat Fullam
Officiated by Hector Arenda
‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring.Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, weighing in at 220lbs…. Johnny ALL-STAR!’All-Star salutes to the fans that cheer his name as he climbs into the ring and jumps to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle. All-Star throws his arms in the air and gets even more cheers from his hometown fans.The arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.”Meet The Monster” by Five Finger Death Punch starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam comes out on stage. The tron flickers to life once again with clips of all of the 7’2″ giant’s time in the ring throughout the various federations he’s been in.Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from Jamestown New York, weighing in at 320lbs…. Pat FULLAM!’He tosses up the metal head salute as he begins to walk down to the ring to the beat of “Rebirth of Slick.” Making it to the ring he reaches up and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up onto the apron and stepping over the top rope. He swaggers to the center of the ring and tosses his hair back before giving one final metal head salute as the music fades.With the two men who will battle for the sVo Championship belt at Deadly Habits in the ring, the fans cheer as the referee calls for the bell to get the main event of the evening under way! Johnny All Star and Pat Fullam stare each other down from across the ring for a few seconds, before slowly moving forward and meeting in the middle of the ring by trading right hands.Pat Fullam gets the upper hand in the exchange as the giant backs All-Star against the ropes, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the opposite ring ropes. All Star bounces back into the middle of the ring and manages to counter with a big dropkick on Fullam! The fans cheer the move loudly as All Star lays into Pat Fullam with some big axe handle shots to the back of the head as ‘the Coolness’ gets up to his feet. All Star lays into Pat Fullam with some big right hands but can’t seem to knock down to the big man as he knocks him up against the ropes!Johnny All Star takes a few steps back and runs at Pat Fullam to try and clothesline him over the top rope, but Fullam counters with a back body drop on Johnny All Star to send him over the top rope and to the floor below! All Star hits the floor hard, and after a few seconds he is joined as once again the Company jump over the security barrier, this time being the Tag Team Champions and the sVo Champion!The fans boo loudly as Vorheez, Washington and Dreamer put the boots into Johnny All Star as he lays motionless on the floor! Eyes turn to Pat Fullam as the giant stands still in the middle of the ring, watching the action but not coming to the aid of Johnny All Star! The referee quickly calls for the bell as the fans seem confused as to why Fullam isn’t coming to the aid of All Star despite discussing earlier in the night taking out Vorheez and then battling it out one on one with All Star for the title!Finally after the Company have stomped away on All Star on the outside, Pat Fullam makes a move to make his way out of the ring, but as he does the Company quickly retreat up the entrance ramp! The sVo Champion and the sVo Tag Team Champions make their way back up to the top of the entrance ramp and stare down at the scene in the ringside area, as Pat Fullam stands tall in the middle of the ring whilst All Star lays in pain on the floor. With Pat Fullam not coming to the aid of All Star, is the uneasy alliance doomed before it has ever got off of the ground with all three men meeting in the main event of Deadly Habits next Sunday?WINNER: Johnny All Star by DQ

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