sVo Showdown #108
18th June 2013
Goodfella Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada


There is a huge cheer in the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of the Las Vegas strip as (S)aint by Marilyn Manson hits the sound system and the camera pans around the screaming fans that are packed into the arena. The camera picks out certain fans who are holding different signs with hand written messages about their favourite sVo stars. Gold strobe lighting flickers over the darkened arena as the frenzy builds with the fans all eager to see their favourite fighters in action. Highlights of Countdown to Violence PPV action plays on the giant screen in what was a massive week in the sVo with the return of Pat Fullam, Johnny All-Star & Tobias Devereux, and William Vorheez retaining the sVo Championship over Go-Go!


The fans in the arena pop as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system to kick off Showdown #108 and the home town hero Johnny All Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The former International Champion, who returned last week at Countdown to Violence, poses at the top of the entrance ramp for a few seconds before slowly making his way down to the ring. All-Star slaps the hands of the fans at ringside as he walks down the entrance ramp before climbing into the ring.

All-Star is handed a microphone by Natasha Ortiz as he paces around the ring waiting for the music and cheers to die down before address his hometown fans.

Johnny All-Star: ‘Las Vegas… it’s been a while!’

The fans cheer loudly as All-Star stands in the middle of the ring.

Johnny All-Star: ‘I have been sitting at home watching Showdown week after week, and I got to say I didn’t like what I was seeing. I watched Amy Page and the rest of the Company run rough shot over the rest of this industry, making rules and then breaking them. I knew that Go-Go Specular was walking into Countdown to Violence last week with no chance, I knew that I had to do something about it.’

Another big cheer from the fans as the actions of All-Star, Devereux and Pat Fullam are replayed on the giant screen in the arena.

Johnny All-Star: ‘Now William Vorheez might have ended up winning the match and retaining the belt last week, but I am putting him on notice right now. The Company will not win the war, and Vorheez will not keep the belt when he has to step into the ring with me! Vorheez… Are you man enough to accept a challenge tonight or are you going to hide behind Amy Page’s skirt forever?’

There is another big cheer from the fans as Johnny All-Star stares back up at the entrance ramp, seemingly waiting for the sVo Champion to answer his challenge.

However it is not the music of the sVo Champion that hits the sound system, it is instead the music of the special guest referee of last weeks match, the former sVo Champion Roscoe Shame as he steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone of his own in his hand. Shame is cheered by the fans who have warmed to the former GM over the past few weeks, as he slowly walks down towards the ring. All-Star doesn’t look too happy to see the former sVo Champion as Shame climbs into the ring.

Roscoe Shame: ‘Now these fans seem happy to see you back in action Johnny… but let me be the first to say to you, GET IN LINE!’

Shame and All-Star slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring.

Roscoe Shame: ‘I have been here the whole time working my ass off for the sVo and you think you are going to waltz back in here and get a title shot on your very first night?’

The animosity is clearly growing between the two men in the ring.

Roscoe Shame: ‘I did my job in the main event of Countdown to Violence. I called the match right down the middle despite wanting to slap the taste out of Vorheez’s mouth at every turn just because I knew I had to if I ever wanted to fight for the sVo title for all that time.’

There is a mixed reaction for Roscoe Shame as he stares down Johnny All Star.

Roscoe Shame: ‘You see that is just how much I want that title belt Johnny. I will do anything to get that sVo title back around my waist..’

With the words of Roscoe Shame hanging in the air, the fans boo as the Company suddenly jumps out of the crowd, with Washington, Vorheez, Dreamer and Black all coming out of different sides of the arena! The Company surround the ring as All-Star and Shame put their differences to one side for a minute and stand back to back waiting for the attack. The Company feign to attack, but pull back as soon as All Star or Shame make a move towards them. With All Star and Shame surrounded, the fans boo as Amy Page slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp, a neck brace around her neck and a microphone in her hands.

Amy Page: ‘I should just let the Company kick you asses right here in front of all these people!’

Page’s voice is nearly drowned out with boos from the crowd.

Amy Page: ‘But no, not tonight. That’s not how we are going to do things. Tonight on Showdown we will see just how strong you returning superstars are. Tonight Pat Fullam, Tobias Devereux and Johnny All Star will all have to take on a Company member in a one on one singles match. Let’s see if you guys really know what you are getting yourselves into…’

Amy Page laughs as she calls off the Company who make their way back up the entrance ramp whilst staring back at All Star and Shame in the ring. Will the returning superstars be able to compete with the Company in the ring in singles action? Will Roscoe Shame get his title shot and a chance to face his nemesis William Vorheez to settle the score?

25th June 2013
Showdown #109

Nathan Judge vs. Joshua Curtis
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

As ‘Desert Apple’ plays over the sound system, ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ Joshua Curtis walks out from behind the curtain and bows to the audience.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan and weighting in at 215lbs…. He is the Heavenly Warrior…. Joshua CURTIS!!’

Curtis walks down the ramp and around the ring, meeting with some of the fans before stopping at one fan in particular and producing a rose for them and giving the lucky lady a kiss on the cheek. Curtis then rolls into the ring and prepares to do battle.

‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making their way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240lbs…. Nathan JUDGE!’

Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.

With Joshua Curtis and the relative newcomer Nathan Judge both in the ring, the referee signals for the bell to be rung and this contest to get under way!

Nathan Judge and Joshua Curtis slowly move forward towards each other before tying up in the middle of the ring. Nathan Judge tries to push his opponent backwards by using his strength, but as he does Joshua Curtis twists Judge’s arm back behind his back into a wrist lock. Nathan Judge tries to struggle out and aims a back elbow shot at his opponent, but Curtis ducks under the arm and takes down his opponent with a fireman’s carry takedown.

Nathan Judge pulls himself back up to his feet, but as he does Joshua Curtis bounces off of the ring ropes and lands a spinning heel kick on his opponent. The fans cheer loudly for ‘the Heavenly Warrior’ as he rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd. Nathan Judge struggles up, but Curtis takes him down to the mat with an snapmare takedown before aiming a big kick to his opponents back. Nathan Judge holds his back in pain, but as he does Curtis bounces into the ropes again and lands a diving dropkick to the face of Judge!

Judge holds his face in pain as he slowly staggers up off of the mat. The veteran Joshua Curtis grabs hold of the rookie by the arm and sends him stiffly into the corner, before following up with a big splash to his opponent! The offence seems all one way as Judge staggers out of the corner of the ring, and Joshua Curtis comes out of the ring ropes from behind and lands a bulldog takedown to the rookie before making a cover!




Nathan Judge attempts to keep his unbeaten start to his sVo career intact by getting a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted!

Joshua Curtis takes a step back from Nathan Judge as the youngster begins to get to his feet, before aiming some big kicks at his opponent. Curtis manages to connect with his kicks, until Judge steps out of the way of one of the kicks and clotheslines his opponent down to the mat with authority!

The crowd boo the move from Judge as he shakes off the offence that he has received so far and grabs Curtis by the arm as he gets to his feet. Nathan Judge whips Joshua Curtis into the ring ropes before tossing him down to the mat with a massive spine buster as he bounces back. Curtis looks in pain as Nathan Judge follows up with some big stomps in the middle of the ring. Curtis tries to get back to his feet, but as he does Nathan Judge manages to land some big clubbing blows to his back.

Joshua Curtis spins and aims a spinning heel kick towards Judge, but Judge ducks out of the way before nailing a big knee to the midsection of his opponent. Curtis doubles over in pain, and Nathan Judge follows up with a snap power bomb in the middle of the ring! With Curtis down and hurting, Nathan Judge makes the cover.




The Heavenly Warrior gets a shoulder up before the three can be counted! The Canadian Nathan Judge can’t believe that Curtis managed to kick out from that powerbomb as he rises up to his feet and shakes his head in disbelief. Joshua Curtis drags himself to his feet, but as he does Judge manages to follow up with a double underhook slam in the middle of the ring! Nathan Judge taunts to the fans before grabbing the Japanese superstar Curtis up to his feet by his hair. Judge looks for a ‘Judgement Day’ on Curtis, but Curtis counters with an arm drag takedown on Nathan Judge!

Judge leaps back up to his feet with a surprised look on his face, but as he does Curtis lands a spinning thrust kick onto his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a massive DDT! Both men lay on the mat in the middle of the ring after the big move before Curtis is the first man to get to his feet. Joshua Curtis lands a few kicks to Nathan Judge as he staggers up holding his head, before sending him into the ropes. Nathan Judge bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Joshua Curtis grabs hold of Judge in a sleeper hold.

Nathan Judge tries to struggle out of the sleeper hold, but Joshua Curtis keeps it locked in and looks set to try and send his opponent to sleep, before suddenly following up with a ‘Coat of Arms’! With Nathan Judge on the mat and out of it, Joshua Curtis looks ready to finish his opponent as he motions to the crowd.

Curtis motions to the crowd for the ‘Beheading’ before standing in wait for Nathan Judge to struggle up. Judge slowly rises to his feet, but before Curtis can land his finisher, Judge throws himself at the Heavenly Warrior with a desperation flying clothesline. However as he does Curtis ducks out of the way and Nathan Judge wipes out the referee! Judge staggers back in horror at accidentally taking out the referee, but as he does he walks straight into the ‘Beheading’ from Joshua Curtis!

Curtis takes Nathan Judge down with his finishing move, but can’t make a cover on the Canadian superstar due to the lack of a referee! The fans boo loudly as Joshua Curtis waves towards the entrance ramp for a referee to make their way down to the ring! However as Curtis waits on a new referee, he doesn’t notice as James Von Drake jumps out of the crowd and rolls into the ring! James Von Drake grabs hold of Joshua Curtis from behind and spins him around before landing the ‘Dollar Drop’ in the middle of the ring!

JVD stares down at the Heavenly Warrior in disgust, before dropping down and rolling back out of the ring with the boos of the fans ringing in his ears. Back in the ring Nathan Judge and the referee slowly begin to come around at the same time as Nathan Judge crawls across the body of his opponent and the ref makes the cover.




It’s all over and the fans are not at all happy as Nathan Judge picks up the victory over Joshua Curtis! In a carbon copy of Countdown to Violence, James Von Drake has cost Joshua Curtis the match by getting involved when it looked like the Heavenly Warrior was going to pick up the win! Nathan Judge staggers up to his feet in the middle of the ring as JVD stares back at the scene from the top of the entrance ramp with a smirk on his face.

WINNER: Nathan Judge by pinfall (07:45)


The cameras head backstage after that exciting match to the car parking area where Roscoe Shame is standing by at the backstage entrance to the arena seemingly waiting for someone’s arrival.

Shame is pacing back and forth across the entrance doors, but as he does his interest seems to be gained as a car pulls into the parking lot and parks up. The black car door opens, and out steps the giant figure of Pat Fullam.

The arrival of Pat Fullam gets a massive cheer from the sVo fans who are watching on the giant screen inside the arena, but Roscoe Shame looks a little disappointed as he leans against the brick wall and stares back at Pat Fullam.

Pat Fullam: ‘What are you? My welcoming committee? You going to grab the bags from my car?’

Shame, the former sVo Champion, doesn’t answer. Shame stares back at the giant, who has a huge smirk on his face.

Pat Fullam: ‘No? Well if your not going to grab my bags and help out, make sure you stay the hell out of my way.’

Fullam’s face changes and the giant begins to scowl as he pushes past Pat Fullam and enters the arena. Roscoe Shame stares back at Fullam with a look of anger on his face before going back to pacing back and forth waiting for someones arrival. With the Company gunning for them both, are Pat Fullam and Roscoe Shame even on the same page?

Harry Black vs. Johnny All-Star
Officiated by Hector Arenda

The drums of “Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones begin to vibrate the arena as the lights quickly dim. Smoke begins to rise from the top of the entrance ramp as Harry Black slowly steps out from behind the curtain and is greeted with a chorus of boos from the crowd. Black’s blue eyes pierce through the smoke as he glares out at the booing crowd with a snarl on his face as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Black shows no respect to the crowd as he rolls under the bottom rope and doesn’t even acknowledge them as he begins to bounce into the ring ropes to prepare himself for the forthcoming match.

‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring.

All-Star salutes to the fans that cheer his name as he climbs into the ring and jumps to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle. All-Star throws his arms in the air and gets even more cheers from his hometown fans.

With both men in the ring, the fans are firmly behind the home town favourite Johnny All Star as he stands across the ring from the Company member Harry Black. The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the highly anticipated return to the sVo ring of Johnny All-Star is under way!

Black and All-Star circle around each other in the middle of the ring, but as All-Star dives forward for a right hand on his opponent, Harry Black side steps and then lays into his opponent with some big rights and lefts. The fans boo as Harry Black backs All-Star into the corner of the ring, before laying into him with some big shoulder blocks to the midsection. All-Star doubles over in pain, and Harry Black takes him out of the corner and to the mat with a snapmare before placing him in a side head lock.

All-Star tries to twist and turn his way up to his feet and out of the side head lock, but Harry Black takes advantage by taking the former International Champion down to the mat with a bulldog takedown! With All-Star down on the mat, Harry Black rises up to his feet and raises his arms in the air to taunt the fans! The Las Vegas respond by booing the Company man loudly, before he turns his attention back to his opponent.

Harry Black manages to get some big stomps in on Johnny All-Star as he tries to get to his feet, before grabbing All-Star by the arm and shooting him into the ring ropes. All-Star bounces back into the middle of the ring, but as Harry Black looks for a clothesline, All-Star ducks under the arm of his opponent and lands a neckbreaker to a big cheer from the crowd.

Harry Black quickly jumps up to his feet but All-Star follows up with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. With Black on the mat, All-Star bounces into the ropes before dropping a knee down across his opponent to another cheer. Johnny All-Star follows up with some stiff mounted punches before locking his opponent in a punishing arm bar submission hold!

The referee asks Harry Black if he wants to tap, but Black quickly shakes his head and tries to shift his feet closer towards the ring ropes to force a rope break. All-Star uses all his strength to try and pull back the arm of Black, but Black manages to make it to the ropes before the pain gets too much!

The crowd boo as the referee calls for a ropebreak and All-Star breaks the hold. However as Harry Black pulls himself back up to his feet holding his arm in pain, Johnny All Star follows up with a massive spinebuster in the middle of the ring! With Harry Black down, All-Star makes the cover!




It looked like All-Star had the win right there but Black kicks out! Harry Black stumbles up to his feet, still holding his arm in pain and All-Star goes right back on the offensive with some stiff punches. All-Star backs Harry Black into the corner of the ring, but Harry Black fights back with a knee to the midsection of his opponent. All-Star doubles over in pain, and Harry Black follows up with a head butt on his opponent to send him backwards.

Johnny All Star runs at Harry Black again, but the Londoner takes All-Star down with a double leg sweep. Harry Black bounces into the ring ropes, and as All-Star pulls himself back up from the ropes he is nailed with the ‘British Hospitality!’

The fans continue to boo as Harry Black hammers away with mounted punches on Johnny All-Star before the Las Vegas hometown hero is able to force his way back to his feet. All-Star throws a desperation punch in the direction of Harry Black, but Black ducks under the arm of All-Star before nailing a knee to the midsection and then a double arm DDT! With All-Star being dropped on his head, Harry Black makes the cover!




It looked like it was all over, but just before the three could be counted All-Star managed to get a shoulder up! The crowd chant for All-Star as he tries to pull himself up to his feet whilst Harry Black stares at him with a look of disgust on his face. Harry Black quickly makes his way towards All-Star and lands some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of his opponent.

Johnny All-Star is backed against the ropes by Harry Black, who then grabs hold of him in a front face lock. Harry Black snap suplexes All-Star down to the mat before taunting the fans. The fans boo loudly for Harry Black, who then taunts All-Star to get to his feet. All-Star limps up to a standing position, but as he does Black grabs hold of him and slams him shoulder first into the turnbuckle between the ring ropes. All-Star staggers back holding his shoulder in pain, but as he does Harry Black grabs him in a waist lock before sending him down to the mat with a stiff German suplex!

Harry Black looks very pleased with himself as he stands over All-Star into the middle of the ring and taunts to the fans. The crowd continue to boo loudly for Harry Black as he taunts to the fans for his finishing move! All-Star looks in trouble as he staggers to his feet, but as Black positions him for the ‘Blacklist’, All-Star counters with a belly to back suplex!

Both men struggle to their feet, but as Black throws some stiff right hands All-Star manages to counter by ducking under the punches and landing a jaw breaker! Now it is All-Star’s turn to taunt the fans as he waits for Black to pull himself to his feet. Black slowly stumbles up, but All-Star grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ring ropes. Black bounces back into the middle of the ring, but All-Star lands a massive spinebuster on his opponent!

Johnny All-Star continues to try and pump up his hometown crowd as he moves to the corner of the ring and stands in wait for the Company man Harry Black to get to his feet! Black slowly staggers up, but as he does All-Star takes him out with ‘the Touchdown’! With Harry Black on the mat, Johnny All-Star quickly makes the cover!




It’s all over and Harry Black’s losing streak continues with a winning return for Johnny All-Star! All-Star rises up to his feet and has his arm raised high in the air by the referee, and the home town hero gets a big cheer from the crowd as he celebrates his victory. Harry Black rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and retreats back up the entrance ramp holding his head in pain as All-Star continues to celebrate his win in the middle of the ring!

WINNER: Johnny All-Star by pinfall (10:58)


As Showdown #108 returns from a commercial break, we head straight to the backstage interview area where young Sasha Shay is standing by with the victorious Nathan Judge against a ‘sVo’ branded background with a microphone in hand.

Judge is still sweating from his earlier match up against Joshua Curtis, and is wearing a brand new Nathan Judge branded t-shirt.

Sasha Shay: ‘Nathan, you have had a great start in the sVo so far with three wins in three matches. You must be pleased with how things are going so far?’

The pretty blonde holds the mic up to the face of Nathan Judge, who looks down at the interviewer.

Nathan Judge: ‘I am just waiting for some decent competition. I got called up to the big leagues here in the sVo and was promised some tough matches by Amy Page. So far I have fought nothing but wasters.’

Judge slowly shakes his head in disappointment at the perceived lack of competition on the roster right now.

Sasha Shay: ‘Well so far you have defeated not just both of the Starr Brothers but also Joshua Curtis here tonight. All three men are fighters that have been earmarked as having great potential in the sVo…’

Judge shakes his head in disagreement.

Nathan Judge: ‘They are nobodies and the matches over the past three weeks have proved that. From what I have seen I am exactly what this company is calling out for. There is no one to dominate things and give the fans what they really want. I am putting the rest of the roster on notice, I intend on pulling the Violence into the Sanctioned Violence Organization.’ Judge stares into the camera, as if trying to send a message to anyone who might be watching.

Sasha Shay: ‘So if you think your recent opponents have been beneath you, who have to set your sights on to fight next on the sVo roster?’

Nathan Judge: ‘You have to work your way up in the sVo, I know that. The man I have set myself on claims to be no stranger to violence. I saw Matt Fuller hang on to the Las Vegas Championship by the skin of his teeth last week, however his judgement is coming.’

Judge signals to the former backyard wrestler down the camera by motioning to have a title belt around his waist before the scene fades out.


The scene heads back to the parking area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Roscoe Shame the former sVo Champion and GM continues to pace back and forth as he seemingly stands guard at the entrance to the arena waiting for someone to arrive. Just as it was earlier, Roscoe Shame’s interest diverted to a car as it pulls into the parking lot and parks up. After a few seconds, a man with with a black fedora and black trenchcoat steps out of the car and tips his hat in the direction of Roscoe Shame. The fans cheer loudly at the first sight of Tobias Devereux of the evening on the giant screen, as Roscoe Shame quickly makes his way towards the Cajun Sensation.

Roscoe Shame: ‘Answer me one question. What the hell are you doing here?’

Devereux takes a few steps towards Shame as he rushes towards him, not looking intimidated by the former sVo Champion.

Tobias Devereux: ‘What is I doing back in the Ess Vee Ohh?’

The Cajun Sensation holds his hands out, as if he doesn’t understand the question.

Roscoe Shame: ‘Don’t act dumb with me Devereux. You might show up here in the sVo with All-Star and Fullam and claim to be saving the sVo from the Company, but I know that your now saviour.’

Devereux chuckles as he nods his head.

Tobias Devereux: ‘Your boy Tobias is ‘ere in the ess vee ohh for one reason… Unfinished business…’

Devereux smiles as he motions a title belt around his waist before winking at Roscoe Shame and making his way past the former sVo Champion and into the arena. Why is Roscoe Shame so upset to see Devereux back in the sVo, and is the Cajun Sensation targeting the sVo Championship that he has been so close to winning in the past already?


In the interview area, Elena Cruz doesn’t look too thrilled to be standing alongside Diamond Legend, who is wearing his very own ‘Fuck Me Inc’ branded t-shirt. Diamond Legend has a trademark smirk on his face, causing Cruz to look even more uncomfortable.

Elena Cruz: ‘Well Diamond Legend. Last week you walked into your first sVo PPV at Countdown to Violence and were defeated by CJ Dreamer in a singles match. How does it feel not being booked tonight after that loss?’

Legend points to the slogan on his t-shirt before looking at Elena Cruz with a suggestive look on his face. Cruz shakes her head and looks even more disgusted.

Diamond Legend: ‘Bullshit, that is exactly what I think of tonight! I got screwed by the Company last week when Scott Washington got involved and I am getting screwed by the Company tonight with Amy Page not booking me.’

Elena Cruz: ‘Well Johnny All-Star, Pat Fullam and Tobias Devereux made massive returns to the sVo last week. With them competing against the Company tonight you must be quite happy that recent turn of events?’

Diamond Legend: ‘Are you kidding. I couldn’t care less about any of those old guys. The sVo is all about Diamond Legend and if Amy Page doesn’t want to book me then she is just causing herself to lose money. Tonight if the fans are not going to be graced by Diamond Legend in the ring, then I am going to find my self a nice bitch and show them exactly what I am the leader of Fuck Me Inc… Interested?’

Elena Cruz stares at Diamond Legend in disgust before turning away and stomping away from the sVo star to end the interview.

The Starr Brothers vs. Finnegan & Black
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

With Finnegan and Black and the Starr Brothers at ringside, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started with Darren Starr and Rose Finnegan in the ring. Finngegan and Darren Starr tie up in the middle of the ring, both competitor pushing each other backwards before Darren Starr breaks off the test of strength with an arm bar takedown on his opponent. Finnegan quickly pops up to her feet and ducks under the arm of Darren Starr who looks for a clothesline, before hitting him with a spinning heel kick to send him to the corner of the ring.

With Darren Starr in the corner, Finnegan runs at her opponent and lands a diving shoulder into the midsection of Starr. Starr stumbles out holding his midsection in pain, allowing Rose Finnegan to take him down with a snap suplex in the middle of the ring. Darren Starr slowly stumbles up to his feet holding his side in pain, but quickly makes the tag out to Simon Starr. The older of the Starr brothers climbs quickly into the ring, but is immediately met with some big rights and lefts from Rose Finnegan.

Finnegan grabs hold of Simon Starr by the arm and tries to whip him into the ring ropes, but Simon Starr reverses the move and sends Rose into the ring ropes. Rose bounces out into the middle of the ring, but is dropped with a big back body drop by Simon Starr! Simon Starr allows Rose Finnegan to rise up to her feet before sending her straight back down to the mat with a short arm clothesline. Rose Finnegan tries to crawl to her corner of the ring to make the tag out, but Simon Starr works her over with some stiff stomps before pulling her up to her feet and back into the middle of the ring.

Rose Finnegan tries to free her self and make her way to her corner to make the tag out, but Simon Starr manages to grab her in a waist lock before sending her down to the mat with a big German suplex! The fans cheer the move from the newcomer Simon Starr, who made his debut last week at Countdown to Violence, as Logan Black reaches out desperately for the tag into the match.

Rose Finnegan holds the back of her neck in pain as Simon Starr grabs her as she rises to her feet and throws her into the corner of the ring. Simon Starr follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring before making the tag out to his brother Darren Starr who climbs quickly into the ring. Darren Starr nails a few forearms to the face of Rose Finnegan, before taking her down to the mat with a huricarana into a cover in the middle of the ring.




Logan Black is quickly into the ring with a big stomp to Darren Starr to break the cover. The referee orders Logan Black back out of the ring as Darren Starr slowly rises back up to his feet. Darren Starr holds his head in pain from the big stomp as he grabs Rose Finnegan and sends her into the corner of the ring. With Rose Finnegan in the corner, Darren Starr runs at her before nailing a massive tornado DDT to the delight of the fans!

With Rose Finnegan out on the mat in the ring, Darren Starr aims to delight the fans even more as he jumps up quickly to the top rope! Darren Starr signals to the fans before leaping from the top rope and looking for the ‘All-Star Frogsplash’! However before the move can connect, Rose Finnegan gets her knees up and drives them into the chest of Darren Starr! Darren Starr rolls around in pain as Rose Finnegan slowly begins to crawl to her corner of the ring.

Darren Starr and Rose Finnegan tag out at the same time and Simon Starr and Logan Black both jump into the ring and meet in the middle of the ring with some big right hands. Black and Simon Starr trade punches back and forth until Simon Starr begins to get the better of the exchange. Simon Starr grabs Logan Black and tries to send him into the ropes, but Black reverses and sends Simon Starr into the ropes before taking him down with a spinebuster as he bounces back!

Simon Starr quickly gets back up to his feet, but as he does the superstar from Greenbo Alabama lands a kick to his midsection before planting him to the mat with a big DDT! With Simon Starr’s head bounces off of the mat, Logan Black rolls his opponent over and makes the cover.




Logan Black can’t believe that Simon Starr managed to kick out as he gets to his feet. Simon Starr runs at Black looking for a clothesline, but Logan Black ducks under the right arm of his opponent and takes him down with an atomic drop. Simon Starr looks in pain from the move as Logan Black makes the tag out to Rose Finnegan.

Finnegan jumps straight into the ring and stomps away on Simon Starr with some massive kicks. Simon Starr slowly begins to get up to his feet, but Rose Finnegan lands a side Russian leg sweep before making her way to the top rope! The fans cheer as Rose Finnegan stands on the top rope and taunts his opponent before leaping from the top rope looking for a splash of her own, however this time Simon Starr rolls out of the way of the high flying move!

Rose Finnegan holds herself in pain as she rises up to her feet, but Simon Starr grabs hold of her and lands the ‘Star Slam’! The fans cheer for the move, but Simon Starr makes an immediate tag out to his brother Darren Starr! The younger Starr brother doesn’t climb into the ring, instead he climbs straight to the top rope! Flashbulbs flash all around the arena as Darren Starr leaps from the top and lands the ‘All-Star Splash’ on Rose Finnegan! Darren Starr makes the cover on Rose Finnegan as Simon Starr rushes into the ring to cut off Logan Black before he can break up the cover.




It’s all over and despite suffering singles defeats in recent weeks, it is the Starr Brothers who win the match as their first match together as a tag team in the sVo! Finnegan and Black regroup on the outside of the ring as the referee raises the hands of Darren and Simon Starr in the air in victory in the middle of the ring.

WINNER: The Starr Brothers by pinfall (08:32)


The action heads backstage where in the EMT’s room Joshua Curtis the man known as the Heavenly Warrior is currently getting his head bandaged after a brutal attack from James Von Drake, the second attack in as many weeks. As Curtis winces whilst getting his head bandaged, interviewer Elena Cruz is on hand with a microphone in hand.

Elena Cruz: ‘Joshua, the fans are very concerned to hear about your condition after another attack by James Von Drake?’

Curtis respectfully nods his head in the direction of the pretty interviewer.

Joshua Curtis: ‘I respect the concern Ms Cruz, but it is going to take a lot more than a few slaps from Von Drake to put me out of action.’

There is a big cheer from the fans who watch Curtis getting interviewed on the giant screen in the arena.

Elena Cruz: ‘Well Von Drake keeps attacking you, have you any idea why?’

Curtis slowly nods his head.

Joshua Curtis: ‘Throughout my whole career I have prided myself on being a fighter who enters the squared circle and competes with honour and respect. I am afraid to say that James Von Drake does not share these morals. It appears that James Von Drake has taken offence to my nickname, he is not the first man and I am sure he will not be the last man.’

Elena Cruz: ‘James Von Drake did confirm that he was unhappy with your use of the name the Heavenly Warrior.’

Curtis again bows his head.

Joshua Curtis: ‘Heavenly Warrior was a nickname that was bestowed upon me, it was not one that I choice or asked for. James Von Drake, after these two attacks I cannot turn the other cheek. JVD, let’s settle this where it should be settled, in the ring. You can pick the time the date and the stipulation. Let me show you why I am called the Heavenly Warrior.’

Curtis continues to get his head wrapped in a bandage.

Elena Cruz: ‘There we have it, a challenge has been thrown down to James Von Drake, will he accept the challenge of Joshua Curtis?’

The scene fades out from the EMT’s room, but will the former Las Vegas Champion take up the challenge or will he continue his sneak attacks on Curtis?

Tobias Devereux vs. CJ Dreamer
Officiated by Hector Arenda

‘Stricken’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and boos ring out around the arena as the cocky looking CJ Dreamer slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. CJ Dreamer takes one look out at the thousands of fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena before making his way down towards the ring.

Natasha Ortiz ‘Making his way to the ring, representing the Company, from Chicago, Illinois, weighting in at 240lbs…… C..J DREAMER!!’

CJ Dreamer ignores the fans at ringside that reach out to touch him as he sprints down the final part of the entrance ramp and dives head first into the ring. CJ Dreamer sits on one knee in the middle of the ring looking out at the crowd as his music fades out.

The sound of guitars echo through the arena as “Been Away for too Long” By Soundgarden plays through the arena. The lights are dimmed and multicolor spotlights spin throughout the crowd. The crowd gets up to their feet in a mixture of cheers and boos as the spotlights all merge together turning white in the middle of the stage. There in the spotlight is the one and only “De Cajun Sensation” Tobias Devereux.

Natasha Ortiz: ‘Making his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisana, weighing in at 260lbs…. Tobias DEVEREUX!’

Tobias is dressed in his trademark black tights, trench, and fedora. Tobias is making his way down the ramp talking junk to the fans as he does so. Tobias slides under the bottom rope into the ring popping up to his feet. Tobias jumps up onto the middle rope in one of the corners and takes off his hat and coat tossing them down to a stage hand before jumping off and waiting in the corner for the bell.

The fans are pumped in the Goodfellas Casino Arena for this match between the rising star CJ Dreamer and the man who became within a second of beating Night for the sVo Championship back in 2010 – the returning Tobias Devereux. The Cajun Sensation and the Company man circle around each other in the middle of the ring before trying up as the bell rings. Tobias Devereux backs CJ Dreamer into the corner of the ring to cheers from the fans, before the referee calls for a rope break. Devereux breaks the hold over CJ Dreamer, before nailing him with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest which get some ‘whooos’ from the crowd.

CJ Dreamer stumbles out of the corner of the ring, but Devereux quickly goes back on the offence with some big punches to the back of Dreamer’s head. Dreamer stumbles forward before being taken down to the mat with a back suplex from Devereux. With Dreamer down on the mat, Devereux taunts to the fans before pulling his opponent to his feet. Devereux fires away with some big right hands, before CJ Dreamer blocks a punch from the Cajun Sensation before taking him to the mat with a side Russian legsweep.

Devereux pops straight back up to his feet, but Dreamer cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. Devereux doubles over in pain and Dreamer takes the chance to grab hold of his opponent by his arm and twist it behind his back with a wrist lock. Devereux struggles in pain to try and free himself, however Dreamer progresses into a side head lock which he holds for a few seconds, before taking Devereux down to the mat with a head lock takedown.

CJ Dreamer pops straight back up to his feet and taunts Devereux to show his superior technical ability over the returning star as the Cajun Sensation slowly eye balls him while getting back to his feet. CJ Dreamer steps forward and tries to tie up with Devereux, but the fans cheer as Devereux cuts Dreamer off with a kick to the midsection before landing a ‘Cajun Cutter’ on his opponent out of no where! With Dreamer down and hurting after that massive move, Tobias Devereux wastes no time in making the cover.




Dreamer kicks out after the two count to keep himself in the match. Tobias Devereux allows CJ Dreamer up to his feet before laying into him with some massive kicks to the midsection. The fans cheer Devereux on as he throws Dreamer hard into the corner of the ring before following up with a massive clothesline in the corner of the ring. CJ Dreamer looks in pain as Devereux taunts him to step forward and fight. CJ Dreamer slowly stumbles out of the corner, but Devereux takes him down with a quick snap suplex. With Dreamer on the mat, Devereux bounces into the ropes before landing a diving elbow to the midsection of his opponent.

Tobias Devereux rises up to his feet and again taunts the crowd, getting another big cheer from the crowd. Devereux looks in firm control of the match as CJ Dreamer crawls over to the ropes before using them to pull himself up to a standing position. CJ Dreamer runs at Devereux, but as he does Devereux looks for a Cajun Driver! However CJ Dreamer fights his way out of the move with some elbows into the side of Devereux’s head before hitting a half nelson suplex on his opponent!

CJ Dreamer shouts at Devereux as he gets quickly to his feet. Dreamer lays into Devereux with big rights and lefts to back his opponent against the ropes. Devereux tries to fight his way back with a right hand in the direction of Dreamer, but Dreamer ducks out of the way of the punch and grabs hold of Devereux in a waist lock. Devereux tries to struggle his way out of the grasp of Dreamer, but the man from Chicago nails a big German suplex into the middle of the ring with a bridge into the cover.




It looked like it was all over there, but Tobias Devereux gets a shoulder up off of the mat!

CJ Dreamer punches the mat in frustration before rising up to his feet. CJ Dreamer shouts at Devereux to get to his feet before jumping up to the top rope of the nearest turnbuckle. Devereux slowly stumbles up, but as he does Dreamer comes flying off of the top rope to hit a massive dropkick from the top on Devereux to send him down to the mat! The crowd continue to boo CJ Dreamer as he rises back up to his feet looking pumped up. Dreamer calls for the end of the match as he grabs the Cajun Sensation by the hair and pulls him to his feet before positioning him for the ‘Visit from the Sandman’!

The crowd rise to their feet and boo, but Devereux fights his way out of the finishing move from CJ Dreamer with some big back elbows to the side of his face! CJ Dreamer staggers away, but Devereux leaps on him and takes him down to the mat with an ‘Ace in the Hole’! The fans cheer loudly for the move, but Devereux isn’t finished as he taunts Dreamer to stand and fight. CJ Dreamer does his best to rise to his feet, but Devereux is straight back on him with a ‘Devereux Devastation Mach 2’! The fans pop for the massive move from the Cajun Sensation, as he quickly makes the cover.




Just like in the match up earlier between Harry Black and Johnny All-Star it is the returning star who picks up the big win over the Company member as CJ Dreamer is defeated by Tobias Devereux!

Devereux rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee. Devereux places the fedora back on his head as he celebrates the victory in the middle of the ring with the fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena.

WINNER: Tobias Devereux by pinfall (11:35)


The scene heads backstage where Rose Finnegan is making her way through the corridors back towards her locker room, when suddenly Diamond Legend jumps out in front of her from around the corner. Rose Finnegan jumps backwards in surprise.

Rose Finnegan: ‘What the hell you freak?’

Legend looks pleased as he nods his head and smiles.

Diamond Legend: ‘A freak in the sheets, that’s me baby.’

Finnegan looks disgusted.

Rose Finnegan: ‘Get the hell out of my way you idiot.’

Diamond Legend: ‘Don’t be so thorny Rose baby, don’t you want to become a member of Fuck Me Inc tonight?’

Finnegan stares at Diamond Legend, seemingly processing what she just heard before nailing him with a massive slap across the face.

Rose Finnegan: ‘Didn’t you just hear me, get the hell away from me!’

Legend looks as if he almost enjoyed the slap as he stares at Rose Finnegan, before raising his hands in surrender and stepping out of Rose Finnegan’s way. Rose Finnegan shakes her head in disgust one last time before stepping away from Diamond Legend, but out of no where Diamond Legend nails Finnegan with a big punch to the back of the head to knock her down!

The fans watching on the giant screen boo loudly as Diamond Legend stomps away on Rose Finnegan’s body before referees and security rush down the corridor to break up the beat down by Legend who looks like he has snapped!


We head backstage to the sky box which is filled with suits and smoke as the Company watch over the Goodfellas Casino Arena and the events of Showdown #108. In the middle of the cigar smoke filled room stands Amy Page, who is firmly in control of the suited men around her as she stares out at the arena below her with a stressed look on her face.

Everyone else in the sky box seems to be tip towing around the sVo President, but as she stands staring out the glass, the figure of Harry Black nervously approaches her.

Harry Black: ‘Amy, you wanted a word?’

Page slowly turns, her face growing a deeper shade of red.

Amy Page: ‘What the hell was that earlier. You couldn’t even beat god damn Johnny All Star? The guy hasn’t competed in a wrestling match for over two years!’

Black looks down at Amy Page’s leather boots and slowly shifts his feet.

Amy Page: ‘The Company is too strong to be represented by people that lose every week. We can’t afford to look week, you understand that right?’

Black quickly looks up and nervously nods his head.

Harry Black: ‘I can do much better Amy, trust me.’

Page takes a few seconds to look at Harry Black before nodding her head slowly.

Amy Page: ‘I really hope that you can Harry, because you know what needs to happen if you don’t…’

Amy Page leaves the threat hanging in the air as Harry Black looks up at her, before slowly nodding his head as the scene fades out.

Scott Washington vs. ‘The Coolness’ Pat Fullam
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

There is a loud explosion of fireworks and a bright flash over the entrance ramp as ‘Boom’ by Royce Da 5’9″ begins to pound around the arena as the lights slowly lower. As strobe lighting begins to flash over the fans, pyros shoot out from either side of the entrance stage as the energetic Scott Washington steps out from behind the curtain. The fans boo as the ‘Golden State Warrior’ poses on the top of the entrance ramp before running down towards the ring and sliding in under the bottom rope. Washington slowly makes his way to the nearest turnbuckle and raises a fist in the air as a golden pyro begins to shoot down from the top of the arena.

The arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,

Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.

“Meet The Monster” by Five Finger Death Punch starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam comes out on stage. The tron flickers to life once again with clips of all of the 7’2″ giant’s time in the ring throughout the various federations he’s been in.With both men in the ring the fans are on their feet as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the main event of Showdown #108 to get started! Pat Fullam and Scott Washington stare at each other from across the ring trying to psych out their opponent. Can Scott Washington stop the losing streak for the Company tonight or will the 7’2” Pat Fullam rampage to a victory just as he destroyed the Company last week at Countdown to Violence.

Scott Washington, the #1 ranked wrestler in the whole of Fedwars runs at Pat Fullam and quickly lays into his opponents with some punishing rights and lefts to the midsection of the giant. Fullam absorbs the punches before cutting Washington off with a knee to the midsection. Washington looks tiny compared to Fullam, and ‘the Coolness’ uses his size to his advantage by tossing Washington into the ring ropes. The ‘O-Town Outlaw’ bounces back into the middle of the ring and Fullam knocks him down to the mat with a big boot to the face.

Washington quickly rises back up to a standing position, but as he does Fullam takes him straight back down with a side slam. Pat Fullam gets huge cheers from the fans as he rises to his feet and holds one fist in the air whilst waiting for his opponent to get to his feet again. Washington slowly rises up, but Fullam nails him with a big right hand from his massive fist to send him into the corner of the ring.

With Washington prone in the corner, Fullam runs across the ring and lands a big knee into the midsection of his opponent. Washington winces in pain, and Fullam follows up by burying his giant shoulder into the midsection of his opponent. Washington holds his ribs in pain as Fullam follows up with the same move on his opponent again.

Washington struggles his way out of the corner of the ring, but as he does the fans rise to their feet as Fullam grabs Scott Washington around the throat! Fullam looks to end the match with a chokeslam on the Company man, but before he can hit the move Washington manages to counter with a big kick to the midsection, much to the displeasure of the fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena.

Washington grabs hold of the arm of Fullam as he doubles over, and throws him down to the mat with a hip toss. With Fullam down on the mat, Washington tries to ground the giant with an arm bar. Pat Fullam struggles up to one knee to try and break the submission hold, but Washington keeps the hold locked in and tries to bend back the giant arm of Fullam.

The referee asks Pat Fullam if he wants to quit, but the ‘Coolness’ shakes his head and lets out an almighty roar as he tries to free himself from the hold by using his sheer power. Washington keeps the arm locked in for a few more seconds, before releasing the hold himself before Fullam can break it. Fullam holds his arm in pain as he rises from one knee up to a standing position. Fullam works over his own arm to try and get the circulation running again, but before he gets the chance to he finds himself on the mat again from a double leg takedown from Scott Washington.

Fullam tries to get back to his feet, but Washington uses his speed to lock in a quick ankle bar submission hold on Fullam. Fullam tries to reach forward and nail a right hand to his opponent to break the hold, but Washington keeps the ankle bar locked in and keeps the giant on the mat with the second successful submission hold. Fullam roars out in pain from the submission hold, but as the referee asks him if he wants to quit he again shakes his head.

Fullam tries to fight his way out of the hold by using his other big tree trunk sized leg to kick Washington off, but Washington keeps the hold locked in for as long as he can before having to roll away from the giant. Fullam looks in pain as he tries to stand up on the ankle, but as he does Washington lays into him with a punishing kicking combo, with the #1 wrestler in the Fedwars rankings trying to keep the big man down.

Fullam absorbs the big punches, before hitting Washington with a giant clothesline before turning and giving a massive roar to the crowd. The crowd respond by rising to their feet to cheer on ‘the Coolness’ as Washington wonders just what hit him. Fullam looks unsteady on his feet as he nails some big stomps on Washington as the ‘O-Town Outlaw’ tries to get to his feet. Fullam grabs hold of Washington by the arm and shoots him into the ring ropes, before looking for another big clothesline as he bounces back. However Washington sees the move coming and grabs Fullam’s arm before progressing with a rolling arm bar take down into an arm bar submission hold again! Fullam shouts out in pain as Washington looks like he is ready to break the arm of his opponent!

Again Fullam roars out in pain, but as he does he suddenly manages to reach forward and grab Scott Washington around the throat with his free hand! Washington looks shocked as he loosens his grip on the arm bar and allows Fullam to escape. Fullam struggles to rise to a standing position with his hand around the throat of his opponent, before lifting Washington up into the air and tossing him down to the mat with a big chokeslam!

The fans pop for the massive move from the giant Pat Fullam as he holds his arm and then his ankle in pain from the continuous submission holds he has found himself on. Fullam slowly begins to crawl his massive frame across the ring before making the cover on his opponent.




Washington gets a shoulder up off of the mat to keep this match going! Pat Fullam looks down in surprise at his opponent at the fact he managed to kick out, before rising gingerly up to his feet himself. Fullam places a massive boot across the throat of Washington to choke him out, before the referee threatens to disqualify him and makes a four count.

Washington holds his throat and gasps for air as he rises up to his feet, only to be grabbed again by Pat Fullam. Fullam lands a big knee to the midsection to Washington, before setting up for a big powerbomb in the middle of the ring! Fullam tries to lify Washington up into the air, but as he does Washington manages to counter with a massive backdrop on the giant!

Fullam staggers up looking shocked, but Washington follows up with a kicking combination to the big man before taking him down to the mat with a twisting neckbreaker. Washington winds back his hand as if he is looking for one of his finishing moves as he stands waiting for Pat Fullam to get to his feet. Fullam slowly rises up holding his neck, but as Scott Washington runs at him looking for the ‘Payday’, Fullam grabs his arm to block it!

Washington swings wildly with his left arm, but Fullam also catches this and follows up with a headbutt to knock his opponent down to the mat! As Washington lays on the mat holding his head, Fullam bounces back off of the near ring ropes and lands a massive leg drop onto his opponent! With Washington rolling around on the mat in pain after having Fullam’s leg drop down over his upper body, Fullam rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd. Fullam lets out a huge roar as Scott Washington slowly staggers up, only to be grabbed around the throat again! Fullam lifts Washington high up into the air, before dropping him down with the ‘Crippling Cool’! The fans pop as Fullam makes the cover after the massive finisher.




It’s all over and it is the ‘Coolness’ Pat Fullam who scores the victory to complete a clean sweep for the returning superstars over the Company for this evening!

Pat Fullam slowly pulls himself up to a standing position, still obviously feeling the effects of the tough match against Scott Washington and the submission holds he was placed in. The #1 wrestler in the Fedwars rankings looks in pain on the mat as the referee holds Pat Fullam’s massive arm up into the air in victory as the fans cheer his success.

WINNER: Pat Fullam by pinfall (12:48)


With Pat Fullam in the middle of the ring the fans cheer loudly for ‘the Coolness’ as he stands victorious. However before Pat Fullam has much of a chance to celebrate his first victory back in an sVo ring, boos ring out around the arena as the rest of the Company streams down the entrance ramp as CJ Dreamer, William Vorheez and Harry Black sprint to the ring.

Dreamer, Vorheez and Black slide into the ring, but Pat Fullam quickly goes to work on them with some big right hands to knock them down to the mat. However the numbers game soon becomes too much for even the 7’2” giant as Washington, Dreamer, Vorheez and Black manage to maul him down to the mat before stomping away on the giant.

The crowd boo loudly as the Company stomps down on Pat Fullam, but in a similair scene to last sunday’s Countdown to Violence PPV, Johnny All Star makes his way down the entrance ramp to make the save! All-Star slides into the ring and begins to hammer away on the Company with some right hands of his own. A few seconds last there is another big cheer as another fighter who has defeated a Company member tonight runs out from the back, as Tobias Devereux makes his way to the ring. Fullam, All-Star and Devereux fight Dreamer, Vorheez, Black and Washington with big right hands in the ring, but the numbers game soon becomes too much for even the three returning stars.

However despite the Company getting the upper hand, it doesn’t last for too long as there is a big cheer as Roscoe Shame steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Roscoe Shame taunts to the fans and doesn’t seem in too much of a hurry to hit the ring as he slowly walks down the entrance ramp!

Shame steps up and over the top rope, and begins to hammer away with right hands of his own on the Company members! There are big cheers as Shame helps All-Star, Devereux and Fullam clear the ring of the Company! The four men stand tall in the middle of the ring as the Company regroups on the outside of the ring. The fans cheer the four superstars in the ring, but as they do Amy Page slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone in her hands.

Amy Page: ‘Bravo gentlemen. Very impressive tonight. Together you are quite a force to be reckoned with, but are you really all on the same page?’

The Company prowl around the outside of the ring, but don’t attempt to retake the ring from the four superstars.

Amy Page: ‘I just wanted to come out here tonight and officially announce the main event for next week’s Showdown #109! A four way match to determine the #1 contender for the sVo Championship belt… Pat Fullam vs. Johnny All Star vs. Tobias Devereux vs. Roscoe Shame!!’

The four men in the ring slowly turn their attention from the Company on the outside of the ring to each other, waiting for the man next to them to launch a sneak attack. The Company, with the exception of William Vorheez the sVo Champion, all look pleased with Amy Page’s announcement as Showdown #108 ends with the men standing tall at the end of last weeks PPV standing tall in the middle of the ring again, but this time looking a lot less together than they did last week.

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