sVo Showdown #107
4th June 2013
Goodfella Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada


There is a huge cheer in the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of the Las Vegas strip as (S)aint by Marilyn Manson hits the sound system and the camera pans around the screaming fans that are packed into the arena. The camera picks out certain fans who are holding different signs with hand written messages about their favourite sVo stars. Gold strobe lighting flickers over the darkened arena as the frenzy builds with the fans all eager to see their favourite fighters in action. Highlights of Showdown #106 action plays on the giant screen in what was a massive week in the sVo!


The Showdown cameras immediately head to the backstage area where current sVo Champion William Vorheez is only just arriving at the Goodfellas Casino Arena tonight, along with sVo boss Amy Page. The fans immediately begin to boo as they see the pair on the giant screen from inside the arena.

There is almost a smile appear on the stoic face of Amy Page as she hears the boos echo out from around the arena, as William Vorheez pats the sVo Championship belt that is resting on his shoulder.

The the head of the ‘Company’ and the newest recruit of the Company make their way into the arena, they are greeted with the welcoming party of sVo interviewer Elena Cruz and her microphone.

Elena Cruz: “Amy, last week on Showdown the Company added the sVo Champion to its ranks and then later on in the week his new fellow Company member Scott Washington was succesful at the ‘Three Way Dance’ event in Chicago and helped sVo wrestler Reaper win the Fedwars title. Can things get any better for the Company right now?”

Page and Vorheez share knowing nods with each other.

Amy Page: “Of course things can get better Amy. Not only have we proved ourselves to be the most dominating group in the sVo, but also in professional wrestling when Scott Washington bested some of the best that Fedwars had to offer. However tonight its time to turn our attention to more pressing matters… adding more gold to the Company!”

Elena Cruz: “So are you going to go after Matt Fuller’s Las Vegas Championship?”

Amy Page: “No not tonight, luckily for Matt Fuller. Tonight’ the gold we will be adding to the Company will be some Tag Team gold as the sVo Tag Team Championship belts make their comeback tonight!”

The fans back in the arena sound geniunely excited about the return of the title belts previously held by the likes of Chris Bond, Talon, Night, Pat Fullam, Cody William, Nathan Paradine and Bobby Dean.

Elena Cruz: “Wow what an announcement! Who will be competing to become the new champions?”

Page and Vorheez mock confusion at the question.

Amy Page: “Competing? There isn’t anyone to compete with the Company! We have decided to just skip the preamble and award the title belts to ourselves the Company in the sVo ring later tonight!”

Boos ring out around the arena as Amy Page and William Vorheez walk away from a surprised looking Elena Cruz. Are the Company about to disgrace the legacy of the sVo Tag Team Championship belts by simply rewarding them to themselves later tonight?

11th June 2013
The Countdown to Violence Begins…

Sjin “The Icer” Drako vs. Harry Black
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

The drums of “Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones begin to vibrate the arena as the lights quickly dim. Smoke begins to rise from the top of the entrance ramp as Harry Black slowly steps out from behind the curtain and is greeted with a chorus of boos from the crowd. Black’s blue eyes pierce through the smoke as he glares out at the booing crowd with a snarl on his face as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Black shows no respect to the crowd as he rolls under the bottom rope and doesn’t even acknowledge them as he begins to bounce into the ring ropes to prepare himself for the forthcoming match.

The Lights fade out slowly… Then suddenly without warning.. The words “I am the thing that you see out of the corner of your eye!”. The American fans boo as the fans from other countries cheer loudly. So Cold – Breaking Benjamin slowly picks up in beat, then from the back Sjin shows himself.. Sjin comes out wearing a black sleeveless shirt with the logo “Icer” in Baby Blue written in the back of it. He has his Black and Light Blue tights on. He smirks as he taunts the American fans as he walks down to the ring. Sjin slides into the ring and stretches as he gets ready for his match.

Drako and Black circle around each other in the middle of the ring as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get started! The two Brits tie up in the middle of the ring, and the Company man Harry Black manages to catch the newcomer with a knee to the midsection before throwing him hard into the corner of the ring. With Drako in the corner, Harry Black nails him with some massive right hands before allowing his opponent out into the middle of the ring. Drako stumbles forward holding his face in pain, allowing Harry Black the chance to bounce into the ring ropes and land a running clothesline on his opponent.

The fans boo Harry Black as he rises up to his feet and holds his hands in the air, and it seems that neither man is too popular with the Las Vegas crowd in this match up. Drako slowly begins to rise up to his feet, but as he does he is grabbed by Harry Black who tries to take him down to the mat with a snap suplex. However Drako is ready for his opponent and manages to block the suplex from Black before hitting a suplex of his own!

Harry Black rises up to his feet holding his back in pain, but Drako is straight back on him with some big right hands. Drako backs Black back against the ring ropes, before grabbing Black by the arm and sending him across the ring into the opposite ring ropes. Black bounces back into the middle of the ring and Drako manages to take him down to the mat with a big back drop! With Black down on the mat and obviously hurting, Drako makes the cover on his opponent.




Harry Black manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted!

Drako looks a little frustrated at not getting the decision as he grabs hold of Harry Black by his hair and pulls him to his feet. Drako tries to throw Black into the ropes again, however this time Harry Black manages to land a dropkick on his opponent as he bounces back! There are boos for the Company man as he rises to his feet with a smirk on his face and taunts Drako. Drako quickly rises up to a standing position and runs at Harry Black, but Black manages to take him down to the mat with a drop toe hold. With Drako down on the mat Harry Black lands a big elbow drop across the back of his opponents neck!

There are still boos for Harry Black from the arena as he taunts to the crowd for the finish as he pulls Drako to his feet. Harry Black goes for the ‘Blacklist’ on Drako, but Drako manages to block the attempted move! Black tries to hit his finisher again, but Drako manages to battle his way out with some stiff kidney shots to Harry Black, before knocking him away with a big head butt.

Harry Black stumbles away before running back at Drako, however Drako manages to counter by loading Harry Black up onto his shoulders and hitting a death valley driver! Harry Black hits the mat hard, and as he lays on the mat hurting, Drako crawls over his opponent hooks the leg to make the cover.




Just before the three could be counted Harry Black manages to kick out!

Drako rises up to his feet and stomps away on his opponent before taunting to the fans. The fans respond by booing the British wrestler but he ignores them as he waits for his opponent to rise to his feet. Harry Black slowly begins to pull himself up, but as he does Drako pounces forward and lands ‘the Icer’ onto Harry Black! The fans continue to boo as Drako rolls over and makes another cover on the Company man.




It’s all over, and the newcomer has started his sVo career by beating a member of the Company! Harry Black lays on the mat in pain as Drako rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee. Drako’s music blasts over the sound system as he celebrates his first victory in an sVo ring, but with Harry Black losing two matches in a row just what will his bosses in the Company have to say about it?

WINNER: Sjin Drako by submission (8:35)


After the impressive win for the sVo newcomer, the cameras head backstage to the interview area where fans are greeted by two more unfamiliar faces. The newest member of the sVo interview team Sasha Shay stands by with rookie wrestler Darren Starr who looks confident despite making his first appearance on sVo-TV.

Sasha Shay: “Well Darren, tonight is a massive night for you tonight. Just explain why you are here?”

Starr nods confidently along with the question.

Darren Starr: “Your right Sasha, this is a massive night for me. Maybe the biggest night of my life. Tonight I make my sVo debut out there on Showdown in this sold out arena right here in Vegas, it doesn’t get much bigger than this!”

The fans watching the interview on the big screen give a cheap pop for the mention of Las Vegas from the newcomer.

Sasha Shay: “Any nerves before stepping out there tonight?”

Starr shakes his head and winks at the pretty blonde.

Darren Starr: “This is what I was born to do Sasha. I was born to entertain those people sitting out there tonight, and that is exactly why Amy Page called me up from development to the main roster for tonight’s try out match. Now my opponent is in exactly the same position as me, but I promise you Sasha, by the end of the night the people going home will remember the name Darren Starr…”

Sasha Shay: “Well best of luck in your match out there later tonight Darren, now back to ringside!”

The camera slowly fades out on the interview area as the confident young rookie psyches himself up for the biggest night of his life.

Arkham vs. No-No
Officiated by Hector Arenda

All of the lights will drop at once, sending the crowd into a bit of a panic. “I Am Hell (Sonata In C#) will then kick in as the lights remain off. They’ll remain off for a few moments until finally they come back on, revealing Arkham sitting on the mat in one of the corners, gently stroking the head of Freddy. He’ll remain there, gently stroking Freddy’s head, until the bell rings at which point he’ll place Freddy in the corner until the end of the match.

Queue up female soundbyte over the loud speakers.


Leading into the beginning intro of “The Power” by HBlockX. The lights go completely out except for a lone spotlight dangling directly above a lone spot in the center of the stage.

Ohhhhhh Ahhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhh

Ohhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhh


Just as the song keychanges into a different more heavier rift, a huge blue single blast of blue pyrotechnics fires into the air and echos throughout the entire arena almost deafening.


No-No Notorious is launched from a catapult underneath, up into the air and up onto the stage. She pauses as she soaks in the energy from the song and the energy from the live audience as she looks incredibly focused and intense silently in the center spotlight dangling directly above her head. The smoke clears and the darkness is replaced with blue fast trippy stroblelights that fill the arena.

I’ve got the power
I’ve got the power
I’ve got the power
Yea, yea, yea, yea

No-No Notorious rolls her neck and pops her knuckles in her hands. She takes off running as fast as she can down the aisle, runs around the ring once and then slides up onto the ring apron on one knee posing before the crowd. She then jumps up to her feet, and vaulting herself up springboarding off of the ropes hitting a 180 degree reverses cartwheel flip and landing on her feet in the center of the ring. She runs to each other four turnbuckles to soak in cheers and jeers from the crowd. On the last turnbuckle, she hops down and rest quietly on the top as she mentally and emotionally prepares for the match. “The Power” by HBlockX fades out.

With both Arkham and No-No in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this contest to get underway. The newcomer Arkham runs at No-No, however the masked superstar quickly side steps her opponent before catching him with a knee to the midsection as he bounces back off of the ring ropes. Arkham doubles over in pain and No-No catches him with a big knee to the face to send him down to the mat.

Arkham tries to rise up to a standing position, but as he does No-No lays into him with some big stomps to keep him down on the mat. No-No taunts to the fans, but the fans respond with boos for the masked wrestler as Arkham slowly rises up to a standing position. Arkham runs at No-No as she turns around and looks for a clothesline, however No-No manages to duck under the arm of her opponent before responding with a big spinning heel kick to the newcomer.

Arkham looks frustrated with his inability to get an offence in, but No-No is straight back onto him with some mounted punches. Arkham manages to fight his way up to a standing position, however No-No manages to land a neckbreaker onto her opponent! Arkham hits the mat hard and No-No rises up to her feet. No-No stares down at Arkham on the mat before slowly making her way up to the top rope! With No-No on the top rope, she waits for Arkham to rise to her feet before launching herself at the newcomer with a flying cross body, only for Arkham to dive out of the way and cause No-No to crash into the referee!

Both competitors and the referee lay motionless in the middle of the ring, but as they do William Vorheez of the Company makes his way down the entrance ramp! The fans boo the sVo Champion as he takes advantage of the referee being down to slide into the ring! Vorheez stands in the corner and waits for No-No, the alter ego of his PPV opponent Go-Go, to rise to her feet, before running forward and landing a massive belt shot to the face of No-No! No-No hits the mat and Vorheez rushes over to revive the referee!

The referee slowly begins to come to, and as he does Arkham the newcomer rolls across the body of No-No! With the newcomer Drako winning in the opening bout against Harry Black, are we about to see a win for another newcomer?




Just as it looks as if the three is going to be counted, No-No manages to kick out! William Vorheez looks shocked, but as Arkham drags No-No up to her feet by her mask she lands a low blow on her opponent! No-No then follows up with a quick ‘Running Gun’ on Arkham, before rolling up her opponent to make the cover!




It’s all over and its No-No who manages to win the match against the newcomer Arkham despite the interference of the sVo Champion William Vorheez! Vorheez quickly rolls into the ring, but before he can attack No-No, she rolls out of the ring before the referee can raise her hand in victory.

No-No backs up the entrance ramp with her hands raised in the air in victory, leaving a pissed off William Vorheez and a defeated Arkham in the middle of the ring.

WINNER: No-No by pinfall (9:45)

11th June 2013
The Countdown to Violence Begins…


As Showdown #107 returns from a commercial break the scene heads to ringside where in the middle of the ring stands Amy Page with an sVo Tag Team Championship belt over each shoulder. The fans are booing loudly, because surrounding Amy Page are the four other members of the Company – William Vorheez, Scott Washington, Harry Black & CJ Dreamer.

Amy Page looks very pleased with herself as she looks around at her muscle, before waiting for the booing to die down a little and addressing the crowd.

Amy Page: “Now I know all you fans out there heard my little tease earlier in the night, tonight we are going to crown some new Tag Team Champions!”

The crowd boo loudly at the mockery that Amy Page is making of the Tag Team title belts in simply handing them over to two of her group instead of making them earn them.

Amy Page: “Now I know we could have a match tonight to determine new champions, but really what is the point? We all know which ever two Company wrestlers team up to take on any other two superstars on the roster it is going to be the Company who come out on top! Could I pick Vorheez and Washington?”

Boos from the crowd.

Amy Page: “Or Dreamer and Black?”

Boos from the crowd.

Amy Page: “Or Black and Vorheez?”

Boos from the crowd.

Amy Page: “Or Dreamer and Washington?”

Boos from the crowd.

Amy Page: “It really doesn’t matter, the end result would be the same. There are no two wrestlers on the sVo roster than could hang with my hand picked Company gladiators! That just leaves me the tough decision of which two wrestlers to give the belts two…”

The Company stands tall as Amy Page walks along the line of Washington, Vorheez, Dreamer and Black, seemingly grading them and deciding who to give the belts to.

Amy Page: “Well Scott Washington did do us proud at Fedwars…. And CJ Dreamer is one of the most talked about fighters in the sVo right now…”

Page looks like she is about to place the title belts on the shoulders of Washington and Dreamer. Vorheez claps the decision whilst Harry Black looks a little disappointed. However before Amy Page can crown her new champions, the fans pop as “Fall Back Down” – Rancid hits the sound system!

The Company don’t look too happy about the interruption as Rose Finnegan and Logan Black step out onto the top of the entrance ramp with microphones in hand!

Rose Finnegan: “This is total BS!”

Huge pop from the crowd!

Logan Black: “How can you Company boys call yourselves Champions when we beat your asses just three weeks ago in Tag Team action!”

Amy Page: “If you two want to still have jobs by the end of the night, I suggest you turn straight back around and disappear to wherever you just came from!”

Boos from the crowd.

Rose Finnegan: “So I take it the Company are too scared to face us with this belts on the line?”

Amy Page is just about to answer the question from Rose Finnegan, when surprisingly Scott Washington steps forward and takes the microphone from Amy Page’s hand. Amy Page seems as shocked by anyone.

Scott Washington: “I take it I speak for CJ when I say we want to win those belts fair and square and defend them with honour! Finnegan! Black! You two against us two to decide the Tag Team Champions of the sVo tonight! What do you say?”

CJ Dreamer looks nonplussed at the idea of having to fight to win the title belts whilst Amy Page looks furious with Washington for breaking ranks.

Logan Black: “It’s on!”

The crowd cheer loudly as Amy Page stares at Scott Washington, who looks out at the crowd, many of them now chanting his name. With a change of plans and the Tag Team title belts now being decided by a match, will the Company still walk out with the title belts or will it be Finnegan and Black who upset the odds?

Nathan Judge vs. Darren Starr
Officiated by Hector Arenda

‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Judge slowly climbs into the ring before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd.

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the energetic Darren Starr runs out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Starr signals to both sides of the crowd before quickly making his way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

It proves to be a bad move for the rookie as before his music even finishes he is attacked by Nathan Judge who nails him with some big stomps to the back of the head! The fans boo loudly as the referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung and the match to be officially started!

Nathan Judge uses his size advantage to pull Darren Starr up off of the mat and power him into the corner of the ring. Nathan Judge continues his assault with some big shoulder blocks into the midsection of his opponent before sending Darren Starr hard into the opposite corner of the ring. Darren Starr hits the opposite corner hard and Nathan Judge follows up with a massive clothesline in the corner of the ring!

Darren Starr stumbles out of the corner of the ring, but Nathan Judge is straight back on him with a spinebuster to take him down to the mat. Nathan Judge stares out at the crowd once again as they boo him, before making the cover.




Nathan Judge may have cost himself the match right there with his hesitation before making the cover. Judge snarls at the referee before pulling his opponent up to his feet. Nathan Judge sends Darren Starr hard into the ring ropes, but Darren Starr manages to slide under the legs of Nathan Judge as he bounces back! Nathan Judge spins around with a surprised look on his face, and Darren Starr catches him with a perfectly executed standing dropkick!

The fans cheer the move from Starr as Nathan Judge hits the mat, but is quickly back to his feet. Judge runs at Starr looking for a clothesline, however Starr is able to duck under the arm of his opponent and grab him in a waist lock. Judge swings his elbow back looking to free himself, but Starr ducks under the elbow of his opponent and manages to take Nathan Judge down to the mat with an impressive German suplex into a bridge!




Judge kicks out before the three count and the Showdown match between these two rookies from the sVo development league continues!

Darren Starr wastes a little time taunting to the fans as he waits for Nathan Judge to get to his feet, but as Judge eventually does get to his feet, he is planted back down to the mat with a double arm DDT from Darren Starr! The fans cheer on Starr as he makes a big deal of pointing to the turnbuckle before beginning to climb to the top rope!

The fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena rise to their feet to see what high flying move Darren Starr is going to pull out as he stand on the top rope looking down at Nathan Judge. Starr finally leaps from the top looking for a frog splash, however Judge sees it coming and gets his knees up, driving them into the ribs of his opponent!

Darren Starr rolls around in agony on the mat as Nathan Judge pulls himself to his feet to boos from the crowd. Nathan Judge pulls Darren Starr to a standing position before landing some big knee shots into his now painful ribs. Darren Starr tries to protect himself, but there is no protecting himself from the sheer power of Nathan Judge as the 6’4″ grappler lifts his opponent into the air and tosses him down with a snap powerbomb!

Darren Starr hits the mat hard, and Nathan Judge signals with a finger across the throat that its time for the end! Starr bravely tries to struggle to his feet, but Nathan Judge scoops him into the air with ease in a jackhammer into a cover in the middle of the ring!




It’s all over and in the battle of the rookies it is Nathan Judge who comes out on top in his very first outing on sVo-TV! Nathan Judge rises quickly to his feet and stands proudly in the middle of the ring as the referee raises his arm in the air in victory.

WINNER: Nathan Judge by pinfall (6:01)

Stay up-to-date with all the latest @ !

JVD vs. Joshua Curtis
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his the hooded figure as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as he waits for his opponent to arrive at ringside.

As “Fuyu Tokyo” begins to play out to the crowd and the opening lyrics are sung Joshua walks out through the curtain smiling and bowing to the assembled crowd on hand as he walks around the ring slapping hands with the fans and playfully messing with the kids in attendance around the ring. As he makes one more lap he produces a rose from his jacket pocket and gives to one lucky lady before kissing her on the cheek and making his way onto the ring apron and giving one final bow before stepping through the ropes and handing his jacket off to the ring attendant before the bell rings.

With James Von Drake and Joshua Curtis in the ring, both men dive forward and tie up as the bell rings for the match to begin. Curtis tries to push JVD backwards, but the former Las Vegas Champion uses his strength to push Curtis into the corner of the ring. The referee calls for a rope break, and JVD obliges before landing a cheap shot on his opponent!

Joshua Curtis looks enraged as he fights back with some big right hands to JVD before throwing him into the ring ropes. JVD bounces back into the middle of the ring and is taken down to the mat with a snapmare takedown! Curtis stands tall in the middle of the ring before he begins to stomp down on James Von Drake as he tries to get to his feet.

Von Drake finally reaches a standing position, but as he does Joshua Curtis manages to nail him with a DDT to send him straight back down to the mat! The fans cheer on the Heavenly Warrior as he stands over Von Drake in the middle of the ring. Joshua Curtis stares at James Von Drake as the former Las Vegas Champion begins to rise up to his feet, before cutting him off with a big kick to the midsection. With JVD doubled over in pain, Curtis steps over his opponent and looks for a piledriver!

The fans rise to their feet at the prospect of Von Drake being dropped on his head, but before he is JVD manages to counter with a back drop on Joshua Curtis! Joshua Curtis rises up to his feet holding his back in pain, but as he does James Von Drake takes him down to the mat with a big clothesline! With Joshua Curtis down on the mat, JVD drops down and clamps on an arm bar on his opponent!

The referee asks Joshua Curtis if he wants to submit, but the ‘Heavenly Warrior’ bravely shakes his head and tries to move himself closer to the ring ropes. He fans cheer Joshua Curtis on as he pulls himself closer and closer to the ropes as the fans cheer him on. James Von Drake desperately tries to score the submission victory, however before Joshua Curtis is forced to tap out he manages to make it to the ropes! The fans cheer loudly as James Von Drake releases the hold and Curtis rises up to his feet. Curtis holds his arm in pain, but before he has a chance to recover, JVD spins him around and drops him down to the mat with a fisherman’s suplex into a cover!




It looked like it was all over right there, but Joshua Curtis manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat! Curtis pulls himself up to his feet as James Von Drake argues with the referee that it should have been a three count right there. Joshua Curtis tries to take advantage by running at JVD, but JVD manages to side step his opponent and send him into the corner of the ring! With Joshua Curtis in the corner, JVD taunts to the crowd and gets booed loudly!

James Von Drake grabs hold of Joshua Curtis and lifts him onto a sitting position on the top of the turnbuckle before climbing up onto the second rope alongside him! It looks as if James Von Drake is going to superplex Joshua Curtis from the top rope and try and end the match there and then, but Curtis manages to reverse the move in mid air and land a DDT from the top rope on JVD!

The fans are on their feet after that amazing move from Curtis as both men lay motionless on the mat. Whoever manages to get to their feet might be the one to get the win in this match, but it looks like that move took a lot out of both men as the crowd cheer Joshua Curtis on. The Heavenly Warrior seems to respond to the cheers from the fans as he slowly crawls across the body of his opponent to make the cover!




Somehow James Von Drake manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! No one seems to know just how he managed to kick out from that as Joshua Curtis slowly rises up to his feet. James Von Drake slowly rises up to his feet, and he and Curtis begin to trade big right hands. Both men are looking tired, but suddenly as JVD throws a right hand he is grabbed by Joshua Curtis and locked in a ‘Warriors Pride’ by Joshua Curtis!

James Von Drake desperately tries to make it to the ring ropes, but quickly realises that he is trapped in the submission hold in the middle of the ring!

Tap, Tap, Tap!

The referee quickly calls for the bell and this one is all over! Joshua Curtis rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee!

WINNER: Joshua Curtis by submission (11:35)

Fedwars Presents ‘Three Way Dance’
29th May 2013 – Reruns Now Airing
Featuring Fedwars Champion Reaper
from the United Center in Chicago

Matt Fuller (c) vs. Diamond Legend
Officiated by Hector Arenda

Let The Sparks Fly by Thousand Foot Krutch blares throughout the pa speakers. The lights suddenly flicker and smoke arises atop of the entry ramp. Suddenly from behind the smoke Diamond Legend appears on the stage. His head lowered with his hood over his head. Slowly lifting his head up the lights lights come back to a steady. Looking left, looking right Diamond Legend smiles and continues his slow, cockish walk to the ring. He blows kisses at beautiful girls and give little boys nudgies while telling them to fuck off. He spits at people and swears at them consistently.

Before stepping in the ring he walks up the steel steps slowly before walking along the ring before putting his back to the ropes and lowering his head again. Once again the lights begin to flicker. From all four turnbuckles little pyrogryhphic stars burst from out them. A plethora of different colors. Diamond Legend picks up his head and now he looks infuriated. He jumps over the top rope and begins running around the ring talking to himself as he looks off into the crowd and taunts them. Finally he jumps to the middle of the ring and whilst doing so, BOOM! In unison some more pyro comes from the turnbuckles and together they make one big baby blue star that vanishes into thin air. Diamond taps his chest and takes a seat outside of the ring on the steel steps and waits for the match to begin.

“Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch hits the sound system and the fans cheer as current sVo Las Vegas Champion Matt Fuller walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp with the title belt around his waist! Matt Fuller unstraps the belt and holds it in the air, before making his way down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Matt Fuller makes his way around the four corners of the ring to taunt with the belt, before handing it off to the referee.

With Diamond Legend and the sVo Las Vegas Champion Matt Fuller both in the ring, the referee holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt up in the air to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s match! The fans cheer as the belt is shown on the giant screen in the arena, before the referee hands it to the outside of the ring. With Diamond Legend and Matt Fuller ready to do battle, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the championship match to get started!

Diamond Legend quickly runs at his opponent and begins to lay into Matt Fuller with some big right hands. Diamond Legend knocks Fuller back into the corner of the ring before stomping away at him with some big boots. Diamond Legend eventually allows Matt Fuller out of the corner of the ring and takes down the Champion with a scoop slam! With Fuller on the mat, Diamond Legend bounces into the ring ropes before landing a diving elbow drop onto the chest of Matt Fuller! With the champion down, Diamond Legend goes for the quick cover!




Matt Fuller shows just how much he wants to keep hold of the belt as he manages to kick out of the cover! Diamond Legend looks ready to go straight back on the offensive as he lays into Matt Fuller with some big mounted punches. Diamond Legend, the impressive newcomer drags Fuller up to his feet with his hair, and throws him into the corner of the ring. Matt Fuller bounces into the middle of the ring and Diamond Legend lands a massive powerslam in the middle of the ring before rising up to his feet!

Diamond Legend taunts the fans from the middle of the ring, but the Las Vegas fans boo loudly for the challenger. Matt Fuller slowly begins to pull himself up in the corner of the ring, but Diamond Legend looks to be in firm control of the match! Diamond Legend runs at Matt Fuller and aims a clothesline at the champion in the corner of the ring, but Fuller ducks out of the way! Diamond Legend hits the turnbuckle hard, but as he does Matt Fuller rolls him up with a school boy roll up!




A shocked Diamond Legend manages to kick out before the three can be counted! Diamond Legend leaps up to his feet and shouts at the referee. Diamond Legend aims some right hands at Matt Fuller, but Fuller ducks and dives out of the way of the punches and lands a jaw breaker on Legend. Diamond Legend looks in pain as Matt Fuller taunts to the fans, before grabbing him as he rises up. Matt Fuller lands a big spinebuster in the corner of the ring on Diamond Legend, before making his way to the top rope!

The fans cheer Fuller on as he reaches the top rope and taunts to the fans. With Diamond Legend on the mat, Fuller leaps from the top rope and lands a diving elbow on the challenger! The fans cheer on the champion as he drops down to hook the leg and make the cover.




Diamond Legend somehow manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat despite the huge move from the top rope from Matt Fuller! Fuller himself doesn’t seem to believe that Diamond Legend managed to kick out as he pulls his opponent up to his feet. Diamond Legend aims a big right hand at Fuller, but Fuller manages to duck under the arm of his opponent and then nail him with a ‘Fallout Blast’! The fans cheer for the big move as Fuller crawls over and makes another cover!




It’s all over, despite the best efforts of the impressive challenger Diamond Legend it is Matt Fuller who manages to pick up the massive win and retain his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt! The fans cheer as Matt Fuller is presented with the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt by the referee and he raises it up in the air in the middle of the ring as he stands over Diamond Legend.

WINNER & STILL sVo LAS VEGAS CHAMPION: Matt Fuller by pinfall (15:18)

11th June 2013
The Countdown to Violence Begins…

Rose Finnegan & Logan Black vs. CJ Dreamer & Scott Washington
Officiated by Nick Jaxx

‘Stricken’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and boos ring out around the arena as the cocky looking CJ Dreamer slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. CJ Dreamer takes one look out at the thousands of fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena before making his way down towards the ring. CJ Dreamer ignores the fans at ringside that reach out to touch him as he sprints down the final part of the entrance ramp and dives head first into the ring. CJ Dreamer sits on one knee in the middle of the ring looking out at the crowd as his music fades out.

There is a loud explosion of fireworks and a bright flash over the entrance ramp as ‘Boom’ by Royce Da 5’9″ begins to pound around the arena as the lights slowly lower. As strobe lighting begins to flash over the fans, pyros shoot out from either side of the entrance stage as the energetic Scott Washington steps out from behind the curtain. The fans boo as the ‘Golden State Warrior’ poses on the top of the entrance ramp before running down towards the ring and sliding in under the bottom rope. Washington slowly makes his way to the nearest turnbuckle and raises a fist in the air as a golden pyro begins to shoot down from the top of the arena.

“Fall Back Down” by: Rancid blares throughout the arena, as an explosion of pyrotechnics booms at the top of the entrance way. Smoke pours from fog machines as the crowd roars. Logan Black emerges first, springing from the backstage area, his energy palpable. The crowd pops. Rose Finnegan follows behind, waving to the crowd once and walking purposefully to the ring. Logan slaps a few hands before climbing the ring steps and then over the top rope. Rose slides under the bottom rope. The two ready then ready themselves for the match.

With both teams in their respective corners, the referee holds in the air the sVo Tag Team Championship belts which will be decided tonight!

The fans seem to be firmly behind Logan Black and Rose Finnegan in this match as Logan Black steps into the ring to start the match off against the Company member CJ Dreamer! The two men circle around each other in the middle of the ring as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get underway!

Black and Dreamer begin to tie up in the middle of the ring, however CJ Dreamer quickly knocks away his opponent and locks him in a side head lock. CJ Dreamer squeezes the head of his opponent, before Logan Black is able to push CJ Dreamer off and send him into the ring ropes. Dreamer bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Logan Black sends him down to the mat with a shoulder block. CJ Dreamer gets quickly to his feet, but Logan Black sends Dreamer back down to the mat with a scoop slam.

Logan Black quickly makes the tag out to Rose Finnegan, who jumps straight into the ring. CJ Dreamer rises up to his feet but gets some big right hands to the face from Rose. Rose grabs hold of Dreamer and sends him into the corner of the ring before following up with a big splash in the corner. However as Rose does, she doesn’t notice as Washington makes the blind tag into the match.

CJ Dreamer staggers out of the corner of the ring, but as Rose makes her way towards him she is grabbed from behind by Scott Washington! The fans boo as Scott Washington lifts Rose high into the air before slamming her down with a big powerslam in the middle of the ring. Logan Black looks furious and reaches out his hand for the tag, but Rose Finnegan can’t make it to the corner as she pulls herself up from the mat only to be grabbed by the powerful Scott Washington.

Washington lifts Rose onto his shoulders before sending her down to the mat with a Samoan drop in the middle of the ring. With Rose down on the mat, Scott Washington makes the cover.




Logan Black manages to get into the ring before the three count and break the cover with a big stomp to the back of Scott Washington’s head. The referee orders Logan Black out of the ring, but as he does the Company uses their numbers to their advantage as CJ Dreamer jumps into the ring and the pair begin to double team Rose with big stomps in the middle of the ring.

CJ Dreamer exits the ring as the referee turns back around, but is soon tagged back in by Scott Washington. Rose struggles to her feet and tries to make it to Logan Black’s out stretched hand, but is taken down with a sleeper slam from CJ Dreamer in the middle of the ring. CJ Dreamer cockily taunts Logan Black in the corner of the ring to try and annoy him even more, before dragging Rose back into the corner of the Company.

CJ Dreamer stomps away on Rose in the corner of the ring, before tagging quickly back out to Scott Washington. Scott Washington climbs back into the ring and carries on where Dreamer started and stomps away on Rose in the corner. Rose rises back up to her feet, but as she does Scott Washington throws her into the ropes. Rose bounces back and looks for a spinning heel kick on Washington to get back into the match, however Washington manages to grab the leg of his opponent! Rose hops on one leg for a few seconds before countering with a big enzuguri!

Both Rose Finnegan and Scott Washington are both down in the middle of the ring before both competitors begin to make their way towards their corners to make the tag out. Black and Dreamer hold their arms out to make the tag, but it is Rose who makes it to her corner first and Logan Black leaps into the ring! Black nails Dreamer with a big punch to knock him off of the ring apron to prevent Washington from tagging out, before stomping away on the ‘O-Town Outlaw’!

Logan Black pulls Scott Washington up to his feet and sends him into the ring ropes, Washington bounces back and Logan Black knocks him down with a massive ‘Roll Tide’! The fans cheer as Logan Black rolls over Scott Washington and makes the cover!




It looked like Finnegan and Black were going to be walking away with the sVo Tag Team Championship belts right there, but before the three could be counted Washington manages to kick out! Logan Black can’t believe it in the ring, but things are about to get worse for Finnegan and Black as the rest of the Company slowly makes their way down the entrance ramp to boos from the crowd!

The sVo Champion William Vorheez, Harry Black and Amy Page look smug as they slowly walk down the entrance ramp towards the ring. The referee quickly makes his way out of the ring towards the Company and tries to tell them not to get involved in the match, but from behind his back CJ Dreamer rolls back into the ring with a steel chair! The fans boo loudly as CJ Dreamer blasts Logan Black in the back of the head with the steel chair!

The Company stop half way up the entrance ramp and hold their hands in the air to the referee to signal that they don’t intend on getting involved, but as the referee turns back around Scott Washington slowly rolls over Logan Black and makes the cover!




It’s all over and the sVo has new Tag Team Champions! The rest of the Company quickly hits the ring as Scott Washington and CJ Dreamer are handed the sVo Tag Team Championship belts! Washington and Dreamer raises the belts in the air as the rest of the Company helps them celebrate. With the Company now holding the sVo Tag Team Championships as well as the sVo Championship, can anyone stand in their way?

WINNER & NEW sVo TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: CJ Dreamer & Scott Washington by pinfall (7:59)

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