sVo Showdown Episode #081
8th May 2011
HSBC Arena, Buffalo, New York

“Natural High” by The Union Underground hits the sound system as the sVo Showdown entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Night, Roscoe Shame, Sheldon Hossteder, Bobby Dean and Samuel Amos shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the flagship show of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.


Up to No Good

The cameras catch “Beautiful” Bobby Dean slinking through the hallways of the arena. Tip toeing down the halls, the cameras watch on as he approaches a locker room door, stopping just outside the door to look up and down the hall one last time before he creeps into the room, closing the door behind him. Moments later, Bobby Dean is shown coming out of the room, with the mysterious X’s mask in hand.

He finally notices the cameras on him and stops, smiles, and cocks his eyebrows before turning and heading off down the opposite way he came.
Chris Wrestling vs. Chezina’My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Chezina Rodriguez steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Chezina holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Chezina towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Chezina struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

Pink strobe lighting begins to flash around the arena as “Last Resort” hits the sound system and on the big screen we see highlights of Chris Wrestling. There are loud boos from the fans as the man known as ‘Canadian Perfect’ steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with a huge smirk on his face. Chris Wrestling taunts to the booing fans before slowly walking down the entrance ramp, trying to prevent the crowd from touching him. Chris Wrestling gives one last signal to the booing fans, before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope. As ‘Canadian Perfect’ waits for the match to get under way, he runs across the ring bouncing into the ropes to arm up for his impending battle.

With Chezina and Chris Wrestling in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started. Chezina rushes across and looks for a big right hand on Chris Wrestling, but Wrestling ducks under the big arm of his opponent and begins to nail him with some big rights of his own. Chris Wrestling backs Chezina into the ropes with the big punches before grabbing him by the arm and sending him across the ring into the ropes. Chezina bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Chris Wrestling takes the big man down with a drop toe hold. The fans give a mixed reaction as the big man hits the mat, and Chris Wrestling follows up with an elbow drop across the neck of Chezina.

Chezina slowly begins to rise up to his feet and as he does Chris Wrestling lays into him with some big punches. Chezina stumbles backwards and Chris Wrestling grabs him in a front face lock ready to hit a big suplex on the former Tag Team Champion. Chris Wrestling begins to lift Chezina up into the air, but as he does Chezina manages to block the move! Chezina quickly counters with a knee to the midsection on his opponent, before tossing him down to the mat with a hip toss.

Chris Wrestling slowly staggers up to his feet, but the big man Chezina is there ready for him with a scoop slam to drop him down to the mat. Chezina shows no mercy on his opponent as he stomps away on Chris Wrestling as he tries to rise back to his feet. Chezina finally lets ‘Canadian Perfect’ up to a standing position, before scooping him up and dropping him with a snake eyes on the turnbuckle! Chris Wrestling stumbles out of the corner holding his face, and Chezina bounces into the ropes before landing a big boot onto Chris Wrestling! With Wrestling down, Chezina makes the cover on his opponent.




The referee only reaches a two count before Chris Wrestling is able to get his shoulder up off of the mat. The giant Chezina looks angrily at the referee as he grabs Chris Wrestling by his long hair and pulls him up to a standing position. Chezina lands a big uppercut on Chris Wrestling to send him into the corner of the ring before taunting to the crowd. The fans give a mixed reaction to Chezina as Chris Wrestling leans in the corner looking in pain.

Chezina runs at Chris Wrestling looking for a splash in the corner of the ring, however Chris Wrestling is able to save himself by diving out of the way! Chezina hits the corner hard and Chris Wrestling follows up with a roll up on his opponent.



Chezina kicks out!

Chezina rises up to his feet with a shocked look on his face, but as he does Chris Wrestling rakes the eyes of the big man. There are boos from the crowd at the actions of Chris Wrestling as he manages to grab him around the waist before tossing him backwards with a big belly to back suplex! The fans boo the move on the giant, as Chris Wrestling looks up to his feet looking very pleased with himself. Wrestling lands some stomps onto the legs of Chezina as the big man slowly begins to get up to a standing position. Chezina finally reaches his feet, but as he does Chris Wrestling bounces into the ropes behind Chezina and lands a chop block on his opponent to send him down! The fans rise to their feet as Chris Wrestling quickly grabs the leg of Chezina and clamps on an ankle lock!

Chezina screams out in pain at the ankle lock as Chris Wrestling twists the leg of the giant and looks like he is ready to break the former Tag Team Champions leg! Chezina tries to use his massive frame to reach the ropes and cause a ropebreak as the referee asks him if he wants to submit. Chezina quickly shakes his leg before finally reaching out with his massive hand and grabbing hold of the bottom rope! The fans give a mixed reaction as Chris Wrestling angrily breaks the submission hold locked on his opponent. Chris Wrestling shouts at the referee before turning his attention back to Chezina as he slowly limps up to his feet. Chris Wrestling grabs hold of Chezina from behind and looks like he is ready to get the submission move locked back on, but Chezina fights out with some desperation back elbows.

Chris Wrestling stumbles away holding his jaw before running at Chezina. However Chezina sees Wrestling running at him, and grabs him around the throat with a big hand! The fans rise to their feet as Chezina pulls Chris Wrestling up into the air by the throat, before tossing him down with a massive chokeslam! Wrestling lays motionless on the mat as Chezina holds his ankle in pain. Can the big man take advantage of the big chokeslam and get the victory over Chris Wrestling?

Chezina slowly crawls over the body of his opponent and drapes his giant arm over Chris Wrestling to make the cover.




Chris Wrestling is able to get a shoulder up off of the mat at the very last second, the delay in Chezina being able to make the cover proving crucial. The crowd can’t believe that ‘Canadian Perfect’ managed to kick out from that massive chokeslam, and neither can Chezina as the giant slowly rises up to a standing position. Chezina grabs hold of Chris Wrestling by the hair and pulls him up to his feet, but Chris Wrestling fights back with some big punches to the midsection of the big man. The crowd boo the punches of Chris Wrestling as he grabs the arm of Chezina and shoots him into the ropes.

Chezina bounces back out of the ropes to the middle of the ring, but as he does he catches Chris Wrestling with a big kick to the gut. Chris Wrestling doubles over in pain, allowing the giant Chezina the perfect chance to scoop up Wrestling and drop him down on his head with the ‘Tombzina’! The crowd give a mixed reaction for the big move from Chezina Rodriguez, as he makes the cover once again on Chris Wrestling.




This one is over, and it is the big man who picks up the victory! Chezina slowly climbs up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee in the middle of the ring. The fans give a mixed reaction for Chezina as the former Tag Team Champion celebrates a hard fought victory over Chris Wrestling.RINGSIDE

Another Contract!?

“You’re the Best” begins to play throughout the arena causing everyone to rise to their feet screaming and booing out in contempt as they turn, expecting to see “Beautiful” Bobby Dean come walking out. Instead they are taken aback as a man in the same BBD attire, with bleached blonde hair comes walking out but in the mask of the mysterious X.

The masked man walks up the ring steps to an awaiting, but clearly confused, Candi Cross. Sidling up to Candi the masked man wraps his arm around her waist but she manages to squirm away as the music dies down.

Candi Cross — Bobby, what are you doing out here!?

• — Bobby? Who is this Bobby that you speak of? Is he as beautiful as me? He must be, if you mistake me to be him. But that is neither here nor there, you see I am not out here to tout my beauty, I am here because I too have this little piece of paper that says I “Beau…” I mean, I “Brimnir” am next in line for the shot at the World Title.

This masked man reaches into his tights, deep into the crotch of his tights as Candi Cross looks away in disgust. He pulls out a folded up piece of paper and begins unfolding it, and unfolding it and unfolding it some more. The masked man finally holds it out for the camera to see. It’s a simple piece of notebook paper, with the side of it ripped and torn as if it were hastily ripped out of the spiral notebook. On the cover of the paper is the letters “I O U” scribbled along the top in what appears to be red crayon. Below it reads “World Title”.

Candi Cross — What is this? This isn’t a contract!

Brimnir — Sure it is! It says so right there…. World title… I O U, what more do you want?

• – How about a guy with some actual talent?

Everyone in the arena, including Brimnir and Candi Cross turn their heads to see JVD strolling out onto the entrance ramp, microphone in hand.

JVD — No wonder this place is going downhill when we have clowns like you running about. Brimnir? Give me a break! At least the real Grimnir actually got the job done while he was still about, at least he didn’t choke everytime he got within a sniff of the big prize. As a matter of fact I am tired of this charade; you are taking time away from what the people really want to see… ME!

Everyone in the arena boos JVD as he climbs into the ring to stare down Brimnir with Candi Cross standing there looking on with mild interest.

Brimnir — Grimnir may have had talent, but Brimnir has…

Before Brimnir can say what he has, JVD reaches out and clocks him right in the face with a left hand! Brimnir staggers back and JVD presses his offensive with a series of rights and lefts. Suddenly Brimnir spills out of the ring from the barrage of punches. He immediately reaches up and rips the mask off his face.

Candi Cross — Bobby Dean! I knew it was you…

BBD — How can people wear these stupid things?

Bobby throws the mask down and begins to walk backwards up the ramp as JVD walks over to the ropes, sitting on the middle rope and holding the top one up, inviting BBD back into the ring.

BBD — You got lucky tonight mister! Had I not been blinded by this stupid mask, I’d have totally put you in your place!

JVD begins to climb out of the ring, jumping down off the ring apron and walking up the ramp way towards BBD, who tries to turn tail and run, but trips over his feet in his haste and ends up crawling the rest of the way, disappearing through the curtains.
Sean Maverick vs. DJThere are boos from the crowd as all the lights in the arena fade, and fog slowly begins to surrounds the entrance ramp. “Headstrong” by Trapt begins to blast over the sound system as blue lights start pulsing. After a few seconds the unmistakable figure of ‘British Brutality’ Sean Maverick sprints down to the ring and slides in. Maverick then jumps up on the turnbuckles and works up the crowd into a booing frenzy as he prepares for his match to get started.

There are a mixture of boos and cheers around the arena as ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool begins to sound out around the arena and the former Corporation member DJ slowly walks onto the top of the entrance ramp rubbing his hands in anticipation for his match. The high flying DJ casts an eye out over the sold out arena, before sprinting down the entrance ramp and sliding head first into the ring. DJ quickly rolls to his feet and sprints across to the turnbuckle. There is another mixed reaction from the crowd as DJ jumps up onto the second rope and taunts to the crowd who are packed into the arena.

With Maverick and DJ in opposite corners of the ring, this finisher match is ready to get started, with the only way to win being for DJ to hit his ‘Time Bomb’ frog splash from the top rope on Maverick, or Maverick to connect with his ‘London Calling’ on DJ! The referee signals for the bell to be rung, and both men quickly rush into the middle of the ring and tie up with a collar and elbow tie up. Maverick uses his power to push DJ back against the ropes, however DJ is able to use his speed against the English star to squirm out of the hold before hitting him with a big spinning heel kick.

Maverick quickly rises back up to his feet, but DJ is quickly onto him with some knife edge chops that echo around the arena. The fans ‘whooo’ with each chop as DJ backs Sean Maverick into the corner of the ring. DJ then grabs hold of Maverick by the arm and sends him across the ring, corner to corner! Maverick hits the opposite turnbuckle hard, but DJ follows up by sprinting across the ring and taking Maverick down to the mat with a monkey flip out of the corner! With Maverick down on his back, the fans rise to their feet as DJ quickly leaps up onto the top rope!

DJ looks like he is ready to end this one early with a ‘Time Bomb’ from the top, but the future of Wrestling doesn’t get a chance to hit the move as Maverick sees his opponent and rolls out of the ring. The fans boo the actions of Sean Maverick as DJ hops down off of the top rope. Maverick quickly reaches under the bottom rope and sweeps away the legs of his opponent, before dragging him out of the ring by his feet. DJ hits the floor hard, but Maverick pulls him straight back up to his feet and tosses him into the security barrier.

The fans continue to boo Sean Maverick on the outside of the ring as he flips off the fans in the front row, before stomping away on the downed body of the high flying DJ. DJ looks in pain as Maverick pulls him up to his feet and tosses him hard into the steel ring steps on the outside of the ring. Sean Maverick now looks in firm control of the match with this brutal assault on DJ, and Maverick shows no sign of letting up as he slams DJ head first into the ring apron before rolling him back into the ring under the bottom rope.

Maverick taunts to the fans at ringside against more boos from the sold out crowd, before rolling into the ring himself. As DJ slowly begins to rise up to his feet, Maverick sprints across and lands a running knee smash into the midsection of his opponent. DJ holds his gut in pain but bravely tries to rise up to his feet, only to be sent straight back down to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker from Maverick.

Whilst DJ might be out for the three count right there Maverick is unable to make a cover, and therefore there are louder boos from the crowd as he taunts for his finishing move. Maverick looks in confident mood as he pulls DJ up to his feet by his hair, and positions him for the ‘London Calling’! The fans continue to boo, however as Maverick lifts DJ up into the air, the high flying star from Alberta, Canada manages to use his agility to jump down behind the back of his opponent! Maverick spins around in shock, only to be caught with a jaw breaker from DJ!

Maverick staggers around holding his jaw as DJ bounces into the ring ropes before coming back with a flying cross body onto his opponent! There is a mixed reaction for DJ as he rolls up to his feet and pumps his fists to the crowd to try and get them going. Maverick slowly rises to his feet looking like he has had the wind knocked out of him, and DJ lays into him with a combination of big martial arts like kicks. Maverick staggers back under the force of the big kicks from DJ, and the high flyer is able to follow up with a chicken wing suplex onto Maverick!

However with DJ unable to make the cover as usual after the chicken wing suplex, he rolls up to a standing position and points to the nearest turnbuckle. The fans rise to their feet as DJ slowly begins to climb up the ropes to the top of the turnbuckle. Knowing just what DJ has in mind, flashbulbs begin to go off around the arena as the high flyer known as the ‘Future of Wrestling’ leaps from the top looking for a ‘Time Bomb’ on Sean Maverick!

It’s going to be all over if he hits the ‘Time Bomb’…

..but at the very last second Maverick is able to roll out of the way of the finishing move of DJ! DJ hits the mat hard as Maverick pulls himself up using the ring ropes. DJ slowly begins to stagger up to a standing position but is quickly caught with a big kick to the groin from Maverick. The fans boo the blatant low blow from the innovator of ‘British Brutality’, as Maverick scoops DJ up into the air before dropping him down with a ‘London Calling’!

As DJ hits the mat hard the referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung and the match to be awarded to Sean Maverick for hitting his finishing move! Boos ring out around the arena as Maverick rises up to his feet and presents his arm to the referee to be raised in the air in victory. There is a big smirk on the face of Sean Maverick as the referee lifts his arm into the air, scoring a big win here on Showdown #81 just one week before the Infamous PPV!BACKSTAGE


The scene opens up with Roshel Mint and Brena Magdalena each standing in front of V.I.P’s desk on either side. Roshel’s voluptuous hips sway as she leans ever so slightly over the desk while Miss Magdalena stands wearing a luxurious fur coat while smoke trickles from the end of her 1940’s Fipa Cigarette holder. We join in mid-conversation..

Roshel Mint: client hasn’t had a second opportunity at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship since he lost it to Jay Wildman some months ago. Don’t you think that it’s only fair that a former World Champion gets his long-overdue rematch instead of someone who has had multiple opportunities in the mean-time and hasn’t cashed in once?

V.I.P. seems to listen to the argument and then turns her attention over to Magdalena for her side.

Miss Magdalena: Now miss V.I.P., I’m not going to tell you that what Miss Mint is saying is wrong. But I will say this. The Sanctioned Violence Organization and the Network are currently looking for ratings, am I right?

V.I.P. nods.

Miss Magdalena: My client has done nothing but dominate in every other match except for those World Title matches in question where my client put on brilliant performances and has come just a few mere fractions of a second away from being the current World Heavyweight Champion on multiple occasions. I don’t mean to be rude, but if I must be frank.. I must say that Miss Mint’s client hasn’t done much as of late to prove that he’s anything more than pedestrian at best..

V.I.P. turns back to Roshel Mint, who appears to be a little frustrated.

Roshel Mint: Well I can tell you Miss Magdalena that Roscoe Shame is ready for his legacy to begin! He is simply the victim of some poor and lazy decisions by his former talent manager Mr. Sloan but that’s all fixed now. If I must say, Roscoe Shame walks around like he’s a new man ready to make a statement in the sVo that he should be the next man inducted in the Hall of Fame!

V.I.P. nods, and then turns to Magdalena.

Miss Magdalena: If your clients problem was his old manager, then why did it take so long for him to realize the problem in the first place? Besides, you have done nothing as of yet to prove that Mister Shame is truly a changed man. Are we to go on your word when My client – Sam Amos – has proven week in and week out that he’s ready, willing, and able to put on the performance of a lifetime?

Roshel Mint: Well when Roscoe Shame defeats Sheldon Hossteder tonight, he will become the Las Vegas Champion once again! When’s the last time your client has held gold?

Magdalena snuffs out her cigarette on an ash tray placed on V.I.P’s desk, she turns to Roshel Mint and she doesn’t look pleased, either.

Miss Magdalena: My client is a guaranteed future World Heavyweight Champion! At least I have the comforts of knowing that I didn’t gamble on a has-been..

Roshel Mint: My client is a former and future World Champion! At least he’s good enough to actually WIN the World Title!!

V.I.P has heard enough, and finally she bursts into the conversation.

V.I.P.: Ladies! Please.. you both are here on your clients accord because you both feel that your clients will be the one that puts the highest ratings into a future sVo World Title match.. isn’t that right?

Both Mint and Magdalena nod..

V.I.P: Well as you already know, there is a laundry list of challengers for World Heavyweight Champion Night. So I can’t give either one of your clients a title match at this time.

Roshel Mint: Excuse me?

Miss Magdalena: What.. Why not?

V.I.P.: But in the best interests of your clients, and the sVo, and ratings for our network.. here’s what I can do, if your clients are up to it. How about this: A Number One Contenders match for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship at “Infamous”. It’ll be your client, Miss Mint.. versus your client, Miss Magdalena. Roscoe Shame versus Samuel Amos one on one.

Both women smile and coyly look over at the other.

Miss Magdalena: I hope your client is prepared for another heartbreak. My client would love nothing more than one more shot at the World Title!

Roshel Mint: ..and I hope your client doesn’t mind missing out. After Infamous, my client will be both Las Vegas Champion and Number One Contender to the World Title! I can feel his stock rising already!!

V.I.P.: Good, ladies. I’m glad that we could come to an agreement here today. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve a lot of paper work to file before this match becomes official.. so please.
Enigma vs. La Envida MataA dark cloud of smoke appears on the rampway as the Smoke clears we see Kai Christianson stood there surrounded by a veil of smoke , he is wearing a leather jacket hood up he removes the hood showing everyone his face and runs down to the ring.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of La Envidia Mata. Then La Envidia Mata comes out completely ignoring the crowd.

Enigma hands the sVo Red and Black Championship belt to the referee, who holds it in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match. There is a cheer from the crowd as the referee holds the belt in the air, but before he has a chance to even call for the bell, La Envidia Mata attacks Enigma from behind with a cheap shot! The move draws boos from the crowd as Mata stomps away on Enigma as the referee quickly passes the belt to the outside of the ring and calls for the match to officially start.

Mata continues to stomp away on the Champion before finally pulling him up to a standing position. Enigma leaps forward to try and hit a right hand on his opponent, however Mata catches him with a kick to the gut to cause him to double over in pain. With Enigma holding his midsection, Mata takes him down to the mat with a quick snap suplex before rising up to his feet. The man who calls himself the ‘GOD of Wrestling’ taunts to the crowd, before allowing Enigma back up to a standing position.

Mata quickly throws Enigma into the corner of the ring, before following up with a running knee strike to the midsection of his opponent. Enigma stumbles out of the corner of the ring, however Mata follows up with a running bulldog out of the corner onto the Red and Black Champion. Enigma looks in trouble as Mata flips him over and makes the cover.




Enigma manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat to the delight of the crowd. Mata doesn’t look at all happy as he pulls Enigma up to his feet and throws him hard into the ropes. Mata looks for a back drop onto his opponent as Enigma bounces into the middle of the ring, however the Champion sees the move coming and cuts off Mata with a big kick to the face. Mata stumbles back holding his face, allowing Enigma to lay into him with some big rights and lefts.

The fans rise to their feet to cheer the big punches from Enigma, until Mata cuts him off with a blatant low blow. The low blow brings cheers from the sold out crowd as the referee warns Mata not to do it again. Mata smirks at the referee as he grabs hold of Enigma by the face and hits him with a big uppercut. With Enigma down on the mat, Mata places his foot across the throat of the champion and begins to choke him out.

Mata finally releases the choke hold on the five count of the referee, before turning back into the middle of the ring to taunt to the fans. Mata looks in firm control of this match as he slowly turns back to Enigma and drags him to his feet. Mata grabs hold of Enigma and sends him hard into the ropes, before trying to follow up with a big splash in the corner. However Enigma seems to see Mata coming and dives out of the way just in time! There is a big cheer as Mata hits the turnbuckle face first, before staggering backwards into a small package roll up from Enigma!




Mata kicks out at the very last second just when it looked like Enigma was going to steal the victory away. Mata rises up to his feet looking unhappy as Enigma lays into him with some big kicks. The fans cheer as Enigma drops Mata across the turnbuckle with a snake eyes, before dropping him down to the mat with a reverse DDT! The fans continue to cheer the Red and Black Champion as he rolls to his feet and shouts at Mata to get to his feet!

Mata slowly does begin to get to his feet, but as he does Enigma sends him straight back down with a reverse neckbreaker. Enigma looks to be building momentum in this match as he pulls his opponent back to his feet before dropping him with an implant DDT in the middle of the ring. With Mata down and hurting, Enigma quickly calls for his finishing move! Mata tries to crawl away as the fans cheer loudly, but he can do little as he is grabbed by the reigning Red and Black Champion and locked into the ‘Outcast’!

There is a huge cheer from the crowd as Mata screams out in pain and struggles to free himself from the painful submission hold. However as Enigma keeps the hold locked in and Mata realises he isn’t going anywhere, he has no choice but to submit!




The fans cheer as Mata quickly taps the mat to submit to the ‘Outcast’ and Enigma releases the submission hold. Enigma quickly rises up to his feet as the referee fetches his title belt from the outside of the ring before presenting it back to the champion. Enigma holds the belt high in the air, knowing he is only nine more wins away from booking himself a shot at the sVo Championship belt!BACKSTAGE



The camera springs into life, as a single gloved fist pounds into the mahogany desk of Jon Page. For a moment, the desk looks on the verge of splintering, but strangely manages to right itself, before the camera pans upwards – into the masked face of the mysterious X. Page falls backwards, nearly toppling from his chair, before jerking up to his feet, one hand pushed forwards as if to protect himself.

Page: “Again, Rider?!”

There is a brief silence, before X breaks into a round of laughter. It takes a while before he finally manages to stop his chuckling, raising one sole finger and placing it on Page’s throat.

X: “You as well, kid? Who the fuck even IS Ethan Rider?”

Page: “The last guy to win a contract entitling him to a World Title Match..”

We see X’s eyebrow rise slowly through his mask. He chuckles once more, before rolling his shoulders and taking a step back.

X: “Means nothing to me, Page. But you hit the jackpot, I AM here to discuss my shot at the world title.”

Page sighs, retaking his seat and going back to signing papers, as if to say ‘leave me alone, jerk.’

X: “It’s going to happen, Page. I won that shot in my previous stint, and I’m taking it now. At Infamous.”

Page, all of a sudden, throws his hands into the air, almost toppling the desk over, rattling afore said object vigorously, before it settles, creaking dangerously.

Page: “What the fuck. Do you really think that is going to happen? No more secret contracts made under the old management. Your contract is null and void whoever you are.”

X: “Don’t make a decision you will regret Page.”

Page: “If you are going to hide behind that mask then you are going to have to earn your shot like everyone else….”

The lights black out. The very same evil laughter that was heard so often last week is heard once more, and suddenly a light filters throught he window. There is a creak and a snap on the tiles, but the voice comes from inside the room…

“Class is in session, and attendance.. is Mandatory.”
Colt Cooper vs. Juliana Torres’Ladies and Gentlemen’ by Saliva hits the sound system and there are boos all around for Colt Cooper as his entrance video hits the sVo-Tron. After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his normal cocky smile. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his chest taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, and gives the middle finger to the fans of sVo who don’t like him.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see The Corporate Lady holding a white owl in her left side of her shoulder and walking toward the ring smoke comes out when she shows up on the screen and she walks on heavy steps looking to the crowd with a mad look and showing no happiness in her eyes a firework sound on her background while she gets inside the ring.

Colt Cooper and Torres circle around each other before tying up in the middle of the ring. Colt Cooper begins to back Torres backwards, until Torres takes him down with an arm drag takedown. Colt Cooper leaps straight back up to his feet, but Juliana Torres once again takes him down with an arm drag takedown. The fans cheer the big moves from Torres as she jumps up to her feet and nails Colt Cooper with a big dropkick.

Torres rises up to her feet and begins to get the crowd pumped up, but as she does Colt Cooper manages to nail her with a big spinning kick from behind. The kick sends Juliana Torres into the corner of the ring, where Colt Cooper follows up with a flurry of kicks. Colt Cooper finally pulls Torres out of the corner of the ring by his hair, before slamming him down to the mat with a scoop slam. The fans boo Colt Cooper as he climbs onto the second rope before leaping down with a forearm smash from the top rope onto Torres.

The crowd boo the actions of ‘Mr Happy’ as he pulls Torres up to her feet. The former Las Vegas Champion manages to counter with a big uppercut onto Colt Cooper, before sending him into the ropes. Colt Cooper bounces into the middle of the ring and Torres takes him down with a huricanrana! Colt Cooper manages to pull himself back up to a standing position, but as he does Juliana Torres is there with a double arm DDT onto Cooper! With Cooper’s head hitting the mat hard, the fans cheer as Torres flips him over to make the cover.




There are boos from the crowd as Colt Cooper manages to kick out with authority. Colt Cooper slowly rises up to his feet, and rakes the eyes of Juliana Torres as she makes her way towards him. The fans continue to boo the former Tag Team Champion as he lays into Torres with some stiff knees to the gut of the Corporate Lady, before taking her to the mat with a snapmare. With Torres on a sitting position on the mat, Colt Cooper bounces into the ropes before hitting a diving dropkick to the face of Torres!

The fans continue to boo the move as Colt Cooper taunts for Torres to rise to her feet. Juliana Torres looks unsteady as she slowly rises up, only for Colt Cooper to grab her in a front face lock! There are more boos as Colt Cooper pulls Juliana Torres up into the air, before dropping her on her head with a brainbuster! With Torres down, Colt Cooper makes the cover.




The fans can’t believe it and neither can Colt Cooper as somehow Juliana Torres gets a shoulder up off of the mat. Torres begins to try and rise to her feet, but Colt Cooper looks enraged as he bounces into the ropes. Colt Cooper bounces back into the middle of the ring, before hitting a ‘Colt of Conduct’ on Juliana Torres! The fans boo loudly as once again Colt Cooper makes a cover on Torres.




This one is all over, and Colt Cooper returns to winning ways in a hard fought victory over Juliana Torres. The fans boo as Colt Cooper rises up to his feet and cockily taunts his victory in the middle of the ring as the referee checks on Juliana Torres after that ‘Colt of Conduct’ to the face.RINGSIDE


We return from commercial break just in time to see that Duncan Brennan and Landon Bennett have situated themselves in the ring and are preparing to address the New York faithful. “Teenage Anarchist” by Against Me! starts to fade… but then “Firefly” by Breaking Benjamin picks up, and all attention returns to the entrance way.

You, my friend, you’re a lot like them

Well I caught your lie and you know I did

Now I’m lost in you, like I always do

And I’d die to win ’cause I’m born to lose

Suddenly we start to see some “unusual” activity in the crowd, people separating themselves to make way for a mysterious man trying to get to the ring. We center in on the person in question, but he doesn’t look familiar. We can hardly see his face beneath the hood of his dark gray sweatshirt, anyway.

Bring me your enemies, lay them before me

And walk away, walk away, walk away!

The man hops the barrier and heads straight for the steel steps leading up into the ring. Duncan Brennan and Landon Bennett greet the man with handshakes and other gestures of friendship. They seem to know who this mysterious man is even though we don’t. The stranger climbs up on the nearest turnbuckle, his arms at his side. At the right moment, however, he throws back the hood and… OH, MY GOOD GAWD! IT’S DAVEY DUNHAM! DAVEY DUNHAM HAS COME TO THE SANCTIONED VIOLENCE ORGANIZATION!

Wait, who’s Davey Dunham? Well, that’s for us to know and for you to find out, silly.

Those in the audience who recognize the man are quick to respond. “Re-Kon, Re-Kon, Re-Kon!~” chants start up and Dunham rolls his eyes most humbly, though smiling from ear to ear. Duncan Brennan hands Davey his microphone and takes his place beside Landon. As “Firefly” starts to fade the fans attempt to stifle their enthusiasm enough to allow Dunham to be heard.

Davey Dunham: “Anybody got a pudding cup? Anybody? No?”

Davey reaches into the pocket of his sweatshirt and pulls out a pudding cup. He looks at it with delight in his eyes, then tosses it out into the crowd. He removes another cup from his sweatshirt and does the same thing.

Davey Dunham: “You can never get enough pudding! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Lemme see your pudding faces!”

The crowd reacts by making the weirdest faces they can, to which Davey sticks his tongue out.

Davey Dunham: “Ladies and gentlemen of Buffalo, New York…”

Big pop! Huge!

Davey Dunham: “It’s about time I made a comeback, isn’t it?”

Oh, HELL YEAH! they say.

Davey Dunham: “Some of you recognize me, some of you don’t. But that’s all right ’cause there’s plenty of time for us to get to know each other, amiright?”

Another respectable pop from the audience.

Davey Dunham: “Sanctioned Violence Organization. The ess Vee oh! The cream of the crop, the snap, crackle, pop of the wrestling industry. Man, am I glad to be here!”

Yet another spirited response.

Davey Dunham: “My name is David Dunham, but you can all call me Davey. All my friends call me Davey.”

“Day-Vey, Day-Vey, Day-Vey!~” chants start up amongst the ReKon Faithful.

Davey Dunham: “And I’m here to lend a hand to these two fine young men standing behind me. I would’ve been here sooner, but I decided to wait until the ess Vee oh made their tour stop in this great state of ours. I couldn’t imagine a better place to show my face than right here in the very same state I grew up in! God Bless New York!”

Another pop. This guy is so cheesy!

Davey Dunham: “All right — so I’m originally from Vermont, but let’s not get into semantics. We’ve got a show to put on!”

Dunham turns his attention to Duncan and Landon.

Davey Dunham: “Show me what ya’ got. Show me what I’m working with…”

On cue, Duncan and Landon remove their shirts and throw them to the side. Davey exits the ring and takes a seat in a chair set up specifically for him.
Duncan Brennan & Landon Bennett vs. Angel & El Locon

The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds El Locon, wearing a straight jacket, slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net, with Angel The Malignant following close behind. The fans cheer as the two men stare down at the ring, before climbing in. The man escorting El Locon begins to take off his straight jacket, as the entrance music begins to fade out. With the straight jacket removed, El Locon stretches out in the corner of the ring and prepares for the match to get under way. Angel The Malignant takes his position on the apron.

The bell sounds. Landon and El Locon will kick things off for us here in this match. The size difference is quite noticeable, but that doesn’t stop Landon from charging in. He flies through the air toward El Locon, successfully hitting him with a clothesline… but El Locon hardly seems fazed. Landon runs for the ropes, bouncing off them, attempting another clothesline, but El Locon just shrugs it off. Duncan calls for Landon to make the tag, but Landon shakes his head. “One more!” he says. He charges the ropes again… but this time he’s leveled by a big boot from Locon! Landon quickly rolls away from his opponent and allows Duncan to make the tag. Duncan charges in full of piss and vinegar, taking it straight to Locon with lefts and rights. El Locon hardly seems fazed by his assault, so Duncan runs toward the turnbuckle. Perhaps an aerial assault will be better suited against Locon. Duncan looks down toward Davey Dunham looking for some sort of feedback, or advice. Davey shrugs, but gestures for Duncan to move along. El Locon, tough as steel, waits for Duncan to jump from the turnbuckle, and he catches him by the throat. Oh, no! A CHOKESLAM! Duncan lies flat on his back, looking up and seeing stars. Landon illegally enters the ring and charges the big man. Angel The Malignant comes in after him and takes Landon down with a short-arm clothesline. El Locon has Brennan back to his feet. Landon tries to break the clutch Locon has around Duncan’s throat, but Angel The Malignant pulls him off. Landon and Angel take their back and forth brawl to the outside.

El Locon throws Duncan into the turnbuckle and starts laying into him like a woman furious at her husband… or something like that. El Locon grabs Duncan from around the throat and lifts him up into the air. Duncan, trying his best to fight out of it, looks helpless, suspended high in the air. After a few moments of choking the life out of his opponent, Locon lets Brennan fall to the mat. He’s motionless. Angel The Malignant has Landon locked into a Chokehold on the outside… El Locon drops to his knees, placing one big hand on Duncan’s chest. The referee starts the count…




And just like that, it’s over! Duncan didn’t stand a chance in this one-sided match. The Variables are just too small to compete with a man of Locon’s size. Not to mention Angel The Malignant played the “X” factor in this match, keeping his opponents separated so they couldn’t team up on Locon — which might’ve been the only way a victory could have possibly been had. “Ugly” by Mudvayne picks up again and Locon exits the ring. He’s joined by Angel The Malignant on the outside, and the two men exit the ringside area to praise from the audience.

Brennan slowly starts to stir. Dunham and Bennett rush into the ring to check on their fallen comrade. They help him to his feet. A visible red mark shows around Duncan’s neck, which he rubs tenderly with his hand. We can hear Dunham giving him some motivational words, and a pat on the back. Landon stands off to the side with his hands at his waist, shaking his head. The three men exit the ring to a respectable ovation from the crowd. Duncan just can’t seem to find success… But perhaps Davey Dunham will be able to help. Only one way to find out! Keep tuning in!BACKSTAGE

Cashing In

The scene opens up to the backstage area of the arena where we see “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams making his way down the hallway. He is sharply dressed as always wearing a charcoal grey Christian Dior suit, a purple dress shirt and a tie. In his right hand he is seen holding a stainless steel briefcase. sVo interviewer and correspondent Katie Smith chases after him, trying to catch up with him.

Katie Smith: Cody! Cody..

“The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams slows down his steps and turns around to find Katie chasing after him. He stops and waits for her to catch up.

Katie Smith: At Infamous you will finally be getting your wish, a shot at the sVo Championship. But it will be against the all-powerful and dominant Night, and your tag team partner and friend Nathan Paradine.

He pushes his sunglasses up off of the bridge of his nose and onto his forehead. A smirk fills his face and he turns his body towards Katie.

Cody Williams: When you are challenging for something as prestigious and honorable as the World Heavyweight Championship, nothing matters. The only thing that matters is the belt and I will do everything in my power to make sure that I am the one to walk out of Infamous your NEW sVo Heavyweight Champion.

Katie looks down at Cody’s arm and notices the briefcase that is in his possession.

Katie Smith: I couldn’t help but notice that you have a briefcase with you. Would you mind telling everyone what’s inside it?

Cody lets out a small chuckle as he shakes his head from side to side.

Cody Williams: Katie, that’s for me to know and for everyone else to find out.

Katie Smith: But when?

Cody Williams: … Soon.

He flicks his sunglasses downwards and back into their rightful place before continuing on his way down the hallway, leaving Katie and everyone else to continue wondering what exactly is in the briefcase he is carrying.
Nathan Paradine vs. James Von Drake


Queensryche’s “Sliver” blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD unbuckles the TapOut Championship from his waist and holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.




And this match is underway! Paradine and JVD begin circling each other in the middle of the ring waiting on the defensive. The two of them come to a halt and lunge towards one another and lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Nathan Paradine gains the first advantage in this match up by bringing JVD into a side headlock. He clasps his hands together and really begins to crank at the head of the TapOut champion. JVD tries to create some space as he backs his challenger into the ropes. He shoots him off and Paradine comes bouncing back, only to be knocked down by a shoulder block. Paradine goes for the ropes again and JVD floats over onto his stomach, prompting Paradine to jump over him. Paradine comes bouncing back and JVD leapfrogs over him. Paradine comes rushing back and JVD takes him over with a high arched hip toss.

With his opponent on the ground, JVD begins to make his way towards him but gets pulled in right into the MARK OF JUDAS!!! Nathan Paradine is going all out, locking in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu choke hold. JVD begins to panic looking or a way to escape. He scrambles around in an attempt to break the hold but Paradine just locks it in tighter, squeezing harder with each passing second. JVDs boot grazes the bottom rope and shuffles a few inches backwards and wraps his foot around the bottom rope, breaking the submission attempt in the process. However, Paradine keeps the hold locked in and the referee begins to make the count..





Paradine let’s go and the referee scolds him, reminding him that he has to break the hold on a rope break. Paradine brushes him off and reminds him that he has until five. He picks the TapOut champion off of the mat and takes him back down to the mat with a snapmare takedown. He bounces off of the ropes and delivers a stiff kick to the back of JVD. Paradine kneels down and locks one arm in his leg, and the other underneath his arm. He looks out into the crowd with a menacing look and goes on to deliver repeated 12 to 6 elbow strikes to the head of JVD.

The ref tells him to break the hold and Paradine stops the barrage of elbows. But then he begins to unleash a multitude of elbows on the side of JVD’s head before floating into a cross arm breaker. Paradine pulls down on the arm and thrusts his hips upwards for maximum pressure. JVD starts to make his way onto his feet, in an attempt to alleviate the pain. He tries to pull his arm free but Nathan doesn’t let up. JVD delivers a stomp to the face of Paradine that visibly hurts him. He gives him another and another and another. Seeing that this is working, JVD unloads the boots on the face of Paradine before he releases the hold.

JVD grabs his throat, still feeling the effects of the Gogoplata applied from earlier, and clutches at his left arm. Paradine climbs up to his feet, wiping his face checking it for blood. He stares across the ring and sees JVD standing there. A snarl fills his face and he rushes towards JVD, JVD quickly reacts and knocks his opponent down with a clothesline. Paradine scrambles to his feet only to be knocked down once again by another JVD clothesline. Paradine goes for a clothesline of his own but JVD ducks under it and as soon as Paradine turns back around turns it into a powerslam.

JVD stands up and throws his arms into the air. He makes his way to Paradine and starts to pick him up but Paradine grabs his arm and tries to lock in a triangle choke. Paradine is really showing his submission expertise, finding openings and taking advantage of them. JVD struggles but manages to free his arm and grabs Paradine’s leg, locking in a heel hook submission. Paradine starts to flail his arms in the air, looking for the ropes. He shuffles, scrambles, and finally finds the ropes.

The TapOut champion finds his second wind and motions for Paradine to get up onto his feet. Paradine struggles to stand up and gets taken down to the mat by a hard right by JVD. He gets back up quickly, but just as quickly JVD hits him across the face again sending him down to the mat. JVD kicks Paradine in the midsection folding him over. He bounces off of the ropes and comes running back with a crossbody. But Paradine catches him in mid air and re-adjusts, putting him into position for the PARAPLEX! JVD struggles and elbows his way out of the predicament and shoves Paradine into the ropes. He runs towards Paradine and sends him over the ropes with a clothesline.

JVD topples to the mat and Paradine goes crashing down to the unforgiving concrete floor. The referee checks on Paradine on the outside and then turns his attention to JVD and tends to him. Paradine gets up to his feet, using the guardrail as support. Out of nowhere Cody Williams comes into the picture and delivers a superkick that knocks him senseless. He picks his tag team partner off of the ground and rolls him into the ring. Cody looks out into the crowd, fixes his coat lapel and makes his way back up the ramp.

JVD and Paradine both make their way onto their feet at the same time, JVD and the referee unaware of what just transpired. JVD grabs Paradine by the head and places him between his legs. He hoists him up and locks in the cradle before driving him head first into the canvas with THE DOLLAR DROP!!! He immediately butterflys Paradine’s arms and flips over into a bridge, locking in the cattle mutilation. JVD starts to really wrench in the submission while the referee asks Paradine if he gives up. Paradine struggles for a bit longer, but the pressure is too much for him to handle..




The scene cuts backstage immediately after the conclusion to the bout between Nathan Paradine and James Von Drake. Paradine can be seen storming down a backstage corridor, knocking over equipment in anger over his loss. Katie Smith nervously steps into view and approaches him, raising her arm to touch his shoulder before he suddenly whirls around. Smith startles as Paradine shoots daggers at her with his eyes.

Nathan Paradine: “What? What do you want?”

Katie Smith: “Nathan, you just lost a very high-profile match to James Von Drake. Going into Infamous next week, how do you think this loss will impact your chances to win the sVo Championship belt?”

Nathan Paradine: “My chances? Dear Katie, I do not lose matches… I simply allow other people to occasionally beat me. Last time I checked, I was still the sVo Tag Team Champion. Last time I checked, I was still the number one contender. Last time I checked, people were allowed to have “off” nights, understand!? That’s all this was, an off-night! I’ve got other things to deal with, I do NOT need to be dealing with a no-status jobber like JVD on top of it all! Christ!”

Paradine immediately turns around again and walks off down the corridor, eventually disappearing from view. Katie blinks and then turns to face the camera.

Katie Smith: “This is Katie Smith reporting from backstage…”

The scene cuts back to the ring.
Samuel Amos vs. Sara Pettis”Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as Samuel Amos walks out and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring.

‘Flower’ by The Moby begins to play, as blue and white strobe lights flash at the entrance. Sara steps out from the back and waves at the crowd with a smile. She then jogs excitedly down the aisle, slapping hands with fans on either side along the way, before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring.

The sold out New York crowd looks pumped up to see the impending battle between two of the biggest sVo stars as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match up against Sara Pettis and Samuel Amos to get started! Pettis and Amos slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring until Amos dives forward and takes down Pettis with a head lock takedown. The fans cheer as Sara Pettis quickly leaps back up to a standing position before taking down Amos with a head scissors takedown.

Amos rises up to his feet with a look of shock on his face, but some big right hands from Sara Pettis back him into the corner of the ring. Pettis grabs hold of Amos by the arm and tries to send him corner to corner, however Amos reverses the attempted Irish whip and shoots Pettis hard into the corner of the ring. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd for Samuel Amos as he follows up with a big clothesline on Pettis in the corner of the ring.

Sara Pettis slowly staggers out of the corner of the ring holding her head, but Amos is straight back onto her by spinning her around to face her before dropping her down to the mat with a DDT. With Pettis down on the mat, Amos rises up to his feet again and taunts to the crowd, once again getting a mixed reaction from the New York crowd. Amos slowly pulls Pettis up to her feet by her trademark blue hair, before shooting her into the ropes. Pettis bounces back into the middle of the ring where she is slammed down to the mat with a powerslam from Samuel Amos, who wastes no time in making the cover on his opponent.



There are cheers from the crowd as Pettis manages to get her shoulders up off of the canvas and kick out of the attempted pinfall. Amos wastes no time in yanking Pettis up to her feet by her blue hair again, however as he does Sara Pettis counters out of no where with a jaw breaker! The fans cheer the move from Sara Pettis, as Amos stumbles backwards only to be caught with a springboard kick out of the ropes!

Both competitors are down on the mat as the referee checks on both Amos and Pettis before they slowly rise up to a standing position. Amos tries to gain his authority in the match with a clothesline on his opponent, but Pettis ducks under the arm of his opponent and grabs Amos by the back of the head. The fans cheer as Pettis slams Amos head first into the turnbuckle before taking him down to the mat with a reverse suplex!

Amos looks in pain on the mat whilst Sara Pettis taunts to the crowd feeling the momentum on her side. Amos pulls himself up using the ring ropes, but as he turns to face Sara Pettis he is taken down with a dragon screw leg takedown. With Amos on the mat, Sara Pettis drops an elbow down onto the knee joint of her opponent before rolling up to her feet. Pettis taunts to the crowd again before jumping into the ropes and hitting a lionsault onto Amos into a cover!




There is once again a mixed reaction from the crowd as Amos gets a shoulder off of the mat! Sara Pettis can’t believe that she didn’t have the match won there as she rises up to her feet. Pettis stands waiting for Amos to rise up to his feet, but as he does he suddenly grabs Pettis in a waist lock and takes her down with a German suplex! Pettis rises back up to her feet with a look of shock on her face, but Amos is there again with a modified fall away slam.

The momentum looks to have swung back into the favour of Samuel Amos once again as Pettis begins to crawl to her feet whilst Samuel Amos lays in wait. Pettis finally reaches her feet, but Amos pounces forward and lands a kick to the gut of Pettis, before planting her down to the mat with the ‘InfAMOS’! The crowd are on their feet for the finishing move as Amos rolls over Pettis to make the cover.




Amos’ music hits the sound system as he pulls himself up to his feet after that hard fought battle. Amos has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee and once again gets a mixed reaction from the crowd after coming out victorious in the battle of two of the sVo’s biggest names.

Night vs. Rey RosarioA whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a purple tights with black wrestling boots bursts onto the entrance ramp. A head of black dreadlocks stream off his head, tracing the man’s jaw. The crowd erupts as the sVo Hall-of-Famer stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seamlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as Rey Rosario comes out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Rosario enters underneath the bottom rope and sits down on the corner awaiting the match to start.

Night holds the sVo Championship belt in the air and gets a big cheer from the crowd before handing it to the referee who passes it to the outside of the ring. Rey Rosario snarls at Night from his corner of the ring as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this match to get started. Rosario quickly charges across and lays into Night with some huge right hands before Night is able to knock him away. Rosario rushes back looking for a clothesline on Night, however Night is able to duck under the arm of his opponent and lay into Rosario with some kicks from behind.

Night grabs hold of Rosario and shoots him into the ropes, before sending him down to the mat with a flapjack as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. The fans cheer the big move from Night, as he follows with a headlock takedown as Rosario tries to rise up to his feet. Rosario manages to roll out of the head lock, however as he gets up to his feet Night is there with some big forearm shots to send him backwards into the ropes. Rosario tries to get his hands up to block the punches, but as he does Night takes him down with an over the shoulder arm drag which gets a cheer from the crowd.

However the cheers turn to boos as Rosario rolls out of the ring to get away from the offence from Night. The sVo World Champion taunts Rosario to get back into the ring before sliding out of the ring after his opponent! Rosario sees Night coming and quickly rolls back into the ring, before jumping to his feet and stomping away as Night tries to slide back into the ring. The fans boo the clever actions of Rosario as he pulls Night to his feet and throws him hard into the ring ropes. Night bounces back into the middle of the ring and is hit with a back elbow from Rosario.

Night stumbles backwards, before being dropped down to the mat with a spinning elbow from Rey Rosario. Rey Rosario stands over Night and shouts at the sVo Champion, before laying into him with some mounted punches to his unmasked face. The crowd boo every punch until Rosario finally pulls Night up to a standing position. Rey Rosario loads Night up onto his shoulders, before dropping him into the middle of the ring with a Samoan drop! With the sVo Champion down, Rey Rosario hooks the leg and makes the cover.




The fans cheer as Night manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Rey Rosario shakes his head as he grabs Night by his spiked hair and lays into him with some big mounted punches once again before pulling him up. Rey Rosario uses his strength to toss Night into the corner of the ring, before stomping away on him with some big boots. Night tries to fight his way out of the corner, but Rosario scoops him up before tossing him down with a massive spinebuster!

Rosario shouts at Night to get to his feet, but the sVo Champion looks to be struggling under the offence from Rey Rosario who is looking dominant in this match! Night slowly pulls himself up to his feet, but Rosario pulls him up before tossing him down to the mat with a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Night looks like he might have been KO’ed as Rey Rosario once again makes the cover.




There is another big cheer from the crowd but Rey Rosario looks furious as Night kicks out again. Rey Rosario looks like he might have lost it as he jumps up to his feet and kicks the ropes in frustration. Just what does he have to do to keep the sVo Champion down? Rey Rosario makes his way over to Night, and pulls him up to his feet. Rey Rosario tries to throw Night into the ropes, however Night somehow counters and throws Rosario to the ropes. Rosario bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Night drops him with a ¾ facelock bulldog!

Night looks dead on his feet as he pulls himself up to his feet and stumbles over to Rosario. Night grabs hold of Rosario by the head and sends him down again with a codebreaker. The fans give a big cheer for Night as he pulls himself up to his feet by the ropes and taunts for the end! Rosario slowly stumbles up, only to be grabbed by the sVo Champion. Night lifts Rey Rosario up, before dropping him with the ‘Dreaming’ in the middle of the ring. There is a big cheer from the crowd as Night makes the cover on Rosario.




It looked like Rosario had the match won, but once again the ring general Night is able to pull out the three count and the win! Night slowly rises up to his feet and is presented with the sVo Championship belt. The fans give a big cheer as the weary Night raises the sVo Championship belt in the air after a hard fought victory.

Sheldon Hossteder (c) vs. Roscoe ShameThe fans in the arena boo as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.

Sheldon rides out onto the stage on his segway and starts waving enthusiastically to the crowd. as he makes his way to the ring he shakes hands and high fives everyone that he can. He gets in the ring and removes his shirt, bow tie and pants then patiently waits for the bell.

Sheldon Hossteder hands his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt to the referee who holds it in the air to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s match. Hossteder and Shame both stare at the belt as it is handed to the outside of the ring, and the referee calls for the match to get started. Shame makes his way across the ring but the champion lays into him with some big punches to get things started. The fans cheer on Sheldon Hossteder as he hits some big rights and lefts on Shame, before Roscoe Shame is able to cut him off with a knee to the midsection.

Hossteder doubles over in pain, allowing Shame to hit him with a big double axe handle to the back. With the wind knocked out of Hossteder, Shame grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. The champion stumbles out of the corner of the ring holding his face in pain, and Shame sends him down to the mat with authority with a full nelson slam.

Hossteder slowly begins to rise up to a standing position, but as he does Roscoe Shame bounces out of the ring ropes and nearly knocks his head off with a big boot to the face! The fans give a mixed reaction for Shame as he quickly makes the cover on the sVo Las Vegas Champion Hossteder.




There is a big cheer from the crowd as Hossteder manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat just when it looked like he might lose his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt. Shame shakes his head as he pulls Hossteder up to his feet and sends him hard into the corner of the ring. Shame follows up with a big clothesline in the corner of the ring on his opponent. Hossteder slowly stumbles out of the corner, but as he does Roscoe Shame shows off his power by scooping him into the air in a Gorilla press slam! With Hossteder down on the mat, Shame once again makes the cover on the sVo Las Vegas Champion.




Once again there is a big cheer from the crowd as Hossteder gets a shoulder up off of the mat! No matter what Shame throws at him, Hossteder looks determined to keep his title belt! Roscoe Shame looks like he is beginning to get annoyed with his inability to put away the champion as he pulls Hossteder up to his feet again. The crowd rise to their feet as Roscoe Shame lands a kick to the midsection before taunting to the crowd that it’s ‘Shame Time’!

Shame begins to lift Hossteder into the air to hit his finishing move, but Hossteder manages to counter into a brilliant cross arm breaker! The fans cheer as Hossteder looks for the submission victory to retain his title belt! Shame shouts out in pain whilst using his big frame to move closer to the ropes to break the hold. The referee asks Shame if he wants to quit, but he shakes his head before making one last big effort and reaching the bottom rope!

Hossteder breaks the submission move and rises slowly up to his feet, as does Roscoe Shame who holds his arm in pain. The fans cheer as Hossteder leaps up onto Shame and takes him down with an arm bar takedown. With Shame on the mat, Hossteder lays into Roscoe Shame’s right arm with some big kicks and knee drops before Shame finally pulls himself back up to a standing position.

Shame aims a punch with his good arm towards Hossteder, but Hossteder looks to have got a new lease of life as he ducks out of the way of the punch before taking down Shame with a side Russian leg sweep! The fans continue to cheer Hossteder on as he rises up and taunts to the crowd. The Las Vegas Champion looks to be on a roll as he manages to hit the ‘Flash Driver’ onto the big man! With Shame down, the Champion makes the cover on Hossteder.




At the very last second Shame manages to get a big shoulder up off of the mat to power out of the cover! Hossteder holds his head in disbelief as he rises back up to a standing position. Hossteder lays into Shame with some move big kicks, before standing in wait for Shame to get back to his feet. Shame slowly does rise up, but as he does he finds himself on the wrong end of ‘Defrag’ from Sheldon Hossteder! The fans cheer the big move from Hossteder, who quickly locks on the ‘Ctrl Alt Del’!

The fans continue to cheer as Roscoe Shame struggles in the painful move as Hossteder pulls back on his opponent looking to inflict maximum pain! The referee asks Shame if he wants to tap out, but before he has to Shame is able to make it into the ropes. The fans look dissapointed as Hossteder is forced to break the submission hold before it has a chance to put maximum damage onto Roscoe Shame.

Hossteder rises up to his feet and looks disappointed as Roscoe Shame uses the ropes to pull himself up. Hossteder looks for the ‘Defrag’ once again, but before he can hit the move Shame is able to counter with a big kick to the chest of Hossteder. Hossteder flies back into the ropes, before bouncing back towards Roscoe Shame. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Shame lands a kick to the midsection on Hossteder, before stepping over him and drilling him to the mat with a ‘Shame Time’! As Roscoe Shame drops down to make the cover it seems the fans don’t know whether they should cheer or boo!




It’s all over and we have a new sVo Las Vegas Champion! Roscoe Shame struggles to pull himself back to his feet after being pushed to the limit by Sheldon Hossteder, however as he is presented by the Las Vegas Championship by the referee he throws it up into the air in victory! As Showdown heads to its last commercial break, Roscoe Shame celebrates capturing the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in the corner of the ring!RINGSIDE

Putting Ink to Paper

The new sVo Executive in charge Victoria Isabella Prado is seen standing in the middle of the ring, in front of her sits a folding table draped with a black cloth, with three chairs behind it.

VIP: Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to make the sVo Championship match at Infamous official, with the contract signing by the three competitors. Allow me to introduce, one of the challengers, Nathan Paradine!!!


Queensryche’s “Sliver” begins to blast over the sound system as the lights dim. Nathan Paradine emerges from backstage dressed in a dark suit with his arms crossed over his chest, and as he throws them out pyro explodes from the stage and the lights return to their usual hue. He stares down towards the ring for a moment before starting to move, striding down the ramp without breaking his gaze. He eventually climbs up the steel stairs and steps into the ring, glancing at the head female in charge.

VIP: And his tag team partner, and the second challenger for the sVo Championship at Infamous, “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams!!!

The arena lights slowly dim, synchronized to the sounds of a THX Dolby Surround Sound Test. “Head Like A Hole” by Nine Inch Nails blares on the sounds system and the crowd in attendance erupts, standing on their feet in anticipation of their beloved superstar. Cody Williams emerges from the entranceway sharply dressed in a charcoal grey Christian Dior suit, a purple dress shirt, and tie, holding a stainless steel briefcase. He makes his way down the ramp and climbs the ring steps, climbing into the ring. He passes Nathan Paradine, bumping shoulders with him and walks over to Victoria and shakes her hand.

VIP: And last but certainly not least, YOUR sVo Heavyweight Champion, the one, the only, NIGHT!!!

The crowd erupt as “Knife Party” by Deftones blares over the PA as the arena lights fade, leaving only a purple spotlight glowing on the entrance ramp. As Night’s entrance video plays on the tron, the sVo Champion steps through the curtain with his manager, Akira Kimura standing to his left. The two men stand atop the ramp, taking in the atmosphere, the older man proudly patting his charge on the shoulder. Night is dressed in a sharp, charcoal-grey suit, the sVo World Title draped over his right shoulder. He holds the belt up triumphantly and the already deafening crowd grow even louder. Placing the belt back on his shoulder, Night starts down the ramp slapping hands with fans with his mentor in tow. As he reaches the ring he swiftly rolls under the bottom rope and up to standing in the ring. Kimura steps through the ropes as Night again holds up the belt, the pinnacle of the sVo as purple pyrotechnics erupt around him in the ring.

VIP: Thank you gentlemen for joining me, please take a seat.

The three of them stare each other down and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. They continue to stand, not taking up the offer to sit down and instead choose to stay where they are.

VIP: Or you can stand too, that’s fine. My first order of business as the new sVo Executive is to give the fans what they want, to bring the sVo to new heights, to bring the sVo back to the forefront of the wrestling business. And what better way to do that than to have the three of you wrestle for the game’s richest prize, the sVo Championship!

The crowd in attendance erupts, the sounds of their defeaning screams and cheers echoes through the venue.

VIP: Before we sign the contract and make this match official, I will open up the floor and allow you to make any statements you would like to make.

Paradine is the first to bite, leaning in and picking up one of the microphone that are propped up on the table. He lifts it up and raises it to his mouth, pushing his sunglasses up off of his nose and onto his forehead.

Nathan Paradine: I want you both to take a good, hard look at me. Night… our esteemed World Heavyweight Champion. Only two men have ever succeeded in holding that belt twice apart from you; Psyko Stevo and Mike Polowy. Both men helped shaped the sVo into what it has become and when this little federation that could reformed from the ashes a year ago you were the man to take the wheel and steer the ship out of the storm and into calm water.

He pauses for a few seconds, before turning his attention to his one-time friend, tag team partner, and other half to the tag team championship.

Nathan Paradine: And you, Cody Williams… what a saga we’ve had. Ours is a story spanning ten years and three different wrestling companies, multiple title reigns, several high profile matches and, ultimate, an ill-fated partnership. You’re the ying to my yang, the sun to my moon… the thorn to my side. I want both of you to realize that you’re looking at the next sVo World Heavyweight Champion. I am going to walk into Infamous a champion, and I am going to walk out of Infamous a champion. There’s not a single… damn… thing that either of you can do to stop me.

He tosses the microphone onto the table and pushes his sunglasses back down, flashing a smirk at his two opponents at the pay per view.

VIP: Night? Cody? The floor is all yours.

The sVo champion chooses to be the next one on deck and picks up the microphone that Nathan had just tossed onto the table. He lifts it up to his mouth and pauses for a second.

Night: I can’t think of two more worthy challengers for my first and hopefully not the last defense of my second reign as champion. Cody – you and I came to the sVo around the same time and both of us find ourselves here once more. Although you haven’t climbed the mountain yet and sat perched as champion, I think everyone here knew that sooner or later you would challenge. Regardless of the outcome at Infamous, I have no doubt in my mind that it is in your destiny to hold this belt.

Night switches his gaze to Paradine.

Night: Nathan – I may not agree with every decision you have made while here, for example your baffling decision to align yourself with the inevitable sinking ship that was The Company. It is your aggression and your determination which lead you to those decisions but it is also those qualities in you which have brought you here. I expect that, like Cody, you will bring everything you have to this match and will leave nothing behind in your pursuit of the champion.

The crowd cheers as Night, Cody, and Nathan all peer out into the crowd, nodding their heads at their reactions for the three of them.

Night: But I will also do everything in my power to make sure that I walk out of the pay per view the same way that I came in.. The sVo Champion!

The sVo Hall of Famer flips the microphone upside down and offers it to Cody. “The Reflection of Perfection” takes it from him and starts to pace around in place.

VIP: And that leaves you Cody, to have your statements be made.

Cody Williams: For years, I have climbed up the ladder rung by rung by rung, in hopes of being able to call myself World Champion once again. But everytime I get one step closer, I find myself taking two steps back.

He wipes the saliva from the corners of his mouth, taking a second to collect his thoughts.

Cody Williams: There have been many obstacles in my career that have kept me from fulfilling my destiny, but I have overcome them each and every time. And now, the only thing keeping me from becoming the sVo Champion are the two of you. Night, I have waited for years to get the chance to step into the ring with a well-seasoned veteran like you. And Nathan, everyone knows the history that you and I have and that just like that we can put on a show like no other can. But I will not let the two of you hinder me from finally climbing to the top of the ladder..

Cody tosses the briefcase onto the table and opens it up, revealing a hefty amount of cash to be inside of it. Night, Paradine and Victoria all have confused looks on their face.

Cody Williams: This is thirty thousand dollars cash that I am using to name the rules of our match at Infamous, and to symbolize the struggles that I have had while climbing the ladder to success, I am making this a ladder match for the sVo Championship!!!

The crowd in the arena erupt at the announcement of Cody Williams. VIP has a smirk on her face, pleased that Cody is taking this into his own hands. Paradine and Night flash smirks as well, nodding their head in approval.

VIP: Night, do you accept these stipulations?

The sVo Champion takes the pen from the sVo executive and pens his name to the contract, handing the pen back to her. He adjusts the championship belt on his shoulder and nods his head. Without further delay, Night signs the contract in front of him.

Night: It’s my honor to face you both next week. I know that the two of you will present me with one of the most hard-fought matches of my career – but know this… the title means everything to me, and I will go to no-less effort to defend it as you will to try to win it. Good luck to the both of you, I will see you both in Chicago.

Paradine snatches the pen from Victoria and scribbles his signature onto the binding contract as well. He tosses the pen at Cody’s chest and gives him an evil snarl.

Nathan Paradine: I ACCEPT!!! I would love nothing more than to take that sVo Championship that you hold Night and be able to claim it as my own.. And to have you Cody watch me as I climb that ladder rung by rung and snatch the belt for myself, spoiling your hopes and your dreams in the process!!!

Cody picks up the pen from the table and signs his name onto the contract as well.

Cody Williams: Nathan, it would be my pleasure to be the one to keep you from fulfilling your potential once again. I know I’m better than you and on Sunday I will prove to you once again why I…….. AM SECOND TO NONE! And Night, with all due respect you are one hell of an athlete and a champion, but Infamous will be known as the day Cody Williams became to NEW sVo Champion!

Victoria Isabella Prado examines the contents of the briefcase and closes it. She raises the contract with the three competitors signatures on it and smiles while she raises the microphone to her mouth.

VIP: Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it! At Infamous, it will be Night defending his sVo Championship against Nathan Paradine and Cody Williams in a triple threat ladder match!!! Thank you gentlemen for your cooperation and good luck this Sunday!!!

Nathan Paradine walks over to Night and gets in front of him. He points to the sVo Championship and motions around his waist that it is going to be his come Sunday. Cody cuts in between them and touches foreheads with Nathan. He turns his shoulder and points to the belt and then points to himself, before driving his index finger into the chest of Paradine. He swats his partners finger away and the two of them trade hard, cold stares. Night gets in between them and points to the two of them and raises the sVo Championship letting them and everyone know that this is what its all about. Standing behind them is the new and all too powerful sVo Executive Victoria Isabella Prado, who has a stern look on her face as if she is telling the three men to wait and save it for the pay per view this Sunday. There is a moment of stillness between the three of them, VIP tilts her head and points to the rampway, contract in hand and the briefcase held with her other. Cody backs up and rolls out of the ring, heading back up the rampway while still keeping his eyes on the ring. Paradine reluctantly then climbs outside the ropes and hops down to the concrete floor, motioning around his waist that the sVo Championship will belong to him. “Knife Party” by The Deftones hits the sound system as Night stands in the ring by himself. He makes his way to the nearest corner and raises the sVo Championship belt high above his head as his challengers look on.

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