sVo Showdown Episode #079
24th April 2011
Philips Arena, Atlanta, Georgia

“Natural High” by The Union Underground hits the sound system as the sVo Showdown entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Jay Wildman, Roscoe Shame, Night, Bobby Dean and Samuel Amos shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the flagship show of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.


The Era of Excellence‘The Fallen’ by Franz Ferdinand blasts out over the Philips Arena as the fans cheer the arrival on Showdown of sVo boss Jon Page. With rumours swirling on the internet all week, the fans look anxious to hear what Jon Page has to say to them as the boss, wearing a sVo branded t-shirt, poses on the top of the entrance ramp before slowing making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Page slaps hands of the fans at ringside before slowly stepping up the ring steps and climbing into the ring. Page is handed a microphone from Natasha Ortiz and slowly walks around the ring waiting for the crowd noise to die down.

Jon Page: “As I am sure you are all aware the sVo has been rocked this week by two pieces of bad news…”

There are loud boos from the crowd as Jon Page nods his head in agreement.

Jon Page: “As you now Jay Wildman has officially had to retire as an in ring competitor, and will no longer be able to defend his sVo Championship belt…”

There are more boos from the crowd as Jon Page once again nods his head.

Jon Page: “Due to the fact this information leaked online we were forced to call a press conference and announce the first ever sVo gauntlet for the gold match to take place tonight!”

There is once again a big cheer from the crowd for the prospect of the epic PPV quality match they will now have the chance to witness.

Jon Page: “But the sVo Championship will not be the only gold on the line in the gauntlet match. As you may have also heard from leaked reports online, the sVo Las Vegas Champion Reaper has also left the Company.”

There are more boos from the crowd as Jon Page is handed the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt from ringside by Natasha Ortiz. Almost on que a chord from the top of the ceiling attached to a hook begins to lower towards the middle of the ring. Page holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt up above his head before attaching it to the hook, as the chord then once again raises into the air.

Jon Page: “That’s right, anyone who can get that belt down during the gauntlet for the gold match will become the new sVo Las Vegas Champion!”

The fans cheer for the introduction of the ladder match element into the gauntlet for the gold match, with two titles now up for grabs in the same match!

Jon Page: “Tonight begins the start of a new era within the Sanctioned Violence Organization. A new and exciting era that is waiting for someone to step forward and lead us in our path of revolutionising this business. The open invitational was issued at the start of the week and twenty five men and women are backstage right now ready to step forward and seize the opportunity. What ever happens, the sVo will be a very different place by the end of the night.”

The fans cheer as Jon Page holds his hands in the air as his music starts back up again. Page looks at the Las Vegas Championship hanging from ringside before exiting the ring and making his way backstage.BACKSTAGE

Be Happy

A black limo pulls up the parking area of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The cheffauer hops out of the limo and he’s a bit familiar around these corriders. It was Jed, cheffauer of Colt Cooper. He opens up the back door of the limo and out comes Colt Cooper dressed in a Pink shirt. In bold blue letters it had Mr. Happy written across the front. He had on blue levi jeans and pink and blue sneakers.

Jed::”How you feeling Coop?”

Colt Cooper::”I’m feeling happy of course.”

Colt’s phone begins to ring and he answers quickly.

Colt Cooper::”Yeah i’m here…of course i’m going to enter the match….Hurry, drive safe.”

He hangs the phone up and puts it his pocket.

Colt Cooper::”After I’m done becoming World Champ I want you right here. Their is something very important I have to do.”

Jed::”What do you have to do?”

Colt Cooper::”Don’t worry. Just be happy ok.”

Colt closes the limo door shut and enters the Goodfellas Casino Arena where he was expecting someone, and some gold.BACKSTAGE

Confessions of a Hacker

Sheldon Hossteder is standing outside the office of Jon Page. He nervously begins flipping a ring of flash drives around his index finger as some flip a keyring. Finally steeling his nerves he opens the door.

Sheldon Hossteder: Excuse me, Mr. Page. I need to speak with you for a moment.

Jon Page: Ah, come in Sheldon, have a seat. What did you need to see me about?

Sheldon Hossteder: Well, as you probably know, the Jay Wildman’s retirement was leaked to the press before the scheduled announcement.

Jon Page folds his arms across his chest and glares at Sheldon.

Jon Page: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. It seems that wasn’t the only info that was taken from the sVo website. Some footage of Bobby Dean’s party was altered and also a photo-set of one Sara Pettis was removed from the servers as well. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?

Sheldon pulls at his collar nervously.

Sheldon Hossteder: Yeah, about that, I am responsible for all of this but in my defense, if it hadn’t been me it could have been several others that I had to fight off to get into the site first. Your security protocols are terrible. I came down here to offer you my services to bolster the security for your servers. If that is, I’m not fired for leaking that info in the first place.

Jon Page: I’ll give your offer some thought, as it turns out the leaking of Wildman’s retirement brought more mainstream press to the press conference so that was actually for the best. As for the rest of it, just don’t let that shit happen again or it may actually cost you your job.

Sheldon nods and exits the office.BACKSTAGE


Backstage at the Philips Arena we find Night in his locker room. Already dressed for action he sits quietly on a bench, his manager and mentor Akira Kimura paces nearby, his trademark grin for once replaced by a look of serious focus.

The silence is interrupted by a knock on the door – quickly followed as an sVo road agent sticks his head in through the door.

Road Agent: It’s time.

Silently, Night stands. As he does, Kimura stops pacing to stand in front of him, placing a fatherly hand on the former champion’s shoulder.

Akira Kimura: You sure you don’t want me out there?

Night, still silent, merely shakes his head ‘no’. The older man seems to take no offense and merely bows his head in response.

Akira Kimura: Good luck out there, fight with all you have – remember what you’re fighting for – you go prove to everyone you still have what it takes and you are far from finished here.

Again Night nods silently, patting his mentor on the shoulder before making his way out the door. As soon as he has made his exit he stops in his tracks as he runs into a familiar face. Fellow sVo veteran and no stranger to the Japanese wrestling scene… 220 – Cody Williams. The two veterans stare at each other, each looks focused but there appears to be no animosity.

Cody Williams: Night..

Cody Williams nods his head, acknowledging the presence of the former sVo champion and Hall of Famer.

Night: Cody – I can hardly believe how long we’ve both been a part of the sVo and have never had a chance to meet one-on-one. That was a hell of a show you put on with Ryuu a couple of months back.

Cody Williams: As much of a challenge it was facing your brother Nightmare, one thing is for sure.. He is definitely no Night. You’re right, I have been a part of the sVo since 2008 and somehow we have never crossed paths, until now.

Night: Still, we have the rest of the roster to contend with too it seems! Just know though, if you walk away with the strap tonight – I’ll try to be the first to challenge you for it – as much for the two of us to finally have a match as to try to win the title.

Cody Williams: And rest assured if one of us wins the title we are bound to face each other sooner or later – and we will finally be able to have the showdown that you and I and the sVo Universe have been waiting for. Good luck out there Night, I respect you as a wrestler and as a human being. But tonight is my night. I will be clawing and scratching to win that belt and I expect the same from you.

Night: Of course – best of luck to you too, Cody. I’ll see you out there!

Cody Williams: See you in the ring.

The two men nod at each other once more in a sign of mutual respect. They stand motionless for a moment before Cody finally breaks it and continues his walk towards the ring. Night watches him leave a moment before making his own way there.BACKSTAGE

Still Alive

Knock, Knock, Knock

The cameras swivel back and forth trying to get a view from where the knocks on the door were coming from.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Still no figure is sightable. Atlast the cameras sees the door open, but quickly it closes. The cameras get closer to the locker room the unknown person went into and the name on the door was none other than “Mr. Happy” Colt Cooper. The camera man places the camera down causing a thump and places his ear to the door to listen in on what’s occuring.

Colt Cooper::”You heard that?”

Colt walks to the door and opens it up. The camera man eyes glow up ass he shocked to see who he’s seeing .

Camera man::”It’s Matt Anderson and Colt..t..t…Colt Cooper.”

He quickly grabs his camera focusing everything on Matt Anderson and Colt Cooper. Matt Anderson grins at the camera enjoying being back in a company he helped out alot. Colt pats him on his back while smiling at the camera as well.

Matt Anderson::”You looked shocked. Thought I was gone, casted away?”

Just yesterday around the sVo a video came about saying something in the lines of what Matt Anderson said.

Colt Cooper::”How foolish of them boss?”

Matt Anderson::”How foolish of them to think that i’ll leave this buisness. Even if The Company fell Matt Anderson still holds the upper hand in the sVo. I still do, why? Because I still have Colt Cooper. He may look like a fucking homo, but tonight this will be sVo’s new World Champion. Tonight I will once again be back on top of this orginization. Right Coop?”

Matt turns looking Colt square in the eyes.

Colt Cooper::”Of course you will Matt. I’m getting everyone back for giving you the boot while trying to keep the sVo at it’s highest peak. To everyone who wanted to see you out. Even guys you recruited to be apart of the best thing to happen to sVo in The Company. Tonight I’m brining home that World Title Matt, and I’m not just doing it for me. I’m doing it for you as well. With all the names i’m hearing in the match I’m pretty sure it’ll be a complete onslaught, but in the end nobody will have outlasted me.

Clap, Clap, Clap.

Jon Page steps into sight smiling at Matt Anderson and Colt Cooper.

Jon Page::”Look at what we have here. Matt Anderson and his boy toy Colt Cooper. Funny I would see you tonight, oh I almost forgot the World Title is on the line. Colt, you entering the match?”

Jon Page laughs releasing some spit from his mouth that landed on the arm of Matt Anderson. Colt and Matt don’t say anything, they look at Jon Page in disgust.

Jon Page::”You know Matt, your office was kept really nice for a man as ugly as you. If you ever want to stop by, you know…ask for some help or anything. My door is always open. You know where I’m located.”

Jon Page walks off slowly with a smirk on his face. Matt Anderson wants to attack him from behind, but Colt keeps him in check.

Colt Cooper::”Relax. We’ll get him…we’ll get him.”

They enter back inside Colt’s locker room and everything looks the same. It’s been untouched.

Matt Anderson::”What’s this thing i’m hearing about sVo thinking of relocating. Well that guy Jon Page thinking of moving the sVo somewhere else. What is wrong with that guy? Why can’t he just see my vision?”

Colt Cooper::”What’s your vision?”

Matt Anderson::”Don’t worry about that. You worry about getting that World Title. Don’t let none of those motherfuckers who swear up and down that they killed The Company win that title, I don’t want anymore fingers touching that belt other than yours. You got that?

Colt nods his head while opening the door.

Colt Cooper::”World Title or nothing right?”

The scene begins to fade out on Matt Anderson who sits in a chair wit his eyes focused on the tv with the match ready to begin.BACKSTAGE

It’s Time

The scene opens up backstage in the locker room of none other than “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams. He is wearing a gold version of his normal attire, a sVo t-shirt, and has his sunglasses resting on top of his forehead. He finishes up taping his wrists, ripping the last piece of tape with his mouth. He pounds his fists into his palms and tilts his head from side to side.

Cody Williams: This is it Cody, this is your chance, this is what you have been waiting for.

He takes off his sVo t-shirt which he wears with pride as a proud member of the greatest wrestling organization and places it into his duffel bag. He then reaches into his locker and pulls out a familiar piece of entrance attire, his beloved fur covered shoulder robe that he hasn’t worn in years. But tonight was a special occasion, tonight was to be his shining moment,the culmination of an illustrious 13 year career. He throws it over his shoulders and adjusts it to rest firmly on his shoulders. He takes the gold chain and pulls it across his chest to clasp it into place. He lowers his head and closes his eyes, taking a moment to let it all soak in. His eyes slowly open and he looks over his right shoulder, staring at he clock behind him.

Cody Williams: It’s time.

He nods his head and pounds his fists together, getting himself psyched out for tonights festivities. He takes one last deep breath and marches towards his locker room door, locked and ready to go. This was his time, his moment, and he wouldn’t let it pass by him without putting up a fight.BACKSTAGE

V.I.PJon Page is making his way back smiling from his chance encounter with Matt Anderson. With such a big night in the history of the sVo he had to be everywhere tonight to make sure everything was going smoothly, not least his special guest who should be arriving any minute now, just in time for the action to start.

Jon Page: “Is she here yet?”

Page stared at the security guard as he spoke, making sure he knew how important this guest was. If the letters V.I.P applied to anyone in the world then it was definitely her.”

Security Guard: “Not yet Mr Page. We will contact you as soon as she arrives.”

Page nods his head in approval.

Jon Page: “Make sure you take her straight up to the executive box when she does. Remember get her anything she needs, I don’t care what it is. Our jobs and the future of the sVo depend on her having a good time tonight!”

The security guard gives a military salute to Page, before taking his position back at the entrance to the arena. With her taken care of Page could retire back to his office and watch the action unfold in the comfort of his leather recliner.

Everything over the last week had been falling into place nicely.
GAUNTLET FOR THE GOLD MATCHThe fans cheer as the action heads to ringside where sVo announcer Natasha Ortiz is in the ring with a microphone in her hand. Above her is the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt which is hanging from the ceiling and will be on the line for anyone who can retrieve it tonight! At ringside sits the sVo Championship belt, which the winner of the proceeding match will walk away with tonight!

Natasha Ortiz: “The following match is the gauntlet for the gold match for the sVo CHAMPIONSHIP BELT!!”

There is a big cheer from the fans that are packed into the arena and ready to see the beginning of a new era in the Sanctioned Violence Organization world.

Natasha Ortiz: “The match will start with two competitors, every ninety seconds a new competitor will enter the match. Eliminations can occur by pinfall or by being thrown over the top rope. When there are only four competitors left in the match, a single fall fourway match will begin with the winner being crowned the new sVo CHAMPION!”

“Ugly” by Mudvayne hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as former sVo star Angel makes his way down the entrance ramp as a surprise first entry into the match! Angel taunts to the fans as he walks down the entrance ramp before rolling into the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: “The first competitor, from Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Angel The Malignant!”

Angel taunts to the crowd as he waits in the ring for the next wrestler to hit the ring. There is a huge cheer from the crowd as “White and Nerdy” by Weird Al hits the sound system and Sheldon Hossteder rides out onto the top of the entrance ramp on his segway. Hossteder taunts to the fans before making his way down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Before Ortiz can even introduce him to the crowd the match is underway as Angel rushes across and nails him with a big right hand from behind! The fans boo the actions of Angel as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and Natasha Ortiz scrambles out of the ring.

Angel stomps Hossteder down to the mat before pulling him up to his feet and trying to force him up and over the top rope. However Hossteder is able to hold onto the top rope to save himself from an embarrassingly early exit, before knocking Angel away with some big back elbow shots. Angel stumbles away, and Hossteder is able to bounce off of the ring ropes before knocking him down with a big clothesline. The fans cheer Hossteder on as Angel slowly rises up to his feet only to be tossed down with a snap suplex from the superstar from Boston.

Hossteder locks on a rear naked choke as Angel begins to try and force himself up to a standing position, before throwing him hard into the corner of the ring. Angel hits the corner hard, but as Hossteder tries to follow up Angel is able to dive out of the way. Hossteder runs straight into the turnbuckle before Angel is able to follow up with a neckbreaker out of the corner. Both men slowly rise up to their feet and begin to trade some right hands as the countdown begins for the next entry into the gauntlet for the gold match!

“Ugly” by Mudvayne hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Angel’s friend El Locon sprints down the entrance ramp as the next competitor in the match. Hossteder looks stunned for a few seconds, before hitting Angel with some harder right hands to send him back into the ropes. Hossteder desperately tries to lift Angel up and over the top rope to stop him being on the wrong end of a two on one fight, but El Locon is able to save his friend with a shot to the back of the head of Hossteder. Hossteder holds the back of his head in pain before being back suplexed by El Locon.

El Locon and Angel bump fists before taking it in turns to lay into Sheldon Hossteder with some big stomps and kicks. Hossteder is finally able to rise to his feet, but he is quickly sent straight back down to the mat with a double clothesline! Hossteder looks in pain as El Locon and Angel remain on the same page by dragging him towards the ropes and trying to lift him up and over the top rope to eliminate him! Hossteder holds on for dear life as the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the match! “Headstrong” by Trapt hits the sound system and there are boos from the crowd as Sean Maverick slowly steps out onto the entrance ramp. Maverick seems in no rush to get down to the ring as he poses for the crowd before finally walking towards the ring as Hossteder tries to save himself from elimination at the hands of both Angel and El Locon. The man from Manchester finally rolls into the ring as Sheldon Hossteder is able to knock away El Locon and Angel with some big back elbows. Angel stumbles back into the middle of the ring where he is planted with a big spinebuster from Sean Maverick! With Angel down, Maverick moves forward and drops Sheldon Hossteder down to the mat with a scoop slam before El Locon runs at him and lands some punches from behind.

El Locon grabs the arm of Maverick and tries to whip him into the ropes, however Maverick reverses the move and sends El Locon into the ring ropes, before planting him down to the mat with a powerslam as he bounces back! As Angel begins to struggle up to his feet using the ring ropes there are boos from the crowd as Sean Maverick runs across and clotheslines Angel over the top rope and to the outside! With Angel’s dreams of becoming the sVo Champion over, Sean Maverick looks around at El Locon and Hossteder on the mat before rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope.

Angel is led away by sVo official Nick Jaxx on the outside of the ring as Sean Maverick reaches under the ring and pulls out a ladder! The fans rise to their feet as Maverick slides into the ring with the ladder before looking up at the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt hanging from the top of the arena! Maverick slowly begins to climb the ladder as the countdown begins for the next entry into the match!

“Head Like A Hole” by Nine Inch Nails hits the sound system and there is a pop from the fans as sVo Tag Team Champion Cody Williams steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Williams taunts to the fans before rushing down the entrance ramp and sliding head first into the ring. The fans cheer as Williams pulls Maverick down off of the ladder before knocking him down with a big spinning heel kick. As Hossteder begins to get up to his feet, Cody Williams rushes up a few feet of the ladder before leaping off with a flying head scissors takedown on Sheldon Hossteder!

The fans cheer the big move from Cody Williams as he turns his attention to El Locon. El Locon tries to struggle up to his feet but Cody Williams nails him with some big kicks to the midsection before taking him down with a ‘Pure Perfection’! The fans cheer the trademark move from Cody Williams as he pops up to his feet and taunts for El Locon to get to his feet. Cody Williams looks like he is ready to send El Locon flying over the top rope as he struggles up to his feet, but as he does Sean Maverick grabs Cody Williams from behind with a small package roll up!



Cody Williams manages to kick out at the very last second to save himself from being eliminated! Cody Williams rises up to his feet with a look of shock on his face, but as soon taken straight back down to the mat with a spinning neckbreaker from Sean Maverick. Maverick taunts Cody Williams to get up, but the fans cheer as El Locon bounces out of the ring ropes before landing a ‘Loco from Hell’ on Maverick! Maverick looks like he might have been wiped out by that move, but before El Locon can do anything about it Sheldon Hossteder takes him down with a ‘Defrag’! The fans cheer the big move from Sheldon Hossteder as he makes the cover on El Locon!




El Locon is eliminated from the match by Sheldon Hossteder just as the countdown for the next competitor begins! El Locon rolls out of the ring slowly as “Sinner” by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and DJ makes his way down the entrance ramp! The high flyer DJ jumps up onto the ring apron before springboarding over the top rope to land a kick to the face of Sheldon Hossteder. DJ lays into Hossteder with some big uppercuts as Maverick and Cody Williams both slowly rise to their feet.

Cody Williams runs forward looking for a clothesline on Maverick, however Maverick manages to duck under the arm of his opponent before scoop slamming Cody Williams onto the ladder! Cody Williams shouts out in pain as Maverick bounces into the ring ropes before dropping an elbow across the body of his opponent! DJ backs Hossteder into the corner of the ring, however Hossteder is able to grab the leg of DJ before trying to force him up and over the top rope! The fans cheer as Hossteder tries to eliminate DJ, however DJ manages to hang onto the top rope before knocking his opponent away with a rake to the eyes.

Sean Maverick pulls Cody Williams off of the ladder before setting it up in the middle of the ring just under the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt. Sean Maverick begins to climb the ladder towards the title, but as he gets half way up the ladder he is dragged down by Cody Williams. Williams nails Maverick with some big right hands before tossing him into the ring ropes. The fans cheer as Maverick bounces back into the middle of the ring, and is dropped face first into the base of the ladder with a drop toe hold from Cody Williams! Williams jumps up a few rungs of the ladder before nailing a leg drop across the neck of his opponent as the countdown ends for the next competitor to enter the gauntlet match!

“My Way” by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and there are boos from the crowd as the former sVo Tag Team Champion Chezina begins to make his way down the entrance ramp! The giant has to be one of the favourites in this match due to his size, and all four men in the ring stop and stare at the giant as he steps up over the top rope and into the ring. Cody Williams rushes towards Chezina, but Chezina knocks him away with a big headbutt. The fans boo the move from Chezina as Sean Maverick bounces off of the ring ropes looking for a clothesline on the giant, only to eat a big boot to the face.

Chezina pulls Sheldon Hossteder up to his feet and tosses him hard into the ring ropes before dropping him with a big clothesline. As DJ rises up to a standing position, Chezina grabs him by the throat and throws him down to the mat with a hard chokeslam! With DJ in pain Chezina grabs him by the hair and pulls him up to a standing position before placing him in position for a powerbomb! The fans in the arena rise to their feet as Chezina lifts DJ up into the air for a powerbomb, before tossing him right over the top rope and to the floor below!

The fans can’t believe what they have just seen as referees rush around to check on the status of DJ as Chezina looks down on his broken body! Can anyone stop the monster in this match? Chezina makes his way over to Hossteder and begins to hit him with some big right hands as he gets to his feet and the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the gauntlet match! Chezina fires off with some big right hands in the corner on Hossteder, but as he does Cody Williams and Sean Maverick attack him from behind! EMT’s rush down to check on DJ as “Last Resort” by Papa Roach hits the sound system and Rey Rosario steps onto the top of the entrance ramp!

The fans boo Rey Rosario as he slowly struts down the entrance ramp whilst Hossteder, Williams and Maverick all team up in an attempt to lift the giant Chezina up and over the top rope! Chezina looks to be using his strength and size to try and fight off the three men, but as it looks like he is going to survive, Rey Rosario rushes over and helps to tip Chezina over the top rope and to the outside to eliminate him!

Rey Rosario rushes around the ring celebrating as if he has just won the match as Cody Williams, Sheldon Hossteder and Sean Maverick slowly turn to face him! The fans cheer as Cody Williams waits for Rosario to turn around before running through him with a jumping axe kick. Rey Rosario slowly staggers up to a standing position, but as he does he is dropped down to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip from Hossteder! The fans cheer the big move from Hossteder, but before he can follow up he is grabbed from behind by Sean Maverick who drops him down with a sleeper suplex!

The fans boo the cheap shot from Maverick as Cody Williams dives over Rosario to make the cover, only to get a two count. Williams looks dissapointed as he lets Rey Rosario rise up to his feet before sending him into the corner of the ring. Williams runs at Rosario in the corner, however Rosario is able to get his feet up and knock Cody Williams away. Cody Williams slowly staggers away holding his face before being speared down to the mat by Rey Rosario who lays into him with some mounted punches.

On the otherside of the ring Sean Maverick is bringing the ladder back into play as a weapon as he picks it up above his head before dropping it down onto the body of Sheldon Hossteder. Hossteder looks in pain as Sean Maverick taunts him to rise up to his feet before sending him back down with a spinebuster onto the ladder! The fans boo as Maverick pulls Hossteder off of the ladder and makes a cover, only to get a two count. Maverick lays into Hossteder with some mounted punches as the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the gauntlet match.

“Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts over the sound system and there is a huge pop from the crowd as one of the favourites for the match steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp in the former of Nathan Paradine! The sVo Tag Team Champion signals to the crowd before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp. The fans cheer as Paradine slides into the ring and pulls Rey Rosario off of his tag team partner Cody Williams and shoots him into the ring ropes. Rey Rosario bounces back before being knocked down with a big shoulder block from Paradine! Paradine taunts to the crowd and gets a big cheer, but as he does Cody Williams slowly rises up to his feet. Cody Williams stares a hole in the back of his partners head, until Paradine slowly turns around and comes face to face with Cody Williams.

The tag team champions stare each other down, are they going to work together or imploded in the search for the sVo Championship belt? It looks to everyone that the Tag Team Champions are about to come to blows as they trash talk each other in the middle of the ring, until they both suddenly turn the same way and knock down Rey Rosario with a double superkick to the face! The fans cheer as Paradine and Williams seem to be on the same page as they make their way over to Maverick and Hossteder who are trading right hands on the mat. Paradine pulls up Maverick as Williams grabs hold of Hossteder. There are cheers from the crowd as they are sent down to the mat with a ‘Paraplex’ and ‘Picture Perfect’ respectively from the Tag Team Champions!

With Williams and Paradine on the same page is there anyone that can stop one of them from becoming the sVo Champion tonight? There is a mixed reaction as suddenly “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits and another favourite for this match steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Samuel Amos looks to have a serious look on his face as he stares down at the sVo Tag Team Champions and the broken bodies all around them. Amos looks out at the crowd before sprinting down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring head first!

Williams and Paradine immediately stomp down Amos as he tries to get to his feet. The Tag Team Champions finally pull him up to a standing position before throwing him into the ring ropes, but as he bounces back he slams into both of the them with a double clothesline! Cody Williams pops up to his feet but Amos nails him with a stiff back breaker. Paradine grabs Amos from behind and spins him around, but Amos nails him with a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Amos makes the cover on Paradine.



Cody Williams flies in to save his partner from the three count. Cody Williams pulls Samuel Amos up to his feet and sends him into the corner of the ring before laying into him with some big right hands. Nathan Paradine begins to make his way over to help out his tag team partner, but as he does he is spun around by Sean Maverick who plants him with his trademark ‘London Calling’ in the middle of the ring! The fans boo the move from Maverick, but as he taunts Paradine to get up he himself is grabbed by Rey Rosario. Rosario shoots Maverick into the ropes before dropping him down with a big Samoan drop as the countdown begins for the next person to enter the match.

‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the fans rise up to their feet in shock as the returning La Envida Mata steps out onto the entrance ramp! Mata sprints down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring to throw himself into the running to become the new sVo Champion! Mata hits some big punches to Rey Rosario before taking him down with an arm drag takedown. Rosario quickly rises back up to his feet, but Mata catches him with a dropkick to send him into the ring ropes. With Rosario in a precarious position, Mata runs and clotheslines him over the top rope!

Mata turns around to celebrate, but doesn’t even notice as Rey Rosario manages to grab hold of the top rope to stop himself hitting the floor. Rosario uses his strength to pull himself back into the ring before hitting La Envidia Mata with a clothesline from behind. Sean Maverick rises up to his feet and quickly makes his way over to the ladder. However instead of setting up the ladder to try and retrieve the Las Vegas Championship belt hanging above the ring he places it on his shoulders! Maverick makes his way around the ring swinging the ladder into the faces of his opponents! Rosario and Mata quickly get smashed in the face with the ladder before Maverick runs forward and takes out Williams and Paradine!

Maverick runs forward and smashes the ladder into the face of Sheldon Hossteder, before setting up the ladder in the corner of the ring. The fans boo loudly as Maverick pulls Hossteder up by the arm and tries to whip him into the ladder, however Hossteder is able to counter by sending Maverick hard into the ladder! The fans cheer as Maverick stumbles backwards before being nailed with a German suplex into a bridge by Sheldon Hossteder!




Maverick is able to kick out before the three can go down to show just how much he wants to win the sVo Championship belt tonight! Hossteder looks disappointed as he pulls Maverick to a standing position and hits him with some uppercuts as the countdown for the next competitor to enter begins.

Once again ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the crowd rise to their feet as La Envidia Mata’s old Corporation team mate Raven steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp to make a surprise return to the sVo ring! Raven quickly sprints down the entrance ramp and begins to lay into Rey Rosario with some big stomps as Paradine and Cody Williams slowly begin to rise to their feet. Paradine makes his way over to Samuel Amos and pulls him up to a standing position before tossing him across the ring with an impressive belly to back suplex. Amos looks in pain as Cody Williams grabs him by the legs before catapulting him into the ladder in the corner of the ring!

Paradine and Williams both try and lift the One Shot 2011 winner up and over the top rope, but Amos manages to cling onto the bottom rope for dear life and stomp himself from getting eliminated from the contest. As Paradine and Williams continue to try and lift Amos up, they are attacked from behind by the old Corporation team of La Envida Mata and Raven! The fans boo as Mata and Raven spin the tag team champions around and throw him into the ropes in stereo. Paradine and Williams bounce back into the middle of the ring at the same time and are both knocked down with some big back elbows from Mata and Raven.

Raven and Mata seem to be on the same page as they nod together whilst pulling Paradine and Williams up to their feet. The sVo Tag Team Champions look like they are about to be eliminated by the old Corporation team, but as Mata and Raven grab them by the back of the head and try and throw them over the top rope on opposite sides of the ring, Paradine and Williams both counter with hip tosses to send La Envida Mata and Raven down to the floor!

The fans cheer the big move from the Tag Team Champions who survive. With Hossteder, Rosario, Maverick and Amos all down the Tag Team Champions back away from the men they have just eliminated with big smiles on their faces before walking into each other. Both Paradine and Williams spin around ready to fight, but stop short of punching each other. There still seems to be some tension between the Tag Team Champions with neither man wanting to turn his back on the other, until “Remember The Name” by Fort Minor hits the sound system and the fans cheer as England steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp holding his Red&Black Championship belt in the air! England walks down the entrance ramp to throw himself into the battle for the sVo Championship belt as Paradine and Williams stand in the middle of the ring ready to receive him.

England holds the belt up one last time before climbing into the ring and being met with some big right hands from Paradine and Williams. England gets some unusual help in the form of Samuel Amos who grabs hold of Williams from behind and throws him into the corner of the ring. Amos hammers away with right hands on Williams in the corner of the ring as England takes Paradine down with a double underhook slam. Rey Rosario slowly rises up to his feet and begins to stomp away on Sheldon Hossteder in the corner of the ring.

The fans cheer on their favourite in the match as the six men in the match battle it out to try and get a step closer to become the new sVo Champion! England allows Paradine up to his feet and tries to force him over the top rope, but Paradine manages to grab hold of the ropes and fight his way away with some big kicks to the midsection of his opponent to kick him away. Paradine stumbles out of the ropes and lands a big elbow to the face of England.

As the six men continue to battle in the ring, “Last Resort” by Papa Roach hits the sound system and the fans boo as Chris Wrestling slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and taunts to the fans. Wrestling waves away the boos from the fans as he slowly walks down towards the ring and climbs in to throw himself into the hunt for the sVo Championship belt! Wrestling quickly runs forward and takes down England and Paradine with a double clothesline before turning his attention to Sean Maverick. Maverick lands some big right hands on Chris Wrestling, however Wrestling is able to duck under a punch and throw him across the ring with a belly to back suplex!

Chris Wrestling gets up to his feet and taunts to the fans before making his way and landing some right hands on the tired Sean Maverick. Chris Wrestling grabs hold of Maverick by the back of the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle, before taking him down with a back suplex. Chris Wrestling looks to be taking advantage of being the freshest man in the contest as he rushes across and lands a big kick to the head of Samuel Amos as he tries to get to his feet. Amos looks in pain as Chris Wrestling taunts to the fans before hitting a huge head butt on Sheldon Hossteder. With Hossteder down, Chris Wrestling grabs hold of Nathan Paradine and begins to pull him up and over the top rope!

As Paradine holds on for dear life, the countdown ends again and there is a huge reaction as “Ladies and Gentleman” by Saliva hits the sound system and Colt Cooper steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp to make a shocking return! Colt Cooper laps up the reaction on the top of the entrance ramp before ripping off his new ‘Mr Happy’ shirt and throwing it into the crowd. Colt Cooper looks pumped up as he sprints down the entrance ramp and slides head first into the ring.

Colt Cooper quickly rushes across and grabs hold of Chris Wrestling before tossing him and Paradine over the top rope! There is a huge reaction from the crowd in shock as Colt Cooper celebrates in the middle of the ring, but as he does Paradine manages to keep hold of the top rope and save himself from elimination! Chris Wrestling doesn’t look at all happy about being eliminated from the match as Paradine rolls back into the ring and runs into Colt Cooper with a clothesline from behind. Paradine pulls Colt Cooper up to his feet and throws him into the ropes, but as he does Colt Cooper comes flying back with a flying forearm onto Nathan Paradine to send him down!

Colt Cooper is grabbed from behind by Samuel Amos, but Cooper seems to have electricity flowing through him as he turns and begins to chop Amos hard across the chest! Colt Cooper begins to back Amos into the corner of the ring, but as he does Amos cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. Colt Cooper doubles over in pain, before Amos drops him on his head with a stiff piledriver! Amos rises up to his feet and fights off Sheldon Hossteder with some right hands as the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the match.

There are cheers from the crowd as “Last Resort” hits the sound system and Crippler makes his way down to the ring. Crippler is met straight away with some right hands from England as the Red&Black Champion tries to toss Crippler straight back out of the ring over the top rope! However Crippler manages to hang on before battling back with a head butt to knock away England. With nine competitors now in the ring everyone is in danger of getting jumped from behind as Rey Rosario lands a running bulldog on Nathan Paradine as he tries to get to his feet. Rey Rosario tries to pull Paradine up to eliminate him, but Cody Williams makes the save with a reverse face plant on Rosario. England is thrown into the corner of the ring by Crippler who grabs him by the leg and begins to kick at the knee joint.

Sheldon Hossteder slowly begins to rise up to his feet, but as he attacks Samuel Amos the former TapOut Champion comes out firing with some big right hands! With Hossteder being the longest man in the match so far, Amos knocks him down with a big right hand before stomping a mudhole in his opponent. Crippler pulls England away from the ropes before sending him down with a kneebuster. The fans cheer the move from Crippler on the Red&Black Champion, but as he stomps on his opponent there is a huge cheer from the fans as the countdown for the next competitor to enter hits zero and “Viva Las Vegas” hits the sound system!

Could it be?

Everyone in the arena turns their heads to the entrance ramp as footage of Las Vegas hits the V-Tron, but even after a few seconds there is no appearance on the entrance ramp. There is loud boos from the crowd and confused looks in the ring as the music suddenly cuts and the ninety second countdown begins again on the V-Tron.

As Crippler stares up at the V-Tron wondering what is going on, there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as he is grabbed by England and tossed over the top rope by the Red&Black Champion! England waves goodbye to his opponent as Crippler jumps to his feet and has to be restrained by the referee from getting back into the ring. The fans cheer as Colt Cooper grabs hold of Sean Maverick, who has been in the match for a long time, and throws him into the ropes. Maverick bounces back into a drop toe hold from Colt Cooper, followed by a rolling leg drop from ‘Mr Happy’. The former International Champion taunts to the fans, before being dropped with a German suplex by Nathan Paradine.

As Paradine hammers away on the neck of Colt Cooper with some big punches, Rey Rosario makes his way towards the Red&Black Champion and takes him down with a back breaker. The fans boo the move from Rosario as he waves away the protest of the fans as the countdown for the next entry into the match reaches zero again.

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as “Bring me to life” by Evanesence blasts over the sound system and the newcomer ‘The Enigma’ Kai Christianson steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Christianson stares out at the crowd before removing his sunglasses and throwing them into the crowd. Christianson sprints down the entrance ramp and throws himself straight into the mix for the sVo Championship in his first night in the sVo!

Christianson is met by Rey Rosario, as the former Las Vegas Champion catches him with a big headbutt. The fans boo the actions of Rosario as he grabs Christianson by the arm and throws him into the ropes. Christianson bounces back out of the ropes, but as Rosario looks for a back drop he is caught with a spinning DDT from ‘The Enigma’! Rosario slowly stumbles up with a look of shock on his face, but as he does Christianson grabs him from behind and sends him over the top rope with a reverse suplex!

The fans cheer as Rosario tumbles to the outside of the ring before looking up at Christianson with a shocked look on his face! There is a big cheer from the fans at the fact that the newcomer Christianson has managed to eliminate one of the most established stars in Rey Rosario! Everyone in the ring looks equally as shocked as Colt Cooper is the first to react, attacking Christianson from behind. Meanwhile Cody Williams and Nathan Paradine double team Samuel Amos in the corner of the ring as England and Sean Maverick trade right hands that can probably be felt all over the United Kingdom.

Colt Cooper tries to lift Christianson up and over the top rope, but Christianson manages to hang on as Rey Rosario continues to argue with the officials on the outside of the ring. Colt Cooper pulls Christianson away from the ropes before dropping him down to the mat with a spinning suplex. The fans give a mixed reaction to Colt Cooper as he lands a spinning leg drop onto Christianson before making the cover.




Christianson gets a shoulder up off of the mat which seems to enrage Colt Cooper. Cooper gestures for Christianson to get up to his feet before grabbing him by the back of the head and running him towards the ropes. The fans rise to their feet as Colt Cooper tosses the Enigma over the top rope, but Christianson lands on the ring apron! Colt Cooper quickly runs back at Christianson looking to eliminate him, but Christianson catches Colt Cooper with a knee to the midsection. The fans cheer as Colt Cooper doubles over in pain, and Christianson grabs him in a front face lock before suplexing him up and over the top rope and to the floor!

Not only has Christianson eliminated Rey Rosario in his first night, he has also taken out Colt Cooper! The fans pop as Christianson climbs back into the ring with a neutral expression on his face as everyone around him carries on brawling. However with the referees preoccupied with Colt Cooper, Rey Rosario takes his chance to grab a steel chair from ringside and slide back into the ring! The fans boo loudly as Rey Rosario cracks the steel chair across the head of Christianson sending him down to the mat!

Rey Rosario tosses the chair down on the mat and laughs at the downed Enigma before climbing out of the ring to huge boos and making his way backstage! Rey Rosario might have been eliminated by Christianson, but he might just have ruined his chance of becoming sVo Champion right there!

With seven people currently in the ring England seems to sense his chance as he makes his way over to the hurt Enigma and pulls him to a standing position. The fans cheer as the Red and Black Champion executes his trademark ‘British Bulldog’ finisher to take down Enigma once again! However before England can make the cover on Enigma he is spun around by Sean Maverick who lands the ‘London Calling’! The fans boo the big move from the Brit Maverick, but he doesnt have time to celebrate as he finds himself on the mat thanks to an ‘infAMOS’ out of no where from Samuel Amos!

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd for Amos, but he doesn’t look steady on his feet as he stumbles up and straight into a ‘ParaPlex’ from Nathan Paradine! The Australian submission machine looks pleased with himself, but then out of nowhere he finds himself doubled over in pain as his own Tag Team partner Cody Williams kicks him in the gut! The crowd look shocked as Williams plants Paradine with a ‘Picture Perfect’ in the middle of the ring! The bodies are piling up in the middle of the sVo ring, but Cody Williams is to preoccupied by the move he just hit on his own Tag Team partner to notice Sheldon Hossteder grabbing the ladder behind him! Cody Williams slowly turns around, only for Sheldon Hossteder to run straight through him with the ladder!

With everyone else in the ring down and out and Sheldon Hossteder standing tall with the ladder in his hands a smile begins to grow over his face. The fans begin to chant ‘Do it, Do it, Do it’ as Sheldon obliges by setting the ladder up in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer as the number two entry in the gauntlet for the gold match slowly climbs the ladder before reaching the top. Sheldon Hossteder’s hands brush across the Las Vegas Championship belt that was recently vacated by Reaper… before he is finally able to unhook it and pull it down from the steel ring! The fans pop as Sheldon Hossteder sits on top of the ladder and holds his new sVo Las Vegas Championship belt high in the air in victory!

With Hossteder now the Las Vegas Champion, can he go on to become a double champion tonight by also winning the sVo title?

Before Hossteder has a chance to dive down from the top of the ladder there are boos all around the arena as “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” The Offspring hits the sound system and AMP charges down the entrance ramp! The fans boo as Hossteder looks on in horror as AMP sports a huge smile whilst pushing the ladder over and tipping the new Las Vegas Champion over the top rope and to the outside of the ring!

The father of Sara Pettis looks delighted with his actions after eliminating the new sVo Las Vegas Champion! As the referees check on Hossteder on the outside of the ring, AMP celebrates in the middle of the ring with the rest of the competition laid out around him! AMP pulls England up to his feet, but as he does the fans cheer as England takes down AMP with a big snap suplex! AMP rises up to his feet with a shocked look on his face, but the Red&Black Champion is there again to drop AMP with a scoop slam. England bounces into the ring ropes and lands a big diving elbow onto his opponent!

As England rises up to his feet he finds himself grabbed from behind by Sean Maverick who nails his opponent with a low blow! The fans boo the move from Maverick as he smirks to the crowd before following up with an atomic drop onto England. The Red&Black Champion looks in pain as Maverick cockily taunts him to get up to his feet! England does slowly stumble up to a standing position, but as he does Maverick grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle! England staggers backwards, and Maverick spins him around ready for a ‘London Calling’.

The fans boo at the sight of the finishing move, but before he can hit it England counters with a go behind on Maverick! Maverick swings around to try and catch England with a back elbow, but England ducks out of the way and tosses Maverick over the top rope to eliminate his fellow Englishman!

There is a huge pop from the crowd for the Red&Black Champion as he poses for the crowd, but before the referees can get to him Maverick rolls back into the ring! The fans boo as Maverick grabs England from behind and takes him by surprise by tossing him over the top rope! The boos are deafening for Maverick as he jumps to the outside of the ring where he and England trade big right hands! The two Englishmen beat the life out of each other as the referees struggle to separate them on the outside of the ring.

With five men down in the ring the fans turn their attention to the entrance ramp as the countdown once again reaches zero. This time there is a huge pop as “Knife Party” by Deftones hits and sVo hall of fame member Night steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Night signals to his crowd, before running down the entrance ramp and throwing himself into the match. Night is met with punches from AMP which he knocks back, sending his opponent into the corner of the ring. The fans cheer as Night climbs up the first two ropes to hit a jumping kick to the face of AMP! AMP staggers out of the corner, and Night takes him down with a bulldog before making the cover.




AMP is able to kick out before the three count goes down. Night rises up to his feet and makes his way to the corner of the ring where Samuel Amos is pulling himself up. Samuel Amos looks for a clothesline on Night, but Night manages to duck out of the way before taking Amos to the mat with a full nelson suplex! Night is the only man in the match that doesn’t look out on their feet as he stomps away on Samuel Amos. Night tries to lift Amos up and over the top rope as the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the match.

As the countdown reaches zero there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as newcomer Mr E sprints down the entrance ramp! The masked wrestler looks like he is on a mission as he slides into the ring and goes straight after Night! Night is taken by surprise as Mr E spears him down to the mat and begins to lay into him with some big punches. Amos rolls away from the fighting pair and pulls the Enigma to a standing position before dragging him towards the ropes. Both men try and force each other over the top rope as Cody Williams rises to his feet and draws a cheer from the crowd.

Cody Williams catches AMP with a kick to the face as he struggles up before pounding away with some big punches in the corner of the ring. Mr E continues to brawl exclusively with Night as Paradine slowly struggles to get up to a standing position. Cody Williams grabs hold of AMP’s leg and tries to force him over the top rope, but AMP knocks him away with a back elbow. The veteran grabs Williams by the arm and whips the flashy superstar into the ropes, but Cody Williams counters with a float over an attempted backdrop into a knee smash to the back of AMP’s head!

The fans cheer the big move from Cody Williams who springboards into the ropes before landing a lionsault onto AMP in the middle of the ring! As Cody Williams slowly struggles to his feet the countdown reaches zero again and the next competitor looking for the sVo Championship steps onto the top of the entrance ramp.

There is surprise in the arena as ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool hits the sound system once again tonight and Juliana Torres steps onto the entrance ramp! The former Corporation member soaks up the cheers from her return to the sVo before making her way down the entrance ramp and into the ring. As Mr E hammers away with right hands to the unmasked face of Night, Torres catches Amos with a kick to the back as he lays into Enigma. Cody Williams cockily stands over AMP and taunts to the crowd, but the crowd rise to their feet as Cody Williams is grabbed from behind and thrown over the top rope by Nathan Paradine!

Cody Williams eyes look as if they are about to bulge out of his head at the actions of his co-sVo Tag Team Champion as Paradine turns around as if nothing ever happened and begins stomping on AMP! Meanwhile Torres pulls up Enigma and throws him into the ropes before taking him down with a drop toe hold. With Enigma down on the mat Torres bounces into the ropes herself before landing a diving dropkick to the face of her opponent! Can Juliana Torres go on to become the first women champion of the sVo?

Torres rises up to her feet and ducks under a right hand from Nathan Paradine before laying into the big Australian with some big right hands. Paradine staggers back from the blows of the punches as Torres backs him against the ropes, but as she tries to knock him over Paradine drops down to the mat and grabs hold of the bottom rope. Torres tries but isn’t strong enough to lift Paradine up and over the top rope as the countdown ends again and the next competitor makes their way towards the ring!

“Drop the World” by Lil’ Wayne blasts over the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as they rise to their feet for the entrance of the former sVo Champion Roscoe Shame! Shame slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring as Night pulls Mr E up to his feet before sending him down to the mat with a reverse leg sweep. Shame looks like an intimidating force as he steps over the top rope and runs through Samuel Amos with a big boot to the face! Amos hits the mat hard, but Juliana Torres quickly attacks Roscoe Shame with some big punches. Juliana Torres grabs hold of Shame and tries to throw him towards the ropes, but Shame uses his strength to pull Torres back towards him before lifting her high into the air with a military press! Shame uses his strength to lift Torres up and down above his head before tossing her like a missile over the top rope and to the outside!

The six other men in the match watch with awe the freakish strength of Roscoe Shame as he turns back to face them. Can Roscoe Shame become a two time sVo Champion like Mike Polowy and Psyko Stevo before him?

Shame runs forward and takes down Night and Mr E with a double clothesline. The fans give a mixed reaction towards Roscoe Shame as Enigma runs at him only to be slammed down to the mat with a massive powerslam! Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet, but as he does AMP quickly leaps onto his back with a sleeper hold. The veteran of the wrestling business does his best to try and wear down Roscoe Shame, but Shame is able to grab hold of AMP with his big arm and toss him off of his back into a modified side slam! Roscoe Shame looks to be living large and in charge in the middle of the ring as he turns his attention towards Nathan Paradine with some huge punches to the Tag Team Champion.

Shame backs Paradine up against the ropes before trying to force him up and over the top rope. Paradine holds onto the top rope for his life, before using his legs to kick away at Roscoe Shame. Paradine grabs hold of Shame in a front face lock in an attempt to try and force him up and over the top rope, but both men seem to be cancelling each other out! Suddenly there are boos all around the arena as from under the ring apron rolls Bobby Dean! Dean doesn’t even look like he is dressed to compete tonight as he rolls into the ring with a huge smile on his face! Dean grabs hold of Roscoe Shame’s legs and tosses him up and over the top rope!

There is confusion in the ring as Bobby Dean leaps over the top rope himself straight after Roscoe Shame and begins to hit his former friend with a flurry of right hands! Referees try hard to get in between Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean, but as soon as Shame gets to his feet Bobby Dean tries to high tail it through the crowd! Roscoe Shame quickly leaps over the security barrier and gives chance as security struggles to keep up with the former Tag Team Champions.

Meanwhile in the ring there is still carnage left from Roscoe Shame’s rampage as the countdown reaches zero and the second to last competitor to enter the match makes their way to the top of the entrance ramp…

“Flower” by Moby hits the sound system and there is a cheer from the crowd as the newlook sVo TapOut Champion Sara Pettis slowly steps out onto the top of the rampway with the sVo TapOut Championship belt around her waist. sVo TapOut Championship referee Brett Lukas is as always by her side with her title of course being up for grabs at all times! The fans cheer as Pettis makes her way down to the ring before rolling in under the bottom rope. Pettis lays into Mr E with some big chops across the chest before sending him into the ring ropes. Mr E bounces back and Pettis catches him with a double knee face smash to the delight of the crowd.

Sara Pettis quickly turns her attention towards Night as she backs him into the corner with some big punches. Pettis stomps away on Night as Nathan Paradine slowly makes his way up behind Pettis. Paradine pulls Pettis out of the corner and quickly locks in a reverse face lock hold onto the TapOut Champion! Lukas checks for any submission which might mean a new TapOut Champion as Night recovers in the corner. Meanwhile the Enigma grabs hold of the masked Mr E and sends him hard into the corner of the ring. Enigma follows up with a stiff clothesline on Mr E in the corner of the ring. Enigma still seems to be suffering the earlier effects of the chair shot from Rey Rosario as he drags Mr E towards the ropes.

Enigma tries to lift Mr E up over the top rope, but Mr E suprises him with a rake of the eyes. Enigma holds his face in pain as Mr E grabs him in a gut wrench before dumping him up and over the top rope! The crowd boo the elimination of the exciting new superstar as Mr E shrugs his shoulders to show how much he cares.

As Paradine tightens up on the submission only on Pettis, Mr E rushes across and begins to lay into Night once again in the corner of the ring with some big knee shots to the face. Pettis struggles to free herself from the submission hold, but help comes from her very own father as he nails Paradine with a knee to the back of the head before dragging him off of his daughter! AMP pulls Paradine into the middle of the ring before nailing him with a blatant low blow! Under the rules of the match there is nothing anyone can do about it as AMP leaps up and knocks Paradine away with a dropkick! AMP quickly turn his attention towards Samuel Amos as he tries to get to his feet and catches the One Shot 2011 winner with a low blow! The fans boo the constant cheating from AMP as he drops Amos on his head with a piledriver!

AMP rises up to his feet and waves away the protests of the fans at ringside, however as he does he doesn’t notice his daughter come off of the ropes and land a dropkick to his back! The fans cheer as AMP is flung forward and over the top rope! AMP looks stunned as he tries to grab the top rope and keep himself in the match, only for him to lose his grip and fall to elimination! AMP looks up at his daughter with a mix of pride and anger as she turns and stomps away on Paradine as he tries to get up. With five competitors in the ring there is only one entry to come as the countdown begins for the final time tonight…






“All My Life” by Foo Fighters hits and the fans boo as the former Company star James Von Drake steps out onto the entrance ramp. The 2010 Victory Cup winner waves away the boos before strutting down towards the ring. Von Drake climbs into the ring and goes straight after Pettis with some big right hands. Mr E pulls Night to his feet and sends him into the ropes, but as Night bounces back he lands a knee to the midsection of his opponent. Night looks for a jumping calf kick on Mr E, but Mr E seems to have Night’s moveset well scouted as he ducks out of the way before taking Night down to the mat with a side Russian legsweep.

Von Drake pounds away on Sara Pettis with some big right hands before knocking her down to the mat with a t-bone suplex. With Pettis down, JVD works over the back of his opponent before taunting to the fans. The fans respond with boos, but JVD doesn’t seem to care as he grabs the legs of Sara Pettis and twists them around into a figure four leg lock! Although Pettis can’t be eliminated via submission, it looks like JVD is looking to not only destroy her chances of walking out sVo Champion, but take her TapOut Championship as well!

Brett Lukas gets in close to the action as Pettis screams out in pain at the submission hold. JVD leans back even further to try and produce even more pain for the TapOut Champion. As James Von Drake leans back for maximum torque on the hold there is a loud boo around the arena as Sara Pettis slowly begins to tap the mat in pain! However as referee Brett Lukas acknowledges the tap out from Pettis, senior official Sherrod Beason dives across and counts a cover.




Not for the first time tonight there is confusion in the arena as James Von Drake rises up to his feet and is handed the sVo TapOut Championship belt by the referee Lukas! However as he does JVD is ordered out of the ring by Beason! JVD protests as replays are shown on the V-Tron in front of everyone. JVD had his shoulders down on the mat when pulling back on the figure four leg lock, and as a result has been pinned and eliminated from the match!

JVD looks stunned by the referees decision, and jumps forward to smash Sara Pettis in the side of the head with the sVo TapOut Championship belt for good measure! There are boos from the crowd as JVD is forced to exit the ring as Pettis staggers into the arms of Nathan Paradine! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Paradine tosses Pettis down to the mat with a massive ‘ParaPlex’! With Pettis down and in pain, Nathan Paradine makes the cover on Sara Pettis!




JVD smirks as he backs up the entrance ramp with the sVo TapOut Championship belt over his shoulder, thanks to him hitting her with the belt after he was eliminated Sara Pettis has been screwed out of her shot at the sVo Championship belt!

With the final four competitors in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung to signal the start of the single fall fatal fourway match to determine the new sVo Champion amongst the final four gauntlet for the gold survivors: Nathan Paradine, Mr E, Night and Samuel Amos!
Nathan Paradine vs. Mr E vs. Night vs. Samuel AmosWith Nathan Paradine, Night, Mr E and Sanuel Amos all sitting in opposite corners of the ring having survived so far in the gauntlet for the gold match, all four men stare across the ring at each other knowing that they are only one pinfall away from becoming the new sVo Champion. All four men slowly rise to their feet at the same time and the crowd roar in approval. As if they have all had a burst of energy they all rush forward and pair off to hit each other with big right hands.

Night and Mr E renew their brawl as Mr E knocks back Night with some big right hands, only for Japan’s favourite son to come back with some right hands of his own. Night whips Mr E into the ropes, but Mr E spears him down to the mat before laying into him with a flurry of rights and lefts. Meanwhile Nathan Paradine chops Samuel Amos across the chest as Amos responses with some straight right hands. Paradine is able to duck under the arm of Amos and grab him in a wrist lock, only for Amos to use his brawling skills to fight out with some big back elbows.

Amos grabs hold of Paradine and throws him into the ring ropes before bouncing into the ropes himself. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Amos catches Paradine with a Lui Thesz press in the middle of the ring before laying into his opponent with some big punches. Paradine fights his way up to a standing position but Amos seems to be growing in strength as he hits Paradine with some wild elbow shots to the head. Amos backs Paradine into the corner of the ring, but as Amos grabs him by the back of the head the Australian is able to use his technical ability to go behind on Amos and grab him in a waist lock. The fans cheer as Paradine sends Amos down with a stiff backbreaker out of the corner of the ring.

Mr E allows Night up to his feet before landing a big head butt to have him staggering backwards. With Night unsteady on his feet, the mystery newcomer Mr E bounces into the ring ropes before landing a big clothesline on Night. Mr E, who seems to have had a problem with Night all night, stomps away on the unmasked superstar before finally allowing him up to his feet. Night looks unsteady as he stumbles into a scoop slam from Mr E. The fans boo Mr E as he bounces into the ring ropes and hits a big elbow drop onto Night before making the cover on the member of the hall of fame.



Just when it looked like Mr E might be walking out as the sVo Champion, Night gets a shoulder up off of the mat. The fans cheer the big kick out from Night as the masked Mr E shakes his head. Mr E pulls Night up to his feet before landing some big right hands to send him into the corner of the ring. The fans continue to boo Mr E’s relentless attacks on Night as he grabs him in a front face lock before lifting him onto a sitting position on the turnbuckle. It looks as if Mr E is ready to superplex Night off of the top rope, but before he even gets the chance Night counters with a Tornado DDT! The fans pop for the big move from Night as he and Mr E lay on the mat in pain!

On the otherside of the ring Amos is also in pain as he tries to get up to his feet whilst Paradine works over his back with some big kicks and stomps. Amos tries to drag himself up using the ropes, but Paradine pulls him away from the ropes before sending him back down to the mat with a half nelson suplex. With Amos on the mat the fans cheer as Paradine locks in a camel clutch submission hold! Amos screams out in pain as Paradine continues to target his back as Amos reaches out in vain for the bottom rope.

Nathan Paradine looks relentless in his quest for the sVo Championship belt as he pulls back even further on the camel clutch submission hold as Amos squirms to get feet. Amos is finally able to make it to the ropes and uses brute strength to pull himself up to a standing position. However Paradine is straight back on him with some club like right hands before pulling him away from the ropes. Paradine quickly grabs Amos around the waist and throws him backwards like he has just been ejected out of a moving car with a belly to back suplex. Amos squirms in the mat in pain until Paradine slides across to hook his leg and make the cover.




Samuel Amos shows just how much this sVo Championship belt means to him by getting a shoulder off of the mat just in time! Paradine grits his teeth in anger having believed he had the title won there, before pulling Amos up and hitting him with some clubbing blows to the face.

Night and Mr E slowly begin to rise to their feet in unison, with Night throwing some tired right hands in the direction of Mr E. Night throws a big right hand in his direction, but Mr E ducks under the punch and catches Night with a spinebuster! The fans boo the move, but as Mr E hits it he turns his focus towards Paradine and Amos! Mr E rushes across and takes down both Amos and Paradine with a running double bulldog! With all three men down on the mat the masked Mr E rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans! Can he become the new sVo Champion tonight?

Nathan Paradine is the first man up to his feet as he pulls himself up using the ring ropes, but as he does Mr E runs and clotheslines him over the top rope. With no more eliminations Paradine hits the floor hard, and Mr E climbs out of the ring to the outside to follow him. Paradine slowly rises up to his feet and looks tired having been in the match a long time, but Mr E shows no mercy as he slams him head first into the security barrier.

Back in the ring Samuel Amos pulls himself up to his feet and sees Night laying alongside him! The fans rise to their feet knowing we could have a new sVo Champion right here as Amos rolls over the body of Night to make the cover!




Such a close near fall, but Night manages to kick out at the very last second! Amos can’t believe it as he slowly rises up to his feet and looks down at the only man in the sVo hall of fame. Amos grabs the Japanese warrior by the hair and pulls him up to a standing position. Night looks unsteady on his feet as Amos shoots him into the ropes before sending him down to the mat with a big back body drop as he bounces back. The crowd boo as Amos stomps away on the body of Night as he tries to get up to his feet.

On the outside of the ring Mr E pulls Nathan Paradine up to a standing position before tossing him hard into the steel ring steps. Paradine’s shoulder hits the steps first and the Australian submission expert looks in pain as he holds it. The masked Mr E shows no mercy as he lays into his opponent with some move kicks to the face before pulling him up to a standing position. The ring announcers scatter as Mr E slams Paradine face first onto the announcers table before taunting to the fans.

The fans respond with boos in the direction of the masked Mr E, but he doesn’t seem to care as he pulls Paradine up onto the table before climbing on himself! With Paradine laying prone on the announcers table, Mr E stands above him taunting before taking a step left onto the security guard rail! The fans rise to their feet as Mr E looks like he is going to leap off of the security barrier onto Paradine on the table! However as Mr E taunts to the crowd Nathan Paradine takes advantage by using his lasp bit of energy to rise to his feet! The crowd cheer as Paradine steps alongside Mr E on the guardrail and grabs him, before tossing him backwards with a ‘ParaPlex’ through the announcers table!

The fans pop as Mr E and Nathan Paradine lay motionless in the wooden wreckage of the announcers table! Night and Amos both look at the scene for a few seconds knowing that it is likely Paradine and Mr E have just taken themselves out of contention as they lay in the wreckage of the broken table. The pause doesn’t last long as Amos nails Night with a big right hand before Night returns one of his own. The fans cheer as Night and Amos trade big punches in the middle of the ring, with the stronger Amos coming out on top.

The fans boo as Amos taunts for a ‘infAMOS’ onto Night, however Night shows great skill to reverse it into a sit out powerbomb! Amos struggles up to a standing position, but Night is there again with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of his opponent. Night backs Amos into the corner of the ring before grabbing him by the arm and sending him corner to corner. Amos hits the opposite corner of the ring hard and stumbles out before being taken down to the mat with a drop toe hold from Night. With Amos down on the mat Night follows up with some quick knee strikes.

With Amos down on the mat, the fans cheer as Night rises to his feet and looks to the corner of the ring! The fans rise to their feet as Night slowly begins to scale the turnbuckle until he is crouched on the top rope! With Amos still down, Night leaps from the top and lands an amazing 450 splash on Samuel Amos! With Amos, Paradine and Mr E all down, it looks like this is all over as Night crawls over Samuel Amos to pick up his second sVo title win!





Amos kicks out! Amos kicks out!

Night and the rest of the arena look in shock as somehow Samuel Amos’ shoulder comes shooting off of the mat before the three is counted by the referee!

Night staggers up to a standing position holding his own ribs after the amazing 450 splash from the top rope. The fans cheer on the only former sVo Champion left in the match as he stumbles over to Samuel Amos and pulls him up to a standing position. Night taunts for the end of the match, before grabbing Samuel Amos onto his shoulders for the ‘Dreaming’!

The fans pop for the sight of the move, but as Night begins to spin to hit the move, Amos somehow jumps down onto his feet! With one swift move Amos nails Night with a low blow before dropping him in the middle of the ring with the ‘infAMOS’! The crowd are in shock as both Amos and Night lay in the middle of the ring. Amos slowly begins to crawl and inch his body closer to Night’s, before draping an arm over the body of the hall of fame member.




Just as the referee was about to slam his hand down on the mat for the three count, Nathan Paradine grabs Samuel Amos by the foot and pulls him off of Night! The sVo Championship was one second away from being won by Samuel Amos, and he looks mad with Nathan Paradine as he pulls himself up to a standing position. Amos bursts forward looking for a clothesline, but Paradine ducks out of the way. Amos spins around, but as he does he gets tossed across the ring with a ‘ParaPlex’! The fans cheer the move from the sVo Tag Team Champion as he stands tall in the middle of the ring with everyone else down around him!

Mr E slowly begins to stir from the wreckage of the table as Paradine focuses in on Samuel Amos as he tries to rise up to his feet. Paradine quickly leaps forward and locks Amos into the ‘Mark of Judas’! The fans cheer for the big submission move as Paradine looks for victory and his first sVo Championship belt! Amos shouts out in pain as Paradine tries to force him into so much pain he has to give away his dream of becoming the sVo Champion! The referee asks Amos if he would like to quit and he screams no, but a few more seconds and he will have no choice and we will have a new sVo Champion!

The referee once again asks Amos if he wants to quit, and this time there is some hesitation from the former TapOut Champion. The referee asks once again if he wants to quit, but just when it looks like Amos is going to have to throw away his dreams of becoming champion, the x factor in the match comes flying off of the turnbuckle in the former of Mr E with a diving elbow onto Nathan Paradine and Samuel Amos to break the hold!

Paradine holds his body in pain as he rises up to a standing position, but as he does Mr E slams him down to the mat with a gutbuster. The fans give a mixed reaction to the masked Mr E as he once again turns his attentions towards Night. Mr E laughs from behind the mask as he dances across the ring before catching Night with a big superkick to the face!

Night looks like he could have been knocked out from that move as he hits the mat hard in a daze. With all three men down around him, Mr E jumps down onto Night to make the cover!





Just when everyone in the arena thought that the masked Mr E was the new sVo Champion, Night gets a shoulder off of the mat! The anger is obvious, even through the mask of Mr E as he rises up to his feet and kicks away at Night’s body. However as he does Nathan Paradine grabs him from behind and spins him around! The fans cheer as Mr E is thrown into the ropes before being tossed down with a double knee back breaker from Paradine! The momentum in the match all seems to be with Nathan Paradine as he shouts at Mr E to get to his feet. Mr E slowly does, but before Nathan Paradine can do anything he is nailed with a low blow from behind by Samuel Amos!

Paradine looks around in horror as Amos rises up to his feet before planting Nathan Paradine with an ‘infAMOS’! Paradine is down and possibly out, and now it looks like Amos is in the driving seat! Amos lays into Mr E with a flurry of right hands to send him into the ropes, before nailing him with a knee to the midsection. Mr E looks shaky on his feet as Samuel Amos pulls his head down before slamming him head first with a piledriver!

That move could have broken the neck of Mr E right there, but Samuel Amos doesn’t seem finished yet as he taunts to the fans and then to Mr E to get up! E slowly does pull himself up to his feet, but Samuel Amos is there to toss him into the ropes. Amos bounces into the ropes himself, but as Mr E and Amos meet in the middle of the ring they both have the same idea as they collide with a double clothesline on each other! Mr E and Amos look in pain at the way they have fallen, as the fans cheer Night slowly pulling himself up to his feet using the ring ropes. Night slowly surveys the carnage at ringside, before grabbing the top rope in the nearest corner and pulling himself onto the turnbuckle. There is a big cheer from the crowd as Night steadies himself before flying from the top rope with a ‘SSP’ onto Mr E!

The fans are on their feet from the amazing move as it connects with Mr E! Night looks like he might have suffered broken ribs himself as he crawls and drops down over the body of Mr E to make the cover.


Nathan Paradine begins to stir..


Samuel Amos dives across…


Paradine tries to break the cover…


Paradine and Amos try to break the cover in vain, but they are a fraction of a second too late as the referee counts the three and the gauntlet for the gold is all over! The fans rise to their feet to cheer the four men that have given it all they had, but the sVo has a new champion in the form of Night!

Night slowly and painfully rises up to his feet using the referee for support. Night is handed the sVo Championship belt, and he looks into it for a long time, before painfully rising it above his head to a huge cheer from the crowd. As Mr E bails out of the ring, Paradine and Amos sit exhausted in opposite corners of the ring knowing they came so close to winning the big one themselves. Knowing there own moment is only just around the corner, Paradine and Amos slowly exit the ring as “Knife Party” by Deftones blasts over the sound system and Night stumbles to the corner of the ring before holding the sVo Championship belt in the air to a huge cheer from the crowd.

Night poses in the corner of the ring with the sVo Championship belt with the new era of the Sanctioned Violence Organization kicking off just as the last one had, with Japan’s favourite son as it’s champion….

… but as a lone woman with a smart suit watches and smiles the celebrations of the crowd and new champion from the height of the executive box, just how long can Night keep hold of the belt with Nathan Paradine, Samuel Amos, Cody Williams, Sara Pettis and Roscoe Shame hot on his trail?

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