sVo Showdown Episode #068
23rd January 2011
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada

“Natural High” by The Union Underground hits the sound system as the sVo Showdown entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Roscoe Shame, Night, Bobby Dean and Grimnir shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the flagship show of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area. The fans look pumped up for tonight’s action, where every match will be booked on the spin of a roulette wheel!

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.

LAST WEEK ON SHOWDOWN #67Samuel Amos leaves Jay Wildman in the wind during their Tag Team match, but the World Heavyweight Champion is saved by an old face….

The fans pop at the finishing move from the World Champion, but after the brutal beat down he looks too exhusted to follow it up as both Wildman and Chezina lay on the mat in pain! The two wrestlers slowly begin to crawl towards their own corners, and the race is on with the next tag looking to be crucial in the eventual outcome of this match up! Chezina uses his size to reach out and slap the hand of his monster partner Chivo. However on the opposite side of the ring, as Wildman reaches out to tag out to Amos, the One Sot 2011 winner pulls his hand away!

The fans boo loudly as Wildman looks up in disbelief as Amos jumps off of the ring apron with a smirk on his face! Wildman is suddenly grabbed by Chivo by the legs and pulled into the middle of the ring. Amos slowly begins to make his way up the entrance ramp backwards, watching the action in the ring with a smile on his face as Wildman is lifted into the air with one hand by Chivo, and thrown down to the mat with a devastating chokeslam! The fans boo the move as Amos reaches the top of the entrance ramp with a big smile on his face, but all of a sudden there is confusion in the arena as Amos is grabbed from behind…. by GRIMNIR!

‘But I thought Wildman was Grimnir?’

From the look on the fans faces, it is obvious everyone has the same question on their lips as Grimnir nails Amos from behind with some big punches, each one sending him tumbling down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos is then grabbed by the trunks by Grimnir, and tossed into the ring under the bottom rope! The fans cheer the masked enigma, as he leaps over the security barrier as he did at Seasons Beatings 2010, and disappears into the crowd!

In the ring all hell seems to be breaking loose as Chivo stomps away on Jay Wildman, whilst Chezina jumps into the ring to deal with Samuel Amos! The referee seems to be trying but failing to restore order as Chezina knocks down Amos with a big right hand, whilst Chivo leaves the bloody of Jay Wildman and jumps out of the ring. The fans boo loudly as Chivo grabs two folding chairs from ringside, and tosses them both into the ring. Chivo then rolls into the ring himself and picks up one of the chairs. The fans boo loudly as they see what is about to happen, as Chezina picks up the other chair.

The sVo Tag Team Champions wait with a smirk on their faces, as Samuel Amos and Jay Wildman slowly begin to pull themselves to their feet, almost in stereo. The referee warns them not to do it, but they don’t seem to care as the two giants slam the steel hard into the faces of Amos and Wildman! The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung as Wildman and Amos lay in the middle of the ring looking like they might have been knocked out by the vile chair shots from the Tag Team Champions. Chezina and Chivo Rodriguez grab their Tag Team Championship belts from ringside before slowly making their way up the rampway having accomplished their mission, as sVo Showdown heads off of the air as the camera focus on the bloodied faces of sVo World Champion Jay Wildman and the #1 contender Samuel Amos laid out in the middle of the ring.RINGSIDE

Fun & Games“End of Line” plays over the PA system as the house lights go dark. Jay Wildman appears at the entrance with a few bandages on his head and makes his way towards the ring, walking over to the stairs and quickly making his way up. As he steps into the ring, he motions for a mic from ringside. As the mic is tossed at him, he paces back and forth with the belt around his waist and his gray suit jacket and green tie sways as he steps. He stops in the middle of the ring and looks at the camera, bringing the mic to his lips.

Wildman – It seems I can’t even trust the great Samuel Amos to hold up his end of the bargain. Not only did he have the gall to leave while we were taking on the Tag team title holders but he hoped they would soften me up a bit as well. You hoped the two of them would do your job for you, hoped you would be able to use a major injury so you could steal this title from me. I planned for your betrayal, as you could tell from the fists of Grimnir pounding you before tossing you back in the ring.

The crowd cheers at Grimnir’s name but Wildman continues.

Wildman – Amos, there are a lot of things I can tolerate in this world. I put up with people obsessed with being perfect, I put up with bosses trying to stab me in the back and leave me out to die on the vine. Hell, I even dealt with my own mental instability. There is one thing I will NEVER tolerate, a schemer. You come out here and claim you’re worthy. You would do anything to hold this title. I’m here to tell you I’m not making this easy on you. You want this so bad, you’re going to have to actually fight me and not let others do the work for you.

Wildman reaches around and unbuttons the title, taking it off and holding it up to the camera.

Wildman – Do you think The Company gives a crap about the wrestler holding this belt? Do you think you can stand on your own against the endless challengers when you can’t even stand up to me in a simple tag team match? Are you so scared you can’t even fight your own battles, Amos? You’d better be scared. You better hope something happens to me soon because I plan on ending this little game you think you’re playing. You’re screwing with the master of mind games. I’ve done more mindscrews than you have cuddled with your spouse. It started last week and it won’t end at Destiny. Oh no, you will feel the pain, crossing me like you did.

Wildman slings the title over his shoulder, his face now flush with anger.

Wildman – Come find me, Amos. Make an example before Destiny. I swear to you it’ll be the last thing you do.

Wildman drops the mic and rolls out of the ring, grasping the title as it’s slung over his shoulder. He makes his way towards the entrance, stopping to look out over the crowd once. However as he does there is a huge boo from the crowd as behind the curtain steps Samuel Amos with a steel chair in his hands! Amos smashes the chair into the back of Jay Wildman, sending the World Heavyweight Champion down to the floor. The One Shot 2011 winner Amos looks out at the crowd with a smirk on his face, before trash talking the downed World Champion after the sneak attack!BACKSTAGE

The Name Game

The scene opens up to the back stage area where we see Nathan Paradine and Cody Williams standing around in their locker room. Both are wearing slacks, a vest, and an open collar button up shirt. Paradine removes the Las Vegas championship fromm his shoulder and places it on the shelf in his locker.

Cody Williams: Cut me some slack man, I don’t see you trying to come up with a name.

Nathan Paradine: Yeah well I don’t see you with your TapOut championship anymore..

Cody Williams: Hey, hey, hey.. Watch it! I was viciously attacked by Colt Cooper and DJ and when Nightmare put me into the Nightmare Sleeper I had nothing to do but to tap.

Paradine nods his head and raises his hands in front of his new tag team partner.

Nathan Paradine: Alright, alright. I apologize. Go on.

Cody Williams: ..Since you and I have deep roots in Japanese wrestling what if we called ourselves Team Puro.

Nathan Paradine: …

He looks at the facial expression on the face of his Australian counterpart and sees that he is not too fond of that particular name.

Cody Williams: Alright, how about Strong Style Spirit?

Nathan Paradine: Ehhh…

Cody Williams: Strong Style?

Nathan Paradine: Mehhh…

Cody scratches at his chin and thinks hard about about his next suggestion.

Cody Williams: The High Rollers?

Nathan Paradine: No…

Cody Williams: Stylin’N Profilin’?

Nathan Paradine: Hmm..

Cody Williams: The American Kangaroos?

Nathan Paradine: Really? Are you serious?

Cody Williams: Williams and Paradine. Paradine and Williams. I don’t know. Throw me a bone here man!

“The Reflection of Perfection” throws his arms into the air in frustration and places his hands onto his hips. Paradine reaches up and removes his sunglasses, folding them up, and placing them into his vest pocket.

Nathan Paradine: Look, I appreciate all the trouble you’ve gone through thinking of a team name for us. But I just don’t think they fully capture the essence of what we are all about, you understand what I’m saying mate? Right now, we have bigger things to worry about than a name, like our matches tonight. We don’t even know what we’re going up against!

Cody Williams: Yeah you’re right, I understand. I’m kinda of anxious and eager to see what our competition looks like. Maybe we’ll get a tag team title shot?

Nathan Paradine: Perhaps. That is possible.

Cody Williams: Or maybe we’ll face each other again.

Nathan Paradine: Yeah that’s possible too.. Maybe we will get to finish what we started before JVD and Jones innterfered. We could finish our match and give the fans their moneys worth. The possibilities are endless.

Cody Williams: Let’s show everyone what we’re made of tonight and make a statement.

Nathan Paradine: Oh you know that I am more than ready and willing.

Nathan Paradine and Cody nod their heads at each other, Cody patting Paradine on the shoulder. They both turn to their respective locker and pull out their gear bags and begin to prepare for what lies ahead of them tonight on Sunday Night Showdown, roulette night!
Sara Pettis Vs. Crippler”Last Resort” plays as Canadian Crippler comes out completely focused on the ring. He enters the ring and awaits the bell.

‘Flower’ by The Moby begins to play, as blue and white strobe lights flash at the entrance. Sara steps out from the back and waves at the crowd with a smile. She then jogs excitedly down the aisle, slapping hands with fans on either side along the way, before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring.

With both competitors in the ring and ready to get this randomly drawn match underway, the referee calls for the bell to get tonight’s action started! Sara Pettis slowly makes her way towards Crippler, but the former Tag Team Champion quickly takes her down with a double leg takedown, before rubbing his forearm in the face of his opponent. Pettis manages to spin away from the grasp of Crippler and tries to struggle back to her feet. Crippler grabs his opponent around the waist and tries to lift her up looking for a German suplex, however Pettis is able to block the move by locking her leg around the leg of Crippler, and then fighting out with some big back elbow smashes.

Crippler stumbles away from Pettis holding his face in pain, as the newcomer bounces into the ring ropes before coming back to Crippler with a head scissors takedown to bring Crippler to the mat. The fans cheer for the impressive offence from Sara Pettis, as she rolls back to a standing position. Crippler quickly rises back to his feet, but as he does Pettis is there waiting for him with some stiff kicks to the midsection. Crippler staggers backwards from these kicks, before Pettis takes him down to the mat with a standing dropkick. The cheers continue for the second generation star as Crippler rolls to the bottom rope.

Crippler looks furious as he pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes. Pettis slowly makes her way towards Crippler, but the former Tag Team Champion runs at the newcomer and takes her down with a stiff short arm clothesline. Pettis quickly pulls herself back up to a standing position, but a double axe handle shot to the face from Crippler sends her staggering back into the corner of the ring. Crippler quickly follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring, before stomping away on his opponent to send her down to a seated position. As Pettis struggles to rise to her feet, Crippler slowly walks around the ring with his arms in the air and gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Pettis pulls herself up with the use of the ring ropes and runs at Crippler, but Crippler manages to sidestep her before grabbing her again in a waist lock. This time Pettis isn’t able to block the move as Crippler takes her down to the mat with a stiff German suplex. Pettis’ head hits the mat hard, but Crippler isn’t finished there as he keeps his hands locked around the waist of his opponent and pulls her up before hitting a second German suplex! The fans cheer for the impressive moves from Crippler, as he once again pulls Pettis up with his hands locked around her waist, and hits her with a third German suplex, this time with a bridge into a cover!




Just when it looked like Crippler had the match won, Pettis gets a shoulder up off of the mat and is able to kick out of the cover! Crippler shakes his head slowly as he rises up to his feet, whilst the crowd cheer for the newcomer. Crippler looks to quieten down the crowd as he grabs Pettis in a front face lock as she rises to her feet, and sends her down to the mat with a snap suplex. With Pettis on the mat, Crippler quickly grabs hold of her leg and locks her into an ankle lock submission!

Pettis screams out in pain as the submission expert does his best to force a submission victory from the newcomer. However the woman from Queens, New York shows just how tough she is as she reaches in desperation for the bottom rope and refuses to quit! Crippler tries to tighten the pressure on the ankle of Pettis, however she is finally able to reach out and grab the bottom rope! The fans cheer in approval as Crippler is forced to break the hold! Crippler looks livid as he rises up to his feet and looks down at his opponent. Crippler decides to go right back to work on the leg of Pettis, as he stomps away on her ankle, before pulling her back into the middle of the ring!

Crippler quickly tries to lock in the ankle lock for a second time, however much to the delight of the crowd the newcomer is able to counter with an enzuguri! Crippler staggers up to his feet after the powerful kick, but Pettis grabs him quickly from behind and takes him down to the mat with a full nelson facebuster. The fans now seem to be firmly in the corner of Sara Pettis as she shows her bravery by pulling herself up despite walking gingerly on her ankle. Crippler rises to his feet and runs straight at his opponent looking for a chopblock on the ankle, however Pettis counters with a ‘Seeing Stars’! The move stops Crippler in his tracks, and Pettis takes advantage of the opening to follow up with a ‘Blue Moon’! The fans cheer for the finishing move of the second generation star, as she rolls over onto the body of Crippler to make the cover.




This one is all over, and its the newcomer Sara Pettis who picks up the first win in her first match against a former Tag Team Champion! Sara Pettis gingerly pulls herself up to her feet and has her hand raised in the air in victory by the referee. The fans cheer the victor and with the fate of the roulette wheel pitting these two together, it is Sara Pettis who records an opening win over Crippler here on Showdown #68!

OUTCOME: Sara Pettis defeats Crippler via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Spinning the WheelThe scene heads backstage where roving reporter Candi Cross is outside the door to the Company HQ. The door slowly opens and Matt Anderson steps out into the corridor, as Candi Cross tries to peek through the door behind him. As Candi Cross manages to make out a roulette wheel and lots of money being thrown around by a group of cigar smoking men in suits, Anderson quickly closes the door.

Matt Anderson: “What the hell do you want?”

The Company man stares down the reporter from behind his trademark shades, but she doesn’t look intimidated.

Candi Cross: “Well we just saw a great match between newcomer Sara Pettis and Crippler out there, but everyone in the back and all the fans are wondering what will be happening next tonight. When is the roulette wheel being spun again for the next match?”

The Company stares at Candi Cross for a few seconds like she is crazy, before opening his mouth in response.

Matt Anderson: “The next match has already been drawn and let me tell you it’s going to be a bloody encounter. I think that someone might come out of it a little less that perfect.”

Anderson laughs at his own joke, but Candi Cross doesn’t seem amused.

Candi Cross: “Well is there any chance of coming in and watching the rest of the matches as they are drawn?”

Matt Anderson: “I don’t think you understand. The matches have all been drawn out for tonight, and let me tell you there are some big ones set to take place! World title matches, TapOut Title matches, Las Vegas title matches, you name it! There is going to be a table match between a tag team tonight which should be particularly interesting.”

Anderson again laughs to himself at what has been drawn out, but Candi Cross doesn’t look too impressed.

Candi Cross: “If all the matches have already been drawn out behind closed doors then how do we know it has been done fairly? How do we know you haven’t just picked them how you want?”

Anderson’s expression turns nasty as he steps into the face of the interviewer.

Matt Anderson: “Listen to me, there is a lot of money being put down on the results of the matches tonight behind there tonight. We are not even telling the competitors what match they are competing in until five minutes before it starts, what the hell makes you think we are going to tell you? Get lost!”

Matt Anderson disappears back behind the closed door of the Company VIP room, leaving Candi Cross shaking her head in disappointment from the corridor.BACKSTAGE

New Face, Old Score

With his new mask on, hiding his jagged scare, Bobby arrives to the arena. Walking through the halls on his way to his locker room, Bobby is all smiles. With the emo-esque chip off his shoulder Bobby is back to his old annoyingly arrogant self as he makes it a point to stop everyone he crosses paths with to say hello. Of course everyone has to stop and stare, it’s not everyday that a person sees a real life phantom of the opera walking the halls of the svo. But Bobby doesn’t see it the same way, he only sees the many faces looking his way as if he were the best looking guy in the world, which in his eyes, was in fact true.

Finally arriving into the locker room, he is quickly accosted by his tag team partner Roscoe Shame. Jeremiah Sloan and Reaper are hanging back watching the scene unfold with mild interest.

Roscoe Shame: What the hell Bobby?

BBD: Good evening to you as well. Yes, my evening is wonderful, thanks for asking.

Roscoe Shame: is it true?

BBD: That I’m the most beautiful man in sVo’s history? Why, of course it’s true.

Roscoe Shame: Are you seriously planning on booking yourself against Nero for Destiny?

BBD: …

Roscoe Shame: What about Beautiful Shame vs. the Rodriguez Brothers for the Tag Team Titles?

BBD: …

Roscoe Shame: Wasn’t that the plan? Wasn’t it your idea? Do that stupid “fan vote” bit, announce our intentions for the tag team titles, then win the titles at Destiny… That was the plan right?

BBD: Plans have changed.

Roscoe Shame: Bullshit!

BBD: Did you not see what Nero did to me Roscoe? I’m thinking a little redemption is in order. Don’t you?

Roscoe Shame: No. I think winning tag gold is a little more important than some prissy little scar on your face.

BBD rips his new mask off revealing a still not quite healed jagged scar running the length of his face, from above his eyebrow down to his jaw line. BBD points at it, which is not necessary, as everyone in the room immediately turns their gaze to it.

BBD: Some prissy little scar!? Roscoe, look what he did to my beautiful face!

The cameras cut back to the ring for our next scheduled bout, leaving Roscoe Shame and BBD arguing in their locker room.
Cody Williams Vs. DVD’Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system, and boos ring out around the arena as the Xtreme Fusion logo hits the giant screen. After a few seconds, the entrance ramp fills with smoke until DVD steps through it and poses for the crowd. The crowd boo the member of Xtreme Fusion as he holds the pose for a few more seconds, before sprinting down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring. DVD poses on the nearest turnbuckle as the music begins to fade out.

The sound of a THX Dolby Digital Surround Sound test fills the arena, synched to the slow dimming of the house lights. “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails plays on the speakers. Gold lights and lasers wander throughout the arena as smoke and the flashing of a strobe light covers the entrance way.

Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve

The smoke gets heavier as it settles in a foggy haze as Cody Williams makes his way through the curtain. He looks out into the crowd and turns sideways, extending his arms out to his sides. The smoke begins to clear as Cody peers behind him to see Sasha emerge from the curtain and the two make their way to the ring.

The two make their way onto the apron: Sasha slowly entering the ring, bending over and showing off her assets. Cody stares and makes motion of his heart beating fast. He slaps her on the ass and steps into the ring. He rushes to the nearest corner and raises his arms up in the air, staring into the crowd. He opens up his fur coat, exposing the sVo International championship. He caresses the belt, pounds his chest three times, and then points out to crowd and then points to himself. He jumps off the turnbuckle, doing a 180 turn and starts bouncing around while Sasha takes off his coat.

As Cody Williams warms up in the middle of the ring, DVD wastes no time in getting the match started as he attacks his opponent from behind with a punch to the back of Cody Williams’ head. The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung and the match to officially begin, as DVD grabs Williams by the back of the head and slams him repeatedly into the corner, trying to open him up and score an early victory. Cody Williams quickly turns around and nails a back elbow to the face of DVD to knock him away, before following up with a rolling neckbreaker on his opponent to take him down to the mat.

The fans cheer the big move from Cody Williams, who last week declared himself as the #1 contender for the International title, as he pulls DVD back up to a standing position. The fans cheer as Williams backs DVD into the corner with some big chops across the chest, before using the ropes to jump up and catch DVD in the face with a big kick! DVD flops down to the mat, as the referee checks to see if that kick has opened up at all.

With no blood visable on the face of DVD, this one continues and Cody Williams goes to work on DVD with some big stomps onto his opponent. DVD quickly rises back up to a standing position, and Williams grabs him by the arm to send him into the ropes. However DVD is able to reverse the irish whip and send Williams into the ropes, before sending him down to the mat with a big spinebuster as he bounces back into the middle of the ring! The fans boo the move from DVD, but he doesn’t seem to care as the #1 contender for the Tag Team Champions follows up the move with a big DDT onto his opponent!

The referee checks to see if the DDT has caused any cuts on the forehead of Cody Williams, but knowing it hasn’t DVD pushes the referee out of the way and begins to stomp away on the face of the ‘Reflection of Perfection’! The fans boo the actions of DVD, as Cody Williams scrambles to the corner of the ring and pulls himself up to his feet with the ropes. DVD runs at Williams in the corner, but Cody Williams sidesteps his opponent causing DVD to run straight into the turnbuckle. The fans cheer as Cody Williams turns and hits DVD with some big punches, however DVD suddenly grabs the arm of Cody Williams and throws him right over the top rope with an inverted arm drag!

The fans at ringside jump to their feet for a better look at the action, as DVD climbs out of the ring after Cody Williams. Cody Williams looks shaken as he tries to get to his feet, only for DVD to grab him by the back of the head and toss him into the steel ringsteps! The referee quickly checks to see if the move as busted Williams open, but it hasn’t and this one continues! DVD looks disappointed as he pulls Williams up from the steps and throws him into the security barrier to apply some extra damage onto his opponent.

Cody Williams looks in pain as DVD ignores the fans booing him loudly, and makes his way around to the announcers table. The referee pleads with DVD, but the member of Xtreme Fusion just ignores him as he pushes one of the announcers out of the way, and grabs a steel chair from them! With Cody Williams sitting back in pain against the security barrier, DVD slowly makes his way back towards his opponent with the chair in hand and a big grin on his face! The fans all rise up to get a better look at DVD positions the chair in the face of Cody Williams, before swinging back to crush the head of his opponent between the security rail and the chair, but as he swings the chair Cody Williams dives out of the way just in time!

The fans cheer as DVD spins around looking stunned, just in time for Cody Williams to send the chair back into the face of his opponent with a spinning heel kick! The fans cheer for the big move from Williams, as the referee checks to see if DVD is bleeding. With DVD not yet bleeding, Cody Williams looks as if he is ready to change that as he carefully positions the steel chair down on the mat. DVD crawls up onto the ring apron to try and get away from his opponent, but Cody Williams quickly cuts him off from getting into the ring with a chopblock to the back of his opponents legs! Cody Williams pulls DVD towards him, before lifting him up into the air, and slamming him down head first onto the chair with a ‘Picture Perfect’!

The fans pop for the massive finishing move from Cody Williams, as the referee quickly checks on the face of DVD, and calls for the bell to be rung. DVD staggers up to his feet with blood running down his cheeks from his forehead, as the referee lifts Cody Williams hand in the air, before checking on his opponent! Cody Williams rolls back into the ring before jumping on the nearest turnbuckle to celebrate the big win by way of first blood. After that performance, will Cody Williams be able to go on and recapture the International Championship belt after challenging Colt Cooper last week on Showdown?

OUTCOME: Cody Williams defeats DVD via first bloodBACKSTAGE

A Perfect Night?The cameras head backstage where they follow a stern looking suited Company agent as he slowly walks down the corridors of the Goodfellas Casino arena. The Company agent looks like a secret service agent with dark glasses and an ear piece, and he stops with military precision outside the locker room door of Samuel Amos. The shined boots of the Company agent swivel on the polished floor, as his knuckles rap off of the wooden door.

The Company agent waits for a response, before opening the door and stepping into the room, and coming face to face with Samuel Amos. Amos has a deep grimace on his face as he stares back at the Company agent, obviously not trusting anyone connected with Matt Anderson one bit.

Company Agent: “The roulette wheel has drawn you up against Asesino. Get ready, your up next!”

The grimace on Samuel Amos’ face soon grows into a smirk as the Company agent turns and leaves the locker room. Having already taken out Jay Wildman is Samuel Amos about to make it a perfect night and get revenge on Asesino for beating him for the sVo TapOut Championship back at Seasons Beatings in December?BACKSTAGE

BS Gifts

Back in the locker room of Beautiful Shame, the duo of Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame are once again close to coming to blows. With Sloan in-between the two of them playing peace keeper once again, the ever helpful Reaper meanwhile sits back with a bottle of Jim Beam in hand looking on with an amused smirk on his face.

Reaper: Roscoe, you know he doesn’t care about Beautiful Shame, he calls it BS when you’re not around.

BBD: BS! BS as in Beautiful Shame you bastard!

Jeremiah Sloan: You aren’t helping Reap.

Reaper: Oh, I thought I was… Roscoe did you know he was talking about banging your mom too? I think he’s got a thing with mothers. Quite sad really.

BBD & Jeremiah Sloan & Roscoe Shame: Shut up!

Reaper smiles and chuckles as Roscoe is on the verge of lashing out, if it weren’t for Jeremiah Sloan standing between him and Bobby; he probably already would have by now. Jay begins to soothe things over when a knock sounds at the door. A stage hand opens the door and walks in dragging an easel in behind him. On the easel sits something quite massive, but with a sheet covering it. With that the stage hand walks out leaving the four men in the room stunned and silent.

Reaper: Someone’s birthday?

Roscoe shame: Probably another gift for the “beautiful” one.

Roscoe says it in a snide manner but Bobby smiles at the compliment anyway before stepping up and pulling the sheet off. Sitting on the easel is a huge poster, a blow up of a headshot of Bobby Dean’s. There is a tear in the poster along the line of his cheek, where his new scar sits and a handprint in what appears to be blood on the bottom corner. Bobby Dean, like last week, storms out of the room on the hunt once more. Jeremiah and Roscoe simply sigh out in frustration as Reaper nods at the artistry of the tear.

Reaper: That’s a pretty accurate representation of the scar. I like it. You think Bobby would mind if I hang on to it? Maybe hang it up in our hotel room.
Asesino Vs. Samuel AmosBoos begin to ring out around the arena as the entrance ramp lights up and Headstrong by Trapt hits the sound system. On the sVo-Tron highlights of Asesino’s sVo greatest moments play as Asesino slowly makes his way out from the backstage area and down the entrance ramp. Asesino stares out the crowd as he walks, before rolling into the ring. Asesino walks around the ring looking out at those in the crowd who are booing him, before jumping up onto the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and taunting to the fans by throwing them an ironic kiss.

“Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as Samuel Amos walks out and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring.

With the roulette wheel having spoken and thrown these two men against each other again in a rematch from the Seasons Beatings PPV, Amos and Asesino stare each other down intensely as they await for the signal to begin the match. With Asesino being the man who finally took for the sVo TapOut Championship belt from Samuel Amos at Seasons Beatings 2010, the referee looks to be in a hurry to get this one underway as he calls for the bell to be rung.

Amos and Asesino both spring forward and lay into each other with a flurry of right hands which go back and forth between the two men. Samuel Amos looks to be getting the better of the excahange, but as he does Asesino manages to duck under a punch from the One Shot 2011 winner, and shoot his opponent into the ropes. Amos bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Asesino takes him down to the mat with a drop toe hold.

Amos begins to pull himself to his feet, but as he does Asesino catches him with a knee lift into the jaw. Amos holds his face in pain on the canvas as Asesino bounces into the ropes before dropping an elbow down across the back of his opponents neck. The fans are showing no love loss for either men, but as Asesino pulls Amos up and begins to lay into him with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest, a chorus of ‘woooos’ go up from the crowd.

Asesino backs Amos into the corner of the ring with the chops to the chest, however they seem to bring Amos to life as he cuts Asesino off with a knee to the midsection before taking him down with an arm drag takedown. Asesino quickly pops straight back to his feet, but Amos hits him with another arm drag takedown to send him down to the mat. Amos then begins to stomp away on his opponent, before allowing him to a standing position. Asesino staggers up holding his back, but has no time to get any offence in before Amos nails him with a knee to the midsection, before dropping him on his head with a snap DDT! With Asesino down and possibly out after that move, the #1 contender for the World Championship quickly drops down and makes the cover on his opponent.




Asesino shows what he is all about as he tries to continue on his recent run and kicks out after the count of two. Amos quickly pulls Asesino back to a standing position, before hitting him with some big right hands. Amos backs Asesino into the ropes, before grabbing him by the wrist and shooting him across the ring. Asesino bounces back off of the opposite ropes before exploding into his opponent with a flying forearm to take down Amos! Amos staggers quickly back to a standing position, but Asesino is there and waiting for him with a powerslam to take Amos down to the mat.

Asesino begins to feel the momentum building in his favour as he retreats to the corner of the ring, before running and hitting a spinning heel kick to Amos to send him down as he pulls himself to his feet. The fans boo loudly as Asesino rolls to his feet and begins to blow out kisses to the crowd as he did in his entrance, a clear sign he is ready to end the match! Asesino allows Amos to slowly rise to his feet, before hooking both arms and spinning him around in preparation for his finishing move. However Amos seems to have the move scouted as he pushes his old rival forward and into the ropes. Asesino bounces off of the ring ropes, and straight into the arms of Amos who takes him down with a Lui Thesz press! Amos fires off with some big punches to the face of his opponent, before Asesino is able to roll to his feet. Asesino staggers around holding his face in pain, but Amos doesn’t look like he is in the mood for playing around as he spins around his opponent before kneeing him in the midsection. Asesino doubles over in pain, allowing the One Shot 2011 winner the perfect chance to nail him with the ‘infAMOS’! The fans rise to their feet at the sight of the devastating move from Amos, who makes the cover on his opponent.




The fans boo loudly as Amos slowly rises to his feet and has his hand raised in victory, getting revenge on Asesino for taking his TapOut Championship belt from him back in December. Amos slowly makes his way out of the ring, knowing that if he is able to hit the ‘infAMOS’ at Destiny 2011 then he will most likely become the new sVo World Heavyweight Champion.

OUTCOME: Samuel Amos defeats Asesino via pinfall

sVo Destiny 2011
sVo World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jay Wildman vs. Samuel Amos
Reaper Vs. El LoconThe lights slowly dim as the crowd starts to get anxious. The electric chords of Follow The Reaper by Children of Bodom blares over the pa system as the man known simply as Reaper steps out onto the stage. Reaper stands center stage as a bright white spotlight shines on him. He raises his arms in the air taunting at the crowd. Reaper leans his head back and gives a primal roar towards the crowd as he snaps his head back. The cameras getting a close look at the intensity in his eyes as he starts to march his way down the ramp way. Reaper makes his way to the apron where he slides under the bottom rope into the ring. He uses the second rope to lift himself back up to his feet. Reaper rolls his neck as he goes to the near corner and awaits for the bell.

The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds El Locon, wearing a straight jacket slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net. The fans cheer as El Locon stares down at the ring, before climbing into the ring. The man escorting El Locon begins to take off his straight jacket, as the entrance music begins to fade out. With the straight jacket removed, El Locon stretches out in the corner of the ring and prepares for the match to get under way.

With Reaper and El Locon in the ring, this falls count anywhere match is quickly underway as the two brawlers make their way towards each other. El Locon fires off on Reaper with some big right hands, before Reaper is able to counter with a ‘the beginning of’ onto his opponent to send him stumbling backwards into the corner of the ring. With El Locon in the corner, Reaper beats El Locon down into a sitting position with some big stomps and kicks, before making his way across the ring, and then baseball sliding into El Locon with a ‘that’s got to hurt’! The fans boo loudly for the move as Reaper slowly rises to his feet and scowls at the crowd.

El Locon slowly pulls himself up to a standing position, but as he does Reaper is quickly back onto him with some right hands. Reaper grabs El Locon by the arm and tries to send him into the ropes, however the powerful El Locon is able to counter out of nowhere by pulling Reaper back towards him before taking him down with a big clothesline. The fans cheer for the move from El Locon, as he stomps away on Reaper as he gets back to a standing position. El Locon quickly bounces back off of the ring ropes and looks for an ‘El Loco from Hell’ onto Reaper, however Reaper ducks under the clothesline attempt and catches El Locon with a knee to the midsection. El Locon doubles over in pain, and Reaper wastes no time in grabbing him by the hair and tossing him over the top rope!

El Locon lands on the floor with a sickening thud, as Reaper smirks at his opponent from the middle of the ring. The fans boo loudly for Reaper as he slowly drops down and rolls out of the ring after his opponent. El Locon looks like he is on a bad way on the floor as Reaper stomps away on his opponent. El Locon slowly begins to rise to his feet, but as he does Reaper grabs him by the arm and tries to send him into the steel ringsteps! However the fans begin to cheer loudly as El Locon reverses the Irish whip attempt from Reaper and sends his opponent crashing into the steel ringsteps!

Reaper slowly staggers up to his feet as he holds his knee in pain. However El Locon looks like he is ready to take advantage as he grabs hold of his opponent, before slamming him backwards into the security barrier with a Russian legsweep! The move seems to take a lot out of both wrestlers as they sit their motionless for a few seconds, before El Locon slowly rises up to a standing position. The fans cheer as El Locon looks out at the crowd, before taking a few steps back and clotheslining Reaper right over the security barrier and into the crowd! Security struggles to keep the crowd away from the wrestlers as El Locon jumps over the security barrier and begins to hit Reaper with some big right hands as he tries to get to his feet. The fans cheer every punch from El Locon, and boo as Reaper tries to battle back with some big right hands of his own.

El Locon and Reaper brawl right through the crowd, until they find themselves at the edge of the entrance ramp. El Locon runs at Reaper, however Reaper sees El Locon coming and counters with a big back body drop onto his opponent, which sends El Locon’s spine thudding onto the floor. El Locon struggles up to his feet, but as he does Reaper grabs him by the arm and tosses him right through a curtain seperating the fans from the backstage area! Backstage workers scatter for cover as El Locon rolls past their feet, closely followed by Reaper. Reaper quickly grabs a camera off of one of the camera men filming the action, and slams it straight into the face of El Locon as he tries to get up, no doubt causing a lot of pain to El Locon and costing the Company thousands of dollars for a now broken camera. The fans cheer as action from the offending camera is shown on the giant V-Tron at the top of the entrance stage as Reaper and El Locon continue to brawl through the backstage area. El Locon begins to pull himself up using one of the walls as the brawl ends up heading towards the corridor, however as he does Reaper runs at him looking for a splash into his opponent.

El Locon quickly sidesteps the on rushing Reaper and grabs him by the back of the head, slamming him head first into the wall. Reaper staggers backwards holding his head in pain, leaving a large Reaper shaped dent in the wall! Reaper looks unsteady on his feet as El Locon runs at him and spears him straight through one of the locker room doors. El Locon follows up with some big mounted punches on Reaper as they lay on the wreckage of the now broken door, but as he does he slowly realises what locker room he is in as El Locon looks up at the two figures in the room.

Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame!

El Locon barely has time to get to his feet before Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame are on him, kicking and punching at the man from Puerto Rico. Shame quickly pulls El Locon up off of Reaper, before lifting him into the air, and sending him through the table at the corner of the room with a ‘Shame Time’! The boos from the fans at ringside can be heard all the way backstage as El Locon lays in pain in the wreckage of the table, whilst Bobby Dean helps Reaper to his feet. El Locon struggles to pull himself up from the wreckage of the table, but as he does Reaper slowly staggers across, before hitting him with ‘the End’ to the face! Reaper drops down onto his opponent, and the referee tries not to give himself splinters as he makes the count.




This one is all over, and after a grueling falls count anywhere match which took both men backstage, it is Reaper who picks up the three count after a little help from his friends! Shame and Bobby Dean pull Reaper up to his feet and celebrate with high fives as the referee checks on El Locon.

OUTCOME: Reaper defeats El Locon via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Codes and Condolences

We see Roscoe Shame sitting in a locker room, subconciously taping his wrists, as he sits and ponders his life. Suddenly, the locker room door swings wide open, and Shame jumps up, only to ease off a bit as Ethan Rider walks in.

Shame: “Rider? What dyu want?”

Rider: “Huh, Roscoe? I don’t want to fight… I just wanted to offer my condolences on your fathers dissapearance. I know what it’s like to have a family member go… Missing.”

Shame narrows his eyes, taking a couple steps forward and tossing the tape to the ground, before nodding at Ethan thankfully.

Shame: “Thank you.”

Rider: “I guess I should go. Knowing Matt, he’s gonna throw me up against Jesus Christ or something.”

Shame smiles, opening the door for Rider, who leaves. Shame laughs, picking up the tape, and continuing his warm up reportoire.

Shame: “Good kid.”

Shame walks over to the bench, but suddenly a tiny slip of paper catches his eye. He picks it up between two fingers, and his eyes widen as he reads it.

Shame: “BOBBY, JAY!!”

He turns, dropping the paper on the floor and dashing from the room to find his partner and agent. The camera pans forwards, reading into the sheet.


~38426 74337~
Loki Synn Vs. Chris WrestlingThe eerie beat of “Imagine” performed by A Perfect Circle starts to play over the loud speakers as the lights dim. The crowd simmers to a dull roar as a a name starts to spell itself out on the tron in Balloon Animal form…



The balloons all pop as the music begins to pick up and a spot light shines on Loki Synn, sVo’s resident Jester who poses briefly with his bauble scepter. He acknowledges the crowd with a slight smile and a little wave before making his way down to the ring.

Rolling under the ropes Loki stands up to face the crowd as multi colored graffiti falls down among the crowd and into the ring where Loki swings his scepter back and forth fighting an imaginary foe in a sword duel to the death while he awaits for the match to start.

“Last Resort” hits the sound system and on the big screen we see highlights of Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling. Then Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling comes out with a huge smirk on his face, trying to prevent the crowd from touching him.

With the chain in his hand, the referee attaches it first to the wrist of Chris Wrestling before making his way across the ring and attaching it to the wrist of his opponent Loki Synn. The two competitors stare across at each other, knowing that they will have to touch all four turnbuckles in a row in order to win the match, and in order to do that will more than likely have to incapacitate their opponent to the stage that they won’t be able to get to their feet. With both men chained together, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this one to get underway.

Wrestling and Synn slowly make their way towards each other, with Chris Wrestling feinting twice to go in for the takedown. However Synn uses his initiative as he pulls on the chain to bring Wrestling towards him, before clotheslining him down to the mat. The fans cheer the move from Loki Synn, but as he tries to stomp away on Chris Wrestling, the grappler takes him down to the mat with a single leg takedown. Loki Synn tries to push Chris Wrestling away, however the Canadian is able to land some big punches to the face of his opponent before Synn can get to his feet.

Chris Wrestling dives in for another takedown on his opponent, however this time Loki Synn is ready with a knee to the face of Wrestling. Wrestling staggers back the full length of the chain, before Loki Synn runs forward and takes him down to the mat with a shoulder tackle in the corner of the ring. Being in the corner, Loki Synn quickly reaches out and slaps the turnbuckle, can he make it to all three other corners to score the victory? Loki Synn begins to walk towards the nearest turnbuckle, however before he can get there Chris Wrestling pulls him back by using the chain. Loki Synn runs forward towards Chris Wrestling, who takes him down with a drop toe hold.

With Loki Synn down on the mat, Chris Wrestling lays into his opponent with some clubbing right uppercuts to the face, before wrapping the chain around the throat of Loki Synn! The fans give a mixed reaction to the tactics of Chris Wrestling as he tries to choke out his opponent! Loki Synn looks like he is struggling for a few seconds with the chair wrapped around his throat, before being able to throw Chris Wrestling down to the mat with a hip toss. However Chris Wrestling isn’t down for long, as he pops straight back to his feet and throws Loki Synn down to the mat with a belly to back suplex! Loki Synn staggers back to his feet holding his back in pain, but Chris Wrestling is straight onto his opponent with a belly to belly suplex!

Chris Wrestling looks intent on putting on a suplex masterclass for Loki Synn, as he pulls the sVo newcomer up to a standing position, before dropping him hard to the mat with a stalling vertical suplex. With Loki Synn down and no doubt hurting after the three different but effective suplexes, Chris Wrestling makes his way to the corner of the ring and slaps the first turnbuckle with his hand! With Loki Synn down in the middle of the ring, Chris Wrestling just about has enough leash on the chain to slowly walk to the second turnbuckle and slap it with his hand! Loki Synn is showing no sign of getting to his feet, and Chris Wrestling is half way towards victory!

Chris Wrestling begins to walk towards the third turnbuckle, but before he can slap it with his hand, he finds himself being pulled back by Loki Synn! The fans cheer, but as Chris Wrestling tries to fight against the chair and reach out for the third turnbuckle, the powerful Loki Synn gives a big yank on the chair which sends Chris Wrestling running towards him, before Synn plants him to the mat with a spinebuster! With all of the air driven out of the body of Chris Wrestling, Loki Synn quickly rises up to his feet, and makes his way to the corner and slaps the turnbuckle!

Chris Wrestling doesn’t look like stirring as Loki Synn slowly makes his way to the second turnbuckle and slaps it with his hand. The fans rise to their feet as Loki Synn then makes his way to the third turnbuckle, and slaps it with his hand! With only one more turnbuckle to reach, it looks like Loki Synn is in pole position to win this match! Loki Synn begins to make his way towards the final turnbuckle, but before he can get there he is pulled back by the chain by Chris Wrestling. Loki Synn runs towards Wrestling, who wipes him out with a big clothesline!

Chris Wrestling stomps away on Loki Synn, before pulling him up to a standing position. Chris Wrestling throws Loki Synn down to the mat with a snap suplex, before slowly making his way towards the turnbuckle that Loki Synn was just about to slap. However as Chris Wrestling slowly staggers towards the turnbuckle, Loki Synn pulls himself to his feet! Before Chris Wrestling can hit the turnbuckle, Loki Synn grabs him from behind, before dropping him down to the mat with the ‘the Last Laugh’! The fans cheer as Loki Synn stumbles up to his feet after hitting the move, and dives forward to slap the final turnbuckle! With Chris Wrestling not hitting a turnbuckle to reset Loki Synn’s count, Loki Synn has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee!

The referee quickly unchains both of the men as Loki Synn celebrates his first victory on sVo Showdown!

OUTCOME: Loki Synn defeats Chris Wrestling via four cornersRINGSIDE

Pardon the Interruption

The last match just ended and Loki Synn is heading to the back after his victory when the music crackles and bursts into static. At the same time up on the big screen static is slowly resolving itself into a picture.

Nameless voice: OK Sheldon you should be on, I don’t know how long I can keep the cctv signal.

Sheldon Hossteder (nodding at the unseen voice): Hello, loyal sVo fans. You probably don’t recognize me but I am Sheldon Hossteder and I’ve inserted myself on tonight’s show because someone somewhere needs to stand up for the little guy. I am going to be that man. But as a little guy myself I have my work cut out for me, so I’m asking for your support. You, the loyal fans of Showdown and UnSanctioned. With your energy and my wrestling know how we will usher in a new era. An age where a high IQ or diminutive stature won’t see you singled out for reason other than the insecurities of the persecutor. An age where brains with be more valued than brawn. That age will soon be upon us. Welcome to the Age of the Geek.

The screen bursts into static as sVo officials reassert control over their closed circuit feeds.
Ethan Rider Vs. Rey RosarioThe lights dim out quickly and suddenly, and the cacophany of chatter from the audience falls to silence. The opening bars of ‘Forsaken’ by Skillet hits out over the PA System and a single jet of Golden pyro erupts from the stage, the light from it illuminating a lone, solitary, dark figure. Ethan Rider is dressed in a long trench coat and his usual ring trunks, black with a tint of metallic silver. ‘Rider’ is written in gold lettering on the cuffs of the coat and the right leg of the trunks. Ethan gives a small smirk and straightens up, the lights slightly returning so he is visible. He walks to the ring, only slightly acknowledging the audience with the occasional nod. When he reaches the ringside area, he stands still, staring at the ring as two officials come forward and carefully remove the coat, producing a series of wolf-whistles from the females as he exposes his well defined, ‘Sexy’ abdomen and pectoral. He bounces on the spot a bit, warming up for the match, before sliding into the ring, just after a single flash of golden pyro shoots just millimetres over his shoulder. Bouncing off the ropes and raising two fingers up in front of him, giving another small smirk as the lights return.

“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as Rey Rosario comes out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Rosario enters underneath the bottom rope and sits down on the corner awaiting the match to start.

With a golden contract up for grabs which means that the holder can cash in for a title shot at any belt of their choosing at any time, both men look like they are ready to get this one started as they slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring. With JVD last winning the golden contract and cashing in for a shot at the Las Vegas Championship, just what belt will the winner of this match go after? Rider and Rosario both move towards each other and lock up in an elbow and collar tie up, which is quickly broken as Rosario uses his size advantage to push Ethan Rider back into the ropes, causing the referee to call for a rope break. As Rosario releases the hold, he quickly catches Rider with some big punches, before whipping the reluctant Company member across the ring.

Ethan Rider bounces into the ring ropes and manages to catch Rosario in the face with a jumping calf kick as he bounces back. Rosario quickly gets back to his feet, but Rider is straight back onto him with some stiff forearm shots to the face, before taking Rosario down to the mat with a crucifix head scissors! The fans cheer the big move from Ethan Rider, who follows up with a spinning leg drop onto his downed opponent. Rey Rosario quickly pushes Ethan Rider off of him and rolls back to a standing position, but Rider is there and ready with a snap suplex rolling into a cover on his opponent.



Rosario’s shoulder comes shooting off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Rider quickly pulls Rosario back up to a standing position, but as he tries to hit a knee to the midsection on his opponent, Rosario grabs his leg! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as the former Las Vegas and International Champion takes down Rider with a single leg takedown before firing away with some massive punches to the face of his opponent! Ethan Rider struggles up to a standing position, but Rosario tries to ground the high flyer as he knees Rider in the back before hitting him with a back breaker.

Rider rolls around in the middle of the ring clutching his back in pain, as Rosario follows up on him with a knee drop into the painful area. Rider tries to pull himself to his feet, but Rosario grabs him by the wrist and sends him into the corner of the ring, again causing the back of Rider to hit the turnbuckle hard. Rosario follows up with a big splash in the corner on Rider, before slowly walking out into the middle of the ring. The fans cheer Rey Rosario on, as Ethan Rider stumbles out of the corner and into the arms of his opponent, who drills him to the mat with a powerslam before making the cover.




Just when it looked like Rosario had secured the golden contract, Rider gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted. Rosario wastes no time in grabbing Rider by the hair and hauling him back to his feet. Rosario fires off with some stiff right hands onto his opponent which has Rider reeling, before running through him with a big clothesline! The fans cheer the big move from Rey Rosario who signals for his trademark DDT finishing move! Ethan Rider slowly begins to get to his feet, allowing Rey Rosario to step forward and position him in a front face lock ready to hit his DDT.

However before Rosario can execute the move, Ethan Rider runs Rosario backwards into the corner, causing Rosario to hit the turnbuckle hard! Rosario looks in pain as Rider uses the position of Rosario against him as he takes him down to the mat with a Northern lights suplex! The match seems to be turning in the favour of Rider as Rosario quickly gets to his feet after the suplex, only to be taken back to the mat thanks to a huricanrana from Rider! Rider quickly spins around, and as Rosario tries to crawl to his feet he catches him with a ‘Silent Nightmare’! The fans cheer for the trademark move from Ethan Rider, as they know what is coming next from the popular superstar!

Ethan Rider taunts to the fans before scooping Rey Rosario up to his feet. Rosario still looks to be reeling from the effects of the Silent Nightmare, as Ethan Rider drops him down to the mat with a ‘Darkrise’! With Rosario’s head bouncing off of the canvas, Rider quickly makes the cover!




The fans rise to their feet in celebration, as Rider slowly staggers up to his feet after the tough battle against the impressive Rey Rosario. The referee holds Rider’s hand in the air, as the popular superstar celebrates the win which sees him earn a golden contract, allowing him an opportunity at any title belt he wants in the future!

OUTCOME: Ethan Rider defeats Rey Rosario via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Fighting Etiquette

Bobby Dean storms down the halls, bursting into locker room after locker room on the search for his arch nemesis, Nero. Getting word from one of the nearby stage hands, Bobby makes a bee line to the nearest men’s room. Quietly entering the room, Bobby stands against the door, casually folding his arms over his chest. A voice whistling a familiar tune emanates from one of the stalls but is interrupted periodically by the sound of excessive grunting. With the toilet flushed and the door to the stall opening, Bobby remains leaning up against the door with his face covered by the half mask, he smiles as Nero stops dead in his tracks.

BBD: Good evening. Are you ready to die?

Nero: Mind if I wash my hands first?

Without waiting for an answer Nero walks to the sink. Turning the water on Nero begins to wash his hands with soap, whistling that tune of his oblivious to the murderous gaze of the approaching Bobby Dean. As Bobby reaches out, Nero quickly spins around throwing a handful of water into Bobby’s face, momentarily blinding him as he reaches up to his water filled eyes.

BBD: It’s sooo cold!

Nero meanwhile bolts to the door, ripping the door open and sprinting out down the hall with Bobby Dean, wiping his eyes, right on his heels.
Nathan Paradine (c) Vs. Raven”Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

“Sinner” by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of Raven. Then Raven comes out walking and taunting the crowd a bit toward the ring.

Nathan Paradine hands the Las Vegas Championship belt to the referee, who holds it in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match between the current Champion Nathan Paradine and the challenger Raven. The referee hands the belt to the outside of the ring, before calling for the bell to be rung and the match to get underway! Paradine and Raven quickly make their way towards each other, and Raven begins to nail Paradine with some big right hands from the start. Raven backs Paradine towards the ropes with the big punches, before Paradine is able to catch the arm of his opponent and take him down to the mat with a hip toss. With Raven down on the mat, Paradine grabs the arm of his opponent and locks him in an elbow lock.

Raven looks like he is in pain for a few seconds, before he is able to twist out of the hold and rise to his feet whilst locking Paradine into a reverse wrist lock. Paradine tries to get out of the move, but as he spins around to hit Raven with a back elbow, Raven takes him down to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. The fans give a mixed reaction to the big move from the challenger as he follows up with some big right hands on Paradine whilst he is on the mat. Paradine eventually able to roll to a standing position, and as Raven makes his way towards the champion for another attack, Paradine takes him down with a double leg takedown. With Raven on the mat Paradine quickly grabs the leg of Raven and twists him over into a single leg Boston crab.

With the submission expert from Australia looking in control of the match, Raven shouts out in pain as the referee asks him if he would like to submit. Raven bravely shakes his head, as he reaches out for the bottom rope to force a rope break from the hold. Paradine tries to pull back on the hold to apply even more pressure to the Boston crab, but Raven is finally able to reach out and grab the bottom rope. Paradine slowly releases the hold on Raven, but as he rises to his feet he is knocked straight back down with a clothesline from the champion! Paradine lays into Raven with some big stomps before making a cover on his opponent.




Just when it looked like Paradine was going to pick up the three count, Raven managed to put a foot on the bottom rope and break the three count. Paradine doesn’t look too happy with the decision as he rises up to his feet and stares across at the referee. Paradine shakes his head as he reaches down to pull Raven up by his hair, but as he does Raven surprises him by rolling him up with an inside cradle!





It looked like there was a new Las Vegas Champion right there, only for Paradine to kick out at the very last second. Paradine rises up to his feet with a look of shock on his face, but is quickly met with a knee to the midsection by Raven. Paradine doubles over in pain, and Raven takes him down to the mat with a stiff double arm suplex. Paradine looks in pain as Raven bounces into the ring ropes, before dropping his elbow down across the throat of his opponent. Paradine looks in pain as he rises to his feet struggling for breath, but as he does Raven quickly takes him down to the mat with a one arm bulldog! With Nathan Paradine down on the mat, the crowd begin to cheer as Raven points to the corner of the ring before beginning to climb to the top rope!

Raven slowly reaches the top rope and looks down at his opponent ready to hit his finishing move, but as he does Nathan Paradine suddenly leaps up to his feet! Raven looks shocked as Paradine jumps up onto the second rope, and tosses Raven from the top rope down to the mat with a ‘ParaPlex’ off of the turnbuckle! The fans pop for the massive move from the Las Vegas Champion as he rolls across and hooks the leg of his opponent.




The fans cheer, and this one is all over after the massive finishing move from Paradine from the top rope! Paradine slowly rises to his feet and is presented with the Las Vegas Championship belt which he raises in the air as his music blasts out over the sound system.

OUTCOME: Nathan Paradine defeats Raven via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Vine. Vintor. Otis.

A dressing room.

That’s what is shown on the tron as sVo Showdown comes back from commercial break.

What does everyone watching hear?


Insane, maniacal, high pitched laughing.

The laugh that belongs to one man. Loki Synn.

The top of his mask, hat combination bounces as he laughs at the bottom of the camera. He turns and faces the lens, putting his finger up to his lips as he continues to write on the door.

Finally he takes a step back to look at his work, admiring it even. However, before he can do anything else he pauses as he hears footsteps coming from around the corner. He takes off as the camera sees one Vintor Otis coming around the corner. He makes it to the dressing room that Loki was just in front of and pauses, reading the message before entering his dressing room and slamming the door behind him.

The camera zooms in on the door as the fans cheer at the message…..

Hickory, Dickory, Dock.

Vinty ran up the clock.

The clock struck 12, and Vinty fell.

Never to be seen again.

Next week Vinty. I hope you’re ready.

The camera zooms in on a crudely drawn picture of a jester on the door as Showdown continues!
Nightmare (c) Vs. Chivo Rodriguez Vs. Chezina Rodriguez’My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Chezina Rodriguez steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Chezina holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Chezina towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Chezina struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

The arena lights fade and a red light begins to slowly strobe as “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails pounds through the arena over the PA system. The crowd burst into a loud chorus of boos as The Company logo floats onto the sVo tron, quickly replaced by a name.

“N I G H T M A R E”

The curtains part and a man in red trunks with a black streak down the side and a black mask cut away at the top to reveal a freshly shaved head of hair. He half-grins/half-sneers at the jeering audience surrounding him and wastes little time in stalking down the entrance ramp before quickly sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He stands, jawing off at various members of the crowd as he awaits the start of the match.

‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Chivo Rodriguez steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Chivo holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Chivo towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Chivo struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

With all three men in the ring and ready to get things underway, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this TapOut Championship match to get underway! With Chivo and Chezina standing side by side, Nightmare quickly rushes forward and lays into both men with some big haymaker punches. Nightmare fires off with big punches on both men, until Chezina cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. Nightmare doubles over in pain, and the Rodriguez Brothers grab him with an arm each before whipping him into the ropes. Nightmare bounces back into the middle of the ring, before getting knocked down to the mat with a double team shoulder block from the Tag Team Champions.

Nightmare quickly gets back to his feet and takes down Chezina with a double leg takedown with mounted punches, however Chivo quickly interferes by pulling Nightmare off of his Tag Team partner before sending him into the corner of the ring. Nightmare hits the corner hard, and as he does Chivo follows up with a big splash in the corner of the ring. Nightmare looks in pain as he leans against the turnbuckle in the corner, but as he does Chezina follows up with a big splash of his own onto the TapOut Champion! Nightmare staggers forward, before Chezina grabs him into a sleeper hold to get and force the submission victory.

Nightmare looks like he is fading under the pressure of the sleeper hold, whilst Chivo looks like he is ready to let his brother be the one to pick up the win as Nightmare begins to fade in the middle of the ring. However out of no where just when it looks like Nightmare is fading, the TapOut Champion suddenly battles out with a flurry of elbow smashes into the midsection of Chezina! Chezina stumbles backwards before Nightmare tosses him to the mat with a full nelson suplex!

Nightmare rises up to his feet and is quickly nailed from behind by Chivo who hits Nightmare with some big right hands. Chivo grabs Nightmare by the arm and shoots him into the ropes, but as Nightmare bounces back into the middle of the ring, he takes down Chivo with a release belly to belly suplex on the big man! The fans boo loudly for the monster Nightmare, but as he slowly rises up to his feet, he grabs Chivo and locks in the ‘Endless Nightmare’! Chivo struggles to free himself from the hold, but Nightmare looks to have it locked in as the Tag Team Champion begins to fade under the pressure placed on his throat. However before Chivo can submit or pass out, Chezina saves him with a stomp to the back of Nightmare’s head.

Nightmare rises up to his feet and fires away with some big punches to the face of Chezina, before Chezina is able to duck behind Nightmare and take down the TapOut Champion with a big back breaker. Nightmare struggles up to his feet in pain, but as he does Chivo runs through him with a big boot to the face. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as the Tag Team Champions slowly pull Nightmare to his feet, before grabbing him around the throat with a hand each! Chivo and Chezina lift Nightmare up into the air, before tossing him down to the mat with a double team chokeslam!

However as the Tag Team Champions tower over the TapOut Champion, there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as the #1 contenders for the Tag Team Championship come sprinting down the entrance ramp. Asesino and DVD quickly slide into the ring, and nail Chezina and Chivo from behind with some big punches! Chivo nails Asesino with a big right hand before clotheslining him over the top rope, but as he does DVD tosses Chezina out of the ring to the outside! DVD quickly leaps out of the ring, and DVD and Asesino double team Chezina with some big stomps and kicks on the outside of the ring!

Chivo looks outraged as he slowly begins to make his way to the ropes to help his tag team partner, but as he does Nightmare rolls to his feet behind him! Chivo doesn’t even know what is coming as Nightmare grabs him from behind and locks in the ‘Nightmare Sleeper’! The fans rise to their feet for the sight of the submission hold as Chivo struggles to free himself! Chezina tries to get into the ring to help his partner, but as he does he is restrained by DVD and Asesino as Chivo has no choice but to tap out!




Nightmare keeps the move locked in on Chivo despite the referee calling for the bell to be rung, as security and referees stream down the entrance ramp to try and restore order between the two tag teams and the monster Nightmare who looks like he is on the rampage!

OUTCOME: Nightmare defeats Chivo & Chezina Rodriguez via submissionBACKSTAGE

Ka-Boom?The cameras once again head backstage and join with one of the tall suited Company agents as he slowly walks down the corridor before stopping outside of the locker room of ‘Beautiful Shame’. The stern Company agents knocks on the door and waits for a response before opening the door.

Company Agent: “You two are up next. You have been drawn in a table match by the roulette wheel.”

Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame look at each other and smile before staring back at the Company agent who does not crack a smile.

Bobby Dean: “Awesome! The team of Beautiful Shame ride again! Which losers do we have to face this week!”

The Company agent stares at them for a few seconds as if he didn’t understand the question, before slowly shaking his head.

Company Agent: “No you misunderstand. Your facing EACH OTHER in a table match. Get ready, your on next.”

The straight faced Company agent turns and walks out the door as Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean stare at each other with a look of horror on their faces, as Reaper bursts out laughing behind them. Will the negativity simmering between the two all night finally blow up in the oncoming match up before the Beautiful Shame team have a chance to co-GM the Destiny PPV and try and capture the Tag Team titles once again?

sVo Showdown #69
sVo International Championship Match
Colt Cooper vs. Cody Williams vs. DJ
Bobby Dean Vs. Roscoe ShameThe fans in the arena boo as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.

“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

Shame and Dean don’t look too thrilled about having to go up against each other in this table match as they stare across the ring at each other as the referee calls for the bell to be rung. Shame and Dean slowly make their way towards each other, before staring each other down in the middle of the ring. The fans boo loudly as they remember just what happened the last time the two men met in the ring, but they slowly get into the action with a collar and elbow tie up. Bobby Dean begins to push Shame backwards, before Shame uses his massive strength advantage to push Bobby Dean back into the corner of the ring. The referee calls for a rope break, but Bobby Dean doesn’t look too pleased that Shame doesn’t immediately break the hold! There is a cheer from the crowd as Bobby Dean pushes Shame in the chest, before Shame pushes him straight back!

The fans cheer as Bobby Dean jumps forward and hits Shame with a right hand, before taking him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. With Shame down on the mat, Bobby Dean lays into his tag team partner with some big stomps to the face. Roscoe Shame quickly rises up to his feet, but Bobby Dean grabs him by the arm and whips him into the corner of the ring, before following up with a spear in the corner into the gut of Shame. The former sVo Champion stumbles out of the corner, before being taken down to the mat with a stiff neckbreaker from Bobby Dean. The fans boo loudly as Shame slowly rises up to his feet, only for Bobby Dean to smash him in the face with a knee lift, before taking him down to the mat with a German suplex.

With Roscoe Shame down and hurting, Bobby Dean drops down to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Bobby Dean trash talks with the fans at ringside, before pulling up the ring apron and reaching under the ring. There is a cheer from the fans as Bobby Dean pulls out a trademark wooden wrestling table from under the ring, and slides it under the bottom rope. Bobby Dean has a smile on his face as he rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and pulls himself to his feet.

However before BBD can even set up the table, he is knocked down to the mat with a big boot to the face from Roscoe Shame! Bobby Dean staggers up to his feet with a look of pain on his face, but Roscoe Shame quickly takes advantage with a vertical suplex on his opponent. The former sVo Champion looks like he is ready to put his partner through a table, as he makes his way across to the table and sets it up in the corner of the ring. However as he does Bobby Dean takes advantage of his opponent’s back being turned by hitting a low blow on Roscoe Shame!

The fans boo the move from Bobby Dean, as Shame is whipped into the ropes by his opponent. Shame bounces back, but as Bobby Dean looks to hit a flapjack on his opponent through the table, Shame counters with a running DDT! Bobby Dean staggers up to his feet holding his head in pain, and Roscoe Shame backs him into the corner of the ring with some big punches! Shame opens up with a flurry of right hands in the corner of the ring, before pulling Dean into the middle of the ring by his blonde hair! With Dean in the middle of the ring, Roscoe Shame nails him with a military press to show off his strength! Shame tosses Bobby Dean down to the mat, and as he scrambles up to his feet, he is drilled with a stiff powerslam from Roscoe Shame! With Dean down and hurting, the fans cheer as Shame motions for a ‘Shame Time’ through the table!

The fans seem to be taking to Roscoe Shame for his offence on Bobby Dean, as he pulls him up by his hair before placing him in the position for his massive finishing move! The fans pop as Roscoe Shame pulls Bobby Dean into the air ready to drill him through the table with the devastatingly ‘Shame Time’ powerbomb, but all of a sudden Roscoe Shame drops Dean down onto his feet! The fans begin to boo loudly, as Bobby Dean pokes Roscoe Shame in the chest, and Shame theatrically leaps backwards through the table!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, as boos ring loudly around the arena as Roscoe Shame pulls himself up from the wreckage of the table. The cheers for Roscoe Shame have now reverted back to boos as he grabs Bobby Dean by the arm and lifts it up into the air in victory. Just when it looked like cracks were forming between Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean before they prepare to co-host the Destiny PPV and challenge for the Tag Team titles, they have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes again and are more on the same page as ever!

OUTCOME: Bobby Dean defeats Roscoe ShameBACKSTAGE

Up Next!The screen splits into three different feeds, each one following a different Company agent as they slowly walk down the backstage corridors of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The three Company agents stop almost simultaneously at three different locker room doors. The camera zooms in on each feed to read the name on the locker room doors.

Jay Wildman

The Corporation

Vintor Otis

In stereo the three Company agents knock at the three different doors, and they are opened at almost the same time. The three Company agents walk into the locker rooms, and sternly look at Wildman, DJ, Juliana Torres and Vintor Otis, who stare back in anticipation of knowing what fate the roulette wheel has drawn them tonight.

Company Agent: “You are booked in a four way ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship belt. Get Ready, You are up next!”

The three Company agents speak in almost stereo as if they are robots, as four smiles spread across the face of the four competitors as the Company agents leave the locker room. The four way ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship is up NEXT!BACKSTAGE

The Enemy Unseen

Backstage at Goodfellas Casino Arena, the sVo TapOut Champion, Nightmare is seen strutting through the hallways looking particularly pleased with his earlier victory, the title slung casually over his shoulder. He stops as he nears a large group of fans who surge around him seeking autographs as soon as he does.

The masked wrestler looks from one to another, turning full-circle as they have him surrounded.

Nightmare: “Get out of my way.”

He speaks with a menacing calm, half the group backs away, the other half seem to think it is a show. One particularly large member of the group, both in height and width seems to get a little over-enthused and steps towards Nightmare, placing a hand on the sVo TapOut Title. Standing next to Nightmare he seems to have a good few inches on the sVo star and quite a few pounds of both muscle and fat.

Fan: “It’s so cool – can I hold it?”

Nightmare snaps the title off his shoulder and holds it in his hand in the large fan’s face.

Nightmare: “So – what I’m hearing is that you want to… hold… my title.”

The eager fan nods, Nightmare seeming to relent as he tosses it towards the big man. His friends’ confidence seems renewed and they all gather around the big man with the belt, taking photos and talking excitedly. Suddenly, the excited murmurs turn to screams of panic as Nightmare lunges forward locking the fan in the Nightmare Sleeper! His friends desperately call for help as out of nowhere a sea of referees, security and road agents appear – rushing towards Nightmare’s unbelievable attack on a fan.

Nightmare: “You fucker – thought you’d jump the TapOut Champ while you had the chance? Get yourself a spot on the roster? No fucking chance, big guy…”

He wrenches in the lock as the cavalry approach – however, before they can even get there, another fan rushes out and boots Nightmare hard in the head, forcing him to drop the lock. The man, wearing a white hoodie and a pair of black jeans rushes off and vanishes into the backstage corridors. Nightmare catches sight of him as he runs off.

Nightmare: “YOU!”

Instantly recognizing the unseen assailant he stands and bolts after him. He moves through a few corridors, but seeing nothing he slows. Prowling the darkened hallways his eyes dart from side to side, scouring for his prey.

Nightmare comes to a sudden halt, his attention grabbed by something up ahead. A figure in the shadows. Any details of the man’s appearance are skewered by the darkness in which he hides. He turns, his face briefly touching the faintest of light – a taunting stare and a confident smirk are all that can be seen before he is gone. Nightmare doesn’t skip a beat, he takes off to full acceleration, giving chase.

The two dart through the maze of corridors – Nightmare only ever coming within a few feet before the mysterious stalker vanishes. Finally reaching a large, bustling loading dock Nightmare comes to a halt, frantically searching through the sea of production workers and media for any sign of…

… it all seems too much for Nightmare who erupts.


The sudden outburst causes a total halt to all movement in the dock.

Nightmare: “You think you can get to me? Play mind-games? Don’t you realize who you are dealing with? I am Nightmare – I end fucking careers. I am certainly not going to be intimidated by some WRETCHED SHIT who doesn’t even have the balls to show his face and fight me. You always seem to be able to find me – why don’t you ever stick around if you have such a huge problem with the way I conduct business. Until then, kindly get the fuck out of my business.”

His rant over, there is an eery quiet in the normally bustling loading dock save Nightmare’s heaving breath. He continues to eye each person, finally relenting and turning with a grunt and making his way back to his locker room. The various crew and media watch him leave before slowly making their way back to work. All react differently to the outburst, but all seem affected. Some laugh amongst themselves, finding humor in the masked man’s wrath. Others seem shaken at the unhinged man’s outburst. One crew-member, his hat pulled low over his face wears a particularly entertained grin.

• : “You’ll see me next week, don’t worry…”

He drops the large rolls of cable he was carrying on a nearby table before disappearing down a hallway himself.
Jay Wildman (c) Vs. DJ Vs. Vintor Otis Vs. Juliana Torres”Sinner” by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see The Corporate Lady holding a white owl in her left side of her shoulder and walking toward the ring smoke comes out when she shows up on the screen and she walks on heavy steps looking to the crowd with a mad look and showing no happiness in her eyes a firework sound on her background while she gets inside the ring.

“Hell of a Life” plays over the sound system and the arena goes black. A few seconds later, a silver spotlight searches around the arena before finding Vintor Otis, walking down the ramp towards the ring with a solemn expression on his face. The spotlight follows Otis as he slowly and purposely walks towards the ring before entering the ring by using the steps. Otis goes to his corner and stretches out the top rope before waiting patiently for his opponent, still with a solemn expression on his face.

“Sinner” by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of DJ. Then DJ comes out walking and dancing a bit toward the ring.

“End of Line” by Daft Punk plays over the PA system as the house lights alternate from green to black lighting and back again. After a few moments of playing, the house lights go out completely for a few moments before they flare to life again with Jay Wildman standing in the center of the ring, his hand pointed up in the air in defiance. He walks over to the corner, steps up to the second belt buckle and stares out into the crowd before hopping down, preparing himself for the match at hand.

With all four competitors in the ring, Jay Wildman takes one last look at his sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt, before handing it over to the referee. The referee holds the belt to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s four way ladder match, before attaching it to the metal hook that is hanging from the cord from the top of the arena. With the belt attacked, the cord slowly begins to rise into their air until it is over twenty feet above the ring. All four competitors look up at the World title belt which is hanging in the balance above the ring.

Will it be the talented DJ who tonight realises his dream of winning the World Heavyweight Championship and becoming the ‘future of Wrestling?

Will it be Vintor Otis, the relative newcomer to the sVo to shock the World and become the quickest man to ever claim the biggest prize the sVo has to offer?

Will it be Juliana Torres the Corporate Lady who climbs the ladder and retrieves the belt, and becomes the first ever woman to become sVo World Heavyweight Champion?

Or will it be the mysterious Jay Wildman to successfully retrieve the belt, and keep up his date with Destiny?

The fans look ready to see how this one unfolds as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action is quickly underway! The action quickly splits off into two parts as Jay Wildman charges forward and lays into DJ with some big punches, whilst Vintor Otis makes his way towards Juliana Torres. Wildman backs DJ into the corner of the ring, before dropping him down to a seated position with his massive right hands. With DJ sitting in the corner of the ring, Wildman begins to stomp down onto the chest of his opponent. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, Otis takes down Torres with an arm drag takedown. However Juliana Torres quickly pops back up to her feet, only to be taken down with a clothesline from Vintor Otis.

Otis grabs Torres by the hair and pulls her back to a standing position, before showing his strength by scoop slamming her hard down to the mat. With Torres down on the mat, Vintor Otis quickly drops a leg across his opponents upper body. With DJ down in the corner of the ring, Wildman finally pulls him up to a standing position, before sending him back down to the mat with a snap suplex. The fans cheer the big suplex from Wildman, as he floats over onto DJ and lays into him with some big right hands. DJ quickly rolls to his feet, but Wildman quickly grabs him in a side head lock.

Wildman begins to wear down his opponent in the side head lock, before pushing him forward into the ring ropes. DJ bounces back out of the ropes, but before Wildman can do anything he is taken down to the mat with a crucifix head scissors from DJ! The fans cheer the big move from the high flying DJ, as Wildman pops back up to his feet only for DJ to take him down with an arm drag takedown into an arm bar! Meanwhile Vintor Otis rolls out of the ring, and grabs the nearest ladder from ringside. With his eyes obviously set on the World Heavyweight Championship belt that hangs in the middle of the ring, Vintor Otis tries to carry the ladder into the ring, but as he does Juliana Torres baseball slides into the ladder, sending it back into the face of Vintor Otis!

The fans cheer for the big move from Juliana Torres, as she rolls out of the ring and lays into Otis with some stiff kicks. Torres then grabs hold of the ladder and rolls it into the ring herself! The fans cheer as Juliana Torres slowly makes her way towards the middle of the ring, and begins to step up the ladder under the title belt! Meanwhile Wildman quickly battles out of the arm bar submission hold with some big kicks to the face of DJ, and pulls himself back up to his feet. However DJ is there and waiting for him with a flurry of marital arts kicks to the World Champion. Jay Wildman reels backwards, before DJ drops him down to the mat with a stiff DDT! With Wildman down, DJ turns his attention to the World title hanging from the middle of the ring!

Juliana Torres makes her way to the foot of the ladder, but before she can begin to climb towards the title, Vintor Otis rolls into the ring and grabs her from behind. Juliana Torres can do nothing as the powerful big man takes down the Corporate Lady with a ‘End of the Road’! With Juliana Torres down, Otis turns to face the ladder, but eats a big spinning heel kick from Torres’ Corporate team mate DJ! The fans cheer for the big move as Otis stumbles back, before running at DJ looking for a clothesline. DJ manages to duck out of the way of the attempted clothesline, and manages to drop toe hold the big man Otis into the ladder! Otis stumbles up to his feet holding his head in pain, but as he does DJ takes him down to the mat with a huricanarana! The fans pop for the big move, and with Wildman, Torres and Otis all down DJ jumps to the top rope!

Flashbulbs go off all around the arena as DJ leaps from the top rope and lands the ‘DJ Splash’ down onto the body of Vintor Otis! The fans cheer loudly as DJ scrambles to his feet holding his midsection, and looks around at all the other people in the match who are down and out! The fans continue to cheer as DJ makes his way to the foot of the ladder, and begins to climb! DJ looks to be climbing slowly after suffering the effects of his own DJ Splash, but no one else in the ring looks to be stirring as DJ reaches the top of the ladder. DJ reaches up, and brushes the World Championship belt with his fingers! The fans cheer loudly as DJ climbs up one more rung, and has his hand on the World Heavyweight Championship belt!

Just as DJ is about to unhook the title and become the new World Champion, there is a loud boo from the crowd as Colt Cooper comes sprinting down the entrance ramp!

Colt Cooper quickly rolls into the ring, before pulling DJ down off of the ladder! The World title swings in the air as Colt Cooper lays into DJ with some big rights and lefts, before hitting him with a ‘Colt of Conduct’ so big it sends him out of the rung over the top rope! Boos continue to sound around the arena as Colt Cooper jumps out of the ring and continues to lay into DJ on the outside as officials struggle to keep them apart. Meanwhile in the ring, Juliana Torres and Vintor Otis both look to be having similar ideas from opposite sides of the ring!

Torres and Otis both slowly rise to their feet, before slowing stumbling to opposite ends of the ladder. The fans cheer loudly as they both slowly begin to climb the ladder! Torres and Otis both reach the top of the ladder at the same time, and stare across at each other as the World title swings gently above their heads. Torres and Otis both begin to trade big right hands at the top of the ladder, both reaching up to try and pull down the ladder after each punch!

Otis looks to be getting the better hand over Torres as he reaches up and gets a hand on the belt, but as he does the fans cheer as Jay Wildman knips up to his feet. Wildman leaps across and delivers a big ‘Masked Justice’ to the side of the ladder! Torres and Vintor Otis both look down in shock as the ladder tips, before falling down sending both competitors crashing down fifteen foot to the mat! With Otis and Torres down, Wildman grabs hold of the ladder as it bounces off of the ropes, and resets it in the middle of the ring! The fans rise to their feet as the World Champion slowly begins to climb, looking up all the time at the World Championship hanging above his head. Wildman slowly reaches up for his title…

… and unhooks the belt!

The fans cheer loudly as Jay Wildman’s music hits the sound system as the World Champion pulls the belt down from the metal ring. Wildman pulls himself up onto a sitting position on the top of the ladder and looks around at the carnage around him. Wildman places the title strap over his shoulder before lifting both hands into the air.

After finally climbing to the top of the ladder years after his first apperance in a sVo ring, is Jay Wildman really going to give it all up at his date with Destiny with Samuel Amos in just over two weeks time?

OUTCOME: Jay Wildman defeats DJ, Juliana Torres & Vintor OtisRINGSIDE

End of the LineWith Wildman at the top of the ladder, the fans cheer as the masked figure of Grimnir comes running down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in his hands! However the cheers quickly turn to boos as it becomes obvious that apart from the Grimnir mask, all the ring attire being worn by the figure is that of Samuel Amos!

Wildman jumps down from the ladder as ‘Grimnir’ rolls into the ring, however the World Heavyweight Champion is slammed in the head with a steel chair for the second time tonight! The crowd boo loudly as Samuel Amos stands over the body of Jay Wildman with the Grimnir mask covering his face. Despite Jay Wildman climbing the ladder tonight, will Samuel Amos be the last man standing, and new World Heavyweight Champion come the Destiny PPV in just over two weeks time?

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