sVo Showdown Episode #059
7th November 2010
HSBC Arena, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Natural High” by The Union Underground hits the sound system as the sVo Showdown entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Roscoe Shame, Night, Bobby Dean and Grimnir shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the flagship show of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd such as “BBD screwed BBD”, “2-2-0!” & “Nicky Jam ate my sandwich” as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.

LAST WEEK ON ROLL THE DICE 2010Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean battled for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship in the main event, with an ending that shocked the world…..

The sVo World Heavyweight Champion ‘Mr International’ Roscoe Shame stares across the ring at his challenger and former best friend ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean, who stares right back at him. The crowd rise to their feet ready to see this epic struggle between both men continue, with neither men backing down and neither men ready to accept defeat no matter how much there body has been put through. Both men take a step forward whilst holding each other’s glare, and the atmosphere intensifies. Neither men looks like they are ready to break the stare or blink, as they try to gain the edge over each other, before both stepping closer towards the middle of the ring. Both men are now only feet apart, champion and challenger as the two former best friends trash talk each other. Surely one more finishing move is enough to finish each other off, but what will be hit first the Shame Time or the Starstruck? Who will land the blow to kill of their opponent?

The trash talking continues in the middle of the ring as it looks as if Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame are about to explode into a flurry of right hands, with both men wanting to get the advantage and secure the Championship belt.

It looks as if it’s go time as the talking stops… until Roscoe Shame reaches forward and pokes Bobby Dean in the chest with his finger.


Bobby Dean falls to the mat as if he has just been shot, and Roscoe Shame leaps down onto him to make the cover….





Confusion reigns in the Goodfellas Casino Arena as the fans sit in stunned silence for a few seconds. Did Bobby Dean really just get pinned after finger poke to the chest? A few boos begin to break out around the silenced crowd as Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet with a smirk on his face. The confused referee presents Roscoe Shame with the World Heavyweight Championship belt, as Bobby Dean slowly rises up to his feet. The referee goes to raise Shame’s hand in the air in victory, but Bobby Dean pushes the referee out of the way. Bobby Dean turns to his opponent Roscoe Shame, before grabbing his hand and raising it in victory!BACKSTAGE

SANTA CLAUSE COMES TO TOWN!The lights dim as “You’re the Best” begins to play throughout the arena, signalling the arrival of the reformed duo of Roscoe Shame and ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean, or as Bobby Dean likes it, the duo of ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame. With the crowd on their feet booing their heads off, ready to trash the former Tag Team Champions, Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame, still with his World Title strapped comfortably around his waist, step through the curtain with grins from ear to ear on their arrogant faces. Followed by a smug looking Jeremiah Sloan.

Walking down the entrance ramp the three men enter the ring amidst the boos and the debris still all smiles. Sloan hands a microphone over to the Champ but is not surprised as Bobby Dean snatches it first.

BBD: Please, allow me… Introducing the greatest sVo World Champion of all time, ‘Mr. International’ himself, Roscoe Shame!!!

The crowd erupts in a fresh chorus of boos, music to their ears as the three men eat it all up. Bobby Dean now hands over the microphone to Shame who takes it with a nod.

Roscoe Shame: And his sidekick, former Las Vegas, International and Tag Team Champion, the ever beautiful, ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean!

Rinse and repeat with the boos, although Bobby Dean doesn’t seem to fond of the term ‘sidekick’ as he glances over at his friend with a scowl, one that goes on unnoticed as Shame continues working the mic.

Roscoe Shame: You never saw it coming! You really think after all these months working with Bobby Dean, I’d ever truly turn my back on him? Beautiful Shame took the sVo by storm, soon to be voted the ‘Best Tag Team’ in 2010 for the sVo, we had all you suckers fooled. Now people are in an uproar because we made a mockery of not only the Main Event of a PPV, cheating you all out of your hard earned money, but out of all those waiting in line for a shot at my World Title…

BBD is standing there rubbing his fists against his eyes, portraying a child in the midst of a crying fit. Shame laughs at his tag team partner and continues.

Roscoe Shame: You want to know how we decided who was going to walk out of Roll of the Dice with the strap? Ready Bobby?

Roscoe hands the mic to Sloan and faces Bobby Dean. On the count of three the two men proceeded to enter of a classic contest of Roshambo, or as some like to call it, Rock – Paper – Scissors. The fans are not pleased as Shame throws down a rock and Bobby throws down a pair of scissors. Bobby grabs the mic from Sloan.

BBD: Sadly, I lost. Stupid scissors! But boy do I have a surprise for you buddy!

Roscoe smirks as Bobby Dean reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a piece of folded up paper. Roscoe looks on intrigued, obviously not aware of this beforehand.

BBD: In my hand is the name of your next challenger. The person that you will face at Seasons Beatings for your World title!

Roscoe reaches out to snatch the paper from Bobby, but Bobby aware of the move, pulls his hand out of reach at the last second.

BBD: Wait a second! I’ve got to build up the anticipation some. It’s like sex, we’ve got to do at least a minute or two of foreplay first! Now, this person has been a multi-time champion in the history of the sVo, has not only fought Roscoe Shame, but has beaten Roscoe Shame. He’s currently sitting on one of the most impressive win/loss records here in the sVo. He’s six-foot one-inch tall, two hundred and two pounds, possibly the best looking guy on the roster, that’s right folks, you’re next challenger is none other than ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean!

The fans erupt in boos for the twentieth time since these two men arrived and Roscoe Shame as well as Jeremiah Sloan look at Bobby with confusion on their faces. Roscoe is now able to snatch the paper out of Bobby’s hand as Bobby stands there smirking at the champ.

BBD: Sorry buddy, but I’ve got a rematch clause I just can’t ignore.

Roscoe Shame reaches out and grabs the mic from the new Number One Contender, but before he can begin to speak, “Travel Now Journey Infinitely” by Trinacria, begins to play, interrupting the little foray. Grimnir steps out onto the stage to a massive pop from the fans. Roscoe and Bobby turn to Grimnir with confused looks on their faces, watching the masked, former Las Vegas champion, stop at the top of the stage, a microphone of his own in hand.

Grimnir: Well, well, well. Look at what we have here. The two “mavericks” of sVo seem to have made quite the statement for themselves, haven’t they? You think you tricked the world with your little stunt, it is only the thirtieth time I have seen the finger push heard around the world pulled off this month, real original guys. I have to admit, you did fool most of us though.”

Shame and BBD nod, patting each other on the back while the crowd erupts in jeers, chanting something about screwing sVo. Shame smiles the brightest, holding his title up and almost taunting Grimnir with it while BBD mentions something about losing the Las Vegas title.

Grimnir: Yeah, yeah. JVD beat me, I accept it. He should have fun with the Las Vegas title. Enjoy it as long as he can hold onto it. Why am I so calm about it? Why don’t I explode into a psychotic rage? This is because I manage to have a little bit of “house money” on hand tonight. You see, when I returned to Las Vegas after my long stint away from the bright lights and fake boobs, I reacquired the old house I owned in the area to make it easier to get to and from work. It was quite the pain to fly out to New York and then back out here to Sin City. Long story short, I managed to find something interesting. Would you all like to see it?

He nods and eggs on the crowd, causing cheers as Shame and BBD look on faking disinterest as Bobby looks down at his manicured hands and Roscoe reaches up with the back of his arm wiping the title clean. Grimnir reaches back into his trunks and unfolds a piece of paper, holding it up in the air with his hand “conveniently” hiding the name on the bottom.

Grimnir: It might be a little old and worn but it still is binding and quite legal. I had lawyers verify my claim. According to this nifty little piece of paper, it seems I have myself a shot at Shame’s World title here in my grubby little hands. Granted, it is a contract from 2007 but it is still valid. I had completely forgotten about this, it was a good thing I decided to do a little cleaning!

Shame’s face erupts into anger, yelling at Grimnir as the crowd goes nuts. BBD and Jeremiah Sloan do everything they can to hold him back, trying to get him to calm down by saying it’s all lies. Grimnir calmly folds up his paper and slips it into his trunks before addressing the crowd.

Grimnir: There is a problem. In order to cash this shot in, I have to reveal who I am under the mask. I have to let you all know who I am. I have to remove my security blanket. I thought about it for a long time after losing my Las Vegas title. Did I want to do it? Could I keep going on with my career while you all knew my secret? I mean, this mask IS pretty popular. However, after weighing the pros and cons, I decided I should accept the consequences and go for the gold. Now all I have to do is turn in this contract and I have a title shot at Season’s Beatings. It would be a shame if something were to happen to me before I turned it in, wouldn’t it?

Grimnir drops the mic and holds a hand over his head, allowing the crowd to erupt in cheers and chant sVo.BACKSTAGE

IN KARMA WE TRUSTKarma Jones is shown in his locker room preparing for his upcoming triple threat match against both Nathan Paradine and DVD. The sVo newcomer rolls his shoulders and jogs on the spot attempting to pump himself up before there is a sudden knock on the door.

Karma Jones: “It’s unlocked.”

The door swings open to reveal Nathan Paradine already dressed in his ring gear with a white towel around his neck. He carefully steps into the room and approaches Karma, who has an apprehensive look on his waist.

Karma Jones: “I don’t want any trouble-“

Nathan Paradine: “I’m not here to give you any trouble. I just wanted to talk, that’s all. A straight, one on one chat. Is that so much to ask?”

Karma Jones: “I’ve gotta get ready for out match. You’ll have to make it quick.”

Nathan Paradine: “Oh, don’t worry… I will. I just want to know what the hell happened at Roll the Dice. We had that match in the bag and then you went off on your little psycho episode, hitting everyone with a steel chair. Do you think that was funny? You cost us the match, you idiot!”

Karma Jones: “Whoa whoa whoa man, I think you should calm down. Alright?”

Nathan Paradine: “No, it’s not alright! We had that match in the bag until you ruined everything!”

Nathan sighs and wipes his brow with the back on his hand.

Nathan Paradine: “Look, I know you’re new here and you were probably just trying to make an impact or something. But that isn’t the way to go about it, what you should do is just have a stand out showing. Like tonight, we both already know that I’m going to win… but you can make an impression just by helping me take that DVD idiot down a peg or two. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Karma Jones: “Are you asking me to team up with you to take DVD out of the equation, then let you win the contendership?”

Nathan Paradine: “Ah, excellent! You’re following along with my words nicely.”

Karma chuckles and turns to face Nathan, laughing in his face for several moment. Nathan manages to crack a nervous smile, folding his arms over his chest.

Nathan Paradine: “Can I assume that is a laugh of agreement, Karma? We’ll bury the hatchet and get along just fine after tonight, I’m sure.”

Karma Jones: “Haha, yeah, whatever. I guess I can help you out.”

Nathan Paradine: “I’m glad we could come to an agreement. It really is for the best, you know… and don’t think I’ll forget about you when I’m the Las Vegas Champion, either! You’ll be first in line for a shot at the title!”

Nathan winks and claps Karma on the arm before turning and walking out of the room. Karma shakes his head and bursts into laughter as soon as he is out of sight.

Karma Jones: “Hahaha, oh my God… does that idiot really think I’m gonna help him? Karma Jones is out to help one person and that’s himself, like I’m really gonna give up a shot at a title. Please…”

Karma cracks his knuckles menacingly.

Karma Jones: “Looks like I’m going to have to give Mister Paradine a little wake up call courtesy of my right hand…”

The scene fades out as Karma resumes his warm ups, a small smile on his face.BACKSTAGE

ROLL THE DICEThe scene heads out to the Goodfellas Casino, where a crowd has gathered around one of the gaming tables where Company man Matt Anderson is standing surrounded by security. On one side of Matt Anderson is the rookie Alex Brooks, and on the other side is the three giant Rodriguez brothers, Chezina, Chivo and Nicky Jam! Anderson has a microphone in his hand as he addresses the crowd that has gathered around the five men.

Matt Anderson: “Ladies and gentlemen too cheap to buy a ticket for tonight’s event, you get the dubious honour of watching these four men here take up there prize from their Roll the Dice matches last Sunday, and roll the dice right here tonight!”

Anderson points to the board that is hanging in the background of the gaming table, with an sVo logo at the head of it. The board has a different prize listed for each number on the dice, from 6 being a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, 5 a shot at the International Championship, 4 a shot at the Tag Team Championship, 3 a shot at the Las Vegas Championship, 2 a shot at the Tapout Championship, and 1 meaning you walk away empty handed!

Matt Anderson: “I am sure you guy’s can all read that sign behind us, and quite frankly I haven’t got time to explain it you non paying customers if you can’t, I got a god damn shot to run tonight!”

The crowd give Anderson some heat until his personal security detail step forward and make their presence felt. Anderson hands the dice first to Chezina Rodriguez who steps forward to the table. Chezina takes the dice in his massive hand, before tossing it down the table. The camera zooms in on the dice as it rolls and hits the end of the table, rolls over a few more times before landing on number 4!

Matt Anderson: “A Tag Team title shot for Chezina! Damn Rey Rosario’s night couldn’t get much worse, he is going to lose his International title to the Companies own Colt Cooper, and then he has to face this giant!”

Anderson hands the dice over to Chivo, who tosses it down the table. The dice flicks up in the air, before also landing on a four!

Matt Anderson: “Well I guess we know who Chezina’s tag team partner is. Well done guys!”

Anderson fakes his enthusiasm as Chezina and Chivo seem suitible happy with the prize they have won. Anderson picks up the dice, but it is snatched from his hand by the massive Nicky Jam Rodriguez. Anderson looks at his security team, before looking up at Nicky Jam, before deciding to let it pass. Nicky Jam launches the dice down the table, and it spins around before landing on 2! Anderson allows himself a wry smile at the fact the insolent Samuel Amos will have to take on the giant Nicky Jam Rodriguez.

Nicky Jam smiles down at the dice before looking at the picture of the Tapout Championship on the board of prizes. Before he is allowed any introductions, the youngster Alex Brooks picks up the dice, and tosses it down the table. Anderson looks annoyed at Brooks, who doesn’t seem to notice as the dice also lands on a 2 earning Brooks a Tapout Title shot!

Alex Brooks: “What the hell? How come this dice only landed on the numbers of the belts that Company members aren’t challenging for?” Alex Brooks picks up the dice, but it is quickly snatched from him by Matt Anderson.

Matt Anderson: “Urm.. I don’t know what you are talking about kid.”

Alex Brooks: “Hey let me see that dice.”

Brooks tries to wrestle the dice away from Anderson, but Anderson calls forward someone from behind the security team that pulls Alex Brooks away… it’s Ethan Rider! Ethan Rider doesn’t look too happy at having to step in and save Mr Anderson.

Matt Anderson: “Tell you what kid. How about as you and Nicky Jam both rolled the same number, you can take on each other in a singles match tonight to find out who gets the prize!”

Alex Brooks looks outraged as Nicky Jam stares down at the youngster as if he will be no trouble at all.

Ethan Rider: “Come to think of it Anderson… you did promise me and Teacher we could have a shot at the Tag team titles, how come these two idiots have cut the line? They only won the match at the PPV by DQ!”

Chezina and Chivo look outraged as they stare down the Mockingjay, but Matt Anderson looks as if he has had enough of the whole charade.

Matt Anderson: “Tell you what then, you and Teacher can take on these two tonight to see who gets a shot at the Tag titles!”

Ethan Rider looks pleased as he lets go of Alex Brooks. Brooks and Rider look at each other for a few seconds, before both springing forward and hitting right hands on the Rodriguez Brothers! Security quickly dives in to break up the fight as Matt Anderson walks away shaking his head at all the spectators getting to view some action tonight without paying a dime.
“Headstrong” by Trapt begins to blast over the arena sound system as Asesino appears from backstage, a sour expression on his face stemming from his loss at Roll the Dice. He marches down to the ring, sliding in underneath the bottom rope and climbing to his feet before backing away into the corner.

“Hate My Life” by Theory of a Deadman starts to play and the crowd mumurs at the sight of “Hard Rock” Dave Steel, looking confident as he struts down the ramp slapping hands with the fans seated at ringside. He climbs into the ring stares down Asesino, with both men moving to the middle of the canvas as the referee calls for the bell.

Both men slowly circle each other to kick off the match, with Steel eventually offering his arm for a test of strength. Asesino grudgingly obliges and both men lock up, Asesino coming out on top and whipping Steel across the ring. Steel manages to come out on top however scoring a successful flying shoulder tackle and knocking Asesino down to the ground before grabbing his opponent and applying a headlock.

Asesino manages to catch a break and throw him away however he immediately goes back on the assault and pushes Asesino back into the corner, laying in several strong torso shots before chopping him hard across the chest, the entire crowd cheering at the sound of the impact. Asesino falls to his knees clutching his chest and Steel moves into the corner, climbing up onto the second rope and dropping forwards hitting an elbow drop onto the back of Asesino’s head. The crowd pops again at the old-school move and Steel attempts a cover!




Asesino manages to get his shoulder up in time! Both men stand up and Steel drives his forearm down onto Asesino before whipping him into the opposite corner. Steel slaps his chest and runs forward however Asesino ducks out of the way, coming to his feet and spinning Steel around to unleash his punishment with several vicious kicks! Steel staggers out of the corner and Asesino scoops him up, slamming him back down onto the mat in a suplex. Asesino hooks the leg!


TWO… is it… is it…


Steel manages to kick out of the pin attempt barely in time and Asesino slaps the mat in frustration before grabbing Steel’s arm and applying an armlock. Steel flails about wildly before managing to lift his foot up onto the bottom rope, the referee ordering Asesino to release the hold. Asesino releases Steel’s arm and climbs back to his feet, stomping down on his opponents shoulder before pulling him to his feet and hitting an uppercut. Steel takes a step back before striking back with a right hook and both men start to trade blows in the middle of the ring, Steel eventually dishing out a flurry of jabs before dropkicking Asesino right out of the ring!

Asesino is barely back on his feet before Steel comes barelling across the ring towards him, flinging himself between the ropes and sending them both smashing into the commentators booth! Asesino falls to the ground clutching the small of his back while Steel groggily clambers to his feet, grabbing Asesino and smashing his head against the canvas before rolling him into the ring. Steel attempts to follow, however he remains laying on his back in the ring for a moment collecting himself before attempting to sit up.

Asesino begins to stir as well and the crowd urges both men to their feet. Steel crawls over to the corner and stands up while Asesino dizzily stands up, turning around only to notice Steel launching himself out of the corner and hitting his “Hard Kick” finisher! Steel covers!




The referee calls for the bell as Steel rolls out of the ring, clutching his ribs in apparent pain yet beaming at his victory! Asesino manages to lift his head and pounds the mat again, frustrated at his recent bad luck as Steel disappears backstage.

OUTCOME: Dave Steel defeats Asesino via pinfall
Coming Soon – sVo Unsanctioned!BACKSTAGE

BRINGING IN THE NEW STANDARDKarma is sitting in his locker room with his best friend and trainer Mike Sanderson. Contemplating his meeting he just had with Nathan Paradine. Karma and Mike discuss their plans.

Mike Sanderson: So what is on your mind?

Karma Jones: Well I really don”t know why Nathan Paradine confronted me about last week’s incident. I mean it was clear what my intentions were and I had no intentions on doing anything different. I mean sure I wanted to win, but like I told him and Dave Steel, if you get in my way or cause any situation that conflicts my skills in my match then you will suffer the consequences and clearly he interupted my domination of the Rodriguez Brother’s so he got The Reaper’s Revenge after the brother’s got some chair music.

Mike Sanderson: Then why did you shake his hand and say it was a mishap and you were just caught up in the moment?

Karma Jones: It’s call deception and deceit. Lure him in and then strike him when he least expects it.

Mike Sanderson: I’m confused.

Karma Jones: Simple tonight I have a match for the #1 contendership of the Las Vegas Title. It just so happens that Nathan is in that very same match. So I intend on picking up where I left off at Roll The Dice and seriously removing him from the picture. If it mean I have to screw him out of the victory then so be it.

Mike Sanderson: But what if you get disqualified?

Karma Jones: Then DQ me. This is my time and my Era and I plan on raising the bar and destroying anyone in my path as i rise to the top.

Mike Sanderson: You need help.

Karma Jones: No the sVo needs help, because business has just picked up.

Mike Sanderson: Well get focused, becasue its about time to show these fans what pain and despair is.

Karma stands up folding his chair as he gets up. He grabs it and clinches it in his hands. He starts to head out of his locker room…

Mike Sanderson: What’s the chair for?

Karma winks and speaks..

Karma Jones: Just a little insurance for Nathan tonight..

Mike Sanderson just shakes his head as he follows Karma out of his locker room and down the hallway towards the arena entrance..BACKSTAGE

GONEShowdown heads backstage where reporter Candi Cross is in the parking lot and seemingly waiting for someone. As Candi Cross paces up and down, a black limo slowly pulls into the parking lot, before coming to a stop near Candi Cross. The fans boo as out of the limo steps new Company member Colt Cooper, closely followed by Clive English.

Colt Cooper: “Ah what I nice surprise, I guess you are here to catch an interview with the future International Champion?”

Cross looks at Colt Cooper and smiles, before slowly shaking her head.

Candi Cross: “Sorry Cooper, I am here to catch up with Joey Equinox when he arrives in the arena. I want to get his thought’s on what when down at the Roll the Dice 2010 PPV!”

The crowd pop at the mention of former Tag Team Champion Equinox, but a dark look comes over the face of Colt Cooper.

Colt Cooper: “I am afraid you are going to be mighty disappointed then Candi, because Equinox isn’t going to be here tonight, or any other night for that matter! He saw just how worthless he was when he gave him the Colt of Conduct last week at Roll the Dice… he walked out of the sVo the very next day!”

The fans boo the shocking news, as Candi Cross looks at Cooper trying to tell if he is being serious or not.

Colt Cooper: “But your in luck, instead of interviewing a never was like Equinox, you get to interview the hottest property in the sVo right now. The man that is rising straight to the top…”

Candi looks back at one of her crew members who just nod their head.

Candi:: I’m standing here with Colt Cooper, who made a shocking move at Roll The Dice by joining Matt Anderson and The Company. I want to know your thoughts are about being in The Company.

Colt: “Joining The Company is like joining the only hope for this organization. Even though their is a lot of talent around these borders, The Company is the most talented. Together we’re like Muhammad Ali, and the Chicago Bulls from the ninety’s together. We’re going to be a dominant force. We’re going to be unstoppable.”

Candi: “Tonight Colt….you get another shot at the International title. Your thoughts on that match tonight.”

Colt::”You know Candi, tonight is my biggest night to date. I’m in my fourth main event match, and the last main event I had I brought home a title, so there is no way I’m losing tonight to the broke Rey Rosario. How can you be a champion, but don’t have the money to live the life of a champion. I don’t know what it is, but Rey surely does need some help, and by me taking that title off of him tonight he can take a break, and think on the things that’s going on outside of the sVo. His fighting champion thing is over, it’s been over, and he’s no longer the International Champion after tonight.”

Candi begins to ask another question but Colt cuts her off.

Colt::”It’s been too long in the making for me not become a singles champion. Since my day one as a sVo wrestler, I’ve pushed myself to the limits fighting to were I am now. I’ve been on every single show that has went on since I been here, and I’m not taking any days off, until my boss feels I deserve a week off. Rey Rosario should know that sometimes a fighting champion will always lose to another fighting champion, and that fighting champion that beat the so called fighting champion shows why he’s really the fighting champion. I’m all I’m saying is that Rey Rosario has been a paper champion. He’s not worth any of the praise these outsiders give him. He feels that I’m the one whose highly praised in this match. I’m the one who everyone thinks will win the match, and we all know why. I’m just that much better.”

Candi puts her mic back up to her mouth, but before she could say something, Colt cuts her off again.

Colt: “Just take a look at that guy, and take a look at me. My face needs to be everywhere around this building. Everywhere around the world, because as much travelling we do, everyone needs to know the star in the business. With that belt that allows me to say well I do hold the second highest title in the sVo, that does allow me to keep testing the waters of the main event. It just allows me to do so much, because everyone knows Rey Rosario. Before I got here he was one of the best guys around. I came and a lot of the guys who were established at that time fell behind me, because I was just that guy who was going to max out to get that win, but I try not to worry about the wins so much, as keeping this organization where it’s at is what matters the most, and guess what…every week my matches have had high ratings. Why, because of the show I give them. I allow them to actually watch a wrestler whose wrestling is perfected. Maybe not the best every week, but what I can do is something only I can do.”

Candi Cross tries to get out another question, but again she is interrupted.

Colt: “Here’s a final word for the sVo…all hail your new International Champion.”

Colt Cooper and Clive English walk past Candi Cross with smiles on their faces as the scene fades out.
“Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their cheers. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

The lights get dim and a silence fills the arena. Smoke covers the stage as “Right Above It” cues over the sound system. Strobe lights begin to flicker as the song begins.

“Now tell me how you love it
You know you at the top when only heaven’s right above it
We onnnn
‘Cause we onnnn”

Karma Jones embraces the music and the crowd filled with boos and scepticism as he makes his way to the ring from the ramp. As Karma is poised on the top turnbuckle the music fades out and the lights come on.

‘Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system, and boos ring out around the arena as the Xtreme Fusion logo hits the giant screen. After a few seconds, the entrance ramp fills with smoke until DVD steps through it and poses for the crowd. The crowd boo the member of Xtreme Fusion as he holds the pose for a few more seconds, before sprinting down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring. DVD poses on the nearest turnbuckle as the music begins to fade out.

With all three men in the ring, this one looks set to get underway, with the winner walking away from Showdown #61 with a title shot against James Von Drake for his Las Vegas title in the bag! Jones, Paradine and DVD all look as if they believe they can win it, as the bell rings and the match explodes into life. Paradine jumps forward and knocks Jones down with a big right hand, before knocking down DVD with another right hand. Both men quickly get back to there feet, and as Paradine looks for another punch, they grab him and toss him hard into the ropes. Paradine bounces back but is taken down to the mat with a double flapjack from DVD and Karma Jones.

However the team work does not last for long as DVD takes advantage of Karma Jones trash talking Paradine, by hitting him in the back of the head with a double axe handle smash. Jones stumbles forward, allowing DVD to take him down to the mat with a facebuster. Karma Jones quickly rises back to his feet, but DVD is there waiting for him with a huge body slam which gets mixed reactions from the fans. As DVD rises to his feet he is grabbed from behind by Paradine who tosses him into the corner. Paradine follows up with a clothesline in the corner on DVD, before running across and nailing Karma Jones with a kick to the face as he tries to get to his feet.

DVD grabs hold of Paradine from behind in a waist lock, however Paradine is able to shake off his opponent with some stiff elbow shots to the side of the head, before going behind on DVD with a waist lock of his own. Paradine pulls DVD up into the air, before dropping him across his knee with a backbreaker. Nathan Paradine tries to take advantage of DVD’s pain by slapping a surfboard stretch onto his opponent, however Karma Jones is quickly in to break the hold of the Australian submission specialist.

Karma Jones pulls Nathan Paradine up to his feet and hits him with some stiff chops across the chest. Karma Jones then takes Paradine by the arm and tosses him into the ropes, before knocking him down to the mat with a jumping heel kick as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. Paradine stumbles up to his feet holding his jaw in pain, and Karma Jones quickly takes him back to the mat with a head lock takedown, before nailing him in the back with a stiff kick. Paradine arches his back in pain in his sitting position in the middle of the ring, whilst Karma Jones bounces into the ropes and lands a baseball slide like move into the face of Paradine! The fans boo as the newcomer quickly makes the cover on the Australian!



DVD is quickly in to break up the three count and keep alive his dreams of becoming the next sVo Las Vegas Champion. DVD pulls Karma Jones up to his feet, before throwing him into the ropes. Karma Jones bounces back into the middle of the ring, and is met with a Lui Thesz press from DVD, who lays into Jones with some big punches! The fans boo the member of Xtreme Fusion as he rises to his feet and holds his hands in the air. Karma Jones slowly begins to get to his feet, but DVD nails him with a knee to the midsection, before dropping the sVo newcomer on his head with a stiff piledriver in the middle of the ring! It could be over right here, but before DVD gets a chance to make the cover, he is grabbed in a waist lock by Nathan Paradine!

The fans in the sold out Goodfellas Casino arena cheer for Nathan Paradine as he tosses DVD backwards with a massive German suplex, sending DVD’s head smashing into the canvas. However Paradine isn’t finished there as he keeps his hands locked around the waist of DVD, and repeats the move! With DVD down on his feet hurting, Paradine rises up to a standing position and gets a big cheer from the fans! Paradine knocks Karma Jones down to the mat with a running lariat as he tries to get to his feet, before running across and nailing DVD with a big boot as he tries to get up!

Nathan Paradine looks dominant in the ring, as he makes his way back over to Karma Jones, and pulls him back to his feet. However as Paradine pulls up Jones, out of no where Jones rakes the eyes of his opponent, before dropping Paradine in the middle of the ring with a ‘Reapers Revenge’! The fans boo loudly for the finishing move of Karma Jones, as it looks like he is going to steal a shot at the Las Vegas title as he makes the cover on Paradine!




DVD dives in to make the save before the three can be counted! Karma Jones looks livid as he rises to his feet and aims a big right hand at DVD, however DVD counters by catching the arm of Karma Jones and taking him down with an arm drag takedown. Jones pops straight back up to his feet, but once again DVD takes him down with an arm drag takedown! With Jones on the mat, DVD raises his hand up to signal for his finishing move! Jones slowly begins to rise up to his feet, until DVD leaps forward and nails him with the ‘DVD Cutter’!

Jones hits the mat hard, and the fans give a mixed reaction as DVD rises to his feet with a smile on his face. With both of his opponents down, DVD turns his attentions towards Nathan Paradine, looking to take him out as well so he cannot interrupt any pin attempt on Karma Jones! DVD pulls Paradine up to his feet and positions him for a ‘DVD Cutter’ however before he can hit the move, Paradine counters by pusing DVD forward, causing him to crash into the referee! With the referee down, DVD stumbles back towards Paradine, who takes him to the mat with a double knee backbreaker!

The fans cheer the massive move from Nathan Paradine, as the man from Melbourne Australia slowly rises up to his feet. The fans know exactly what is coming next as Paradine pulls DVD up despite looking exhausted, and slams him with a ‘ParaPlex’! All three competitors and the referee are now down in the ring, and this Las Vegas Championship contenders match has descended into chaos! Paradine and Jones both slowly begin to crawl over to DVD, and both lay an arm over the chest of the Xtreme Fusion member. As a second referee comes sprinting down the entrance ramp to count the fall, the original referee begins to come to…

.. both officials begin to count the pin for Jones and Paradine!

One… One…

Two… Two…

Three!! Three!

Both referees call for the bell to be rung as confusion reigns in the Goodfellas Casino arena! The two different referees raise the hands of Paradine and Jones, as both competitors stare each other down. The fans cheer as the two referees begin to argue about who has won the match, before getting into a shoving match with each other! As they do, Karma Jones steps forward and clocks Nathan Paradine with a right hand, clearly feeling that it is he who has won the match! The fans boo as it looks like history from last Sunday’s Roll the Dice is about to repeat itself as Karma Jones sets Nathan Paradine up for the ‘Reapers Revenge’ in the middle of the ring, however out of no where Paradine counters it into a ‘ParaPlex’ on Karma Jones!

The fans pop as Nathan Paradine stands over Karma Jones having gained a small measure of revenge for Jones costing him his first match on return to sVo PPV last week, but just who is the number one contender for the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt, with both men seemingly getting a pin over DVD tonight?

OUTCOME: Nathan Paradine & Karma Jones defeats DVD via pinfall
Showdown #62 – 21st November 2010BACKSTAGE

PREDATORS AND THE PREYBBD and Shame stalk Grimnir in the back of the arena, hoping to stop him from turning in the papers for his title shot against Roscoe Shame. As they turn a blind corner, BBD spots Grimnir standing in front of the soda machine, sipping on a cold beverage. Shame and BBD race towards him and demolish him by slamming his head into the machine before using their sheer numbers to him down on the ground. In the midst of struggling, Shame manages to remove the mask to reveal an old man, probably a janitor who is now bleeding from the cut on his head after being slammed into the soda machine. The two attackers swear at their bad luck and throw the mask down on the ground in disgust as they disperse, leaving the prone janitor bleeding and wondering what hit him.
‘Last Resort’ by Papa Roach hits the sound system, and boos ring out around the arena as Chris Wrestling and the Crippler step out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Two of the three members of the Canadian Connection look in confident mood, as Crippler holds his newly won sVo Tag Team Championship belt in the air for everyone to see. Wrestling and Crippler slowly make there way down the entrance ramp before rolling into the ring.

‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool blasts out over the sound system and there is a cheer from the fans as DJ and Juliana Torres step out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Torres and DJ perform there signiture taunts as fireworks shoot up into the air behind them. The two members of the Corporation then slowly make there way down towards the ring, slapping the hands of the fans as they walk past. Torres and DJ slowly climb up into the ring and stare at there opponents.

Crippler and Chris Wrestling debate about who is going to start the match up against the Corporation off, as DJ stares across the ring whilst Juliana Torres gives him some last minute words of encouragement. Chris Wrestling finally enters the ring to kick this one off, and the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started! DJ and Chris Wrestling both tie up in the middle of the ring, and the former best friends jostle for position, before DJ takes Chris Wrestling into a wrist lock, Wrestling reverses this into a head lock takedown on DJ, before DJ is able to roll back up to his feet. DJ bounces into the ropes, but misses with a spinning heel kick on Chris Wrestling, who takes him down to the mat with a capture suplex.

DJ staggers back to his feet and gets some stiff right hands from Chris Wrestling which sends him into the corner of the ring. With DJ in the corner, Chris Wrestling lands some stiff knife edge chops on his former Tag Team partner, before making the tag out to Crippler. Crippler quickly enters the ring, and picks up where Chris Wrestling left off with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of DJ. DJ staggers out of the corner of the ring, but is tossed down to the mat with an arm drag takedown from Crippler, who then locks in a reverse arm lock on the high flying DJ.

Crippler taunts Torres as DJ shouts out in pain, but says no as the referee asks him if he would like to quit. Juliana Torres tries to get into the ring to break up the submission hold, but as she does the referee restrains her. With the referee’s back turned, Chris Wrestling jumps into the ring, and he takes down DJ with a double team suplex along with Crippler! The referee turns back around just to see Crippler making the cover on DJ!




The fans in the Goodfellas Casino arena cheer as Juliana Torres gets into the ring in time and breaks up the cover with a stomp to the back of Crippler’s head. Torres quickly makes her way out of the ring under the instruction of the referee, as Crippler pulls DJ to his feet by his hair, before taking him down to the mat with a snap suplex. With DJ down on the mat, Crippler makes the tag out to his tag team partner Chris Wrestling, who quickly enters the ring. Chris Wrestling pulls DJ up to his feet and throws him into the ropes. DJ bounces back, but as he does Chris Wrestling lifts his knees into the midsection of DJ, causing him to flip over.

Chris Wrestling then lays into DJ with some big mounted punches, as Juliana Torres reaches out desperate for the tag into the match! Chris Wrestling soaks in the boos from the fans as he rises to his feet, and waits for DJ to rise up. DJ bravely pulls himself up, but is grabbed by the arm by Chris Wrestling. Chris Wrestling sends DJ into the corner of the ring, but instead of hitting the turnbuckle, DJ jumps up onto the second rope, before leaping backwards with a big corkscrew flip onto Chris Wrestling to send his former Tag Team partner down!

The fans cheer for the massive move from DJ, as both he and Chris Wrestling lay on the mat in pain. Both wrestlers slowly begin to crawl to there own corners to make the tag out to there partners, and they both do at the same time! The fans cheer as Juliana Torres jumps into the ring for the first time and nails the running Crippler with some big forearm smashes to the face. Juliana Torres grabs hold of Crippler by the arm and tries to send him into the ropes, however Crippler reverses and tosses Torres into the ropes, before taking her down to the mat with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker as she bounces back.

Juliana Torres arches her back in pain as she is brought up to a standing position by Crippler. Crippler lays into the back of Torres with some big punches as the fans boo the sVo Tag Team Champion, however out of nowhere Torres manages to catch his arm and toss him to the mat with a hip toss! Crippler rises to his feet looking shocked at the move from Torres, who follows up with a double arm DDT onto the man from the Canadian Connection! With Crippler down and hurting, the fans cheer as Juliana Torres goes for the cover!




Just when it looked like Juliana Torres was going to pick up the win for the Corporation, Chris Wrestling manages to get involved in the match and break the three count. The fans boo as Chris Wrestling pulls Torres up to her feet, before tossing her across the ring with a belly to back suplex! Chris Wrestling rises to his feet looking very pleased with himself, but from behind DJ knocks him down to the mat with a big dropkick! The referee seems to have lost all control of this match as Chris Wrestling angrily rises to his feet, only to be taken straight back down with an arm breaker from DJ! With Chris Wrestling down on the mat, the fans cheer as DJ makes his way to the top rope, ready to hit his frogsplash onto his former partner…

.. however before DJ can hit the move, Crippler runs into the ropes, causing DJ to lose his balance and hang himself up on the top rope. The fans boo the move from Crippler, who takes advantage by climbing up onto the second rope, before taking DJ down off of the top rope with a super DDT! Despite hating Crippler, the fans can’t help but cheer for the massive move as Crippler rises up to his feet looking very pleased with himself. However this doesn’t last for long, as Crippler is grabbed from behind and spun around by Juliana Torres!

The fans cheer for the Corporate Lady, but as she swings for a clothesline in the direction of Crippler, he ducks out of the way and sends Juliana Torres into the ropes. Torres bounces back and Crippler tries to take her down to the mat with an overhead suplex, however Torres counters with a knee to the midsection. Crippler doubles over in pain, allowing Torres the chance to nail him with the ‘Corporate DDT’! The fans cheer as Juliana Torres hooks the leg of the Crippler.




This one is all over, and it’s the Corporation who gain some revenge for last Sunday’s Roll the Dice PPV with a win over the Canadian Connection! DJ and Juliana Torres quickly roll out of the ring and back up the entrance ramp celebrating there victory, as an angry looking Chris Wrestling stares back at them from the edge of the ring.

OUTCOME: Juliana Torres & DJ defeats Crippler & Chris Wrestling via pinfallBACKSTAGE

IDENTITY CRISISNathan Paradine is shown sitting backstage after his match against Karma Jones and DVD, sitting in the locker room on a small chair drinking from a bottle of water. The door can be heard opening and closing and Nathan glances up as Byrd steps into view holding a cream folder. He rubs his hands together in glee and invites her to sit down on a low bench nearby.

Nathan Paradine: “So, did you get some results on the little task I had for you?”

Byrd: “I sure did. How did your match go?”

Nathan Paradine: “That’s not important right now. I want to find out who the hell this masked man is!”

Nathan holds out his hand for the folder, however Byrd smirks and opens it, reading over the contents.

Byrd: “This was a shocker, I’ll admit. I never would’ve though that this person would don a mask again, let along alone come back to the sVo.”

Nathan Paradine: “How did you find out who it was?”

Byrd: “I paid a visit to Anderson’s office while he was overseeing something or another. He doesn’t know who the masked person it… he obviously can’t put two and two together. It’s a little obvious, especially since they look the same if you remove that part of the mask.”

Byrd passes him the folder and points something out. Nathan’s eyes boggle and he quickly nods in agreement.

Nathan Paradine: “By God, you’re right… this is marvelous work Byrd, really good stuff! I knew you could do it!”

Byrd beams proudly, however Nathan closes the folder and looks around.

Nathan Paradine: “I think we should keep this quiet though, at least for the time being. We should arrange a meeting with… him… and find out exactly what he’s doing with the sVo. That should be your next course of action, while I deal with that Karma Jones buffoon.”

Byrd nods and takes the folder out of his hands.

Byrd: “I’ll keep an eye on that, then. Just to be on the safe side.”

Nathan Paradine: “Yes, you’re probably right. We’ll meet up next week and discuss this further.”

Byrd nods and stands up to leave. She pats Nathan on the shoulder and walks away, leaving him in quiet contemplation as the scene ends.RINGSIDE

AN UNLIKELY HEROJukebox Hero – Foreigner hits the Goodfellas Casino Arena’s PA system and Alex Brooks walks out. He is a holding a microphone in his right hand. He stops on the stage and takes in the cheers of the crowd, not the hugest reaction, but the fans are starting to get to know who he is and they love his fast, upbeat style. Brooks is in his wrestling gear. He waits for his theme to die down and the crowd noise to drop to a murmur.

Brooks: Roll the Dice. What a way to welcome the sVo back to Las Vegas.

Cheap pop.

Brooks: Really, a stacked line up from top to bottom. A fantastic night.

Cheap Pop.

Brooks: But, something happened. Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean…

The crowd boos.

Brooks: Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean and The Company made a mockery of you, the fans. All in their need to be all powerful, all dominating, to rule they screwed you the fans. Some have said it’s the worst thing since, November 97. But, I disagree, it’s much much worse. Shame, what an appropriate name, and Dean didn’t screw each other. Matt Anderson didn’t screw Roscoe Shame. They all conspired to screw you, the fans. And the in the process combined to make a mockery of the prize that we all fight for; the sVo World Heavyweight Title.

Alex Brooks starts his walk down the rampway to the ring.

Brooks: But, I can see what’s going to happen. The Company will work as a unit to monopolise the power at the top and push everyone down. They will dominate by decimation; if you get in their way they will crush you just because their own ego’s demand it.

Brooks stops and looks back at the Violence-Tron.

Brooks: It’s time to stop it. It’s not right what they are doing, and they must be stopped.

Brooks turns and makes his way to the ring, and slides in under the bottom rope. He stands up and leans on the ropes, looking at the backstage area.

Brooks: Now, I’m not going to say I’m the hero. I’m not and I’m not looking to be a hero. All I know is I’ve seen this before. I’ve watched Companies destroy themselves from within in their own quest power so many times. And I don’t want that to happen here.

Brooks stands up straight and walks to the middle of the ring, surveying the crowd in the process.

Brooks: It can’t happen here.

Alex walks around the ring, finally propping himself up on way of the turnbuckles.

Brooks: Joey Q, you can’t stand back and let Colt Cooper do what he did to you. Grimnir, you can’t let The Company take your Las Vegas Title from you the way you did. Rey Rosario, you know something is going to go down later in the night, be careful. Guys, you can’t let The Company run roughshod over us. Xtreme Fusion, Corporation put your differences aside for the good of the sVo. It’s time to stand up now, before it’s too late.

Brooks jumps off the turnbuckle and walks back to the front of the ring.

Brooks: Whatever The Company are planning, it’s not right. Its time to fight now, we don’t want to be begging for jobs on the strip, because if we don’t stand up now, that’s what will happen.

Brooks looks back at the entrance ramp.

Brooks: Do it for yourself, do it for the fans, do it for us.

Brooks slowly walks around the ring before stopping and looking back at the crowd.

Brooks: Don’t let this turn to dust. Please, I beg you. Don’t let these people down. Guys don’t let all our own petty squabbles destroy us. This is more important than that.

Brooks passes the mic to the outside of the ring and awaits the arrival of his opponent, as the crowd cheers, thinking that sVo might have it’s most unlikely hero in its war against The Company.
‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Nicky Jam Rodriguez steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Nicky Jam holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Nicky Jam towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Nicky Jam struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

The youngster Alex Brooks stares up at the imposing sight of Nicky Jam Rodriguez as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this David vs Goliath encounter to get underway! Alex Brooks bravely runs straight at Rodriguez, however Nicky Jam knocks him down to the mat with a massive clothesline. Brooks quickly rises straight back to his feet, but Rodriguez takes him down to the mat with a stiff scoop slam, before running into the ropes. Rodriguez bounces out of the ropes, and nails a massive splash onto the youngster Alex Brooks in the middle of the ring, before hooking the leg to go for the early cover!




The fans cheer as Alex Brooks manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! This however seems to enrage Nicky Jam, as the largest of the three Rodriguez brothers pulls Alex Brooks up to his feet by his hair, and throws him hard into the corner of the ring. Nicky Jam runs at Brooks and catches him with a big splash in the corner, which nearly squashes the rookie! Alex Brooks stumbles out of the corner looking dazed, but he is quickly grabbed by Rodriguez, who takes him down to the mat with a big belly to belly suplex, with all of Nicky Jam’s weight landing on Alex Brooks!

The fans boo the actions of Rodriguez, as the monster rises to his feet and stares out at the crowd. Rodriguez pulls Alex Brooks up to his feet once again and tosses him hard into the ropes, but as he bounces back, Alex Brooks manages to ducks under an attempted big boot from Rodriguez! Rodriguez turns around, and walks straight into a massive dropkick from Alex Brooks!

The fans pop at the suprise move from the rookie, who leaps onto Rodriguez and lays into him with mounted punches! However the attack is short lived, as Nicky Jam powers out by tossing Alex Brooks into the air, before rising to his feet and looking even more annoyed. Nicky Jam runs at Alex Brooks and misses with a clothesline, before turning and landing a big kick right onto the jaw of the rookie! Alex Brooks drops straight down to the mat, and Nicky Jam Rodriguez taunts to the crowd! The imposing figure of Nicky Jam Rodriguez slowly moves over to Alex Brooks, and rests his foot on the chest of the young superstar, going for an arrogant cover.




The crowd cheer loudly as Alex Brooks suprisingly kicks out! Nicky Jam looks enraged as he stomps away on Brooks a few times, before pulling him up to his feet. Alex Brooks tries to battle back with right hands, but Nicky Jam nails him with a hip tosses as if he weighted nothing at all! Alex Brooks gets to his feet holding his side in pain as being thrown through the air, but he walks straight into a big boot to the face from Nicky Jam! With Alex Brooks possibly out cold after that big boot, Nicky Jam grabs him by the hair and positions him for a powerbomb!

The crowd boo loudly as Nicky Jam Rodriguez pulls Alex Brooks into the air for the powerbomb, and holds him in position for a few seconds just to show off his strength. However out of nowhere Alex Brooks counters the powerbomb into a huricanrana on the big man! Nicky Jam rises to his feet looking shocked, and eats a big jumping heel kick to the face from Alex Brooks! Nicky Jam stumbles back into the corner of the ring as he tries to get up, and Alex Brooks runs at him in the corner looking for a cross body. However before he can hit the move, the massive Nicky Jam catches him in mid air! The crowd boo loudly as Nicky Jam walks to the middle of the ring with Alex Brooks in his arms, before nailing him with a stiff back breaker to take him down to the mat! Nicky Jam stands over Alex Brooks looking dominant, as the rookie holds his back in pain!

Nicky Jam pulls Brooks up to his feet and tosses him hard into the ropes. Brooks bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Nicky Jam uses his strength to launch the youngster Brooks high into the air with a big back body drop. Brooks shouts out in pain as his back hits the mat hard, and Nicky Jam makes the cover on his opponent.




Everyone in the arena thought it was all over there, but there is cheers from the fans as Alex Brooks gets a shoulder up off of the mat. The dominant Nicky Jam rises to his feet in disbelief, before pulling Alex Brooks up to a standing position. Nicky Jam grabs Alex Brooks around the throat and lifts him up into the air in a chokeslam position! The fans boo as Nicky Jam holds Brooks in the air for the whole world to see for a few seconds, however before he can toss Brooks down, the youngster counters into a spinning DDT onto the giant! Nicky Jam’s head hits the mat and Alex Brooks quickly rolls over the big man to make the cover!




The crowd erupts as the referee makes the three count before Nicky Jam can kick out! Alex Brooks quickly rolls out of the ring and makes his way up the entrance ramp with his hands raised in victory, whilst Nicky Jam looks distraught at the victory in the ring! For the second week in a row Alex Brooks has pulled off one of the biggest upsets of the night! Can he continue to upset the odds, and go on to defeat Samuel Amos for the sVo Tapout Championship belt?

OUTCOME: Alex Brooks defeats Nicky Jam Rodriguez via pinfallBACKSTAGE

THINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS AS THEY SEEMBBD walks back to their locker room to retrieve something. As he reaches out for for the door knob, BBD spots Grimnir talking to someone from behind the scenes, holding a piece of paper in his hand and emphatically pointing at it. BBD slowly sneaks up on Grimnir, pouncing on him when he gets within striking distance. A quick sweep kick and a stunning blow to the chest knocks out Griminr, allowing BBD to easily unmask him. As BBD calls out for Shame to come see his victory, BBD looks down and notices the man he just incapacitated is one of sVo’s lawyers. BBD quickly places the mask down on the ground next to the man and scrambles away, leaving the lawyer completely unconscious.BACKSTAGE

EQUINOX HAS LEFT THE BUILDING…Showdown heads backstage to the office of Matt Anderson, where the man himself is sitting behind his desk preparing some paper work relating to tonight’s show. Anderson looks annoyed as he is interrupted, as the door opens up and in steps Candi Cross.

Candi Cross: “Mr Anderson. The fans have been wondering all night. Is it true what Colt Cooper said earlier about Joey Equinox leaving the sVo?”

A smile spreads across Anderson’s face as his look of annoyance disappears.

Matt Anderson: “It sure is Candi. So much for all Equinox’s anti Company talk. At the end of the day he didn’t have the stones to back up anything that he was saying.”

The sVo interviewer looks disappointed by the news, and Anderson stares her down.

Matt Anderson: “Yeah I bet the fans will be sad too when they realise that there ‘hero’ was a big phoney as well. I hope it serves as a message to anyone who ever things they will go against the Company. Joey Equinox tried it, and he lasted less than a month before finding out he wasn’t man enough, before being forced to throw in the towel and walk away…”

Anderson is cut off from his speech by the slow clapping from the giant El Locon who steps into his office. El Locon stares down at Anderson as Candi Cross slowly backs away.

El Locon: “Lovely little speech there Anderson, but what the fans want to know is what you are going to do about Amos screwing me out of the Tapout title at the PPV!”

Anderson shrugs his shoulders before answering.

Matt Anderson: “He used a taser, big deal, there is no DQ’s in those matches! What do you want me to do about it?”

El Locon: “I want you to do what is right and give me a rematch! I have been held down far too long in the sVo and…”

Matt Anderson: “I don’t think I can take one more sVo superstar coming in here and bitching about being held down. I will give Amos one thing, he wanted something and he stepped up and took it. Time everyone else who wanted to get somewhere started to do the same thing instead of complaining. Tell you what, you want to show you can hang with the big boys? Tonight you can face Nightmare one on one! Let’s see if you really are being held down! If you don’t win this one tonight, to steal a line from Donald Trump…. YOU’RE FIRED!”

Anderson stares at El Locon, but for some reason El Locon seems to be smiling about the prospect of taking on the monster Nightmare tonight!
‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Rodriguez brothers steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Chivo and Chezina hold there hands up in the air before slowly making there way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. The brothers tower over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as they steps up onto the ring apron! Both Chivo and Chezina strut around the ring for a few seconds to show there dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

The lights dim out quickly and suddenly, and the cacophany of chatter from the audience falls to silence. The opening bars of ‘Forsaken’ by Skillet hits out over the PA System and a single jet of Golden pyro erupts from the stage, the light from it illuminating a lone, solitary, dark figure.

Ethan Rider is dressed in a long trench coat and his usual ring trunks, black with a tint of metallic silver. ‘Rider’ is written in gold lettering on the cuffs of the coat and the right leg of the trunks.

Ethan gives a small smirk and straightens up, the lights slightly returning so he is visible.

He walks to the ring, only slightly acknowledging the audience with the occasional nod. When he reaches the ringside area, he stands still, staring at the ring as two officials come forward and carefully remove the coat, producing a series of wolf-whistles from the females as he exposes his well defined, ‘Sexy’ abdomen and pectoral.

He bounces on the spot a bit, warming up for the match, before sliding into the ring, just after a single flash of golden pyro shoots just millimetres over his shoulder. Bouncing off the ropes and raising two fingers up in front of him, giving another small smirk as the lights return.

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

With Ethan Rider and The Teacher in one corner, and Chivo and Chezina Rodriguez in the opposite corner, the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one is officially underway! The Teacher and Chezina Rodriguez start this one off for there teams, as Chezina Rodriguez runs at The Teacher and grabs him around the throat. Chezina Rodriguez backs The Teacher into the corner of the ring, before the referee calls for a ropebreak. Chezina finally breaks the hold, and allow The Teacher out of the corner, before aiming a big punch at the masked wrestler. The Teacher ducks under the punch from Chezina and lays into him with some big punches in the corner. The fans cheer for the punches from The Teacher as he pulls his opponent out of the corner, before taking him down to the mat with a head lock takedown.

The Teacher lands a knee into the back of Chezina, before the big man is able to get to his feet. The Teacher bounces off of the ropes and lands a diving dropkick to the legs of Chezina, before making the tag out to Ethan Rider. Ethan Rider quickly jumps into the ring, and nails Chezina with a jumping knee to the face as he tries to get up. The fans give Rider a mixed reaction as he grabs Chezina by the arm and tosses him into the ring ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a big clothesline. Ethan Rider taunts Chivo in the opposite corner of the ring, before stomping away on his brother Chezina.

Chezina slowly begins to get to his feet, but Ethan Rider is right back on him with a sleeper hold. Chezina tries to throw Ethan Rider off of his back, but as he does The Teacher reaches across and makes the blind tag into the match. Ethan Rider keeps the sleeper hold in place long enough for the Teacher to bounce into the ropes, and take Chezina down to the mat with a chop block from behind. Ethan Rider steps out of the ring at the reuqest of the referee, as The Teacher stomps away on Chezina as he tries to get to his feet.

Chezina finally does get to his feet and looks for a clothesline on The Teacher, however the Teacher ducks under the big right hand of Chezina, before taking him down to the mat with a massive neckbreaker. With Chezina down, The Teacher makes the cover on his opponent.




Before the three can be counted by the referee, Chvio is into the ring to break up the count! The fans boo loudly for the actions of Chivo, as the referee tries to get him to get out of the ring. With the referee distracted, The Teacher begins to pull Chezina up to his feet, only for Chezina to land a low blow on The Teacher! The Teacher sinks to his knees in pain, and the referee turns around in time to see Chezina land a big knee into the face of The Teacher to send him down to the mat.

The fans continue to boo loudly as Chezina stumbles across and finally makes the tag out to his brother Chvio. Chivo jumps into the ring, and quickly nails The Teacher with a forearm smash as he tries to get to his feet. The Teacher grabs the arm of Chivo and tries to send him into the ropes, however Chivo reverses, sends The Teacher into the ropes before taking him down to the mat with a big boot to the face as he bounces back. The fans boo as Ethan Rider desperately reaches out for a tag, only for Chivo to pull The Teacher away from his tag team partner and towards his own corner of the ring.

The Teacher tries to get to his feet, but Chivo uses his massive frame to spear The Teacher into the corner, before beginning to nail him with massive shoulder charges in the corner of the ring. The Teacher looks in pain, and can do little as Chivo lifts him high into the air, before tossing him down to the mat with a big fallaway slam.

The fans boo as Chezina jumps down off of the ring apron and makes his way around to the announcers table to grab a steel chair. Ethan Rider quickly spots him and jumps off of the ring apron to intercept him! The fans cheer as Rider and Chezina brawl on the outside of the ring, but as they do The Teacher crawls across to look for the tag out to Ethan Rider! However with Ethan Rider not there, The Teacher is grabbed from behind and spun around. The fans boo as The Teacher is pulled into the air by Chivo, before being tossed down with a massive powerbomb! With Rider and Chezina still brawling on the outside of the ring, Chivo makes the cover!




The fans boo loudly as ‘My Way’ hits the sound system! Ethan Rider looks back at the ring with a shocked look on his face as Chivo raises his hands high in the air in victory!

OUTCOME: The Rodriguez Brothers defeats The Teacher & Ethan Rider via pinfallBACKSTAGE

MISTER AMOSBackstage we see Katie Smith holding a microphone and standing in front of a door that reads Samuel Amos.

Katie Smith: Welcome sVo fans! I am standing here backstage in front of Samuel Amos’ locker room, the sVo Tap Out Champion. In a few moments here I hope to get an interview from the Tap Out Champion.

Katie turns and reaches forward, gently knocking on the door.

Katie Smith: Hello? Sam? Are you ready for your interview?

She knocks on the door a little harder. The door swings open slowly from the force of her knock. We see Samuel Amos standing inside, and we hear him talking to someone.

Samuel Amos: ..tonight and its a good thing cause I was starting to feel like you weren’t coming back..

Katie Smith peers her head just inside the doorway.

Katie Smith: Uhh.. Sam?

Samuel Amos hears Katie Smith and turns to see her head peeking in his Locker Room. He quickly jumps to his feet and runs over to Katie.. pushing her out of the locker room and out into the hallway and slamming the door behind them.

Samuel Amos: What the HELL are you DOING?

Katie Smith: I’m so sorry, Sam. The door swung open on its own.. and I saw you talking..

Samuel Amos: Haven’t you ever heard of Privacy?! I swear, if you weren’t a woman, I’d slap you in the face right where you stand!

Katie Smith: I didn’t mean to..

Samuel Amos: So my locker room door just opened itself, huh? And it just happened to pull you closer and stick your head in the door?

Katie Smith: I heard you talking to someone and I just wanted to see who you were talking to.

Samuel Amos: It’s none of your god-damned business who I am talking to! Do you understand?

Samuel Amos stands over Katie Smith in very close proximity, to be more imposing, to try and scare her.

Katie Smith: Yes, Sam.

Samuel Amos: And it’s Mister Amos to you! Now you walk away, right now, or you’re never going to interview me again. I thought I could trust you, Katie. You fucking disappointment. NOW GO!

Samuel turns and goes back into his locker room and slams the door shut behind him. He’s obviously pissed.
The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds El Locon, wearing a straight jacket slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net. The fans cheer as El Locon stares down at the ring, before climbing into the ring. The man escorting El Locon begins to take off his straight jacket, as the entrance music begins to fade out. With the straight jacket removed, El Locon stretches out in the corner of the ring and prepares for the match to get under way.

The arena lights fade and a red light begins to slowly strobe as “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails pounds through the arena over the PA system. The crowd burst into a loud chorus of boos as The Company logo floats onto the sVo tron, quickly replaced by a name.

“N I G H T M A R E”

The curtains part and a man in red trunks with a black streak down the side and a black mask cut away at the top to reveal a freshly shaved head of hair. He half-grins/half-sneers at the jeering audience surrounding him and wastes little time in stalking down the entrance ramp before quickly sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He stands, jawing off at various members of the crowd as he awaits the start of the match.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the fans look on in anticipation for this one to get underway! The two sVo monsters slowly make their way towards each other before meeting into the middle of the ring with massive right hands. Nightmare and El Locon continue to trade the big punches, until Nightmare cuts El Locon off with a knee to the midsection. El Locon doubles over in pain, before Nightmare grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ropes. El Locon bounces back into the middle of the ring, and is taken down to the mat with a big Somoan drop from Nightmare!

The fan boo Nightmare as he rises up to his feet before kicking his opponent as he tries to get up. El Locon finally is able to reach a standing position, but Nightmare takes him down to the mat with a side headlock takedown. Nightmare keeps the side headlock on El Locon on the mat, until the big man is able to free himself with some big shots the kidneys of his opponent. Nightmare pulls El Locon back up to his feet, before shooting him into the ropes again.

Nightmare looks for the big boot on El Locon as he bounces back, but El Locon sidesteps the kick before taking Nightmare down with a side suplex! The fans cheer for the big move on Nightmare, who quickly rises back to his feet. El Locon lays into Nightmare with some big right hands which back him into the corner of the ring. El Locon continues to hit big body shots on Nightmare in the corner of the ring, before sending him corner to corner. Nightmare hits the turnbuckle back first and stumbles out into the middle of the ring in pain, but as he does El Locon takes him down to the mat with a sidewalk slam! El Locon wastes no time in hooking the leg of Nightmare to make the cover!




Nightmare gets a shoulder up off of the canvas, much to the disappointment of the fans in the arena! Nightmare is pulled up to his feet by El Locon, who lays into the brother of the former World Heavyweight Champion Night with big stiff chops across the chest. Nightmare staggers back in pain, allowing El Locon the chance to chop block him from behind to send him back down to the mat. Nightmare holds his knee in pain, as El Locon comes off of the ropes before dropping an elbow across the knees of Nightmare!

The fans cheer the continued assualt from El Locon as he stomps away on the legs of Nightmare as he begins to get to his feet. Nightmare looks to be limping as El Locon catches him in a front face lock, before taking him down to the mat with a twisting suplex! With Nightmare on the mat, the fans cheer as El Locon jumps onto the Company man and begins to lay into him with some massive mounted punches! Nightmare tries to push El Locon off of him, and is finally able to stagger to his feet. Nightmare runs at El Locon looking for a clothesline, however El Locon ducks under the arm of Nightmare, and takes the big man to the mat with a side Russian legsweep! With Nightmare on the mat, El Locon rises to his feet and taunts to the crowd!

Nightmare slowly staggers to his feet holding his legs in pain, and as he does El Locon grabs him around the throat looking for a chokeslam! The fans rise to there feet in antcipation of seeing the move, however Nightmare cuts him off with a big kick to the midsection! The fans boo as Nightmare loads El Locon onto his shoulders, before throwing him to the mat with a firemans carry into a facebuster! Both men are now down on the mat and struggling to get to there feet, as the referee checks on both men. The fans begin a ‘Night’ chant to try and get under the skin of Nightmare, however it is Nightmare who is first to his feet, quickly pulling El Locon up as well.

Nightmare tries to throw El Locon into the ropes, however El Locon reverses by sending Nightmare into the ropes. Nightmare bounces back into the middle of the ring, but is tossed down to the mat with a huge powerslam from El Locon! The fans cheer as El Locon rises up to his feet with a smile on his face, before hammering away with big kicks on Nightmare as he tries to get to his feet. Nightmare finally does reach a standing position, however as he does El Locon takes him straight back down to the mat with a side slam!

With Nightmare down on the mat, El Locon rises up to his feet and signals for his finishing move! El Locon waits for Nightmare to slowly rise to his feet, before bouncing off of the ropes and looking for the ‘El Loco from Hell’ on Nightmare! However Nightmare manages to duck under the clothesline, before turning to nail El Locon with a kick to the midsection. El Locon doubles over in pain, and Nightmare takes him down to the mat with a massive ‘Rogue Driver’! The fans boo loudly for the move as Nightmare makes the cover on his opponent.




This one is all over, and El Locon is out of a job thanks to Nightmare and the Company!

Boos ring out around the arena as Nightmare’s music hits the sound system, and he slowly rises up to his feet. Nightmare makes his way to the corner of the ring and stares out at the fans after his dominating victory. Can Nightmare continue his rise up the sVo rankings with performances like this and eclipse his brothers achievement of becoming sVo World Heavyweight Champion soon?

OUTCOME: Nightmare defeats El Locon via pinfallRINGSIDE

FILLING THE VOIDThe sound of a THX Dolby Digital Surround Sound test fills the arena, synched to the slow dimming of the house lights. “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails plays on the speakers. Gold lights and lasers wander throughout the arena as smoke and the flashing of a strobe light covers the entrance way.Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve

The smoke gets heavier as it settles in a foggy haze, the tension in the arena rises. Through the smoke a dark silohoutte appears to rise from underneath the entrance way before coming to a halt. Through the settled smoke emerges “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams. He takes a step forward, adjusting the lapel on his black Armani suit, with white pinstripes. He slowly removes his sunglasses and tucks them into his left breast pocket. The whole arena erupts as he throws his arms high into the air. He slowly drops his arms, looking to his left, and then to his right, nodding his head in approval. He slowly begins to make his way down to the ring, with a slow and methodical stride as he pounds his chest.

He makes his way up the steel steps on the right side of the ring and stops on the last step. He peers out into the crowd and soaks in the admiration and cheers given by everyone in attendance. Cody takes a step onto the ring apron and wipes his feet before climbing through the ropes. He immediately makes his way to the nearest corner and throws his arms up in the air, pounding on his chest. He climbs down slowly and reaches over the ropes for a microphone. Slowly making his way to the center of the ring, he raises the mic to his mouth but is distracted suddenly.


Cody Williams: In case, you may have forgotten.. Allow me to remind you of just WHO.. I .. AM!!!

The crowd erupts, the sounds of their cheers echoing throughout the Goodfellas Arena.

Cody Williams: I am, “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams, and I am back in the Sanctioned Violence Organization!!! Consider this the second coming of 220, Second to None.. I am BIGGER… I am BETTER… I am FASTER… And I am STRONGER than I have ever been!!!


Cody Williams: When I left this company two years ago, I explored my options in other organizations. I wrestled with some of the greatest performers all over the country, yet I still was not satisfied. I wanted competition. I wanted to be challenged. And I came to realize that I would not find the answer to my questions here in the states. I needed to go out of this country and go up against some of the best professional wrestlers in the world. So I decided that it would be in my best interests if I took my talent, my drive, my passion back to where I made my mark in this business.. So i returned to the land of the rising sun, Japan.

He slowly nods as he unbuttons the three buttons of his suit jacket.

Cody Williams: It was there that I wrestled day in and day out, five shows a day, in hopes of filling that void.. That empty hole in my career. I wrestled some of the best wrestlers in the world today, and put out what many have called the greatest matches of my career. I won championships, I won tournaments, I defeated some of my idols in this business. But that wasn’t good enough. What I thought was good enough, what I thought was what I needed, was just the opposite. I was challenged day in and day out, I was pushed to my limits every single night, but there was something still missing.

He turns his head for a second to collect his thoughts. A huge grin slowly begins to fill his face as he slowly turns his head as he raises the microphone back to his mouth.

Cody Williams: And that is why I am standing before you today. I am the kind of person that likes to finish what he started, I never like to leave things behind wondering what if. What if this happened? What if I did this? What if I did that? Sitting in the back of the arena in Japan, right before a match, I was lacing my boots up when I got a phone call. That phone call was from a talent agent in the sVo asking me if I would like to come back and work for the sVo again. Right away I told him no and hung up the phone. After my match that night, I was making my way to the locker room when I began to think about where I was at in my career, what I wanted to accomplish. It was then that I realized that I had unfinished business in the sVo, and I wanted… No.. I needed to be in the sVo and finish what I started. So I made a phone call and told him that I would gladly come back to the Sanctioned Violence Organization!!!

The crowd erupts and begins to chant his name.


Cody Williams: Many of you are probably wondering, why I did what I did at Roll the Dice last week. Why did I attack Roscoe Shame? Why did I attack “Beautiful” Bobby Dean? I didn’t do it because I have something against Roscoe Shame, I didn’t do it because I have something against Bobby Dean. No, it isn’t something personal. I did what I did for one reason, and one reason only.. The World Heavyweight Championship! I returned to the Sanctioned Violence Organization for one sole purpose… To become the World Heavyweight Champion! And at Seasons Beatings, I am asking, NO! I am demanding that I be given the World Championship shot that I deserve!

Matt Anderson: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!

sVo manager Matt “Anarchy” Anderson makes his way onto the entrance ramp causing the Goodfellas Arena to be filled with a sea of boos. Back inside the ring, Cody Williams loosens up his double windsor tie knot and leans over the ropes, focusing his attention to the top of the entrance way.

Matt Anderson: First off, I would like to say welcome back to the sVo… Now, secondly, who the hell do you think you area coming out here DEMANDING a World championship match at the next pay per view? What exactly have you done to warrant this title match? You have been gone from the company for over two years and the first thing that you do is demand a world title shot? There are people here who have busted their ass and are more deserving than you, so what you need to do is get in the back of the line and earn your title shot just like everyone else!!!

The sVo manger tosses his microphone off of the stage into the hands of a stage hand and makes his way through the curtain. Cody Williams stands in the ring with his head hanging low. He shakes his head in disappointment over what Matt Anderson has just announced. The crowd begins to rally behind “The Reflection of Perfection” hoping to bring his hopes up. A smirk fills the face of Cody Williams as he nods his head. He hands the microphone to the announcer and climbs out of the ring. He looks out into the crowd and stares out into the arena, still nodding his head.

Cody Williams: This isn’t over…
“Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as the sVo Tapout Champion Samuel Amos walks out and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring.

‘Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system, and boos ring out around the arena as the Xtreme Fusion logo hits the giant screen. After a few seconds, the entrance ramp fills with smoke until Limp steps through it and poses for the crowd. The crowd boo the member of Xtreme Fusion as he holds the pose for a few more seconds, before sprinting down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring. Limp poses on the nearest turnbuckle as the music begins to fade out.

Samuel Amos and Limp stare across the ring at each other as the referee holds the sVo Tapout Championship high in the air to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s match up! The referee turns to hand the belt to the outside of the ring, but as he does Amos quickly runs forward and catches Limp off guard with a forearm smash to the face! The crowd boo the actions of Amos, but the referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung and this match officially gets underway! Amos grabs Limp by the arm and shoots him into the ropes, taking him down to the mat with a side slam as he bounces back.

Limp rises up to his feet holding his back in pain, but Amos lays into him with some stiff chops to back him into the corner of the ring. Limp’s chest turns red with the chops from the Tapout Champion, who grabs Limp by the arm and tries to send him corner to the corner. However Limp reverses the irish whip, and shoots Amos into the corner of the ring. Limp follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring onto Amos! Amos looks groggy after that clothesline, and Limp takes him down to the mat with a fireman’s carry throw, before locking in an arm bar submission hold. The referee asks Amos if he would like to tap, however Amos is quickly able to free himself from the submission hold with a leg scissors around the head of Limp.

Limp quickly releases the hold and jumps back to his feet. Amos jumps up and runs at Limp, however Limp is able to side step him and take him to the mat with a drop toe hold! With Amos down on the mat, Limp locks in a surfboard strech looking for the submission win, however Amos is able to get to the ropes quickly and Limp has to break the hold. Limp looks unhappy at breaking the submission hold, however as he rises to his feet he aims some stiff kicks into the midsection of Samuel Amos. Amos tries to get to his feet, but Limp throws him across the ring with a belly to back suplex, that sends Amos rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope!

Amos staggers up to his feet on the outside of the ring, as Limp bounces off of the ring ropes and aims a baseball slide at Amos. However Amos side steps the baseball slide, before grabbing the legs of Limp and dragging him to the outside! Limp lands on his head on the floor, and Amos makes matters worse by stomping away on the member of Xtreme Fusion. Limp tries to rise back to his feet, however Amos grabs him by the arm and throws him hard into the steel ringsteps at ringside. Limp’s shoulder bounces off of the steel, as Amos taunts the crowd. The crowd boo the impressive Tapout Champion, as Limp slowly begins to rise to his feet.

Amos grabs hold of Limp by the arm and throws it hard into the steel ring post, before rolling his opponent back into the ring. Amos then grabs hold of a steel chair from one of the fans at ringside, before rolling back into the ring himself! The fans boo loudly as Limp slowly rises up to his feet, only to get nailed in the back of the head with a steel chair shot from Samuel Amos! Amos holds the steel chair high above his head to taunt to the fans again, before tossing it down onto the mat. With the steel chair in position, Amos pulls Limp up to a standing position, before throwing him into the corner of the ring. With Limp in the corner, Amos grabs him in a front face lock, before lifting him up onto a sitting position on the top of the turnbuckle!

The fans rise to their feet as Amos climbs up onto the second rope alongside Limp, and grabs him, in a front face lock again! It looks as if Amos is going to superplex Limp off of the top rope and down onto the steel chair in the ring! Amos tries to execute the move, however Limp is able to block it by holding onto the top rope! Amos looks shocked for a few seconds as he tries to hit the move again, but fails! Limp then hits a front face suplex off of the top rope onto Amos!

Amos lays on the mat in pain as Limp slowly rises up to his feet after hitting the amazing move from the top rope! If this was a normal match, then Amos would surely be out for the three count right now, but under the Tapout Championship rules can Limp make him tap and continue his rise up the sVo rankings? Limp slowly makes his way over to Amos, and grabs him by the legs. There is a mixed reaction from the fans as Limp steps through the legs of Samuel Amos, before locking him in a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring!

Amos screams out in pain as the referee asks him if he would like to submit to the famous submission hold. Amos shakes his head and bravely reaches out for the ropes in vain, trying to save his sVo Tapout Championship belt! Amos can’t get near the ring ropes being in the middle of the ring, however whilst being locked in the hold, Amos reaches into his jacket and pulls out the tazer he used on El Locon at Roll the Dice last week! The fans boo as Amos tazers Limp in the leg, forcing him to break the hold! Limp lays on the mat holding his leg on pain and the electric shock delivered to him by the Tapout Champion, who rises up to his feet and soaks in the boos from the fans. Amos quickly grabs hold of Limp’s legs, and locks the challenger in a figure four leg lock!


After a few seconds of the pain screaming up Limp’s leg, he has no choice but to tap out! Amos keeps the hold locked in for a few extra seconds just to make a point, before finally releasing the hold. Amos grabs the belt away from the referee as he tries to raise his hand in victory, before holding the sVo Tapout Championship belt in the air and soaking in the boos from the fans.

OUTCOME: Samuel Amos defeats Limp via pinfallBACKSTAGE

IT’S NOT YOU… IT’S US…The cameras catch the doors to the Company VIP Press Box opening, recording the members of the Company filing out, leaving “Beautiful” Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Jeremiah Sloan alone with Mr. Anderson, who doesn’t look too pleased. Bobby and Shame, with arrogant smirks on their faces stand there waiting for Mr. Anderson to speak.

Mr. Anderson: So you two think you’re so clever? Why didn’t you feel the need to inform me of your little scheme?

Roscoe Shame: I don’t know why you’re so upset, we gave you massive ratings, are now one of the most talked about swerves in sVo history, and we’ve just opened up the door to all sorts of new possibilities…

Bobby smiles, nodding his head to everything Roscoe just named.

Mr. Anderson: Yes, but I really would like to have been included in on this before I find out with the rest of ‘them’ out there. I mean, we’re all on the same team here, aren’t we?

Bobby and Roscoe look to one another, then back to Mr. Anderson.

BBD: Actually, that’s why we’re here right now. Roscoe and I have agreed that it’d be better for us if we part ways. We’ve both noticed that, well, we’re both pretty tired of busting our asses just for the sake of ‘the Company’ what exactly has the Company done for us?

Mr. Anderson jumps to his feet slamming his fists on the table top.

Mr. Anderson: What has the Company done for you!? Oh I don’t know, how about the Las Vegas Title? The International Title, for both of you mind you, the World Title and the Tag Team Titles! What about that?

Roscoe Shame: We got what we deserved!

BBD: Who else on this roster deserves to carry this company, not THE Company but, the sVo as a whole? Who else COULD carry this company like Beautiful Shame? Colt Cooper? Ethan Rider? Grimnir? You’d be better off rehiring Peter Gilmour with some of the guys you’ve got on this roster!

Roscoe and BBD share a laugh at the disgrace that was Gilmour. Mr. Anderson at a complete loss of words stutters a bit but is cut off as Roscoe continues.

Roscoe Shame: Listen, if it makes you feel any better, it’s not you, it’s us.

With a laugh between the two, Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean turn and walk out of the VIP Press Box with Jeremiah Sloan at their heels. Mr. Anderson sits back down in his chair with a look of utter frustration on his face.
“Sinner” by Drowning Pool begins to blast over the sound system as Raven appears at the top of the ramp, a determined expression on his face. He rolls his shoulders as he walks down to the ring, climbing up the steel stairs and jumping over the top rope. He allows the referee to pat him down for weapons as his music dies away, staring up the ramp waiting for his opponent.

“All My Life” by Foo Fighters then begins to play and the crowd jeers the sight of James Von Drake emerging from backstage, Lucy Von Drake by his side and the sVo Las Vegas Championship around his waist. He indicates towards the title as he makes his way down the ramp, turning around to allow everybody in the arena a chance to view the belt. Lucy climbs up onto the ring and holds the ropes open as he steps into the ring, unbuckling the belt and handing it over to the referee as his music dies away.

The referee holds the Las Vegas Championship up into the air to signify that it will be on the line in this contest. Both JVD and Raven move into the middle of the ring as the referee calls for the bell, officially declaring this match underway!

JVD and Raven immediately lock up, JVD pushing Raven back into the corner. For a moment they both struggle however Raven manages to mount a defense, pushing JVD out of the corner and back towards the middle of the ring. They break and lock up again with Raven again coming out on top, kicking JVD in the stomach and hitting a getwrench powerbomb. JVD isn’t slow in getting back to his feet however, swinging wildly towards Raven and managing to get a shot in to his ribs. JVD runs into the ropes, rebounds and knocks Raven down with a running kick before dropping and applying a headlock on his skilled opponent.

JVD grits his teeth and tightens the hold, trying to buy some time to re-evaluate his opponent. He abruptly releases the hold and backs away into the corner, wiping his face as he plans out the next stage of his attack. Raven is slow to get on his feet, getting up on one knee and resting a moment before standing up straight. He turns around to face JVD and runs forward looking to hit a spear in the corner. JVD ducks out of the way and turns around, driving his knee into Raven’s face. He begins to stomp down on the challenger to his title, attempting to wear down Raven’s already brittle torso following a decade of hardcore wars. JVD pulls Raven to his feet and hoists him up, driving him into the turnbuckle and slamming his back against the padding. He whips Raven across the ring, taunting him quickly before running forwards with his arm outstretched. Raven throws up him leg and manages to clip JVD in the face knocking him down. Raven drops and attempts the first pinfall in this match!



Lucy Von Drake grabs her husbands leg and places it on the bottom rope before scooting away, pretending that nothing has happened! The referee notices and breaks up the pin, an irate Raven scowling in frustration. He grabs JVD by the hair and pulls him to his feet, punching him in the face several times before whipping him towards the ropes and catching him with a shoulder block on the rebound. The Las Vegas Champion stirs feebly before Raven drops down and applies and armlock. JVD struggles and attempts to escape the hold, threatening to tap out.

Lucy Von Drake climbs up onto the ring and begins to scream at the referee, distracting him from paying attention to the struggle between JVD and Raven! As the referee turns around to admonish her JVD suddenly taps out! Raven releases the hold, thinking for a moment that he has won the match, however JVD climbs to his feet and favouring his arm knocks him down with a lariat! Lucy orders her husband to start focusing on the match before dropping back down to ringside and JVD nods, attempting to recouperate from the last disasterous few minutes. He stomps down on Raven for good measure, trying to devise a way to defeat the wily veteran, before grabbing both of Raven’s legs and rolling him over.

JVD applies a boston crab forcing pressure onto both Raven’s knees and his lower back, attempting to try and end this match as soon as possible. Raven struggles and manages to wrap his hand around the bottom rope, the referee ordering JVD to release the hold. JVD grudgingly obliges, pulling Raven to his feet only to eat a vicious right hand. Raven forces JVD into the corner again, headbutting the Las Vegas Champion over and over instead of striking him. After several moments Raven takes a step back, both his forehead and JVD’s nose and mouth bloody messes making it hard to tell who the blood belongs to. JVD wipes his face, however Raven doesn’t allow him time to recover before grabbing his arm and pulling him back into the middle of the ring, hitting a reverse STO. Raven covers again!




Raven grabs JVD and attempts to stand him up, however the Las Vegas Champion proves his resilience and fends Raven off with a series of forearms before hitting a knee to the gut! Raven kneels over as JVD runs towards the ropes looking to hit a running kick however Raven manages to dodge it, sending JVD careening off balance! Raven wraps his arms around JVD’s waist and tries to hit a German suplex however it isn’t enough to keep the wily Las Vegas Champion down as he returns to his feet almost immediately. Raven looks a little stunned at this, surprised at JVD’s tenacity. They both lock up for a third time and JVD spins Raven around, hitting him in the upper torso before kicking out his legs from underneath him. JVD drops down and applies a three quarter facelock, screaming at Raven to tap out. Raven manages to gain some ground however and he frees himself, pushing JVD away.

He then fires off several right hands and follows up with his one-arm bulldog, driving JVD’s face into the mat. He then moves towards the corner and, with some difficulty, manages to climb to the top rope. The crowd cheers as he sails forwards JVD, however the reigning champion suddenly rolls out of the way leaving Raven to crash and burn! JVD launches himself on top of Raven and hooks the leg!




JVD did it! JVD has managed to retain the Las Vegas Championship here tonight! “All My life” resumes playing and the referee hands JVD the title belt. Raven struggles to sit up in the middle of the ring, looking stunned at how this match ended. JVD throws the belt over his shoulder and backs up the ramp with one arm around his wife’s waist!

However as the fans boo the triumph of the Companies James Von Drake, out of nowhere Cody William’s sprints down the rampway and knocks down James Von Drake from behind! With JVD on the floor, his wife checks on him as Cody William’s grabs hold of JVD’s title belt and holds it in the air! After being denied a World Heavyweight Championship shot by Matt Anderson early, as Cody William’s ready to start his road to the title with the Las Vegas Championship held by the new ‘Company’ man James Von Drake?

OUTCOME: James Von Drake defeats Raven via pinfallBACKSTAGE

TWO REASONSWe cut backstage were Katie Smith is standing by with Rey Rosario.

Katie:” Rey Rosario, in just a few minutes you will be going head to head with Colt Cooper in your second one on one match with him, now after losing with Colt Cooper in your previous encounter, how important is it that you are victorious in this match?”

Rey:” You know, this match is extremely important to me for any number of reasons..”

He holds up one finger.

Rey:” Get a W and retain my championship.”

He says, now raising another finger, holding up two fingers to the camera.

Rey:” Getting some revenge on Colt Cooper for our past encounter.”

He then goes to raise a third finger but quickly takes it down again and just looks at his two raised fingers.

Rey:” So what we learned today, is that when I say “any number of reasons”, I actually mean two…two reasons.”

He says, before lowering his hand.

Katie:” How confident are you going into this match?”

Rey:” Well…on a scale from one to ten, I’d probably say twenty-seven and a half. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not kidding myself, I know that Colt Cooper is the odds on favorite going into this match, he’s a big name with the company and he’s managed to put together a nice little list of accomplishments. The thing about that is, I’m not really that big into odds. Me becoming the great, enormous success that I am today, self made millionaire and all, was pretty much against all the darn odds but I still managed to get here. So when people tell me that Colt Cooper is the “odds on favorite”, all I really have to say to that, is good on him. I’m sure that helps him stay all warm and fuzzy in the cold nights.”

Katie:” Well good luck tonight.”

Rey:” Thanks.”

He says, with a smile and a nod, as he walks off towards the ring area as the action cuts to another part of the backstage area.RINGSIDE

LET THE MIND GAMES BEGIN!“Drop Tha World” by Lil’ Wayne hits the sound system as Shame comes out from the back with BBD close behind, clearly looking as if he has been rattled by the different Grimnirs he has come across. They stop for a moment and shoot out a hand to grab a mask off of a fan, clearly paranoid as they stomp on the mask over and over before throwing it back into the crowd. Shame climbs up the steps and walks into the ring, moving over to the ropes to ask for a mic while BBD stands guard outside of the ring, keeping his eyes on the entrance.

Shame gets his mic and is about ready to speak when Grimnir walks out through the entrance, standing just in front of the curtains. Shame walks up to the ropes closest to the entrance, steps on the bottom rope and motions with his arm to invite Grimnir to come down with a sick smile on his face. Suddenly the house lights are killed, leaving the arena in total darkness. After a few heartbeats, the lights come back on with the Grimnir standing at the entrance missing. Shame tells BBD to go after him and after a little squabbling; BBD complies and races up the ramp. While BBD disappears behind the curtains, another person in Grimnir’s mask slides into the ring behind Shame, waiting for him to turn around. After a few moments, Shame turns around and receives a kick to the jaw by the real Grimnir, laying Shame flat out on the mat cold. Grimnir motions for a mic, lies next to Shame and starts to speak.

Grimnir: You see Roscoe; I am still the master of the mind games. No matter what you try to do to stop me, I am still dictating how the show unfolds after all of these years. I have one more mind game for you. I could wait until Season’s Beatings to let you find out but I figure, what the hell? You can’t stop what is coming to you and you certainly cannot stop me from taking what should have been rightfully mine years ago. So…”

Grimnir grabs the bottom of his mask and acts as if he is going to pull it off of his head but at the last moment stops, puts the mic up to his lips and with a laugh mocks Shame.

“You are going to have to wait a little while longer. I think I still want you to dance some more.” Grminir tosses aside the mic and rolls out of the ring, disappearing into the crowd as BBD races down the ramp to try and stop him.
Coming Soon – Only On PPV!
‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ by Saliva hits the sound system and there are boos all around for Colt Cooper as his entrance video hits the sVo-Tron. After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his normal cocky smile. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his chest taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, and gives the middle finger to the fans of sVo who don’t like him.

“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as the sVo International Champion Rey Rosario comes out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp holding his belt high, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Rosario enters underneath the bottom rope and sits down on the corner awaiting the match to start.

The referee holds the sVo International Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match. Both Rosario and Colt Cooper stare up at the title belt, until the referee hands it to the ring announcer on the outside of the ring. With the fans pumped up and both men ready to go, the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one is officially underway! Rosario and Colt Cooper slowly move towards each other before tying up in the middle of the ring. Colt Cooper tries to force Rosario backwards, however Rosario shows his strength by pushing Cooper into the ropes. With Cooper in the ropes, the referee calls for a clean break, but the new Company man Cooper takes advantage with a kick to the legs of Rosario as he steps away.

Rosario holds his leg on pain, as Cooper grabs him by the arm and shoots him hard into the ropes. Rosario bounces back out of the ropes, but Colt Cooper takes him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Rosario begins to get to his feet, but Colt Cooper lays into him with some stiff kicks to the midsection, before taking the sVo International Champion down to the mat with a snap suplex. The fans boo the moves from Cooper as he rises back to his feet, and pulls Rosario up with him. Cooper knees Rosario into the midsection, before bouncing off of the ropes. Cooper runs back at Rosario, but Rosario takes him down with a shoulder block!

The fans cheer the big move from Rosario, as Cooper staggers to his feet wondering where he is. Rosario grabs him by the back of the head, and runs him into the corner of the ring, before smashing him face first into the turnbuckle. Colt Cooper staggers out holding his face in pain, but Rosario takes him down to the mat with a back suplex! The fans cheer the big move from Rey Rosario, who quickly pins Cooper’s shoulders to the mat to make the cover.




Colt Cooper manages to get his shoulder up off of the mat and save his dream of becoming sVo International Champion! Rosario yanks Cooper up to a standing position by his hair, before sending him once more to the corner of the ring. Rosario follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring, which gets even more cheers from the sold out crowd. With Cooper in the corner, Rosario lays into him with some stiff body punches, with the crowd counting along with each punch. Rosario finally stops the onslaught, and Colt Cooper staggers out of the corner into the middle of the ring. Rosario bounces into the ropes, before taking Colt Cooper down to the mat with a running bulldog!

The fans cheer as Rey Rosario rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd for his finishing move! Colt Cooper slowly staggers up to his feet not knowing what is coming, as Rey Rosario spins him around before positioning him for ‘Reys DDT’! However much to the fans disappointment, Colt Cooper counters the move by spinning out of the front face lock, before taking Rosario down with a stiff clothesline! Rosario staggers back to his feet holding his throat in pain, but he walks straight into a scoop slam from the rising star Colt Cooper. With Rosario down, Colt Cooper takes the opportunity to bounce into the ropes, before nailing a running leg drop onto the International Champion!

The fans boo the man that they cheered only a week ago, but the former sVo Tag Team Champion doesn’t seem to care as he pulls Rosario up to his feet, and hits him with some forearm smashes to the face. Rosario swings with a desperation right hand, but Colt Cooper ducks under the arm of Rosario before taking him down to the mat with a perfectly executed neckbreaker! The fans boo loudly as Colt Cooper slowly crawls across Rosario to make the cover!




We were only a second away from a new International Champion, but Rey Rosario manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can go down!

Colt Cooper can’t believe it as he rises to his feet and argues with the referee. Colt Cooper begins to stomp away on the body of the sVo International Champion, before pulling him up to his feet. The fans boo the arrogant superstar as he lays into Rosario with some stiff chops across the chest, however out of no where Rosario grabs Cooper’s arm and takes him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Colt Cooper jumps up to his feet looking stunned, but Rosario is there to take him straight back down with a big clothesline!

The fans boo as Rosario taunts to the crowd, before dropping down and laying into Colt Cooper with some mounted punches. Colt Cooper manages to roll away from Rosario, before rising back to his feet. Rosario runs at Colt Cooper looking for another clothesline, however Colt Cooper ducks under the clothesline from Rosario before running to the ropes. Colt Cooper bounces out of the ropes and looks for a spinning heel kick on Rosario, however Rosario ducks out of the way and Colt Cooper takes out the referee!

The referee looks like he could be out cold, as Rosario takes advantage by grabbing Colt Cooper around the waist and tossing him down to the mat with a massive German suplex! The fans cheer the big move from Rey Rosario, who quickly rises to his feet. Colt Cooper pulls himself up to a standing position, however Rosario sends him back to the mat with a scoop slam, before bouncing into the ropes and dropping an elbow across the upper body of Colt Cooper. With Colt Cooper down and hurting, the fans begin to cheer as Rey Rosario rises up to his feet and signals for his finishing move!

Rey Rosario grabs hold of Colt Cooper by the hair and pulls him up to a standing position, before grabbing him in a front face lock! Rey Rosario plants Colt Cooper down in the middle of the ring with ‘Rey’s DDT’, and this one is surely over as Rey Rosario crawls across to make the cover!




There could easily be a three count, but there is no referee! The fans boo loudly as Rey Rosario rises to his feet and makes his way over to check on the referee. As he does even more boos hit the arena as ‘Real Solution Nine’ by White Zombie hits the sound system, and the Company slowly makes there way down the entrance ramp! Rosario looks on with disgust on his face as Matt Anderson leads Nightmare, James Von Drake and a reluctant looking Ethan Rider down towards the ring!

The Company eye ball Rey Rosario as they surround the outside of the ring. The fans cheer as Rey Rosario challenges each member of the Company to get in the ring and face him, however the Company members slowly shake their head! Rey Rosario looks at them in disgust before turning around, but as he does he gets blasted in the face with a ‘Colt of Conduct’ from Colt Cooper! The fans boo loudly as the referee begins to come around just as Colt Cooper groggily crawls across Rey Rosario to make the cover!




Boos ring out around the arena, and we have a NEW sVo International Champion! Anderson, Nightmare, Von Drake and Rider all climb into the ring as Colt Cooper slowly rises to his feet with his hands in the air! Anderson presents Colt Cooper with the sVo International Championship belt and raises his hand in the air, as the Company members exchange high fives!

Rey Rosario had this match won, if it wasn’t for the Company coming down to distract him!

The boos continue to ring out around the arena as the Company celebrate the capture of the sVo International Championship belt in the middle of the ring.

OUTCOME: Colt Cooper defeats Rey Rosario via pinfall to become the NEW sVo INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONRINGSIDE

LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOORColt Cooper and the Company continue to celebrate the victory of the new sVo International Champion, but as they do a battered Rey Rosario slowly pulls himself up to his feet, and the Company turn there attention to him. The boos continue to sound around the arena as Matt Anderson eggs Colt Cooper on, and the new sVo International Champion jumps forward and nails Rey Rosario in the head with the sVo International Championship belt!

Rosario looks like he might be busted wide open, as the Company members high five each other again. Matt Anderson seems to be directing traffic as Nightmare steps forward and pulls Rey Rosario up to his feet, before tossing him down like a piece of trash with a Rogue Driver! The boos sound again for the brother of Night, as he rises to his feet, and grabs hold of Rey Rosario again.

Rosario looks like he might be out cold, as Nightmare tosses him in the direction of the Las Vegas Champion James Von Drake. Von Drake sets Rosario up for a ‘Dollar Drop’, but suddenly…

Is anybody out there?
It feels like im talkin to myself
No one seems to know my struggle
And everything i come from
Can anybody hear me?
It guess I keep talkin to myself
It feels like im going insane
Am I the one who’s crazy?

The crowd pop as Joey Equinox steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with a steel chair in hand! Equinox has a mysterious female by his side, and looks to be making his way down to the ring! Anderson quickly sends Ethan Rider and JVD out of the ring after Equinox, but much to the cheers from the fans, they both receive kicks to the gut and a steel chair across there backs on the entrance ramp as Equinox continues to make his way towards the ring!

Equinox climbs into the ring, and quickly slams the chair over the head of Nightmare sending the monster down! Matt Anderson tries to hide behind the new sVo International Champion, but it looks like Equinox is coming after his former sVo Tag Team Championship partner! Equinox begins to make his way towards Anderson and Colt Cooper with the chair, but as he does he is nailed in the back of the head by the monster Nightmare!

Nightmare and Colt Cooper quickly jump forward and stomp down Equinox as Matt Anderson seems to regain his swagger, and even gets a few kicks in himself. The fans begin to boo again, but as the Company’s numbers game begin to take there toll on Equinox and Rosario, there is a huge pop from the fans as the ‘unlikely hero’ Alex Brooks sprints down the entrance ramp to get involved in the action! Soon the numbers are evened up as The Teacher makes his way down the entrance ramp, followed by the Australian submission expert Nathan Paradine!

The Company quickly bail out of the ring and make there way backwards up the entrance ramp as Equinox, Paradine, Brooks, The Teacher and Rey Rosario stare back at them with hate in their eyes. Showdown #61 comes to an end as the Company regroup on the entrance ramp as the two groups trash talk each other!

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