sVo Showdown
15th August 2010
Estadio Teresa Rivero, Madrid, Spain
Episode #051


As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Pretty Vegas by INXS begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showdown opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring action from top sVo stars such as Night, Isaac White, Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean! As the video begins to come to an end, the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the latest Showdown episode as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd! As the official sVo Showdown theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as highlights of last weeks show play on the giant screen before tonight’s episode gets underway!


With last weeks Ultimate Victory II PPV behind him, an ecstatic “Beautiful” Bobby Dean makes his way down the hall back towards his designated dressing room, with the Las Vegas title strapped around his waist, the tag team title slung over one shoulder and the newly acquired International title slung over his other shoulder. Pushing the door open the first ugly mug Bobby sees is the scowling visage of his sports agent Jeremiah Sloan.

With a shake of his head Sloan says, “Well now you’ve gone and done it haven’t you buddy?”

“I told you Jay,” Bobby says oozing confidence. “I told you all, my eyes were set and there wasn’t a thing Roscoe Shame could do about it…”

“Yeah well, now I’m forced to make a decision.” Sloan says as if it were obvious. “You really think I can continue to manage you and Roscoe Shame after this debacle?”

“What!?” Bobby asks confused. “What are you talking about?”

“I told you Bobby,” Sloan explains. “By doing this you weren’t just buying yourself a title shot, you weren’t just driving a wedge in the Company, you were risking your entire career just for that strap hanging off your shoulder…”

“I don’t understand.” Bobby says. “Jay, what’re you saying?”

“I don’t know how much simpler I can make this Bobby,” Sloan says somberly. “I’ve got to make a choice on who I’m going to represent, and well I just don’t think I can rightfully turn my back on Roscoe Shame, especially after what you did to him last week.”

Speaking of Shame, Roscoe chooses that time to step into the room, a disappointed look on his face, but upon entering, Shame stops midst ride, eyeing Bobby Dean. He takes the three steps and finds himself eye to eye with the newly crowned International champion. After a tense minute or two Roscoe extends his hand.

“Last Week,” Roscoe begins, “The better man won.”

Bobby, a genuine grin, ear to ear, extends his own hand and shakes the former champions hand. But just as he’s about to pull his hand back, Roscoe tightens his grip and pulls the champion forward, leaning his head forward he whispers in the champions ear. “But watch your back Bobo, you’ve got a target painted on your ass, and I’m gunning for my title back!”

Bobby yanks his hand back and laughs. Roscoe takes a minute looking fierce, but in the ends shares in the laughter. Bobby throws his hands up and says, “Time to celebrate baby! Let’s get fucked up!”

“Wait. Wait. Wait just a minute,” ever the buzz kill, Jeremiah Sloan calls out. “You’re forgetting, they’ve already announced that you’re going to be squaring off against Colt Cooper tonight!”

Bobby mulls over that thought but doesn’t take but a second to do that before he’s back to laughing as he reaches into his locker and pulls forth a big bottle of champagne. Popping the cork Bobby Dean begins to shake the bottle up spraying Jeremiah, Roscoe and himself with the liquid as he celebrates his recent win as if it were game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals! Colt Cooper will just have to wait his turn.

Jason Lake vs. Asesino

Boos begin to ring out around the arena as the entrance ramp lights up and Headstrong by Trapt hits the sound system. On the sVo-Tron highlights of Asesino’s sVo greatest moments play as Asesino slowly makes his way out from the backstage area and down the entrance ramp. Asesino stares out the crowd as he walks, before rolling into the ring. Asesino walks around the ring looking out at those in the crowd who are booing him, before jumping up onto the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and taunting to the fans by throwing them an ironic kiss.

The lights dim as “Beer” by Reel Big Fish hits the amps. Jason comes out into the entry way and poses as pyros go off around him. Jason high-fives the fans as he jogs down to the ring, then he seal dives in under the bottom rope and poses on the ropes.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one is now underway. Asesino and Lake circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before both diving forward and tying up. Asesino tries to force Jason Lake back, but the former MMA fighter uses his strength to scoop up Asesino and slam him down to the mat with authority! The fans cheer the big move from Jason Lake, as Asesino struggles back up to his feet holding his back in pain. Jason Lake bounces back off of the ring ropes before springing forward and nailing Asesino with a stiff clothesline. With Asesino down on the mat, Jason Lake stomps away on him. Jason Lake looks dominant as Asesino gets to his feet and Lake nails him with a knee to the midsection. Asesino doubles over and Jason Lake takes him down to the mat with a big belly to back suplex.

Jason Lake raises his arms to show off his dominance over his opponent so far in this opening match up, but the celebrations are cut short as Asesino gets to his feet and bounces into the ropes, before catching Jason Lake with a spinning heel kick to the face. Jason Lake gets straight back up, but Asesino grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the corner of the ring, before taking him down with a reverse DDT. With Lake down on the mat, Asesino leaps onto his opponent and begins to hammer him with some big mounted punches! After ten hard punches from Asesino, Lake finally pushes his opponent off and rolls to his feet. Asesino runs at Jason Lake looking for a spear, however Lake gets his foot up to give a big boot to Asesino!

Asesino staggers away, but Lake quickly pounces onto his opponent and grabs him in a side head lock. Asesino tries to struggle out of the hold, but Jason Lake advances it into an arm triangle choke! The referee asks Asesino if he would like to submit, but Asesino manages to quickly reach the ropes with his feet to break the hold.

Jason Lake doesn’t look too happy with having to break the hold, and shows his frustration with a big kick to the midsection of Asesino as he begins to rise to his feet. Lake grabs hold of Asesino by the arm and whips him hard into the ropes. Asesino bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Jason Lake takes him down to the mat with a stiff powerslam! The fans cheer the massive move from Jason Lake who wastes no time in going for the cover on his opponent.




Much to the shock of Jason Lake, Asesino manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted. Jason Lake grabs Asesino by the hair and yanks him up to his feet, before sending him into the corner of the ring. Jason Lake advances on Asesino and lays into him with some stiff body punches in the corner of the ring, before sending him corner to corner! With Asesino hitting the turnbuckle hard, Lake tries to follow up with a splash in the corner, but somehow Asesino dives out of the way, causing Jason Lake to hit the turnbuckle hard! Jason Lake stumbles out of the corner of the ring holding his chest in pain, until Asesino takes him down to the mat with a side Russian legsweep. With Lake down on the match, Asesino runs into the ropes, before bouncing back and hitting an elbow drop on Lake!

Asesino now looks as if he is in control of the match as Jason Lake stumbles up to his feet, only for Asesino to hit him with some forearm smashes to the face. Lake stumbles backwards, allowing Asesino the chance to pounce on him and take him down to the mat with a jawbreaker! Lake stumbles up holding his face in pain, as Asesino bounces out of the ropes behind him and takes down Lake with a big bulldog from behind! With Jason Lake down on the mat and in pain, Asesino flips him over and hooks the leg to make the cover.




This time it’s Jason Lake’s time to shock his opponent by getting a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Asesino goes straight back onto the offence as he pulls Jason Lake to his feet and nails him with a knee to the midsection. Asesino positions Jason Lake for a powerbomb, but as he tries to lift up his opponent Jason Lake manages to counter! Asesino has a worried look on his face as he tries once more to powerbomb Lake, only for Jason Lake to nail him with a back body drop! Asesino hits the mat hard before getting back to his feet. Jason Lake bounces into the ropes and then returns with a massive clothesline to take Asesino out and nearly behead his opponent!

Asesino rises to his feet, but Jason Lake hits him with a scoop slam to send him back down to the mat. With Asesino down on the mat, Jason Lake quickly locks in a rear naked choke hold on his opponent! Asesino tries desperately to escape from the submission hold, but Jason Lake seems to have it locked in! The referee asks Asesino if he would like to submit, however Asesino manages to free himself from the hold with a rake to the eyes of Jason Lake! Lake stumbles away from his opponent holding his face in pain, and Asesino takes advantage of the situation with a kick to the midsection, followed by a ‘Asesino Unprettier’! The fans boo as Asesino drops down and makes the cover over his opponent.




This one is all over, and in a somewhat shock result, Asesino picks up the win over the sVo newcomer Jason Lake! Despite Lake giving it his all, it’s Asesino who done enough to pick up the win in the first match of the sVo international tour of 2010! Asesino has his hand raised in the in victory by the referee as his music blasts out over the sound system.

RESULT: Asesino def. Jason Lake via pinfall

Word of Mouth

Showdown heads backstage where Katie Smith is standing by with one of the sVo’s brightest prospects, Ace Diamonds who tonight takes on Grimnir after his impressive win last week at the Ultimate Victory II PPV over Johnny Stylez. Ace Diamonds looks to be in a confident mood with his match up next!

Katie Smith – ‘Last week you made an impressive first outing in an sVo ring. How did it feel to be apart of the sVo?’

Ace turns his had just so his left side of his face is showing. He takes a few more puffs from his Cigar before talking it out of his mouth and flicking it on the ground, where it rolls around for a little bit and than just stops as the darkness claims it.

Ace Diamonds – ‘Last week I beat Johnny Boy. It was so easy. Too easy in fact. Heck winning a Poker Tournament against a bunch of blind people would have been more of a challenge. You may ask me than why did you have such a hard time? Why didn’t you finish him right at the beginning? The answer my good friends is simple. I wanted to play with my prey before killing it. Nothing more, nothing less.’

Katie Smith – ‘Well this week you take on another newcomer, the masked Grimnir. Not much is known about this young superstar, apart from the fact that some insiders are tipping him to make a big impact here in the sVo. How do you feel about your opponent?’

Ace Diamonds – ‘Grimnir. Again what the hell? Grimnir. Is that the best name he can come up with. It is just as bad with Johnny adding a z at the end of his name. Okay it isn’t that bad but all the same these people need to think of something you know more clever, more worthy. I bet this man will not even go far. After he loses to me this week Grimnir like Johnny will fade into the darkness and never be seen or heard of again.’

Ace starts to chuckle.

Ace Diamonds – ‘You know what I don’t like saying Grimnir anymore. I am going to call you something that fits you a bit better. How about McDonalds favorite purple buddy. Grimmis.’

Ace Diamonds begins to chuckle again, but suddenly the interview is interrupted by the appearance of Victory Cup winner James Von Drake on the scene. Ace Diamonds doesn’t look too impressed with the interruption as Von Drake looks down on Diamonds with contempt.

James Von Drake – ‘Is this how low the sVo has sunk, we are now giving the likes of Ace Diamonds time on the mic? There used to be a time you had to be someone to have an opinion in this business, now it looks as if any old person can step in here and call themselves a star…’

Ace Diamonds doesn’t look too impressed with Von Drake’s cocky comments again, as he squares up to the Victory Cup winner.

Ace Diamonds – ‘That’s a bit rich, coming from someone who bottled the main event at the Ultimate Victory PPV last week….’

The fans cheer the comment, as it clearly cuts Von Drake deep as he stares down Ace Diamonds as the scene fades out, the tension in the atmosphere obvious to everyone.

Grimnir vs. Ace Diamond

The Grouch & Eligh “All In” hits the sound system and the fans cheer as Ace Diamonds slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Diamonds poses for a few seconds at the top of the entrance ramp whilst fireworks shoot up alongside him, before quickly making his way down towards the ring. Diamonds climbs into the ring before climbing to the second rope in the corner of the ring, and holding his arms in the air to signal to the crowd.

The dull tones pick up speed as the haunting voice of a woman sings. As the voice reaches full pitch, the arena’s houselights washes out the arena in light before returning to normal, leaving Grimnir standing at the entrance. He starts to slowly walk down as the hammering drums and energy filled riffs grind through to his very last step. He stands at the front of the ring, points up the sky with both hands, slides into the ring and then kneels, looking as if he were praying. He stays there for a moment and then springs up to his feet, ready for action.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the action is underway as Grimnir and Ace Diamonds stare each other down for a few seconds, before running at each other. Grimnir and Diamonds trade big right hands in the middle of the ring, before Diamonds gets the upper hand over the sVo newcomer, and knees him in the midsection. Diamonds grabs Grimnir by the back of the head and runs him over to the corner of the ring, before slamming him face first into the turnbuckle. Grimnir staggers backwards, and Ace Diamonds nails him with some stiff chops across the chest, before Grimnir counters by taking him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown!

With Diamonds down on the mat, the high flyer Grimnir takes advantage by stepping up to the second rope, before jumping down and landing a leg drop across the chest of Ace Diamonds! Diamonds rises up to his feet holding his chest in pain, before nailing Grimnir with a back elbow shot as he approaches him. Diamonds grabs Grimnir by the arm and whips him into the ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a back breaker as he bounces back. With Grimnir down on the mat, Diamonds lays into him with some big kicks to the legs to try and slow down the high flyer.

Diamonds rises up to his feet with a smile on his feet, before pulling Grimnir up as well. Ace Diamonds takes down Grimnir with a t-bone suplex, before making a cover on his opponent! Diamonds looks as if he is going to get the early win, but Grimnir is able to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Ace Diamonds doesn’t look too happy with the referee as he gets back up to his feet after failing to get the three count. Ace Diamonds begins to pulls Grimnir to his feet, but the sVo newcomer surprises Diamonds by leaping up with an axe kick to Diamonds to knock him back into the corner of the ring! With Diamonds in the corner, Grimnir nails onto him with some shoulder blocks into the midsection. Diamonds staggers out of the corner of the ring, and Grimnir takes him down to the mat with a huricanrana!

Ace Diamonds looks shocked as he rises back up to his feet, only to find himself back on the mat via a swinging DDT from Grimnir! The fans cheer the impressive move from the sVo newcomer, as he makes his way to the corner of the ring and begins to climb to the top rope! With Ace Diamonds down on the mat, Grimnir leaps down and lands an elbow drop from the top rope onto Ace Diamonds! The fans cheer the massive move from the Norwegian, as he makes the cover on Diamonds.



Ace Diamonds gets a shoulder up off of the mat, just when Grimnir thought he was going to get the win in his first match in the sVo!

Grimnir grabs Ace Diamonds by the arm and pulls him to his feet, before sending him into the corner of the ring. Grimnir nails Ace Diamonds with some quick punches in the corner of the ring, before hitting a springboard DDT onto Ace Diamonds! Ace Diamonds looks in trouble as Grimnir rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans! Grimnir looks as if he is preparing for his superkick finishing move, as he stalks Ace Diamonds who looks to be struggling to get to his feet after than impressive DDT! Ace Diamonds finally pulls himself up, but as Grimnir leaps forward and aims the ‘Masked Justice’ as Diamonds’, his opponent ducks out of the way and grabs Grinmir in a waist lock! Grimnir doesn’t know what has hit him as he is tossed to the mat with a german suplex from Ace Diamonds!

The fans cheer the big move from Ace Diamonds, as the momentum swings back into the balance of the man from Vegas! Grimnir staggers back to his feet as if he doesn’t know what has just hit him, only to be grabbed in a front face lock by Ace Diamonds. The fans cheer as Diamonds pulls Grimnir up into the air, and hits him with a stalling suplex! With Grimnir hitting the mat hard, Ace Diamonds crawls over his opponent and hooks the leg.




Everyone thought that Ace Diamonds had picked up the win there, but it’s Grimnir who gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Ace Diamonds can’t believe that Grimnir managed to kick out after than, and he drags his masked opponent back up to his feet. Ace Diamonds taunts to the crowd, before positioning Grimnir for a powerbomb! Ace Diamonds pulls his opponent up into the air, before tossing him down to the mat with authority! Ace Diamonds looks as if he has got this one sewn up after that powerbomb, but suddenly boos ring out around the arena as James Von Drake makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp! Ace Diamonds spots JVD on the entrance ramp, and begins to taunt him to get into the ring and try his luck! JVD stands on the entrance ramp smirking, but as he does Ace Diamonds turns away from the distraction, straight into a ‘Masked Justice’ superkick from Grimnir! Ace Diamonds drops down after the finishing move from Grimnir, who makes the cover!




It’s the sVo newcomer who picks up the victory in his first sVo match, with Ace Diamonds looking like he had this one won until the distraction from JVD cost him the match! JVD stands on the top of the entrance ramp smirking as Grimnir celebrates his victory in the ring by getting his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee.

RESULT: Grimnir def. Ace Diamonds via pinfall

Spreading the Bets?

The scene heads upstage with despite the fact we are in Spain, the Company is still dominating the executive box. Matt Anderson is standing by the window watching the action unfold below him as the other members of the Company sit with their back to the camera. Once again cigar smoke lingers in the air as Anderson adjusts the trademark shades that sit on his face.

Unknown – ‘Pat Fullam was dealt with, but we were very disappointed with your handling of the ‘Night’ situation….’

Anderson doesn’t answer for a few seconds, as he looks out at the action.

Matt Anderson – ‘It all hinged on the interference from the mystery masked man, none of us had any idea that was coming.’

There are murmurs from the Company members who don’t seem too pleased with Anderson’s management performance.

Unknown – ‘It’s your job to deal with variables such as that, I hope you are going to find this individual and deal with them.’

Matt Anderson – ‘It’s under control, we still have plan B. We will take Pat Fullam out of action for good tonight, and Night’s time is coming soon. Roscoe Shame now has the number one contendership, he is the top man in the sVo and there is no way that Night will be able to beat him.’

Unknown – ‘Well BBD beat him last week. Maybe it’s him we should be pushing to take on Night at the Battle of Britain PPV?’

There are more murmurs from the Company members, as Anderson shivers at the though of pushing the cocky triple champion Bobby Dean towards the World Championship picture.’

Matt Anderson – ‘I have faith in Roscoe Shame, trust me he has the talent to get the job done.’

Fade out.

Coming Soon

Rey Rosario & El Locon vs. DVD & Limp

The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds Rey Rosario and El Locon, wearing a straight jacket slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net. The fans cheer as El Locon stares down at the ring, before climbing into the ring. The man escorting El Locon begins to take off his straight jacket, as the entrance music begins to fade out. With the straight jacket removed, El Locon stretches out in the corner of the ring and Rey Rosario prepares for the match to get under way.

Headstrong by Trapt plays as DVD and Limp come out down the entrance ramp. The pair then slowly walk to the ring with an intense look on their faces.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one gets underway with DVD and Rey Rosario kicking things off for their teams. DVD quickly hits Rosario with some big right hands before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the ropes. Rosario bounces back, but as he does he nails a clothesline on DVD to send him down to the mat. DVD gets back to his feet and is hit with some big chops by Rosario, until the former Las Vegas Champion takes down DVD with a twisting neckbreaker. Rosario grabs hold of DVD as he gets back to his feet and drags him to the corner of the ring before making the tag out to El Locon. Rosario holds DVD in an abdominal stretch as El Locon climbs into the ring, and allows his opponent some free punches to the midsection of DVD.

Rosario releases DVD and climbs out of the ring, as El Locon nails DVD with some punches to the face before taking him to the mat with a huge suplex. The fans cheer the big move from El Locon, who has got the momentum on his side in the match so far! DVD rises to his feet and stumbles across to make the tagh out to Limp, but El Locon grabs him around the waist before he can and pulls him back to the ring. El Locon takes DVD down to the mat with a waist lock takedown, before locking him in a arm bar submission move on the mat. DVD desperately tries to find away out of the hold, and manages to swing his legs around to catch El Locon in a headscissors which causes El Locon to release the hold.

Both men rise to their feet, and DVD ducks under a right hand from El Locon, and takes him down to the mat with a facebuster. With El Locon down, DVD lays into him with some mounted punches before letting his opponent to his feet. El Locon stumbles up, and DVD nails him with a knee to the midsection, before taking his opponent to the mat with a hip toss, before dropping an elbow across the upper body of El Locon! With El Locon down, DVD makes the tag out to Limp, who quickly climbs into the ring. Limp lays into El Locon with some stiff kicks before allowing him to get to his feet. Limp nails El Locon with a big head butt, before sending him down to the mat with a double underhook suplex. With El Locon down and hurting, Limp makes the cover on his opponent.



Rosario gets in just in time to break the count up with a kick to the back of Limp’s head!

Rosario receives a scolding from the referee as he makes his way back outside the ring, whilst Limp grabs El Locon and pulls him to his feet. Limp sends El Locon into the ropes, before taking him down with a drop toe hold. With El Locon down on the mat, Limp bounces into the ropes before returning to hit a diving dropkick into the face of El Locon! With El Locon down on the mat, Limp tags out to DVD who gets back into the ring. DVD follows up with some big stomps onto El Locon, before pulling the big man up to his feet. DVD nails a textbook suplex onto El Locon, before rising up to his feet and taunting Rey Rosario! Rosario tries to climb into the ring, but the referee rushes across to stop him. Behind the back of the referee Limp jumps into the ring, and DVD and Limp double team El Locon! The pair pull El Locon up to his feet and send El Locon into the ropes, before taking him down with a double team flapjack! With El Locon down on the mat, Limp rolls out of the ring and DVD makes the cover on his opponent as the referee turns around to see the cover!




Rosario gets in again to break up the cover! DVD doesn’t look too happy with not getting the three count as he brings El Locon back up to a standing position, before sending him into the corner of the ring. DVD lands a big splash on El Locon in the corner of the ring, causing El Locon to stumble out into the middle of the ring. DVD bounces into the ropes and aims a clothesline at El Locon, but El Locon ducks under the clothesline! DVD continues into the opposite ring ropes and bounces back at El Locon, but El Locon lands a big boot on DVD, sending both men down to the mat!

With both men down, it turns into a slow race as each men try and crawl to their corner of the ring and be the first to tag out to their partner! Both Rosario and Limp hold their hands out waiting for the tag, and in the end both of them tag out at the same time! Rosario and Limp both jump into the ring and trade big rights in the middle. Limp seems to be getting the better of the exchange as he grabs Rosario and slams him face first into the turnbuckle in the middle of the ring. Rosario staggers backwards, but as Limp grabs him looking for a German suplex, Rosario counters with a back elbow to Limp. Limp staggers away, and Rosario catches him with a knee to the midsection followed by a big DDT! With Limp down, Rosario runs across and knocks DVD off of the ring apron!

Rosario turns his attention back towards Limp as he pulls him up to his feet before nailing him with a piledriver in the middle of the ring! Rosario makes the cover in the middle of the ring with Limp down and hurting after being dropped on his head!


DVD jumps into the ring to try and break up the cover…


El Locon cuts DVD off with a big clothesline!


This one is all over, and its Rey Rosario and El Locon who pick up the big tag team win! The crowd cheer as El Locon and Rosario toss DVD and Limp out of the ring, before raising their hands in the air in victory and standing dominant in the ring!

RESULT: Rey Rosario & El Locon def. DVD & Limp via pinfall

Real Ugly


{Ethan Rider stands at the home of Colt Cooper. He taps his feet waiting on Colt to open the door. After a few moments, the door swings open showing off Colt’s home. Like last week the things he put in there are there, but he’s completely painted his wall baby blue.}

“Man this is bright.” Ethan steps inside Colt’s home.

“You know how bright I am.” Colt gives Ethan a pat on the back.

“So…how you feeling about tonight?” Ethan says while jumping on Colt’s bed.

“I’m feeling perfected. Ready to endure whatever Bobby Dean will bring. Besides, I feel that this has been staged just for me. Let’s think about. I’m yet to lose a match, and this guy has three titles. Whatever water his opponents are drinking is not working. Now, my boss notices what specimen he has on his hands, and It couldn’t be long before he threw me into a match with someone of Dean’s caliber. I think it’s a test for me to see where I could be headed, but it’s a very big one, and one I won’t fail.” Colt mentions.

{Colt goes over to his refrigerator to grab a Red Bull.}

“You want one?” Colt flashes a Red Bull to Ethan, he nods his head no, and Colt shrugs closing the fridge.

“Man, you’re rising quick. You think if you were in the Ultimate Victory tourney you could’ve won?” Ethan ask.

“I haven’t really thought about it? I’m glad where I’m at now. I find myself in a Las Vegas Title match against the most dominant man in the company. When I beat him, I should no longer be looked at as Colt Cooper, I should be looked at as a champion.” Colt swallows down some of the Red Bull.

“You know if you win…there is at least three more rookies in the SvO gunning for that International title.” Ethan Rider says. Colt chuckles.

“I already know that, and will have to adjust to being a haunted man, but through all of it i’m pulling out. Tonight I have to complete what i’ve set out to do, can’t anybody hold me back from doing it. It’s about to get real ugly. Now if you would excuse me.”

{Colt drinks down the rest of the Red Bull. He gives Ethan one more look, and nods his head. He exits his home leaving the cameras fading out to Ethan Rider.}

Showdown #52 – 22nd August 2010

Night vs. The Crippler

Last Resort plays as Canadian Crippler comes out completely focused on the ring. He enters the ring and awaits the bell.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

The man stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seemlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

Crippler stands across the ring from the sVo Champion and both men stare each other down as they await the bell to be rung and this one to get underway. Night hands the sVo World Championship belt to the outside of the ring, and the referee finally calls for the bell to be chimed and this one is up and running! Crippler and Night make their way towards each other in the middle of the ring and circle each other for a few seconds before trying up in the middle of the ring. Night tries to force Crippler back, however Crippler grabs his arm and twists it back behind his back in a wrist lock. Night tries to twist out of the hold, but Crippler counters into a front face lock. With Night locked in the hold Crippler tries to take him down to the mat with a suplex, but Night counters with a hip toss to take Crippler down.

Crippler rises up to his feet, and ducks under a right hand from Night before bouncing into the ring ropes. Crippler runs back at Night, and the sVo Champion takes down his opponent with a jumping axe kick to the face of Crippler. Crippler rises up to his feet, and is caught with some stiff chops across the chest from the sVo Champion, who backs Crippler into the corner of the ring. With Crippler in the corner, Night grabs him in a front face lock and tries to lift Crippler up onto the turnbuckle in position for a superplex! However Crippler counters with a knee to the midsection of his opponent, before tossing Night down to the mat with a double underhook suplex.

Night rises straight back to his feet, but Crippler is there again with a belly to back suplex on the Champion. Crippler rises to his feet and gives some stiff kicks to Night as he rises up to his feet. Crippler lays into Night with some stiff chops across the chest of the Champion which echoes around the arena, before he takes him down to the mat with a dragon screw takedown. With Night on the mat, Crippler locks his opponent into a knee bar submission hold to try and slow down the ring general and get full control of the match. Night tries his best to try and free himself from the submission move, but Crippler finally releases the hold and pulls Night up to his feet. Crippler backs Night into the corner with some stiff kicks to the midsection, before grabbing hold of his leg and placing it over the second rope.

Crippler begins to kick away at the knee of Night which is now prone on the ropes and live up to his name, before pulling Night away and suplexing him down to the mat. With Night down on the mat and hurting, Crippler drops a big elbow across the Champion, before grabbing hold of his legs. Crippler then locks Night in an anklelock! The fans rise to their feet thinking that this one could be all over with Night locked in the ankle lock! Night screams out in pain as he tries to reach the ropes, whilst Crippler tries to twist the World Champion’s foot off of his leg! The referee asks Night if he would like to quit, but the World Champion shakes his head and continues to reach out for the ropes! Crippler does his best to keep Night in the middle of the ring, but Night reaches out one last time….. and to a big cheer from the crowd grabs the bottom rope!

Night lays face first on the floor in pain as Crippler rises up to his feet with a pissed off look on his face. Crippler begins to stomp away on the legs of Night in an attempt to wear him down, before trying to get the ankle lock back onto the World Champion! Night does his best to fight getting locked into the move, and pulls himself to his feet using the ropes. Crippler tries to pull the leg of Night back around, but Night leaps up and catches Crippler with an enzuguri! The fans pop for the big move as Night limps away as Crippler gets back to his feet with a dazed look on his face.

Crippler runs at Night looking for a spear onto the World Champion, but Night counters it into a ‘Sandman DDT’! The fans cheer the signature move from Night, who limps around the ring obviously still feeling the effects of the ankle lock. Crippler slowly gets to his feet and aims some right hands at the face of Night, but Night ducks under the arm of Crippler, before grabbing him in a front face lock! Night pulls Crippler into the air and then slams him down on his head with ‘The Dreaming’! With Crippler on the mat, Night drops down and makes the cover on his opponent.




This one is all over, and it’s Night who picks up the narrow win over Crippler! Night limps up to his feet, obviously still feeling the effects of the ankle lock, as the referee presents him with his World Championship belt, which he raises in the air in victory!

RESULT: Night def. Crippler via pinfall

One Man Wrecking Crew

The scene heads backstage where the giant Pat Fullam is roaming the arena in search of Weapon X, who managed to score an unlikely victory over ‘The Coolness’ last week on Ultimate Victory II! Despite the fact that Fullam is tonight booked against Weapon X’s Company team mate Roscoe Shame, Fullam is still on his one man mission to destroy the Company!

Pat Fullam makes his way down the corridor checking behind every door to find out where Weapon X is hiding, with the mysterious Weapon X surely in trouble as soon as Fullam catches up with him!

Bobby Dean (c) vs. Colt Cooper

Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva hits the sound system and there are boos all around for Colt Cooper as his entrance video hits the sVo-Tron. After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his normal cocky smile. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his chest taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, and gives the middle finger to the fans of sVo who don’t like him.

“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds, with the sVo International, Las Vegas and Tag Team title belts around his waist! He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

The referee holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match, before passing the belt to the outside of the ring and calling for the bell to be rung! BBD and and Cooper make their way to each other, and Cooper looks to get the early advantage with some cheap shots to the face of BBD as they pair trash talk each other. Cooper grabs hold of BBD by the arm and sends him into the ring ropes, but as BBD bounces back he lands a flying forearm smash to the face of Colt Cooper to send him down. Cooper rises up to his feet and BBD lands some stiff chops across his chest, before taking him down to the mat with a snap suplex.

Colt Cooper rises up to his feet after the suplex, and finds himself sent into the corner of the ring by the first ever sVo triple champion, who then follows up with some big kicks and punches onto Colt Cooper in the corner of the ring. Colt Cooper fights his way out with a big head butt on Bobby Dean to send him staggering backwards, before Colt Cooper follows up with an arm drag takedown onto his opponent. Bobby Dean pops back up to a standing position and Colt Cooper slams an elbow into his throat, before tossing him to the mat with a big side slam.

Before Colt Cooper can go for the cover on BBD, the triple champion rolls out of the ring under the bottom and to the outside of the ring! The fans boo as Bobby Dean walks around the outside of the ring holding his throat in pain, whilst the referee shouts for him to get back into the ring! After a few seconds of Bobby Dean staggering around on the outside and catching his breath, Colt Cooper seems to have had enough as he jumps out of the ring as well! Colt Cooper makes his way towards Bobby Dean, but Dean seems to see him coming as he turns and rakes the eyes of his challenger! The fans boo the actions of Bobby Dean, as he grabs the arm of Colt Cooper and irish whips him into the steel ring steps! Colt Cooper hits the ring steps hard, and Bobby Dean looks very pleased with himself as Colt Cooper lays onto floor holding his knees in pain.

Bobby Dean makes his way over to his opponent, and stomps away on Colt Cooper as he tries to pick himself up to his feet. Bobby Dean grabs Colt Cooper by the back of the head, and slams him face first into the announcers table, causing the announcers to scatter in fear! Bobby Dean tries to lift Colt Cooper onto the announcers table, however Colt Cooper manages to counter with some big back elbows on Bobby Dean to knock the Las Vegas Champion away. Bobby Dean staggers away from Colt Cooper, but as the challenger runs at BBD, the Champion grabs his Tag Team title belt and holds it in the air, causing Colt Cooper to run straight into the belt!

Colt Cooper holds his face in pain as he lays on the floor, whilst BBD drops the belt back down, and begins to stomp away on Colt Cooper. The referee demands that both men take the action back into the ring, but Bobby Dean seems to ignore him as he pulls the now bleeding Colt Cooper up to his feet. Bobby Dean slams Colt Cooper face first into the ring post, before taking him down onto the hard floor with a spinning back suplex!

The fans boo the impressive move from Bobby Dean as he flips off the crowd, before pulling Colt Cooper up to his feet and tossing him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Bobby Dean then follows his opponent back into the ring, and bounces into the ring ropes before dropping an elbow across his opponent. With Colt Cooper down, Bobby Dean makes the cover on his opponent.




Somehow Colt Cooper managed to get a shoulder up off of the mat, despite all of the offence that has been dealt his way by Bobby Dean! Bobby Dean looks livid with the referee as he jumps up to his feet and grabs the referee by the shirt! Bobby Dean complains that it was a slow count and he should have the match won right there, but as he does Colt Cooper manages to land a low blow from behind on the Las Vegas Champion!

The fans boo the actions of Colt Cooper, as he rises up to his feet, before landing a big DDT onto Bobby Dean to send him down to the mat. Colt Cooper then lays into Bobby Dean with some stiff right hands to the face, before pulling him back up to his feet. Colt Cooper lays into Bobby Dean with some stiff kicks, before sending him down to the mat with a ‘Goldmine’! Despite the impressive move from Colt Cooper, the fans continue to boo him as he makes the cover on Bobby Dean!




Colt Cooper can’t believe that he didn’t pick up the three count right there, as he rises up to his feet and kicks the ropes in frustration. Cooper pulls Bobby Dean up to a standing position, and lays into the Champion with some stiff kicks and punches. Bobby Dean ducks under one of Colt Cooper’s punches, and grabs him by the arms and sends him hard into the ropes. Colt Cooper seems to have got stuck in the ropes, but as Bobby Dean advances on him, Cooper nails Bobby Dean with a ‘Solar Eclipse’! Bobby Dean staggers back to his feet holding his face in pain, but he is soon back on the mat with a ‘Diamond in the Ruff’! Colt Cooper looks to be in control of this match and it looks like we could have a new Las Vegas Champion here tonight!

Colt Cooper begins to pull Bobby Dean up to his feet, and then throws him into the ring ropes. Bobby Dean bounces back and Colt Cooper looks for the ‘Colt of Conduct’ but Bobby Dean duck out of the way at the very last second! Colt Cooper spins around, but he is grabbed by Bobby Dean who takes him down with the ‘Starstruck’! There are boos all around as BBD makes the cover,




This one is all over, and out of nowhere it is the triple champion Bobby Dean who manages to retain his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt with a big win over the impressive Colt Cooper! Bobby Dean celebrates in the middle of the ring with his title belts as if he has just scored the greatest victory of his career, as Colt Cooper backs up the entrance ramp with a rueful look on his face, knowing that his day will come soon.

RESULT: Bobby Dean def. Colt Cooper via pinfall

19th September 2010

Roscoe Shame vs. Pat Fullam

“Rebirth” by Lil Wayne hits and Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar. The fans stand and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself. He makes his way to the ring while pyros shoot out from the ramp. He climbs into the ring stretches and awaits his opponent.

The arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,

Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.

“Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)” by Digable Planets starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam comes out on stage. The tron flickers to life once again with clips of all of the 7’2″ giant’s time in the ring throughout the various federations he’s been in.

He tosses up the metal head salute as he begins to walk down to the ring to the beat of “Rebirth of Slick.” Making it to the ring he reaches up and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up onto the apron and stepping over the top rope. He swaggers to the center of the ring and tosses his hair back before giving one final metal head salute as the music fades.

Pat Fullam stares across the ring at the sVo World Championship #1 contender Roscoe Shame as the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this highly anticipated main event is underway! Roscoe Shame rushes towards the big man Fullam and tries to get an early advantage in the match with some big right hands to the face of Fullam, but Fullam manages to knock him away with a big slap across the chest of Shame! Shame staggers away, before bouncing into the ring ropes and running at Fullam with a clothesline! Roscoe Shame connects with the big clothesline, however it is not enough to knock the giant off of his feet! Roscoe Shame looks at Pat Fullam in shock before trying to repeat the move, however this time as Shame bounces back, Pat Fullam knocks him down with a big boot to the face!

Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet holding his head in pain, but quickly finds himself back down on the mat with a big scoop slam from Pat Fullam, who then begins to stomp away on Roscoe Shame who finds himself down on the mat. Shame tries to struggle up, however Pat Fullam grabs hold of the former International Champion and slams him down across his knee with a big back breaker. The fans boo the move from the giant Pat Fullam, who is looking dominant early on in this match up!

Roscoe Shame bravely gets back to his feet and aims a kick to the midsection of Pat Fullam, before hitting him with some big punches to back the big man into the corner of the ring. Roscoe Shame tries to get back into the match with some big shoulder barges into the midsection of Fullam, before pulling him out of the corner and taking him down to the mat with a side Russian legsweep. As Pat Fullam begins to get back to his feet, Roscoe Shame climbs to the second rope of the corner, before jumping off and landing a double axe handle blow across the head of Pat Fullam! Pat Fullam stumbles away from Roscoe Shame, who tries to get the crowd on his side before making his way towards Fullam.

Roscoe Shame lands a big kick to the knee of Pat Fullam to try and cut the big man down, before landing a massive punch to the side of his head. Pat Fullam staggers backwards, and Roscoe Shame bounces into the ropes before hitting a chopblock on Fullam to take him down to the mat. With Fullam down on the mat, Roscoe Shame quickly grabs hold of his leg before dropping his elbow across the knee joint of Pat Fullam. Roscoe Shame continues to try and work across the joint of Fullam’s knee with kicks and elbow drops, before getting back to his feet and taunting to the crowd. Pat Fullam tries to pull himself back up to a standing position, but Roscoe Shame takes advantage of the giants position as he lands a big DDT on Fullam! With the big man down, Roscoe Shame makes the cover,



Pat Fullam kicks out with authority! Roscoe Shame looks in complete shock that Pat Fullam managed to kick out, as he tries to rise to his feet. Roscoe Shame nails some big right hands to the side of Fullam’s head as he tries to pull himself up, but Pat Fullam suddenly grabs hold of Roscoe Shame around the throat! Roscoe Shame tries to free himself of the grip of Fullam, but the giant tosses him into the corner of the ring before landing some huge body blows to Roscoe Shame!

Shame looks to be reeling as he staggers out of the corner of the ring, only to be grabbed by Pat Fullam who slams him down to the mat with a side slam! Roscoe Shame looks like he has had all of the air driven out of him as he staggers up to his feet, only to be grabbed quickly by Pat Fullam’s giant hand. Pat Fullam nails Roscoe Shame with a massive spinebuster, before bouncing into the ropes and landing a big legdrop on Roscoe Shame! Pat Fullam makes no attempt to hook the leg as he makes the cover on the #1 contender for the World Championship.




Much to the shock of Pat Fullam, Roscoe Shame managed to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three could be counted! Roscoe Shame struggles up to his feet and tries to get some offence in on his opponent, however Pat Fullam goes straight back to work on Shame with a big knee to the midsection of his opponent. Roscoe Shame doubles over, and Pat Fullam lifts him high into the air, before slamming him down to the mat with a massive powerbomb! The fans boo the big move from Pat Fullam, who walks around the ring to show his dominance over his opponent here tonight!

Pat Fullam makes his way back over to Roscoe Shame, and pulls his opponent up to a standing position before signalling to the crowd! This one could be all over if Fullam lands the ‘Crippling Cool’ finishing move right here! Fullam pulls Roscoe Shame into the air for the finishing move, but as he does Weapon X comes sprinting down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in his hands! Fullam holds Roscoe Shame high in the air, but before he can slam Roscoe Shame down, Weapon X slams the steel chair into the back of Pat Fullam! Pat Fullam drops Roscoe Shame, but the big chair shot doesn’t knock down the big man!

Pat Fullam looks at Weapon X with an evil look in his eye, and Weapon X slams the steel chair into Pat Fullam again, but once again it doesn’t send the big man down! Pat Fullam grabs the steel chair out of the hands of Weapon X and tosses it down to the mat. Pat Fullam grabs hold of Weapon X and slams him down to the mat with ‘The Crippling Cool’! Pat Fullam looks down at Weapon X for a few seconds, before grabing him in a headlock. With Weapon X grabbed with one of his big hands, Pat Fullam tries to pull the mask off of Weapon X’s face! The fans rise to their feet to see if the true identity of Weapon X is about to be revealed, however before Fullam can pull the mask off, Roscoe Shame grabs the chair and slams it once again into the back of Fullam’s head! Before Fullam can turn around Roscoe Shame nails him with multiple chair shots to the head, to finally take down the big man! With Pat Fullam down, Roscoe Shame quickly jumps down to make the cover,





Somehow the giant still managed to kick out despite all of those blows to the head! Roscoe Shame can’t believe it as he rises up to his feet and holds his head in shock. Weapon X slowly staggers up to his feet as Roscoe Shame makes his way over to the steel chair, and positions it in the middle of the ring. Roscoe Shame then seems to be directing traffic as he and Weapon X pull Pat Fullam to his feet. Weapon X and Roscoe Shame then double team Pat Fullam, with both men struggling to pull Pat Fullam up into the air, before tossing him down onto the steel chair with a double team ‘Shame Time’ onto the steel chair! With Fullam down, Shame again goes for the cover,




This one is all over, and Roscoe Shame has managed to get the win over Pat Fullam with the help of Weapon X! However it doesn’t seem as if the Company are happy with the victory of Pat Fullam, as the crowd boo as Matt Anderson makes his way down the entrance ramp with a sledehammer in his hands! Matt Anderson looks to have a huge smile on his face as he climbs into the ring with the weapon as Weapon X and Roscoe Shame pull Pat Fullam up to a kneeling position, holding an arm each. The crowd boo as it looks as if the Company are about to take apart Pat Fullam with the weapon, but before Anderson can land the first blow, there is a huge cheer from the crowd as out of the crowd jumps the mystery masked man from the main event of Ultimate Victory II, with a sledgehammer of his own! The masked man slides into the ring with the weapon causing ‘The Company’ to scatter! Anderson, Shame and Weapon X back up the entrance ramp, ruing the fact that they were unable to take out Fullam, who has been a thorn in their side for the past few weeks.

Pat Fullam slowly begins to rise to his feet in the ring, however out of nowhere the masked man suddenly turns and slams the sledgehammer into the side of Pat Fullam’s face! Everyone in the arena looks in shock as the masked man stands over Pat Fullam in the ring and holds the sledgehammer aloft, as the Company stare down at him from the top of the entrance ramp with a confused look on their faces!

RESULT: Roscoe Shame def. Pat Fullam via pinfall

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