sVo Showdown
16th May 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Episode #042


As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Pretty Vegas by INXS begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showdown opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring action from top sVo stars such as Psyko Stevo, Johnny All Star, Chris Bond and Night! As the video begins to come to an end, the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the latest Showdown episode as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd, including ‘You’ve been Gilmoured!’, ‘Psyko Stevo – The Best Around’ and ‘Kelly Flawless Just Slept With Your Dead Mom’! As the official sVo Showdown theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as they eagerly anticipate tonight’s action getting underway.

Shifting of Power

A spotlight searches through the arena as ‘Through the Fire and Flames’ plays through the speakers, but there’s no sight of Talon on the ramp… until the tron comes to life and shows the resident Hero of the sVo sitting up in the rafters!

Talon: Ahem, up here please.

The fans cry out as some of them try to locate him in the rafters and others merely fix their gaze on the screen.

Talon: Thought I’d try something different up here. With all the beatdowns that have been going on backstage, and all the in-ring promos that have been getting interrupted with violence, I think I’ll take my chances up here.

He pauses, tapping the microphone against his knee.

Talon: It appears that there is a vacuum of power here in the sVo, and it’s one that is going to need to be filled. I’m referring of course to the World Championship number one contender’s spot.

The fans cheer as they guess at what he’s getting at.

Talon: While the shot will either go to Johnny All-Star, who did beat Night fair and square, and who did what he had to do to in order to screw Night over for the Company… or it will go to someone completely and totally unworthy… I’d like to offer a third option.

He grins as fans cheer again.

Talon: Why don’t we throw in someone who has defeated Night, who has taken the honorable path, and who has beaten every champion that the booking committee has thrown in front of him in a matter of weeks?

He holds his hand up to his chin and strokes it, pretending to be contemplative.

Talon: Whoever that person is should step up and offer their services for the main event at Shadows of Power. It could be a life-altering rematch, and I promise you, lives would be altered.

He grins for the camera before standing up and spreading his arms as the fans cheer his name.

Talon: But that’s all I’ll say on the matter. This brings me to an ongoing pain in my neck… Chris Bond. Billy Jacobs. Hell, even Nathan Paradine. For a month I have had my return to the sVo spoiled by Bond and his raving band of fools. First it’s Bond, then it’s BBD, then it’s Kid Cool, then it’s Billy Jacobs? What’s next? Peter Gilmour defies his restraining order and joins the Industry? Alex Ross rises from the dead and gives the Industry some much-needed talent? Quite frankly, there is no place for the Industry as it stands now, and that’s something I want to rectify.

He pauses, letting the words come to him.

Talon: You know that I’m angling myself for a World Title shot. I know that I’m angling myself for a World Title shot. But I want you and your little gang of misfits broken and bowing before me. And next week, GUARANTEED, that’s going to happen. Bond, the balance of power is going to shift for good here, and there’s not a thing you can do about it.

He lets it soak in as the fans cheer.

Talon: And Paradine… don’t get in my way. I know you’re trying to be a badass and all, but you’re just hurting your own case when people try to make friends and you go off acting cooler than them. So knock it off. Join with me against the Industry, or become a casualty by the wayside. I can take on the Industry with a partner or by myself. Your call.

Talon looks at the floor again before looking back at the camera.

Talon: Shadows of Power… either I walk in with the intent to face Night in the greatest rematch sVo has ever seen on Pay-Per-View, or I march in and remove an annoyance off the face of the Earth. The balance of power is changing, and it’s all coming with the Wings of Destiny. You can guarantee that.

Talon walks off screen as the fans are left cheering for him, wondering what will come of his challenges.

Canadian Connection vs. Los Locons

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Angel The Malignant charges right into a big boot from Rey Rosario. Angel gets up and receives a couple of toe kicks from Rey. Rey follows it up with a snap jab to Angel. Rey measures Angel and delivers a body punch to Angel. Rey tags in Canadian Crippler. The Canadian Connection throw Angel against the ropes and they deliver a double flapjack to Angel. Crippler pins Angel.




Crippler picks up Angel but Angel delivers a grapple punch to Crippler. Angel now delivers a grapple body attack to Crippler. Angel follows it up with a grapple elbow strike to Crippler. Angel tags in El Locon. Los Locos now deliver double punches to Crippler. El Locon grabs Crippler and sits him down on the top rope. El Locon turns to argue with the referee and Crippler takes advantage with a hangman chokehold to El Locon. Crippler releases the hold and snapmares Crippler and follows it up with a neck lock to El Locon. El Locon starts to get up and uses his power to counter the hold with a torture rack to Crippler. Crippler escapes with a rake to the eyes and locks in a headlock on El Locon. Crippler reaches and tags in Rey Rosario. The Canadian Connection grab El Locon and deliver a double suplex to El Locon. Rey pins El Locon.




Rey picks up El Locon but El Locon counters and hits Rey with his own Rey’s DDT. El Locon pins Rey.



Interrupted by Canadian Crippler.

El Locon attacks Crippler and throws him out of the ring. El Locon turns around right into a scoop slam from Rey. Rey bounces off the ropes as El Locon gets up and delivers a neckbreaker to El Locon. Rey picks up El Locon and delivers a suplex to El Locon. Rey pins El Locon.




Rey waits for El Locon to get up and goes for a hurracanrana but El Locon catches him in the air and powerbombs Rey. El Locon picks up Rey and delivers a last call to Rey. El Locon picks up Rey again and bounces him off the ropes and connects with a spinebuster to Rey. El Locon picks up Rey and delivers a shoulder breaker to Rey. El Locon pins Rey.



Interrupted by Canadian Crippler.

El Locon picks up Rey and throws him against the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Rey ducks and delivers a Russian leg sweep to El Locon. El Locon tries to get up but receives a club to the neck from Rey. Rey now delivers shoulder thrusts to El Locon. Rey tags in Canadian Crippler. The Canadian Connection throw El Locon against the ropes and they deliver a double clothesline to El Locon. Crippler pins El Locon.




Crippler picks up El Locon but El Locon knees Crippler in the ribs and delivers a backbreaker to Crippler. Crippler tries to get up but receives an elbow to the back of the head from El Locon. El Locon follows it up with a forearm smash. El Locon tags in Angel The Malignant. Los Locos now deliver a double beat head to Crippler. Angel goes for a big right hand but Crippler ducks and counters with a pump handle drop to Angel. Crippler picks up Angel and delivers a back suplex to Angel. Crippler picks up Angel again and delivers a pump handle slam to Angel. Crippler pins Angel.



Interrupted by an elbow drop from El Locon.

Angel gets up first and delivers angry stomps to Crippler. Angel bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop on Crippler. Angel pins Crippler.




Angel bounces off the ropes but receives a drop toe hold from Crippler who quickly locks in a reverse chin lock. Angel starts to get and escapes with a fury punch to Crippler. Angel follows it up with a slam to Crippler and a camel clutch. Rey enters the ring and clotheslines Angel down. Crippler takes advantage and locks in a leg lock on Angel. The referee takes out Rey while Angel escapes with a punch to the groin of Crippler. Angel now locks in a single leg crab on Crippler. Crippler drags himself to the ropes to escape. Angel releases and picks up Crippler and tries to throw him against the opposite corner but Crippler reverses and delivers a turnbuckle clothesline to Angel. Crippler tags in Rey Rosario. The Canadian Connection grab Angel and they deliver a gut crusher to Angel. Rey pins Angel.



Interrupted by El Locon.

Canadian Crippler gets back into the ring and the brawl begins between both tag teams. The Canadian Connection are taking the advantage on Los Locos having both members of Los Locos taking shots on opposite corners. They try to throw Los Locos against each other but Los Locos reverse it and The Canadian Connection collide. Crippler goes down and Rey turns right into a slam from El Locon. Crippler who rolled out of the ring grabs El Locon by the legs and pulls out of the ring. In the ring, Angel climbs the ropes and goes for The Malignant Splash but Rey gets out of the way. Angel gets up doubled over and Rey quickly delivers Rey’s DDT to Angel. Rey pins Angel.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Canadian Connection def. Los Locons via pinfall

Company Man

sVo Sunday Night Showdown heads backstage where head interviewer Candi Cross is standing by with the former head of security Scott Love. Love has his trademark dark sunglasses wrapped around his head despite being indoors, and wears a smug grin on his face.

Candi Cross – “Scott, since you and Weapon X orchestrated the kidnapping of the sVo President Paige All-Star, the whole of the Sanctioned Violence Organization has been in disarray. Do you take the blame for the current chaos that the federation finds itself in?”

Scott Love shakes his head, as his massive body towers over that of petite interviewer Cross.

Love – “The sVo was heading this way even under Paige, the fact that Psyko Stevo has assumed power as the general manager has only speeded up the process. Rest assured though, the Company is not impressed with the current state of the sVo, and moves have been made and the wheels of change are in motion.”

Candi Cross – “Well the sVo fans are still yet to find out who this mysterious company is despite the federation being reopened for over two months now. Will we ever find out just who owns the sVo and who is behind the Company?”

Love – “There is less than ten people in the world that know the identity of the members of the Company Candi, and quite frankly the sVo fans don’t need to know. The fans just need to know that the Company was not impressed with the reign of Paige All-Star as President, or the current chaos of Psyko Stevo being general manager….. and at Shadows of Power next week things will change….”

Candi Cross – “Well as we mentioned Paige All-Star, no one has seen or heard of her for weeks since you kidnapped her out of the arena, and her husband Johnny All-Star is going out of his mind with worry. Is she safe?”

Scott Love gives a brief chuckle before turning back to face Candi Cross.

Love – “Don’t worry, Paige is totally safe……. have you ever thought that maybe the real reason you haven’t seen of her for the last month or so is she is just happy to get away from her idiot husband Johnny All Star???……”

Scott Love gives another brief laugh, before walking away from the sVo head interviewer to end the interviewer.

Candi Cross – “Well there we have it folks. We are still no closer to finding out the identity of the Company, however we have been promised that change is on the way at the Shadows of Power PPV on Sunday!

Saint vs. Jakob Murphy

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and quickly Saint connects with a bicycle kick to Murphy. Saint quickly locks in an STF on Murphy. Murphy escapes and Saint charges at Murphy and receives an arm dragon screw to Saint. Murphy quickly bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop on Saint. Murphy now applies a face stretch to Saint. Murphy releases and goes for a sitting reverse armbar. Saint makes it to the ropes and Murphy releases the hold. Murphy picks up Saint and places him on the top rope. Murphy climbs up with him and gets pushed down by Saint. Saint now delivers a corkscrew leg drop to Murphy. Saint now picks up Murphy and throws him against the ropes and delivers a real deal to Murphy. Saint pins Murphy.




Saint picks up Murphy and places him on the top rope. Saint goes to climb up with him but this time Murphy pushes Saint down. Saint now receives a rocket launcher from Murphy. Murphy quickly grabs Saint by a leg and locks in an ankle lock to Saint. Saint rolls out of the hold. Both men get up and Saint kicks Murphy in the midsection and delivers a front face pancake on Murphy. Murphy gets up in a corner and receives a big body avalanche from Saint. Saint now delivers a big toss to Murphy. Saint picks up Murphy and delivers an uraken to Murphy. Saint pins Murphy.




Saint charges at Murphy but Murphy drop toe holds Saint into the bottom turnbuckle. Murphy gets up and goes to the opposite corner and charges at Saint with a broncobuster to Saint. Saint gets up groggy and receives a discus clothesline from Murphy. Murphy pins Saint.




As Saint kicked out he locked in a crucifix armbar to Murphy. Murphy hooks the ropes with his legs. Saint bounces off the ropes and tries a hurracanrana on Murphy but Murphy catches and drops him with a powerbomb into facebuster. Murphy climbs the ropes as Saint gets up and delivers a twisting body attack on Saint but Saint sidesteps Murphy. Murphy falls hard on the mat and Saint quickly picks him up and delivers the KFTC on Murphy. Saint pins Murphy. v 1



Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Saint def. Jakob Murphy via pinfall

A Common Foe

On cutting backstage we find sVo World Champion Night walking down a corridor. His gaze pointed towards the ground, clearly in deep concentration despite not being booked for tonight’s show. Suddenly he is stopped as a figure emerges from the shadows – the shadow placing a hand on Night’s chest. The shadow is none-other than Scotty Love. Immediately suspicious of Love, Night brushes his hand off and takes a defensive stance drawing a loud laugh from Scotty.

Scotty Love: A little tense, champ?

Night: Well – the last few times I’ve run into you you’ve given me cause to become suspicious of you.

Scotty Love: Could it be? The great Night – scared?

Night: I’ll remind you that when we met one-on-one that I won that encounter. So, scared – no, suspicious – yes.

That wiped the grin from Scotty’s face. He now stands stoically, eyeing off Night.

Scotty Love: Anyway… I have business with you… relax… I have a proposition from my superiors.

Despite his mask, the shock on Night’s face is clear.

Night: You what?

Scotty Love: They tire of working against you – they want to bring you to our side.

Night: Master Kimura would never do that.

Scotty Love: Leave Kimura, he’s taking you nowhere. He was once a part of The Company himself, you know? Now he just holds a grudge because he was FIRED! You though… you could still join the winning team and ditch that loser Kimura – all you have to do is help me tonight.

To everyone’s shock (including Scotty’s), Night pauses, seemingly thinking over the idea.

Night: What would you need my help with?

Once more the broad grin spreads to Scotty’s face.

Scotty Love: Finally decided to play ball, huh? I need you to help me find and take care of an old friend of yours… Psyko Stevo.

Now it is Night who offers a wide smile.

Night: Stevo… I owe him one… or two.

Scotty Love: Glad to hear I can count on you.

Scotty extends his hand to Night – who shakes it! The boos from the crowd can be heard all the way from the ring.

Howard Thompson & Killer White vs. DVD & Limp

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and DVD quickly jumps on White with a rolling clutch pin on White.




Both men get up and White delivers an ear slap to DVD. DVD tries to fire back but receives an arm drag from White. White bounces off the ropes as DVD gets up and delivers a bulldog to DVD. White picks up DVD and locks in a full nelson on DVD. Limp quickly enters and nails White breaking the hold. The referee takes Limp to his corner as White and Thompson exchange illegally. DVD gets up and receives a standing clothesline from Thompson. Thompson picks up DVD and locks in a headlock on DVD. Limp once again enters the ring to break the hold and the referee forces Limp to the outside as once again White and Thompson exchange. White enters the ring and slams DVD to the mat. White now grabs DVD by a leg and locks in a one leg Boston crab. Limp enters again and when the referee goes to take him out Limp jumps to the outside and the referee turns to see the illegal exchange from White and Thompson. DVD takes advantage of the discussion and tags in Limp. Limp enters the ring and punches White. White fires back but receives an eye rake from Limp. Limp locks in a shoulder lock on White. Thompson enters the ring and nails Limp breaking the hold. The referee pushes Thompson to his corner and now it is Xtreme Fusion who switch places. DVD enters the ring and delivers a low dropkick to White. DVD now starts to angry stomp White. DVD picks up White and delivers a fist but to White. DVD tags in Limp. Limp enters the ring and charges at White with a back spinning wheel kick to White. Limp pins White.




Limp picks up White and throws him against the ropes and Thompson slaps White in the back making a tag without Limp noticing. Limp goes for a clothesline but White ducks. Thompson enters the ring and turns Limp into him and applies a Canadian backbreaker to Limp. DVD enters the ring and kicks Thompson in the midsection to release the hold. The referee takes out DVD and the team of White and Thompson exchange. White enters the ring and delivers a backbreaker to Limp. White picks up Limp and throws him against the ropes and delivers a back toss to Limp. Limp gets up in a corner and receives a big chop from White. White tags in Thompson. Thompson enters the ring and applies a brain squeezer to Limp. DVD quickly enters and breaks the hold. The referee takes DVD to his corner and once again White and Thompson exchange. White enters the ring and delivers a headbutt to the back of the head of Limp. White now tags in Thompson. Thompson enters the ring and delivers a neckbreaker cutter to Limp. Thompson picks up Limp and delivers a knee on head to Limp. Thompson follows it up with a tiger suplex to Limp. Thompson picks up Limp and delivers a middle kick to Limp. Thompson throws Limp against the ropes and now is DVD who tags himself in without Thompson knowing. Thompson goes for a back body drop but Limp jumps over him. DVD enters the ring and turns Thompson right into the DVD Cutter. DVD pins Thompson as Limp dropkicks White off the apron.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: DVD & Limp def. Howard Thompson & Killer White via pinfall

A Thank You

The crowd is popping due to the action inside of the ring but quickly starts to fade due to the lights fading and the tron flickering to life. However, the crowd quickly erupts into boos as they see CSJ propped up in a hospital bed, a bloody bandage still wrapped around his head. The designer clothes that he usually wears is replaced by a generic hospital gown, a fact that CSJ is trying very hard to ignore, but nonetheless keeps picking at it absentmindedly. His usual cocky smirk is replaced by a look similar to that of a child in pain. His eyes are wide and bloodshot, perhaps from crying.

However, as the cameras turn on him it is apparent that he is only mimicking sincerity as he turns his head away and dabs his eyes with water. He turns his head back and whimpers as he begins to speak, his voice weak.

“I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank you all for the kind get well wishes. Every single ONE I got. Rest assured I will be well enough to compete next week at sVo’s pay-per-view and more importantly make sure that this unwarranted attack. This cowardly attack trying to injure and take out sVo’s leading top talent, does not go unavenged.

Do you hear that Tobias? I will make sure that you are hunted like the French dog you are. You’re nothing more than filth that I scrape off of my boot at the end of a day. The only way you have EVER gotten the upper hand against me is by attacking me from behind. This most recent unwarranted attack against me only proves my point. You attack me from BEHIND with a WEAPON. A weapon that has done damage, I will admit, but it will not keep me down.

You have no idea what kind of trouble you have gotten yourself into Tobias. I only tried to help you get past your terrible debt. To protect your life. I SAVED YOUR LIFE! This is the thanks that I get? You attack me from behind. Pathetic.

You will regret that Tobias. You can bank on that with whatever penny savings you have. You want to get your hands on me so bad? We do it in a match. I told you that from the very beginning. I’ll have a clear bill of health next week Tobias. At Shadows Of Power I hereby challenge you to a match. Not a normal match however, a match that I get to choose the referee.

Be careful what you wish for Tobias. I’ll see you next week.”

With that the screen goes black and the crowd is left buzzing. Will Tobias accept and who will CSJ choose as his referee?

Kid Cool (c) vs. Juliana Torres

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Cool goes for a big right hand that Torres ducks and then delivers a dropkick to Cool. Cool gets up and receives toe kicks from Torres. Torres follows it up with a shuffle side kick to Cool. Cool gets up and receives an elbow smash from Torres. Torres follows it up with a slap to Cool and a back chop to Cool. Cool tries to counter back with a low blow but has little effect on Torres so he quickly takes her down and applies a leg lock to Torres. Torres gets to the ropes and Cool releases the hold, Cool picks up Torres who catches Cool by surprise with a queen arm scissors to Cool. They both get up and Torres quickly locks in a wrist and arm wrench on Cool. Cool forearms his way out and delivers a standing dropkick to Torres. Torres gets up but receives a headlock takedown from Cool. Torres starts to get up and counters with a fireman carry to Cool. Cool gets up and receives a scoop slam from Torres. Torres bounces off the ropes as Cool gets up and delivers a neckbreaker to Cool. Torres picks up Cool and delivers a suplex to Cool. Torres pins Cool.




Torres picks up Cool but Cool out of nowhere connects with the Corporate DDT on Torres, Cool looking to beat Torres with her own move pins Torres.




Cool picks up Torres but Torres snapmares Cool to the mat. Cool gets up and receives a hurracanrana from Torres. Cool gets up once again and takes a side effect from Torres. Torres pins Cool.




Torres picks up Cool and places him on the top rope. Torres goes to climb up with him but he pushes her down to the mat. Cool now delivers a frog splash to Torres. Cool waits for Torres to get up and delivers a leg trip to Torres. Torres gets up again and receives an arm drag from Cool, Cool pins Torres.




Cool picks up Torres but Torres knees Cool in the midsection and delivers a backbreaker to Cool. Cool tries to get up but receives a knee clip from Torres.Cool tries to get up again and receives an elbow to the back of the head from Torres. Torres follows it up with a forearm smash. Torres now throws Cool against the corner but Cool jumps on the top rope and connects with a moonsault on Torres. Cool gets up and starts to angry stomp Torres. Cool bounces off the ropes and connects with a leg drop on Torres. Cool bounces off the ropes again and delivers an elbow drop to Torres. Cool pins Torres.




Cool bounces off the ropes looking for another elbow drop but misses. Torres quickly delivers an Oklahoma Roll to Cool.




They both get up and Torres charges right into the Cool Aid from Cool. Cool pins Torres.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Kid Cool def. Juliana Torres via pinfall

In Search of a Psyko (Pt.1)

Backstage we find ourselves in the cafeteria where the unlikely duo of Night and Scotty Love stride into view both looking around them intently.

Scotty Love: Are you sure he’s in here?

Night: Relax. I know Stevo – we’ll find him.

Scotty Love: That’s what you said in the loading bay… the casino floor… the front office… the merchandise stand…

Night: Well excuse me! I’m a professional wrestler, not a tracker. Why don’t you just find him yourself?

Scotty is quiet, his shoulders and head drop slightly as he replies sheepishly.

Scotty Love: Well… he is a former two-time World Champion himself…

Night: Oh – so basically I have to do all the dirty work. Is that right?

Scotty Love: I… I-uh-well I’ll be…

Night: Well how about you track him down and let me worry about the rest.

Love grits his teeth as he storms out of the cafeteria – Night smiling broadly as he follows suit.

Roscoe Shame (c) vs. Joesph Peyton

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and both men tie up. Shame now headlocks Peyton. Peyton pushes Shame against the ropes and goes for a back body drop but Shame puts on the brakes and delivers a front face pancake to Peyton. Peyton gets up and receives a two handed face buster from Shame. Peyton rolls out of the ring and Shame goes after him. Shame now delivers a knee drop to Peyton onto the step ladder. Shame picks up Peyton and throws him back to the ring. Shame enters the ring and picks up Peyton and delivers a Fell Nelson Drop to Peyton. Shame pins Peyton.




Shame bounces off the ropes but receives a leg trip from Peyton. Shame rolls out of the ring and Peyton rolls out with him. Shame gets up and receives a kick to the midsection by Peyton followed up by a DDT on the Concrete. Peyton raises the apron and takes out a trash can. Peyton goes over to Shame and puts the trash can in front of Shame. Shame goes to get up but Peyton charges and delivers a dropkick to the trash can connecting on Shame’s face. Peyton picks up Shame and throws him back to the ring. Peyton follows and picks up Shame and tries to throw him against the ropes but Shame reverses and Peyton comes back with a springboard hurracanrana on Shame. Peyton pins Shame.




Shame rolls out of the ring again. Peyton tries to roll out too but Shame stops him grabbing Peyton by the leg and delivers a knee smash on the apron to Peyton. Shame gets back into the ring. Shame picks up Peyton and delivers an Oklahoma Slam to Peyton. Peyton rolls out of the ring seemingly to prevent getting pinned. Shame goes outside and delivers a big splash top Peyton on the outside. Shame picks up Peyton and throws him back to the ring. Shame enters the ring. Shame picks up Peyton and delivers a mat slam to Peyton. Shame pins Peyton.




Peyton starts to get and Shame charges at him but Peyton drops down holding the top rope down making Shame go over the top rope to the outside. Peyton now bounces off the ropes and delivers a plancha from the ring to the outside on Shame. Peyton picks up Shame and throws him back to the ring. Peyton enters the ring and bounces off the ropes as Shame gets up and delivers a springboard ddt to Shame. Peyton now climbs the ropes and delivers a moonsault to Shame. Peyton picks up Shame and delivers a reverse suplex to Shame. Peyton pins Shame




Peyton bounces off the ropes as Shame gets up but receives a lift and toss from Shame. Shame picks up Peyton and throws him against the ropes and delivers a running samoan drop to Peyton. Shame bounces off the ropes and connects with a big splash pin on Peyton.




Shame picks up Peyton but out of nowhere Peyton delivers a cobra clutch suplex to Shame. Peyton grabs Shame by a leg and applies a figure four on Shame. Shame drags his body over to the ropes. Peyton gets up frustrated and drags Shame to the middle of the ring and now applies a reverse figure four on Shame. Shame once again does his best to get to the ropes and gets to them. Peyton gets even more frustrated and picks up Shame and delivers multiple german suplexes to Shame. Peyton pins Shame.




Peyton bounces off the ropes as Shame gets up and goes for a hurracanrana but Shame holds on to him and raises hm higher and delivers The Shame Time on Peyton. Shame pins Peyton.




RESULT: Roscoe Shame def. Peyton via pinfall

Time For A Vacation

Back at the Winner’s Lounge circle, Howard “The Bank” Thompson and Psyko Stevo are standing around in the back taking a break in their offices when a conversation starts up…

Psyko Stevo – So want to tell me what’s up with last week’s match?

Howard looks to Stevo and then laughs.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – Eh, some little squirt got the best of me with that damn sandbag!

Stevo shakes his head.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – But don’t worry, I’ll get them both back and my title.

Psyko Stevo – Good, that’s what I like to hear.

Thompson scratches the top of his head…

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – Anyways… I told upper management I needed some time off to heal some nagging injuries…

Stevo gives him a weird look.

Psyko Stevo – What nagging injuries?

Howard winks at him.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – Exactly…

He pauses, then continues.

Howard “The Bank Thompson – And besides, I needed a vacation. How else could I focus on running this place for ya, Stevo?

Stevo flashes a smile.

Psyko Stevo – Good point. Speaking of which, how are things going?

Howard puts his arm around Stevo and steers him out of the office.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – Well I already had our first guest earlier.

Psyko Stevo – Oh?

Stevo ponders who in his mind as Thompson and him head out towards the bar.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – Oh yeah man, just CSJ. He’s actually a pretty cool guy. I showed him a good time with some of our valets.

Psyko Stevo – Well done, sounds good. Anyways… I’m out of here, I’ve got some things to take care of.

Stevo begins to walk off when Thompson shouts something aloud too him.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – I know how that goes. It’s called show business Stevo… show business!

Thompson smirks as he heads behind the bar now and Stevo takes off in a different direction.

Howard “The Bank” Thompson – Ah, and there you have it… my vacation has just begun!

He starts to wipe down the bar table all across it until it’s clean. Howard then holds the rag in his hand as the action heads back into the ring.

Nathan Paradine vs. Raven

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of Raven. Then Raven comes out walking and taunting the crowd a bit toward the ring. As raven enters the ring we hear the music of one Nathan Paradine come over the pa system.

One last thing before I shuffle off the planet,
I will be the one to make you crawl,
So I came down to wish you an unhappy birthday
Someone call the ambulance… There’s gonna be an accident

As Placebo’s “Infra-Red” echoes around the arena, Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

The two circle each other in the ring. Paradine charges and goes to take off Raven’s head with a clothesline. Raven ducks only for Paradine to put on the breaks spin around and take the back of Raven’s head off with a short clothesline. Paradine starts putting the boots to Raven. After a few moments Paradine reaches down and lifts Raven to his feet. Paradine hooks the neck and looks to be going for a suplex. Paradine lifts Raven up into the air, he’s holding it, Raven is kicking his legs but it does no good as Paradine falls back and drops him hard. Paradine immediately locks in a rear chinlock. Paradine leans his body forward putting more pressure on the neck of Raven. Raven is struggling against it.

Raven finally manages to get rolled to the side enough to turn it into a side headlock. Raven gets to a knee and then to his feet wrapping his arms around the waist of Paradine. Raven lifts Paradine up and hits a belly to back suplex. Raven quickly drops a couple of elbow onto Paradine before going and bouncing off the ropes. On the way back Raven drops down and hits a running dropkick to the side of Paradine’s face. Raven back to his feet jumps up and tries to drop his knee onto the face of Paradine but Nathan rolls out of the way. Nathan gets to his feet and as Raven stands up nearly takes off his head with a monsterious clothesline that turns the man inside out.

Nathan doesn’t seem to be messing around now. Paradine stalks his prey, as soon as Raven gets up Paradine locks his hands around his waist and lifts him up hitting him with a beautiful german release suplex that folds up Raven like an accordian. Paradine gets to his feet and quickly goes for a pin.



No a kick out by Raven, only a two count.

The Australian submission machine goes to work, sitting Raven up he locks in a sitting variation of the half nelson chicken wing. Raven struggles against the move, pushing back against the Aussie to help himself force his way to his feet. Raven manages to hook the head of Paradine and quickly dropping to a knee takes the big man up and over with a snapmare. Raven quick to his feet kicks Paradine straight in the spine. Raven then grabs Paradines head and jumps over him causing him to kiss the mat. Raven back to his feet jumps upon Paradine looking for a quick pin fall



No Paradine manages to get the shoulder up and this one continues.

Nathan Paradine goes to get up but Raven is waiting for him. Raven runs up behind Paradine and hits him with a bulldog. Paradine hits so hard that he bounces and lands again on his back. Raven looks at the turnbuckle and makes his way to it. Raven hops onto it looking for the Raven Time Bomb. Raven has his one foot on the top turnbuckle and the other on the second rope still climbing to the top. His side is facing Paradine as Paradine pops up to his feet and charges. Nathan jumps onto the second rope wraps his arms around Raven and flings both them backwards to his a Paraplex off the top rope! Paradine quickly goes for the cover.




RESULT: Nathan Paradine def. Raven via pinfall

Hostile Dreams

[We’re taken backstage where Chris Bond stands alone, outside of the locker room of the Industry. He’s standing there, cocky as hell, sunglasses on (as apparently only heels do, i mean it’s night time and they’re inside, so explain that to me). He looks into the camera, and then down at the floor, and then back into the camera.]

Chris Bond: I called you all here for one reason and one reason only. To inform each and every one of you that I’m issuing an open challenge to Night. Any time, any place. One on one, it seems we still have unfinished business from our first go-round here in the sVo, and if he thinks for one second that just because he’s won the World Title, haha… He has another thing comin’.

So you heard it here, first. Chris Bond, issuing an open challenge to Night, any time, any place. He can put that strap on the line if he wants, but let me remind him. The only reason he was the International Champion as long as he was, was because of those nuts jobs that interfered over two years ago and cost me my championship.

So what’s it gonna be Night? You going to accept the challenge, or are you gonna hide behind your recent string of losses to avoid facing me like you should have two years ago The thing is, I’m not like some washed up hero… I’ll knock your teeth down your throat and then I’ll rub your face in it… and then I’ll take your title. That’s how a real champion does it… how a HOSTILE champion does it… not some… distorted DREAMer…

[Bond says with a smile, as he notices someone walk up into the shot. He turns to see who it is. A man, face painted and ready for war, wearing a leather trenchcoat stands, face to face with Chris Bond. It’s Talon. Everyone’s favorite hero, who offers a mere scowl at his former best friend.]

Chris Bond: Oh, and one last thing… the balance of power is beginning to shift, and after Shadows of Power, it isn’t going to be the Corporation or the Company that you people are going to have to worry about… it’s going to be the Industry that gains control of this organization.

[Bond smiles at Talon who takes a defensive stance, before Bond looks back at him and smacks him coyfully on the cheek.]

Chris Bond: See ya around, Hero.

[Bond says with a smile before walking out of view, leaving Talon there stewing over his words. If there’s one thing that can be said, it’s that Talon wasn’t a happy man and moreso, one can only assume Talon wanted to punch that bastard in the face.]

La Envidia Mata vs. Chris Bond

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and quickly Bond kicks Mata in the midsection and delivers a ddt to Mata. Mata tries to get up but receives a knee strike from Bond. Bond bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop on Mata. Bond pins Mata.




Bond picks up Mata but Mata surprises Bond with a dropkick. Both men get up and Mata connects with toe kicks to Bond. Mata delivers a back chop to Bond. Mata follows it up with a snap jab to Bond. Mata throws Bond against the ropes and connects with a spinning wheel kick to Bond. Bond gets up and receives a spinning back kick from Mata. Mata pins Bond.




Mata gets up but receives a leg sweep from Bond. Mata gets up quickly but receives an arm drag from Bond. Mata gets up and Bond throws him against the ropes and locks in a sleeper hold on Mata. Mata turns a bit and elbows his way out. Mata then delivers a grapple elbow strike to Bond. Mata follows it up with a grapple body attack to Bond. Mata now takes Bond to the mat with a snapmare and locks in a neck lock on Bond, Bond starts to get up and delivers a couple of elbow strikes to Mata to escape. Bond follows it up with a belly to belly suplex to Mata. Bond picks up Mata and delivers a couple of hand strikes to Mata. Bond now takes Mata to the mat with a snap suplex. Bond grabs Mata by a leg and applies a leg lock to Mata. Mata uses his free leg to kick his way out. Both men get up and Mata takes Bond to the mat with a headlock takedown. Bond starts to get and pushes Mata to the ropes and connects with a back elbow smash to Mata. Bond goes after Mata and locks in a triangle choke. Mata puts both feet on the ropes escaping the hold. Bond picks up Mata but Mata out of nowhere locks in a standing crossface to Bond. Bond rakes the eyes of Mata to escape and locks in a headlock on Mata. Mata pushes Bond to the ropes and connects with a hurracanrana to Bond. Mata picks up Bond and delivers a suplex to Bond. Mata pins Bond.




Mata picks up Bond but Bond knees Mata in the midsection and delivers a back breaker drop to Mata. Mata gets up and receives a couple of elbow strikes from Bond. Bond follows it up with a fisherman’s suplex to Mata.




Bond goes to pick up Mata but Mata counters with a northern lights suplex.




Both men get up and Bond quickly grabs Mata by an arm and delivers a short arm clothesline to Mata. Bond picks up Mata and delivers a belly to back suplex to Mata. Bond picks up Mata and locks in a cross face chickenwing to Mata. Mata low kicks Bond to escape and delivers a backbreaker to Bond. Mata picks up Bond and delivers a shin breaker to Bond. Mata pins Bond.




Mata picks up Bond and tries to throw him against the ropes but Bond reverses and clotheslines Mata. Bond picks up Mata and delivers an underhook suplex to Mata. Bond picks up Mata again and delivers a mambo suplex to Mata. Bond pins Mata.




Bond picks up Mata but Mata catches Bond by surprise with a jumping armbreaker to Bond. Both men get up and Mata delivers a snapmare to Bond followed up by a dropkick to the back of the head of Bond. Mata pins Bond.




Mata bounces off the ropes and looks for a crossbody but Bond catches him and delivers a fallaway slam to Mata. Bond pins Mata.




Bond goes to pick up Mata but Mata counters with a back suplex pin.




Mata bounces off the ropes but receives a hip toss from Bond. Mata gets up but receives a cobra clutch suplex from Bond. Bond picks up Mata and delivers a neckbreaker to Mata. Bond grabs Mata by a leg and delivers a half Boston crab to Mata. Mata crawls his way to the ropes. Bond goes to pick up Mata but Mata counters with a back suplex. Mata bounces off the ropes as Bond gets up and delivers a bulldog to Bond. Mata pins Bond.




Mata picks up Bond and goes for a suplex but Bond blocks and delivers a front suplex to Mata. Bond looks at the crowd and signals that the end is coming. Bond grabs Mata by both legs and locks in Mata’s own Envidia Tamer on him. Mata screams in pain but slowly gets to the ropes. Bond very upset goes to pick up Mata but Mata tries to catch Bond by surprise with The Godbreaker but Bond pushes Mata’s body away from him. Mata charges back at Bond but eats The Reality Check. Bond pins Mata.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Chris Bond def. La Envidia Mata via pinfall

In Search of a Psyko (Pt.1)

The sVo-tron flickers to life as the outside of the arena can be seen. The crowd outside – mainly tourists – part hastily but remain close enough to snap a few quick photos as Night and Scotty Love emerge from the building.

Night: And why would Stevo be out here?

Scotty Love: I got a tip off.

Night: From who?

His bravado returning to him, Scotty turns to Night, growling.

Scotty Love: None of your business.

Night: So you need my help with this – but you still can’t fill me in on exactly what’s going on here?

Scotty Love: You’ve still got to prove yourself – you’ve been nothing but a pain in the Company’s ass since you got here. Let’s find Stevo and then maybe we’ll talk some more.

Night: That shouldn’t be a problem, I am the sVo World Champion, I have to prove myself every single day.

Suddenly from the shadows three figures slowly emerge, Tomishiba and Kimura along with a mysterious Ninja. Along with the sVo World Champion, the four men form a circle around Scott Love as the penny slowly drops with the former head of Security that he has been set up from the get go.

Night: Let this be a message to the Company Scott. I am the sVo World Champion and therefore the representative of the sVo. We don’t care who the Company are….. the sVo is not to be messed with….”

With no more talking, the four men begin to lay a beating onto Scott Love as the scene slowly fades out with Love getting pounded on.

Company Woman

With tonight’s massive main event between two of the hottest talents in the sVo only moments away, the scene cuts away up to the executive box high in the Goodfellas Arena. The darkened room is filled with smoke as the outlines of around five men can be seen sitting smoking cigars whilst overseeing the action from high above.

“I never expected any help off Night. I tried to warn Scott Love that there was no way he would help us out, but he was too stupid to listen. Nevertheless, we have to get rid of Psyko Stevo before he ruins our investment. We need someone else in power at the PPV.”

There is murmurs of agreement from all around the room from the fellow Company members.

“You ready to go back to work next Sunday darling?”

The camera pans away from the company members and to the right, where Paige All-Star is sitting! Paige looks nearly unrecognisable from the last time we saw her, with her long blonde hair cut short and died black. Paige looks to have a catatonic look on her face, and she nods her head in an expressionless manor as the Company members roar with laughter.

Talon vs. Tobias Devereux

The sound of guitars echo through the arena as Hysteria by Muse plays through the arena. The lights are dimmed and multicolor spotlights spin throughout the crowd. The crowd gets up to their feet as the spotlights all merge together turning white in the middle of the crowd. There in the spotlight is the one and only “De Cajun Sensation” Tobias Devereux. Tobias is dressed in his trademark black tights, trench, and fedora. Tobias is making his way through the crowd slapping hands the entire way. Tobias gets to the railing and hops over it. Taking a bow to the crowd he takes off his fedora and throws it into the crowd. Tobias shrugs off his trench before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring. Tobias kicks up to his feet and makes his way to a nearby corner. Jumping up onto the top rope he taunts at the crowd hyping them up. Tobias jumps off the top rope and proceeds to do the same in every corner before jumping down in the last one and staying in the corner. He waits for the bell as the lights go back to normal.

The lights drop as red and white lasers begin to flash all over the arena. Fans cry out in surprise at the black-out as ‘Through the Fire and Flames’ begins to blast through the speakers. A spotlight shines on the curtain as a solitary figure steps through, clothed in the black, red and white. He stands there, grinning as he spreads out his arms and lets out a battle cry. Talon makes his way down the ramp, waving and high-fiving fans before entering the ring. He hands his coat off to someone at ringside before raising his arms in the air and taking his place in the ring.

The two men circle each other, eyeing one another up and down. They both stop for a moment as Tobias reaches out his hand. Talon takes the hand and the two shake hands. Then as soon as the hands are pulled back both of them launch themselves into a collar elbow tie up. Both jock for position trying to push the other back, neither one getting more than a couple steps in either direction. Finally Talon gets the advantage and backs Tobias into the ropes. There the Hero breaks the hold and steps back cleanly. Talon smirks at Tobias who just smirks back. Tobias and Talon circle one another once more, then tie up yet again. This time it is Tobias who after much struggle gets the upperhand and backs Talon into the ropes. Now it’s De Cajun Sensation’s turn to cleanly break the hold and step back to the middle of the ring all smirks.

The two are circling each other once more. This time Tobias tries to drop down and go for a leg take down but Talon easily jumps back out of the way. Tobias stays a few feet from Talon as the two eye each other looking for an opening. Tobias charges in, committing to the attack first. Tobias charges at Talon but Talon easily side stepped it. Tobias bounces off the ropes bouncing back at Talon. Talon goes for a clothesline but Tobias ducks under it. Tobias bounces off the ropes once more and throws his body into the air and takes Talon down with a flying shoulder tackle. Devereux quickly stays on The Hero and locks in an arm bar shoulder lock combination. He’s digging his elbow into the hero’s shoulder while pulling back on the arm. Meanwhile Talon in the sitting position is trying to roll towards the arm being worked on to alleviate the pressure. He does so forcing Devereux to change it into a simple wrist lock.

Talon thinks about rolling out of the hold, but instead grabs the wrist of Devereux and reverses it by simply putting Devereux in the same hold. Tobias immediately rolls forward out of it and with a snapping of his hip takes Talon down with an arm drag. Tobias immediately locks back in the armbar shoulder lock combination. Focusing on the arm of Talon to try and take away some of his major moves. All of the tumbling around though has put the two close to the ropes and with a little stretching Talon grabs onto the nearby rope. The ref administers the count, Tobias holds on until the count of four before letting go and backing off. Talon stands back to his feet rolling his shoulder and flexing his arm.

The two men come towards one another again, this time looking to go for a tie up but Talon snaps off a kick to the midsection then a clubbing blow to the back that takes Tobias down to a knee. The Hero snaps off a kick to the side of Tobias Devereux’s head and takes him down. Talon stays on him though dropping a knee into the bac of Tobias before reaching down and grabbing the man by the head and pulling back. Talon stands back up still holding onto the head of Tobias only to drop his knee back down into the lower back. Talon repeats this twice before standing up and lifting Tobias to his feet. Talon with a massive european style uppercut. Devereux stumbles back only for Talon to charge in maybe looking for the Laundry Line. Tobias sees it coming at the last second and spinning his body somehow brings his arm up over the arm of Talon and as the two fall Tobias has Talon in a fujiwara style armbar!

Having the move scouted Tobias has reversed it and now bridging his legs and body is pulling back on Talon’s arm so hard it looks as though he’ll snap it right in half. Struggling to get free Talon manages to roll his other shoulder up under him and roll with the momentum of Tobias’ bridge and rolls him up in a modified crucifix/school boy like roll up.



Tobias kicks out as Talon almost got the win, taking Devereux completely by surprise. Both men pop to their feet running on pure adrenaline and emotion. Both men start just slugging it out Talon letting his right arm that Deverux has focused on rest popping off lefts, while Tobias throws lefts, rights, and anything he thinks can land. Both men just brawling it out with fists now as the ref is trying to retain some sort of order. Talon ducks one of Devereux’s wild punches and as soon as he stands back up he leaps into the air and catches Devereux with a jumping enziguri! Both men roll away from each other and get up on one knee looking at one another. The friendly smirks gone now replaced with seriousness as the two stand up and start stalking one another again.

Both men charge at the exact same time. Devereux looks for a running clothesline. Talon rolls under it, Talon pops back to his feet as Devereux spins around Talon takes a few steps at Devereux and leaping into the air nails him square in the nose with the Falcon Punch! Devereux is nailed so hard that he spins one complete time before falling onto his back. Talon’s superman like punch knocking the Cajun for a loop so to speak. Talon stays on his opponent putting the boots to him. Talon goes and bounces off the ropes coming back with a big leg drop across the throat of Tobias. Talon stands up and lifts Tobias to his feet. The Hero hooks Tobias up for a suplex and snaps him up and over. Talon rolls over into a cover but quickly sits up onto his knees and just starts wailing away at the face of Tobias.

Talon finally stands up again and brings the Cajun up to his feet as well. Talon sends Tobias off into the ropes. Tobias comes bouncing back. Talon looks to be going for a back body drop, as Talon tosses the Cajun into the air though Tobias flipped through it landing behind Talon on his feet. Tobias looks behind him and jumps up catching the head of Talon and taking him down with a vicious neckbreaker. Tobias gets to his feet and walks over to the corner. Waiting for Talon to get back to his feet. As Talon starts to get up Tobias charges in behind Talon. The Hero turns as De Cajun Sensation goes for the Bayou Bash. Talon ducks under the kick at the last second though. Tobias turns around. Talon with the Claws of Fat, NO!!! Tobias throws himself back down onto his back to dodge it and rolls away. Tobias gets up onto a knee as Talon has his smirk back. Talon makes the motion with his hand to say “just that close”.

Tobias stands up as the two men approach each other again. Once again they just start to throw wild punches nothing fancy about um. It’s Tobias this time who manages to block a punch and get a knee to the gut of Talon. Tobias hooks him in a suplex and lifting the Hero high into the air. Tobias stalls and showing some impressive strength holds Talon in the air for a moment or two. Then quickly he spins the body of Talon while falling back hitting him with De Cajun Cutter. Tobias immediately rolls the Hero over and makes a cover.



No kickout by Talon. Tobias doesn’t give the hero time to breath though and immediately gets to his feet stomping upon The Hero. Tobias lifts Talon up to his feet and sends him into the ropes. Talon bounces back only for The Cajun to take him down with a big power slam. Tobias immediately hooks the leg looking for the pin again.



No kickout again by Talon. Tobias is looking frustrated as he stands up and lifts Talon to his feet again. Tobias hooks Talon in an abdominal stretch. Everytime that Talon starts to power out of the move Tobias drives his elbow into the ribcage of The Hero. Tobias lets go of the hold and instead grabs Talon around the waist. Tobias goes for a german but Talon blocks it and then performs a standing switch. Now Talon is behind the cajun. Talon spins Tobias around and with a quick kick to the gut hooks his head maybe going for the Wings of Destiny. Tobias wraps his leg around Talon so that he can’t lift him up. Tobias wraps his arms around the waist of Talon and before Talon knows what’s happening he hits him with a northern lights suplex.

Tobias gets back to his feet and lifts Talon up as well. Tobias sends Talon with an irish whip into the corner. Tobias follows him in and nails him with a Bayou Bash into the corner! Tobias grabs the arm of Talon and crooks it around his neck. He places his shoulder into the ribs of Talon and lifts him up onto his shoulders for the Devereux Devestation! Talon is fighting it, Talon slips off the shoulders of De Cajun Sensation. Talon when slipping off lands infront of Tobias with Tobias’ head hooked in a ddt position. Talon goes for the Wings of Destiny again but again Tobias blocks it. Tobias goes for the northern lights suplex again but this time Talon blocks it holding onto the nearby rope. Talon drives his elbow into the spine of Tobias causing him to let go. Talon jumps a step back and goes for the Claws of Fate. Tobias catches his foot!!!!! Tobias steps in grabbing Talon by the neck and picks him up into a suplex position still holding onto the leg of Talon. Tobias holds The Hero in the air turning away from the ropes so that they’ll fall in the middle of the ring. Tobias with the stalling fisherman brainbuster pin aka the Devreuxplex!



Talon somehow manages to kick out at literally two and nine tenths!

Tobias can’t believe it but what happens next he can’t believe even less. Tobias gets to his feet rather sluggishly and lifts Talon up, but as soon as Talon is at a verticle base he pops off out of no where THE CLAWS OF FATE! He nails Tobias so hard that Tobias literally flips backwards and lands on his face. Talon rolls De Cajun Sensation over and hooks the leg




Goodnight Cajun, thanks for coming, The Hero of Hostility/Dream/and sVo has taken the victory!

RESULT: Talon def. Tobias Devereux via pinfall

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