sVo Against All Odds
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Sunday 11th July 2021

The sVo logo fades on and then off of a black screen before ‘Venom’ by Eminem hits and the opening video package for ‘Against All Odds’ begins to play, featuring classic action with highlights from the likes of Psyko Stevo, Bobby Dean, Anthony Moretti, Roscoe Shame, William Vorheez, Nathan Paradine, JVD & Night.

As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera shows a shot of the outside of the Goodfellas Casino, sitting on the heart of the Las Vegas strip before heading inside and panning around the sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena inside. Fireworks begin to shoot up from the top of the entrance ramp as fans jump out at the camera trying to get their face on TV as the atmosphere for tonight’s show continues to build, with the music playing over the arena’s sound system.

The camera swings around to see the commentary team of Julian Fiasco & Jeremiah Sloan sitting at ringside, before turning to show the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp as some of the matchups for tonight’s show are shown.

Time for Answers

The cameras head backstage where the door for the Horizon locker room swings open and in marches an angry looking Gunner Lang, his son Flip Dixon at his side. Lang stares around the ring at the three men who already occupy it – JD James & the sVo Tag Team Champions Hugo Ryzing and Darwin Jones and asks one simple question.

Gunner Lang: “Where’s Johnny?”

The Tag Team Champions look to JD James for answers, as the elder statesmen of Horizon rises up to his feet and puts a calming hand on the shoulder of the sVo Las Vegas Champion to reply.

JD James: “Listen Gunner. I don’t know what happened last time out, but I have spoken to Johnny and he has assured me that it was all a big misunderstanding. He didn’t mean to hit you with the belt, he was down there trying to help you….”

Lang shakes off the ‘calming hand’ of JD James and turns to face the legendary manager.

Gunner Lang: “Fuck that JD, where is Johnny?”

James again tries to calm the Las Vegas Champion down as Ryzing and Jones look on, ready to jump in and break things up if they have to.

JD James: “Look Gunner. I know things are not great between you and Johnny right now, but look at the bigger picture. We just won one of the biggest matches in sVo history and beat Blood Money inside Organised Chaos! We already have the Las Vegas Championship and the Tag Team Championships within our group and have the chance of a clean sweep with the sVo Heavyweight Championship now that Johnny has that shot, we can’t let anything upset that right now.”

Lang stares back angrily, the look on his face reminding JD James that by rights the chance to become sVo Heavyweight Championship would be his if All Star hadn’t stolen the pin in the Organised Chaos match.

Gunner Lang: “JD, we have been friends a long long time. That is why I am going to give you one more chance to answer a simple question. WHERE – IS – JOHNNY?”

James sighs as he glances at Ryzing and Jones before answering.

JD James: “He is not here yet Gunner. He is going to be here at the end of the show to challenge Vorheez at the PPV and make the match official. He will be arriving anytime soon.”

Lang nods his head in thanks at JD, before turning to his son.

Gunner Lang: “Flip, you better get out of here tonight kid. Things might get ugly and you have a long career ahead of you, I don’t want you caught up in this. I’m gonna head out to the parking lot and wait…”

Dixon goes to protest, but sees the look on his fathers face and realises that it would be pointless. Gunner and Flip both leave the dressing room, heading in opposite directions.

Back in the locker room, the Tag Team Champions don’t look too happy with their manager.

JD James: “What, something on your mind guys?”

Ryzing and Jones look at each other before answering.

Darwin Jones: “We don’t think it’s a good idea lying to Gunner boss, he is part of the team and if anyone is in the wrong lately it’s been Johnny. We know you guys go way back, but maybe they just need to fight it out and be able to move on….”

James sinks down into his chair, the world on his shoulders.

JD James: “I get it guys, but we have never been this close to the sVo Heavyweight Championship before…. We can’t let anything get in our way now, especially not each other….”

Victory Cup First Round Match
El Froggo vs. Scott Washington

The fans are on their feet as ‘California Vacation’ by The Game hits the sound system and the lights in the arena dim. Golden sparks rain down from the top of the giant screen onto the entrance ramp as Scott Washington step through them and holds his arms in the air. The huge ‘O-Town Outlaw’ taunts to the crowd who boo loudly as he walks down the entrance ramp with his eyes focused on the ring. Scott Washington jumps up onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and warming up in the corner of the ring for his upcoming battle.

DJ Snake – Taki Taki hits the sound system and the fans watch on as the energetic El Froggo makes his way out from behind the curtain! El Froggo dances around the top of the entrance ramp, getting the crowd pumped up! El Froggo quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp, moving from side to side to slap the hands of as many fans as possible! El Froggo leaps up onto the ring apron, before valunting himself into the ring and rushing across to bounce off the nearest ropes! El Froggo leaps up to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle before turning and posing for the crowd!

With both competitors in the ring for the 1st round match, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started! El Froggo circles around his larger opponent, knowing just what Washington could end up doing to him if he got his hands on him! Washington keeps his eye on his masked opponent, before leaping forward and grabbing him in a front face lock. El Froggo quickly lands some stiff kicks to his opponent to free himself, before bouncing back and landing a clothesline out of the ring ropes!

The fans cheer for the move from El Froggo, but it isn’t enough to knock Washington down! El Froggo bounces into the ring ropes a second time and looks for a spinning kick to Washington, but Washington plucks him out of the air before sending him down to the mat hard with a big suplex! El Froggo looks in pain, as Washington rolls onto the masked man and punishes him with some stiff mounted punches. El Froggo scrambles up to his feet, but Washington follows up with a snap suplex to take him down to the mat.

Washington stomps away on El Froggo on the mat, before finally allowing the masked man to his feet. Washington grabs El Froggo by the arm and whips him hard into the ring ropes, before flattening him with a big clothesline in the middle of the ring as he bounces back. Washington stands over El Froggo in the middle of the ring and seems delighted to soak in the boos from the crowd that are directed his way!

El Froggo uses the pause to slowly get back up to a standing position, and Washington grabs him by the arm, this time whipping him into the corner of the ring. Washington looks to follow up with a clothesline in the corner, but El Froggo ducks out of the way causing Washington to hit the turnbuckle hard! El Froggo quickly leaps up onto the top rope, before turning and landing a cross body onto Washington to finally send the power house down to the mat!

Washington looks angry as he stumbles back up to his feet, but El Froggo is there again with a spinning heel kick. With Washington stunned, El Froggo fires off with some stiff forearm shots to his opponent, before taking him down with a monkey flip! With Washington in pain, El Froggo again bounces off of the ring ropes, before leaping down onto his opponent with a big splash! El Froggo quickly leaps onto his opponent and makes the cover.




Washington powers out of the pinfall attempt and manages to keep himself in the match and the tournament!

Washington looks a little groggy as he stumbles up to his feet, and El Froggo is quickly back on him with some stiff kicks to the legs. El Froggo grabs Washington by the arm and whips him into the ropes, before nailing him with an impressive jumping calf kick! The fans cheer loudly for the Mexican as he stumbles up to his feet and taunts to the crowd!

El Froggo looks to have victory in his sight as he taunts Washington to get to his feet, before grabbing him in a front face lock. However Washington blocks an attempted suplex from El Froggo, before going behind into a waist lock and landing a big German suplex! The fans boo loudly, but Washington keeps his arms locked around the waist of his opponent and nails a second and then third German suplex in a row!

El Froggo holds the back of his neck in pain as he stumbles up to a standing position, but Washington senses blood as he jumps straight back on the offensive! Washington rocks El Froggo with some big right hands, before landing the ‘Payday’ to leave his opponent on the mat! The fans continue to boo the former Tag Team Champion as he drops down and makes the cover on the masked Mexican.




It’s all over and it is Scott Washington who picks up a big win and advances to the next round of the tournament! Washington smugly rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air by the referee! The O-Town Outlaw continues the celebrations, ignoring the sold out Las Vegas crowd who are booing loudly.

Winner via pinfall: Scott Washington

Settling Scores

The cameras head backstage to the parking lot, where Gunner Lang is pacing back and forth with an angry look on his face. Lang has the sVo Las Vegas Champion in his hands, but doesnt look like he is in any kind of celebratory mood as Katie Smith and her camera crew catch up with the man who progressed in the Victory Cup tournament in last week’s main event.

Katie Smith: “Gunner! We didn’t expect to see you here tonight as you are not booked? What are you doing out here in the parking lot?”

Lang shoots Katie Smith an angry look, before remembering who he is and slowing down his pacing to speak to the friendly interviewer.

Gunner Lang: “If you must know Katie, I am here to settle this thing with All Star once and for all. He has been screwing with me for weeks now. I was all ready to move past what happened at the PPV, but then he ran down last week and smashed me in the face with my own title belt!”

Smith looks confused as she looks the Las Vegas Champion up and down.

Katie Smith: “But Gunner, why are you waiting out here for Johnny? He has been here in the arena for hours already?”

Lang looks angry as he stares back at Smith again, before rushing around her and making his way towards the backstage area of the arena in search of his ‘stable mate’.

Victory Cup First Round Match
Jacob Izaz vs. Darren Starr

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the team of Darren Starr & Simon Starr walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Both Starr brothers signal to both sides of the crowd before quickly making their way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

‘Not for Radio’ by Nas hits the sound system and the fans cheer as onto the top of the entrance ramp swaggers the confident looking Jacob Izaz. Izaz holds his arms in the air and stands motionless for a few seconds as flash bulbs go off around the arena, before he slowly continues his swagger down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Izaz hops up onto the ring apron and again throws his arms up in the air to poses for the crowd, before climbing through the ropes and into the squared circle.

The fans are excited to see one of the newest sVo stars in action for the first time, as Jacob Izaz stares across the ring at Darren Starr, with both men preparing to do battle and earn themselves a chance in the next round of the Victory Cup tournament!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started, and Izaz is quickly out of the blocks as he lands some big right hands on Starr. Starr looks rocked by the punches from the newcomer, who grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ring ropes before flooring him with a reverse elbow smash to the face! Starr looks groggy as he stumbles back up to a standing position, but he walks straight into a snapmare takedown from Izaz, who follows up by bouncing off of the ropes and landing a big kick to the back of his opponent that echos around the arena!

The fans look impressed with the newcomer as he quickly makes the cover and looks for the win.




Darren Starr manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat just in time and stop himself from being eliminated from the tournament at the very first hurdle! Izaz grabs hold of Starr by the hair and pulls him to a standing position, before tossing him into the corner of the ring. With Starr prone in the corner, Izaz tees off with some big right hands to his opponent, before aiming to send him corner to corner. However out of desperation, Starr reverses the Irish whip and sends Izaz into the corner, before following up with a tired clothesline.

Izaz stumbles out of the corner of the ring and Starr follows up with a snap suplex in the middle of the ring, before floating over and nailing Izaz with some mounted punches. Izaz fights his way to a standing position, but Starr bounces off of the ring ropes for extra momentum and returns to land a big jumping knee to the face of his opponent. With Izaz down on the mat, Starr leaps down onto the newcomer to make the cover.




Everyone in the arena thought it might be all over right there, but Izaz shows his toughness and kicks out!

Darren Starr curses not getting the job done there and then as he scrambles up to a standing position and taunts to the crowd! The fans rise to their feet as Starr allows Izaz to get to his feet, before taking him down to the mat with a spinebuster in the corner of the ring. With the newcomer in the drop zone, the fans cheer as Starr points to the top rope! Starr slowly begins to climb to the top rope, before again taunting to the crowd for his finishing move! Starr leaps off looking for his patented ‘All Starr Frogsplash’, but Izaz sees the move coming and gets his shoulders up!

Starr rolls around on the mat in pain, but Izaz doesn’t waste any time as he pulls himself to his feet using the ring ropes! Izaz grabbs Starr and puts him in a front face lock, before lifting him into the air and dropping him on his head with a twisting brainbuster! The fans cheer for the impressive move as Izaz makes the cover!




It’s all over and in somewhat of an upset, it is Jacob Izaz who picks up the victory! Izaz rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd before the referee raises his arm in victory! Can the newcomer really go all the way and claim the Victory Cup?

Winner via pinfall: Jacob Izaz

I Want Revenge

The camera cuts backstage to the office of sVo Owner Jon Page, with the boss sitting with his feet up on the desk watching the celebrations of one of his newest signings to the roster. With Jacob Izaz being pretty impressive in his first ever sVo match, the boss looks pretty pleased with himself.

However Page’s self congratulation is cut short as there is a knock at the office door before another one of his new signings quickly enters the room. Page quickly pulls his feet down off of the desk and rises to shake hands with Kyle McRae.

Jon Page: “Kyle, good to see you tonight kid. That was one hell of a fight you put up against Moretti the other week. Shame for all of us that you didn’t get your hand raised…”

Page looks slightly rueful that Moretti managed to pick up the win, however McRae doesn’t seem in the mood for reminiscing.

Kyle McRae: “Appreciate it boss, but I am here for one thing only and that is for revenge on Athena. You must have saw what she did to me backstage! Well I want her in the ring tonight!”

Page looks impressed at the youngster demanding matches already so early into his sVo career, but tries to calm down the young Scot.

Jon Page: “Listen kid. Moretti and Athena, I really don’t know what is going on there with that whole deal right now. My advice to you would be to steer well clear.”

McRae doesn’t look like he is above to back down as he shakes his head and looks in an agitated state.

Kyle McRae: “No way, I can’t look weak and get thrown around like that. You gotta let me get my hands on her tonight!”

Page rolls his eyes and looks a little annoyed that the newcomer won’t listen to his advice.

Jon Page: “You know what, if you are desperate then why not. Don’t say I didn’t tell you though….”

Page walks over to the giant whiteboard on the wall of his office, and writes ‘Athena vs McRae’ in black pen to make it official, as McRae nods his head in approval before marching out of the office.

Victory Cup First Round Match
Yoshi Ono vs. Orlando Fox

The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.

Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy E hits the sound system and the fans boo as Orlando Fox slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and poses for the crowd. Fox slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, trash talking the fans in the front row as he goes. Fox soon reaches the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and steps onto the bottom rope before performing his signature taunt to the crowd, which brings out even more boos for Fox!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get started as Orlando Fox stares across the ring at the size of the man that he must face and defeat if he is going to go any further into the Victory Cup tournament this year!

Ono looks stoic as he stares back at his opponent, before slowly waddling into the middle of the ring. Fox rushes at Yoshi Ono, looking to get the first offense in, however the big man absorbs the punches from the former sVo Hardcore Champion, before landing a stiff chop across the chest of his opponent. Fox holds his chest in pain as he staggers backwards, and Ono grabs him by the arm and whips him into the ropes, before landing a stiff headbutt to knock him down as he bounces back.

The fans don’t really know who to cheer in this one, and therefore boo both men as Fox slowly stumbles up to a standing position, only for Ono to land some more chops across his chest. Fox fires back with some chops of his own across the exposed chest of his opponent, before desperately kicking away at his knees. Ono stumbles around holding his leg in pain, and Fox manages to land a stiff upercut on the big man.

Ono reels as he walks away holding his jaw, and Fox takes the opportunity to bounce off of the ring ropes before landing a big double leg dropkcik to finally take Ono down off of his feet! The fans look a little shocked that Fox managed to knock the big man down, as the former Hardcore Champion leaps onto his opponent to make the cover.




Ono powers out and manages to save his spot in the tournament! Fox looks disappointed at not getting the job done there and then as he quickly springs to his feet, and stomps away at the super heavyweight as he tries to get up. Ono finally reaches a standing position, and Fox grabs him by the arm and tries to send him into the corner of the ring. However Ono reverses the Irish whip and sends Fox hard into the corner, before following up with a big splash!

Fox sinks down to a seated position in the corner, and Ono slowly walks away from his opponent, before running back and landing a big knee the face with all of his weight behind it! It looks all over as Ono pulls Fox slightly away from the ropes and drops down on him to make the cover.




Somehow Fox has the presence of mind to put his foot on the bottom rope, and this one continues! Ono can’t believe that he didn’t get the three count as he staggers to his feet and complaints to the referee. Fox takes the opportunity to pull himself slowly to a standing position, before trying to hype up the crowd. The crowd respond by booing him loudly, but as Ono finally turns around, Fox runs at him and lands a big clothesline! However the clothesline doesn’t have as much impact as Fox wishes, as Ono staggers back but stays on his feet!

Fox bounces off of the ring ropes this time for extra momentum and tries another clothesline, but Ono cuts him off with a savate kick, before grabbing hold of him and landing a side belly to belly suplex! Fox looks in pain on the mat as he holds his back, whilst Ono slowly staggers up and begins to stamp his feet in preparation for his finishing move! Ono taunts Fox to get to his feet, before grabbing his opponent and landing the ‘Ono & Out’ in the middle of the ring! Its academic as Ono drops down and makes the cover on his opponent.




It’s all over and it is Yoshi Ono who joins his fellow stable mate Scott Washington in progressing to the next round of the tournament!

Ono slowly waddles back up to a standing position and has his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee. With Ono having an impressive outing against the former Hardcore Champion, can the super heavyweight go the distance and earn himself another shot at the sVo Championship?

Winner via pinfall: Yoshi Ono

Beers for the Boys

The cameras head backstage to the locker room of Blood Money, with a loud boo going up around the arena as they watch the action on the giant screen from within the arena. With none of the five Blood Money members in action tonight, they all look dressed more for a night out rather than a wrestling match, and there is a party atmosphere in the locker room.

Anthony Moretti: “Can you believe how good we got it right now? Horizon is falling apart from within and I am going to win the Victory Cup and get another shot at the sVo Heavyweight Championship!”

All five members of the group raise their glasses in celebration, as Moretti toasts to the success of the group. Malone and Joe Barone look fully bought in, however the Von Drake’s seem a little more reserved.

Anthony Moretti: “I knew that when I brought this group together that we would be the most dominant in sVo history, and there is no one that can touch us right now!”

The group once again toast to their success, but quickly end up with empty glasses.

Anthony Moretti: “Where the hell has she got with our drinks?”

Suddenly the door bursts open and in steps an out of breath Athena, with a crate of beers under one arm and a magnum of champagne in the others. The group sniggers as Athena reluctantly makes her way around the room filling everyone’s glasses.

Anthony Moretti: “Right that’s one job done but there is another I am afraid. We just heard word from Page’s office that McRae has challenged you to a match tonight. What an idiot. You better get dressed to compete because I want you to seriously hurt him tonight….”

Athena looks ready to argue, but she just reluctantly nods her head and turns and leaves the room as quickly as she enters. The group falls about laughing as she goes.

Money Malone: “Damn boss, one day you got to tell us what you got over her that makes her run around for you like that!”

Moretti just smirks as the scene fades out.

Victory Cup First Round Match
Dallas Jordan vs. Jupiter James

“Sunflower” by Post Malone hits the sound system and there is a huge cheer from the crowd. After a few seconds a pumped up Jupiter James emerges onto the top of the entrance ramp from behind the curtain and throws an arm into the air to acknowledge the crowd! Jupiter James skips down the entrance ramp side side to side, slapping hands with the fans as she goes before making her way all away the ringside area. Jupiter James finally climbs onto the ring apron on the side of the hard cam and raises both arms in the air to the crowd, before climbing into the ring through the ropes and looking around the arena in awe at the fans cheering her on.

The upbeat “Living In America” by James Brown hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo as the arena is basked in a red, white and blue glow. After a few seconds the energetic Dallas Jordan steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws up a salute to the crowd. ‘The Patriot’ quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp whilst slapping hands with fans at ringside, before climbing into the ring. Jordan stares out to the crowd for a few seconds before throwing up another salute to the crowd. Jordan retreats into his corner of the ring as the music begins to fade out.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the fans in the arena are firmly behind Jupiter James as she moves forward and circles around the smirking Dallas Jordan. Jordan and James finally tie up in the middle of the ring, and Jordan quickly uses his power to push his opponent back into the corner of the ring. The referee quickly calls for a rope break, and Jordan surprisingly gives Jupiter James a clean break, but then ruins it all by slapping his opponent across the face and walking away smirking!

The fans boo loudly in the direction of Dallas Jordan, as Jupiter James spits away the taste of the slap and walks back into the middle of the ring looking more determined. Jupiter James slaps Jordan across the face to a big cheer from the fans, before Jordan and James begin to trade big right hands in the middle of the ring to the delight of the fans. Jordan grabs hold of James by the arm and whips her into the ring ropes, but as Jordan looks for a back body drop, James counters with a face buster!

Jordan staggers back up to his feet looking angry, but James catches him with a kick to the midsection before hitting a DDT in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer loudly as Jupiter James leaps onto the ‘Patriot’ to make the cover!




Jordan kicks out at the nick of time and saves the match! Jordan scrambles up to his feet after the pinfall and tries to put some distance between himself and his opponent, but Jupiter James is relentless as she nails him with some big punches to the back of the head. James grabs Jordan by the arm and sends him into the corner of the ring, before following up with a big clothesline in the corner. Jordan stumbles out and James lands a neckbreaker from under the arms of her opponent, before making another cover!




It looked like Jupiter James might pick up the win there, but again Jordan kicks out! The fans continue to cheer loudly for Jupiter James, but this time Dallas Jordan rolls out of the ring to put some distance between himself and his opponent!

The boos for Jordan get even louder as he waves off James and seems to begin to make his way backstage back up the entrance ramp! Jupiter James doesn’t look like she can believe what she is seeing as the referee begins to count out her opponent!

The referee gets to a six count, but as he does Dallas Jordan begins to march back to ringside! Dallas Jordan begins to argue with the referee, but as he does the crowd boo loudly as Travis Armstrong and Lance Abbott jump out of the crowd! With the referee distracted by Jordan, it is Armstrong and Abbott who slide into the ring and nail Jupiter James with a double team DDT!

Abbott and Armstrong hop back out of the ring and Dallas Jordan quickly leaps onto Jupiter James, before a shocked referee jumps down to make the cover!




It’s Dallas Jordan who has stolen it again, with the help once more of Abbott and Armstrong! The referee looks confused as Abbott and Armstrong climb into the ring and pushes him away, before jointly raising the arm of Dallas Jordan in the air in victory!

Winner via pinfall: Dallas Jordan

Single Match
Athena vs. Kyle McRae

The sound of ‘Scotland the Brave’ blasts over the sound system as the energetic Kyle McRae bounces onto the top of the entrance ramp and holds his arms out wide by his side. McRae stares around at the sold out crowd with a huge smile on his face, before marching down the entrance ramp towards the ring. McRae does a whole lap of the ring and slaps hands with as many fans as he can, before sliding head first into the ring and doing a forward roll and a jump before landing on the second rope of the turnbuckle. McRae signals to the fans again as the music begins to fade out.

‘Kryptonite’ by Three Doors Down hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as a pyro explodes at the top of the entrance ramp. The cheers only grow louder as through the smoke of the pyro steps Athena, who poses at the top of the entrance ramp and soaks in the cheers from the fans. Athena stares down at the ring with a focused look on her face, before slowly marching down the entrance ramp with a purpose. Athena confidently climbs up into the ring and poses again for the crowd, as the music slowly fades out.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and Kyle McRae looks fearless despite staring up at his much taller and more powerful opponent Athena! Athena looks conflicted about the match, but as Kyle McRae springs forward and lands some forearm shots, Athena blocks and whips her opponent into the ring ropes, before landing a big boot to knock him down!

The fans give a mixed reaction to the big move from Athena, but McRae quickly rolls back up to his feet and ducks out of the reach of his opponent. Athena looks to grab hold of the Scotsman, but McRae dodges out of her way before landing a spinning heel kick to knock the powerful Athena up against the ring ropes. Athena springs off of the ropes and looks for a clothesline, but McRae lands a drop toe hold before bouncing off of the ring ropes himself and landing a diving dropkick to the face of Athena!

Athena rolls to her feet holding her face in pain, but McRae takes advantage as he grabs Athena from behind and takes her down to the mat with a back suplex. McRae rises up to his feet and signals to the crowd, before landing a standing senton into the cover on his opponent!




Athena powers out of the cover and the main event continues!

McRae rises up to his feet looking slightly annoyed at not getting the job done. McRae lands some forearm shots to Athena, before grabbing her by the arm and sending her into the ring ropes. McRae looks for a jumping calf kick as Athena bounces back, but the powerhouse ducks under the leg of the Scotsman and bounces off of the opposite ropes, before landing a powerful clothesline that nearly turns McRae inside out!

McRae staggers to his feet and Athena nails a big uppercut, before sending McRae back to the mat with a scoop slam. McRae stumbles up to his feet and tries to get back on the offensive by running at his opponent, but Athena cuts him off with a big back elbow, before nailing a powerful one handed slam!

McRae looks in pain on the mat from the offensive from his opponent, as Athena signals to the crowd for the end of the match! McRae desperately stumbles up to try and get back into the match up, but Athena lands a kick to the midsection to double over McRae, before landing a big powerbomb in the middle of the ring! The fans rise to their feet for the massive powerbomb from Athena, as she drops down and somewhat reluctantly makes the cover.




Its all over and the powerful Athena picks up an impressive win over the newcomer McRae!

Winner via pinfall: Athena

Send a Message

The fans cheer as Athena stands in the ring with her arm raised in the air in victory by the referee, however the cheers soon turn to boos as onto the top of the entrance ramp slowly walks Anthony Moretti! The former sVo Heavyweight Champion is dressed in a smart dark suit and has a microphone in his hand and a wicked smile on his face.

Anthony Moretti: “Wow, wow, wow! What’s this a celebration? Have you won a belt or something?”

The crowd continues to boo loudly as Athena looks confused staring back at Moretti.

Anthony Moretti: “No this isn’t the time to celebrate. What this is the time to do is to show people that disrespect Blood Money what kind of pain they will suffer. Athena, I want you to hurt him!!”

Moretti snarls as Athena tries to beg with him from the ring, only for Moretti to give her a knowing look.

The fans boo loudly as Athena reluctantly turns and pulls McRae up to a standing position by his hair! McRae looks out on his feet as Athena nails him with a punch to the face, before positioning him for another powerbomb! However this time Athena lifts McRae up into the air, before powerbombing him over the top rope and onto the ring apron! McRae bumps awkwardly off of the side of the ring and ends up in a heap on the floor!

The referee rushes out of the ring to check on McRae who must be seriously injured, as Moretti nods his head approvingly from the top of the entrance ramp. Athena looks disgusted with her own actions as she climbs out of the ring and makes her way back up the entrance ramp.

The Ultimate Victory

‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd give a mixed reaction as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring. All-Star salutes to the fans as he climbs into the ring and jumps to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle. All-Star throws his arms in the air and then calls for Natasha Ortiz to throw him a microphone.

All Star waits for the mixed reaction from the crowd to slowly subside, before addressing his hometown fans.

Johnny All Star: “Ok let’s not beat around the bush out here, I certainly have better things to do!”

The fans slowly begin to turn on All Star a little more, with some boos creeping in from the Vegas crowd.

Johnny All Star: “I am out here to officially cash in what was promised by Jon Page at the PPV to the winner of the Organised Chaos match. I am out here to officially challenge the reigning sVo Heavyweight Champion William Vorheez to a one on one Championship match at the Ultimate Victory PPV on the 8th of August!”

This time there are loud cheers from the fans at the sound of the match, as All Star holds one arm in the air as if he has already won the belt.

Johnny All Star: “That’s right people, I am going to right a wrong from nearly ten years ago when Vorheez robbed me of my chance to be called sVo Heavyweight Champion! Only this time there is going to be no screw job, no Company and no upset. There is only going to be Johnny All Star standing with his arm in the air and the Championship belt around his waist!”

All Star signals like he has a belt around his waist. However as music hits the sound system, it’s not the music of the Champion! The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp with the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in his hands! Lang doesn’t look his usually jovial self as he marches down the entrance ramp and climbs into the ring. All Star doesn’t look impressed with the arrival of his stable mate at ringside, but Lang wastes no time in ripping the microphone from the hands of All Star!

A chant of ‘Gunner, Gunner, Gunner’ goes around the arena as All Star scowls at the Las Vegas Champion.

Gunner Lang: “Listen Johnny, the last thing on your mind should be the sVo Championship after what you did to me a few weeks ago in the main event!”

Footage of All Star ‘accidentally’ nailing Lang with the Las Vegas Championship from two weeks ago is shown on the giant screen.

Gunner Lang: “Now I don’t know what is going on with you lately, but I think there is only way for to truly put this all behind us and that is to fight, right here right now!”

Lang throws the microphone down and passes the Las Vegas Championship to the outside of the ring, before getting into a fighting pose and facing All Star! All Star holds his hands up to beg off of fighting with Lang, trying to persuade his stable mate that its not what he wants.

The fans are baying for blood, but before Lang can pounce, The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green laser lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as William Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp!

Lang and All Star turn their attention to the sVo Heavyweight Champion as he slowly walks down the entrance ramp and climbs into the ring, with the title belt strapped around his waist! Vorheez stares down both men for a few seconds, but in the confusion All Star tries to take advantage as he pushes Lang from behind into Vorheez!

However Vorheez sees the move coming, as he immediately grabs Lang around the throat and lifts him up into the air in a swift movement before drilling him with a chokeslam!

All Star looks shocked, but also doesn’t want to suffer the same fate as Gunner Lang as he quickly hops through the ropes and backs up the entrance ramp. The fans boo loudly towards Johnny All Star, as Vorheez stands over the body of Gunner Lang and stares at All Star retreating!

Vorheez stares for a few seconds longer before unhooking the Championship belt from his waist and picking up the microphone from the mat. Vorheez holds the belt in the air with one hand, whilst speaking into the microphone with the other…..

William Vorheez: “Johnny….. I accept your challenge….”

The crowd cheer loudly as Vorheez stares back at Johnny All Star who is now at the top of the entrance ramp, staring back at the Champion. Vorheez still stands over the body of the Las Vegas Champion, as All Star nods his head from the top of the entrance ramp as the show goes off of the air!

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