sVo Against All Odds
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Sunday 2nd May 2021

The sVo logo fades on and then off of a black screen before ‘Venom’ by Eminem hits and the opening video package for ‘Against All Odds’ begins to play, featuring classic action with highlights from the likes of Psyko Stevo, Bobby Dean, Anthony Moretti, Roscoe Shame, William Vorheez, Nathan Paradine, JVD & Night. 

As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera shows a shot of the outside of the Goodfellas Casino, sitting on the heart of the Las Vegas strip before heading inside and panning around the sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena inside. Fireworks begin to shoot up from the top of the entrance ramp as fans jump out at the camera trying to get their face on TV as the atmosphere for tonight’s show continues to build, with the music playing over the arena’s sound system. 

The camera swings around to see the commentary team of Julian Fiasco & Jeremiah Sloan sitting at ringside, before turning to show the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp as some of the matchups for tonight’s show are shown. 

Earlier This Evening

The footage shown on the giant screen is obviously from earlier in the evening, as sVo Owner Jon Page stands outside of the back entrance of the Goodfellas Casino Arena in the hot Las Vegas sun. A trickle of sweat runs down the face of the boss as he stands in his dark suit, checking the expensive looking watch on his wrist. After a few seconds the bosses attention is caught, as a figure approaches. 

As the figures gradually comes into view it is obvious that is the sVo Champion himself, William Vorheez who has his sports bag in one hand and sVo Championship belt in the other. Vorheez remains expressionless as he approaches Page. 

Jon Page: “What was that about last week?”

Vorheez says nothing as he stops and looks straight at Page.

Jon Page: “I thought we were aligned when you came back… I gave you the chance to take the title off of Moretti for me… but it seems ever since you won that title you have gone rogue on me.”

Vorheez stares down at the belt in his hand for a few seconds before again looking back at the boss.

William Vorheez: “This belt wasn’t Moretti’s for you to give me any opportunity, I have never lost this belt.”

Page looks irritated with the sVo Champion.

Jon Page: “Sure, sure, but the match happened. Now I have this new TV deal in place and I don’t really need my champion on the injured list or worse, my sister running around controlling my top championship. Ono & Washington are a hell of a threat, I think you need some back up.”

William Vorheez: “I explained last week I am doing this on my own. Trust me, it’s best all round. I don’t need your or anyone else’s help.”

Jon Page: “All I am saying is you and The Teacher have a common enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. You seems to share some mutual respect a few weeks ago after your match. Now he has a match against Yoshi Ono tonight, I sure as hell know he could do with some back up!”

Vorheez grunts at Page in frustration before turning and walking away from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, back into the Las Vegas sun.

Single Match
Nathan Judge vs. Simon Starr

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the team of Darren Starr & Simon Starr walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Both Starr brothers signal to both sides of the crowd before quickly making their way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the opening match is quickly underway as Simon Starr and Nathan Judge circle around each other. Judge lands some big right hands on his opponent, before Starr fights back with some haymakers of his own! Simon Starr grabs Judge and sends him hard into the ring ropes, but Judge bounces back and lands a big shoulder block on Starr to send him down to the mat. 

Starr stumbles up to his feet, but Judge follows up with a scoop slam on his opponent, before bouncing into the ring ropes and dropping an elbow on the oldest Starr brother. Darren Starr cheers his brother on from the outside of the ring, as Simon Starr stumbles up to his feet only for Nathan Judge to land a snap suplex in the middle of the ring. Judge follows up with a stalling suplex, before making a quick cover.




It looked like Judge had the match won, but Starr manages to get a shoulder up before the three count! Simon Starr stumbles up to his feet, but Judge quickly grabs him in a side headlock. Starr pushes Judge off into the ring ropes, before taking him down with a spear as he bounces back to get a big cheer from the crowd! Judge staggers up to his feet holding his midsection in pain, but Starr takes him down to the mat by the arm and locks in an arm bar! The fans cheer Starr on, but Judge is quickly to the ropes and causes the referee to call for a rope break!

Judge staggers up to his feet feeling his arm, and Starr tries to follow up with some knee strikes on the Canadian. However Judge fights back with a big head butt to stun Simon Starr, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a running dropkick! Simon Starr staggers up to his feet holding his head in pain, and Judge follows up with a spinebuster into another cover!



No! Simon Starr shows great resilience to get a shoulder up before the three count and this one continues! Nathan Judge looks frustrated at not getting the three count, and quickly pulls Simon Starr to his feet and looks for his finisher. However Simon Starr seems to have the move scouted as he counters with a knee to the face of his opponent, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a swinging neckbreaker!

Judge pulls himself up holding his neck, and Simon Starr follows up with a spinebuster of his own! The fans cheer loudly as Starr pointed to the corner of the ring, before climbing to the top rope! Darren Starr cheers his brother on to hit the All Starr Frogsplash and win the match, but as Simon Starr reaches the top rope, the fans boo loudly as the Canadian Connection appears at the top of the entrance ramp!

Jake Hughes and Scott Cole stand at the top of the entrance ramp staring down at the ring, as Darren Starr marches to the bottom of the entrance ramp to put himself between the Canadian Connection and the ring! Simon Starr hesitates for a split second to look at what is going on, but as he does Nathan Judge picks him up off of the turnbuckle and land the ‘Judgement Day’ in the middle of the ring! The fans boo loudly as Nathan Judge makes the cover!




It’s all over, and in part thanks to the distraction of the Canadian Connection, it is Nathan Judge who picks up the victory over Simon Starr in the first match of the night! The Canadian Connection smile and make their way back through the curtain, a job well done as Darren Starr checks on his brother in the ring, an angry look on his face at the blatant distraction from the team that cheated to beat them last week!

Winner via pinfall: Nathan Judge


After the victory for Nathan Judge, the cameras head backstage to the ‘Blood Money’ locker room, where there seems to be a frosty atmosphere as Joe Barone, Money Malone, JVD and Lucy Von Drake sit watching the action in silence. JVD still clearly looks upset at what the rest of Blood Money had in store for him a few weeks ago, however the silence is broken as the door swings open and in walks a beaming Anthony Moretti. Moretit struts into the room and stands in front of the TV, making sure he has everyone’s attention.

Anthony Moretti: “It’s official, I pulled the contract and we have our Tag Team Title rematch tonight big man, and better yet it’s in the main event!”

Barone looks as pleased as he ever looks, as the giant Italian American smiles and nods at Moretti.

Anthony Moretti: “Now it’s going to be great to get those titles back, but it’s going to be even better to humiliate those Horizon boys in the main event and take them out of the Organised Chaos match!”

There are nods all around, apart from JVD who stares back at Moretti with daggers in his eyes. 

Anthony Moretti: “Now I know the plan is for us to rest up and avoid injury before Organised Chaos, but I did have to commit us to one more match tonight. It’s one of our top stars against a has been though so I am sure it will go well, Von Drake, you’re up!”

JVD beams from being called one of the top guys in Blood Money by Moretti, as he rises up to his feet.

JVD: “Don’t worry Anthony, I don’t care who I am up against, I got this!”

Moretti looks confused for a few seconds, before slowly shaking his head and laughing. 

Anthony Moretti: “No, no, no. Sorry James you got it mixed up. It’s not you in action tonight, it’s Lucy Von Drake up against Absolute Zero. Lucy, you are a part of our Organised Chaos team so it’s a good chance for you to get some practise in for kicking a has been’s ass like JD James when you beat up Absolute Zero tonight!”

JVD looks stunned as he sinks back down to his seat, despite his wife looking delighted. The rest of Blood Money congratulate Lucy Von Drake on the opportunity as the scene fades out.

Single Match
Hiro Ryuu vs. Dallas Jordan

The upbeat “Living In America” by James Brown hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo as the arena is basked in a red, white and blue glow. After a few seconds the energetic Dallas Jordan steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws up a salute to the crowd. ‘The Patriot’ quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp whilst slapping hands with fans at ringside, before climbing into the ring. Jordan stares out to the crowd for a few seconds before throwing up another salute to the crowd. Jordan retreats into his corner of the ring as the music begins to fade out.

‘Starman’ by David Bowie hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as the mysterious Hiro Ryuu slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Ryuu drops to his knee and raises a finger in the air for a few seconds before slowly pointing his finger down towards the ring. Ryuu then rises to his feet and walks slowly to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Ryuu climbs to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd before backflipping to a standing position in the ring!

Dallas Jordan looks disgusted at his opponent as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get started! Hiro Ryuu makes his way over to the middle of the ring to start the match off, but Jordan spits in the face of his opponent!

The fans boo loudly as a disgusted Hiro Ryuu wipes the spit from his face, as Dallas Jordan screams in his face! The fans cheer as Ryuu fires back with some massive right hands on his opponent, before shooting him into the ropes! Dallas Jordan bounces back and Ryuu sends him down to the mat with a big spinning heel kick! Jordan stumbles up to his feet and Ryuu takes him down to the mat with a side headlock takedown, before landing some big mounted punches. 

Jordan squirms out of the reach of his opponent, before rolling to the outside of the ring to put some distance between himself and his opponent. However Ryuu is still enraged at the disrespect shown at the start of the match, and rolls out of the ring after his opponent! Ryuu runs after Jordan on the outside of the ring, but Dallas Jordan seems to have the move scouted as he lands a drop toe hold to send Ryuu face first into the security barrier!

The fans boo as Jordan stomps away on the back of his opponent as the referee shouts for both men to take it back into the ring! Jordan pulls Ryuu up to a standing position before slamming him face first into the security barrier again, before Irish whipping him into the steel ring steps! Ryuu looks in pain on the floor from the attack from Jordan, as Dallas Jordan rolls back into the ring! Jordan shouts at the referee to make the count, and it looks like ‘The Patriot’ is happy to pick up the win via countout!

Dallas Jordan waves away the booing fans as he stands tall in the middle of the ring, as Ryuu struggles up on the outside of the ring as the referee begins his slow count to ten! The referee reaches eight, but much to the delight of the crowd Ryuu is able to roll into the ring! 

Dallas Jordan looks angrily at his opponent as he pounces on him and lands some big punches to the back of his opponents head. Ryuu fights his way to a standing position, but Dallas Jordan lands a double underhook suplex, before following up with a stalling vertical suplex! The fans boo the moves, but Jordan ignores them as he hooks the leg and looks for the win!




It looked like it might be all over right there, but Ryuu manages to get a shoulder up just before the three count! Dallas Jordan screams abuse at the referee that it should have been a three count as the fans boo loudly directed at the ‘Patriot’.

Jordan pulls Ryuu up to his feet and positions him for a German suplex, but Ryuu has the move scouted and manages to block, before freeing himself with some stiff back elbows. The fans cheer as Ryuu manages a standing switch on Jordan, before landing a German suplex of his own!

Jordan looks shocked as he staggers up to his feet, but Ryuu follows up with a backdrop suplex! The fans cheer loudly as Ryuu rolls to his feet and taunts the fans, before pulling Jordan to his feet. Jordan swings his arms wildly at his opponent, but Hiro Ryuu ducks out of the way before landing an Elevated DDT! The fans continue to cheer for the big move, as Ryuu signals for his finishing move! 

Ryuu waits for Dallas Jordan to get to his feet, before positioning him for the ‘Tokyo Sunrise’! However as Ryuu looks to hit the move and finish the match, Dallas Jordan ducks under the arm and rolls up Hiro Ryuu with an inside cradle! The fans boo loudly as the referee drops down to count the cover, not noticing that Jordan has a handful of Ryuu’s tights!




It’s all over!

Dallas Jordan quickly let’s go of Ryuu after the three is counted and rolls out of the ring! Dallas Jordan backs up the entrance ramp with his arms in the air as the fans boo loudly, and Ryuu pops to his feet to try and explain to the referee that his opponent cheated!

The referee tries to explain to Ryuu that he didn’t see it, as Dallas Jordan continues to celebrate the big victory before making his way backstage, leaving an angry and frustrated Hiro Ryuu in the ring!

Winner via pinfall: Dallas Jordan


The camera heads backstage to the interview area, where head reporter Katie Smith is standing by against the sVo branded back drop with a microphone in hand. Alongside Smith is one of the most popular young stars on the sVo roster, Jupiter James who will be in action later tonight!

Katie Smith: “Jupiter, you have a massive opportunity tonight as you face Gunner Lang with the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt on the line! How are you feeling about the match?”

James soaks in the cheers from the fans watching the interview on the giant screen in the arena as she shows Katie Smith the goosebumps on her forearm. 

Jupiter James: “I would be lying Katie if I didn’t say I was nervous about the match later tonight! I am nervous not because I don’t think I can win, I am nervous because I have to live up to the performances of the great woman that have come before me! I want to emulate the likes of Sara Pettis, Juliana Torres, Faith Winchester & Go-Go Spectacular that came before me!”

The fans cheer the names of each the former sVo roster members. 

Katie Smith: “Are you surprised that Gunner Lang accepted your challenge as well considering he has the Organised Chaos match to prepare for?”

Jupiter James: “Honestly, no. Not to make him feel old but I grew up back in St Louis, Missouri watching Gunner Lang defend the Las Vegas Championship night after night in his first run! Lang is one of the best on the roster, but that is exactly why I want to beat someone like him for my first title!”

Katie Smith: “Well the sVo fans certainly sound like they are behind you, good luck out there!”

James smiles and walks away from the interview area as the scene fades out. 

Single Match
Absolute Zero vs. Lucy Von Drake

There are boos in the arena as ‘LVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as Lucy Von Drake walks out, with her husband James Von Drake as always by her side. Lucy signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. Lucy holds her arms in the air in the middle of the ring as James Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on his wife.

The familiar sound of “Ice, Ice Baby” hits the sound system and the fans cheer as dry ice rises up from the sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds, the veteran Absolute Zero steps out of the dry ice and stands at the top of the entrance ramp bobbing his head to the music! The fans cheer Absolute Zero, as he takes a few seconds to acknowledge them before making his way down to the ring and diving in under the bottom rope! Absolute Zero turns and poses for the hard camera with his arms crossed and his head bopping to the music!

Absolute Zero and Lucy Von Drake silently stare across the ring at each other as the referee breaks down the rules to both competitors. Neither Zero nor Von Drake seem to be paying much attention to the official, as they lock eyes with each other and try and size up their opponent whilst preparing to seize their opportunity! The fans cheer as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action officially gets started, with both competitors looking for a big win!

Absolute Zero and Lucy Von Drake circle around each other in the middle of the ring, the fans clearly behind Zero in this contest. Zero dives forward to try and use his size and strength advantage, but Lucy Von Drake uses her speed to duck under the long arms of her opponent, and fire off a few kicks to his legs before darting out of his way. Absolute Zero looks angry as he turns to face Von Drake, feeling the back of his knee in pain. Zero looks for the attack again with a wild right hand, but again Von Drake uses her speed to duck under the arm before bouncing into the ring ropes and returning with a big dropkick that staggers the veteran!

The fans cheer as Von Drake rolls back up to her feet and bounces into the ropes again before returning with a second dropkick, this time enough to take Zero down off of his feet! The fans erupt into boos as Von Drake jumps back up to a standing position and rains a flurry of stomps down on Absolute Zero. The fans boo Von Drake, until Zero wisely rolls out of the ring and away from the feet of Von Drake. 

The fans chant for Absolute Zero as he walks around the outside of the ring to regain his composure, however, Von Drake decides not to give her opponent a chance to recover, as she bounces off of the ropes again before aiming a baseball slide at her opponent. However Zero has the move scouted as he sidesteps the on rushing Von Drake, before pulling her clear out of the ring! The fans cheer as Absolute Zero violently throws Von Drake hard into the steel ring steps, before turning and high fiving the fans in the front row! 

The fans cheer even louder towards the ‘Ice Man’, as Von Drake staggers back up to her feet. Von Drake desperately throws some chops in the direction of Absolute Zero, but Zero absorbs them before using his strength advantage to toss Von Drake hard into the security barrier. Von Drake holds her back in pain, but Absolute Zero shows his experience to roll the Blood Money star back into the ring, before climbing back in himself. 

Absolute Zero quickly puts the boots to Von Drake on the mat, before allowing her back up to her feet. Absolute Zero wastes no time in grabbing Von Drake and throwing her into the ropes, before dropping her down to the mat with a stiff clothesline as she bounces back. With Lucy Von Drake down, the ‘Iceman’ drops down to make the cover.




Absolute Zero shoots the referee an angry look as he holds two fingers in the air to represent the count. Absolute Zero, who clearly thought he had done enough to get the win there, grabs Von Drake and quickly applies a side headlock. The fans cheer loudly at the sight of Absolute Zero squeezing the life out of his much smaller opponent, but Von Drake bravely tries to fight her way up to a standing position. The fans boo as Von Drake fights back with some back elbows to Zero, before taking him down with a hip toss!

Absolute Zero bounces straight back up to his feet looking shocked at the fight in his opponent, but Von Drake follows up with an impressive head scissors takedown. Absolute Zero scrambles up to his feet in the corner of the ring, but Von Drake is straight back on him with a big splash in the corner! Zero stumbles away from the corner of the ring, but much to the displeasure of the fans, Von Drake follows up by bouncing off of the ring ropes and landing a bulldog takedown on the powerhouse!

With Absolute Zero in the drop zone, the fans rise to their feet at Von Drake rises up to her feet and points to the turnbuckle! Von Drake wastes no time in climbing to the top rope, and then signals to the crowd for the end! Von Drake leaps from the top rope looking for a diving elbow on Zero, but the veteran has the move scouted and rolls out of the way at the last minute!

The fans cheer as Von Drake staggers back to her feet holding her elbow in pain, and Absolute Zero runs through her with a big boot! The Iceman follows up with a massive powerslam in the middle of the ring, before taunting to the crowd again! The fans respond with some loud cheers towards Absolute Zero as he bounces off of the ring ropes with a little strut, before dropping a knee on his opponent.

Von Drake staggers up to her feet holding her back in pain, but as she throws some desperate rights and lefts in the direction of her opponent, Absolute Zero uses his experience to duck and dive out of the way, before scooping up his opponent and landing a big backbreaker in the middle of the ring! Lucy Von Drake crawls back up to her feet, feeling that her chance may have disappeared with the missed elbow drop, as Absolute Zero stands in wait. Von Drake throws a desperate spinning kick at Zero, but Zero side steps the leg of his opponent before nailing her with a kick to the middle section. Von Drake doubles over in pain, and Zero follows up with an impressive ‘DDT’ in the middle of the ring! The fans continue to cheer as Zero rolls his opponent over and makes the cover!



Thr… No!

It looked like it was all over right there, but somehow Lucy Von Drake kicks out at the very last second! Absolute Zero looks at the referee in shock, as he rises up to his feet in disbelief. JVD looks nervous on the outside of the ring, thinking it was all over himself there as well, as Zero taunts his opponent to get to her feet!

Lucy Von Drake slowly staggers up, and Zero positions her for another DDT! However before Absolute Zero can execute the DDT, Lucy Von Drake lands a low blow to her opponent! The fans boo loudly as Absolute Zero limps away, before Lucy Von Drake lands a ‘One Hit Wonder’ as her opponent turns back to face her! Lucy Von Drake leaps on her opponent to make the cover as the fans continue to boo loudly!




It’s all over and Lucy Von Drake picks up the big victory! Lucy Von Drake rises up to her feet and has her arm raised in the air in victory by the referee, as JVD climbs into the ring to celebrate the big victory with his wife. 

Winner via pinfall: Lucy Von Drake

No Fear

After the big victor for Lucy Von Drake, the cameras once again head backstage to the interview area where this time Katie Smith is alongside the Teacher! There is a big cheer for the masked man as he stands tall next to Smith, looking ready for his match. 

Katie Smith: “Thanks for joining me here tonight with your match against Yoshi Ono just moment away! Let’s cut to the chase, what do you think your chances are against Ono considering he is on quite the roll at the moment, not to mention the obvious size difference!”

The Teacher adjusts his mask as he thinks about the question.

The Teacher: “Katie, I am heading into the match as the underdog, no question about that. You put me next to Yoshi Ono and asking anyone in the world who they think would win in a fight, then 99% people are going to pick the big guy! But that doesn’t matter to me, I have been the underdog my whole career so I have no fear about facing Ono tonight!”

Katie Smith: “Well Yoshi Ono of course has Scott Washington & Amy Page backing you up. How confident are you that William Vorheez will have your back if things come to it tonight?”

The Teacher smiles ruefully from under his mask.

The Teacher: “Confident? Not at all. Vorheez has made himself clear about where he stands in recent weeks. I am under no allusions that I am going it alone tonight.”

The Teacher looks prepared for battle as he walks away from the interview area towards the gorilla position. 

Katie Smith: “Well thanks for joining me, and that match is up NEXT!”

Single Match
Yoshi Ono vs. The Teacher

The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. Slightly behind Ono stands Amy Page & Scott Washington, accompanying their team mate to the ring for his match up.  The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

Ono snarls at the masked man as he stares across the ring at his opponent, whilst the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get started! The Teacher quickly rushes at Ono and lays into the big man with some right hands to try and use his speed to get an early advantage, but the punches don’t seem to have much impact on Ono!

Ono grabs hold of the Teacher and lands a big head butt to send him down to the mat, before stomping away on him! The Teacher scrambles up to his feet to try and put some distance between himself and his opponent, as Ono lumbers after him! The Teacher tries to duck and weave out of the way of Ono, but Ono catches him with a straight right hand, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the ring ropes. The Teacher bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Ono drops him to the mat with a big tackle in the middle of the ring!

Amy Page cheers her client on from ringside as Scott Washington prowls around the ringside area. In the ring Ono looks comfortable as he lands some stomps on his masked opponent, before allowing The Teacher up to a standing position. The Teacher lands a diving dropkick to the knees of Ono which staggers to big man, before running to the ropes. The Teacher bounces back and aims a dropkick at Ono, but Ono swots away his legs! 

The fans boo loudly as the Teacher staggers up to his feet, only for Ono to nail him with a Savate kick! The Teacher looks like he might be out cold, but Ono isn’t done there as he pulls his opponent to his feet and sends him into the corner of the ring. The Teacher struggles to stay on his feet in the corner, before Ono runs across the ring and lands a big splash on his opponent! The Teacher staggers out of the corner of the ring and Ono follows up with a belly to belly suplex in the middle of the ring!

It looks like the match could be all over right now if Ono goes for the cover, however Ono looks like he wants to punish his opponent before picking up the win! Ono smirks as he scrapes the Teacher up off of the mat, before lifting him into the air and landing the ‘Ono And Out’! The Teacher looks out cold in the middle of the ring as Ono makes the cover!



No! Ono pulls The Teacher’s shoulder up off of the mat to stop the referee counting to three! The fans boo loudly as the referee asks Ono what he is doing! Yoshi Ono smiles as he scoops the Teacher up to a standing position, before locking him in a bear hug! The fans boo loudly as Ono ragdolls The Teacher around in the middle of the ring, before the referee notices that the Teacher is out cold and quickly calls for the bell! 

Ono however doesn’t seem to care about winning the match or the bell being run, as he carries on ragdolling the Teacher in the bear hug in the middle of the ring, before eventually the referee manages to persuade him to drop the masked man!

Winner via TKO: Yoshi Ono

On Your Own

With The Teacher down and hurting, the fans boo loudly as Scott Washington and Amy Page step into the ring. Page grabs the arm of Ono and raises it in the air in victory, before making the motion around his waist that he will be the next sVo Champion! The fans boo loudly towards the trio, but Page doesn’t look done as she retreats to the corner of the ring, before shouting instructions to Ono & Washington!

The boos grow louder as Ono pulls up the masked Teacher to his feet despite the protests from the referee. Ono holds The Teacher in place as Washington bounces off of the ring ropes for extra momentum before running through the Teacher and nearly turning him inside out with a massive clothesline!

The fans begin to chant ‘Vorheez, Vorheez, Vorheez’ as Washington pulls the Teacher back up to his feet, before hitting him with a massive powerbomb in the middle of the ring! The chants for the sVo Champion continue as Yoshi Ono bounces off of the ring ropes before dropping a leg on the Teacher!

The boos grow louder and louder as Ono and Washington rise up to their feet and admire their handiwork, as Amy Page calls off her goons, sensing that the sVo Champion isn’t coming to make the save after all!

Page, Ono and Washington make their way backstage looking slightly disappointed, as the medical personnel rush to the ring to check on the Teacher.

Las Vegas Championship
Gunner Lang vs. Jupiter James

“Sunflower” by Post Malone hits the sound system and there is a huge cheer from the crowd. After a few seconds a pumped up Jupiter James emerges onto the top of the entrance ramp from behind the curtain and throws an arm into the air to acknowledge the crowd! Jupiter James skips down the entrance ramp side side to side, slapping hands with the fans as she goes before making her way all away the ringside area. Jupiter James finally climbs onto the ring apron on the side of the hard cam and raises both arms in the air to the crowd, before climbing into the ring through the ropes and looking around the arena in awe at the fans cheering her on.

The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp shooting off his own pyro from a gun while the sVo Tron shows Gunner and a band playing his entrance music. The fans are on their feet cheering and shout ‘Gunner’ along with the song. Gunner drops the pyro gun and runs down to the ring slapping hands with the fans and giving devil horns. He slides into the ring under the bottom rope and proceeds to take off his shirt and bandanna throwing them into the crowd.

The referee holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match! Gunner Lang looks focused on the match ahead, as Jupiter James stares up at the belt hoping to become the second woman to hold the belt after Juliana Torres back in 2010!

The referee passes the belt to the outside of the ring and calls for the bell to be rung, and the first of two title matches tonight is under way! James and Lang circle around in the middle of the ring before trying up. The fans seem behind both competitors, as Lang easily pushes Jupiter James into the corner of the ring, causing the referee to call for a rope break. Gunner Lang gives Jupiter James a clean break, and James makes her way back to the middle of the ring and calls for another test of strength! The fans cheer for the gutsy Jupiter James, as she ties up with Gunner Lang, but this time she quickly reverses Lang into a wrist lock! 

Gunner Lang tries to twist and turn his way out of the wrist lock, before finally reversing into a wrist lock of his own. Jupiter James quickly frees herself with some back elbows to the face of the champion, before bouncing into the ring ropes and returning with a dropkick to knock down Lang! Lang quickly pops up to his feet, but Jupiter James is there again with a pair of impressive arm drags. Gunner Lang quickly rises back up to his feet again to try and get himself on the offense, but Jupiter James catches him with a low wrist gutbuster before going for a cover!




Lang kicks out and this one continues! Jupiter James looks disappointed at not getting the three count as she quickly gets to her feet. Lang pulls himself up in the corner of the ring, but Jupiter James follows up with a handspring elbow on the Champion! Lang staggers out of the corner of the ring and James follows up with swift kick to the midsection, before dropping the Champion on his head with a snap DDT! The fans cheer loudly as Jupiter James makes another cover attempt!




It looked like we might have a new Champion right there, but Lang gets a shoulder up at the very last second! Jupiter James can’t believe it as she holds her head in her hands, thinking for a split second that she was the new Champion! Jupiter James quickly pulls Lang up and nails him with some elbow smashes to the face, before whipping him into the ring ropes. Jupiter James looks for a head scissors takedown on Lang as he bounces back, but Lang catches Jupiter James in mid air! Lang counters into a powerbomb on James in the middle of the ring to quickly turn the tide of the match up!

Jupiter James holds her back as she staggers to a standing position. Lang quickly grabs hold of Jupiter James, knowing just what threat she carries now, and landing a Military Press Slam on the challenger! Jupiter James looks in trouble as Gunner Lang follows up with an Elevated Gut Buster before taunting the challenger! 

Jupiter James struggles to her feet and tries to Irish whip the Champion into the corner of the ring to get back into the match, but Lang counters and sends James into the corner of the ring! The fans cheer as Lang follows up with a ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’! Gunner Lang wastes no time as he hooks the leg and makes the cover!




It’s all over and despite a close call, it is Gunner Lang who retaints the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt! The fans cheer for Gunner Lang as he rises up to his feet and is presented with the Las Vegas Championship belt by the referee, who raises his arm in the air in victory! Gunner Lang celebrates with the title belt, before making his way over and helping his opponent to her feet. The fans cheer loudly as Gunner Lang shakes the hand of his opponent for an impressive match, before leaving the ring to the challenger.

Jupiter James looks disappointed as she reluctantly acknowledges the cheers of the fans, clearly unhappy at coming up short in her title challenge! 

Winner via pinfall: Gunner Lang

Ida’s Revenge

Jupiter James prepares to leave the ring as she begins to climb through the ropes, but as she does there is boos in the arena as out of the crowd and over the security barrier jumps Ida Guildress! Guildress runs at James and sweeps her legs away from her on the ring apron, causing her to fall hard onto the floor!

Guildress viciously stomps away on Jupiter James, before pulling her to her feet and throwing her face first into the steel ring steps! The move busts Jupiter James open, and Guildress looks pleased with her handiwork as she puts her hand in the blood on James’s face, before raising it above her head for all to see!

Guildress stomps away on Jupiter James as she lays prone against the steel ring steps, before referees rush down to the ringside area to stop the attack!

Guildress reluctantly turns and makes her way back up the entrance ramp, holding her bloodied hand above her head, as Jupiter James is tended to by the officials!

Ready For Anything

The camera heads backstage to the gorilla position where the sVo Tag Team Champions are ready to go to battle in the main event to retain their title belts against the men they took them from, Anthony Moretti & Joe Barone. Alongside Hugo Ryzing and Darwin Jones is two other members of Horizon in JD James and Johnny All Star. As All Star and James psyche up the Tag Team Champions, a sweating Gunner Lang appears around the curtain fresh off of his successful Las Vegas Championship defence.

Gunner Lang: “Go on boys, win another one for the team!”

Lang holds his title belt up and clicks it against the title belts of Jones and Ryzing. 

Gunner Lang: “If those Blood Money bastards try anything don’t worry, I got your back!”

All Star steps across Lang with a smirk on his face and places his arms around the shoulders of the Tag Team Champions.

Johnny All Star: “Don’t worry about a thing there Gunner, I am on Blood Money duty tonight. Now go out there and give them a taste of what to expect in Organised Chaos!”

Lang looks slightly put out by All Star, as the Tag Team Champions get the call to make their way to the entrance area. 

sVo Tag Team Championship Match
Horizon vs. Blood Money

‘Woke Up This Morning’ by A3 hits the sound system and the fans boo as the gold lights flash around the arena. After a few seconds, Anthony Moretti & Joe Barone step onto the entrance ramp with their hands in the air. Moretti slowly makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, holding the sVo Championship in one hand and the sVo Tag Team Championship in the other, ignoring the boos of the fans. Anthony Moretti cockily steps up onto the ring apron, as Joe Barone climbs through the ropes and into the ring. Acting like the superstar he thinks he is, Anthony Moretti raises both title belts in the air, however receives nothing but boos from the fans as Barone stands behind him with his arms crossed.

A Cro-Magnon man starts to walk forward evolving with every step it makes raising its arms out to the side, finally ending with Darwin Jones walking forward with his arms spread wide blocking out the view of the earth. Pyro explodes on the entrance ramp as Darwin Jones appears on the entrance ramp arms spread wide. He takes his time to the ring working the crowd into a frenzy. Sliding into the ring he pulls himself up into a corner still working for the crowd.

“Keep on Swinging” by Rival Sons floods the sVo arena as some pyro goes off. Hugo Ryzing makes his way out onto the entrance ramp a hoodie covering his head; he pauses for a moment and then makes his way down to the ring bobbing his head to the rhythm throwing some practice punches and taking time to look at the crowd. He pulls himself up into the ring and makes his way to the center throwing his head back revealing his face and throwing his arms up into the air. He scrambles and pulls himself up into a corner taking off his hoodie throwing it into the audience and once again throws his arms up into the air before jumping down and preparing for the match.

With both teams in the ring, the referee holds the sVo Tag Team Championship belts in the air to signal that they will be on the line in tonight’s main event! Both teams look up at the gold, hoping that they will end the night with the belts in their possession and score a victory for their stable ahead of the Organised Chaos match!

The belts are handed to the outside of the ring and the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get started with Hugo Ryzing starting off for the challengers and Anthony Moretti starting off for the challengers!

Moretti and Ryzing circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before Moretti slaps forward and slaps the taste out of Ryzing’s mouth! The fans boo loudly, but as Ryzing tries to swing some big right hands at the direction of Moretti in anger, Moretti backs up and ducks under the top rope to cause the referee to call for a rope break! The fans boo loudly as the referee restrains Ryzing, while Moretti ducks back into the ring with a smirk on his face.

Ryzing runs forward in anger looking for a right hand on Moretti, but the former sVo Champion ducks under the arm of his opponent, before landing some right hands of his own. Moretti grabs Ryzing by the arm and shouts him into the ring ropes, before knocking him down with a high knee strike as be bounces back. Ryzing quickly rises up to his feet, but Moretti grabs his opponent by the back of the head and runs him to the corner of the ring, before slamming him face first into the turnbuckle! Ryzing staggers back holding his face in pain, and Moretti follows up with a back suplex before making the cover!



Ryzing powers out before the three count!

Morett quickly transitions straight into a sleeper hold on Ryzing whilst laying in the mat, as anger seems to have got the better of Ryzing and he seems to be off his game! Ryzing thrashes around trying to get his hands on Moretti, but in doing so only seems to be fading quicker under the submission hold! The referee asks Ryzing if he wants to quit, but the Tag Team Champion bravely manages to get a foot on the bottom rope causing the referee to break the hold!

Moretti looks angry at not getting the win right there as he rises up to his feet, whilst Ryzing looks unsteady on his feet. Moretti gets straight back on his opponent with some right hands, but Ryzing knocks him away with a back elbow, before making the tag out to Darwin Jones!

The fans cheer loudly as the big man climbs into the ring and stares down Moretti! Moretti taunts Jones, but as he steps forward to lock up, Moretti rolls out of the way before making the tag out to Joe Barone! Moretti quickly climbs out of the ring wanting no part of the big man Darwin Jones, as the equally big man Joe Barone steps into the ring and squares off against Darwin Jones!

Jones and Barone trash talk in the middle of the ring, before both men start trading big right hands! Neither man seems to be getting the upper hand, as Darwin Jones breaks away to bounce into the ring ropes and return with a clothesline! However the clothesline doesn’t knock Barone off of his feet! Barone looks for a clothesline of his own, but this time it is Jones that doesn’t go down! Darwin Jones and Joe Barone finally tie up in the middle of the ring, as the fans cheer loudly for the Horizon man. Joe Barone begins to power Jones back into the corner of the ring, but Jones pushes back with some power of his own, before nailing Barone with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring!

The fans cheer for the big move, as Jones follows up by bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a shoulder block to knock Barone off of his feet! Barone staggers up to his feet and Darwin Jones looks to put away the ‘Problem Solver’ with a big boot, but the Blood Money man sees the move coming and side steps his opponent! Barone runs and bounces off of the ring ropes, before landing a big boot of his own to knock Darwin Jones off of his feet! 

The fans boo loudly as Joe Barone taunts Darwin Jones, before pulling him up to a standing position. Barone looks for a powerbomb on Jones, but Jones counters with a big back body drop! The fans cheer for the move from Darwin Jones, as he signals for his finishing move! Joe Barone staggers up to his feet and Darwin Jones looks for the ‘Big Bang Theory’, but as he picks Joe Barone onto his shoulders in an incredible show of strength, Moretti nails him with a dropkick to the back of his knees out of no where!

The fans boo loudly as Darwin Jones drops Barone down to the mat and sinks to his knees, as Moretti hammers him with right hands to the back of the head. Hugo Ryzing climbs into the ring to help his partner, and the referee seems to be losing control of the match!

Ryzing lays into Moretti with some big punches, until Barone nails him from behind with a big double axe handle shot. Barone spins Ryzing around and grabs him around the throat, before dropping him with a big chokeslam in the middle of the ring! The fans continue to boo as Moretti and Barone put the boots into Ryzing on the mat as Darwin Jones holds his knee in pain on the mat! 

Moretti & Barone look more intent on destroying the Champions than winning the match as the referee threatens to DQ the challengers as Moretti refuses to go back to the corner of the ring! Moretti and Barone work over the seemingly injured knee of Darwin Jones on the other side of the ring as the fans boo loudly!

Suddenly there is a big pop from the crowd as down the entrance ramp runs Johnny All Star with a steel chair in hand! All Star dives into the ring with the chair and cracks it across the back of Anthony Moretti! Moretti sinks down in pain as Barone turns and throws a right hand at All Star! The referee calls for the bell to be rung and throws the match out, as All Star ducks the right arm of Barone and then cracks him across the face with the steel chair! 

All Star swings the chair around wildly in the ring as Moretti and Barone bail out, before helping each other back up the entrance ramp. Moretti & Barone have won the match by DQ but not the titles, however seem pleased with their handiwork as they look back at the ring whilst backing up the entrance ramp, seeing Darwin Jones down holding his knee and screaming in pain, and Hugo Ryzing down and no moving!

All Star holds the steel chair above his head and challenges Barone and Moretti to get back into the ring as referees swarm down the entrance ramp to put some bodies between the members of the two warring factions!

Winners via DQ: Anthony Moretti & Joe Barone

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