sVo Against All Odds
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Sunday 25th April 2021

The sVo logo fades on and then off of a black screen before ‘Venom’ by Eminem hits and the opening video package for ‘Against All Odds’ begins to play, featuring classic action with highlights from the likes of Psyko Stevo, Bobby Dean, Anthony Moretti, Roscoe Shame, William Vorheez, Nathan Paradine, JVD & Night. 

As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera shows a shot of the outside of the Goodfellas Casino, sitting on the heart of the Las Vegas strip before heading inside and panning around the sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena inside. Fireworks begin to shoot up from the top of the entrance ramp as fans jump out at the camera trying to get their face on TV as the atmosphere for tonight’s show continues to build, with the music playing over the arena’s sound system. 

The camera swings around to see the commentary team of Julian Fiasco & Jeremiah Sloan sitting at ringside, before turning to show the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp as some of the matchups for tonight’s show are shown. 

Going It Alone

The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green laser lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as sVo Champion William Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp. Wearing a long black, sleeveless coat, that has green stitching and it covered in small spikes, as well as a black, beat up, cowboy hat covering his eyes. Vorheez marches slowly down to the ring, his eyes fixated on the ring, looking determined, and focused. As Vorheez climbs onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring the lights slowly come up and the music fades, Vorheez undoes his jacket and reveals the sVo Championship underneath. Removing the belt he lifts it high in the air showing that he is the reigning sVo Champion.

The crowd continue to cheer loudly for the reigning sVo Champion, as William Vorheez is handed a microphone by the ring announce Natasha Ortiz. Vorheez waits for the music to slowly die down before addressing the sold out Vegas crowd.

William Vorheez: “Last week on Against All Odds, I was sent a message by an old friend, an old friend that said if you are not with us then you are against us…. Roll the footage!”

The attention of the crowd turns to the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp, as highlights from last weeks backstage attack on William Vorheez at the hands of Scott Washington and Yoshi Ono are shown. Vorheez looks up at the footage himself, a blank expression on his face as he watches. 

William Vorheez: “Now Amy Page invited me to join her little group a few months ago, but I said no. I said no because I have learned that after the death of my brother Tripp Whipwreck there is only one person that you can count on in this business, and that is yourself!”

There is a cheer from the crowd at the mention of former sVo roster member Whipwreck.

William Vorheez: “So as I am out on my own for good, it means that holding this becomes even harder….”

Vorheez holds the sVo Championship up in the air in one hand as he speaks, the gold glistening under the lights of the Goodfellas Casino Arena.

William Vorheez: “I won this belt on the 7th May 2013 and I have never lost it. I have also spent a big chunk of that time not defending it, so I am ready to make up for lost time!”

There is another big cheer from the crowd.

William Vorheez: “So that means Amy, send whichever one of your goons after me you want, you pick the opponent and I will put this belt on the line and show everyone why I will go down as the best sVo Champion of all time!”

The fans cheer loudly for Vorheez as he poses with the belt in the ring, but the cheers don’t last for long as after a few seconds ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system and boos break out across the Goodfellas Casino Arena. After a few seconds the figure of Amy Page steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp, a microphone in hand and Scott Washington and Yoshi Ono either side of her, dwarfing the sister of the sVo Owner with their size. Amy Page sneers at the boos from the crowd as she waits for them to silence before speaking into the mic.

Amy Page: “Sorry for not coming out earlier William, but we were too busy trying to stay awake backstage through your monologue, you never were one for words, maybe stick to the action between the ropes old man?”

The crowd boo loudly towards Amy Page, but William Vorheez stares back expressionless. Amy Page looks a little disappointed that she couldn’t get under the skin of the sVo Champion, as she continues. 

Amy Page: “Now we will take you up on that offer of a title match, but not tonight, no when we take that belt we want to make sure that we do it on as big a stage as possible! That is why we will cash that opportunity in at the Roll the Dice PPV!”!

More boos from the fans who wanted to see a title match live tonight.

Amy Page: “But there is quite a while to go until the PPV, so how about we give these ungrateful people a taste of the action tonight? How about the two of the best fighters on the sVo roster….”

Page points to Washington and Ono standing alongside her.

Amy Page: “How about these two pair up and take on you and a partner of your choosing or just you in a handicap match in the main event tonight! Let’s see if you really have got the guts to go it alone now you can’t wheel out your dead brother!”

A brief look of anger flashes over the face of Vorheez at the mention of Whipwreck before he returns to his stoic look, whilst Amy Page drops the microphone at the top of the entrance ramp and heads back around the curtain. Washington & Ono stand for a few extra seconds to stare back at Vorheez with smiles on their faces, before following their leader backstage. 

In the ring Vorheez holds the sVo Championship belt in the air in defiance, will he find a partner to take on Ono and Washington tonight or will he really go it alone?

Fighting Champion

The camera heads to the backstage area where Katie Smith is standing by in the parking lot with a camera crew in tow, waiting for the sVo stars to arrive at the arena for tonight’s Against All Odds event. Smith’s ears prick up as she hears the engine of a supercar turn the corner and park up, before the door opens and out steps the current sVo Las Vegas Champion Gunner Lang!

The crowd cheer upon spotting Gunner Lang on the big screen, as the sVo Las Vegas Champion picks up his title belt and bag from the passenger seat, before making his way towards the arena entrance. Katie Smith and the camera crew rush to catch a few words with Lang as he walks.

Katie Smith: “Gunner, what do you make of Jon Page’s announcement last week that Horizon will take on Blood Money in an Organised Chaos match? Do you have any worries for your career at stepping into such a match?”

Lang chuckles at the question as he doesn’t break stride.

Gunner Lang: “Don’t forget I was in an Organised Chaos match before back in 2008! I might not have been on the winning side back then but I know what it takes to survive one of these matches. Now being locked in a cage with Blood Money might not appeal to most, but for me and my Horizon brothers it means a fair fight, a fight with no sneak attacks and no cheating to get an advantage. When it comes to a fair fight between Blood Money and Horizon, there is only one team who will win!”

Smith struggles to keep up with Gunner Lang as he gets close to the entrance door.

Katie Smith: “One more quick question Gunner, turning to tonight, you defend your Las Vegas Championship against Orlando Fox. What made you accept his title challenge from last week?”

Lang reaches the door to the arena, but stops to answer the question with a smile on his face.

Gunner Lang: “You see this belt Katie?”

Lang shows Katie and the camera the title belt in his hand.

Gunner Lang: “This belt means I represent all of those people out there tonight in the arena. These people have seen some of the greatest fights in the history of fighting in their city, and I want to add to it! So if anyone wants to step up and challenge for this belt then bring it on! Orlando Fox has been here for years and feels he hasn’t got a fair shot. He has been on a decent run recently, so let’s see tonight if he has really been held down or if he can seize the opportunity!”

Lang holds the belt up to the camera one last time, before disappearing around the arena door and closing it behind him, as the scene fades out. 

Single Match
Dale Norman vs. Hiro Ryuu

With the young rookie Dale Norman already in the ring and looking nervous about taking part in his first ever televised match, ‘Starman’ by David Bowie hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as the mysterious Hiro Ryuu slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Ryuu drops to his knee and raises a finger in the air for a few seconds before slowly pointing his finger down towards the ring. Ryuu then rises to his feet and walks slowly to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Ryuu climbs to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd before backflipping to a standing position in the ring!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the match officially gets started with a cheer from the crowd! Dale Norman looks nervous for his first sVo appearance, as the youngster circles around Hiro Ryuu, before tying up in the middle of the ring. Dale Norman tries to force Ryuu backwards, but ‘The Last Emperor’ uses his size advantage to push Norman back, before twisting his arm behind his back in a wrist lock. Norman tries to turn out of the hold, but Ryuu grabs him by the back of the head and throws him into the ring ropes, before landing a spinning kick as he bounces back to send him down to the mat. 

Norman quickly stumbles up to a standing position and runs at Ryuu, but Ryuu ducks under an attempted clothesline from the youngster, before taking him down to the mat with a snap mare. With Norman on the mat, Ryuu bounces into the ring ropes himself before landing a diving elbow to the face of his opponent. The fans cheer loudly for Ryuu as he rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans!

Norman pulls himself up using the ring ropes, and wipes away the blood from his mouth after the hard elbow shot. Norman lands some big right hands in the direction of Ryuu, before trying to throw him into the ring ropes. Norman looks for a back body drop as Ryuu bounces back into the middle of the ring, but Ryuu counters with a kick to the face of his bended opponent, before following up with a fisherman’s suplex in the middle of the ring straight into the cover.




Norman gets a shoulder up before the three can be counted, and the match continues!

Hiro Ryuu stalks around Norman as he gets up to his feet, before grabbing him in a side headlock. Ryuu squeezes the head of his opponent to wear him down, before Norman is able to shoot Ryuu off into the ring ropes. Ryuu bounces back with a shoulder block takedown to Norman, before landing a European upper cut as his opponent gets to his feet! Norman staggers away holding his face in pain, and Ryuu jumps to the ropes and lands an impressive springboard dropkick that gets a cheer from the crowd!

Ryuu signals to the crowd to get them fired up, before pulling Norman up to his feet by his hair. Ryuu nails a flurry of chops and strikes to his opponent, before taking him down to the mat with a backdrop suplex! The fans cheer for the big move, but as Norman crawls to the corner of the ring and tries to pull himself up, Ryuu follows up with a running back elbow in the corner! Norman sinks down to the mat, and Ryuu makes the cover!




Everyone thought that the match was all over right there, but somehow the rookie has enough sense to be able to reach out his leg and place it on the bottom rope! The referee spots the rope break just before the three, and this one continues!

Ryuu looks impressed with his opponent, but not for long as he pulls him up to a standing position. Ryuu shoots Norman hard into the ropes, before landing a flapjack as he bounces back. With Norman down on the mat, Hiro Ryuu jumps on his opponent and locks on a cobra clutch! Dale Norman struggles under the pressure of the submission hold as the fans rise to their feet expecting to see a submission, but somehow Norman is once again able to make it to the ropes!

Hiro Ryuu releases the hold as instructed by the referee, but he doesn’t let up the offense as he lands some more strikes and kicks that echo around the arena! Dale Norman staggers around in pain from the strikes, but Ryuu quickly follows up with an elevated DDT to drop the rookie on his head! 

With Dale Norman down and clearly hurting, Ryuu signals to the crowd for his finishing move, getting the sold out Vegas crowd to their feet! Ryuu stands in the corner of the ring waiting for Norman to slowly get to his feet, before pouncing and landing the ‘Tokyo Sunrise’ in the middle of the ring! The fans pop for the impressive move that nearly turns Norman inside out, as Ryuu flips him over in the middle of the ring and hooks both legs to make the cover.




It’s all over, and despite a spirited appearance from the rookie, it is Hiro Ryuu who picks up an impressive victory! Ryuu rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee. Ryuu looks happy with the win, but also gives respect to his opponent Dale Norman, who put up a hell of a fight for a youngster in his first televised match!

Winner via pinfall: Hiro Ryuu

Shooting My Shot

The camera heads backstage after the impressive win for Hiro Ryuu, to the men’s locker room where there is one man sitting on his own on a steel chair. That one man is Nathan Judge, the man who last week publicly called out Jon Page for an opportunity and will later on tonight face CJ Dreamer in singles action. 

Judge stares deeply into the camera, as he begins to address the crowd who are watching on the giant screen from within the arena.

Nathan Judge: “Number 20…”

There is confusion in the arena, as Judge remains silent for a few seconds and continues to look down the camera lens.

Nathan Judge: “Number 20, that is my current rank on the sVo roster. Just ahead of HyperNova and just behind Darren Starr.”

Judge shakes his head as he continues to look down the lens of the camera.

Nathan Judge: “Just let that sink in for a few seconds. The former Las Vegas Champion, then man who won that belt back in 2013 is currently number twenty on the rankings, sandwiched between two men that haven’t had more than ten matches in an sVo ring between them!”

Judge rises up from his sitting position, and gets closer to the camera so that his face fills the whole shot.

Nathan Judge: “That just shows how far I have been held back since the sVo returned, tossed aside so that Jon Page can play with all of these new toys that he has found. Well no more, Page finally caved in after I publicly outed his incompetence last week and is going to let me do what I do best this week – compete in the ring. CJ Dreamer you are the unlucky opponent. CJ Dreamer you have months of frustration about to hit you square between the eyes out there in front of the whole world! CJ Dreamer, see you in the ring.”

Judge looks straight down the camera lens as the scene fades out. 

Tough Love

We head across the Goodfellas Casino Arena, this time to one of the skyboxes high above the already sold out crowd. Sipping champagne in the sky box are the suited and booted figures of former sVo Champion Anthony Moretti, former sVo Tag Team Champion Joe Barone and the currently undefeated Money Malone! The Blood Money members look very comfortable in the luxury box, as the fans in the cheap seats spot them and begin to boo loudly. 

The Blood Money trio laugh off the boos from the common folk, however the jovial atmosphere changes as into the shot walks former sVo Las Vegas Champion James Von Drake, alongside as always his wife Lucy. 

The three members of Blood Money turn to face JVD, who looks back with an icy stare.

JVD: “I guess we missed the memo about joining you guys up here tonight….”

JVD and Lucy Von Drake glance at each other, before looking towards Moretti for answers.

Anthony Moretti: “A simple mix up I am sure! Your people need to learn to speak to my people better! Now, sit back, relax, enjoy the action and the free bar! I managed to get us a well deserved night off to relax ahead of starting our training camp for the Organised Chaos match!”

Lucy von Drake looks ready to dig into the free bar, but JVD still doesn’t look convinced as he grabs his wife by the arm to stop her.

JVD: “Forget about the Organised Chaos match for a minute, what the hell was the end of Against All Odds about last week? It seems to me you were about ready for a three on one beat down on me until Horizon got involved….”

Moretti looks angry for a few seconds as he glances left and right at Money Malone and Joe Barone who stay silent. Moretti then tries to laugh off the incident as he stands up and puts one arm around each Von Drake.

Anthony Moretti: “Guys, we were just dishing out a little tough love. Nothing to worry about, but it’s the only way we get stronger and banish any weakness. Trust me we are all stronger together, and together is exactly what we need to be going into this Organised Chaos match. Now we have a big advantage as the five of us on the same page are unbeatable! Now, sit down, dont be ungrateful and enjoy the night.”

Moretti snarls the last few words in the ears of JVD, and both of the Von Drake’s take their seat to watch the action. The scene fades out with all of Blood Money together, but are cracks beginning to form within the group ahead of the biggest match in its history?

Tag Team Match
Starr Brothers vs. Canadian Connection

‘Welcome To Toronto’ by K Money hits the sound system, and there are loud boos from the crowd as onto the top of the entrance ramp step Jake Hughes & Scott Cole of the Canadian Connection! Cole and Hughes signal to the crowd with sneers on their faces, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp bopping their heads to the music. Hughes and Cole climb up onto the ring apron on the side of the head camera, and slowly remove their ring jackets. The team throw their jackets into the crowd before climbing into the ring and running to opposite corners of the ring. Hughes and Cole climb to the second rope and stand staring out at the crowd with their arms folded, before jumping down and preparing for battle as the music fades out. 

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the team of Darren Starr & Simon Starr walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Both Starr brothers signal to both sides of the crowd before quickly making their way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

With the powerhouse Simon Starr staring things off against Scott Cole, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this tag team match to get started! Starr and Cole trade right hands in the middle of the ring to start things off. Simon Starr gets the better of his opponent, before grabbing him by the arm and shooting him hard into the ring ropes. Cole bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Simon knocks him down with a shoulder block takedown to get the early advantage. Simon follows up with a scoop slam and then a stomp to the face on Cole, before making the tag out to Darren Starr. 

Darren Starr leaps into the ring and uses his speed to tee off with some kicks on Cole as he tries to get to his feet. Starr whips Cole into the ring ropes, before landing a dropkick as he bounces back. Cole staggers up to his feet after the early offense, but Darren Starr takes him down with a side headlock takedown. Starr tries to tighten the hold on Cole, but Cole reverses with a leg scissors, before getting to his feet. Darren Starr runs at Cole, but Cole lands a side head lock takedown of his own before hitting some mounted punches!

Darren Starr looks surprised as he wriggles out and gets to his feet, but Cole grabs him and lands a picture perfect vertical suplex, before making the tag out to Jake Hughes. Hughes is quickly into the ring and he lands some stiff kicks to Darren Starr. Hughes pulls Starr up to his feet and sends him into the corner of the ring, before working away on his opponent with some mounted punches in the corner. Darren Starr fights his way out of the corner of the ring, but Hughes regains control with a rake of the eyes of his opponent. 

The referee threatens to DQ Hughes, but Hughes laughs in the face of the referee, before grabbing Darren Starr by the arm and sending him into the ropes. Hughes looks for a back body drop, but Darren Starr sees the move and counters with a DDT! The fans cheer for the big move from Starr, as he crawls to the corner and makes the tag out to his older brother Simon! 

Simon Starr quickly climbs into the ring and circles around Jake Hughes as he gets to his feet. With Jake Hughes finally to his feet, Simon Starr lands a back stabber in the middle of the ring, before quickly making the cover!




It looked like it might be all over, but Scott Cole is quickly into the ring to break the three count and keep the Canadian Connection in the match!

The referee orders Cole back to the corner of the ring, and as he does Simon Starr pulls Hughes up to a standing position. Simon Starr lands some stiff chops across the chest of his opponent, but Hughes fights back with some knife edge chops of his own! The fans boo Hughes as he follows up with a kick to the midsection on his opponent, before taking him down to the mat with an underhook suplex! With Simon Starr down on the mat, Hughes quickly floats over and makes a cover of his own!




This time it is Darren Starr into the ring before the three count to stop the three count going down! 

The referee forces Darren Starr back to his corner of the ring, but as he does Scott Cole is quickly into the ring, and he and Jake Hughes punish Simon Starr with some big stomps, before landing an impressive double team suplex. Darren Starr protests to the referee, but the more he does the longer the referee’s back is turned allowing the Canadian Connection to continue their assault! 

Darren Starr finally climbs out of the ring, and the referee turns around just in time to see Jake Hughes land a piledriver on Simon Starr in the middle of the ring before making the cover!




Somehow Simon Starr is able to kick out at the very last second, and this one continues! The fans cheer Simon Starr on loudly, as the Canadian Connection stare at the referee wondering how that was only a two count! Hughes pulls Simon Starr up to his feet, but as he does Starr somehow counters with a back elbow, before diving across and tagging out to Darren Starr!

Darren Starr dives into the ring full of piss and vinegar, and lands repeated right hands on Jake Hughes and Scott Cole! The fans cheer Darren Starr on as he knocks Cole off of the ring apron with a back elbow, before landing an impressive swinging neckbreaker on Hughes in the ring! Hughes staggers up to his feet, but as he does Darren Starr follows up with an impressive running DDT! Hughes looks in trouble as Starr signals to the crowd, before scooping up his opponent and dragging him to the corner of the ring. Darren Starr scoop slams Hughes down to the mat in the corner, before climbing to the top rope!

The fans cheer as Darren Starr looks set to land his frog splash to finish off his opponent, but before he can leap, Scott Cole jumps up and pushes Darren Starr off of the top rope! 

The fans boo loudly, wanting to see the high flying move, but as they do Jake Hughes takes advantage in the ring by scooping Darren Starr off of the mat and landing a piledriver! Scott Cole rushes around to grab Simon Starr by the leg and stop him getting into the ring, as Jake Hughes makes the cover!




It’s all over and the Canadian Connection pick up a big victory to bounce back from their defeat against the Tag Team Champions last week! Cole rolls into the ring and celebrates with Jake Hughes in the middle of the ring, as the Starr Brothers regroup on the outside of the ring, wondering how they didn’t pick up the ‘W’ after being in such a dominating position!

Winners via pinfall: The Canadian Connection

The Patriot Act

The cameras head backstage to the interview section of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, where against the sVo branded backdrop stands interview Katie Smith with a microphone in hand, alongside ‘The Patriot’ Dallas Jordan. The crowd boo as soon as they see the sight of Jordan on the big screen, a sound that clearly travels to the backstage area judging by the look on Jordan’s face.

Katie Smith: “Well Dallas, you can hear that reaction from the sVo fans out there and I think you could hear it beginning last week as well. Just what do you make of the reaction that the sVo fans have given since you recently started airing your somewhat controversial views?”

Jordan snaps back at Katie Smith, clearly rattled by the reaction of the fans who were fully behind him when he made his sVo debut.

Dallas Jordan: “Well clearly from the sound of things we certainly have a lot of undesirables in the crowd here tonight… Just how do you say boo in Spanish?”

The crowd reaction gets even worse for Dallas Jordan, but this time he shrugs it off.

Katie Smith: “Well your views certainly are not popular, did you want to try and explain them further to the people?”

Dallas Jordan: “Explain them? What is further to explain? The first match of the night we had someone from Japan, we just saw two Canadians, next up is another Canadian and then I am fighting a Mexican! Do I have to go on any further? What about all the unemployed AMERICAN wrestlers out there?”

More boos from the crowd as Dallas Jordan shakes his head in disgust.

Katie Smith: “Well you do of course face El Froggo later tonight who is indeed from Mexico. El Froggo is a pretty popular fighter here in the sVo but is still looking for his first win, a position you were in until recently. How do you rate your chances tonight?”

Dallas Jordan: “Katie, there is no chance that a red blooded American like myself is losing to someone that calls themself El Froggo! I am going to bounce him back over the border tonight and show him just what happens when you come up against someone from the greatest country in the world!”

The fans again boo loudly as the scene fades out with Jordan smiling into the camera. 

Ready for Chaos

The cameras head to the locker room of Horizon, where two old friends sit alone watching the action on a giant screen on the wall on the opposite side of the ring. The two friends are of course JD James and Johnny All Star, the latter not dressed for battle tonight having been given the night off. 

JD James: “Well it sure is quiet around here tonight!”

Johnny All Star: “I know, where is everyone?”

JD James: “Gunner is off preparing for his Title match against Fox later tonight. Hugo and Darwin are taking advantage of some of the other pleasures on offer in the Goodfellas Casino. Just me and your old friend watching the action tonight.”

All Star shakes his head at the youngsters Darwin Jones & Hugo Ryzing, if he had his way they would be here watching every match and learning, even if they were not booked tonight either.

Johnny All Star: “Can we afford to not be at full strength around here with Organised Chaos coming up? I wouldn’t put it past Moretti to try and take us out before the match…”

JD James: “Haven’t you heard? Blood Money are up in the sky box tonight, they all have the night off as well. I heard there are 20 security guards outside the door making sure they don’t come down into the arena tonight.”

All Star shrugs his shoulders, not being sure if he feels like he can believe Blood Money won’t pull a trick out of somewhere. 

Johnny All Star: “Well seeing as we are here on our own JD, just us two. Maybe we should talk about this Organised Chaos match. Now it’s five on five…. Who we got for the fifth man?”

James slowly turns and stares at All Star, a look of confusion on his face.

JD James: “Well, it’s me isn’t it. I want to get my hands on those Blood Money bastards, especially Moretti.”

All Star laughs, but then realises that his old friend isn’t joking.

Johnny All Star: “Wait, you can’t be serious! You haven’t wrestled in years! These guys are dangerous!”

James slaps his old friend on the back.

JD James: “Don’t you worry about me Johnny. I got you, I got the Tag Team Champions and I got the Las Vegas Champion! We will be fine!”

It isn’t lost on Johnny All Star that he is the only one in that sentence not holding any gold as he looks back at JD.

Johnny All Star: “Come on JD, think about it. Think about getting someone else in. Someone new, someone old, anyone! Just don’t put yourself through this match!”

JD James: “Johnny, my mind is made up! I’m doing this and I am going to beat that punk Moretti myself! Now I don’t want to hear any more about it, I want to watch this Gunner match in peace tonight, he is #2 ranked in the sVo and he is still out there defending his Las Vegas Championship before stepping into Organised Chaos with us. That is the type of man that makes me know I can step into Organised Chaos with you lot, someone that is willing to fight in that match instead of taking up his rightful shot at the sVo Championship!”

All Star looks confused.

Johnny All Star: “Number two? Seriously, Gunner is that far up the rankings? Where am I?”

JD James doesn’t answer as he smirks back at All Star. All Star looks annoyed as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and surfs to the sVo website to check himself as the scene fades out. 

Single Match
CJ Dreamer vs. Nathan Judge

‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.

‘Break Stuff’ by the Limp Bizkit blasts over the sound system and there is a pop from the crowd as CJ Dreamer slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp and stares out at the fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Dreamer smirks at his hometown fans as he stops for a few seconds to signal to them, before briskly walking down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Dreamer quickly rolls to his feet and skips in a circle around the ring whilst shadow boxing. Dreamer slowly returns to his corner of the ring as the music fades out and is replaced with the sound of just the cheers from the fans.

The bell rings and the match is officially underway, with the crowd firmly in the corner of the hometown hero CJ Dreamer who is looking to get back to winning ways against the former Las Vegas Champion Judge! Judge and Dreamer lock up in the middle of the ring, but Judge quickly breaks the collar and elbow tie up before poking a finger in the eye of his opponent! The fans boo loudly for the cheap move so early in the match, as the referee admonishes the Canadian. Judge however looks pleased with himself as he follows up with some right hands on Dreamer, before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the corner of the ring. 

Dreamer hits hard in the corner of the ring and Judge runs at him and lands a quick clothesline in the corner. The fans boo as Judge follows up with some big punches and kicks in the corner of the ring, before dragging Dreamer away from the ropes and taking him down with a picture perfect suplex. With Dreamer down on the mat, Judge rolls to his feet and bounces off of the ring ropes, before dropping a knee on his opponent. The fans all will Dreamer to kick out as Judge makes the cover.




There is a cheer from the fans as Dreamer gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Judge snarls at the referee as he pulls Dreamer up to his feet by his hair, before sending him into the ring ropes. Judge aims a clothesline at Dreamer as he bounces back, but Dreamer ducks under the arm of his opponent before turning and landing a big right hand! Judge staggers backwards, but Dreamer quickly follows up with a jaw breaker on the former Las Vegas Champion!

The fans cheer as Judge staggers around the ring in pain, but Dreamer doesn’t let up the offense as he lands a back suplex to take Judge to the mat. Judge holds the back of his head in pain as he staggers back up, whilst being hammered with big stomps from Dreamer. Dreamer allows Judge to his feet, before following up with a half nelson suplex that gets a cheer from the crowd!

With Judge down and hurting, Dreamer taunts to his hometown crowd before pulling Judge up. Dreamer grabs hold of his opponent in a waist lock, before taking him down to the mat with a bridging German suplex! The fans rise to their feet and count along with the referee!




Judge manages to kick out just when the Las Vegas crowd thought it was a three! Dreamer wastes no time in getting back to his feet after the three count, and quickly calls for his finishing move! Dreamer grabs hold of Judge from behind ready for the ‘Sweet Dreams’, but before he can execute the move, Judge blocks and then counters with a back kick that looks very low on Dreamer!

The fans boo loudly for the low blow that goes undetected by the referee, and leaves both men on the mat! Dreamer looks in obvious pain as Judge is the first man up to his feet. Judge pulls Dreamer up to his feet and lands a scoop slam, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing an elbow drop on his opponent. Dreamer stumbles up to his feet holding his chest in pain, but Judge grabs him by the arm and whips him into the ring ropes, landing a spinebuster in the middle of the ring as he bounces back! 

Judge follows up on the spinebuster with a powerbomb dropped into a backbreaker in the middle of the ring before making the cover for what will surely be an elementary pinfall.




Everyone thought it was all over right there, but somehow Dreamer kicks out! Judge can’t believe it as he shouts to the referee that it should have been a three, before pulling Dreamer up to his feet! Judge looks for a ‘Judgement Day’ on Dreamer to finish things once and for all, but Dreamer counters with a knee to the face of his opponent whilst in mid air! Judge drops down Dreamer and he lands on his feet, before ducking behind Judge and landing a ‘Sweet Dreams’ in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer for the big move from Dreamer as he makes the cover!




It’s all over and CJ Dreamer picks up the hard fought victory! The fans cheer for the big victory for the home town hero, as he rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air in victory!

Winner via pinfall: CJ Dreamer

No Way

The cameras head to the backstage area, where William Voheez is getting ready for the main event match tonight which will see him go it alone against two men, one of which will be likely challenging him for the sVo Championship belt at the upcoming Roll the Dice 2021 PPV! William Vorheez is taping his wrists as the sVo Championship belt hangs on his locker behind him. Vorheez looks stoic as he prepares, however he is soon joined in the locker room by the boss, as the suit wearing Jon Page walks over and sits behind his champion.

Jon Page: “Well, who you got as your partner out there tonight? I need to sign the contract and make the match official….”

Vorheez stares back at Page, his expression not changing.

William Vorheez: “Like I said at the start of the night, I am on my own now.”

Page looks back at Vorheez, waiting for the punchline. However it doesn’t come and the sVo Owner begins to look worried.

Jon Page: “Wait you’re serious? You are taking on Yoshi Ono and Scott Washington on your own?”

Vorheez doesn’t reply verbally, he simply nods his head and taps the sVo Championship belt that hangs alongside him.

Jon Page: “Absolutely no way.”

Vorheez says nothing as he stares back at Page.

Jon Page: “You are the sVo Champion. There is a lot of money wrapped up in you right now, I can’t afford you on the injury list right now with this new TV deal.”

Vorheez stares back at Page, beginning to look angry. 

Jon Page: “I mean it, find a partner or the match is off!”g

Page rises up to his feet and exits the room, leaving Vorheez to mull over the future of tonight’s main event match. Will the sVo Champion accept the help of a partner and make it a tag team match or wait until the PPV to get his hands on Amy Page’s goons?

Single Match
El Froggo vs. Dallas Jordan

The upbeat “Living In America” by James Brown hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo as the arena is basked in a red, white and blue glow. After a few seconds the energetic Dallas Jordan steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws up a salute to the crowd. ‘The Patriot’ quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp whilst slapping hands with fans at ringside, before climbing into the ring. Jordan stares out to the crowd for a few seconds before throwing up another salute to the crowd. Jordan retreats into his corner of the ring as the music begins to fade out.

DJ Snake – Taki Taki hits the sound system and the fans watch on as the energetic El Froggo makes his way out from behind the curtain! El Froggo dances around the top of the entrance ramp, getting the crowd pumped up! El Froggo quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp, moving from side to side to slap the hands of as many fans as possible! El Froggo leaps up onto the ring apron, before valunting himself into the ring and rushing across to bounce off the nearest ropes! El Froggo leaps up to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle before turning and posing for the crowd!

Dallas Jordan looks a little surprised by the negative reaction towards him from the crowd as he stares across the ring at El Froggo and prepares for the rematch from the Countdown to Violence Preshow! The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the action is quickly under way as both men circle around each other in the middle of the ring. Jordan tries to tie up with El Froggo, but the Mexican takes his opponent down with a pair of arm drag takedowns, before landing an impressive dropkick to send Jordan over the top rope and to the floor!

The fans cheer loudly as Jordan is forced to pick himself up on the outside of the ring, but as he does El Froggo bounces off of the opposite ring ropes before landing a suicide dive on Jordan on the outside! The fans cheer for the high risk move from El Froggo, as he scoops Jordan up and rolls him back into the ring, before rolling in himself and making the cover!




Dallas Jordan manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three count, just when it looked like it might be all over right there! El Froggo pulls Jordan up to a standing position and sends him into the corner of the ring, before landing some stiff chops across the chest of his opponent. Dallas Jordan responds by grabbing El Froggo and throwing the Mexican into the corner, before landing some stiff chops across his chest!

El Froggo staggers out of the corner holding his now red chest in pain, but Jordan follows up by grabbing his opponent in a waist lock, and taking him down to the mat with an impressive release German suplex. The fans boo the move from ‘The Patriot’, but Jordan follows up with a double underhook suplex as El Froggo gets to his feet, before making the cover on his opponent.




El Froggo gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! 

Dallas Jordan looks frustrated at not getting the three count there and then, but the Patriot keeps up the offense as he pulls the masked El Froggo to a standing position. Jordan punishes El Froggo with some stiff knees to the midsection, before taking him down to the mat with a stalling vertical suplex! With El Froggo down in the middle of the ring, Dallas Jordan tries to lock in the Patriot Lock, but as he does El Froggo rolls through into a pinfall attempt on his opponent!



No! Dallas Jordan kicks out with authority! 

Jordan leaps up to his feet with a shocked look in his face after the reversal from El Froggo, but El Froggo stays on the offense with a monkey flip to take down Dallas Jordan! With Jordan down on the mat El Froggo lands a standing senton on the Patriot before making another pinfall attempt with a hooked leg!




Dallas Jordan will not give up as he gets a shoulder up off of the mat at the very last second! El Froggo can’t believe it as the masked man holds his head in his hands whilst getting to his feet. Jordan staggers up, but as he does El Froggo drops him in the drop zone with a scoop slam, before making his way to the top rope! With Jordan down, El Froggo looks for a frog splash from the top rope, but Dallas Jordan gets his knees up!

The fans boo as El Froggo staggers around holding his midsection in pain, allowing Dallas Jordan to grab him in a waist lock, before slamming him to the mat with a stiff German suplex! Jordan keeps his arms locked around the waist of his opponent and lands a second and then third German suplex, before finally tossing El Froggo across the ring with a release German suplex! The fans boo loudly, but the ‘Patriot’ waves them away, as he looks to put the escalation point on the mat as he slowly walks over and slaps on the ‘Patriot Lock’ on his opponent!

The fans boo loudly, but El Froggo only manages to last a few seconds in the submission hold before he has to tap out! The fans boo loudly as Dallas Jordan keeps the submission hold locked on after the final bell with a sneer on his face, before finally releasing. Dallas Jordan rises up to his feet and refuses to let the referee raise his arm in the air, instead giving a salute straight down the lens of the camera as he is announced as the winner!

Winner via submission: Dallas Jordan


We head back to the locker room area where William Vorheez is still preparing for his match tonight against Yoshi Ono and Scott Washington, despite Jon Page seemingly calling off the match if Vorheez can’t find himself a partner to compete. Vorheez stretches out his arms as he prepares, but the sVo Champion is soon joined in the locker room by the man that he fought and defeated last week, the Teacher.

The masked Teacher watches Vorheez warm up for a few seconds, as Vorheez stares back at him saying nothing.

The Teacher: “Vorheez, whats up?”

Vorheez says nothing as he nods back to the masked man.

The Teacher: “I heard you need a partner for the main event tonight. We had a hell of a battle last week. How about you let me join in tonight, Ono & Washington took shots last week at me as well you know.”

Vorheez sniffs as he stares back at the Teacher, not taking a moment to stop.

William Vorheez: “Appreciate it, but I’m not looking for a friend. If Page won’t sign off on the match then I will just go and beat those two boys down unsanctioned style.”

Vorheez continues to warm up whilst maintaining eye contact with the masked Teacher. The Teacher stares back at the sVo Champion for a few seconds, before deciding against trying to convince him otherwise. Vorheez doesn’t blink as the Teacher shrugs his shoulders in defeat and walks away. 

sVo Las Vegas Championship Match
Gunner Lang vs. Orlando Fox

The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp shooting off his own pyro from a gun while the sVo Tron shows Gunner and a band playing his entrance music. The fans are on their feet cheering and shout ‘Gunner’ along with the song. Gunner drops the pyro gun and runs down to the ring slapping hands with the fans and giving devil horns. He slides into the ring under the bottom rope and proceeds to take off his shirt and bandanna, throwing them into the crowd. Gunner Lang unhooks the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt from around his waist, and proudly holds it in the air on the nearest turnbuckle!

Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy E hits the sound system and the fans boo as Orlando Fox slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and poses for the crowd. Fox slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, trash talking the fans in the front row as he goes. Fox soon reaches the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and steps onto the bottom rope before performing his signature taunt to the crowd, which brings out even more boos for Fox!

Gunner Lang hands the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt to the referee, who holds it in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s title match! The referee turns to hand the belt to Natasha Ortiz on the outside of the ring, but as he does Orlando Fox runs at the Champion and attacks him behind the back of the referee! The fans boo the cheap shot from Fox, as he punches and kicks Gunner Lang down to the mat, before laying into him with some big stomps! The referee finally manages to back Orlando Fox back off of Lang and retreat him into the corner of the ring, and it looks like this match is in danger of not happening!

Fox looks very pleased with himself in the corner of the ring, as the referee checks on the condition of the sVo Las Vegas Champion to check he is ok to continue the fight. Gunner Lang looks enraged as he pulls himself up to a standing position in the corner of the ring and gives the referee the nod! The referee finally calls for the bell to be rung, and this title match is officially under way!

Gunner runs at Orlando Fox and swings a wild clothesline to look to get some revenge on Fox, but Fox sees the move coming and ducks the arm of Lang, before teeing off with some strong right hands on the Las Vegas Champion. Fox backs Lang into the corner of the ring with the punches, before knocking him down to a sitting position with a bionic elbow. With Gunner in a seated position, Fox bounces into the ring ropes before returning with a strong knee to the face in the corner of the ring on his opponent. 

Fox pulls Lang up to a standing position and moves him away from the ring ropes, before taking him down to the mat with an impressive spinebuster. With Gunner Lang down on the mat and hurting, Orlando Fox hooks the leg and looks for the title win. 




Gunner Lang gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three count, and this one continues! Orlando Fox quickly pulls his opponent up to a seated position and locks on a side headlock to wear down the Champion. Gunner tries to wriggle out of the hold, but Fox has it locked on tight, as the fans boo loudly towards Fox slowing down the pace of the match. 

Lang fights his way up to a standing position with some back elbow strikes to the midsection of his opponent, but Fox shoots Lang into the ropes before knocking the Champion down to the mat with a shoulder block takedown. Lang staggers up to his feet, still struggling from the before the bell attack from the challenger, and Fox follows up with a full nelson slam to throw Lang to the mat! Fox once again leaps on his opponent and makes the cover!




Lang shows just why he is the sVo Las Vegas Champion as he gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Fox looks angry this time at not getting the three count, as he rises up to his feet and argues the count with the referee. The fans boo loudly towards Orlando Fox, but the veteran turns his attention back towards the champion and lands some kicks as he gets to his feet. Fox grabs Lang by the arm and again shoots him into the ring ropes, but as Fox looks for a clothesline, Lang ducks under the arm of his opponent upon return, and bounces off of the opposite side of the ring before returning with a clothesline of his own!

The fans pop for the big move from Lang, as Fox staggers to his feet looking shocked and Lang follows up with a double axe handle strike to knock Fox back down. The fans fire up behind Gunner Lang as he pulls Fox to his feet and looks for a military press slam, but Fox counters by sliding down the back of his opponent, before spinning him around and landing a massive head butt! The force of the head butt sinks Lang down to the mat, and Fox bounces back off of the ropes for extra momentum before landing a big kick to the face of his kneeling opponent! Lang crumples down to the mat, and it looks like we have a new Champion as Fox makes another cover!





Everyone in the arena thought it was all over right there, but somehow Lang kicks out at the very last second! 

Orlando Fox looks furious as he rises up to his feet and screams in the face of the referee that it should have been a three count! Fox kicks the ropes in frustration as a ‘Gunner’ chant breaks out amongst the crowd as they try and will the champion back into the match!

Fox waves off the crowd and signals for his finishing move, before pulling the pained champion to a standing position. Fox positions Gunner Lang for the ‘Remedy’, but to the delight of the crowd Lang counters with a back body drop! Fox staggers to his feet in shock, and Lang reaches down with everything he has to land a short arm clothesline onto the challenger!

It seems that the cheers from the fans is the only thing keeping Gunner Lang on his feet at the moment as he follows up with a big Elevated Gut Buster onto the challenger. Fox looks shocked as he rises up and tries to get back into the match with some right hands, but Lang counters with some punches of his own before grabbing Fox by the arm and shooting him into the corner of the ring. Fox hits the turnbuckle hard, but a few seconds later Gunner Lang follows up with a ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’! The fans pop for the combination from the Champion that won him the title in the first place, as he crawls over the challenger and makes the cover!




It’s all over and Gunner Lang manages just about to keep hold of the Las Vegas Championship, despite the cheap shots before the bell that nearly swung the match in the favour of the challenger Orlando Fox!

Fox lays on the mat wondering what happened, as Gunner Lang staggers up to his feet knowing he has been in a fight, before being presented with his Las Vegas Championship belt and having his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee!

Winner via pinfall: Gunner Lang

Doing It For the Girls

After the impressive victory for Gunner Lang in the hard fought match against Orlando Fox, the cameras head to the backstage area where Jupiter James is standing in the interview area next to Elena Cruz. Jupiter James is watching the celebrations of Lang on a nearby monitor whilst Cruz is more invested than fixing her makeup before her two minutes of TV time. Cruz finally waves away the makeup lady and stares down the lens of the camera, microphone in hand. 

Elena Cruz: “Hello to all you Elena Cruz fans out there! Now I am here tonight with Jupiter James, do you have something you wanted to say or something?”

Cruz rolls her eyes and looks bored as she shoves the microphone under the mouth of James. James looks at the interviewer for a few seconds, clearly unimpressed, before speaking into the microphone.

Jupiter James: “Erm ok then!”

James takes the microphone out of the fans of Elena Cruz, and turns to face the camera instead of the interviewer. Elena Cruz waves Jupiter James away with the flick of a wrist, before pouting down the lens of the camera as James speaks.

Jupiter James: “Last week I walked down to the ring to get some revenge over Ida Guildress, a girl that I thought had my back. Well it turns out I am a shitty judge of character because not only did Ida not have my back, but she also turned out to be the biggest coward I have ever met in my life because she RAN AWAY during our match and let me win!”

James laughs to herself, remembering Ida Guildress retreating up the ramp last week and leaving her to win by countout.

Jupiter James: “Well if Ida doesn’t fight me then I guess I got to find someone else that will! Now I requested this time tonight to issue an open challenge, but after watching that match out there I am going to flip that on its head and issue a challenge of my own! Gunner Lang, you said you were a fighting champion and I just saw you put on one hell of a match! How about you do the same next week…. Against me!”

Jupiter James smiles down the camera lens, before handing the microphone back to Elena Cruz and walking away from the scene. Elena Cruz pounces on the chance got a little bit of TV time herself as the scene slowly fades out.

Elena Cruz: “This is a Elena Cruz for all my fans signing off, don’t forget to follow me on Instag…..”

Card Is Subject To Change

The camera cuts backstage to the gorilla area, where on one side of the backstage area William Vorheez walks into shot, prepared for the main event match tonight. Many of the sVo talent are lined up for a closer look at the main event for the night. As they are, sVo Owner Jon Page walks into shot with a gaggle of TV executives behind him, showing them around for the first night of the sVo’s new weekly TV deal. Page is all smiles as he introduces the executives to some of the talent, before coming upon Vorheez who is preparing to make his entrance.

Jon Page: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is our Champion, William Vorheez. He is due for a big tag team match tonight!”

Vorheez ignores the suits as one of the awkwardly offers a handshake which isn’t taken up.

Jon Page: “Vorheez, where is your partner?”

Vorheez stares back at Page and shrugs his shoulder. 

Jon Page: “Vorheez, where the fuck is your partner?”

The executives look visibly shocked, as William Vorheez ignores Page, and steps forward to make his entrance.

Jon Page: “I thought the Teacher was going to tag with you tonight? Where is he?”

Page calls after Vorheez, but the sVo Champion doesn’t stop walking as he moves towards the entrance area.

William Vorheez: “Why do you Page’s have such a hard time taking in information? I told you I am going it alone!”

Jon Page looks apoplectic with rage as Vorheez walks away from him. Page pushes past the TV execs and marches over to the group of wrestlers watching the monitor, grabbing hold of the masked Teacher out of the group by the arm.

Jon Page: “Get out there now and tag with Vorheez.”

The Teacher begins to protest, but Page isn’t interested as he marches the Teacher towards the back of the gorilla area.

Jon Page: “Get the fuck out there now! CUE THE MUSIC!”

Page pushes the Teacher towards the area where he will make the entrance, as the executives stare in disbelief at the chaos. 

Tag Team Match
William Vorheez & Teacher vs. Yoshi Ono & Scott Washington

The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, Amy Page his manager only a few steps behind him, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.

The fans are on their feet as ‘California Vacation’ by The Game hits the sound system and the lights in the arena dim. Golden sparks rain down from the top of the giant screen onto the entrance ramp as Scott Washington step through them and holds his arms in the air. The huge ‘O-Town Outlaw’ taunts to the crowd who boo loudly as he walks down the entrance ramp with his eyes focused on the ring. Scott Washington jumps up onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and warming up in the corner of the ring for his upcoming battle.

The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green laser lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp. Wearing a long black, sleeveless coat, that has green stitching and it covered in small spikes, as well as a black, beat up, cowboy hat covering his eyes. Vorheez marches slowly down to the ring, his eyes fixated on the ring, looking determined, and focused. As Vorheez climbs onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring the lights slowly come up and the music fades, Vorheez undoes his jacket and reveals the sVo Championship underneath. Removing the belt he lifts it high in the air showing that he is the reigning sVo Champion.

Vorheez stands ready to face off against Ono and Washington, but before he can start fighting, a referee rushes down the entrance ramp and get’s between the three men. Vorheez doesn’t look happy as suddenly ‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

With all four men at ringside, Scott Washington looks set to open the match for his team under the direction of Amy Page on the outside of the ring, whilst there appears to be some discussion going on between William Vorheez & the Teacher for who will start things off on their first time team, with Vorheez unhappy with the Teacher being down at ringside. Eventually the sVo Champion Vorheez pulls rank, and the action gets started with Washington and Vorheez in the ring!

Both men circle around each other right from the opening bell, before Washington dives in with lightning speed and goes behind on Vorheez into a waist lock. Washington looks for a German suplex on Vorheez, but Vorheez blocks the move before going behind on Washington into a waist lock of his own. Vorheez looks himself for a German suplex, but this time Washington blocks before knocking Vorheez away with a back elbow strike. 

The sVo Champion Vorheez staggers away holding his face, before Washington follows up with some big right hands. Vorheez fires back with some massive right hands of his own, before grabbing Washington and shooting him into the ring ropes. Washington bounces back into the middle of the ring and Vorheez knocks him down with a big boot to the face. The fans cheer the big move from the Champion, as he pulls him up to his feet and slams him face first into the nearest turnbuckle. The Teacher looks for a tag in from Vorheez, but Vorheez stares at the hand of his partner for a few seconds, before shaking his head and pulling away!

Vorheez turns back to Washington, but the ‘O-Town Outlaw’ fires back with some massive right hands on the Champion. Washington takes Vorheez down to the mat with a belly to belly suplex to take advantage of the slight distraction, before making an early pin attempt. 




Vorheez kicks out of the pin fall attempt before the three can be counted by the referee and this one continues! Washington drags Vorheez up to a standing position, before peppering him with some stiff body shots. Vorheez fires back with some right hands of his own to Washington, before taking him down with an impressive spinning spinebuster in the middle of the ring! Washington staggers up to his feet, but walks straight into a kick to the midsection and a double arm DDT from the Champion! Vorheez makes the cover!




Washington gets a shoulder up! Amy Page looked a little worried on the outside of the ring about that one, but Washington manages to get out of the pinfall attempt at the last second and this one continues! 

Vorheez pulls Washington up to his feet again as the Teacher once again calls for the tag! Again, Vorheez ignores his partner, and lands an impressive brain buster on Washington in the middle of the ring. With Washington down and hurting, Vorheez calls for his finishing move which causes the fans to rise to their feet in anticipation! 

Vorheez looks for the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’ on Washington, but Washington seems to have the move scouted as he counters and lands a release German suplex on the Champion in the middle of the ring! Vorheez staggers to his feet wondering what happened, as Washington follows up with a belly to back suplex, before making the tag out to Yoshi Ono!

The fans boo as the super heavyweight climbs into the ring and stares at Vorheez struggling to get to his feet in the corner! Ono runs and lands a big splash on Vorheez in the corner of the ring! Vorheez sinks down to a seated position in the corner of the ring, and the fans boo as Ono retreats to the opposite corner of the ring, before running and landing another running splash on Vorheez!

Vorheez looks like he might be out cold after suffering the full weight of Ono twice in a row in the corner of the ring, as Amy Page shouts at the big man to go for the pin! Ono obeys as he pulls Vorheez away from the ropes and makes a lazy cover!



No! Vorheez kicks out, and Yoshi Ono might have lost his chance to score a victory over the Champion right there by not making a more serious pinfall attempt!

Amy Page screams abuse at the referee from the outside of the ring, as Vorheez staggers up to his feet and tries to put some distance between himself and Ono. Ono stomps after Vorheez, and Vorheez lands some stiff right hands to the face of the Japanese star. Ono is rocked by the right hands, but as Vorheez bounces off of the ring ropes and looks for a clothesline, it is not enough to knock Ono down!

Vorheez bounces off of the ring ropes and looks for another clothesline, but still Ono stays on his feet! Vorheez attempts the clothesline a third time, but this time Ono ducks under the arm of his opponent with surprising quickness, before turning and landing a Savate kick! Vorheez staggers up to his feet, but Ono follows up with a belly to belly suplex, and the sVo Champion is struggling having spent the whole match in the ring!

Amy Page shouts at Ono to go for the kill, but in the ring Vorheez staggers up to his feet in the corner of the ring. As he does, there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as The Teacher tags himself into the match! Despite absorbing a hell of a beating, Vorheez doesn’t look too happy at the actions of his partner, as the masked man jumps into the ring and faces off against Ono!

Ono aims a Savate kick in the direction of the Teacher, but the masked man uses his speed to duck out of the way, before bouncing off of the ring ropes and returning with a baseball slide to the knees of his opponent! Ono drops down to one knee after the move, and the Teacher follows up with a DDT in the middle of the ring!

The fans cheer loudly for the Teacher, but Ono is quickly up to his feet. The Teacher lands some stiff chops across the flabby chest of Ono, before kicking away at his legs! Ono looks angry at the offense from his opponent, as he suddenly springs forward and lands a head butt! The move floors the Teacher, but Ono scoops him back up and lands a Samoan drop in the middle of the ring!

Ono signals to the crowd that it is over, as he scoops the Teacher up to his feet, and drops him with the ‘Ono & Out’ in the middle of the ring! The fans boo loudly as Ono makes the cover!




It’s all over and Scott Washington & Yoshi Ono have picked up a big tag team victory in the main event! Amy Page looks pleased with her team on the outside of the ring, as Vorheez stares angrily from the ring apron, believing that if he had stayed in the match then things would have gone down differently! 

Winners via pinfall: Yoshi Ono & Scott Washington

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