sVo Against All Odds
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Sunday 21st February 2021
‘Venom’ by Eminem hits and the new opening video package for ‘Against All Odds’ begins to play, featuring classic action from the likes of Psyko Stevo, Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Nathan Paradine & Night. As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera pans around the sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of Las Vegas as fireworks begin to shoot up from the top of the entrance ramp.
Fans jump out at the camera trying to get their face on TV as the atmosphere for tonight’s show continues to build. The camera swings around to see the new commentator team of Julian Fiasco & Jeremiah Sloan sitting at ringside, before turning to show the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp as some of the matchups for tonight’s show are shown. After the rundown, the cameras head backstage as the show gets started!
The cameras head straight backstage to the office of the sVo Owner Jon Page, where the boss himself is sat behind his desk, as always dressed in a dark suit. Surrounding Page is all members of Horizon, with the exception of Gunner Lang who was brutally beat down last event by the newly formed ‘Blood Money’ stable. Directly in front of Page and looking angry is JD James.
JD James: “Page, we were completely blindsided last week and Gunner was nearly blinded at the hands of Moretti and the rest of Blood Money. He walked down there expecting a fair fight against Von Drake and got ambushed! We need some revenge tonight!”
Jon Page: “Look, there is no way that I am letting this break down into gang warfare around here…. Not unless it is on PPV and I am making some money out of it that is….”
Page looks around at the members of Horizon flexing their muscles, none of them laughing at his half joke.
Jon Page: “Look I will tell you what I will do. In tonight’s main event one of you can get a shot at some revenge on JVD, one of you that is! You can even pick. However anyone else lays a hand on another member of Blood Money during that match or visa versa, your all suspended!”
The members of Horizon all look around at each other, before JD James slowly nods his approval to Page’s idea. The youngster all step forward to volunteer to take on Von Drake, however Johnny All Star steps forward with authority.
Johnny All Star: “He’s mine. He nearly took Gunner out of action forever, tonight I will do the same to him.”
Darwin Jones and Hugo Ryzing look at each other, before nodding and knowing that there is no arguing with All Star.
Tonight Blood Money and Horizon will clash for the first time officially, but who will come out on top?
Single Match
Lucy Von Drake vs. Ida Guildress
“Heads Will Roll” by Yeah Yeah Yeah’s hits the sound system and the fans in the arena cheer for the arrival of Ida Guildress at the top of the entrance ramp! The English born star taunts to the crowd at the top of the entrance ramp by blowing a kiss to the crowd, before slowly strutting down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Guildress slowly climbs into the ring before climbing to the nearest turnbuckle and posing for the sold out crowd.
There are boos in the arena as ‘LVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as Lucy Von Drake walks out, with her husband James Von Drake as always by her side. Lucy signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. Lucy holds her arms in the air in the middle of the ring as James Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on his wife.
With Guildress and Lucy Von Drake both in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the grudge match to get started!
Both ladies circling around each other to start the match up, Von Drake dives forward and nails a right hand to her rookie opponent. Von Drake backs Guildress into the corner of the ring with big punches before Guildress fights out with a head butt! The fans cheer Guildress on as she bounces into the ring ropes, before landing a swing blade on LVD in the middle of the ring! Guildress lands a scoop slam on her opponent as she gets to her feet, before bouncing into the ropes again and landing an elbow drop!
The momentum all seems to be with Idea Guildress as Lucy Von Drake rises up to a standing position, only for Ida Guildress to hit a quick snap suplex! Guildress floats over into an early cover, however Von Drake gets a shoulder up before the three can be counted. The fans boo loudly as Von Drake rolls to the outside of the ring to put some distance between herself and the rookie, with Guildress holding the ring and taunting to the crowd!
Guildress eventually begins to call for Von Drake to get into the ring, but Von Drake sweeps away her opponent’s legs from the outside of the ring, before pulling her under the bottom rope! The fans boo as Lucy Von Drake throws Ida Guildress hard into the security barrier, before stomping her down as she lays in pain on the floor! Von Drake rolls back into the ring and screams at the referee to count out her opponent!
The referee begins to count, but by the count of six Guildress is able to roll back into the ring. Lucy Von Drake however doesn’t show any mercy as she stomps on the neck of her opponent, before pulling her to her feet and throwing her hard into the corner of the ring! Guildress hits the turnbuckle shoulder first, before stumbling backwards straight into a full nelson slam from Lucy Von Drake! Boos ring out around the Goodfellas Casino Arena as Lucy Von Drake makes the cover on her opponent.
The fans cheer as Guildress kicks out, with Von Drake angrily rising to her feet and shouting to the referee that it should have been a three count! The referee shakes his head, and Von Drake returns to her attack on Guildress with some kicks to the face as she tries to get to her feet!
Ida Guildress throws a right hand in the direction of her opponent, but Von Drake ducks before laying into her opponent with some big right hands. Guildress looks stunned as Von Drake backs her into the middle of the ring, before taking her down to the mat with an impressive jaw breaker! Von Drake follows up with jawbreaker with a Russian legsweep! With Ida Guildress down on the mat and hurting, Von Drake grabs her opponents legs and twists her over into a Boston crab submission hold!
The fans boo as Von Drake clenches the hold in tight, with the referee quickly asking Guildress if she wants to quit! Guildress shakes her head and slowly tries to inch her way towards the bottom rope! The fans cheer Guildress on as she bravely looks for a rope break, with Von Drake leaning back further on the hold as a result! It looks like Guildress might have to tap, but then suddenly is able to reach forward and grab the bottom rope!
The fans cheer for Guildress, but Von Drake keeps the hold locked in for the full five count from the referee before he then threatens to DQ her! Von Drake finally releases the submission hold, looking very pleased with herself, before stomping away on the back of her opponent again! Von Drake pulls Guildress up to her feet and sends her into the ring ropes, but Guildress bounces back with a clothesline to take down her opponent!
Von Drake looks shocked as she stumbles back to her feet, only for Guildress to land a second clothesline to knock down her opponent! Guildress taunts to the crowd, before calling for her finishing move and pulling Von Drake to her feet! Guildress hooks Von Drake up for a double arm DDT, but before she can hit the move, Von Drake twists out before bouncing back and landing the ‘One Hit Wonder’ on her opponent! The fans boo loudly for the finishing move from Von Drake, who wastes no time in making the cover!
It’s all over and Von Drake picks up the win just when it looked like the match might be swinging in the direction of her opponent! The fans boo as Von Drake rises up to her feet and has her arm raised in victory by the referee!
Winner via pinfall: Lucy Von Drake
Blood Money
The camera heads backstage to the locker room of ‘Blood Money’ where the group is sitting around watching highlights of Lucy Von Drake’s match which has just taken place. The sVo Champion Anthony Moretti looks in confident mood, as Money Malone warms up for his debut match which is set to take place next!
Anthony Moretti: “Right guys, Lucy has already shown the way, now we just need two more wins tonight. Money, your up next and you will have no problem taking down Judge.”
Malone smirks and nods his head as he continues his warm up. Moretti turns his attention over to the Las Vegas Champion as the massive Jone Barone watches on whilst relaxing with his feet up on the leather sofa.
Anthony Moretti: “The main event is the important one. It’s the first time we get to truly go one on one with JD James’s group of merry little men. Send a message out there JVD!”
Von Drake nods his head as he polishes up his Las Vegas Championship belt. With all the gold in the ranks of Blood Money already, can they be stopped?”
Rightful Throne
The cameras stay backstage as they switch away from the locker room of Blood Money and head back to the office of Jon Page where the sVo Owner is still sitting behind his desk, looking considerably more stressed than earlier in the evening. There is a knock on the door before it slowly opens and in walks Hiro Ryuu. Ryuu nods his head to Page, who doesn’t look thrilled by the interruption.
Hiro Ryuu: “Mr Page, a moment of your time please sir?”
Page nods his head reluctantly, like Ryuu might as well carry on now he is already in the room. Ryuu smiles and nods back, before going into his pre-rehearsed speech.
Hiro Ryuu: “Thank you sir. I am here tonight to request a PPV title match against the Las Vegas Champion JVD. I know I haven’t been in the sVo for as long as many on the roster, but I have already defeated Von Drake in non title action, I think I deserve my shot!”
Page nods his head slowly as he considers what Ryuu is telling him.
Jon Page: “I get where you are coming from kid, but then again Gunner Lang also beat JVD two weeks ago so maybe he deserves his shot as well? I tell you what, if you cant beat Gunner Lang at the next event, then you got your shot!”
Ryuu looks slightly disappointed, but nods his head in agreement.
Hiro Ryuu: “Thank you Mr Page.”
Ryuu turns and begins to walk away from Page, however is called back before leaving the room.
Jon Page: “Oh Hiro… one thing…. If Johnny All Star wins in the main event tonight then it’s only right that he gets thrown in as well to make it a triple threat….”
Ryuu nods his head as the scene fades out.
Live from the Goodfellas Casino Arena
7th March 2021
Single Match
Money Malone vs. Nathan Judge
“Howling winds keep screaming round
And the rain comes pouring down
Doors are locked and bolted now
As the thing crawls into town.”
‘Night Crawler’ by Judas Priest hits the sound system and there are boos in the arena as Nathan Judge slowly emerges from the backstage area onto the top of the entrance ramp. Nathan Judge doesn’t look too happy with the reception he is receiving from the Vegas crowd as he stares out at the sea of people before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.
Judge slowly climbs into the ring between the ropes before walking around the perimeter and staring out at the crowd. The crowd continue to boo Nathan Judge as he stands tall in the ring looking ready for the match to begin.
“The Champ is Here” by O Fresh hits the sound system, and boos ring out as the arena is basked in a dull red glow. After a few seconds the boos get louder as Money Malone steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp wearing a ‘Blood Money’ t-shirt and holding a roll of dyed red dollar bills in his hand. Malone taunts at the top of the entrance ramp, before slowly walking down towards the ring. Malone throws the red dollar bills into the crowd before slowly climbing up into the ring and taunting on the middle as the music slowly fades out.
The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung, and Money Malone’s first sVo match is underway as Nathan Judge runs at him with some big right hands. Judge looks like he wants to make a big impression on his opponent as he lands a knee to the midsection before throwing Malone into the ropes, only for Malone to bounce back with an impressive spinning heel kick to the face of the former Las Vegas Champion!
Judge quickly gets to his feet and looks for a clothesline on his opponent, but Malone ducks the arm of his opponent before laying into him with some massive right hands. Judge looks unsteady on his feet as Money Malone dances around him before taking him down with a big hip toss in the middle of the ring. With Judge in a sitting position, Malone bounces into the ring ropes and returns with a diving dropkick into the face of his opponent! The fans boo, but can’t help but be impressed, as Malone makes the early cover.
Judge powers out of the cover, with the big Canadian showing that there is still some fight in him yet! Malone pulls Judge up to his feet and drags him to the corner of the ring, before slamming him head first into the turnbuckle. Judge staggers back holding his face, but as Malone tries to repeat the move, Judge blocks him! Judge returns the favour with a snake eyes on Money Malone in the corner of the ring, before grabbing him around the waist and drilling him with a German suplex in the middle of the ring!
Malone staggers back to his feet holding the back of his head in pain, but Judge bounces into the ring ropes and nearly cuts Malone in a half with a spear before making a cover of his own!
It looked like the hype around Malone’s debut was about to be wiped away right there, however Judge couldn’t quite get the three count! Judge looks frustrated, but keeps on the offence as he pounds Malone with some mounted punches before he is able to get to his feet. Judge grabs Malone and forces him to a standing position, before grabbing him in a front face lock. Judge looks for a big suplex on his opponent, but Malone counters with some high knee strikes to free himself from the grasp of his opponent!
Judge stumbles away, but Malone lands a backstabber on his opponent, before following up by bouncing into the ring ropes and then nailing a knee across the chest of his opponent! Judge looks in pain as he stumbles up to his feet, but Malone lands a sit out slam on his opponent before making another cover!
No! Just when it looked all over there, Judge gets his shoulder up off of the mat before the three! Money Malone looks pleased with himself despite not getting the three, as he rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans! The Las Vegas crowd loudly boo the newcomer, and Malone stands waiting for Judge to get to a standing position! Judge slowly stumbles up, straight into a Death Valley Drive from Malone! With Judge down, Malone quickly hops to the top rope, before leaping down onto Judge with a painful looking double foot stomp!
Malone quickly rolls back over his opponent and hooks the leg as the referee dives in to count.
It’s all over and Money Malone has scored a big victory in his first sVo match over the former Las Vegas Champion Nathan Judge! The referee moves to raise the arm of Malone in the air in victory, however, Malone shakes off the referee and pushes him away, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out another dyed red dollar bill! Malone shows the crowd the dollar bill by holding it above his head, before shoving it in the mouth of Nathan Judge!
Judge tries to fight his way away from Malone and eventually is able to roll out of the ring, leaving a smiling Money Malone to hold the ring after his victory!
Winner via pinfall: Money Malone
Send a Message
The cameras head backstage to the locker room of ‘Horizon’ where the members of the group minus Gunner Lang are crowded around a monitor watching the celebrations of Money Malone, one of the newest members of the Blood Money stable. Despite the impressive victory for Malone, the group doesn’t seem too impressed with the newcomer.
Darwin Jones: “Give me five minutes in the ring with that punk, I’ll tear his arms off and beat him over his head with them.”
Ryzing smirks as he looks up at his fellow big man.
Hugo Ryzing: “Five minutes? I’ll do it in two!”
Darwin Jones: “Yeah your girlfriend says that about you…”
Jones and Ryzing playfully wrestle with each other, before JD James comes between them.
JD James: “Right guys, time to get serious. Blood Money is a serious threat right now, if you don’t believe me, just ask Gunner.”
The atmosphere grows quiet as the group think of their fallen comrade, taken out of action two weeks ago by Blood Money and still on the injured list.
Johnny All Star: “They shocked us all last week, but now we know just what a devious bastard Moretti is. Don’t worry, tonight I will get revenge for Gunner. Just make sure you all stay back here no matter what happens.”
The scene fades out with All Star fired up for tonight’s main event!
Common Enemy
In the backstage area Orlando Fox is standing by with Katie Smith, who as always has a microphone in hand. Fox looks fired up for his match later tonight where he will take on Washington and Ono in tag team action after they accepted his challenge from the last event.
Katie Smith: “Orlando, you have a massive tag team match tonight where you get the chance for revenge. However we know you will be facing Scott Washington and Yoshi Ono but what we don’t know who is just who your opponent is!
Orlando Fox: “Well Katie, allow me to introduce you, someone that hates Washington and Ono as much as me….”
Fox waves off camera, and CJ Dreamer walks into the camera shot! The fans cheer for the sight of Dreamer on the screen as the hometown hero looks healed up after his recent beat down at the hands of Washington.
CJ Dreamer: “I’m not one for tag team matches Katie, but I couldn’t turn down the chance to get some revenge of my own. Fox, you stick with me and we will do ok.”
Dreamer walks off looking confident as Orlando Fox looks slightly put out at the orders from Dreamer.
Single Match
William Vorheez vs. The Teacher
‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.
The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green lazer lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp. Wearing a long black, sleeveless coat, that has green stitching and it covered in small spikes, as well as a black, beat up, cowboy hat covering his eyes. Vorheez marches slowly down to the ring, his eyes fixated on the ring, looking determined, and focused. As Vorheez climbs onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring the lights slowly come up and the music fades, Vorheez undoes his jacket and reveals the old sVo Championship underneath. Removing the belt he lifts it high in the air showing that he is the real reigning sVo Champion.
The referee moves towards the middle of the ring in order to call for the bell to be rung, but before he can Vorheez grabs him and around the scruff of the neck and says something into his ear. The referee looks scared as Vorheez forces the old sVo Championship belt into the referee’s hands and then points him towards the ring announcer! The fans don’t know what to do as the scared looking referee tries to explain something to the ring announcer. Natasha Ortiz then walks into the middle of the ring and announces that the next match will be for the sVo Championship belt! The referee nervously holds the old title belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match! The referee then calls for the bell to be rung, and this unofficial championship match is underway!
Vorheez and the Teacher circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before Vorheez starts the match with some big right hands to his opponent. The Teacher fights back with some big chops across the chest of the man who never lost the sVo Championship in 2013, but Vorheez blocks him off with a knee to the midsection before bouncing his opponents head off of the turnbuckle! The fans cheer Vorheez on as the Teacher stumbles out of the corner, right into a shoulder breaker!
The Teacher looks in pain as he stumbles back up to his feet, but Vorheez catches him with a kick to the midsection, before dropping him down on his head with a double arm DDT in the middle of the ring! The fans cheer as Vorheez drops down and makes the cover on his opponent, looking for the early victory!
The Teacher gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Vorheez shakes his head as he pulls his masked opponent to his feet, and lays into him with some right hands. Vorheez backs The Teacher into the corner of the ring with his punches. The Teacher tries to fight his way out, but Vorheez lands some stiff elbow shots to the side of his opponents head. Vorheez pulls The Teacher into the middle of the ring and takes him down with a big vertical suplex, before taunting the crowd.
William Vorheez looks in control of the match as he lands some stomps on the Teacher, as he tries to rise up to a standing position. Vorheez lands some big right hands to his masked opponent, however the Teacher fights back with some rights and lefts of his own, before bouncing into the ring ropes and knocking down Vorheez with a flying forearm! The move gets the crowd off of their feet, and the Teacher follows up with a face breaker onto his opponent.
Vorheez looks a little stunned from the rally from his opponent, but as he tries to fight back with some big haymakers, the Teacher uses his speed to duck under his opponents fist and catch him with a neckbreaker into the middle of the ring. With Vorheez down, the Teacher bounces into the ring ropes and lands a knee drop on his opponent before making a cover of his own!
Just when it looked like it might be all over, Vorheez gets a shoulder up off of the mat to stop the three count from going down! The Teacher is quickly back on the offence as he brings his opponent up to a standing position. The Teacher looks for a big boot to the face of Vorheez as he bounces back, but Vorheez side steps his opponent before taking him down with a big haymaker!
The Teacher looks rocked as he staggers to a standing position, but Vorheez continues the attack with a knee to the midsection before following up with double arm DDT to drop the masked man on his head! The fans cheer Vorheez, as he quickly gets to his feet and grabs his opponent by the arm, shooting him into the ring ropes as he gets to his feet. The Teacher bounces back into the middle of the ring, but Vorheez looks in firm control of the match as he takes him down with a spinning spinebuster!
The Teacher stumbles up to his feet holding his back in pain after the move, but Vorheez grabs him in a front face lock before hoisting him up into the ring. Vorheez holds the Teacher in the air for a good few seconds, before dropping him down onto his head with a brain buster!
It looks like Vorheez could make the cover and win the match after the combination of big moves on his opponent, however, the unofficial sVo Champion looks like he wants to out the exclamation on his return to sVo match as he signals to the crowd!
The crowd know what is coming and once again rise up to a standing position, as Vorheez stalks his masked opponent before landing a ‘Wrath of Vorheez’ in the middle of the ring! With the Teacher down, Vorheez finally makes the cover and the referee dives in to count.
Its all over and William Vorheez picks up a massive victory in his first match back in the sVo since 2013! Vorheez rises up to his feet and demands that the referee presents him back the sVo Championship before raising his arm in the air in victory! The referee awkwardly presents Vorheez with the old title belt, before raising his hand in the air!
Vorheez celebrates in the ring with the title belt as the referee checks on the condition of his opponent.
Winner via pinfall: William Vorheez
There Can Only Be One
The scene heads backstage to the locker room of Blood Money where an angry looking Anthony Moretti is watching the celebrations of Vorheez.
Anthony Moretti: “Can you believe this fucking fraud?”
Barone, Malone and the Von Drake’s look on at the TV in disbelief at Vorheez ‘defending’ the sVo Championship and then celebrating with the old title belt.
Anthony Moretti: “I need to show this fucker once and for all who the true Champion is!”
Moretti throws his sVo Championship belt at the TV in anger as the scene fades out.
Live on PPV from the Goodfellas Casino Arena
21st March 2021
Tag Team Match
Orlando Fox & CJ Dreamer vs. Scott Washington & Yoshi Ono
The fans are on their feet as ‘California Vacation’ by The Game hits the sound system and the lights in the arena dim. Golden sparks rain down from the top of the giant screen onto the entrance ramp as Scott Washington step through them and holds his arms in the air. The huge ‘O-Town Outlaw’ taunts to the crowd who boo loudly as he walks down the entrance ramp with his eyes focused on the ring. Scott Washington jumps up onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and warming up in the corner of the ring for his upcoming battle.
The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.
Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy E hits the sound system and the fans boo as Orlando Fox slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp. Fox, the former Hardcore Champion raises his arm in the air as he walks down towards the ring whilst staring out members of the audience at ringside. Fox soon rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and steps onto the bottom rope before performing his signature taunt to the crowd, which brings out even more boos for Fox!
‘Break Stuff’ by the Limp Bizkit blasts over the sound system as CJ Dreamer slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp and stares out at the fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Dreamer smirks at his hometown fans who are baying for his blood as he stops for a few seconds to signal to the fans, before briskly walking down the entrance ramp and rolling into the ring. Dreamer quickly rolls to his feet and skips in a circle around the ring whilst shadow boxing. Dreamer slowly returns to his corner of the ring as the music fades out and is replaced with the sound of just the boos from the fans.
With all four men at ringside, the action gets started with Yoshi Ono and Orlando Fox in the middle of the ring. The referee calls for the bell, and Ono and Fox tie up, with Fox trying to push Ono back, an effort that is in vain against the massive mass of his opponent. Ono knocks Fox down with a stiff headbutt, before sending him into the ring ropes as he gets to his feet. Fox bounces back into the middle of the ring, but straight into a straight kick from Ono which sends him straight back to the mat. Ono bounces off of the ring ropes and lands a massive leg drop on his opponent, before getting to his feet and tagging out to Scott Washington.
Washington climbs into the ring and taunts CJ Dreamer, before stomping away on Fox. Washington pulls Fox back up to a standing position, and Fox tries to fight back with some big right and left hands. Washington absorbs the punches from his opponent, before cutting him off with a short arm clothesline. Washington then drags Fox back to a standing position, before taking him straight back down with a belly to belly suplex and making the cover.
CJ Dreamer is in to break up the cover and stop the three count from being counted! Washington snarls at Dreamer as the referee orders him back to his corner. Washington grabs Fox by the hair and hammers him with some mounted punches, before allowing him up to his feet. Washington sends Fox into the ring ropes before taking him down with a spinebuster as he bounces back. The crowd boo loudly as Washington taunts to them, before hitting a snap suplex on Fox for good measure. Fox looks in trouble in the middle of the ring, but Washington tags out to Ono, before rushing across and nailing Dreamer with a right hand before he gets out of the ring!
Dreamer tries to get into the ring to get some revenge on Washington, but as the referee restrains him, Washington and Ono take the chance to double team Orlando Fox and nail a double powerbomb on him! Dreamer finally climbs back onto the ring apron just in time for the referee to turn around and see Ono bounce off of the ring ropes and land a body splash on Fox before making the cover!
No! Once again Dreamer is in to break up the cover and the match continues! Ono looks annoyed as he rises up to his feet and shouts abuse at Dreamer who gets out of the ring. Dreamer holds out his arm looking for the tag into the match, but as Fox tries to crawl to him, Ono laughs and lands some kicks to his opponents back! Ono brings Fox up to a standing position and loads him onto his back for a Somoan drop, however to the delight of the crowd Fox is able to counter into a swinging DDT!
The fans cheer loudly as Fox crawls to his corner, and makes the tag to Dreamer! Dreamer leaps into the ring and the fans pop as he lays into Ono with some big right hands, backing him into the corner of the ring. Dreamer then moves back across the ring and runs at his opponent, landing a big clothesline on his opponent! The cheers continue as Dreamer walks across and knocks Washington off of the ring apron with a right hand, before turning back to Ono!
Ono tries to fight back with a big kick, but Dreamer ducks under the leg of his opponent before taking him down with an impressive spinebuster! With Ono down, Dreamer makes the cover!
Ono gets a shoulder up before the three count and the match continues! Dreamer can’t believe that he didn’t get the three right there, but as he gets to his feet, Orlando Fox slaps him on the back to make the blind tag! Dreamer looks angry with his partner, as Fox climbs back into the ring and begins to stomp away on Ono! Dreamer is forced out of the ring by the referee, but as he does Ono nails a low blow on Fox, before tagging out to Washington!
Washington leaps into the ring and lands a ‘Payday’ on Fox before making the cover! Ono blocks off Dreamer from getting back involved as the referee drops to make the count!
It’s all over and just when it seemed that the match was swinging in the favour of Dreamer & Fox, a miscalculation from Orlando Fox means that it is Washington and Ono who walk away with the win!
Dreamer still looks as angry with his partner as his opponent as he backs up the entrance ramp, whilst Washington and Ono kick Fox out of the ring before celebrating their first tag team victory!
Winners via pinfall: Scott Washington & Orlando Fox
We Want Our Shot
The camera heads to the backstage area where Amy Page is standing by in the interview area with Katie Smith alongside her, watching the celebrations of Washington and Ono on a nearby monitor.
Katie Smith: “Amy, that was quite a dominating display for your team out there.”
Amy Page: “You are damn right it was. Look at the rest of the sVo roster Katie, there isn’t a team that competes with Scott Washington or Yoshi Ono. That might have been their first outing in an official tag team match, but they are already a well oiled machine!”
Katie Smith: “Do you think that they are finally ready to put the problems with Orlando Fox and CJ Dreamer beyond them and move on to other things?”
Page laughs at the question.
Amy Page: “Fox or Dreamer aren’t our problem, they never have been a problem to us! They should stick to their own level, we want a shot at the Tag Team Championships!”
The scene fades out as Page stares into the camera, sending a message to the current Champions Moretti & Barone.
Main Event
Non Title Match
James Von Drake vs. Johnny All Star
“All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something never comes never leads to nothing
Nothing satisfies but I’m getting close
Closer to the prize at the end of the rope”
There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.
‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis hits the sound system and the crowd pop as the ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign appears on the giant screen and pyros shoot up from both sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the man himself, Johnny All-Star steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throws his arms in the air. All-Star makes his way through the pyros down towards the ring. All-Star salutes to the fans that cheer his name as he climbs into the ring and jumps to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle. All-Star throws his arms in the air and gets even more cheers from his hometown fans.
With both men in the ring, the referee has to rush to call for the bell to be rung so the action can be official as JAS rushes forward and catches JVD with some big right hands. All Star backs JVD into the corner of the ring, before JVD is able to fight back with some right hands of his own. All Star grabs his opponent by the arm and sends him hard into the ring ropes, however JVD bounces back and knocks his opponent down with a shoulder block. The Las Vegas Champion looks very pleased with himself, however All Star sweeps his legs away and lands some mounted punches before JVD is able to roll to safety. JVD gets back up to his feet and ducks under a clothesline attempt from his opponent before taking All Star down with an impressive slam.
The crowd boo loudly towards the Las Vegas Champion, but Von Drake doesn’t seem to care as he flips off the crowd before stomping away on his opponent. Von Drake begins All Star back up to his feet, before landing a knee to the midsection and then following up with a snap suplex. Von Drake lands a rolling knee drop on All Star before making a cover on his opponent.
All Star manages to get a shoulder up before the three can be counted and the match continues! Von Drake grabs All Star up to his feet and throws him hard into the corner of the ring. Von Drake lands some mounted punches on All Star in the corner of the ring, but All Star fights out with some big kicks! JVD staggers backwards, and All Star bursts out of the corner with a lariat to take down his opponent. Von Drake looks a little surprised as he gets to his feet, but All Star grabs him around the waist and lands a German suplex on the Las Vegas Champion!
All Star continues the offence with some stiff punches to the back of his opponent head, before pulling him up to a standing position. JVD tries to throw All Star off, but All Star lands a hip toss before hitting a running kick to the face of his opponent. With JVD down, it is All Star’s turn to make the cover!
JVD manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat just in time to the relief of Lucy Von Drake at ringside! JVD stumbles back up to a standing position, but All Star is straight back on the offence with some stuff punches that back his opponent into the ropes. All Star then takes JVD by the arm and whips him across the ring, before landing a back elbow smash followed up with a neckbreaker to take him down!
All Star rises up to his feet and taunts the crowd, getting some cheers as the hometown hero. Johnny All Star quickly points his attention back towards the Las Vegas Champion, hitting him with some stiff kicks to the midsection as he tries to rise to a standing position. JVD looks like he is struggling for his breath as All Star finally allows him to get to his feet, before landing an impressive upper cut to send him into the ring ropes. With JVD in the ropes, All Star powers him up and lands a ‘Stun Gun’ in the corner, before making the cover!
It didn’t look like JVD was going to be able to kick out of that one at all, but Lucy Von Drake had the presence of mind to reach into the ring and put her husband’s foot on the bottom rope! The crowd boo loudly as Johnny All Star rises up to his feet thinking he has won the match, only for the referee to have to explain what has happened! On the outside of the ring Lucy Von Drake wastes no time as she walks over to the time keepers area and grabs the Las Vegas Championship belt, before throwing it into the ring!
Lucy Von Drake then climbs up onto the ring apron and begins to taunt All Star! All Star ignores the wife of his opponent as she trash talks him from the ring apron, but as the referee walks over to tell her to get down, JVD grabs the Las Vegas Championship that his wife has thrown into the ring! JVD slowly rises up to his feet, before blasting All Star in the face with the belt! JVD struggles to throw the evidence out of the ring, before crawling over his opponent and making the cover, just as Lucy Von Drake climbs down from the ring apron and the referee turns to make the count!
It’s all over, and thanks to the help from his wife it is the Las Vegas Champion JVD who has stolen the victory away from his opponent! JVD staggers back to his feet and is handed the title belt by Mrs Von Drake, exposing Johnny All Star’s now bloodied face after the stiff shot to the head with the gold!
The Von Drake’s celebrate in the ring as the referee calls for the EMT’s to tend to All Star!
Winner via pinfall: JVD
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