Project:Violence Presents Uprising 42
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
7th May 2023

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2006 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Elijah Drake, Jay Rayez, Shooting Star & Brutal Steve. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena.

The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on the HOTv network on PWA:TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show!

Settling Scores

The cameras head backstage to the office of JD James, where the CEO of Project Violence is sitting alongside the P:V Champion Curtis Knight and his wife Athena! The three look very pleased with themselves as Knight shines up the belt, and the fans boo loudly.

JD James: “Well safe to say last Uprising went exactly to plan! Congrats again Champ!”

Knight looks at the belt once again, before looking very pleased with himself.

Curtis Knight: “About time JD, about time! Now that the big one is in the bag, time to settle some scores and put some people out of action for good. What we want tonight JD is a tag team main event, us against Stevie Rigg and that little bitch Darwin Jones!”

Athena nods her head in agreement, as JD James looks flustered.

JD James: “Uh, uh, tonight?”

Knight doesn’t look too pleased, as he slowly rises up to his feet.

Curtis Knight: “Yes tonight JD, that going to be a problem?”

JD James: “Uh, uh. No! Of course not, that’s why pencils have erasers right! Let’s get it done!”

Curtis Knight: “Good! Now we could beat either one of those punks, but in a tag team match they have no chance of working together, they will end up destroying each other! Time to take them both off of the board here!”

Knight and Athena laugh at their plan as JD James nervously adjusts the card for tonight’s event, whilst the fans boo loudly.

Single Match
Boyd Jackson vs. Steven Love

I Accept

As Boyd Jackson celebrates the victory over Steven Love in the middle of the ring, the cameras cut to the backstage area where the current P:V TV Champion Bjorn Asulf is standing by with Cara Slapalot. Cara has a microphone in her hand, and Bjorn has the P:V Internet Championship over his shoulder as they both watch the celebrations on a nearby monitor.

Cara Slapalot: “Well Bjorn, we just watched Boyd Jackson in a dominant win there over Steven Love to open Uprising tonight. Now on the last episode of Uprising, Jackson had some strong words for you and even challenged you to a P:V TV Championship match! Have you got anything you would like to say in response to Jackson tonight?”

Bjorn looks at the title belt on his shoulder, before leaning into the microphone and speaking in his strong Scandinavian accent.

Bjorn Asulf: “I accept…”

Bjorn nods into the camera, before walking away from the scene leaving a surprised Cara behind.

Cara Slapalot: “The Champion is clearly a man of few words…. Now back to ringside!”

Handicap Match
James Mendoza & Brandon Snyder vs. Rebel Society & Kat Kellison

Commercial Break

Coming soon to the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas!


As the cameras return from the commercial break, they head to the backstage area where some of the crew are having to hold James Mendoza and Brandon Snyder back from each other!

James Mendoza: “Are you kidding me? You lose a match like that and cost me the winners purse?”

Snyder takes a swing at Mendoza, but doesn’t connect where he is being held back.

Brandon Snyder: “Are you kidding me? Where were you when I was getting triple teamed out there? Where were you to break up the cover?”

The crew continue to struggle to hold the two back, as Cara Slapalot arrives on the scene with a microphone.

Cara Slapalot: “Wow, guys? What happened? You picked up a big tag team win last time on Uprising. What has made it fall apart so quickly?”

Mendoza and Snyder stop struggling, as the listen to Cara’s question, before staring at each other.

Brandon Snyder: “She’s right you know, we are fighting each other when we should be fighting the Rebel Society. That’s twice they have got the upper hand on us now….”

Mendoza reluctantly nods his head, as the scene fades out.

Single Match
Dale Norman vs. Midas

Biggest Match

The camera cuts to the backstage interview pit, where Lilith Morgan is standing by with Cara Slapalot!

Cara Slapalot: “Lilith, we are moments away from you taking on Lucy Von Drake here in singles action! Now this is your first match here in Project:Violence! How excited are you?”

Lilith Morgan: “Cara, I can’t hide it, I am excited, I am nervous, I am all sorts of things right now! This is the biggest moment of my career… no, the biggest moment of my life so far! I didn’t like what Lucy Von Drake was saying last week…..”

Before Morgan can finish her sentence, she is soon knocked to the floor by Lucy Von Drake courtesy of a steel pipe! The fans watching the scene boo loudly, as Lucy Von Drake goes to work on Lilith Morgan on the pipe! Von Drake finally kneels down alongside Lilith Morgan, who is now a bloodied mess, and places the steel pipe across her chest.

Lucy Von Drake: “That’s what you get when you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong bitch. No big moment for you….”

Lucy Von Drake laughs, before slowly walking away from the scene of the crime as backstage staff rush in to check on Lilith Morgan.

Let’s Get It Done

The cameras cut to another area of the backstage area, where Stevie Rigg is preparing to do battle in the main event against the P:V Champion Curtis Knight and Athena! The fans cheer loudly upon seeing Rigg, but Rigg is quickly distracted as Darwin Jones walks onto the scene!

Rigg jumps up ready to fight, but Jones tries to calm down his partner for the night.

Darwin Jones: “Easy, easy! Now we don’t like each other, but tonight we have to work together. My family are a dangerous bunch, but they are banking on us turning on each other tonight. Let’s put our differences to one side, show them what we are about and then we can fight….”

Rigg thinks about it for a few seconds, before slowly nodding his head.

Jones slowly smiles, as Uprising heads to its last commercial break of the evening!

Commercial Break

Tag Team Match
Curtis Knight & Athena vs. Stevie Rigg & Darwin Jones

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