Showcase 2010
4th July 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
PPV #012
SHOWCASE 2010!As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Prayin by Plan B begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showcase opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring the PPV build up over the last month from top sVo stars such as Night, Roscoe Shame, Chris Bond and Christopher St. James! As the video begins to come to an end, the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the huge PPV event as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd! As the official sVo Showcase 2010 theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as highlights of last weeks show play on the giant screen before tonight’s episode gets underway!LAST WEEK ON sVo SHOWDOWN

Tripp Whipwreck came to the rescue of William Vorheez in Tag Team Action


Rey Rosario defended his sVo Las Vegas Championship against Nathan Paradine

8 years, 9 months & 25 days in the MakingThere is confusion amongst the sVo fans as the arena lights begin to flash black and white strobe lighting as ‘Real Solution #9’ by White Zombie begins to blast out over the sound system. For a few seconds there is no activity, until a figure walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp. The figure with a thick beard and long brown hair looks around the arena from under the shades that hide his eyes, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp towards the ring. The fans packed in the arena rise to their feet to try and recognise just who the man in the smart suit is, with only a few older fans of the sport recognising him as someone who used to grace the ring many years ago.

The suited man looks confident as he steps up the steel ring steps as if he has done it a thousand times before. He turns and looks out at the crowd for a few seconds, before climbing into the ring through the top and middle ring ropes. The bearded man struts around the ring for a few seconds as he is handed a microphone by the ring announcer, as the entrance music slowly begins to fade out. Before the man even says anything, the sVo-Tron flickers into life with some classic wrestling footage from nearly nine years ago.


Dynasty Wrestling Monday Night Destruction Episode One,
10th September 2001,
Los Angeles.

“The Xtreme Icon” Matt Anarchy get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Arron Bomb. Anarchy struggles up to his feet holding his head in pain, but then turns and mule kicks Arron Bomb to try and retain some control of the closing moments of the over the top rumble that will see the crowning of the first ever DW World Champion here tonight. However Bomb has other ideas as “The Xtreme Icon” Matt Anarchy gets picked up and dropped with the fireman’s carry by Arron Bomb. Bomb then pulls Anarchy up to his feet and throws him over to the ring ropes. Bomb tries to force Anarchy over the top rope and to the floor below, however Anarchy grabs hold of the ropes and holds on as if his life depends on it! Bomb is suddenly nailed with a back elbow from Anarchy, before being kicked in the midsection. Bomb doubles over in pain, and Anarchy pulls Bomb up in the air, before powerbombing him over the top rope and to the floor below!

The fans in the arena rise to their feet and cheer as Anarchy sinks to his knees in victory! On the opening night of Dynasty Wrestling, Matt Anarchy has beaten every superstar in the roster and become the first ever DW World Champion!


As the action on the sVo-Tron fades out, the fans attention turns back to the man standing in the middle of the ring, the man they now recognise the man that became the first ever Dynasty Wrestling Champion all those years ago in LA.

“It was that very night that the Company came for me. I was sitting backstage after winning the biggest match of my career. I was covered in blood and sweat, but I didn’t care because I had that DW World Championship belt in my hands as I walked back to my locker room. However I pushed the door open and walked in, only to find myself face to face with a man I now consider a friend. This man was sitting down in my seat in a nice posh suit, and he congratulated me on my big win. He said he was impressed and that his ‘Company’ had been watching me for a while. He told me that his ‘Company’ was one of the most influential in the world….”

The former DW World Champion slowly walks around the ring as if reliving the moment in his head, whilst the sVo fans watch him closely.

“It was back on those days that I was known as ‘The Icon’ Matt Anarchy. I used to wrestle in promotions all across the world, but it wasn’t until I won the DW World Championship that night in LA and hooked up with ‘The Company’ that my life changed forever. These days I go by my real name of Matt Anderson, and I have been a member of ‘the Company’ for 8 years, 9 months & 25 days today!”

The fans boo the arrival of the first Company member to show their face to the public, but Anderson waves his hands to try and quieten the crowd down.

Anderson – “I know that Paige All Star has done her best to try and make us out to be the bad guys here, but truth is we are not. If it wasn’t for us then the sVo would be nothing but a memory to you people right now. It was the Company with the influence and resources that resurrected the sVo and brought it back to what it was today.”

The sVo fans still don’t seem convinced, as Anderson continues to walk around the ring.

Anderson – “I know you fans think we have come in and tried to take over, but the truth is we have been here all along….. Who do you think it was that provided the funds to start up Dynasty Wrestling back in 2001 and keep it running for six years? Who do you think it was that opened the doors for Jimmy Moretti, the small time New York gangster to move down to Vegas to open up a casino and start his own wrestling business the P:V? Who do you think it was that called in the favours and got legends like Mike Polowy and Johnny All Star to sign for a new promotion opening up called the Sanctioned Violence Organization? Who do you think has been behind every major move in the wrestling business in the last thirty years???”

Anderson looks rather pleased with himself as he jogs the memories of the fans back over the last nine years of history.

Anderson – “But the time for the Company to sit in the background and allow our investments to be fucked up by the incompetent is over. Due to the tragic scenes last week on Showdown were Jon Page’s limo was blown into a million billion tiny pieces, she has been given an indefinable leave of absence to get over the family tragedy……”

The crowd boo as Matt ‘Anarchy’ Anderson smirks from behind his shades.

Anderson – “And that brings me to tonight. I have become the first member of the Company to step out from behind the shadows in the history of the organization, and its not a decision I take easily. I am here tonight to get the sVo’s house in order, and restore it to its position of the greatest fighting promotion in the world. That is why anyone that goes up against making this organisation into all it can be will be wiped from this business. As an example, I know that Chris Bond has been placed in the sVo World Championship match tonight in return for his help in fighting against the Company.”

The fans cheer at the mention of Chris Bond.

Anderson – “Well Bond better hope he picks up the win tonight, because holding that sVo World Championship belt is the only thing that is going to stop him being fired for his insubordination at the end of the night!”

Anderson drops the mic to the floor and exits the arena as his music hits the sound system again. The fans boo the first member of the Company to make his identity known, as Chris Bond is left with a simple goal for the night, win the sVo World Championship or he is out of a job!

Brock vs. CripplerThere is a mixed reaction from the fans as “Too much too young too fast” by Airborne hits the sound system, and Brock’s entrance video begins on the sVo-Tron! As his music kicks in, Brock appears on the stage. Giving the crowd a once over, he smirks, throwing a few punches, and jabs, as he makes his way to the ring.

Sliding in, Brock climbs the nearest turnbuckle, and scans the crowd, raising one finger skyward, as he takes in the fans response. Jumping down, he paces the ring, waiting for the match to begin.

“Last Resort by Papa Roach” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Crippler begins to make his way down the entrance ramp! Crippler looks to be in a confident mood as he stares out Brock as he slowly makes his way down to the ring, before climbing in between the second and third ropes. Crippler raises his arms in the air whilst holding Brock’s stare, before making his way towards the opposite corner of the ring.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung and as it does, Crippler and Brock slowly make their way towards each other. Crippler hits Brock with a big right hand, before taking him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Brock quickly pops back up to his feet following the move, and runs at Crippler, knocking his opponent down with a stiff clothesline. Crippler rises up to his feet, but as he does he is tossed into the ring ropes. Crippler bounces back into the middle of the ring, but is taken down via a jawbreaker from the HoV founder.

Crippler is pulled back up to his feet by Brock who sends his opponent into the corner of the ring. Crippler hits the corner hard, before he is hit with a clothesline in the corner of the ring by Brock. Crippler stumbles out of the corner of the ring, and is quickly taken do by a neckbreaker from Brock, who quickly makes a cover on his opponent. The referee manages to count to two, until Crippler’s shoulder comes shooting up off of the corner before the three can be made.

Brock doesn’t look too disappointed as he pulls Crippler back up to his feet, before planting him back down to the mat with a stiff DDT. With Crippler down on the mat, Brock points to the corner of the ring! The fans rise to their feet as Brock makes his way over the to the turnbuckle and then begins to climb! Brock finally reaches the top of the ropes, and signals to the fans before leaping from the top and looking for a shooting star press onto Crippler! However before Brock can hit his opponent, Crippler rolls out of the way of Brock, causing him to hit the mat hard! Crippler staggers up to his feet as Brock lays on the mat in pain. Crippler grabs hold of Brock’s arm and locks him in an arm bar submission hold and begins to wear his opponent down.

The referee asks Brock if he would like to quit, however Brock shakes his head and desperately tries to free himself from the submission hold. Crippler keeps the hold locked in for a few more seconds, before finally releasing Brock. Brock slowly rises up to his feet and swings a right hand at Crippler, however Crippler ducks under the punch and goes behind on his opponent to grab him in a waist lock. With his arms around the waist of Brock, Crippler lifts him up and tosses him down into a German suplex! The crowd give a mixed reaction to the move from Crippler, as he keeps his arms locked around the waist of Brock and pulls him back up to his feet, before tossing him down with another German suplex! Once again Crippler keeps his arms locked around the waist of Brock, before hitting him with one final big German suplex! With Brock down and hurting after the multiple German suplexes, Crippler flips his opponent over and hooks the leg to make the cover.




Brock shows just how much he wants to win this match by getting a shoulder up before the three can be counted by the referee! Many people in the arena thought that the match was going to be over right there, including Crippler! Crippler doesn’t look too happy as he rises up to his feet, and brings Brock up with him. Crippler places Brock in the position for a suplex, however as he tries and execute the move, Brock blocks it off by wrapping his leg around the leg of Crippler! Crippler tries once again to hit the suplex, but Brock counters with a suplex of his own onto Crippler! Brock quickly rises up to his feet and bounces into the ropes before returning to hit an elbow drop across the face of Crippler!

Crippler slowly rises up to his feet holding his face in pain, but he isn’t standing for long as Brock drills him back to the mat with a gutwrench backbreaker! With Crippler down and dazed, Brock once again makes his way to the corner of the ring, where this time he climbs to the second rope and sits down on the turnbuckle. Crippler slowly rises up to his feet and staggers about in pain, allowing Brock the chance to leap from the top rope and nail his opponent with a Tornado DDT! Crippler’s head hits the mat hard and Brock slowly staggers up to his feet, with the crowd cheering for the amazing move from the top rope from the founder of the Heroes of Violence!

Brock wastes little time as he makes his way over to his opponent and hooks the leg to make the cover!



No! The fans in the arena can’t believe it, and neither can Brock as somehow Crippler’s shoulder comes shooting up off of the mat before the three can be counted!

Brock rises up to his feet and looks enraged that the referee didn’t count to three! Brock grabs the referee by the shirt and backs him into the corner of the ring, complaining about what he thinks must have been a slow count! The fans boo the action as behind Brock’s back, Crippler slowly begins to rise up to his feet! Brock doesn’t even notice until its too late, as Crippler sneaks up behind him and nails him with a low blow!

Brock sinks down to his knees holding his groin in pain, as Crippler looks down at him with a smile on his face. Crippler grabs hold of Brock and locks him in a sleeper hold, to try and suck the life out of his opponent. The referee asks Brock if he would like to quit, however he says no despite fading fast under the pressure of the sleeper hold. Crippler locks the hold in tighter, before slamming his opponent down to the mat with a sleeper slam!

Brock looks in pain as he tries to stagger back up to his feet, whilst Crippler of the Corporation seems to be taking control of this match! Crippler takes Brock back down to the mat by running at him with a three point stance charge! With Brock down on the mat, Crippler taunts to the crowd, before flipping Brock over on the mat, and locking him in the ‘Canadian Lock’!

Brock screams out in pain from the ankle lock that he now finds himself locked in as he reaches out desperately for the ring ropes to try and break the hold. Brock however knows he isn’t going to make it to the side of the ring, as Crippler twists Brock’s ankle even more, and it looks as if he might even try and snap it off!

The referee asks the question of Brock, and the founding member of the Heroes of Violence has no choice but to tap his hand on the mat and submit to the pain of the Canadian Lock!

Crippler’s music blares out over the sound system but Crippler refuses to break the hold for a few seconds, despite the referee desperately trying to pull Crippler off of Brock! The referee finally pulls Crippler away from Brock, and raises his hands in the air in victory! Crippler celebrates his victory to kick off the night as the referee checks on the condition of Brock’s ankle.

RESULT: Crippler def. Brock via submission

Last ChanceThe skybox high above Goodfellas Casino Arena. A cloud of smoke hangs above the heads of three unseen people seated on a plush Italian leather couch – The Company – the mysterious controlling faction of the sVo. The quiet of the skybox is broken by a curt knock at the door.

Unknown: “Come in.”

The door swings open and the newly dubbed ‘Nightmare’ – the man who has been posing as sVo champion, Night, for the past month enters the room, as always looking both sharp and rather odd in a designer dark-grey suit with a white shirt and crimson red tie topped off with his black mask and shaved head sticking out the top.

Nightmare: “You wanted to see me?”

Unknown: “Mr Cohen relayed to us your proposal. While we agree this is not ideal and certainly not what we had agreed on we have decided to grant you some lenience – you’ve served us well over the past month.”

Nightmare grins coldly.

Nightmare: “You’re putting me in the match?”

Unknown: “As you proposed, you will face both Chris Bond AND Night in a triple threat match tonight.”

Nightmare: “Good.”

An arm reaches down beside the couch and grabs hold of a briefcase. The sound of the briefcase opening can be heard and Nightmare smiles broadly as the sVo World Heavyweight Championship is handed to him.

Nightmare: “You took it off him?”

Unknown: “We made a second belt – you are our representative, this makes The Company stronger. But, both belts will be on the line tonight – regardless of who wins, Bond, Night or you, they will be unified. You had better make sure it’s you…

Nightmare: “Of course.”

With that ‘sVo World Champion’ Nightmare turns and leaves the skybox.

Angel vs. Chris WrestlingUgly by Mudvayne hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Angel steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Angel raises his hands in the air, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. His entrance video plays in the background, whilst Angel rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and makes his way around the four corners, taunting to the fans in each corner. The entrance music begins to fade out as Angel prepares for his match tonight.

“Sinner” by Drowning Pool begins to blare over the sound system as ‘Canadian Perfect’ Chris Wrestling makes his way out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The fans boo the former two time Tag Team Champion as he raises his hands in the air, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp. Wrestling stares out at the fans booing him as he walks to the ring, before climbing up onto the ring apron. Wrestling turns and taunts to the fans, before stepping between the ropes and into the ring.

Wrestling and Angel stare each other down as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this one gets underway! Wrestling and Angel slowly move towards each other, before tieing up in the middle of the ring. Angel tries to force Wrestling back, however Chris Wrestling grabs Angel in a side head lock. Wrestling tries to tighten the hold around Angel’s head, however Angel pushes him off into the ropes. Angel stands in the middle of the ring waiting for Chris Wrestling to bounces back, however the former two time Tag Team Champion slams into Angel with a shoulder block to knock him down to the mat!

Angel struggles back up to his feet, and Chris Wrestling nails him with some stiff chops across the chest before knocking him down to the mat with a spinebuster takedown. With Angel down on the mat, Chris Wrestling tries to lock in a sharpshooter onto his opponent to get the match ended early, however Angel is able to fight his way out of the hold by kicking away at Chris Wrestling.

Angel struggles up to his feet and ducks under an attempted clothesline from Chris Wrestling, before turning and nailing his opponent with a rib breaker to take him down to the mat. Chris Wrestling looks in pain on the mat, as Angel continues the offence with some stomps into the ribs of Chris Wrestling. Angel pulls Chris Wrestling up to his feet, before throwing him into the ropes. Chris Wrestling bounces back and Angel nails him with a drop toe hold before bouncing off of the ring ropes himself and then slamming back into Chris Wrestling with a diving elbow drop. With Chris Wrestling down on the mat and hurting, Angel flips over his opponent and makes the cover.




Chris Wrestling gets his shoulders up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Angel continues the offence by pulling the former 2x Tag Team Champion up to his feet and laying into him with some big right hands. Chris Wrestling is backed into the corner of the ring by Angel, who then nails him with a big knee to the midsection. Chris Wrestling doubles over in pain, and Angel grabs him by the back of the head before slamming him face first into the turnbuckle! Chris Wrestling holds his face in pain, but as Angel tries to repeat the move, Chris Wrestling grabs hold of the ropes and stops the move! Angel tries to force Wrestling’s face down against the turnbuckle, but Chris Wrestling counters with some back elbows to the face of Angel. Angel stumbles away and Chris Wrestling follows up with a facebuster onto his opponent. With Angel down on the mat, and Chris Wrestling catching his breath, the referee begins a ten count with both men down!




Chris Wrestling slowly begins to move,



Chris Wrestling manages to stumble up to his feet and he makes his way over to Angel. Chris Wrestling grabs hold of the legs of Angel, and locks in the sharpshooter! The crowd rise to their feet at the sight of the move made famous by Bret Hart as Angel screams out in pain. The referee asks Angel if he wants to quit as Chris Wrestling arches his back to try and inflict even more pain onto Angel! Angel continues to refuse to give up as he reaches out for the bottom rope! Chris Wrestling struggles to keep the move in place as Angel gives it everything he has got, and manages to reach out and grab the bottom rope!

Chris Wrestling finally releases the sharpshooter after keeping it locked in for a few seconds despite the referee, asking him to release it, and rises up to his feet. Angel looks in pain after suffering the effects of the sharpshooter, and Chris Wrestling tries to inflict even more pain with some punches and kicks onto the back of Angel! Chris Wrestling pulls Angel up to a standing position, and then throws him to the mat with a fishermans suplex with a bridge,




Somehow Angel is able to kick out of the move despite everyone in the arena thinking that Chris Wrestling had the three count after that fishermans suplex! Chris Wrestling looks beside himself with rage as he lays into Angel with some big stomps as he lays on the mat in pain. Just what does Chris Wrestling have to do to get this match won?

Angel pulls himself up to his feet, and is hit with some big right hands from Chris Wrestling which backs him into the corner of the ring. Chris Wrestling goes for a big knockout punch, however Angel ducks under the punch and goes behind on Chris Wrestling before taking him down to the mat with a German suplex! Chris Wrestling rises up to his feet in shock at the surprise move from Angel, however Angel knocks him back down with a big clothesline after bouncing off of the ring ropes.

Chris Wrestling tries to rise up to his feet, but Angel takes him down to the mat with a big scoop slam before bouncing into the ring ropes and nailing an elbow drop onto Chris Wrestling! With Wrestling down and hurting, Angel hooks the leg of his opponent and makes the cover!




Chris Wrestling’s shoulder comes shooting up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee. Angel looks disappointed at only getting the three count, as Chris Wrestling slowly rises back up to his feet. Wrestling is dropped down to the mat with a big backbreaker from Angel, before pointing to the turnbuckle!

With Chris Wrestling laying on the mat and hurting from the backbreaker, Angel begins to climb to the top rope! The crowd rise to their feet in anticipation from the high flying move from Angel, as he turns around and stares down at Chris Wrestling who is still laying on the mat. Angel signals to the crowd before leaping off and aiming a ‘Malignant Splash’ in the direction of Chris Wrestling! However before Angel can nail his finishing move, Chris Wrestling rolls out of the way, causing Angel to crash into the mat! Angel looks in pain as Chris Wrestling slowly begins to pull himself up to his feet using the ring ropes.

Chris Wrestling makes his way over to Angel and pulls him up to his feet, before backing him into the corner of the ring with some big chops across the chest of his opponent. The fans cheer every chop from Chris Wrestling. With Angel in the corner of the ring, Chris Wrestling grabs him in a front face lock and lifts his opponent into the air, however instead of hitting him with a suplex, Chris Wrestling lifts him forward and sets him up in a sitting position on the turnbuckle! The fans rise to their feet as Chris Wrestling climbs alongside Angel onto the second rope, before nailing a super-plex onto Angel from the top rope!

The fans cheer the outrageous move from Chris Wrestling, who crawls over his opponent and hooks the leg of Angel.




This one is all over, and its Chris Wrestling who picks up another win for the Corporation tonight with a victory over Angel! Highlights of Chris Wrestling’s super-plex is shown on the sVo-Tron as the Corporation’s music blasts over the sound system. The referee helps Chris Wrestling to a standing position before holding his arm up in the air in victory. With a big win tonight for Chris Wrestling, will the Corporation member now turn his attention towards one of the sVo Championship belts?

RESULT: Chris Wrestling def. Angel via pinfall

Unwanted GiftsYou’d think that a millionaire consortium of businessmen would splash out on more than one lavish setting in which to hold their top-secret elitist meetings; however, it seems you’d be mistaken in thinking so.

The cameras pan around the interior of the Company skybox. The back wall is painted a dark shade of crimson, featuring wood panelling and hung paintings; the remaining three glass walls to the sides and front of the box look out into the stands of the arena. Scores of financial investors are seated in designer furniture, sipping from long-stem wine glasses and chomping on imported cigars. A smoky haze dances across the ceiling, shielding the identities of all those present.

Sat in a far corner of the room is ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean. He looks to have pulled out all the stops on his appearance for this evening’s Pay-Per-View; his hair is freshly bleached and immaculately oiled, his skin is coated in fake tan and shades are required when looking at his blindingly whitened teeth!


The skybox elevator arrives in the outside corridor. Bobby lifts his head and stares fixatedly upon the black door leading into the room. The door swings open, revealing the hunched figure of Isaac White!

A group of executives swarm White, but the Hater of Humanity brushes them off gruffly. Isaac spots Bobby staring at him from the corner and approaches him. As he draws closer, Dean rises from his seat. Isaac quickly brings his cane up to his chest, ready to use it if need be.

BBD: You ain’t gonna be needing that, my friend.

Bobby laughs heartily and pats White on the back. Caught off-guard by Bobby’s behaviour, Isaac soon finds his cane stripped from his grasp by Dean. White goes to protest, but Dean holds him back with a hand on his chest.

BBD: Settle down, buddy. I got a little present for ya!

Bobby leads Isaac into an armchair opposite his and sits him down. Before White can get up, Bobby quickly pulls the lever inside the arm of the chair, activating the footrest. Isaac attempts to get out of his seat, but finds himself being swallowed whole by the plush leather chair.

Dean begins rummaging behind his own seat, speaking with his back to White.

BBD: Ya see, I was doing a little shopping over the weekend and I came upon something. As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I knew it’d be perfect for you! You’re gonna love this! Ah – here it is!

Bobby wrestles with something behind the chair and pulls it into view. The object is a large box, around waist-height and covered in wrapping paper. Isaac seems clueless as to what’s going on.

BBD: Go ahead, man – open it!

White hesitates, before placing a gloved hand on the footrest lever and shoving it away from him. The footrest retracts, freeing White from the confines of the chair. Eyeing up Bobby with suspicion, Isaac edges towards the box – he wouldn’t be at all surprised if it contained a bomb!

He strokes the top edge of the box with his hand, prompting a pleading response from Dean.

BBD: Come on, dude! I spent a lot of money on this thing!

Overcome with curiosity, White digs his fingernails into the packaging and begins to rip open the wrapping paper. A mountain of paper soon begins to form at his feet as he finds himself staring at his present. His mouth hangs open in shock at what stands before him.

White: You bought me a… a-


Bobby proudly steps in and slaps the box with gusto, a wide smile on his face. A logo on the box reads:

SKYWALKER – Say goodbye to your mobility issues and fly away!

Isaac doesn’t respond, still dumbfounded. Still grasping the box, Bobby leans in close. His smile fades, replaced instead by a hurt expression that could bring a grown man to his knees.

BBD: You… don’t like it, do you? Ah man…

White seems to compose himself, as he closes his mouth and turns his head to Bobby.

White: Y’know what, Dean? I love it!

Isaac even manages to muster a smile for Bobby, who looks somewhat cautious. This certainly wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.

BBD: You do?!

White: Of course I do! It’s great! You know what else is great? I was just about to give you a present, too!

Bobby’s mouth hangs open in astonishment as White claps him on the back. Isaac reaches up and removes his hat. Sat on top of his head is a small box, around the size of a fist. He retrieves it before replacing his hat and handing it to Bobby, who accepts it.

BBD: This… this is for me?

Isaac offers him a reassuring smile.

White: Sure! I hope you like it! I’m afraid it didn’t cost nearly as much as the walker, but I hope the gesture is still appreciated.

Bobby tears off the wrapping paper and opens the box. He pulls out a coffee mug. He casts his own suspicious glance at Isaac.

White: Read the label…

Dean slowly turns the mug over in his hands…


Bobby stares at the mug, rendered completely silent. He slowly looks up at White, whose face is twisted into an ugly smirk. Bobby Dean may have his flaws as a man, but to poke fun at his relationship with his daughter can’t be justified at all!

Bobby begins to breathe deeply, his knuckles turning white as he grips the mug. A bead of sweat trickles down from his hairline and into his brow. His eyes glisten and bulge in their sockets. His hands form fists, breaking the handle of the mug. His eyes dart to White. The Enemy of Everyone waits with bated breath, just daring Dean to make the first move.

Nightmare: I think this little situation is getting out of hand!

Before they clash, the red and black clad Nightmare enters the frame. He immediately positions himself between both men, acting as a brick wall. White and Dean both stare right through Nightmare and into each other’s eyes, further cementing their animosity towards one another.

Nightmare: Look here. None of us chose to elect a leader for ourselves, but I’m the SVO World Champion and I think that fact alone qualifies me for the role. Now I’m telling the both of you to cool down!

Bobby bites back with a scathing retort.

BBD: You’re not the World Champion – Night is!

The ‘Beautiful’ One is soon put in his place as Nightmare fixes him with an icy glare.

Nightmare: Whatever the case may be, after the main event I will be leaving this arena with the World Championship! As a result, I’m the leader.

Isaac and Bobby continue to breathe heavily, though their body language suggests Nightmare is succeeding in calming the situation down.

Nightmare: I think it’d be pointless to have you two shake hands and try to forget about this, so here’s what we’re gonna do – both of you are going to stay away from one another – got it?

Bobby goes to speak up, but Nightmare silences him with another glare.

Nightmare: – When I say stay away, I mean it! Shame and I can divide our time between you. From now on, you two are to remain on opposite sides of the skybox. When you find it within yourselves to stop arguing like children and want to contribute to this faction, then we’ll talk about things.

Having reinforced his position within the Company to both men, Nightmare falls quiet. Put in their place, Isaac and Bobby simply acknowledge Nightmare with a small nod before parting in opposite directions.

The camera focuses on Nightmare as the scene fades back to the arena. He wears an uneasy expression on his face.

EXCLUSIVE UNSEEN FOOTAGE FROM SHOWDOWN #46…A very frazzled Paige Johnson is shown sitting behind her desk, staring blankly at a piece of paper in front of her. She jumps slightly as there is a knock on the door. In a shaky, tired, yet weary voice she says.

“Come in.”

The door opens and all we’re shown is Paige’s face and expression, which jumps from weary and cautious to one of surprise and could it be? Happiness and hope? The unknown party sits down and says.

“Well Paige, you asked, I considered, and now I’m here. You asked for some help in your war against The Company and I thought that I’d lend that hand.”

Paige nods and says.

“Yes, well, it’s much appreciated. Ever since White, BBD, Night, everyone I’ve enlisted, The Company has gotten to first and they’ve betrayed me. YOU, I think that you’re going back into the record books a bit further than any of those other names. I don’t even know if The Company knows who was involved in Project:Violence.”

The figure nods but remains silent. Paige continues.

“You couldn’t have chosen a better time to sign up either. There is a very important World Heavyweight match next week at Showcase. Chris Bond versus Night. I need to ensure that Bond walks out of there with that title and I know for a fact that The Company is plotting to make sure that that doesn’t happen. You’re my ace. I need you to be special enforcer in the main event on Sunday. Make sure that The Company doesn’t interfere and make sure that Bond walks away champion. After Showcase, you will be signed to a full sVo contract. Sound good?”

The figure only nods and gets up to leave and exits Paige’s office. For the first time in weeks, a look of relief splashes over Paige’s face, a feeling she hasn’t felt in a very long time. Now, she holds all the cards in her hand.

sVo Showdown #47
11th July 2010
The Night of the Long Knives

DJ vs. El Locon“Ugly” by Mudvayne hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction around the arena as the impressive 6’6” figure of El Locon steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. El Locon slowly starts to walk down the entrance ramp, intimidating the fans at ringside as he does. El Locon finally reaches the ring and slowly climbs up onto the ring apron, before turning and taunting to the fans. The music slowly begins to fade out as El Locon climbs into the ring and awaits his opponent.

“Sinner” by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and there are boos around the arena as the video for the Corporation hits the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds, former 2x sVo Tag Team Champion DJ steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with his hands in the air. DJ looks to be in confident mood despite the fact he only stands at 5’9”, making him a lot shorter than tonight’s opponent. DJ slaps hands with some fans at ringside before sprinting down to the ring and sliding in under the bottom rope!

El Locon quickly tries to take advantage of DJ’s position as he lays into him with big stomps to the back of his head as he gets up off of the mat. The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung, and this one is officially underway! El Locon pulls DJ up to a standing position, and throws him hard into the ropes. DJ bounces back into the middle of the ring, and El Locon pulls him high into the air with a double handed chokehold, before throwing him down to the mat like a ragdoll. DJ tries to get back to his feet, but once again El Locon uses his size advantage to grab hold of him and toss him hard into the ropes. DJ bounces back and El Locon hits him with a stiff clothesline that nearly beheads the the former Tag Team Champion!

El Locon pulls the Corporation member up to his feet, and DJ desperatly tries to fight back with some right hands to the midsection of El Locon. However despite landing a few blows, DJ is knocked back into the corner of the ring via a big punch from the right hand of El Locon. El Locon advances to DJ in the corner and hits him with some big body punches, before sending him corner to corner, with DJ ending up hitting the turnbuckle hard in the opposite corner of the ring. DJ staggers out of the corner of the ring holding his back after the impact with the turnbuckle, but he is sent down to the mat via a running big boot from El Locon, who then makes the cover.




Somehow despite all of the offence, DJ is able to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted.

El Locon doesn’t look like he is going to show any mercy to DJ as he grabs him by the hair and pulls him up to his feet. El Locon nails DJ with a kick to the midsection which causes the Corporation member to double over in pain. With DJ doubled over, El Locon steps forward and positions DJ for a powerbomb! El Locon pulls DJ up into the air, but as he does DJ fires away with some big right hands onto El Locon! El Locon drops DJ down and he runs forward to bounce into the ropes. DJ bounces back and knocks the big man off of his feet with a dropkick.

El Locon quickly rises back to his feet, but DJ is there waiting for him with a few chops to the face followed by a spinning heel kick to send El Locon into the corner of the ring. With El Locon in the corner, DJ lays into him with some shoulder charges into the midsection of the big man, followed by a tornado DDT out of the corner. El Locon’s head bounces off of the mat, and DJ takes the oppurtunity to turn away and climb to the top rope. DJ sits perched on the top rope waiting for El Locon to rise to his feet, and as he does DJ leaps from the top rope and takes him down with a cross body splash! With El Locon down on the mat, DJ hooks the leg to make the cover!




Everyone in the arena thought that there was going to be a three count right there, but somehow El Locon was able to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three!

DJ looks disappointed that he didn’t pick up the win there, as he slowly rises up to his feet. El Locon rises up to a standing position on DJ, but he is too slow as DJ ducks under his arms and nails him with a side suplex to send El Locon back to the mat. DJ leaps over the body of El Locon and bounces into the ring ropes, before bouncing back and landing a jumping leg drop onto El Locon!

The Corporation member looks to be in control of the match as DJ flips around and begins to hammer away on El Locon with some big punches to the face, before El Locon is able to force his way up to a standing position. DJ quickly ducks behind El Locon and looks for a German suplex on El Locon to try and finish him off, however the big man counters with a backwards elbow smash that sends DJ staggering away from his opponent. El Locon quickly makes his way towards DJ and takes him down to the mat with a scoop slam. With DJ down on the mat, El Locon chokes him out with his boot to try and wear down the former Tag Team Champion.

El Locon uses his massive frame to haul DJ up to his feet, before raising him high into the air in a Gorilla Press Slam! The fans rise to their feet to see the impressive strength of the massive El Locon, as he tosses the 210pound DJ down to the mat as it he was a ragdoll! The nine year veteran DJ staggers back up to his feet, however he recieves a massive big boot to the face from El Locon to send him down to the mat. That move might have knocked out DJ right there as El Locon drops down and makes the cover on the member of the Corporation.




The former Tag Team Champion DJ gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the referee can count the three which means that this encounter continues! The massive El Locon towers over the speedy wrestler DJ before grabbing him by the arm and tossing him hard into the ropes. El Locon lurches forward and looks for a big clotheseline on DJ, but DJ uses his speed to duck under the arm of El Locon and bounce into the ring ropes! DJ bounces back and manages to knock the massive El Locon off of his feet with a big cross body splash!

El Locon staggers up to his feet looking slightly dazed, however DJ is straight back on him by sending El Locon hard into the corner of the ring. With El Locon in the corner of the ring, DJ makes his way to the opposite corner before running at his opponent and hitting him with a Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash onto his opponent! The crowd give a cheer the impressive move, as El Locon staggers out of the corner of the ring, before being taken down to the mat with a massive bulldog takedown! With El Locon down on the mat, the high flying DJ quickly makes his way to the corner of the ring! DJ climbs to the top of the turnbuckle before looking down at his opponent. Everyone in the arena rises to their feet and as flashbulbs flash from cameras all around the arena, DJ leaps from the top and nails a ‘DJ Splash’ onto El Locon!

With El Locon hurting from the high flying move from the former two time Tag Team Champion, DJ makes the cover on his opponent.




This one is all over, and its DJ who makes it three wins out of three so far for the Corporation here at Showcase! DJ rises up to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory by the referee, and with Chris Wrestling possibly looking to challenge for some sVo Championship belts following his victory over Angel earlier in the night, will DJ also look to challenge for honours in the near future after his victory here tonight?

RESULT: Chris Wrestling def. El Locon via pinfall

Thinning BloodWe cut back to the ring to find sVo interviewer extraordinaire Tamara Boyd standing with microphone in hand, a triumphant grin on her face.

Tamara Boyd: “Ladies and gentlemen, as you may have seen, for the past few weeks I have been trying to uncover the reasoning’s behind Night’s apparent abandonment of the sVo. While at first I believed it was just another case of a ‘good apple going bad’, I soon uncovered the shocking truth – we have all been victims of fraud! Here to clear the air, it is my great pleasure to introduce Akira Kimura and the sVo World Heavyweight Champion… the REAL Night!

There is a huge cheer from the crowd as a whisper screams over the PA.

“I’m dreaming…”

Night’s video package rolls on the sVo-tron, but there are no lights or pyrotechnics as the two men appear through the curtain. Night, wearing his purple ring tights and black mask, his hair in short dreadlocks tracing his jawline – the sVo World Title strapped around his waist under a mass of white bandaging wrapped around his upper torso. The two men make their way to the ring to a big cheer as Tamara is handed two more microphones from a ring attendant. Kimura climbs the ring ropes and steps in between the middle and top ropes as Night rolls under the bottom rope. Once in the ring, Tamara hands them each a microphone.


Night: “It’s good to be back.”

Night paces, waiting for the crowd to die down.

Night: “Now, I should probably apologize for my actions the past few weeks, I haven’t quite been myself.”

Night chuckles dryly, clearly not really seeing the humor in the situation, his gaze on the mat ahead of him.

Night: “You see, unfortunately you have all been victims of a fraud. An impostor. And I have been betrayed… by my own blood. My brother, Ryuu Miyamoto.”

There is a collective shocked gasp from the crowd in attendance at Night’s revelation.

Night: “Tamara here asked me, why it’s taken so long to come back and clear my name. Why I’ve let this go on for so long. The truth is – I could hardly believe it was happening. It was Ryuu, along with Weapon X and the now deceased Scotty Love who attacked me at Shadows of Power. I suffered… numerous injuries which kept me out for some weeks. I realize I should have acted sooner, I should have done what I did last week several weeks ago. But to think that my own older brother could do this to me…

“Stop your whining, Akumu!”

Through his mask, you can see Night’s face contort with rage at the voice. A very similar voice to his. The crowd boos heavily as Nightmare, still decked out in his designer suit and Night mask, his own sVo World Title slung over his shoulder.

Nightmare: “Isn’t this so typical of a younger brother, accusing your bigger brother of pushing you down in the mud. I did you a favor, Akumu, you know that?”

Akira Kimura: “You did us no favors, Ryuu! You have shamed yourself, your family and the dojo!”

Nightmare: “Shut it, “Master”, I saved the mopey brat’s title.”

Night: “Saved it?”

Nightmare: “Before I took over for you, you were on a huge losing streak Akumu. You lost to All-Star, you lost to CSJ, and you were choking. I did the brotherly thing and protected you from yourself and look, you still have that belt, don’t you?”

Night: “So, now what? You’ve saved me from myself – what are you still doing here then?”

Nightmare grins devilishly.

Nightmare: “Well, now I get a bit selfish. I’ve been given a work visa, a big paycheck and a… lovely… penthouse suite at Goodfellas Casino – I think you know it. I’ve gotten used to being a champion in America, it’s a pretty SUITE life… if you know what I’m saying. So now, I figure since it was me who did what you couldn’t do and WIN… I should be the champion.”

Night: “What? They just give you a forgery of this belt…

Night pats the belt around his waist.

Night: “… and these people are supposed to accept you as their champion? You forget it was ME that won the title in the first place – YOU never gave me a chance to defend it.”

Nightmare: “No, they give me a match against both you and the Industrious Chris Bond tonight and I get to squash you two nothings to prove why I AM the champion and have been for the past month.”

Kimura seems to have heard enough and starts towards the ropes, seeming to want to go after Nightmare himself. Night holds the old man back as the impostor laughs at the scene unfolding in the ring in front of him. The three of them stop what they are doing though and turn their attention as another voice chimes in.

Chris Bond: “Like sands through the hourglass… so are the days of our lives.”

The crowd is on their feet as Chris Bond steps out from behind the curtain and stands atop the stage, smirking his trademark, well, smirk. He isn’t accompanied by the Industry. He doesn’t have some flashy suit or replica World Title. And he doesn’t have some relatively attractive broad standing by him with a microphone.

Chris Bond: “Now, before you two hash out a deleted scene from ‘As the World Turns’ or whatever day-time soap opera you two live examples of, I’ve gotta say one thing. This isn’t a brother versus brother match. This is a brother versus brother versus uber good looking Chris Bond match—and it’s for the World Title. Now, any other promotion would have stripped both of you and put the thing up in a tournament or something. But no, the Company protects those who suckle their teat… so in the end, tonight is a triple threat. Which means, instead of beating you Night, I get to beat your older, balder brother… Night…mare?”

It’s obvious the older Miyamoto takes exception to the childish insult, and before Night can capitalize on his brother’s distraction, Kimura holds him back.

Chris Bond: “Can you keep your Champion on leash Mr. Miyagi? We don’t want things spoiled for tonight. Now, I came out here to let you two know that while I find all of this very entertaining, I must say, it appalls me that the sVo would allow for something as obvious as the old ‘bait & switch’ to take place, and with the recent homicide… it’s just not a safe working environment anymore. So, that being said, if I can’t beat Susan Lucci and her evil twin Skippy tonight, then I really don’t deserve to be wrestling here anymore. So boys, bring all you got, and let’s make sure we don’t out-do Dynasty here shall we?”

Bond says with a smile as “You Know My Name” begins to play over the PA system. Chris Bond exits the entrance stage, the fans on their feet. Night and Nightmare bout stare down each other before Nightmare makes his way to the back. Soon the real World Champion Night and Kimura make their way back to prepare for one hell of a battle.

Rey Rosario (c) vs. Bobby Dean vs. Asesino”You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

“Headstrong” by Trapt hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Asesino slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp for tonight’s triple threat match for the sVo Las Vegas Championship match! Asesino holds his arms up in the air as he walks down the entrance ramp staring at Bobby Dean who is already in the ring. As his music begins to fade out, Asesino rolls into the ring and awaits the arrival of the Champion.

“Last Resort” by Papa Roach hits the sound system, and after a few seconds Rey Rosario steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt strapped around his waist! Rosario stares down at the top challengers for his Champion belt before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Rosario holds the belt up in the air, before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope. Rosario then climbs up the nearest turnbuckle and holds the Las Vegas title above his head until his entrance music fades out.

The referee is handed the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt by the Champion, and he holds it high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match. The belt is then handed to the outside of the ring, and the bell rings for this one to get underway!

Rosario quickly runs at Asesino and knocks him down with a clothesline, however Bobby Dean is quickly onto the Champion with some big right hands to knock him back. Rosario cuts Dean off with a knee to the midsection, before slamming him face first into the turnbuckle in the corner. Dean staggers out of the corner holding his face in pain, however as he does Rosario takes him down to the mat with a front face slam.

Rosario rises back up to his feet and stands over Bobby Dean, but he is quickly spun around by Asesino. Asesino fires off on Rey Rosario with some big right hands that back him into the corner, before throwing him hard into the ring ropes. Rosario bounces back, and he is taken down to the mat by a hip toss by Asesino. Asesino then begins to stomp away on Rosario as he tries to rise up to his feet. Rosario is taken back down with a scoop slam from Asesino, who then drops an elbow on the champion. Asesino rises back up to his feet, but before he has a chance to inflict any more offence, he is grabbed by Bobby Dean! Bobby Dean spins Asesino around and then tosses him down to the mat with a snap suplex.

The fans boo the move from Bobby Dean, but he doesn’t seem to care as he makes his way over to Rosario who is slowly rising up to his feet. Bobby Dean nails Rosario with a kick to the midsection, before taking him down with a piledriver! Rosario’s head bounces off of the mat, and Bobby Dean wastes no time in turning the Champion over and making the cover!




Before the three can be counted, Asesino grabs hold of Bobby Dean and drags him off of Rosario before the three can be counted by the referee!

Asesino pulls Dean up to his feet and throws him into the corner of the ring. Dean hits the corner hard, before Asesino follows up with a clothesline in the middle of the ring. Dean is then hit with multiple kicks in the corner of the ring by Asesino, before he turns his attention back towards the Champion. Rosario slowly begins to rise up to a standing position, only to be caught with a massive kick to the midsection from Asesino! Asesino grabs Rosario and pulls him up to his feet, before raking the eyes of the Champion. Rosario holds his face in pain, but Asesino shows no mercy as he tosses him down to the mat with a belly to back suplex the drives the air out of the lungs of the Champion!

With Rosario down on the mat, Asesino turns his attention backwards towards BBD, as he runs and nails him with a clothesline to knock him to the mat. BBD slowly rises up to a standing position, but Asesino grabs him in a front face lock, before driving him head first down into the mat with a stiff DDT. Dean’s head bounces off of the mat, as Asesino pulls himself back up to his feet. Asesino seems to have the momentum on his side, can he overcome the odds and walk out as the sVo Las Vegas Champion tonight? Asesino is grabbed from behind by the Champion Rosario, however he shakes off Rosario with some back elbows before throwing him into the ropes. Rosario bounces back into the middle of the ring, but he is taken down to the mat with a back body drop from Asesino, who then makes the cover.




Rosario gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted, showing just how much he wants to remain as the sVo Las Vegas Champion!

Asesino slams the mat in frustration as he rises back up to his feet. Asesino begins to stomp away on the Champion, but as he does he doesn’t even notice as Bobby Dean grabs him from behind. Bobby Dean spins Asesino around, and then drops him down to the mat with an impressive Yakuza kick! Bobby Dean quickly takes advantage of the situation and grabs hold of the legs of Asesino, before locking him in a Texas Cloverleaf submission hold! The fans boo the move from Bobby Dean, as the referee drops down to the mat and asks Asesino if he would like to submit. Rosario slowly staggers back up to his feet, knowing that he could lose the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt here without even getting pinned or submitting!

Rosario sprints towards Bobby Dean and quickly knocks him off of the submission hold with a clothesline. Bobby Dean falls backwards, and Rosario pulls Asesino up to a standing position. Rosario goes behind on Asesino before throwing him backwards with a German suplex! Asesino’s head hits the mat hard, and Rosario makes the cover on the challenger.



Bobby Dean is quickly in to get his revenge by breaking up the cover on Asesino!

Bobby Dean pulls Rosario up to his feet and begins to throws rights and lefts, but the Champion blocks one of Dean’s punches, and fires back on BBD with some big rights of his own! Bobby Dean is backed into the corner of the ring, before Rosario drops him down to the mat with a big brainbuster. Bobby Dean staggers back up to his feet following the impressive move from the Champion, but Rosario is right back onto him again with a swinging neckbreaker to take down Bobby Dean once again.

Rosario pulls himself back up to his feet, and runs towards the rising Asesino, taking his challenger down with a spear. With Asesino down on the mat, Rosario lays into him with some big mounted punches! Asesino is finally allowed to rise up to his feet, before Rosario takes him out of the game with a massive reverse DDT! Asesino’s head hits the mat hard, but Rosario doesn’t even get the chance to make the cover, as he turns around straight into a hurricanrana from Bobby Dean!

Dean rises up to his feet and allows Rosario up to his feet, before nailing him with some stiff chops across the chest. Rosario is backed into the corner by Bobby Dean, who finishes off the painful chops with a massive forearm smash in the corner of the ring. Rosario holds his head in pain, as he is pulled into the middle of the ring by Bobby Dean who taunts to the crowd. The fans respond by booing Bobby Dean, who takes little notice of the crowd as he goes behind on Rosario before taking him down to the mat with a big German suplex! Bobby Dean looks rather pleased with himself following the move, and slowly rises up to his feet. As he does Asesino takes his chance of running at BBD, but BBD sees him coming and ducks out of the way of the attempted clothesline! However the referee standing behind BBD isn’t quite so lucky as he gets wiped out by the clothesline from Asesino!

Asesino turns around holding his head in shock, before he is grabbed by BBD who tosses him over the top rope to the outside of the ring! Asesino hits the floor hard, and he is quickly followed out of the ring by Bobby Dean who looks enraged at Asesino for taking out the referee when he could surely be getting a three count from the Champion right now! Asesino rises up to his feet, but is met with some big right hands by BBD which backs Asesino against the announcers table. Asesino falls across the announcers table, after one massive last punch by BBD! With Asesino down on the announcers table, BBD reaches down alongside the announcers table, and from out of no where pulls out a bottle of Jack Daniels! BBD takes a swig of the bottle before smashing it over the head of Asesino!

The bottle smashes sending what is remaining in the bottle everywhere, whilst Asesino drops to the mat, his hands doing little to stem the blood that is now pouring from his forehead. With Asesino down and bleeding, BBD rolls back into the ring and turns his attention towards the Champion. BBD pulls the Champion up to his feet via his hair, however Rosario stops the challenger in his tracks with a low blow on BBD! BBD sinks to his knees in pain, before Rosario hits him with a big kick to the face to send him down to the mat. With BBD down and hurting following the low blow, Rosario turns his attention towards the corner of the ring, and begins to climb the turnbuckle!

The fans rise to their feet as Rosario finally reaches the top rope, and then stares down at BBD laying on the mat below him. With BBD down, Rosario leaps from the top and lands a flying elbow drop from the top rope on the challenger for the sVo Las Vegas Champion! After that move this match is surely over as Rosario makes the cover!




Rosario looks around to see that the referee is still down and out after being clotheslined by Asesino! The fans boo the events that are unfolding as Rosario rises up to his feet and makes his way over to the downed referee. Rosario does his best to help the referee to rise up to his feet before rushing over and making the cover again.



The groggy referee only makes it to a two count before BBD gets a kick out! Rosario rises to his feet and kick BBD in frustration. If the referee wasn’t down, he would have surely got the win over Dean right there! Rosario finally turns around and pulls BBD up to his feet. With BBD looking shaky infront of him, Rey Rosario taunts to the crowd, before lining up Bobby Dean for ‘Rey’s DDT’! Rey Rosario looks as if he is about to end this one right here, but then suddenly Bobby Dean counters with a DDT of his own on Rosario! Rosario staggers back up to his feet in shock at the counter from BBD, who takes advantage of his opponents shock with a ‘Starstruck’ on Rey Rosario! With Rosario down on the mat, BBD makes the cover!




This one is all over, and we have a NEW sVo Las Vegas Champion! The referee retrieves the belt from the outside of the ring as “Your the Best” begins to play over the sound system! BBD rises to his feet, but as the referee tries to present him with the belt, Bobby Dean snatches it away from him! The crowd boo as Bobby Dean makes his way over to the nearest turnbuckle, and climbs to the second rope before holding the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt high above his head after becoming only the twelfth man to hold the belt!

RESULT: Bobby Dean def. Rey Rosario & Asesino via pinfall

One DownCamera crews are rushing backstage to get the next big scoop. When they heard the call it was very hard to believe, but they couldn’t pass up the shot, the story if it was true…

Finally making it to the dressing room, we’re shown the name on the door, “Christopher St. James” before the door is pushed open and the camera rushes in. There lying in the center of the floor in a puddle of blood was CSJ, God’s Gift To Everything, Mr. #1derful, The Personification of Perfection, in a very unconscious state. It didn’t look like CSJ would be representing anyone in tonight’s title match seeing as he was effectively taken out. But by who?

Was Roscoe Shame afraid of him and attacked him?

Was The Company responsible?

Did Juliana Torres try and take out her only other obstacle to becoming sVo’s first Woman International Champion?

Only time will tell, but for right now it looks as if CSJ won’t be participating in tonight’s match…

Tripp Whipwreck & William Vorheez vs. DVD & Limp“Headstrong” by Trapt plays as DVD and Limp make their way out from the backstage area. The former Tag Team Champions look in confident mood as they slowly make their way down the entrance ramp, staring around at the fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena, and looking forward to their Tag Team match against Vorheez and Whipwreck, with the winners likely to be propelled to the top of the tag team division and in with a chance of taking on current Champions Talon and Chris Bond. DVD and Limp slide into the ring, and prepare themselves for the match as they wait for the arrival of their opponents.

Arena goes black suddenly “Blood Red Sandman” by Lordi kicks in and red lights start flicking to the drums as the entrance fills with smoke.

“They called me the leather apron, they called me the smiling Jack. They prayed to the heaven’s above that I would never ever come back.”

Vorheez emerges from the smoke walking slowly down to the ring getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. Vorheez makes his way up the steps and climbs into the ring. Vorheez stands on the second rope and looks out into the crowd raising his arms as the music fades and the lights come up.

The arena goes black and “Suicide Messiah” blasts over the sound system as red and white strobes flash. You hear the loud roar of a motorcycle and see the headlight coming through the fog. Tripp Whipwreck stops at the top of the ramp and looks into the crowd as he gets a mixed reaction. Whipwreck makes a ride around the ring and parks his bike. Tripp slides under the bottom rope and walks to his corner. Whipwreck then removes his biker vest and sunglasses, the lights slowly come up and the music fades.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, as Tripp Whipwreck and Limp get the match under way for their teams. Limp quickly makes his way towards his opponent and lays into Whipwreck with some big right hands, only for Whipwreck to cut him off with a knee to the midsection, before taking down Limp with a hip toss. With Limp down on the mat, Whipwreck drops down with a knee drop onto his opponent to take early control of the match for his team. Limp rises back up to his feet, but he is grabbed by Whipwreck who tosses him hard into the ropes, and then nails him with a back elbow as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. Whipwreck then grabs Limp in an abdominal strech, before tagging out to his partner Vorheez.

Whipwreck keeps the hold locked in on Limp, allowing Vorheez a few free shots on the midsection of Limp, before releasing the hold and climbing out of the ring. Vorheez continues the offence with a double handed chokeslam on his opponent, before stomping away with some big kicks onto Limp. DVD tries to get into the ring to help out his opponent, however the referee restrains him from getting involved. Behind the back of the referee, Vorheez pulls Limp up to his feet, and Whipwreck grabs him around the back of the head before pulling him down and hanging his throat up against the ring ropes!

Limp is catapulted backwards and lays on the mat holding his throat in pain, as Vorheez leaps down on him and then lays into him with some big mounted punches. DVD finally stops trying to get involved in the match, and the referee turns around to see Vorheez pulling Limp up from the mat and sending him into the corner of the ring where Whipwreck is stationed on the outside.

Whipwreck grabs Limp around the throat and chokes him out as Vorheez lays into him with some shoulder charges into the midsection of Limp! The referee demands that Whipwreck stops getting involved as Vorheez pulls Limp away from the corner before drilling him down to the mat with a snap suplex. With Limp down on the mat, Vorheez makes the cover.




DVD get’s into the ring at the very last minute and manages to break the pin fall up. The referee rushes across the demand that DVD get back out of the ring, but as he does Whipwreck sneaks into the ring behind the back of the referee. Whipwreck pulls Limp up to his feet and he and Vorheez pull him into the air before slamming him down to the mat with a massive double team powerbomb! Whipwreck quickly climbs out of the ring as the referee turns around to see William Vorheez making the cover on Limp!




Once again DVD get’s into the ring in the nick of time in order to break up the three count and save the match for his team! Vorheez looks annoyed as he pulls Limp up to his feet and then throws him hard into the ropes. Vorheez himself backs into the ropes and runs at Limp, but as they meet in the middle of the ring, both men take each other out with a clothesline! With both men down on the mat, their tag team partners reach forward urging their partner to tag them in! Limp and Vorheez both begin to crawl towards their corners, but just as DVD makes the tag in from Limp, Whipwreck jumps into the ring without making the tag!

The referee turns and orders Whipwreck out of the ring, as DVD jumps into the ring and begins to stomp away on Vorheez! DVD pulls Vorheez up to a standing position and then drills him down with DDT before making the cover! Whipwreck exits the ring and the request of the referee, but as the referee turns and sees DVD making the cover, he refuses to make the three count! The referee never saw DVD make the tag in, and therefore thinks that Limp is still the legal man! The crowd can’t believe it as DVD leaps up to his feet and protests to the referee, as Whipwreck runs into the ring and pulls Vorheez nearer to his corner. The referee orders DVD out of the ring, and then turns around just to see Whipwreck tag himself in from the body of Vorheez!

Whipwreck rushes into the ring and pulls Limp away from the corner where DVD is standing, before he can make the tag out again! Whipwreck drills Limp down to the mat with a reverse DDT, before taunting DVD who is on the outside of the ring and enraged! Limp staggers up to his feet, however he is pulled into the air by Whipwreck, who drills him down to the mat with a big Tombstone Piledriver! With Limp down on the mat and hurting, Whipwreck makes the cover on his opponent!




Once again DVD is in to break up the pin before the referee can count to three! The referee orders DVD out of the ring, as Whipwreck slowly rises up to his feet. With DVD down and hurting, Whipwreck makes the tag out to Vorheez who looks recovered after resting on the outside of the ring. Vorheez climbs into the ring and pulls Limp up to his feet. Limp is then thrown into the ring ropes, before being drilled down to the mat with a ‘Hell Awaits’ by Vorheez! Limp looks like he could have been taken out right there and then as Vorheez pulls himself up to his feet and taunts to the fans!

However as Vorheez taunts the fans, Limp slowly crawls across, and makes the tag to DVD!

DVD leaps into the ring at last and quickly nails some big right hands on Vorheez to knock him down to the mat! The former Tag Team Champion then sprints across and knocks Whipwreck off of the ring apron with a big right hand to send him down to the floor! DVD turns around and scoop slams Vorheez as he runs at him, before nailing him with a leg drop across the top of his chest! DVD looks as if he is on fire as he pulls Vorheez to his feet and sends him into the ropes, before smashing him with a big boot as he bounces back!

With Vorheez down on the mat, DVD raises his arms in the air to signal that he is calling for the end of the match, as Vorheez slowly begins to struggle up to his feet. Vorheez is quickly grabbed by DVD, and hit with the ‘DVD Cutter’! After the awesome finishing move from DVD, he makes the cover on Vorheez.




Whipwreck slides into the ring with a steel chair in his hands, and slams it into the back of DVD to break up the pinfall! The referee immediately calls for the bell to be rung as Whipwreck nails some big chair shots to the back of DVD, before turning and smashing it into the face of Limp! With Limp and DVD down and hurting after some vicious chair shots from Whipwreck, Whipwreck and Vorheez stand dominating in the ring with their arms in the air despite losing the match via DQ! After such an ending to this match, it seems like things between these two tag teams are far from over!

RESULT: DVD & Limp def. Tripp Whipwreck & William Vorheez via DQ

On the Same Team?The scene heads backstage to the office of Paige All-Star, a room which is currently vacant following the sVo President going on indefinite leave following the apparent death of her Uncle Jon Page last week on Sunday Night Showdown. However outside the office stands Company member, and the man seemingly now in power of the sVo, Matt ‘Anarchy’ Anderson. The former DW World Champion grabs hold of the door handle of the office and pushes his way in, and seems shocked to see Weapon X behind the desk of Paige All Star, looking through the draws.

Matt Anderson – “What the hell are you doing in here?”

Anderson storms up to Weapon X and slams him against the wall. Weapon X looks back at Anderson through the mask, however the mute doesn’t answer Anderson at all. For two people who are supposed to be members of the same ‘Company’, Anderson and Weapon X don’t seem to be getting on too well.

Matt Anderson – “Playing the silent game are we? Look I don’t know who you are, and I don’t trust you. I know you have been vouched for by one of our own, but I get as far as I did in this ‘Company’ by following one simple rule, don’t trust anyone. Now get the hell out of my new office before I kick you out myself.”

Weapon X and Matt Anderson stares each other down, until Anderson releases his grip on Weapon X and allows him to shrug past him and out of the door of the office. Anderson watches Weapon X all the way out of the door, obviously not trusting the mysterious muscle of the ‘Company’ one bit!

Isaac White vs. RavenSTAMP!






The audience stomp their feet and clap their hands in rhythm with the introduction of “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash. The melancholic chords of an acoustic guitar reverberate throughout the arena, soon joined by the baritone vocals of Cash.

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down

The entrance curtains slowly part as the hunched figure of Isaac White emerges. Although he may be far from a traditional ‘fan favourite’, the spectators instantly begin to cheer for him in recognition of his lengthy career. Despite the energy of the crowd, still stamping and clapping enthusiastically, Isaac retains a distinctively passive demeanour. Though it should have quite the opposite effect, the sight of this miserable and pessimistic man only further fuels the crowd’s excitement as they continue to join in with the downbeat rhythm of “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”.

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut ’em down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut ’em down

White marches forth towards the ring, hat pulled down low and cane in hand. He ignores the two-faced liars and rats in the crowd, his nose crinkling at the stench of hypocrisy. He taps his cane on the steel steps three times before slowly ascending them. He then walks onto the ring apron, wiping his feet as he does so, before climbing in through the ropes.

Once in the ring, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” begins to fade. White removes his hat and places it on top of the turnbuckle post. He then stoops over and leans through the ropes to prop his cane against the stairs. Resuming his stance in the corner, he reaches inside his left knee pad, withdrawing his trademark black gloves. He proceeds to pull them onto each hand slowly, milking the crowd’s excitement for all they’re worth. White leans back against the ropes, maintaining an apathetic approach to things.

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as “Sinner” by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the Corporation’s entrance video begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds Raven steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and raises his hands in the air! Raven stares down at Isaac White who is in the ring waiting, before slowly walking down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Raven stands just outside the ring for a few seconds staring out at his opponent, before sliding into the ring and laying straight into White with some big right hands!

The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung as Raven continues to hammer away with right hands on to Isaac White that backs him into the corner of the ring, and this one is straight underway!

Isaac White aims a right hand at Raven to try and stop the offence from his opponent, but Raven ducks under the arm of White and then takes him down to the mat with a double arm drag takedown. White pops back up to his feet, but Raven is quickly there waiting for him with a side Russian legsweep, before bouncing into the ropes and dropping an elbow across the chest of White!

Raven has made a lightning hot start to this match as Isaac White struggles back up to his feet using the ropes to pull himself up. Raven makes his way over to White and aims a superkick at his head, however Isaac White ducks out of the way of the superkick and chopblocks Raven’s legs away from underneath him. With Raven on the mat, White hits a knee drop on his opponent before allowing him to rise to his feet.

Raven rises up to his feet, only to be taken down by snapmare from the ‘Hate Machine’. With Raven down on the mat, Isaac White lays onto his opponent with some big right hands to the face of Raven, before flipping him around and locking him in a single leg boston crab. Isaac White pulls back on the leg of Raven to try and wear down his opponent, however Raven tries to battle his way out of the hold, and finally manages it by grabbing hold of the bottom rope and forcing Isaac White to break the hold.

Raven rises back up to his feet, however Isaac White goes straight back after the legs of his opponent, with a dragon screw takedown onto the member of the Corporation. The ‘Preacher of Pessimism’ seems to be going after the legs of Raven purpoursly as he grabs hold of the legs of his opponent and locks in a figure four leg lock on Raven!

The referee asks Raven if he wants to quit as he screams out in pain as his legs and bent in ways they were not meant to be bent under the strain of the figure four leg lock! Raven however shows just how much he wants another victory on his record tonight as he shakes his head and does his best to try and battle out of the move. However the smile on Isaac White’s face shows that he isn’t about to break this hold any time soon!

Raven continues to be locked in the painful submission move, however with one impressive move he is able to roll over onto his front, and reverse the pain onto the legs of Isaac White! Now it is the time of Isaac White to shout out in pain! After a few seconds both men crawl out of the submission move before both slowly rising up to his feet. Raven aims a right hand on Isaac White, however the former sVo International Champion ducks underneath the aim of the punch and goes behind on Raven, trying him up in a wrist lock. Raven tries to spin around and hit White with a back elbow, however White ducks underneath the aim of Raven’s elbow and tosses his opponent down to the mat with a wrist lock suplex!

Raven is down on the mat and hurting, whilst the crowd boo the ‘Moping Misanthropist’ Isaac White as he pulls himself up to a standing position and taunts to the crowd. Raven staggers up to his feet, allowing Isaac White the chance to run at his opponent and take him down with a shoulder block that knocks Raven to the mat. Isaac White then grabs the multi coloured hair of Raven and pulls him into a crouched position, before dropping him on his head with a piledriver in the middle of the head! With Raven down on the mat, Isaac White rolls over onto his opponent and makes the cover.




Raven shows just what he is made of with a kick out after the count of three, despite just being dropped on his head by Isaac White! White rises up to his feet and stares down the referee, before turning his attention back towards Raven. The veteran White hits a dropkick to the knees of Raven as he gets back up to his feet, before stomping away on his opponent. With White taking control of this match, is there anyway back for the member of the Corporation? Isaac White pulls Raven up to his feet and sends him into the corner of the ring. Raven hits the corner hard, and Isaac White runs at his opponent in the corner of the ring. However Raven turns the tables on his opponent and gives him a taste of his own medicine with a sliding dropkick onto Isaac White’s left knee!

Isaac White staggers around the ring holding his left knee in pain, allowing Raven the chance to run at him and taking him down to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. The crowd cheer the move from Raven, as Isaac White lays on the mat holding his left knee in pain. Raven quickly identifies the weakness in the ‘Hater of Humankind’ as he bounces into the ropes before dropping an elbow across the knees of White!

Isaac White limps back up to a standing position, however Raven is there once again with some big right hands that back Isaac White into the corner of the ring. With White in the ring, Raven grabs hold of his left knee and wraps it around the second rope, before kicking away at it to try and inflict even more pain on his opponent! The referee finally pulls Raven away from White claiming a rope break, as Raven marches around the ring pulling energy from the crowd who want to see the Company’s Isaac White defeated here tonight on Showcase!

Isaac White staggers out of the corner of the ring, and is quickly nailing with a kick to the midsection from Raven, who drops him down to the mat with a ‘Hardcore Twist’! The fans are on their feet as Raven makes the cover, this one must be all over!





Isaac White shows his condition despite his age by getting a shoulder up off of the mat in the nick of time, just when it looked certain that Raven had picked up the three count!

By all accounts Isaac White should have been dead and buried after that move from Raven, however the 5’11” ‘Mad Hatter’ just refuses to lay down! Raven pulls Isaac White back up to a standing position, and goes behind on his opponent with a waist lock, before sending him down to the mat with a front face slam. With Isaac White down on the mat, Raven decides that its time for some extreme measures as he climbs to the top rope! The fans cheer as Raven leaps from the top rope and lands a ‘Time Bomb’ down onto White! With White down and out, Raven hooks the leg.




This time not even Isaac White could kick out from that move as Raven picks up the win over the former International Champion! Raven rises to his feet and has his hand raised in the air in victory as Isaac White lays on the mat holding his knee in pain. With both men giving it their all in this one, just what does the future hold for the victorious Raven, and the impressive ‘Hate Machine’ Isaac White?

RESULT: Raven def. Isaac White via pinfall

On the Same Team? Pt.IIThe scene heads outside the Goodfellas Casino Arena and into the warm evening air of the streets of Las Vegas Nevada. The streets are busy with all different types of people, but one in particular catches the eye of the camera man, as he zooms in on Weapon X making his way out of the Goodfellas Casino Arena with a bag in his hand. Weapon X makes his way quickly over to a car, and knocks three times on the window. The blacked window slowly rolls down, to reveal Paige All Star sitting in the passenger seat of the car!

Paige All Star – “Did you manage to get it out of my office in time?”

Weapon X nods his head slowly, before passing the bag over to Paige All Star. Paige takes a long look in the bag, before facing back to Weapon X.

Paige All Star – “Thanks for everything you have done for me over the past few months, I won’t forget it. Good luck!”

Weapon X simple nods his head as the window rolls back up and the car speeds off away from the Goodfellas Casino Arena! Weapon X slowly turns around and makes his way backwards towards the arena as the scene fades out. With Weapon X seemingly revealed as Paige’s mole inside the Company, just who is the mysterious man behind the mask, and what did he retrieve from the Presidential office for Paige All Star?

The Teacher vs. TalonThe lights drop as red and white lasers begin to flash all over the arena. Fans cry out in surprise at the black-out as ‘Through the Fire and Flames’ begins to blast through the speakers. A spotlight shines on the curtain as a solitary figure steps through, clothed in the black, red and white. He stands there, grinning as he spreads out his arms and lets out a battle cry, pyrotechnics going off around him as he does. Talon makes his way down the ramp, waving and sneering at the fans before entering the ring. He hands his coat off to someone at ringside before raising his arms in the air and taking his place in the ring.

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this earlier anticiapated match between two of the sVo’s masked superstar gets underway! Talon quickly makes his way towards The Teacher, and lays into the returning sVo superstar with some big right hands, that back him into the corner of the ring. Talon goes to nail a big punch in the corner on The Teacher, however The Teacher ducks out of the way of the punch and takes down Talon with an arm drag takedown. Talon pops straight back up to his feet, but as he does The Teacher knocks him down with a short arm clothesline. The Teacher grabs Talon by the hair and pulls him into the middle of the ring, before hitting him with a sidewalk slam that gets a cheer from the crowd.

The Teacher rises up to his feet, but before long Talon also is up to a standing position. Talon runs at The Teacher to try and get back into the match, however The Teacher grabs Talon by the arm and tosses him into the ropes. Talon grabs hold of the ropes to stop himself from bouncing back, however The Teacher runs at Talon and clotheslines him over the top rope, to send both men tumbling down to the outside of the ring!

The fans cheer at the action spilling to the outside of the ring in this no DQ match as both men slowly rise up to their feet. The Teacher makes his way over to Talon to try and continue his offence, but as he does he is grabbed by Talon who tosses him hard into the security barrier! The Teacher hits the security barrier hard, causing him to hold his back in pain. Talon wastes no time in pulling The Teacher away from the side, before nailing him with a spinebuster onto the hard floor around the ring!

There is a mixed reaction from the fans as Talon stomps away on The Teacher who lays on the floor in pain, before struggling up to a standing position. The Teacher is quickly grabbed by the arm by Talon, who tosses The Teacher hard into the metal ring steps! The Teacher looks in a huge amount of pain as the referee pleads with Talon to take the action back into the ring! However Talon refuses to even listen to the referee as he makes his way over to The Teacher who is slowly trying to struggle up to his feet.

Talon bounces The Teacher’s head off of the steel ringsteps, before tossing The Teacher back into the ring under the bottom rope! However before following him in, Talon makes his way over to the announcers table and grabs a steel chair off of one of the ring announcers! Talon slides back into the ring with the steel chair in hand, and waits for The Teacher to rise up to his feet. The Teacher slowly staggers up to his feet, but as he does Talon swings the steel chair at his head! Just when it looks like it might be game over, The Teacher ducks out of the way of the chair shot! Talon turns around in shock that The Teacher managed to get out of the way, but as he does The Teacher nails the chair into the face of Talon with a dropkick!

The fans cheer the clever move from The Teacher, as he makes his way over to the corner of the ring, and begins to climb the turnbuckle! The fans cheer as The Teacher slowly climbs up to the top man, obviously still hurting from Talon’s offence, before turning and facing the body of Talon! The Teacher leaps off of the top rope and nails a diving headbutt onto Talon, before making the cover on his opponent!





Everyone thought that the match was over right there, but before the referees hand hit the mat for the three count, Talon’s shoulder came shooting off of the canvas! The referee holds two fingers in the air to signal the two count, as The Teacher holds his head in disappointment/pain.

The Teacher staggers up to his feet and leans against the ring ropes looking down at Talon who is still laying on the mat in pain. The Teacher drops down to the mat, before rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope. The Teacher makes his way around the ring to the announcers table to retrieve a weapon to use on Talon back in the ring, but as he does Talon slowly staggers up to his feet! With The Teacher on the outside of the ring, Talon spots his oppurtunity as he makes his way over to the corner of the ring and begins to climb to the top rope! The Teacher doesn’t even notice Talon until he turns around, and Talon leaps from the top rope to hit a ‘Death from Above’ onto The Teacher from the top rope to the outside of the ring!

All the fans are on their feet after that high flying move, as once again both men are down on the floor and hurting! The crowd are all on their feet after than massive move from Talon, who is only just now staggering back up to a standing position. The Teacher looks down and out as Talon gives a few stomps onto the body of The Teacher before pulling him up to his feet. Talon slams The Teacher’s head down onto the Spanish announcers table, before tossing him up onto the table! The Spanish announcers quickly scatter as Talon climbs up onto the announcers table alongside The Teacher, and once again the crowd rise up to their feet!

Talon pulls The Teacher up to a standing position before kicking him in the midsection and then sending him through the table with a ‘Wings of Destiny’! The fans pop for the massive move as the Spanish announcers table shatters under the impact, leaving Talon and The Teacher laying in its wreckage. Neither men seems to be moving much as the referee rushes over to check on their position. A dazed Talon drapes his arm over the body of The Teacher, but with both men being on the outside of the ring, the referee cannot make the count despite the Teacher being down and out!

After a nearly a minute, Talon slowly begins to rise up to a standing position and look around at the crowd. Talon struggles to pull The Teacher up to his feet, before tossing him into the ring under the bottom rope. Talon then follows The Teacher into the ring, before dropping down and making the cover.




Everyone thought that the match was over right there, but despite not having the energy to kick out, The Teacher somehow had the presence of mind to put his foot onto the bottom rope and break the three count!

Talon can’t believe that The Teacher managed to break the three count, as he slowly rises up to his feet and argues with the referee about the decision.

Behind the back of Talon, The Teacher slowly begins to rise up to his feet by using the ropes to pull himself back up. Talon spins around and runs at The Teacher, but The Teacher nails him with a kick to the midsection which causes him to double over in pain. The Teacher grabs Talon by the back of the head, and slams him face first into the turnbuckle in the corner of the ring, before tossing him down to the mat with a front face slam. The fans cheer the impressive move from The Teacher, however the masked sVo superstar isn’t finished yet as he makes his way over to the steel chair that was tossed into the ring earlier and positions it in the middle of the ring.

The Teacher then makes his way over to Talon and pulls him up to a standing position, before shooting him hard into the ropes. Talon bounces back from the ropes and is dropped down with an Inverted DDT onto the steel chair from The Teacher! The fans cheer their hometown hero The Teacher as he hooks the leg of Talon and makes the cover!




This one is all over, and it is the masked Teacher who picks up the win over Talon here at Showcase! ‘Stand Up’ by Trapt blasts out over the sound system as The Teacher rises up to his feet, and has his arm hoisted up in the air in victory by the referee.

RESULT: The Teacher def. Talon via pinfall

sVo Showdown #47
11th July 2010
The Night of the Long Knives

Roscoe Shame (c) vs. Juliana Torres“Sinner” by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see Juliana Torres, The Corporate Lady, holding a white owl in her left side of her shoulder and walking toward the ring smoke comes out when she shows up on the screen and she walks on heavy steps looking to the crowd with a mad look and showing no happiness in her eyes a firework sound on her background while she gets inside the ring.

“Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system the crowd rise to their feet at the arrival of the sVo International Champion! After a few seconds, Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp, with the sVo International Championship belt around his waist, pretending to play the guitar. The fans stand and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself. He makes his way to the ring while pyros shoot out from the ramp. He climbs into the ring stretches and waits for this triple threat title defence to get underway.

The referee holds the sVo International Championship belt high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match, as Shame & Torres look up at, each hoping that they will be the one who walks out of tonight’s Showcase event with it around their waist. The referee passes the belt to the outside of the ring before calling for the bell to be rung and this International Championship match to get underway!

Shame and Torres make their way towards each other and tie up in the middle of the ring. Shame uses his strength to force Torres backwards, however Torres manages to duck under the grip of Shame and lays into him with some forearm smashes to push Shame backwards. Torres tosses Shame into the ropes, and then takes the sVo International Champion down to the mat with a hip toss as he bounces back. Torres locks an arm bar submission hold in on Roscoe Shame to try and wear down ‘Mr International’, however after half a minute, Shame is able to battle out of the hold by grabbing hold of Torres’s arm and twisting it backwards.

Juliana Torres staggers away in pain, before being speared down to the mat by Roscoe Shame. ‘Mr International’ quickly brings the Corporate Lady back up to a standing position, before hitting her with an impressive military press! Torres hits the mat hard, and Roscoe Shame struts around the ring with his hands in the air as if tonight’s match is going to be another easy victory for the sVo International Champion!

However Juliana Torres seems to have other ideas as she pulls herself up to her feet and then ducks under an attempted clothesline from Roscoe Shame. Torres continues into the ring ropes, before bouncing back with a huricanrana on the International Champion! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd for the impressive move by Juliana Torres, who follows up with some punches to the face of Roscoe Shame before he is able to get back up to his feet.

Juliana Torres lays into Roscoe Shame with some sharp chops across the chest of ‘Mr International Champion’, with the fans in the arena ‘whooooo’ing’ with every chop in homage to Ric Flair. Roscoe Shame is backed against the ring ropes by Juliana Torres, before she takes a few steps back and clotheslines the sVo International Champion to the outside of the ring! Roscoe Shame hits the floor hard as Juliana Torres walks around the ring trying to get the crowd on her side.

On the outside of the ring, Roscoe Shame slowly begins to get back to his feet, but as he does Juliana Torres takes a run up before leaping through the ring ropes with a suicide dive aimed at Roscoe Shame! However the International Champion sees the Corporate Lady coming and sidesteps her, causing Torres to crash into the security barrier! Replays of the move is shown on the sVo-tron, as Roscoe Shame pulls Torres up to her feet and slams her face first into the steel ring steps. Torres bounces down onto the floor as the referee pleads with Roscoe Shame to take the action back into the ring.

Roscoe Shame however has other ideas as he pulls Torres back up to her feet, before slamming her down onto the hard floor with a spinebuster onto the floor! Torres looks in pain as Shame pulls her up to her feet before tossing her into the ring over the top rope as if she was as light as a feather!

Roscoe Shame follows Torres into the ring by rolling under the bottom rope, and then makes a lazy cover on Torres without even hooking the leg.




Torres shows she is not to be underestimated as the former Las Vegas Champion gets her shoulder off of the mat! Shame looks annoyed at himself, obviously thinking that the match was won right there! Roscoe Shame pulls Juliana Torres up to her feet before throwing her hard into the ropes. Torres bounces back and Shame tosses her down to the mat with a belly to back suplex. With Torres down on the mat and hurting, Roscoe Shame signals that it is time for his finishing move, to finish of Juliana Torres! Shame pulls Torres up to a standing position before kicking her in the midsection and setting her up for the ‘Shame Time’! However before Shame can even pull Torres up to hit the jackknife powerbomb, Torres counters with a backbody drop on Shame!

Shame can’t believe it as he pops back up to his feet, but Torres is there and waiting with a spinning heel kick onto her opponent! Shame is thrown back into the corner of the ring with the force of the kick, and Torres follows up to with a dropkick into the face of Shame in the corner of the ring.

Juliana Torres feels the momentum with her as she pulls Roscoe Shame out of the corner of the ring and then takes him down to the ring with a stiff DDT before making the cover!




Roscoe Shame isn’t going to give his sVo International Championship belt away that easily as he gets his shoulders up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Juliana Torres pulls Shame up to his feet and then plants him back down to the mat with a side head lock takedown. With Roscoe Shame down, Juliana Torres tries to wear down her opponent by keeping the side head lock hold locked in on the International Champion, who fights with everything he has to release himself from the hold!

Juliana Torres finally releases Roscoe Shame from the headlock and allows him to get back up to his feet. Torres then knees Roscoe Shame in the midsection, causing him to double over in pain, before running back and bouncing off of the ring ropes. Torres runs at Roscoe Shame looking for a running DDT onto the International Champion, however Shame sees her coming as he leaps forward and swats her out of the air with a massive clothesline!

That looked as if it could have beheaded the challenger right there as Roscoe Shame leaps onto Torres and chokes her out with both hands around her throat. Roscoe Shame finally releases the choke hold as the request of the referee, and pulls Torres back up to her feet. Torres fires off some desperation right hands onto the International Champion, however Shame scoops up the Corporate Lady and then powerslams her down to the mat!

Juliana Torres looks in pain as Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet and signals to the fans that its Shame Time! Roscoe Shame stalks around Juliana Torres as she slowly tries to pull herself up to her feet after the powerslam to the mat. She doesn’t even realise as Roscoe Shame grabs her from behind and spins her around before hitting her with a knee to the midsection causing her to double over. Torres is then pulled up into the air, before being slammed down to the mat with authority via a ‘Shame Time’ powerbomb from Roscoe Shame! With Torres down and hurting, Roscoe Shame drops down and hooks the leg of the challenger.




This one is all over, and its Roscoe Shame who picks up the win to retain his sVo International Championship belt! Roscoe Shame is presented with the belt by the referee, and Shame holds it high in the air in victory as he stands over Juliana Torres! Shame continues to celebrate his title defence over the impressive Juliana Torres, who will surely be back challenging for the top sVo title belts soon!

RESULT: Roscoe Shame def. Juliana Torres via pinfall

A word in your earWe head backstage to what was previously the office of President Paige, but has now been converted by Matt ‘Anarchy’ Anderson into his own office. The Company members has removed any trace of Paige’s personal belongings, and now has pictures of his own personal achievements in the wrestling ring, as well as great moments in the history of the likes of DW, P:V and sVo hanging on the wall. Anderson looks relaxed from his position behind the desk, however a knock on the door quickly turns his attention away from the TV set at the far end of the room where highlights from the International Championship match is showning.

Anderson rises up to his feet and makes his way over to the door, and seems slightly disappointed to see Detective Harry Cross standing behind the door.

Matt Anderson – “Ah Detective Cross. What an unexpected….. pleasure.”

Harry Cross either doesn’t notice or doesn’t respond to the dig, as he flashes a smile towards Anderson, before allowing himself into the office. Cross walks around to the seat infront of the desk and sits himself down.

Matt Anderson – “Detective Cross, what do you think your doing? I’m in the middle of rescuing this wrestling promotion here tonight!”

Cross leans back in the chair, as Anderson makes his way around to the side of Cross.

Harry Cross – “I am here to interview you about the murder of Scott Love. That man worked for you and your ‘Company’. Don’t you want to get to the bottom of his murder?”

Anderson gives a shrug of his shoulders as if the murder of Love means nothing to him, and he isn’t worried about letting Detective Cross know it.

Matt Anderson – “These things have a way of working themselves out Detective Cross. Besides what do you want to interview me for? I wasn’t even here at the time of the murder!”

Harry Cross looks around at Matt Anderson, and for the first time seems to be getting agitated.

Harry Cross – “Really? Because from the sounds of your little speech earlier, you and your friends have been here from the very beginning! I have been wanting to interview a member of your organisation since the investigation stated. How very nice of you to drop into my lap here tonight!”

A look of anger begins to cloud over the face of Matt Anderson as he stares down at Harry Cross.

Matt Anderson – “Scott Love was involved with some very dangerous people. Some very influential dangerous people. He knew the score. I suggest you do as you supervisors have told you to do and drop this case Detective Cross.”

Harry Cross jumps out of the seat with an angry look on his face and leans in towards Anderson.

Harry Cross – “I know your Company think your a big deal, but your not beyond the law. I will bring this case to justice if you like it or not.”

Matt Anderson looks at Harry Cross for a few seconds, before leaning forward and whispering something in the ear of Harry Cross. The colour seems to drain out of the face of Harry Cross, as he takes a few seconds to look at Anderson, before turning and walking out the door!

Just what did Anderson say to Cross to cause a reaction like that?

Night (c) vs. Chris Bond vs. NightmareA whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

The normally polarized crowd buzz uncertainly – unsure as to exactly who is about to make their entrance. An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears to a massive cheer from the crowd. While the man’s mask appears black at first, on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw. The sVo World Heavyweight Championship strapped firmly around his waist.

Night stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, looking determined and focused despite his heavily taped torso strapping the injuries he suffered a month ago at the hands of The Company. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring moving quickly and slapping only a few of the outstretched hands of fans. Reaching the ring he quickly rolls under the bottom rope and begins stretching out on the ropes.

If you take a life, do you know what you’ll give…
Odds are, you won’t like what it is…
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me…
By the merciless eyes I’ve deceived…
I’ve seen angels fall from blinding heights…
But you yourself are nothing so divine…
Just next in line…”

Multi-colored lights soon begin flickering throughout the arena and much to the chagrin of every fan (aside from the few smart and loyal fans in attendance), out steps Chris Bond. “You Know My Name” by Chris Cornell blasts loudly and with every step the man takes, boos and jeers get louder and louder. As he walks down the aisle with a grin plastered across his face (a blend that can only be described as both suave and cocky), Bond slaps a few hands away, you know the few fans that reach out and try and play grab-ass with the entertainers.

This of course sends a shower of jeers raining down upon him once more, but let’s be honest. He just doesn’t care. Bond jogs up the stairs, steps under the top rope, and walks into the center of the ring. This is where he stands, as almost all of the fans boo. Save for that small group of guys out there who are cheering him. Just saying… A true wrestling legend, not just in his own right, is ready for competition once again.

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” can barely be heard over the deafening boos from the crowd as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T M A R E”

An explosion of red light as a man in a black mask and red tights appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a crop of freshly shaven stubble can be seen – and the second sVo World Championship Belt hung over his shoulder.

The newly dubbed ‘Nightmare’ stands at the top of the entrance ramp smirking down to the ring where his brother, Night and Chris Bond glare at him in between uncertain glances at each other. Nightmare cackles as he struts down to the ring, taunting fans on his way down. Having reached the ring he takes his time climbing the ring steps before walking all the way along the apron to the far turnbuckles. He climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms arrogantly – the crowd letting him have it. Finally he hops off the turnbuckle and into the ring as the lights return to normal. Night handing his title belt to the referee, Nightmare taking a little longer to hand over his. The three men look up at the two belts as the referee holds them high above his head.

The atmosphere in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric for this one, as the referee passes the sVo Championship belts to the outside of the ring whilst all three men look around at each other, trying to get the measure of their opponents. The referee returns to the middle of the ring and calls for the bell to be rung, meaning finally that this main event is underway!

Bond moves forward cautiously, making his way towards Night and hitting him with a kick to the midsection. Nightmare seems slightly taken aback by the move from Bond, who proceeds to fire away with some big right hands on Nightmare to back him into the corner of the ring. Night seems to be watching the action unfold from afar as Bond whips Nightmare corner to corner, causing him to hit the turnbuckle hard and drop down to the mat. Bond makes his way towards Nightmare, however Night suddenly bursts into lift with some right hands to Bond which cause the fans to rise to their feet.

Night and Bond trade right hands in the middle of the ring, with Chris Bond getting the upper hand over the sVo World Champion. Bond hits Night with a knee to the midsection, before taking him down to the mat with a double leg sweep. With Night down on the mat, Bond quickly goes to work on the left knee of Night, trying to slow the sVo World Champion down with some kicks to the knee followed by a big elbow drop across the joint. Night looks in pain, but Bond doesn’t have much time to continue the offence as he is grabbed from behind by Nightmare, and tossed hard into the ropes. Bond bounces back into the middle of the ring, where he finds himself on the mat courtesy of a big chop across the chest from Nightmare! Nightmare pulls Bond up to his feet before slapping him a few times across the chest and then tossing him down to the mat with a snap suplex.

With Bond down on the mat, Nightmare grabs hold of the arm of the challenger and locks him in an arm bar submission move, obviously knowing about Bond’s weak left arm which has suffered several breaks throughout his career. Bond refuses to give into the submission hold from Nightmare, and after a keeping the hold locked in for a big, Nightmare releases the hold and simply drops his knee across Bond’s left arm. Bond shouts out in pain as he cradles his arm, whilst Nightmare turns and pulls his brother Night up from the mat. Nightmare chops Night hard across the chest and then quickly faints behind him into a waist lock. Night desperately struggles to try and get out of the waist lock, but it is to no avail as Nightmare heaves him up into the air before tossing him down to the mat with a stiff German suplex!

Night rises up to his feet looking a little dazed from being dropped on his head from the German suplex, however Nightmare is right back on his brother with a belly to belly suplex, followed by serveral right hands to the masked face of Night! On the other side of the ring Chris Bond is staggering up to a standing position, still holding his left arm in pain as Nightmare waits for his brother Night to rise to his feet. Night slowly does rise up, only to be hit with another suplex from Nightmare, this time a belly to back suplex, with Nightmare seemingly intent on putting on a suplex clinic for everyone watching today! With his brother down and hurting, Nightmare quickly hooks the leg and goes for the cover.



Chris Bond sees his dreams of become sVo World Champion fading in front of his eyes, and ignores the pain in his left arm to dive in and make the save. Nightmare rises up to his feet and is hit with some awkard right hands from Bond, who then takes down Nightmare with a back breaker drop. Bond rises up clutching his left arm still in pain, whilst Nightmare crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. Nightmare runs at Bond, but Bond uses Nightmare’s own momentum against him by taking him down to the mat with a kick to the midsection followed by an underhook suplex! The fans cheer the impressive move from Bond, who may be wrestling in his last sVo match if he cannot pick up the win here tonight!

Bond pulls himself to a standing position, but before he can even think about making the cover on Nightmare, the sVo World Champion Night is onto him with some forearm smashes. The fans cheer the offence from Night, who has held the belt since defeating Tobias Devereux back at Resurrection in April. Night drops Bond down with a spinning calf kick before rising to his feet and signalling to the fans! The fans respond by getting to their feet as Night pulls Chris Bond up to a standing position before slamming him down with a sit-out powerbomb! The crowd cheer the impressive move from the sVo World Champion, who quickly makes the cover on the challenger Bond,




Chris Bond shows just what he is made of with a kick out after the count of two. Night shakes his head in disappointment as he pulls Bond up to a standing position before throwing him into the ropes. Bond looks in pain as he bounces back straight into a ‘Sandman DDT’ from Night! Bond’s head hits the mat hard, and he most surely be down for the three! Night moves forward to make a cover on Bond, only to find himself grabbed around the waist by his brother! Night struggles to try and free himself from Nightmare’s grip, but it is too strong as he is planted down to the mat by yet another German suplex! However Nightmare isn’t content with one, as he keeps the grip locked around Night’s waist and tosses him down for another two German suplexes! Night looks to be fading fast under the relentless offence from his brother, who then ups the stakes by locking the sVo World Champion in a ‘Dream Time’!

The fans boo the move that is often used by Night and is in fact a speciality of the KIMURA dojo as the World Champion struggles to try and free himself from the hold, knowing just how dangerous it can be. However Nightmare has the hold locked in strongly, and his brother Night is quickly fading under the pressure. The referee asks Night if he would like to quit, however Night shakes his head as he gives one last effort to free himself from the hold. However the attempt is in vain as Nightmare keeps the hold locked in! The referee grabs hold of Night’s hand and raises it in the air, however it flops straight back down to the mat, and things are not looking good for the sVo World Champion!

The referee repeats the move again by lifting up Night’s hand, and once again it drops straight back down to the mat. If it happens one last time then Nightmare is going to be walking out of Showcase 2010 as the victor! The referee goes to pick up Night’s hand again, but before he can Bond comes to the saviour of the sVo World Champion, as he aims a stiff kick at the head of Nightmare, causing him to break the hold. Nightmare rises up to his feet, and walks straight into the arms of Chris Bond, who drills him down to the mat with a double arm DDT. Now it is Nightmare’s turn to scream out in agony as Bond moves quickly to lock in a cross-face chickenwing hold on Nightmare!

Nightmare struggles to try and free himself from the hold, but Bond keeps it in for a few more minutes to the delight of the crowd, before allowing Nightmare to escape. Nightmare staggers up to a standing position before being grabbed by the arms by Bond and thrown hard into the corner of the ring. Bond then follows up with a clothesline in the corner as the challenger begins to feel the momentum change his way in the match! Nightmare drops to the mat and cleverly rolls out of the ring to get out the way of Bond, who quickly turns and focuses his attention on the sVo World Champion Night!

Bond pulls Night up to his feet and then scoop slams him down to the mat. With Night on the mat, Bond goes to work on the Champion with some hard knee strikes to the face of Night, before allowing him back to a standing position. With Night on his feet, Bond grabs hold of him before tossing him down to the mat with a belly to back cradle suplex! With Night’s shoulders down on the mat, the referee rushes in to make the count!



No! The sVo World Champion manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Chris Bond can’t quite believe that Night managed to get a shoulder up after that move, but he rises back up to his feet and looks down on his opponent. Bond pulls Night back up to his feet and nails him with some opened handed slaps, before sending Night into the ropes! Night bounces back but ducks underneath the outstreched clothesline attempt from Chris Bond, and continues into the opposite ring ropes. Night bounces back towards Bond and looks for a spinning calf kick on the challenger, however Bond ducks out of the way causing the referee to take Night’s foot square in the face! The referee drops down, and Bond takes advantage of the situation with a fall-away slam on the sVo Champion. Chris Bond stands dominant over the sVo World Champion Night, however as he does he doesn’t even notice Nightmare sliding back into the ring behind his back with a steel chair in hand!

Nightmare slams the steel chair into the back of Chris Bond, causing a sickening crack as Bond lurches forward in pain. Bond then slowly turns around, only to take the steel chair full in the face from Nightmare to send him down to the mat in pain. Nightmare then turns the steel chair onto Night as he tries to get back to his feet, with a shot right to the sVo Champion’s back. Nightmare then proceeds to throw the steel chair down onto the mat, before pulling Night up to his feet. With Night looking unsteady and Bond down and out, Nightmare looks to be in the driving seat as he drops Night down with a piledriver onto the steel chair! Night’s head bounces off of the steel chair, as Nightmare rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd!

Nightmare then lays into Night with some stiff kicks, before pulling the steel chair back up again. Nightmare walks over to the downed body of Chris Bond, and goes back to work on the left arm of the challenger with some stiff shots to the arm by the steel chair! Bond shouts out in pain as he is pulled up to his feet by Nightmare by the arm, which is then twisted back behind his back in a wrist lock. It looks as if Nightmare is trying to break Bond’s arm here on Showcase tonight!

Bond is then thrown down onto the steel chair with a arm bar take down onto the steel chair! Bond cradles his arm in pain once again as Nightmare makes his way back towards Night. Nightmare pulls his brother up to his feet just as the referee seems to be coming to life! Nightmare rakes the eyes of Night, before throwing him down with a full nelson suplex onto Night! It looks as if this one could be over as Nightmare makes the cover whilst the referee crawls over to make the count!





Shoulder up from Night!

Nightmare holds his head in his hands as if he is in shock that his brother somehow managed to get his shoulders up off of the mat! Nightmare rises up to his feet and looks down at his brother in disgust, before making his way towards the corner of the ring! The crowd rise to their feet, as Nightmare begins to climb to the top rope! Nightmare looks a little unsteady on his feet as he manages to rise to the top rope, but before he can leap down towards his brother, Chris Bond throws himself from the mat into the ropes! The last ditch move by Bond causes the ropes to shake, leading to Nightmare losing his balance and falling into the ring! The fans cheer the events that are unfolding infront of them as for a few seconds all three men are down on the canvas!

With all men down, there are boos from the crowd as down the entrance ramp walk BBD, Isaac White and Roscoe Shame! The Company seem to be making their way down to the ring tonight to make sure that it is Nightmare that walks out of Showcase with the sVo World Championship belt! However before the trio even make it to their ring, there are cheers from the crowd as Chris Bond’s fellow sVo Tag Team Champion Talon sprints down with a steel chair! Talon nails BBD in the back of the head with the steel chair, however he quickly finds himself over run by the three members of The Company.

Back in the ring, all the three men are still down and have no idea that Talon, Roscoe Shame, Isaac White and BBD are brawling on the entrance ramp! Talon is slammed down by a spinebuster from Roscoe Shame onto the steel entrance ramp, and three Company members then continue to put the boot into the sVo Tag Team Champion! Boos ring out around the arena until suddenly the arena goes black and the tron flickers on. In icy blue writing the words,

Lo as I walk through the valley of shadow and death
I fear no evil…
For I am the biggest and baddest guy around.

“Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)” by Digable Planets starts to play over the sound system. The writing on the tron fades away as blue sparks flare out on the stage sending the three Company members scattering for cover. As the sparks die down the one and only “The Coolness” Pat Fullam steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The fans pop for the former P:V wrestler as the giant makes his way down the entrance ramp and clotheslines BBD down to the floor! Is Fullam the secret weapon that Paige All Star brought to the sVo to fight the Company last week on Showdown?

Isaac White attacks Fullam from behind with some big punches, however they seem to have no effect on Fullam as he turns and knocks White down to the floor with a big boot to the face! Fullam seems to be the special enforcer to make sure Bond is not screwed out of the sVo World Title tonight! Whilst Fullam fights off White and BBD, Talon and Roscoe Shame have made it down to the ring, and are now brawling around the ringside area. Roscoe Shame seems to be getting the upper hand on Talon as the International Champion slams Talon’s head into the steel ring steps. However before Roscoe Shame can climb into the ring and attack Bond, he is grabbed from behind by Fullam! Fullam spins Roscoe Shame around and pulls him into the air, before slamming him down with a massive chokeslam!

The fans cheer the trademark move from Pat Fullam as Chris Bond rolls out of the ring to check on the condition of his partner Talon, who ran down to make the save! In the ring Night and Nightmare are still down and out. Bond helps Talon up to his feet, however suddenly both men find a hand around their throats! The fan’s can’t believe what they are seeing as Pat Fullam lifts Talon and Bond up into the air, before chokeslamming the sVo Tag Team Champions down to the floor! Fullam has come down to the ring and cleaned house, but has also gone back on Paige All Star and may have cost Chris Bond the match tonight! The fan’s don’t know what to make of Fullam as the giant makes his way back up the entrance ramp, leaving carnage behind him!

The sVo World Champion Night is the first man to his feet as he pulls himself up to his feet using the ring ropes, and grabs hold of Nightmare as he rises up! Night lays into his brother with some big right hands, as a months worth of frustration comes out in some massive punches! Nightmare is forced backwards, before being grabbed by Night and drilled to the ring with the ‘Shining Wizard’! The fans pop for the signature move from Night, who quickly begins to make his own rise to the top rope! Night doesn’t look as unsteady in the air, as he leaps from the top and nails the ‘SSP’ onto Nightmare! Nightmare might be knocked out cold after that move, as Night hooks his brothers leg and makes the cover!




Chris Bond dives in to break the pin fall, just when everyone in the arena thought that the match was over! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd, with some of the fans wanting Night to retain, with the other half wanting Bond to walk out of the sVo tonight as the sVo World Champion!

Bond and Night slowly crawl away to opposite corners of the ring, before staring across at each other, and pulling themselves to a standing position using the ring ropes. The fans cheer as Bond and Night slowly stagger towards each other, before trading right hands in the middle of the ring. Bond’s left arm seems to be hanging painfully, however he lays into Night with some stiff right hands that back the sVo World Champion into the corner of the ring! Bond continues with some kicks and punches on Night, before pulling him out into the middle of the ring. Bond then drills Night down with a Cobra clutch suplex, before hovering over the World Champion waiting for him to rise to his feet.

Night slowly rises up to his feet, but quickly finds himself locked in the ‘Rude Awakening’ by Chris Bond! Bond’s supporters in the crowd rise up to their feet in support of the challenger, who might be walking away with the sVo World Championship belt tonight if Night can’t escape from this finishing move! Night desperately tries to free himself from the move, but Bond keeps it locked in! Night’s arms flail around in panic, and he is finally able to release himself with some stiff back elbows into Bond’s left arm! Night staggers forward trying to catch his breath from the submission hold, as Bond taunts to the crowd! The fans are now all on their feet as Bond lurches forward with the ‘Reality Check’!

It could be all over for the World Champion here…… But No! Night ducks underneath the superkick from Bond! Chris Bond spins around in shock, only to soon find himself down on the mat from the ‘Exploder Suplex’ from Night! Now its Night’s turn to slowly rise up to his feet and taunt to the fans! Night’s fans are on their feet as Chris Bond stumbles forward, and finds himself grabbed by Night. Night pulls Bond up into the air, before running forward and slamming him down with the ‘Dreaming’! There are flashes all around the arena from flashbulbs of cameras as Night executes the finishing move, before dropping down and hooking the leg of Chris Bond!






This one is all over, and its Night who retains his sVo World Championship belt! Deftones’ “Knife Party” blases over the sound system as Night staggers up to his feet following that war with his brother and Chris Bond, and is presented with both the sVo World Championship belts by the referee. Night climbs to the second rope of the nearest turn buckle and holds both sVo World Championship belts high in the air in celebration! As the celebrations by Night continues, Chris Bond slowly begins to rise up to his feet and watch the celebration from the opposite corner of the ring, whilst cradling his left arm in pain. Night turns to celebrate in the opposite corner of the ring…. and walks straight across the path of Chris Bond.

Bond and Night stare each other down as the fans wonder if they are about to get it on once again! The music fades out as Night and Bond seem to be trash talking each other, only to suddenly reach out and shake each others hands. The crowd show their appreciation at the sportsmanship from both men as “You Know My Name” by Chris Cornell hits the sound system, and Chris Bond climbs out of the ring and makes his way back up the entrance ramp. Bond applauds the fans as he walks backwards up the entrance ramp, and the fans return the favour by applauding ‘009’ as he walks out of the Goodfellas Arena and around the sVo curtain…. for possibly that last time. Bond’s music fades out as Deftones’ “Knife Party” hits the sound system again, and Night raises his sVo World Championship belts high in the air as his brother watches on from the outside of the ring. sVo Showcase 2010 comes to an end with the last image being that of a victorious World Champion celebrating with his titles in the middle of the ring.

RESULT: Night def. Chris Bond & Nightmare via pinfall

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