sVo Seasons Beatings
19th December 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada

“Starting Over” by Killswitch Engage hits the sound system as the sVo Seasons Beatings entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Roscoe Shame, Nightmare, Bobby Dean and Grimnir shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the shows of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.Do you remember what we use to have
As if all our dreams were possible
All that existed was you and I
But distance has torn us apart

Forgive me for all that I’ve done wrong
Lead me back to where my heart belongs

Can we start again?
Go back in time to where we started
Can we start again?
What we have can’t be discarded

Do you remember the promises we made
But somehow we have lost our way
Take me back to where my heart belongs
Forever made for every day

I know that you doubt my words
I swear there will never be regret

Can we start again?
We thought love was everlasting
Can we start again?
What we had just can’t be wasted

Silent thoughts were broken
And words that can’t be taken back
But you mean so much more to me
Than anything anything I’ve ever known

And this is the hope for tomorrow
That today you will return

Can we start again?
Go back in time to where we started
Can we start again?
What we have can’t be discarded

Can we start again? Do you remember?
Can we start again?
Can we start again?

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.

LAST WEEK ON SHOWDOWN #65The mysterious Grimnir continues to evade Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean ahead of the Seasons Beatings main event. Will he finally be unmasked tonight?

“Travel Now Journey Infinitely” by Trinacria begins to play over the arena sound system. The dull tones pick up speed as the haunting voice of a woman sings. As the voice reaches full pitch, the arena’s houselights washes out the arena in light before returning to normal, leaving Grimnir standing at the entrance. He starts to slowly walk down as the hammering drums and energy filled riffs grind through to his very last step. He stands at the front of the ring, points up the sky with both hands, slides into the ring and then kneels, looking as if he were praying. He stays there for a moment and then springs up to his feet, ready for action.

The house lights dim and a cheer erupts from the crowd as the Masked Man emerges from the crowd, his hood pulled low over his head. He slowly moves around the ring, climbing up the steel stairs and stepping between the ropes, cautiously eyeing down Grimnir as he moves to the center of the ring. They both begin to circle each other as the referee calls for the bell!

Both men stare each other down, knowing exactly what is on the line in this match. They both lock up and Grimnir comes out in control, wrenching the Masked Man’s arm behind his back before sending him running towards the ropes. The Masked Man rebounds and Grimnir catches him with a spinning sidewalk slam, however it doesn’t keep the Masked Man down for long. Grimnir attempts to apply an arm lock however the Masked Man manages to drive his knee into Grimnir, breaking the hold. Grimnir lurches forwards and the Masked Man climbs to his feet, clotheslining Grimnir to the mat before attempting a pinfall.




Grimnir gets his shoulder up and the Masked Man rolls away into the corner, climbing to his feet and carefully watching his opponent climb to his feet. As Grimnir raises his arms and prepares to go on the offense again, a chorus of boos from the crowd draws his attention. The Mavericks are making their way down the ramp, “Beautiful” Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame, with their sights set on Grimnir! They both slide into the ring and move towards Grimnir, however a sudden attack from the Masked Man sends Bobby Dean tumbling down to the mat! Grimnir and Shame begin to trade blows as the crowd cheers for masked men, however the Mavericks quickly take control of the beat down and send both Grimnir and the Masked Man tumbling down to ringside.

The crowd groans collectively as several Company agents emerge from backstage with Matt Anderson following close behind, screaming at them to apprehend the Masked Man. Ignoring the Mavericks, who are stomping down on a writing Grimnir, they seize the Masked Man and begin to drag him back up the ramp. The agents disappear backstage as Grimnir manages to break free from the Mavericks, diving into the ring. He turns around, his mask slightly askew, inviting both men to step into the ring. They look at each other and nod, climbing into the ring to continue their assault. The edge towards Grimnir, however the arena lights suddenly blink out!

A moment passes…

And another…

Then, slowly, a spotlight begins to shine down on the middle of the ring, revealing one thing; Grimnir’s trademark green and purple mask, with no sign of the number one contender to the title. As the lights return to their usual hue, Shame and Dean look around wildly, wondering just where Grimnir is… and just who he is, as Showdown comes to an end.BACKSTAGE

Q & AThe Seasons Beatings cameras head backstage where head interviewer Candi Cross is standing by with current sVo TapOut Champion Samuel Amos, the first and so far only holder of the belt that can only be won by submission, but can be lost at any minute of any day. Amos has the belt over his shoulder, and seems to be looking around over his shoulder to make sure no one is going to jump out and attack him.

Candi Cross: “Samuel Amos, tonight you face Asesino in a big match for your TapOut Championship….”

Amos quickly holds up his hand to cut off the sVo interviewer before she can continue.

Samuel Amos: “I don’t want to talk about Asesino here tonight. The guy is a joke. He doesn’t even deserve to be in the same ring as me. I have beat Roscoe Shame and I have beat Bobby Dean. Who the hell does Asesino think he is to believe he has a shot of beating me?”

Candi Cross: “Well Asesino has been on a roll on UnSanctioned as of late…”

Samuel Amos: “What beating the likes of that druggy Dave Steel? At the end of the day, I am here tonight to take care of business, and then to go on and win the One Shot rumble in 2011. This TapOut title might be on my shoulder right now, but in 2011 it is going to be joined by the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt after I eliminate every single person from the One Shot match and get my shot against whoever is unlucky enough to walk out of here as World Champion tonight.”

Candi Cross: “Well it is a massive main event tonight. Who do you think will win?”

Samuel Amos: “To be totally honest I don’t give a care in the world. I have already beaten Shame and I have already beaten Dean. If Grimnir wins the belt then I will beat him as well. 2011 will be the year that Samuel Amos becomes sVo World Heavyweight Champion!”

Amos begins to step away from the interview area, however Candi Cross quickly sneaks in one last question.

Candi Cross: “Just quickly Samuel, Matt Anderson asked you two weeks ago if you would like to join the Company. Are you going to respond to him tonight?”

A big grin spreads over the face of the sVo TapOut Champion as he stares back at Candi Cross.

Samuel Amos: “Oh don’t worry. Matt Anderson will get his answer loud and clear tonight.”BACKSTAGE

Returning to the Old Haunts

The camera cuts to the main entrance of the arena where someone who hasn’t stepped foot in the wrestling world for the last few years walks through, black shades over his eyes and dressed in his black suit with green tie and white dress shirt. He has his grey hair pulled back into a ponytail and his goatee trimmed and manicured to perfection. He stops at a vendor stand and looks at the paraphernalia on sale, from t-shirts to foam hands and everything else in-between. He turns to talk to one of the vendors when he hears Matt Anderson behind him, his voice cold and distant.

Anderson: Jay Wildman. I thought I told you to never come back to sVo.

Wildman: Now, is this any way to show me the welcome wagon? You’re going to lash out at me for something which happened… what… almost three years ago? Really?

Anderson: You better have a damn good reason why you’re here tonight. I already have enough on my plate to be concerned about you.

Wildman smiles and holds up a ticket, nodding once as he removes his sunglasses and places them inside of his suit pocket.

Wildman: Isn’t it amazing when an online vendor doesn’t pay attention to a black list? All I had to do was give them my information and they allowed me to PRINT this on my very own printer. And, considering I have some of the finest lawyers in the world at my disposal, you’d be foolish to rescind this ticket. Besides, who else is going to buy one of these fine Roscoe Shame t-shirts?

Anderson: I have my eye on you. Security will be up your ass so much you will have a tough time crapping without me knowing.

Anderson turns around and walks away, leaving Jay Wildman standing in front of the vendor stand with a Roscoe Shame t-shirt in hand. Wildman bellows out to Anderson as he turns the corner.

Wildman: Be sure to get security to investigate why the quality of these t-shirts has gotten worse! I wouldn’t let my dog shit on this thing!“Fighting My Way Back” by Thin Lizzy plays and Rex runs out to the crowd and begins dancing his way to the ring. Rex will pick out some hot chicks and dance with them, then he’ll dance with some old ladies and finally some kids. As Rex is doing his dancing yellow laser light beams are shot down from the top of the arena, making the arena look like a giant night club. Before Rex enters the ring he takes out his black mask in which he wrestles all his matches in. When the mask is on, it means its GO TIME.

‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Nicky Jam Rodriguez steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Nicky Jam holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Nicky Jam towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Nicky Jam struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

With both men in the ring, the bell rings and this match is underway! Rex Fury makes his way slowly towards the giant, and Nicky Jam tries to take the early advantage of the match with a big right hand in the direction of the former Las Vegas Champion. However Rex Fury manages to duck under the big punch from Nicky Jam, before turning and laying into his opponent with some stiff chops across the chest. The fans cheer as the chops echo around the arena. Rex Fury grabs hold of Nicky Jam and tries to send him into the opposite corner of the ring, however Nicky Jam manages to use his strength and send his much smaller opponent into the corner.

With Rex Fury in the corner, Nicky Jam Rodriguez runs at his opponent looking for a big splash, however Rex Fury manages to dive out of the way before the giant can connect. The fans cheer as Nicky Jam hits the corner of the ring hard and staggers back into a chop block from Rex Fury which takes him down to the mat. With Nicky Jam down on the mat Rex Fury begins to lay into his opponents with some stiff stomps and kicks as the giant tries to get up. Nicky Jam finally reaches a standing position and lunges forward to try and grab hold of Rex Fury, however Fury uses his strength to duck away from Nicky Jam. Rex Fury immediately leaps onto the back of his opponent and tries to lock in his ‘Viva Fury’ finishing hold! The fans rise to their feet and cheer, but Rex Fury soon finds himself on the mat thanks to a snapmare counter from Nicky Jam.

Rex Fury rises back up to a standing position and runs at Nicky Jam, but the giant takes him down to the mat with a big head butt. Fury jumps straight back to his feet, only to be scoop slammed down to the mat by Nicky Jam. With Rex Fury down and hurting, Nicky Jam Rodriguez bounces into the ring ropes, before returning to the middle of the ring and hitting a running splash on Rex Fury! The fans boo for the move as Nicky Jam hooks the leg of his opponent to make the cover.




It looked as if it was going to be all over after that painful move, but somehow the former Las Vegas Champion Fury still had enough about him to get a shoulder off of the mat before the three could be counted. Nicky Jam grabs hold of Fury by the hair and pulls his opponent up to a standing position, before sending him hard into the corner of the ring. With Rex Fury in the corner and hurting, Nicky Jam makes his way over and begins to lay into him with big rights and lefts in the corner. The crowd boo loudly at the offence from Rodriguez, who lets Rex Fury stumble out of the corner of the ring, before knocking him to the mat with a big head butt.

Nicky Jam Rodriguez holds his hands in the air to show his dominance, but gets jeered loudly by the fans as Rex Fury struggles to reach a standing position behind the giants back. Nicky Jam waves off the crowd before turning and grabbing him of Fury by the arm. Nicky Jam throws Rex Fury hard into the ring ropes, before knocking him down to the mat with a big boot to the face. With Rex Fury on the mat, Nicky Jam Rodriguez slowly drops down onto his opponent and makes the cover.



Everyone thought it was over right there, but Nicky Jam Rodriguez must have spent too long making the cover as Fury manages to kick out! Nicky Jam Rodriguez rises up to his feet looking livid as he stomps around the ring. The fans boo loudly for the actions of Nicky Jam Rodriguez, and he quickly becomes distracted from his opponent by trash talking with some of the fans at ringside. As Nicky Jam continues to talk trash with some fans in the front row, Rex Fury slowly makes his way to a standing position, before surprising the giant with a dropkick to the back!

The fans cheer loudly as the dropkick sends Nicky Jam Rodriguez up and over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! Nicky Jam Rodriguez rises to his feet on the outside of the ring with an angry look on his face, but things don’t get better for the giant as Rex Fury comes flying through the ropes to hit him with the ‘Kamikaze’! The crowd begin a ‘sVo, sVo’ chant as both men lay motionless on the outside of the ring as the referee checks on them.

Rex Fury is the first man to slowly rise up to his feet, and the fans cheer as he stomps away on the body of Nicky Jam Rodriguez as the giant tries to rise up to a standing position. Nicky Jam finally stands up, and Rex Fury lays into him with some stiff forearm shots to the face before throwing him into the security barrier. The fans cheer loudly as Nicky Jam Rodriguez holds his back in pain whilst Fury taunts to the fans. Fury finally grabs hold of Nicky Jam Rodriguez and rolls him back into the ring as the referee threatens to count the two men out.

Rex Fury climbs up onto the ring apron and grabs hold of the top rope, before slingshotting himself back into the ring with a leg drop onto the body of Nicky Jam Rodriguez! The fans cheer for the big move as Fury wastes no time in hooking the leg of Nicky Jam Rodriguez to make the cover!



Kickout by Nicky Jam Rodriguez!

Rex Fury rises up to his feet as Nicky Jam slowly begins to pull himself up after that near fall. Fury grabs hold of Nicky Jam by the arm and whips him into the ring ropes, however as the big man bounces back he counters with a big boot to the face of Fury! The crowd boo loudly for the move as Fury stumbles up to a standing position, but as he does Nicky Jam Rodriguez hits him with a ‘KO Punch’! Fury drops backwards and it looks like he might be knocked out as Nicky Jam makes the cover on his opponent.




The crowd boo loudly as the three is counted by the referee and Nicky Jam Rodriguez rises up to a standing position. Nicky Jam stands above the knocked out Rex Fury with his hands raised in the air in victory. With the One Shot PPV only a few weeks away, surely the giant Nicky Jam Rodriguez has to be one of the favourites to be able to eliminate the rest of the men in the match at earn a shot at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship?

OUTCOME: Nicky Jam Rodriguez defeats Rex Fury via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Seasons Beatings

Finally making his entrance into the Goodfellas Casino Arena was Colt Cooper and Clarissa English. Cameras already waiting for their arrival. Normally Clive would be here with him, but with the dates with Sarah, Clive is spending most of his time with her, which is the reason Clarissa’s here to be Colt’s escort.

Clarissa::”The date was nice…but the movie afterward was better.”

As you’ve heard the date went through, but there was an eye that Colt likes to call hidden. An old friend of Clara was in the Olive Garden building. He hopes she didn’t see him and Clarissa because of the circumstances that’s sure to happen if she decides to drop by the mansion or give Clara a call.

Colt::”I haven’t had that much fun on date in two years. You really know how to make me laugh.”

Clarissa falls into the arms of Colt’s wrapping her arm around his. As one they walk jittery to his home.

Clarissa::”I just have this big sense of humour. My dad says I get it from my mother.”

Colt::”I’m pretty sure she was a laughable person to be around. Clive is too…but you…you just have that thing majig that makes you hilarious.”

Clarissa::”I’m not that funny.”

Colt::”Watching you clean up that shit was funny.”

Clarissa laughs and taps Colt on his chest in a playful way. He just smiles.

Clarissa::”Heart beating a little fast isn’t it?”

Colt::”What are you talking about?”

Clarissa::”When my hand touched your chest it was beating really fast. Don’t tell me…are you worried about Chris Wrestling?”

Colt snorts stopping Clarissa in her tracks.

Colt::”Worried…not even the least. Besides….their is only one reason why my heart is beating fast.”


Colt looks the camera into the eye. His eyes vindictive.

Colt::’It’s Seasons Beatings.”

Cameras fade out on Colt and Clarissa as they continue to his home.“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as the sVo Tag Team Champions Rey Rosario & Crippler come out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Crippler holds his belt high in the air, before sprinting down and sliding into the ring. Rosario enters underneath the bottom rope and sits down on the corner awaiting the match to start.

“Sinner” by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and there is a cheer as The Corporation team of DJ and Juliana Torres make their way down to the ring! DJ and Torres hold their arms in the air and slap hands with the fans at ringside before climbing into the ring and staring down the Champions.

‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Chezina and Chivo Rodriguez step onto the top of the entrance ramp! Chezina holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Chivo towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Chezina struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

‘Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system, and boos ring out around the arena as the Xtreme Fusion logo hits the giant screen. After a few seconds, the entrance ramp fills with smoke until DVD and Limp step through it and poses for the crowd. The crowd boo the members of Xtreme Fusion as they hold the pose for a few more seconds, before sprinting down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring. DVD poses on the nearest turnbuckle as the music begins to fade out.

The fans in the arena look eager to see this one get underway, with all eight men in the ring and ready to go! The referee is handed the sVo Tag Team Championship belts by the Champions, and he holds them in the air to signal that they will be on the line in tonight’s match! All eight men look up at the Tag Team Championship belts, as the referee attaches them to the hook that is hanging from the ceiling. The arena lights dim as the tag team championship belts are slowly hoisted into the air. All eight men look up at the belts they must retrieve if they want to start 2011 as the Champions, as the action gets underway!

The Rodriguez Brothers quickly make their way across and knock down the Tag Team Champions with big right hands, as Xtreme Fusion attack the Corporation from behind. Chivo begins pounding away on Crippler in the corner of the ring, as Chezina grabs Rosario by the arm and shoots him into the ropes. Rosario bounces back into the middle of the ring, but is drilled with a spinebuster from Chezina! Chivo pulls Crippler up from the corner of the ring and grabs him with both hands around his throat, however Cripper fights his way out with a knee to the face of his opponent. Crippler begins to fire away with big chops on Chivo, until Chezina nails him from behind with a double axe handle.

DVD and Limp lay into Juliana Torres and DJ in opposite corners of the ring with big right hands. The crowd boo their actions loudly as they both grab their opponents arms and try to whip them into the middle of the ring and into each other. However Torres and DJ reverse the move sending DVD and Limp crashing into each other! The fans cheer loudly as the pair collide heads, before being tossed out of the ring by DJ and Torres! DJ and Torres look as if they are here to win the titles as they quickly make their way out of the ring after Xtreme Fusion. The Corporation team lay into Xtreme Fusion on the outside of the ring with big stomps, before grabbing one of the ladders that are positioned ringside!

The fans cheer as DJ and Juliana Torres slide the ladder into the ring, however before they can get back into the ring themselves the ladder is grabbed by Chezina! DJ and Juliana Torres step up onto the ring apron, but Chezina runs at them with the ladder, and knocks them off the apron to the floor with a shot to the face with the ladder! DJ and Juliana Torres look in pain on the outside of the ring, as Chezina sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring under the title belts! Rey Rosario and Crippler try to get back to their feet, however they are quickly knocked down with a clothesline from Chezina and Chivo Rodriguez. The fans boo as the dominant Rodriguez Brothers turn their attentions up towards the Tag Team titles!

Chezina begins to climb up the ladder as Chivo holds the ladder secure in the middle of the ring. It looks as if we are going to have new sVo Tag Team Champions right here, until DVD and Limp slide into the ring with steel chairs in hand! DVD and Limp nail Chivo on either side of his head with the chair, sending the big man down! Chezina sees what has happened to his brother and desperately reaches up to try and pull down the gold, but DVD nails him with a big chair shot to the back! Chezina looks in pain on the ladder, until Limp nails him with another big chair shot to the back and Chezina falls off of the ladder and down to the mat!

The fans cheer the big bump from Chezina, but with DVD and Limp the only two men up in the ring, it looks like we are going to have new Tag Team Champions in the former of Xtreme Fusion! Limp begins to climb the ladder as DVD stands guard at the foot of the ladder with a steel chair in hand! Rosario and Crippler both try to climb up into the ring, but before they can even make it to the ring apron DVD swings a chair in their direction! It looks like no one will be able to stop Limp from unhooking the gold, until DJ leaps up onto the turnbuckle from the outside! The fans cheer as DJ leaps from the turnbuckle, over DVD and his chair and takes Limp off of the ladder with a massive missile dropkick! The fans pop loudly as both DJ and Limp take a massive bump off of the ladder to the mat, with the ladder falling onto them in the process!

DVD quickly tries to take advantage of the situation as he pulls the ladder off of his partner and sets it back up in the middle of the ring, but before he can climb it he is grabbed from behind by Juliana Torres! The Corporate Lady spins DVD around before nailing him with a DDT onto the steel chair! DVD holds his head in pain, as Juliana Torres remains the only person standing in the ring! The fans cheer as Juliana Torres makes her way towards the ladder in the middle of the ring, and begins to climb! Torres manages to get about half way up the ladder, until the Tag Team Champions slide back into the ring! Crippler makes his way towards Juliana Torres, and steps underneath her to position her on his shoulders. Rey Rosario makes his way to the turn buckle and begins to climb, as Crippler steps away from the ladder despite Juliana Torres desperately trying to fight her way off of Crippler’s shoulders. The fans pop loudly as Rey Rosario flies from the top rope and clotheslines Juliana Torres off of Cripplers shoulders with a doomsday device!

What a Rush!

Juliana Torres rolls around on the mat in pain, but Crippler isn’t done with her yet as he locks on the ankle lock! With Torres incapacitated and everyone else down, Rey Rosario begins to climb the ladder towards the tag team titles! On the outside of the ring DVD and Limp seem to be stiring, as they grab hold of one of the other ladders and slide it into the ring. Meanwhile on the other side of the ringside area, DJ has a ladder which he also slides into the ring! DVD and Limp quickly set up their ladder alongside the ladder Rosario is on, and begin to climb! Rosario and DVD trade right hands from across the ladder, whilst Limp climbs up alongside Rey Rosario! Limp grabs hold of Rey Rosario, and takes him down to the mat with a massive side Russian legsweep off of the ladder and down onto the ladder than DJ has slid into the ring! Both men writhe in pain, leaving DVD a clean climb to retrieve the tag team title belts!

DVD slowly reaches up for the belts, but as he does he doesn’t notice DJ quickly climbing up the other side of the ladder! DVD reaches up, but before he can grab the belts and unhook them, he is nailed with a forearm smash to the face by DJ! DVD sways on the ladder, until DJ hits him with another right hand and DVD crashes down off of the ladder to the ring! DVD looks like he might have been broken in half by that fall, as the fans rise to their feet with DJ at the top of the ladder all alone! All he has to do is reach up and unhook the tag team title belts and we have new champions…..

But it seems that DJ has something else on his mind as he stares down at the body of DVD below him. DJ suddenly signals to the crowd, before leaping off of the top of the ladder and nailing the DJ splash onto DVD! The crowd begin a ‘sVo, sVo, sVo’ chant, and now all eight competitors in the match are seemingly down and out!

The first two to make their way back to the ring are Crippler and Juliana Torres, and it looks like it is going to be a straight race to the top of the ladder between the Canadian Connection and the Corporation to see who is walking out as the Tag Team Champions! Torres and Crippler both slowly climb up from opposite sides of one of the ladders, until they meet at the top. Torres and Crippler both exchange big right hands trying to knock their opponent off of the top of the ladder, as the fans cheer on who they want to win the match! It looks like Torres is gaining the advantage, until Crippler comes back strong with some right hands of his own.

Suddenly there are boos in the arena as Chivo and Chezina Rodriguez roll back into the ring! The giant Rodriguez Brothers begin to climb the ladder that is next to the one that Torres and Crippler are standing on! Crippler and Torres are too busy dealing with each other, and don’t even notice Chezina and Chivo until they are both grabbed around the throat! Chezina and Chivo both look at each other, before pulling Crippler and Torres off of the ladder one handed and chokeslamming them down to the mat!

Torres and Crippler hit the mat hard, as Chivo and Chezina survey the carnage around them, before looking up at the Tag Team title belts! Chezina and Chivo both slowly reach up, and unhook the belts before pulling them down off of the hook!

‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit blasts over the sound system as Chezina and Chivo Rodriguez stand on top of the ladder with the tag team championship belts in their hands! After that war we have new Champions in the form of the giant Rodriguez Brothers, but will any of the eight competitors ever be the same again?

OUTCOME: The Rodriguez Brothers become NEW sVo Tag Team ChampionsBACKSTAGE

Miss Me?We see Amos limbering up in a weights room, deep within Goodfellas Arena. Suddenly, Ethan Rider storms in, furious once more after another argument with Matt Anderson.

“Woah, Hey Amos.”

Ethan spots the TapOut title resting loosely by the side of the room. Rider grabs it, swinging it towards Amos’ temple, but the TapOut champon ducks, elbowing Ethan in the side of the head and sending the “Mockingjay” reeling. Ethan whirls around, clocking Amos square in the face ith the front of the belt, drawing blood and knocking him to the floor.

Ethan grasps Amos’ hand, cinching in a tight wrist lock!

Amos quickly reaches for his taser with his other hand.. securing it.. and burying it into the side of his opponent delivering a few quick jolts causing Rider to break the hold, allowing him to escape!

Amos: “You son of a bitch!”

Sam trips up Rider and lays a boot into his chest. He then checks his face for blood, and when his palm comes back red.. he becomes enraged. He lays one boot after another into Rider’s chest, not allowing him to get up.

Amos: “I’m SICK of your SHIT RIDER!!”

Amos grabs the TapOut belt as if he is going to use it as a weapon. Suddenly, Amos hears more challengers entering the weights room.. and decides it’s better to be safe than sorry.. and leaves Rider to fend for himself as he takes off running.

A group of paramedics rush into the room, obviously having been notified of the scuffle by management. Rider collapses into their grasps and they hoist him onto a stretcher, only for Ethan to roll off, trying to refuse their aid.

“Damn it Sam…”

He hands-off one paramedic, who hands him a bottle of water, a grimace crossing the Mockingjays face as he takes a gulp.

“I’m going to take that fucking belt from his hands if its the last thing I do.”“Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as Samuel Amos walks out with the TapOut Championship and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring, handing the title away to the referee.

Boos begin to ring out around the arena as the entrance ramp lights up and “Headstrong” by Trapt hits the sound system. On the sVo-Tron highlights of Asesino’s sVo greatest moments play as Asesino slowly makes his way out from the backstage area and down the entrance ramp. Asesino stares out the crowd as he walks, before rolling into the ring. Asesino walks around the ring looking out at those in the crowd who are booing him, before jumping up onto the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle and taunting to the fans by throwing them an ironic kiss.

Amos and Asesino lock up with Asesino coming out on top and executing a go-behind, however Amos quickly turns around and takes control seizing both of Asesino’s wrists and applying pressure to the nubs of bone, causing Asesino to drop down onto one knee. Asesino remains in that position for a moment before driving his shoulder forwards into Amos’s stomach. Amos kneels over and Asesino rises back to his feet, shaking the pain out of his wrists before grabbing Amos and sending him running towards the ropes. Amos rebounds and knocks Asesino down with a lariat before applying a Texas Cloverleaf.

Asesino grunts in pain before managing to crawl to the ropes, forcing Amos to release the hold. Amos immediately drags Asesino away from the ropes and instead applies an armbar. This time Asesino manages to get his foot up onto the ropes and again the referee orders Amos to release the hold. Amos pounds his forearms down onto Asesino’s torso before attempting to lock in another armbar however Asesino manages to twist away. Amos finally loses his patience and pulls Asesino to his feet, hitting a huge spinning powerslam.

Asesino climbs to his feet and as Amos attempts to do the same launches himself through the air and takes out the challenger to his title with a big Yakuza kick. Asesino drags Amos to the edge of the apron, sticking his head underneath the bottom rope and off the edge of the ring before climbing to the outside and driving his elbow down, guillotine-style. Amos’s head snaps backwards and Asesino rolls back into the ring, dragging him to the middle of the canvas and trying to applying a leglock, however Asesino kicks him away.

Asesino climbs to his feet bleeding slightly from his nose and throws Asesino into the corner, letting out a roar before charging forwards and driving his knee into Asesino’s gut before climbing to the top rope. Amos soars through the air and connects with a diving headbutt, before hooking Asesino’s leg and applying an ankle lock! Asesino screams and lunges towards the ropes however Amos drags him back towards the middle of the ring. Asesino struggles for several more moments before twisting his body around and kicking Amos in the stomach.

Amos stumbles while Asesino staggers to the corner favouring his ankle, looking spent. Both men stagger back to the middle of the ring and trade a series of forearm blows before Amos abruptly manages to hit an STO. He wastes no time in applying a sharpshooter, nearly bending Asesino in half. Asesino again attempts to escape but Amos now has the hold held in fast. Asesino holds out for several more moments until…




This one is all over and it’s Samuel Amos who scores the victory over Asesino via submission to retain his sVo TapOut Championship belt! Amos rises up to his feet and is presented with the TapOut Championship belt, which he raises in the air in victory.

OUTCOME: Samuel Amos defeats Asesino via submissionRINGSIDE

The AnswerAs Amos celebrates in the middle of the ring with his title belt, there is suddenly a loud boo from the crowd as ‘Real Solution #9’ by White Zombie hits the sound system! The fans know what is coming and so does Samuel Amos as he stares up at the top of the entrance stage. After a few seconds the Company leader Matt Anderson slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp, flanked by the sVo International Champion Colt Cooper and the sVo Las Vegas Champion James Von Drake. The three men stand confidently soaking in the boos, before slowly making their way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

Amos stands his ground in the middle of the ring as Anderson, Cooper and JVD make a big deal of stepping up onto the ring apron, and showing off their power and gold to the crowd. The Company men finally step into the ring as Matt Anderson is handed a microphone.

Matt Anderson: “A few weeks ago I came to you Amos. I stretched out the Company hand to you and invited you to join.”

The crowd boo loudly, and Samuel Amos looks across at the three men facing him.

Matt Anderson: “It’s not an invitation that goes out to anyone. It’s an invitation that goes out to Champions like Colt Cooper and James Von Drake. It’s an offer that goes out to the best in the business like Nightmare. If you join us Samuel, you could become the best in the business… You could achieve that goal of becoming the sVo World Heavyweight Champion…”

Anderson leaves the words hanging in the air for a few seconds as he looks across at Amos, who seems to be considering the offer.

Matt Anderson: “So what is it going to be Amos. Are you going to sign up to greatness, or are you going to rot like all those who have opposed us before? Are you friend or foe?”

Amos stares across at the three men and their impressive amount of gold, before looking down at his own sVo TapOut Championship belt. Amos slowly walks around the ring and picks up a microphone of his own, with the fans chanting what they make of the offer of the Company.

Samuel Amos: “Your right Anderson, I do want that World Heavyweight Championship belt. I do want to sign up to greatness….”

A big smile spreads over the faces of Matt Anderson, JVD and Colt Cooper.

Samuel Amos: “But I am going to do it by winning One Shot in January, and not be living off of you sorry son of a bitches!”

The fans pop at the announcement from Samuel Amos, as he stares across at Anderson with a smile on his face. Anderson looks shocked for a few seconds, until all of a sudden he springs forward and smashes Amos in the head with the microphone! Amos quickly attacks Anderson with right hands, but before he can get any good shots in on the boss the numbers game catches up with him as JVD and Colt Cooper take him down. The crowd boo loudly as JVD and Colt Cooper double team Samuel Amos down to the mat, before JVD nails him with a Dollar Drop! Amos tries bravely to get to his feet, but before he can, Colt Cooper smashes him in the back of the head with the Colt of Conduct!

With Samuel Amos down and possibly knocked out after those two finishing moves, Asesino stares at what is going on from the outside of the ring. Matt Anderson notices the stare of Asesino, and pulls JVD and Colt Cooper away with a smile on his face. Asesino quickly grabs hold of the referee that has just officiated his match, and throws him back into the ring!

It looks like Asesino is ready to take advantage of the Company attacking Samuel Amos and the fact that the TapOut Championship belt has to be defended at all times!With Amos down on the mat, Anderson and the rest of the Company just watch as Asesino locks on a Boston crab on the TapOut Champion! With no movement from the knocked out Amos, the referee raises his hand in the air, and it drops to the mat.

The referee once again raises Amos’ hand in the air, and the fans boo loudly as it drops down to the mat a second time. If it happens once more we will have a new sVo TapOut Champion right here….

The referee once again grabs the hand of Amos and lifts it up into the air, but it falls down to the mat one last time! The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung, and we finally have a new sVo TapOut Champion! Asesino releases the hold on Amos, and the referee presents the belt to ‘the Assassin!’ Asesino quickly bails out of the ring with the belt and backs up the entrance ramp in celebration!

OUTCOME: Asesino defeats Samuel Amos via KO to become the NEW sVo TAPOUT CHAMPION!BACKSTAGE

Stealing what isn’t yours?

The camera shows the still masked Grimnir walking into his locker room, gym bag slung over his shoulder and looking as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. He tosses aside the bag to the floor and walks over to the bathroom to go relieve his bladder. Moments later, Jay Wildman appears at the door frame with a smile on his face and a back stage pass around his neck, looking at the bag. He walks in, unzips the bag and fishes around for a few heartbeats before finding what he is looking for. Wildman pulls out the piece of paper and nods his head once, folding it up and placing it in his pocket as he hears the toilet flush. Wildman scrambles out of the locker room as Grimnir walks out of the bathroom, completely unaware of what transpired.“Stand Up” – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

The lights dim out quickly and suddenly, and the cacophany of chatter from the audience falls to silence. The opening bars of ‘Forsaken’ by Skillet hits out over the PA System and a single jet of Golden pyro erupts from the stage, the light from it illuminating a lone, solitary, dark figure. Ethan Rider is dressed in a long trench coat and his usual ring trunks, black with a tint of metallic silver. ‘Rider’ is written in gold lettering on the cuffs of the coat and the right leg of the trunks. Ethan gives a small smirk and straightens up, the lights slightly returning so he is visible. He walks to the ring, only slightly acknowledging the audience with the occasional nod. When he reaches the ringside area, he stands still, staring at the ring as two officials come forward and carefully remove the coat, producing a series of wolf-whistles from the females as he exposes his well defined, ‘Sexy’ abdomen and pectoral. He bounces on the spot a bit, warming up for the match, before sliding into the ring, just after a single flash of golden pyro shoots just millimetres over his shoulder. Bouncing off the ropes and raising two fingers up in front of him, giving another small smirk as the lights return.

The two tag team partners stare across the ring at each other as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this match is officially underway! Rider and The Teacher slowly make their way towards each other, before tying up in the middle of the ring. Ethan Rider begins to push The Teacher backwards, but The Teacher manages to grab Rider by the arm and twist him into a wrist lock. Rider tries to twist and turn his way out of the wrist lock, before he is able to turn the move back onto The Teacher. The Teacher counters with a fireman’s carry takedown, but Rider quickly rises up to his feet.

The Teacher runs at Rider looking for a clothesline, but Rider ducks under the clothesline and bounces into the ropes, before hitting Teacher with a flying shoulder block in the middle of the ring. The Teacher stumbles up to his feet and Ethan Rider backs him into the corner with some knife edge chops which echo around the arena. Suddenly The Teacher manages to reverse the situation as he grabs Rider by the arm and throws him into the corner, before opening up on him with some stiff body punches. The Teacher then grabs Rider by the hair and pulls him away from the corner, before taking him down with a suplex. The Teacher keeps the front face locked on Rider and pulls him straight back to his feet, before suplexing him down to the mat once again and floating over to make the cover.



Ethan Rider manages to kick out.

The Teacher grabs Ethan Rider by the hair and throws him hard into the ring ropes. Rider bounces into the middle of the ring, and The Teacher nails him with a knee to the midsection which causes Rider to flip over and land on his back on the mat. With Rider down on the mat, The Teacher drops an elbow down onto his tag team partner, before locking on a cross knee chinlock.

The referee asks Ethan Rider if he wants to submit, but the reluctant Company member shakes his head and desperately tries to reach out for the bottom rope. The Teacher tries to tighten the hold obviously looking for a submission victory, however Ethan Rider is able to finally make it to the ropes before having to tap out. The Teacher releases the hold on Ethan Rider before allowing him back to his feet. Rider runs at The Teacher, but he is grabbed and tossed down to the mat with a single leg shoulder throw before The Teacher once again makes a cover on his tag team partner.




The fans cheer as Ethan Rider once again manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat. The Teacher grabs Rider by the head and pulls him to a standing position, but suddenly Rider knocks away the hands of the Teacher before firing away on him with some big right hands! Rider knocks Teacher into the ring ropes with the punches, before grabbing him by the arm and shooting him into the opposite ropes. The Teacher bounces back, and Ethan Rider knocks him down to the mat with a spinning heel kick.

The Teacher staggers up to a standing position, but Ethan Rider quickly takes him down to the mat with a cradle suplex. The fans cheer the big move from Ethan Rider, who looks to be building momentum in the match! The Teacher looks to have hurt his back as he pulls himself up using the ring ropes, but Ethan Rider goes straight back to work on him with some big kicks. Rider grabs The Teacher by the arm and tries to send him into the corner of the ring, however The Teacher manages to reverse the whip and send Rider hard into the corner. The Teacher runs at Ethan Rider in the corner of the ring, and manages to hit a magnificent springboard DDT in the corner on Rider!

With Rider down on the mat, the fans begin to cheer as The Teacher rises up to his feet and looks to the corner of the ring. The Teacher slowly begins to climb the ring ropes and as he stands on the top rope, it looks as if he is ready to end this one with his trademark frogsplash! However before The Teacher can hit the move, his tag team partner seems to know what is coming as he suddenly throws himself into the ropes to cause the Teacher to lose his balance! The Teacher lands on a painful submission position on the top rope, until Ethan Rider jumps up and takes him down with a ‘dragonrana’ off the top rope!

The fans cheer for the big move from Ethan Rider as both men slowly rise to a standing position. The Teacher stumbles forward, but as he does Ethan Rider jumps up and takes him down to the mat with a Crucifix head scissor into the cover!




It looked like Ethan Rider had the match won there, but somehow The Teacher gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Ethan Rider pulls himself to a standing position, and the fans cheer loudly for the efforts of the reluctant Company member. Rider quickly grabs hold of The Teacher and takes him down to the mat with a Northern Lights suplex into a cover, but once again Rider only manages to get a two count before The Teacher kicks out.

The Teacher gets back to his feet and aims a clothesline at Rider, but Rider ducks under the arm of The Teacher and sends him into the ropes. The Teacher bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Ethan Rider hits a massive Head scissor ! The fans cheer the move, but as The Teacher tries to climb back to his feet, Ethan Rider follows it up with a ‘Silent Nightmare’ onto the back of his head!

With The Teacher down on the mat, the fans cheer as Ethan Rider climbs up to a standing position, and taunts to the fans. The fans rise to their feet as Ethan Rider stands behind his opponent, ready to drill him with his finishing move. The Teacher finally rises up and Rider grabs him looking for the ‘Darkrise’, however The Teacher manages to counter with some back elbows to the side of Rider’s face! Rider staggers away, but as he turns back around The Teacher knocks him down with a big dropkick!

Rider gets back to his feet, but as he does The Teacher grabs hold of him and takes him down to the mat with an arm trap neckbreaker! The fans cheer for the impressive move from The Teacher, and with Ethan Rider down on the mat, Teacher tries to lock on the ‘A Plus’! The fans cheer at the sight of the submission move, but before The Teacher can lock it on, Ethan Rider desperately rolls out of the grip of The Teacher. The Teacher runs at Rider looking for a clothesline, but Rider ducks under the arm of his opponent before nailing him with a kick to the midsection. The Teacher doubles over from the kick, and Ethan Rider takes him down with a ‘Darkrise’! The fans cheer for the big finishing move from Ethan Rider, as he makes the cover on The Teacher!




This one is all over, and it’s Ethan Rider who picks up the win over The Teacher to earn himself a shot at the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt! The referee raises Ethan Rider’s hand in the air in victory, but Rider quickly makes his way over The Teacher to check on his tag team partner who he has just defeated.

OUTCOME: Ethan Rider defeats The Teacher via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Flashing LightsThe sVo cameras return from the commercial break and head straight to the backstage area where The Teacher is being loaded into an ambulance with a brace around his neck. A worried looking Ethan Rider is by the side of his tag team partner as the medical staff treat the sVo star in the back of the ambulance.

The doors to the vehicle then slowly shut and the blue lights and sirens start up as the ambulance makes it’s way out of the arena and to the nearest hospital.“Last Resort” hits the sound system and on the big screen we see highlights of Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling. Then Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling comes out with a huge smirk on his face, trying to prevent the crowd from touching him.

“Ladies and Gentlemen” by Saliva hits the sound system and there are boos all around for Colt Cooper as his entrance video hits the sVo-Tron. After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his normal cocky smile. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his chest taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, and gives the middle finger to the fans of sVo who don’t like him.

Colt Cooper hands the sVo International Championship belt to the referee, who holds it high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in the upcoming contest between the Champion Colt Cooper and the challenger Chris Wrestling. Both Wrestling and Cooper stare at the belt as it gleams under the arena lights, before the referee hands it to the outside of the ring. With both men in the ring and ready to go, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to get underway!

Chris Wrestling slowly makes his way forward towards the Champion and tries to tie up with Colt Cooper, however Cooper counters with some stiff kicks to his opponent. The kicks knock Chris Wrestling backwards into the corner of the ring, and Colt Cooper follows up with a dropkick to the face of his opponent. Chris Wrestling quickly makes his way towards Colt Cooper as he taunts to the fans, and as Colt Cooper aims a big kick at his opponent, Wrestling grabs his leg and takes him down to the mat with a single leg takedown! The fans cheer the big move from the Canadian as he tries to lock in a leg lock on Colt Cooper, only for the Champion to kick his way out.

Chris Wrestling quickly rises back to his feet and grabs Colt Cooper in a waist lock looking for a German suplex, but Colt Cooper manages to counter with a snapmare takedown onto his opponent. With Chris Wrestling in a seated position, Colt Cooper bounces back into the ring ropes before hitting a diving dropkick to the back of Wrestling’s head. The fans boo the move from the former fan favourite as Colt Cooper rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans. Chris Wrestling begins to rise up to a standing position, but Colt Cooper begins to lay into him with some stiff forearm shots to the face, before shooting him into the ring ropes. Chris Wrestling bounces back into the middle of the ring, only for Colt Cooper to take him down with a spear! With Chris Wrestling down and hurting, Colt Cooper quickly hooks the leg of his opponent to make the cover.




Chris Wrestling kicks out!

Colt Cooper looks angrily at the referee as he rubs his elbow in the face of Chris Wrestling as he tries to rise to his feet. The crowd boo the cocky Colt Cooper as Chris Wrestling tries to rise up, only for Cooper to grab him in a side headlock. Colt Cooper tries to squeeze the life out of his opponent as the referee asks Chris Wrestling if he would like to quit. Chris Wrestling quickly says no, as he tries hard to fight out of the hold as Colt Cooper continues to try and wear down his opponent.

The crowd begin to get behind Chris Wrestling as the challenger slowly begins to react to the fans reaction and force his way up to a standing position! Colt Cooper desperately tries to keep the hold locked in, but Chris Wrestling manages to nail Colt Cooper with some hard elbow shots to the midsection, before taking him down to the mat with a twisting neckbreaker! The fans cheer the big move from Chris Wrestling, as Colt Cooper pulls himself up to his feet. Colt Cooper runs at Chris Wrestling, but the challenger sends the Champion back to the mat with a scoop slam, before dropping an elbow on Cooper.

The fans cheer Chris Wrestling as he gets back to his feet and taunts his opponent to do the same. Colt Cooper slowly rises up to a standing position, and throws a right hand in the direction of Wrestling. Wrestling ducks under the arm of Colt Cooper and grabs hold of him in a waist lock, before taking him down to the mat with a German suplex! The fans cheer the big move from Chris Wrestling, who keeps his arms locked around the waist of Colt Cooper as he pulls him back up before repeating the move! Colt Cooper looks in pain as Chris Wrestling once again repeats the German suplex to make it three in a row, this time bridging into a cover!



Kickout from Colt Cooper!

Chris Wrestling cannot believe it as he slowly rises back up to his feet. Colt Cooper holds his neck in pain as he rolls out of the ring to put some distance between himself and his opponent. The fans boo loudly the actions of Colt Cooper, but Chris Wrestling doesn’t look like he is in the mood to waste any time as he drops down and rolls under the bottom rope to the outside! Chris Wrestling grabs hold of Colt Cooper by the back of the head and slams the Company man face first into the security barrier. The fans cheer as Colt Cooper staggers back holding his face in pain, and Chris Wrestling clotheslines him down onto the hard floor!

The referee tells both men to take it back into the ring, but Chris Wrestling looks intent on beating the hell out of the cocky International Champion as he lays into him with some big mounted punches! The crowd cheer every punch from Chris Wrestling, until he finally pulls Colt Cooper up to a standing position and rolls him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Chris Wrestling then climbs into the ring himself and nails Cooper with a running forearm smash to the face. Colt Cooper slowly makes his way up to a standing position, but Chris Wrestling once again grabs him by the arm and shoots him into the ropes. Colt Cooper catches the top rope to stop himself bouncing back to Wrestling in the middle of the ring, but Chris Wrestling runs at Colt Cooper and clotheslines him over the top rope and to the outside!

The fans cheer the offence from Chris Wrestling as he stands tall in the middle of the ring taunting to the fans, but on the outside Colt Cooper looks like he has had enough! Colt Cooper grabs hold of his sVo International Championship belt from ringside, before climbing back into the ring! The fans boo loudly as Colt Cooper looks at Chris Wrestling ready to hit him with the belt, but before he can the referee grabs it out of his hands! The fans cheer loudly for the referee, who turns to hand the belt back to the outside of the ring. However Colt Cooper quickly takes advantage of the referee having his back turned with a low blow on Chris Wrestling! Chris Wrestling staggers forward, and Colt Cooper takes him down to the mat with a ‘Diamond in the Ruff’! The fans boo loudly for the cocky Champion as he makes the cover on his challenger.




Colt Cooper can’t believe it! It looked like it was all over after that move, but Chris Wrestling somehow kicked out! The fans cheer loudly as Colt Cooper jumps up to his feet and begins to kick the ring ropes in frustration. The fans boo loudly for the actions of Colt Cooper, who a month ago was one of their favourite wrestlers until he turned his back on Joseph Equinox and sided with the Company. Chris Wrestling slowly staggers up to his feet and grabs hold of Colt Cooper from behind. Wrestling spins Cooper around and grabs him in a front face lock looking for a suplex, but as he lifts the Champion into the air, he shows off his athleticism by jumping down the back of Chris Wrestling! Before Wrestling can even turn around, Colt Cooper takes him down to the mat with an STO. Chris Wrestling begins to crawl up from the move, but Colt Cooper bounces into the ropes for extra momentum before nailing him with the ‘Colt of Conduct’ to the face! Chris Wrestling drops down to the mat and Colt Cooper makes the cover.




It’s all over and Colt Cooper is still the sVo International Champion! The fans boo loudly as Colt Cooper rises up to his feet and cockily taunts to the fans. The referee grabs the title belt from the outside of the ring and goes to present it to Cooper, however Cooper rips the belt from the hands of the referee before shoving him down to the mat! The fans continue to boo as Colt Cooper makes his way up the nearest turnbuckle and celebrates with his championship belt.

OUTCOME: Colt Cooper defeats Chris Wrestling via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Looking Out for Number One

The skybox overlooking Goodfellas Casino once again houses Matt Anderson, enjoying a drink and a cigar as he oversees the show and attempts to relax and remove himself from the chaos for just a moment.

No such luck.

A commotion is heard outside and he half grimaces/half smiles to himself as he swiftly moves to the door and opens it, stepping aside as the red and black boot of Nightmare crashes through where the door sat closed, behind him in the hallway lay two Company agents.

Matt Anderson: “Nightmare.”

He says with an acknowledging nod, the masked man stands motionless facing his employer.

Matt Anderson: “I always enjoy when you drop by – you’ll forgive me for opening the door this time, it gets tedious replacing them after each of your visits.”

Nightmare: “Your door is the least of your concerns, Anderson.”

Matt Anderson: “I also wanted to thank you in advance on The Company’s behalf for taking care of the whole Alex Brooks situation for us…”

Nightmare: “Yeah, about that… I actually came here to tell you something. I had no interest in pursuing Alex Brooks tonight until he became too persistent a thorn in my side for me to ignore. I’m going to squash him tonight because I want to… not because you told me to. When I was paid and happy, I would have… hell, I DID take out anyone you told me to.”

He moves in close, his dark expression evident despite his mask.

Nightmare: “Anyone. My brother. My mentor.”

Without warning the masked man shoves Anderson back – the sVo manager slamming back-first into the wall.

Nightmare: “I’ve come here tonight to tell you that my priority is getting myself a shot at the World Title. I thought you guys were on top – I thought The Company wanted to DOMINATE the sVo… clearly not as you’re allowing yourselves – the so-called ‘controlling faction of the sVo’ to go unrepresented in tonight’s World Title matchup. I’ve beaten everyone you’ve thrown in front of me.

After I destroy Alex Brooks tonight you and I are going to have a little chat and things are going to change. Rest assured, this is the last problem I will solve until I feel my efforts are being noticed and properly compensated…”

With a final forceful shove, the masked terror from Japan turns and stalks out of the skybox. With a sigh of relief Anderson slams the door shut behind him and moves to the couch, slumping down on it and taking a few quick puffs on his cigar. He is jolted by a loud crash from behind him as Nightmare stands with a menacing smirk having kicked the door open and off its hinge.”

Nightmare: “It just didn’t feel right me leaving without doing that.”

Once again he turns and vanishes down the corridor.With special guest referee Serenity already standing in the ring in a tight cut referees shirt, “Money” by Pink Floyd hits the pa system as Howard “The Bank” Thompson steps out from the backstage area and onto the top of the ramp way in front of a titantron. Thompson sports a pair of black boots, red knee pads, a white pair of wrestling trunks with a dollar sign on it in green as well as white wrist tape. Howard struts his stuff down the ramp way with the fans booing him like crazy. Howard has a sparkling green robe on that he takes off as soon as he enters the ring. He stands up in a corner and stretches as his music begins to fade now.

“Talkin 2 Myself” by Eminem begins to play. Smoke begins to fill the stage as the lights dim to near darkness. A beam of bright white light shines from the stage. As the light begins to dim, Joseph Equinox can be seen standing at the top of the stage with smoke foating all around him. Equinox moves to the top of the ramp and stops before he flails his arms out to the side of him and a pyro lightning bolt fires down and strikes him. The spotlights loom over where Equinox was standing but he is no longer there. All of a sudden 4 more lighting bolts crash down on each corner of the ring and the arena lights change to a dark blue. And there standing in the ring is Equinox with smoke now floating around the ring. Joseph Equinox then looks up the ramp and takes off his shades as he stares across at his former girlfriend and former best friend.

Thompson quickly springs forward before the bell can even be rung and nails Equinox with a cheap shot to the face! The crowd boo loudly for the actions of the ‘Bank’ as he fires away with some big right hands on Equinox in the corner of the ring as Serenity calls for the bell to be rung and the match to officially get underway. Thompson continues to hit big rights on Equinox in the corner of the ring, until Equinox ducks under the arm of his opponent and grabs him by the wrist. Equinox shoots Thompson hard into the opposite corner of the ring, before running at him and nailing him with a big clothesline as he staggers out of the corner.

Thompson staggers up to his feet looking like he is wondering what just hit him, but Equinox jumps straight back onto his opponent with a snap suplex to take his former best friend down to the mat. With Thompson on the mat, Equinox begins to hit him with some big mounted punches. The fans cheer every punch from Equinox, until Thompson rolls his opponent over and hits some mounted punches of his own. Both men stumble back up to a standing position, and both lurch forward towards each other before tying up with each other. As if they are two bulls trying to impress Serenity, both men try and push the other backwards in a big test of strength, before Thompson breaks it off with a knee to the midsection of his opponent.

Equinox doubles over in pain from the knee from Thompson, who takes advantage with a arm drag takedown onto his opponent. With Equinox down on the mat, Thompson bounces into the ring ropes before returning to hit a big knee drop onto his opponent. With Equinox down on the mat, Thompson quickly presses his opponents shoulders down to make a cover.



Somehow Equinox manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat despite the lightning fast count from the special guess referee! The fans boo loudly for the quick count from Serenity, as Thompson rises up to his feet shaking his head. Equinox tries to get back to a standing position, but Thompson quickly grabs hold of him in a side head lock. Equinox tries to twist and turn out of the hold, however Thompson keeps it locked on and begins to squeeze the life out of his opponent. The crowd are firmly behind Equinox as they chant his name, and the former Tag Team Champion tries to respond to their support by powering up to a standing position. However Thompson cuts short their celebrations with a side headlock takedown to bring Equinox right back down to the mat!

Thompson lays into Equinox with some big right hands, before rolling up to a standing position. Thompson cockily taunts to the fans, but gets nothing but boos from the sold out crowd who are firmly behind Joseph Equinox in this match up! Thompson waves off the fans as Joseph Equinox slowly begins to pull himself up to a standing position. Equinox looks unsteady on his feet, but before he can do anything Thompson nails him out of no where with the ‘Bank Drop’! The fans boo loudly for the big finishing move from Howard Thompson, who again makes the cover!




Howard Thompson and Serenity both stare at Joseph Equinox in shock as the crowd erupt into cheers! How did Joseph Equinox kick out of that?

Howard Thompson quickly jumps to his feet and berates Serenity for not doing another fast count, before climbing through the ring ropes to the outside of the ring. The fans begin to boo loudly as Howard Thompson grabs a steel chair from the ring announcer, before rolling back into the ring with it! This match isn’t no DQ, but Serenity looks as if she is going to turn a blind eye as Howard Thompson stands over Joseph Equinox with the steel chair!

Equinox begins to get to his feet, but before Thompson can hit him he suddenly leaps up and lands a E.M.P on Thompson, sending the chair back into the face of his opponent! The fans cheer loudly for the move as both men lay on the mat motionless. Instead of counting both men down, Serenity rushes across to check on Howard Thompson, as Equinox slowly rises up to a standing position. Equinox makes his way across to Thompson and shoves Serenity out of the way, before laying into his former best friend with big right hands. Thompson desperately tries to crawl out of the ring to escape the man who’s girlfriend he stole, but Equinox has other ideas as he grabs him by the hair!

Equinox pulls Thompson up to a standing position, before slamming him down to the mat with a t-bone suplex! With Thompson down on the mat, Equinox rises up to a standing position and signals to the crowd! The crowd rise to their feet in anticipation, as Equinox leaps forward and lands his own version of Thompson’s finishing move on him, the ‘Academic Probation’! The fans cheer the big move from Equinox as he makes the cover on Howard Thompson.

Equinox looks up, but Serenity is standing over him and shaking her head! The fans boo loudly as the girlfriend of Howard Thompson looks like she is going to screw over her former boyfriend Equinox again by not counting the cover! Equinox leaps up to a standing position and grabs hold of Serenity by the hair! The fans cheer loudly as Equinox trash talks his former girlfriend, before setting her in position for the ‘Karma’! However there is a big boo around the arena as Howard Thompson dives in and breaks it up with a low blow on Joseph Equinox. Equinox stumbles backwards, and Thompson once again connects with the ‘Bank Drop’! With Equinox down and out Thompson makes the cover as Serenity drops in to make the fast count.




This one is all over, and Joseph Equinox has been screwed out of the match by Howard Thompson and Serenity! The crowd continue to boo loudly as Thompson and Serenity rise up to their feet, and embrace over the downed body of Joseph Equinox.

OUTCOME: Howard Thompson defeats Joseph Equinox via pinfallBACKSTAGE

The Golden HandshakeThere are boos ringing around the sold out Goodfellas Casino arena as Seasons Beatings returns from a commercial break to the sound of ‘Real Solution #9’ by White Zombie blasting over the sound system. The fans know that music can only mean one thing, and sure enough after a few seconds the onimoius figure of Company man Matt ‘Anarchy’ Anderson appears at the top of the entrance ramp, suited and booted as always. Anderson stares out at the sold out crowd from beneath his trademark wrap around shades, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp for the second time tonight.

Anderson seems to have a purpose in his walk as he ignores everyone at ringside, and slowly steps up the steel ring steps and into the ring. Anderson parades around the ring for a few seconds as if to show it is his, before receiving a microphone from the ring announcer. Anderson stands in the middle of the ring and waits for the music and the boos to die down before addressing the crowd.

Matt Anderson: “I am out here to finally expose one man to the world…”

The fans boo instantly, knowing just which masked stranger the head honcho of the sVo is talking about.

Matt Anderson: “This man thinks it’s cool to run around with a mask covering his face. He thinks its cool to perpetrate sneak attack after sneak attack on the Company…”

The crowd cheer loudly, showing that they think it’s cool as well. Anderson scowls at the reaction before continuing.

Matt Anderson: “When at the end of the day he is only doing it because he doesn’t have the balls to come out and face me like a man.”

There is somewhat of a silence in the arena as everyone looks around, waiting to see if the masked man will finally step out of the shadows to meet the challenge of Anderson head on.

Matt Anderson: “Nathan Paradine has got it all wrong. He seems to think that this masked man is going to come out here and save the sVo from the big evil Company. He thinks that the masked man is some kind of hero that is going to take the sVo back to the way it was. He thinks the masked man’s identity is a secret to us!”

Anderson laughs in the middle of the ring, as the crowd stare at him in confusion.

Matt Anderson: “Paradine, you couldn’t be more wrong. The Company has known all along who the Masked Man is…. because the Masked Man is a Company Man!”

There are a mixture of boos and confused reactions from the crowd as they stare at Anderson laughing evilly in the middle of the ring. Suddenly however the laughter stops as “We’re Gonna Win” by Bryan Adams hits the sound system! The fans jump to their feet and all eyes turn to the entrance ramp as the entrance music of former 2x sVo World Heavyweight Champion Mike Polowy blasts over the sound system! Is Mike Polowy the Masked Man?

Anderson looks at the entrance ramp with a shocked look on his face, until suddenly turning back and laughing out loud as the music begins to fade out.

Matt Anderson: “Christ you people are so gulable! You really thought the Masked Man was Mike Polowy? Your really all still guessing? The Company has known the whole time! Don’t worry, I will let you all in on the secret…. The Masked Man is about to take the sVo to the Xtreeeeeeeeeeeeeme!”

‘Walk with me in Hell’ by LAMB OF GOD blasts over the sound system as the entrance video of Peter Gilmour hits the sound system! There is a mixed reaction from the fans as they turn to the entrance ramp, only for Anderson to wave for the music to be cut.

Matt Anderson: “Really? I guess you people will believe anything! This is exactly why the Company is here. You people need to sit there and be told what to like, you don’t know what is good for yourselves. It’s sad to say but at the end of the day even Peter Gilmour would have been better than the real identity of the Masked Man, because at least he might have the guts to show up here tonight and fight for all these fans and wrestlers who have this twisted idea that he is their hero….”

Anderson is interrupted from his thoughts as the fans in one corner of the arena begin to cheer loudly. The cheer spreads around the crowd as the Masked Man slowly makes his way through the fans! The Masked Man leaps over the security barrier, and there is a big cheer from the fans as he stares up at the ring at Matt Anderson. Anderson shouts at the Company agents at ringside to grab the Masked Man, but they stand motionless watching the scene unfold.

The Masked Man rolls into the ring, and walks around for a few seconds as if he is reliving old memories. The man who has been terrorising the Company for the last few months then slowly makes his way towards a stunned looking Matt Anderson, and rips the microphone from his hands. There is a big cheer from the fans for the Masked Man as he stares down Anderson for a few seconds before talking.

Masked Man: “This is somewhere I never thought I would be again… Somewhere I never wanted to be again… I helped build the Company that you treasure so much Anderson… I invited you into it. But that was a different time and I was a different man. Now I am out!”

The crowd give a mixed reaction, not knowing what to make of the statement.

Matt Anderson: “Once your in you never get out. That’s what you told me all those years ago. Don’t you forget it!”

The Masked Man staggers away for a few steps, before turning to face Anderson again. In a suprise move, the Masked Man extends his hand to Matt Anderson. The crowd boo loudly as Anderson looks confused at the outstretched hand, before smiling widely! Anderson then jumps forward to shake the hand of the Masked Man!

Matt Anderson: “I knew you would see sense. Welcome back from the cold. The Company will be stronger with you!”

The Masked Man and Matt Anderson continue to shake hands as the crowd boo loudly, but as Anderson tries to step away, the Masked Man keeps hold of his hand.

Masked Man: “This is a golden handshake Matt. I told you, it’s over. I brought it to the sVo, now I am going to free the sVo of it…”

The fans cheer as the Masked Man pulls Matt Anderson forward before nailing him with a massive punch to the face! With Anderson down on the floor and looking knocked out, the Masked Man lowers his hood, pulls down his mask, and reveals his identity as former sVo Owner Jon Page!

The crowd cheer for Jon Page as he stands over the body of Matt Anderson. The Company agents stand around the ring looking confused as the crowd cheer for Page loudly. Can the return of Jon Page finally unite the sVo together and free it from the grasp of the evil Company?

The arena lights fade and a red light begins to slowly strobe as “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails pounds through the arena over the PA system. The crowd burst into a loud chorus of boos as The Company logo floats onto the sVo tron, quickly replaced by a name.

“N I G H T M A R E”

The curtains part and a man in red trunks with a black streak down the side and a black mask cut away at the top to reveal a freshly shaved head of hair. He half-grins/half-sneers at the jeering audience surrounding him and wastes little time in stalking down the entrance ramp before quickly sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He stands, jawing off at various members of the crowd as he awaits the start of the match.

“Jukebox Hero” kicks in over the arena PA. Brooks charges out onto the fire fired up from the cheers of the crowd. He flashes a wide grin at the camera before running down the ramp, slapping hands with the people seated at ringside before diving into the ring.

Nightmare abruptly goes on the offensive, charging at Brooks and stomping down on his torso before dropping to his knees and laying in a flurry of forearm punches. Brooks attempts to cover himself up as the referee attempts to drag Nightmare away, screaming for the bell to be rung at the same time. Nightmare backs away into the corner, watching carefully as Brooks climbs to his feet like a predator stalking its prey. Nightmare charges forwards and looks to hit a running kick however Brooks ducks out of the way and instead lashes out with his own spinning kick, sweeping out Nightmare’s legs from underneath him. Brooks then hits a big knee drop, sending Nightmare rolling around the ring in pain.

Brooks then moves towards the corner, attempting to climb up to the top rope. As he attempts to steady himself Nightmare climbs to his feet and moves forward, grabbing Brooks and hoisting him onto his shoulders before moving towards the middle of the ring and slamming him down flat. Nightmare then rolls over and hooks the leg, looking for a pinfall!



No, kickout!

Brooks manages to kick out leg away barely in time. Nightmare climbs to his feet and pulls Brooks along with him, driving his elbow into the youngster’s face before sticking his head between his legs and hoisting him up in a powerbomb attempt. Brooks struggles however and the crowd cheers as he reverses the move into a HUGE DDT, driving Nightmare’s face into the mat. Brooks pounces on top of Nightmare and grabs his arm, applying an armlock and wrenching Nightmare’s shoulder. The masked wrestler grunts in pain and struggles to try and escape the hold, eventually driving an elbow back into Brooks’s face. Brooks staggers backwards and Nightmare climbs back to his feet, rolling his shoulder before grabbing Brooks and viciously slamming his elbow into his jaw. Nightmare doesn’t stop there, beating down on the rising star and displaying his cruel streak and he tosses Brooks into the corner. Brooks manages to fire up and fight back, slapping Nightmare across the face however this only serves to infuriate the masked star as he then retaliates with a big knee to the gut. Brooks kneels over and Nightmare again hits him with a knee, this time directly in the face. Blood splatters onto the ring from Brooks’s smashed mouth and nose, however he refuses to give up. He strikes out, landing a punch on Nightmare’s torso before managing to mount an offense and force Nightmare back. He executes a go-behind and suddenly catches Nightmare unawares, managing to roll him up!




Nightmare manages to kick out of the attempt, shocked that Brooks managed to get up on his like that. He grabs the motionless Brooks and pulls him to his feet, punching him repeatedly in the face before hurtling him into the corner again. The resilient Brooks attempts to stand up and mount a defense, however as Nightmare charges forwards and drives his boot into his head the crowd knows that this match is over. Nightmare locks in the Nightmare Sleeper and Brooks goes limp, the referee signaling for the bell to be rung.

“March of the Pigs” begins to play again as Nightmare releases Brooks. The crowd unleashed a might hail of boos towards the masked star as he makes his way up the ramp, however he refuses to acknowledge anyone as he disappears backstage.OUTCOME:Nightmare defeats Alex Brooks via pinfallBACKSTAGE

Footnote Gone Un-noticed

The scene opens up to backstage area where we see sVo interviewer and correspondent Katie Smith standing in front of the Season’s Beatings backdrop. She flashes a smile at the camera and raises the microphone up to her lips.

Katie Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, standing with me is a man who, in a few short moments, will try to capture the Las Vegas Championship. And that man is none other than Second to None, Cody Williams!!!

Cody Williams appears in view, pacing back and forth in front of Katie Smith. He places his hands on his face and his hands come down in a wiping motion. He stops besides Katie Smith who looks at him standing there with his hands on his hips.

Cody Williams: You know Katie.. Tonight is only the beginning, tonight is a little sneak peak, a preview of things to come. Tonight, I walk into Season’s Beatings a challenger. And in the end, I will walk out, a CHAMPION!

Katie Smith: The competition in your matchup is pretty deep. What makes you so confident that you will walk away with the Las Vegas championship tonight?

The Reflection of Perfection lets out a small chuckle and smirks at Katie.

Cody Williams: Their is one thing that sets me apart from James Von Drake, Karma Jones, and Nathan Paradine. And that Katie… Is passion. Winning the Las Vegas championship would only be the beginning for Cody Williams. It will be the first step on my journey to the sVo championship and would give me the much needed boost that I need heading into the ONE SHOT pay per view, where I will become the number one contender for the belt and be one step closer to winning this sport’s richest prize!!! The only thing standing in my way from achieving my dreams are three men. Paradine, Von Drake, Jones I hope that you’re ready because there has been a change of plans.

Katie Smith: What do you mean there has been a change of plans?

Cody reaches out to the side and a stage hand hands him a stack of papers. Cody holds them in front of his face and fingers through the pages, looking at Katie and flashing a smile. Katie looks on with confusion as Cody points to something on the paper.

Cody Williams: In my hands, I hold my sVo contract. Right here it says that I am promised a championship match upon signing with the sVo. But what is this? Right next to it there is a footnote, so let’s go to the footnotes of the contract. Ahh, here it is. Footnote 7 states, and I quote: “Terms of the championship match will be at the discretion of the challenger.”

Katie Smith: So you’re saying that..

Cody Williams: What I am saying is that I get to name the stipulation for our match tonight. And I’m feeling a little froggy today, so I feel the need to jump. Tonight, the Las Vegas championship match will be contested under no disqualification rules!!! There will be a winner tonight.. And that my friends is me, Cody Williams!!!

Cody shakes his contract at the camera and gives of a smirk. He exits towards the right side and leaves the interview area to begin preparation for his four way match tonight in what might be his toughest challenge yet.

Will he walk out of Season’s Beatings the Las Vegas champion?

The house lights slowly dim, synched to the sound of a THX surround sound test causing the jam packed audience of the Goodfellas Arena to erupt. The sounds of “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails blares on the arena’s sound system as gold lights wander around the arena. A strobe light flickers at the top of the entranceway while the entrance begins to fog up. Cody Williams can be seen rising up from the top of the ramp by way of lift. Once the lift comes to a halt he throws his arms up into the air to an eruption of pyrotechnics, followed by fireworks raining down ontop of him from above the stage.

Bow down before the one you serve

You’re going to get what you deserve

Bow down before the one you serve

You’re going to get what you deserve

He makes his way down the entrance ramp, pounding his chest and pointing out to the crowd as they continue to drown the stadium with cheers. He slides into the ring and rushes to the nearest corner and stands on the second turnbuckle leaning over, repeatedly pounding his chest and raising his arms in the air. He hops off and heads over to the opposite corner and does the same, taking off his “CCXX: Second Coming” shirt and throwing it into the crowd.

The lights get dim and a silence fills the arena. Smoke covers the stage as “Right Above It” cues over the PA system. Strobe lights begin to flicker as the song begins. As Karma is poised on the top turnbuckle the music fades out and the lights come on.

“Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their cheers. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD unbuckles the Las Vegas Championship from around his waist and holds it high in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.

The referee obtains possession of the Las Vegas championship and shows it to the three challengers who all stare at it with determination, nodding their head. The referee puts in on display as he raises it high into the air before handing it off to the ring announcer. He looks at all four competitors in this match up and looks to see if they are ready before he signals for the bell.




All four men walk out of their respective corners and stand in the middle of the ring, staring at each other. The champion JVD starts to mouth off to his opponents and pokes his finger into all of their chests. The three of them look at JVD and then make eye contact with each other before attacking JVD. All three men gang up on JVD, taking their turn at punching and kicking him. With as many competitors as there are in this match up, it is as if you have to have eyes on the back of your head! Paradine delivers a hard forearm strike to the side of JVD’s head that sends him stumbling back. He walks into Cody Williams who delivers a stiff European uppercut that staggers him. JVD stumbles backwards right into Karma Jones who knocks him down with a stiff knife edge chop. JVD scrambles back onto his feet only to be hit with a forearm shot by Cody Williams that knocks him back down. He makes his way back up and Karma Jones knocks him back down with jaw breaking lariat. Nathan Paradine grabs JVD by the hair and drops him back down to the mat with a snapmare takedown, followed by a stiff roundhouse kick to the back of JVD that makes him scream in pain. Cody Williams moves Paradine out of the way and delivers a roundhouse kick of his own. Karma Jones joins in on the fun and bounces off of the ropes and hits a running soccer kick to Von Drake that drops him to his back writhing in pain. JVD slowly attempts to get back onto his feet and has a dazed look on his face. Karma, Williams, and Paradine all look at each other and at the same time Paradine hits JVD with a muay thai kick to the head, Cody hits a jumping enziguiri and Karma hits a low drop kick to the knee that makes a sickening slapping noise that echoes throughout the arena. The crowd in attendance stands onto their feet and clap their hands in approval. JVD slowly rolls to the side of the ring where Lucy pulls him to the outside and checks on him to see if he is okay.

Cody runs to the nearest turnbuckle and raises his arms into the air to the liking of the crowd. Paradine looks to the outside at the fallen champion, Karma Jones looking to win this match up school boy’s Paradine for the pin.


NO! Paradine gets the shoulder up. Williams jumps off of the turnbuckle and slips behind Karma Jones as he is getting up and gets him in an inside cradle for the pinning attempt.


NO! Jones gets his shoulder up. Williams starts to get up but not before Paradine sneaks behind him as he is getting up and gets him in a majistrol cradle.


NO! Williams gets the shoulder up at the count of one. The crowd stands up onto the feet and starts to clap again, showing their appreciation and support for the competitors in this matchup and their determination to walk out the victor. The three of them get back onto their feet and JVD slides back into the ring as well. JVD goes after Karma and delivers a hard right to the side of his face. He turns around and delivers a hard elbow strike to the side of Cody’s head sending him into the turnbuckle. Paradine comes after the champ but JVD turns around in time and stops him with a hard boot to the stomach, followed by a throat thrust that takes him down to the mat. JVD picks up Karma Jones and grabs hold of his wrist and sends him into the ropes with an irish whip. JVD runs towards him as he bounces back off of the ropes and sends him crashing down to the mat with a high elevation dropkick. JVD looks around the ring for his next victim and decides to choose Paradine who is pulling himself up to one knee. He grabs Paradine and assists him onto his feet. Paradine shoves his arms out of the way and delivers a hard forearm to the jaw of JVD, followed by an overhand chop. Paradine runs towards the ropes and bounces off and delivers a single leg dropkick to James Von Drake that sends him tumbling through the second and third rope, and down to the outside.

Paradine turns around and is met by Williams who hits him with a hard European uppercut. Paradine returns the favor with a European uppercut of his own. Williams grabs his jaw and stares back at Paradine who is clutching at his as well. Cody charges up and hits Paradine with a knife edge chop that collides with the chest of Paradine. Nathan clutches his chest but immediately retaliates with a hard knife edge chop of his own that has Cody reeling. Cody hits Paradine with a forearm to the side of the face and right away Paradine hits him with one of his own. On the outside, JVD starts to show some signs of life and starts to get back onto his feet. The two of them then grab each others head and deliver repeated forearm shots to the side of the face. Dazed and stunned the two of them release their hold and start to stumble around. They turn around to see Karma Jones running towards them. They then duck under and send him flying up and over the top rope with a back body drop, landing right on top of James Von Drake on the outside. Paradine shakes off the cobwebs and watches as Karma Jones and James Von Drake start to make their way back onto their feet. He runs towards the ropes on the opposite side of the ring and comes charging back, the crowd stands onto their feet as Paradine ends up hitting a dropkick through the ropes. Still holding onto the ropes he skins the cat back into the ring but Williams grabs his feet and shoves him to the outside. Williams looks at his fallen opponents on the outside and then looks out into the crowd who are on their feet. He grabs hold of the top rope as Jones, Paradine and Von Drake start to get back onto their feet. Cody catapults onto the top rope and leaps into the air, taking down everyone with a springboard front flip plancha.




The crowd goes crazy as all four competitors lie on the ground motionless from the high flying action. Lucy Von Drake peers from around the corner, worried about her husband the champion. Cody Williams is the first to show signs of life, while Paradine and Karma start to move around as well. James Von Drake tries to lift his head off of the ground but that is all that he can do. Lucy runs over and kneels down next to her man and tries to revive him. Cody gets onto his feet and throws his arms into the air as the crowd cheers him on. Cody grabs Paradine by his wrestling trunks and throws him into the ring. Cody climbs onto the ring apron and gets on top of Paradine, going for the cover.




Paradine gets the shoulder up before the count of two. Williams picks Paradine up and pushes him against the ropes. He goes for an irish whip but Paradine holds onto the rope. He tries to go for it once more but Paradine maintains his grip on the top rope and shoves Williams away. He runs towards Williams and Williams leap frogs up and over Paradine. Paradine bounces off of the ropes and Williams drops down to the mat, Paradine jumps over and his momentum sends him back into the ring ropes, Williams leaps into the air and goes for a jumping calf kick but Paradine telegraphs this and catches him mid air and drops him stomach first onto his knee. Paradine jumps on top of Cody and hooks the leg for the pin.




Cody gets his shoulder up to break the count. Outside James Von Drake has found it in him to get to a seated position as Lucy continues to bring some life into him. On the other side of the ring Karma Jones crawls underneath the ring and reaches for something. He begins to crawl out from under the ring and has gotten hold of a table. He props it up onto its side and straightens out its legs and puts it upright, setting it up a few inches away from the guardrail. He rolls into the ring and Paradine puts the boots to him before he can get to his feet. He picks him up and shoves him into the turnbuckles as he delivers a hard forearm to the side of Jones’ face. Williams comes up from behind and turns Paradine around and delivers a knee to the midsection. He grabs Paradine’s arm and tries to whip him into the corner but Paradine reverses it and sends Williams colliding back first with the turnbuckles. Paradine turns his attention back to Karma Jones and hits him with a hard boot to the midsection. He grabs Karma’s arm and irish whips him into the corner but Karma reverses it sending Paradine into the corner instead. Paradine runs towards Williams and leaps into the air holding onto Williams for a monkey flip. He flips Williams halfway across the ring and Karma Jones catches him mid air in a power bomb, he walks over to the ring ropes and tosses Cody outside of the ring and through the table!!!




Karma looks down at Williams outside of the ring who is underneath all of the broken table pieces, folded up like an accordion. He flashes a devilish grin and hocks up the saliva in his mouth and spits onto Cody. Karma turns around and sees Paradine who is staring outside in shock. Karma points to Paradine and motions that he is going to break him in half. Paradine taunts Karma as well telling him to bring it on. Karma Jones runs towards Nathan Paradine with a clothesline but misses, Paradine ducks underneath it and goes for a reverse roll up but Karma Jones kicks out of it before the referee can make the count. Paradine runs towards Karma but he sees him coming and sends him flying over the top rope and crashing onto the arena floor. Karma topples to the mat onto his hands and knees and is the only competitor in the ring, his other three opponents out on the arena floor. Paradine cluthes his midsection and rolls over onto his side, Williams starts to show signs of movement but still buried underneath the broken table, and the Las Vegas champion James Von Drake finally makes it onto his feet. He rolls into the ring and uses the ring ropes to stand back onto his feet, finding his vertical base whil Karma Jones starts to make his way onto his feet as well.

Karma Jones grabs JVD by the hair and hits him with a hard right to the side of the face that drops JVD to one knee. He pulls the champion back up onto his feet and hits him with an elbow strike to the top of his head that drops him onto his knee once more. Karma lets out an evil laugh as JVD struggles to make it to his feet, while he has his way with the champion. He winds up for another hard right but JVD drops to his knees and hits Karma Jones with a crushing low blow that immediately drops him to the mat, writhing in pain. He rolls into the corner and sits in the corner, wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth. Lucy Von Drake rushes to the announcer’s table and retrieves a metal folding chair and slides it into the ring. She makes her way to the corner JVD is in and rubs his shoulders, pointing to the metal chair that is laying in the waits. JVD nods his head in approval and a grin fills his face ear to ear. He slithers to the middle of the ring and grabs hold of the metal chair and stares at it with malicious intent in mind. Karma Jones starts to make his way to his feet as JVD has picked his first victim. JVD waits for Karma to turn around so that he can knock his head off with a chair shot. Karma turns around and JVD swings for the fences, but Karma ducks underneath, JVD turns back around Karma delivers a hard boot to the midsection. He steals the folding chair from JVD and delivers a home run hit, the metal folding chair colliding with the head of JVD. JVD clutches his face as the blood starts to gush from his forehead. Karma places the metal chair down onto the mat and puts JVD’s head inbetween his legs. He hooks his arms in a butterfly lock and delivers a sheer drop style tiger driver right onto the chair! Paradine slowly gets onto his feet and slides into the ring. He walks towards Karma unknowing of what he has in his possession and walks right into a chair shot that drops him down to the mat. Williams barely rolls into the ring and sees that Karma has his back to him. He runs towards him and runs right into a chair shot right across the top of the head, blooding spewting out everywhere. Paradine gets onto a knee and then onto his feet. Karma kicks him in the gut and holds the metal chair high into the air before hitting Paradine with a crushing blow to the head. Karma raises the metal chair high into the air and lets out a loud roar, the metal chair dismantled, and crushed, with the color of crimson dripping from it. Williams props himself onto the bottom rope as blood covers his face, JVD crawls into the corner and flips his red hair back, his face the color red, and Paradine starts to stand up, his face dripping in blood.

Karma rolls out of the ring and reaches underneath the ring, retrieving another folding table and sets it up outside of the ring. He goes underneath the ring once again and pulls out another table and slides it into the ring, pushing it to the side. Karma picks up a lifeless Cody Williams and hits him with a hard kick to the midsection. He whips him into the corner and his back collides with the turnbuckles. Karma runs towards Cody and hits him with a clothesline that sandwiches him between the turnbuckles. He lifts him up and places him atop the top turnbuckle. Karma ascends the ropes stands on top of the top rope. He grabs Cody by the hair and stands him up onto the top turnbuckle as well. He hooks his head, and drapes his arm around his neck and goes for a superplex attempt. Cody puts on the brakes and stops his attempt. Karma goes for another attempt but Cody fights it off with several punches to the ribcage of Karma Jones. Paradine goes over to the corner and begins to climb the ropes himself and joins the two of them. He grabs hold of Karma’s waist and goes for a side suplex attempt but no success. The three of them fight for advantage, neither getting the leverage they need. JVD walks over to the corner as well and puts his back to the turnbuckles. He grabs Karma Jones’ legs and starts to pull on him. JVD ends up pulling at the same time Karma and Paradine does, Karma getting the superplex, Paradine getting the side suplex and JVD getting the powerbomb. All four men come crashing down to the mat, a loud sickening crash echoes throughout the arena as Cody, Paradine, and Jones’ backs make contact with the mat. JVD lands onto his knees and begins to breathe heavily as he looks at the carnage and bloodshed in the middle of the ring. The crowd jumps out of their seats and give all men a standing ovation.





JVD gets onto his feet and stumbles backwards into the corner, flipping his hair back and wiping the blood out of his face. The crowd still going crazy for what had just occured. He picks up Paradine and delivers a hard forearm to the side of the face. He goes for another forearm but Paradine blocks it and kicks JVD in the thigh, he kicks him again in the other thigh, and then he delivers a high kick to the face and drops JVD to a knee. Paradine bounces off of the ropes and hits a Yakuza kick to a kneeling JVD. Surprised that JVD is still not down and out Paradine runs towards the ropes and bounces back, and damn near takes JVD’s head off with a Sliding D clothesline. Karma Jones comes up from behind him and hoists him up into the air and delivers his finishing maneuver the REAPER’S REVENGE!!!! THIS ONE IS OVER!!! Karma makes the cover!



THR.. NO!!!

Paradine miraculously gets his shoulder up off of the mat before the count of three! Frustrated Jones becomes wide eyed and pounds on the mat. He walks over to the side of the ring where he left the folding table and sets it up in the corner. He motions to the crowd that this one is over with a cutthroat motion and picks James Von Drake up off of the mat. He sets him up for a powerbomb and points to the table that is set up in the corner as Lucy looks on in horror. He starts to hoist him up into the air but sees Williams rushing towards him, he shoves JVD out of the way and back body drops Williams out of the ring but Williams lands safely on the ring apron. Karma grabs JVD and whips him into the ropes, JVD reverses it and sends Jones running across the ring instead. Jones comes rushing back with a spear attempt, but JVD side steps and shoves Karma out of the ring, spearing Williams in the process and the two of them flying into the air and crashing throug the table set up on the outside!!!

Paradine comes from behind and hits JVD with a club like forearm shot to the back of the head. He spots the table in the corner and whips Von Drake into the corner, but Von Drake reverses the attempt. He runs towards Paradine and hits him with a running clothesline. He grabs hold of Paradine’s waist and hoists him onto the top turnbuckle. He begins to ascends the ring ropes and hooks in a superplex attempt. He lifts Paradine into the air, but Paradine kicks his legs and lands safely back down. JVD goes for another one but Paradine turns in mid air and ends up on the ropes behind JVD. He grabs hold of him and sends him flying with a variation of the PARAPLEX, the two of them crashing through the table!!!! Williams and Jones start to show signs of life and begin to crawl back inside the ring. Paradine drapes his arm over JVD and the referee administers the count.


Jones reaches out, dragging himself towards Paradine and JVD…


Williams leaps into the air in an attempt to break the count…


Nathan Paradine has done it! He has defeated three other competitors and has become the NEW Las Vegas Champion! He has defied the odds even though the odds were stacked against him in this no disqualification four way championship match and has won his first singles championship in the sVo!!! Lucy Von Drake pulls JVD out of the ring and holds him in tears. Cody drags himself to the corner and slumps himself over the bottom turnbuckle, a look of disappointment on his face. Jones, his hands on his knees, disappointed as well. The referee hands the Las Vegas championship to Paradine who stares into the centerplate with a smile before breaking down in tears as the ref raises his hand high into the air. Cody limps to the middle of the ring and he and Paradine engage in a staredown in the center of the ring. Cody extends his hand out towards Paradine and he looks down at his hand, and looks out into the crowd. The crowd cheers him on and Paradine shakes Cody’s hand to the approval of the crowd in attendance. JVD and Jones look on in the ring in disgust, clutching their injured bodies as Cody raises Paradine’s arm into the air, pointing to him and clapping his hands. The crowd gives all four men a standing ovation but more importantly to the champ, Cody stands back and allows Paradine to soak in the admiration and live in the moment as he climbs the turnbuckles for the first time as the Las Vegas Champion.OUTCOME:Nathan Paradine defeats JVD, Cody Williams Williams & Karma Jones via pinfall to become the NEW sVo LAS VEGAS CHAMPION!RINGSIDE

Never be the Same Again“Talkin 2 Myself” by Eminem begins to play. Smoke begins to fill the stage as the lights dim to near darkness. A beam of bright white light shines from the stage. As the light begins to dim, Joseph Equinox can be seen standing at the top of the stage with smoke foating all around him. Equinox moves to the top of the ramp and stops before he flails his arms out to the side of him and a pyro lightning bolt fires down and strikes him. The spotlights loom over where Equinox was standing but he is no longer there. All of a sudden 4 more lighting bolts crash down on each corner of the ring and the arena lights change to a dark blue. And there standing in the ring is Equinox with smoke now floating around the ring. Joseph Equinox then looks up the ramp and takes off his shades as he awaits the arrival of his friends.

“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe.

The fans in the arena boo as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later the sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.

There is a mixed reaction from the fans in arena who cheer for Joseph Equinox, but despite Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean for their fingerpoke of doom at last months Roll the Dice PPV. Will all three friends in the ring ahead of the massive triple threat World Heavyweight Championship match between Shame, Dean and Grimnir, a microphone is handed to Bobby Dean.

Bobby Dean: “For the past few weeks I have been working hard behind the scenes to bring someone to the sVo to turn this new group into the baddest of the bad and the best of the best!”

The crowd soon begin to boo Bobby Dean, wanting for the talking to stop at the main event to begin.

Bobby Dean: “Without further ado… let me bring out the man himself….. REAPER!”

Follow The Reaper by Children of Bodom hits the sound system, and to the shock of everyone in the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Reaper makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Reaper climbs up into the ring, and shakes hands with Joseph Equinox and Beutifial Shame! With these four men together and on the same page, what chance does Grimnir have of walking out as the sVo World Heavyweight Champion tonight?

Beautiful Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Joseph Equinox and the returning Reaper stand triumphant in the middle of the ring. With their hands raised in victory the fans are on their feet, littering the ring with whatever debris they can get their hands on. Each man has a look of utter confidence bordering arrogance as the debris rains down over them. “Beautiful” Bobby Dead gets ready to speak.

BBD: We’re better than you, na-na boo-boo, stick your heads in doo-doo!

Bobby gloats before Roscoe Shame reaches over and grabs the mic.

Roscoe Shame: Forget the Industry! Forget the Corporation! Forget the Company! We’re the baddest of the bad and the best of the best…

Bobby reaches out and interrupts.

BBD: And don’t forget the prettiest of the pretty, well besides Reaper here… He’s pretty ugly…

Reaper looks over at Bobby with annoyance but doesn’t offer a rebuttal as Shame jerks the mic away from Bobby’s hand.

Roscoe Shame: The Company wants to wage a war against us? The biggest mistake of their collective careers! They may have the numbers, but we’ve got the power.

Suddenly and out of nowhere Reaper charges across the ring and collides into the unsuspecting face of Equinox, with a devastating Busaiku Knee Kick, a move he likes to call The End. As Reaper rises to his feet, leaving the prone body of ‘Nox, Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame look on with smiles on their faces. Reaper now grabs the mic from Shame and addresses the fans for the first time in years.

Reaper: ‘Nox, you’re a waste of space and a sorry excuse for a decoy. You were never meant to be a part of this group, just simply someone to be a filler while I handled a few important things elsewhere. So as soon as consciousness comes back to you I suggest you pick yourself up off my mat and get the hell out of my arena. In fact, I also highly suggest you never worm your way back into my sight or I will end you son. So we got a Corporation and a Company? That’s sort of funny, what the hell do you boys think this is? Some sort of suits and ties business? Nah, sorry friends, it don’t work that way. This is a dog eat dog business. A business where only the strong survive and the weak perish beneath my foot! I may be the old man of the organization now, but you get to be that only one way. That’s by being the biggest and baddest fish in the pond. By being able to out survive and out fight everyone else.

Reaper points out at all the fans in the arena.

Reaper: I don’t give a damn about you, and I don’t give a damn about Beautiful, nor Shame in all honesty. But you see there is a guy in this little group that I happen to respect. He earned that from me many years ago back in a fed that’s long been dead. He asked me for a favor because he knew that when your back is against the wall there is only one thing to do. That’s to come out swinging and swing hard and fast. So I’ll be honest I don’t know anything about you “Company” people, and I really don’t care. You’re simply the next victims to fall to The Reaper.

Reaper throws the mic down and looks out to the crowd as if challenging anyone and everyone to come try him. Bobby Dean and Roscoe meanwhile exchange a look of concern before smiling towards each other and raising their hands in victory. “We’re better than you, na-na boo-boo, stick your heads in doo-doo” or “WBTYNNBBSYHIDD” has arrived to the sVo! And the sVo will never be the same again!RINGSIDE

1086 DaysShame, Dean and Reaper begin to put the boots into Joseph Equinox once again as the crowd boo loudly at the actions of the renegade group. Reaper and Bobby Dean pull Joseph Equinox up to a standing position, however they then toss him to the sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame! The crowd continue to boo as the former Tag Team Champion Equinox is hauled up into the air by Roscoe Shame, before being thrown down to the mat with a ‘Shame Time’!

With Equinox down on the mat, it doesn’t seem like the renegade group is done yet with Equinox, as Reaper makes his way to the outside of the ring and grabs a steel chair. The crowd chant loudly for Equinox as he slowly begins to stagger to his feet. However Equinox doesn’t even know what has hit him as he turns around and gets blasted in the face by Reaper with the steel chair.

Suddenly “End of Line” by Daft Punk plays over the PA system as the house lights alternate from green to black lighting and back again. After a few moments of playing, the house lights go out completely for a few moments before they flare to life again with Jay Wildman standing in the center of the ring, his hand pointed up in the air in defiance. He walks over to the corner, steps up to the second belt buckle and stares out into the crowd before hopping down, staring at Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame and Reaper who have shocked looks on their faces!

What the hell is former sVo wrestler Jay Wildman doing in the middle of the ring? Dean, Shame and Reaper look like they want to ask the same question, with all three men obviously unhappy that there big moment has been ruined. Suddenly Jay Wildman jumps forward and rips the microphone out of the hands of Bobby Dean!

Wildman: You might be wondering why I am here tonight, thinking I can get involved with a match like this during a Pay Per View. It seems here you all have been lied to by the man under the Grimnir mask! If you look at what I have in my hand, you will see the name on this piece of paper he claims was his title shot; you will see it is MY name! It’s my rematch from December 2007! I sold the house three years ago which he claimed to buy, I thought I destroyed this piece of paper but it seems I was quite fortunate I didn’t. So, since I am here and I do happen to have my dance card free tonight, I will come out of retirement and be sure to kick the crap out of Shame and Dean for my “good friend” Grimnir. And after I am done with these two, I will hunt down Grimnir and kick the crap out of him too!”

Wildman throws the mic down in disgust, as the three renegades stare at him in confusion.Jay Wildman hands the contract over to the official, who looks it over before calling for the bell to be rung! There is a huge cheer in the arena as Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame complain to the official, who tells them to get the match underway!

Reaper makes his way to the outside of the ring as Jay Wildman licks his lips at getting his first chance at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship since getting screwed out of it by Jimmy Moretti on Showdown #10 back in December 2007 when he went one on one against Mike Polowy. Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame look totally unprepared for the match as Jay Wildman springs forward and catches Bobby Dean with big right hands! Wildman lays into Dean with big rights in the corner of the ring, until Roscoe Shame stops him short with a blow to the back of the head. The World Heavyweight Champion drags Wildman backwards out of the corner, before shooting him into the ring ropes. Wildman bounces back into the middle of the ring, and takes down Roscoe Shame with a swinging neckbreaker as the Champion looks for a back drop!

The fans cheer the big move from Jay Wildman as he springs back to his feet and hits the oncoming Bobby Dean with a clothesline to send him back down to the mat. Bobby Dean quickly rises back to a standing position, but Jay Wildman hits him with a jawbreaker that sends him staggering backwards into the ropes. Wildman turns his attention back to the World Champion, and catches Shame with a spinning heel kick to the face. The fans are red hot behind Jay Wildman who has all the momentum on his side, as Reaper watches his two friends from ringside.

Wildman stands waiting for Shame to get back to his feet, however as he does the numbers game become too much for him as Bobby Dean catches him from behind with a chop block to send him down to the mat. The fans cheer loudly as Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame both begin to put the boots into Jay Wildman in the middle of the ring. Roscoe Shame begins to choke out Wildman with his boot, as Bobby Dean backs the referee up to stop him from seeing the illegal move. Roscoe Shame finally releases his boot from the throat of Jay Wildman, and pulls him up to his feet.

Roscoe Shame wastes no time at all in scooping Wildman up into a bearhug, and then trying to squeeze the life out of the man challenging for his sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt. Jay Wildman looks to be in pain under the pressure being put on his ribs as he struggles to breath. The referee asks Wildman if he wants to quit, but he quickly shakes his head. The crowd try to cheer Wildman on, but it is short lived as Shame drops Wildman down allowing Bobby Dean to take him down to the mat with a stiff DDT. With Wildman down on the mat and hurting, Bobby Dean lays into the shock entry into this match with big right hands.

Roscoe Shame stands and watches as Bobby Dean pulls Jay Wildman up to a standing position, before sending him into the corner of the ring. Bobby Dean runs at Wildman in the corner looking for a big clothesline, however Wildman dives out of the way! Wildman hits some big punches on BBD in the corner, and as Roscoe Shame rushes over Wildman dives out of the way, causing Roscoe Shame to accidently clothesline Bobby Dean in the corner! Roscoe Shame stumbles back in shock, and Jay Wildman quickly rolls him up for the cover!




It looked like Jay Wildman was about to become a shock sVo World Heavyweight Champion right there, but somehow Roscoe Shame managed to kick out just in time. Both men quickly rise up to their feet, and Roscoe Shame slows the momentum of Wildman with a big knee to the midsection. Wildman doubles over in pain, and Roscoe Shame hits him with a side head lock takedown to take him down to the mat. Roscoe Shame tries to keep the side head lock on his opponent, but Wildman wriggles out into a wrist lock on Shame. Shame twists back up to a standing position and tries to knock Wildman away with a reverse elbow smash, however Wildman takes the champion down with a Northern lights suplex! The crowd cheer for the big move from Wildman into a bridge, but before the referee can count to three Bobby Dean leaps in to make the save!

Jay Wildman rises up to his feet and hits Bobby Dean with some big rights and lefts which get the crowd on their feet. Bobby Dean tries to counter by sending Wildman into the ropes, however he bounces back into the middle of the ring and hits a big running dropkick onto BBD! The crowd cheer for the big move, but Bobby Dean quickly rises back up to his feet. Jay Wildman grabs hold of Bobby Dean looking for a suplex, however Dean manages to block the move by positioning his leg around the legs of Wildman, before hitting a textbook snap suplex onto his opponent.

Bobby Dean jumps up to his feet with a smirk on his face, but gets nothing but boos from the fans who are firmly behind the surprise entry of Jay Wildman in this match up. Bobby Dean waves off the fan reaction, before he lays into Jay Wildman with clubbing blows to the back of his head. Bobby Dean finally pulls Wildman up to a standing position, and along with Roscoe Shame he takes his opponent down with a double team suplex! The fans boo loudly for the team work in a match which is supposed to be every man for themselves, as Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame proceed to lay into Jay Wildman with big stomps and kicks.

Reaper watches on from ringside as Roscoe Shame grabs Wildman by the hair, and pulls him up to a standing position. Shame shoots Wildman hard into the ropes, before almost knocking his head off with a big boot to the face as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. As Wildman lays on the mat in pain, Bobby Dean gains even more boos from the crowd as he taunts for the end of the match! Bobby Dean slowly makes his way towards Jay Wildman as he slowly begins to get to a standing position. Wildman looks groggy on his feet, and as he turns around he walks straight into a ‘Starstruck’ from Beautiful Bobby Dean!

The crowd boo loudly for the finishing move from Bobby Dean, and this looks to be all over as BBD hooks the leg of Jay Wildman.




There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Roscoe Shame grabs the leg of Bobby Dean and pulls him off of Jay Wildman!

Bobby Dean gets to his feet with a confused look on his face as Roscoe Shame drops down and makes a cover on Jay Wildman.




This time it’s Bobby Dean who pulls Roscoe Shame out of the cover!

Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet with an angry look on his face as he stares down the original full sized Bobby Dean. Shame and Dean begin to trash talk each other in the middle of the ring, with both men questioning why the other broke up their pinning attempt on Jay Wildman! The fans cheer as it looks as if the two men are about to come to blows, but before they can Jay Wildman nails Roscoe Shame with a dropkick to the back! Shame stumbles forward into Bobby Dean, sending Bobby Dean tumbling over the top rope and out of the ring!

The fans cheer as Roscoe Shame turns around to meet some forearm smashes in the face from Jay Wildman. Wildman grabs hold of Shame by the arm and tries to whip him into the ropes, however Shame reverses and sends Wildman hard into the ropes. The surprise challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship bounces back into the middle of the ring, and is taken down to the mat with a stiff spinebuster from the sVo Champion. Roscoe Shame lays into Wildman with some big right hands, before rolling off the body of Wildman.

Wildman slowly rises back up to his feet, but as he does Shame grabs him by the back of the head and runs him into the corner of the ring. Shame slams Wildman face first into the turnbuckle, before taking him down to the mat with a reverse DDT. With Wildman down on the mat, Shame quickly makes the cover on his opponent.



No! Wildman is able to place his foot on the bottom rope causing a ropebreak before the three can be counted!

On the outside of the ring Reaper checks on Bobby Dean as Roscoe Shame pulls Jay Wildman up to his feet. Roscoe Shame shows off his strength by lifting Jay Wildman up into the air with a military press. Shame walks around the ring with Wildman above his head, but before he can slam him down Bobby Dean rolls back into the ring! Bobby Dean bounces into the ropes, before hitting a chopblock on Shame! Shame drops Wildman, who lands down onto the body of Roscoe Shame!

Shame looks like he might have injured a knee as he rolls to the side of the ring, whilst Bobby Dean turns his attention towards Jay Wildman. Bobby Dean grabs Wildman in a waist lock as he tries to get to his feet, before taking him down to the mat with a big German suplex. With Wildman and Shame both down, Bobby Dean jumps up to his feet and taunts to the crowd. The crowd boo Bobby Dean loudly, as he turns his attention back to Wildman as he tries to get to his feet. Bobby Dean backs Wildman into the corner of the ring with some big right hands, before sending him corner to the corner.

Wildman hits the opposite corner of the ring hard and staggers out holding his back, only for Bobby Dean to bounce off of the ropes behind him and take him down to the mat with a running bulldog! With Dean the only man standing in the ring, are we about to see a new sVo World Champion? Bobby Dean measures Jay Wildman as he slowly begins to stagger to his feet, before landing an expert kick to the midsection. Wildman doubles over in pain, but as he does Bobby Dean steps over his head, before landing a piledriver on the surprise challenger to Roscoe Shame’s title! Wildman’s head spikes into the mat hard, as Bobby Dean rolls over his opponent to make the cover and become the new sVo World Champion!





Wildman somehow gets a shoulder up off of the mat at the very last second before the three can be counted! Everyone thought it was all over there, including Bobby Dean who scowls in disbelief. Bobby Dean rises up to his feet and begins to lay into Jay Wildman with some big stomps and kicks in frustration. Bobby Dean finally grabs Wildman up to his feet and begins to taunt the surprise entry to the match. Wildman stumbles on his feet looking very unsteady, but then suddenly springs forward with a ‘Masked Justice’ like superkick in the direction of Bobby Dean! However Bobby Dean manages to duck out of the way of the kick, and the boot of Wildman ends up almost decapitating the referee!

Wildman staggers backwards, and is immediately taken down by Roscoe Shame from behind. With Wildman down in the middle of the ring. Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean stand over the body of their opponent and stare each other down. Everyone in the Goodfellas Casino Arena wills the two renegades to go against each other, however after a few seconds of stare down, they begin to stomp away on the downed body of the returning Jay Wildman.

The crowd loudly boo the alliance between the pair, as Bobby Dean signals to Reaper on the outside of the ring. The booing continues as Reaper grabs a steel chair from ringside, and climbs into the ring with it. The three men look like they are ready to continue on Jay Wildman where they left off on Joseph Equinox, as Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame hold Wildman by the arms whilst Reaper measures him with the steel chair. Wildman looks like he might already be down and out, as Reaper leaps forward and smashes him with a vile chair shot to the head.

The three men in the ring laugh as now Wildman is busted wide open as he lays motionless in the middle of the ring. The crowd look like they are about to break into a full scale riot as Roscoe Shame turns to Bobby Dean, and in a repeat of last months Roll the Dice PPV, he pokes him in the chest! Bobby Dean dramatically drops down to the mat as if he has been shot, and Roscoe Shame drops down to make the cover.

But the referee is still down!

Reaper tries to desperately revive the referee so he can count the pinfall. Suddenly the loud boos in the arena erupt into cheers as “Travel Now Journey Infinitely” by Trinacria hits the sound system! Shame, Dean and Reaper quickly turn their attention towards the entrance ramp as Grimnir’s music blasts out over the sound system, however much to the cheers from the fans the masked superstar jumps out of the crowd!

Grimnir rolls into the ring behind the three renegades, and nails Reaper in the back of the head with the Masked Justice! Shame and Bobby Dean both spin around and run at Grimnir, who quickly bails out of the ring. Roscoe Shame looks enraged as he jumps over the top rope and chases Grimnir into the crowd. With Shame chasing Grimnir, a big smile comes over the face of Bobby Dean as the referee begins to come to his senses in the ring. The fans can almost read the mind of Bobby Dean as he begins to saunter over the to downed body of Jay Wildman…. if he makes the pin whilst Roscoe Shame is dealing with Grimnir then he will become the new sVo World Heavyweight Champion!

Bobby Dean approaches Wildman as the crowd boo loudly…. until Wildman suddenly springs up and catches Bobby Dean with a big superkick to the jaw! Bobby Dean falls backwards and Jay Wildman scrambles onto him to make the cover….






The crowd erupt as what they have just seen begins to sink in. They came here expecting to see an unmasked Grimnir challenging for the title, and instead they have seen the returning Jay Wildman win the title with the help of the STILL masked Grimnir! The referee grabs the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt from ringside and climbs back into the ring with it as “End of Line” by Daft Punk blasts over the sound system. Roscoe Shame makes his way back through the crowd and leans against the security barrier with his head in his hands as he watches Jay Wildman be presented with the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt in the middle of the ring, righting a wrong that is 1086 days old!

The bloodied Wildman holds the belt aloft in the middle of the ring as on the outside of the ring the group of Shame, Dean and Reaper regroup and make their way back up the entrance ramp, not able to look at the celebration of Wildman with the title belt.

Jay Wildman has returned to the sVo and captured the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt, but what does this mean for the mysterious masked Grimnir? What does this mean for the renegade group of Shame, Dean and Reaper? What does this mean for the Company? What does this mean for the Sanctioned Violence Organization as it heads into 2011?!?

OUTCOME: Jay Wildman defeats Dean & Shame via pinfall to become the NEW sVo WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION

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