sVo Roll the Dice 2010
7th November 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada

“One Man Army” by Our Lady Peace hits the sound system as the sVo Roll the Dice 2010 promo video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Roscoe Shame, Night, Bobby Dean and Grimnir shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the last month in the Sanctioned Violence Organization.Falling,
I remember falling,
I remember marching,Like a one man army.
Through the blaze,
I know I’m coughing I believe in something.
I don’t want to remember falling.
I remember crawling,Through the way,
I know I falling.
I remember marching.I don’t want to remember falling.
I don’t want to remember falling,
for your lies.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the Goodfellas Casino Arena in Las Vegas Nevada and pans around the sold out crowd as an impressive array of fireworks and pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd such as “BBD:Game Over”, “The Company Sucks!” & “I am Grimnir!” as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.

LAST WEEK ON SHOWDOWN #60Roscoe Shame was forced by Bobby Dean to compete a first blood match against his own manager in order to lift his suspension and be able to compete at Roll the Dice 2010 here tonight….

Shame makes his way slowly towards the ring and crawls in as the referee checks on Sloan. As Roscoe Shame recovers in the ring, Bobby Dean suddenly folds up the steel chair that he is sitting on and runs down the entrance ramp with it! The crowd boo loudly as Bobby Dean slides into the ring with the chair, but as he swings it at Shame, Shame ducks out of the way! Instead Bobby Dean ends up slamming the chair into the face of Sloan who is trying to make his way into the ring!

Bobby Dean turns around wondering what he has done, as Shame lays into BBD with some big right hands causing him to drop the chair! The referee checks on Sloan on the outside of the ring, and quickly calls for the bell to be rung, with the steel chair shot from BBD busting him wide open!

Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame continue to brawl in the middle of the ring as the fans rise to their feet and pop for preview of next Sunday’s PPV main event! Will Roscoe Shame be able to exercise his daemons of Ultimate Victory II where he lost the sVo International Championship belt to Bobby Dean, or will BBD repeat history and win his first ever World Heavyweight Championship this Sunday? The two continue to brawl as security tries to separate the best friends turned hated enemies, until a strange video hits the Violence Tron as the last Showdown before Roll the Dice 2010 goes off of the air!BACKSTAGE

SHOW OF FORCEAs the PPV cameras head backstage, boos ring out around the Goodfellas Casino arena as the full force of the Company can be seen entering the arena. sVo manager Matt ‘Anarchy’ Anderson, the man that will compete for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean, the man who will take on his brother one one one Nightmare and in the background the man that has to unwillingly tag along until he pays off his debt to the Company, Ethan Rider.

The four men are flanked by Company agents as they walk slowly through the V.I.P entrance from the casino, where they have possibly been experiencing the comforts of being back in the sVo’s hometown. With big matches coming up for all of the Company members, just how will Roll the Dice 2010 go for the hated Company?BACKSTAGE

PEP TALKThe cameras cut backstage, where Nathan Paradine is shown standing in front of Karma Jones and “Hard Rock” Dave Steel, who are both sitting down on a low wooden bench. Paradine folds his arms over his chest and slowly nods.

Nathan Paradine: “Gentlemen, as you are aware tonight we face three men. Three men who may very well be able to take you both apart limb from limb, men who probably drink the tears of small African orphans instead of Gatorade, men who definitely remember to eat their wheaties every single morning.”

Paradine scratches the back of his head and sighs.

Nathan Paradine: “I guess what I’m trying to say is, these guys are probably going to be tough to beat. You’ve got Nicky-Jam… You’ve got Chezina… and finally, you have Chivo. Three badass mothers who will not hesitate to tear you a new one if given the opportunity. Do you understand?”

Karma and Dace exchange glances and shrug.

Nathan Paradine: “But you’ll both be alright. I’ll be out there in the ring with you, watching over you like some kind of wrestling guardian angel. When you’re in doubt, all you have to do is reach out and slap my hand and I’ll step into the ring, dishing out my Paraplex to anyone stupid enough to step my arm’s length. Are we clear?

Karma and Dave nod, and Paradine urges them to stand up. Paraine holds out his hand and both his team-mates hesitate before placing their hands on top of his.

Nathan Paradine: “It’s game time, you two. I want you both to go out there and give it everything you’ve got, alright? Three… two… one… GO TEAM!”

Paradine throws his arm up, however Karma and Dave aren’t so responsive. They shake their heads in amazement at how they ended up doing this before moving towards the door to make their way towards the ring, hot on the heels of Paradine.BACKSTAGE

LOOKING FOR FORGIVENESSWe head backstage inside of “Simply A+” Joseph Equinox’s locker room. He is sitting down on a black leather sofa couch with what appears to be a cell phone in his hand pressed up against his right ear. Seconds later he shifts it to his left ear.

Joseph Equinox: “Come on man, you can’t tell me you’re done for good, man…”

The voice of Joseph seemed quite concerned, but who was he talking too?

Joseph Equinox: “Don’t give me that garbage dude, you know I was just trying to get under your skin.”

He pauses, waiting for a response on the other end of the line.

Joseph Equinox: “But I could really use your help against The Company, Howie…”

Seemingly he was having a conversation with someone named ‘Howie’. Most would assume it being former sVo wrestling talent, Howard “The Bank” Thompson.

Joseph Equinox: “Okay well I’ve got to go get ready for my match up tonight.”

Moments later the phone call would end, resulting in Joseph Equinox hanging up and folding his phone together and away from his ear.

Joseph Equinox: “Everything’s not exactly going as planned as I thought it would…”

Sitting on the sofa he would get into some deep thought while speaking aloud.

Joseph Equinox: “All I was looking for was, for forgiveness. I sure hope he doesn’t let me down after Toronto. Howie is like the only all star guy out there with experience.”

Equinox would stand up and shake his head while turning his body towards the rest of the room.

Joseph Equinox: “Now there’s only two more things to think about. Where is my girlfriend when she should of been here already, and how will I fair in tonight’s title defense?”

He takes a small pause.

Joseph Equinox: “Hmm…”

And then continues to move forward.

Joseph shrugs his shoulders and seems a little on the edge, as he heads out the locker room door and down the hall…
‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system, and the crowd suddenly burst into boos as the three massive Rodriguez brothers slowly make their way out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Chivo, Chezina and Nicky Jam all hold there hands in the air and stare out at the crowd in an intimidating manor, before slowly strutting down the entrance ramp towards the ring. The three giants slowly climb into the ring over the top rope, and walk slowly around the ring, towering over the referee and the ring announcer. The three brothers stare out at the crowd, who continue to boo the new superstars.

‘Hate My Life’ by Theory of a Deadman hits the sound system, and there is a cheer from the crowd as ‘Hard Rock’ Dave Steel slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp. Steel taunts to the crowd as pyro’s shoot up into the air behind the sVo superstar. The man from Puerto Rico stares down the entrance ramp towards his fellow country men who are already in the ring, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp. The three Rodriguez brothers stare down at Dave Steel as he circles the ring waiting for his partners to make there way out for this Roll the Dice match.

“Right Above It” by Lil Wayne and Drake blasts over the sound system, and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Karma Jones steps out from the back! Jones holds his arms up into the air and taunts to the fans, who seem unsure how to take the newcomer from Memphis. Jones slowly begins to make his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring, ready to take place in his first official sVo match right here tonight!

As Jones and Steel wait on the outside of the ring looking up at the three giants they will face tonight, there is suddenly a huge cheer as “Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

Steel and Jones climb up into the ring and look around at each other, as the Rodriguez brothers confer in there corner about who will start this match up off for there team. With all six men down in the ring, the referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung, and this six man tag team match to get underway!

The fans are pumped up and ready for the first sVo match in it’s home of Las Vegas for months, as Nicky Jam Rodriguez and Dave Steel look set to start things off for there prospective teams. The two men from Puerto Rico slowly circle around each other, before Steel runs forward and misses with a clothesline on his giant opponent. Nicky Jam Rodriguez fires away with some big right hands onto Dave Steel, before throwing him hard into the ropes. Dave Steel bounces back quickly, and Nicky Jam knocks him down to the mat with a hard shoulder knock down. With Dave Steel down on the mat, Nicky Jam bounces into the ropes, before the largest of the Rodriguez brothers drops down with a stiff splash onto Dave Steel. The crowd boo the move from Rodriguez, who grabs Dave Steel by the hair and pulls him up to his feet.

Nicky Jam sends Dave Steel hard into the corner, and follows up with some clubbing blows on ‘Hard Rock’. Dave Steel tries to block the punches, but Nicky Jam’s power overwhelms him until Nicky Jam Rodriguez takes a few steps back into the opposite corner of the ring. Nicky Jam Rodriguez then sprints at Dave Steel in the corner of the ring, but Steel dives out of the way just in time, and Nicky Jam runs straight into the corner. Rodriguez staggers backwards looking stunned, and Dave Steel takes him down to the mat with an impressive rear DDT. With Nicky Jam down on the mat, Steel bounces into the ropes and drops a knee across the face of the giant Rodriguez brother.

Nicky Jam begins to get to his feet, but Dave Steel takes him down with an impressive side headlock takedown, before punting him hard in the back. With Nicky Jam down and hurting, Karma Jones makes the blind tag into the match before Dave Steel can continue with any offence.

Dave Steel looks miffed at having to climb out of the ring and onto the apron when he was building momentum, and the fans give a mixed reaction as the confident newcomer Jones steps into the ring. Nicky Jam Rodriguez begins to get to his feet and make his way to his corner of the ring to make a tag, however before he can tag out, Karma Jones bounces into the ropes and nails him with a massive clothesline to take him down to the mat. With the giant Nicky Jam grounded, Jones lays into him with some massive mounted punches. The other four competitors on the ring apron look on as Nicky Jam slowly rises up to his feet and begins to get some offence in on Karma Jones, only for Jones to nail him with a knee to the midsection.

Nicky Jam doubles over in pain, and Karma Jones takes him right back down to the mat, before attempting a cover.



Nicky Jam Rodriguez manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted, and the opening match of tonight’s PPV continues! Karma Jones pulls Nicky Jam up to his feet and lays into him with some big punches, before ducking behind the giant and taking him down to the mat with an impressive back suplex! However before Karma Jones can do anything out, the fans cheer as Nathan Paradine makes the blind tag into the match! Karma Jones shoots Nicky Jam into the ropes, but as Nicky Jam bounces back, Paradine runs forward and almost beheads him with a clothesline! The fans cheer for the big move from the Australian, as Karma Jones reluctantly makes his way out of the ring.

Nicky Jam needs to make the tag out to one of his partners, but as they stand waiting to get the tag, Nathan Paradine lays into the giant with some big knife edge chops in the corner of the ring. Nicky Jam staggers out of the corner of the ring holding his chest in pain, but Paradine takes the oppurtunity to bounce into the ropes behind his opponent, before taking him down to the mat with a big running bulldog! With Nicky Jam down on the mat, Paradine rises up to his feet and motions to the crowd! Nicky Jam slowly rises to his feet, but Paradine nearly kicks his head off with a massive big boot! Chezina sees the move and tries to get into the ring, as Paradine makes the cover.

The referee tries to stop Chezina Rodriguez getting into the ring, and doesn’t even see the pin attempt taking place behind his back! The crowd boo loudly as Paradine has to release the attempt, before spinning the referee around. Paradine turns back to his opponent, but Nicky Jam Rodriguez rolls him up with a small package out of no where!




It looked as if Nicky Jam Rodriguez was going to sneak a win right there, but Paradine manages to get a shoulder up just in the nick of time. Paradine rises up to his feet, and ducks under a right hand from Nicky Jam, before scoop slamming the big man down to the mat. With Nicky Jam Rodriguez down, Paradine makes the tag out to Dave Steel.

Dave Steel climbs into the ring, and quickly goes to work on Nicky Jam Rodriguez with some big kicks and stomps. Nicky Jam Rodriguez tries to get back to his feet, but Dave Steel whips him hard into the ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a drop toe hold. With Nicky Jam down, Steel bounces into the ropes before dropping an elbow across the back of his opponents neck. Dave Steel taunts to the fans, and they respond by cheering for ‘Hard Rock’, as he signals for the ‘Hard Kick’! Nicky Jam Rodriguez slowly rises up to his feet, and Steel aims the ‘Hard Kick’ at his head, only for Nick Jam to grab his foot. Dave Steel goes for the enzuguri, but Nicky Jam ducks out of the way, before slamming Dave Steel to the mat with a big belly to belly suplex!

Both men look in pain as they slowly begin to crawl across the ring towards there corners to make the tag out. The next tag in this match could be crucial… and it’s Nicky Jam Rodriguez who finally manages to tag out to his brother Chivo! Chivo Rodriguez jumps into the ring, and quickly pulls Dave Steel away from the corner before he can make a tag out. Chivo grabs hold of Steel as he tries to get up, and plants him down to the mat hard with a stiff side slam. Dave Steel desperately tries to crawl across to his corner of the ring and make the tag out, however Chivo blocks him off with some stomps to the back of the head, before pulling him up to his feet. Chivo throws Dave Steel into the Rodriguez brothers corner, and all three of the brothers pound away on him with some big right hands. The fans boo loudly, until Chivo pulls him out of the corner and slams him down to the mat with a massive powerbomb! With Dave Steel flat out on his back, Chivo makes the tag out to Chezina! Chezina Rodriguez steps into the ring, and towers over Dave Steel as he climbs back to his feet. Chezina grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle in the corner, before whipping him hard into the ropes. Steel bounces back, but he is knocked down with a big boot from Chezina! Chezina looks down at his opponent, but as he does it looks like Karma Jones has seen enough of the action!

Jones jumps down off of the ring apron and grabs a steel chair from the announcers, before sliding back into the ring! The crowd boo loudly and the referee warns him, but Karma Jones smashes the steel chair into the back of Chezina’s head anyway! The sickening chair shot sends the giant down, and the referee quickly calls for the bell! Nicky Jam Rodriguez and Chivo Rodriguez both try and climb into the ring to help there brother, but before they can even get close, they both get steel chair shots to the head from Karma Jones as well, who has now taken out all three of the Rodriguez brothers!

Karma Jones stands in the middle of the ring looking very pleased with his actions, until he is spun around by Nathan Paradine. Paradine doesn’t look too happy about the fact that they have lost the match by DQ due to the newcomers actions, and makes his feelings known to Karma Jones! The fans rise to their feet as Jones and Paradine trash talk each other in the middle of the ring, until Paradine nails Jones with a right hand! Paradine hammers away on the newcomer, before whipping him hard into the ropes. Jones bounces back and Paradine looks for a big boot, only for Karma Jones to reverse it into a ‘Reapers Revenge’ onto Nathan Paradine!

The fans boo as Karma Jones stands over the downed body of his ‘tag team partner’ Nathan Paradine trash talking him. Jones then makes his way over to Dave Steel, and gives his other partner a ‘Reapers Revenge’ as well just for good measure! Karma Jones stands tall in the middle of the ring after laying out his opponents and partners, just where will his sVo career go after a first night like this one?

OUTCOME: The Rodriguez Brothers defeats Dave Steel, Nathan Paradine & Karma Jones via DQBACKSTAGE

THE CHAMP IS HERE!The scene heads backstage to the parking lot, and there is a huge cheer from the sold out Goodfellas Casino Arena crowd, as on the giant V-Tron they witness the arrival at the arena of the current sVo World Heavyweight Champion!

The man himself, Roscoe Shame steps out of a blacked out limo with the World Heavyweight Championship belt over his shoulder. Shame is wearing his trademark ‘Shame Time’ t-shirt, and looks focused as he slams the car door behind him, and begins to walk towards the entrance. As he does he is intercepted by sVo interviewer Tamara Boyd, always on the look out for a scoop.

Tamara Boyd: “Roscoe Shame, tonight you get to lay to rest all your demons when you take on your former friend Bobby Dean in the main event with the World Heavyweight Championship belt on the line. Many are calling this one of the most highly anticipated main events in the history of the business…”

The World Heavyweight Champion simple nods his head.

Tamara Boyd: “The last time you met one on one, Bobby Dean took your International Championship at Ultimate Victory II. Are you scared that history will repeat its self with the World Heavyweight title tonight?”

Shame stares down Boyd for a few seconds, as if he wasn’t too happy with the question.

Roscoe Shame: “Tonight back here in the sVo’s home of Las Vegas, t’s time to put up or shut up. I am going to show the whole world what Roscoe Shame is all about, and after tonight the Sanctioned Violence Organization will never be the same again!”

The World Heavyweight Champion makes his way past Tamara Boyd, with the fans in the arena going crazy about seeing the Champion.BACKSTAGE

FLY LITTLE MOCKINGJAY, FLYThe scene cuts backstage, where Ethan Rider is standiing in Matt Andersons office, the latter sitting on a chair behind his grand desk, littered with papers concering the sVo. Rider is dressed in ring gear, a towel in his hand, along with a bottle of water. He flexes a moment, before Anderson speaks.

Anderson: “You ready?”

Rider: “For Sinclair? As I’ll ever be. Like you said, he can’t beat me with the weight of the Company behind me.”

Anderson: “Good, good. Then, when Sinclair is finished, you take Becks place as my personal hitman…”

Rider: ” I prefer the term ‘assassin.’”

Anderson: “… My own personal assassin. Then, you may have noticed that Equinox is becoming a niggling irritation in the Companys side. I want you to take care of him. Efficiently.”

Rider: “No problem.”

Anderson stands up and motions for Rider to leave. The Mockingjay does so, but suddenly stops, turning and pulling a wad of notes from his pocket, which he drops on Matts desk. Anderson smiles and looks to Rider for an explanation.

Anderson: “Look, kid – I know I’m doing you a favour here, but you don’t need to pay me… this ones on me.”

Rider: “No, Anderson. Thats for the Tag Team title belts.”

Anderson: “What?”

Rider: “I’m buying a shot. Next week… and I don’t give a damn who the champion is… and just so you know, Myself and Teacher will be fighting for the tag titles.”

Rider leaves, opening and closing the door in one fluid motion. Anderson laughs, swiftly scooping a pen from the desk and turning to a poster on the wall… He puts pen to paper, right under the heading ‘as Tag Team title match.’

-Tag Team Title Match
Ethan Rider & The Teacher vs ______
Jukebox Hero – Foreigner hits the sound system and there is a big cheer from the sold out crowd, as the young rookie Alex Brooks slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Brooks poses for a few seconds on the top of the rampway with his hands held high in the air, soaking up the cheers from the crowd. Brooks then slowly begins to make his way down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans at ringside, before rolling into the ring. The fans continue to cheer Brooks as he runs across the ring, bouncing off of the ropes, whilst warming up for tonight’s match.

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

The Teacher and Alex Brooks stare across the ring at each other, as the referee quickly lays down the law to both competitors about wanting a fair fight tonight. Both men don’t seem to be listening to the referee, as they try and gain an early psychological edge over each other. With Brooks eliminating The Teacher from last weeks battle royal match on Showdown #60, can the masked one get some revenge here tonight? The referee finally calls for the bell to be rung, and there is a huge cheer from the fans as this one is finally underway! The Teacher and the youngster Brooks slowly make their way towards each other, before tying up in the middle of the ring. The Teacher quickly pushes Brooks back into the corner of the ring, before the referee calls for a clean break. The Teacher quickly breaks the hold and retreats a few steps, only for Brooks to run at him.

The Teacher manages to side step Brooks and take him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown, before applying an arm bar submission move on the youngster. Brooks shouts out in pain as The Teacher tries to injure Brooks’ arm early, but before any real damage can be done, Brooks manages to reach out and grab the bottom rope, causing the referee to call for a break. The Teacher quickly breaks the hold and rises up to his feet, as Brooks pulls himself up whilst feeling his arm. The Teacher jumps forward and aims a right hand at Alex Brooks, however the youngster ducks under the right hand of The Teacher, before turning and laying into him with some stiff knife edge chops.

The Teacher staggers backwards at the force of the chops which get big cheers from the fans, right into the corner of the ring. Alex Brooks then begins to stomp away on The Teacher in the corner of the ring, before walking away and taunting to the fans. The fans cheer the youngster, however as he turns back to his opponent, The Teacher explodes out of the corner of the ring and knocks Alex Brooks down with a big clothesline! The Teacher gets a big cheer from the fans as Alex Brooks rises up to his feet not knowing what hit him. The Teacher lays into Brooks with some big right hands which send him into the corner of the ring. With Brooks leaning back against the turnbuckle, The Teacher wraps the arm of Brooks around the top rope, before twisting it around, using the ropes against Brooks. The referee calls for a break to the hold, and The Teacher quickly releases it.

Alex Brooks staggers out of the corner of the ring holding his arm in pain, but as he looks for a clothesline with his good arm, The Teacher ducks behind him to pull Brooks into a waist lock, before tossing him to the mat with a German suplex. The perfectly executed move gets big cheers from the fans as Alex Brooks rises up to his feet holding his neck in pain. The Teacher lays into Brooks with some stiff chops across the chest to repay his opponent from earlier, before taking him down to the mat with a twisting arm suplex! The Teacher gets big cheers from the fans as he pounces on his downed opponent and tries to lock in the ‘A Plus’ submission hold, however Brooks scouts the move early and rolls away from The Teacher, and under the bottom rope!

The referee begins to count out Alex Brooks as he stumbles around the outside of the ring trying to regain his composure, until The Teacher rolls out right behind him! The Teacher grabs Alex Brooks by the back of the head and tries to slam him head first into the security barrier, however Brooks counters the move with a elbow into the ribs of his opponent! The Teacher stumbles away, until Brooks grabs him from behind and slams him face first into the turnbuckle! The Teacher holds his masked face in pain, as Brooks grabs him by the tights and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope.

The fans cheer Alex Brooks as he climbs up onto the ring apron, before walking along and beginning to climb the nearest turnbuckle! The Teacher slowly begins to stagger to his feet in the ring, but as he does Alex Brooks leaps from the top rope looking for a crossbody attack onto his opponent! Brooks manages to land the move, but as he does The Teacher rolls through it into a cover on the rookie!




It looked as if The Teacher was going to pull the win out of nowhere there, but just before the three could be counted, Alex Brooks managed to get his shoulder up off of the mat to save the match. The Teacher looks disappointed as he rises up to his feet, and grabs hold of his opponent. The Teacher whips Alex Brooks hard into the ring ropes, but Brooks bounces back and lands a spinning heel kick to the face of The Teacher! The fans cheer for the big move from Brooks, as The Teacher rises to his feet feeling his face. Alex Brooks plants him straight back down to the mat with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring, before bouncing into the ropes and hitting a running elbow smash into the face of his opponent.

Alex Brooks rises up to his feet and soaks in the cheers from the fans, as The Teacher slowly begins to recover. Brooks turns his attention back to The Teacher, grabbing him in a front face lock, before taking him down to the mat with a big snap suplex. The Teacher hits the mat hard, and Alex Brooks quickly jumps onto him before blasting him in the face with some big mounted punches. The fans cheer the big punches from Brooks, until The Teacher is able to push the rookie off of him.

Alex Brooks looks to be taking firm control of his match, as The Teacher rises to his feet only to be hit in the face with a big elbow smash from Brooks! The Teacher stumbles away holding his mouth in pain, but as he turns back around, Brooks bounces into the ropes before dropping his opponent to the mat with a perfect dropkick! The fans cheer the huge move from Alex Brooks, who quickly makes the cover on The Teacher!




It looked as if Alex Brooks was just about to pick up his first ever win on sVo PPV, however just before the three was counted by the referee, The Teacher’s shoulder comes shooting off of the mat! The crowd cheer at the fact this one continue, as Alex Brooks pulls The Teacher up from the mat, and throws him into the corner of the ring! With The Teacher hurting in the corner, Alex Brooks makes his way to the opposite corner of the ring, before running and landing a big splash onto The Teacher! The fans cheer as The Teacher stumbles out of the corner, and Alex Brooks signals for his finishing DDT move! Brooks quickly spins around The Teacher and nails him with a kick to the midsection. However as Brooks lines The Teacher up for a DDT, the Teacher suddenly counters into the ‘A Plus’!

The fans jump to their feet for the impressive counter into the painful submission hold, as Alex Brooks screams out in pain! The referee quickly asks Brooks if he would like to tap, but the youngster refuses! Will he tap out soon or will he pass out from the pain?

It looks as if this one is going to be all over, until somehow Alex Brooks manages to reach the bottom rope with an outstretched leg! The referee orders The Teacher to break the submission hold, just when it looked as if he was going to pick the win up from no where! The Teacher quickly rises up to his feet, and pulls Brooks up with him. It looks as if the damage from the ‘A Plus’ has already been done to Brooks, as The Teacher easily nails him with an arm trap neckbreaker to take him down to the mat. With Alex Brooks down on the mat and hurting, the fans in the arena once again rise to their feet as The Teacher points to the corner of the ring!

The Teacher slowly makes his way to the turnbuckle, and then begins to climb to the top rope! The fans know that they are about to see the ‘Top of the Class’ right here, and it is likely to spell the end of Alex Brooks tonight! The Teacher quickly makes his way to the top rope, and leaps off looking for the frogsplash onto Brooks, however as the move finds it’s target, Brooks gets his knees up and drives them into the chest of The Teacher! The Teacher rolls around on the mat in agony, as Alex Brooks pulls himself up to his feet using the ring ropes! The Teacher tries to reach a standing position, but as he does the rookie Alex Brooks quickly pounces on him, nailing The Teacher with the DDT! The fans cheer as The Teacher’s head bounces off of the mat, and Alex Brooks makes the cover!




This one is all over! The fans in the arena cheer for the great match up, as Alex Brooks’ music hits the sound system and he stumbles up to his feet. The referee raises his hand in the air in victory, as the rookie stands over The Teacher, having defeated him for the second week running! Alex Brooks continues to celebrate his victory in the ring as the sVo cameras head backstage.

OUTCOME: Alex Brooks defeats The Teacher via pinfallBACKSTAGE

ALMOST THERE“This is going to be great.”

The voice of Clive English surfacing around was heard. He and Colt Cooper are just getting inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Both men jumpy, and very excited.

“Great? It’s going to be awesome.” Colt still had that prep in his step. Tonight would be the night that he’s been waiting for since defeating Nightmare for a shot at the International title.

“Now remember what we talked about at your training session. Now is the present. You have to present yourself to everyone as a International Champion, and beat the living sperm out Rey Rosario and Crippler.” he exclaimed. He knew that Rey and Crippler are very vulnerable.

“You think Joey Q can screw this up for me?” Not really worrying abut Joesph Equinox until now. It’s a moment where he’s thinking. What if Joesph Equinox is the one why he loses his Tag Team Title?

“If he does he will have to worry about you.” Colt just shrugs his shoulders and nods his head.

“Oh, he will, and what’s this whole thing about him hating The Company. I’m his Tag Team Partner, but I want nothing to do with The Company, and Joey’s hatred toward them.” They get to Colt’s home and Colt unlocks the door letting them both in.

“I couldn’t tell you about all of that. I’m too focused on you being International Champion.” he responds taking a seat on Colt’s bed.

“It’s just that I want to help him if it ever comes to the point he needs me, but I just don’t want it to become a custom battle. Theirs too much at stake for me.” Colt begins to grab his ring attire and extras out of his bag.

“You don’t have to worry about all of that, and stop thinking about Joey Q and his little flint with The Company. Get your head back on your shoulders and put some tape in.” he grumpily says. Colt snorts putting on the tape of he and Rey’s first encounter.

“Now that’s more like it.” Clive never saw the match. Now he does get to see what happened on that night.

“I’ll be back. I’m going to the Casino to get a drink.” Colt exits his home. Clive looks on shaking his head at Colt.BACKSTAGE

GUARDIAN ANGLESWe head backstage to the locker room of the Von Drake’s where ‘JVD’ James Von Drake is preparing for his massive Las Vegas Title match tonight against two of his fiercest rivals, Zarathustra and Champion Grimnir. JVD looks to be a confident mood as he is already in his ring attire and stretching out for his match up, which will take place later tonight! The fans boo as soon as they see JVD, but there is a mixed reaction as the camera pans around to see his gorgeous wife Lucy Von Drake standing alongside him.

LVD: “I don’t see why you won’t let me go out there. It’s not as if I have not been in dangerous situations before. Remember that one time at…”

JVD: “Enough! I don’t want to hear any more about it. I have made my decision and that’s final . Grimnir and Zarathustra have had there attentions on you for weeks now, I don’t want them going after you and that costing me the match…”

Lucy Von Drake looks unimpressed.

JVD: “…Or you getting hurt of course… Add to that we don’t know just what is going through my brothers mind right now. The safest place for you would be back here watching me become the new Las Vegas Champion on a monitor.”

Lucy Von Drake still doesn’t look impressed as she turns away to sulk.

LVD: “I just want to be out there so I can make sure that nothing goes wrong and that you win tonight…”

James Von Drake smirks, as he rises up to his feet and kisses his sulking wife on the cheek.

JVD: “Nothing is going to go wrong and I am going to win. Don’t forget that we have guardian angels watching over me now. Grimnir and Zarathustra have no chance in hell of winning tonight!”

The scene fades out with the fans wondering just what James Von Drake means by having guardian angels watching over him tonight at Roll the Dice 2010!
Headstrong by Trapt hits the sound system and boos ring out around the arena as the Xtreme Fusion threesome of Asesino, DVD and Limp slowly make there way out of the backstage area and onto the top of the entrance ramp. The three men ignore the boos from the fans, as they signal to the crowd, before spiriting down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring. The three men make there way to opposite corners of the ring, and climb the turn-buckles to taunt to the fans whilst awaiting there opponents.

‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool begins to blast over the sound system and there is a cheer from the crowd as the Corporation step out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The team of DJ, Raven and the Corporate Lady Juliana Torres stare down the entrance ramp at the three men in the ring, before slowing making there way down the entrance ramp, ready to go to war. The Corporation climb into the ring, and Xtreme Fusion quickly climb out, as the Corporation taunt to the fans in the sold out Goodfellas Casino Arena.

The bell rings and we have Limp and Raven standing in the middle of the ring sizing each other up. Limp starts to talk trash to Raven and then proceeds to slap Raven in the face. DVD and Asesino high five each other in the corner as Limp laughs at The King of Hardcore. Limp goes for another slap but gets blocked by Raven who nails a big time right hand to Limp.

Asesino gets upset and gets in the ring and gets a right hand as well taking The Assassin down. DVD goes to enter the ring but Raven is ready for him. DVD thinks about it and decides to go back to the apron. The distraction is good enough for Limp to attack Raven from behind. Limp starts to hammer away at The Corporation member and then tags in DVD.

DVD enters the ring and starts to stomp away at Raven. DVD picks up Raven and slams him hard to the mat. DVD raises his arms in the soaking in all the boos from the capacity crowd at The Goodfellas Casino Arena. DVD bounces off the ropes and measures Raven as he connects with an elbow drop to the chest of The King of Hardcore. DVD hooks the leg looking to eliminate Raven early on.



Raven kicks out with authority. DVD protests the count and picks up Raven. DVD throws Raven against the ropes and goes for a back body drop but receives a kick to the face for his troubles by Raven. DVD raises up from the impact and receives a clothesline from Raven that takes DVD down. Raven signals the crowd for approval and tags in Juliana Torres.

Juliana who clearly is not a hundred percent from the attack she received earlier smiles and tells DVD to please get up. DVD is trying to convince Torres to be his friend but The Corporate Lady smiles and kicks the living hell out of DVD. Juliana is taking revenge for what DVD did to her face which set up this feud between both stables. DVD getting tired of taking blows rolls to his corner and tags in Asesino.

Asesino enters the ring and tells Juliana to calm down. She does and they go for a tie up. Asesino takes control with a knee to the midsection of Juliana Torres. Asesino delivers a forearm smash to the head of Torres. Asesino now throws Torres against the ropes and delivers a dropkick to the face of The Corporate Lady. Asesino pins Juliana.



Juliana kicks out. Asesino picks up The Corporate Lady and throws her against the ropes. Asesino goes for a clothesline which Torres ducks. Juliana continues bouncing as Asesino goes for a back body drop this time but Torres leap frogs him. Juliana bounces one more time and they both give each other a clothesline at the same time.

Asesino slowly rolls to his corner tagging in Limp as Torres leaps and tags DJ. Limp goes for a clothesline but DJ ducks and bounces off the ropes connecting with a flying tackle to Limp. DVD enters the ring and nails DJ from behind stopping his momentum. The referee starts to push DVD back to his corner as from behind them Raven enters the ring and nails Raven’s Fate on Limp. DJ recovers and quickly climbs the ropes delivering the DJ Splash on Limp. DJ hooks the leg looking for the elimination.





DJ gets back up only to receive The Asesino Unprettier from Asesino who was waiting for him to rise back up. Asesino wastes no time trying to pull out the surprise elimination.





Asesino celebrates what might be the biggest accomplishment in his SVO career but turns right into a Lou Thesz Press from Juliana Torres. Juliana nails Asesino with punch after punch before picking him back up. Torres throws Asesino against the ropes and delivers a spinning heel kick to Asesino. Torres goes for the pin.



Asesino kicks out in time. Asesino gets up staggered and Juliana goes for a victory roll but Asesino holds her up and drops forward nailing Juliana throat first into the third rope. Asesino now tags in DVD. DVD measures Torres and delivers the DVD Cutter on Juliana. DVD pins The Corporate Lady.





Raven quickly enters the ring knowing he is The Corporation’s only hope now. He goes for a school boy pin on DVD.



DVD kicks out. Raven quickly bounces off the ropes and connects with a flying forearm on DVD. Raven signals for his Raven Time Bomb. Raven quickly climbs the ropes but Asesino goes over and pushes him off the ropes making Raven fall hard on the mat. DVD rolls to his corner and tags in Asesino.

Asesino enters the ring and kicks Raven in the midsection following it up with a suplex. Asesino climbs the ropes and delivers a top rope splash on Raven. Asesino pins Raven.



Raven got a shoulder up in the nick of time. Asesino goes to his corner and tags DVD back in. Asesino picks up Raven and puts him in a piledriver position while DVD climbs the second rope and pushes Raven’s legs down delivering a spike piledriver to The King of Hardcore. DVD wastes no time in going for the win pinning Raven.




Raven had his foot on the rope breaking the count. DVD who is quite upset with the count tags Asesino back in. Asesino looks very confident as he picks up Raven and goes for the Asesino Unprettier but Raven pushes Asesino forward colliding with DVD who was on the apron in his corner.

Asesino turns groggily and receives a kick to the midsection by Raven followed up by Raven’s Fate. Raven quickly climbs the ropes and connects with the Raven Time Bomb on Asesino. Raven hooks the leg trying to keep The Assassin down for the three count.





This match has now come down to Raven representing The Corporation against DVD representing Xtreme Fusion. DVD looks on in shock as he has been informed that Asesino has been eliminated and that he is on his own now. He slowly gets in the ring as Asesino chop blocks Raven’s leg behind the referee’s back. DVD smiles as he enters and starts to kick at Raven’s knee.

DVD grabs Raven’s knee and delivers an elbow drop to the inner thigh of The King of Hardcore. DVD bounces off the ropes and connects with a knee drop to the knee of Raven who is rolling around screaming in pain. The fans start to rally behind Raven as DVD just taunt the fans in attendance.

DVD grabs Raven’s leg and turns it into the figure four leg lock. Raven screams in pain as the referee is all over him asking him if he wants to give it up. Raven shakes his head indicating a negative response. DVD seeing this grabs the ropes and starts to put more pressure on Raven’s knee. Raven has no choice but to tap but luckily for him the referee turned around just in time to see DVD utilizing the ring rope and orders DVD to release the hold.

DVD does and knowing he has full advantage now starts to climb the ropes as the Corporations theme music – ‘Sinner ‘by Drowning Pool hits the sound system. DVD looks back to the entrance in shock as ‘Canadian Perfect’ Chris Wrestling walks out onto the top of the rampway to big cheers from the fans! The former Corporation leader starts to walk down the aisle as DVD forgets all about his match as Raven catches him on the top rope and slams his down to the mat. Raven quickly climbs the ropes and connects with the Raven Time Bomb on DVD. Raven hooks both legs on DVD looking for the win.




Raven rises up to his feet and holds his hands in the air in victory, having manages to score the victory for the Corporation over there hated rivals Xtreme Fusion, but what is Chris Wrestling doing back in the sVo?

OUTCOME: The Corporation defeats Xtreme Fusion via eliminationRINGSIDE

OUT OF MY WAYFans cheer and boo with mixed reactions as Chris Wrestling slowly walks down the entrance ramp from the top, passing Raven who is making his way to the back celebrating his victory. The two lock eyes, but keep on walking in there opposite directions. Chris Wrestling, who hasn’t been seen since before Ultimate Victory II is dressed casual, in jeans and a short leather jacket, sunglasses also, he heads down to the ring and climbs in, handed a mic as he enters. Chris Wrestling slides off his jacket, getting comfy, clearly with a few seconds to spare as he waits for the fans to die down, eventually all goes quiet as he looks out, he raises his glasses onto his head.

Chris Wrestling: Well hello there guys and girls, I’m here to get a few things off my back, and this pretty much applies to everyone, and I mean, everyone!

I’m sure you all know, but there’s a lot of issues here in sVo at the moment, that stands as a misunderstood meltdown.

Chris Wrestling straightens up his jacket and places it over the ropes.

Chris Wrestling: Roscoe Shame, BBD, Night, you’re all on my radar right now, I’m on a delight flight path to the top, I want the title sooner rather than later, it will be mine and I won’t let it go, DJ thought he could stand in my way, he was wrong. There’s more flights and fights left yet, so Roscoe Shame, BBD, I hope you both see sense and realize the position you two are in right now, I mean, what have you guys achieved, successfully? Night, I have no problem with you, to me, you’re just.. there? In the corner, nice and quiet, and I’m happy with that, you stay out of my way and that’s the best way.

Chris Wrestling continues his pace around the ring.

Chris Wrestling: BBD, you little skivvy piece of scum, doing Matt Anderson’s dirty work, all so he keeps you in his office, locker room, in the Company and in position for a raise, and it’s the ONLY reason you ever won a title in SVO. You, should know the threat I show automatically being on the title picture, being up high, you, should know that when we meet, you should do the right thing, step aside and let me be, or the consequences could be beyond repair for you.

Chris Wrestling centers himself in the ring.

Chris Wrestling: Now, aside staying the most dominant man in SVO, THEE MOST important thing to me right now, is winning the sVo World Championship.

Chris Wrestling points at his waist with a smile.

Chris Wrestling: No man, no woman, nobody, will come in the way of me and my goals, and I will win the championship. The SVO title is something somebody can be proud of, the name is in.. the ‘title’, I will be the champion, I am an Icon. So a word of warning to anyone who has plans to go against me, anyone who has plans to come after my opportunity, and that goes to you, not so Future of Wrestling DJ, that goes to you Raven, and most importantly, that goes to you Roscoe Shame. I don’t so much see you guys as threats, more as, people I just don’t like, and don’t want you in my way, anyone of you come near me, and me and my Corporation will open a personal attack on you. I’m currently occupied, currently busy, and currently not of interest in anything but my current duties, if I become pre-occupied, I become annoyed, and when I’m annoyed, with any of you especially, you better hope you don’t end up six feet under.

Chris Wrestling just smiles with evil intent, he goes to leave the ring as fans cheer when something crosses his mind, he stops and turns.

Chris Wrestling: Just one more thing, Juliana, I’m slightly disturbed by the rumors I hear? I heard your trying to inform Lizzie, I lied to her? It saddens me to think you would try persuade her otherwise and direct her away from the truth, to what? Try keep her safe.. Juliana, I want you to know here and now, Lizzie is never safe, while she’s at your side, that just brings her closer to me, Lizzie is always in my reach, and I can take her any time I like, no matter how hard you hold, no matter how close you hold, and I don’t even have to use force to take her.

And if she isn’t watching, say hey to Lizzie for me, and let her know.. we’re always watching.

Chris Wrestling just smiles and backs off, he grabs his jacket and hooks it over his shoulder, as he exits the ring, now walking up the ramp with his music blaring, fans cheering, and new lessons learned for people to acknowledge in sVo. A warning to Shame and BBD, a dedication to serve sVo, the original sVo, a roster threat, and most worryingly, informing Torres and Lizzie, he’s not gone, he’s never gone.

Chris Wrestling is back in the sVo and looking to work his way up to a shot at the World Championship, but is he here to help or hinder his ‘friends’ in the Corporation?PRE-RECORDED

AD~A commercial begins with a black screen, containing the words, “The following message has been paid for by the State of Minnesota in conjunction with the C.R.I.P.P.L.E.R.” The words fade out as they are replaced by the image of Canadian Crippler, seated at a desk inside his Minneapolis Mansion, dressed in a black suit jacket and white dress shirt with a blue and black striped tie. He leans back in his chair and addresses the camera as calming mandolin music plays in the background.~

Crippler: Hello Sanctioned Violence Organization fans. This is Canadian Crippler. Today, I want to discuss your financial future. As you all know, Las Vegas, Nevada is the home base of Sanctioned Violence Organization and the site of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. You are also aware that Minneapolis, Minnesota is the professional wrestling mecca of the world. For the fans living in these two cities and across the rest of the country, money has been tight and times have been difficult…

~While Crippler talks, scenes of old American glory, such as farmers harvesting a new crop in Wisconsin, new automobiles cruising down a Michigan road, and Walter Payton scoring a touchdown in a 1980s Chicago Bears game flash across the screen, only to be frozen and turned to black and white, signifying their stoppage.~

Crippler: The heart and soul of this great nation is being ripped out of the ribcage of prosperity by our economic downfall. However, in Minnesota, the tide has begun to change, thanks to the efforts of the Perfect Life Movement. By becoming a contributor and donating just one dollar a day, you too can add your personal strength to fortify the resistance against economic turmoil. Think of it as one less candy bar or one less McDouble with Cheese to save the lives of your American neighbors. You’ll get all the benefits of America whether you live here or not… brotherhood… a joy in helping others… belonging… a place in this world. Your future and ours await your kindness as we build toward the Perfect Life.

~Crippler then picks up a glass of blue punch from his desk and raises it toward the camera with the same hand. He gives the classic Canadian Crippler smirk toward the camera.~

Crippler: Trust me… it’s going to be perfect.

~The scene fades out to another black screen, giving the address to which donations can be sent. The music concludes as the commercial comes to an end.~BACKSTAGE

infAMOSThe Infamous One Samuel Amos is seen walking through the backstage area with his Shiny, Brand New sVo TapOut Championship belt draped over his shoulder. He’s cocky as he takes each step down the hallway like he owns everything and everyone in the backstage area. Katie Smith suddenly pops out with a microphone in hand and Amos jumps.. flying back and nearly dropping his TapOut Championship on the ground.

Samuel Amos: “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!!”

Katie Smith: “I’m so sorry, may I have a word with you?”

Amos looks angry as he readjusts the championship belt on his shoulder.

Samuel Amos: “You jump me like you’re one of these morons that want my title and now you want an interview? Do you know that I almost.. POW.. took your head off?! Huh?! I could have very easily have tazed you and slam your head into this concrete with the InfAMOS Spike Hurricanrana!! I could have killed you and all of that is worth an interview?? Fine.. but hurry it up.. I don’t wanna..”

Amos looks over his shoulder and down the hallway as he stands, looking very nervous.

Samuel Amos: “I don’t wanna be here all day.. you know? I’ve got places to go and stuff..”

Katie Smith: “Right.. well.. Samuel..”

Samuel Amos: “MISTER Amos, to you.”

Katie Smith: “Mr. Amos. I was just wondering, we seen not too long ago that the Las Vegas police had to escort you to the hospital after you were presumably attacked. How is the head?”

Samuel Amos: “The head is fine.. The head is perfect. I’ve had this headache for weeks now but that’s about to feel a little better after I give Locon a taste of what he gave me. Then I’ll really feel good.”

Katie Smith: “Alright. We also saw that you were searching for a guy named Luke. Who is Luke?”

Sam’s eyes light up.. and he begins to laugh.

Samuel Amos: “Who is Luke??” He chuckles. “Who’s Luke?? You don’t know who Luke is by now? Jesus, I thought you sVo interviewers were on top of things. What.. have you been under a rock lately? You don’t know who Luke is?? Pfft.. Don’t waste my time.. I’m out of here!”

Amos unceremoniously pushes the microphone out of his face and pushes past Katie Smith. Katie Smith looks up into the camera and just shrugs.. apparently Amos wasn’t ready to answer the question.
The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds El Locon, wearing a straight jacket slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net. The fans cheer as El Locon stares down at the ring, before climbing into the ring. The man escorting El Locon begins to take off his straight jacket, as the entrance music begins to fade out. With the straight jacket removed, El Locon stretches out in the corner of the ring and prepares for the match to get under way.

“Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as Samuel Amos walks out and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring, holding his sVo Tapout Championship belt high in the air. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring.

The referee holds the sVo Tapout Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match, before passing the belt to the ring announcer on the outside of the ring. Amos and El Locon stare across the ring at each other as the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the first ever title defence of the sVo Tapout Championship belt gets underway!

The two rivals slowly circle around the ring staring each other down, until Amos dives in and nails El Locon with a knee to the midsection. The 6’6″ monster doubles over in pain, and Amos quickly takes advantage with some big punches to the face of his challenger. Amos backs El Locon into the corner of the ring, before sending him corner to corner. El Locon hits the opposite corner of the ring hard, but as Amos runs at him looking for a clothesline, El Locon nails him with a big boot to the face! The fans in the arena cheer the big boot from the challenger, who wastes no time in slapping a side head lock onto Amos as he begins to rise to his feet. Before the referee even asks if he wants to tap out, Amos fights his way out of the hold with some kidney shots to El Locon, before pushing the big man away into the ropes. El Locon bounces out of the ropes, and knocks Amos down to the mat with a shoulder charge.

Amos stumbles up to a standing position, but as he does El Locon grabs him by the back of the head and slams him head first into the turnbuckle in the corner of the ring. Amos stumbles backwards holding his face in pain, and El Locon takes him down to the mat with a big side suplex. The fans cheer the offence from the big man, as he flips Samuel Amos over and locks him into a surfboard stretch!

The fans seem to enjoy watching Amos scream out in pain under the pressure of the submission hold, but El Locon has applied it too close to the ropes, and Amos is able to get his foot on the bottom rope, forcing El Locon to break the hold. The big man rises up to his feet looking disappointed that he didn’t manage to put away Amos early on. El Locon pulls Amos up to his feet by his hair, and lays into him with some big punches to the side of the head. Amos seems to be reeling as El Locon grabs him by the arm and throws him into the ropes, however as Amos bounces back, he takes down El Locon with a spinning neckbreaker!

The fans boo the big move from Amos, who rises to his feet and shoots evil looks out at the paying customers. El Locon slowly begins to rise to his feet, but as he does Amos hits him with some stiff right hands to the face, before taking him down with an atomic drop. El Locon lays on the mat in agony, as Amos rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd! The fans respond by booing Samuel Amos, but he doesn’t seem to care as he stands in wait behind El Locon, as the big man begins to get to his feet.

El Locon staggers up, but as he turns around he walks straight into a spinebuster from Samuel Amos! The crowd boo loudly, as Amos grabs hold of the legs of his opponent, and locks in a sharpshooter! Amos twists El Locon over, and he screams out in pain under the pressure of the painful submission hold. The referee asks El Locon if he wants to tap, but the giant bravely shakes his head, and reaches out in vain for the bottom rope! Amos leans back even further on the submission hold to apply more pressure, with a massive smile on his face! Amos seems confident that it’s only a matter of time before El Locon taps to the sharpshooter! The fans begin a slow clap to try and get behind El Locon, and much to the shock of Amos, the big man manages to use all 6’6″ of his body to reach out and grab the bottom rope!

The referee quickly makes Amos release the submission hold, and Amos looks besides himself with rage! The crowd boo loudly as Amos shoves the referee over, before climbing out of the ring! Amos flips off the crowd as he walks around to the ring announcer and grabs his Tapout Championship belt back, before beginning to walk up the aisle to the back! It seems as if Amos has had enough of the match!

The crowd continue to boo loudly, until El Locon rolls out of the ring, and runs up the entrance ramp after Amos, knocking the Champion down with a clothesline to the back of the head! The fans cheer loudly as El Locon pounds away on Amos with big kicks as the Champion lays on the steel entrance ramp! Amos tries to pull himself up to a standing position, but as he does El Locon grabs him around the throat! The crowd pop as El Locon pulls Amos up into the air, before chokeslamming him down onto the solid steel entrance ramp!

With Amos down and hurting, El Locon wastes no time in dropping down, and applying a bicep slicer onto Amos, right there on the rampway! The referee quickly rushes down to see if Amos will tap, which is perfectly legal in this type of match! Amos shouts out in pain as his bicep is pressed into his humerus bone! With no ring ropes to grab to break the hold, just how will Amos escape? The fans cheer as it looks as if we are going to have a new sVo Tapout Champion right here, until Amos grabs the Tapout Championship belt off of the floor with his free hand, and slams it into the side of El Locon’s head!

The crowd boo loudly as El Locon breaks the hold, but the move is perfectly legal in this type of match! Amos rises up to his feet looking more enraged than ever, as he aims a stiff kick to the midsection of El Locon who is now laying in pain on the entrance ramp. Amos quickly reaches into the crowd and pushes away the nearest fan, before stealing his steel chair! The fans boo loudly as Amos folds up the steel chair, before slamming it down hard into the face of El Locon! Amos repeats the move two more times, before posing with the chair over the downed body of El Locon!

Amos tries to pull the giant up to his feet, before dragging him closer to the ring, and throwing him face first into the security barrier. El Locon stands propped up against the security barrier as Amos fires away on him with big right and left hands. The crowd continue to boo loudly, until El Locon suddenly drops a shoulder and back drops Amos over the security barrier and into the crowd! Amos struggles to get up to his feet after the bump onto the concrete floor, as El Locon wastes no time in climbing over the security barrier and into the crowd as well! The referee quickly follows the pair with the sVo Tapout Championship belt, as El Locon chases the stumbling Amos through the crowd, nailing him with big upper cuts!

The crowd pat El Locon on the back as he goes, until Amos turns around and El Locon runs through the sVo Tapout Champion with a big boot to the face! The sea of fans around the two competitors cheer loudly, as El Locon stands over the downed body of Samuel Amos, with count outs and DQ’s of course not something that is going to end this match! El Locon taunts the crowd around him, but as he does Amos begins to rise to his feet. The sVo Tapout Champion quickly takes advantage of El Locon’s playing up to the fans, by grabbing a beer out of the hand of a nearby fan and throwing it into the face of El Locon!

The crowd boo as El Locon stumbles forward with his eyes stinging, allowing Samuel Amos to hit him with a double leg takedown in the middle of the sea of fans, before turning him over into a boston crab submission hold! The referee asks El Locon if he wants to quit, but with the fans all around him cheering him on, he shakes his head. Amos tries to tighten the painful move even more, but as he does El Locon manages to spin out of the move and send Amos flying in the fans! Amos pushes the fans away from him as he rises back to his feet, but as he does he walks straight into an ‘El Loco from Hell’ from the big man! The fans pop for the massive move, as El Locon pulls Samuel Amos up from the floor, before locking in a bearhug!

The fans all around begin shouting ‘TAP, TAP, TAP!’, but it looks as if Samuel Amos might already by out cold from that massive ‘El Loco from Hell’ only moments ago! The referee grabs hold of Amos’ arm, and lifts it into the air, only for it to drop down to his side! The is a massive cheer from the fans as his hand drops down. The referee repeats the move, and once again the champions hand drops down to his side! Amos looks to be out cold, and if it happens one more time then we will have a new sVo Tapout Champion here tonight!

The referee lifts Amos’ hand in the air one more time and drops it, but instead of dropping down, it suddenly shoots up into the air. The fans boo as El Locon shakes his head in disbelief. El Locon tries to tighten the hold even more on Amos, but Amos reaches into his pocket, and pulls out the tazer he has been seen backstage with! The crowd boo loudly, as Amos zaps El Locon in the side with the tazer, causing El Locon to drop him down. El Locon stumbles around feeling the effects of the tazer, and Amos capitalises with the ‘infAMOS’ on the concrete! El Locon’s head bounces off of the unforgiving concrete amongst the sea of fans, and Amos rises to his feet with a sick smile on his face! Amos holds the tazer up in the air for all the fans to see, before dropping down and making a big show of locking a figure four leg lock onto El Locon! El Locon shouts out in pain as Amos ramps up the pressure of the hold, and after a few seconds the challenger has no choice…

Tap, Tap, Tap!

El Locon has tapped out, and this one is all over! “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system, but Amos keeps the submission hold locked on for a few extra seconds just to add insult to injury, before finally releasing El Locon from his pain! Samuel Amos rises up to his feet amongst the sVo fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena, and snatches his title belt from the hands of the referee. Amos pushes some fans out of the way, as he climbs up onto a nearby camera position, to hold his title high above his head. The fans boo loudly for Samuel Amos, who has survived the war with El Locon, and escaped with his sVo Tapout Championship belt intact.

OUTCOME: Samuel Amos defeats El Locon via submissionBACKSTAGE

READY TO GO?We cut backstage, where Crippler and Rey Rosario are talking amongst themselves in front of their lockers.

Rey Rosario: So he’s ready to go?

Crippler: Yeah, all the Las Vegas peons in this arena will never see it coming, which is what makes it even more…well… Awesome!

Rey Rosario: Excellent.BACKSTAGE

GHOSTS OF THE sVoThe video feed cut back to somewhere deep within the building. It is dark and creepy, as the camera crew attests to the fact before the video picks up something moving in the dim light. Before they can fire up the camera’s light to see what it is, Grimnir pops out from the shadows and grabs the lens. Clearly he has been affected by being inside of the arena, his visible eye moving rapidly as his breath is short and ragged.

Grimnir: Do you hear it? Do you hear the ghosts of sVo past!? I do! I can hear the footsteps of Psyko Steve rumbling through the hallways as the crowd eggs him on to do more violence! I can hear the cackling of Spring Heel Jack somewhere in the darkness. DO YOU HEAR IT!?

He quickly looks behind him, the camera shaking either from his nerves or the nerves of the man holding the correct end of the camera. Grimnir continues without looking at the camera, clearly expecting something to attack him.

Grimnir: Crap, Ghost Mike Polowy and Poltergeist Joey Peyton want my soul! They know who I am; they have come to reap my ever loving soul! I must atone for my past sins. They will never rest until I do! I heard them talking to Satan earlier while I was down here, they want me next! Run for your lives, save yourselves! sVo lives!

Grimnir runs off into the darkness, disappearing into nothingness and leaving the camera crew more than a bit rattled.BACKSTAGE

MAN OF HIS WORD?With only moments to go until the massive tag team match where sVo Tag Team Champions Colt Cooper & Joseph Equinox will team up to take on the Canadian Connection of Crippler and Rosario, with the tag belts and Rosario’s International title belt on the line, Joseph Equinox gains a massive cheer from the sold out crowd watching in the giant V-Tron as he is seen walking backstage with the Tag Team title belt over his shoulder. Equinox looks to be making his way out to the ring for his match up, however he is stopped in his tracks as ‘the Mockingjay’ Ethan Rider steps in front of him, blocking his path. Rider gets a mixed response from the sVo fans, and Equinox positions himself for a fight.

Ethan Rider: “Relax, I am not here to fight you.”

Equinox looks Rider up and down as if he doesn’t trust him.

Joseph Equinox: “That’s funny. I have been hearing rumours all night that you are working for the Company as some kind of hitman to pay off some debts you owe to them. I have been hearing rumours that Anderson’s wants you to take ME out because I have said what everyone else is thinking… the Company SUCKS!”

The Mockingjay simply shrugs his shoulders.

Joseph Equinox: “I knew a murderer like you wasn’t someone that could be trusted, I called it two weeks ago on Showdown! Well if you want to take a shot then take it now Rider. Because if you come down there during our Tag Team title match and cost me and Cooper these belts, there will be hell to pay.

Ethan Rider stares down Equinox for a few seconds, before slowly shaking his head.

Ethan Rider: “Don’t worry Joey. I talked to Anderson, we came to an agreement. I told him there must be another way, and he agreed. I won’t be down there attacking you or costing you the match tonight… I promise.”

Equinox stares at Rider before letting out a small laugh.

Joseph Equinox: “You promise? Like I said two weeks ago, I don’t trust you one bit.”

The sVo Tag Team Champion pushes past a pissed off looking Ethan Rider on his way to the ring. Will the Company hitman Rider get involved in tonight’s match and teach Equinox a lesson for bad mouthing the organization he is being forced to work for, all will he stand by his promise not to get involved? We are about to find out…. NEXT!
‘Last Resort’ by Papa Roach hits the sound system, and there is a cheer from the fans as the team of the Canadian Connection slowly walk onto the top of the entrance ramp. Rey Rosario holds his sVo International Championship high in the air, whilst Crippler warms up alongside him. The tag team slowly make there way down the entrance ramp as fireworks shoot up into the air behind them. Rosario and Crippler both roll into the ring under the bottom rope, making there way to opposite corners of the ring. Both men climb the turnbuckles, and Rosario holds his sVo International Championship belt high in the air, whilst Crippler taunts to the fans.

‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ by Saliva hits the sound system and there are boos all around for Colt Cooper as his entrance video hits the sVo-Tron. After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his normal cocky smile, holding the sVo Tag Team Championship belt in the air. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his chest taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope.

As Colt Cooper holds his sVo Tag Team Championship belt up into the air and shows it off to the fans, “Talkin’ 2 Myself” by Eminem hits the sound system, and there is a big cheer in the arena for the return of Joseph Equinox to Las Vegas! Equinox slowly steps onto the top of the entrance ramp with the sVo Tag Team Championship belt around his waist. Equinox throws his arms up into the air, and a pyro explodes behind him, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Equinox rolls into the ring and unstraps his title belt, before lifting it into the air.

The referee takes all three title belts from Equinox, Cooper and Rosario, and holds them all up in the air to signal that they will all be on the line in tonight’s match! The first person to make a cover will not only win the sVo Tag Team Championship belts for there team, but they will also walk away with the sVo International Championship belt around there waist!

Crippler decides that he is starting things off for his team, whilst the #1 contender for the International Championship Colt Cooper starts things off for the Tag Team Champions. Cooper, who won his shot at the title by defeating Nightmare a month ago on Showdown looks pumped up for this match, as he circles around Crippler as the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one to get underway!

Colt Cooper dives in to tie up with Crippler, but the Canadian nails him with a kick to the gut, before throwing him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Colt Cooper quickly rises back up and Crippler grabs him in a waist lock looking for a German suplex, however Colt Cooper manages to battle out of it with some stiff back elbow shots to his opponent. Crippler stumbles away holding the side of his head, and Cooper capitalises with a chop block to take down his opponent. With Crippler down on the mat, Colt Cooper begins to nail him with some big mounted punches, before Crippler tries to turn him over into the Canadian Crossface! However Colt Cooper manages to roll out of the way of the painful submission move, which might have ended the match right here!

Crippler comes in for another attack on Colt Cooper, but the Tag Team Champion nails him with a knee smash to the face, before taking him down to the mat with a neckbreaker. With Crippler down, Colt Cooper makes the tag out to Joseph Equinox. There is a big cheer from the fans for Equinox, as the man who stood up to the Company climbs into the ring. Crippler begins to rise to his feet, however Equinox grabs him by the arm and whips him hard into the ropes. Crippler bounces back and gets nailed with a back elbow from Equinox. Crippler holds his face in pain, but Equinox wastes no time as he scoop slams Crippler back down to the mat.

With Crippler down on the mat, Joseph Equinox rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd! The fans rise to their feet in anticipation, as Crippler slowly rises up and turns around, only to walk straight into a ‘Academic Probation’ from the record holder of the longest reign with the now retired sVo Hardcore Championship! Equinox wastes no time at all in going for the cover on his opponent after the massive move.



Rosario quickly dives in to break the cover, and save his own International Championship belt from being lost! Colt Cooper looks a little unsure at his partner, who nearly took the International Championship from under his nose right there. The referee forces Rosario out of the ring, as Colt Cooper quickly calls for a tag to get back into the match. Joseph Equinox delays on making the tag as he pulls Crippler up from the mat, before dropping him with a E.M.P! The fans cheer for the big move, as Equinox points to the corner, before making his way to the turnbuckle! The fans cheer as Equinox climbs to the top rope, but as he does Colt Cooper makes the blind tag! Equinox doesn’t even notice, as he leaps from the top rope and lands a diving headbutt onto Crippler! Before Equinox can make the cover, Colt Cooper dives in to hook the leg of Crippler!



Rosario is in again to break up the three count before he can lose his International Championship! The fans give a mixed reaction as Colt Cooper rises up to his feet, and catches the eye of Equinox, who doesn’t look too happy at getting tagged out. Colt Cooper doesn’t seem to care as he pulls Crippler up and sends him into the ropes. Crippler looks in pain as he bounces back, and is then thrown down to the mat with a spear from Colt Cooper! Cooper taunts Rosario who looks desperate to get back into the match, before turning back to Crippler! Colt Cooper begins to pull Crippler up to his feet, but suddenly the Canadian grabs his arm and locks him into the Canadian Crossface!

The fans cheer for the infamous submission hold, but Equinox quickly dives into the ring to break up the hold. However as the referee tries to restrain Equinox and get him back out of the ring, Crippler grabs hold of the tag team champion and locks him into the Canadian Crossface! Equinox shouts out in pain, as Crippler cranks up the pressure, and Colt Cooper slowly gets back to his feet. Colt Cooper doesn’t seem in too much of a hurry to break the hold, until he dives across and kicks Crippler in the back of the head to free his partner.

Equinox rolls out of the ring feeling his arm in pain as Colt Cooper pulls Crippler up to his feet, and throws him into the corner of the ring. Colt Cooper lays into Crippler with some stiff knife edge chops to the chest, as Rey Rosario paces up and down the ring apron waiting to get involved in the match! Colt Cooper pulls Crippler away from the corner and positions him for a German suplex in the middle of the ring, however before he can hit the move, Crippler blocks it! Colt Cooper looks stunned as Crippler goes behind on Cooper into a waist lock, before tossing him to the mat with a German suplex of his own! Both men lay down on the mat motionless after the huge German suplex, as Rosario desperately reaches out his hand for the tag.

Both Cooper and Crippler crawl to their corners of the ring looking for the tag, but as Rosario gets the tag off of Crippler, Colt Cooper has no one to tag out to with his partner Joseph Equinox down on the outside and still hurting after getting locked in the Canadian Crossface. Colt Cooper tries to battle back with some big punches on Rosario, but the International Champion blocks the tired right hands from Cooper, before taking him down to the mat with a Samoan drop. The fans cheer for the big move, as Rosario rolls back to his feet, and trash talks his opponent.

Colt Cooper bravely tries to get back up, but Rosario hooks both of his arms, before tossing him down head first with a double arm DDT! The fans cheer for the big move from the International Champion, as he makes the cover on Colt Cooper!





It looked like we were going to have new sVo Tag Team Champions right there, but somehow Colt Cooper managed to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three could be counted, and this one continues! Rey Rosario looks at his opponent in disbelief, before dragging him back up to his feet. Rosario grabs the cocky Colt Cooper by the hair, and slams him face first into the corner of the ring. Rosario then tosses Colt Cooper hard back into the corner, before climbing up onto the first rope! The fans cheer and begin to count along as Rosario nails Cooper with mounted punches in the corner, but then out of nowhere on punch number six, Colt Cooper counters with a running powerbomb out of the corner onto Rosario!

The fans cheer for the massive move from Colt Cooper, as he slowly tries to rise up to his feet. Colt Cooper signals to the crowd that it is time to end the match, before aiming a ‘Colt of Conduct’ at Rosario! However the International Champion has the move scouted, rolling out of the way, and countering by bouncing into the ropes and flattening Colt Cooper with a massive clothesline! Both warriors lay motionless on the mat for a few seconds, before Rosario slowly begins to get to his feet first. Rosario nails some kicks to the face of his challenger, before Colt Cooper is able to rise to a standing position.

Rey Rosario nails Colt Cooper with a big right hand, but Colt Cooper comes back with a right hand of his own! The fans rise to their feet as Rosario and Cooper trade big rights in the middle of the ring, until Cooper cuts Rosario off with a kick to the midsection. Rosario doubles over, and Cooper looks to hit him once again with a ‘Colt of Conduct’ to finish the match, but Rosario ducks out of the way, before spinning Colt Cooper around and landing ‘Reys DDT’ onto him! The fans pop for the finishing move from the International Champion, as Rosario makes the cover in what must surely by the end of the match!




Rey Rosario can’t believe it! Colt Cooper just kicked out of his finishing move! Rosario punches the mat in frustration, before grabbing Colt Cooper by the hair, and dragging him to his feet. Colt Cooper is dragged to a standing position, but out of nowhere he explodes onto Rosario and drops the International Champion with a ‘Colt Of Conduct’! Both men lay motionless on the mat, as the fans rise to their feet and cheer on their favourite competitor, with both men getting a lot of support from the fans! Crippler and Equinox both reach there hands out trying to get the tag from there partners, and both Rosario and Colt Cooper crawl across and tag out at the same time!

The fans cheer as Equinox and Crippler burst into the ring and trade some big right hands. Crippler seems to get the better of the exchange as he grabs hold of Equinox looking for a snap suplex, only for Equinox to counter it into a snap suplex of his own! Crippler gets to his feet holding his back in pain, but Equinox quickly throws him back down with a big t-bone supex! The fans cheer loudly as Equinox signals for his finishing move! Equinox pulls Crippler to his feet, and tosses him into the ropes. Rosario makes the blind tag from Crippler out of the view of Equinox, and as Crippler bounces back, Equinox slams him down to the mat with the ‘Karma’!

The fans cheer as Equinox makes the cover on Crippler, but the referee has seen the tag and doesn’t count! Equinox rises to his feet wondering what is going on, until Rosario spins him around and begins to lay into him with big right hands! However Equinox can feel the momentum building with him, as he ducks under the arm of Rosario, and plants him to the mat with a ‘Karma’ as well! The fans cheer for the massive move as Colt Cooper rolls into the ring behind his tag team partner Equinox…


Out of nowhere Colt Cooper lands a ‘Colt of Conduct’ into the back of his own Tag Team partners head! Equinox drops to the mat, possibly being knocked out after the massive move, as the fans in the arena stay stunned for a few seconds. Suddenly boos break out all around the arena at the actions of Colt Cooper, who backs away from the body of Equinox with a far away look in his eyes. Rosario quickly takes advantage of the situation, dropping an arm across the lifeless body of Joseph Equinox!




This one is all over, and we have NEW sVo Tag Team Champions in the Canadian Connection! Rosario grabs his sVo International Championship belt along with his newly won sVo Tag Team Championship belt, and the Canadian Connection make there way back up the entrance ramp celebrating with there gold, leaving Colt Cooper staring down at the lifeless body of his tag team partner, as the boos continue all around the arena at his actions.

OUTCOME: The Canadian Connection defeats Cooper & Equinox via pinfall to become the NEW sVo Tag Team ChampionsRINGSIDE

EXPLANATIONColt Cooper continues to watch over the lifeless Joseph Equinox, and the look on his face is a man that’s gone evil in a blink of an eye. He gives a slight grin and claps to himself while he actually loves what he has done. The fans continue to boo as Colt Cooper’s manager Clive English makes his way down the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hands. English climbs into the ring and pats Cooper on the back to congratulated him with what he has done. Colt Cooper turns to Clive who hands him the mic, and gives Clive a wink who just nods back.

Colt: “Why Colt why? What would make you take out your own tag team partner? What ran through your brain? What’s the matter with you? That’s a lot to ask one man, but this one man you see standing before you knows what he’s doing. Why, would I do this? Simple, I’m not what you all think of me to be. I’m not this guy whose just going to fall in love with the fans who watch. You come to watch me, and I came to make a statement.”

The fans boo louder.

Colt: “I’ve been cruising this whole month, and I knew I was going to do this ever since Joseph made his comments about the Company. See, Clive told me he had a surprise for me, and that surprise was that I was going to join The Company. I was a little hesitant in doing it but I thought. The Company has produced nothing but champions. World Champions, and I too someday look to get there. So that’s why I am a new edition to The Company.

Chants of The Company sucks pan out around the arena.

Colt: “He is your tag team partner though. Guess what, I don’t care. He isn’t a real friend of mines. He isn’t a more talented wrestler than I am, and he is not a partner of mines. This would’ve never happen if he accepted my offer to be in my home. I took that as he was all for himself, and look at him now. Down, and out, and by himself.

Clive gets the mic from Colt, and he’s smiling. He’s the one behind all of this. From day one he wanted Colt in The Company, and now he is.

Clive: “All hail Colt Cooper, All hail Colt Cooper.”

Clive throws the mic down on Joesph Equinox, and both men walk out of the arena trash talking the fans after the shocking revelation that Colt Cooper has turned his back on the fans of the sVo, and joined the Company!BACKSTAGE

THE NUMBERS GAMEThe PPV camera head backstage where the new sVo Tag Team Champions the Canadian Connection are making there way towards there locker room with there new belts! Crippler has his Tag Team Title belt around his waist, whilst Rey Rosario has a Tag Team Title and International Championship belt over each shoulder. Despite looking exhausted and bruised from there early match up against Joseph Equinox and new Company member Colt Cooper, the pair look to be in good spirits following there win.

However as the new Tag Team Champions turn the corner, they come face to face with Corporation members DJ and Raven who are standing outside the Canadian Connection’s locker room door.

DJ – “Impressive win out there. Shame that we will be taking those tag team title belts from you buys soon enough.”

The two teams lock eyes with each other in a stare down.

Rey Rosario – “Just because you can defeat three jobbers like Xtreme Fusion, doesn’t mean that you can hang with the big boys. Face it, the Corporation is finished. It should have been buried ages ago.”

Crippler and Rosario look cockily at each other as if they know something that DJ and Raven don’t.

DJ – “Xtreme Fusion was just the beginning. The Canadian Connection will be easy picking, especially when we have the numbers advantage on you guys…”

As DJ speaks, the locker room door of the Canadian Connection opens, revealing the returning Chris Perfect standing there with a baseball bat in his hands. However instead of looking intimidated, Crippler and Rosario smile.

Rey Rosario – “I wouldn’t be so sure about that boys.”

Chris Perfect proceeds to smash Raven and DJ in the back of the head with the bat! The former Corporation leader looks down at his two former friends, as the new Tag Team Champions step over the Corporation to enter there locker room. It seems that ‘Canadian Perfect’ Chris Wrestling has returned to the sVo not to be apart of the Corporation, but to be a part of the Canadian Connection!BACKSTAGE

UPPING THE STAKESBackstage at the newly refurbished Goodfellas Casino Arena, veteran wrestling trainer Akira Kimura is walking with purpose through the vast maze of corridors constituting the backstage area of the arena. From out of nowhere a set of hands shove him, knocking him off balance and into a wall. Outraged, he turns to face his assailant – his former student… Nightmare.

Kimura: “So this is what you’ve lowered yourself to, Ryuu? Pushing around old men?”

Nightmare: “You and I both know that you deserve everything that is coming to you and Akumu. You stood in my way my whole career… you stood in The Company’s way time and time again. It ends tonight.”

Kimura: “All that will happen tonight is the same thing that happens every time you guys try this. Your guys go after Night, he kicks your asses and you go crawling back into your corner plotting the next ‘sure fire way’ you’ll take him out.”

Nightmare laughs maniacally.

Nightmare: “You genuinely believe that, don’t you? You’re really that arrogant? You assume that these have all been scattered incidents…”

He smiles, moving close to Master Kimura.

Nightmare: “… this was how things were meant to play out – granted Akumu was meant to lose the title to me at Showcase before beginning this slow pre-meditated demise – but hey, you have to just roll with these unexpected annoyances.”

Kimura: “You’re deluded, Ryuu. You think this is all some master plan? You really think you can take Akumu out for good? You must be deluded, you are still going on about how I never ‘believed in you’ and ‘stood in your way’…”

Nightmare: “You know I’m right about that.”

Kimura looks completely baffled, Nightmare stands his ground looking as outraged and demented as ever.

Kimura: “How? HOW? You keep accusing me of these things and never explaining yourself!”

Nightmare: “I SHOULDN’T NEED TO EXPLAIN IT! I was your protege – not Akumu. I was the champion… not him! I was the number one… I put in countless hours and everything I had into being the best student I could be… FOR YOU!”

Seething, Nightmare again presses forwards, pressing Kimura back against the wall once more and preventing him leaving.

Nightmare: “I asked you repeatedly… begged you… to manage me. To help me and continue to teach me – and what did you tell me? You didn’t do that. You couldn’t leave the school to look after one student.”

A look of sad understanding crosses Kimura’s face as he watches silently and helplessly.

Nightmare: “And after all that you VOLUNTARILY left the school to follow AKUMU! Of all people, Akumu! My good-for-nothing failure of a brother.”

“So that’s what this is all about?”

The two men turn their attention to the voice – a voice they both know well… Night.

Night: “All of this is because you are jealous Master decided to help direct me in my career?”

Nightmare: “You are and always were unworthy.”

Night: “This is ridiculous, Ryuu – when does this end? What’s done is done and yet you just keep popping back in to my life. After I beat you tonight, what then? You go crying back to the suits? Demand another chance to try to take me out?”

Nightmare: “It’s over when I feel that I’ve restored the status quo and had my fill of revenge.”

Night glares at his brother who shoves Kimura away, turning to face him.

Night: “Then we will be at this forever.”

Kimura: “No – this must end tonight. This has gone on for far too long and I know for a fact it is ripping your family and my school apart.”

The old man sighs, taking a long look from Night to Nightmare.

Kimura: “Here’s the deal. You want me to manage you so badly, Ryuu? Fine – if you beat Night I will be your manager, not his. If, however, you lose… then this is over. We put this ridiculousness behind us and move forwards. You both have incredible careers in front of you but for either of you to achieve them you must put this family feud behind you.”

Nightmare: “Fine by me, I could always use a wrinkled old skeleton to cart around my stuff.”

Night: “You focus on trying to get past me tonight first, Ryuu.”

And with that, we cut back to ringside.
“This is War” by 30 Seconds to Mars begins to play over the Goodfellas Casino sound system, heralding the arrival of none other than “The Mockingjay” Ethan Rider! Ethan Rider stands in the middle of the ring, staring up at the ramp with a determined expression on his face as his music begins to die out. The crowd grows restless, awaiting the appearance of the hated Eddie Sinclair…

Suddenly, the unmistakeable guitar intro to Aerosmith’s “Shut Up and Dance” begins to play and Rider kneels over, awaiting the appearance of his rival. Rider continues to look towards the stage for Sinclair in confusion, however the music fades away. The crowd boos their displeasure however it turns to a cry of panic as the steel cage falls from the ceiling, colliding with the ring with a loud CLANG and the door almost comically swinging open and then slamming shut again. The impact topples Rider, who glances around in confusion.

Eddie Sinclair: “Well well well… what do we have here? Do I detect a snivelling little mouse, one that has fallen right into my trap?”

Sinclair emerges from backstage, a wide grin on his face. He slowly approaches the ring, staring directly at Rider who glances at the roof of the cage in frustration before moving to the door, checking it to see if he can get it open. Sinclair pauses a few inches away from the ring and chuckles.

Eddie Sinclair: “Don’t bother, poppet. The door is clasp-locked… it swings shut and it stays shut, capice? You’re effectively stuck there inside the ring for the foreseeable future.”

Rider launches himself at the cage wall, rattling the meshing furiously. Sinclair opens his mouth in surprise before poking Rider through the chain links.

Eddie Sinclair: “Such a temper! Did you really think I’d wrestle you, Ethan? Oh no no no! You see, you’ve been quite a thorn in my side these last few weeks… you’ve quite literally driven me crazy with your antics. Stepping into the ring and actually competing in a match against each other, that’s what you want isn’t it? I hit you, you hit me, it continues until you have the upper hand! Well, not this time! This time, I have the upper hand Ethan! I am the victor in our little game of cat and mouse! You are in the trap!”

Sinclair laughs and turns away from the cage, clutching a lock of his eye. His eye twitches maniacally as he turns around again to flash a scowl at Ethan, his Crazy Sinclair personality now in control.

Eddie Sinclair: “You did this to me! You are the one to blame for this! Why I oughta… I oughta… I oughta stomp on you! Yeah, that’s what I’ll do! The crunching of your teeny little bones, and the blood and the splat and the-“

Sinclair pauses as Rider beckons him over, asking for the microphone. Sinclair slowly edges towards him and holds out the mic for him to speak.

Ethan Rider: “Eddie, listen to me; I agree completely with what you say. I’m… I’m completely heartless. I deserve everything that I get for what I’ve done to you.”

Eddie Sinclair: “That’s right. You do.”

Ethan Rider: “So… why don’t you open up the door, step inside this cage and let everything out? I know you want to do it… you want to break me, you want to hurt me. I know you do, because of everything I’ve done. So just come inside the cage Eddie. Step in here, and we can put your demons to rest.

Eddie Sinclair: “Do… do you mean it?”

Ethan Rider: “I sure do. I’ll relieve you of everything you’re feeling; I’ll make it all end. What do you say? Just come here inside the cage.”

Sinclair glances around nervously. The crowd attempts to egg him on and Rider nods encouragingly. He moves around to the door and reaches up, fumbling with the clasp.

Eddie Sinclair: “You better be right, Rider…”

As he unlocks the clasp, Rider charges forwards and dropkicks the door. It swings open again and knocks Sinclair back into the guardrail, eliciting a cheer of approval from the crowd. Rider clambers out of the cage and begins to lay in to Sinclair with his booted feet, kicking out at his head and torso while Sinclair attempts to curl up and protect himself. Rider grabs Sinclair and pulls him to his feet, punching him in the mouth before forcing him underneath the bottom rope and into the ring. He snatches up the fallen microphone and speaks.

Ethan Rider: “I’m going to end this, Sinclair… I’m going to beat you unconscious, then I’m gonna put you in a straitjacket and cart you off to the real asylum where you belong!”

Rider throws the microphone away and follows Sinclair into the ring, slamming the door shut behind him. After much deliberation the match is finally officially underway. Sinclair attempts to stand up while Rider moves straight towards the chain hanging from the roof, the straitjacket featured in the match hanging from a hook at the end. He struggles to get the jacket off the hook, giving Sinclair enough time to stagger to his feet and turn around, his face a mask of fury.

Eddie Sinclair: “You lied to me!”

Letting out a savage howl he charges forwards, however Rider manages to club him in the head with the hook, sending him off-balance. Abandoning the struggle for the straitjacket, he runs at Sinclair and attempts a clothesline, however the Bad Boy of the sVo ducks underneath his outstretched arm and instead swings his leg around, kicking Rider’s legs out from underneath him and toppling him over. He launches himself on top of Rider and delivers a flurry of punches, both of his arms swinging wildly. He half-throws Rider into the corner before charging forwards and driving his knee into Rider’s head, thrusting it against the steel wall of the cage. Rider lets out a yelp of pain and Sinclair shuffles backwards on all fours, waiting for him to stand up again.

Rider manages to sit up and Sinclair leaps forwards, however Rider rolls out of the way and Sinclair connects with the corner turnbuckle, sticking himself between the middle rope and the cage wall. Rider wastes no time, jumping forwards and seizing Sinclair’s legs. He stands up and lifts Sinclair with him, yanking him away from the turnbuckle before suddenly lifting him up into the air and taking a step back. Sinclair splats onto the mat with a dull “oof!”, immediately curling up in pain. Rider again moves over to the straitjacket and attempts to unhook it, again struggling to remove it from the hook. He manages to wrestle it free, however as he drops down to try and fit it onto Sinclair he drives his elbow into Rider’s stomach, sending the young star falling backwards and causing him to drop the jacket.

Gentleman Sinclair abruptly takes over the match, walking out to the fallen Rider and casually applying an armlock. Rider screams in pain and attempts to escape the hold however Sinclair simply applies the lock even tighter. Rider clenches his fist and clubs Sinclair in the face, buying the time to wrench himself free. He stands up and ducks underneath a lariat attempt, turning around and attempting a superkick that Sinclair barely sidesteps. Rider lurches forwards and Sinclair takes advantage, hitting an uppercut then whipping his opponent across the ring into the corner. Sinclair turns around and bows at the crowd before running at Rider and driving a knee into his stomach. He then grabs the straitjacket and manages to slide it over Rider’s torso, however Rider delivers a swift kick to Sinclair’s kneecap, sending him staggering away. Rider struggles his way out of the jacket and flings it away!

Both men attempt to pursue each other, Rider ducking behind the hook and attempting to dodge around Sinclair. Sinclair makes towards Rider and, using the hook, Rider strikes out and connects with Sinclair’s head again this time drawing blood. Sinclair staggers back but manages to remain on his feet, slightly woozy. Rider wastes no time in running forwards and dropkicking him into the cage, before hitting a snapmere and leaving him motionless on the mat. Rider snatches up the straitjacket and forces it on to Sinclair, successfully restricting his arms and body. As Rider struggles with the final few clasps however, Sinclair suddenly lurches to his feet!

Bleeding freely, Sinclair lunges after Rider. Rider manages to sidestep him however and deliver several vicious kicks, each one slowing Sinclair down before finally knocking him down to his knees. Sinclair sits dazed as Rider places a foot on his chest and flips back, grabbing his head on the way down and driving it into the mat in a stunning display of his Hell Rider technique! The crowd erupts at the sight of the move and they know that the match is over; Rider manages to tie the last few clasps on the jacket, sealing Sinclair up tight.

As “This is War” resumes playing and the cage rises, Rider wearily sits back and reflects on the bizarre match that has just taken place. He shakes his head and look at Sinclair who is now growling like a dog, before climbing out of the ring and making his way backstage.

OUTCOME: Ethan Rider defeats Eddie Sinclair via elimination
sVo Rewind
sVo Roll the Dice 2008
24th February 2008

Johnny All Star vs. Mike Polowy (c) vs. Psyko Stevo
Polowy now hooks the Psyko One’s arms before calling Johnny All Star over. All Star hooks the other arm… DOUBLE SUPLEX! Psyko Stevo was just suspended in air for a good five seconds before All Star and Polowy both sent him crashing to the mat. Polowy once again goes for a pinfall attempt… one… two…… foot under the rope! The fans are at a feaver pitch as Psyko Stevo has once again found a way to prolong this grueling match!

Polowy now back on his feet and he looks like he’s about to kill someone. Polowy gets in the refs face, shouting about a slow count. Eventually it’s All Star who tries to restore order, but Polowy is not about to have it. Polowy now starts yelling at All Star, complaining that it’s All Star’s fault that Stevo has yet to submit or be pinned. All Star… he looks like he can’t take it any longer. The fans are on the edge of their seat… Polowy continues to yell at All Star, who cocks his arm back… DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Before anything could happen, Psyko Stevo out of nowhere just sprung forth and nailed both men with clotheslines, one on each arm. Stevo off the ropes now… Elebow drop to the sternum of Johnny All Star before he connects with a boot to the face of Polowy, who was attempting to get back up to his feet. Stevo now, on the near ropes… Polowy comes running in… Stevo just pulled the top rope down! Polowy goes flying over the top rope and crashing on the concrete outside! It’s one on one now! It’s Johnny All Star vs. Psyko Stevo… the fans are cheering their hearts out as both men circle each other wearily in the center of the ring.

Lock up between the two… Johnny All Star starts to muscle Stevo into the corner… Rake of the eyes! Stevo rakes the eyes of Johnny All Star… Stevo with a right… All Star blocks it! All Star now boot to the midsection… double arm DDT! The fans are on their feet and making noise as All Star retreats to he corner, signaling it’s “Touchdown Time”. Stevo is crawling up to his feet… he’s using the ropes to get back up, struggling, fighting with everything he has. Stevo is finally up on his feet, he spins around… Touchdo… All Star goes crashing into the steel pole! Stevo sidestepped the spear and All Star just went shoulder first into the steel ringpost! All Star appears to be hurt as the official goes to attend to him.

Stevo immediately spins around and sees Mike Polowy about to re-enter the ring… he’s waiting for him… what’s this though? The fans erupt as from the enterance way comes… Brock Alyas? It’s him! It’s Brock Alyas! The man Mike Polowy screwed out of the Las Vegas Title! Alyas sprints down the steel rampway, Mike Polowy is up on the apron now, he has his shoulder through the middle rope… Alyas pulls Polowy to the outside! Alyas is going to work on Polowy, the ref sees nothing as the official is busy checking on All Star. CRASH! Mike Polowy was just sent shoulder first into the steel steps! The crowd is going wild as Brock Alyas hops the guardrail, raising his arms in the air, signifying his retubution on Mike Polowy!

Back in the ring, All Star is up to his feet. Stevo has his back turned… Stevo spins around… Right hand by All Star… ducked! Stevo ducked the right hand, Stevo sprints towards the ropes… All Star turns around… Stevo with a springboard… PSYKLONE! Stevo with the PSYKLONE! Stevo goes for the cover… ONE… TWO… Polowy just gets his head above the apron in time for… THREE! Just like that, it’s over!


“Remember” by Disturbed hits the PA and the fans go nuts as Psyko Stevo has done the impossible! The dice were rolled, and even though Moretti thought he had them fixed as a snakeyes, Psyko Stevo persevered through and finally caught a break from an unlikely source in the form of Brock Alyas. That’s right folks, Stevo has ended the Mike Polowy reign!

Polowy collapses to the concrete on the outside of the ring before placing his hands on his head in disbelief. All Star looks up at the rafters on his back, clutching his injured shoulder in stunned suprised as Stevo is presented with the World Heavyweight Title in the middle of the ring. Upon recieving the title Stevo hops up on the turnbuckle and raises it into the air as the fans fill the capacity arena with a thunderous cheer.BACKSTAGE

I AM THE COMPANYCandi Cross is running behind Colt and Clive who are laughing with each other. She catches up to them and is almost out of breath. She can hardly get out what she’s trying to say.

Candi: “Colt, Colt. Can you speak on your actions tonight?”

Colt looks at Clive who tells him to go on.

Colt: “I just want to make more of a name for myself. I want to have the greatest career the SvO has ever witness, and with me and Clive on the side of the table with The Company, I can do that. It wouldnt be long before I showed you all the real Colt Cooper, and not the Colt Cooper who has feeling towards his competitors. I don’t, and I showed you that I’ll cross anybody if I don’t see them fit enough to hang with the likes of The Company. Joesph Equinox was just the first to realize that I’m not what he thought of me to be. I’m evil, I’m the devil’s son. I’m Colt Cooper.”

Candi: “By joining The Company you have aligned yourself with the most hated stable in SvO history. Do you think you can handle the pressure of being in The Company?”

Colt: “How pathetic of a question is that? I can handle anything. I’m too pure of a person to say that I can’t. I wouldn’t join The Company if thought I couldn’t handle the pressure. What everyone around here is failing to notice that not only am I new to The Company, but I am this Company. From here on out my face needs to be on the billboards. For here on out I’m the one who should be most feared. From here on out, I’m not playing any games. I’m coming straight for anything I want, and now that I’m apart of The Company, whatever I’m asked to do by my new boss, I’m doing it. Now if you would excuse me. We have something we need to do.”

Colt and Clive continue down the hall leaving Candi and her crew with an unfinished interview.
The arena lights go dark as “Burn My Dread” hits the sound system. A pulsing strobe illuminates smoke gathering at the top of the entrance ramp. As the rapping begins, Zarathustra walks out from the smoke and down the ramp, ignoring the reaction from the crowd. He climbs up the apron and onto the top turnbuckle. With his arms outstretched and face turned to the sky, a bright spotlight hits Zarathustra. After a moment of bathing in the bright light, he removes his mask and jaws with the crowd, assuring his victory.

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as the fans loudly boo the winner of the 2010 Victory Cup.

The dull tones pick up speed as the haunting voice of a woman sings. As the voice reaches full pitch, the arena’s houselights washes out the arena in light before returning to normal, leaving the sVo Las Vegas Champion Grimnir standing at the entrance. He starts to slowly walk down as the hammering drums and energy filled riffs grind through to his very last step. He stands at the front of the ring, points up the sky with both hands, slides into the ring and then kneels, looking as if he were praying. He stays there for a moment and then springs up to his feet holding his title belt in the air, ready for action.

All three men stand in opposite corners of the ring for tonight’s No DQ triple threat match for the Las Vegas Championship, a rematch from the triple threat on Showdown #59 that was thrown out by the referee due to outside interference. The referee for tonight’s contest holds Grimnir’s Las Vegas Championship belt high in the air in the middle of the ring to show that it will be on the line in tonight’s match. All three men stare at the Las Vegas title belt, before the referee hands it to the ring announcer on the outside of the ring. With all three men ready and raring to go, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this highly anticipated triple threat match is underway!

James Von Drake and Zarathustra both quickly make their way towards the Champion Grimnir, and lay into the unbeaten sVo star with big right hands. Grimnir tries to battle back, but the numbers game seems to be over whelming him. The fans boo at the unlikely double teaming from JVD and Zarathustra, who have been hated enemies for the past month. JVD and Zarathustra both grab and arm each of Grimnir and shoot the Champion into the ropes, before taking him down with a double team flapjack! The fans continue to boo as both men nod at each other and smile, it seems that they are prepared to team up long enough to eliminate the Champion, before ripping into each other. James Von Drake slowly brings Grimnir up to a standing position and nails him with a stiff right hand, before the unlikely pairing of Zarathustra and Von Drake pick Grimnir up and send him down to the mat with a big double suplex.

Grimnir lays in the mat in obvious pain, but the team work doesn’t last long, as Zarathustra quickly nails JVD down to the mat with an axe handle shot to the back of the head. Zarathustra begins to stomp away on James Von Drake, until JVD is able to grab both of Zarathustra’s legs and hit him with a double leg takedown. James Von Drake pounds away on the Englishman Zarathustra with some some stiff mounted punches, but both men are stopped in there tracks as Grimnir rises to his feet, bounces off of the ropes and then lands a leg drop across both men!

The fans cheer the move from the mysterious Champion Grimnir, who quickly grabs Zarathustra by the hair as he tries to rise to his feet. Grimnir nails Zarathustra with some forearm smashes to the face, before tossing him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! The fans cheer the strategy of Grimnir, as he turns his attention back to JVD in the ring, and pulls him up. Grimnir drags JVD into the corner, and slams him face first into the turnbuckle, before rolling him up with a school boy.



Zarathustra pulls the referee clean out of the ring before he can count JVD’s shoulders down for the three. The referee rises up to his feet looking upset with the actions of Zarathustra, but Zarathustra just smiles knowing it is No DQ! Zarathustra climbs up onto the ring apron to get back into the ring, but as he does Grimnir jumps up and grabs Zarathustra around the back of the head, before pulling his head down and forcing his throat against the top rope! The fans cheer as Zarathustra is catapulted back off of the ring apron and down to the floor below once again.

This time the Champion Grimnir drops down to the mat and rolls out of the ring after Zarathustra. Zarathustra slowly rises up to his feet holding his throat, but Grimnir grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the steel ring steps. The fans cheer the move from the Champion, as Zarathustra lays there in pain. Grimnir begins to stomp away on Zarathustra as he lays on the floor, before the Englishman is able to get to his feet. Grimnir delights the fans with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of Zarathustra, before grabbing him by the arm and trying to whip him into the security barrier. However Zarathustra is able to reverse the irish whip, and send Grimnir into the security barrier!

The fans boo as Grimnir hits the unforgiving barrier back first, and arches his back in pain. Grimnir stumbles forward off of the barrier, but Zarathustra quickly runs at the Champion and spears him back into the barrier! The fans continue to boo Zarathustra as he begins to choke out the Champion with his boot! An unlikely source comes to the rescue of the Champion, as James Von Drake rolls out of the ring, and nails Zarathustra with a low blow from behind. The fans boo the low blow from JVD, but don’t seem to mind that it was done on Zarathustra, who stumbles around in pain. Zarathustra stumbles forward straight into the arms of James Von Drake, who slams him down onto the hard floor with a spinebuster!

Now it’s Zarathustra’s time to hold his back in pain, as he lays on the floor and JVD rises up to his feet. JVD lays a kick into the face of Grimnir for good measure, before grabbing hold of Zarathustra as he rises up to his feet. JVD slams Zarathustra head first into the security barrier, whilst dragging him around the corner of the outside of the ring, towards the announcers table! James Von Drake looks to have sick thoughts on his mind, as he slams Zarathustra head first into the announcers table, which sends the announcers scattering from there positions! Zarathustra holds his face in pain, but James Von Drake doesn’t hesitate, as he grabs him by the trunks and throws him forward onto the top of the announcers table.

On the opposite side of the ringside area, Grimnir slowly begins to rise to his feet, as JVD climbs onto the announcers table alongside Zarathustra. The fans in the arena rise to their feet in anticipation, as JVD positions Zarathustra for the ‘Dollar Drop’ on the announcers table, as Grimnir the Las Vegas Champion rolls back into the ring. James Von Drake has not hesitation in hitting the Cradle Piledriver on Zarathustra on the table, however the table doesn’t break, and Zarathustra’s head bounces off of it! James Von Drake looks across at his opponent who is also laying on top of the table in pain, but out of nowhere Grimnir comes flying from the ring, onto both men, driving them through the table with an amazing flying elbow from the top rope!

All three men lay in the wreckage of the announcers table, as a ‘Holy Shit’ chant goes up from the fans who can’t believe what they just witnessed. The referee checks on the condition of all three of the men, but with no countouts, this will continue until someone is able to drag one of their opponents back to the ring and pin them or make them submit! Replays of the high flying move are shown on the V-Tron as all three men continue to lay motionless. Grimnir is the first of the three to stir, and he slowly rises up to his feet to a massive pop from the crowd. The unbeaten Las Vegas Champion stumbles up to his feet, and slowly pulls James Von Drake up and towards the ring. Grimnir rolls JVD back into the ring, before climbing slowly in himself. With JVD in the ring, Grimnir hooks the leg of his opponent to make the cover.




To the shock of everyone in the arena, James Von Drake manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three could be counted. It looked to everyone as if Grimnir was about to retain his belt right there, and the Las Vegas Champion looks groggy as he rises up to his feet. Grimnir grabs James Von Drake by the hair and pulls him up also. Grimnir nails JVD with some stiff kicks, before tossing him hard into the ropes. JVD bounces back out of the ropes, and Grimnir takes down the challenger with a big back body drop, before making his way to the corner of the ring. Grimnir leans against the ropes in the corner of the ring taunting the fans, and they rise to there feet knowing that it could be the end of the match right here! James Von Drake slowly rises up to his feet, and Grimnir darts across aiming the ‘Masked Justice’ at his face, only for Von Drake to counter out of nowhere with a side-walk slam! The crowd boo loudly for the big counter from JVD, who slowly rises up with a huge smile on his face.

Zarathustra is still out cold in the wreckage of the announcers table, as JVD lays into Grimnir with some big kicks and stomps. Grimnir tries to get back up to his feet, however Von Drake quickly catches him in a sleeper hold. The crowd begin to boo loudly as Grimnir tries to shake his way out of the sleeper hold, only for JVD to keep it locked in tight! Grimnir looks as if he slowly beginning to fade out of the sleeper hold as he sinks down to his knees. The referee takes his arm and lifts it into the air, however it drops down to his side! The crowd begin to boo, knowing that if that happens two more times, then we will have a new Las Vegas Champion in JVD tonight! The referee repeats his actions, and again Grimnir’s hand drops to his side!

‘Grimnir, Grimnir, Grimnir’!

The sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena begin to chant the name of the Las Vegas Champion, as a big smile spreads across the face of JVD. The referee lifts Grimnir’s arm in the air once more, but this time it only drops halfway before shooting up into the air! JVD looks shocked as Grimnir begins to rise up to a standing position. The fans pop as Grimnir nails JVD with some big elbow shots to the midsection to fight his way out of the hold! Grimnir bounces into the ropes and back at JVD, but Von Drake catches Grimnir in the sleeper hold again!

This time Grimnir fights out immediately with an arm drag take down on James Von Drake. Von Drake rolls back up to his feet and runs at Grimnir looking for a clothesline. Grimnir ducks away from JVD, before turning and nailing him with a ‘Masked Justice’ to the face! The fans pop for the finishing move as Grimnir drops down and makes the cover on Von Drake.








Out of nowhere Zarathustra dives into the ring to break up the cover! The fans boo loudly for Zarathustra as he pulls Grimnir up to his feet, and nails him with a big right hand! Zarathustra taunts to the crowd, before grabbing Grimnir and tossing him down to the mat with a big belly to belly suplex! Grimnir slowly begins to rise to his feet, but as he does Zarathustra sprays him in the eyes with his black mist! Grimnir stumbles around blindly and walks straight into a ‘F.A.T.E’ from Zarathustra! Grimnir’s title run and unbeaten streak could be over right here as Zarathustra makes the cover!








Zarathustra can’t believe it as the cover is broken by James Von Drake diving in at the very last second! The crowd breath a sigh of relief at the save, as JVD pulls Zarathustra up to a standing position. JVD tries to hit Zarathustra with a kick to the groin, however Zarathustra catches his foot, and then tosses him to the mat with a stiff release suplex! Zarathustra dives down onto the body of JVD and lays into him with big right hands, before allowing him to get back to his feet. Zarathustra taunts to the crowd and gets nothing but boos, before setting up up Von Drake for a ‘F.A.T.E’ as well”! However JVD seems to have the move scouted as he counters with a back drop on Zarathustra. Zarathustra jumps up to his feet looking shocked at the counter, but Von Drake quickly spears him down to the mat. With Zarathustra down, Von Drake leaps onto his opponent and applies the ‘Legacy’ submission hold!

Zarathustra shouts out in pain at the submission holds, and it looks as if we are going to have a new sVo Las Vegas Champion crowned with the current Champion not even being involved in the decision! Zarathustra looks as if he is about to submit, until the fans pop as Grimnir dives in to make the save. All three men lay on the mat exhausted for a few seconds as the fans rise to their feet and cheer on the current Champion. Grimnir is the first man up to his feet, and he grabs hold of JVD as he gets up. Grimnir hammers away with big right hands on James Von Drake, before taking him down to the mat with a swinging DDT. The fans cheer for the big move from Grimnir, who then begins to make his way to the top rope! The fans rise to their feet once again as Grimnir climbs to the top rope, before leaping off towards JVD, looking for a second flying elbow drop from the top rope for the night. However this time JVD gets a leg up which catches Grimnir in the face! The fans boo loudly as Grimnir rolls to the outside of the ring holding his face in pain.

JVD pulls himself up to a standing position, but as he does Zarathustra grabs him from behind and spins him around. Zarathustra slams JVD down to the mat with an ‘arc impulse’ but as he does boos begin to ring out around the arena as the Company members Matt Anderson, Colt Cooper and Bobby Dean slowly saunter down the entrance ramp. Zarathustra notices the three men and stares back at them, as they stand at the bottom of the entrance ramp soaking up the boos. Zarathustra challenges the three men to get into the ring, but before they can either accept or deny the challenge, Zarathustra is nailed with a low blow from James Von Drake. Zarathustra sinks down to his knees, and Von Drake plants him to the mat with a ‘Dollar Drop’! Grimnir desperatly tries to get back into the ring as Von Drake hooks the leg of Zarathustra to make the cover.



Colt Cooper and Bobby Dean grab Grimnir by the legs and stop him reaching the cover to break it up…


We have a NEW sVo Las Vegas Champion!

Boos ring out around the arena as Von Drake rises up to his feet in celebration. The Company members of Anderson, Dean and Cooper quickly climb into the ring as Grimnir looks on in shock from the outside, having lost his Las Vegas Championship belt having not even been involved in the decision. Bobby Dean and Colt Cooper toss Zarathustra out of the ring, as Matt Anderson pushes over the referee that has got the Las Vegas Championship belt. Von Drake stares uneasily at the three Company members as they slowly surround him, and the crowd turns from booing to a nervous silence as they await to see what happens next.

The confident Von Drake slowly steps forward into the face of Matt Anderson, but just when it looks as if he is going to come to blows with the man in charge of the sVo, the pair shake hands! Boos ring out around the arena as Matt Anderson presents Von Drake with the Las Vegas Championship belt! The four men celebrate in the ring, not just the new Las Vegas Champion James Von Drake, but the new member of ‘the Company’ James Von Drake!

OUTCOME: James Von Drake defeats Zarathustra & Grimnir via pinfall to become the NEW sVo Las Vegas ChampionBACKSTAGE

NOT LOOKING GOODThe scene cuts to the locker room of Roscoe Shame. The fans immediately pop as they see the sight of the current World Heavyweight Champion on the giant V-Tron screen in the arena. Shame is already dressed for battle with his one on one match up with former best friend just around the corner. Shame’s World Heavyweight Championship belt is hanging over his shoulder as he watched the scene of James Von Drake joining the Company, and the commentators reactions to it.

Nick Harris: “Good god this just ain’t right! Grimnir and Zarathustra have been screwed here tonight by that no good son of a bitch Anderson and the Company!”

Simon Austin: “You better watch what you say Harris, that’s your boss your talking about! It’s a master plan if you ask me! With Rider, Colt Cooper and James Von Drake all signing up tonight, the Company is going to be unstoppable!”

Nick Harris: “Well you would think it’s a master plan! You want to kiss Anderson’s ass and get a payrise! What hope in hell has Night got when he takes on his brother Nightmare, and our World Champion Roscoe Shame got when he takes on the Company’s golden boy Bobby Dean tonight?”

Simon Austin: “Are you suggesting that the Company might get involved in those matches? Don’t forget your hero Shame used to be a member of the Company you hate so much!”

Nick Harris: “Your damn right I am suggesting they might get involved! They already have in two title matches here tonight! Roscoe Shame is a man of honour, he didn’t want to beat Night at Battle of Britain with the help of the Company, he wanted to prove he was that damn good, and he did by doing it on his own! More than can be said for that weasel Bobby Dean! I hope to god that Roscoe Shame has got a back up plan here tonight, because if things carry on like this, they are not looking good for the World Heavyweight Champion!”

Roscoe Shame doesn’t look too worried as he stares at the scene of the Company members celebrating JVD’s title win in the middle of the ring. Will they be celebrating later with Bobby Dean holding up the World Heavyweight Championship belt that currently sits around the shoulder of Roscoe Shame?
Coming Soon LIVE from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
sVo Showdown #61
14th November 2010
The crowd assembled in the newly refurbished Goodfellas Casino Arena buzz with anticipation as the ring ropes have been wrapped in barbed-wire, the ringside area littered with human sized wooden frames laying on the ground – a sheet of plate glass laid on top of each. There is no mistaking the upcoming match – a brutal match between brothers.

The crowd boos as the arena lights fade and a red light begins to slowly strobe as “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails pounds through the arena over the PA system. The crowd burst into a loud chorus of boos as The Company logo floats onto the sVo tron, quickly replaced by a name.

“N I G H T M A R E”

The curtains part and a man in red trunks with a black streak down the side and a black mask cut away at the top to reveal a freshly shaved head of hair. He half-grins/half-sneers at the jeering audience surrounding him and wastes little time in stalking down the entrance ramp before quickly sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He stands, jawing off at various members of the crowd as he awaits the start of the match. He stares down at the ‘glass nets’ and smiles callously.

The chorus of boos turn to an equally loud chorus of cheers as a whisper blasts over the PA…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw. Accompanied by his mentor and manager and now in fact, one of the ‘prizes’ of the match – Akira Kimura, the former sVo World, International, Tag-Team and Hardcore Champion waits a moment at the top of the entrance ramp, his eyes locked firmly on the man standing in the ring before him.

The crowd erupt as Night charges down the entrance ramp and slides under the bottom rope – immediately standing and charging forwards at his brother. The referee urgently calls for the bell signifying the start of this intensely personal and highly dangerous match. The two brothers exchange wild haymakers, neither so far displaying any semblance of technique or defense. They appear to be more or less evenly matched but Nightmare grabs Night by the mask and starts yanking at the laces holding it on. Night immediately clutches at the mask, trying to release Nightmare’s grip on the laces – Nightmare uses the distraction to knee Night hard in the midsection before tossing him head first over the wire-wrapped top rope and flying out towards one of the nets – the crowd gasp as Night manages to extend outwards and rotate floating just past the net and barely regaining his balance. In the ring, Ryuu Miyamoto laughs, indicating to his brother how close he came to a face-full of glass.

Looking cautiously at the trap he just missed, Night slides headfirst back into the ring, Nightmare immediately pouncing on him. The older, and slightly larger Miyamoto lifts his younger brother and forcing him into a clinch – attempting to muscle Night back towards the barbed wire covering the ropes. Night eyes them cautiously as he strains to stay free, ducking out of the way and nearly sending Nightmare crashing face-first into the ropes himself – Nightmare struggling to regain his balance and save himself. Night stands and fires a dropkick at the sprawling Nightmare, who regains himself just in time to sidestep, kicking at Night’s ribs as soon as he hits the ground and quickly dropping a knee on him. Nightmare stands and fires another sharp kick towards the downed Night who this time surprises him, grabbing hold of Nightmare’s knee and sending him flying with a dragon leg whip!

Nightmare clutches at his knee as he attempts to roll back to his feet, Night quickly standing and moving towards Nightmare – flipping forwards with a rolling senton, only hitting mat as Nightmare rolls away. However, still being quite fresh in the match, Night rolls through back to his feet and surprises Nightmare with a dropkick to the face. Night stands, only to leap into the air and back down onto Ryuu with a standing shooting star press! Moving towards the far side of the ring he waits as Nightmare regains his footing before charging at him and launching with a running leg lariat.

Although dazed, Nightmare bounces back to standing but is dropped by a lariat from Night. Again Nightmare stands unsteadily, Night quickly moving in with another flurry of kicks and punches which sends his brother reeling backwards on the defensive – Night doubles him over with a knee to the midsection before sending Nightmare to the mat with a rolling DDT! Nightmare sits up before slumping back to the mat, Night doesn’t allow him the reprieve however, and pulls Nightmare to his feet… Irish whipping him right at the barbed-wire ropes – Nightmare dropping down and sliding under the bottom rope at the last possible second, missing the barbs by mere inches as the crowd voice their disappointment.

The crowd cheer as Night charges at the ropes, leaping up and springboarding off the top barb covered rope launching at Nightmare – the cheers turn to groans as Nightmare ducks out of the way leaving the former champion to crash onto the arena floor – dangerously close to a glass trap! Nightmare, still recovering, has enough of his senses about him to grab hold of Night in a rear waistlock, setting up for a German suplex! Sensing the impending disaster, Night thrashes, fighting to break free. He manages to stun his brother with a hard back-elbow, turning and kicking blindly, sending Nightmare sprawling back before sliding back into the ring. Nightmare recovers quickly and follows Night back into the ring. He catches up quickly and again locks in a reverse waistlock, this time nailing the German suplex on his younger brother. Nightmare is quick back to his feet, Night groggily manages to somehow stand himself and wildly throws a kick at Ryuu who easily catches it and drives Akumu over with a huge capture suplex!

Night writes on the ground as Nightmare stares at the barbed-wire encased ropes with a sadistic grin. He bends down and lifts the stunned Night off the mat, carrying him towards the ropes, looking to hot-shot him. However, as they approach the ropes, Night manages to struggle free, dropping off Nightmare’s shoulder and pushing him chest-first into the ropes! The crowd roar as Nightmare yells out in pain, still resting excruciatingly on the barbed-wire. Night backs up as Nightmare attempts to free himself before charging forwards and dropkicking Nightmare in the back – sending him over the top rope and out of the ring, creating a gash on his chest! Nightmare rolls on the arena floor as he clutches at his chest in pain as Night attempts to recover in the ring.

Nightmare manages to stand, the gash on his chest starting to bleed quite heavily. Disoriented, he seems to take a moment finding the ring – Night takes this opportunity to take another risk, this time running at his brother and leaping clear over the top rope with a huge running shooting star press, connecting with Nightmare and sending both men crashing onto one of the glass nets at ringside! The glass shatters, shards flying everywhere and leaving both men laying on a bed of glistening spikes, both severely dazed. Nightmare seems to be out, but Night manages to sit up, a few small pieces of glass stuck to his shoulder. Spotting his fallen brother, he pulls him from the wreckage and covers for the pin, the stunned referee taking a moment to remember to count.




Nightmare manages a kickout! Night kneels up and starts hammering away on his brother with vicious lefts and rights, each shot sending the older brother’s head rocking back from the impact. Night comes to standing, bringing Ryuu with him and continuing to hammer away on him with hard elbows and knee strikes. Night whips Nightmare at the ring barrier, Nightmare crashing ribs first into the corner section and recoiling in pain. Night charges at him, launching and driving his knee into Nightmare’s head with a shining wizard. Nightmare’s head snaps back as he is sent flying over the ring barrier and sends several ringside fans scrambling. Badly hurt, he manages to prop his forearms up on a chair as he tries to stand.

Seeing his opening, Night charges at Nightmare, leaping onto the crowd barricade and leaping off with a shooting star splash towards a downed Nightmare – who manages to stand, swinging around and driving his still opened chair into the face of the airborne Night. The impact of the chair is enough to change Night’s rotation and he crashes awkwardly into the sea of ringside seats.

Still bleeding, breathing heavily and also now limping, Nightmare picks up a nearby chair, folds it up, lifts it above his head before throwing it down onto Night. He repeats this process with five chairs before finally throwing three chairs into the ring. He picks up Night, locking his arms around him and sending him over the crowd barrier with a release German suplex. Thankfully Night comes to rest just next to the broken glass net rather than in the middle of it. Nightmare offers him no respite though and rushes after him, quickly rolling him back into the ring. Once back in, Nightmare picks up one of the chairs he just threw in and drives it into Night’s back before wedging it between the middle and top turnbuckle. He picks up a second chair and, again throttling Night with it first, wedges it between the opposite middle and top turnbuckle similarly.

Turning his attention back to his downed brother, Nightmare roughly pulls him to his feet before throwing him back first into one of the turnbuckles! Night recoils as his back hits the wedged chair and the protruding strands of barbed wire – Nightmare continues the attack, whipping Night hard across the ring and causing him to hit the chair side-on, his feet leaving the ground and his mask and feet sticking to the barbs! He manages to pull his feet free quickly and struggles with his mask – the mask ripping slightly as he pulls his head free, cutting his forehead open a bit. Night seems more pre-occupied with his mask, however, and fumbles with it, making sure it is still in-tact – only to be caught by Nightmare with a hard knee to the midsection followed by a Rogue Driver right on the third chair which still lies folded on the mat! The crowd roar in disapproval as Master Kimura looks very concerned at ringside – Nightmare with the pin.




NO! Night manages a miraculous kickout which appears to be more of a spasm than a kickout. Nightmare roars with frustration and disbelief as he unleashes a hard right hand to Night’s head – again he covers.




Again Night kicks out at the last possible moment. Nightmare leaps to his feet, assuming victory. As he is told of the two count, he shoves the referee backwards. The ref, for his part, stands his ground and sticks to his guns. Nightmare glowers but turns his attention back to Night. He makes a big show of straightening up the chair lying in the ring, repositioning it several times a matter of inches here and there before finally hoisting Night back to his feet and Irish whipping him once more into the turnbuckle with the chair wedged in it.

Night recoils in pain once more, but it is obvious he is not completely aware of his surroundings. Nightmare draws his thumb across his throat as he lifts Night onto the top turnbuckle before climbing up himself and setting up for a top rope Rogue Driver! The deranged older Miyamoto looks down at the chair lying below him before leaping backwards – only for Night to break his hands free and grab hold of the top rope – barbed wire and all – and managing to keep his balance on the top turnbuckle.

The crowd roar as Night frees the wedged chair before warily standing on the top turnbuckle. Flashbulbs all around the arena erupt in a sea of white lights as Night clutches the chair to his chest before launching off the top turnbuckle, crashing down onto Nightmare with a HUGE chair-assisted SSP! Both men seem to take a huge deal of impact from the move and Night lies motionless on top of his brother, the chair still between them. The referee drops down for the pin.




Now it is Nightmare who just manages a lucky kickout. Lifelessly, Night rolls off him and comes to lie on the mat motionless – the referee checks both men, and although he gets little response from either he seems satisfied that the match can continue.

Both men are slow to return to their feet and each seems to be strongly feeling the effects of the match. Wearily they turn to each other and simultaneously start throwing wild punches at each other again. Neither man can offer much defense so most of the blows seem to find their mark and each brother in turn has his head snapped back. Finally Ryuu seems to gain his slight size advantage as he rocks his younger brother back with a big right hook pressing forward and forcing Night back towards the turnbuckles. Night tries to fight back up as Ryuu pressures him in the corner, but is powerless as Nightmare grabs him by the mask and begins ripping at it. In spite of everything else to worry about in the match, Night grabs hold of his mask and fights to hold on – Nightmare grinning broadly at this before unleashing on Night’s exposed ribs with a hard knee and dragging Night face first along the wire-lined top rope! Nightmare releases Night, throwing him carelessly into the ring, Night still grabbing at his now badly ripped mask – blood now pouring from a gash down the left side of Night’s face.

Smirking proudly but still beaten and bloody, Nightmare crosses to his downed brother and attempts to lock in a Nightmare Sleeper! To the raucous cheers of the crowd, Night manages to slip free and digging deep manages to stand, lifting Nightmare onto his shoulders and into a fireman’s carry – setting up for The Dreaming! Nightmare struggles to free himself, again grabbing hold of the laces on Night’s mask and causing Night to almost instantly drop him.

Nightmare holds on to Night’s mask, swinging him around and throwing him face first into the barbed middle turnbuckle! He once again sets up Night on the top turnbuckle before climbing out through the ropes and up the turnbuckles after him. He points to the glass net sitting next to the ring apron and the crowd rain down a chorus of loud booing which is replaced by cheers as Night fights back, stunning Nightmare with a back elbow, followed by another, and another and finally sent off-balance with a sharp left cross. He stumbles off and somehow manages to balance on the ring apron.

Night stands, leaping off and wrapping both of his legs around Nightmare’s legs, aiming a hurricanrana right at the net – only for Nightmare to hold on and shift his weight, powerbombing Night right into the glass net! The glass shatters around Night’s body as the former World Champion howls in pain. Nightmare doesn’t seem to be finished yet, however, as he holds on, again pulling Night to his feet and quickly pulling him to the next net – this time sending him through face first with a Rogue Driver.

The stunned sVo universe are silent as Nightmare hooks Night’s leg amongst the pool of shattered glass and blood – the referee wastes no time in counting the pin.




The silence is broken as the boos rain down. “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails starts to play over the PA as Nightmare, bleeding, battered and broken still manages a grin as the referee raises his arm in triumph. He rolls aside, before standing and raising both arms triumphantly in the air. The referee bends down to check on the fallen former World Champion before holding up both of his arms in an ‘X’ above his head. EMT’s rush down the entrance ramp past a triumphant Nightmare who looks back at his broken and defeated heap of a brother with a devilish smile plastered on his face.

OUTCOME: Nightmare defeats Night via pinfallBACKSTAGE

SHOW OF FORCE IIThe cameras head backstage to the V.I.P sky box Company area, which is more full than it ever has been. Despite the Company agents that are always milling around never seemingly doing much, the boss Matt Anderson sits with the man in his debt and new personal assassin Ethan Rider. Alongside them are new recruits Colt Cooper alongside his manager Clive English, and the new Las Vegas Champion James Von Drake, with wife Lucy as well. On the out skirts of the group is the only active wrestler who has not yet competed tonight, Bobby Dean. Dean looks unusually focused as the rest of the group watch the aftermath of the Night/Nightmare fight on the giant monitors.

Matt Anderson: “Well that son of a bitch has only gone and done it! Finally Nightmare has managed to rid the sVo of Night!”

The group cheer and clap, all apart from Bobby Dean who stares out of the window of the sky box down at the ring and the sea of fans surrounding it.

Matt Anderson: “We got rid of Night, we got the Las Vegas Championship under our control, we took out Equinox AND we became stronger than ever! I don’t think this night could be going much better so far!”

The group all seem upbeat about the future of the new look Company, which is only missing Nightmare, who has only just competed seconds ago.

Colt Cooper: “That’s why I signed up Anderson. This group is what you need to be apart of to get places in the sVo!”

The manager of the sVo and leader of the group smiles and nods his head. Despite his eyes being shielded behind his trademark wrap around shades, it’s obvious that everything is going Anderson’s way right now.

Matt Anderson: “We appreciate the sacrifice you made out there tonight Cooper. You passed up the chance to become a International & Tag Team Champion to do the right thing for the Company, and it’s not something we will forget…”

Colt Cooper shrugs his shoulders, obviously thinking of what might have been.

Matt Anderson: “Which is why on Showdown #61 next week, as a sign of our appreciation, you can have another shot at that International Championship belt!” Colt Cooper smiles and high fives his manager as Anderson turns his attention to the longest serving member of the group, who in uncharacteristically quiet.

Matt Anderson: “You ready to go out there and bring this one home Bobby? Beat Roscoe Shame and we done everything we came here to do. Hell put that double crossing backstabbing son of a bitch on the injured list and make it a perfect night!”

Dean simple nods his head, no trace of emotion on his face. The rest of the group look at him in a confused manor.

Matt Anderson: “Just remember Bobby, any time you need us, throw up that sign and we will all be down there like a shot to help you out.”

BBD suddenly stands up right to his feet.

Bobby Dean: “Promise me one thing guys, what ever happens out there tonight… Don’t come down and get involved…”

Bobby Dean turns and walks away from the group, leaving them to whisper to themselves about his strange behaviour.
Coming Soon LIVE from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
sVo Seasons Beatings 2010
Only on PPV
19th December 2010BACKSTAGE

HOSPITAL BOUNDBackstage in the loading dock area of Goodfellas Casino arena. A crew of EMTs urgently wheel a stretcher carrying former sVo World Champion Night towards an awaiting ambulance. Following along beside the stretcher is the concerned Akira Kimura, Night’s mentor and manager.

Kimura: “You’ll be okay, Akumu – you did well out there.”

Night doesn’t respond.

Kimura: “Don’t worry about me, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. You just heal up and get back in action as quickly as possible. I have a feeling the sVo is going to need all the help it can get.”

A hand reaches out and grabs Kimura by the back of his collar before muscling him around the face the opposite direction.

Nightmare: “No talking to the enemy. Come along, ‘Master’, we made a deal and I won – we have management stuff to discuss!”

Kimura is silent as he stares at Nightmare with a hopeless skepticism.
“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

The fans in the arena pop as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring with the title belt over his shoulder. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle with his sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt.

The atmosphere in the arena is electric as the former best friends stare across the ring at each other. In one corner stands the challenger. The cocky and confident ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean. The man who represents the ‘Company’ and former International, Las Vegas and Tag Team Champion. Across from him stands the the 6’6″ Roscoe Shame hailing from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The former member of the Company who turned his back on the organization after become disillusioned with there cheating ways. The former International and Tag Team Champion… and current World Heavyweight Champion.

Roscoe Shame hands his sVo World Heavyweight Championship over to the referee, possibly for the last time. Both Shame and Dean stare up at the Championship belt as it glistens and gleams under the lights of the arena as the referee holds it into the air to show that it will be on the line in tonight’s main event match. The referee hand the belt to the outside of the ring, before calling for the bell to be rung and this one to get underway! There is a huge cheer from the fans as Shame and Bobby Dean slowly begin to circle around each other in the middle of the ring. Both men who were former best friends and former Tag Team Champions together stare each other down, before diving forward and tying up in the middle of the ring.

Both men try and push each other backwards, but Roscoe Shame wins the test of strength and shoves Bobby Dean into the ropes. Bobby Dean bounces forward out of the ropes and Shame knocks him down with a massive right hand. Dean gets back to his feet, but once again Shame smashes him down to the mat with a big right hand. The fans in the sold out arena cheer the big punches from Roscoe Shame, as he pulls Bobby Dean up by his golden locks. Shame sends Dean down to the mat with authority with a stiff scoop slam, before stomping away on the challenger. Bobby Dean manages to roll away from Shame and roll under the bottom rope to put some distance between himself and the champion. The fans boo Bobby Dean as he struts around the ring regaining his composure, whilst Roscoe Shame prowls around in the ring. Bobby Dean finally climbs up onto the ring apron, and as Shame makes his way towards him, he nails the champion with a shoulder barge into his midsection. Shame doubles over in pain, and Bobby Dean sun set flips back into the ring.

Bobby Dean runs across the ring and bounces into the ring ropes, before returning with a running dropkick to knock down his former best friend. Shame gets back to the mat quickly, but Bobby Dean is there once again with a side head lock takedown into a reverse chin hold on Shame. The fans boo the Company man Bobby Dean as he tries to wear down the Champion, and Shame tries to twist out of the hold. Shame manages to rise up to a standing position, but Bobby Dean progresses the hold into a reverse wrist lock, before nailing Shame with a hard elbow shot to his shoulders. Shame staggers forward in pain, and Bobby Dean takes advantage with a running face slam onto the champion. With Shame’s head bounces off of the mat, Bobby Dean takes the chance to go for the matches first cover.




Roscoe Shame powers out of the pin fall attempt much to the delight of the fans. Bobby Dean doesn’t look too disappointed as he pulls Shame up to his feet and tosses him into the corner of the ring. Bobby Dean nails Roscoe Shame with some big clubbing blows in the corner of the ring to try and wear down the big champion, however Shame suddenly catches Dean’s hand and tosses his opponent into the corner. The fans pop as Roscoe Shame lays into Bobby Dean with some massive punches, before landing one big right hand that sends Bobby Dean up and over the top rope to the outside of the ring! The fans cheer for the big clubbing blow from Shame, who quickly climbs out of the ring and to the outside as well. Bobby Dean tries to struggle up to his feet, but as he does Shame grabs him by the head and slams him face first into the side of the ring. The fans at ringside cheer as Dean staggers away, and the big man Roscoe Shame follows him.

Shame grabs hold of Bobby Dean again ready to slam him face first into the side of the ring, however Bobby Dean kicks backwards out of the view of the referee, and lands a low blow on the Champion! The fans boo as Roscoe Shame looks in pain, and Bobby Dean takes the advantage to roll the Champion back into the ring. Bobby Dean himself climbs back into the ring, and hits Shame with a right hand as he tries to get to his feet. Roscoe Shame finally does stand up, but he is quickly grabbed in a front face lock by Bobby Dean, who then takes him down to the mat with a perfect float over suplex into a cover!




Once again Roscoe Shame is able to power out of the cover, and this time Bobby Dean looks a little frustrated about it. Bobby Dean pulls Roscoe Shame up to his feet, and drags him over to the ring ropes. Bobby Dean tosses Shame down onto the second rope so that his throat is resting across it, before stepping onto Shame’s back to choke him out!

The fans boo loudly for the move, as the referee begins to count and tells Bobby Dean to break the illegal move. Dean does break the hold, but only at the very last second, before stepping back and taunting to the crowd. The fans boo the show boating of BBD, as behind his back Roscoe Shame slowly begins to rise to a standing position. Shame staggers forward, and Bobby Dean runs at him looking for a clothesline to send him straight back down to the mat. However Shame manages to duck under the clothesline from Dean, which causes the challenger to bounce into the opposite ropes. Dean bounces back into the middle of the ring, but walks into a massive big boot from the World Heavyweight Champion!

The crowd pop for the massive move from Roscoe Shame, who quickly advances on his opponent. Bobby Dean staggers to his feet holding his face in pain, but before he knows what is going on, Roscoe Shame lifts him into the air with a military press slam! In a show of power, Shame holds Dean above his head for a few extra seconds, before dropping him down to the mat! The fans cheer for the massive move from Roscoe Shame, who now stands dominant in the ring! Bobby Dean rises up to his feet, but walks into two massive punches from Roscoe Shame. The crowd look to be getting behind Shame more and more as he continues to build momentum, tossing Dean down to the mat with ease via a tilt-a-whirl slam! With Dean down and hurting, the fans in the arena cheer as Roscoe Shame signals for his finishing move.

The referee looks at Shame nervously, knowing that if he hits the banned move then he should DQ him, but also that he DQ’s him that Bobby Dean will win the match but not the title which might land him in trouble with the Company. The fans pop as Roscoe Shame position’s Bobby Dean for the Shame Time in the middle of the ring. However as Dean is lifted into the air, he is somehow able to count the move into a huricanrana! Even the most die hard Roscoe Shame fans can not help but admire the massive count from Bobby Dean, as he struggles back to his feet. Roscoe Shame also struggles back to his feet, and as he does he eats a spinning heel kick from the challenger!

Roscoe Shame staggers backwards holding his face in pain from the kick, but as he does Bobby Dean is straight back onto the Champion with a kick to the midsection. Roscoe Shame doubles over in pain, and Bobby Dean steps over the head of Shame, before drilling him down into the mat with a piledriver! The fans boo the big move from Bobby Dean, who wastes no time in making the cover on the Champion!





It looked as if we had a new World Heavyweight Champion right there after that vile piledriver from Bobby Dean, but somehow Roscoe Shame manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three could be counted! Bobby Dean can’t believe that Roscoe Shame manages to get a shoulder up, as he rises up to his feet and kicks the ring ropes in frustration. The crowd boo Bobby Dean’s reaction, as he turns to Roscoe Shame and begins to pull the World Heavyweight Champion back to his feet. Roscoe Shame looks to be in a bad way after that first piledriver, but Bobby Dean shows just what winning the World title means to him, by setting Shame up for a second!

The fans boo loudly as Dean tries to hit the second piledriver onto Roscoe Shame, however before he can execute the move, Shame counters with a massive back body drop onto Bobby Dean to send the challenger down to the mat. Both Shame and Dean lay on the mat motionless for a few seconds, before both slowly rise to their feet. The fans cheer as Shame aims a right hand at the head of the challenger, however Bobby Dean retaliates with a big punch to Roscoe Shame. Shame cuts Dean off with a knee to the midsection before throwing him hard into the ropes. Bobby Dean bounces back into the middle of the ring, and is tossed down to the mat with a stiff powerslam from Shame!

The fans cheer the big move from Shame, however instead of going for the cover he decides to pulls Dean back to his feet and do some more damage to his opponent. Shame grabs Dean by the back of the head and runs him into the corner of the ring before slamming him head first into the turnbuckle! Dean staggers backwards holding his face in pain, but he staggers straight into the arms of Shame who takes him down with a German suplex! Bobby Dean’s head bounces hard off of the mat as Roscoe Shame keeps his arms locked around the waist of Bobby Dean, and pulls him back to his feet! The fans cheer as Shame hits a second German suplex on Bobby Dean!

Bobby Dean looks in serious pain in the ring as Roscoe Shame climbs back to his feet. Shame trash talks his former best friend, taunting him to get up, before grabbing him by the hair and forcing him up. Dean looks in a bad way as Shame throws him into the ropes, before slamming him down with a sickening spinebuster as he bounces back! The fans cheer the move, and with Bobby Dean laying on the mat in front of him, Roscoe Shame reaches down and grabs the legs of the challenger! The whole arena wonders just what Shame is going to do, before he locks in a figure four leg lock onto Bobby Dean! The crowd cheer as Bobby Dean roars in agony under the pain from the figure four! The referee asks Dean if he wants to quit, but he just screams in pain and shakes his head. The fans rise to there feet wondering if they are about to see Shame win this one by submission, but as he tries to tighten the hold, Bobby Dean tries to edge closer to the ring ropes.

Bobby Dean looks in complete agony, which brings a smile to the face of Roscoe Shame as he looks back at the man who stabbed him in the back two months ago to steal away his International Championship belt. Bobby Dean inches closer and closer to the ropes, as Roscoe Shame does all he can to increase the pressure on the hold. There is a collective groan from the sold out crowd as Dean finally manages to reach out and grab the bottom rope, and the referee demands that Roscoe Shame breaks the hold. Shame does break the hold, but it looks as if the damage has already been done to Bobby Dean, as he struggles to stand up, using the ring ropes for guidance. Roscoe Shame quickly takes advantage of the situation with a third massive German suplex onto Bobby Dean, before going for the cover!




It looked as if Roscoe Shame was going to retain the belt right there, but somehow Bobby Dean manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet, as Bobby Dean quickly rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. The fans at ringside boo Bobby Dean as he holds his knees in pain, but as he does Roscoe Shame ignores the requests from the referee and climbs out of the ring over the top rope! Roscoe Shame grabs hold of Bobby Dean from behind and positions him for a fourth German suplex onto the hard floor, but luckily for BBD he manages to counter with a go behind on Shame, before frantically hammering him with right hands to the back of the head. BBD spins Shame around and locks for a second piledriver onto the hard floor, but to the cheers from the fans, Shame coutners with a back body drop onto the floor on Dean! Dean arches his back in pain, but Shame pulls his opponent into the air, before dropping him face first across the security barrier.

The fans at ringside look delighted with Roscoe Shame, as he leaves Bobby Dean draped over the security barrier, and climbs over the security barrier himself into the fans. From here, Shame proceeds to grab Dean in a front face lock, before DDT’ing him off of the barrier and onto the concrete floor amongst the fans! The fans pop, especially the fans in the front row who reach out and grab both Shame and Dean. Dean looks as if that move might have knocked him out, as Shame easily picks him up, and tosses him back over the security barrier. Roscoe Shame signals to the fans from the front row, before climbing back over the security barrier himself.

Back in the ringside area, Bobby Dean looks as if he is trying to crawl away, but Roscoe Shame quickly grabs him by the ankle, and lifts him with ease into the air, before dropping him back down onto the unforgiving floor! The fans continue to cheer the relentless offence from the World Heavyweight Champion, as he picks Dean up and tosses him back into the ring. Shame taunts to the fans before climbing back into the ring himself, and going right back to work on his opponents legs. Shame drops an elbow across the legs of Bobby Dean, before locking him in an ankle lock!

The fans jump to their feet at the sight of the move, as Bobby Dean screams out in pain! It looks as if Roscoe Shame might break the foot of Bobby Dean right off his leg! The referee asks Bobby Dean if he wants to tap, but he bravely shakes his head, before rolling into the pain in order to aim a kick with his free leg at the face of Shame. The kick forces Shame to break the hold, to the disappointment of the fans, as Dean rolls away. The kick to the face looks to have angered Roscoe Shame as he rises up to his feet and stares at Bobby Dean across the ring. Roscoe Shame sprints at his opponent looking to knock him out with a big kick, however Dean ducks out of the way and Roscoe Shame ends up cleaning out the referee!

The referee looks like he might be down for the count, as Shame staggers backwards holding his head and wondering what he has just done. Bobby Dean quickly takes advantage of this situation with a low blow to the champion, followed by a double arm DDT to take Roscoe Shame down to the mat. The crowd boo as Bobby Dean slowly crawls across his opponent, and begins to lay into him with big right hands. Roscoe Shame manages to kick Bobby Dean off of him, but Bobby Dean is able to rollback to his feet. The challenger looks like he has caught a second wind as he takes Roscoe Shame down with a firemans carry takedown, before bouncing into the ring ropes. Bobby Dean bounces back and nails a leg drop across the upper body of Roscoe Shame. With Roscoe Shame down and the referee down, Bobby Dean slowly begins to rise to his feet with a smirk on his face. The crowd immediately boo the Company member as ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean climbs out of the ring and makes his way across to what is left of the announcers table. Bobby Dean quickly snatches Shame’s World Heavyweight Championship belt away from the timekeeper, and rolls back into the ring with it.

The crowd boo loudly as Bobby Dean stares at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt for a few seconds, before turning and standing in wait for Roscoe Shame to get to his feet. It looks as if Bobby Dean wants to knock off Roscoe Shame’s head with his own title belt, and with the referee down there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Roscoe Shame finally staggers to hit feet and turns around, but before Bobby Dean can run at him with the World Heavyweight Championship belt, the lights in the arena suddenly cut out.

There is a mixture of cheers and screams of panic from the crowd, until a few seconds later the familiar video that has been seen on Showdown for the last month hits on the giant V-Tron screen.










There is a massive pop from the fans as the lights in the arena switch back on, and the man himself is standing there in the ring staring at both Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean.




.2 2 0.




Cody Williams is back in the Sanctioned Violence Organization! Is this the backup that Roscoe Shame has against the Company? All three men stare at each other for a few seconds, waiting for each other to make the first move, until suddenly Cody Williams springs forward and takes down the World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame with a ‘Pure Perfection’!

The crowd seem to be in shock for a few seconds until they break out into loud boos. Cody Williams slowly rises up to his feet, leaving Bobby Dean holding the World heavyweight Championship belt, with a confused look on his face. Has Cody Williams been brought back to the Company to ensure that Bobby Dean wins the World Heavyweight Championship belt from Roscoe Shame tonight?

Suddenly the boos turn to cheers as Cody Williams leaps forward and takes down Bobby Dean with a ‘Picture Perfect’! Cody Williams rolls up to his feet with both competitors and the referee in this match down! Amongst the carnage in the ring, Cody Williams reaches down and picks up the World Heavyweight Championship belt laying in the ring! Cody ‘Second to None’ Williams looks fixated with the World Heavyweight Championship belt, before he drops it down and exits the ringside area through the crowd leaving carnage behind him! It seems as if Williams isn’t here to ensure that Shame beats Dean or that Dean beats Shame. He is here to lay down his claim to the Sanctioned Violence Organization World Heavyweight Championship belt!

The referee slowly begins to rise to his feet in the corner of the ring, not knowing why the fans are cheering, or why BBD and Shame or both down, or possibly where he even is. But as he tries to shake the cobwebbs away, Bobby Dean tries to take advantage of the situation by draping an arm across the downed body of Roscoe Shame!





It looked as if Bobby Dean was going to steal the victory right there, but somehow Roscoe Shame manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three could be counted! Bobby Dean staggers up to his feet with a glazed over look in his eye. Dean staggers around for a few seconds, before grabbing Roscoe Shame by the arm and heaving him up to a standing position. Bobby Dean tosses Shame into the ropes, however as Shame bounces back he hits Dean with a face buster! Bobby Dean staggers backwards, and Roscoe Shame nails him with a kick to the midsection, before setting him up for the ‘Shame Time’! The fans in the arena rise to their feet as Roscoe Shame hauls Bobby Dean up into the air, holds him for a few extra seconds before tossing him down to the mat with the amazing finishing move! Bobby Dean looks like he might be broken in half as Roscoe Shame drops down to make the cover and retain his World Heavyweight Championship belt!






Dean kicked out! Dean kicked out!

No one in the packed out arena can quite believe that Bobby Dean just kicked out from the Shame Time! Roscoe Shame stares down at Bobby Dean in disbelief, just what does Shame have to do to his former friend in order to beat him and retain the World Heavyweight Championship belt here tonight? Can Shame actually put away Dean for the three?

Roscoe Shame hauls Bobby Dean up to his feet and positions him for yet another Shame Time. The fans rise up to there feet knowing that this will spell the end of Bobby Dean’s challenge for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt here tonight! Shame lifts Dean up into the air, but as he holds his former best friend in mid-air, Dean suddenly counters the move into a ‘Starstruck’! The whole arena is on there feet at the amazing count, and no both men are down on the mat and hurting! Boos ring out around the arena as Bobby Dean slowly begins to crawl over the body of his opponent to make the cover on ‘Mr International’!








Just when it looked like BBD had put Shame away, the Champions shoulders shoot up off of the mat after 2 and 9/10ths of a count! The whole arena pops at the kick out, and they can’t quite believe what has happened so far on this emotional roller-coaster of a match between two former best friends! Bobby Dean looks beside himself that he didn’t get the cover, as he grabs hold of the ring ropes and pulls himself up to his feet. On the opposite side of the ring, Roscoe Shame also pulls himself up using the ring ropes, as the referee goes from competitor to competitor to check on both men. The anticipation amongst the fans begins to grow as both men reach standing positions on opposite sides of the ring at roughly the same time, before slowly turning to face each other.

The sVo World Heavyweight Champion ‘Mr International’ Roscoe Shame stares across the ring at his challenger and former best friend ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean, who stares right back at him. The crowd rise to their feet ready to see this epic struggle between both men continue, with neither men backing down and neither men ready to accept defeat no matter how much there body has been put through. Both men take a step forward whilst holding each other’s glare, and the atmosphere intensifies. Neither men looks like they are ready to break the stare or blink, as they try to gain the edge over each other, before both stepping closer towards the middle of the ring. Both men are now only feet apart, champion and challenger as the two former best friends trash talk each other. Surely one more finishing move is enough to finish each other off, but what will be hit first the Shame Time or the Starstruck? Who will land the blow to kill of their opponent?

The trash talking continues in the middle of the ring as it looks as if Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame are about to explode into a flurry of right hands, with both men wanting to get the advantage and secure the Championship belt.

It looks as if it’s go time as the talking stops… until Roscoe Shame reaches forward and pokes Bobby Dean in the chest with his finger.


Bobby Dean falls to the mat as if he has just been shot, and Roscoe Shame leaps down onto him to make the cover….





Confusion reigns in the Goodfellas Casino Arena as the fans sit in stunned silence for a few seconds. Did Bobby Dean really just get pinned after finger poke to the chest? A few boos begin to break out around the silenced crowd as Roscoe Shame rises up to his feet with a smirk on his face. The confused referee presents Roscoe Shame with the World Heavyweight Championship belt, as Bobby Dean slowly rises up to his feet. The referee goes to raise Shame’s hand in the air in victory, but Bobby Dean pushes the referee out of the way. Bobby Dean turns to his opponent Roscoe Shame, before grabbing his hand and raising it in victory!


The few boos evolve into a deafening roar of disapproval from the twenty thousand wrestling fans packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena as Bobby Dean holds Roscoe Shame’s hand aloft in victory after the biggest double cross in the world of professional wrestling since November 9th 1997 in Montreal, Canada. Only this time its not a wrestler that’s been screwed, its the fans.

There is worried looks from the security guards as the deafening roar of boos transforms into items being tossed into the ring from the crowd at the direction of Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean, as ‘Beautiful Shame’ celebrate there double cross in the middle of the ring as Roll the Dice 2010 goes off of the air! Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean have collaborated to screw the fans, and the Sanctioned Violence Organization will never be the same again!

OUTCOME: Roscoe Shame defeats Bobby Dean via pinfall

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