sVo One Shot 2011
2nd January 2011
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada

“One Shot at Glory” by Judas Priest hits the sound system as the sVo One Shot entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Jay Wildman, Roscoe Shame, Ethan Rider, Bobby Dean and Samuel Amos shows some of the best action to have ever taken place in the Sanctioned Violence Organization.Let me hear the battle cry
Calling on the wind
Let me see the banners fly
Before the storm begins

Let me feel the spirits soar
Destroy the enemy
Striking at the evil core
For all the world to see

This day will last forever
Deep in the hearts of men
Courage and victory
Remember, remember

One Shot At Glory
In the crossfire overhead
Fate stands before me
Words have all been said

One Shot At Glory
Driving hard and seeing red
Destiny calls me
One night of fire
One Shot At Glory

Fighting on with dignity
In life and death we deal
The power and the majesty
Amidst the blood and steel

I still hear the battle cry
The call goes on and on
I still see the banners fly
The battle’s always won

One Shot At Glory
Driving hard and seeing red
Destiny calls me
One night of fire
One Shot At Glory

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area. Tonight thirty men will enter the One Shot match, but only one will walk away with a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship belt!

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.

LAST TIME @ SEASONS BEATINGS 2010Jay Wildman shocks the world by becoming the new sVo World Heavyweight Champion…..

Reaper tries to desperately revive the referee so he can count the pinfall. Suddenly the loud boos in the arena erupt into cheers as “Travel Now Journey Infinitely” by Trinacria hits the sound system! Shame, Dean and Reaper quickly turn their attention towards the entrance ramp as Grimnir’s music blasts out over the sound system, however much to the cheers from the fans the masked superstar jumps out of the crowd!

Grimnir rolls into the ring behind the three renegades, and nails Reaper in the back of the head with the Masked Justice! Shame and Bobby Dean both spin around and run at Grimnir, who quickly bails out of the ring. Roscoe Shame looks enraged as he jumps over the top rope and chases Grimnir into the crowd. With Shame chasing Grimnir, a big smile comes over the face of Bobby Dean as the referee begins to come to his senses in the ring. The fans can almost read the mind of Bobby Dean as he begins to saunter over the to downed body of Jay Wildman…. if he makes the pin whilst Roscoe Shame is dealing with Grimnir then he will become the new sVo World Heavyweight Champion!

Bobby Dean approaches Wildman as the crowd boo loudly…. until Wildman suddenly springs up and catches Bobby Dean with a big superkick to the jaw! Bobby Dean falls backwards and Jay Wildman scrambles onto him to make the cover….






The crowd erupt as what they have just seen begins to sink in. They came here expecting to see an unmasked Grimnir challenging for the title, and instead they have seen the returning Jay Wildman win the title with the help of the STILL masked Grimnir! The referee grabs the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt from ringside and climbs back into the ring with it as “End of Line” by Daft Punk blasts over the sound system. Roscoe Shame makes his way back through the crowd and leans against the security barrier with his head in his hands as he watches Jay Wildman be presented with the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt in the middle of the ring, righting a wrong that is 1086 days old!

The bloodied Wildman holds the belt aloft in the middle of the ring as on the outside of the ring the group of Shame, Dean and Reaper regroup and make their way back up the entrance ramp, not able to look at the celebration of Wildman with the title belt.

Jay Wildman has returned to the sVo and captured the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt, but what does this mean for the mysterious masked Grimnir? What does this mean for the renegade group of Shame, Dean and Reaper? What does this mean for the Company? What does this mean for the Sanctioned Violence Organization as it heads into 2011?!?ONE SHOT OVER THE TOP BATTLE ROYAL MATCH
Winner Will Receive an sVo World Heavyweight Championship shot at the Destiny 2011 PPVThe fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena look pumped up for the forthcoming One Shot match where thirty men will enter the ring, but only one will leave with a sVo World Heavyweight Championship match in the bag! All eyes turn to the entrance ramp to see just who will be the unlikely two competitors to start off the match.

Am I going insane (insane)
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling it ticks (it ticks)
My body shaking there’s no turning back

There is a mixed reaction in the arena as “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and Samuel Amos slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. The former sVo TapOut Champion doesn’t look too happy at being the man that has to start of tonight’s match, could it possibly be something to do with him turning his back on Matt Anderson’s offer to join the Company at the end of 2010?

Amos slowly steps down the entrance ramp before climbing into the ring. Amos warms up in the corner of the ring as he awaits the arrival of the second most unlucky man in the building tonight, can he survive 29 other opponents and secure himself a shot at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt at Destiny?

Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort

There is a big cheer from the crowd as ‘Last Resort’ by Papa Roach hits the sound system, and the former sVo International Champion Rey Rosario steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Rosario looks in a confident mood as he stares out at the crowd before looking down at the ring. Rosario then sprints down the entrance ramp and quickly slides head first into the ring. Can he eliminate Samuel Amos and 28 other opponents to secure himself a shot at Jay Wildman’s sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt?

Amos quickly takes advantage of Rosario sliding head first into the ring as he begins to stomp away on the back of Rosario’s head. The referee quickly calls for the bell, and the 2011 One Shot match is underway! Rosario tries to stumble to his feet, but Amos lays into him with some big right hands that knock him back into the corner of the ring. Amos quickly grabs Rosario by the legs and tries to force him up and over the top rope to the outside of the ring, however Rosario fights back with some elbows to the top of Amos’ head to save himself from a quick elimination.

Amos stumbles back holding his head in pain, and Rosario quickly runs at him before taking him to the mat with a double leg takedown. The crowd cheer loudly as Rey Rosario lays into Samuel Amos with some massive mounted punches on the mat. Amos holds his face in pain as Rosario jumps up to his feet and bounces off of the ring ropes, before hitting a diving elbow drop onto Samuel Amos! Amos stumbles up to his feet and holds his face in pain, but as he does Rosario grabs him by the back of the head and runs him towards the ropes. The fans rise to their feet as it looks like Rosario is about to throw Amos right over the top rope, however Amos manages to grab the top rope and hold in before Rosario is able to toss him over. As Amos knocks away Rosario with a mule kick, the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the match.Five…




One…I got ice in my veins
Blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart
Love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain
Days of the same
You keep the sunshine
Save me the rain

The fans boo as the former sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame slowly makes his way down to the ring! In the ring Amos hammers away with big right hands on Rey Rosario to knock him backwards, until Shame rolls into the ring. Amos runs at Shame, however the former World Champion knocks him down with a big boot to the face. Amos lays in the mat in pain as Roscoe Shame turns his attention to Rey Rosario. Shame nails Rosario with a big knee to the midsection, before sending him hard into the corner of the ring.

Rey Rosario hits the turnbuckle hard, and as he bounces out he gets side slammed down to the mat with authority from Roscoe Shame! The fans boo the big move from Shame as he rises back to his feet. Roscoe Shame begins to pull Rey Rosario to a standing position, obviously looking to lift him up and over the top rope in order to get one step closer to earning a rematch at the World Heavyweight title, however Samuel Amos catches Shame from behind with a big double axe handle shot.

Shame stumbles forward and Amos grabs hold of him in a side headlock. Amos tries to wear down the big man, however Shame fights his way out of the hold with some big back elbow shots to the midsection of the former TapOut Champion. Samuel Amos stumbles away from Roscoe Shame, however as Shame runs at Amos looking for a clothesline, Amos ducks under his arm! Amos throws Roscoe Shame to the ropes, and grabs hold of his legs and desperately tries to send him over the top rope!

Rey Rosario rises up to his feet and makes his way over to Amos and Shame, and quickly grabs Shame’s other leg! Rosario and Amos seem to be willing to work together to eliminate Shame, and the fans rise to their feet as it looks as if one of the favourites for the match is going to be eliminated early! Roscoe Shame looks to be heading over the top rope, until he is suddenly able to use his leg strength to kick both Amos and Rosario away. Amos and Rosario both quickly rise to their feet, but Roscoe Shame runs through both of them with a double clothesline as the countdown begins for the next entry into the match.Five…




One…Just when they thought you were through
You’ve burned their lies, now you’re strengthened it’s true
Turn your backs on your enemies
And let those mother fuckers rot in their jealousy

“Anthem” by Trivium hits the sound system and the fans boo as Scott Grayse makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Rey Rosario slowly staggers up to a standing position, but as he does he is quickly scoop slammed down to the mat with authority by Roscoe Shame. Samuel Amos begins to pull himself to a standing position, but before he can move Scott Grayse is on him with some big right hands. Amos stumbles backwards under the big punches from Grayse, who then throws him into the corner of the ring.

Grayse follows up with big punches in the corner on Amos as Shame pulls Rosario up to his feet and grabs him by the back of the head. Shame runs Rosario into the corner of the ring and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Rosario staggers backwards holding his face in pain, but Shame takes him down to the mat with a big back suplex. The fans boo loudly for the former World Heavyweight Champion, as he gets to his feet and taunts to the crowd before hitting a leg drop across the upper body of Rosario.

In the other corner of the ring Grayse continues to pound away on Amos, until Amos ducks under the punch of his opponent and throws him into the corner! Amos begins to light up the chest of Grayse with some stiff knife edge chops before pulling him away from the ropes. Amos takes Grayse down to the mat with a snap suplex, before laying into him with some mounted punches. Grayse tries to struggle to his feet just as the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the match.Five…




One…Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and your O.K.
Money it’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

There are boos all around as the Company member Howard Thompson steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with ‘Money’ by Pink Floyd blasting over the sound system! Can Howard Thompson go on to earn himself a shot at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship?

Thompson slides into the ring just as Rey Rosario takes down Roscoe Shame with a double leg takedown. The former International Champion tries to drag Shame towards the ropes, but Shame manages to kick him away. Samuel Amos pulls Scott Grayse to his feet and throws him hard into the ring ropes. Grayse ducks under the clothesline attempt from Thompson, but runs straight into a right hand from Howard Thompson! Thompson is then taken down to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker from Samuel Amos!

Amos pulls Thompson up to a standing position and tries to scoop him up and over the top rope, however Thompson grabs hold of the top rope and hangs on for dear life. Scott Grayse slowly makes his way up to a standing position, but as he does Rey Rosario spins him around. Rosario hammers away with right hands on Grayse, until Grayse blocks him off with a knee to the gut before taking him down to the mat with a gutwrench slam!

Grayse stands celebrating taking the former International Champion down to the mat, but as he showboats over the body of Rey Rosario, Scott Grayse is grabbed by the back of the head by Roscoe Shame and thrown over the top rope and to the floor below! The fans cheer at the elimination of Scott Grayse by Roscoe Shame, just as the countdown begins again for the next competitor to enter the match!Five…





‘Hell of a Life’ hits the sound system, and the fans give a mixed reaction as sVo newcomer Vintor Otis makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Otis slides straight into the ring and immediately hits Howard Thompson with some big right hands to take the sVo veteran down to the mat. Thompson pops straight back up to his feet, but as he runs at Otis the newcomer drops his shoulder and back drops Howard Thompson over the top rope! Thompson tries to land on the ring apron, but loses his balance and falls down to the mat!

The fans rise to their feet in amazement, sVo veteran Howard Thompson has just been eliminated out of nowhere by the newcomer Vintor Otis in one of his first moves in the sVo! The four men look in amazement at Howard Thompson on the outside of the ring complaining to the officals, before Samuel Amos runs across and nails Otis from behind with a big right hand. Shame throws a right hand in the direction of Rosario, but Rosario manages to block the punch and knock down Shame with a big spinebuster.

Rey Rosario lays into Roscoe Shame with mounted punches as Samuel Amos backs Otis against the ring ropes. Amos tries to grab Otis by the legs and lift him up and over the top rope, but the sVo newcomer holds on for his life as the countdown begins again for the next entrant into the match.Five…




One…I’m tough, rough, ready and able
To pick myself up from under this table
Don’t stick no sign on me, I got no label
I’m a little sick, unsure, unsound and unstable

The fans cheer as Rex Fury steps out onto the entrance ramp, before sprinting down to the ring to get involved in the first sVo event of 2011! Fury dives straight into the ring, and pulls Rosario off of the downed Roscoe Shame. Fury lays into Rosario with some big martial arts kicks to back him against the ropes. It looks like Fury is ready to knock Rosario up and over the top rope as the former International Champion leans against the ropes, however as Fury looks for a big kick, Rosario knocks his foot away!

On the other side of the ring Otis manages to knock Amos away before he can lift him up over the top rope. Samuel Amos stumbles away, but Otis runs at the former TapOut Champion and takes him down to the mat with a running bulldog takedown. Otis rises up to his feet and looks down at Rosario on the mat, but from behind he is grabbed by Roscoe Shame who takes him down with a big reverse suplex! Otis stumbles up to his feet not knowing what happened to him, only to be grabbed by Roscoe Shame again! Shame lifts Otis up into the air with both hands, before throwing him down onto the mat.

On the opposite side of the ring Rosario manages to throw Fury down with a single leg takedown, before dropping an elbow down across his exposed knee joint. Fury shouts out in pain as Rey Rosario rises straight up to a standing position and taunts to the crowd. Can the Canadian superstar be the one to earn himself a shot at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt at Destiny 2011? Rosario stomps away on Rex Fury as he tries to get to his feet, while the countdown for the next superstar to enter the match begins!Five…




One…You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner

The crowd rise to their feet as Sinner by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the Corporation’s DJ makes his way down to the ring! DJ slides straight into the ring, and catches Rey Rosario with a big spinning heel kick. DJ turns his attention towards Roscoe Shame as he bounces into the ring ropes, before landing a big flying crossbody splash onto the former World Heavyweight Champion. Roscoe Shame tries to get back to his feet, but DJ lays into him with some big kicks and punches as he does.

Shame stumbles backwards in pain at the punishment from DJ, but suddenly DJ is grabbed from behind by Samuel Amos! The fans boo as Amos takes down DJ with an ‘infAMOS’ in the middle of the ring! Samuel Amos tries to drag DJ up to a standing position so he can pick him up and over the top rope, but before he can he is grabbed by the newcomer Otis who takes down Amos with a snap DDT. Amos lays on the mat holding his head in pain as Otis pulls Rex Fury to his feet. Otis begins to haul Rex Fury over the top rope, however Fury manages to cut Otis off with a karate chop to the neck to save himself being eliminated from the match.

Rex Fury grabs hold of Otis as he stumbles away, and in turn tries to force the newcomer over the top rope and to the outside. However Otis manages to knock away the former Las Vegas Champion with some stiff back elbows. Otis and Rex Fury both turn around, but before they know what has hit them Roscoe Shame knocks them both down to the mat with a massive double clothesline. With Otis and Fury down, Roscoe Shame turns his attention back to Rey Rosario. Shame begins to kick away at Rosario in the gut as he tries to get back to his feet. Shame slowly pulls Rosario up to a standing position, with everyone else in the ring down and hurting as the count begins again.Five…




One…Losing the war I’m feigning to win,
though I never tried to to strive deep from within.
Life could be beautiful for anyone it’s for,
but I’d swear this mother-fucking shit is rotten to the core.

The crowd boo loudly as Reaper slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp with a smirk on his face. Roscoe Shame stands in the ring with a broad smile on his face, with these two on the same page will anyone be able to stop them?

Reaper quickly runs down the entrance ramp and rolls into the ring. Reaper and Shame exchange knowing nods, before quickly beginning to put the boots into the downed Rey Rosario. The fans boo loudly at the alliance between the two men which begin at December’s Seasons Beatings PPV, just before Roscoe Shame lost his sVo World Heavyweight title to Jay Wildman! Reaper pulls Rey Rosario up to his feet and holds him up, as Shame bounces back into the ropes before delivering a big boot to the face of Rey Rosario!

Rosario might be out cold as Reaper and Shame look down at the fallen member of the Canadian Connection. Shame and Reaper then begin to try to lift up the dead weight of Rey Rosario and drag him over to the ropes. Everyone else in the ring still seems to be down and out as Shame and Reaper try to force Rey Rosario up and over the top rope. Rosario grabs hold of the top rope and holds on against the force of the two men as the countdown begins for the next entry into the match.Five…




One…Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort

The fans cheer as some backup for Rey Rosario sprints down to the ring, in the form of the Canadian Connection’s Chris Wrestling! Chris Wrestling quickly slides into the ring and lays into Shame and Reaper with some big punches to the back to save them from eliminating Rey Rosario. Chris Wrestling pulls Reaper away from Rosario before sending him across the ring with a big belly to back suplex. The fans cheer for the move as on the other side of the ring Samuel Amos slowly rises up to his feet. The first man in the match pulls Rex Fury up to a standing position and tries to force him up and over the top rope. Rex Fury hangs on for his life as Vintor Otis goes to work on DJ with some big rights and lefts.

Chris Wrestling grabs hold of Roscoe Shame by the back of the head and tries to force him up and over the top rope, however Roscoe Shame knocks him away with some big back elbows to save himself from elimination. Chris Wrestling looks for a double leg takedown on Roscoe Shame, however Roscoe Shame manages to counter it out of nowhere into a double arm DDT onto his opponent. Reaper slowly rises up to his feet, but as he does he gets some big right hands in the face from Rey Rosario. The fans cheer as Rosario knocks down Reaper with the big rights, before pulling him up to a standing position. Rosario grabs Reaper by the back of the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle, before stomping away on him in the corner of the ring.

Roscoe Shame pulls Chris Wrestling up to his feet and begins to drag him to the ropes, just as Rex Fury manages to knock away Amos and save himself from getting eliminated. Amos stumbles away, but Rex Fury follows up with a big spinning heel kick to the face of his opponent to send him down to the mat as the countdown begins for the next wrestler to enter the match.Five…




One…Who really tryna f-ck with Hollywood Cole? I’m with Marley Gee, bro
Flying Holly Grove chicks to my Hollywood shows
And I want to tell you something that you prolly should know
This that Slumdog Millionaire Bollywood flow

The fans boo loudly as Karma Jones slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp as the eleventh man to enter himself into the One Shot match! Karma Jones slowly makes his way to the ring, not looking to keen to jump straight into the action as Rey Rosario continues to stomp away on Reaper in the corner of the ring. Roscoe Shame grabs hold of Chris Wrestling and pulls him up to his feet before powerslamming him down to the mat, as Jones slides into the ring. Vintor Otis quickly runs at Jones, but the man who contended for the Las Vegas title at Seasons Beatings quickly takes him down with a big spinebuster. Karma Jones rises up to his feet and gets boos from the fans, but that quickly changes as he catches a big dropkick to the face from DJ!

The dropkick knocks Karma Jones back against the ropes, and DJ quickly pounces on him to try and lift him up and over the top rope and to the floor below. The crowd cheer as it looks like Karma Jones is going to be eliminated early from the match, but he is able to fight his way back away from the ropes with some big punches to the face of DJ. Rex Fury turns his attention to Rey Rosario as he pulls the Canadian Connection member away from Reaper in the corner of the ring, and lays into him with a combination of quick kicks, before taking him down to the mat with a dragon screw. Rex Fury looks pleased with the takedown, but as he taunts Rosario he is taken down from behind with a reverse DDT from Samuel Amos.

One the otherside of the ring Roscoe Shame scoops up Chris Wrestling in a scoop slam like position and carries him towards the ropes. It looks like Roscoe Shame is going to dump Chris Wrestling right over the top rope, but before he can Chris Wrestling grabs the top rope and holds on! Roscoe Shame tries to push Wrestling off to the floor below, however Chris Wrestling manages to kick Shame away and drop back into the ring as the countdown begins for the next entry into the match.Five…





‘Deadbolt’ hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Doppelganger makes his way down to the ring! The sVo newcomer slides into the ring and straight away begins to hammer away on Samuel Amos with some big right hands. Chris Wrestling runs at Roscoe Shame looking for a clothesline on the big man, however Shame gets a foot up to nail Wrestling with a big boot to the face! Chris Wrestling hits the mat, but as he does Rex Fury lays into Roscoe Shame with some big kicks and chops from behind. Shame turns around, but Fury continue to lay into the former World Champion. Fury backs Shame against the ring ropes, and the fans rise to their feet as it looks like Shame is on the verge of being eliminated as he leans against the ropes! Rex Fury takes a few steps back before running at Shame, however Roscoe Shame manages to drop his shoulder and send Rex Fury flying out of the ring to the floor below!

Rex Fury looks disappointed on the outside of the ring at his elimination, but as Shame taunts him he is attacked from behind by Vintor Otis who lays into him with some big punches. Across on the otherside of the ring Reaper grabs hold of DJ and throws him into the ropes. DJ hits the ropes, but manages to catch the top rope to stop himself bouncing back towards Reaper. Reaper notices this and runs at DJ, clotheslining him over the top rope! DJ falls over the top rope, but as he does he grabs hold of the rope with his hands and pulls Reaper over the top with him in a huricanrana like move! The fans cheer as Reaper falls to the floor and is eliminated, whilst DJ clings onto the top rope and rolls back into the ring without touching the floor!

DJ is quickly met with right hands from Rey Rosario back into the ring, which knock him down to the mat. Rey Rosario begins to stomp away on DJ with big kicks, as Doppelganger tries to drag Amos off of the mat and towards the ring ropes. As Karma Jones takes down Chris Wrestling with a side slam, the countdown begins for the next entry into the match!Five…




One…You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner

There is a mixed reaction from the fans as the Corporation member Raven sprints down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring! Raven quickly pulls Rey Rosario off of DJ and goes to work on him with some big punches. On the otherside of the ring Doppelganger pulls Samuel Amos up and tries to lift him over the top rope, only for Amos to keep his fingers locked around the top rope. Vintor Otis tries to throw Roscoe Shame into the ring ropes, however Shame manages to reverse the move and send Otis into the ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a big powerslam. Karma Jones pulls Chris Wrestling up to a standing position, however Wrestling takes down Jones with a big backbreaker before he can get in any offence.

As Doppelganger desperately tries to eliminate Samuel Amos over the top rope, Raven slowly makes his way behind Doppelganger and grabs him by the legs! The sVo newcomer doesn’t know what has hit him as Raven tries to dump both Amos and Doppelganger over the top rope and to the floor below, only for Amos to clutch onto the top rope and swing himself back into the ring under the bottom rope before touching the floor. Raven quickly begins to stomp away on Amos, with Doppelganger laying on the floor having been eliminated from the match.

DJ quickly rises up to his feet and grabs Chris Wrestling from behind, before spinning him around. DJ then takes down Chris Wrestling with a snap suplex, before backflipping onto his prone body. Karma Jones pulls Roscoe Shame up to a standing position and sends him hard into the corner of the ring, as Rey Rosario is taken down to the mat with a clothesline from Vintor Otis. Otis begins to choke out Rey Rosario with his boot as the countdown begins for the next superstar to make their entry into the match.Five…




One…Back off, I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we’re headstrong
Back off, I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone

The crowd boo loudly as ‘Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system and the Xtreme Fusion member Limp makes his way down the entrance ramp! Limp slides into the ring and quickly attacks Raven from behind. Limp tries to pull Raven towards the ropes, until Raven is able to knock Limp away with a back elbow. Limp staggers away and into the ropes, but as he does Roscoe Shame runs at him and knocks him down with a big clothesline! Limp staggers up to a standing position holding his face in pain, but as he does DJ lands a massive spinning heel kick on the former Tag Team Champion! The kick sends Limp flying backwards over the top rope and to the floor below!

The fans cheer loudly for the elimination of Limp while on the other side of the ring Karma Jones grabs hold of Chris Wrestling. Jones nails Wrestling with a running knee lift to the face to send him back down to the mat. The fans boo loudly for Karma Jones as he grabs hold of Chris Wrestling and begins to drag him towards the ropes. Karma Jones tries to force Chris Wrestling over the top rope, but before he can be eliminated Rey Rosario nails Jones with a knee to the back. Karma Jones staggers about holding his back, until he is grabbed by both members of the Canadian Connection. Wrestling and Rosario lift Karma Jones up and send him over the top rope in a double team suplex!

Samuel Amos manages to fight his way away from Vintor Otis with a low blow, as the countdown begins for the next competitor to make their way into the match!Five…




One…Fight about a lotta things and i will give up everything to be
On my own again,
Free again this time i’m a let it all come out this time
I’m a stand up and shout i’m a do things my way,
It’s my way, my way

There are boos from the crowd as the biggest man in the match Nicky Jam Rodriguez slowly begins to make his way down the entrance ramp! Everyone in the ring stops what they are doing and looks towards Nicky Jam, as the giant climbs into the ring. Surely he has to be one of the favourites to win the match at earn himself the first shot at the World Heavyweight Championship of 2011?

Samuel Amos runs at Nicky Jam Rodiriguez, but gets nailed with a big right hand. Vintor Otis suffers the same fate until Roscoe Shame bounces into the ropes and lands a big clothesline into the chest of Nicky Jam Rodriguez. However the clothesline doesnt even knock the big man off of his feet! Roscoe Shame tries to repeat the move, however this time Nicky Jam scoops up the former World Champion and sends him back to the mat with a scoop slam! Nicky Jam runs at Rosario and Wrestling and takes them down to the mat with a big double clothesline, before turning his attention to DJ! Nicky Jam grabs DJ around the throat and throws him into the corner of the ring, before opening up on the high flying superstar with big rights and lefts to the midsection.

DJ looks in trouble, until he is saved from behind by his Corporation team mate Raven! Raven spins Nicky Jam around and begins to hit him with some big right hands, but can’t seem to knock Nicky Jam off of his feet! Raven runs back and bounces off of the ring ropes for one big clothesline, however he is caught around the throat by a giant hand of Nicky Jam Rodriguez! The fans rise to their feet as Nicky Jam Rodriguez pulls Raven up into the air in a chokeslam, before dumping him over the top rope! With Raven eliminated and everyone else in the ring down, the countdown begins for the next entry into the match with everyone wondering if it will be someone who can possibly go against the giant Nicky Jam Rodriguez!Five…




One…Fight about a lotta things and i will give up everything to be
On my own again,
Free again this time i’m a let it all come out this time
I’m a stand up and shout i’m a do things my way,
It’s my way, my way

The fans boo loudly as one half of the sVo Tag Team Champions, and the brother of Nicky Jam Rodriguez makes his way down the entrance ramp. Chivo has a smile on his face as he climbs into the ring and stands face to face with his brother Nicky Jam. The crowd rise to their feet as it looks as if the two brothers are going to begin trading blows as they stand face to face.

Chivo and Nicky Jam however suddenly spin around, and grab Roscoe Shame and Samuel Amos around the throat as they begin to get to their feet! The two Rodriguez Brothers show off their strength as they lift both men up into the air with a one handed chokeslam, before tossing them down to the mat hard! Chivo and Nicky Jam then turn their attention towards the Canadian Connection as they knock down Chris Wrestling and Rey Rosario with stereo big boots to the face! The Rodriguez Brothers look completely dominant in the ring as Nicky Jam and Chivo then grab hold of DJ and Vintor Otis.

The crowd boo loudly as the two brothers both lift DJ and Otis up with a scoop slam, before dumping them both over the top rope on opposite sides of the ring and to the floor below! With DJ and Otis eliminated from the match and everyone else down, Nicky Jam and Chivo stand dominant in the middle of the ring as the countdown begins for the next superstar to make their way down and try to overcome the immovable objects!Five…




One…Fight about a lotta things and i will give up everything to be
On my own again,
Free again this time i’m a let it all come out this time
I’m a stand up and shout i’m a do things my way,
It’s my way, my way

If it wasn’t bad enough having two giants on the same page in the middle of the ring, things have just gone from bad to worse for everyone else in the match as the other half of the sVo Tag Team Champions makes his way down the entrance ramp. Nicky Jam and Chivo watch their brother Chezina as he slowly steps down the ramp, before showing his size by stepping right over the top rope with authority. The three giants stand in the middle of the ring for a few seconds, before looking around at the broken bodies that lay around them.

The Rodriguez Brothers first turn their attention towards Samuel Amos, the first man in the One Shot match who has so far been able to survive up to this point. Chezina pulls the former TapOut Champion up to a standing position, before tossing him hard into the ropes. Amos bounces back into the middle of the ring, but recieves a big boot to the face from Chezina. Chivo then grabs hold of Amos by the throat and lifts him clean off of the mat! The fans look on at amazement at the strength of Chivo as he pulls Amos up into the air and holds him for a few seconds, before tossing him down with a massive chokeslam!

Samuel Amos looks like a broken man in the middle of the ring, but the Rodriguez Brothers are not finished with him yet as he is grabbed by Nicky Jam Rodriguez! Nicky Jam pulls Amos up to his feet, before powerbombing him down to the mat! Amos looks in pain as the three Rodrguez Brothers stand over him with evil intentions running through their heads. However before the Tag Team Champions and their brother Nicky Jam can inflict any more damage, Rey Rosario and Chris Wrestling begin to nail them from behind with some big punches. The Rodriguez Brothers begin to use their numbers and size advantage to get the upper hand over the Canadian Connection as the countdown hits and the next competitor begins to make his way to the match!Five…




One…Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort

The fans cheer as Crippler of the Canadian Connection comes sprinting down the entrance ramp towards the ring to equal the numbers! The Rodriguez Brothers and the Canadian Connection fire off on each other with some big punches as everyone else involved in the match remains down and out! Crippler grabs hold of Nicky Jam and tries to throw him into the ropes, however Nicky Jam blocks the move and pulls Crippler towards him before clotheslining him down to the mat. Nicky Jam stands over Crippler taunting him, but he is grabbed from behind by Chris Wrestling, who pulls him towards the ropes before clotheslining him to the outside!

Chris Wrestling turns around from eliminating Nicky Jam Rodriguez, but walks straight into a big boot to the face from Chezina which sends Chris Wrestling flying backwards over the top rope, and to the outside of the ring! Chezina is spun around by Rey Rosario who lays into the Tag Team Champion with big right hands to back him up against the ring ropes. However as Rosario goes to deliver the big knockout punch to send Chezina over the top rope and to the outside, Chezina drops his shoulder and sends Rosario over the top rope! However instead of landing on the floor, Rosario manages to grab the top rope and land on the ring apron to stop himself from being eliminated as the countdown begins for the next entry into the match.Five…





There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as newcomer Chevy Camaro makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp! Camaro doesn’t look to keen get into the ring and get in the middle of the two teams battling it out in the ring as he slowly walks around the ringside area! Back in the ring Chezina runs at Rey Rosario to try and knock him off of the ring apron and to the outside. However Rey Rosario manages to save himself by nailing Chezina with a knee to the midsection! Chezina doubles over in pain, and Rosario grabs him in a front face lock before suplexing him out of the ring and to the outside!

With Chezina eliminated, Crippler tries to take advantage by pulling Chivo towards the ring ropes in order to eliminate the last of the Rodriguez Brothers, however Chivo manages to knock Crippler away with some big right hands. Meanwhile Camaro finally decides to roll into the ring, and he takes down Chivo from behind with a big chopblock! Chivo hits the mat, but quickly pulls himself up to his feet and Camaro lays into him with some big kicks and stomps. Camaro grabs hold of Chivo and tries to shoot him into the ropes, but as Chivo runs towards the ropes, Crippler pulls down the top rope sending Chivo tumbling over and to the outside of the ring!

Crippler then runs at Camaro and follows up with a big clothesline to knock him down to the mat. Crippler begins to stomp away on Camaro as Roscoe Shame and Samuel Amos slowly begin to make their way up to a standing position. Shame makes his way towards Amos, who catches him with some big right hands. Shame absorbs the big blows, before sending Amos into the corner of the ring. Shame follows up with a clothesline in the corner on Amos as the countdown begins for the next competitor to enter the match.Five…





The fans cheer as the Mexican national anthem begins to play over the sound system and Roberto Cruz begins to make his way down the entrance ramp! The newcomer slides into the ring, and is immediately hit with some right hands from Rey Rosario for his trouble at being the twentieth man to enter the One Shot match!

In the corner of the ring Roscoe Shame tries to force Samuel Amos up and over the top rope, however the first man in the match manages to fight his way away from the grasp of Roscoe Shame with some big kicks the former sVo Champions face. Roscoe Shame stumbles away, until Samuel Amos runs at him and nails him with the ‘infAMOS’! Crippler pulls Camaro up to a standing position and tries to grab him for a German suplex, however Camaro manages to fight out with some big back elbows to the face of Crippler, before going behind and hitting his own German suplex on the former Tag Team Champion. Camaro tries to pull Crippler up and over the top rope, however he is quickly cut off by Rey Rosario who runs across and hits Camaro from behind.

Rey Rosario then tries to pull Camaro closer to the ropes, however Camaro is able to stop himself before hitting Rosario with some big elbow smashes to the midsection. Rosario doubles over in pain and Camaro takes down Rosario with a neckbreaker. Camaro rises to his feet, but his success is short lived as his fellow newcomer Roberto Cruz grabs him from behind and tosses him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! Cruz celebrates eliminating Camaro in his first apperance in an sVo ring, however his celebrations down last for long as he is hit with a back breaker from Samuel Amos.

Amos lays into Cruz with some big mounted punches as the countdown begins for the next entry to make their way to the match.Five…




One…Back off, I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we’re headstrong
Back off, I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone

The countdown reaches zero and there are boos around the arena as Xtreme Fusion member DVD makes his way down towards the ring! DVD quickly rolls into the ring and takes down Rey Rosario with a Lui Theza press, before going to work on him with some big right hands. Crippler quickly breaks DVD off with an elbow drop to the back of the former Tag Team Champion, before pulling him up to his feet. Crippler pulls DVD towards the ring ropes and tries to throw him out of the ring, however DVD manages to counter with a hip toss like move to send Crippler to the outside of the ring! Crippler manages to land on his feet on the ring apron, however DVD finishes the job and knocks Crippler down to the floor with a big right hand!

With Crippler eliminated, DVD is quickly attacked from behind by Rey Rosario who lays into DVD with some big right hands. Rosario throws DVD into the ring ropes, and takes him to the mat with a Samoan drop as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. The fans cheer for the big move from Rey Rosario, as he rises up to his feet. Having been in the match since the very beginning, car Rosario go on to be the man to get the first sVo Championship shot of 2011? Rosario is suddenly grabbed by Roscoe Shame and spun around. Shame nails Rosario with a knee to the midsection which doubles him over, before drilling him down to the mat with a ‘SHAME TIME’!

The fans rise to their feet for the move from the former World Heavyweight Champion, but it is short lived as he is soon attacked from behind by Roberto Cruz! Cruz puts the boots into Shame as the countdown begins for the next competitor to make their entrance.Five…




One…Back off, I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we’re headstrong
Back off, I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone

The fans boo as they know that the advantage must now be on the side of Xtreme Fusion as Asesino makes his way to the ring to join DVD! Roscoe Shame rises to his feet and knocks Cruz away with a big right hand, as Rey Rosario takes down Samuel Amos with an atomic drop. Rey Rosario begins to put the boots on Amos in the corner of the ring. As DVD and Asesino slowly begin to circle the World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame!

Shame looks from right to left at DVD and Asesino, before diving forward and grabbed hold of DVD. Asesino quickly cuts off Shame with a low blow before be can do any damage to his team mate, and DVD and Limp take Shame down to the mat. The Xtreme Fusion members begin to put the boots in on Shame as he tries to get to his feet. The crowd boo loudly at the actions of the two men who are on the same page, as they slowly begin to pull the massive frame of the downed Roscoe Shame towards the side of the ring. Meanwhile Rey Rosario pulls Amos up to a standing position, however out of no where Amos takes Rosario down to the mat with a big DDT.

DVD and Asesino grab hold of Roscoe Shame under each arm and try to pull his huge frame up towards the top rope, as Roberto Cruz begins to rise to his feet on the other side of the ring. Cruz makes his way towards Rey Rosario, and lands a running knee drop on the former International Champion as he tries to get to his feet. Cruz begins to lay the boots into Rosario as the countdown begins again for the next man to enter the One Shot match.Five…




One…You’re the best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own

There are boos from the crowd as Bobby Dean comes sprinting down the entrance ramp with a determined look on his face, and slides straight into the ring. Dean quickly knocks Asesino and DVD off of his tag team partner Roscoe Shame with big right hands, before taking DVD down with a big huricanrana. Bobby Dean rises to his feet, but as he does Roberto Cruz sprints at him looking for a clothesline. Dean loads the newcomer onto his shoulders in a Samoan drop like position, before dumping him over the top rope and to the floor below!

Everyone else in the ring looks to be drained of energy, except from the newcomer Bobby Dean as he grabs hold of Asesino and throws him into the corner of the ring. Bobby Dean runs at Asesino in the corner looking for a clothesline, only for Asesino to dive out of the way before the impact can be made! Bobby Dean hits the turnbuckle hard and stumbles back in pain, before being grabbed by Asesino and taken down to the mat with an electric chair drop!

Asesino pounds away with big rights and lefts to the head of Bobby Dean, before pulling him up to a standing position. On the otherside of the ring DVD lays into Rey Rosario with big rights and lefts as he gets to his feet. DVD backs Rey Rosario against the ropes, before nailing him with a big right hand to send him tumbling over the top rope and to the floor below!

Asesino pulls Bobby Dean up and begins to pull him towards the ropes. However out of no where Roscoe Shame dives in to land a low bow on Asesino! The crowd boo loudly for the low blow, as Bobby Dean takes advantage of grabbing Asesino by the back of the head and tossing him over the top rope and to the floor below!Five…




One…Cruisin’ down tha street in my ’64
Jackin’ tha freaks clocking tha dough
Went to tha park tah get the scoop
Knuckleheads out there come shootin’ some hoop

The fans cheer as a suprise entry into the match, former sVo Hardcore Champion Orlando Fox makes his way down the entrance ramp to enter himself into the One Shot rumble match! In the ring Bobby Dean and Roscoe Shame turn their attentions towards Samuel Amos as Orlando Fox goes straight after DVD. Orlando Fox lays into DVD with some big right hands, before knocking him down to the mat with a big reverse elbow. On the other side of the ring Shame and BBD put the boots into the first man to enter the match, as he desperately tries to pull himself up to a standing position.

Samuel Amos fights back against Shame and Bobby Dean with some big right hands, however the numbers game becomes too much for him as Bobby Dean counters with a knee to the midsection of Amos, before the two men taken him down to the mat with a double team arm drag takedown. On the otherside of the ring Orlando Fox pulls DVD up to his feet and slams him face first into the corner of the ring. DVD staggers backwards and Orlando Fox tries to force him towards the ropes to eliminate him, however DVD shakes away from Fox’s grip before tossing Orlando Fox over the top rope and to the floor below as the countdown begins again!Five…




One…You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner

There is a cheer from the crowd as Juliana Torres sprints down the entrance ramp and slides head first into the ring. Torres quickly makes her way towards DVD, and grabs him from behind. DVD doesn’t even know what has happened as Torres dumps him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring!

Roscoe Shame and BBD continue to put the boots into Samuel Amos in the corner of the ring as DVD looks up from the floor in shock. The crowd cheer loudly as Juliana Torres struts around the ring with her hands in the air at eliminating her rival DVD! DVD doesn’t seem to take too kindly to the showboating as he slips from the grasp of the referees at ringside and rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope! The fans boo loudly as DVD takes down Juliana Torres with a double leg takedown before laying into her with some big mounted punches! Torres tries to fight her way off of DVD, but DVD looks intent on ruining her chance of being the first woman to compete for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt!

DVD finally rolls off of Juliana Torres, but as the Corporate Lady slowly begins to rise to her feet, DVD springs forward and nails her with a ‘Cutter’ in the middle of the ring! Juliana Torres hits the mat hard, and DVD finally rolls out of the ring with a smirk on his face. The referees escort DVD up the entrance ramp, as the countdown begins for the next competitor to make their way to the match.Five…




One…Back in black
I hit the sack
I’ve been too long I’m glad to be back
Yes I’m, let loose
From the noose
That’s kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky
‘Cause it’s gettin’ me high
Forget the herse ’cause I’ll never die
I got nine lives
Cat’s eyes
Usin’ every one of them and running wild

The fans cheer as sVo newcomer Cid Black slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring as the twenty sixth person to enter the One Shot match! Black rolls into the ring as Juliana Torres slowly begins to crawl up to a standing position. Cid Black wastes no time in making his mark on the sVo, by grabbing the Corporate Lady by the hair and tossing her right over the top rope to the outside of the ring!

With four men left in the ring and only four men left to enter, Cid Black makes his way towards Roscoe Shame and spins the former World Heavyweight Champion around. Cid Black begins to nail Shame with big rights, but Shame cuts him off to hit some big punches of his own. Meanwhile Bobby Dean pulls Samuel Amos up to a standing position in the corner of the ring, before nailing him with some stiff knife edge chops that echo around the arena. Shame lifts Cid Black up and over his head, before slowly walking with him towards the ring ropes, ready to dump the newcomer out of the match. However Cid Black is able to fight back with some knee smashes into the back of Roscoe Shame’s head, which cause the big man to drop the newcomer.

Bobby Dean pulls Amos out of the corner, and positions him for a piledriver in the middle of the ring. The fans give a mixed reaction as Dean begins to execute the piledriver, however Amos out of nowhere is able to counter into a back drop on Bobby Dean! Meanwhile Cid Black grabs hold of Shame, and takes him down to the mat with a cradling DDT! Shame’s head hits the mat hard, but he quickly tries to pull himself up to his feet using the ring ropes. As Amos hammers away with right hands on Bobby Dean, the countdown once again begins for another entry into the match.Five…




One…A warning to the people
The good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civillian
The martyr, the victim
This is war

There is a big cheer from the fans as Ethan Rider makes his way down the entrance ramp! Rider looks in confident mood as he slides into the ring, and begins to lay into Cid Black with some big right hands. Can Ethan Rider be the man that goes on to earn himself a shot at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt? Rider begins pounding Black with right hands, until Black is able to duck under a punch from Rider and take him down with an atomic drop.

Ethan Rider stumbles up to his feet from the move, but Cid Black is there once again with a suplex to take Rider down. Cid Black looks to be in control of the reluctant Company member, as he pulls him to his feet and whips him in the direction of Roscoe Shame in the ropes! Roscoe Shame sees Ethan Rider coming and drops his shoulder, sending Ethan Rider flying over the top rope!

Shame spins around thinking he has eliminated Rider from the match, only to see Rider hanging onto the top rope for dear life with only one foot touching the floor! Roscoe Shame runs at Rider looking to knock him off of the ring apron, but Rider manages to pull down the top rope and send Roscoe Shame tumbling to the outside! Rider quickly rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope, and is met with stiff kicks from Cid Black as the whole arena rises to their feet in shock. One of the big favourites to win the match has been eliminated after starting at number three!

Cid Black pulls Ethan Rider to his feet before tossing him hard down to the mat with a tilt-a-whirl powerbomb as the countdown begins again for the next entry to make their way into the match…Five…




One…Who will survive and what will be left of them?
Apocalyptic dreams see the ordinary madness
Who will survive and what will be left of them?
I never lock the dogs when the wolf is in the darkness
Come on – come on the mutherfucker’s on fire

There are loud boos from the shocked crowd, as Matt Anderson steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp to enter himself into the One Shot match! Can the retired former DW World Heavyweight Champion really go on to compete for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship against Jay Wildman at Destiny 2011? Anderson slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, armed with a steel chair! The crowd continue to boo loudly as Anderson rolls into the ring unnoticed by everyone else in the match. Cid Black slowly turns around from stomping away on Ethan Rider, and walks straight into a steel chair shot to the face from the sVo boss!

Samuel Amos quickly runs at Anderson looking to take down the mat that cost him the TapOut Championship at Seasons Beatings, however Anderson is able to react before the tired Samuel Amos and jab the chair into his midsection. Amos doubles over in pain as Anderson slams the chair onto the back of the former TapOut Champion! A smile begins to spread over the face of Matt Anderson as he looks at Bobby Dean slowly rising up to his feet. Bobby Dean doesn’t even know what has hit him as Anderson slams the chair head first into the face of the former International Champion as he slowly turns around to face the boss.

With everyone in the ring down, can Anderson really go on to win this match?Five…




One…Uh, one thing ’bout music
When it hit you feel no pain
White folks says it controls your brain
I know better than that
That’s game and we ready for that
Two soldiers head of the pack
Matter of fact who got the gat?
And where my army at?

The crowd pop as ‘Hop Hop’ by Dead Prez hits the sound system and Jon Page slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp. The Masked man who revealed his identity at Seasons Beatings keeps his eyes focused on Matt Anderson, who looks straight back at Page and readies himself with the steel chair in his hand. Page wastes no time in sliding into the ring and staring at Anderson. Anderson dives forward looking to hit Page in the head with the chair, but Page manages to duck out of the way, before turning to hit some big right hands on Anderson! The punches cause Anderson to drop the chair, and Page backs the leader of the Company up against the ropes, before knocking him out of the ring with a big right hand!

The fans cheer the elimination of Anderson, but Page isn’t finished there as he jumps right over the top rope himself in order to continue to put the boots to Matt Anderson on the outside of the ring. As security tries to separate the two men on the outside of the ring as they brawl around the ringside area, the four men in the ring slowly begin to rise to their feet. With only one more entry due to take place in the match, Bobby Dean, Ethan Rider, Samuel Amos and Cid Black slowly begin to rise up to a standing position. Ethan Rider is the first to make a move as he makes his way towards Bobby Dean and begins to lay into him with some big punches and kicks. Bobby Dean looks to be reeling as Ethan Rider backs him against the ropes. With Dean leaning against the ropes, Ethan Rider steps back looking to take a run up to eliminate BBD over the top, only for BBD to cut him off with a low blow!

The crowd boo the low blow from BBD, as he follows it up with a starstruck on Ethan Rider to take him down to the mat! Bobby Dean rises up to his feet to soak in the boos from the fans, but as he does he walks around straight into a ‘Cataclysm ‘ from Cid Black! The crowd cheer the big move from the newcomer as Bobby Dean drops to the mat as if he has just been shot. However before the newcomer can inflict any more offence on Bobby Dean, he is grabbed from behind by Samuel Amos! The fans boo loudly as Amos tosses Cid Black up and over the top rope to eliminate him from the match as the countdown for the final man to enter the One Shot match begins!Five…




Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

The crowd boo loudly as the last man to enter the One Shot, the current sVo International Champion and Company member Colt Cooper steps cockily onto the top of the entrance ramp! The number thirty entry slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, before sliding into the ring to meet his three exhausted opponents!

Colt Cooper quickly makes his way over to Bobby Dean and begins to lay into him with some massive punches and kicks that send him into the corner of the ring. Bobby Dean tries to explode out of the corner and land a clothesline on Colt Cooper, but Cooper ducks out of the way of the arm of BBD. BBD spins back around, but catches a dropkick from Colt Cooper in the face. Bobby Dean gets straight back to his feet, but an arm drag takedown from Colt Cooper means he quickly finds himself on the mat again. Colt Cooper twists the arm of Bobby Dean around, before dropping his leg down across the shoulder joint. Colt Cooper rises back up to his feet, but is soon grabbed from behind by Samuel Amos!

Amos throws Colt Cooper into the ring ropes, but as Amos looks for a back drop on the International Champion, Cooper sees the move coming and rolls over the back of Samuel Amos! Amos turns around, and eats a ‘Colt of Conduct’ right to the face to send him down to the mat! The fans boo the big move from Colt Cooper, but as they do Ethan Rider suddenly grabs Cooper from behind. Rider grabs his Company team mate by the back of the head and tries to throw him over the top rope! The fans cheer, but Colt Cooper manages to grab the top rope and stop himself before he can be thrown over.

Colt Cooper turns around and pushes back Ethan Rider, asking his team mate what the hell he thinks he is doing. The crowd cheer for Rider as they two stand nose to nose, until Colt Cooper catches Ethan Rider with a cheap shot! Rider staggers backwards, and Colt Cooper takes him down to the mat with a ‘Diamond in the Ruff’. With Ethan Rider down on the mat, Colt Cooper wastes no time in nailing him with a ‘Starship’! The fans boo the impressive moves from the International Champion, as he jumps to his feet to celebrate taking all three men down. Colt Cooper looks like the favourite to take home the match as he jumps to the nearest corner and climbs up to the second rope to taunt to the fans. The fans boo the Company man who has obviously been granted the last entry into the match by his boss Matt Anderson, until suddenly Bobby Dean begins to pull himself to his feet! Colt Cooper doesn’t even notice as Bobby Dean grabs the steel chair that Matt Anderson himself brought into the ring, before smashing it into the back of Colt Cooper! The fans cheer as Colt Cooper falls forward off of the turnbuckle and down to the floor below!

Colt Cooper looks stunned as he lays on the floor looking up at Bobby Dean, who is in the ring with the steel chair in his hand! With Colt Cooper eliminated at the hands of Bobby Dean, we are down to the final three men of this thirty man One Shot match! Ethan Rider wastes no time as he spins Bobby Dean around and knocks the steel chair out of his hands with some big punches. Bobby Dean looks to be reeling as Rider backs him against the ropes, only for Bobby Dean to duck under the arm of Rider and grab him in a front face lock. Bobby Dean tries to German suplex Ethan Rider right out of the ring, but Rider manages to hold onto the top rope to block the move.

Ethan Rider finally shakes himself clear of Bobby Dean with a back head butt, before bouncing off of the opposite ropes and catches BBD with a spinning heel kick in the middle of the ring! Bobby Dean hits the mat as Ethan Rider rolls to his feet. Now it is Ethan Rider who is looking like the favourite with Bobby Dean and Samuel Amos both down! Ethan Rider puts some kicks into Samuel Amos to keep him down, before turning his attention back towards Bobby Dean. Ethan Rider stalks Bobby Dean as he slowly begins to pull himself to a standing position. The crowd are on their feet as Bobby Dean pulls himself up, only to be grabbed by Ethan Rider and tossed back down to the mat with a ‘Darkrise’!

The fans pop for the finishing move from Ethan Rider as he rises up to his feet! With Bobby Dean down and hurting, Rider turns his attention back towards Samuel Amos. Amos looks in pain as he slowly pulls himself up his feet using the ring ropes, and Ethan Rider takes advantage by running across and nailing a ‘Blaze Ridden’ onto his opponent! This match looks Ethan Riders to lose as he pulls Samuel Amos up off of the mat and scoops him up in a scoop slam position! Ethan Rider runs towards the ropes with Samuel Amos on his shoulder ready to dump him out of the ring.

Rider dumps Amos over the top rope, but as he does Amos grabs hold of the top rope and dangles precariously! Rider’s own momentum sends him over the top rope as Amos pulls it down hanging on for dear life! Rider falls to the floor, as Amos uses his last remaining strength to pull himself back into the ring under the bottom rope.

Amos and Bobby Dean lay motionless in the ring. On the outside of the ring Ethan Rider holds his head in his hands in despair, the thirty man match is down to its last two competitors, and it’s Bobby Dean or Samuel Amos who has a World Heavyweight Championship shot in their Destiny….

Dean and Amos slowly begin to rise to their feet, pulling themselves up using the ropes in opposite corners of the ring. The crowd are at fever pitch, ready to see which off these two men will be heading for a shot at Jay Wildman’s World Heavyweight Championship belt! Amos and Dean slowly turn to face each other, before making their way towards the middle of the ring. Dean gets in the first blow, the fresher of the two men, and begins to knock Samuel Amos back towards the ropes. Amos feels the ropes at his back and manages to duck under the arm of BBD, before grabbing his legs and trying to force him up and over the top rope. Bobby Dean fights back with everything he has, and manages to knock Amos away with some big back elbows.

With Amos defeating Bobby Dean last year on Showdown, does he have the psychological advantage over his competitor? Or with Samuel Amos being in this match since the very start, does Bobby Dean have the physical advantage?

Amos runs at Bobby Dean looking for a knee to the midsection, however Dean catches his opponents leg and takes him down to the mat with a single leg takedown. Amos tries to get straight back to his feet, but Bobby Dean is there and waiting with a side Russian legsweep to take Amos to the mat. The crowd boo loudly as Bobby Dean rises to his feet and makes his way slowly back towards the steel chair that he used to eliminate Colt Cooper. Bobby Dean picks up the steel chair, and then begins to tap it on the mat as he stands behind Samuel Amos waiting for him to get to his feet.

Amos slowly staggers up, but as Bobby Dean swings the chair at him he ducks underneath and bounces into the ropes! Bobby Dean doesn’t know what has hit him as Amos takes him down with a Lui Theza press before laying into him with big right hands! Amos quickly jumps up off of BBD as if he has been given a new lease of life, before pulling him up by his blonde hair. Amos drags Bobby Dean by his hair towards the ropes, before trying to lift him up and over the top rope! Bobby Dean hangs on to the ropes for his life, before knocking Amos away with a back low blow kick! The fans boo loudly as Amos stumbles away, and Bobby Dean takes him down with a running spinning neckbreaker.

Both men lay motionless on the mat wondering just what it is going to take to eliminate the other man. Bobby Dean slowly rises up to his feet, and the crowd begin to boo as he looks down at Samuel Amos. Dean slowly reaches down and pulls Amos up by his hair, before dragging him towards the ring ropes. Amos looks like he might be out on his feet, as Bobby Dean tosses him over the top rope.

However before Amos’ feet can hit the floor, he manages to grab hold of the top rope! Bobby Dean turns around with his hands in the air thinking that he has won the match! The crowd boo loudly as BBD continues to celebrate, as Amos rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope.

Did Amos’ feet touch the floor?

The officials at ringside look like they are going to let the match continue as Samuel Amos grabs Bobby Dean from behind, and throws him over the top rope and to the floor below!

The fans cheer as Samuel Amos sinks to his knees, whilst Bobby Dean looks up at the ring wondering what the hell is going on. “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine blasts over the sound system as Samuel Amos celebrates the victory in the middle of the ring. Bobby Dean has to be restrained from getting back into the ring by the officials at ringside as Samuel Amos continues to celebrate his victory. An enraged Bobby Dean slowly makes his way back up the entrance ramp shaking his head in disbelief as Samuel Amos climbs the nearest turnbuckle and celebrates his win, and earning himself the first sVo World Heavyweight Championship match of 2011 against the new Champion Jay Wildman.


A DATE WITH DESTINYThe entrance music of the 2011 One Shot winner begins to die down, until suddenly “End of Line” by Daft Punk hits the sound system! The fans in the arena cheer as Samuel Amos stares from his position on the second rope at the turnbuckle towards the entrance ramp. After a few seconds the new sVo World Heavyweight Champion slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp, with the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt strapped over his shoulder. Samuel Amos and Jay Wildman stare each other down from opposite sides of the arena as the copyright information fades onto the bottom left of the screen and the One Shot 2011 PPV goes off of the air.

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