Project:Violence Uprising
Sunday 24th December 2006
Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina

Too Big?

We cut straight to the office of Paige, where the manager of P:V looks to be getting ready for the first ever P:V PPV, however as she checks her self in the mirror the door to her office swings open and in walks the P:V owner Jimmy Moretti.

Jimmy Moretti – “Paige, how are things coming along with my investment?”

Paige – “Things are coming together. Tonight will hopefully be a big turning point, we will finally see a P:V Champion crowned for the first time ever!”

Jimmy Moretti – “Should be a good match with Brutal Steve and Mike Best, I have been watching closely and there is just one thing I am concerned about.”

Paige – “What’s that boss?”

Jimmy Moretti – “This Legends Club looks to be an impressive group, but remember that we can’t let anyone group become too big for the organisation, otherwise they might have to get cut down to size….”

Jimmy Moretti smiles and leaves the office, leaving the advice ringing in the ears of Paige.

P:V Xtreme Championship #1 Contenders Match
Pat Fullam vs. J-Money

Crossroads hits the sound system, and the fans in the arena cheer as J Money makes his way down the entrance ramp and climbs into the ring, ready to make his debut P:V PPV match! The lights turn off and Blue lights come on. “Through The Fire and The Flames” by Dragonforce starts to play. On the video screen it shows a black screen with a blue laser writing The Coolness in spiky letters. As the song picks up the screen starts to show a video package of Pat Fullam in some of his matches. Pat Fullam comes out to the boos of the crowd, seeming nonplussed Pat makes his way to the ring. Occasionally head banging to the fast music Pat gets into the ring and poses for the crowd. J Money smashes Pat Fullam’s chest with a double axehandle chop. Pat Fullam climbs to his feet. Pat Fullam pulls a fist to the midsection of J Money out of nowhere. Pat Fullam holds his chin after J Money pulls off a jawbreaker.

J Money is back on his feet. We are showne as shot of the backstage area where Curtis Knight is watching the action on a monitor backstage. It seems Knight is doing a little scouting on a potencial opponent should he retain his title belt tonight! J Money twists Pat Fullam’s arm, jumps, and dropkicks Pat Fullam to the ground. J Money gets back to his feet. Pat Fullam holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. J Money brings out a page from Ric Flair’s handbook. Eye poking Pat Fullam. Pat Fullam punches J Money in the mouth after J Money pulled his hair. Pat Fullam hits the fallaway slam on J Money. Pat Fullam is back on his feet. J Money whips Pat Fullam’s feet from under him with a side kick. J Money gets up. J Money is knocked down to the GND by a strong clothesline by Pat Fullam.

Pat Fullam smashes J Money’s chest with a double axehandle chop. J Money is up again. J Money picks Pat Fullam up and side suplexes him to the mat. J Money climbs to his feet. J Money throws Pat Fullam over the top rope, and out to the ringside area! J Money follows! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) (..2) Out of desperation, Pat Fullam elbows J Money in the face. (…3) Pat Fullam with a headbutt on J Money. (….4) Pat Fullam gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Pat Fullam is up again. (…..5) Pat Fullam carries J Money up the entrance ramp! Pat Fullam drags J Money towards the ringside area. Pat Fullam carries J Money up the entrance ramp! Pat Fullam throws J Money back down to the ringside area. Pat Fullam and J Money continue fighting on the entrance ramp.

Pat Fullam throws J Money back down to the ringside area. Pat Fullam carries J Money over to the guardrail! Pat Fullam drives a forearm into the head of J Money. Pat Fullam spins around, then mule kicks J Money in the groin. J Money gets up. J Money delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Pat Fullam hard to the metal. J Money connects with a frog splash, sending Pat Fullam into a new world of pain. J Money is back on his feet. J Money whips Pat Fullam into the guardrail! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) J Money leaps from the top turnbuckle with a senton splash, landing back first on Pat Fullam’s chest. Now J Money standing. Pat Fullam is up again. J Money drags Pat Fullam towards the guardrail! J Money throws Pat Fullam into the guardrail! (..2) Pat Fullam grabs J Money’s hair, then slams his head into the turnbuckle.

Pat Fullam grabs J Money and brings him towards the steel ring post! Pat Fullam whips J Money into the steel post! J Money is holding his shoulder in pain! (…3) Pat Fullam chokes J Money with the microphone cables. OH!! Pat Fullam’s body is crushed by J Money after recieving an avalanche splash into the corner. (….4) (…..5) J Money carries Pat Fullam up the entrance ramp! J Money carries Pat Fullam s limp body towards the ringside area. J Money carries Pat Fullam over to the guardrail! Out of desperation, J Money dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Pat Fullam. Pat Fullam climbs to his feet. J Money steps back after Pat Fullam slaps him. Pat Fullam short clothslines J Money. J Money connects with a low blow. Pat Fullam goes down. Pat Fullam stands up. Pat Fullam trys for a running lariat but J Money avoids it. Pat Fullam bashes J Money into the guardrail! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Pat Fullam swings the bell and hits J Money. (..2) Pat Fullam does a cartwheel and kicks J Money in the face.

(…3) Pat Fullam stomps J Money. (….4) A snap mare takes J Money down. J Money climbs to his feet. Pat Fullam choke slams J Money. Pat Fullam sucks chants start in the crowd. (…..5) Pat Fullam whips J Money with the camera cables. (……6) Pat Fullam carries J Money over to the steel steps! Pat Fullam rolls onto J Money connecting with a knee. J Money is up again. A snap mare takes Pat Fullam down. Pat Fullam, avoiding a punch, grabs J Money’s arm and gives it an over the shoulder armbreaker. J Money hits a dragon suplex on Pat Fullam. J Money gets up. J Money slams Pat Fullam into the steel steps! Pat Fullam doesn’t look good! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) J Money swings a chair and hits Pat Fullam.

Pat Fullam is bleeding as a result. (..2) J Money knees Pat Fullam and rolls back to his feet. (…3) Pat Fullam discus punches J Money. (….4) J Money is driven further into the padded floor by Pat Fullam with a diving elbow smash. (…..5) Pat Fullam carries J Money over to the steel steps! J Money’s arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Pat Fullam. J Money gets back to his feet. Pat Fullam pulls of a spectacular flying armdrag off of the top rope. Pat Fullam is up again. Pat Fullam whips J Money into the steel steps! J Money is hurting! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Pat Fullam whips J Money with the camera cables. Pat Fullam leaps off the top rope with a flying headbutt, hitting it’s mark on J Money’s chest. Pat Fullam sucks chants start in the crowd. Pat Fullam climbs to his feet. Pat Fullam pulls himself into the ring, and so does J Money Pat Fullam goes for a avalanche but J Money dodges the attack. J Money off the top rope with a sommersault legdrop onto Pat Fullam’s chest.

J Money reaches down and locks a dragon sleeper onto the unsuspecting Pat Fullam. Referee Milford Shaner is checking for a tap out. … (AHHHH!) … … J Money breaks the hold. J Money executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Pat Fullam. J Money chants start. J Money stands up. Pat Fullam gets hit with a diving elbow smash from J Money. J Money is back on his feet. J Money with a huge shooting star press, pinning Pat Fullam. The ref starts the count. …1 Pat Fullam escapes. J Money takes Pat Fullam down with a knee. Pat Fullam moves back to his feet. Pat Fullam picks J Money up above his head, then drops him onto his knee. Pat Fullam sucks chants start in the crowd. J Money is going to have to tap out because Pat Fullam just applied the (name of finisher). Milford Shaner is checking for a tap out. … … J Money trys to escape.

Pat Fullam breaks the hold. Pat Fullam jumps through the middle rope, and drags J Money from the ring, to the ringside area! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Pat Fullam chokes J Money with the microphone cables. J Money climbs to his feet. (..2) J Money with a quick jab to Pat Fullam’s chin. (…3) A flying bodypress by J Money takes Pat Fullam to the padded floor with authority. A full nelson slam by Pat Fullam smashes the back of J Money’s head against the padded floor. J Money gets up. Pat Fullam pulls himself into the ring, and so does J Money Pat Fullam connects with a low blow. J Money goes down. J Money is up again. Pat Fullam is knocked down by J Money’s massive superkick. Pat Fullam climbs to his feet. A side kick by Pat Fullam turns the match around by knocking J Money to the mat. J Money is up again.

A kick to the stomach and a scissor kick by J Money takes Pat Fullam down to the mat. J Money chants start. J Money leg drops Pat Fullam. J Money jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Pat Fullam with an Asia Moonsault. J Money kicks Pat Fullam on the mat. J Money chants start. J Money leaps up, swings around Pat Fullam and DDT’s him onto the mat. J Money pulls Fullam with him and then leaps from the top rope! YES! And he pulls off The Solution! J Money with the huge Solution, pinning Pat Fullam. Milford Shaner counts the pin. …1 …2 …3

WINNER: J Money via pinfall

How Things Are Done

Backstage interviewer Chrystal Chapman is standing by with former Glory TV Champion, Iron Bull.

Chrystal – “Iron Bull, you were originally supposed to be appearing here tonight in singles action, however along with a few others, your match has been cut tonight by Paige to make the show shorter because of the Christmas TV schedule. Just how does this make me feel?”

Iron Bull – “It makes me feel sick! I came over here to P:V to get a chance, and tonight I had a chance on the biggest stage of all only for Paige to go and cut it off. I would have loved to have competed tonight, but I will have to show over the next month how good I am, and cement my place in next months PPV!”

As Chrystal prepares to ask another question, there is the sound of tutting as Cara Slapalot walks into the picture.

Cara – “Damn Chrystal, this is the first ever P:V PPV, could you not have made the effort to dress up a little?”

Chrystal just scowls as Cara.

Cara – “Let me give you a tip love, no one gives a damn what Iron Bull thinks because he is a nobody! He has done nothing here in P:V, and proberbly never will! He was cut because no one wanted to be bored by his match tonight so Paige gave everyone a Christmas present by taking it off! GET OVER IT!”

Cara walks away smirking leaving an enraged Iron Bull and Chrystal Chapman behind!

P:V Xtreme Championship Match
Curtis Knight vs. Eddie Flash

The lights dim. Krypronite by Three Doors Down hits the soundsystem. Green lighning starts flickering on the tron. Then an ornate silver sword comes down and then two more come in diagonly from the right and keft corners to pierce the first sword to form a K. Preen pyro and smoke hit. Curtis Knight walks out throught the green smoke and saunters down to the ring, however by his side are two military police men! It seems they have some unfinished business with Eddie Flash and will be watching tonights action from close range! He then gets up onto the apron and steps over the top rope. Boom by POD hits the sound system and the fans in the arena boo as the Latin American Eddie Flash makes his way down towards the ring. Eddie Flash looks pumped as he signals to the crowd before rolling into the ring.

Eddie Flash gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Curtis Knight. Eddie Flash places Curtis Knight on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Curtis Knight trips Eddie Flash up with a single leg takedown. Eddie Flash is back on his feet. Eddie Flash gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight hits with a mule kick. Curtis Knight stomps Eddie Flash’s head. Curtis Knight rolls onto Eddie Flash connecting with a knee. Eddie Flash is back on his feet. Curtis Knight slaps both sides of Eddie Flash’s head out of desperation. Curtis Knight comes from behind and bulldogs Eddie Flash. Curtis Knight gets up off the ground and Eddie Flash hits him with a flying dropkick. Curtis Knight is back on his feet.

Eddie Flash swings a ladder and hits Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash trys for a Arabian Facebuster but Curtis Knight avoids it. Eddie Flash trys for a cradle DDT but is not strong enough to lift Curtis Knight.Eddie Flash throws Curtis Knight back into the ring. Flying side kick by Eddie Flash takes Curtis Knight off his feet. Eddie Flash stands up. Eddie Flash hits Curtis Knight with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Eddie Flash stands up. Curtis Knight gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Eddie Flash. Eddie Flash is back on his feet. Curtis Knight gets up. Eddie Flash hits a flying karate chop right to Curtis Knight’s neck. Eddie Flash with an illegal chokehold on Curtis Knight. Eddie Flash grabs Curtis Knight and applies an arm wrench. Eddie Flash executes a corkscrew legdrop on Curtis Knight.

Eddie Flash knees Curtis Knight and rolls back to his feet. Curtis Knight climbs to his feet. Eddie Flash hits Curtis Knight with a Baba chop. Curtis Knight uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Eddie Flash is down. Eddie Flash is pinned by a double leg-hook pin. David Campus counts the pin. …1 …2 Eddie Flash escapes. Eddie Flash gets back to his feet. Curtis Knight shoulder tackles Eddie Flash. Curtis Knight hits Eddie Flash with an elbowdrop. Curtis Knight stands up. Eddie Flash gets up. Eddie Flash walks around the ring after Curtis Knight gouged his eyes. Eddie Flash takes a slap to the face from Curtis Knight. A backdrop driver after being whipped into the ropes brings Eddie Flash to the mat hard.

Now Curtis Knight standing. Curtis Knight twists Eddie Flash’s arm, jumps, and dropkicks Eddie Flash to the ground. Now Curtis Knight standing. Eddie Flash is up again. Curtis Knight grabs Eddie Flash by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Curtis Knight catches Eddie Flash leg, but Eddie Flash reverses it with an enzuigiri to Curtis Knight’s head. Curtis Knight climbs to his feet. Curtis Knight explodes Eddie Flash’s back with an excellent spinning backbreaker. Curtis Knight jumps and elbow smashes the lying Eddie Flash. Curtis Knight gets up. Eddie Flash’s arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Curtis Knight. Eddie Flash on the mat, and Curtis Knight with a measured fist drop.

Curtis Knight stands up. Eddie Flash gets back to his feet. Eddie Flash trys for a spine buster but Curtis Knight avoids it. Eddie Flash goes for a jumping DDT but Curtis Knight dodges the attack. Eddie Flash throws Curtis Knight into a ladder. Curtis Knight is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash trys for a inveted power bomb but is not strong enough to lift Curtis Knight.Eddie Flash drags Curtis Knight away from the steps. Eddie Flash swings a baseball bat and hits Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight breaks a baseball bat. Curtis Knight is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash trys for a Death Valley Driver but is not strong enough to lift Curtis Knight.Eddie Flash swings a ladder and hits Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash gets hit with a top rope dragon corkscrew from Curtis Knight. Now Curtis Knight standing.

Curtis Knight swings a shovel and hits Eddie Flash. Eddie Flash is bleeding as a result. Curtis Knight knees Eddie Flash and rolls back to his feet. Eddie Flash drives a forearm into Curtis Knight. Eddie Flash applies the clawhold on Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight trys for a running lariat but Eddie Flash avoids it. Curtis Knight cuts Eddie Flash with barbed wire. Eddie Flash is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. Curtis Knight monkey flips Eddie Flash onto the floor. Now Curtis Knight standing. Curtis Knight executes a corkscrew legdrop on Eddie Flash. Curtis Knight is back on his feet. Eddie Flash moves back to his feet. Eddie Flash trys for a bridging back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Curtis Knight.Eddie Flash whips Curtis Knight into the steel ring steps HARD!!!

Eddie Flash goes for a spear but Curtis Knight dodges the attack. Eddie Flash cuts Curtis Knight with barbed wire. Curtis Knight is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash trys for a exploder suplex but is not strong enough to lift Curtis Knight.Eddie Flash reverse DDT’s Curtis Knight’s head into the steel steps. Eddie Flash sucks chants start in the crowd. Eddie Flash picks Curtis Knight s limp body up and tosses him into the ring. Eddie Flash throws a Trash Can at Curtis Knight. Eddie Flash trys for a Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Curtis Knight.Curtis Knight climbs to his feet. Curtis Knight puts Eddie Flash in the double underhook position and gives him a double underhook backbreaker. Curtis Knight sends Eddie Flash to ringside.

Curtis Knight throws a Trash Can at Eddie Flash. A side suplex by Curtis Knight takes Eddie Flash to the mat hard. Curtis Knight stands up. Curtis Knight and Eddie Flash climb up on top of the Spanish Announce Table! Curtis Knight swings barbed wire and hits Eddie Flash. Eddie Flash is bleeding as a result. Eddie Flash’s skull is implanted into the table by Curtis Knight’s spinning DDT. Eddie Flash gets hit with the shooting star press from Curtis Knight. Referee David Campus makes the count. …1 …2 Eddie Flash escapes. Eddie Flash stands up. Curtis Knight pulls Eddie Flash away from the table.

Curtis Knight lifts Eddie Flash onto his shoulders, and drops him down hard with a fireman’s carry slam. Curtis Knight runs off the rops and leg drops the throat of Eddie Flash. Curtis Knight and Eddie Flash fight over the guardrail into the crowd! Curtis Knight kicks Eddie Flash on the concrete floor. Eddie Flash’s arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight powerbombs Eddie Flash into the concrete floor. Curtis Knight nails a Dragon Tamer on Eddie Flash before the Xtreme Champion makes a cover!




WINNER: Curtis Knight via pinfall

The Legends Club

The scene cuts to backstage where in the locker room of the Legends Club, Brock and Mike Best are looking in confident mood for there oncoming Championship matches! By the end of the night the Legends Club could hold the top two titles in P:V, will they then become too big as Moretti thinks they are? And what will Paige have to do about it to cut the Legends Club down to size?

P:V Prime Championship Match
Brock vs. Kid X

The whole building goes black as the flashing of cameras light the room. The music starts,… the song is The Wait is Over by Disciple.. As the intro melodically pounds out the soft sound before the heavy,.. The screen lights up, the image is Brock, looking downward and intently,. It fades in and out of the same shot multiple times until the song kicks in,.. Then the screen starts playing highlights while the Pyros flash with the downbeat and the words start as Brock hits the ring. When he gets in he poses in between turnbuckles on the ropes for one more pyro flash from the posts

Click Click Boom hits the sound system, and there is a mixed reaction as down the rampway walks the Prime Champion Kid X with his belt over a shoulder, the belt that he must tonight defend against the man he won it off!

A flying shoulder block send Brock to the mat. Kid X hits Brock with an elbowdrop. Kid X gets up. Brock moves back to his feet. Kid X gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Brock comes at him and drills him with the splash. Kid X climbs to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Kid X puts him back in the match. Brock gets up. Brock executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Kid X. Brock hits Kid X with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Brock gets back to his feet. Brock holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. Brock gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Kid X.

A Frankensteiner by Kid X tatoos Brock’s forhead with the mat’s texture. Kid X attempts a handspring moonsault, hitting the lying Brock. Kid X chants start. Kid X goes for a pin. Referee Milford Shaner makes the count. …1 …2 Brock kicks out. Kid X clotheslines Brock over the top rope, but Kid X falls over with him! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Hiptoss executed by Kid X lucha-libre style. Kid X and Brock head back into the ring. Kid X executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Brock. Kid X is back on his feet. Kid X jumps off of the turnbuckle with a 450 splash on Brock. Kid X covers Brock hooking the leg. Milford Shaner counts the pin. …1 …2 Brock escapes. Brock gets up. Kid X jumps through the middle rope, and drags Brock from the ring, to the ringside area!

Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Kid X whips Brock with the camera cables. Brock breaks the camera cables. Kid X climbs to the top and hits Brock with a flying clothesline. Brock is up again. (..2) (…3) Kid X executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Brock. (….4) Kid X gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (…..5) Kid X drags Brock towards the guardrail! Kid X hits a flying karate chop right to Brock’s neck. Brock whips Kid X’s feet from under him with a side kick. A side kick by Kid X turns the match around by knocking Brock to the metal. Kid X bounces Brock off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Kid X throws Brock into the guardrail! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Kid X swings a chair and hits Brock. Brock is bleeding as a result.

Kid X leg drops the throat of Brock. Kid X chants start. Kid X carries Brock over to the guardrail! Kid X bashes Brock into the guardrail! (..2) Kid X swings the microphone and hits Brock. (…3) Kid X flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Kid X gets back to his feet. Brock is up again. (….4) Kid X holds his head after recieving an earringer from Brock. (…..5) Kid X carries Brock over to the steel ring post! Kid X gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Brock. Kid X goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Brock. Kid X runs towards the ropes, springboards off, and splashes Brock. Brock moves back to his feet.

Brock is in trouble here as Kid X slams him shoulder first into the steel ring post! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Kid X swings a chair and hits Brock. Brock is bleeding as a result. Kid X on the turnbuckleBrock rising from the mat,Kid X leaps from the top rope with a bodypress. Kid X chants start. Kid X jumps and elbow smashes the lying Brock. Now Kid X standing. Brock pulls himself into the ring, and so does Kid X Brock clotheslines Kid X. Brock executes a flying somersault bodyblock on Kid X from off the top rope. Brock gets up. Kid X moves back to his feet. Kid X recieves a 5 Star Frog Splash from Brock off of the top rope! The ref starts the count. …1 …2 …3!!

We have a new Prime Champion!!

WINNER: Brock via pinfall

Brutal Steve

The Legends Club has won one of the top two titles in P:V which they were gunning for tonight, but as Brock celebrates with the Prime Championship belt, the scene cuts backstage to Brutal Steve who looks intense as he psyches himself up for his P:V Championship match against Best. Can Brutal Steve stop the Legends Club title domination, and go down in history as the first ever man to hold the P:V Championship belt?

P:V Championship Match
Mike Best vs. Brutal Steve

The lights in the arena dim as two lone dice roll out on the tron. On one die, the name “Mike” is printed, and the other reads “Best”. The dice explode as pyro bursts from the stage and “Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace begins to pump through the sound system. A chorus of boos begins as a smug looking Mike Best steps through the curtain, blowing kisses and waving towarsd the source of the jeers. He struts down the ramp, rolling under the ropes and into the ring.

“Plug In Baby” by Muse hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Brutal Steve makes his way down to the ring! The man who has the shot at being the first ever P:V Champion looks to be in confident mood, but will he be able to pick up the win against Best and the Legends Club?

Brutal Steve gets elbowed to his midsection by Brutal Steve. Mike Best hits a jumping elbow thrust on Brutal Steve. Now Brutal Steve standing. Mike Best is hit with a backward kick. Brutal Steve executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Mike Best. Now Brutal Steve standing. Mike Best hits a ropeflip moonsault on Brutal Steve. Mike Best gets up. Brutal Steve is back on his feet. Mike Best reaches into his tights…..Mike Best pulls out some powder!

Mike Best goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Brutal Steve. Mike Best climbs to his feet. Brutal Steve delivers a kick to the head of Mike Best. Mike Best is back on his feet. A side kick by Mike Best turns the match around by knocking Brutal Steve to the . Mike Best gets back to his feet. Brutal Steve stands up. Mike Best gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Brutal Steve. Brutal Steve gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Mike Best tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Brutal Steve is up again. Mike Best hits a flying karate chop right to Brutal Steve’s neck.

Mike Best executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Brutal Steve. Mike Best hits Brutal Steve with an elbowdrop. Brutal Steve gets up. Brutal Steve climbs the turnbuckle and nails Mike Best with a flying bulldog. Brutal Steve gets up. Mike Best is back on his feet. Mike Best elbow smashes Brutal Steve in the nose. Brutal Steve holds his head after recieving an earringer from Mike Best. Mike Best attempts to kick Brutal Steve, but Brutal Steve catches his leg. Mike Best flips around and kicks Brutal Steve. Mike Best is back on his feet. Brutal Steve stands up. Brutal Steve takes Mike Best down with an Arabian Facebuster.

Mike Best is back on his feet. Brutal Steve hits him with a back fist. Brutal Steve kicks Mike Best in the groin. Flying somersault drop kick by Mike Best puts him back in the match. Mike Best gets back to his feet. Mike Best hits Brutal Steve with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Mike Best gets up. Brutal Steve gets up. Brutal Steve hiptosses Mike Best. Mike Best stands up. Brutal Steve delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Mike Best hard to the . Brutal Steve hits the handspring moonsault on Mike Best. Mike Best gets up. Mike Best trys for a top-rope DDT but is not strong enough to lift Brutal Steve.Brutal Steve side slams Mike Best.

Brutal Steve moves back to his feet. Brutal Steve climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Mike Best. Mike Best stands up. Brutal Steve comes from behind and bulldogs Mike Best. Mike Best jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Brutal Steve. Mike Best is up again. Brutal Steve is driven further into the by Mike Best with a diving elbow smash. Brutal Steve gives Mike Best the cobra clutch suplex onto the . Brutal Steve goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Mike Best. Mike Best gets knocked on the ground and Brutal Steve flips onto him.

Brutal Steve gets back to his feet. Mike Best hits a jumping elbow hrust on Brutal Steve. Brutal Steve with an Aztecan suplex on Mike Best sends him to the . Brutal Steve is back on his feet. Mike Best with a jumping DDT on Brutal Steve. Mike Best sucks chants start in the crowd. Brutal Steve moves back to his feet. A flying shoulder block send Brutal Steve to the . Mike Best is up again. Mike Best flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.

Mike Best gets up. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Brutal Steve takes Mike Best down. Mike Best gets up. Mike Best slaps both sides of Brutal Steve’s head out of desperation. Brutal Steve gouges Mike Best’s eyes out. Brutal Steve hits Mike Best with an atomic drop. Brutal Steve hits Mike Best with an elbowdrop. Brutal Steve climbs to his feet. Brutal Steve applies an arm wrench to Mike Best. Mike Best is up again. Mike Best gets Flatlined by Brutal Steve! Brutal Steve catches Mike Best in the chokeslam and goes for the pin!! The ref starts the count. …1 …2 …3!!

The fans are on there feet as Brutal Steve rises to his, we have a new P:V Champion for the first ever time!

The crowd cheer as Brutal Steve stands tall in the middle of the ring holding the P:V Championship belt above his head for the first time in his history. However suddenly Brock jumps the guardrail for the second time since his debut and slides into the ring. The referee tries to keep him out, but Mike Fazoli runs down the ramp with his patented baseball bat and takes the referee out. The odds are now stacked, as Mike Best, Brock, and Fazoli begin to beat on Brutal Steve, wearing him down.

Suddenly Curtis Knight’s theme hits and he comes running down to the ring with a sledgehammer. Fazoli and Brock bail out of the ring, and Knight helps Steve to his feet. Best stares down Knight and Steve for a moment, when suddenly Knight turns to the left and rails Steve in the stomach with the sledgehammer. They both break out into smiles, some random stomping goes on by Curtis Knight, Mike Best and Brock! It looks like the Legends Club has gained another member as Vindication heads off of the air, but how will this effect the groups standing in P:V and there relationship with P:V manager Paige?

WINNER: Brutal Steve via pinfall

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