DW Destiny 2003
23rd Febuary 2003
Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan

The Start of one man’s Destiny.…

Millions of TV screens around the world flicker into life with the appearance of the DW logo in all its glory as it fades in and out in the centre of the picture like a heartbeat. It beats faster and faster until it reaches the climax and explodes, the wreckage of the DW logo settles into four corners of the screen, where four separate actions footages are shown, with footage from last years Destiny Rumble as 50 Cent’s ‘Patiently Waiting’ hits. This goes on a for a few minutes until all four screens show Genocide eliminating Adam Striker from the match and lifting the Dynasty Wrestling World Championship belt. Action shots are then shown of some of these years’ competitors, Teddy Rafter, Suicidal, Rick Lacey, KoRe, Bigg Rigg and Sewaside. The last picture ends and the words flicker up on the screen, ‘Tonight One Man’s Destiny will lead him to…”

Shots of the magnificent 5-Cage structure being built are shown as the screen divides into two, one half with DW World Champion Sean Manning, the other with the challenger and current TapOut champion Hellfire X. Action of their ongoing battle form the last two months are shown, including Sean Manning winning the World Championship in a triple threat against Rafter and Hellfire. The DW World Championship belt in the centre of the screen then replaces the action, before the opening sequence fades out.

Final Farewell?

The camera’s pan around the Sold Out Joe Louis Arena in Detroit Michigan as 50 Cent’s ‘Patiently Waiting’ pounds out around the arena’s sound system. The camera picks out a few signs in the crowd before focusing down on the commentators. Scott Murphy and Vince Brady say a few words before they are interrupted as the DW-Tron comes to life.

The DW-Tron shows live footage from backstage, where DW-Owner Jon Page is sitting behind his desk in his office. The sight of Page gets a loud cheer from the crowd; he smiles at the cheer from the crowd and waits for it to die down slightly before beginning to talk.

Page – “Hello and welcome to al you watching at home, and thousands out their in the crowd tonight, to DW Destiny 2003 live from Detroit Michigan!!”

The crowd cheer at the mention of their hometown.

Page – “Seriously though, all introductions aside, this could very well be the last time that I speak to each and everyone of you tonight if I am not successful in my quest to defeat Chris Boswell tonight and regain the full Ownership of this company.”

Boos from the crowd, at the sound of Chris Boswell’s name

Page – “And that reaction you gave to Chris Boswell’s name is the exact reason that I am going out there to fight until I collapse to win that match and get my company. I promise to each and every one of you that I will go out there and fight as hard as each everyman in the Destiny Rumble will to win my match. Chris Boswell if you think you’re going to have it easy your dead wrong, even if I lose I’m not going to go down while there’s still a breath in my body and if I die, Boswell, I’m taking you to hell with me!!

The crowd cheer as the footage of Page fades out.

DW International Championship Match
Sewaside (Champion) Vs. Rick Lacey

The DW-Tron shows footage of the Rick Lacey/Sewaside feud from the last month, with Rick Lacey stealing the International Title belt from Sewaside, and Sewaside attempting in vain to retrieve it.

The crowd grow silent before Thunder is heard from around the arena and The Ramp fireworks explode. “Wake Up” By Rage Against the Machine hits the sound system the crowd burst out into boo’s as the Rick Lacey entrance video hits the DW-Tron. After a few seconds Rick Lacey walks out onto the entrance ramp with Sewaside’s International Title belt strapped around his waist. Flanked by the FTA, Adam Acid on his left and Johnny Sekorda on his right, Lacey unscrews the top of the bottle of water in his hand and tips it over his head as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Lacey ignores the crowd either side of him as he climbs up onto the ring apron and climbs into the ring. Lacey holds the International Title belt in the air as the ring announcer introduces him.

Ring Announcer: First to the ring the challenger, from Newark, England, he weights in at 245 pounds and is accompanied by the FTA, RICK LACEY!!

The crowd boo for Rick Lacey, but those boo’s are short lived as ‘What Up Gangster’ by 50 Cent begins to rumble out of the sound system and Sewaside’s entrance video begins to play on the DW-Tron! After a few seconds Sewaside walks out through the smoke and looks out into the masses of DW fans and appears stoic, he doesn’t have any angry scowl on his face he isn’t playing to the fans just all business. Sewaside begins towards the ring remaining unfazed by the pyrotechnic explosions that go off behind him for his entrance. Finally Sewaside reaches the ring and he climbs up into the ring showing no fear of Lacey or the FTA.

Ring Announcer: His opponent from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he weights in at 250 pounds, he is a member of G-Unit and DW International and Tag Team Champion, SEWASIDE!!

As Lacey and Sewaside stare each other down from opposite corners of the ring, FTA begin to climb out of the ring to watch from the outside of the ring. However the referee moves over, and the orders them both backstage to a huge cheer from the crowd. The FTA reluctantly make their way to the back as Lacey protests to the referee. As Lacey complains, Sewaside quickly moves up behind him and knocks him to the mat with a clubbing blow to the back of the head to a cheer from the crowd.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung for the match to officially start as Sewaside stomps down Lacey in the corner. The crowd cheer for Sewaside as the International Champion is all over Lacey with punches and kicks as he tries to struggle up to his feet. Sewaside grabs Lacey by the arm and shoots him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Sewaside runs up and goes for a spear on Lacey in the corner, but Lacey dives out of the way and Sewaside dives shoulder first into the steel turnbuckle! The crowd boo as Sewaside falls through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. Lacey takes a few seconds to taunt the crowd before climbing out of the ring to grab Sewaside.

The referee pleads for both men to get back into the ring as Lacey pulls Sewaside up by the head and throws him into the security barrier. Sewaside’s face bounces off of the security barrier and Lacey knocks him down with a shot to the back of the head just like Sewaside did to Lacey at the start of the match. The referee threatens to count out both men so Lacey throws Sewaside into the ring under the bottom rope and then slides in himself knowing that he can’t win the title on a count out. Rick Lacey goes for the immediate cover on the International Champion.



Sewaside gets a shoulder up to the cheers from the crowd who thought Sewaside was down and out after the early offence from Lacey. Lacey pulls up Sewaside to his feet, but Sewaside fights back with a sudden burst of right hands that knocks Lacey back against the ropes. Lacey pushes Sewaside off of him then runs at him, but Sewaside counters with a big powerslam straight into the cover.



Shoulder up from Lacey. The crowd boo the kick out from Lacey as Sewaside helps him up. Sewaside grabs Lacey in a front face lock and takes him down with a snap suplex. Lacey holds his back after the suplex as Sewaside floats over and lays into Lacey with punches to the face. Lacey can’t get his hands up to protect his face as Sewaside quickly jumps back up to his feet, runs into the ropes and bounces back hitting Lacey with an elbow drop straight into the heart. A ‘G-Unit’ chant goes up around the arena as Lacey struggles back up to his feet. Sewaside is there waiting for him, and runs at him with a clothesline, Lacey ducks under the clothesline and Sewaside continues on into the ropes. Sewaside runs straight back at Lacey, who manages to nail Sewaside with an amazing belly to back suplex.

The crowd boo the suplex as Lacey runs straight over to Sewaside to grab him as he bravely struggles up to his feet. Sewaside swings wildly at Lacey with a punch, Lacey ducks underneath and goes behind hitting Sewaside with a German suplex with a bridge,



No! Sewaside manages to get enough strength at the very last minute in order to kick out from the pin. The crowd cheer for the G-Unit member as he struggles up to his feet, only to be met with right hands from Rick Lacey. Sewaside stumbles backwards into the corner. Lacey grabs hold of Sewaside around the neck spins him around and falls sown into a neckbreaker out of the corner. Sewaside falls to the ground and as he does Lacey makes another cover, this time putting his feet on the ropes for extra leverage!



Sewaside still kicked out to a great reaction from the crowd as Lacey can’t believe it. Lacey rolls out of the ring and makes his way around the to the timekeepers table. Lacey grabs hold of the DW International Championship belt and slides it into the ring. Lacey rolls into the ring and goes to hit Sewaside with it, but the referee grabs it back from behind his head! Sewaside then takes down Lacey with a ‘Dragon Suplex’, and makes the cover.



Lacey kicks out as the crowd begin to boo as the FTA walk out from the DW-Tron. The referee sees them straight away and shouts at them to get back to the back after throwing them out earlier. Sewaside also catches sight of them and begins to walk towards the side of the ring closest to them, when Rick Lacey scrambles up and grabs hold of the International Title belt! Lacey dives at Sewaside and strikes him in the back of the head with the belt! The crowd boo as Lacey slides the belt out of the ring and begins to climb to the top rope behind the back of the top rope. The referee sees Lacey out of the corner of his eye as he flies from the top and lands the ‘Lacey Time Elbow’ on Sewaside! Lacey hooks the leg and the referee counts the cover,




New International Champion! The crowd boo as Lacey rises to his feet and his hand is held in the air by the referee as his music hits. The FTA make there way to the ring and climb in as Lacey holds the International Title, which is now rightfully his, above his head as he and the FTA celebrate in the middle of the ring.

Winner of the match and new DW International Champion, Rick Lacey! (24:48)

Live from Compaq Center, Houston, Texas – 23rd March 2003
The landscape of Dynasty will be forever shaped by.…

Destiny comes back to the live action after the brief Highway to Hell 03 advert, to find DW Interviewer Tim Smith standing backstage outside Chris Boswell’s locker room.

Smith – “Ladies and gentlemen, the time is now upon us. Dynasty Wrestling will forever be changed by the outcome of the next match tonight. Jon Page and Chris Boswell take on each other, with full control of this company on the line. Who will we all be working for by the end of the night? Will it be Chris Boswell or will it be Jon Page? Well I’m going to try and catch an interview with Chris Boswell before the big match, wait I think I can hear him coming now!”

Footsteps are heard before the door handle turns and the door is pulled open. Out steps Chris Boswell, fully ready for combat wearing his traditional leather wrestling trunks, elbow pad and knee pads.

Smith – “Chris, Chris, tonight might be the most important match of your life, how confident are you going into this match?”

Boswell doesn’t answer the question, instead he smiles at Smith before bursting out into laughter. Boswell then walks out towards the ring entrance.

Smith – “Not in a talking mood I guess, well we won’t have long to wait, now back out to the ring for the seconds of tonight’s big 4 matches.”

100% Ownership of Dynasty Wrestling Street fight Match
Jon Page (50% Owner) Vs. Chris Boswell (50% Owner)

The lights in the arena fade to black as “The Decline” NOFX hits. Crimson and Grey lights flash through the crowd as Golden pyro explodes on the stage and former World Champion, “The Social Distortion” Chris Boswell is seen throw the smoke of the pyro as he makes his way to the ring. The fans boo Boswell, but he simply ignores them as he slides into the ring and poses on the turnbuckle. Ring Announcer: Coming to the ring from Long Beach California weighing in at 230 pounds, 50% Owner of Dynasty Wrestling, “The Social Distortion” Chris Boswell!

As Boswell continues to pose for the booing fans, a clock is heard ticking al round the arena.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock,

Until the entrance ramp explodes with a two pyro’s shooting up either side towards the ceiling before exploding at the ceiling into electric blue as ‘Boom’ by Royce Da 5’9″ hits the sound system. The crowd pop as down the entrance ramp slowly walks DW 50% Owner Jon Page, dressed in silver baggy jeans, black boots, black elbow pads and taped wrists, Page slowly saunters his way down to the ring slapping the hands of the fans as he goes. Page jumps up onto the ring apron before climbing through the ring ropes.

Ring Announcer: His opponent from Luton, England, he weights in at 246 pounds, 50% Owner of Dynasty Wrestling Jon Page!

Page climbs up to the corner and taunts the fans to a big cheer, as Boswell stands watching him from the other corner of the ring. Page jumps down and his music fades out, and he turns to face Chris Boswell. Boswell and Page stare each other down as the slowly take steps towards each other. Boswell and Page meets face-to-face, nose to nose in the centre of the ring. The crowd are up on their feet as Page and Boswell trash talk each other. After about 20 seconds of trash talking, Page gets the first blow with a big right to Boswell’s face. Boswell returns the punch and the two trade right hands.

Boswell cuts off Page with a knee to the stomach and then throws him into the ropes. Page bounces back straight into a backdrop from Chris Boswell. The crowd boo the move as Boswell grabs Page on the way back up. Boswell hooks up Page for a belly to back suplex, but Page counters with a go behind and nails Boswell with a backbreaker across his knee to a cheer from the crowd. Page drops down on Boswell and lays into him with mounted punches. Boswell rolls through and hits a few punches of his own on Page until Page rolls over and both men roll right out of the ring.

Both men slowly get up on the outside. Boswell grabs Page’s long hair and throws him into the ring steps. Page hits hard into the ring steps as Boswell pulls up the ring apron, and pulls out his trademark weapon the sledgehammer. Boswell waits as Page slowly pulls himself up using the steel ring post. Boswell then swings the sledgehammer hard at Page’s head, but Page duck and the steel connects with steal and the vibrations force Boswell to let go of the hammer. As the sledgehammer falls to the floor Page tee’s off on Boswell with right hands, before grabbing Boswell by the back of the head and throwing him across the ring announcers table.

The crowd cheer as Page pushes Boswell fully onto the table, before climbing up himself. Page grabs hold of Boswell’s head and pulls him up positioning him for the ‘Executive Orders’! The crowd cheer for the move, but as Page goes to hit it he gets back dropped by Chris Boswell! The crowd boo as Page crashes through the table, and Boswell falls down on top of him. Both men are down and there is blood flowing heavily from Jon Page’s head as the crowd chant his name. Boswell is the first man up, but he is shaky on his feet as he drags Page up. Boswell props Page up against the security wall and begins hitting him with hard body shots. Boswell then grabs him by the head and throws him over the security wall, Page lands with a thud on his back on the concrete amongst the fans.

Boswell pushes his way through the fans until he gets to Page who is lying on the floor. Boswell makes a cocky cover on Page as the referee scrambles down to make the count.



Page gets a shoulder up, not enough for a kick out but a shoulder up none the less to break the count. The crowd cheer the shoulder up by Page, but Boswell grabs the bloodied 50% DW Owner and drags him through the fans to an opening at the back of the arena. Boswell throws Page into a stack of amps before turning to taunt to the crowd. The crowd boo Boswell but he ignores them and goes in search of Jon Page’s body. Boswell grabs Page by the hair and begins to pull him up, but suddenly Page’s arm shoots up and he low blows Boswell! Boswell sinks to his knees as Page grabs hold of the metal rail to his right and begins to pull himself up.

Boswell begins to get to his feet, but is met with a right hand from Jon Page. The right hand knocks Boswell back, as Page grabs a chair from beside him. Page folds the chair up before cracking it across Boswell’s skull. Boswell staggers backwards as Page throws the chair down. A small stream of blood begins to flow down Boswell’s forehead as he makes his way along the aisle way, heading up to higher ground. Page staggers after Boswell as he heads up to the rafters. Boswell reaches the top and quickly nails Page with a couple of right hands to knock him down. Boswell looks down at all the ground below them as he pulls up Page. Page tries to struggle away but Boswell nails him with ‘The Dysfunction’ across a row of chairs! The crowd boo at the move as the camera zooms down on Page’s bloodied face.

Boswell grabs hold of Page’s head as he staggers up to his feet. The two men then make their way up onto the rafters of the arena. The crowd look up at the two men as they climb along the rafters into the top of the arena and to the centre. Page and Boswell battle with right hands. Boswell hits Page with a hard right, which knocks him down. The referee climbs onto the rafters as well as Boswell stands over Jon Page. Boswell bends down to pick up Page, when suddenly out of the shadows steps ‘Superstar Shawn Storm who has a chair in hand! Storm nails Boswell in the back with the chair and Boswell drops down. Page staggers up to his feet and grabs hold of Boswell. Page hits him with the ‘Executive Orders’! To a huge pop from the crowd! Page then makes the cover on Boswell.




The crowd cheer as Page rises to his feet above them and the referee raises his hand in victory. Page and Storm look at each other and smile. Storm pulls up Chris Boswell as Page begins to make his way down from the rafters. The crowd look on as Storm pulls Boswell to the edge of the rafters and throws him off! There are screams from the crowd as Boswell’s body plummets towards the ring! Boswell’s body is 15 ft away from the ring when the lights in the arena cut out. There is confusion in the arena for a minute until the lights turn back on. All eyes look towards where Chris Boswell was falling too, however there is no sign of him or his body. Winner of the match by pinfall, Jon Page (30:57)

The battle of a lifetime…

Backstage the New International Champion Rick Lacey is preparing for the Rumble when DW reporter Tim Smith approaches him.

Tim – “we’re moments away from the Destiny Royal Rumble, how are you feeling after the affects of you’re gruelling match with Sewaside?”

Rick smiles and tightly clenching his title to his shoulder.

Rick – “Tim that was far from gruelling out there. Tim I’ve got half the job done, now I plan to get the other half done by winning the Rumble. I plan to do it in style. Teddy Rafter, Suicidal, Bigg Rigg, KoRe all mean nothing to me and I will despatch them one by one to become victorious once again tonight.”

Rick walks off…stops and then comes back on camera.

Rick – “Hey Teddy…COOPER caught up with you yet?”

Rick laughs and then walks off camera!


Live Footage is shown as a group of EMT’s and referees search the area around the ring where Boswell fell. They search around a bit calling out Boswell’s name, but Chris Boswell is nowhere to be found! There is not even any blood where he landed. The referees and EMT’s look bemused as again the action cuts backstage again.

Backstage Jon Page is being helped into his locker room by two DW referees.

Referee #1 – “Boss, are you sure that you want to be competing in the Destiny Rumble tonight after that match you just had? Maybe we should just take you straight to the hospital?”

Page – “No take me into my locker room there is someone I need to talk to in there and yeah there will be no stopping my stepping foot in that ring for the rumble tonight!”

One of the referees holds the door open as the other helps Page in. Page staggers over to the chair and sits down. The camera pans out to reveal sitting opposite him is CHZ World Champion Gus Theo as the crowd cheer for the young brawler!! Gus Theo, from DW’s rival RS federation CHZ passes Page a towel and he wipes the blood away from his face with it.

Page – “Now Gus, tonight you know who I want you to go straight after tonight in the Rumble match don’t you?”

Theo – “Yeah sure Jon, you gave me that list earlier remember. Don’t worry about it, everyone on that hit list is going over the top rope and out of the match tonight!”

Page – “Ok man and remember what I said, if you win the match then I will let you have a shot at the DW World Championship at the next PPV. “

Theo – “Ok man it sounds like a good deal. Oh yeah one thing, Jon, what the hell was the deal with Storm there? Did you see where Boswell’s body went? Where is Storm now??”

Page – “Jus go and get ready man, I don’t want to talk about it.”

Gus nods as Page buries his face in his hands and Gus Theo opens the door and leaves to prepare for the Destiny Rumble! The camera zooms in on Page as he removes his hands from his face and a huge evil smile spreads over his face!

30-Man Destiny Rumble Match 2003
Winner gets a World Title Shot

The camera moves back out to ringside where the DW ring announcer is standing in the centre of the ring as DW staff clear up the blood around him that was left from the Page/Boswell encounter.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the 2003 Dynasty Wrestling – Destiny Rumble! Every 2 minutes a competitor will enter the match depending on the number they have drawn. Competitors can only be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope and BOTH feet touching the floor. Only competitors officially entered into the match can be eliminated. The last man standing in the ring will be the winner, and will go on and face the Dynasty Wrestling World Champion at DW Highway To Hell next month!! Now introducing the two men that drew numbers one and two tonight….

The clock on the DW-Tron counts down from ten until it reaches 0. The crowd chant down the numbers on the clock and as it does reach zero, “Everyone” by Adema hits as the crowd goes wild. KoRe appears on the top of the stage with a smile on his face. He kisses the emblem on his gold chain and continues to walk down the ramp very steadily…posing as he does…not being too cocky, however. He runs somewhat and then slides into the ring and poses on the first random turnbuckle he heads to. He then loosens up in the ring as the clock begins to count down from 10 again.

The clock reaches zero and the lights go out throughout the arena, the crowd rise in unison. Smoke fills the entrance area, “Nothing Else Matters” from Metallica blares across the sound system, a spotlight surveys the crowd until a small portion of them start to cheer wildly, the spotlight manages to make its way over to find Christian Tyler is the midst of all the fans, the lights flash on. He makes his way through the audience, over the guard rail and slides into the ring he hoists his arm in the arm as the crowd show their respect in unison with a mammoth cheer.

The bell rings and the 2003 Destiny Rumble gets underway with Kore and Christian Tyler! Tyler gets in the first blow on Kore with a few right hands until Kore fights back waist locking Tyler and pushing him back into the corner. Kore lays into Tyler with shoulder blocks in the corner, before grabbing him by the legs and trying to push him up and over the top rope. The Jackass Inc. member nearly gets him up and over, but Tyler grabs hold of the ropes and holds on. Kore lets go and Tyler drops down to his feet. Kore pulls Tyler out away from the ropes and nails him with a big spinning neckbreaker, which gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. As Kore gets back up to his feet the clock begins to count down from ten again.

Kore drags up Tyler and sends him into the ropes. Tyler bounces back and Kore grabs him by the back of the head and tries to use his own momentum to throw him over the top rope, Tyler goes right over the top rope but grabs hold of it and rolls back in under the bottom rope with his feet not touching the floor. The clock then hits zero and ‘OOOO Baby’ hits the sound system, and out runs “Sexual Healing ” Shawn Carey on his way to the ring with boos from the crowd. Carey slides straight into the ring and goes to work on Kore with a chop block on his left knee. Carey and Tyler double team Kore, stomping him down in the corner, which receives, boos from the crowd.

They then pull him up to his feet and toss him corner-to-corner, Kore stumbles out of the corner and Carey and Tyler link arms and knock down Kore with a double team clothesline. Tyler and Carey pick up Kore and try to force him out of the ring as the clock again reaches the 10 countdown position. The crowd count down with the clock to zero as Kore kicks off Carey and Tyler. As he does a loud rumbling is heard around the area, and out under the DW-Tron walks surprise entry and former Dynasty Wrestling superstar Beerman! The crowd cheer for Beerman as he makes his way to the ring.

Beerman knocks down Carey with a big right hand, he then turns and nocks down Tyler, again with another cheer from the crowd. Carey runs at Beerman but he nails him with a scoop slam, and then a leg drop with all his weight crushing down on his upper body. Kore grabs Christian Tyler by the back of the head and throws him right over the top rope and to the floor below, eliminating him from the rumble match!

The crowd cheer the elimination of Tyler as Beerman pulls up Carey and sends him into the ropes. Beerman drops his head for a backdrop, but Carey counters with a DDT in the centre of the ring. Carey tries to pull up Beerman and force him over the top rope, but doesn’t have much luck against the big man as the clock begins to count down again.

The clock reaches zero as Beerman begins teeing off on Carey before knocking him straight down with a right hand. ‘Dracula’ by Rob Zombie hits the sound system and the crowd pop as ‘G-Unit’ member Slezy D runs out from the back on his way to the ring. Slezy D slides straight into the ring and straight away goes after Kore with punches. Kore fights back sending Slezy D into the ropes then knocking him down with a big clothesline. As Slezy D hits the mat, Kore rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and pulls up the ring apron. Kore pulls out a steel chair and slides it into the ring. The Hardcore Champion then pulls out a 2×4.

The Crowd cheer as Kore rolls into the ring with the weapon, only to be nailed across the face with a steel chair shot from Slezy D who picked up the chair that Kore threw into the ring. On the other side of the ring, Beerman is having his way with Carey, stomping him down in the corner. Beerman begins to choke down Carey in the corner with a boot to the throat as the clock reaches zero, and the crowd pop as “Never Gonna Stop Me” Rob Zombie hits the sound system and ‘Simply The Best’ Jason Cash runs out from the back! Cash who is returning from injury grabs Kore, and he and Slezy D throw him into the ropes and then knock him down with a double shoulder block.

Cash then hits Slezy D with a cheap shot from behind and hits him with a back body drop. The fans cheer for Cash as he throws Slezy D into Kore as he begins to get up to his feet. Kore and Slezy D fall down to the floor as Beerman throws Carey across the ring into the corner. Carey stumbles along the side of the ring across the rope, and Cash runs up and clotheslines him over the top rope! The crowd cheer as Carey falls to the floor and is eliminated!

The four men in the ring pair off on each other, Kore and Beerman trading punches and Cash and Slezy D going at it as well. Cash gets the upper hand on Slezy D and backs him into the ropes with punches. Cash grabs Slezy in a front face lock and tries to suplex him out of the ring, however Slezy manages to block the suplex and counter on Cash with a springboard DDT off of the ropes. As Kore takes down Beerman with a side Russian leg sweep, the clock once again hits zero, and the fans cheer as “Sweetleaf” by S.F.U hits the sound system and former DW International Champion Burrows comes running out from the backstage area!

Burrows slides into the ring just as Kore throws Beerman towards him. Burrows knocks down Beerman with a big head butt, before running after Kore. Burrows grabs Kore by the throat and tosses him to the floor. The crowd cheer for Burrows as he is attacked from behind by Slezy D, Burrows nails him with a back elbow then head butts him down to the mat. Kore again goes after Burrows but gets hit down with a right hand. Cash jumps up to his feet and tries for a suplex on Burrows, but he can’t lift the big man off his feet until Beerman runs in and helps him with a double suplex on the 345 pounder.

Cash lays into Burrows with mounted punches as Kore grabs Beerman around the waist. Kore nails a big German suplex on Beerman as Cash hits a big elbow shot to the face of Slezy D. As the five men fight in the ring the clock once again begins to count down from ten.












The crowd begin to boo as “Frankenstein” by The Edgar Winter Group hits the sound system and out walks Gillesp, one of the favourites to win the rumble as the #8 entry!

Gillesp runs down to the ring and dives straight into the action. He is approached by Beerman who hits him with a few right hands to knock him back. Gillesp nails a low blow on Beerman which sends him back against the ropes, the crowd boo as Gillesp runs up and dropkicks Beerman over the top rope and eliminates him! Gillesp gets back to his feet but is immediately confronted with right hands from Burrows. Burrows throws Gillesp into the ropes, and big boots him down as he comes back. Across the other side of the ring Kore and Slezy D are battling it out when Jason Cash sneaks up behind and grabs both men by the back of the head. Cash slams both of their heads into each other! Kore falls back against the ropes and Cash clotheslines him over!

It looks for a second that Kore is going to be eliminated until he grabs hold of the ropes on the way down and pulls himself to safety. He is met with stomps from Cash and Slezy D as he re-enters the ring. With Burrows trying to force Gillesp over the top rope again, the countdown reaches zero and ‘What Up Gangster’ by 50 Cent hits the sound system and another favourite to win the rumble makes his way down to the ring, Sewaside!

Sewaside knocks down Burrows and then goes straight after Gillesp. The crowd cheer Sewaside as he hits a big dragon suplex on Gillesp. Gillesp lies out on the canvas as Sewaside is intercepted by punches from Burrows. Sewaside throws Burrows towards the ropes, right into the path of Kore, Kore dips his head and backdrops Burrows right over the top rope and to the floor below eliminating him! Kore immediately runs at Sewaside and knocks him down with a big clothesline as Slezy D tries to force Cash over the top rope. Cash grabs hold of the top rope and grabs Slezy D with a headlock with his other arm, Cash then falls over the top rope but hangs on whilst letting go of Slezy D, Slezy D falls to the ground and is eliminated as Cash climbs back into the ring!

The four men in the ring trade a few punches as the lock runs down to zero, as it does “It’s Going Down” by X-Ecutioners hits the sound system and out runs former 2-Time World Champion ‘The Enigma’ Chris Cage! Cage climbs up into the ring receiving a great ovation from the crowd. He grabs Cash by the throat and pulls him down before hitting a suplex on him. The crowd cheer for the move, until Gillesp jumps Cage from behind. Gillesp knocks Cage down to the floor. Kore grabs hold of Sewaside and throws him into the corner. Kore runs at Sewaside in the corner, but Sewaside jumps out of the way and Kore runs into the corner. Kore stumbles back and Sewaside nails him with a ‘Twist of Fate’.

The crowd cheer for the move as Cage fights back up to his feet. Cage nails Gillesp with a Samoan drop as he runs at him. Cage takes down Cash with a double leg takedown. Cage then goes to lock on the sharpshooter, but Sewaside knocks him down with a running forearm shot. As Sewaside tries to force Cage up and over the top rope, the clock reaches zero and music hits the sound system as the first ever DW International Champion Arron Bomb walks out under the DW-Tron and poses for the fans! Bomb then sprints down to the ring and slides in.

Bomb goes for Sewaside, but Sewaside ducks under his punch and throws him into the ropes. Bomb bounces back off of the ropes and gets taken down with a drop toehold from Sewaside. The crowd cheer for Sewaside as he lays into Bomb with shots to the back of the head as Gillesp begins to get to his feet over the other side of the ring. Gillesp pulls up Chris Cage and locks on a sleeper hold. In the corner Kore and Cash, who have been in the rumble match the longest slowly get up to their feet and tie up. Kore gets forced back by Cash who tries to push Kore right over the top rope.

Bomb kicks off Sewaside with shots to the gut as he tries to pull him up before nailing the man that lost his International Championship earlier tonight down with a bulldog takedown. As he does the countdown reaches zero and ‘Click, Click, Boom” by Salvia hits the sound system and the fans pop as Blackhawk runs down to the ring!

Blackhawk makes an immediate impact with a spear takedown on Kore, Blackhawk then turns around as Arron Bomb runs at him. Blackhawk nails the first ever International Champion with a twisting suplex. Blackhawk then runs across and hits a double clothesline on both Cage and Gillesp to a huge pop from the crowd. Blackhawk is then grabbed from behind by Sewaside, Sewaside spins him around and nails him with shots to the head. Blackhawk staggers backwards and Sewaside takes the opportunity to run back into the ropes. Sewaside bounces back at Blackhawk, but Blackhawk scoops him up above his head and drops him out of the ring to the outside! Blackhawk has eliminated Sewaside!

Unhappy that he was not the one to eliminate Sewaside, Gillesp nails Blackhawk with a shot to the back. Gillesp backs Blackhawk into the ropes, but Blackhawk shoves Gillesp off and down to the mat. As he does Chris Cage pulls up Jason Cash and sends him into the corner. Cage grabs the back of Cash’s leg and tries to force him up and over the top rope, but as he does Kore and Blackhawk run up behind them and toss them both out of the ring and to the floor!

Kore extends his hand to Blackhawk in hope that the teamwork displayed could carry on during the match. The crowd boo as Blackhawk shakes his hand, but then cheer as he pulls Kore towards him by his hand and nails him with a belly to back suplex. As Kore hits the mat the clock once again reaches zero, and ‘Boom’ by Royce Da 5’9″ hits the sound system and out comes DW Owner Jon Page!

Page slides into the ring and watches as Blackhawk hammers Kore back into the corner with big right hands, and Gillesp tries to force Arron Bomb over the top rope. Page runs across and grabs hold of Bomb’s leg, and Page and Gillesp push Bomb right over the top rope. However bomb lands on the ring apron on his feet. At that point Gillesp and Page both jump up and dropkick Bomb off of the ring apron to the floor below eliminating him! As Page and Gillesp both begin to get up, Gillesp quickly turns on Page with right hands to the face. Gillesp shoots Page into the ropes and nails him with a shot to the knee.

On the other side of the ring Kore begins to battle back against Blackhawk. Kore hits a big clothesline on Blackhawk to knock him down. As Kore grabs Blackhawk as while he gets back to his feet, the clock again begins to count down from ten. Gillesp hits a quick snap suplex on Page, before walking over and picking up the steel chair. Gillesp moves towards Page with the chair as the clock hits zero and ‘Cleveland Rocks’ hits the sound system as ‘The Cleveland Gangster’ SSB makes his way out from under the DW-Tron to make his return to Dynasty Wrestling! SSB walks slowly to the ring before climbing in as Gillesp smacks Page across the back of the head with the chair.

Gillesp then moves across and nails Kore across the back of the head with the chair. The crowd boo as Gillesp goes across to hit Blackhawk, but Blackhawk springs up and hits a spinebuster on Gillesp to a big crowd cheer! SSB pulls up Jon Page and sends him into the corner. SSB pulls Page into the ropes and tries to push him over the top. Page grabs hold of the top rope and hangs on for dear life until Blackhawk comes across and hits SSB in the back of the head. Blackhawk pulls SSB away from the ropes and nails him with a full nelson slam, which gets a big cheer from the crowd.

Kore begins to get to his feet and he grabs hold of Gillesp. Kore tries to throw Gillesp out of the ring, but Gillesp blocks and takes down Kore with an arm bar takedown. Gillesp goes to lock on an arm bar on Kore, until SSB dives in to break up the move with an elbow drop to the back of Gillesp’s head. As SSB pulls up Gillesp, ‘Man In A Box’ by Alice in Chains hits the sound system, and outcomes surprise entry into the rumble, former DW Tag Team Champion Hardcore Harry! Harry, former tag team partner of SSB sprints to the ring and slides in.

Harry grabs Gillesp around the throat, pulls him up and nails him down with a chokeslam. SSB and Harry smile at each other as they pull up Jon Page and take it in turns to knock him down with punches. The crowd cheer the old team of the Cleveland Gangsters as they split up and pull up Kore and Blackhawk. However Kore and Blackhawk fight back on SSB and Hardcore Harry. Kore throws SSB down to the floor as Blackhawk nails Harry with a spear takedown. Kore and Blackhawk pull up SSB and Harry and throw them over the top rope. The agile SSB manages to hold on to the rope and roll back into the ring but Harry lands on the floor and is eliminated by Blackhawk!

The clock begins to countdown as Kore grabs hold of on Page and hits the DW Owner with a sidewalk slam. The DW Hardcore Champion who was the first entry into the rumble then hits Page with an elbow drop, as Blackhawk throws SSB into the corner. Blackhawk then pulls up Gillesp and throws him into SSB in the corner before following up with a body splash. The clock reaches zero and ‘Remember’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and the fans cheer as Sully Burden begins to make his way down to ringside.

Burden slides into the ring and tees off with right hands on Kore. Burden backs Kore into the corner, before knocking him to the mat with a big right hand. Burden runs up on SSB and takes him down with a swinging DDT onto the steel chair! Burden stands tall in the middle of the ring as he taunts the crowd. As Burden taunts, he is grabbed from behind by Gillesp who takes him down with a waist lock takedown. The crowd boo as Gillesp rakes Burden’s eye before crawling over and grabbing hold of the 2×4 that as brought into the ring by the Hardcore Champion Kore.

Gillesp swings the wood and breaks it over Sully Burden’s head! Burden falls down to the mat as the clock begins to count down to zero from ten again. Blackhawk pulls up Jon Page, but Kore grabs Blackhawk and hits him with a back suplex. Blackhawk lands on the back of his head as the clock reaches zero and the crowd boo as ‘Not Falling’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system and former Hardcore Champion Suicidal sprints out from under the DW-Tron on his way to the ring!

Suicidal goes straight after Kore, the man that won the Hardcore Championship off of him. Suicidal lays into him with hard right hands in the corner before biting the side of his face. Suicidal then pulls Kore out of the side of the ring and nails him with an amazing reverse DVD in the centre of the ring. Burden sees the move and walks over to get hold of Suicidal, but Suicidal surprises him with an outburst of right hands to send him back against the ropes. With Burden realing on the ropes Suicidal pulls his hand back and clotheslines Burden over to the floor below! The crowd boo as Burden is eliminated from the rumble by Suicidal.

Suicidal taunts Burden as he makes his way to the back, until he is attacked from behind by Jon Page! Page tries to force Suicidal over the top rope to a big cheer from the crowd, however Suicidal knocks Page off with a back elbow. Suicidal then grabs hold of Page by the arm and hits him with a arm drag takedown over the top rope and to the floor below! The crowd again boo as Suicidal eliminates Page.

As Page makes his way to the back the countdown again reaches zero and this time ‘Down with the Sickness’ by Disturbed hits the sound system and Death makes his way towards the ring from the backstage area. Death slowly climbs up into the ring as Gillesp, Kore, Blackhawk and SSB all begin to rise to their feet. Death is greeted with right hands from SSB. Death reverses the punches on SSB until he is taken down with a spear from Kore. Kore hammers away with right hands to Death until Suicidal pulls Kore off of Death and hits him with a DDT. Kore rolls out of the ring and under the bottom rope. Suicidal goes after Gillesp with right hands, but Gillesp counters with chops to the chest and then a low blow to Suey.

The clock begins to count down again as Kore begins to get back up to his feet on the outside of the ring. Kore straight away dives under the ring and pulls out a ladder! The crowd pop as Kore slides into the ring with the ladder. Kore places the ladder of his head and spins around to nail down Gillesp with a shot to the head. Kore then spins the other way and nails Death in the face with the ladder, then nails Suicidal! As he goes to hit Blackhawk, Blackhawk ducks under the ladder and nails a chop block on the Hardcore Champion.





The crowd begin to cheer boo as FTA member Adam Acid runs out to ringside. In the ring Blackhawk nails a scoop slam on Kore onto the ladder! Blackhawk stands back up as the fans chant his name for the hard-hitting move on Kore when Gillesp grabs hold of Blackhawk. Gillesp throws the unprepared Blackhawk into the ropes, then nails him with a spinning heel kick to send him out of the ring and eliminate him! The crowd boo Gillesp as he looks down at Blackhawk with a smile on his face.

The six men left in the ring pair off into twos. Kore and Suicidal hammer each other with right hands, whilst Death stomps down G-Unit member SSB in the corner. On the other side of the ring Gillesp nails down Adam Acid with a clothesline from behind. The FTA star tries to get back up but Gillesp kicks him in the mouth then slams him down with a reverse DDT. Gillesp walks across and picks up the ladder as the clock once again reaches zero and the crowd boo as former KW star ‘The Renegade’ Jay Stevens comes running out from under the DW-Tron as ‘Renegade’ by Eminem and Jay Z plays over the sound system.

Stevens goes straight after his former KW opponent SSB, taking him down with a T-Bone suplex. Stevens and Death team up to stomp down SSB in the corner as Gillesp throws the ladder at Acid who is lying down on the floor. Over the other side of the ring Kore chokes out Suicidal using the ropes until he can fight out with back kicks on the Hardcore Champion. The crowd cheer as Gillesp pulls up Adam Acid and tries to force him over the top rope. Death and Jay Stevens pull up SSB in the corner, and nail him with a double team suplex into the centre of the ring. Jay Stevens then walks across and begins to pull up SSB, but Death cheap shots him from behind with a hair pull takedown. The crowd boo until the clock hits zero again and ‘Still Ballin’ by 2Pac hits the sound system and outcomes G-Unit member T-Money!

T-Money helps up SSB to his feet and they both go after Stevens and Death who are trading punches. SSB grabs Stevens by the head and tosses him over the top rope, Stevens lands on his feet on the ring apron but is knocked down to the floor and eliminated by T-Money. SSB and T-Money then turn their attention to Kore and Suicidal. Kore and Suicidal forget about their personal differences for a moment as they fight off the G-Unit members. Suicidal nails T-Money with the ‘Fear Factory’ in the middle of the ring as Kore throws SSB into the corner. Kore hammers SSB with right hands moving him into the ropes and Suicidal runs at him. Suey clotheslines SSB, but goes over the top rope himself.

SSB lands on the floor and is eliminated as Suicidal desperately holds on to the ropes for dear life. Kore frantically tries to knock Suicidal off with blows to the head, but Suicidal somehow manages to crawl back into the ring as the clock once again reaches zero and the crowd again burst out into boos as this time Johnny Sekorda of the FTA runs to ringside! Sekorda nails Gillesp with right hands to get him off of his partner, and the FTA then nail Gillesp with a double team spinebuster. Kore grabs hold of Death as Suicidal spears T-Money into the corner on the other side of the ring. T-Money drops to the corner as Death knocks down Kore who has been in the rumble for a long time with a big body slam.

Death grabs hold of the chair and runs across nailing Suicidal in the back of the head with it. The crowd cheer as Death then beats down Suicidal with the chair as the FTA hold down Gillesp in the corner whilst taking it in turns to stomp on him. Ashe does the clock his zero and “Woke up this morning” by A3 hits the sound system. The fans cheer as out from unmder the DW-Tron walks Bigg Rigg with Tony and Jullian. Death snarls at Bigg Rigg from the ring as Bigg Rigg tells Tony and Jullian to go watch from the back. They leave as Bigg Rigg waks down to ringside, however before he steps in he walks around and grabs hold of a microphone from the ring announcer’s table.

Bigg Rigg: Yah know Death yah damn mamaluke, I told you that I would reveal my motivator’s identity today. Move back though, because the smell of your FAT Canadian body is giving me a headache, yeah it’s a regular old…oh damn, what’s the name of that headache? Not the sinus headache, no not the menstrual headache that you are used to with your PMS…But oh yeah, here is the one….MIGRANE!

The some of the crowd that recognise him cheer as out of the crowd jumps the ex-XWF CEO MiGrAnE! He slides into the ring and begins laying into Death with right hands! The crowd cheer as the referee tries to shout at MiGrAnE to get out of the ring. As MiGrAnE beats down Death, the FTA move towards MiGrAnE to attack him but Bigg Rigg grabs both of them by the back of the head and tosses them both over the top rope and eliminates them!

Bigg Rigg and MiGrAnE double team Death as Kore, Suicidal and Gillesp get tot heir feet. Suicidal and Gillesp team up to knock down the DW Hardcore Champion as he tries to reach out and grab the ladder, the clock slowly begins to count down to zero as Gillesp holds Kore for Suicidal to nail him with a big right.





The crowd immediately begin to boo as ‘Wake up’ by Rage against the Machine hits the sound system and the new DW International Champion Rick Lacey begins to make his way to the ring. Lacey slides into the ring and pulls Bigg Rigg off of Death. Lacey then forces MiGrAnE out of the ring with the help of Death. MiGrAnE who was never an official entry in the rumble is then escorted to the back by security.

Lacey knocks down Bigg Rigg with a right hand before running across and nailing Suicidal with a clothesline. Gillesp stomps down on the #1 Entry Kore as T-Money begins to get back to his feet. T-Money walks across and grabs hold of Rick Lacey. The G-Unit member nails Lacey with a kick to the gut in the corner, before sending him corner to corner. Lacey stumbles out of the corner and into a side Russian leg sweep from T-Money. Bigg Rigg gets to his feet and he grabs Suicidal as he begins to move towards Hardcore Champion and fellow Jackass Inc member Kore. Bigg Rigg throws Suicidal down to the floor as the two count begins again on the DW-Tron.

The clock reaches zero as T-Money pulls up Rick Lacey and hits him with a Thugged Out! The crowd cheer as Lacey’s head drops down on the mat and ‘Victory’ by P Diddy hits as the sound system, and out from under the DW-Tron walks CHZ World Champion Gus Theo! Gus Theo walks down the entrance ramp and slides under the bottom rope. He goes straight after Gillesp with right hands backing him into the corner. Gillesp drops down to the floor and Gus Theo turns his attention to Rick Lacey, hitting him with stomps as he lies down on the mat. In the other side of the ring Bigg Rigg and Kore double-team Suicidal as he tries to get to his feet. Bigg Rigg pulls up the ladder and places it in the corner. Bigg Rigg and Kore then shoot Suicidal into the ladder in the corner.

Bigg Rigg and Kore then walks across and pull up Death. They then shoot him across the ring into the ladder as well! Gillesp begins to get to his feet in the corner and he dives at Kore and takes him down. Gillesp hits punches to Kore but Bigg Rigg breaks it up by dropping an elbow across Gillesp’s back. As Gus Theo pulls up Rick Lacey, the count down hits zero once again, this time ‘Wait and Bleed’ by Slipknot hits the sound system as Bryce Frishcer enters the 2003 rumble!

Now with 9 people in the ring it begins to get crowded as Bryce Frishcer runs across to try and help Gillesp. Bryce pulls Bigg Rigg of off Gillesp and knocks him back with a few right hands before quickly nailing him with a face buster. Bryce then hits a backdrop on Kore as he runs towards him and then extends his hand to Gillesp so he can help him get up. Bryce pulls Gillesp up and Gillesp frowns at him. Gillesp turns away from Bryce just as T-Money runs into the back of Bryce with a shot to the back of the head. Bryce Frishcer falls forward and knocks down Gillesp.

T-Money pulls up Bryce before sending him back down with a piledriver, which gets a big cheer form the crowd. As T-Money gets back up he is grabbed by Suicidal, but T-Money fights off Suicidal and hits him with a Harlem Sidekick to the delight of the crowd. The count down reaches zero and “The Metro” by System Of A Down hits the sound system and Centurion comes running to the ring! Centurion grabs hold of Gus Theo as he hits Lacey with right hands and throws Gus into the ropes. Gus comes back and nails Centurion with a clothesline. Kore and Bigg Rigg begin to get to their feet and they go straight for G-Unit member T-Money. T-Money bravely fights them off as they try to force him towards the ropes in hope of throwing him out. Death and Suicidal also trade right hands in the corner as Gillesp and Bryce both get to their feet.

Bryce tries to explain that he was pushed but before he can Gillesp knocks him down with a right hand. Gus Theo begins to get the upper hand on Centurion and backs him towards the ropes. The CHZ World Champion pulls his hand back and knocks Centurion over the top rope eliminating him! The crowd cheer Gus Theo as he taunts them.

Gillesp pulls up Bryce Frishcer and drags him towards the ropes. Gillesp pulls up Bryce and is about to throw him over the top rope when Gus Theo runs up and clotheslines Frishcer over the top rope himself! Gillesp, Rick Lacey, T-Money, Bigg Rigg and Kore all see Gus Theo clothesline Bryce over the top rope, as Death and Suicidal continue to trade rights and lefts in the corner. The crowd cheer as the 5 DW superstars all go after Gus Theo the one CHZ wrestler. Tired of a CHZ Wrestler eliminating DW stars, Lacey, Gillesp, Kore, Rigg and T-Money begin beating down Theo. Theo battles bravely trying to fight each man off with punches to their head. However the five men pick up Theo and throw him over the top rope and to the floor below, eliminating him as the count down once again reaches zero.

“Point To Prove” by Theory of a Deadman hits the sound system and G-Unit member Psycho Stevo makes his way towards the ring! Upon knocking down Death Suicidal, the man that Stevo jumped two weeks ago goes straight after him. However Stevo and fellow G-Unit member T-Money knock down Suicidal and stomp all over him. Kore and Bigg Rigg run at Death in the corner and knock him down with punches and kicks aimed at the head.

Rick Lacey begins to walk over to help Death out, when Gillesp steps in front of him. Lacey strikes Gillesp with a right hand but Gillesp comes right back at him with a right of his own. The two men go at it with right hands to each other. T-Money and Stevo pull Suicidal out of the corner and into the centre of the ring. Stevo nails Suicidal with a snap suplex before pulling him back up and holding him for T-Money. T-Money moves forward and grabs him around the throat, T-Money then nails him with a Dangerous DDT.

The clock begins to count down from ten once again, but with 28 wrestlers already entered and Teddy Rafter already named as #30, who will #29 be?












‘Bad Dreams’ by Swollen Members hits the sound system and the fans rise to their feet as CHOOCH makes his way down to ringside as #29 in the 2003 Destiny Rumble!! The crowd cheer for Chooch as he grabs hold of long-term enemy Gillesp and takes him down with a trademark double arm DDT. Chooch then hits the Hardcore Champion Kore with a T-Bone suplex as he stands dominating in the ring. Chooch knocks down Death, Bigg Rigg then T-Money with right hands. Chooch then moves towards Lacey and goes to pick him up off the ground, but Lacey was playing dead and he jumps up and grabs hold of Chooch. Out of surprise Chooch falls back into the ropes and Lacey easily clotheslines him over the top rope!

The crowd boo Lacey as Chooch staggers back up to his feet in shock at what happened. Gillesp grabs Lacey from behind and tries to throw him out, but Death gets hold of Gillesp and nails him with a German suplex. Death is then grabbed hold of by Kore and Bigg Rigg is they toss him to the mat with a double team spinebuster. Kore and Bigg Rigg then are knocked to the mat as T-Money and Stevo rush them from behind. The G-Unit members then turn their attention back to Suicidal as the clock starts counting down for Teddy Rafter’s entrance into the rumble.

Stevo locks on a Guillotine Leg lock on Suicidal as the clock reaches zero and ‘Cold Hearted’ by Teddy Rafter hits the sound system and the fans pop for the Tag Team Champion and G-Unit member Teddy Rafter as he slowly walks down the entrance ramp slapping the fans hands. The last entry then slides into the ring and straight away is met by Rick Lacey. Rafter the fresher man beats down Lacey with big punches, but is then met with offence from Gillesp. Rafter manages to knock down Gillesp but then Kore and Bigg Rigg get after him. After Rafter caused a stir with his comments in a recent promo, is seems that certain wrestlers in the rumble are out to get him!

T-Money stomps away on Suicidal as Stevo keeps the submission move locked in. After a while Stevo lets go of the move and Suicidal struggles up to his feet. T-Money runs at Suicidal but Suicidal nails him with a drop toehold sending T-Money’s head into the bottom rope. Stevo grabs hold of Suicidal, but Suicidal lifts him up onto his shoulders, and nails him with a ‘Fear Factory’ to the outside of the ring! The crowd give a mixed reaction to the move as Stevo is eliminated from the Destiny Rumble.

On the other side of the ring Teddy Rafter is desperately trying to fight off Kore and Bigg Rigg as Death and Rick Lacey pulls up Gillesp. T-Money moves across to help Rafter, but Lacey grabs hold of T-Money and sends him into the ropes. T-Money bounces back and Lacey nails him with an elbow shot to the head. T-Money staggers backwards and Death follows up with a clothesline that sends T-Money into the ropes. Lacey and Death then link hands and run at T-Money with a double clothesline that sends him over the top rope. T-Money holds onto the bottom rope for dear life, but Lacey and Death stomp down at his hands until he lets go and falls to the floor.

Lacey and Gillesp battle it out back and forth Gillesp begins to get the upper hand over Lacey and hits him with a snap suplex. With every other man down in the ring, Gillesp pulls up Rick Lacey and drags him towards the ropes. Gillesp hangs Lacey up on the ropes and tries to push him over. However Lacey holds on for dear life as Gillesp tries harder and harder to push him over. The fans give a mixed reaction, some wanting the International Champion to go over, some just booing Gillesp. Gillesp finally gives up on the push and knocks down Lacey with a shot to the back of the head.

Gillesp turns around but is met by the man that he defeated two weeks ago on Destruction, Bigg Rigg. Rigg knocks back Gillesp with a few punches. Gillesp bounces back into the ropes then towards Rigg, but Rigg scoops him up and turns around the fans cheer as Bigg Rigg nails Gillesp with a ‘fall away slam’ that sends him over the top rope and to the floor with a thud!

Bigg Rigg then turns around to see Death! Death takes down Bigg Rigg with a spear and begins hammering away on him with right hands. On the other side of the ring Kore and Teddy Rafter get up to their feet. Rafter boots Kore in the stomach and knocks him into the corner. Rafter stomps down Kore in the corner as Bigg Rigg pushes Death off of him. Death and Bigg Rigg get to their feet and Bigg Rigg ducks under a punch from Death. Bigg Rigg grabs death in a position for a back suplex, but as he hits the move he twists and sends Death out of the ring, hitting his head on the ring apron! The crowd cheer for Bigg Rigg as he taunts the eliminated Death!

The Destiny Rumble is now down to the final five. Kore is still getting beaten down by Rafter in the corner as Suicidal and Rick Lacey begin to get to their feet. Lacey is met with a clubbing blow to the back of the head by Bigg Rigg. Suicidal takes the opportunity to take down Bigg Rigg with a German suplex. The crowd boo the move as Teddy Rafter moves out of the corner and away from Kore. As Rafter moves away, Lacey sneaks in behind him and begins choking Kore in the corner to boos from the crowd.

Suicidal pulls up Bigg Rigg and throws him into the corner. Suicidal then runs at Bigg Rigg and knocks him into the ropes. Suicidal moves towards Bigg Rigg to try and knock him over, but Bigg Rigg gets a foot up and Suicidal runs right into it. Suicidal stumbles along the ropes until Teddy Rafter leaps at him and nails him with the ‘End of the World’! Suicidal falls backwards over the top rope and out of the ring!

The Destiny Rumble is now down to the final four as Suicidal tries to get back into the ring only to be restrained by the security at ringside. The four men in the ring pair off, Rafter and Bigg Rigg stare down each other as in the other corner Lacey continues to choke out Kore. Rafter and Bigg Rigg then both turn and face Lacey. The crowd pop as Lacey looks shocked as Lacey and Bigg Rigg come at him. Lacey nails Rigg with a right hand as Rafter diverts and goes after Kore in the corner. Rafter stomps a mud hole in Kore before pulling him up and hitting him with a snapmare takedown. On the other side of the ring, Bigg Rigg grabs hold of Lacey and throws him over the top rope! Lacey quickly grabs hold of the ropes and pulls himself up to a standing position much to the disappointment of the fans. Bigg Rigg quickly runs at Lacey to try and knock him off, but Lacey grabs hold of the bottom rope and sends Bigg Rigg tumbling over to the floor! Lacey quickly rolls back into the ring as the crowd boo as Rigg is eliminated from the rumble.

The Rumble is now down to the final three men, Kore the #1 entry, Rick Lacey and the #30 entry Teddy Rafter. Lacey quickly moves across and drags Rafter off of Kore. Lacey throws Rafter into the ropes as the fans rise to their feet. Lacey drops his head for a backdrop but Rafter comes back with a stiff DDT on Lacey! Rafter stands over Lacey, but Kore grabs hold of the ropes and rises to his feet to the cheers from the crowd. Kore the Hardcore Champion stalks Rafter the tag team champion until he turns around, Rafter then walks straight into the ‘Snake Eyez’! The crow cheer for the move as Kore tries to push Rafter up towards the ropes. As he does he is cut off by Lacey with a shot to the back!

Lacey pulls Kore around and hits him with a snap powerbomb. All three men are now down on the canvas as the crowd cheers out for the favourite wrestler to get up first and take control of the match. As they do “Orchards” by Sour Stone hits the sound system and the crowd pop as ‘Superstar’ Shawn Storm along with DW Owner Jon Page begin to make their way to ringside! Storm slowly steps up the ring steps and climbs through the ropes as Page shouts instructions from the outside. Storm climbs up a turnbuckle and taunts for the fans that cheer him! Storm continues to taunt the fans as Page walks around to the ring announcer’s position and grabs a steel chair. Page throws the steel chair into the ring, and Shawn Storm picks it up.

Kore is the first man to slowly rise to his feet. He stumbles around until he faces Storm, Storm pulls the chair back and slams it into Kore face sending him back down. Rafter then begins to struggle back up to his feet and Storm nails him over the head with a chair shot. The crowd give a mixed reaction as Rafter falls down to the mat from the chair shot. Shawn Storm then turns around to his archenemy, Rick Lacey. The crowd cheer as Storm pulls the chair back ready to strike Lacey as he slowly gets to his feet, Storm swings the chair, and cracks Lacey in the head with it. The crowd cheer as Storm climbs out of the ring leaving the chair behind. Page and Storm then make their way to the back to the cheers of the crowd, however they do not slap any hands as they walk, they keep their eyes focused on Lacey, Rafter and Kore who are all down in the ring.

Lacey, Kore and Rafter all begin to rise up to their feet after about two minutes. Kore and Rafter are the first ones up, Kore grabs Rafter in a front face lock and tries to front suplex him over the top rope, however Teddy lands with his feet on the apron. Teddy keeps the front face lock on tight and tries to suplex Kore over him and too the floor, but Kore grabs hold of the ropes on the way and lands with his feet on the ring apron as well. Both men stand preciously on the edge of the ring apron, trading blows whilst trying not to fall off. As they do Rick Lacey moves towards them. They both grab hold of Rick Lacey and try to double team suplex him over the top rope, but Lacey somehow hooks his legs under the bottom rope and counters the move.

Lacey grabs hold of Rafters head on the way back and pulls him into the ring the hard way. Kore quickly takes the chance to jump into the ring. Lacey again sends Rafter into the ropes, this time he knocks him down with a boot to the face. Kore moves quickly and grabs hold of Lacey straight after his offence on Rafter. Kore sends Lacey into the corner and then follows up with a flying forearm as Rafter tries to get up. Lacey stumbles out of the corner but Kore pulls him towards the ropes and tries to push him up and over to cheers from the crowd. Rafter quickly gets up and tries to hep push Lacey over. As he does Kore takes a back step.

Rafter keeps trying to push Lacey over as Lacey holds onto the ropes, but Kore stabs Rafter in the back by pulling him up and using his own momentum to push him up and over the top rope to the floor below! The crowd boo as the G-Unit member is eliminated as Lacey quickly scrambles back into the ring. The final two in the rumble stand face to face. Kore quickly hits Lacey with a punch that gets a cheer from the crowd. Lacey retaliates with a punch of his own knocking back Kore. Lacey grabs Kore and hits him with a big hanging vertical suplex. The crowd boo the move as Lacey pulls Kore up and moves him closer to the rope.

Kore however back elbows Lacey then tosses him over his back and over the top rope! Lacey’s left foot hits the floor but he grabs hold of the top rope and manages to stop his right foot hitting the floor! The crowd pop thinking Kore has won as he turns and sinks to his knees and raises his hands in the air! Lacey quickly rolls into the ring as Kore rises up to his feet. Kore sees Lacey coming towards him and runs at him with a clothesline. Lacey ducks the clothesline and Kore runs into the ropes, as Lacey runs up behind him and throws him over the top rope to the floor! The crowd burst out into boos as Lacey drops to his knees just as Kore did, as Kore on the outside looks shocked wondering what happened.

The crowd boo even louder as Lacey’s music hits the sound system as Kore asks the referee how Lacey won. The referee rolls into the ring and raises Lacey’s hand in the air.

The Winner of the 2003 Destiny Rumble, Rick Lacey!!

The crowd is still booing as DW Destiny cuts to a commercial break.

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DW Destiny comes back from the commercial break and heads straight backstage where DW Commissioner Darkhan is standing by with Tim Smith.

Smith – “Well Darkhan, that Rumble was certainly filled with controversy”

Darkhan – “It sure was Smith. Its something that we are going to have to review and get back to everyone about. Right now Rick Lacey has been declared the winner by the referee and is set for a World Championship shot but don’t take that as set in stone just yet. “

Smith – “So there could be possible developments on this story tonight?”

Darkhan – “There could well be, but I would say watch the website for any updates and tune into Destruction next Monday. There will most probably be an announcement then.”

Smith – “Ok thanks Darkhan. Oh just quickly, any thoughts on the next match coming up for the World Championship?”

Darkhan – “Well I don’t consider either of these guys friends but I defiantly fear for their safety here tonight in this dangerous match up. I don’t like to see pain and suffering unless I’m the one that’s causing it. Manning is going to go all out to prove his critics wrong, and Hellfire X is going to have to go all out just to keep his job because he aligned himself with Boswell, and now Boswell’s lost his Ownership Hellfire X could well lose his job if he doesn’t win the match tonight. “

Smith – “Speaking of Chris Boswell, is there any news on him?”

Darkhan – “Sorry Tim, I can’t comment on that right now.”

Smith – “Umm ok then, back to ringside of the big match.”

DW World Championship 5-Cage Match
Sean Manning (Champion) Vs. Hellfire X

The lights in the arena dim down as the 5-Cage structure begins to slowly descend from the ceiling. Each of the five cages stacked upon each other containing their own unique stipulation. The 5-Cage structure lowers down around the ring and as it does The arena light go out, and the fans begin to cheer. The DW-Tron displays the words, “He Walks Among Us…”, “Here Comes the Pain!”. The fans begin to scream as ‘Adrenaline’, by Gavin Rossdale blasts through the sound system. Suddenly, a glass panel placed in front of the entrance on the stage, explodes, and DW World Champion Sean Manning walks out to a capacity crowd, who are chanting his name. A dim yellow strobe light follows Manning towards the Cages as he carries the World Title belt over his shoulder. He climbs into the bottom cage and climbs the second turnbuckle of a random corner and holds up his belt to a big cheer from the crowd. He jumps down, and the lights return.

Ring Announcer: First to the ring, from Los Angeles, California, he weights in at 235 pounds and is the DW World Champion, Sean Manning!!

The arena goes dark. The crowd stands up and looks at the entranceway. ‘Seizure of Power’ by Marilyn Manson blasts through the arena. The crowd jump to their feet and boos explode from each person. A burning H lies tilted on the side of the entranceway. Hellfire steps through the curtain. Hellfire slowly makes his way to the ring. Hellfire gets halfway and then runs the rest. Hellfire climbs into the cage and holds up his TapOut Title belt as the crowd boo him.

Ring Announcer: And his challenger, weighting in at 322 pounds, the DW TapOut Champion, Hellfire X!!

The referee holds up the World Championship belt to show it will be on the line in this match before calling for the bell to be rung and handing the belt outside so that it can be hung up above the 5th cage show is be required. The crowd cheer with anticipation as the first cage gets underway, a submission rules match gets underway.

Hellfire X goes for a single leg takedown on Manning to get the action stared. Manning blocks the move that would most probably have led into an ankle lock with a swift elbow to the back of Hellfire X’s head. Hellfire drops down to one knee but Manning grabs him by the hair and throws him into the side of the cage. Hellfire X bounces back off the side of the cage and Manning dives on him with mounted punches to a big cheer from the crowd. Manning pulls up Hellfire X again and hits him with a suplex. Manning is on fire as he walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top.

Hellfire X slowly rises up to his feet and Manning flies off of the top knocking him down with a cross body! The crowd cheer as Manning locks on a Canadian Cross face on Hellfire X! Hellfire desperately fights out of the move and rolls through into an arm bar on Manning! Manning roll out of the arm bar and flips up to his feet. Manning goes for a double leg takedown on Hellfire X, but Hellfire X counters with a snap powerbomb on Manning! The crowd boo the powerbomb move as Hellfire X drops down and locks on a Boston crab on Manning.

Manning desperately tries to squirm out of the hold and he finally grabs hold of Hellfire X’s leg and is able to sweep it away to get out of the hold. Manning limps back up to his feet as Hellfire X jumps back up to his. Manning ducks under a clothesline attempt from Hellfire X and hits him with a dropkick in the back of the head! Hellfire X falls down as Manning drops down and goes to lock on the ankle lock, but as he grabs Hellfire’s ankle, Hellfire X rolls though and grabs hold of Manning’s ankle and locks on the ankle lock! The crowd boo as Hellfire X tightens the hold, and Sean Manning the World Champion is forced to tap Out.

Winner of the first cage by submission, Hellfire X!!

Hellfire X rises to his feet as two trapdoors in the cage above them open and two ladders descend. Hellfire X immediately climbs up one while the referee climbs up the other. Manning limps up to his feet and slowly begins to climb the ladder. Manning reaches the top of the ladder and pulls himself up into the second cage, which is surrounded by C4 Explosives! The crowd cheer as the seconds cage gets underway with Hellfire X pulling up Manning and nailing him with a spinebuster on the mesh floor.

Manning slowly rises up to his feet as Hellfire X grabs him by the back of the head. Hellfire X tries to throw Manning into some C4 explosives on the side of the cage, but Manning stops Hellfire X with some back elbows. Manning grabs hold of Hellfire X and tosses him down onto the mesh with a hip toss move. The fans chant for Manning as he nails a quick spinning leg drop on Hellfire X before going for the cover.



Kick out by Hellfire X. Hellfire X gets back up to his feet as Manning tees off on him with right hands. Hellfire grabs the hand of the young DW Champion and pulls him up onto his shoulder. Hellfire X then runs with Manning on his shoulder and slams him into the side of the mesh cage. The crowd pop as Hellfire X slumps down and Manning begins to smile as he sees some C4 Explosives on the other side of the cage. He begins to pull Hellfire X towards them as the crowd get to their feet, however Hellfire X manages to twist Manning around and hit him with a ‘X-Virus’ in the centre of the cage! Both men lay down in the centre of the cage as the crowd boo.

Hellfire X is the first one to get to his feet and he smiles as he hooks Manning’s leg looking for the second cage victory.



Manning kicks out to the relief of the crowd. Hellfire X brings Manning back up to his feet and slaps him across the face. Hellfire X lines up Manning for another ‘X-Virus’ but Manning counters with a Northern lights suplex. Hellfire X pops back up from the suplex but is met with right hands from the World Champion. Manning then grabs hold of Hellfire X and tosses him into the side of the cage and into C4 explosives! There is a loud bang and smoke begins to come out of the area, as there is a big flash! Hellfire X staggers back holding a bad burn on his arm, the World Champion shows no remorse as he rolls up Hellfire.




Winner of the second cage by pinfall, Sean Manning!!

Two trap doors in the above cage open, and Manning this time quickly climbs up one. The referee checks the burns on Hellfire X’s arm, however Hellfire X pushes the referee away and climbs up into the third cage, that can only be one by putting your opponent through one of the special glass tables. The glass tables lie all around the side of the cage as Manning hits right hands on Hellfire X as soon as he steps up from the ladder. Manning throws Hellfire X into the side of the cage, Hellfire X bounces back and Manning goes to work on the injured arm with an arm bar takedown. The crowd cheer as Manning watches Hellfire X in pain holding his arm. Sean Manning quickly grabs the glass table to the left of him and sets it up. The glass table is completely see through apart from the DW logo in the centre of it.

Manning pulls up Hellfire X and places him across the table. Manning then walks over to the side of the cage and begins to climb up the mesh! Manning climbs up for about 5ft, until looking back down at Hellfire X lying on the glass table! Manning springboards off the mesh with a body splash on Hellfire, but Hellfire moves out of the way and Manning plummets towards the table, the table shatters on impact and the glass falls down to the ring 2 cage’s below. Hellfire X pulls up Manning who now has little cuts that are bleeding from the glass.

Hellfire throws Manning’s head first into the side of the cage, before grabbing a table of his own. Hellfire X sets up the glass table, which is identical to the one Manning had, before pulling up the World Champion. Hellfire X nails Manning with a ‘Zero’ into the mesh which gets a slight pop from the crowd as Manning bounces off his head onto his back. Hellfire X rises up and taunts the crowd before waiting for Manning to rise back up to his feet.

Manning slowly gets up and Hellfire X grabs him for a pump handle slam through he table, but Manning reverses with by jumping don behind Hellfire X Manning grabs Hellfire X in a waist lock. Manning tries for the German suplex, but Hellfire X blocks and then goes behind into a waist lock of his own on Manning. Hellfire X then spins around Manning and grabs him by the throat, he tightens his grip and backs him towards the glass table, before pulling him up into the air and nailing him with ‘The Ride’ through the table! The crowd cheer as Manning is thrown through the table, and Hellfire X regains the lead heading into the 4th cage, if Hellfire X wins the 20 minute Iron Man Cage, then he is the new DW World Champion!

Winner of the cage. Hellfire X!!

The two trapdoors open again and Hellfire X quickly climbs up into the fourth cage. The fans chant for Manning as the referee helps him up to his feet. Manning then begins to climb up the ladder and climbs into the fourth cage. Manning steps foot onto the mesh and the clock starts,


Hellfire X nails a few right hands knocking Manning back. Manning stumbles back into the side of the cage. Hellfire pulls him away and nails him with a ‘Fade to Black’! The crowd boo as Hellfire X makes the cover.




Manning never really recovered from going through the glass table and Hellfire X is one-nil up with 19:04 minutes to go! The fans boo as Hellfire X straight away goes for another cover.



Manning this time gets a shoulder up. Hellfire X doesn’t look phased as he pulls up Manning and locks on an abdominal stretch. Hellfire X wears down the World Champion with the move as the crowd chant out Manning’s name. Manning feeds off of the crowds energy and he counters with a hip toss on Hellfire X! The crowd pop as Manning nails a spinning heel kick on Hellfire X to knock him down at 17:29.

Manning quickly scrambles over and makes the cover, but Hellfire kicks out after two. Realising he has to win this match and that a draw or loss will mean he losses his title, Manning pulls Hellfire X back up as quickly as he can. Manning throws Hellfire X into the mesh side of the cage and as he bounces back nails him with a spinning DDT! The crowd pop as Manning makes the cover.




One-One at 14:58!!

Manning quickly tries to lock on a ankle lock on Hellfire, but Hellfire X fights out and rises up to his feet. Hellfire ducks under a clothesline from Manning. Hellfire X then turns and scoop slams Manning down on the mesh. Manning tries to rise up to his feet but Hellfire stomps him down before pulling him up himself. The crowd boo Hellfire as he talks trash to Manning, before going behind and hitting the World Champion with a back suplex. The crowd boo as Hellfire X runs down the clock knowing that a draw is good enough for him. Manning begins to rise up to his feet, and Hellfire hits him with a swift ‘Demonoid Phenomenon’!

Hellfire X makes the cover on Manning!




Two-One to Hellfire with 10:38 to go!

Hellfire again runs down the clock by locking on sleeper hold on Manning. Manning tries to fight out of the hold but Hellfire keeps it tight. The crowd boo Hellfire X, until Manning suddenly spins out of the hold and nails Hellfire X with a big belly to back suplex! The crowd pop as Manning grabs Hellfire as he gets up, and piledrives him into the mesh! Manning rolls over and covers Hellfire,




Two-Two with 7:01 minutes to go!

Manning quickly goes for another cover but Hellfire X kicks out early. The crowd cheer Manning on as he pulls Hellfire X up and hits the TapOut Champion with a right hand that sends him back into the side of the cage. Manning grabs the back of Hellfire’s head and grates his face with the metal mesh! The crowd cheer as Hellfire X drops down to his knees and is then knocked down on his back with a dropkick to the face from Manning. Manning sensing his last chance to get the cage won, Manning begins to climb up the side of the cage! Manning climbs halfway up the cage, then jumps off and nails a ‘Youth of the Nation’ Phoenix Splash on Hellfire! The crowd pop as Manning covers Hellfire.




Three-Two with 0:20 to go! Manning slowly gets backup to his feet and fights off as last desperation attack from Hellfire X to win the cage, until the twenty seconds runs out and the buzzer sounds.

Winner of the cage, Sean Manning!!

So with the score tied at two-all, the trap door of the top cage opens and Manning and Hellfire X climb up their ladders. Manning gets up his ladder first and immediately jumps off and begins to climb the ladder to the World Championship belt, however Hellfire X gets up their just after him and pulls him down.

Manning knocks Hellfire back with right hands and then knocks him down with a big clothesline. Hellfire X tries to get up to his feet, but the World Champion Manning takes control to the delight of the crowd by kicking Hellfire X in the face. Manning pulls Hellfire X up and nails him with a side walk slam on the mesh, before beginning to climb to the ladder to get the belt.

Manning slowly climbs rung by rung, but as he nears the top Hellfire X grabs hold of Manning and pulls him down. Hellfire X then flattens Manning with a big clothesline. Manning crawls towards the corner of the cage but Hellfire gets right on him and stomps him down. The crowd boo Hellfire X but he ignores them as Manning tries to struggle up. Hellfire X quickly turns away and begins to make his way towards the ladder. Manning crawls towards Hellfire X. Hellfire X turns around to see Manning, and he pulls him up. Hellfire then nails Manning with a Pump handle Slam and then begins to climb the ladder! Hellfire X climbs slowly, still feeling the burn on his arm from earlier.

Hellfire X nears the top of the ladder when a hand reaches up and grabs his back. Manning in a last ditch attempt to save his World Championship staggers up and grabs Hellfire X in somewhat of a waist lock. Manning pulls Hellfire down with a modified German suplex! The crowd pop for the move as both men lay out on the mesh. The crowd cheer loudly for Manning, and after about a minute of both men being down, then both begin to get to their feet and climb the ladder at opposite sides. The fans chant even louder for Manning as he and Hellfire X climb up to the top at the same time. The Word Champion knocks Hellfire back with a right hand, Hellfire X grabs hold of the ladder and stomps himself from falling. Manning hits him with another right and again Hellfire X nearly falls. Manning swings again, this time Hellfire blocks it and smacks Manning right between the eyes with a big punch, Manning falls backwards off of the top of the ladder and towards the mesh of the cage, the mesh of the top cage snaps upon impact and Manning falls down into the fourth cage. The crowd chant ‘Holy Shit’ as Manning lays motionless and Hellfire X looks down upon him from the top of the ladder. Hellfire X then reaches up and unhooks the World Championship belt and pulls it down!!

Winner of the fall and NEW DW World Champion, Hellfire!!

The crowd boo as Hellfire X sits on the top of the ladder whilst holding the World Championship above his head with a huge smile on his face. Hellfire X’s music hits as he looks out at al the crowd. As Hellfire X taunts the crowd, Rick Lacey the International Champion steps out onto the entrance stage. Lacey stares up at the new World Champion high above him, and Hellfire X stares down at the International Champion as Destiny 2003 goes off of the air.

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