
265 lbs



Ingersoll, Canada

Theme Music
“High Voltage” By Linkin’ Park

Wrestling Style:

Finishing Move:
The Thompo Bomb

Finishing Move Description:
Running Sitdown Powerbomb

Top Five Moves:
Top rope suplex
German suplex
Fallaway slam

Character Bio:
Thompo wasn’t always known as who he is today. He was a young kid from Ingersoll, Canada who grew up in the province of Ontario and graduated high school with his best friend Shane Morris (Zentarous). Watching his younger brother Howard (Howie Banks) become a professional wrestler, he decided to jump aboard but to do it with his best friend. Everything they did together. Some people even think their gay, but there not. Mike (Thompo) joined a gym after watching his best friend lose weight by being on a diet and work out plan. Together they worked out and got into the best shape of their lives. After training to be a pro wrestler, they are now on their way to the sVo to test out their new skills.

Entrance Description:

Tag Team Entrance w/Zentarous
“High Voltage” By Linkin’ Park plays as the fans get to their feet and wait the arrival of High Voltage the tag team. Thompo and Zentarous make their way down the ramp way and towards the ring. Both men get inside of it and begin to stretch and get ready for their match.

Singles Entrance w/o Zentarous
“High Voltage” By Linkin’ Park plays as the fans get to their feet and wait the arrival of Thompo from High Voltage the tag team. Thompo makes his way down to the ramp way and towards the ring. He gets inside of it and begins to stretch as he gets ready for his match.

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