Name: Money Malone

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 220lbs

Crowd Reaction: Boo

Hometown: Queens, New York

Entrance Music: “The Champ is Here” by O Fresh

Finisher Name: Money Shot / Money Maker

Finisher Description: Diving Double Foot Stomp / Crossface Submission

Fighting Style: Technical Brawler who is a tough competitor who knows a wide variety of moves thanks to his extensive background on the independent wrestling scene. It will take a lot to put away Money Malone thanks to his toughness and high pain threshold, and he will use this to his advantage if needed, putting his own body on the line to get the win. Malone is more than happy to cheat to win and will happily injure his opponent and annoy the crowd if it will give him the edge.

Signature Moves: Brain Buster, Spinning Heel Kick, Backstabber, Knee Drop, Double Boot Stomp, Low Kick, Arm Stomp, Leg Breaker, Camel Clutch, Knife Edge Chop, Forearm Smash, Swinging Neckbreaker, Body Press, Arm Drag, Fireman carry gut buster,

Personality Traits: Malone is happy to cheat to win. A man with absolutely no morals and no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get whatever he wants. Money Malone lives up to his name, as he is absolutely in it for the money, happy to stab anyone in the back if it gets him an extra dollar. Malone is not at all interested in the opinion of the fans and is 100% out for himself. Malone will join a group of like-minded individuals, but only for as long as the direction of the group suits his own aims and ambitions.

Career History: sVo,

Other Information: Money Malone make his first appearance in the sVo as part of the ‘Blood Money’ stable, having been brought into the promotion by leader Anthony Moretti. Money Malone captured his first sVo gold when he captured the Las Vegas Championship from Gunner Lang at ‘Against All Odds #20’. Malone went on to hold the belt for 127 days before being losing the title without being pinned in a fatal four way match at Seasons Beatings 2021.

Entrance Description: “The Champ is Here” by O Fresh hits the sound system, and boos ring out as the arena is basked in a dull red glow. After a few seconds the boos get louder as Money Malone steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp wearing a ‘Blood Money’ t-shirt and holding a roll of dyed red dollar bills in his hand. Malone taunts at the top of the entrance ramp, before slowly walking down towards the ring. Malone throws the red dollar bills into the crowd before slowly climbing up into the ring and taunting on the middle as the music slowly fades out.

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