Name: Absolute Zero

Aliases: N/A

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 225lbs

Date of Birth: 13th December 1977

Crowd Reaction: Cheer

Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska

Entrance Music: “Ice, Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice

Fighting Style: High Flying Daredevil

Finisher Name: The Big Freeze

Finisher Description: Senton Bomb

Signature Moves: Side Slam

Standing Moves: Knife Edge Chops, Fisherman Suplex, Twisting Neckbreaker, Sitout Jawbreaker, Scoop Slam,

Running Moves: Spinning Heel Kick, Swingblade, Rolling Thunder,

High Flying Moves: Diving Clothesline, Plancha, Double Legdrop, Suicide Dive, Springboard Elbow Drop, Top Rope Elbowdrop, Top Rope Diving Cross body,

Submission Holds: Leg Lock,

Personality Traits: Absolute Zero is all about putting on a show for the fans and showing off his high flying moves. With Zero coming towards the end of his career, he knows that he only has limited matches left to make his mark on the business so gives his all and puts his body on the line every time he steps into the ring.

Career History: P:V, sVo, Various Indy Promotions,

Other Information: Absolute Zero is a popular wrestler who has seemingly been around for ever.

Entrance Description: The familiar sound of “Ice, Ice Baby” hits the sound system and the fans cheer as dry ice rises up from the sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds, the veteran Absolute Zero steps out of the dry ice and stands at the top of the entrance ramp bobbing his head to the music! The fans cheer Absolute Zero, as he takes a few seconds to acknowledge them before making his way down to the ring and diving in under the bottom rope! Absolute Zero turns and poses for the hard camera with his arms crossed and his head bopping to the music!

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