With only a week to go until the Countdown to Violence 2023 PPV, the fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena were pumped up for Uprising 37!

First up it was one of the newcomers, Stevie Rigg, facing off one of the more established sVo stars in Bronson Johnson. JD James came to the ring with Bronson Johnson, but the fans in the arena were definitely in the corner of the unbeaten newcomer as this one got started. Both men were extremely hard hitting, clearly going all out to try and get the win and build some momentum on the sVo roster. It looked like Johnson might pick the win up with a big dive from the top rope, but left Rigg too close to the ropes. Rigg fought back hard with some big offence including an impressive DDT, but Johnson laid into him to finally pick up the three count! The fans were not happy about seeing Rigg’s first defeat, especially at the hands of Johnson as JD James celebrated with his client in the ring.

Next up it was tag team action as British Hospitality took on Rebel Society. The Society had the lovely Kat Kellison in their corner, whilst British Hospitality had Kyle McRae. The crowd have clearly not forgiven McRae for his inter-promotional losses as he got a very mixed reaction from the crowd. The action between the two teams went back and forth, with Charlie Strickland getting a couple of near falls for his team. However in the end if was Harry Black with a burning hammer who scored the three count over Jai Marshall, to pick up some big momentum for the Brits.

The fans were pumped for the third match of the evening which was an international affair, with Hiro Ryuu of Japan taking on the Egyptian Midas. Midas was also unbeaten so far in his sVo career, but had never yet faced a competitor of the caliber of Ryuu. Midas used his unorthodox style to try and pick up the win, including some submission moves, but in the end it was the former Roulette Champion Ryuu who scored the three count as he looked to get himself back into title contention. Ryuu celebrated after the match, but the fans were not too happy about seeing one of their new favorites lose.

The very same fans were nervous about history repeating itself, as the also unbeaten newcomer Bjorn Asulf took on the more established Kyle McRae! The fans quickly got on the back of McRae from the very start, and you might suspect that Jon Page hand picked his opponent for the night, as Asulf quickly absorbed the high flying start from McRae and used his strength advantage to dominate. McRae managed a few near falls, but Asulf picked up the win with a choke hold, after nearly picking up the three from a running powerslam before.

The second to last match of the night featured two teams desperate for a win, as BIG Trouble took on the Von Drakes. Both teams were clearly very popular in the eyes of the fans in the arena with the action going back and forth with plenty of near falls. In the end if was Lucy Von Drake who picked up the win with a roll up out of no where to score the three count. The Von Drakes celebrated hard after the match, but BIG Trouble looked pissed as they left.

Finally in the main event, it was a Roulette Championship defense as new Champion Rick Reid was challenged by the popular El Froggo! El Froggo was always going to be the fan favourite in this one, but even more so after it being revealed that Rick Reid was the newest client of Amy Page. However the popularity didn’t help El Froggo at all as Rick Reid dominated his smaller opponent and easily managed to pick up the victory. The fans booed loudly as Uprising went off of the air, but everyone in the arena knew that they might be witnessing the birth of a future star in Rick Reid as he celebrated with the Roulette Championship.

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