Countdown to Violence 2023 is in the books, and it was a big event in the history of the sVo! I started off the show backstage with the sVo Champion, and I could tell that the Champ was uncharacteristically unhappy. Big Aug was clearly put out that he wasn’t the favorite for the main event despite being the reigning Champion. I have never seen Aug pumped up that way before and he was clearly keen to prove that he deserved to hold the belt, no matter who he was facing!

Next up was a strange one, with two members of Blood Money taking each other on with Junior Gambino vs. Johnny Moretti. Gambino was keen to try and get some respect from Moretti, but Moretti wasn’t going easy on the youngster despite him being a stable mate and clearly wanted to teach him a lesson & pet him in his place. It looked like Gambino might get a win, but Moretti pulled it out when he needed and scored the win. Moretti looked pleased with himself as he left the ring, whilst Gambino looked like he knew he let a big chance slip through his fingers.

Backstage there was a surprise as the Starr Brothers joined Kenneth D Williams and let him know that they would be in his corner later on tonight. Darren and Simon both looked pretty beat up still from the attack from Curtis Knight and Co a few weeks ago, so it remained to be seen how much use they would be, but Kenneth D Williams looked happy!

In the first Championship match of the night, the fans were firmly behind the Southern Boys, as they tried to defeat Blood Money and capture their first sVo gold. The match swung back and forth and it looked like we were going to see new Champions on several occasions. Anthony Moretti was busted open badly in this one and really put the ‘Blood’ into Blood Money, but in the end it was the Champions who pulled out the win and retained the gold.

As Blood Money made their way backstage, it was a little awkward in the Blood Money locker room as Junior Gambino looked dejected with his loss whilst Johnny Moretti looked happy to rub his nose in it. It seems this one is not over yet.

With the Las Vegas & TapOut Championships both on the line in the next match, the Las Vegas crowd were clearly behind Jacob Izaz, with Dallas Jordan getting a lot of heat when making his entrance. Everyone was sure that Izaz was going to be the man to unify the belts, but there was a big sense of shock in the arena as Dallas Jordan pulled out the win! Jordan celebrated with both belts after the match as Izaz slowly made his way backstage looking just as shocked as the rest of the crowd.

Backstage we saw just what William Vorheez’s strategy for the main event was going to be as he and the Black Brothers took out Bobby Dean! The fans were angry about this attack and it looked like Dean was definitely out of action after the beating put on him in this three on one mugging.

Back in the ring it was the showdown between Kenneth D Williams and Darwin Jones, with the crowd favoring Williams but expecting Jones to use his size advantage and pick up the win. Tensions were running high at ringside with the Starr Brothers and Curtis Knight & Athena in opposite corners, and the referee looked worried about keeping order. Darwin Jones took control with his size advantage, but the crowd popped as Kenneth D Williams used his high flying ability to pick up the win! Williams and the Starr Brothers quickly bailed out of the ring to celebrate as the inquest into the defeat began in the ring amongst Jones, Athena and Knight.

It looked like the triple threat match was now going to be down to a single match as we headed backstage before the main event, only for Vorheez and the Black Brothers to attack Night! The fans were angry at seeing two of their favorites taken out with just moments to go until the main event!

It looked like it was down to William Vorheez vs. Big Aug for the main event, with Vorheez looking confident after defeating the Champion in singles action only a few weeks ago. There was nuclear heat from the crowd for Vorheez, but this was matched by the pop for Bobby Dean and then Night who made it to the ring to complete the four way!

The pop might have been even louder as William Vorheez was the first man eliminated from the match up, leaving the three fan favorites to battle it out. There were dualling chants back and forth from the crowd for all three men, and there was a shock as Bobby Dean was eliminated next, with a lot of the crowd thinking it was finally his time to win the sVo Championship, but the big man clearly still suffering from the injuries sustained in the earlier attack.

With Night and Big Aug the last two men standing, you could tell that Big Aug wasn’t too happy with the reaction that Night was getting, with a lot of fans willing him to win his first sVo Championship in over ten years. Night got some near falls, before Big Aug used his power to overcome Night who was still struggling after the pre match attack! In the end that advantage was too much, as Big Aug pulled out the win to retain his Championship! After the match the fans were firmly behind Big Aug as he celebrated in the ring and was joined by BIG Trouble as the PPV went off the air.

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