Segment – Bobby Dean & August Lazar

The opening segment hyped the main event of the upcoming Roll the Dice PPV. Bobby Dean explained to the crowd that we was going to finally win the sVo Championship and got a good reaction from the crowd, before being interrupted by the Champion who also got a good reaction from the crowd. The Las Vegas fans seem excited for this upcoming PPV main event. The segment ended with a stare down.

SINGLE MATCH – Alissia Young vs. El Froggo

Alissia Young was the big favourite for this match, but hasn’t ever got back to form after losing the TapOut Championship and was surprisingly defeated by El Froggo. The fans were firmly behind El Froggo, so were more than happy with the outcome of this one. An exciting back and forth match between two technicians.

4.3 out of 5 Stars – El Froggo wins

Segment – El Froggo throws out a Challenge.

After the match El Froggo got on the mic and issued a challenge to Dallas Jordan the Las Vegas Champion. El Froggo doesn’t seem to have a good enough win loss record to challenge for the Las Vegas Championship, and Jordan turned him down, before attacking him along with Patriot Act. There was a lot of heat for Jordan and Patriot Act as El Froggo had to be helped to the back during the commercial break.

TAG TEAM MATCH – BIG Trouble vs. The Starr Brothers

Both of these teams are fan favourites and got good reactions, but both needed the win to make sure they don’t get lost in the shuffle of the tag team division, and it showed. Both teams were desperate for the three, but in the end it was the Starr Brothers who picked up the three. A really exciting match, but I’m not sure where this leaves BIG Trouble now after nearly challenging for the Tag Team Championships only a few months ago.

4.6 out of 5 Stars – Starr Bros win

Segment – Patriot Act Cash in

Backstage Dallas Jordan and the Patriot Act sucked up to Amy Page before securing themselves a tag team title match. It looks like we are getting Blood Money vs. Patriot Act at the upcoming PPV.


Up next it was Rick Reid defending his Roulette Championship against JVD. The fans booed loudly for Rick Reid, but JVD got a bit of a mixed reaction. Its hard to believe that JVD once headlined an Ultimate Victory PPV against Night, he must have one of the worst win losses in the sVo now. Rick Reid won a very one sided match easily.

3.5 out of 5 Stars – Rick Reid wins

Segment – The Southern Boys vs MVW

Next up in a backstage attack we hear from the Alabama Gang from MVW (who we saw defeat the Canadian Connection in a PWA match a few months ago on Showdown) who accepted the Southern Boys challenge before beating them down backstage! It looks like this one is heading to a big blow off match at the PWA super show.

Segment – Blood Money

We head backstage again and this time catch up with Blood Money, and it seems there are big problems in the most dominant group in the sVo. Johnny Moretti seems to have gotten too big for his boots and is clearly bullying Junior Gambino, it remains to be seen if the rest of Blood Money are going to stand for Johnny Moretti’s attitude, with Anthony Moretti managing to stop all out war and saying that he will sort it. It remains to be seen which direction this will go in.

TAG TEAM MATCH – British Hospitality vs. The Canadian Connection

Next was two more teams trying not to get lost in the shuffle, as British Hospitality took on the Canadian Connection. The Connection were once great tag team champions and clearly want to get back to that position. They managed to pick up the win in this back and forth contest.

4.2 out of 5 stars – Canadian Connection win

Segment – Gunner Lang responds to Carny

We head backstage and Gunner Lang catches up with Katie Smith to respond to Carny Sinclair’s promo from last Showdown. Gunner challenges Carny to a fight on the next episode of Showdown…..

SINGLE MATCH – Hiro Ryuu vs. Johnny Moretti

Hiro Ryuu and Johnny Moretti did battle next, but Moretti easily dominated this one sided match and the crowd were not too impressed. Ryuu didn’t manage to put up much of a fight in this one which was disappointing.

3.4 out of 5 stars – Johnny Moretti wins

Segment – Kenny Promo About Vorheez

Once again backstage with Katie Smith, and this time it was Kenny Williams in the interview pit. Williams talked about his last two losses in the main events, before going back to challenge William Vorheez for the PPV, pinpointing that loss a year ago as where things all started going wrong. Interesting move, but will be a big win for Williams as he looks to break into the main event if he can finally knock off a legend like William Vorheez.

MAIN EVENT – Night vs. Bronson Johnson

In the main event of the night it was Night who picked up the win, as he was always going to against Bronson Johnson. The hall of famer was super over with the Las Vegas crowd, as he pulled out his impressive moves. Night never looked in trouble too much in this battle.

4 out of 5 stars – Night wins

Segment – Ryzing Attacks Night

It seemed like the fans were going to go home happy with the win for Night, but it wasn’t to be with Hugo Ryzing jumping out of the crowd to attack the hall of famer! Ryzing did warn last time that he would start taking out the sVo’s top stars if he wasn’t used, and it looks like he has started with the biggest star! The attack from Ryzing was pretty brutal, with security unable to help Night until Ryzing felt like stopping. This should be a big PPV match that could make Hugo Ryzing a big star if he can win against a legend like Night.

Match of the NightBIG Trouble vs. The Starr Brothers at 4.6 stars

MVP of the NightDallas Jordan for putting down a challenger in El Froggo and securing a Tag Team Championship match for Patriot Act.

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