The card for tomorrow nights sVo Uprising 24 show has been released today, and the main event will see Blood Money take on the Starr Brothers in tag team action, with the Starr Brothers looking to follow up on their victory over Son and A Gun last week on Showdown 132.

Kyle McRae will also get a chance to follow up his upset victory over Darwin Jones last week by taking on Scott Washington, who as always will have Amy Page in his corner. BIG Trouble are also set to be in action as they take on The Rebel Society in a tag team match. For all this and more, make sure to tune into sVo Uprising 24 tomorrow night!

Opening Match
El Froggo vs. ‘The Relentless’ Clam Idia

Tag Team Match
Big Trouble vs. Rebel Society

Single Match
Scott Washington vs. Kyle McRae

Single Match
Jacob Izaz vs. Cherry Bordeaux

Main Event Tag Team Match
Blood Money vs. The Starr Brothers

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