sVo Showdown Episode #059
24th October 2010
HSBC Arena, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Natural High” by The Union Underground hits the sound system as the sVo Showdown entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Roscoe Shame, Night, Bobby Dean and Grimnir shows some of the best action to have ever taken place on the flagship show of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd such as “Shame > Lesner”, “I’m CCXX” & “TAP, TAP, TAP!” as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.

LAST WEEK ON SHOWDOWN #57In the main event #1 contender Bobby Dean got involved which led to Grimnir scoring a victory over sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame…..

Back in the ring Roscoe Shame still looks as if he is out cold from the shot to the head from the brass kuckles from BBD, as well as the massive ‘Masked Justice’ superkick from Grimnir. The cheers for Grimnir’s victory soon turn to boos as a familiar sight rolls back into the ring.


Bobby Dean makes his way over and talks trash to the downed Roscoe Shame, his former tag team partner and former best friend who he will meet at Roll the Dice 2010 for the World Heavyweight Championship belt. The crowd continue to loudly boo Bobby Dean as he grabs hold of Shame’s World title belt, and holds it high above his head as if it was his own, and the match at the Roll the Dice PPV is nothing but a formality. Bobby Dean seems to get lost in the moment as he jumps up onto the turnbuckle and celebrates as if he has just won the match and the sVo title….. and doesn’t even notice as Roscoe Shame begins to rise to his feet behind him!

The cheers from the fans alert Bobby Dean to the fact that something is not right, but as he jumps down from the turn-buckle and turns around he is caught in the midsection with a big kick from an angry looking Roscoe Shame. The fans cheer as Roscoe Shame once again position’s BBD for the banned ‘Shame Time’, but this time there is no counters and no brass knuckles, as he hauls the #1 contender into the air before drilling him down to the mat with the huge jackknife powerbomb!BACKSTAGE

ARRIVALRoscoe Shame and agent Jeremiah Sloan are seen getting out of a black sedan outside the Goodfellas Arena. The driver hands Roscoe his bag as he and his agent make their way to the back entrance. As the two men near the entrance, three men in all black suits and sunglasses approach them. One of the men puts his hand out in front of Shame in an effort to stop him.

“What in the hell do you think you are doing?” Roscoe asks the man.

“You have been banned from the arena tonight Mr. Shame” the man answers.

Roscoe looks over at Sloan with an incredulous look, “Says who?” he asks the man without looking.

“Mr. Anderson. ….I will ask that you please leave quietly.”

Roscoe walks back to the car with Jeremiah hot on his trail. Shame slings his bag in the backseat and gets in.

“Take some time to cool off Roscoe, I will go and talk with Anderson” Sloan says, leaning against the door.

“Go ahead and do that, but I just thought of an idea.”

Roscoe quickly shuts the door leaving Sloan in the parking lot wondering what his client was about to do.BACKSTAGE

NEW TO THE GAMEMatt Anderson sits behind his immaculate desk, which must cost the company a fortune to transport around the world. He is busying himself with paperwork on his desk when new sVo signee, Alex Brooks bursts through his office door. Anderson is startled from his paperwork.

Mr. Anderson: Wha…

The young, enthusiastic Brooks cuts Mr. Anderson off.

Brooks: I know your busy Mr. Anderson and I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to say thankyou for giving me a chance to compete in Sanctioned Violence Organisation and thankyou for flying me down to Brazil for this match. Thankyou again. I have to go my match with Luscious is up very soon, so I need to get ready.

Brooks hurriedly grabs Mr. Anderson’s hand and shakes it rapidly. He leaves Anderson’s office as quick as he entered. Anderson lets the moment wash over him and returns to fussing over his paperwork.
“California Love” by 2Pac hits the sound system as sVo newcomer Luscious slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. The man from El Paso, Texas looks to have a spring in his step as the lucha libra styled wrestling rolls into the ring, before bouncing off of the ring ropes to warm up. Luscious taunts to the fans and gets a mixed reaction as his theme music begins to die down.

Jukebox Hero kicks in over the arena sound system and the fans give a mixed reaction to a another sVo newcomer! After a few seconds Alex Brooks busts out onto the stage and looks at the crowd for a couple of seconds before running down the aisle, slapping hands with as many fans as possible. The fans cheer on the man from Aurora, Colorado as he climbs quickly into the ring, before climbing up the nearest turnbuckle to taunt to the fans.

The fans look excited for the first match of the evening which will be contested by two of the sVo’s newest stars. With both men quick paced wrestlers, tonight’s Showdown could be off to a flyer! Alex Brooks and Luscious circle around each other as the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one to get underway. Both newcomers dive forward and tie up at roughly the same time. The both try and push each other backwards in a test of strength, and Alex Brooks looks to be winning until Luscious grabs hold of his wrist and twists it behind his back. Alex Brooks tries to twist out of the hold, but Luscious keeps hold of his wrist before slamming his elbow into the shoulder of his opponent. Brooks stumbles forward in pain, but as he does Luscious runs to the ring ropes, and bounces back before knocking down Brooks with a cross body takedown!

Luscious rolls the move through and begins to hammer away on his opponent with some big mounted punches. The fans continue to give a mixed reaction to the two newcomers, as Alex Brooks pushes Luscious off and rolls to his feet. Alex Brooks runs at Luscious trying to connect with a clothesline, however Luscious ducks under the arm of Brooks, before spinning around to nail a heel kick to the face of his opponent. Alex Brooks staggers away holding his face in pain, but Luscious quickly continues with the offence by running at his opponent and taking him down to the mat with an impressive spinning neckbreaker! The fans cheer for the big move from Luscious, however the newcomer isn’t down yet as he jumps into the nearby ropes before lionsaulting back onto the body of Alex Brooks.

Luscious staggers up to his feet holding his ribs after the high impact move, as Alex Brooks rolls around the canvas in agony. Alex Brooks slowly gets to his feet, but Luscious is quickly onto his opponent with a huricanrana into a cover!




Alex Brooks manages to get his shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted, and the battle of the two newcomers continues! Alex Brooks slowly rises to his feet, a lot of energy expended after that kickout, and gets a stiff chop across the chest from Luscious for his actions. The move stuns Alex Brooks as he staggers back into the corner of the ring. Luscious repeats the chop across the chest in the corner of the ring, before stomping Alex Brooks down into a seated position! With Brooks down in the corner of the ring, Luscious slowly makes his way to the opposite corner, before running at Brooks and looking for the bronco buster in the corner!

However Alex Brooks manages to roll out of the way just in time, and Luscious jumps straight into the ropes! Luscious staggers back up to his feet after the mis-firing move, but he is quickly taken straight back down to the mat by Alex Brooks with a reverse DDT! With Luscious down on the mat, Alex Brooks quickly locks on an arm bar submission hold on his opponent to try and wear him down.

Luscious quickly manages to get to the ropes from the arm bar submission, but the damage looks to have already been done as he staggers to his feet holding his arm in pain. Brooks goes straight back to work on that injured arm with an arm bar takedown, before stomping away on the arm as Luscious lays on the mat. The fans begin to cheer to Alex Brooks as Luscious rises up to a standing position, only for Alex Brooks to knock him down with a big dropkick to the face!

The momentum seems to be with Alex Brooks as he rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans. Brooks quickly jumps up to the top rope and looks down at Luscious who is laying on the mat in obvious pain. The newcomer Alex Brooks quickly takes advantage of the situation by launching himself from the top rope and landing a backflip splash onto Luscious! The fans cheer for the high flying move as Alex Brooks makes the cover on his opponent.





Everyone in the arena thought it was over after that high flying move from the newcomer, but somehow Luscious manages to get his shoulders up off of the mat before the three could be counted! Alex Brooks staggers up to his feet holding his midsection in pain after the high flying offence. Alex Brooks pulls Luscious up to his feet and hits him with some stiff elbow smashes to the face, before throwing him hard into the ring ropes. Luscious bounces back, but manages to duck under the axe kick from Brooks! Luscious bounces into the opposite ring ropes, before returning with a double axe handle smash to the face of Brooks!

Brooks drops down to the mat after the big move from Luscious, who struggles back to his feet. Luscious pulls Alex Brooks up and locks him in a front face lock, before taking him down to the mat with a big vertical suplex. With Alex Brooks down on the mat on his back, Luscious points to the top rope and signals that he is ready for his own high flying move! Luscious slowly makes his way to the corner of the ring and begins to climb the ropes to reach the turnbuckle. With Luscious on the top rope, he begins to taunt to the fans, but seems to take too long about it as Alex Brooks rises back up to his feet!

The fans cheer as Alex Brooks runs over and catches Luscious off guard by nailing him with a massive DDT from the top rope! The fans cheer for the big move from the new sVo star, who wastes no time in rolling over his opponent and hooking Luscious’ leg for the cover!




This one is all over, and it’s Alex Brooks who picks up a massive first win in the sVo over fellow newcomer Luscious! Alex Brooks slowly rises up to his feet, obviously still in pain, and has his hand raised in victory by the referee as “Jukebox Hero” blasts over the sound system. The fans cheer the impressive Alex Brooks as he continues to celebrate his first victory in the sVo ring.

OUTCOME: Alex Brooks defeats Luscious via pinfall


BULLSHITThe scene cuts backstage to Jeremiah Sloan entering the office of Mr. Anderson. The man sits behind his desk with his patent suit adorning his self. A smirk is smeared across his face. Sloan sits down in a chair across from the man in charge.

“We need to talk Anderson.” Sloan demands.

“I don’t take kindly to people coming into my office and demanding things of me.” Anderson shoots back. Not paying any attention to what Anderson said, “Why is Roscoe banned from the building?” he asks.

The smirk grows even bigger on his face, “If you think back to last week Shame was banned from using the Shame Time move. However he used that very move on one Bobby Dean. Therefore he broke the rules which have resulted in him being banned from the building tonight.”

“That’s a bunch of bullshit and you know it Anderson” Jay says with fury.

“It may be, but I make the rules.”

An angry Jeremiah rises to his feet and storms out of Mr. Anderson’s office.BACKSTAGE

STAND UP FOR THE sVoThe scene heads backstage to the Showdown interview area where Tamara Boyd is standing by with one half of the current sVo Tag Team Champions, Joseph Equinox. Equinox has shades on cover his eyes, but proudly displays the sVo Tag Team Championship belt on his shoulder, the third belt he has held in his sVo history after having reigns with the Las Vegas Championship and the Hardcore Championship in the past.

Tamara Boyd: “It has been a rollercoaster few weeks for you after making a suprise return to the sVo. First you won the sVo Tag Team Championship belts in your first week back, but then you lost to Eddie Sinclair in singles action last week. How does it feel to be back in the sVo?”

A replay of Equinox holding the sVo Tag Team Championship belt high in the air in his first week, and being cheated out of victory by Eddie Sinclair last week is shown as Equinox answers the question.

Joseph Equinox: “The sVo is my home so it’s always great to be back… but there is something not right, and that something is called the Company.”

There is a big cheer from the fans at ringside watching the interview on the Violence-Tron.

Joseph Equinox: “When I left the sVo we knew of the Company, but we didn’t know what they were all about. It seems I come back a few months later and we still don’t know what they are all about, apart from the fact they are bad for business. The Company doesn’t care about the fans and it doesn’t care about everything the sVo stands for! All they care about is money and ratings!”

Tamara Boyd: “Are you not worried they might come after you with statements like this?”

Joseph Equinox: “Not one bit! So far since being here the Company have shown they will do whatever it takes to get things there way. Things like murder, extortion, kidnapping, sneak attacks, bribes, fixing title matches… the list goes on! I am not the only guy unhappy about the way things are going around here, if they want to come after me, then maybe we will give them the war they are looking for!”

Joseph Equinox nods his head, before slowing making his way away from the area, without giving Boyd the chance to even ask him about being involved in tonight’s main event!
‘Headstrong’ by Trapt starts to blast over the sound system as DVD appears at the top of the ramp to cheers from the crowd. He marches towards the ring however Raven suddenly emerges from backstage! Raven knocks DVD down to the ramp with an axe handle, kicking him into the guard rail before seizing the rail and driving his knee into DVD’s face over and over again! Raven then seizes DVD and pulls him towards the ring, sliding him in underneath the bottom rope. Raven follows, and the referee calls for the bell to be rung to get this match underway.

Raven doesn’t bother for any flashy moves; he dives on top of DVD, his arms flailing as he delivers blow after blow after blow. DVD tries to mount an offense in vain, reduced mostly to hunching over in an attempt to avoid the punches. Raven grabs him underneath both arms and pulls him to his feet, whipping him into the corner before delivering a knife-edge chop.

DVD screams in pain and slumps forwards, however Raven pushes him back into the corner. DVD leans against the ropes as Raven backs away, only to charge forward and drive his shoulder into DVD’s stomach! DVD falls down onto his knees, one arm clutching his midsection, as Raven climbs up onto the second rope. Raven flies forward, hitting a neck snap and sending DVD reeling back in pain.

Raven climbs to his feet and shrugs off his leather jacket, tossing it to ringside as he waits for DVD to climb to his feet. DVD manages to stand up straight and Raven once again attempts to seize him, however DVD manages to initiate a lock up. Both men struggle for control however it is DVD that comes out on top as he executes a go-behind and follows up with a leg sweep, knocking Raven down to the ground. DVD then hits a huge knee drop, causing Raven to writhe in pain clutching in face before eating another charging knee strike, sending him tumbling out of the ring to ringside.

DVD attempts to gather himself as Raven climbs back into the ring, immediately running forward and dishing out some punishment with his knees. He whips Raven into the ropes, only to be met with a clothesline on the rebound, knocking him down. Raven is immediately on top of the situation, locking in a rear chinlock. DVD struggles, desperately reaching for the bottom rope in an attempt to escape.

Raven pulls him away and he screams in pain, his hand twitching as he contemplates tapping out. Somehow, he manages to find a reserve of strength that enables him to get up on one knee before driving his elbow back into Raven’s gut, forcing him to back away. DVD climbs to his feet and turns around, dishing out several jabs before following up with a discus elbow. Raven staggers backwards and DVD kicks him in the midsection before connecting with swinging DDT. DVD attempts to pin Raven!




Raven barely manages to get his shoulder up in time to kick out of the pin! He rolls away, looking a little stunned at DVD’s comeback from his earlier beating. DVD rolls to his feet and moves towards Raven, both men locking up once again. Raven comes out on top this time, raking DVD’s eyes. DVD clutches at his face while Raven backs away, only to suddenly run forward and knock DVD down with a bicycle kick! The crowd boos as Raven climbs to the top rope and flies with the Raven Time Bomb, connecting with DVD! Raven covers!




Raven rolls away having managed to pull out the victory for The Corporation tonight! He rolls out of the ring clutching his ribs, one arm raised in victory, as DVD attempts to regain his senses following the bicycle kick. ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool blasts over the PA as Raven makes his way backstage.

OUTCOME: Raven defeats DVD via pinfallBACKSTAGE

ALL MINESitting on a stool sat Katie Smith with Colt Cooper sitting on the opposite side of her. Tonight Colt requested that he holds an interview to elaborate on some things. He’s dressed in a white v-neck t-shirt with some blue Levi jeans. His wrestling boots on instead of some casual shoes. The cameras begin to roll and Katie gets the interview going.

Katie Smith: “I’m Katie Smith and tonight I have a special interview with no other than “Star Studded” Colt Cooper. Colt has been making shock waves in the sVo since joining. Only collecting two loses and eleven wins. Now at the Roll The Dice PPV he’s set to take on Ray Rosario in a International and Tag Team title’s match. Colt your thoughts on all of this.”

Colt: “Katie…you’re right. I have been making shock waves, but I haven’t been the greatest I can be. Somewhere in those two loses I knew that deep down if I would’ve put more into the match then I would’ve came out victorious. Though, since my last defeat I’ve been consistent, and have once again produced a streak that I like to call on my way to roll the dice. I’m very excited to get to Roll The Dice where I will become a one time sVo International Champion.”

The thoughts of the International and Tag Team Title around Colt’s waist is the only image he can see right now.

Katie: “Tonight you are set to square off in the main event against Eddie Sinclair, Nightmare, and Night. Your thoughts on that match.”

Colt: “Well I’m excited for one, and extremely happy to be in the main event again, but I got news on Tuesday that I would be having myself a son, and this match is dedicated to him. So me, Nox, and ER losing this match can’t happen. We have to orchestrate this match until the point that we’ve completely wore Night, Nightmare, and Sinclair down. If we can’t do that then we can’t come out with a victory, and my dedication will be nothing but bullshit.”

Katie: “Congratulations on your first child, but I want to know. Where do you believe you rank in the sVo? There’s so much talent here, and sometimes you get the feeling that these rankings are inaccurate with all the talent that’s around you.”

Colt looks up for a second before something utters out from his mouth.

Colt: “I’ve been ranked third in recent weeks, and honestly I think I should be fourth or fifth. Grimnir should be a spot ahead of me, the guy has yet to lose a match. That’s accurate enough, but I do love being ranked in the top three. Should make these talented guys you speak off really look at the talent that I do have. In some sort of way I still feel that the guys around me don’t want to burst out say that Colt Cooper is the brightest young star we have, and until they do I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing, and showing them that not long a picture you thought I had no image in, is now in full color with my image all over it.”

Katie: “So what you’re saying is that you still feel like your underrated to your peers in the sVo?”

Colt: “Yeah, Katie. I mean Roscoe Shame, Bobby Dean, Night. Three guys who these guys love to say are always on top of their games lost to who in one night. Colt Cooper. The Teacher, everyone expects The Teacher to win every night and showcase his skills, but he lost to me also. So yeah, I need more attention. I need to show all of these guys that I’m no joke, I’m nothing to play with, because just like Night, Shame…I will be World Champion some time along in my young career. Claps are being heard from the far end of the camera. Entering the room was Rey Rosario clapping his hands with a smirk on his face.”

Rey: “So little Colt Cooper feels that he’s underrated.”

Rosario positions his International title on his left shoulder.

Rey: “Let me tell you something Colt. I’ve been voted out too much to say that you’re underrated. Who would’ve thought that I would be the one to take the International title off of Bobby Dean? Nobody, but I did, and ever since Battle of Britain I’ve been proving to be a fighting champion. Not you. I have.”

Colt stands from his chair getting face to face with Rosario.

Colt: “A fighting champion? Who have you been facing? Limp, Asesino, and nameless names. If you’re so much of a fighting champion…how come you lost on your first Showdown as International champ? A fighting champion wouldn’t skip a beat, and win every single night. You’ve just been hanging along on a thin rope, but at Roll The Dice that thin rope will finally pop, and you’ll go back to being the pathetic Ray Rosario that we all really know.”

Rey: “You can wish on that. That’s something that I don’t see coming. Just like you didn’t see this coming.”

Instantly Rosario lays Colt out with his International title. He bends down over the battered Colt Cooper whose out unconscious.

Rey: “This title is mines.

He grabs Colt’s Tag Team title from by the stool.

Rey:: And this will be mines too.

He throws the title down on Colt’s chest, and the cameras fade out to Colt Cooper who still hasn’t moved yet.
Coming Soon LIVE from the Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
sVo Roll the Dice 2010
Featuring Roscoe Shame vs. Bobby Dean
For the sVo World Heavyweight Championship
7th November 2010OUTSIDE

DELIVERY: A PERFECT PACKAGEThe scene cuts to a busy parking lot on a dark, but warm, night. The lights of the HSBC Arena reflect brightly on the street.

A group of photographers snap wildly away at a target, nudging and pushing one another away to get a better angle for their shot.

Voice: Hold on, hold on. Let me get into a better position. Now shoot. Stop. Okay, try now. Great, girls step away now. Let ‘Romeo’ get some shots taken on his own.

Two model-like, attractive girls dressed in beautiful dresses release their locked arms from a man standing in between them. He is dressed in a smart black suit, and a pair of shades hiding the eyes behind. As he turns for another pose, it turns out to be ‘Romeo’ Ruster Reno – a former sVo superstar who simply disappeared in 2008. He stops and smiles towards the cameras. He continues to perform several poses for the photographers, having somehow agreed with the photographers to take pictures of him.

Reno: Right ok, enough. Now you guys develop those pictures and send them to me. Ya’ll understand me, right?

They nod.

Reno: Good. So, as agreed, the one who has the best pictures, not that any of them will be bad, will get one-hundred dollars in return. That’s something like, I dunno, two-hundred in Brazil money. Now off you go.

The photographers hurry away excitedly to get their work done as Reno invites the two girls back at his side and arrogantly strolls towards his car.

Girl 1: You don’t want to go inside?

He stops and pauses, glancing at the arena ahead of him. sVo banners are erected all around him, advertising one of the the final events of the World Tour 2010. He slowly removes his glasses, and blinks a few times, adjusting to the vision.

Reno: Nah, think I’ll wait till the big 60, Showdown #60. C’mon, I’ve got a plane to catch.

He enters his car with both girls and drives off into the distance.
“Sinner” by Drowning Pool blasts over the PA system and DJ emerges from behind the curtain, a confident expression on his face as the sVo-Tron plays clips of his in-ring highlights. He marches down to the ring, climbing up the steel stairs and stepping between the ropes before throwing up his arm. The referee quickly checks him for any illegal items before sending him into the corner.

“Headstrong” by Trapt then starts to play, as the crowd directs a hearty chorus of boos towards Asesino as he makes his way down the ramp. He dives into the ring underneath the bottom rope and immediately goes for DJ, getting in his face and talking trash. DJ pushes him away and the referee calls for the bell to get this match underway!

Both DJ and Asesino circle each other before locking up in the middle of the ring. Asesino throws DJ off and strikes out with an uppercut before whipping him into the corner. DJ hits the turnbuckle hard before Asesino runs forward, attempting a corner clothesline. DJ rolls forward and evades the attack, smoothly jumping back to his feet and delivering a knife edge chop to Asesino that resonates around the arena.

Asesino kneels over clutching his chest and DJ backs away against before charging forwards and dropkicking his opponent into the turnbuckle! Asesino slams into the turnbuckle hard, knocking him senseless. In a daze he slides down to the mat and DJ pulls him to his feet and marches him back to the middle of the ring before attempting to lift him up in a suplex attempt. Asesino struggles however and DJ places him back down on the mat, allowing Asesino to suddenly hit a rollup pin!




DJ manages to kick out of the pin barely in time, and Asesino backs away and remains on his hands and knees, re-evaluating his opponent. DJ climbs to his feet and runs at Asesino, jumping over him and rebounding off the ropes before dropkicking Asesino as he climbs to his feet. Asesino staggers backwards and teeters off-balance, until DJ jumps up and dropkicks him again! Asesino falls through the ropes and tumbles to ringside!

DJ wastes to time in running at the ropes, sailing over the top rope and attempting to take Asesino out with a suicide dive. Asesino is back on his feet however and he catches DJ, throwing him forwards and slamming him against the edge of the ring, causing the former multiple time sVo Tag Team Champion to scream in pain. DJ collapses on to his hands and knees and Asesino savagely kicks him in the ribs, knocking him onto the ground. In the ring, the referee starts his count…




Asesino casually kicks DJ again and climbs into the ring, smirking at the referee who continues his count. The crowd starts to rally behind DJ, urging him back to his feet.




DJ stands up, clutching his ribs and he attempts to climbs back into the ring, struggling to lift his leg up onto the canvas…




DJ does it! With a burst of strength he jumps up onto the ring and rolls underneath the bottom rope, barely in the nick of time! The crowd cheers as he immediately goes on the offense, dishing out lefts and rights on his opponent, topping it all off with a spinning kick! DJ drops down and attempts a cover!




Asesino manages to get the shoulder up and DJ pounds the mat in frustration. Both men climb back to their feet and start to trade blows, with DJ managing to get the upper hand with a neat single knee facebreaker. Without hesitating DJ runs to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope, sailing off and connecting with a DJ Splash. Asesino is gone as DJ hooks the shoulder and the referee starts to count the pinfall!




“Sinner” by Drowning Pool resumes playing as DJ climbs to his feet, his arm raised in victory. He climbs out of the ring as Asesino starts to climb to his feet looking stunned at his loss. DJ laughs and walks back up the ramp, disappearing backstage.

OUTCOME: DJ defeats Asesino via pinfallBACKSTAGE

MYSTERY PARTNERThe sVo cameras head backstage to the interview area where the sVo International Champion Rey Rosario is standing by with Katie Smith. Rosario has his International Championship belt strapped over his shoulder, and looks to be in a focused mood as the red head fires questions at him.

Katie Smith: “Rey Rosario, ever since defeating Bobby Dean for the International Championship belt at Battle of Britain 2010 you have shown yourself to be a fighting Champion. Just how long do you think you can keep this run up?”

The Champion looks over the gold that is gleaming on his shoulder before answering the question.

Rey Rosario: “I will keep it up as long as I need to. I am here to restore honour to this Championship belt. It has been held by the likes of Mike Polowy, Psyko Stevo & Roscoe Shame in the past, and they have all gone on to become World Champions. I plan on following in there footsteps.”

Katie Smith: “Colt Cooper earlier stated that your claims of being a fighting champion are null and void due to the level of competitor that you put yourself against. How do you respond to his claims?”

Rey Rosario: “I can only beat what I am put up against. Limp and Asesino were the first in line at my door after I beat Bobby Dean asking for title shots, so they stepped in the ring and got beat down. The same is going to happen to Colt Cooper at Roll the Dice… Just as it happened to him earlier tonight.”

The International Champion smirks whilst thinking back to his earlier attack on Colt Cooper whilst he was being interviewed by Katie Smith.

Katie Smith: “I have it on good authority that Colt Cooper is fuming after that attack earlier in the night. With him being keen to step up and prove himself as a major player in the sVo, don’t you fear a response from him tonight?”

Rey Rosario: “If Colt Cooper thinks he can get back at me tonight then he knows exactly where to find me. Colt Cooper knows just how much of a star maker this International Championship belt is, which is exactly why he wants it so bad. Only problem is that it’s with the best in the business right now. So come Roll the Dice 2010 I am not only going to show Colt Cooper he deserves no place at the top of the sVo, I am going to take his Tag Team titles as well for good measure.”

Katie Smith: “Well Cooper and Equinox’s Tag Team titles will be on the line in your match at Roll the Dice, but the world is waiting to hear on just who your partner will be in that match up…”

The International Champion smiles down at Katie Smith.

Rey Rosario: “As a matter of fact my partner is here in the building tonight, and is looking forward to taking care of a little business of his own! Now if you don’t mind, I got a belt to go and defend!”

Katie Smith: “There you have it folks, Rosario’s tag team partner is in the building tonight! But will Rosario even make it to Roll the Dice with the belt with a two out of three falls match for the International Championship match against Limp… Coming up next!”

Katie Smith smiles to the camera as the scene fades out.BACKSTAGE

NOT DEAD YETThe camera cuts to the back where Grimnir is in some undisclosed location deep inside of the bowels of the arena. He looks at the camera, cradling his Las Vegas title like a mother would cradle her child and cooing slightly. He starts to talk, never acknowledging the camera crew filming him.

Grimnir: You know, I have been through so much in my time here at sVo. I have moved up the charts, I have beaten the number one contender and the World champ in the center of the ring and I have faced off against some of the greats this company has ever seen. You would think that would get me some sort of recognition.

Grimnir places the title down and starts slamming his fist against the large metal tube that runs throughout the boiler room, causing the slams to echo like thunder in an otherwise grave like structure. He squeals with anger and frustration as he glares at the ceiling, slightly rocking back and forth.

Grimnir: You see, I still have to put up with assholes like JVD and Zarathustra. They think that they can take what is mine away from me? They think that they can play their head games, make me think that I am not so important? That I shouldn’t even be the Las Vegas champion any longer? They squabble like vultures over who is going to get the prime cut of meat from my already rotting carcass!? I am not dead yet!

He bolts up and races over to the camera, grabbing it and shaking it before throwing it to the ground and shattering the lens. The visual feed from the camera cuts out but the audio can still be heard.


Grimnir’s squeals can be heard fading off into the distance before everything goes quiet.
Boos ring out around the arena as ‘Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system and the former sVo Tag Team Champion Limp slowly walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp. The veteran Limp taunts to the crowd at the top of the ramp as fireworks shoot up into the air behind them. Limp slowly walks down the entrance ramp staring down the fans along the entrance ramp who shout abuse at him. Limp rolls into the sVo ring, before making his way to opposite corners of the ring to taunt to the fans.

“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as the sVo International Champion Rey Rosario comes out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Rosario enters underneath the bottom rope and sits down on the corner holding up his title belt, awaiting the match to start.

The fans cheer as the referee holds the sVo International Championship belt high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s two out of three falls match between Limp and the sVo International Champion Rey Rosario! The fighting Champion Rey Rosario, who has fought every week since defeating Bobby Dean for the title at Battle of Britain 2010, warms up in his corner of the ring as Limp stares across at his opponent. The referee hands the title belt to the outside of the ring before calling for the bell to be rung, and the first fall of this match to get underway!

Limp and Rosario begin to circle around each other in the middle of the ring, before diving forward and tying up. Rosario quickly uses his strength to force Limp back into the corner of the ring, however the referee quickly calls for a rope break. Rosario pushes Limp backwards for a few more seconds, before breaking the hold so as not to get disqualified. Rosario moves backwards, before throwing a big right hand in the direction of his opponent. Limp ducks out of the way of Rosario’s punch, and quickly opens up on the sVo International Champion with some big punches of his own. Rosario is forced backwards by Limp’s right hands, before Limp takes him down to the mat with a double leg sweep.

The fans boo the actions from Limp as he lays into his opponent with some big mounted punches, before Rosario is able to force his way back up to a standing position. Limp runs at Rosario, however Rosario nails Limp with a knee to the midsection before grabbing him in a waist lock. Rosario tries to take Limp down to the mat with a German suplex, however Limp manages to block the hold, before taking down his opponent with a snapmare takedown. The crowd continue to boo Limp as he takes a few steps back, before running and nailing Rosario in the back with a massive boot!

Rosario looks in serious pain as Limp continues to work away on the back of his opponent, by pulling Rosario up to a standing position, before dropping him down to the mat with a backbreaker. Limp then takes advantage of Rosario being down on the mat by running into the ropes, and landing a diving elbow onto his opponent. With the International Champion down and hurting, Limp quickly hooks the leg and makes the cover!




The fans cheer as Rosario gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee! Limp doesn’t look too happy as he grabs hold of Rosario’s head and begins to lay into the International Champion with some massive punches to try and bust him open! Rosario manages to battle his way up to a standing position, but before he can mount any offence, Limp takes him down to the mat with a side Russian legsweep! With Rosario down on the mat, Limp grabs hold of his legs and locks in a Texas cloverleaf submission hold!

Rosario screams out in pain at being locked in the painful move, and the Champion desperately tries to make it over to the ring ropes to force a rope break. However Limp keeps the pressure applied on the hold, trying to injure the legs and lower back of the International Champion! Rosario desperately tries to make it to the ropes with one last big effort, however just as it looks as if he is going to make it, Limp pulls him right back into the middle of the ring! The fans boo loudly as Limp screams out as he keeps the hold applied, but with two falls left after this one, Rosario has a decision to make! Either submit now and try and win the next two falls, or keep trying to escape from the hold and risk injury and ultimately end up losing the match?



The fans boo loudly as Rosario is forced to tap out to the painful submission hold that Limp has applied to him. The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the first fall in this three falls match is awarded to the challenger Limp!

The referee demands that Limp breaks the hold, but as he does he goes straight back to work on Rosario’s lower back with some more stiff stomps to the Champion! With Rosario in pain, Limp once again tries to lock in the Texas cloverleaf submission hold! More boos ring out around the arena from the fans that know that if Limp gets the move locked on here, we will have a new sVo International Champion! Limp continues to try and lock the move in, until Rosario is able to gather up enough strength to kick his opponent away! The fans cheer Rosario as he struggles up to a standing position, but as he does Limp runs at him looking for a clothesline. Rosario ducks under the clothesline from Limp and bounces into the opposite ring ropes, but as he returns to the middle of the ring he and Limp both nail each other with clotheslines, taking each other down to the mat simultaneously!

Both men are down on the mat and hurting from the double clothesline, as the fans begin to chant for Rosario. The referee begins to check on the status of both men, until suddenly…





The crowd pop as the sVo Tag Team Champion, and #1 contender for the sVo International Championship belt, Colt Cooper makes his way down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in his hands! Colt Cooper holds the chair above his head and seems to be trash talking as he slowly makes his way down to the ring and climbs in! The referee warns him not to, but Colt Cooper ignores him as he runs forward and smashes the steel chair in the face of Rey Rosario as he tries to get up off of the mat!

The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung as Colt Cooper throws the chair down on the floor and taunts to the crowd, before making his way out of the ringside area! The fans cheer for Cooper, as the camera pans in on Rosario who has been busted wide open by that chair shot. Limp begins to rise to his feet in protest, but due to a disqualification due to outside interference, the second fall has been awarded to sVo International Champion Rey Rosario! The referee shrugs his shoulders at Limp to show there is nothing he can do, but Limp tries to take advantage of the situation by quickly jumping down onto Rey Rosario to make the cover…



We’re going to have a new sVo International Champion…


The fans cheer as Rosario’s shoulder shoots up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Limp looks distraught at the decision as he rises up to his feet and kicks the ring ropes in frustration! Limp stands in the corner of the ring shouting at the sVo International Champion to get to his feet. The fans boo Limp as he taunts for his finishing move in the corner of the ring, as the bloodied Rey Rosario slowly pulls himself up to a standing position. Limp runs at Rey Rosario, but before he can do anything Rosario cuts Limp off with a kick to the midsection. The fans pop as the fighting Champion Rey Rosario lands ‘Rey’s DDT’ onto Limp! The bloodied Rosario slowly crawls across and drapes an arm over his opponent.




This one is all over! The fans cheer as “Last Resort” hits the sound system again, with the final fall and match going to the current sVo International Champion Rey Rosario! The bloodied Rosario slowly rises up to his feet and is handed the sVo International Championship belt by the referee, which he holds high in the air! With Colt Cooper nailing Rosario with a chair, did he mean to help him win the fall so that the pair would still meet at Roll the Dice 2010 on the 7th of November?

OUTCOME: Rey Rosario defeats Limp (2-1)RINGSIDE

THE BATTLELINES HAVE BEEN DRAWNRey Rosario continues to celebrate his victory in the ring by holding his sVo International title bely high above his head. Behind the Champion, Limp slowly begins to rise up to his feet and realisation kicks in that he has lost the match. The cheers from the fans soon turn into boos as “Headstrong” hits the sound system, and Limp’s two ‘Xtreme Fusion’ team mates Asesino and DVD sprint down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Rey Rosario readies himself from an attack from the pair, but as they stare at him from outside the ring, Limp knocks down the International Champion from behind! DVD and Asesino quickly rolls into the ring and the three members of Xtreme Fusion continue to stomp away on Rey Rosario!

Boos ring out around the arena followed by chants of ‘Rosario, Rosario, Rosario’ from the fans, but the sVo International Champion looks powerless to defend himself against the three on one beatdown.

You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner

Suddenly there is a huge cheer from the fans as “Sinner” blasts over the sound system and DJ, Raven and Juliana Torres rush down the entrance ramp! The three members of the Corporation quickly run towards the ring, however Xtreme Fusion see them coming, and quickly jump out of the ring as the Corporation slides in! Xtreme Fusion quickly make there escape through the crowd, with the Corporation in hot pursuit! These two teams will meet at Roll the Dice 2010 in a six person tag team elimination match on the 7th of November in Las Vegas Nevada!


TAP, TAP, TAP!As sVo Showdown #59 returns from the commercial break, nearly every fan in the arena rises up to their feet in unison to boo as ‘Real Solution #9’ by White Zombie blasts over the sound system, and the man from Miami Florida, Matt ‘Anarchy’ Anderson steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp. The sVo manager looks around at the fans in the arena baying for his blood, and soaks up the atmosphere at the top of the entrance ramp for a few seconds. Anderson is as always dressed in a smart suit with his trademark black wraparound sunglasses on his face. However tonight Anderson has another part of his outfit on proud display, a gold Championship belt that sits proudly on his left shoulder.

Anderson slowly struts down the entrance ramp towards the ring, with the fans either side of him shouting abuse at the Company man who came in and took control from President Paige All-Star all those months ago. Anderson takes his time in stepping up the steel ring steps, before climbing into the ring. Anderson’s music dies down, but the boos don’t as he is handed a microphone from the ring announcer.

Matt Anderson: “Ladies and Gentle….”

‘Anarchy’ Anderson’s voice is drowned out by boos from the fans, something that the former DW World Heavyweight Champion from 2001 doesn’t look too pleased about.

Matt Anderson: “Ladies and gentlemen, over the past few weeks there has been vicious rumours circulating that my time as the head of the sVo is coming to an end, and that the Company are looking to replace me….”

There are big cheers from the fans, which only serves to further piss off the boss.

Matt Anderson: “Well I am out here tonight to officially put these rumours to bed! I am here to stay, and I am here to show just why the sVo is at it’s peak right now under my reign as boss! Forget about Jimmy Moretti and Jon Page and the bore-fest that they had with Psyko Stevo and Mike Polowy hogging the spotlight! Forget about President Paige All-Star pushing her own husband into the main events whilst the best superstars were held back!”

The fans cheer for the days gone by of the popular owners and figureheads of the sVo.

Matt Anderson: “This masked man can run around all he wants playing his little mind games, but at the end of the day he doesn’t have the cahones to come out and face me one on one, man on man! He runs around hiding behind his little mask! Tonight we showcase what the sVo is all about! The fact that on any given day, any one wrestler in the back can beat any other! The fact that any wrestler can reach up and grab the spotlight for themselves if they want it bad enough…”

Anderson picks the gold title belt up off of his shoulder and holds it high into the air…

Matt Anderson: “I am out here tonight to oversee the crowning of the first ever sVo Tapout Champion!”

The camera zooms in on the belt that Anderson is holding above his head…

Matt Anderson: “You want to get ahead here in the sVo and get your name out there, then you go out there and find the Champion wherever he may be, and you make him tap! Submission is the only way to get your hands on this prized possession, apart from that ANYTHING GOES!”

There is a cheer from the fans, actually liking what they hear from Anderson for a change.

Matt Anderson: “What better way to crown the first ever sVo Tapout Champion than an open invitational right here tonight! I put the word out all week, if anyone in the world wants to get out here and put there name out there in the sVo, then your time is right now!”

The fans cheer as Anderson drops the mic and slowly makes his way out of the ring to the commentary area to watch the sVo Tapout Championship open invitational match!
Boos ring out around the arena as ‘Headstrong’ by Trapt hits the sound system and the former sVo Tag Team Champion DVD slowly walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp. The veteran DVD taunts to the crowd at the top of the ramp as fireworks shoot up into the air behind them. DVD slowly walks down the entrance ramp staring down the fans along the entrance ramp who shout abuse at him. DVD rolls into the sVo ring, before making his way to opposite corners of the ring to taunt to the fans.

Suddenly ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the fans begin to cheer at the ‘Corporation’ logo flashes onto the V-Tron. Smoke begins to surround the entrance ramp, until a few seconds later the Corporate Lady Juliana Torres steps through it and marches down the entrance ramp. Torres slaps hands with the fans lining the entrance ramp and jogs a circuit of the ring to high five the fans, before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope. The fans continue to cheer the Corporate Lady as she jumps to the nearest turnbuckle and taunts to the crowd.

Matt Anderson watches at ringside with the sVo Tapout Championship over his shoulder as the first two competitors circle around each other in the ring as the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one to get underway! Torres, representing the Corporation, and DVD, representing Xtreme Fusion, both dive forward towards each other, but it is Torres who takes DVD down to the mat with a single leg takedown. Torres quickly tries to lock in an ankle lock on her opponent, however DVD is able to roll through and knock his opponent off with a kick to the face. DVD quickly rises up to his feet, but Torres grabs hold of her in a waist lock as if she is going to hit him with a German suplex. DVD blocks the German suplex, before switching to a waist lock on Torres! With DVD being behind the Corporate Lady, who quickly locks her into a painful abdominal stretch!

The fans boo the move from DVD, who will no doubt be looking to not only eliminate Juliana Torres, but also injure her before the big Corporation/Xtreme Fusion six person tag team match at Roll the Dice 2010 in two weeks! Torres screams out in pain under the abdominal stretch, however as the referee asks her if she would like to quit, she shakes her head! The fans cheer Torres on, as she suddenly counters the move with an impressive hip toss onto her opponent.

DVD slowly rises up to his feet, but Torres quickly goes to work on his opponent with a dropkick to the knee of DVD. With DVD down on the mat, Torres places her foot behind the knee joint of her opponent, before stamping his knee into the mat with authority. DVD shouts out in pain as he holds his knee in agony, but Torres doesn’t seem to be done there as she pulls DVD up to a standing position! Torres throws DVD hard into the corner of the ring, before nailing him with a chop block from behind as he bounces backwards! DVD once again goes down to the mat, and Juliana Torres follows up by bouncing into the ropes then leg dropping DVD across his legs!

With DVD in pain, the fans cheer as Juliana Torres quickly grabs hold of him by the feet, before locking in a figure four leglock! DVD shouts out in agony at the submission move, as Torres applies the pressure harder to try and get DVD to tap! DVD tries desperatly to fight his way out of the hold, but Torres seems to have it locked in tight! The referee asks DVD if he would like to submit, however he shakes his head, before rolling over onto his front with one last piece of strength, reversing the pain onto the legs of Torres!

The fans begin to loudly boo, as now it’s Juliana Torres’ turn to shout out in agony! DVD looks to be enjoying the moment, until suddenly Torres flips the move backround, applying the pressure back onto DVD! DVD shouts out in agony, and after a few seconds has no choice but to…


The fans cheer as Xtreme Fusion’s DVD has been eliminated from the match by Juliana Torres! Torres breaks the hold and DVD is helped from the ring by the referee, as Juliana Torres regroups in the corner of the ring and awaits the arrival of her next opponent…

Ugly by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and it looks as if business is about to pick up as the monster El Locon makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring! Juliana Torres readies herself for the attack as El Locon rolls into the ring and runs at his opponent. Juliana Torres ducks under the arm of El Locon, and bounces into the ropes herself before returning to hit a flying forearm smash onto her opponent! The move knocks El Locon down, and Torres quickly tries to apply the figure four leg lock which was so successful against DVD!

However El Locon is able to quickly fight his way out of the hold with big punches to the face of Torres, before rising up to his feet. El Locon grabs hold of Torres by the arm and throws her hard into the ring ropes. Torres bounces back into the middle of the ring, and is then knocked down to the mat with a big boot to the face from El Locon. El Locon grabs hold of Torres by the hair and forces her up to her feet, before grabbing her in a side head lock. Torres bravely fights out of the side head lock with some stiff punches to the kidney on El Locon, before leaping onto the monsters back and applying a sleeper hold!

The fans cheer as El Locon tries to shake off Torres, but the Corporate Lady holds on tight and soon El Locon begins to fade under the pressure of the sleeper hold. The referee asks El Locon if he would like to quit as he fades down to his knees, and a smile grows over the face of Torres as she knows she might eliminate another opponent right here! It looks as if El Locon is fading fast as the referee grabs his arm and holds it into the air, only for it to fall down by his side. The referee repeats the move, but once again El Locon’s arm drops down! The referee grabs hold of El Locon’s arm, if it drops down again then he will be eliminated from the match!

The referee drops El Locon’s arm, but before it drops down it shoots back up into the air! Torres looks worried as El Locon rises up to his feet, before falling backwards onto Torres! Torres staggers up to her feet looking like she has had the wind driven out of her, but goes straight back to work on the groggy El Locon with some stiff elbow shots to the face! Torres grabs hold of El Locon in a front face lock looking for a suplex, but El Locon counters with a front face suplex onto his opponent! The crowd boo as El Locon quickly grabs hold of Torres and locks on a crucifix kneebar on the Corporate Lady! Torres bravely tries to struggle out of the hold, however after a few seconds she has no choice but to…


The monster El Locon rises to his feet and stands tall in the middle of the ring as he awaits the arrival of the next person in the submission elimination match! Will anyone be able to stop him?

Forsaken – Skillet hits the sound system and the fans cheer as Ethan Rider rushes down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring. Ethan Rider goes right after El Locon, spearing him down to the mat before laying into him with some big mounted punches. El Locon quickly pushes Rider off of him and rises up to his feet. Rider nails El Locon with a knee to the face, before bouncing into the ropes for extra momentum. Rider runs back at El Locon, however the monster takes him down with a big powerslam!

Ethan Rider looks in pain as he rolls to the outside of the ring to escape El Locon. El Locon the monster stands tall in the middle of the ring looking down at his opponent, as Rider staggers around holding the back of his head in pain. The fans cheer as Rider grabs hold of a steel chair from ringside, before climbing back into the ring. El Locon runs at Rider looking for a big boot, however Rider dodges out of the way of El Locon’s size 14, before turning to smash the steel chair over his head! The fans cheer for the sick chair shot, which is perfectly legal in this type of match with no DQ!

Ethan Rider goes to work on El Locon with some more big chair shots, before using the chair to try and choke out his opponent! El Locon looks to be struggling, until he is able to grab the chair and push it away. Ethan Rider runs at El Locon and jabs the chair into his midsection as he tries to get up, before dropping it on the mat. El Locon doubles over in pain, and Ethan Rider nails him with a DDT onto the steel chair! The fans cheer for the big move from Rider, who lays into El Locon with some more big punches to the face, before locking him in an arm bar submission hold. El Locon looks to be struggling, but he refuses to tap out of the submission hold, showing just how tough he really is!

After a while of wearing down his opponent, Ethan Rider breaks the hold and rises back up to his feet. Rider grabs hold of the steel chair and waits for his opponent as El Locon slowly rises to a standing position. Ethan Rider runs at El Locon with the chair looking to knock his head off, but El Locon ducks out of the way, before turning to big boot the chair back into the face of his opponent. Ethan Rider stumbles backwards, giving the monster El Locon the chance to lock him in the triangle scissor lock! Ethan Rider shouts out in pain, but after a few seconds he begins to…


Hate My Life – Theory of a Deadman hits the sound system and the fans in the arena begin to boo as Hard Rock Dave Steel sprints down the entrance ramp to make his apperance in the match. Despite not being signed to an official sVo contract, the free agent slides into the ring, and quickly takes El Locon down to the mat with a double leg takedown! Steel quickly tries to lock in a crossface submission hold, but El Locon desperately fights out of the hold with some elbow smashes to the face of Steel. Steel rises back up to his feet, and quickly lays into El Locon with some stiff kicks to the midsection, before taking him down to the mat with a double underhook slam!

The fans continue to boo for Steel as he flips El Locon over and locks on an ankle lock! El Locon screams out in pain as Steel tries to break his ankle bone! Steel seems to be twisting El Locon’s foot in ways it is not meant to be twisted, but somehow the big man manages to counter by rolling through the hold, and grabbing Steel in a waist lock! El Locon tosses Steel backwards with a German suplex, before clamping on a full nelson hold on Steel! Steel shouts out in pain as El Locon tightens up on the hold, before wrapping his legs around his opponent in a scissor like motion as well to apply further pressure! The referee quickly drops down to the competitors, and Steel has not choice but to quit before getting seriously injured by El Locon!

El Locon releases the hold and rises up to his feet to await his next competitor, however Dave Steel doesn’t look too happy about being eliminated as he picks himself up off of the mat. The fans begin to boo loudly as Steel grabs hold of the steel chair that is laying in the ring, and slams it into the back of El Locon’s head! El Locon doesn’t even see the move coming, as he drops down to the mat! Steel quickly grabs hold of El Locon’s ankle and places it in the folding mechanism of the chair, before jumping down on it as security rushes down the entrance ramp to eject the free agent from the arena!

The fans boo as Steel is escorted up the entrance ramp by security, whilst El Locon lays in the ring in pain, his ankle possibly broken by that vile move from Steel!

‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ hits the sound system, and there is a massive cheer from the fans as one half of the sVo Tag Team Champions Colt Cooper quickly rushes down the entrance ramp to announce himself as the next competitor in this match up! Colt Cooper quickly slides into the ring, and stomps away on the injured ankle of El Locon! El Locon screams out in pain, as Colt Cooper spins his opponent over before applying the ankle lock on the already injured ankle. El Locon shakes his head in one last act of defiance, before finally submitting to the inevitable…


The fans cheer as El Locon has been eliminated from the match by Colt Cooper! The referee at ringside helps El Locon from the ring, as Colt Cooper walks around the ring in a cocky manor to taunt to the crowd in the four different corners. However the cockiness quickly stops as Last Resort by Papa Roach blasts over the sound system and boos echo around the arena as Crippler makes his return to the sVo! Crippler sprints down the entrance ramp and quickly slides into the ring to announce himself as the next competitor. Colt Cooper runs at Crippler looking to hit him with a big punch, but Crippler ducks out of the way of the punch before turning around and nailing Cooper with some stiff knife edge chops across his chest!

Colt Cooper staggers backwards, but as he throws a fist in desperation at his opponent, Crippler immediately tries to drag his right shoulder down to the mat and lock in a crossface submission hold! Colt Cooper battles out of the move quickly, knowing just how much damage it could cause. Crippler allows Colt Cooper to rise back up to his feet, before grabbing hold of him in a front face lock. Crippler begins to squeeze the life out of his opponent whilst having Cooper’s head tucked under his arm, using his forearm to push into Cooper’s throat. Colt Cooper desperately tries to struggle out of the move, but just when it looks like he might make his way out of it, Crippler spins him around before taking him to the mat with an arm drag takedown. With Colt Cooper on the mat, Crippler locks in a surfboard stretch on his opponent!

Colt Cooper tries to battle his way out of the hold, and when the referee asks him if he would like to quit, he emphatically says no! Cripple tries to tighten the hold, until suddenly releasing it and trying for the Canadian hold! Colt Cooper uses this as an opportunity to kick Crippler away, before rolling to the outside of the ring! Crippler quickly rolls out of the ring as well, and grabs Cooper from behind before tossing him into the security barrier. Colt Cooper struggles to stand as Crippler drags him around to the announcers table where Harris & Austin are sitting, along with Anderson and the Tapout Championship belt!

Crippler tosses Colt Cooper onto the announcers table, before climbing on himself as the announcers scatter! The fans in the arena rise to their feet to get a better view as Crippler pulls Colt Cooper up to a standing position, before setting him up for a DDT! However before Crippler can hit the move, Colt Cooper pulls his head away, and sweeps Cripplers legs from under him! With Crippler laying on the announcers table, Colt Cooper grabs hold of his legs, and locks him in a boston crab on the announcers table! The fans cheer for the move, and Crippler has no choice but to submit to the pain of the hold!


Despite being a big favourite as a surprise entry to this match, Crippler has been eliminated by the sVo Tag Team Champion Colt Cooper! Colt Cooper makes his way slowly back into the ring to await the arrival of his neck opponent in this submission elimination match! There is suddenly a pop around the arena as “Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari hits the sound system, and another suprise entry into the match makes there way down the entrance ramp…


The fans pop for the return of Nathan Paradine, who stares at Cooper, before running down and sliding into the ring. The 6’4″ grappler from Melbourne, Australia is quickly grabbed by Cooper, and tossed into the corner of the ring. Cooper lays into Paradine with some big knee strikes, until Paradien catches one of Cooper’s legs! The fans cheer as Cooper hops around on one leg, only for Paradine to take him down to the mat with a single leg dragon screw takedown. With Colt Cooper down on the mat, Paradine drops an elbow across the inside of his leg, before trying to twist his knee joint out of place. Colt Cooper quickly battles out of the hold with some punches to Paradine, and rises back to his feet.

Colt Cooper is grabbed by Paradine, who sends him hard into the corner of the ring. Paradine follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring, before grabbing Colt Cooper by the back of the head, and slamming him face first into the corner! Paradine looks to be full of momentum as he pulls Cooper into the middle of the ring, before taking him down to the mat with a double knee back breaker! Colt Cooper looks in pain, as Paradine rolls him over before applying an armbar and arm scissors submission hold, known worldwide as the ‘Rings of Saturn’! Colt Cooper shouts out in pain, until he is able to nail Paradine with a back headbutt to struggle out of the hold!

Paradine quickly goes for another takedown on Colt Cooper, however Colt Cooper nails Paradine with a stiff elbow to the top of his head, before taking him down to the mat with a leg trip throw. With Paradine down on the mat, Colt Cooper locks in a sleeper hold and begins to wear down the big man. The referee asks Paradine if he would like to submit to the pain, but Paradine shouts no, before managing to spin around to the back of Colt Cooper. Cooper doesn’t even seem to know what has happened as Paradine locks in a Cobra clutch! The fans cheer for the big submission move, as Colt Cooper desperately tries to wriggle free of the hold!


Colt Cooper has no choice, with no escape from the painful submission hold, he is forced to tap out! Paradine drops Colt Cooper down to the mat like a ragdoll, with the 6’4″ submission expert from Australia standing tall in the ring, surely he has to be the new favourite in the match!

Suddenly an unfamiliar song to the sVo world hits the sound system as ‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system! The fans turn to the entrance ramp, and after a few seconds Chezina Rodriguez steps out onto the entrance ramp, a man even bigger than Nathan Paradine!

Chezina Rodriguez of the Rodriguez brothers slowly begins to walk down the entrance ramp, eye-balling Paradine the whole way. Paradine doesn’t look intimidated as the big man climbs quickly into the ring, and walks towards him as the anticipation in the arena grows. The fans boo as Chezina Rodriguez begins to trash talk Paradine, until all of a sudden both men explode into big punches! As the two men trade right hands, Chezina Rodriguez seems to be getting the better of the exchange, until Paradine nails him with a knee to the midsection. Chezina Rodriguez doubles over in pain, and Paradine nails him with an axe handle shot to the back of the head. With Chezina Rodriguez doubled over, Paradine bounces into the ring ropes, only to eat a massive big boot from Chezina Rodriguez as he bounces back!

Chezina Rodriguez pulls Paradine up into the air as if he weighted nothing, before tossing him down to the mat with a big powerslam. With Paradine down on the mat, Chezina Rodriguezquickly tries to lock in a surfboard chinlock, however Paradine is able to roll away from the hold. Chezina Rodriguez lays into Paradine with big right hands that back him into the corner of the ring. With Paradine in the corner, Chezina Rodriguez places his massive arms around his body, before pulling him into a vice like bearhug! The big man begins to squeeze the life out of Nathan Paradine, and Paradine looks to be fading fast! Chezina Rodriguez shakes Paradine around to try and quicken the effects of the painful hold, but as the referee asks Paradine if he would like to quit, he shakes his head to say no!

Chezina Rodriguez begins to get annoyed that Paradine isn’t qutting from the submission hold, but as he complains to the referee, Paradine is suddenly able to release his arms from Chezina Rodriguez’s grip, and pull his opponent down into a triangle choke hold! The fans cheer for the amazing counter from Paradine onto the big man, who squirms in pain.


The fans cheer loudly for Nathan Paradine as Chezina Rodriguez submits to the pain! Paradine release his grip on his opponent and climbs up to his feet, wondering who could possibly be next in the match after that giant! As Paradine leans against the ropes waiting for his next opponents arrival, Chezina Rodriguez pushes the referee away as he tries to help him out of the ring! The fans boo the actions of Chezina Rodriguez, but as Nathan Paradine turns around, he receives a massive kick to the face! The fans continue to boo the big man as he pulls Paradine up into the air, before dropping him down with his ‘Tombzina’ finishing move! With Paradine layed out on the mat and not moving, Chezina Rodriguez finally exits the rings to loud boos from the fans!

As Chezina Rodriguez exits, the boos get ever louder as “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine blasts over the sound system, and Samuel Amos slowly marches down the entrance ramp towards the ring! The fans voice there displeasure at the arrival of the former US solider as he climbs into the ring and pulls Nathan Paradine to his feet! Amos wastes no time at all in nailing Paradine with his finishing ‘infAMOS’ move! The fans boo for the massive move from Amos, who rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans! Amos then begins to stomp away on Nathan Paradine, before kicking him under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring.

Amos climbs out of the ring also, and grabs Paradine by the wrist as he tries to rise up. Amos shoots Paradine hard into the steel ring steps, before reaching under the ring apron. Paradine holds his knees in pain, as Amos pulls a wooden 2×4 out from under the ring apron, and marches towards Paradine with it! The fans boo as Amos begins to go to work on Paradine’s legs with the weapon. Paradine shouts out in pain, as Amos pulls him closer to the ring steps, and places his knee onto the steel. With Paradine hurting, Amos shows no mercy by slamming the wooden weapon into Paradine’s knee!

The fans boo loudly, but Amos rises up and taunts to the fans. Amos continues to trash talk with the fans at ringside, and doesn’t seem to notice as Paradine slowly limps up to his feet at ringside! Paradine looks to be holding his knees in pain, but as Amos runs at him, he gets a cheer from the fans as he nails Amos with a drop toe hold right into the steel steps! With Amos down on the outside of the ring, Paradine quickly locks on a ‘STF’! The fans cheer for the move as Amos quickly begins to tap out under the pain….

… However the camera cuts to back inside the ring where the referee is still down from being slammed to the mat by the giant Chezina Rodriguez! The fans boo loudly as Paradine is forced to release the hold, and roll back into the ring to try and check on the referee. Paradine begins to revive the referee, but as he does Amos stumbles up to his feet on the outside of the ring. Amos limps around to the announcers table and snatches the sVo Tapout Championship belt from a shocked looking Matt Anderson, before rolling back into the ring. As Paradine helps the referee to his feet, he turns around only to walk into a shot to the face with the sVo Tapout Championship belt! The fans boo loudly as Paradine lays on the mat holding his face, whilst Samuel Amos grabs him by the legs! Amos steps through the legs of Paradine, before turning him over into the sharpshooter!

Paradine shouts in agony at the pressure being placed on his already injured knees as Amos pulls back on the hold! The referee asks Paradine if he would like to quit…


Nathan Paradine has no choice but to tapout to the infamous sharpshooter! Samuel Amos refuses to release the hold as the referee call for the bell to be rung and “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine begins to blast over the sound system again! Amos finally release the hold and throws his hands up in the air in victory!

OUTCOME: Samuel Amos wins via submission eliminationRINGSIDE

THE HARD WORK STARTS HERE!Samuel Amos continues to celebrate in the ring as Matt Anderson slowly makes his way up the steel steps with a microphone in his hand, before climbing into the ring. Anderson picks up the sVo Tapout Championship belt up off of the floor from where it was smashed into Nathan Paradine’s face, as Amos ignores the boss and continues to celebrate despite the booing of the fans.

Matt Anderson: “Ladies and gentlemen, what you just witnessed was eleven superstars from all over the world wanting to make that step up, to get there hands on this prize and announce themselves as the next breakout star in wrestling…”

The fans continue to boo as Amos slowly curbs his celebrations, and makes his way over to Anderson.

Matt Anderson: “It gives me great pleasure to announce the first ever sVo Tapout Champ…”

The fans cheer as Anderson is cut off, by Samuel Amos ripping the microphone from his hands! Matt Anderson stares down the young talent who cockily stands before him.

Samuel Amos: “I told you last week I was ready for the big time Anderson. I told you last week that I would go out there and take whatever there was to have in the sVo! Now enough with the speeches, present me with my new god damn belt!”

There is a mixed reaction from all around the arena as Amos presents his shoulder to place the sVo Tapout Championship belt onto it. Anderson stares a whole through the young talent, before reluctantly placing the belt over Amos’ shoulder! Amos’ music hits the sound system, as the youngster quickly turns away from the boss and makes his way to the nearest turn-buckle to hold the belt high into the air in victory!

The fans boo loudly, but Matt Anderson’s voice soon cuts through them as he gets back on the mic.

Matt Anderson: “Congratulations Champ, but I wouldn’t celebrate too long up there, because the hard work starts now! As holder of that belt you need to be on your guard twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year… because if anyone manages to make you tap at any time, they will become the new sVo Tapout Champion!”

Samuel Amos looks rocked by the announcement that the sVo Tapout Championship belt is to be defended at all times, as Matt Anderson makes his way out of the ring as Showdown heads to a commercial break!
Coming Soon LIVE from the Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Canada
sVo Showdown #60
31st October 2010BACKSTAGE

CUSTOMERThe camera cuts to the front of the Goodfellas Arena. A few stragglers are at the ticket box purchasing their Showdown tickets. As the camera zooms in, the man at the front of the line is none other than Roscoe Shame.

“One front row seat please.” Shame asks the attendant.

“Today is your lucky day, we have one left.

Roscoe hands the lady the money and she in return hands him the ticket and his change. Wasting no time Roscoe goes through the security check and soon enters the stands of the Goodfellas Arena. An event staff member leads him to his seat on the front row.
‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

The boos grow loudly for the #1 contender Bobby Dean as he struts around the ring looking confident as The Teacher prepares for the match in the corner of the ring. The referee quickly calls to the outside of the ring for the bell to be rung, and this one is underway! Bobby Dean and The Teacher slowly circle around each other looking to tie up in the middle of the ring, however before they do Bobby Dean catches The Teacher with a sneaky kick to the midsection. The Teacher doubles over in pain, and Bobby Dean grabs him by the arm before throwing him hard into the ring ropes. The Teacher bounces back off of the ring ropes only to get caught with a back elbow smash from BBD!

The Teacher struggles up to a standing position, but the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship belt is quickly back into his opponent with some stiff elbow smashes to the face before grabbing him in a front face lock. The fans continue to boo every move from BBD, as he takes The Teacher down to the mat with a perfectly executed snap suplex. With The Teacher down on the mat and holding his back in pain, Bobby Dean rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd, and gets more boos for his troubles.

With Bobby Dean claiming to be injured last week after getting ‘Shame Timed’ out of the ring on Showdown #57 by Roscoe Shame, he now seems to be in perfect condition as he pulls The Teacher up off of the mat and lays into the masked superstar with some stiff chops across the chest. The chops get ‘wooos’ from the crowd as The Teacher is backed into the corner by Bobby Dean. Dean then grabs hold of the masked head of The Teacher and bounces it hard into the turnbuckle. The Teacher stumbles back holding his face in pain, but as he does Bobby Dean grabs him from behind and takes him down to the mat with a big back suplex! With The Teacher down on the mat and hurting, BBD quickly makes the cover on his opponent.




Much to the delight of the crowd The Teacher gets a shoulder off of the mat before the three can be counted. Bobby Dean looks at the referee in disgust, before pulling his opponent to his feet. The Teacher recieves a big knee to the midsection from Bobby Dean which causes him to double over in pain. With the Teacher in position, Bobby Dean steps over him looking for a piledriver! The fans boo the move which could brake the neck of the Teacher, however cheers brake out around the arena as The Teacher counters with a back drop on his opponent!

Bobby Dean rises to his feet looking shocked, and quickly runs at his opponent to try and retain the momentum he has built up in the match. However with Bobby Dean looking for a clothesline on his opponent, The Teacher counters with an impressive over the shoulder arm drag on his opponent! With Bobby Dean down on the mat, The Teacher quickly drops down and locks his opponent in a triangle scissor lock! Dean shouts out in pain at the submission move, but as the referee asks him if he would like to quit, he says no! Bobby Dean tries desperately to inch himself closer to the ropes before the move can do any more damage, and after around a minute of being locked in the hold, he manages to get to the bottom rope.

The crowd boo as The Teacher is forced to break the hold, and Bobby Dean slowly staggers up to his feet. The Teacher gets straight back on the offensive on the #1 contender, as he hits him with some hard punches to the face, before twisting his arm around and taking him straight back down to the mat with an arm trap neckbreaker! The fans cheer for the impressive move from The Teacher, who quickly rolls back to his feet. The Teacher lays into Bobby Dean with some stiff kicks as he begins to get to his feet, before throwing him hard into the ropes. Bobby Dean bounces back out of the ropes, but The Teacher is there and waiting for him with a reverse sleeper hold slam! With Bobby Dean holding his neck after that painful move, the crowd cheer The Teacher on as he hooks the leg of his opponent.




It looked as if he was about to get the win right there, but somehow Bobby Dean managed to get a shoulder up before the three could be counted! The Teacher wastes no time as he rises to his feet and grabs the legs of Bobby Dean whilst he is still on the mat, The Teacher then flips over his opponent before applying his signature half Boston crab move! Bobby Dean shouts out in pain as The Teacher pulls back on the leg of Bobby Dean to put extra pressure on the upper leg and lower back of the #1 contender to the sVo World Heavyweight Championship belt! The sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame looks to be enjoying watching his rival locked in the painful move from the front row, as Bobby Dean battles furiously to make it to the bottom rope!

Boos break out around the arena as Bobby Dean is finally able to reach out and grab hold of the bottom ropes! The referee asks The Teacher to break the hold, which he quickly does. Bobby Dean lays on the mat in pain after the submission hold, however The Teacher goes straight back to work on Bobby Dean with some stiff kicks to his back! The Teacher grabs Bobby Dean’s legs and pulls him back into the middle of the ring to try and apply the submission move again! The fans cheer the attempts by The Teacher, but Bobby Dean quickly counters by rolling through the move into a cover onto The Teacher!



Thr.. It looked as if Bobby Dean had stolen the match right there, but the Teacher manages to get a shoulder up just in time! The Teacher staggers up to his feet after the suprise cover, and quickly runs at Bobby Dean! The Teacher looks for a clothesline on Bobby Dean, however BBD backs up against the ropes before pulling down the top rope, and sending The Teacher flying to the outside!

The fans boo Bobby Dean as he slowly rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd, before ignoring the requests from the referee and rolling to the outside of the ring! The Teacher slowly begins to stagger back up to a standing position on the outside of the ring, but as he does Bobby Dean grabs him by the back of the head before tossing him hard into the steel steps! The Teacher holds his face in pain, as Bobby Dean struts around the outside of the ring, and then begins to taunt Roscoe Shame who is still sitting in the front row! The fans loudly boo the actions of Bobby Dean, and Roscoe Shame looks to be fuming in the front row!

Bobby Dean continues to taunt Roscoe Shame as he pulls The Teacher up from the floor, and slams him head first into the security barrier! With The Teacher down and hurting on the outside, Bobby Dean taunts for his finishing move ‘the Starstruck’! However before he can hit it the fans pop as Roscoe Shame climbs over the security barrier and takes down Bobby Dean with a big clothesline! The suspended Roscoe Shame lays into Bobby Dean with big stomps on the outside of the ring as the referee calls for the bell to be rung! Roscoe Shame grabs hold of Bobby Dean and tosses him into the ring as security rushes down the entrance ramp to restrain the suspended sVo World Heavyweight Champion! The security guards pulls Roscoe Shame away much to the boos of the sVo fans, but as they do The Teacher slowly rises to his feet on the outside of the ring!

Bobby Dean taunts and shouts at Roscoe Shame as the World Heavyweight Champion is pulled away by security! The crowd continue to boo Bobby Dean, and it only intensifies as he grabs hold of the Teacher to send a message out to Roscoe Shame!

OUTCOME: Bobby Dean defeats The Teacher via DQBACKSTAGE

MOCKING THE SAVIOURBBD locks eyes with The Teacher and grins a cocky, smug smile, rushing in and taking down Teacher with a big tackle! The crowd goes into uproar as Teacher tries to defend himself, having been taken by surprise! BBD piles fists into Teachers face, whispering to himself.

BBD: “See this Roscoe? See this? This is just a fucking fraction of it, buddy!”

Bobby drives a knee repeatedly into Teachers gut, doubling him over, then rams him into the corner, before continuing to punch away at his gut and face, as the crowd chants for Roscoe Shame! BBD spits on Teacher, stepping back and driving a foot into the groin! Teacher sinks to his knees as blood leaks from his nose. BBD grabs him around the thro-

“A warning.. To the people,
The good and, the evil,
This is war…”

The crowd goes ecstatic as Ethan Rider vaults the guardrail, entering the ring and running at Bobby Dean! BBD rolls from the ring, scampering away as Rider helps Teacher to his feet.

“From the right, to the left,
We will fight, till the death,”

Rider smiles, extending the hand once more in proposal of partnership. Teacher looks at the hand, but the cheers turn to boos as Teacher simply nods his thanks, leaving under the bottom rope.BACKSTAGE

ANYWHERE, ANYTIMEThe Showdown cameras head backstage where the new sVo Tapout Champion Samuel Amos is quickly making his way through the corridors, with his new title belt strapped around his waist. Amos looks to have hastily packed his bags, and looks nervous as he quickly jogs along the corridor towards the exit, knowing that someone could try and make him tap at any time! Amos quickly pushes open the door the parking lot and begins to make his way towards his waiting car.

The car is already running, when out of nowhere El Locon launches himself at Samuel Amos with a clothesline! The clothesline knocks Amos down, spilling the contents of his hastily packed bags everywhere. El Locon quickly tries to lock in a choke hold onto the Tapout Champion, partly to try and win the belt, and partly as revenge for last week!

Samuel Amos looks as if he is struggling to breath under the chokehold from El Locon, until he manages to free himself with a quick low blow to the monster. El Locon winces in pain as Samuel Amos grabs him by the back of the head and slams him into the side of his own car, before jumping into the passenger seat. El Locon staggers in front of the car trying to get it to stop as it begins to pull away. However the car accelerates, narrowly missing El Locon, who has to dive out of the way at the last minute, before speeding away out of the arena!

El Locon kicks the items that have fallen out of the bag of Amos in frustration, but it seems as if the sVo Tapout Champion has managed to make his escape for tonight!BACKSTAGE

TAKING CARE OF BUSINESSWe head backstage to the office of Mr Matt “Anarchy” Anderson, who is leaning back in his chair feeling very pleased with himself. With many rumours circulating that his higher ups in the Company were becoming unhappy with him, last week’s massive ratings for ‘Sunday Night Showdown’ coupled with the ratings that would surely be following after such an action packed show tonight, his position was as safe as ever.

However as the manager of the sVo leaned back in his chair and looked around at the photos of all the great wrestling moments of past and present, there was one thing that nagged in the back of his mind. It wasn’t the fact that Amos had disrespected him earlier, he was now going to be looking over his shoulder until he dropped the sVo Tapout Championship, and that equalled big ratings. It wasn’t the fact that his World Heavyweight Champion had turned his back on the Company and got himself suspended for using an illegal move, he was going to get taught a lesson by Bobby Dean at Roll the Dice and that equalled big buy rates!

No Anderson’s big problem was a masked one, a masked one that had been a thorn in his side for the last few weeks. He didn’t know who he was, but the fact that he was entering the Company board room last week didn’t sit too well with someone that had carved out such a great career in the Company. Anderson knew how politics worked, he needed to send a clear message to all that he was still in charge. He needed everyone to know that the masked problem could go away and stay gone forever.

Picking up the phone, Anderson typed in a number from memory before placing it to his ear.

Matt Anderson: “Are you ready for your first assignment? No I can’t give this to Beck, to be perfectly honest I don’t know where his loyalties lay anymore…. Listen, we helped you out big time, don’t you forget it! This is how you start repaying the favour, now this is what is going to happen…”

Fade Out.
The arena lights go dark as “Burn My Dread” hits the sound system. A pulsing strobe illuminates smoke gathering at the top of the entrance ramp. As the rapping begins, Zarathustra walks out from the smoke and down the ramp, ignoring the reaction from the crowd. He climbs up the apron and onto the top turnbuckle. With his arms outstretched and face turned to the sky, a bright spotlight hits Zarathustra. After a moment of bathing in the bright light, he removes his mask and jaws with the crowd, assuring his victory.

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.

There are cheers all around the arena as suddenly “Travel Now Journey Infinintely” by Trinacria hits the sound system. The dull tones pick up speed as the haunting voice of a woman sings. As the voice reaches full pitch, the arena’s house lights washes out the arena in light before returning to normal, leaving sVo Las Vegas Champion Grimnir standing at the entrance with his belt strapped around his waist. He starts to slowly walk down as the hammering drums and energy filled riffs grind through to his very last step. He stands at the front of the ring, points up the sky with both hands, slides into the ring and then kneels, looking as if he were praying. He stays there for a moment and then springs up to his feet, ready for action.

Grimnir hands the title belt to the referee, who holds is high in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s triple threat match. All three competitors stare across at each other from there corners of the ring, as the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this highly anticipated triple threat match is underway! James Von Drake and Zarathustra immediately make there way towards each other, laying into each other with stiff right hands. It’s only a week since Zarathustra beat JVD on Showdown #58, but it seems they have no love lost for each other as they trade big rights and lefts until JVD ducks under the right hand of Zarathustra, and takes him down to the mat with a football tackle. The sVo Las Vegas Champion Grimnir watches from the outskirts as JVD lays into Zarathustra with mounted punches, before Zarathustra is able to kick JVD off of him.

Zarathustra rises back up to his feet, but JVD quickly grabs hold of him in a side head lock. Zarathustra battles to free himself from the hold, and eventually is able to spin out into a reverse wrist lock on James Von Drake. Zarathustra then proceeds to grab JVD in a waist lock, before taking him down to the mat with a German suplex. With JVD down on the mat, Grimnir picks his chance to get involved, but grabbing him of Zarathustra and taking him down to the mat with a reverse DDT. With Zarathustra down, Grimnir begins to stomp away on his opponent. JVD slowly gets up to his feet, and walks across and begins to help Grimnir stomp away on Zarathustra! JVD and Grimnir look to be on the same page as they pull Zarathustra up to his feet, before taking him down to the mat with a big double suplex!

With Zarathustra down on the mat, JVD begins to talk trash to the man that he has been at war with for the last month, only to turn around straight into a neckbreaker from Grimnir! The fans cheer the big move from Grimnir onto James Von Drake, who holds his neck in pain. JVD slowly begins to rise to his feet, however Grimnir grabs him by the arm and throws him hard into the ropes. JVD bounces back and is thrown down to the mat by Grimnir, the man who last week beat sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame in singles action!

Grimnir stands over JVD looking down at his opponent, but as he does Zarathustra rises to his feet from behind. Zarathustra grabs hold of Grimnir, and tosses him shoulder first into the corner of the ring, causing Grimnir’s shoulder to slam into the steel ring post. Zarathustra then rolls up Grimnir with a school boy and goes for the cover!




Grimnir gets a shoulder up off of the mat, just when Zarathustra thought he had become the new sVo Las Vegas Champion! Zarathustra drops an elbow across Grimnir, before pulling the masked superstar up to his feet. Zarathustra throws Grimnir hard into the ropes, before tossing him down to the mat with a big spinebuster as he bounces back. With Grimnir down on the mat, JVD grabs Zarathustra from behind and spins him around. James Von Drake catches him in a front face lock, before snap suplexing him onto the body of Grimnir! The fans boo the impressive move from James Von Drake, who bounces into the ropes before hitting a big splash across the bodies of both men!

James Von Drake slowly staggers up to a standing position and makes his way to the corner of the ring. Zarathustra is the first to slowly pull himself up off of the mat, but James Von Drake runs at him and nearly cuts him in half with an awesome spear! Lucy Von Drake cheers on her husband from ringside, as James Von Drake rolls up to a crouched position and measures up Grimnir as the Las Vegas Champion slowly rises up to his feet! JVD runs at Grimnir looking for a spear on him…


Grimnir counters the spear with a ‘Masked Justice’ superkick into the face of JVD, which nearly knocks his head off! This one could be all over here as Grimnir makes the cover on James Von Drake!



The three count is not forthcoming, as Lucy Von Drake grabs the referee by the foot and pulls him clean out of the ring! The fans boo loudly as the referee takes a nasty bump on the head on the outside. Lucy Von Drake looks very pleased with her actions, until she catches sight of Grimnir staring at her! The fans cheer loudly as Grimnir rolls out of the ring and chases Lucy Von Drake around ringside. Lucy Von Drake runs as fast as she can away from Grimnir, and out of nowhere she is saved from Zarathustra of all people, who catches Grimnir with a baseball slide to the outside as he runs past.

Zarathustra rolls out of the ring and nails Grimnir with a big punch as he tries to get up, before throwing the Las Vegas Champion into the side of the ring. Grimnir holds his back in pain as he staggers up to his feet, only to get nailed with a side slam from Zarathustra onto the cold hard floor! The fans boo the move from Zarathustra, who then turns his attentions towards Mrs Von Drake! Zarathustra seems to have a strange look in his eye as he slowly begins to make his way towards the wife of his opponent! Lucy Von Drake looks terrified as she slowly backs away from Zarathustra, only for JVD to come out of nowhere to make the save, by smashing Zarathustra in the back of the head with a steel chair!

The crowd boo loudly as Lucy Von Drake now begins to cockily trash talk the downed Zarathustra, as James Von Drake locks in the ‘Legacy’! Zarathustra shouts out in pain at the submission hold, however Grimnir is quickly in to break it up despite it not being a move that could threaten his chances of holding onto the belt, as it’s outside the ring. Grimnir pulls James Von Drake up to his feet and slams him head first into the steel ring steps as the referee slowly begins to rise to his feet. With Zarathustra down on the outside, Grimnir takes down JVD with a kick to the midsection, before hitting him with his own finishing move, ‘the Dollar Drop’ on the outside!

The fans cheer for the move that sees James Von Drake’s head bouncing off of the hard floor, but as Grimnir looks down at his opponent, he suddenly feels the force of a steel chair being smashed into the back of his head, courtesy of Mrs Von Drake! The crowd boo the constant interference from Lucy Von Drake, as the groggy referee calls for the bell to be rung. With all three competitors down on the outside of the ring and hurting, sVo Showdown #59 heads to a commercial break, with this match being thrown out by the referee!


CAN’T BE TRUSTEDColt Cooper and Joesph Equinox are walking backstage outlining their match tonight in the main event.

Colt: “I’m pretty sure that we can pull out a victory, besides we’re the Tag Team Champions. We have to show everyone what being a Tag Team Champion is all about.”

Joseph: “I don’t know. We do have a murderer on our side. I just can’t trust a murderer.”

With that Ethan Rider appears on the scene with a smile on his face. He puts his arms around Colt and Joesph.

Ethan: “So you guys ready to win tonight?”

Joseph removes Ethan’s arms from around him.

Ethan: “What’s wrong with him Coop?”

Joseph: “You didn’t have to ask Colt what’s wrong with me. You could’ve just asked me, but let me tell you. I see how you and The Teacher can’t somehow be a team, and I don’t need you coming screwing everything up for me and Colt. We’re the Tag Team Champs, and with you in this match you get to see how we vibe with one another. We know that someday you and The Teacher will be looking to take our titles, but let me tell you that it’s not happening.”

Never getting mad, Ethan just smiles.

Ethan: “Look man, I want to win as much as you and Colt do, well Colt. I see you couldn’t get your shit together last week against Eddie Sinclair. I’m hoping that he doesn’t have you figured out, because if he does you’re the weakest link in this match Joseph Equinox.”

Joseph steps up to Ethan’s face almost ready to have themselves a little match right here.

Colt: “Guys come on. We shouldn’t be getting in an altercation with each other. We should be thinking about how we are going to win tonight right?”

Neither Ethan or Joseph budges, and this stare down is getting intense.

Joseph: “He’s a murderer Colt, and he just can’t be trusted.”

Colt: “That’s a good thing isn’t it? Well, match wise. If he’s a murderer he should be a killer in that ring tonight, and that’s what we need if we’re going to get a victory.”

Colt puts his arms around both men now.

Colt: “So let’s go out there and get a victory.”

Joseph looks at Ethan one more good time before Ethan extends his hands out for a shake.

Ethan: “What do you say?”

Joseph: “I say let’s go get ourselves a win.”

Joseph connects his hands with Ethan’s but he still feels that he can’t be trusted.BACKSTAGE

KNOWLEDGE IS POWERThe Showdown cameras head backstage to the locker room of sVo superstar The Teacher, who narrowly suffered defeat earlier in the night to ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean thanks to the outside interference from sVo World Heavyweight Champion Roscoe Shame. However despite the mask covering his face, his body language suggests he is not dwelling on the defeat by the #1 contender.

The Teacher rises from his seat in the middle of the room, and stretches out the minor injuries he suffered during the match and the after match beatdown, in which he was saved by Ethan Rider, the man seemingly desperate to become his tag team partner. Being a man that has always worked alone, The Teacher had managed to dodge the advances of Rider for the past few weeks, however after the save does he seem to be having a change of heart?

The Teacher moves across to the locker in the corner of the room, and uses the key hanging around his neck to open it. Quickly pulling out a file of papers, The Teacher makes his way back to the seat, and begins to sift through the documentation. The camera pans around to the front of the file to see a picture of Ethan Rider’s face with his name typed in bold on the front of the folder, with the letters ‘FBI’ stamped in red ink over the whole thing.

It seems maybe Joseph Equinox isn’t the only man who feels that Ethan Rider might not be a person he is able to trust.BACKSTAGE

KNOWLEDGE IS POWERAs Showdown returns from the commercial break, the cameras head straight to the backstage area where Lucy Von Drake is helping her husband backstage after the gruelling match up against Grimnir and Zarathustra for the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt. The Victory Cup 2010 winner looks to be a bit worse for wear from the offence he received during the match, but with a hand around the shoulders of his wife, he is able to make his way gingerly towards his locker room, until one man stands in his path.

James Von Drake: “What the hell do you want?”

JVD looks his brother, Kenny Von Drake, straight in the eye as he stands before him smirking. With Kenny Von Drake officially signing his contract a few weeks ago, there was nothing JVD could do about him being here, but he still didn’t have to like it.

Kenny Von Drake: “Looks like you just blew your chance of the Las Vegas title away. Could have all been different if you just let me help you little brother.”

JVD pushes past his brother, who continues to stand there smirking.

James Von Drake: “I got this far in my career without you, why would I ask you for help now?”

The half brother of JVD shakes his head as Lucy Von Drake tries to calm down her husband who now has two reason to be angry.

Kenny Von Drake: “For one you might have a Las Vegas title belt around your waist right now, and for two maybe you would have someone to point out that Grimnir was sniffing around your locker room a couple of weeks ago when we were back in Moscow… literally.”

James Von Drake: “What the hell are you talking about?”

Kenny Von Drake: “I’m talking about him sneaking in there to steal locks of your wife’s hair. Seemed to enjoy himself a lot whilst sniffing those…”

JVD looks like he is close to losing it as he shrugs off his pain from the match and pushes his brother up against the wall. Kenny Von Drake remains calm, knowing he has the strength to push his brother off whenever he pleases.

James Von Drake: “You better not be screwing with me.”

Kenny Von Drake: “Don’t look at me. I think that the Las Vegas Champion wants to be screwing with your wife!”

James Von Drake slams his fists into the wall in frustration before storming off down the corridor, as Lucy Von Drake shoots an evil look at the smirking Kenny Von Drake.
A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

Night stands at the top of the entrance ramp only for a moment, clearly none-too-happy about tonight’s booking as he begins to stalk down towards the ring, looking very serious and tense. He slides under the bottom rope and begins warming up as the arena lights return.

“Judith” by A Perfect Circle blasts over the sound system as images of Eddie Sinclair in action are shown on the sVo-Tron. A series of pyrotechnics blast on the stage as Sinclair himself appears, dressed in his ring gear and a leather jacket. He strides down to the ring, pausing at the bottom of the ramp to glance from left to right. The camera follows the turn of his head, revealing his wide smirk and snicker before he climbs inside the ring. He shrugs off his jacket and tosses it to the outside of the ring before raising a fist for Night to bump, the masked man simply staring back at the smirking Sinclair.

The arena lights fade and a red light begins to slowly strobe as “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails pounds through the arena over the PA system. The crowd burst into a loud chorus of boos as The Company logo floats onto the sVo tron, quickly replaced by a name.

“N I G H T M A R E”

The curtains part and a man in red trunks with a black streak down the side and a black mask cut away at the top to reveal a freshly shaved head of hair. He half-grins/half-sneers at the jeering audience surrounding him and wastes little time in stalking down the entrance ramp before quickly sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He stands, jawing off at various members of the crowd before grinning broadly and waving at Night who stares daggers back at him. Sinclair repeats his fist bump gesture which Nightmare enthusiastically returns before himself turning and repeating the gesture to Night who remains stoic.

The lights dim out quickly and suddenly, and the cacophany of chatter from the audience falls to silence. The opening bars of ‘Forsaken’ by Skillet hits out over the PA System and a single jet of Golden pyro erupts from the stage, the light from it illuminating a lone, solitary, dark figure.

Ethan Rider is dressed in a long trench coat and his usual ring trunks, black with a tint of metallic silver. ‘Rider’ is written in gold lettering on the cuffs of the coat and the right leg of the trunks.

Ethan gives a small smirk and straightens up, the lights slightly returning so he is visible.

He walks to the ring, only slightly acknowledging the audience with the occasional nod. When he reaches the ringside area, he stands still, staring at the ring as two officials come forward and carefully remove the coat, producing a series of wof-whistles from the females as he exposes his well defined, ‘Sexy’ abdomen and pectoral.

He bounces on the spot a bit, warming up for the match, before sliding into the ring, just after a single flash of golden pyro shoots just millimetres over his shoulder. Bouncing off the ropes and raising two fingers up in front of him, giving another small smirk as the lights return.





After waiting a few seconds, Colt Cooper appears on the ramp with his sVo Tag Team Championship belt around his waist and his normal cocky smile on his face. He positions both of his arms out, tapping his belt taunting the crowd. A spectrum of black and blue strobe lights fill up the arena followed by a down pour of confetti. Colt struts his way to the ring extending his hands to some of his fans, and gives the middle finger to the fans of sVo who don’t like him.

Strobe lighting begins flashing in the arena as “Talkin’ 2 Myself” by Eminem hits the sound system. The fans jump to their feet and begin to cheer as as one half of the current sVo Tag Team Champions, Joseph Equinox steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp with his hands raised high in the air. Equinox suddenly brings his hands down and fireworks shoot up into the air behind him before he slowly begins to make his way down towards the ring. Equinox slides into the ring head first, before unstrapping the Tag Team Championship belt from around his waist and holding it in the air as the strobe lighting ends and his entrance music fades out.

The lights return to normal as the referee calls for the teams to start the match. Colt Cooper looks to start things off for his team while across the ring Night and Nightmare resume the argument from last week with each insisting the other start. Eddie Sinclair simplifies things and shoves his way through, both of the brothers seem content with this and make their way onto the apron, still eyeing each other suspiciously. The referee calls for the bell and the main event is underway. Cooper and Sinclair circle each other, Sinclair watching Rider as he circles past. Seemingly convinced Rider is scheming something, despite The Mockingjay’s clear innocence, Sinclair appeals to the referee who simply shrugs in response. Not getting anywhere with the referee, Sinclair points to Rider, demanding he start the match for his team. After little convincing, Cooper tags Rider in and Sinclair wastes no time in mouthing off. The two lock up in the middle of the ring and Rider quickly locks Sinclair in a side headlock. Eddie backs him up to the ropes and uses them to push Rider off and across the ring. Rider bounces back towards Sinclair who aims a lariat out towards Rider who ducks underneath, grabbing hold of the outstretched arm and using it to swing up into a crucifix pin!



Sinclair kicks out at two and insists that Rider pulled at his tights. The referee immediately dismisses it and calls for the match to resume. Sinclair reluctantly stands, glaring at the referee and then back at his rival. The two again lock up and again Rider locks Sinclair in a side headlock. The two struggle and Sinclair manages to break free into a reverse waistlock. He attempts to lift Rider, who blocks and slips behind Sinclair for a reverse waistlock of his own. Sinclair tries to slip himself, but Rider stops him, only to receive a headbutt from ‘sVo’s bad boy’ which loosens Rider’s grip enough for Sinclair to slip out and away, bouncing off the ropes and charging back at Rider, knocking him off his feet with a front dropkick. Rider rolls backwards and back onto his feet, lunging forwards and knocking Sinclair off his feet with a tornado kick.

Sinclair rolls on the mat melodramatically clutching at his face. Rider pulls Sinclair to his feet and is caught off guard and doubled over as Sinclair hits him in the midsection twice before standing, Sinclair seemingly snapping somewhat and unleashing with a flurry of hard left and right hands – Rider doing his best to cover up, but certainly unsuspecting of the ferocity of the attack. Sinclair grabs Rider in a front facelock, punishing him with a series of hard knee-lifts to the chest, doubling Rider over. Sinclair quickly scales the nearby turnbuckles, leaping off and catching Rider with a sunset flip powerbomb! He covers.




Rider kicks out. Sinclair stands, pulling Rider to his feet and reaching out to tag in his nearest partner, which happens to be Night. Nightmare grins as his brother continues to stare at him as he steps through the ropes. Sinclair kicks at Rider, doubling him over before he and Night drop the dazed Rider with a double DDT. Night pulls Rider to his feet, whipping him across the ring and dropping him face first to the mat with a drop toe hold, standing and nailing Rider with a standing shooting star press! He immediately stands, charging across the ring and leaping into the air, crashing onto Ethan with a somersault senton, this time covering Rider for a pin attempt.



Rider kicks out. The masked man stands, stomping away on the downed Rider. Rider shows great tenacity and begins to fight his way to his feet, however as he comes to a kneel Night charges, driving him back to the mat with a combination scissor kick/guillotine leg drop! Once again Rider begins pulling himself to his feet. Using the top rope for support, he finds his footing, turning to find the former World Champion leaping at him with a running leg lariat! Rider reacts quickly and ducks underneath, throwing a sidekick which connects with Night’s ribs sending him crashing into the ropes – rebounding straight into a jumping, spinning sidekick courtesy of Rider which sends him crashing to the mat, Rider following straight in for a pin attempt of his own.




Night kicks out of a close call. Night begins to sit up, but Rider halts him with a quick roundhouse kick to the chest. He pulls the downed Kyoto native to his feet, whipping him across the ring and dropping him with a pendulum backbreaker, quickly standing and tagging in the newly returned Joseph Equinox to a big pop. Night has made his way back to his feet, this doesn’t last long as Rider springs off the middle rope, dropping Night with a springboard cross-bodyblock – Equinox quickly following off the top rope with a shooting star press! The crowd pops loudly as Equinox covers.



Night kicks out at two. As Night sits up, Equinox catches him with a dropkick to the chest, sending the masked man crashing back first into the mat. He uses the ropes to pull himself to standing, but Equinox signals for ‘Karma’ and attempts to lift Night into the move. Night blocks in desperation, clubbing at Equinox with a series of hard elbow strikes. The two lock up and Night seems to be gaining the advantage, backing Joey Q up to the ropes. He doesn’t seem to notice as Colt Cooper tags himself in to the match grabbing hold of the top rope and slingshotting over with a flying clothesline, Joey Q ducking out of the way at the last second leaving an unsuspecting Night to take the brunt! Cooper pulls Night to his feet, peppering him with clubbing lefts and rights. Cooper continues to unleash on the masked man as he stands, before dropping him to the mat with a swinging neck breaker.

Cooper stands back up, taking up position over the fallen Night and leaping into the air with his Starship standing moonsault – catching nothing but a face-full of mat as Night rolls out of the way! Night springs to his feet, lunging for his corner. He is quick to deliver a quick, sharp forearm to his brother’s face before dragging him over the top rope and into the ring with a hurricanrana to a huge pop. Nightmare springs to his feet in the ring, outraged. Night grins at him from the apron as Sinclair gives him a shove.

In the ring, Cooper and Nightmare circle each other – Nightmare shoots at Cooper’s legs trying for a single-leg takedown but Cooper is quick to block and bounces away, gesturing for Nightmare to bring it. The older Miyamoto brother grits his teeth and again shoots at Cooper’s legs, this time taking him down with a double-leg takedown quickly floating over into a mounted reverse waistlock. Cooper fights but Nightmare manages to hoist him off the mat, slamming him backwards with a huge bridging German suplex!



Cooper kicks out at two. Nightmare keeps the lock on tightly, hoisting Cooper up into an elevated reverse bear hug. Cooper struggles, but Nightmare quickly dumps him to the mat, planting him face first and driving his boot into Cooper’s face. Cooper shoots back up, but Nightmare kicks him in the midsection, doubling him over before driving Colt face first into the mat with a single-arm DDT. He follows up quickly locking Colt in a Texas Cloverleaf!

Cooper struggles but Nightmare keeps the lock in tight. Cooper continues to fight and at one point looks on the verge of submitting. With the crowd heavily on his side, Cooper digs deep and manages to creep forward, grabbing hold of the mat and forcing Nightmare to break the hold – Nightmare taking his time to break. Cooper collapses back on to the mat as Nightmare scales the ropes, launching back into the ring with a moonsault and crashing emptily onto the mat. Cooper begins to crawl back towards his corner but is halted as Nightmare grabs hold of his ankle. Colt stuns him with an enzugiri, before diving to tag in Joey Q who enters the ring and immediately charges Nightmare drilling him with hard knees and kicks.

Nightmare struggles to his feet but Equinox sends him over the top rope with a leg lariat and goes spilling out himself in the process. Although stunned he keeps the offense on Nightmare, unleashing on him with a flurry of punches, stomps and kicks. Meanwhile Sinclair has made his entrance into the ring, but is quickly confronted by Rider and the still fatigued Colt Cooper – Rider charges at Night knocking him from the ring apron with a running forearm before turning his attention back towards Sinclair who has managed to get past Cooper and now sits perched on top of the top turnbuckle – but only for a moment as he leaps off with a huge corkscrew moonsault onto Nightmare and Joey Q on the arena floor below!

Seeing the carnage outside the ring is enough to motivate Cooper to charge to the ropes nearest the fallen competitors laying beside the ring and crashing onto the whole pile of them with a slingshot plancha – quickly followed by Ethan Rider who leaps off the nearest turnbuckle with a massive high elevation frog splash.

The crowd pop at the mass of fallen wrestlers. Amazingly, Nightmare and Joey Equinox are the first that seem to be stirring. Nightmare drapes an arm over the ring barrier, attempting to regain his footing. Equinox kneels and slowly attempts to raise himself up. One by one the others attempt to do the same – the referee yelling for the match to return to the ring immediately.

Just as it looks like everyone is returning to the ring and towards their spots on the apron, Night has slid back into the ring and charges across the ring at the other competitors standing outside the ring and drawing a sea of flashbulbs as he leaps over the top rope with a corkscrew suicide dive leaving all six-men now laying outside the ring.

For a few moments it seems that no one is stirring but once again the first signs of life seem to be Nightmare and Joey Q. This time there is no one left to halt their progress and the two men make their ways back into the ring. Equinox kicks away at Nightmare, each shot seeming to sting the masked man, until finally Equinox throws one kick too many and is caught and sent flying with a capture suplex courtesy of Nightmare who covers.




Equinox escapes a nearfall, only for Nightmare to float over into a Nightmare Sleeper. Equinox begins to struggle but it is to no avail – fortunately for him, his partner Colt Cooper was nearby and ready to dive in to make the save. The referee directs Cooper out of the ring, Nightmare ceasing the distraction and using the opportunity to choke out Equinox. Nightmare breaks the illegal hold as the referee returns, standing and turning to his corner. He slaps at his brother who allows the blow to hit him before capturing Nightmare’s arm and Judo throwing him over his shoulder, out of the ring and all the way to the arena floor to a massive pop! The referee signals that the tag counted and Night steps into the ring. Night locks up with the weary Equinox quickly dropping him with a Sandman DDT, immediately standing and tagging the relatively fresh Sinclair who leaps up to the top turnbuckle, springing off with a corkscrew senton onto Equinox! Sinclair stands, quickly running at the ropes and leaping onto the middle rope, springing off and launching at Equinox with a springboard moonsault – landing himself on Joey Q’s raised knees.

Sinclair clutches at his ribs as Equinox begins the crawl back to his corner. Sinclair leaps to try to stop him, but is too late as Joseph reaches out and tags in Ethan Rider to a huge pop! Rider storms the ring, unleashing on Sinclair with a flurry of hard kicks and punches. A monsoon kick sends Sinclair sprawling to the mat. He is quick back to his feet, but again finds himself sprawling backwards from a thrusting toe kick from The Mockingjay. Rider moves in, grabbing Sinclair in a front facelock and charging at the ropes, driving Eddie Sinclair head-first into the mat with a tornado DDT! He covers.




Sinclair kicks out! Rider continues to bombard Sinclair with hard strikes and kicks as Eddie fights to get to his feet, he stands, tagging Cooper back into the ring who resumes pounding on Eddie Sinclair. They are interrupted by a commotion as Nightmare seems to have recovered from his fall but has lost his composure and tackles Night through the middle and top ropes and into the ring. The two brothers brawl through the ring and the referee struggles to separate them. Sinclair meanwhile uses the distraction to gain the advantage hitting Cooper below the belt and doubling him over, before dropping Colt with a running knee lift and following through with a running springboard moonsault – this time connecting! At the same moment, Nightmare seems to have gained the advantage over his brother as he has him trapped in the Nightmare Sleeper, the crowd booing loudly in response. Amazingly, Night continues to fight, thrashing hard elbows into Nightmare and preventing the lock being completely locked in. Night manages to come to kneeling and then to standing with Nightmare still clinging to his back.

In an amazing display of strength, Night hoists Nightmare over his head and onto his shoulders in a fireman’s carry! He lunges forwards, driving Nightmare down with The Dreaming – right onto the prone Colt Cooper! Sinclair smirks as he drops down for the cover.




Sinclair leaps to his feet, thrusting his arms into the air as the referee calls for the bell. “Shut Up and Dance” by Aerosmith blares over the PA. Night meanwhile sits nearby his fallen brother, staring at his motionless form. Sinclair continues to celebrate as Night ignores him and stands to leave – as he steps through the ropes the looks at the turnbuckles and back at the downed Nightmare. He seems to only need a moment to think about it and he quickly scales the turnbuckles, leaping off and nailing Nightmare with a HUGE SSP before rolling under the bottom rope and making his way up the entrance ramp.

OUTCOME: Eddie Sinclair, Night & Nightmare defeats Ethan Rider, Colt Cooper & Joseph Equinox via pinfall

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