sVo Vendetta 2022 PPV
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Sunday 30th October 2022

As the PWA logo fades off of the screen, ‘Remember Remember’ by Dario Marianelli hits and the opening video package for the ‘Vendetta 2022’ PPV begins to play, featuring all of the build-up for tonight’s matches, including the sVo Championship main event, Night vs. Johnny Moretti as well as ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean aiming to defend the Roulette Championship for the 9th time and move within one win of a sVo Championship shot!! As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera pans around the packed-out Goodfellas Casino Arena in the heart of Las Vegas, with the fans ready to see some exciting live action!

TapOut Championship Match
Dallas Jordan © vs. El Froggo

The crowd in the Goodfellas Casino Arena are on their feet and ready for the opening match of the night, as a video package plays on the giant screen which highlights Dallas Jordan winning the TapOut Championship and announcing that he is going to bring some legitimacy to the belt, before being defeated by pinfall in a non-title match against El Froggo at a live event.

Commercial Break

Tag Team Match
The Southern Boys vs. Rebel Society

After the exciting first match of the night, a video package plays on the giant screen which shows the Southern Boys history in MVW, including 3x Tag Team Championship wins, before being brought to the sVo by Jon Page in a trade with the Shamrocks. The video shows clips of the Southern Boys winning start to their sVo career, before finally losing against Rebel Society! Can they right that wrong tonight and pick up the victory?

Commercial Break

Single Match
Gunner Lang vs. Darren Starr

The fans in the arena are treated to a video package which features Son and A Gun taking on the Starr Brothers a few weeks ago, only for Flip Dixon to pick up a potentially career ending injury at the hands of Darren Starr which ended the match. Can Gunner Lang get back to winning ways as a singles competitor and score some revenge for his son?

Commercial Break

Las Vegas Championship Match
Carny Sinclair © vs. Jacob Izaz

With the fans eagerly anticipating the next title match, a highlight package plays featuring Jacob Izaz scoring shock victories over both Las Vegas Champion Carny Sinclair and his bodyguard Reznikov, before paying the price with weeks of backstage attacks! With Reznikov banned from ringside, can Izaz finally win the Las Vegas Championship that he has come close to so many times before?

Commercial Break

Tag Team Championship Match
Blood Money © vs. The Black Brothers

Commercial Break

Single Match
Kenneth D Williams vs. Hugo Ryzing

With Ryzing & Williams ready to go to battle, a quick video package plays running down the feud between the two, featuring Kenneth D Williams being attached by a mystery assailant backstage before pointing the finger as Hugo Ryzing at the last PPV! Can the Human Highlight Reel get his revenge tonight, despite Ryzing still maintaining his innocence?

The Attacker

The fans boo loudly as Hugo Ryzing quickly rises up to his feet and demands that the referee raises his arm in the air in victory. Ryzing smirks as he stares out at the crowd, before pushing the referee away and turning back to Kenneth D Williams on the mat!

The fans continue to boo as it looks like Ryzing isn’t done yet, as he stalks Kenneth D Williams as he begins to get to his feet! Is Ryzing about to prove that it was him that attacked Kenneth D Williams after all?

Suddenly there is a huge pop from the crowd as down the entrance ramp runs Curtis Knight and Athena! Neither of the married couple are wearing their ring attire having not been booked tonight, but as they slide into the ring Ryzing quickly climbs out, wanting no part of Knight and Athena!

The fans cheer loudly as Knight and Athena stand between Ryzing and Kenneth D Williams, as the former Las Vegas Champion begins to get to his feet.

Williams makes his way over to thank Curtis Knight and Athena as Ryzing backs up the entrance ramp, but there is a collective gasp in the arena as Knight spins and takes down Williams with a lariat in the middle of the ring!

Even Hugo Ryzing looks shocked as Knight and Athena pull Williams up to his feet, before drilling him with a double team powerbomb in the middle of the ring! There is shock in the arena as Vendetta heads to a commercial break, with Knight and Athena standing over a downed Kenneth D Williams!

Commercial Break

Roulette Championship Match
BBD © vs. Darwin Jones

A video package runs down BBD’s return to the sVo, before winning the sVo Roulette Championship and going on a eight man winning streak when defending the belt on Showdown & Uprising! Can he tonight defeat his biggest challenger to date, Darwin Jones, and move within one more defence of cashing in for a sVo Championship shot?

One More Match

The fans cheer loudly as BBD rises up to his feet and has his arm raised in the air in victory by the referee, who presents him with the Roulette Championship belt after another successful defence.

Dean signals to the fans to acknowledge the cheers, before rolling out of the ring and making his way back up the entrance ramp. The cameras follow BBD as he clutches the Roulette Championship belt and makes his way through the curtain to the backstage area.

Dean looks like he is on a mission as he walks in the opposite direction to the locker rooms, and instead makes his way towards the office of sVo Owner Jon Page! The fans watching on the big screen cheer as Dean knocks on the door before entering the office of Page and closing the door behind him in the face of the camera man.

With only one more win needed to earn a Championship shot, is the match going to go down next week on Showdown?

Single Match
Night vs. Johnny Moretti

The fans in the arena begin to chant for Night, as a video package is shown with the hall of famer returning at the last PPV, only to be confronted by Johnny Moretti & Blood Money who took offence to the star from Japan trying to challenge for the sVo Championship again!

Commercial Break

sVo Seasons Beatings PPV
25th December 2022
Live on HOTv!

sVo Championship Match
William Vorheez © vs. Big Aug

The anticipation in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is building for the main event, as on the giant screen a promotional video package is shown highlighting Big Aug winning the title shot in the 2022 Jackpot match, before having mixed fortunes in his battle against Vorheez and the Black Brothers, including BIG Trouble losing their #1 contendership in the six man tag team match last week!

The BIG One

The arena pops as Big Aug sinks to his knees and lets out an almighty roar, as the referee bails out of the ring and grabs the sVo Championship gold from the ringside area. Vorheez looks in shock as he slowly rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope, and looks back as the referee makes his way over to the new Champion and raises his arm in the air in victory!

There is another big pop as the referee presents the sVo Championship to Big Aug, as BIG Trouble run down the entrance ramp to join in the celebrations! Flanked by BIG Trouble, August Lazar raises the sVo Championship in the air to big cheers from the crowd, as fireworks shoot up into the air and confetti begins to rain down to the ring.

Lazar continues the celebrations with the gold as sVo Vendetta 2022 comes to a close!

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