Monday Night Destruction (Date: 14th January 2001)
Olympic Stadium, Quebec, Canada

Single Match – ‘The Lone Wolf’ Chris Caher Vs. Master of Puppets
The lights start to flash in the arena as ‘Not die’n’ by Sticky Fingaz hits the sound system and Chris Caher walks down the ramp and to the ringside area. Caher rolls under the bottom rope and then walks over to the turnbuckles on at a time climbs to the second rope and looks out at the crowed then gives the fans the middle figures and shouts at them. All goes dark and quiet, anxious and excited the crowd wait. Very suddenly ‘Ace Of Spades’ by Motor Head booms from the speakers surrounding the arena, two flares are sent up from each side of the ramp and explode in the air and explode, red lights start to flash on and off and Master is already standing at the end of the ramp with his Tag Team title belt as the ramp ignites either side all the way down to the bottom and master walks down. He walks up the stairs and looks around pitifully at the crowd and climbs over the top rope facing up to Chris Caher.

Caher starts off with right hands on the big man that do not even knock him down. Caher then grabs Master and tries to whip him into the ropes but Master reverses and throws Caher into the ropes. As Caher bounces back Master goes for a big boot but Caher ducks underneath and bounces off the opposite ropes. Caher then knocks down Master with a huge flying forearm. Caher then waits for Master to get to his feet before charging at the huge monster and spearing him to the mat. Caher then starts pounding away with big right hands on his opponent’s head. As Master gets to his feet Caher spins him round and hits him with a neckbreaker. Caher gets to his feet and taunts over the tag team champion, which gets a cheer from the crowd. Caher then goes for the cover on Master, pressing his shoulders to the mat.



Kickout by Master

As Master rises to his feet The Lone Wolf climbs up on to the top of the turnbuckle and jumps off nailing Master with a missile drop kick! The fans cheer as Caher stomps away at Master. Caher who is seemingly dominating the big guy then takes down Master with a single leg takedown before burying his elbow into the side of his leg and then pulling Masters leg around using his own body as a support. Master desperately kicks his way out of the situation before staggering to his feet and falling over to the ropes for some support.

Caher walks over to the corner where Master is standing and swings with a right hand but Master ducks and sends Caher into the corner. Master then starts to open up on Caher pounding him with big right hands in the corner before whipping him to the other side and following up with a big clothesline that sends Caher inside out. Master then taunts for the chokeslam and the fans cheer as Master grabs Caher around the neck. Master then lifts Caher up into the air with one arm. But Caher manages to roll through and in a amazing counter locks Master in a arm bar submission. The crowd cheer the counter attack by The Lone Wolf as he tries to hyper-extend Masters elbow.

Master struggles and tries to use his huge strength to push up on Chris Caher but Caher remains in control showing that he also has a good reserve of strength. As Master now desperately tries to reach his huge leg over to the ropes the fans start to chant for The Lone Wolf even though both of these guys are fan favourites. As it seems Master is a moment away from taping out from the painful submission hold but he finally gets his huge foot onto the bottom rope. Caher gets to his feet and drags of master before whipping him in the corner. Master’s body is rammed into the corner with such force he slams into is with a thud before falling to the floor. Caher then walks across to the fallen Master and picks him up. Caher then flips off Master and kicks him in the groin before setting him up for the ‘Act of God’. As Caher sets up Master the fans start to cheer as owl runs through the crowd and climbs to the top rope. As Caher slams Masters head into the mat the crowd cheer again. Caher then turns round and Owl comes off the top with a cross body! Both men are now down in the middle of the ring.









Both men now get up. As Owl cheers Master on outside the ring both men battle it out with right hands. Master then begins to get the better of Caher and grabs him around the neck! Master then lifts up Caher and drills him to the mat with a chokeslam. Master then goes for the cover on the fallen Caher as the fans count along with the referee



Kickout by Caher! Master and Owl cant believe it as Chris Caher lifts his shoulder off of the mat. Caher then slowly gets to his feet but is met by Master who hits him with the Puppet Crusher! Master then goes for another pin.




The Winner of the match – Master!!
Tag Team Match – Spaz and Viper Vs. Ripper and The Assassin
The lights go out and Rob Zombies ‘Never Gonna Stop me’ hits the sound system as Spaz and Viper walk down the entranceway. Spaz and Viper both slide into the ring and stand getting pumped facing the ground then they yell and raise their arms in the air as Fireworks go off. Sum 41 – In To Deep then hits the PA system and The Ripper and the Assassin walks slowly out to the top of the ramp. Ripper then taunts the famous “Riptor” as Assassin shoots people in the crowd with his imaginary gun. At this point fireworks fly and they continues to walk to the ring.

Spaz starts the match off with Ripper by whipping him into the ropes and then hitting him with a shoulder block. Spaz then bounces into the ropes but Ripper drops to the floor as Spaz jumps over him. Ripper then hits Spaz with an arm drag takedown. Spaz gets straight back up and ties up with Ripper. As Ripper tries to hook Spaz in a front face lock, Spaz out moves him and goes behind before taking down Ripper with a double leg takedown from behind. Spaz then tries to lock on a arm bar but Ripper counters into a roll up but Spaz kicks out just before two. Spaz then gets to his feet as both men eyeball each other. Ripper lunges for Spaz but Spaz ducks and hits a neckbreaker on Ripper. Ripper gets back to his feet and picks up Spaz and then drops him back to the mat with a front powerslam.

Ripper then moves to his corner and tags in Assassin. Assassin comes in a throws Spaz to the ropes and then punches him as he bounces back. Assassin then picks up Spaz on his shoulder before running at the turnbuckle and dropping him on it. Viper who is now pacing up and down on the ring apron yells words of encouragement to his partner as Assassin continues to stomp away at Spaz. As Spaz tries to crawl to his corner and make the tag Assassin hold s onto him by his foot. Assassin then pulls back Spaz and hits him with a German Suplex.

Assassin then goes for the cover on Spaz.



Kickout by Spaz..

Spaz desperately tries to reach his corner and make the tag but Assassin grabs his leg. Spaz then picks himself up and suddenly nails Assassin with an enzuigiri. Spaz then makes the tag to Viper. Viper comes thundering in the ring with a knockdown on Assassin then a punch to the jaw of Ripper. Viper then hits Assassin with a sidewalk slam before clothesling Ripper over the top rope and to the floor. Viper then holds back his hand in preparation for a chokeslam on Assassin. But Assassin stops the move by going downstairs on Viper. Assassin then bounces off the ropes and locks for a scissors kick on Viper but he moves out of the way. Viper then whips Assassin into the corner and positions him on the top rope. Viper then hits the ‘Snake Bite’ on Assassin! Viper goes for the cover.



As Ripper tries to get in the ring Spaz stops him with a flying kick.


The Winners of the match – Spaz and Viper!!
Single Match – BeYoNdEr Vs. Nightmare King
BeYoNdEr’s music hit and the crowd erupts with cheers. After a few moments BeYoNdEr emerges from the back. He stops in the middle of the ramp way to adore his fans. He than struts down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. BeYoNdEr stares into the entranceway as Nightmare King’s music blares over the sound system. The crowd gives mixed reactions to this newcomer as he heads towards the ring not paying attention to the crowd. He stares into BeYoNdEr’s eyes as he enters the ring through the second rope. He walks around the ring staring at BeYoNdEr.

The Bell sounds and these two rising superstars go at it. They get into a grapple but Nightmare King whips BeYoNdEr off of the rope. Nightmare King bends over looking for a telegraph but BeYoNdEr hits him with a swift kick to the head followed by a neckbreaker. BeYoNdEr picks King up by his hair and whips him into the turnbuckle. He charges at him but Nightmare King raises his foot into the air and BeYoNdEr crashes into it. As BeYoNdEr lies on the floor the newcomer stands for a minute catching his breath before lifting up BeYoNdEr’s leg and drilling his elbow into BeYoNdEr’s upper leg. The ref begins to argue with Nightmare King that it was a low blow and he defends himself as BeYoNdEr regains consciousness behind them. As King turns around BeYoNdEr rolls him up into a small package.



And a close 3 but Nightmare kicks out. BeYoNdEr stands up and lifts Nightmare King up. They begin to exchange heated punching to the heads of each other. BeYoNdEr than whips King off the ropes and BeYoNdEr bounces off the ropes. They both collide in the centre of the ring with a double clothesline and they both fall to the ground.








BeYoNdEr begins to stand up to his feet.



BeYoNdEr gains his balance and mounts the turnbuckle. Nightmare King slowly stands up and stumbles a little. He turns around and BeYoNdEr leaps off the turnbuckle and nails King with a huge missile dropkick. BeYoNdEr gets knocked down too from the impact. The ref counts to 8 before BeYoNdEr finally stands up. He picks Nightmare King up and throws him off the ropes, as he comes back BeYoNdEr locks him in a sleeper. The ref begins to lift Nightmare’s hand in the air.



King stops before his hand hits the floor a third time and begins to stand up, he elbows out of the sleeper and throws BeYoNdEr off the ropes in a sudden burst of energy. As BeYoNdEr comes back Nightmare King hits him with a knee to the gut. BeYoNdEr flips to the ground holding his gut as Nightmare taunts the crowd. The crowd boos loudly as Nightmare King mounts the turnbuckle. He taunts the crowd than all of a sudden there is an explosion of fireworks from the entrance way and Get Born Again blares over the sound system. Nightmare King stares at the entranceway awaiting the arrival of Spiker and the crowd erupts, but as he does BeYoNdEr gets up on his feet and bounces off the ropes which causes Nightmare King to get crotched on the top rope. He flips down to the floor and BeYoNdEr locks Nightmare King in the Sharp shooter! Nightmare King crawls towards the ropes but BeYoNder pulls him back to the centre of the ring. Nightmare King taps repeatedly on the mat and BeYoNdEr holds the move on a few moments longer before releasing the move.

The Winner of the match – BeYoNdEr!!
Single Match – Owl Vs. Darrius
A flood of yellow sparks falls as Owl’s music booms from the speaker’s surrounding the arena. Suddenly two white pyro’s explodes from the ramp way and the crowd comes alive! The Owl walks through that famous white curtain and onto the ramp. The thunderous applause and cheers meet his presence. He stops at the top of the ramp and paces back and forth looking at the crowd. The Owl makes his way down the ramp and up on to the ring apron, he walks along the side slowly and turns to look at the crowd. The Owl throws his arms into the air mightily as the crowd roar with delight.

Suddenly, “Zero” by the Smashing Pumpkins hits and Darrius emerges from the back with a grin on his face. He pauses for a moment, surveying the fans and soaking up the atmosphere, before sauntering down to the ring and sliding under the bottom rope. Finally, Darrius sits down in the far corner of the ring waiting for the bell.

As the bell sounds Darrius gets up only to get knocked back down from right hands by the Owl. Owl picks Darrius up and sets him for a pulling Piledriver and the Owl hits it. Owl sets up Darrius for a suplex and connects with it also. Owl then turns to the crowd and poses for them and as he does this Darrius hits the Owl with a low blow, which the ref doesn’t see. After this Darrius takes control of the offence by hitting a reverse suplex and a powerslam after that. Darrius takes a breather as Owl gets to his feet and then hits the Owl with a Death Valley Driver, which lays Owl in the middle of the ring.

Darrius proceeds to go up to the top rope and hits a Moonsault on the Owl. Darrius sees that the match is almost over so Darrius goes to the Owl’s feet and locks in the Sharpshooter. Owl is struggling to get to the ropes while writhing in pain, but finally the Owl makes it to the ropes and Darrius has to break the hold but Darrius wont listen to the ref. The ref counts to 4 and Darrius finally releases the hold much to the crowds delight, but the Owl’s legs are injured.

Darrius begins to argue with ref allowing the Owl get himself together and hits a German suplex from behind to take over the offence. The Owl sets Darrius up for a Sambo suplex and executes it to perfection. Now the Owl hits a springboard dropkick onto Darrius. Which sends him up against the ropes. The Owl sends Darrius of the ropes as Darrius comes back the Owl hits Darrius with a huge Spinebuster and proceeds to climb the top rope as Darrius lays helpless in the middle of the ring. Owl taunts to the crowd for a second then proceeds to hit a missile Moonsault. Then the Owl pins Darrius: 1.. 2.. kickout and Owl looks angry.

Owl then proceeds to hit a pedigree and pin Darrius again: 1.. 2.. no another kickout by Darrius. Owl gets up and seems to be really heated. The Owl runs towards Darrius as Darrius gets up and tries for a flying forearm but Darrius dives out of the way and the Owl hits the ref by accident and knocks him down. The Owl turns around and ducks a right hand from Darrius and hits him with an Olympic Slam. The Owl goes up to the top rope looking to hit the Owlbow.

Darrius gets up and the Owl hits him with the Owlbow. Then Owl goes and pins Darrius but the ref is still down and cant count. The Owl gets up and goes to the ringside to get a chair and brings the chair back into the ring. The Owl sets Darrius up for an Inverted DDT on the chair. Boom! Owl connects with the DDT and turns Darrius over and pins him as the ref begins to stir.

The ref gets in position and begins to count: 1.. 2.. but wait the ref stops as he sees the chair. He gets up, walks over to the ring announcer and explains his decision. Announcer: The winner of the match via DQ: Darrius. The winner of the match: Darrius After the match: Owl is very mad and grabs the chair and hits Darrius with the chair again and then walks out of the ring up the ramp and to the back as the winner lays motionless in the ring.

The Winner of the match – Darrius!!
Tag Team Match – The Spiker (Internet Champion) and Adam Striker (Hardcore Champion) Vs. Chooch (International Champion) and Joe Chambers
The lights go out and I’m Coming starts to play as fans begin to boo. After a few seconds BOOM, pryo goes off, the lights come back on. Chooch is standing on the stage with his hands in the air holding up the International Title belt. Then Chooch walks to the ring with a chorus of boos from the fans. Then Chooch gets into the ring throws his hands in the air and Pyro blast from all 4 corners. All of the lights turn off and Down With The Sickness blares on the speakers, and a green X light floats over the crowd as Joe Chambers walks to the top of the ramp. He signals for the Pyro by making an X with his hands crossed. He brings it down and the green and red Pyro shoots off. He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring.

“Follow Me” by P.O.D hits the arena. All fans come to a huge pop, and the lights quickly go out and blue spotlights float around the audience. Orange explosives go off on the stage, while Adam Striker with his Hardcore Title Belt walks out on to the stage, and starts walking down the ramp. The fans chant, “Striker!!! Striker!!! Striker!!!” repeatedly, while he begins to be introduced. Alice in Chains ‘Get Born Again’ then hits the PA system and the fans give out a mixed reaction to the Internet Champion Spiker. Spiker taunts on the entrance ramp before slowly walking down to the ring and sliding in.

Adam Striker starts the match off with Joe Chambers in the middle of the ring. Chambers dives for Striker but the Hardcore Champion dodges and catches Chambers in a waist lock. As Chambers squirms to get out of the waist lock Striker holds on and finally takes down Chambers with a Russian leg sweep. Chambers and Striker then lock up again but this time Chambers pushes back striker right into the corner where the referee tries to get both men to break it off. Chambers finally breaks it but Striker comes straight out of the corner and the fans cheer as he knocks down Chambers with a big clothesline. Striker then picks up Chamber and suplexes him back to the mat and then tags in The Spiker.

The fans cheer as The Spiker enters the ring and fires off with right hands on Chamber and then knocking him down to the mat. Spiker then picks up Chamber and whips him into the ropes and then hits him with a back body drop. Spiker then goes for the cover on Chambers.



Kickout by Chambers.

Chambers then dives across to his corner and before Spiker can do anything about it tags in Chooch. The fans boo as the International Champion enters the ring. Chooch grabs Spiker and takes him to the mat with a arm bar takedown and then locking on a camel clutch. As Spiker’s face twists in agony because of the time tested submission move Striker jumps into the ring and kicks Chooch in the face. Striker then picks up the International Champion, who he will meet next Sunday at BreakDown in a ladder match, and then hits him with the Deep Impact! Chambers then enters the ring and throws Striker over the top rope. Chambers grabs Spiker to his feet and then hits him with ‘The Providence’! Chambers then climbs to the outside where he starts brawling with Adam Striker as both legal men are down in the ring. The referee begins his count.








Both men now begin to get to their feet.


Both men are now up. Spiker begins to punch Chooch and then sets him up for the Spiker Drop! But Chooch low blows Spiker and nails him with an inverted DDT! Chooch then hooks Spiker’s leg.



As Adam Striker tries to get into the ring Chambers holds him back by his leg.


The Winners of the match – Joe Chambers and Chooch!!
Tag Team Match – Genocide and Chris Cage Vs. Havoc and Wild Boar, Special Guest Referee: Agent Orange
‘Bad Boy 4 Life’ by P Diddy hits the sound system in the arena as Havoc walks down with the World Title over his shoulder, to a chant of YOU SUCK or many boos from the crowd, he looks about with an angry expression on his face but with a slight smile. He sometimes goes over to a few members of the crowd and shouts obscenities back. This just makes the crowd boo even more but he pays no attention and just smile evilly.

‘The Fight Song’ by Marilyn Manson blasts over the EWF P.A System, causing the fans in the sold out arena give a loud chorus of boos and jeers. After a few moments Wild Boar steps out from under the EWF-Tron, he is warring his usual attire (a sleeveless, dark blue shirt, regular, black jogging bottoms, a scruffy pair of white training shoes, black wraps and elbow pads). He stands at the top of the ramp and pauses, folding his large arms across his huge chest; he watches the booing fans, smiling mockingly at them. He holds the pose for a few seconds, then breaks it and begins to slowly walk to ringside, shouting abuse at the occasional fan as he goes. He gets to the ring and steps up onto the ring apron, pauses for a second, then steps over the second rope and enters the ring. Without wasting any time Wild Boar goes over to the opposite corner and climbs onto the second turnbuckle, he raises his arms aloft, causing an array of boos that rise loudly from the pumped up EWF crowd. Wild Boar slowly brings his arms down, and then spends a few seconds leaning over the ropes shouting abuse to the front row fans before stepping off the turnbuckle and heading towards the centre of the ring.

Slipknot “People=Shit” hits the sound system and the fans start to cheer as Genocide makes his way to the ring. Genocide stands at the top of the ramp for a while taunting as the fans cheer him. Genocide then slowly makes his way to the ring staring at the World champion and Wild Boar who are standing side by side in the ring. “I disappear” hits the P.A system as the crowd erupts. Chris Cage steps through the curtains to a standing ovation from the crowd. He is wearing his usual ring attire, black long leather pants, and black boots. He starts making his way to the ring as pyros starts shooting up the ramp. He walks up beside Genocide before both up them sliding into the ring. ‘Agent Orange’ by Cage then hits the sound system and Agent Orange makes his way to the ring wearing a referee’s shirt. Orange slides into the ring as the fans boo him.

Genocide and Havoc start off the match in a collar arm tie up with Havoc pushing back Genocide into the corner. Havoc then starts to lay into Genocide with chops to his chest, which is met with woos from the crowd. Havoc then whips Genocide into the other corner and follows up with a clothesline in the corner. Havoc then lifts up Genocide and drops him down with a Manhattan drop. Havoc then tags in Wild Boar. Wild Boar goes straight over to Genocide and whips him into the ropes before knocking him down with a punch. Wild Boar then picks up Genocide and drops him back to the floor with a sit out spinebuster. Wild Boar then goes for the cover on Genocide, hooking the leg.



Kickout by Genocide.

As Genocide tries to crawl over to his corner for the tag Wild Boar catches him and throws him into the ropes. But WB comes off the ropes with a flying clothesline, knocking both men down. Agent Orange then starts to make his count.







Both men then get to their feet. Genocide tags in Chris Cage and WB tags in Havoc. Chris Cage comes into the ring with right hands on the World Champion. Chris Cage then whips Havoc into the ropes and hits him with a flying DDT. Chris Cage then climbs to the top rope and taunts causing the crowd to start cheering before jumping off with a leg drop onto Havoc. Chris Cage then goes for the cover on Havoc, pressing his shoulders to the mat.



Kickout by Havoc but a rather slow count by Agent Orange

As Chris Cage protests to Agent Orange the special guest referee Havoc sneaks up behind him and hits him with a low blow. Havoc then rolls up Cage, but he kicks out just before 2. Havoc then bounces off the ropes and comes back on Chris Cage with a Lui Thesz Press. Havoc then picks up Cage from the mat and slams him down with a Jacknife Powerbomb and then pounds away at Chris Cage with mounted punches. Havoc then goes for the cover on Cage.



Kickout by Cage.

Havoc then shoots up a look to Agent Orange and asks him why he did not count to three. Orange tells him to get on with the match. Chris Cage then start fighting back on Havoc with big punches backing the champion into the corner of the ring. Cage then goes to whip the champion but Havoc reverses into a whip of his own but Cage reverses that into a spinebuster! Cage then taunts the crowd before locking on a sharpshooter to Havoc. Havoc shifts towards the ropes but Wild Boar stops the move by kicking Chris Cage off of the champion. WB then pulls Havoc over to his corner and makes the tag as Chris Cage tags in Genocide. Genocide enters the ring and starts hitting WB with punches. Genocide then knocks WB down with a reverse elbow before turning around and knocking Havoc off of the apron with a big punch. Genocide then turns around but gets caught by Wild Boar and planted with a ‘Boar Bomb’. Wild Boar then goes for the cover on Genocide putting his feet on the ropes for extra leverage.



Agent Orange sees Wild Boars feet on the ropes and refuses to count!

Wild Boar gets to his feet and pushes Agent Orange. Agent Orange then spears down WB and hits him with mounted punches! Agent Orange then picks up WB and throws him to Genocide. Genocide lifts up Wild Boar and hits him with the ‘Torment’! The fans go Wild as Genocide then covers WB!




Agent Orange made a fast count!

The Winners of the match – Genocide and Chris Cage!!

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