
Name: Jay Adder

Nicknames: “The Icon”

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 249 lbs

Date of Birth: 25th December 1980

Hometown: Calgary, Canada

Personality:  A 20 year legend in the indie scene, Jay Adder is known for his strong leadership skills and his ability to strengthen the skills of those around him. Jay is most known for helping in the training of former Las Vegas Champion Kenneth Williams.


Fighting Style: Ring General/Technical

Crowd Reaction: Neutral

Finisher Name: Memory Lane

Finisher Description: Double Underhook Tombstone Piledriver

Signature Moves: Sharpshooter, Snap Dragon Suplex, Death Valley Driver, Snap Suplex, Vertical Brain Buster, Spinebuster,

Entrance Music: “Super Freak” by Rick James


Career History: 10x CPW World Champion and legendary Tag Team champion in many different federations in the indie scene a decorated and feared opponent.

Biography: Brother to famous and legendary independent wrestling owner, Bellinor Adder, Jay Adder worked his way across the Canadian Indy scene at the bright young age of 17. He spent the rest of his career dominating in different federations working in many stables collecting many championships and using the art of teamwork to achieve his goals. After capturing his last World Title at his brothers now closed Canadian Pro Wrestling, he and his brother decided to branch out to a more professional setting after hearing the success of one of his students in the sVo, Kenneth Williams.


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