sVo Showdown
7th March 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Episode #034


We’re taken to the back where we see several staff members hustling and bustling around trying to ready things backstage. We’re only a hour away from the start of the return of sVo. We notice a figure approaching, as he gets closer we see that he’s dressed in black jeans, a black tee shirt, and some black boots. On his back is a black leather trench coat. Also upon his head is a black with a white band fedora. In his right hand is a black suitcase and in his left one of those rolling style suitcases. As he approaches the entrance we see him being stopped by a couple of the sVo security team.

SG1: Excuse me sir, public is not allowed backstage.

The man stops and swings the rolling suitcase around infront of him. He then rests the other suitcase ontop of it. He tips his hat at the two gentlemen.

Man: ‘Ello mon amie, dey calls me Tobias Deveruex. I so glad ta have yew see me. I nos public dough, I works here now.

The two security guards look at each other for a moment. The second guard starts flipping through a list. After a few moments the second guard looks back at Tobias.

SG2: I’m sorry sir but we don’t have you on the list.

Tobias: I no care bout nos list, I done told yew I works here now.

SG1: Sir if you’re not on the list you can’t come back here.

Tobias: I tell yews what den. How bouts we bet on it ey? I wins de game I goes inside no? Yew win, I leaves yew alone.

SG1: Sir, you’re not going to be able to come back here no matter what little game you want to play.

Tobias: Okay, I make it more better for yew den. Yew win, I gives yew a hondred dallers. Gewd?

SG2: Each?

Tobias just nods his head and tips his hat.

SG1: We can’t let him back either way.

SG2: Oh come on, if he wins we’ll let him in the back and someone else can throw him out. I’m only making fifty bucks tonight as is, I could use the extra money.

SG1: Fine, alright whats the game Cajun.

Tobias: Glad you ask I so be. One ball, tree shells, simple no?

SG2: The shell game, I’m great at that.

SG1: Aight, lets go.

Tobias quickly opens up his suitcase and pulls out three small white cups and one small white ball. He shows the men both things and quickly tosses the ball under the middle cup and puts the other two on either side. Tobias keeps eye contact at both men and starts to rotate the cups around.

Tobias: Yew gots to be quick mon amie. Keep de eye on de ball.

Tobias after a moment stops and waits for the two to pick. They both point at the left cup. Tobias smirks and lifts it up only to reveal emptiness.

Tobias: So sorry, no ball, I wins.

Tobias scoops up the cups and slides them off the suitcase only to throw them back inside. Both of the guards look stunned as Tobias grabs his rolling suitcases handle. Tobias tips his hat and walks past the two leaving his one suitcase on the other and rolling both behind him. We follow Tobias for a moment seeing the guards behind him bickering at one another. Tobias is seen just smirking as his free hand comes into view and we see the ball just rolling between his fingers.


As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Pretty Vegas by INXS begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showdown opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring action from top sVo stars such as Johnny All Star, Nathan Paradine and Joseph Equinox! As the video begins to come to an end, the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the latest Showdown episode as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd, including ‘You’ve been Gilmoured!’, ‘Psyko Stevo – The Best Around’ and ‘Kelly Flawless Just Slept With Your Dead Mom’! As the official sVo Showdown theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as they eagerly anticipate tonight’s action getting underway.


The fans in the Goodfellas Casino Arena are waiting patiently for the action to get under way when the giant TV screen in the arena suddenly bursts into life with the entrance video for the sVo President as ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ by the Rolling Stones blasts out over the sound system! The fans are on their feet as Paige slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance ramp and flicks her long blonde hair back over her shoulder. Paige stands for a few seconds striking a pose whilst the cameras flash away at her, before she slowly walks down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Camera flashes light up the arena as Paige is helped up the stairs by the ring announcer, who then holds open the ring ropes for the President of the sVo to enter the ring for the first time in nearly eighteen months.

Paige waits for the deafening cheers and theme music to die down before addressing the Vegas fans through the microphone.

Paige – “Ladies and gentlemen of Las Vegas, and all those watching at home….. Welcome back to the sVo!”

There is a cheap pop from the fans who begin a ‘sVo, sVo, sVo’ chant.

Paige – “Now I am just as excited to be back here as all of you people are! Tonight we will see the new era of the Sanctioned Violence Organization kick off by remembering our glorious history. Tonight will see the beginning of the annual ‘Alex Ross Tournament’ in memory of our past World Champion…. and I think its only fitting that the first winner of the tournament will become the new champion of the new era of the sVo!”

The fans cheer at the thought of someone holding the sVo World Championship belt again for the first time in around eighteen months.

Paige – “Now I know you don’t want to sit there and listen to me speak all night, so without further ado, I officially announce the new era of the sVo open….. Let’s get the action under way!”

There is another huge cheap pop from the crowd as ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ hits the sound system again, and President Paige slowly makes her way out of the ring and back up the entrance ramp.

‘Canadian Perfect’ Chris Wrestling vs. Orlando Fox

“Cuz tha boyz in tha hood are always hard
Ya come talkin’ that trash we’ll pull ya cord
Knowin’ nuthin’ in life but tah be legit
Don’t quote me boy ‘cuz I ain’t said shit”

Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy E hits the sound system and the fans boo as Orlando Fox slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp.

Fox, the former Hardcore Champion, raises his arm in the air as he walks down towards the ring whilst staring out members of the audience at ringside. Fox soon rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and steps onto the bottom rope before performing his signature taunt to the crowd, which brings out even more boos for Fox!

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling. Then Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling comes out with a huge smirk on his face, trying to prevent the crowd from touching him.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Fox charges at Wrestling who takes Fox down with an arm dragon screw. Wrestling holds on to the arm and applies an arm wrench followed by an elbow smash to Fox. Wrestling goes to throw Fox against the ropes but Fox reverses and Wrestling bounces off the ropes and connects a back spinning wheel kick to Fox. Wrestling pins Fox.




Fox gets up and receives a big kick to the face by Wrestling. Wrestling pins Fox again.




Wrestling goes to pick up Fox but Fox sweeps Wrestling’s leg and applies a bow & arrow lock to Wrestling.

Wrestling reaches the ropes and Fox releases the hold. Fox now drags Wrestling to the middle of the ring and applies a brain squeezer to Wrestling.

Wrestling starts to get to his feet and moves to the side to elbow his way out. Wrestling throws Fox against the ropes but Fox comes back from them with a bulldog to Wrestling. Fox pins Wrestling.




Wrestling tries to get up but receives a clothesline from behind by Fox. Fox goes for another pin attempt.




Fox picks up Wrestling and places him on the top turnbuckle. Fox tries to climb up with him but Wrestling pushes him off to the mat. Fox lands on his feet but Wrestling comes down with a double axe handle to Fox. Wrestling pins Fox.




Wrestling quickly goes after Fox and applies an Eastern Stretch.

Fox barely gets to the ropes and Wrestling is forced to let him go. Wrestling goes to pick up Fox but Fox starts to fight back but Wrestling stops him with a rake to the eyes. Wrestling goes for a single leg takedown and quickly goes for a figure four pin on Fox.




Wrestling goes to pick up Fox but Fox applies a fist lock to Wrestling.

Wrestling tries to hammer him with blows to escape but Fox catches Wrestling by surprise with a front Russian Leg Sweep. Fox pins Wrestling.




Fox picks up Wrestling and throws him against the ropes and delivers a hip toss to Wrestling. Fox waits for Wrestling to make it to his feet and delivers a jumping hh pin to Wrestling.




Both men get up and Wrestling catches Fox with a knee smash on his way up. Wrestling follows it up with a mat slam to Fox. Wrestling now grabs Fox’ leg and applies a one leg Boston crab to Fox.

Fox crawls his way to the ropes and Wrestling releases the hold. Wrestling picks up Fox and delivers a pump handle drop to Fox. Wrestling pins Fox.




Wrestling goes to argue with the referee and Fox takes full advantage taking Wrestling down with a roll up.




Both men get up and Fox charges at Wrestling and delivers a running arm drag to Wrestling. Wrestling gets up quickly and Fox charges again and connects with a running ddt on Wrestling. Fox pins Wrestling.




Fox picks up Wrestling but Wrestling fires back with punches to Fox. Wrestling bounces off the ropes but Fox catches him with a running samoan drop to Wrestling. Fox pins Wrestling.




Fox goes to pick up Wrestling but Wrestling surprises Fox with a desperation samoan drop of his own. Wrestling gets an arm on top of Fox for the pin.




Both men get up slowly and Wrestling gets the upper hand by delivering a side slam to Fox. Wrestling pins Fox.




Wrestling grabs Fox by the arm and applies a sitting reverse armbar on Fox.

Fox crawls to the ropes and grabs them. Wrestling releases the hold and goes after Fox and slaps him right in the face. Fox gets mad and takes Wrestling down with a single leg takedown and applies a spinning leg crush on Wrestling. Fox picks up Wrestling and takes him back down again with an STO. Fox pins Wrestling.




Fox picks up Wrestling and haves him in a front slam position. He starts to climb to the second rope with Wrestling on his arms and throws Wrestling back with a super fallaway slam. Fox pins Wrestling.



Foot on the rope.

Fox picks up Wrestling and delivers a tilt a whirl backbreaker to Wrestling. Fox pins Wrestling again.



Wrestling barely lifts a shoulder off the mat.

Fox goes to pick up Wrestling but Wrestling catches Fox by surprise with an inside cradle.




The first match of the new era of the sVo is in the books, and it is the newcomer Chris Wrestling who scores a suprise pinfall victory over former sVo Hardcore Champion Orlando Fox, and advances to the next round of the Alex Ross tournament! With one member of the Corporation already through to the next round, will the group go on to dominate the sVo? Orlando Fox stares back in shock at Chris Wrestling, who celebrates his victory in the corner of the ring!

RESULT: Chris Wrestling def. Orlando Fox via pinfall


We head backstage to the Presidential offices of Paige, where the first lady herself is sitting behind her desk watching the action of Showdown #34 from a wide-screen TV that is hanging on the far wall. At her side is her loyal chief of security Scott Love, who also seems to be enjoying the action after the exciting match between Chris Wrestling and Orlando Fox just moments ago.

Scott Love – “Looks like we have made a good start to the night so far Paige. That ‘Corporation’ group certainly look like they are going to be a strong force in the new look sVo.”

Scott Love glances across to his boss, who nods her head whilst deep in thought.

Paige – “Yes I agree. That is definitely a situation that I will have to keep my eyes on closely.”

The conversation between the President and the chief of security is interrupted by a knock of the door, from which sVo lawyer James Shepherd soon enters.

Paige – “James, I didn’t expect you to be in the building tonight. Are you here to enjoy the action? There isn’t a more comfortable room in the house that right here!”

Paige motions over to the large leather black couch that runs alongside the wall of the room, but Shepherd shakes his head sternly.

James Shepherd – “I’m afraid that I am not here to watch the show Paige, I am here strictly on business. I have been told by ‘the Company’ that you need to add two extra matches to your schedule tonight.”

Paige looks confused as she begins to shake her head.

Paige – “I think there must be some kind of mistake James. When you came to me and offered the job, you told me I would be in control of booking the matches….”

James Shepherd – “And you are in control, but for tonight you need to add two extra matches to the Alex Ross tournament.”

Paige – “Well I am not happy about this James, but I don’t think it is possible anyway. We have all members of the roster already booked!”

Shepherd shakes his head whilst removing a sheet of paper from his briefcase.

James Shepherd – “That’s not strictly true. We have just tied up some new wrestlers on contracts this afternoon. The first match will involve a great new talent in Tobias Deveruex against a man who will be chosen by ‘the Company’. The second match is a little trickier…. I need you to find someone to take on someone that the Company is still in talks with. He should be signed by the time the match takes place, but I need you to hand pick an opponent for him…..”

Paige looks furious at the last minute change of plans that she thought she was in charge of, whilst her chief of security speaks up.

Scott Love – “Paige, if you need anyone to get ‘taken care of’, you know you just need to let me know.”

Paige nods her head before replying.

Paige – “James, you tell the ‘Company’ that I am disgusted that I am being forced to change my plans like this. If the sVo is to be a success then I need to run this thing without interference. As the wheels have been sit in motion already then I guess I have no option but to do what the ask tonight, but I will not put up with further changes to the shows!”

James Shepherd nods his head.

James Shepherd – “I will make sure the message is passed on.”

James Shepherd makes his way out of the room as President Paige turns to Scott Love.

Paige – “Are you sure you want to go into a match tonight? You haven’t wrestled for years, do you really want to make a comeback against a mystery opponent, it could be anyone!”

Scott Love – “Don’t worry. I intend to win the match and send a message to the company for you, no matter who its against!”

Paige nods her head as the scene fades out leaving the fans wondering just who the two mystery entries into the Alex Ross tournament will be!


The sVo-tron flickers to life and we find ourselves staring at a backstage interview area. The ever-vigilant, scoop-seeking sVo veteran interviewer Candi Cross’s face greets us to a cheer from the sVo universe.

CANDI CROSS: “Hello, sVo, this is Candi Cross reporting. Earlier this evening, representatives of ‘The Company’ – the mysterious organisation behind the purchase and relaunch of the sVo – announced that they were adding a match for tonight’s Alex Ross Memorial Tournament featuring their own mystery signing.”

A huge murmur rises from the crowd at the huge announcement – speculation already going wild as to just who the ‘mystery signing’ is.

Candi Cross: “That match will feature tonight, the winner of which will advance in the tournament as will the winners of the other matches. Tonight I will interview various members of the sVo family both past and present and we’ll be bringing those to you throughout the night. This is Candi Cross, reporting.


We head backstage where sVo interviewer Tamara Boyd is sitting in hair and make up, sorting out her look before tonight’s historic sVo return show. Tamara is taking extra care in straightening out her long black hair, and making herself look pretty for a show which is likely to be watched by millions around the globe, and thousands live here in Las Vegas. A few seconds after finishing her routine Tamara Boyd rises up to her feet and checks that she is alone in the room. Comfortable in the fact that no one is about, Tamara pouts a few times to herself in the mirror, before smiling and confidently strutting her self out of the room, her high heels clicking loudly on the floor with every foot step.

The door swings shut behind her, and for a few seconds there is silence. However after the seconds slowly pass, the door to the cupboard in the room slowly creaks open, and out steps the masked sVo star known as ‘The Teacher’. The Teacher scans the room with his eyes, before following slowly and silently in the direction that Tamara Boyd left.

Just why was the Teacher spying secretly on Tamara Boyd, and what intentions does he have for the pretty sVo interviewer?

Tobias Devereux vs. Weapon X

The arena goes dark as a small white spotlight shines on the entrance way. The haunting words of “You’re my Sanctuary” plays over the sound system. Slowly the sounds of a violin comes through before drums kick in as the drums and guitar cut in the lights flash brilliantly causing a momentary blindness. As the lights come back to normal we spot Tobias Devereux standing in the middle of the stage. He makes his way down the ramp as his long black trench coat flaps behind him. He makes his way slapping fan’s hands as he reaches the ring. Climbing up the steps he stops at the ring post climbing up to the second rope and looking out at the crowd. He then jumps over the top rope and lands in the ring. Tobias makes his way to the opposite corner and climbs up to the second rope. Shrugging his shoulders his trench coat comes off. He quickly tosses it over the top rope to a ring attendant down below. Taking off his fedora he tosses it into the crowd. Tobias hops off the middle rope and leans back into the corner waiting for his mystery opponent.

Bells ring out around the arena as the lights dim down and the fans rise to their feet in anticipation of witnessing the sight of Weapon X! The guitar chords of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” by Metallica begins to kick in as Weapon X walks slowly down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Weapon X stares straight ahead of him, the eyes behind the mask focused in on his target. Weapon X slowly reaches the ring, before climbing in and preparing to go to war!

Weapon X stares out at Devereux from behind his mask as the bell rings and the match quickly gets under way! Both men rush forward towards each other Weapon X uses his superior height to gain a quick advantage over his opponent by winning a tie up with Devereux and tossing him hard into the ropes. Devereux bounces back, and runs into a big boot to the fans from Weapon X. The crowd give a mixed reaction to Weapon X as he rises up to his feet and looks out at the crowd from behind his mask. Devereux slowly gets back to his feet, but he receives some big right hands to the face from Weapon X who backs him into the corner of the ring. Devereux fights back with some chops to the midsection that back Weapon X into the middle of the ring, before slamming him down to the mat with a cajun driver which gets the crowd on its feet!

The fans cheer the big move from Devereux who goes for a quick cover on Weapon X, but only gets a two count. Devereux tries to maintain the momentum by bouncing off of the ring ropes and landing a leg drop across the upper body of Weapon X, however Weapon X rolls out of the way! Devereux gets back to his feet, but Weapon X pounces back on him with some big punches before locking in a side head lock. Devereux tries to struggle out of the hold, however Weapon X slams a big knee into the face of Devereux before pulling him up into the air and slamming him back down with a full nelson slam! Weapon X rises back up to his feet, however instead of taunting or interacting with the fans, he goes straight back to work on his fellow sVo newcomer with some big boots to the midsection of Devereux!

Weapon X pulls Devereux back up to his feet by his hair, however out of nowhere Devereux breaks the hold that Weapon X holds over him and nails him with a knee to the midsection. The fans cheer as Weapon X doubles over in pain, and Devereux DDT’s the masked opponent down to the mat. Weapon X slowly rolls up to his feet holding his head in pain, however Devereux shows no mercy as he approaches Weapon X from behind, before throwing him to the mat with a German suplex! The fans cheer the big move from Devereux, who once again attempts to make a cover on his opponent!




There is disappointment amongst the crowd as Weapon X gets a shoulder up off of the mat just in the nick of time! Devereux looks disappointed at not getting the three count as he pulls Weapon X up to his feet before he can recover. Devereux throws Weapon X into the corner of the ring, before running at his opponent and hitting him with a big ‘Bayou Bash’ in the corner of the ring! The fans cheer the trademark move from Devereux, who signals to the fans that he wants to end the match with his finishing move! Devereux stalks Weapon X as he slowly gets to his feet, before grabbing him by the arms ready to hit the ‘Devereux Devastation’! However before Devereux can hit his finisher, Weapon X counters with an arm drag takedown on Devereux! Devereux jumps back up to his feet with a look of shock on his face, however Weapon X quickly leaps onto Devereux and slams him in the face with a head butt! Devereux stumbles backwards before Weapon X kicks him before tossing him to the mat with a snap suplex! The fans give a mixed reaction to the move from Weapon X, who makes the cover on Devereux.



Thr….. Just when everyone in the Goodfellas Casino Arena had thought that Weapon X had picked up the win and advanced in the tournament, Devereux gets a shoulder up off of the mat to break the three count in the nick of time!

The fans cheer the kick out from Devereux as it means that this match continues! Weapon X drags Devereux up to his feet by his arm, before chopping him across the chest with a big back hand. The crowd cheer the chop as it echo’s around the arena, as Devereux winces in pain. Devereux stumbles backwards, and Weapon X uses his strenght to lift Devereux into the air before slamming him down to the mat with a big tilt-a-whirl slam! The fans like what they see from the mysterious 6’5” Weapon X, who proceeds to hit Devereux with an elbow drop before making the cover on the sVo newcomer.




Once again, Devereux somehow manages to get his shoulder up off of the mat to break the pinfall attempt from Weapon X and maintain his chances of progressing in the Alex Ross tournament! Although his face is masked, the body language from Weapon X suggests that he is getting more and more annoyed with the referee as he grabs Devereux by the throat and drags him up to a standing position. Weapon X stares long and hard at the referee, before hauling Devereux up into the air by the throat, before dropping him down to the mat with a huge chokeslam! Devereux’s body slams off of the mat with extreme force, before Weapon X drops down to make the cover which must surely be the end of this contest.




Devereux kicked out!

The fans can’t believe the guts of Devereux to kick out after that devastating chokeslam from Weapon X! Weapon X rises to his feet in frustation and grabs hold of the referee! The fans give a mixed reaction to the masked giant as he backs the referee in the corner of the ring by the shirt and complains that he was making a slow count! The referee looks terrified as the masked Weapon X bares down on him, but he is saved from an unlikely source, as Devereux rises to his feet and nails Weapon X with a punch to the back of the head. Weapon X stumbles backwards, allowing Devereux the chance to take the big man down to the mat with a reverse DDT! The fans cheer the move from Devereux who wastes no time in picking up Weapon X! Devereux seems to be feeding off of the cheers from the crowd as he throws Weapon X into the ropes, before smashing him in the face with a reverse elbow as he bounces back! Weapon X stumbles backwards holding his head, allowing Devereux the perfect opportunity to execute the ‘Devereux Devastation’! The fans cheer in delight as seeing the finishing move of the man from New Orleans as Devereux drops down onto Weapon X to make the cover!




There are cheers from the fans as the referee raises Devereux’s hand in the air in victory before bailing out of the ring and getting as far away from Weapon X as possible! Devereux stands in the ring celebrating his win and progression in the Alex Ross tournament in a hard fought battle over the mysterious Weapon X!

RESULT: Tobias Devereux def. Weapon X via pinfall


Roscoe Shame finishes putting on his Shame Time t-shirt as he sits down in his locker room. He rummages through his gym bag that rests at his feet and pulls out a plastic bag. Reaching into the bag he pulls out a yellow and black book.

“Wrestling for Dummies” he reads aloud.

Shame skims through the first few pages with focus. He looks as he is pondering something in his mind. With a shrug of his shoulders he closes the book and puts it back into the plastic bag.

“Here goes nothing.”

Roscoe Shame leaves his locker room and makes his way towards the ring for his first match in his wrestling career.


The sVo-tron flickers to life – it appears to be evening and we find ourselves in the V.I.P section of the Goodfellas Casino. A man with greased back hair in a slick black suit with a bright red shirt and matching tie smugly sucks on a cigar. He eyes a waitress who brings what we can assume is a bottle of the finest wine – indeed he seems to be doing well for himself; despite his obvious sliminess. Candi Cross’s voice can be heard, speaking from off-camera.

CANDI CROSS: “Joey Deuce is one of the biggest sports betting agents in Vegas…”

JOEY DEUCE: “In the world, honey…”

CANDI CROSS: “… in the world… and has offered odds on all sVo events to date.”

JOEY DEUCE: “That’s right, it’s a dynamite promotion you guys got running there.”

CANDI CROSS: “To cut to the chase – I trust you’ve been following the current developments in sVo in regards to the Alex Ross Memorial Tournament?”

JOEY DEUCE: “It’s my business to know.”

CANDI CROSS: “The Company has just announced that they are entering a mystery entrant into the mix – an unknown new signing to the sVo…”

JOEY DEUCE: “I know.”

CANDI CROSS: “They just released the information less than an hour ago.”

JOEY DEUCE: “To you… like I said, it’s my business to know these things.”

Joey smirks as he takes a drag of his cigar. He takes the cigar in his right hand and ashes it as he takes a sip of red wine with his left.

CANDI CROSS: “They’re promising a big surprise and a lot of big names are being thrown around. Do you have any thoughts on who it might be?”

JOEY DEUCE: “Well… it’s hard to say. The amount of money those guys are throwing around – could be anyone.”

CANDI CROSS: “You’re a betting man, any favorites?”

Joey chuckles as a big grin appears on his face.

JOEY DEUCE: “You know me so well, Candi. Of course there are favorites. You’ve got to think this is a business decision, nothing more. These guys are all about the cash. They put big numbers in, they want big numbers out. Look at some of the guys they’ve already brought back; All-Star, O-Fox, Equinox, Paradine… new guys like The Corporation…”

He takes another sip.

JOEY DEUCE: “So with those guys already back, think about who hasn’t come back yet; Polowy, Bond, Isaac White, Night, Banks, Travis Williams, Cody Williams, Christian Roman – the list goes on. And those are just the guys who were in the company before… established ‘brands’ if you will… mark my words when ‘The Company’ look at guys like that all they see are dollar signs.”

CANDI CROSS: “So your money is on a returning sVo star?”

JOEY DEUCE: “Without a doubt!”

CANDI CROSS: “Thank you for your time, Mr. Deuce.”

JOEY DEUCE: “Honey please – call me Joey.”

He takes another sip.

JOEY DEUCE: “Actually, no… Mr. Deuce is fine.”

Roscoe Shame vs. Juliana Torres

“Rebirth” by Lil Wayne hits and Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar. The fans stand and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself. He makes his way to the ring while pyros shoot out from the ramp. He climbs into the ring stretches and awaits his opponent.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins.

On the big screen we see The Corporate Lady holding a white owl in her left side of her shoulder and walking toward the ring smoke comes out when she shows up on the screen and she walks on heavy steps looking to the crowd with a mad look and showing no happiness in her eyes a firework sound on her background while she gets inside the ring.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and both competitors start to circle each other. Juliana starts to back into a corner as Roscoe is cornering her. He goes for a big right hand but she ducks and quickly climbs on the second rope on top of him and starts to deliver the traditional 10 punches in the turnbuckle. Roscoe pushes her away and charges at her who drop toe holds him to the mat. She then delivers an angry stomp on Roscoe. Roscoe gets up upset at the happenings and charges at Juliana again who takes him down with an arm dragon screw. Juliana holds on to the arm and applies an arm wrench followed by an elbow smash.

Juliana bounces off the ropes but receives a back toss from Roscoe. Roscoe picks up Juliana and throws her against the ropes and delivers a big kick to the face of Juliana. Roscoe pins Juliana.



Kick out

Roscoe picks up Juliana and delivers a chin breaker to Juliana. Juliana goes down to the mat and Roscoe applies a chin lock to Juliana.

Juliana crawls her way to the ropes and Roscoe is forced to relinquish the hold. Roscoe goes to protest to the referee and Juliana takes advantage of it delivering a clothesline to the back of Roscoe. Juliana turns him around and goes for a cocky pin.



Both competitors get to their feet and Roscoe goes for a quick but Juliana grabs his leg and delivers a dragon screw to Roscoe. Juliana bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop. Juliana pins Roscoe.




Juliana waits for Roscoe to get up and goes for a dropkick but Roscoe sidesteps her. Roscoe now goes after Juliana and applies a face stretch.

Juliana reaches the ropes to escape the submission move. Roscoe picks her up and delivers a falling armbreaker to Juliana. Roscoe waits for Juliana to get up and takes her to the mat with a forearm to the leg of Juliana. Juliana tries to get up in the corner but Roscoe nails her with a forearm smash. Roscoe goes to grab Juliana but Juliana headbutts Roscoe out of desperation. Juliana does a double leg takedown to Roscoe and places her legs on the ropes executing an irregular pin attempt.




Both competitors make it to their feet and Juliana gets the best of Roscoe with a jawbreaker. Juliana bounces off the ropes and connects with a knee drop on the leg of Roscoe. Juliana bounces off the ropes one more time but Roscoe catches her and delivers a lift and toss to Juliana. Roscoe pins Juliana.




Both competitors get up and Roscoe delivers a low kick to Juliana. Juliana doubles over as Roscoe bounces off the ropes and connects with a neckbreaker to Juliana. Roscoe pins Juliana.




Juliana staggers to her feet and stumbles back into a rear naked choke from Roscoe.

Juliana somehow grabs the ropes and Roscoe is forced to release the hold. Roscoe waits for Juliana to get up and bounces off the ropes but Juliana catches Roscoe and falls back delivering a rope drop clothesline. Juliana pins Roscoe.




Both competitors get up and Juliana charges at Roscoe delivering a running arm drag to Roscoe. Juliana bounces off the ropes as Roscoe gets to his feet and delivers a shoulder block to Roscoe. Roscoe gets up and receives a slap from Juliana. Juliana then goes for a kick but Roscoe catches the leg and takes her down. Roscoe then delivers a spinning leg crush to Juliana. Juliana tries to get up but receives a standing clothesline by Roscoe. Roscoe picks up Juliana and delivers an STO to Juliana. Roscoe pins Juliana.




Juliana gets up and receives a throat thrust from Roscoe. Roscoe puts her in a powerbomb position and goes for Shame Time but Juliana counters with a sunset flip pin on him.




Both competitors get up and Juliana jumps at him looking for a huracanrana but Roscoe catches her and delivers The Shame Time to Juliana. Roscoe pins Juliana.




This one is all over and in a match that could potencial steal the show here tonight, Roscoe Shame has narrowly pulled out the win right at the end against the impressive Juliana Torres to advance to the next round of the tournament. Despite only just being beaten, Torres has shown herself and the Corporation to be a major force to be reckoned with in the sVo! However it is Roscoe who progresses in the tournament and keeps alive his hopes of becoming the new sVo World Champion!

RESULT: Roscoe Shame def. Juliana Torres via pinfall



sVo Showdown returns from the commercial break and heads once again backstage where Tamara Boyd is chatting with one of the backstage staff tasked with putting up and taking down the ring before and after every sVo show. The young backstage worker looks memorised by Tamara Boyd’s dark eyes as she looks them onto him whilst tossing back her long black hair.

Tamara Boyd: “So have you seen anything going on back here that might be of interest to me Philip? You know I would be VERY grateful if you could point me in the direction of a good story!”

Philip looks lost for words as he mumbles something under his breath before plucking up the courage to speak back to Tamara.

Philip: “If there was something going on you would be the first person I would come to Tamara.”

The pretty interviewer looks disappointed and gives her best school girl pout in Philip’s direction.

Tamara Boyd: “Come on Philip, you are here backstage all day. There must be some dirt you can give me? What about something on the new guys in the sVo?”

Philip’s head slumps as he shrugs his shoulders in a disappointed manor.

Tamara Boyd rolls her eyes and without saying another word her heels are clicking off down the corridor in the opposite direction to the love struck teenager. She was disappointed that Philip didn’t have any dirt for her, but she had to get out of there for another reason as well. She couldn’t help but have the strangest feeling that someone was watching her……


Backstage in the loading bay of the Arena at Goodfellas Casino – scattered crew stand in the lot some performing various odd jobs, others awaiting the end of the show. A small group of media stand nearby interviewing an unseen sVo star.

Our attention is drawn to the far side of the loading dock however as a black sedan with darkened windows pulls up to a side entrance. The car pulls to a stop in the shadows of a large crate, the occupants hurriedly climbing out of the car and entering the arena, unseen by all – well almost all. Our scoop-seeking cameraman rushes after them. Catching up somewhat in a hall we catch sight of the back of two heads. A shorter, stockier white haired figure and a taller, leaner dark haired figure.

The older man indicates down a hallway.

Old Man: “Your locker room is this way.”

Young Man: “I know… I just have to return something.”

The older man nods, patting the younger man’s shoulder proudly.

La Envidia Mata vs. Billy Ransom

The action heads back out to ringside where Billy Ransom is already in the ring preparing for his Alex Ross tournament match against the latest member of the Corporation to make their debut in the sVi ring. He doesn’t have to wait for long as Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of La Envidia Mata. Then La Envidia Mata comes out completely ignoring the crowd.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and both men tie up and Ransom gets the advantage with an abdominal neck wrench to Mata.

Mata tries to escape but Ransom releases and applies an arm wrench followed up by a hook kick to Mata. Ransom pins Mata.




Ransom picks up Mata and throws him against the ropes and connects with a back body drop to Mata. Mata gets up slowly and then charges at Ransom with a clothesline but Ransom ducks and takes him down with a backslide pin.




Both men get up and Mata takes down Ransom with a double leg takedown followed up by a bow & arrow lock.

Ransom crawls his way to the ropes and Mata releases him. Mata picks up Ransom and throws him against the turnbuckles as Mata bounces off the ropes and delivers a bulldog to Ransom. Mata pins Ransom.




Ransom gets up in a corner and Mata goes after him and delivers a chop in the corner. Mata now grabs Ransom and delivers a derailer to Ransom. Mata pins Ransom.




Mata picks up Ransom and goes for a kick to the midsection but Ransom grabs it and turns Mata completely around and delivers a discus clothesline to Mata. Ransom bounces off the ropes as Mata gets to his feet and delivers a diving shoulder block to Mata. Ransom pins Mata.




Ransom quickly bounces off the ropes and delivers an elbow drop to Mata. Ransom pins Mata again.




Ransom picks up Mata and delivers a falling arm breaker to Mata. Ransom picks up Mata but Mata catches Ransom by surprise and delivers a fireman carry to Ransom. Ransom gets up in a corner and Mata delivers a forearm smash to him in the corner. Mata grabs Ransom by the head and delivers a hard headbutt to Ransom. Mata now throws Ransom against the ropes and delivers a hip toss to Ransom. Mata bounces off the ropes and goes for an elbow drop but misses. Ransom gets up and delivers a kick to the back of Mata. Mata tries to get up but Ransom delivers a knee smash to Mata. Mata tries to fire back with shots but Ransom delivers a low blow to Mata undetected by the referee. Mata staggers to the corner as Ransom charges at him and takes him down with a monkey flip. Ransom picks up Mata and throws him against the ropes but Mata comes back with a one arm bulldog on Ransom. Mata pins Ransom.




Ransom gets up but gets taken down again by Mata with a rollup.




Ransom gets up and charges at Mata who catches him and delivers a running samoan drop to Ransom. Mata pins Ransom.




Mata picks up Ransom and delivers a shoulder thrust to Ransom. Mata goes for another one but Ransom counters with a drop toe hold and applies a side leg lock to Mata.

Mata crawls his way to the ropes and Ransom releases him. Ransom now drags Mata back to the center of the ring and delivers a spinning leg crush to Mata. Ransom picks up Mata and goes to throw him against the ropes but Mata reverses and Ransom jumps on the ropes and delivers a sprinboard backflip elbow smash to Mata. Ransom pins Mata.




Ransom picks up Mata again and throws him against the ropes but Mata reverses and goes for a back body drop but Ransom takes him down with a sunset flip.




Mata rolls to the outside as Ransom goes after him. Ransom goes outside and quickly Mata grabs him and delivers a throat thrust on crowd barrier to Ransom. Mata grabs him and enters him back to the ring. Mata grabs both legs of Ransom and applies The Envidia Tamer.

Ransom can’t take anymore and taps out

Ding Ding Ding

This one is all over, and once again its a member of the Corporation that is heading to the next round of the Alex Ross tournament!

RESULT: La Envidia Mata def. Billy Ransom via submission


The sVo-tron again flickers to life. Former manager of Johnny All Star, JD James is seated in front of us in a comfortable looking armchair in front of an sVo backdrop. He smiles, maybe a little over-enthusiastically as Candi Cross’s voice can be heard from off-camera.

CANDI CROSS: “Thanks for joining me, JD.”

JD JAMES: “My pleasure.”

CANDI CROSS: “What are your thoughts on the identity of The Company’s mystery entrant into the tournament tonight?”

JD JAMES: “Well, I’m… I’m not really sure. No one knows who The Company are, let alone who they’d be talking to. There’s certainly a lot of mystery surrounding the identities of our new owners. You’d have to assume in some way that they’d have some sort of interest in their personal signing to the company – be it personal or business. My money would be on business but you never know, and unless you know who The Company are, it’s almost impossible to say who it could be.”

CANDI CROSS: “Care to take a guess at who it could be?”

JD JAMES: “Well, there’ve been rumors about a few former sVo and Project: Violence arriving at sVo headquarters for meetings – could be one of them.”

JD shrugs, clearly at a loss of any further speculation.

CANDI CROSS: “Thanks for your time, JD.”


Paige Johnson reclined back in her chair finally in the quiet of her office for a moment. While the ominous Company, the new owners of the sVo, certainly made everyone nervous, Paige had to admit, it was nice to be back. Still, it was nice to have a moment of peace amongst all the chaos.

That peace can never last long though at Showdown and a brief knock on the door is followed by the emergence of sVo head of security, Scotty Love.

SCOTTY LOVE: So far so good, Ms. Johnson. Sure feels good to be back.

PAIGE JOHNSON: I was just thinking that Scotty…

She is interrupted by a knock at the door. She opens it to find no one is there. Her gaze is drawn to a golden gleam coming from the ground in front of her. She looks down to find an old sVo Title folded neatly and an envelope with her name on it on top of it.

Staring in disbelief at the golden belt lying before her, she seems to forget about the envelope for a moment. Finally noticing it, she picks it up and opens it. A single, small piece of paper is revealed – a single line written on it.

SCOTTY: “What does it say?”

PAIGE: “‘You wanted this back. I have my eye on something bigger.”

Paige picks up the title and stares at it.

SCOTTY: “Does this mean…?”

PAIGE: “Looks like we know who the mystery entrant is…”

As she says this she places the Title on her desk, next to the sVo World Heavyweight Title.

Joseph Equinox vs. DJ

“Runaway” by Linkin Park begins to play. Smoke begins to fill the stage as the lights dim to near darkness. A beam of bright white light shines from the stage. As the light begins to dim, Joseph Equinox can be seen standing at the top of the stage with smoke floating all around him. Equinox moves to the top of the ramp and stops before he flails his arms out to the side of him and a pyro lightning bolt fires down and strikes him. The spotlights loom over where Equinox was standing but he is no longer there. All of a sudden 4 more lighting bolts crash down on each corner of the ring and the arena lights change to a dark blue. And there standing in the ring is Equinox with smoke now floating around the ring. Joseph Equinox then looks up the ramp and takes off his shades as he awaits his opponent.

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool hits the sound system, and the entrance video for ‘The Corporation’ hits the giant video screen in the Goodfellas Casino Arena. The video is inter cut with highlights from sVo superstar DJ, who quickly comes dancing down the entrance ramp towards the ring! ‘The Future of Wrestling’ DJ quickly reaches the ring and slides in under the bottom rope, ready to represent ‘the Corporation’ in the upcoming match! The entrance music slowly fades out as DJ warms up in the corner of the ring.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the highly anticipated match between ‘the Future of Wrestling’ and ‘Simply A+’ officially gets under way! The quick DJ circles around the technical high-flyer Equinox, before pouncing forward in an attempt to grab the former Hardcore Champion. Equinox swats away the hand of DJ before nailing him with some stiff right hands to the side of the head which get the fans up on their feet. Equinox backs DJ into the corner of the ring with the big punches, however out of no where DJ blocks a right hand and nails a punch of his own on Equinox! Equinox staggers backwards which allowed the extremely quick DJ to bounce back off of the ring ropes and land a drop-kick into the knees of Equinox.

DJ takes advantage of Equinox being down on the mat by laying into him with some stiff kicks. The crowd give a mixed reaction to the Corporation member, who finally allows Equinox to his feet. The former Hardcore Champion slowly staggers up to a standing position, as DJ stalks him from behind. Equinox finally stands up straight, however as he does he is grabbed around the waist by DJ, who nails him with multiple German suplexes! DJ tosses Equinox to the mat after the fifth German suplex in a row, before rolling over the body of ‘Simply A+’ to make the cover.




Equinox gets a kick out much to the relief of his fans in attendance tonight, and this one continues!

DJ pulls Equinox back up to his feet, and nails the former Hardcore Champion with some stiff punches to the side of the head. Equinox stumbles backwards a few steps, allowing DJ to grab him by the arm and toss him hard into the ropes. DJ bounces into the opposite ropes, and attempts a clothesline on Equinox as the pair meet in the middle of the ring. However Equinox somehow manages to duck under the arms of DJ, and take ‘the Future of Wrestling’ down to the mat with a neckbreaker! The fans cheer the big move from Equinox, as both men lay motionless on the canvas for a few seconds. Equinox is the first man back up to his feet, as he lays in some boots on DJ who tries to pull himself up using the ring ropes. Equinox tosses DJ into the ropes and then knocks him straight back down to the mat with a shoulder block take down. DJ hits the mat hard, however he barely even gets a chance to draw breath as Equinox leaps onto him with an elbow drop to drive the air out of his lungs.

The crowd can feel the momentum of the match swinging in the favour of ‘Simply A+’ and react accordingly as Equinox once again returns to stomping away on DJ. DJ finally is able to force himself up to a standing position, however the right hand he swings at Equinox is blocked and turned into an arm bar takedown! With DJ down on the mat and hurting, Equinox quickly leaps over his opponent and makes the cover in the hope of progressing in the tournament.




Equinox looks surprised that DJ was able to get his shoulders up off of the mat after that one when it had looked like it was going to be the former Hardcore Champion Equinox who would be progressing in the Alex Ross tournament! Equinox shakes his head in disappointment whilst pulling DJ up to his feet and throwing him into the corner of the ring. DJ’s back impacts hard against the turnbuckle and Equinox lays into him with some powerful rights and lefts. DJ slowly staggers away from the in closed space of the corner of the ring, but Equinox takes advantage by bouncing backwards off of the ropes before taking down his opponent with a bulldog take down! There are cheers around the arena for the impressive move from Equinox, who once again takes the chance of going for the cover.




DJ once again shows just how much he wants to progress in this tournament and become World Champion by getting his shoulders up off of the mat before the three count! Once again Equinox looks down at his opponent in disbelief, wondering just what he has to do to put him down for the three count!

Equinox pulls DJ up by his head, but out of no where DJ uses his speed by firing off a burst of right hands into the midsection of Equinox before bouncing into the ropes. Equinox barely has time to turn around to face DJ when the Corporation member flies into him with a full body splash! Equinox hits the mat hard, however DJ rolls quickly back up to his feet. Equinox struggles to a standing position, however he isn’t on his feet for long as DJ quickly moves in on his experienced sVo opponent and drops him down with a side Russian legsweep. With Equinox laying flat on his back, DJ bounces into the ropes before landing back on Equinox with a big splash into a cover!




It looked as if the sVo newcomer DJ was just about to cause an upset there over the experienced sVo former Hardcore Champion Equinox, but somehow Equinox managed to kick out before the count of three, much to the delight of the crowd.

DJ doesn’t look too disappointed as he quickly grabs hold of Equinox and hauls the man known as ‘Simply A+’ back to his feet. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd towards the Corporation member as he scoops up Equinox with a sidewalk slam, before throwing him hard to the mat infront of the nearest turnbuckle! With Equinox down and hurting, DJ points to the turnbuckle before beginning to climb! ‘The Future of Wrestling’ quickly reaches the top rope and signals to the fans, before leaping down onto his opponent with his ‘DJ Splash’ finishing move! The move looks like it has taken all remianing fight out of the Hardcore Champion, as the sVo newcomer DJ wastes no time in going for the cover!




The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and ‘Sinner’ by Drowing Pool blasts out over the sound system! This one will go down as a shock in many peoples books, but the sVo newcomer DJ of the Corporation has knocked out one of the favourites of the tournament in his very first match! The referee raises the hand of DJ high into the air, with the nine year wrestling veteran looking very pleased about his first outing in an sVo ring! With DJ progressing in the tournament, it definitely looks as if the Corporation are going to be a major force to be reckoned with in the new era of the Sanctioned Violence Organization!

RESULT: DJ def. Joseph Equinox via pinfall


sVo vs. Hostility
Hostile Violence 2008
27th January 2008
Goodfellas Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
PPV #004

Mike Polowy (sVo) vs. Julian Fiasco (Hostility)”Work it
Make it
Do it
Makes us


The lights dim slowly in the arena as the Tron flares to life, an image of two dice roling towards the front of the screen. They come rolling to a stop on snake eyes, before the dots fade into the word “Mike” on one die and “Polowy” on the other. The dice explode into a highlight video as “Stronger” by Kanye West blares over the speakers, the bass shaking the arena Gold pyro explodes in the entranceway and the fans begin to boo and jeer, screaming insults as the confident face of ‘The Mike Effect’ Michael Polowy appears from behind the curtain. He raises two fingers to his lips, blowing a kiss out into the crowd as they hurl obscenities back in his direction. Mike stops for a moment on the stage, slapping his chest twice and pointing out at the crowd, raising his eyebrows and throwing out a wink. He makes his way down the ramp, rolling gingerly into the ring and stretching out as he awaits the start of the match.

The Hostility fans in attendance tonight begin to cheer as their representative makes his way to the ring. Julian Fiasco, who only a few months ago defeated Mike Polowy steps onto the top of the entrance ramp and raises his hands in the air. The man from Italy slowly makes his way down the ramp towards the sVo Champion Polowy who is waiting in the middle of the ring for him. Polowy keeps his eyes locked on Fiasco, as the powerhouse plays up to the crowd and flips off a few sVo fans in the front row. The atmosphere is eletric in the Goodfellas Arena as the main event is almost ready to get underway, with the two men that kicked off the sVo vs. Hostility feud ready to get on again.

The offical calls for the bell to ring and the match gets straight underway as sVo Champion Polowy catches Fiasco with a sucker punch to knock him backwards. Polowy carries on the offence with some right hands and it seems as if the roof is going to come off of the arena as Polowy backs Fiasco into the corner of the ring. Polowy continues with the right hands, until Fiasco catches Polowy with a knee to the stomach to knock the sVo Champion away. Polowy stumbles backwards slightly, before a clothesline from Fiasco takes Polowy down to the mat. Polowy tries to get straight back up to his feet, however some kicks and stomps from Fiasco make that a difficult task to complete.

Julian Fiasco finally lets Mike Polowy up to a standing position, however the Hostility superstar soon grabs hold of the sVo Champion in a suplex position, before throwing him backwards to the mat. The impact of the move drives the air from the lungs of the sVo Champion and Mike Polowy scrambles around the ring trying to catch his breath. Fiasco follows up with a crushing boot to the midsection of Polowy before turning him over and making the pin attempt.




A shoulder up from the sVo Champion and the Hostile Violence main event continues! Fiasco looks angrily at the referee before rising up to a standing position. Fiasco gestures from the crowd, and receives boos from the sVo fans in attendance, and of course cheers from the Hostility faithful. Fiasco soon turns his attention back to Polowy by grabbing him by the hair to help him up to his feet. Polowy looks like he is struggling as Fiasco grabs him by the leg and takes him to the mat with a dragon screw takedown. Fiasco quickly moves to lock Polowy’s leg into a knee bar submission move, trying to wear down the sVo Champion so that he can be pinned in the home of the sVo.

Polowy desperately tries to fight the hold, however Fiasco keeps his legs locked around the legs of Polowy. Polowy is only able to finally free himself as he braves the pain in order to reach forward and catch Julian Fiasco with some clubbing right hands to the face. Fiasco gets back to his feet, as does Polowy who is walking rather gingerly. Fiasco quickly takes advantage with a chopblock on Polowy who drops to his knees. Fiasco looks down at Polowy cockily before raising his hand in the air to deliver a huge punch to the face of Polowy. However as Fiasco begins to show off to the crowd, Polowy takes advantage of the Hostility superstar with a low blow on Fiasco!

The sVo fans in attendance cheer the blatant cheating from Polowy as he rises up as Fiasco sinks down. Polowy takes a run back against the ropes, before bouncing back and delivering a big kick to the face of Julian Fiasco! Fiasco drops to the mat and Polowy follows up with an elbow drop on his opponent. Polowy seems to be gaining some momentum as he rises up to his feet before pulling Fiasco up. Polowy sends Fiasco into the corner of the ring and follows up on his opponent with a big splash in the corner. Fiasco stumbles out of the corner looking stunner, but Polowy is right back in there with a German suplex into a bridge on Fiasco!



No! The fans thought it was all over but Fiasco shows how much this match means to Hostility by getting a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted!

Just then, Wildman walks down the ramp with a kendo stick in hand. The crowd boos him loudly as he is clearly wearing a Hostility t-shirt. Polowy turns around to see what the problem is and spots Wildman, who points at him with the stick. Wildman stops at the ring, just out of the reach of Polowy. Fiasco takes advantage of this opportunity and spins Polowy around, trying to hit a quick DDT. Polowy reverses it, accidentally pushing Fiasco hard into the ref before nailing both with a quick clothesline.

Polowy can’t believe it as he stands there in shock, holding his hair in his hands. However, before Polowy can do anything to rouse the ref, Wildman slides in and takes advantage of the chaos, nailing Polowy over the head with the stick. Wildman stands still for a moment, listening to the crowd boo with a sickening smile on his face. He measures up Polowy for another shot and slams the stick down hard across the back. Wildman hits Polowy a few more times until Fiasco stirs and gets up to his feet.

Fiasco runs over and clasps Wildman on the shoulder, laughing at the double cross that his new found ally pulled on sVo. Fiasco moves over to Polowy, picks him up to his feet and takes him over to the nearest turnbuckle. Fiasco calls for his finishing move, The Sacred Oath and nails it after some effort. As Fiasco attempts to go in for the pin, Wildman shakes his head and pulls him off of Polowy. Fiasco glares at Wildman, but Wildman points at the turnbuckle and tells him to hit another Sacred Oath. Fiasco looks at the turnbuckle and cracks a wicked smile.

However, when he turns back to acknowledge Wildman, he receives a boot to the face instead! Wildman nails a Superkick to the jaw of Fiasco, stands over his unconscious body and rips the Hostility shirt off to reveal a sVo t-shirt underneath! Wildman balls up the torn shirt and throws it at Fiasco’s face, moves over to Polowy and drags him across the ring until Polowy covers Fiasco. Wildman quickly rolls out of the ring and pokes at the ref with the kendo stick, causing him to stir. The ref notices the pin attempt and starts the painfully slow count while still on his stomach.

Mike Polowy can’t quite believe it as he rises up to his feet with his head in his hands. Fiasco is soon up to his feet also, and he quickly takes the fight back to Polowy with a clothesline to take him down to the mat. Polowy looks like he was almost beheaded then such was the velocity of the clothesline from Fiasco! Fiasco pulls Mike Polowy up to his feet and signals to the fans that he is ready to end the sVo Champion! Fiasco sends Polowy into the corner of the ring with an irish whip before picking him up in a suplex like move!

However instead of dropping him down to the mat, Fiasco places the sVo Champion on the top rope! The Hostility fans in the arena cheer as they know what is coming next! Fiasco positions Polowy for the Sacred Oath, but before he can perform the powerbomb from the top rope, Mike Polowy blocks the move with some right hands to the midsection of Fiasco! Fiasco can’t believe it as he wobbles on the top rope from the force of the punches from Polowy! The two warriors stand on the ring ropes trading right hands in a sight never before seen in wrestling! As both men struggle to maintain their balance, Juliain Fiasco takes the risky move of reaching forward to grab Polowy, and as he does Polowy side steps him before, throwing him off the top rope to the ring below with the ‘Mike Effect’! The sVo fans in the arena are off their feet after the never before seen Mike Effect from the top rope! Mike Polowy who also seems to be struggling from the move slowly reaches over and hooks the leg of Julain Fiasco.




This one is all over, and it’s the sVo’s Mike Polowy who picks up the win! The sVo fans in the arena are ecstatic as their champion picks up the win in the main event! With the rematch of the match that ignited the feud over after the never before seen move, it’s the sVo’s Mike Polowy who gains revenge over Hostility’s Julian Fiasco on the biggest stage of all! Mike Polowy slowly staggers up to his feet and proudly raises his sVo Championship belt in the air, as ticker tape rains down from the top of the Goodfellas Arena!

Wildman stands at the top of the ramp, smiling as he holds up the kendo stick as he holds a mic in his other hand. He brings the mic up to his lips and starts to speak as Polowy looks on.

Wildman: I warned you last week, Polowy! I said that I was coming for you and I did. I nearly cost you the match, I played God with your career and I will keep doing so until I get what is rightfully mine! You have until next week to answer my challenge, no hiding behind owners, managers or Hostility any longer! If you choose not to answer the challenge, I promise that I will do much, much worse than I did here tonight and every single Showdown until you put your title up for grabs in a match against yours truly!

Wildman drops the mic and points at Polowy with the kendo stick, barking out the challenge again as Polowy looks on in exhausted frustration.

RESULT: Mike Polowy (sVo) def. Julian Fiasco (Hostility) via pinfall

However as Wildman looks on, there is a sudden influx from down the entrance ramp as the Hostility wrestlers who have taken part in tonight’s PPV rush down the entrance ramp led by Mad Max! They grab hold of Jay Wildman and pull him down to the ring, as the likes of James Milenko, Vincent Valentino, Larry Lansdowne and Bubba Love begin to beat down on Jay Wildman and Mike Polowy! However not for long as charging from the back led by Jon Page comes the sVo roster! The Goodfellas Arena erupts into chaos as the likes of Howie Banks, Brock Alyas, CJ Newfield and Night hit the ring along with Page and we have a full scale brawl on our hands between everyone that has taken part in tonight’s matches!

The camera pans around the chaos as Hostility fans fight sVo fans in the crowd just as sVo wrestlers fight Hostility wrestlers in the ringside area! The war between the sVo and Hostility may have ended with tonight’s match ups, but the chaos continues as Hostile Violence goes off of the air!

Nathan Paradine vs. Raven

One last thing before I shuffle off the planet,
I will be the one to make you crawl,
So I came down to wish you an unhappy birthday
Someone call the ambulance… There’s gonna be an accident

As Placebo’s “Infra-Red” echoes around the arena, Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed.

He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of Raven.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Raven goes for a slap but Paradine ducks and takes him over with an abdominal stretch pin.




Both men get up and Paradine kicks Raven in the midsection and delivers an air raid siren to Raven. Paradine pins Raven.



Kickout Paradine goes after Raven’s leg and applies an Argentine leg lock to Raven.

Raven crawls his way to the ropes. Paradine picks up Raven and throws him against the ropes and delivers a back body drop to Raven. Raven gets up and Paradine goes to clothesline him but Raven ducks and takes Paradine down with a backslide pin.




As Paradine kicks out Raven hooks him in a bow & arrow submission.

Paradine reaches the ropes and Raven slides Paradine to the middle of the ring and applies a brain squeezer to Paradine.

Paradine tries to fight his way up but Raven stops him with a chin lock to Paradine.

Paradine starts to get up and escapes sweeping the leg of Raven. Paradine wastes no time in applying a crucifix armbar.

Raven hooks the ropes with his legs making Paradine release the hold. Paradine picks him up and drops him to the mat with a ddt. Paradine pins Raven.




Paradine climbs the ropes as Raven starts to make his way up but Raven receives a double axe handle from Paradine. Paradine pins Raven.




Paradine grabs Raven’s leg and delivers an elbow drop to the inner thigh of Raven. Paradine tries to pick up Raven but Raven rakes the eyes of Paradine using the top rope. Paradine goes to the mat and quickly Raven applies a figure four pin on Paradine.




Both men make it to their feet and Raven connects with a fist but. Raven follows it up with a headlock.

Paradine counters the move with a hammerlock and delivers a headbutt to the back of the head of Raven. Paradine takes Raven over with an irregular pin.




Both men make it to their feet but Paradine takes the advantage with a knees lift to Raven. Paradine quickly bounces off the ropes and delivers a lariat to Raven. Paradine picks up Raven who fires back with a mongolian chop to Paradine. Paradine staggers back to the corner and Raven charges at him and delivers a monkey toss to Paradine. Raven quickly goes after Paradine and delivers a neck wrench to Paradine.

Paradine starts to get up and Raven stops him with an overhand chop. Raven bounces off the ropes and jumps at Paradine who catches him and drops backwards delivering a rope drop clothesline to Raven. Paradine pins Raven.




Paradine picks up Raven and takes him back down with a Russian Leg Sweep to Raven. Paradine pins Raven.




Paradine picks up Raven but Raven knees Paradine in the midsection. Raven bounces off the ropes but receives a samoan drop from Paradine. Paradine pins Raven.




Paradine grabs Raven’s leg and applies a side leg lock to Raven.

Raven crawls his way to the ropes and Paradine releases the hold. Paradine picks up Raven and throws him against the ropes but Raven jumps and delivers a springboard corkscrew splash to Paradine. Raven stays on top for the cover.




Both men get up and Raven takes down Paradine with an STO. Raven pins Paradine.




Raven picks up Paradine and delivers a super body slam to Paradine. Raven pins Paradine.




Raven picks up Paradine and delivers a couple of trapping headbutts to Paradine. Raven now tries to deliver the Hardcore Twist but Paradine counters with a backslide pin to Raven.



Both men get up and Paradine kicks Raven in the midsection and puts Raven in a suplex position and places him on the top rope. Paradine goes to the top with him but Raven pushes him down to the mat. Raven jumps from the top rope and delivers The Raven Time Bomb to Paradine. Raven pins Paradine.




This one is all over, and despite Nathan Paradine being heavily fancied to progress on in this tournament, it is Raven of the Corporation who has won the match and advanced to the next round! With an impressive first match now under his belt, can Raven go all the way and become the new sVo World Champion?

RESULT: Raven def. Nathan Paradine via pinfall


The sVo-tron again flickers to life. This time, an unfamiliar face is in front of us, staring awkwardly at the camera. A man in his 40s with short cropped dark hair, peppered grey. He is dressed in a sharp looking grey-suit and his blue eyes bulge slightly un-naturally from his face as he stands in front of an sVo backdrop. Candi Cross’s voice comes from off-camera.

CANDI CROSS: “Bull Martin has been a road-agent with the sVo since its inception. When the sVo was purchased by The Company, Mr. Martin was one of the first people contacted and re-hired and has been one of the people instrumental in seeking out free-agents as well as former sVo employees and signing them to potential contracts with the sVo.”

Bull shifts uncomfortably as Candi says this. He suddenly looks very put off.

CANDI CROSS: “Thanks for joining us, Bull.”

Nervously, he nods in response.

CANDI CROSS: “Bull, everyone is wondering, who is the mystery entrant? Can you share with us any information? Why have The Company secretly signed a wrestler to a contract and entered him unannounced into the tournament?”

BULL MARTIN: “I… I can’t say anything on this topic. It’d mean my job if I let that one slip.”

CANDI CROSS: “So you know the identity of the mystery entrant?”

BULL MARTIN: “Well, yeah – I signed him on behalf of The Company.”

CANDI CROSS: “But what’s behind this all? It all seems very suspicious, the mysterious new owners, secret signings…”

BULL MARTIN: “Look, as far as I know, there’s nothing personal here, it’s just business. ‘The Company’ as everyone’s been calling them, are businessmen, they want to make money.”

CANDI CROSS: “‘As far as you know’?”

BULL MARTIN: “Well… that’s my read on the situation – but it’s always kind of hard to know with these guys. There’s something about them that’s a little… I don’t know. I think I’ve said enough, sorry Candi.”

With that, Bull walks off, still looking unusually nervous.

CANDI CROSS: “Thanks Bull.”

She calls after him, but he is gone.

Mystery Opponent vs. Scott Love

The sVo Showdown theme music ‘Pretty Vegas’ plays over the sound system, and the fans in the arena give a modest cheer as head of security Scott Love makes his way down the entrance ramp to do battle against ‘the Company’s’ mysterious new signing to the sVo roster. The former pro wrestler Love poses at the top of the entrance ramp, before removing his trademark dark shades and tossing them into the crowd. Love then carries on down the entrance ramp before climbing into the ring and preparing to do battle for the first time in years. ‘Pretty Vegas’ fades out in the arena as the fans and Scott Love wait anxiously to find out just who his mystery opponent will be…..

The crowd buzzes with anticipation as the ‘Mystery Entrant’ in the Alex Ross Memorial Tournament prepares to make their entrance. All night people have speculated who it might be and with the return of a former sVo Title belt, one name is now coming up as the most likely – but he has not been seen or heard from since the closure of sVo nearly two years ago.

That suspicion is confirmed as a whisper comes through the PA, filling the arena.

“I’m dreaming…”

The crowd erupts as those two words echo throughout the building. The tension is palpable for the silence that follows. The arena lights cut as the opening strains of “Knife Party” by Deftones cuts through. Purple lights flicker throughout the arena as on the big screen a video starts to play – a masked wrestler features: he delivers a huge shining wizard onto a dazed opponent in the corner, soars through the air with a huge high elevation shooting star press. Finally, the same masked figure bursts through the curtain as the name ‘NIGHT’ flashes on the screen above him. He is followed by a very cheerful and wise looking old Japanese man wearing a suit and the pair is welcomed back the sVo faithful in force.

The two stand atop the entrance ramp a moment – soaking in the response. Purple pyrotechnics explode on the ramp behind them as they are drowned by a sea of flashbulbs from the crowd. Adrenaline obviously pumping, the masked man briskly starts down the entrance ramp towards the ring slapping hands with a few stunned fans before swiftly rolling into the ring and immediately to his feet. He again raises his arms to the crowd as the lights return to normal and the music cuts. Night leans back on the top rope, stretching out his back as he prepares for his shock return to the ring!

The sVo fans are on their feet as the former International Champion Night stands in the ring in front of them after making his long awaited return to the sVo! The bell rings for the match to begin, and Scott Love sprints at Night to try and take an early control in the match over the man famous for his bouts with Issac White in the sVo’s first era. However before Scott Love can get in any offensive on his opponent, Night clotheslines him down to the floor. There is a big cheer for the move of Night, who shows no mercy on the head of security by pulling him straight back to his feet before throwing him into the corner of the ring. Scott Love hits the corner hard, but Night quickly follows up with some strong punches to the midsection of Love.

The cheers continue for Night as he allows Love out of the corner, only to DDT him straight back to the mat! Love hits the mat hard, allowing Night to leap into the ropes and land a ‘Springboard Leg Lariat’ on his opponent! The high flying move from Night draws yet more cheers from the crowd, however Night doesn’t go straight for the cover. Instead he allows Scott Love back up to his feet, before shooting him hard into the ropes. Love bounces back, but the 6’1” Night nails a back drop on the chief of security. Night poses for the crowd before landing some stiff kicks to the back of Scott Love as he tries to rise back up to his feet.

Love grab Night in a side head lock in an attempt to stop the offensive, however Night struggles out of the hold and grabs Love around the waist, before slamming him down to the mat with a German suplex. Love’s head smashes against the mat, but Night keeps his hands locked around the waist of Love and pulls him back to his feet before hitting another German suplex on his opponent!

Scott Love lays face first down on the mat, allowing Night the chance to bounce off of the ring ropes and land a baseball slide into the face of Love! The fans cheer the move, as the retired wrestler Scott Love rolls out of the ring in an attempt to stop the non stop offensive from Night! Night stares down at Scott Love who is staggering around on the outside of the ring, before deciding to take action! The fans cheer as Night takes a short run up, before launching himself over the top rope and landing on Scott Love, knocking him flying! Everyone in the arena is on their feet as Night and Scott Love both lay motionless on the floor outside the ring for a few seconds, the high flying and high impact move taking its toll on both men.

Unsurprisingly its the former International Champion Night who is first up to his feet, as he staggers up using the security barrier for support. Scott Love also slowly begins to make his way up to a standing position, however as he does Night springs forward and lands a right hand to his jaw. Scott Love falls backwards and lands on the announcers table! The sVo announcers Nick Harris and Simon Austin quickly abandon their seats as Night joins Scott Love on top of the announcers table by climbing up and grabbing hold of his opponent. Night pulls Scott Love up before pushing his head down between his legs. All eyes are on the spot machine that is Night as he delivers a pile driver on Scott Love through the announcers table!

There is a huge cheer from the fans as the announcer tables shatters and both men end up laying in the broken wreckage of what was the wooden table. A ‘Night’ chant goes up amongst the fans as the referee decides that enough is enough and orders both men to get into the ring. Night groggily rises up to his feet and pulls Scott Love to a standing position. The fans continue to cheer on the former International Champion as he tosses Scott Love back into the ring head first, before climbing into the squared circle himself. Night spends a few seconds recovering, before he grabs hold of Scott Love and drops him down with his signature move ‘the Shining Wizard’! The fans pop for the move made famous by Night, who slowly gets to his feet and stares down at his opponent.

Scott Love barely knows what is going on as Night grabs him by his massive arm before yanking him back up. Love is only on his feet for a few seconds however, as Night completes the beat down of the head of security by planting him down in the centre of the ring with ‘The Dreaming’!

Flashbulbs go off all around the crowd as Night nails his finishing move, before making the cover on his opponent Love.




This one is all over, and the result was never in doubt from the moment that the former sVo International Champion Night stepped into the ring! The referee rushes to raise Night’s hand into the air, and the fans cheer the victor as his music blasts out through the sound system in the arena. Night makes his way slowly around the corners of the ring and celebrates with the fans, as Scott Love lays motionless in the middle of the ring after being comprehensibly beaten.

RESULT: Night def. Scott Love via pinfall


Night hops down from the turnbuckle and moves towards the timekeeper, asking for a microphone. The timekeeper and announcer look stunned – Night has always been a man of few words. They comply and hand him one. The crowd erupts as the former International Champion soaks it in.

NIGHT: “It’s great to be back!”

Huge pop as the crowd begins to chant “S-V-O! S-V-O!”

NIGHT: “Last time around a lot of people would say I had a pretty successful run. I held two of the most prestigious titles this federation had to offer. The International Title I held for longer than anyone else here. In the process of winning that title I had some of the greatest matches the sVo has ever seen with Isaac White.

Despite his heelish ways, the name of Night’s rival draws a huge cheer.

NIGHT: “And twice I had the honor of challenging for the highest prize here. An honor it truly was to come face to face with the champion – to be given a chance. When I first came here I was nothing. Master Kimura here trained me and moulded me into what I am now, but it was the sVo that gave me the chance to come out here and perform for all of you people and to compete with the best; to compete for the title.”

Another pop from the crowd.

NIGHT: “But as great an experience that all was… there’s something that’s been unbearable for me. Something keeps me awake at night. I always followed my dreams and twice they lead me to challenge for the sVo World Championship – twice I failed, my dreams shattered…

… to come so close to the very top only to come away with nothing. History will never remember the ‘also-rans’ and no one knows the ‘nearly champions’. In our business men are driven for different reasons, but deep down all of them know only one thing.


A hunger to succeed; to win.

And that is what brings me back here today. For nearly two years now I’ve had to bear the thought that I ALMOST made it. Running through every possible alternate scenario in my head. Studying the tapes. Training and preparing because I think deep down we all knew that one day we’d be right back here! I know I was certainly hoping for it.”

CROWD: “S-V-O! S-V-O! S-V-O! S-V-O! S-V-O!”

NIGHT: “I made a promise to myself and Master Kimura and I will state my intentions in clear words right here, right now. I will no longer be haunted by this, I am Night, this is my time and I WILL become the sVo World Champion!”

The crowd erupts – never before has Night so boldly called his shot. He calmly hands the microphone through the ropes to the timekeeper, moves to the opposite side of the ring and slides under the ropes. He raises an arm and waves to the crowd before moving up the entrance ramp towards the backstage area.

4th April 2010


We return to the commercial break to find sVo interviewer Tamara Boyd walking the corridors in her high heeled shoes. The clicking in the floor seem to be getting louder and louder as she walks quicker and quicker towards her dressing room. All night she had felt a tingle down her spine wherever she had gone.

It was as if someone was watching her…

Stalking her….

All she wanted to do right now was get back to her dressing room and lock the door behind her. She didn’t want to call in security just in case it was nothing and she would end up looking foolish, there is no way she would be trusted interviewing the biggest baddest fighters on the planet if she called security every time she got a little scared. She finally reached the door with her name in a gold star on it, pulled it open before dashing inside and locking the door behind her. She couldn’t help but get the feeling that whoever was watching her was close.

The feelings of relief at being the right side of the locked door soon fell away as soon as Tamara flipped on the lights switch. The contents of her suitcase had been dumped all over her room. Her underwear was scattered everywhere. Someone had come in and torn the place up. On the mirror on the far side of the room she noticed that someone had used her lip stick and scrawled a message on the glass. The feeling of safeness of being behind the locked door and curiosity of a reporter over took her, and instead of calling security straight away, she walked forward towards the glass and read the message.

“Dearest Tamara,
I have been watching you all night,
I just can’t get you out of my mind,
Your gorgeous body,
Your memorising eyes,
Your scent,
I must have you!

The familiar cold chill ran down Tamara’s back once again as she she a shadowy figure move behind her in the reflection of the mirror. Spinning around she comes face to face with….

Tamara Boyd: “Philip?”

Philip, the backstage worker she was teasingly trying to extract information from earlier stands in front of her. Only he isn’t the nervous bumbling love struck puppy from earlier. He looks at her with a cold hard stare. Tamara Boyd takes a few steps back in fear as the unrecognisable Philip advances on her with a twisted grin on his face.

Suddenly the whole scene seems to go in slow motion for Tamara Boyd. The door behind Philip bursts into a wooden wreckage, and into the room strides a masked man. Before Philip even has a chance to react the masked man is on him, tightening his arms around his throat in a sleeper hold. Tamara Boyd remains frozen in fear as the conciousness drains out of the eyes of her would be attacker, and after a few seconds and not much fight he falls to the ground in front of her.

The masked man doesn’t even look twice at Tamara Boyd as he scoops up the lifeless body of Philip onto his shoulders and begins to carry him out of the ring.

Tamara Boyd: “Wait!”

The masked man slowly turns around.

Tamara Boyd: “Who are you?”

The masked man stares at Tamara Boyd for a few seconds before answering the question in a deep voice.

“My name is the Teacher, and I am about to give this young man a lesson.”


Akira Kimura could not wipe the smile from his face if he tried. Striding confidently down the hallway he stops and inhales deeply, truly soaking in everything he can. It feels like it’s been so long since they’ve been here, but there they were. Some crew members roll a large sign through the hallways in front of Kimura who waits patiently for it to pass. His path finally clear, he takes a step on his way…

… only for a hand to reach out from the shadows and rest on his shoulder. He turns to see that the arm attached to the hand is wearing an expensive looking suit.

AKIRA KIMURA: “Who are you?”

SHADOW: “It’s been a long time, Mister Kimura – I trust you remember me.”

A voice Akira hasn’t heard in a long time now – a voice which still sends a chill down his spine.

KIMURA: “How could I forget?”

SHADOW: “Your charge looked impressive tonight – we trust our investment will pay off.”

KIMURA: “Your investment?”

SHADOW: “Who do you think sent your contracts?”

Kimura glowers – many years in this business have taught him not to trust or be involved in business with men such as these.

KIMURA: “What do you want?”

SHADOW: “Nothing. For now. Just make sure Night looks impressive out there – win or lose, we are in this to make money. If that happens, we’re happy.”

KIMURA: “And if not?”

He waits for a response but there is none – turning to face the shadow Kimura finds him already gone. A concerned look on his face, he turns about-face and heads back swiftly in the direction from which he came.

Johnny All Star vs. The Teacher

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

“Time to go to work baybee…. Let’s do it.”

Johnny All-Star’s voice imitating Elvis Presley fills the arena as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis begins to play.

Various images of iconic Las Vegas and Johnny All-Star play out on the V-Tron as spotlights move throughout the crowd, all finally coming to stop on a hooded Johnny All-Star somewhere in the audience as he is making his way through the crowd.

The spotlight follows All-Star making his way through the screaming fans as he finally makes his way down hopping over the security barricade.

Posing for a few photo’s he shrugs off the robe tossing it into the audience before pulling himself up into the ring to prepare for his match.

The Teacher and Johnny All Star stare off against each other in the middle of the ring, as the anticipation in the arena builds for the main event of the evening! The referee spends a few seconds explaining the rules to each participant, before he calls for the bell to be rung and this one gets under way! Both men stand face to face for a few seconds, before the match explodes into life with each man trading big right hands! The Teacher uses his some big punches to gain the upper hand on Johnny All Star, forcing him backwards towards the edge of the ring. The Teacher then runs at Johnny All Star looking for a big clothesline to send him over the top rope. However Johnny All Star drops his shoulder and uses his weight advantage to dump The Teacher over the top rope and to the outside of the ring!

The fans cheer the big move from Johnny All Star, who gives a quick taunt to the crowd before following The Teacher to the outside. The Teacher begins to try and rise up to a standing position, however All Star is quickly onto him with some stiff kicks to the midsection. The former International Champion finally allows The Teacher to rise to his feet, before grabbing the masked superstar by the back of the head and tossing him hard into the security barrier! The Teacher looks dazed and in pain after the big impact with the security barrier, and Johnny All Star simply grabs hold of the new sVo member and tosses him back into the ring under the bottom rope.

The Teacher staggers to his feet as Johnny All Star taunts to his home town fans before climbing back into the ring himself. He looks to be in early control of this match as he gives a huge stomp to the face of The Teacher, before taking him by the arm and throwing him into the ring ropes. The Teacher bounces back into the middle of the ring and is pummelled to the mat courtesy of a fall away slam from Johnny All Star! All Star wastes no time in making the cover in an attempt to progress in the tournament.




The Teacher gets his shoulders up off of the mat and shows there is some fight left in the sVo newcomer! Johnny All Star looks displeased that The Teacher managed to kick out, but pulls the masked superstar up to a standing position. The Teacher looks shaky on his feet as All Star spins him around before slamming him backwards with a half nelson slam that brings cheers from the fans in attendance tonight who are heavily on the side of the former International Champion. Johnny All Star rises up to his feet following the big move and gives his trademark taunt to the fans, who respond with even more cheers for the Las Vegas local hero.

However as Johnny All Star plays up to the crowd, little does he know that behind his back The Teacher is rising up to a standing position! The crowd try to warn Johnny All Star, but by the time he turns around The Teacher is there to rake him in the eyes! All Star staggers away temporarily blinded by the cheap shot from The Teacher, who responds with a front face slam on his opponent!

The move doesn’t keep Johnny All Star down for long as he rises up to his feet, looking pissed at the offence delivered to him by The Teacher. The Teacher is there waiting for him and side steps an attack from Johnny All Star, before sweeping his legs away from him, sending the former International Champion onto his back! Before All Star even knows what is going on, The Teacher grabs his legs and turns him over into a sharpshooter submission move! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd at the infamous submission move, which Johnny All Star now finds himself locked in the middle of the ring in! All Star screams out in pain at the submission move as the referee asks him if he would like to call it a day and submit to The Teacher.

All Star shakes his head vigorously, showing just how much he wants to progress in the Alex Ross tournament and win the sVo World Championship! The Teacher does his best to keep the move locked in, but with every passing second it seems as if Johnny All Star is using his superior size and strength advantage to reverse the grip of The Teacher! After a few more seconds of pain, Johnny All Star is finally able to roll out of the move and kick The Teacher away! Johnny All Star limps up to his feet using the ring ropes for support, but no sooner does he than he finds himself straight back down on the mat as The Teacher runs in and drop kicks All Star in the knees!

Johnny All Star holds his knees in agony as The Teacher rises up to his feet, before dropping an elbow across the knee joint in Johnny All Star’s leg! The Teacher is obviously targeting the legs of Johnny All Star in an attempt to wear him down and pick up the win! The Teacher nails a few more elbow drops into the knees of Johnny All Star before pulling him away from the ropes. Johnny All Star finds it hard to rise to a standing position without the support of the ropes, and as he does The Teacher is able to easily line him up and execute a ‘fisherman’s suplex’ on the former sVo International Champion! The fans in the arena look worried for their hometown hero as The Teacher wastes no time in going for the cover.





All Star must have been feeding off of the energy of the crowd because he is somehow able to get a shoulder up off of the mat and break the three count before it happened! With the thought of becoming only the fourth man to ever hold the sVo title driving him on, All Star bravely tries to pull himself up to his feet despite the pain from his legs. However The Teacher is not finished with his opponent yet, as he runs into the ring ropes and bounces out hitting a chopblock on the legs of All Star, and sending him straight back down! All Star holds his legs in agony as The Teacher jumps up to his feet and taunts Johnny All Star to get up! The fans give a mixed reaction to The Teacher, not yet knowing what to think of the new masked sVo star.

All Star is quickly pulled up by The Teacher, who nails him with a reverse DDT to send him hard into the canvas. With Johnny All Star laying prone, The Teacher looks around the arena before making his way slowly to the turnbuckle! The fans rise to their feet in the anticipation of seeing a high flying move as The Teacher slowly begins his climb to the top rope. The Teacher spends a few seconds on the top rope looking down at Johnny All Star, before leaping down at him with the ‘Top of the Class’ finishing move!

There is another mixed reaction from the fans who love to see the high flying action, but hate to see it performed on the home town hero Johnny All Star! The Teacher however wastes no time as he hooks the leg of Johnny All Star to make the cover…




‘Stand Up’ – Trapt hits the sound system and The Teacher stumbles to his feet. The referee raises The Teacher’s hand in the air, and it is the sVo newcomer who pulls off the upset and progresses to the next round of the tournament to face either Tobias Devereux, Chris Wrestling, Roscoe Shame, La Envidia Mata, DJ, Raven or Night next week in a bid to advance on his quest to become the new sVo World Champion!

Johnny All Star slowly rises up to his feet amongst the celebrations from The Teacher, and there is an awkward moment as The Teacher turns around and bumps straight into All Star! The music fades out and the crowd anticipate another fight between the two men who have just gone toe to toe, as they stare each other down! However after a few seconds, The Teacher extends his hand to All Star! All Star stares at the masked wrestler for a few seconds wondering if it is a trick or not, before finally accepting the handshake. The crowd pop for the handshake, before the mysterious Teacher makes his way down back up the entrance ramp way, leaving the rind to the home town hero.

The sVo copyright info appears on the bottom right of screen and Showdown #34 heads off of the air with ‘Viva Las Vegas’ once again playing in the background with Johnny All Star standing in the middle of the ring watching the highlights of his match, knowing his time will come soon, after a successful return to action from the Sanctioned Violence Organization!

RESULT: The Teacher def. Johnny All Star via pinfall

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