At a packed news conference live from the Goodfellas Casino in Las Vegas this afternoon, sVo boss Jon Page announced a multi year deal for the sVo to broadcast its content exclusively on the HOTv network moving forward. The exciting broadcast deal will begin this Sunday with the sVo Ultimate Victory 2022 PPV, featuring the semi finals and final of the Victory Cup tournament. 

sVo boss Page commented “It is fitting that Ultimate Victory will be the event that kicks off this partnership with HOTv, after all it was back in 2007 that the first Ultimate Victory PPV kicked off the first era of the Sanctioned Violence Organisation…. and who would main event and win the sVo Championship at that event. – Mike Best of course! We look forward to a long and successful partnership with a network that already has such great wrestling shows from HOW and MVW.”

As part of the deal, HOTv will get access to the entire back catalogue of sVo events as well as the libraries of Dynasty Wrestling and Project:Violence, both previously owned by the same group. The sVo will bring it’s bi-weekly ‘Showdown’ & ‘Uprising’ events to HOTv as well as its PPV’s and special live events.

We have been told that Lee Best, GOD of HOW, will have a statement later tonight regarding this deal.

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