Name: Patriot Act

MembersTravis Armstrong & Lance Abbot

Manager: Dallas Jordan

Crowd Reaction: Boo

Entrance Music:  Entrance Description: ‘Testify’ by Rage Against the Machine

Fighting Style: Technicians

Finisher Name: N/A

Finisher Description: N/A

Tag Team Moves: N/A

Career History: sVo

Other Information: N/A

Entrance Description: ‘Testify’ by Rage Against the Machine hits the sound system, and the fans in the arena boo loudly as Patriot Act walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp and throw out a salute to the crowd! Dallas Jordan, Travis Armstrong & Lance Abbot look out at the crowd with disgust, before breaking away from their salutes and marching down the entrance ramp towards the ring, making sure not to touch any of the fans that are reaching over the barrier to try and grab them. The three members of Patriot Act climb into the ring, with Jordan standing tall in the middle of the squared circle whilst Armstrong & Abbot head to opposite corners of the ring. All three members throw up another salute at the booing crowd, as the music slowly fades out.

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