Luther Nash today appeared at a press conference at the Goodfellas Casino alongside Jon Page to announce his arrival to ACE, the new MMA promotion from the Sanctioned Violence group.

Jon Page (Owner of ACE MMA): Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today at the iconic Goodfellas Casino in Las Vegas. We’re here to make an exciting announcement that’s going to set the MMA world on fire. As you know, I’m Jon Page, and I’m thrilled to introduce the newest addition to the ACE MMA roster, the talented and explosive light heavyweight fighter, Luther Nash!

Luther Nash (Light Heavyweight MMA Fighter): That’s right, folks. The wait is over, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be standing here alongside Jon Page, the mastermind behind ACE MMA. This is a dream come true for me. I’ve put in the blood, sweat, and tears to reach this point in my career, and now I’m ready to show the world what I’m made of.

Jon Page: Luther Nash is no stranger to the fight game. He’s got the heart of a lion and the skills to back it up. We’ve been scouting him for a while, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s going to be a major force in the ACE MMA promotion. Our first event is this Friday night, right here at the Goodfellas Casino, and let me tell you, it’s going to be an electrifying showcase of talent.

Luther Nash: You better believe it. This Friday night, I step into that cage with a fire burning inside me that’s been building up for years. ACE MMA is the platform I’ve been waiting for – the place where I can truly test myself against the best and prove that I belong at the top.

Jon Page: We’re not just here to create another MMA promotion. ACE MMA is about elevating the sport, about giving fighters like Luther Nash the chance to shine on a global stage. We’re bringing together a roster of top-tier athletes who are hungry to compete, who are hungry to put on a show that fans will never forget.

Luther Nash: And let me make it clear, I’m not just here to participate. I’m here to dominate. I’ve got my eyes set on that light heavyweight title, and I won’t stop until it’s around my waist. The journey starts this Friday night, and I’m inviting all of you to witness history in the making.

Jon Page: So mark your calendars, folks. ACE MMA’s inaugural event is happening this Friday night at the Goodfellas Casino in Las Vegas. It’s a night you won’t want to miss, with Luther Nash and an incredible lineup of fighters ready to give it their all. Thank you for joining us today, and we’ll see you at the fights!

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