sVo Uprising 28
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
21st August 2022

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2013 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Bobby Dean, Roscoe Shame, Night, Jay Wildman, Cody Williams & Nathan Paradine. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena.

The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on the HOTv network on PWA:TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show!

Previously on Uprising 27
7th August 2022

  • Jon Page announced that he would be making a new signing with the PWA money, a signing that would later turn out to be none other than sVo legend Bobby Dean.
  • Kyle McRae defeated Kat Kellison in singles action, before suffering a beat down at the hands of Rebel Society after the match, until the tag team of British Hospitality came to his aid.
  • Cherry Bordeaux declared that she would finally win her first sVo match at the ninth time of asking, before being defeated by Clam Idia.
  • British Hospitality took on Patriot Act and suffered a three on one beat down after the match, until Kyle McRae returned the favour from earlier in the night and came to their aid.
  • Bronson Johnson completed his second successful defence of the Roulette Championship against Hiro Ryuu
  • Darwin Jones laid out his comeback plan, before defeating Jacob Izaz in the main event.

Face Off! Pt1

The cameras cut backstage to the interview area, where surrounded by security, Katie Smith is standing between Bronson Johnson and Dale Norman! Both competitors are only moments away from facing off against each other with the Roulette Championship on the line, and Johnson is flanked by his legendary manager JD James.

Katie Smith: “Ladies the gentlemen, welcome to Uprising, and welcome to the first face off of tonight! Now we are only moments away from a big championship match where Dale Norman will go one on one with Bronson Johnson, with the sVo Roulette Championship belt on the line!”

Johnson cockily lifts the Championship belt from his shoulder and holds it in the air, as Dale Norman watches on.

Katie Smith: “Now on face off we will get the last word from the competitors before they head out to the ring and take each other on! Dale, you are the challenger tonight so we will give you the first word and the Champion the last…. How do you feel about the match tonight?”

Johnson and James watch on unimpressed, as Dale Norman steps forward and speaks to the microphone that Katie Smith extends for him.

Dale Norman: “Well Katie, I know that I am only getting a title shot tonight because of fate. Normally with my win loss record I don’t get these big matches, but that roulette wheel picked me so I will go out there tonight, give it my all and I am sure that my fate will be to walk out with the gold!”

Norman takes a step back, clearly pleased with himself as the Champion and his manager continues to look unimpressed.

Katie Smith: “And Bronson, as the Champion… what are your feelings about tonight’s contest and your opponent?”

Smith holds the microphone out for Johnson, but the Champion shakes his head before pushing JD James forward.

JD James: “Sorry Katie, but until we get an opponent worth of stepping into the ring with a competitor like Bronson Johnson, then Bronson won’t be taking part in this little dog and pony show. We all know exactly how this is match is going to go down, let’s get to it.”

Norman looks angry and Smith looks awkwardly into the camera as Bronson Johnson & JD James quickly exit stage left, and the scene fades out.

sVo Roulette Championship Match
Defence Attempt #3
Bronson Johnson (c) vs. Dale Norman

Commercial Break

Face Off! Pt2

As Uprising returns from the commercial break, we head backstage again to the interview area where Katie Smith is standing between two teams, BIG Trouble who have the imposing figure of Big Aug alongside them on her left, and on her right the Shamrocks!

Katie Smith: “Well we are one match down tonight already and it was quite a contest! Next up we have tag team action with two teams that are looking to move up the rankings here in the sVo. With the match only moments away, we will get the last words from the two teams before they do battle!”

The two teams stare at each other from across the interview area as the security that surrounds them keeps a close eye.

Katie Smith: “Now Tom, Sean, you were not even supposed to be in the match tonight, but because the Starr Brothers had to pull out you have been added to the match. Does the lack of preparation hurt your chances at all?”

O’Grady and Flynn step up towards the microphone, but rather than answering the question they launch themselves forward and begin to fire off right hands at Big Trouble and Big Aug! The trio fight back against the fighting Irishmen, as Katie Smith quickly gets as far away as she can from the action!

The security quickly piles in to try and restore order as Uprising hastily cuts to another commercial break! With the actions of the Shamrocks, things are set to be explosive in the ring when Uprising returns from commercial!

Commercial Break

Tag Team Match
Big Trouble vs. The Shamrocks

Face Off! Pt3

We head backstage to the interview area for the third face off of the night, where Katie Smith is standing between Jacob Izaz and Steven Love, looking haggard after two less than successful attempts at the segment so far tonight. The security seems to have doubled from the earlier attempts, as Izaz and Love look across at each other.

Katie Smith: “Welcome back. Now I am joined by Jacob Izaz and Steven Love who will be going one on one in just a few moments. Steven, what are your thoughts going into this match?”

Love steps forward to the microphone as Izaz watches cockily.

Steven Love: “I am lucky Katie, lucky because I am stepping foot into the ring with this fucking loser!”

Love points a finger as Izaz, who doesn’t flinch.

Steven Love: “This guy used to be someone, he used to get title shots, appear on PPV’s and Showdowns and he threw it all away! I have been down here trying to scratch and claw just to keep on Uprising! I have a years worth of frustration to take out on this guy….”

Love points at Izaz again.

Steven Love: “I am going to make him pay for wasting all of those chances he wasted!”

Love takes a step back from the microphone.

Katie Smith: “Well some strong words there, any response from you Jacob?”

Izaz slowly and cockily steps forward to the microphone.

Jacob Izaz: “Please…. This guy can’t lace my boots. This match is going to be over quickly than the little cry he had right there!”

Izaz cockily steps away as Love looks to be raging whilst staring at him.

Katie Smith: “Well there is certainly a lot of feeling going into this match, and it is up NEXT!”

Izaz and Love continue to stare at each other, as the scene fades out.

Single Match
Jacob Izaz vs. Steven Love

Commercial Break

Face Off! Pt4

Uprising returns from commercial and once again heads backstage to Katie Smith in the backstage area, ready for another face off! This time it is Kyle McRae, Alexander Hate and Harry Black on one side, with Kat Kellison, Charlie Strickland and Jai Marshall on the other! This time there is a line of security between the two teams after the tension clearly spilled over in the ring last Uprising.

Katie Smith: “Well we are moments away from what I am sure will be a highly emotionally charged match after the last episode of Uprising! Now first up, Rebel Society. What caused you to attack Kyle after the match last week?”

Kyle looks like he wants to know the answer to the question as well, as Katie Smith hands the microphone to Kat Kellison.

Kat Kellison: “We are the Rebel Society Katie, we do what we want, when we want.”

Kellison tosses the microphone back to Katie Smith with distain, as the Rebel Society turns and walk away from the face off! However it doesn’t look like their opponents are ready to lose out on their talk time, as they signal for the microphone from Smith.

Kyle McRae: “Well there you have it hen, the famous Rebel Society eh?”

McRae shakes his head and laughs, before passing the microphone onto Harry Black.

Harry Black: “Last week the Rebel Society and the Patriot Act tried to take liberties with us because of the numbers game. However we evened that numbers game and taught Patriot Act what we were all about on Showdown last week, just like we will teach Rebel Society tonight!”

Black hands the microphone onto Alexander Hate.

Alexander Hate: “No more numbers games, no more liberties, we are the Empire, and the Empire is on the rise here in the sVo!”

McRae, Hate and Black pose in front of the camera as the scene fades out, with ‘the Empire’ looking ready to get the job done!

Last Week on Showdown 135…..

Bringing the Fight to You

The big screen flickers on, revealing the face of HOW competitor Xander Azula…with a smirk on his face?

Xander Azula: “Hello, sVo fans…it’s so nice to see your pretty little faces.”

This get a bit of jeering from the crowd, something Xander seems to ignore…and soon, we realize why.

Xander Azula: “At least, it would be if I was actually there. See, I made my way to Vegas last week, and I was all set to storm into the Goodfellas Casino just days before making my way to Tombstone for High Octane Wrestling’s Dead or Alive Pay-Per-View…but I was told that Jon Page was, well, too busy for me. Well, since I already have my work cut out for me on the night you see this, challenging to become the first-ever HOTv Tag Team Champion, I’ve decided I’ll do what Page has requested. I’ll bring the fight to you, and show you just how unsanctioned my violence can be.”

Xander’s smirk widens to a grin at the thought of this.

Xander Azula: “See you next week, Page. I expect you to have your warrior chosen by then.”

With that, the screen abruptly cuts to black!

Six Man Tag Team Match
The Empire vs. Rebel Society

Impressive Empire

As the Empire make their way back through the curtain after a second successful win in a row, they are met with a clapping Jon Page. The sVo Boss, dressed in a dark black suit as always has a beaming smile as he continues the clapping as the Empire look at each other, pleasantly surprised by the action.

Jon Page: “Pretty impressive! Pretty fucking impressive boys! The Empire? Absolutely love it!”

Page high fives all three members of the Empire one by one.

Jon Page: “Always great to see some lads from my own country doing the business out there! I am pretty sure we can mutually benefit each other you know, you ever need anything, you know where my office is.”

Page high fives all three members a second time before making his way away from the gorilla position, leaving The Empire beaming with pride.

Commercial Break

Face Off! Pt5

The cameras cut backstage again for the final time tonight to the interview area, where Katie Smith is standing between two men that tower over her, Darwin Jones and Boyd Jackson! The security look nervously at the two powerhouses who eye each other, as Smith welcomes the fans watching on TV.

Katie Smith: “Wow we have seen some exciting action and some Uprising stars really make a name for themselves! However we are only moments away from the main event, the biggest match of the night! On my left we have Darwin Jones, a few months ago the #1 contender for the sVo Championship who is looking to bounce back after some big losses, and on my right the unbeaten Boyd Jackson looking to make a name for himself! Now Boyd, I will give you the first word, how do you see this match going?”

Jackson swaggers up to the microphone that Katie Smith holds out for him.

Boyd Jackson: “Katie, there is a reason why I am here undefeated here in the sVo, and I don’t intent on letting anyone put an end to that tonight! Now I have a ton of respect for the man that is standing across from me, he might not be at the height of his powers right now, but a win over Darwin Jones is going to be what shoots me to the big leagues here in the sVo!”

Jackson gives a respectful nod to Darwin Jones, before taking a step back as the security breath a sigh of relief.

Katie Smith: “And Darwin, you said last week that you were looking to work your way back up the rankings here in the sVo. How big a roadblock is the main event to that?”

Jones takes a step forward and gives a respectful nod of his own to Boyd Jackson.

Darwin Jones: “You have a ton of respect for me? Right back at you big man!… However that respect ain’t gonna matter a whole lot when we get down to the ring, because I quite frankly can’t afford to lose this match. I know you think you are on your way up here in the sVo and I am on my way down, but trust me when I say I am not going anywhere! I have my eyes on getting back to taking another shot at the sVo Championship, getting another re-match against Hugo Ryzing….. I am sure I will see you up there in the big time when I get there….”

Jones reaches out a hand to his opponent, and Jackson slowly shakes it, before both men head in their opposite directions.

Katie Smith: “Well Jackson and Jones look to have a ton of respect for each other but equally need to win tonight’s match for their own reason… it is up NEXT!”

Fade out

Single Match
Darwin Jones vs. Boyd Jackson

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