sVo Showdown
18th April 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Episode #039


As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Pretty Vegas by INXS begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showdown opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring action from top sVo stars such as Night, Johnny All Star, Chris Bond and Ronnie Long! As the video begins to come to an end, the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the latest Showdown episode as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd, including ‘You’ve been Gilmoured!’, ‘Psyko Stevo – The Best Around’ and ‘Kelly Flawless Just Slept With Your Dead Mom’! As the official sVo Showdown theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as they eagerly anticipate tonight’s action getting underway.


*The fans pop rise to their feet as “Sound of Madness” by Shinedown hits the PA. There’s no fireworks this time, no exotic dancers, the lights don’t even bother to flicker. This time around, we see a figure quickly emerge from the backstage area with a no-nonsense walk. That figure is none other than former 2x sVo World Heavyweight champion, Psyko Stevo. Stevo gets a loud, yet mixed reaction as he blows by the fans, not even bothering to acknowledging their presence. Stevo hops up on the ring apron, turns his back to the ring and does his trademark over the top rope back flip, landing on his feet. Once inside the ring, Stevo wastes no time calling for a mic, which is promptly throw to him by a stagehand.*

Stevo: All right, I got a lot to get off my chest.

*The crowd continues to pop and Stevo paces about, trying to gather his thoughts.*

Stevo: Quiet!

*The crowd abruptly comes to an eerie silence, save for one fan who loudly shouts out, “WHAT!?”*

Stevo: What? I’ll tell you what… I’m pissed, and I want answers.

*There is an awkward silence as Stevo looks out towards the enterance ramp for someone, anyone.*

Stevo: No one? Okay, maybe I should explain what is bothering me… well I’ll tell you what is bothering me.


Stevo: The sVo is out of control.

*The fans start to murmer amongst themselves as Stevo continues.*

Stevo: Last week was supposed to be MY time to shine, it was the Psyko Stevo god damn Memorial Invitational. I ponied up $10,000 of my hard earned cash, I picked out the talent and what did I get in return? I got two matches… and no finale.

*The crowd start to get behind the Psyko One as he continues on.*

Stevo: You know what, that’s gonna fly with me. I’m not some jackass that Paige Johnson can push around. WE HAD A DEAL! I had it in writing… two over the top rope elimination matches and a finale that was set to occur ON THE SAME NIGHT! Well, instead of over reacting, I’m gonna do the right thing… I’m going to stand here, and I’m going to let Paige come out and explain her side of the story. PAIGE! Get out here!

*Stevo stands in the center of the ring, waiting for Paige to emerge from the backstage area, there is only silence though.*

Stevo: I’m not gonna say it twice… get your ass out here, RIGHT NOW!

*More silence, Stevo scratches his head and finally smiles.*

Stevo: All right, I’m not going to get any answers the civilized way… then I’ll just go ahead and do things the hard way.

*There are quite a few murmers amongst the crowd now as Stevo pauses for emphasis.*

Stevo: The sVo can’t keep control… it can’t present a member of management to field legit questions about breeches of contract? Fine. I’ll go ahead and take it upon myself to institute someone that can restore some order to this place.

*Stevo once again pauses as the fans are on the edge of their seat awaiting the name.*

Stevo: Myself.

*The crowd reacts loudly, there are some cheers, some boos and a whole lot of gasps.*

Stevo: That’s right, from this moment forward, I, Psyko Stevo am taking over as the acting General Manager of the Sanctioned Violence Organization.

*Stevo pauses*

Stevo: I didn’t want it to come to this, but I’m not going to sit around and let the federation that I built from the ground up through blood, sweat, toil and tears go belly up. Paige Johnson thinks she’s running this place, but it’s the other way around… the roster is running her. That’s not gonna cut it, this place needs a strong face at the helm… and it’s obvious that Paige Johnson is not that face. I’m taking over, and that’s that. I’m the man that took the sVo world wide, and I’m gonna take it back to those heights, or die trying.

*Stevo tosses the mic to the ground and starts to storm out of the ring. Before he can get more than two steps though, the crowd are taken aback as a loud voice can be heard.*

Voice: Stay right there, you aren’t goin anywhere.

*Out of the backstage area emerges none other than the sVo Head of Security, Scott Love. Love has a mic in his hand and a frustrated expression is plastered all across his face.*

Love: What are you doing?

*Stevo picks up the mic and places it to his lips.*

Stevo: You heard what I’m doing Love… I’m taking over, and you aren’t going to stop me.

Love: Um, yes I am.

*Stevo smirks.*

Stevo: Is that right? Well let me tell you whats going to happen if you try to stop me. IF you physically come after me, I’ll end your god damn life… and you know I will.

*Love starts laughing, but it doesn’t phase the Psyko One.

Stevo: If you want to legally challange me, I will BURY this company.

Love: On what grounds? You got nothing and you know it.

Stevo: Grounds? I have plenty of grounds to stand on. First one is called breech of contract.

*Love’s eyes open widely as Stevo continues.*

Stevo: Yes, that’s right… you and your clever staff made me sign that stupid contract for the Psyko Stevo Invitational because you were worried that I was gonna screw over your company by not paying… well, you screwed yourselves over. If you look at the provisions of the contract, they called for three matches on last weeks Showdown… you delivered two, THAT, is breech of contract. You know what happens when you breech a contract? I sue you for everything you are worth, and you lose.

Love: So what, we’ll give you your third match tonight and fufill the contractual obligations.

Stevo: Oh you will give me my third and final match tonight, and it will be between BBD and Paradine, and $10,000 will be on the line…

*The crowd pops at this news.*

Stevo: But that’s only because I, the new General Manager of the sVo am declaring that the match will take place.

Love: You can’t do that.

Stevo: You wanna try to stop me? Come on Scott, you’ve seen my legal team, you know that I wouldn’t hesitate to sick them on the sVo. Are you really prepared to fight against what you already know you’re going to lose?

*Love just stands on the steel rampway, staring daggers right through the Psyko One.*

Love: Look, I’m gonna have to check into this… it ain’t over yet though… not by a long shot.

Stevo: Check into it all you want, I’ve already got my lawyers standing by with the paperwork. I give them the go ahead, and they start a case that will bury the sVo in court until they either go belly up from the costs, or lose and pay me and my team a sum of money that will shut the company down. Either way, I’m here to restore order to this place, or shut it down… there’s no middle ground. You think about that Scott Love, you think about it…

*Love doesn’t even bother responding, he turns his back and walks up the steel rampway and through the curtains as Stevo looks on with contempt in his eyes. The fans are left wondering, is Psyko Stevo really the new General Manager of the sVo?”

Juliana Torres vs. Killer White

Killer White is already in the ring awaiting his opponent as he stands there getting ready for the match.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see The Corporate Lady holding a white owl in her left side of her shoulder and walking toward the ring smoke comes out when she shows up on the screen and she walks on heavy steps looking to the crowd with a mad look and showing no happiness in her eyes a firework sound on her background while she gets inside the ring.

The bell sounds.

Julianna Torres and Killer White circle the ring together. Killer White comes in at her but she ducks a right hand! Torres now throws a couple right hand shots of her own followed by some side kicks to his leg. It’s not doing too much damage though as she runs to the ropes, comes back and takes a big boot to the face! She goes down as Killer White puts his foot over top of her for a pin.




Julianna kicks out.

She now begins to crawl away as Killer White stalks his prey.

Julianna Torres grabs onto the ropes and begins to help herself up. Before she even can though, Killer White grabs a hold of her by the hair and begins to pull her back up onto her own two feet. White now has her leaning on the ropes before whipping her across the ring. Torres hits the ropes, returns and a clothesline comes at her but she ducks it! Torres now turns around and drop kicks him in the leg!

White tumbles around a bit before Torres now gets back up on her feet and tries to whip him into the corner. Killer White reverses it though and sends her in the corner. Seconds later he charges at her only to be back elbowed in the face! White staggers back and then comes in at her again, but this time he gets a boot to the face! Followed by this would be Torres coming out of the corner with a running bulldog on him!

She hooks his leg for the pin attempt.




Killer White kicks out as he gets his shoulder up off the ring mat in time.

Julianna Torres stands back up and adjusts her ring attire. Killer White starts to slowly but surely get back on his two feet as well now. Torres now waits for White to get up and turn around and when he does, she nails him with the Lady Bottom! She side slams him to the ground and then stands back up again. She starts picking him up though as she’s ready to do something else now.

Julianna now lifts him up and then boots hm in the mid section. She goes for the Corporate DDT but instead it’s reversed into Killer White’s side walk slam! White now waits for her to get back up before putting his hand around her throat, lifting her up into the air and down for a choke slam! Killer White now gets on top of her for the pin.




RESULT: Killer White def. Juliana Torres via pinfall

A Hero Returns

The lights drop as red and white lasers begin to flash all over the arena. Fans cry out in surprise at the black-out as ‘Through the Fire and Flames’ begins to blast through the speakers. A spotlight shines on the curtain as a solitary figure steps through, clothed in the black, red and white. He stands there, grinning as he spreads out his arms and lets out a battle cry. Talon makes his way down the ramp, waving and high-fiving fans before entering the ring. He takes a microphone from someone at ringside as he takes his place in the center of the ring.

Talon: Ah… *he breaths deeply as he looks back and forth* It is really good to be back in the sanctioned Violence organization, boys and girls. Let’s think about this for a moment. In the last two years, did anyone really think that this moment would happen? Take a deep deep look at the goings-on here and there. Two years ago, I was engaged in a bloody feud with… William Voorheez and Christian Roman over the Hardcore Title? Um, wait, the rest of my tenure in sVo… let’s see… Ah, yes, I was set for that epic feud with Alex Ross which would have culminated in my first World Title opportunity, which would have seen me become the Hero that everyone knew I could be in a contest against my best friend and the man who brought me into the company…

Talon looks around him and listens to the chants.

Talon: No, not that storyline with Travis Williams and the kid. That lame-ass would’ve never beaten Alex Ross for the title. Hell, he has to tag team with himself to challenge for the Tag Team Titles because nobody wants to work with the guy.

A laugh comes from the crowd as the camera focuses on the guy with the sign that says “I’M TRENTON’S PAPI!” That guy must be loaded. He’s here like every week.

Talon: But seriously, I’m about to embark on the journey of a lifetime against Alex Ross… and the plug is pulled on the sVo and we’re all out of jobs. Never fear, Talonites! I’ve been away for a while, winning World Titles, wooing damsels, breaking hearts and kicking ass… but the sanctioned Violence organization is back… and Talon is back, baby!

He stops for a moment and lets himself bask in the cheers of the fans. A “WELCOME BACK!” chant starts and picks up speed for a few seconds.

Talon: What a glorious night in my career, and I’m sure the announcers are acting like it’s 2000 all over again and tonight is the greatest night in the history of our sport! And speaking of winning World Titles and Night…

“If you take a life, do you know what you’ll give…
Odds are, you won’t like what it is…
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me…
By the merciless eyes I’ve deceived…
I’ve seen angels fall from blinding heights…
But you yourself are nothing so divine…
Just next in line…”

Multi-colored lights soon begin flickering throughout the arena and much to the chagrin of every fan (aside from the few smart and loyal fans in attendance), out steps former Hostility World Champion, Chris Bond. “You Know My Name” by Chris Cornell blasts loudly and with every step the man takes, boos and jeers get louder and louder. As he walks down the aisle with a grin plastered across his face (a blend that can only be described as both suave and cocky), Bond slaps a few hands away, you know the few fans that reach out and try and play grab-ass with the entertainers. This of course sends a shower of jeers raining down upon him once more, but let’s be honest. He just doesn’t care. Bond swaggers up the stairs, grabbing a microphone as he does, and walks up to the returning Talon with a cocky smile on his face.

Chris mockingly gives the Hero a round of applause. Talon is anything but amused.

Chris Bond: Such a ‘triumphant’ return for our resident windbag. Weren’t you talking about making an impact? If this is an impact, no wonder DREAM went belly up.

Boos, and lots of ’em. Except for the loyal Hostilites in the crowd.

Chris Bond: So let me just get this straight. You figured you’d walk in here, guns a-blazin’ and get handed the sVo Heavyweight Title? Sorry buddy, that’s not how this place works. We actually have standards. We don’t want circus-clown rejects representing our company, dig what I’m sayin’?

BOOOOOOOO! Apparently the crowd is nothing but ghosts.

Talon: So what, Chris, are you saying they’re pushing a nobody bitch-boy like you into spots that they don’t deserve? Seems like the norm for you, partner.

A massive pop is heard through out the arena. A smirk appears on the face of the former Hostility World Champion. Chris Bond is less than amused.

Chris Bond: Make your jokes T-Bag, but the last time I checked, you’re most resounding legacy here in the sVo is helping to kidnap the child of Travis Williams. Way to go Mr. Hero. How’s it feel to be a bigger ass than TWilly himself?

Talon’s smirk disappears, and Chris smiles a smile wider than the Cheshire Cat’s. The crowd lets off a massive jeer.

Talon: As opposed to Mike Polowy fucking your mother’s corpse. That’s something to be proud of Chris.

HUGE pop! The crowd is on their feet. Chris is seething.

Talon: And besides that, my legacy precedes itself, Chris. From the Legacy Championship to Hostility’s World Championship to DREAM’s top title… from kicking Travis Williams out of World Title contention, to beating the everloving hell out of Ozric Mortimer, Mike Polowy and YOU, to destroying Steppen Scuragrec, to beating the piss out of Mike Polowy yet again… I’ve more than made up for everything Alex Ross did with my unwilling help. Which is more than you can say, you cheap two-timing whore. Your legacy is going to be for being a back-stabbing bitch who couldn’t get into the World Title scene without a reach-around.

The fans pop again as Bond seeths, turning red in the middle of the ring.


Chris spins around, almost looking rabid. Talon just smirks at how easy that was to get under his skin.

Chris Bond: You think it’s funny Talon? How’s this for funny. While you’re off writing your little blog about people not taking you seriously… or actually paying attention to you for that matter… I’m being noticed. I’m undefeated, and I’m one of the few names on everybody’s tongues. How’s it feel to go from Hero to zero, Mr. Irrelevant?

Oddly enough, there’s a cheer here. And an even louder cheer. Chris is unaware that Nathan Paradine is running down the ramp and slides into the ring right behind Old Bondo. Chris is smiling away as Talon just wipes in front of his face with gloved hand. He looks at Chris, shrugs, and then lands a hard right to the face. Chris falls back, and Nathan pounces.

Bond and Paradine are on the mat exchanging lefts and rights, and Talon stands there smirking. Chris kicks Nathan off from him, quite luckily, and slides out of the ring. Nathan goes after him, but Talon holds him back a little because ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean comes running out with a chair in hand. He backs up Chris and checks to see if he’s alright. Always the voice of reason, Talon cools the Australian Submission Machine down, and BBD and Chris Bond stand atop the ramp shouting obscenities before heading behind the curtain. Talon turns to Nathan and offers a handshake, however he merely stares at his outstretched hand for a moment before turning around and exiting the ring, leaving a puzzled Talon behind to soak up the adoration of the crowd.

Raven vs. DVD

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Raven charges right into a DVD dropkick. Raven gets up and receives a couple of toe kicks from DVD. DVD follows it up with an elbow smash to Raven. DVD measures Raven and delivers a snap jab to Raven. DVD now throws Raven against the ropes and delivers a shuffle side kick to Raven. Raven gets up and eats a back chop from DVD. DVD grabs Raven and delivers a grapple body attack to Raven. DVD takes Raven down with a snapmare and locks in a neck lock on Raven. Raven starts to get up and elbows his way out. Raven bounces off the ropes and connects with a jump spin back kick to DVD. DVD gets up and receives a front dropkick from Raven. Raven picks up DVD and throws him against the ropes and delivers a spinning wheel kick to DVD. DVD gets up and receives a body punch from Raven. Raven now locks in a standing crossface on DVD. DVD counters with a hammerlock and turns it into a headlock on Raven. Raven pushes DVD into the ropes and on the way back delivers a headlock takedown to DVD. DVD starts to get up and counters with a wrist clutch followed up by an elbow to the arm of Raven. DVD grabs Raven by the arm and delivers a jumping armbreaker on Raven. DVD goes for the first pin of the match.




DVD goes to pick up Raven but Raven catches DVD with a small package on DVD.




Both men get up and DVD connects with an european uppercut on Raven. DVD follows it up with a fireman carry on Raven. DVD picks up Raven and drills him with a suplex on Raven. Raven gets up and receives a kick to the midsection by DVD followed by an overdrive to Raven. DVD picks up Raven and delivers a backbreaker to Raven. DVD picks up Raven and throws him against the ropes but Raven reverses and goes for a back body drop but DVD catches him with a neckbreaker on Raven. DVD waits for Raven to get up and kicks him in the midsection and delivers a DDT to Raven. DVD picks up Raven and applies a sleeper hold to Raven. Raven moves to the side and pushes DVD against the ropes and delivers an arm drag to DVD. DVD gets up and receives a jawbreaker from Raven. Raven grabs DVD and delivers a front powerslam on DVD. Raven picks up DVD and delivers a Manhattan Drop to DVD. Raven bounces off the ropes and looks for a clothesline but DVD ducks and takes Raven down with a snapmare followed up by a dropkick on the back of the head of Raven. DVD bounces off the ropes but receives a hurracanrana from Raven. DVD gets up quickly and tries for a clothesline but Raven ducks and delivers a backslide pin to DVD.




Both men get up and Raven charges at DVD who delivers a side walk slam to Raven. DVD picks up Raven and delivers a Russian leg sweep to Raven. DVD picks up Raven again and tries to throw Raven against the ropes but Raven reverses and DVD comes back with a bulldog on Raven. Raven gets up staggered and receives a school boy roll up from DVD.




Both men get up and Raven delivers another hurracanrana on DVD but this time stays on top of him delivering punch after punch to DVD. Raven grabs DVD by an arm and delivers a leg drop on the arm of DVD. Raven picks up DVD and delivers a grapple elbow strike on DVD. Raven follows it up with a forearm smash to DVD. Raven now delivers a back suplex to DVD. Raven gets up and bounces off the ropes connecting with a leg drop on DVD. Raven pins DVD.




Raven picks up DVD and goes for a suplex but DVD drops behind him and delivers an inverted suplex to Raven. DVD pins Raven.




DVD goes to pick up Raven but Raven takes down DVD with a single leg takedown and delivers a couple of angry stomps on DVD. Raven bounces off the ropes and connects with a flip splash on DVD. Raven gets up and delivers a flip leg drop on DVD. Raven picks up DVD and delivers a fury punch to DVD taking him down. Raven now locks in a reverse chin lock on DVD. DVD starts to get up and elbows his way out of the predicament. DVD bounces off the ropes and connects with a double axe handle to Raven. Raven goes hard to the mat and DVD bounces off the ropes again and delivers an elbow drop to Raven. DVD now locks in an arm lock on Raven. Raven escapes with a drop toe hold and applies a leg lock to DVD. DVD gets to the ropes and Raven releases the hold.

Raven goes to pick up DVD but DVD connects with a forearm drop to Raven. Raven gives his back to DVD and DVD locks in a sleeper hold with body scissors on Raven. Raven drags himself as he can underneath the ropes to get the rope break. DVD goes to pick up Raven but Raven delivers a punch to the groin of DVD. DVD falls to the mat and Raven opens up DVD’s legs and delivers a leg drop to the groin of DVD. DVD tries to get up in a corner but receives a turnbuckle dropkick from Raven. DVD stays pinned in the corner and Raven delivers a chop to DVD but DVD counters with one of his own and a chop battle has ensued between the two. DVD wins the battle and throws Raven against the corner but Raven jumps to the top rope and delivers a whisper in the wind on DVD. Raven picks up DVD and places him on the top rope and delivers a frankensteiner to DVD. Raven gets up and delivers a foot choke to DVD. DVD gets up giving up his back and Raven dropkicks the back of DVD causing the momentum to push him to the turnbuckle and come backwards into a school boy pin from Raven.




Both men get up and DVD stomps on a leg of Raven. Raven goes down and DVD quickly locks in a bow & arrow lock on Raven. Raven gets to the ropes and DVD releases the hold. DVD picks up Raven and tries to throw him against the ropes but Raven reverses and delivers an elbow to the chest of DVD. DVD gets up and receives a flying forearm smash from Raven. DVD rolls to the outside and Raven goes to the apron and as soon as DVD gets up he receives a vaulting body press from Raven. Raven picks up DVD and throws him into the ring. Raven climbs the ropes as DVD gets up and delivers a missile dropkick to DVD. DVD gets up staggered and receives a headscissor takedown from Raven. Raven pins DVD.




DVD gets up in a corner and Raven goes for an avalanche in the corner but DVD gets out of the way and turns Raven around and climbs to the second rope and delivers 10 punches to the head of Raven. DVD gets some distance and charges at Raven who gets both feet up taking DVD down. Raven climbs the ropes and connects with a diving elbow drop on DVD. Raven climbs to the top rope again and connects with a 450 splash on DVD. Raven stays on top for the pin.




Raven climbs the ropes looking for a moonsault but DVD pushes Raven’s legs making him do a split on the ropes. DVD climbs up with him and delivers a super back suplex to Raven. Both men get up almost at the same time and DVD connects with a clothesline on Raven. Raven gets up again and receives a dropkick to the knee by DVD. DVD pins Raven.




DVD picks up Raven but Raven kicks DVD in the midsection and delivers an extreme neckbreaker drop to DVD. Raven pins DVD.




Raven picks up DVD and places him on the top rope. Raven goes after him but DVD pushes Raven down to the mat. Raven gets up and receives a diving crossbody pin from DVD.




DVD bounces off the ropes as Raven rises to his feet and gets a powerslam pin from Raven.




Raven gets up and bounces off the ropes and gets a back body drop from DVD. Raven gets up and receives a hip toss from DVD who desperately looks for the win pinning Raven.




DVD picks up Raven and goes for a scoop slam but Raven slides behind him and turns DVD around kicking him in the midsection following it up with the Hardcore Twist. Raven quickly climbs the ropes and delivers the Raven Time Bomb on DVD. Raven pins DVD.




RESULT: Raven def. DVD via pinfall


We head out to the sVo parking lot at the Goodfella’s Casino arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Vehicles are all aligned side by side and around the area while it is dark out there along with a mysterious breeze coming through as well. Moments later a man dressed in a detective hat, a detective coat and black boots is none other than sVo Las Vegas Champion, Howard “The Bank” Thompson.

He is wandering around the cars parked there until he spots the one he was looking for. He shouts aloud himself…

Howard: “Ah, here it is!”

Thompson stops in his tracks and pulls out a pair of keys from his pocket. Fiddling with them in his hand he finds the right one to open it up.

Howard: “I sure am glad I made a copy of these babies…”

“The Bank” smirks as he puts the key in the hole, turns it over and the door unlocks. Just like that, Howard Thompson is inside the vehicle, but who’s?

Howard: “What am I even doing?”

Thompson shakes his head as he looks around in the new continental Lincoln.

Howard: “And here I thought these guys had money… this car sucks!”

He laughs too himself before putting a different key into the ignition. Howard turns it over and it starts.

Howard: “Okay… here goes nothing.”

Thompson now puts his foot on the gas as he takes the car out of park and puts it into drive. Howard is seen taking the vehicle through the parking lot towards the arena complex. The camera’s then cut back inside the Goodfella’s Casino arena. What is Howard Thompson up too, though?

Indecent Proposal

Backstage at Goodfellas Arena, Johnny All-Star, sVo veteran sits tensely. His long-time friend and former manager JD James sits across from him, comforting him.

JD James: So, no sign of her yet?

Johnny shakes his head.

JD James: And you didn’t hear anything through the week?

Johnny All-Star: Not a word. I’ve got to get my wife back, JD.

There is a knock at the door. All-Star stares at it, but it it JD who stands to answer it. An unknown man in a dark-suit and sunglasses stands on the other side. At the sight of him, All-Star springs to his feet and lunges at the man, only to be restrained by JD.

Johnny All-Star: Where’s my wife?

Unknown: Relax, Mr. All-Star, all in good time. We have an offer for you.

All-Star clenches his jaw as he glares at The Company representative in front of him.

Unknown: You have a match tonight where you are teaming up with a man who has become something of a thorn in our sides recently. We were impressed by your win last week over the champion. If you… were to leave him to us – we will make it worth your while.

Johnny All-Star: I don’t need to listen to this shit! Where’s my wife…

He is cut off as the suit raises a finger – a devilish smirk on his obscured features.

Unknown: That’s just it. If you do as we ask tonight – not only will your wife be returned… but at the next pay-per-view event, you will face Night for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship.

All-Star fumes with rage but clearly is conflicted – blinded by the opportunity to get his wife back.

Johnny All-Star: I… I need to think things over.

The representative smiles.

Unknown: Of course, Mr. All-Star. We will be watching.

The suit turns to leave, All-Star slamming the door as he does. Johnny slumps onto one of the benches, before turning to JD.

Johnny All-Star: Now what the hell do I do?

With one of the toughest decisions of his life to make, Johnny All-Star consults with JD James as we cut back to ringside.

Chris Wrestling & DJ (c) vs. Travis Williams & Anti-Hero

The sounds of “Sinner” by Drowning Pool starts to pour into the speakers in the Goodfella Casino, as the crowd begin to boo at the entrance theme of The Corporation. On the big screen, the word CORPORATION flashes as DJ and Chris Wrestling come from out the back with the sVo Tag Team Championships over their shoulders. Paying no mind to the fans who disapprove of them, they stay in the middle of the walk way and go straight for the ring. When they reach the ring, they both step onto the apron and in between the middle and top ropes. They hand the tag belts off to the referee as their music fades.

Suddenly, the casino goes pitch black as PROPHECY flashes several times in bright white letters on the screen. The sounds of Cyanide by Metallica starts to pump throughout the casino, as the fans all start to cheer and jeer the two men who are making their in ring debut for the new sVo. The lights in the arena remain off, until a point in the song hits hard and they come back fully, as Travis Williams and Anti-Hero are standing in the ring with the titles in their hands. The music fades away quickly.

DJ and Chris Wrestling do not like the sight they see, as they go face to face with their opponents, as the referee knows there is little he can do at the moment. ‘GIVE THEM BACK!’ Chris yells at the two. Travis and Hero look at one another, and shrug. They extend the belts out, and as Corporation members grab them, they are both nailed with hard rights forcing the belts to fall on the canvas. The referee signals for the bell.


DJ and Chris both stumble back against the ropes, as Travis and Hero follow them. The referee grabs up the belts and slide them to the apron. Travis and AH throw one more right hand a piece, before Irish whipping DJ and Chris into the ropes. They both wrap the top rope, stopping their movement.

Travis rushes DJ, and clotheslines him, as both of them roll over the top rope and crash on the floor on the outside. Chris rushes into Anti-Hero and leaps forward with a cross body. Anti-Hero catches Chris Wrestling, he slings him around and where Chris lands to his feet off balance, and Hero steps in and takes him down with a STO. As they both land, Anti-Hero goes into a cover, as the referee is in position.




DJ grabs the leg of Anti-Hero and pulls him outside the ring. DJ grabs him up off the floor and slams his face into the apron. DJ grabs him again and throws him into the ring post back first. Chris Wrestling motions for Anti-Hero, as DJ throws him back in. Chris picks him up and stuffs his head between his legs. He butterflies the arms, and lifts him up, and goes into a sitout powerbomb position on impact, and the pin.



Travis dives across the ring after getting in and nails Chris with a double axe handle blow to the top of the head. DJ slides in, and grabs Travis and instantly throws him back over the top rope. The Corporation members grab up Anti-Hero and shoots him into the corner. Anti-Hero comes stumbling out from force, as Chris and DJ both hip toss him high into the air and onto his back in the center of the ring. Chris makes the cover.




Anti-Hero manages to get his shoulder up before a three can be made. DJ stands on the apron, as Travis crawls himself back over to his side of the ring on the floor. DJ extends his hand, and a tag is made. They both lift up Anti-Hero and shoot him into the ropes. On the return, they grab him by the chest and lift him up and slam him back down on his back and head on the canvas. DJ makes the cover as Chris exits the ring.




Anti-Hero manages to kick out once again. DJ calls for Chris, as DJ throws Anti-Hero into the corner. They place him on the top rope, as Chris follows up, and hooks the head of Anti-Hero… Travis is on the apron, and slaps the boot of his partner, making the tag. Chris super plexes Anti-Hero over, as Travis rolls into the ring as DJ leaps off the top rope with a splash.

Travis grabs Anti-Hero and rolls him out the way, as DJ lands hard on the canvas. Chris stands to his feet, as Travis grabs him up in a slam position, spins him out and drops him on his knee with a catatonic back breaker. Travis rolls Chris out the ring and turns to DJ who is starting to sit up. Travis locks the head in a dragon sleeper like hold, as he turns him over to his stomach and sits down with a dragon clutch. Anti-Hero grabs a leg and plants his knee into the lower back of DJ with a high single leg Boston crab. As they lock in the Mark of the Beast!

DJ looks to be struggling under the pressure of the submission hold, and after a few seconds, he has no option but to slap his hand to the mat and submit the tag team titles!

Anti Hero and Travis Williams keep the Mark of the Beast locked in for a few more seconds, before finally releasing it. Williams and Anti Hero slowly rise to their feet before being presented with the sVo Tag Team Championship belts by the referee!

The sounds of “Sinner” by Drowning Pool starts to pour into the speakers in the Goodfella Casino, as the crowd begin to boo at the entrance theme of The Corporation. On the big screen, the word CORPORATION flashes as DJ and Chris Wrestling come from out the back with the sVo Tag Team Championships over their shoulders. Paying no mind to the fans who disapprove of them, they stay in the middle of the walk way and go straight for the ring. When they reach the ring, they both step onto the apron and in between the middle and top ropes. They hand the tag belts off to the referee as their music fades.

Suddenly, the casino goes pitch black as PROPHECY flashes several times in bright white letters on the screen. The sounds of Cyanide by Metallica starts to pump throughout the casino, as the fans all start to cheer and jeer the two men who are making their in ring debut for the new sVo. The lights in the arena remain off, until a point in the song hits hard and they come back fully, as Travis Williams and Anti-Hero are standing in the ring with the titles in their hands. The music fades away quickly.

DJ and Chris Wrestling do not like the sight they see, as they go face to face with their opponents, as the referee knows there is little he can do at the moment. ‘GIVE THEM BACK!’ Chris yells at the two. Travis and Hero look at one another, and shrug. They extend the belts out, and as Corporation members grab them, they are both nailed with hard rights forcing the belts to fall on the canvas. The referee signals for the bell.


DJ and Chris both stumble back against the ropes, as Travis and Hero follow them. The referee grabs up the belts and slide them to the apron. Travis and AH throw one more right hand a piece, before Irish whipping DJ and Chris into the ropes. They both wrap the top rope, stopping their movement.

Travis rushes DJ, and clotheslines him, as both of them roll over the top rope and crash on the floor on the outside. Chris rushes into Anti-Hero and leaps forward with a cross body. Anti-Hero catches Chris Wrestling, he slings him around and where Chris lands to his feet off balance, and Hero steps in and takes him down with a STO. As they both land, Anti-Hero goes into a cover, as the referee is in position.




DJ grabs the leg of Anti-Hero and pulls him outside the ring. DJ grabs him up off the floor and slams his face into the apron. DJ grabs him again and throws him into the ring post back first. Chris Wrestling motions for Anti-Hero, as DJ throws him back in. Chris picks him up and stuffs his head between his legs. He butterflies the arms, and lifts him up, and goes into a sitout powerbomb position on impact, and the pin.



Travis dives across the ring after getting in and nails Chris with a double axe handle blow to the top of the head. DJ slides in, and grabs Travis and instantly throws him back over the top rope. The Corporation members grab up Anti-Hero and shoots him into the corner. Anti-Hero comes stumbling out from force, as Chris and DJ both hip toss him high into the air and onto his back in the center of the ring. Chris makes the cover.




Anti-Hero manages to get his shoulder up before a three can be made. DJ stands on the apron, as Travis crawls himself back over to his side of the ring on the floor. DJ extends his hand, and a tag is made. They both lift up Anti-Hero and shoot him into the ropes. On the return, they grab him by the chest and lift him up and slam him back down on his back and head on the canvas. DJ makes the cover as Chris exits the ring.




Anti-Hero manages to kick out once again. DJ calls for Chris, as DJ throws Anti-Hero into the corner. They place him on the top rope, as Chris follows up, and hooks the head of Anti-Hero… Travis is on the apron, and slaps the boot of his partner, making the tag. Chris super plexes Anti-Hero over, as Travis rolls into the ring as DJ leaps off the top rope with a splash.

Travis grabs Anti-Hero and rolls him out the way, as DJ lands hard on the canvas. Chris stands to his feet, as Travis grabs him up in a slam position, spins him out and drops him on his knee with a catatonic back breaker. Travis rolls Chris out the ring and turns to DJ who is starting to sit up. Travis locks the head in a dragon sleeper like hold, as he turns him over to his stomach and sits down with a dragon clutch. Anti-Hero grabs a leg and plants his knee into the lower back of DJ with a high single leg Boston crab. As they lock in the Mark of the Beast!

DJ looks to be struggling under the pressure of the submission hold, and after a few seconds, he has no option but to slap his hand to the mat and submit the tag team titles!

Anti Hero and Travis Williams keep the Mark of the Beast locked in for a few more seconds, before finally releasing it. Williams and Anti Hero slowly rise to their feet before being presented with the sVo Tag Team Championship belts by the referee!

RESULT: Travis Williams & Anti Hero def. Chris Wrestling & DJ via submission

Promise Kept

As the camera pans around the corner and into the locker room of the man set to challenge for the Las Vegas Championship, Ronnie is on the phone and does not seem too happy to see a camera.

Ronnie Long: ‘I’ll call you back Sarah!’

Ronnie presses the red end button, and tosses the phone down as he stalks towards the camera.

Ronnie Long: ‘A little peace, a little quiet, and NO FUCKING DISTURBANCE by people like you! Take your little camera and go find Johnny and see if he can turn up Paige, but this is not the scoop you are in search of son, so out NOW!’

Ronnie points to the door, as the camera man quickly exits the room as Howard Thompson enters in. Only words can be heard.


As the loud yelling dies, and the camera man is left without his scoop of the night!

Howard Thompson (c) vs. Ronnie Long

The hard sounds of guitars and drums ring across the arena, as the lights start to dim. The words ‘Semper Fi’ flash in white text on a black screen, as white laser lights strike all over the darken arena as Godsmack’s “Cryin’ Like A Bitch’ starts to scream out the sound system.

‘Strut On By Like A King
Tellin’ Everybody They Know Nothing
Long Live What You Thought You Were
Time Ain’t On Your Side Anymore

Ronnie Long comes out from the back blazing, arms pumping. The crowd boos him hardcore, but the Semper Fi changes to a Marine Corps flag as Ronnie Long struts down the aisle with a huge smile on his face with his hair all gelled up.

‘And So You Tell Me I Can’t Take My Chances
But I’ve Told You One Too Many Times
And You Were Cryin’ Like A Bitch’

Long reaches the bottom of the ramp and takes off running and slides under the bottom rope. He instantly comes up to his feet and jumps up to his feet arms in the air. He walks over to the corner and waits.

Money” by Pink Floyd hits the pa system as Howard “The Bank” Thompson steps out from the backstage area and onto the top of the ramp way in front of a titantron. Thompson sports a pair of black boots, red knee pads, a white pair of wrestling trunks with a dollar sign on it in green as well as white wrist tape. Howard struts his stuff down the ramp way with the fans booing him like crazy. Howard has a sparkling green robe on that he takes off as soon as he enters the ring. He stands up in a corner and stretches as his music begins to fade now.

Thompson strikes out at Long suddenly, kicking off the match. Thompson swings again and again with each punch catching Long on the jaw and sending him reeling. Thompson runs at the ropes, rebounds, and attempts to take Long down with a clothesline however Long ducks and Thompson staggers forward. Thompson turns around, and Long knees him in the midsection. Thompson coils over leaving Long the opportunity to send Thompson to the mat with a German suplex. Long picks Thompson up and sends him back to the mat with another German suplex and rolls him up for the pin.



Thompson kicks out at the two count, and rolls away using the ropes to pull himself back to his feet. Long is already up and the two men circle each other in the ring. Thompson runs towards him, jumping up into the air and hitting a knee drop onto Long’s head. Long bolts upright clutching his nose and Thompson kicks him in the back of the head. His head snaps forwards, and he kneels over slightly. Thompson grins circling around him almost vulture-like. As Long struggles to climb to his feet, Thompson grabs him and drives a knee into his face. Thompson pulls him up to face him and grins when he sees the groggy look in Long’s eyes. He lifts him up, and hits a HT Slam, before attempting a pin.



Long kicks out at two and Thompson pounds the match in frustration. He climbs to his feet and looks at the referee who waves his arms and tells Thompson that his decision stands. Long climbs to his feet and hits Thompson with a low blow. Thompson kneels over, and staggers around to face Long. Long moves his thumb across his throat, and kicks the man in his ribs. Staying on the offensive Long lets out a barrage of kicks to the legs and ribs of Thompson. Thompson tries his hardest to cover himself up, but to no avail. Thompson finally hits the mat and Long goes for cover.



Thompson manages to grab the middle rope nearest to him, and the referee calls for Long to break the hold. Long argues with the referee, finally losing his temper and pushing the referee. The referee threatens to call a DQ against Long, but decides against it. Thompson relishes the opportunity Long has provided him and as soon as Long turns around he hits him with the Bank Drive! He goes for the pin.




This one is all over, and its Howard Thompson who has managed to retain his Las Vegas Championship belt against the impressive Ronnie Long!

RESULT: Howard Thompson def. Ronnie Long via pinfall

Trust Issues?

Backstage at Goodfellas Casino Arena, we are greeted by the beautiful dark-haired visage of sVo interviewer Tamara Boyd. Microphone in hand, she stands next to sVo World Champion Night and his mentor/manager, Akira Kimura. Night stands dressed in his full ring attire, the title slung over his shoulder. Although Night is masked, his mouth is tense and it is obvious he is uneasy. Kimura looks calm enough, although he nervously rocks back and forth.

Tamara Boyd: I’m here with the sVo World Champion, Night who tonight will team up with the man who defeated him last week in a non-title match to face two of The Company’s representatives – sVo Head of Security, Scotty Love and the dangerous and mysterious Weapon X… a man who has so far taken out several sVo superstars. Night, how do you feel heading into this match?

Night: Well Tamara, there are a lot of uncertainties in this match. We’ve only seen Weapon X in the ring once and he was tough competition for Tobias – who is a man I deeply respect in the ring. And there are… other unknowns.

Tamara Boyd: Would you care to elaborate on these other unknowns?

Night: All-Star’s loyalties…

Sensing that his protégé’s discomfort at tonight’s match is causing his answers to be short and perhaps misunderstood, Akira jumps in.

Akira Kimura: What Night is trying to say is – we were informed earlier by what we will keep as an anonymous source that The Company made an offer to All-Star earlier to turn on Night and leave him to their goons in exchange for his wife and a World Title shot at the next pay-per-view.

Tamara appears slightly taken aback.

Tamara Boyd: And you honestly think he’d accept that offer?

Akira Kimura: Wrestlers have been known to go to some pretty extreme measures to get a shot at a World Championship – but if you throw a man’s wife’s freedom into the deal – that would seal it for almost anyone…

Night: … believe it or not… I wouldn’t hold it against him.

Again, Tamara seems shocked. She stares at Night, mouth agape.

Tamara Boyd: So you’re telling me that you won’t hold it against Johnny All-Star if he should turn on you tonight for The Company?

Night: That’s a complex question. I simply said I would understand the temptation of a deal like that in his current situation. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a match to prepare for.

Night bows his head towards Tamara before turning on his heel and vanishing down the corridor followed closely by Master Kimura as we cut back to ringside.

Tobias Devereux vs. Kid f’n Cool

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and both competitors go to the center of the ring. Devereux extends his hand to Cool for a handshake but Cool starts things off with a toe kick to Devereux. Cool throws Devereux against the ropes and delivers a spinning back kick to Devereux. Devereux gets back up quickly only to receive a snap jab from Cool. Cool follows it up with a dropkick to Devereux. Devereux bounces back up and receives a back chop from Cool. Cool now delivers a grapple punch to Devereux. Cool now locks in a standing crossface on Devereux. Devereux counters with an arm drag to Cool. Cool gets up and receives a rolling wheel kick from Devereux.

Cool gets up again and receives a couple of spinning punches from Devereux. Cool goes down and Devereux locks in an armbar on Cool. Cool rolls out of th hold and locks in a headlock on Devereux. Devereux counters with a wrist and arm wrench. Cool counters back with a wristlock on Devereux. Devereux counters one more time with a wristlock of his own and snapmares Cool to the mat and locks in a neck lock on Cool. Cool starts to get up and counters with a hammerlock on Devereux and turns it into a headlock takedown. Devereux starts to get up and pushes Cool against the ropes and when he comes back he stops him with a kick to the midsection and follows it up with a gutwrench suplex. Devereux picks up Cool and delivers a suplex to Cool. Devereux pins Cool.




Both men get up and Cool delivers a standing dropkick to Devereux. Cool picks up Devereux but Devereux tries to surprise Cool with a kick but Cool grabs it and delivers a dragon screw to Devereux. Cool picks up Devereux and tries to throw him against the ropes but Devereux reverses and goes for a back body drop but Cool jumps over him and takes him down with a sunset flip pin.




Both men get up and Devereux kicks Cood in the midsection and delivers The Cajun Driver. Devereux pins Cool.




Devereux picks up Cool and delivers a jumping armbreaker on Cool. Devereux picks up Cool once again and delivers a double arm suplex to Cool. Devereux waits for Cool to get up and delivers a Manhattan Drop on Cool. Devereux doesn’t waste time and picks up cool and delivers a side effect on Cool. Devereux feels the momentum on his favor as he picks up Cool and delivers a gutbuster to Cool. Cool gets up groggy and receives a backbreaker from Devereux. Devereux picks up the already hurt Cool and delivers a Russian leg sweep to Cool. Devereux picks up Cool and tries to throw him against the ropes but Cool reverses and goes for a back body drop but Devereuz comes back from the ropes delivering a neckbreaker to Cool. Devereux reaches over and grabs the arm of Cool and delivers a leg drop to the arm of Cool. Devereux picks up Cool and drops him back to the mat with a snapmare followed up by a dropkick to the back of the head of Cool. Devereux pins Cool.




Devereux picks up Cool but Cool catches Devereux by surprise with a kick to the midsection followed up by a DDT to Devereux. Devereux tries to get up but gets a fame asser from Cool. Cool picks up Devereux and applies a headlock followed up by a punch to the face of Devereux. Devereux goes to the mat and Cool goes for the quick pin.




Cool picks up Devereux and goes for a suplex but Devereux counters and delivers the Devereuxplex pin.




Cool gets up staggered and Devereux takes him down with a school boy roll up.




Devereux goes to pick up Cool but Cool low blows Devereux. Cool follows it up with an elbow to the back of the head of Devereux. Cool now delivers a mat slam to Devereux. Devereux gets up and receives a back suplex from Cool. Cool picks up Devereux and drops him down again with a forearm smash. Cool pins Devereux.




Cool charges at Devereux but Devereux stops him with a kick to the midsection followed up by the Cajun Cutter. Devereux gets up and picks up Cool and delivers a full nelson face buster on Cool. Devereux waits for Cool to get and charges at him delivering a rolling clutch pin.




Both men get up and Devereux charges at Cool who powerslams Devereux. Cool climbs the ropes and connects with a frog splash on Devereux. Cool delivers a couple of angry stomps on Devereux. Cool bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop on Devereux. Cool grabs the arm of Devereux and connects with a knee drop on the arm. Devereux gets up and receives a couple of fury punches from Cool. Cool now locks in a short arm scissors on Devereux. Devereux reaches and grabs the ropes. Cool picks up Devereux who catches Cool by surprise with a side effect. Devereux bounces off the ropes and connects with a leg drop on Cool. Devereux bounces off the ropes once again and this time connects with a fist drop on Cool. Devereux picks up Cool and locks in a headlock on Cool. Cool stomps on the leg of Devereux to escape the hold. Cool now locks in a sharpshooter on Devereux. Devereux crawls and hooks the ropes to escape. Cool goes to pick up Devereux but Devereux out of nowhere locks in a cross arm stretch on Cool.

Cool starts to get and pushes Devereux into a corner getting the rope break. As soon as Devereux releases the hold he recieves a turnbuckle dropkick from Cool. Cool delivers a chop to Devereux but Devereus responds with one of his own and now both men are engage in a chop battle which is won by Cool who rakes the eyes of Devereux to stop him. Cool places Devereux on the top rope and climbs up with him. He gets to Devereux and delivers a superplex to Devereux. Both men stay on the mat for a while and start to get up almost at the same time. Cool goes over to the corner where Devereux is in and climbs the second rope and delivers the 10 punches in the corner on Devereux. Devereux drops to the mat and Cool starts to mudhole stomp on Devereux. Cool stops and pins Devereux.




Cool waits for Devereux to get up and charges at him but Devereux goes for the Bayou Bash but Cool ducks it. Devereux turns around and gets nailed with the Cool-Aid. Cool pins Devereux.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Kid Cool def. Tobias Devereux via pinfall

Revenge is Sweet

The arena is silent and the fans around ringside are sitting patiently in their seats waiting for whatever happens to go down next. All of a sudden to the side of the sVo titantron and out from the back comes a long black continental Lincoln that pulls up onto the ramp way with some crazy person driving it. It appears closer to the ring and then comes to a sudden stop. The fans are wondering what this is all about and who is in it.

The man then parks the vehicle, opens his door and steps out. Fans begin to have mixed reactions as it’s Howard “The Bank” Thompson. He took the car from the parking lot and brought it right out to ringside! Howard slams the door behind him, looks out to the crowd, wears a smirk on his face and then proceeds to climb inside the ring and demand a microphone before putting the mic up to his mouth to talk.

Howard: “If anybody knows who owns that piece of garbage you wanna call a vehicle, you might want to warn them and tell them that it’s just been sold to some jackass in the back!”

Fans begin to laugh, as a man from the back who is unknown comes walking out. The keys are still in the car as this man now gets inside and begins to back the car up and take off towards the rest of the arena and parking lot area. Thompson smiles and waves goodbye too it as he continues…

Howard: “BBD and Chris Bond…”

Boo’s begin to fill the arena here in Vegas.

Howard: “The last two guys that pissed me off ended up on the unemployment line!”

He shouts it out loud as the fans seem confused on what this is about.

Howard: “I want you to know something… and this goes out to the both of ya, as well as anybody else in the back listening to me now!”

Thompson paces back and forth as he begins to get everything off his chest.

Howard: “I don’t do chores for anybody, I don’t take orders from anybody and I certainly don’t park nobodies damn car! However… I did take those keys you guys gave me last week and I did do something intelligent about it. I went downtown, hit up the nearest dollar store cause that’s all your piece of junk costs anyways and I got a set, sold your vehicle here tonight, took the money and I … I gave it to charity!”

Fans cheer for that, and begin to clap as Thompson starts to laugh hysterically…

Howard: “No I’m no saint, I’ll never be one and I’ll never crack the bible open either, but you piss me off and I will get revenge. Now… moving further on to tonight and I have myself a match. Not any ordinary match, but a title match. I defend my Las Vegas Championship against Ronnie Long. It’s going to be a classic, don’t go anywhere because I plan to do everything and anything to retain my belt and put Ronnie Long on the long line of people who couldn’t get the job done against me. So BBD, Chris Bond I hope you’re watching, cause if you think you’re going to out due The Bank and try and push me around, you got another thing coming and you need to watch my match here tonight with Ronnie Long, because I’m going to make an example out of him!”

Fans boo, Howard’s “Money” by Pink Floyd plays and The Bank heads towards the back after dropping the microphone. Thompson seems ready and very focused as his Las Vegas Championship match is later tonight!

Christopher St. James vs. Roscoe Shame

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and both men confront each other on the middle of the ring. St. James asks for a test of strength but when Shame goes for it he gets dropkicked in the knee by St. James. St. James starts to deliver toe kicks to Shame. St. James delivers a back chop to Shame. St. James follows it up with a snap jab to Shame. Shame continues to remain on his feet and St. James finally drops him with a dropkick. Shame bounces back up and receives a couple of punches by St. James. St. James follows it up by taking down Shame and applying an arm bar. Shame escapes with a couple of outlaw punches to St. James. Shame now grabs St. James and delivers a grapple punch to St. James. Shame then follows it with a grapple elbow strike to St. James. St. James tries to take it and charges at Shame but falls victim to a bear hug from Shame. St. James escapes with an ear clap and quickly delivers a Gory Special to Shame. St. James goes after the leg he worked on earlier and applies a leg lock to Shame. Shame quickly reaches the ropes and grabs them. St. James picks up Shame but Shame quickly locks in a headlock on St. James. St. James pushes Shame against the ropes to escape and catches the returning Shame with a small package.




Both men get to their feet and St. James quickly takes down Shame with a flying neckbreaker. St. James picks up Shame and delivers a snapmare followed up by a dropkick to the back of the head of Shame. Shame gets up groggy and St, James grabs him by the wrist and applies a wrist and arm wrench on Shame. Shame counters with an arm wrench of his own and locks in a standing crossface on St. James. St. James turns and elbows his way out and delivers a suplex to Shame. Shame gets up staggered and receives a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT by St. James. St. James waits for Shame to get up and measures him connecting with a clothesline to Shame. Shame gets up once again and receives a huracanrana from St. James. Shame gets up once again staggered and St. James takes advantage with a school boy pin on Shame.




St. James gets up and argues with the referee. Shame gets up as well and turns St. James and delivers a wrist clutch followed up by an elbow to the arm of St. James. Shame follows the attack on the arm with a jumping armbreaker on St. James. Shame feels revive and picks up St. James and drops him bqack to the mat with a belly to belly. Shame bounces off the ropes as St. James gets up and delivers a jumping axe handle on St. James. St. James gets back up just to receive a backbreaker from Shame. Shame now grabs St. James by the throat and delivers a lifting and toss to St. James. St. James somehow gets up again and receives a headlock takedown by Shame. St. James gets up and pushes Shame against the ropes and delivers a diamond dust to Shame. St. James picks up Shame and throws him against the ropes and delivers a flapjack to Shame. Shame bounces from the impact and gets dropkicked by St. James who was waiting for him. St. James picks up Shame and delivers a body knee strike to Shame. Shame gets up hurting and St. James gets a cradle pin on Shame.




Both men get up and Shame delivers a club to the neck of St. James. Shame throws St. James against the ropes and locks in a sleeper hold on St. James. St. James turns to the side and delivers a back suplex to Shame. St. James picks up Shame and delivers a sliced bread #2 on Shame. Shame gets back up but receives a low kick from St. James. St. James follows it up with a school boy roll up.




Both men try to get up but Shame attacks first with an elbow to the back of the head of St. James. Shame follows it up with a forearm smash to St. James. Shame now throws St. James against the ropes and delivers a side walk slam to St. James. Shame gets up and delivers angry stomps to St. James. Shame bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop on St. James. St. James rolls onto his stomach and Shame takes advatange with an Oklahoma roll pin.




Both men get up and Shame charges at St. James who catches him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker to Shame. St. James gets up and delivers a stomp to Shame. St. James bounces off the ropes and connects with a flip senton attack on Shame. St. James gets up and applies a face stretch on Shame. Shame uses his power to snapmare St. James off from him and starts to deliver mounted punches on St. James. St. James gives up his back preventing more blows and Shame locks in a surfboard on St. James. Shame releases the hold and goes to pick up St. James but receives a punch to the groin by St. James. St. James quickly locks in an STF on Shame. Shame gets to the ropes and St. James is forced to release the hold. Shame uses the turnbuckles to get up and sidesteps St. James who was charging to the corner. St. James turns around and receives a turnbuckle dropkick from Shame. Shame picks up St. James and places him on the top rope. Shame climbs up with him and delivers a superplex to St. James.

Shame gets up and gives a signal to the crowd. He picks St. James up one more time and places him on the top rope again. Shame climbs up with him again but instead of going for a superplex he sees the crowd and grins and delivers a frankensteiner to St. James. St. James looks to be out of it but Shame insists in picking him up and delivers a couple of shoulder thrusts to St. James. St. James falls to the mat and Shame starts to choke St. James with his foot. Shame picks up St. James and places him on the top rope once again but this time with his back to the ring. Shame climbs up with him and delivers a super back suplex to St. James. Shame is pumping up the crowd as St. James gets up slowly but surely. St. James gets up and receives a dropkick to the back making him collide with the turnbuckle and staggered backward into a school boy pin from Shame.




Shame picks up St. James but St. James catches Shame by surprise with a Russian leg sweep. Shame gets up in a corner and St. James charges at him and takes him down with a monkey flip. St. James gets up and starts mudhole stomping on Shame. St. James drags Shame to a corner and raises Shame legs up to his shoulders and puts his feet on the ropes executing an illegal pin on Shame.



The referee sees this action and stops his count. St. James starts arguing with the referee once again and Shame makes it to his feet. He grabs St. James by the hair and delivers a turnbuckle smash to St. James. Shame now throws St. James against the ropes and connects with an elbow to the chest of St. James. Shame bounces off the ropes as St. James gets up and delivers a flying forearm smash to St. James who rolls out of the ring with the impact. Shame goes to the apron and waits for St. James to get up and once again plays to the crowd before executing a vaulting body press on St. James. Shame rolls back into the ring as St. James uses the apron to try to get up. In the ring, Shame bounces off the ropes and connects with a baseball slide to St. James who was trying to get back into the ring. Shame goes outside and grabs St. James and throws him back in. Shame climbs to the top rope as St. James gets up and turns right into a missile dropkick from Shame. Shame climbs up once again and waits for St. James to get up. St. James does and receives a double axe handle from Shame. Shame pins St. James.



St. James saves himself putting a foot on the bottom rope. Shame goes to pick up St. James but St. James quickly goes for a hammerlock on Shame. Shame counters with a hammerlock of his own and delivers a back suplex to St. James. Shame climbs up the ropes and connects with a diving elbow drop on St. James. Shame picks up St. James and delivers a neckbreaker to St. James. Shame waits for St. James to get up and delivers a running backslide pin on St. James.




Both men get up and Shame charges right into a spinning heel kick from St. James. St. James picks up Shame and delivers a rolling powerbomb to Shame. St. James gets up and starts to argue with the fans as he picks up Shame and delivers a cross powerbomb to Shame. St. James picks up Shame and goes to throw him against the ropes but Shame reverses and St. James jumps on the second rope and connects with a slingshot body splash on Shame. St. James waits for Shame to get up and delivers a headscissors takedown to Shame. St. James bounces off the ropes and connects with a rolling thunder on Shame. St. James pins Shame.




St. James picks up Shame and goes for a scoop slam but Shame slides behind him and takes him down with a german suplex. St. James gets back up and charges at Shame who catches him with a tilt a whirl side slam to St. James. Shame picks up St. James and throws him against the ropes and delivers a flapjack to St. James. Shame picks up St. James again and throws him against the ropes and delivers a back body drop to St. James. Shame pins St. James.




Shame goes to pick up St. James but St. James connects with an european uppercut to Shame. Shame staggers backward and St. James charges with a running calf kick to Shame. Shame gets up quickly but gets taken down by a bulldog from St. James. St. James pins Shame.




St. James goes to pick up Shame but Shame catches St. James by surprise with a back suplex turning it into a rock bottom in mid air. Shame picks up St. James and places him on the top rope once again. Shame climbs up with him but St. James starts to fire punches at Shame. Now both men start throwing big right hands on the top rope until Shame loses his balance and falls down to the mat. St. James takes full advantage and delivers the Super Stardom to Shame. St. James pins Shame.




This one is all over, and it’s CSJ who pulls off the win over the sVo International Champion Roscoe Shame!

RESULT: Christopher St. James def. Roscoe Shame via pinfall

Earlier This Evening………

sVo interviewer, Candi Cross, received a phone call prior to tonight’s taping of Showdown.

Caller: Inside tip Candi cane.

Candi Cross: Who is this and why do you have my number?

Caller: You being the whore of sVo, I managed to have your digits on my speed dial, even after all this years…

Candi Cross: Listen, I am going to report! And you’re going to be loc…

Caller: Shut your fucking yapper for once! I’m providing you with a career boosting opportunity. When I call you tonight, a limo will be arriving at the arena. You will bring a cameraman and yourself.

Candi Cross: Fine, What time?

Caller: I’ll call right ahead…than its Showtime.


La Envidia Mata vs. Chris Bond

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Mata who was playing the crowd turns right into a dropkick from Bond. Mata gets up quickly and receives a couple of toe kicks from Bond. Bond measures Mata and nails him with a body punch. Bond grabs Mata and throws him against the ropes and delivers a Spinning Wheel Kick to Mata. Bond picks up Mata and delivers a grapple punch to Mata. Bond follows it up with a grapple elbow strike on Mata. Bond takes Mata to the mat with a snapmare and locks in a neck lock on Mata.

Mata starts to get up and elbows his way out. Mata connects with a back chop on Bond. Mata follows it up with a snap jab to Bond. Mata throws Bond against the ropes and connects with a spinning back kick to Bond. Mata picks up Bond and delivers a grapple body attack on Bond. Mata locks in a headlock and takes Bond down to the mat with a headlock takedown.

Bond starts to get up and counters with a leg sweep on Mata. Bond quickly gets on the offensive and locks in a headlock on Mata. Mata counters the move with a hammerlock and locks in a standing crossface on Bond.

Bond turns to the side and pushes Mata against the ropes and delivers a hip toss to Mata. Mata gets up but Bond grabs the wrist of Mata and applies a wrist and arm wrench on Mata. Mata counters with a forearm to the face of Bond and throws him against the ropes and takes him down with a hurracanrana on Bond. Bond gets back up and gets taken down with a snapmare from Mata. Mata picks up Bond and delivers a suplex to Bond. Mata picks up Bond once again and delivers a Northern Lights Suplex Pin on Bond.




Bond gets up and Mata grabs him and delivers a backbreaker to Bond. Mata picks up Bond and throws him against the ropes and delivers a flashback to Bond. Bond bounces back up and Mata delivers a shin breaker on Bond. Mata picks up Bond but Bond fights back with punches to the midsection of Mata. Bond bounces off the ropes but Mata catches him with a jumping armbreaker to Bond. Mata picks up Bond and delivers another snapmare followed up by a dropkick to the back of the head of Bond. Bond gets up staggered and Mata takes him back down with a steam roller. Mata pins Bond.




Both men get up and Mata charges right into an arm drag from Bond. Both men get up again and Mata charges again with a clothesline but Bond ducks and delivers a neckbreaker to Mata. Bond picks up Mata and delivers a trapping suplex to Mata. Bond goes to pick up Mata but Mata starts to fire back but gets stop dead on his tracks by a low blow from Bond. Bond follows it up with a gutbuster to Mata. Bond waits for Mata to get up and delivers a kick to the midsection followed up by a DDT to Mata. Bond goes to pick up Mata but Mata catches Bond with an uppercut. Mata goes for a right hand but gets a poke to the eyes by Bond. Mata turns his back and Bond takes advantage and locks in a sleeper hold on Mata. Mata counters the hold with a back suplex pin on Bond.




Bond goes for a desperation clothesline but Mata ducks and delivers another back suplex to Bond. Mata picks up Bond and throws him hard against the turnbuckles making Bond bounce from them as Mata bounces off the ropes and connects with a bulldog on Bond. Mata goes to pick up Bond but Bond delivers another poke to the eye. Bond goes for a scoop slam but Mata slides behind and takes Bond down with a school boy roll up.




Both men get up and Bond attempts a kick to the midsection but Mata catches it and spins him around and delivers a german suplex pin to Bond.




Both men get up and Bond clotheslines Mata down. Bond waits for Mata to get up and delivers a rolling clutch pin to Mata.




Both men get up and this time Mata goes for the clothesline but Bond ducks it and delivers an atomic drop to Mata. Bond quickly follows it up with a Russian Leg Sweep. Bond gets up and delivers a couple of angry stomps to Mata. Bond bounces off the ropes and connects with a leg drop on Mata. Bond bounces off the ropes again and this time connects with an elbow drop on Mata. Bond drops down but instead of covering Mata he starts to choke him. Bond now slaps the head of Mata and applies a reverse chin lock on Mata. Mata starts to get pumped up and gets to his feet and as soon as Bond releases the hold Mata connects with a dropkick to the face of Bond. Mata grabs one of the legs of Bond apparently looking for the Envidia Tamer but decides to do a leg lock instead. Bond starts to crawl and makes it to the ropes. Mata goes to pick up Bond but Bond delivers a punch to the groin of Mata. Bond now grabs Mata’s legs and turns him into a Texas Cloverleaf.

Mata screams in pain and looks to be about to tap but instead he puts the palm of his hands down to make a bridge with his body and starts to crawl to the ropes and grabs them. Bond gets upset and waits for Mata to get to his feet. Bond looks to be going for Long Kiss Goodnight but Mata lowers his body and grabs Bond by a leg taking him down. He turns and looks to be going for the Envidia Tamer but Bond grabs Mata by his tights and pulls him forward nailing him face first into the turnbuckle. Mata staggers back and turns right into the Back to Reality. Bond pins Mata.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Chris Bond def. La Envidia Mata via pinfall

It’s Him…….

The camera man presses record as soon as the number shows on Candi’s phone.

Candi Cross: It’s him.

She picks up after the third ring.

Candi Cross: Hello?

Giggling is heard from the caller’s phone; clearly he is in company with a group of people.

Caller: Yea. 5 minutes

Candi Cross: I’ll be here, waiting.


Candi Cross: What? Hello?


10 minutes later, the long stretch Hummer Limo pulls up late. Music is blaring what seems to be Eminem’s “Without me”.

“Two trailer park girls go round the outside, round the outside, round the outside. Two trailer park girls go round the outside, round the outside, round the outside.”

The driver opens the back door and in perfect sync, the male in the back jumps out of the limo.

“Guess whose back? Back again?”


Candi Cross looks like she has seen a big familiar dick that was once in her face, she is shocked. The man is singing to the music…


Eight women follow in chain like form outside the limo; they can be seen on HBO’s Las Vegas Bunny Ranch documentary.


He grabs one of his girls, Air Force Amy to be precise and smiles at Candi Cross.

Joseph Peyton: You miss me? Bet you did. I’m not going to give you an interview tonight because quite frankly, I got a lot of business and catch up to attend too. Some new jobbers need a spanking from one of the founding members of this organization and by the looks of it a few founding members also need a beating. That is why I returned in a time that the business needs me.

Peyton pauses.

Peyton: For now… Tootle Loo MOTHER FUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

His words echo through the parking lot as he and the ladies walk away, clearly the face of Candi is pure shock

BBD vs. Nathan Paradine

“The Sound of Madness” by Shinedown hits the PA and the man who might be the new General Manger of the sVo, the definite former 2x sVo World Heavyweight Champion, Psyko Stevo emerges from the backstage area. Stevo is holding a mic and a briefcase. He rushes down to the ring, ignoring the fans, slides the briefcase under the bottom rope, hops up on the ring apron, then does his trademark backflip into the ring, landing on his feet. Once inside the ring, Stevo picks up the briefcase, opens it and we see that it is filled with $10,000 cold hard cash.*

Stevo: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out tonight. I just want to let everyone know that the $10,000 has been properly accounted for, and it will be on the line here tonight in this Psyko Stevo Memorial Invitational matchup. I’m going to hold onto it to see that no funny business occurs. Once the match has come to an end, I will personally present the cash to the winner.

*Stevo drops the mic and heads out of the ring and to the timekeepers station. As soon as he sits down..

One last thing before I shuffle off the planet, I will be the one to make you crawl,
So I came down to wish you an unhappy birthday
Someone call the ambulance… There’s gonna be an accident

As Placebo’s “Infra-Red” echoes around the arena, Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.*

*The time has finally come as the lights once more go dark. Those same three familiar letters flash across the screen. B… B… D… B… B… D… Once again the fans begin chanting along with the letters as “You’re the Best” by Joe “Bean” Esposito begins to play and that same baby blue spotlight shines on the stage. The crowd is on their feet chanting B… B… D… anxiously awaiting the arrival of the one and only, ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean when suddenly the curtains part. The lights go out, the screen goes dark, it’s pitch black throughout the arena. Seconds later the spotlight returns and standing there in the center of the stage is BBD himself! What’s that though, BBD is being flanked by his friend Chis Bond and he’s carrying a piece of paper in his right hand and a mic in his left.*

BBD: Good news everybody! I’m going to be executing my “creative clause” once again, and making this thrilling Psyko Stevo Invitational finale a no disqualification match.

*BBD tosses the mic to the side and both he and Chris Bond start laughing as both men make their way down the steel rampway. What’s this? Psyko Stevo rises from his timekeepers station, and with briefcase in hand makes his way to BBD.*

Stevo: Hold on a second… this is two weeks in a row now, lemme see that “creative clause” paperwork.

*BBD, looking shocked that his integrity would be called into question, hands the paperwork over to the former legend for his inspection.*

Stevo: Hmm, I’ll be damned… this is pretty solid paperwork right here. I’m still the general manager though, so it’s gotta be okay’ed by me.

*A sour looks encompasses the face of BBD as Stevo taps his foot.*

Stevo: Let’s ask one of these winners in the crowd what they want.

*Stevo bypasses a bunch of ugly and fat spectators at ringside.*

Voices: Me Stevo! Ask me!

*Stevo continues to walk and he finally sees a beautiful blonde with a middle aged men wearing an Affliction shirt.*

Stevo: Okay sweetie, what do you want to see?

*The woman looks at her presumed husband and he says, “no DQ”.*

Woman: Um… no DQ!

*Stevo laughs out loud.*

Stevo: All right, fans have spoken… you got yourselves a no DQ match.

*Stevo runs over to the timekeepers station and repeatedly and annoyingly rings the bell, signifying the start of the match*


*Both BBD and Chris Bond, smiles on their faces, immediately enter the ring. Nathan Paradine does everything he can as he throws a right that connects with the face of Bond, but he’s immediately caught with a boot to the midsection from BBD. BBD with another boot and it’s Chris Bond with a right hand… Nathan Paradine is being mugged in the center of the ring! Paradine to his knees now, he throws a wild punch that clips BBD, who laughs in return. BBD and Bond helping Paradine to his feet… wow, double team suplex and Paradine is struggling to try to get up. Stevo looks on from ringside with indifference as the majority of fans fill the arena with boos. Back in the ring, BBD bypassing attempting a pin and instead helps the sluggish Paradine to his feet, he irish whips his opponent into the corner, then irish whips the man who is essentially his teammate in this match, Chris Bond directly into Paradine, who once again falls to the mat. It’s Bond now, dragging Paradine out to the center of the ring. Bond motions for BBD to go for the pinfall… BBD places his foot on the chest of Paradine and the officially reluctantly starts the count… 1… 2… whats this? BBD mockingly took his foot off his opponents chest. Paradine is absolutely laid out in the ring, he did the best he could, but one man just can’t fight two men. On the outside of the ring, we see a now upset Psyko Stevo continue to look on as BBD and Bond start to taunt the motionless Nathan Paradine. It’s BBD now, smacking Paradine in the face and giving him a few choice words that the censors block out, and now it’s Bond, playfully kicking the legs of Nathan Paradine.*

Stevo: Why don’t you just pin him?

*Chis Bond looks down at Psyko Stevo and mockingly tells the former legend to mind his own business… this does not resonate well though.*

Stevo: What the hell did you say to me?

*The crowd pops as Psyko Stevo throws the mic to the ground, sets the briefcase next to the bell and hops up on the ring apron. Bond immediately rushes at Psyko Stevo, but the Psyko One pulls the ropes down, which causes Chris Bond to go flying to the outside of the ring. Before BBD knows what is going on, Stevo springboards up to the top rope and… modified Psyklone! BBD is laid out! The crowd is going wild as Psyko Stevo looks down at both motionless men. Finally Stevo just throws his hands up to the heavens. On the outside of the ring, Stevo notices that Bond is about to get to his feet, out of instinct the former World Champ goes rushing towards the ropes, and… suicide dive… it misses! Psyko Stevo attempted a suicide dive, but Bond got out of the way. Bond now, Bond picking up the briefcase and he’s going to lay Stevo out with that briefc… low blow! Psyko Stevo with a low blow! Stevo and Bond now, they’re going at it tooth and nail on the outside of the ring.*

*Back in the ring, Paradine and BBD are both struggling to get up to their feet. It’s Paradine who comes to life first though, Paradine up to one knee! Now it’s BBD up to one knee… BBD it up, BBD with a right hand… oh! Paradine blocks the right hand and here comes Nathan Paradine… Paradine with a right, and another right, and another… BBD backed up into the corner now, BBD takes a chop to the chest, Paradine backs up, now he rushes in and connects with a full body splash in the corner! BBD goes crashing to the mat!*

*Outside the ring now Psyko Stevo and Chris Bond are still going at it… Stevo attempts a roundhouse kick, but Bond saw it coming and he kicks Stevo’s free leg out from under him, sending the Psyko One on his back… Bond now, oh no, Bond picking up those TV camera wires… he’s choking the life out of Psyko Stevo on the outside of the ring!*

*Back inside the ring Paradine continues to stay on the offensive. He connects with some stomps to the face of BBD, now he helps BBD to his feet before lifting him over his head and connecting on a suplex… Paradine goes for the pinfall… one… two… KICKOUT! BBD kicked out! BBD now, back up to his feet, dodges a wild right by Paradine, DDT! BBD with a desperation DDT and now it’s BBD going for the pin… one… two……. th… KICKOUT! Paradine digs down deep and Paradine kicks out! The fans are going nuts!*

*Back outside the ring Stevo has broken free from Bond’s choke hold and the two are trading punches. Stevo ducks under a strong right, he comes back with… a rake of the face, a poke of the eyes… he sweeps the legs out… PSYKLOPS! Stevo connected with his trademark Psyklops move, we hadn’t seen that in years! Stevo now, he immediately jumps on top of Chris Bond and this time it’s Stevo unmercifully choking the life out of Bond.*

*Back in the ring it’s Paradine and BBD going at it with all each man has got. They’re both winded, their both hurt, but they’re trudging on. BBD attempts to lock up, and now both men are locked up in the center of the… eye poke! Paradine disengaged and connected with a vicious poke to the eyes of BBD, it’s all legal though in this no DQ match and the offical just looks on as Paradine rushes in with a vicious clothesline that sends BBD to the mat. Could this be it? Paradine with a cover… one… two… NO! Kickout! BBD somehow found a way to kick out. It’s a frustrated Nathan Paradine now, helping a depleted BBD to his feet… irish whip into the ropes, BBD catches the ropes though… Paradine expected it, Paradine runs in.. CLOTHESLINE! Both men go flying to the outside of the ring, right near those steel steps.*

*Back near the announce table, Chis Bond has once again flipped the script on Psyko Stevo and this time it’s Bond who is viciously choking Stevo. Thinking Stevo has had enough, Bond finally releases the hold and stats to walk over towards his friend BBD, who desperately needs help, as the cameras zoom in on a motionless Stevo. As Bond walks away though the crowd pops as Psyko Stevo kips back up to his feet, runs over to the retreating Chris Bond and connects with a well placed kick to the back of Bond’s leg… it’s not over between these two!*

*Near the steel ramp way it’s Paradine connecting with a boot to the midsection of BBD, Paradine now, grabs the back of BBD’s neck and he points towards those unforiving steel steps… Paradine starts to run BBD towards the steps… BBD gets his arm up and counters… BBD with an elebow to the gut of Paradine, now it’s BBD grabbing the back of Paradines neck, and there he goes! BBD smashes Paradines face into the steel steps twice before throwing his opponent and on the floor.

Wait what the… what’s this!?



Chris Wrestling from the backstage area and he’s looking to settle the score after BBD jobbed him out of a victory last week. Wrestling is pointing directly at BBD as he makes his way down the rampway.

BBD throws a big right hand in the direction of Chris Wrestling, however Wrestling ducks underneath the punch before nailing a DDT on BBD! Wrestling grabs hold of BBD and throws him into the middle of the ring, as Paradine slowly stumbles up to his feet. Paradine slides into the ring after BBD, before grabbing him as he begins to get to his feet. Paradine wastes no time in nailing BBD with the ‘Paraplex’, before making the cover!




This one is all over, and its Nathan Paradine who picks up the big win in the Psyko Stevo Memorial tournament! The exhusted Paradine slowly rises up to his feet as Psyko Stevo grabs the briefcase from ringside and slides into the ring. Psyko Stevo presents Paradine with the briefcase full of the $10,000 prize money as he quickly gets on the mic.

Psyko Stevo – “now that’s, what I call a hell of a match!”

Psyko Stevo holds Paradine’s hand in the air in victory as we head to a commercial break!

RESULT: Nathan Paradine def. BBD via pinfall

9th May 2010

Night & Johnny All-Star vs. Scott Love & Weapon X

The crowd murmurs uneasily as the opening chords of Metallica’s “You’re My Sanctuary” plays over the PA system. The lights extinguish, replaced by a yellow spotlight on the entrance ramp. Through the curtains steps the familiar face of Scotty Love whose appearance sends the crowd into a frenzy of boos after his hand in the recent abduction of Paige All-Star, beloved booker and president of sVo. Beside him, his partner in crime, the mysterious Weapon X raises his arms as he steps through the curtain. The two men slowly make their way to the ring, awaiting the start of the main event.

“Time to go to work baybee…. Let’s do it.”

The boos quickly turns into a chorus of loud cheers as Johnny All-Star’s voice imitating Elvis Presley fills the arena as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis begins to play.

Various images of iconic Las Vegas and Johnny All-Star play out on the V-Tron as spotlights move throughout the crowd, all finally coming to stop on a hooded Johnny All-Star somewhere in the audience as he is making his way through the crowd. The spotlight follows All-Star making his way through the screaming fans as he finally makes his way down hopping over the security barricade. Posing for a few photos’ he shrugs off the robe tossing it into the audience before pulling himself up into the ring to prepare for his partner’s arrival.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw – around his waist is the sVo World Heavyweight Championship.

Not pausing at the top of the ramp, for once, Night stalks towards the ring – hopping up on the apron and looking to All-Star who returns his glance before Night turns his attention to Scotty and Weapon X across the ring. Solemnly the champion steps through the ropes, handing the title to the referee before conferring with All-Star. Although their conversation can not be heard, it is clear what it is about – will All-Star work with Night or do what he must to get his wife back?

The question still on everyone’s mind – the referee calls for the bell and Weapon X steps out of the ring, allowing Love to start things off. Across the ring, All-Star and Night continue to confer – neither seems to want to step aside first… Night finally yields and uneasily steps onto the apron.

All-Star and Love begin circling in the ring. Love locks JAS in a side headlock but All-Star pounds at his midsections as he pushes him back against the ropes before launching him across the ring. As Love returns, he is knocked to the mat with a standing shoulder-block from All-Star. Johnny now hits the ropes and Scotty flips onto his front as All-Star springs over him. Bouncing back, All-Star launches with a senton but lands back first on the mat as Scotty rolls aside. Rolling to his feet, Love starts raining heavy boots down on Johnny’s head, shoulders and chest. All-Star battles to his feet, but is dropped by a front dropkick from Love. Scotty follows his momentum and pulls All-Star to his feet, locking him in a front facelock and walking him back towards his corner. Love tags in Weapon X who steps into the ring as Love drops All-Star with a DDT.

Weapon X now takes his turn in pounding on the downed All-Star, stomping at him as he attempts to prop himself up on the bottom turnbuckle. X shoves his foot onto All-Star’s throat and pulls on the top ropes, choking out the Las Vegas local to a chorus of boos. The referee begins the mandatory 5 count and Weapon X breaks the illegal hold. Seemingly laughing, he pulls All-Star to his feet, but is stunned as he is met with a hard right from JAS, followed by a left and finally a short-arm clothesline. All-Star begins working his way towards Night who leans over the top rope, his arm outstretched. As he crawls, he is grabbed by Weapon X who pulls All-Star to his feet and moves behind him, setting him up for a German suplex – JAS however manages to land on his feet. As Weapon X comes to his feet, he is immediately grabbed by All-Star who grabs him and wrenches him backwards with a big release belly-to-belly suplex! The crowd pop as All-Star, adrenaline pumping pulls Weapon X to his feet and whips him into his corner before tagging in the waiting Night who springs over the top rope, grabbing hold of it and slamming his feet into Weapon X’s chest!

All-Star steps out onto the apron, catching his breath as Night springs into the air, nailing Weapon X with a standing shooting star press. He hooks Weapon X’s leg for the pin.



Weapon X kicks out at two. Night stands and immediately moves out onto the apron. He pulls back on the top rope before jumping up onto it and leaping off with a springboard somersault legdrop! X grabs at his throat as he grabs hold of the middle rope, propping himself up against the bottom rope. Night meanwhile runs across the ring, bouncing off the far ropes before rebounding off and leaping at Weapon X, driving his skull back with a shining wizard! The impact sends Weapon X sprawling out of the ring between the bottom and middle ropes, landing slumped outside the ring. Night moves to his corner and tags in All-Star, before launching himself across the ring, bouncing back and leaping over the top rope with a huge suicide dive!

The crowd erupt for the move as All-Star enters the ring. Spotting Night rolling aside, All-Star now takes to the top turnbuckle, leaping off with a massive moonsault onto one of his wife’s abductors! The frustrations of his situation starting to show, All-Star pounds his fist into the masked face of Weapon X – the masked man’s head bouncing backwards with each powerful strike. Finally pulling Weapon X to his feet, All-Star proceeds to throw Weapon X head first into the ring steps! The steel stairs go flying as Weapon X again lies motionless on the arena floor. JAS is unrelenting and throws Weapon X into the ring – before igniting the crowd as he takes a 3-point stance! Slowly Weapon X makes his way to his feet… as he turns he is caught by the hard spear courtesy of JAS! All-Star holds on and slams Weapon X into the mat – however, instead of covering he points towards Night to another huge cheer.

Quickly tagging in the champion, he proceeds to continue laying the boots to the downed Weapon X. Night steps into the ring and signals for The Dreaming as JAS is ushered from the ring by the referee – only to be interrupted by Scotty Love who darts across the ring, shoving All-Star and yelling insults at him. An already emotional and incensed All-Star turns and drives a hard right into Scotty’s face, knocking him temporarily to the mat. The referee physically begins to usher All-Star from the ring. Night meanwhile sets up Weapon X on his shoulders for the Dreaming – he charges forwards a few steps…

… right into a hard right haymaker from Scotty Love! The champion’s legs fly out from under him as he drops Weapon X and falls unconscious to the mat. Scotty Love smirks as he slips the brass knuckles back into his pocket.

Badly hurting, the downed Weapon X crawls over to Night and drapes an arm over his chest.




Night kicks out at the last second and the crowd erupts as the referee holds up two fingers! Weapon X crawls towards his corner, finally tagging in Scotty Love who smirks as he steps into the ring and struts towards Night who still remains motionless. Seeming to take a dose of revenge from his defeat at the hands of the masked man at Showdown 34 Love kicks away viciously at the motionless champion. Pulling Night to his feet, Love hoists him onto his shoulder before driving him hard to the mat with a running powerslam. Love again pulls Night to his feet and whips him towards the ropes, spearing him hard as he returns and rolling through into a pinfall attempt!




Again Night kicks out. The crowd goes wild as Scotty sits Night up, before running the ropes, bouncing off and kicking him straight in the face with a soccer kick! Night drops back onto the mat hard and clutches at his head. Love stands, laughing as he once more pulls Night to his feet. He picks him up for a powerslam, but instead hangs him out on the top rope with a hot shot! Night clutches at his throat and comes to rest face down on the middle rope.

Seeing a wide open opportunity, Scotty charges at Night, leaping on his back and choking him against the middle rope. The referee again starts his mandatory 5 count, but Love immediately breaks the hold and climbs through the ropes, onto the apron before driving his fist into the top of Night’s head and then his knee into the masked man’s temple. The champion slumps back onto the mat as Love slingshots over the top rope, splashing onto Night’s chest with a splash and hooking his leg for the pinfall.




JAS dives into the ring to make the save for his team, driving his forearms into the back of Love’s head. Not wanting to cause another distraction for the referee, JAS immediately stands and heads back to his corner. Love slaps the masked face of Night before pulling him to his feet and hoisting him up onto his shoulder for a slam – only for Night to hold on at the apex and reach over Love’s shoulder towards All-Star’s outstretched hand. Love however, manages to complete the move, driving Night back-first into the mat.

Love laughs as he tauntingly dances around the dazed champion. Night rolls onto his front before pulling himself up to all-fours. Love winds up and kicks Night solidly in the ribcage, sending the masked man leaping a foot in the air from the impact. Night clutches at his ribs, but manages to reach out and grab a nearby turnbuckle. Turnbuckle by turnbuckle he climbs his way to his feet only for Love to come crashing into him with a big splash. Scotty follows up immediately by whipping Night diagonally across the ring at the far turnbuckles. Scotty charges after him, only for Night to grab hold of the middle and top ropes to the left of the turnbuckle, swinging through them legs first and kicking both of his feet hard into Scotty’s back! Love grabs at his back in pain as Night rolls out onto the ring apron, before pulling back on the top rope once more and launching over with a slingshot somersault senton and rolling through – leaping at his corner, extending his hand… and finding nothing!

At the top of the ramp, two men in dark suits and sunglasses appear with a bound Paige All-Star who struggles in vain against them. All-Star stands next to the ring on the arena floor, staring at the two-men and his captive wife intently. Uncertainly he looks back to the ring where a dazed Night has finally spotted him. Scotty Love lies in pain, rapidly recovering as Weapon X stares hungrily at the downed champion. All-Star looks back to the top of the ramp, and back at the ring. Seemingly making eye-contact with Night, All-Star can be seen visibly uttering, “Sorry” at Night before turning and running up the ramp as the two-men again disappear into the backstage area with Paige in tow.

It takes a moment for Night to realize what has just happened. Love and Weapon X seem to key on about the same time and seemingly throw the tag-team rulebook out the window as Weapon X leaps into the ring. Now alone, the champion digs deep and leaps to his feet, spinning and taking down Love with a spinning calf kick. Bouncing through and upwards, he sends Weapon X staggering backwards with a hard knee to the face. Love stands and grabs hold of Night from behind, only for Night to back him rapidly into a turnbuckle. Weapon X charges at the two of them – only Night rolls aside leaving Weapon X to spear Scotty against the turnbuckles.

As Scotty drops he reaches into his pocket and produces the brass knuckles once more, shoving them into Weapon X’s hand. As Night grabs hold of Weapon X, the Company man swings with a wild uppercut, connecting brass with bone and sending Night’s head snapping back, before he collapses in a heap in the ring.

The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying the Company team – however, they seem to have got what they came for as the two of them relentlessly kick and punch at the downed champion. Weapon X straddles his chest and again drives his brass knuckle covered hand into Night’s face, and again. The last strike seems to draw some blood as once again the big white star over Night’s right eye stains red. Pulling Night into a seated position, Weapon X stands before bouncing off the far ropes and driving a hard knee into Night’s face with a shining wizard.

Night’s head bounces off the mat as finally the cavalry arrive. Elijah Drake, Ryuu Miyamoto and Mitsuhiro Tomishiba charge out through the curtain and down the entrance ramp followed closely by Akira Kimura. The damage already done, the smirking Love and Weapon X hurriedly exit the ring and split off into the crowd. Ryuu, Drake and Mitsuhiro stand watch as Kimura checks on the downed and bleeding Night.

RESULT: Night & Johnny All Star def. Weapon X & Soctt Love via DQ

At What Cost?

Backstage at the Goodfellas Casino – Johnny All-Star comes tearing around a corner, searching. He moves slowly down the corridor, his adrenaline pumping and his senses at their most alert. He had seen them drag Paige down here… but where had they gone?

Door after door he passes before finally stopping at one that is wide open, light pouring from it. Inside, he immediately spots Paige, the two men from the entrance ramp and a third suit, also wearing sunglasses, but this one sits in an expensive recliner chair. He smiles at All-Star as he enters the room.

Unknown: Well done, Johnny.

Johnny All-Star: For what?

Unknown: You did the right thing.

He laughs before nodding to one of the nearby goons who shoves Paige roughly towards her husband. They embrace.

Johnny All-Star: I did what I had to to get my wife back.

All-Star removes the ropes binding Paige’s arms before gently removing the tape covering her mouth. As they again kiss and hug they catch sight of the monitor sitting in front of the seated representative – a close up of the bloody and unconscious Night remains frozen on the screen.

Johnny All-Star: But at what cost?

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