sVo Showdown
27th March 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Episode #037

As the camera pans around the sold out arena, Pretty Vegas by INXS begins to blast out over the sound system as the sVo Showdown opening video rolls on the giant V-Tron! The crowd goes wild for the video, featuring action from top sVo stars such as Johnny All Star, Night and DJ! As the video begins to come to an end, the cameras begin to pan around the crowd as the fans jump up and down trying to get seen on TV! The announcer’s welcome the fans watching on TV to the latest Showdown episode as the camera pick out various signs in the crowd, including ‘Devereux Rulez’, ‘Buying Happiness Since Conception’ and ‘I love the Corporation’! As the official sVo Showdown theme music begins to fade out, the attention of the fans turns towards the V-Tron on the top of the entrance stage as they eagerly anticipate tonight’s roulette action getting underway.

Did you hear that?

Backstage in the Goodfellas Casino Arena – sVo star Night and his manager Akira Kimura walk with purpose down a long corridor. The two contrast in almost every way possible – apart from both men being Japanese – right down to their demeanors. Night strides confidently and calmly at a brisk pace as Kimura nervously scrambles along beside him.

Once a confident and cheerful man, Master Kimura now jumps at every small sound and eyes everyone who passes with a great deal of suspicion.

The long, empty corridor obviously spooking the old man further he stops and turns, looking behind him.

Kimura: Did you hear that?

Night: No, Master.

Not convinced that it was nothing, Akira reluctantly turns and continues following Night down the hallway. Within a few steps however, he again whips around defensively.

Kimura: You didn’t hear that?

Night: Hear what?

Kimura: It sounded like… whispers.

Concerned for whatever is spooking his mentor so badly, Night too now pauses, listening intently.

Night: I don’t hear anything.

Again the two men turn and continue down the passageway walking briskly towards their destination.

……. ……..

An indistinguishable but definitely audible whisper stops both men in their tracks, Night wheels around, preparing for an unseen attacker.

Kimura: I’m guessing you heard that one?

Night: Yes, Master.

Night, on high alert, darts his eyes left and right – he spins around and checks in the direction they were traveling. Spotting absolutely no movement, he turns once more to his mentor.

Night: Master, what is going on?

Kimura: Later. I feel that we should go… now.

The older man grabs his charge and begins to half-walk, half-run down the hall, Night being dragged along in the frenzy.

Coming to a Boil

The arena goes dark as a small white spotlight shines on the entrance way. The haunting words of “You’re my Sanctuary” plays over the pa system. Slowly the sounds of a violin comes through before drums kick in as the drums and guitar cut in the lights flash brilliantly causing a momentary blindness. As the lights come back to normal we spot Tobias Devereux standing in the middle of the stage. He makes his way down the ramp as his long black trench coat flaps behind him. He makes his way slapping fan’s hands as he reaches the ring. Climbing up the steps he stops at the ring post climbing up to the second rope and looking out at the crowd. He then jumps over the top rope and lands in the ring. Tobias makes his way to the opposite corner and climbs up to the second rope. Slowly he climbs through the second rope as the fans cheers ring out throughout the arena. The music begins to die down as Tobias stands there with his head down, the fedora fit snugly on his head so that no one can see his face. While still looking at the mat he raises both arms and…

Gives the finger to everyone?!?!

The fans quickly pick up on the gesture. The parents in the crowd cover their children’s eyes, others gasp, the teenagers laugh and say that Tobias has picked up a new “gimmick” and quickly start mimicking it. Others just start to boo their favorite star while others sit in disbelief, wondering what has gotten into the cajun that has stolen everyone’s attention.

Tobias lowers his arm and asks for a mic which a stagehand brings to the side of the ring. However, Tobias doesn’t move to get the mic and instead waits for the stagehand to climb into the ring to deliver the mic. The stagehand rolls his eyes and clambers in, finally making it to the center of the ring to hand the mic to Tobias. Tobias snatches it away and in a very poor accent says.

“It’s about time you gave de mic to ol’ Tobias. It’s goo to b…You know what fuck it!”

With that Tobias runs up behind the retreating stagehand and delivers a move that is only used by Christopher St. James! A move he calls The Headshot! In all the flurry the crowd begins to boo Tobias. As he stands the fedora falls off the expensively styled hair-do of Christopher St. James! He stands there triumphantly as he shrugs off the trench coat and places it over the body of the stage hand. He looks down at the unconscious and innocent stagehand much like someone would look at a disgusting piece of trash. Slowly CSJ retrieves the discarded mic.

“Good evening! I was planning on going through this entire speal, pretending to be Tobias, but you know what? I just couldn’t take sounding like an uneducated MORON!”

The crowd boos as CSJ just grins.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure that that was how you were going to react. Which is alright with me. You all just don’t understand greatness when you see it. You don’t recognize the BEST when you see it. Therefore you disregard it, you say that it’s different and therefore BAD. Therefore you hate me. Rest assured though you WILL get used to me and you WILL respect me. You don’t have to like me. Hell, if I cared that much I’d BUY your happiness for myself, but what would the point of that be? I’d still have to come out here every week and you’d still sit here to listen to me. You’d watch me decimate any and all that step inside the ring opposite me and you’d only cheer when someone takes a cheap shot on me.”

This rises the crowds interest and the boos subside little by little. Slowly “TOBIAS” chants spring up around the crowd. CSJ scowls.

“Yes, I know that you are all enjoying the memory of Tobias running in and attacking me last week. Let me tell you something though, it was an uncalled for attack! First of all my back was turned. I had no idea he was even COMING! Secondly there was no reason for him to attack me. He called me out and I responded two weeks ago. He had it coming. Tell me, what did I do to deserve him coming out to attack me? Not only was the attack unwarranted, but it was dirty! It was cheap! And worst of all it was underhanded! Who really attacks their opponent from behind? At the very least have the BALLS to come out and face me face to face! Man to man! Eye to eye! This attack, this despicable, unwarranted, and uncalled for attack only goes to show one thing and one thing only. That Tobias is running scared! He’s scared of me! He’s scared that I’m going to BEAT him! He’s scared that IF, and let me tell you, it’s BIG IF, he wins that World Championship, that I’ll beat him in his first match against me, in his first championship defense! He’s scared that I’m going to prove exactly what he is, that I’m going to show the whole world what I know, and let me repeat that, what I KNOW FOR A FACT HE IS! A NO TALENT CHICKEN!”

The opening beat of Yes by LMFAO starts to play over the loudspeakers as the lights dim, only to be replaced with gold and white spot lights peppering the arena in what appears to be silver and gold flashes. As the pyro ends the lights stay off. Suddenly Yes by LMFAO gets scratched and starts jumping only to change to the haunting tune of Sanctuary by Darling Violetta. The fans jump up onto their feet and start screaming as the real Tobias Devereux, the one and only Cajun Sensation steps out onto the stage. On each arm Tobias has a lovely lady, much like Christopher St James normally would do. Tobias is dressed in a nice black suit with a crimson undershirt. Tobias just smirks at CSJ before pulling out a microphone.

Tobias: Cee Ess Jay! How good it be for yew to see mes ta-day. I so sorry dat yews didn’t sees me last time.

Tobias chuckles as does the ladies and the fans.

Tobias: But yews see, I tries it my way. Yew jus no wanna do it dat way. Yews call me de coward, de chickon. Did yew’s forget?

Tobias points to the massive screen above his head as a clip starts to play from last week.********************************

Tobias quickly slides off the equipment and stands firmly in the way of CSJ.

Tobias: “yews misunderstands mon amie. Yews actin like yews gotta choice in de matter. See unlikes yews, I dont havta stoop to jumpins peoples. I let dem sees me when I’s a comin.”

CSJ tries to back up and finds himself against a wall. He tries to smirk but it seems forced.However he still manages to get out,

CSJ: “Do you honestly think I”m scared of you? The answer is no and I’ll tell you why. The only thing that the French or any of their backwater New Orleans descendants are good at are eating stinky cheese and throwing up the white flag when they see someone superior to them. So ask yourself this question Tobias. Do you REALLY want to pick a fight with someone who is better than you in all aspects of life? Not only am I richer and more successful than you, but I’m also better in the ring than you. You may as well get that white flag ready if that’s the road you want to take.”

With that CSJ tries to roll to the right…

Tobias grabs CSJ by the arm and pulls him towards him and looks him eye to eye.

Tobias: Den considers me Napolean, and yews sure as hells aint no waterloo!

Tobias goes to swing but CSJ pulls away and heads down the hall with Tobias on his heels. CSJ reaches to the side and grabs a female stage hand and tosses her behind him into the path of Tobias. She falls hard onto the ground and Tobias stops automatically to check on her allowing CSJ to escape.******************************

Once again we look back down at Tobias who just is smirking at CSJ who doesn’t seem to be pleased inside the ring. Tobias brings the microphone to his lips again to speak.

Tobias: So dont stands dere and tells me, I dey coward cee ess jay. We tried it dey easy way, den we did it dey hard way. But yew knows, yew look quite good dere out cold on dey mat. It a good look for yew. I’ll try and helps yew show it off more often, no?

CSJ looks like he’s about to turn tail and run, but he regains composure and forces his voice to sound firm.

CSJ: PUHLEAZE! You were going after me last week for no reason again! I told you before that I would be more than happy to face you in the ring, but you wanted blood! Which I’m afraid isn’t going to happen. I’m not about to get into an unsanctioned match with you. You may not have anything to lose, you have the looks of the red headed step child that everyone is embarassed of. Me on the other hand? I’m not about to waste these looks in a match with no rules with you. I’m sorry but it’s just NOT going to happen.

Tobias smirks and winks at one of the girls on the stage and motions to a couple cheering fans before speaking

Tobias: So if I got dis right, yew not afraid to fights me. Yew jus believe dat I’d bloody yews up real good?

CSJ: Well…Yeah! In an official match I’d beat you! I can PROMISE you that you’d be the one left lying on the mat, for the 3 count. And for the record you can keep the girls. They’re nothing but arm candy anyways and according to my private investigator they have a gift that keeps on giving if you catch my drift.

Tobias: Dat no way to talk bout yews sistas.

The crowd laughs as does Tobias

Tobias: Okay den, tew weeks from today. De first showdown afta I become World Champeen. Yew and me in a match. Sound gewd?

CSJ: Heh, I highly doubt you’ll be holding onto that belt, but sure. I warn you though, smart money is on ME.

Tobias: Oh one moe ting dough. De only way yew’s getting a shot at said champeenship if’n I has it.

Tobias looks at CSJ and gives an evil smirk.

Tobias: Submesson only match, no blood dere mon amie, No excuses.

CSJ: Haha! You wish. According to my VERY expensive contract me, being the challenger gets to choose the stipulation.

Tobias: Oh dat so meester cee ess jay. Wat den yews got in mind?

CSJ: Like I’m going to let my very expensive cat out of the bag right now. You will just have to wait and see

The two lock eyes staring each other down with fire burning in their eyes as we fade to commercial.

Keep Your Enemies Close

We cut backstage, where Nathan Paradine is shown approaching the backstage entrance, an iPod in his ears and a carrying a black sports bag. As he reaches towards the door, a hand falls on his shoulder.

“Hello, Nathan. Nice to see that you’re punctual.” Maloney’s voice had a distinctive sarcastic tone to it, something that made Paradine scowl as he removed his headphones.

“I’m not late for my match, am I?” he asks Maloney coolly. “Or, have I missed my chance to deal with this little “problem” of yours?”

“Oh no, you still have plenty of time to deal with that, and time to spare for your match. I just decided that it was high-time to have a little chat with you about certain activities you’ve been partaking in recently.” Maloney smirked and folded his arms over his chest. “You’ve been talking to Paige Johnson, trying to gain information about who I am. I’ve already dealt with Paige, and I recommend that you cease your attempts immediately.”

“If you’ve harmed a single hair on her head-” Paradine started, taking a step towards Maloney. The representative waved his arm dismissively.

“Don’t worry, it was a verbal reprimand. Paige will suffer no long-term harm… However, that could change if you persist in your search. Who I am is none of your concern Nathan, and I think you would be better suited to dealing with the task I have set before you. Are we clear?”

“Crystal,” Nathan growled through gritted teeth. “Want to give me a hint as to what exactly you want me to do?”

“I suppose a hint won’t hurt,” Maloney chuckled. “Three letters; B-B-D. Got it? Good. You want to know who the problem is, I suggest you start by talking to Mr. Dean.”

Maloney flashed Nathan a final grin, then turned and walked away whistling to himself. Nathan stared after him, before murmuring under his breath…

“I’m going to find out who you are, Maloney…”

Lady Luck Has Just Been Bought

???: “Listen, all I’m saying is that you name the price and I’ll pay it.”

???: “I don’t know…”

???: “Trust me! It will be our little secret. I know you can make it happen for me.”

???: “I guess. What did you want me to add to the match then?

???: “Whatever match that Tobias is involved in I want this stipulation added to it. So when you pull out his name, and whoever he’s facing, THIS is the stipulation that needs to pop up. You follow me?”

???: “You mean you want to be sp…”

???: “SHUT UP! You don’t know who might be listening. Knowing this place there’s probably a cameraman right outside the door waiting for an exclusive interview with me. The one, the only, Christopher St. James! And I REALLY don’t need anyone knowing about this, so I suggest that you keep your mouth shut, if you know what’s good for you.”

Ironically enough a cameraman just so happened to be strolling by the corridor. Sure he left his camera back at his post, but why take a camera on break with him? And of course something like this happens the first time he leaves his camera behind. He shrugs his shoulders.

“Probably nothing…”

With that the cameraman continues on his stroll to the outside for a nice smoke before the show goes back live…

Juliana Torres vs. Limp

With Juliana Torres and Limp already in the ring, the referee holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s first blood match! The bell rings and both competitors waste no time in getting stuck into each other as Torres and Limp charge at each other and meet in the middle of the ring. Torres lays into Limp with some big right hands to knock him back, before taking him down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Limp quickly gets back to his feet, however Torres hits him with a dropkick to send him straight back down.

The Las Vegas Champion hits Limp with some stiff kicks as he rises back to his feet, however as Limp rises up he grabs the leg of Torres and chop blocks her to the floor. Limp then proceeds to drop an elbow across the chest of Juliana Torres. Torres looks in pain as Limp pulls her to a standing position before whipping her into the ring ropes. Torres bounces back straight into a big back body drop from Limp.

Knowing that he has to make her bleed in order to pick up the win, Limp begins to his Juliana Torres with some stiff kicks to the face in order to bust her open. However Juliana Torres quickly rolls to the outside of the ring in order to escape the offence. Limp makes his way to the outside of the ring to try and make Torres bled by throwing her into the steel ring steps, however Torres reverses and sends Limp into the ring steps instead! The crowd give a mixed reaction to the member of the Corporation as she tries to recover for a few seconds before making her way over to Limp.

Juliana Torres chops Limp hard across the chest which brings out cheers from the crowd, before she grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the steel ring post. The referee checks to make sure Limp has not started to bleed, before allowing the sVo Las Vegas Champion to continue. Torres hits some stiff kicks into the midsection of Limp, before taking him down with a DDT on the outside of the ring. Limp hits the floor hard head first, and Juliana Torres has time to taunt the crowd before making her way over to the fans, and grabbing a steel chair out of the crowd! Juliana Torres advances on Limp with the steel chair, ready to smash him over the head, however as she swings the chair Limp is able to cut her off with a kick to the midsection! Limp nails a back body drop on Juliana Torres which causes her to drop the chair and hit the floor hard.

Limp and Torres are both down on the floor for a few seconds, before Limp is first to rise up to his feet. He uses his boot to try and choke out Juliana Torres for a few seconds, before allowing her up. With Torres in position, Limp grabs her in a front face lock before suplexing her onto the security barrier! Juliana Torres rolls around on the floor holding her back in pain as Limp makes his way over to the steel chair that Juliana Torres had previously brought into play!

Limp holds the steel chair in the air to taunt to the crowd, before swinging it in the direction of the sVo Las Vegas Champion! However Juliana Torres shows just why she holds the belt by managing to duck out of the way of the chair shot! Limp instead smashes the steel chair into the steel ring post, and the vibrating chair hurts his hands, causing him to drop it! With the chair down on the floor, Juliana Torres hits a springboard DDT on Limp onto the chair!

The referee swoops in quickly to see if the move has made Limp bleed, however it hasn’t and this one continues!

Juliana Torres pulls the groggy Limp up to his feet and throws him into the side of the announcers table. Limp hits the table hard and holds his back in pain at the impact. However Juliana Torres isn’t finished there as she hits some hard rights and lefts on Limp before tossing him down to the mat with a snapmare takedown, followed up with a kick to the back of the head! Limp looks in pain from the combination move as he lays on the floor in front of the announcers table.

With Limp on the mat, Juliana Torres has her eyes caught by the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt that is sitting on the table next to the announcers table. Grabbing the belt that she won around two weeks ago, she stands waiting for Limp to rise up to his feet. The crowd slowly rise up to their feet in anticipation as Juliana Torres runs at Limp and smashes him in the face with the title belt! Limp quickly drops to the floor holding his face in pain at the impact from the heavy gold title belt. The referee swoops in and quickly calls for the bell as the crimson begins to flow down the face of Limp!

Juliana Torres holds her title belt up in one hand, as the referee raises her other hand in the air in victory! By making Limp bleed she has won the match and retained the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt! Just who will she have to defend the belt against at the Resurrection PPV on Sunday, and how long will she be able to continue to keep hold of it with the Corporation in her corner?

RESULT: Juliana Torres def. Limp via first blood

The Case Of The Undressed Finger

We join a ‘secretive’ corner of The Goodfellas Casino Arena, where few men slip into. Dark, and roomy enough for the shadow that stands there on his cell phone. A man without office, discussing off-handed business.

Shadow: — Ten-Four, I won’t pussyfoot, sir.

Cell phone closes abruptly. A stocky male dressed in black with impressive moustache and beard, swinging his pocket-watch.

Shadow: They call me Rusbridge.

Standing off-center, he quickly flips a wallet as a bronze badge of identification catches the eye of the camera.

Rusbridge: Harley Rusbridge, Personal Effects Investigator.–

Affirmative nod, and flashy closing of his wallet. His eyes a curious squint of curiousity and bordered by dark black eyeglasses from generations ago.

Rusbridge: Some will call me abnormal. Others will label me much worse. In the end, civilians, know one certainty.– your possessions are your property, and officially under my protective thumb.

He walks in haste, coming in contact of a ‘Lost and Found’ bulletin board. Children missing. Animals that ran away. But Harley Rusbridge is only interested in one particular ‘Lost’ ad. Swiping the paper from its thumbtack, he holds it up to the camera.

Rusbridge: — This particular plea for re-connection is searching for a heirloom man’s wedding band. Already in contact, I hear the accused is employed in this ChipHouse.

Kicks a metal door seperating the Employees Lounge from the Kitchen area, and stumbling upon uncooked food.

Rusbridge: No door unmolested, No window unvoyeured. I will crawl up the protective cup apparatus of every sanctioned Violence organization athlete that walks among this building. Cooks, Dealers, Security, Backstage Assistants.–

Points his beefy finger.

Rusbridge: I will find that item of inquiry. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s a Worker’s World we stand in.

Reaching up, he pulls the string to the light bulb that lights up this single branch of aisle-way.

Nathan Paradine vs. DVD vs. Harley Rusbridge

One last thing before I shuffle off the planet,
I will be the one to make you crawl,
So I came down to wish you an unhappy birthday
Someone call the ambulance… There’s gonna be an accident

As Placebo’s “Infra-Red” echoes around the arena, Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

Headstrong by Trapt plays as DVD comes out staring at his surroundings. He then slowly walks to the ring with an intense look on his face.

Aw, such rhythm.

‘Peter Gunn’s Theme’ by The Blues Brothers trumpets from the heavens. The lights are seductively dimmed as sVo’s Premier P.E.I, Harley Rusbridge, steps from the curtain, swinging a chained watch.

The fans love his ‘Chicago Style’ Flash as he saunters down the aisle, squinting with that inquisitive look beneath his trademark black frame eye-wear.

Reaching ringside,he slides under the bottom rope and pops up, folding his arms until he is further instructed.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this threeway match gets under way! DVD quickly makes his way over to Harley Rusbridge and nails him with a combination of punches. However before DVD can knock down Harley Rusbridge, Nathan Paradine grabs DVD and tosses him hard into the corner of the ring. Paradine opens up on DVD with some big body punches, before throwing him hard to the floor with a snap suplex. Paradine turns around just in time for Harley Rusbridge to knock him down to the mat with a sharp clothesline. Paradine gets back to his feet, however Harley Rusbridge grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Paradine staggers backwards and Harley Rusbridge takes down Paradine with a German suplex.

Harley Rusbridge admires his suplex on Paradine, but as he does he is leg sweeped to the mat by DVD. DVD, pulls Harley Rusbridge to a standing position before shooting him into the ropes. Harley Rusbridge bounces out of the ropes and is tossed to the mat via a backdrop from DVD. Harley Rusbridge quickly rises back up to his feet following the back drop, however DVD hits him with a sccop slam in the middle of the ring, before bouncing into the ropes and landing a legdrop on Harley Rusbridge. DVD rises up to his feet following the legdrop, and turns his attention towards Nathan Paradine. Paradine is slowly rising up to his feet, and DVD hits him with some right hands, before sending him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex.

Following the impressive suplex, DVD wastes little time in making the cover on Nathan Paradine.



Harley Rusbridge dives in to make sure and break up the potential three count from going down. Harley Rusbridge pulls DVD up to a standing position, before running with him and tossing him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! The fans cheer as DVD goes flying over the top rope and lands awkardly on the floor below. Back in the ring Harley Rusbridge turns his attention towards Nathan Paradine. Harley Rusbridge pulls Paradine up to his feet, before tossing him into the ring ropes. Paradine bounces back, but as he does he knocks Harley Rusbridge down with a big boot to the face! Harley Rusbridge struggles back up to his feet following the big boot, and Paradine takes advantage by hitting a reverse STO onto Harley Rusbridge. The fans boo the move from Paradine, however the Australian submission machine doesn’t pay any attention to the fans that are packed into the Goodfellas Casino Arena for tonight’s show.

Harley Rusbridge is pulled back up to his feet by Paradine, and held in a sleeper hold. The fans continue to boo Paradine as DVD slowly makes his way up to a standing position on the outside of the ring. Paradine tries to tighten the sleeper hold around Harley Rusbridge inside the ring, however Harley Rusbridge bravely fights his way out of the hold with some back elbow shots to the side of Paradine’s head! Harley Rusbridge fights his way away from Paradine before bouncing into the ropes and running back at Paradine. Harley Rusbridge looks for a clothesline to take down Paradine, however Paradine counters with the ‘Paraplex’ onto Harley Rusbridge! The fans boo the finisher from Paradine, as he makes the cover on Harley Rusbridge!




DVD launches himself into the ring onto Nathan Paradine to break up the count and save the match! It looked as if Nathan Paradine had won the match right there! DVD pulls Paradine off of Harley Rusbridge and dispatches of him with a quick DDT to send him down to the mat. DVD then turns his attention to Harley Rusbridge by leaping onto the sVo newcomer in an attempt to steal the pin away from Paradine after the Paraplex!




Harley Rusbridge gets his shoulders up off of the mat and this one continues! DVD doesn’t look too happy as he pulls Harley Rusbridge off of the mat and positions him for a powerbomb! However before he can hit the powerbomb, Harley Rusbridge nails a back body drop onto DVD! DVD gets quickly back up to his feet only for Harley Rusbridge to knock him back down to the mat with a cross legged powerbomb! The fans cheer the move from Harley Rusbridge, who wastes no time in pulling DVD back up to his feet. Harley Rusbridge nails DVD with a kick to the midsection, before taking him down with an overhead pump handle suplex! With DVD on the mat and hurting, Harley Rusbridge signals that it is time for his finishing move! DVD slowly rises up to his feet, only to walk straight into the ‘Crimestoppuh Bustuh!’ from Rusbridge! The fans pop for the move, but before Rusbridge can make the cover, he is nailed with a low blow from Paradine! The crowd boo the cheap shot from Paradine, who steals in to make the cover on DVD!




This one is all over, and despite Rusbridge doing all the hard work, its Nathan Paradine who steals in at the end to pick up the three count over DVD, and head into the Resurrection PPV with a win under his belt!

RESULT: Nathan Paradine def. DVD & Harley Rusbridge via pinfall

She Doesn’t Fucking Hate Me

Ronnie Long is standing backstage as Paige Johnson walks up to him…

Paige Johnson: Excuse me Ron, I need to get into my office!

Ronnie Long: Well, go ahead!

Paige Johnson: You are standing in my way asshole!

Ronnie steps to the side, and motions his hands to her office.

Ronnie Long: There you go doll! Make sure you take down my number, I left it on your desk!

Paige shakes her head and walks into her office, as Ronnie slaps her on the ass. Paige looks back at him and has a pissed off look on her face.

Paige Johnson: Shouldn’t you go get ready?

Ronnie Long gives her a wink before heading down the hall.

La Envidia Mata vs. Ronnie Long

The fans in the Goodfellas Arena are on their feet as from the ceiling the 15foot steel cage begins to lower down around the ring in preparation for the cage match between Ronnie Long and The Corporation’s La Envidia Mata!

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of La Envidia Mata. Then La Envidia Mata comes out completely ignoring the crowd. La Envidia Mata takes a long look up at the steel cage structure, before walking through the door to the cage and awaiting the arrival of his opponent for the night.

The sounds of Three Days Grace’s “Overrated” starts to play throughout the arena and the the fans all stand and boo loudly. The words “LONG SHOT” echo out during the entrance. Ronnie Long walks out to the top of the ramp.

‘Worn out and faded
Your weakness starts to show
They created the generation that we know
Washed up and hated
The system moves too slow’

Ronnie starts walking down the aisle jumping at the fans and even harassing a fat kid trying to get his hand touched by a wrestler.

‘You made it
You played it
Your shit is overrated’
Ronnie Long takes a look at the steel cage structure that is surrounding the ring, before climbing in to meet his opponent for the night. The door to the cage is quickly locked behind Ronnie Long by the referee and this one is ready to get underway!

Long and Mata slowly circle each other in the middle of the ring before both bursting forward and tying up. Both men try and push the other back, until Ronnie Long takes advantage of the situation by going behind on Mata and taking him down to the mat with a stiff German suplex. Mata rises up to his feet feeling the pain on the back of the neck, and is immediately caught with some stiff right hands from Ronnie Long which knocks him backwards into the side of the cage. Ronnie Long is relentless in his offence, until Mata cuts him off with a knee to the midsection, before grabbing Long by the back of the head and smashing him face first into the side of the cage!

Long bounces back down to the mat holding his face in pain, and Mata manages to take advantage by bouncing off of the ropes and hitting a leg drop onto his opponent. The Corporation member then lands a series of stomps onto Ronnie Long, before pulling his opponent back up to his feet. Mata quickly takes Ronnie Long to the mat with a twisting neckbreaker, which gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Ronnie Long slowly staggers up to his feet, and is quickly caught with some right hands from Mata which force him into the corner of the ring. With Ronnie Long flagging in the corner, Mata makes his way to the other side of the ring, before running at Ronnie Long and hitting him with a big splash! Again there is a mixed reaction for the member of the Corporation, who wastes no time by turning and beginning to climb the side of the cage!

However Mata only gets halfway up the side of the cage before Ronnie Long reaches up and grabs his leg to stop his progress. Mata tries to kick Long off of him, however Ronnie Long hangs on before pulling Mata off of the side of the cage and tossing him hard to the mat! Mata struggles up to his feet after the fall, and Ronnie Long runs through him with a stiff clothesline to send him down to the mat. Ronnie Long taunts the crowd before hitting Mata with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring, followed by a running elbow drop onto his opponent.

With only one week to go until the Resurrection PPV, Ronnie Long looks like he wants to impress as he allows Mata up to his feet, before slamming him face first into the side of the steel cage. Mata stumbles back holding his face in pain, and Ronnie Long hits a back breaker onto his opponent from the Corporation. With Mata down, Ronnie Long slowly rises up to his feet with a cocky grin on his face. Feeling confident about picking up a second win in two weeks, Ronnie Long turns to the side of the steel cage and begins to climb! Mata slowly begins to stir as Ronnie Long slowly climbs up the side of the cage!

As Ronnie Long reaches the half way point of the cage, Mata stumbles to his feet and notices that Ronnie Long is trying to escape the cage and win the match! Mata quickly stumbles over to the cage and begins to climb after Ronnie Long!

Ronnie Long soon reaches the top of the steel cage, fifteen foot in the air. However as he turns and begins to try and climb down the other side of the cage, Mata grabs him around the legs! The crowd are on their feet as both men try and struggle to knock the other off from the top of the cage! Mata manages to climb up alongside Ronnie Long and then begins to try and knock him down to the mat with some stiff elbow smashes to the side of the head. To get away from Mata, Ronnie Long climbs up and stands on the top of the steel cage, with Mata following him up!

The fans cheer as both men stand precariously on the top of the steel cage, whilst trading big punches! Ronnie Long looks to be getting the better of the exchange with La Envidia Mata, however as he goes to deliver a big punch to knock Mata fifteen foot down to the ring, Mata drops his shoulder and nails a belly to back suplex on Ronnie Long off of the top of the cage and to the ring below! The fans are on their feet at the amazing move from Mata, as Ronnie Long lays in a heap in the ring below, obviously hurting badly after the fifteen foot drop! La Envidia Mata takes a few seconds on the top of the cage to look down at his opponent, before slowly climbing down off the top of the cage. Mata climbs halfway, before tiredly dropping down the other half and reaching the floor!

The referee makes his way over to La Envidia Mata and raises his hands in the air in victory! La Envidia Mata looks very pleased with the big win only a week before the Resurrection PPV, as the referee unchains the door to the cage so that the EMT’s can check on Ronnie Long after the long fall off of the top of the steel cage.

RESULT: La Envidia Mata def. Ronnie Long via escape

Ignorance Is Bliss

Backstage in the corridors around the locker-room area. Akira Kimura, veteran wrestling trainer and manager of sVo wrestler, Night rushes along. Spotting a room with the name “Night” on the door, Master Kimura rushes to his objective – only to be stopped. From the shadows an arm reaches out, grabbing Akira by the jacket sleeve.

Unknown: Mister Kimura.

Faking bravado, Akira barely manages to jitter out a reply.

Kimura: W-what now?

Unknown: Now… you lose.

Kimura: What?

His tone instantly changing from false courage to clear indignation he furrows his brow as he stares at the man in the shadows.

Unknown: Next week, your boy loses – Devereux gets the title.

Kimura: You want Night to take a dive?

Unknown: Call it what you want – that’s what we’re asking.

The fear is instantly replaced with rage. The old man looks positively terrifying as he now glowers at the unknown man.

Kimura: Even if I asked him to – and I won’t – he wouldn’t take a dive.

Unknown: Well then… we have a problem.

Kimura: I would say we do.

Turning indignantly, Akira enters Night’s locker-room leaving the man in the shadows in stunned silence.

Unknown: They won’t be happy about this.

Inside the locker room, Night’s usually calm exterior seems to have cracked slightly as he stares at his trainer curiously and questioningly.

Night: There’s something going on, Master. Something you’re not telling me about.

A pause. Kimura stops his pacing and looks to his student.

Kimura: You know me too well, Akumu.

Night: Please tell me what it is. Who is making you so nervous? Why are you always looking behind us as though we were constantly being followed?

Stepping towards the old man, Night places a hand on his shoulder.

Night: What were those whispers we heard before?

Kimura: I… I can’t burden you with this…

Night: Why not? Why are you keeping these things secret from me? I can help, Master.

Kimura: It is for your own good, Night.

Night: For my own good?

Kimura: As I have explained before, I have your best interests at heart. Look how much you are being distracted by this… nonsense. You have a title match in one week! I am keeping trivial matters from you so that you can focus on the task at hand.

Night seems taken aback at his mentor’s mini-outburst.

Kimura: Focus, Night. I know you are trying to look out for me, but you must not get distracted. You have sacrificed so much. You have thought of nothing else. Next week you must win. Do you understand? You… must… win…

Speechless, Night can merely offer a nod in response. Satisfied, Akira Kimura smiles the defiant smile of a man who has accepted his fate.

Night vs. The Teacher

‘Stand Up’ – Trapt begins to play over the sound system and the lights in the arena cut out. A spotlight searches around the crowd until it picks out The Teacher slowly making his way through the fans towards the ring. The Teacher leaps over the barrier and slides into the ring, ready to bring another wrong-doer to justice.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and a head of black dreadlocks stream out, tracing the man’s jaw.

The man stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seemlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

The crowd are on their feet at the prospect of this match as The Teacher takes on the man that will next Sunday fight for the chance to become the new sVo World Champion! Both masked superstars stand facing each other in opposite corners of the ring before the referee calls for the bell to be rung, and this one gets underway! Night and The Teacher both slowly make their way towards each other, both men knowing that the only way to win this one is to put there opponent through a table! The Teacher quickly gets the upper hand in the match with some big right hands on Night, before throwing him hard into the ropes. Night bounces back in the middle of the ring, and The Teacher hits him with a facebuster. Night holds his head in pain, and The Teacher follows up with a swinging neckbreaker in the middle of the ring.

The crowd seem to be totally in Night’s corner in this match as they cheer his slow rise back up to his feet. The Teacher makes his way towards Night, however Night fights him off with some stiff rights before dropping him to the mat with a spinebuster. With The Teacher down on the mat, Night bounces into the ring ropes before returning with a stiff elbow drop onto The Teacher. The Teacher looks in pain, however Night carries on with the offence with some stomps on The Teacher as he tries to rise up to his feet. The Teacher finally reaches a standing position, only to be tossed into the corner of the ring by the Alex Ross tournament finalist.

The Teacher hits the corner hard, and Night follows up with a clothesline in the corner. The Teacher staggers out of the corner, but as he does Night bounces into the opposite side of the ring before clotheslining The Teacher over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! The Teacher hits the floor hard on the outside, however Night isn’t done there as he leaps through the ropes with a suicide dive onto The Teacher which gets a huge pop from the crowd! Night takes a few seconds to get back up to his feet after the high risk move, before pulling up the ring apron and pulling a table out from under the ring!

The crowd cheer at the appearance of the table in Night’s hands, and the former sVo International Champion wastes no time in sliding it back into the ring. However as Night turns around to send The Teacher towards the table, The Teacher is back on his feet! The Teacher lays into Night with some punches, before throwing him hard into the security barrier. Night staggers back off of the security barrier, and walks straight into a Russian legsweep from The Teacher! The move onto the hard floor leaves Night in a lot of pain, as The Teacher rises to his feet and begins to stomp away on the former International Champion. Feeling the match sway into his balance, The Teacher pulls Night up to a standing position and slams him head first into the side of the ring. Night holds his head in pain, however has no time to recover as The Teacher grabs him and tosses him into the ring under the bottom rope.

The Teacher quickly follows Night into the ring under the bottom rope, and sets about setting up the table in the corner of the ring. As he does, Night slowly rises up to his feet, however The Teacher turns around and catches him with some big right and left hands. The Teacher pulls Night into the air and then drops him down to the mat with a big reverse DDT. The crowd give a mixed reaction to the move, however as The Teacher rises up to his feet, he doesn’t seem to care about the reaction from the fans. Making his way back towards Night, The Teacher pulls his opponent up before tossing him onto the table! Night lays prone on the table, as The Teacher signals that he is ready to end the match right now by heading to the top rope! There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as The Teacher slowly climbs to the top rope in order to hit his trademark ‘Top of the Class’ finishing move on Night! The Teacher finally does reach the top rope, however before he has a chance to leap down onto Night and put him through the table, Night is back up to his feet! With The Teacher in a prone position on the top rope, Night launches himself into the ring ropes, causing The Teacher to lose his balance and fall painfully back down to the mat!

The crowd cheer the quick thinking from Night, as The Teacher lays on the mat in pain. With The Teacher down, Night has a few seconds to regain his composure before making his way over to his opponent. The Teacher tries to struggle up to his feet, obviously still in pain, however Night plants him right back down to the mat with a rolling double underhook DDT! The fans cheer the move as Night rises to his feet and looks to be gaining momentum! Night soaks in the cheers from the crowd as The Teacher is pulled up to his feet by the spot machine. Night tosses The Teacher onto the table and hits him with a few punches in the face for good measure, before taking his turn to climb to the top rope!

Every fan is on their feet in the arena as Night reaches the top and looks down on The Teacher who is laying on the wooden table. Night signals to the crowd, before leaping off of the top rope and hitting a huge ‘SSP’ onto his opponent! The referee quickly calls for the bell to be rung as Night and the Teacher lay in the wreckage of the broken table! Both men are motionless for a few seconds as Night’s theme music hits the sound system again. Night is helped to his feet by the referee who raises his arm in the air in victory. However as Night stands in the middle of the ring being declared the winner by the referee, his theme music suddenly stops and The Sanctuary by Darling Violetta hits! The crowd once again are on their feet as Tobias Devereux slowly walks to the top of the entrance ramp with his trademark hat on. Devereux and Night lock eyes as Devereux sarcastically claps the victory from the man that he will face next Sunday at Resurrection for the sVo World Championship belt!

RESULT: Night def. The Teacher via stipulation

A Phone Call

Cut backstage to show Nathan Paradine in the catering arena, speaking loudly into a small cellphone pressed up against his ear.

“No, I want to speak to Robert Dean, D-E-A-N. Can you please just connect me through?” Nathan growls through gritted teeth. “Trust me, this is a very important call.”

Nathan sighs and rolls his eyes as he waits for the call to connect. Several men walk past in the background carrying a large box marked for Chris Bond; Nathan steps aside to allow the men to pass. Finally the call connects and a mumbled voice can be heard on the other end of the line.

“Hello, is this Bobby Dean? Is this… it is? Oh, fantastic! Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re a busy man, you’re a beautiful man, oh, that came out wrong…” Nathan winces as Dean speaks again on the other end of the call. “Look, I don’t know if you’re in the Goodfellas Casino or not, but I really need to ask you if you know about some kind of problem in the sVo-“

Nathan pauses again and listens as Dean speaks.

“Well, I’m sure that’s a problem for you, but that’s just how Bond is. I don’t know what he’s planning, but… Oh? Well, if it’s something like that, then I’m not going to stand for it. It’s wrong, I tell you. Not even you deserve that kind of humiliation. But-“

Nathan pauses again as Dean shouts through the phone.

“Well… Bond and I, we’ve fought before, but I don’t see- Look, I’m already a hitman for one guy, it’s a long story, don’t ask for an explanation. I… but… Look, if it comes to that, then fine. I’ll do it. And you can even help me out if you want, get a little bit of payback. Okay, alright, it’s a deal. It’s settled. Alright, bye.”

Nathan snaps the phone shut and groans.

“How could I get myself dragged into another mess!? But still… What Dean said was interesting. If Bond is really going to do something like that, then it’s a disgrace to the sVo. I told Paige I wouldn’t stand for it, but… What she said makes sense now! Maloney ordered me to do this because he knew I’d put a stop to it either way. Find someone who would do it for free, less effort on his part… the bastard.” Nathan scowls and shakes his head. “Well, I just won’t do anything. I’ll let Bond do whatever he wants, and-“

However, a sudden thought hit Nathan. Paige feared Maloney, and it was obvious he was dangerous in some way. What was the worst he could do if Nathan disobeyed him? Fire him? Have him murdered? And he’d told Dean he would help him out…

“Dammit… It’s all a matter of honor…” he mutters, as the scene fades out.

Tobias Devereux vs. Magical Top Hat Hunter

The lights shut off and one single light is over the ramp. Magical begins walking out with his black cape and top hat on. Walking down the ramp as the light follows him, he often gives the fan a magic show. It might be a rabbit or cards. He finally climbs into the ring, claps, than the lights snap on with him in wrestling gear.

The arena goes dark as a small white spotlight shines on the entrance way. The haunting words of “You’re my Sanctuary” plays over the pa system. Slowly the sounds of a violin comes through before drums kick in as the drums and guitar cut in the lights flash brilliantly causing a momentary blindness. As the lights come back to normal we spot Tobias Devereux standing in the middle of the stage. He makes his way down the ramp as his long black trench coat flaps behind him. He makes his way slapping fan’s hands as he reaches the ring. Climbing up the steps he stops at the ring post climbing up to the second rope and looking out at the crowd. He then jumps over the top rope and lands in the ring. Tobias makes his way to the opposite corner and climbs up to the second rope. Shrugging his shoulders his trench coat comes off. He quickly tosses it over the top rope to a ring attendant down below. Taking off his fedora he tosses it into the crowd. Tobias hops off the middle rope and leans back into the corner waiting for the arrival of the special guest referee for tonight….

The opening beat of Yes by LMFAO starts to play over the loudspeakers as the lights dim, only to be replaced with gold and white spot lights peppering the arena in what appears to be silver and gold flashes. As the opening verse is played CSJ appears in a shower of golden sparks at the top of the ramp accompanied by two beautiful women one wearing a silver dress while the other wearing a golden dress, each standing on either side of CSJ as he poses for everyone to admire him.

Slowly and deliberately he makes his way down to the ring, taking his time to ensure that everyone can pause and admire his Godlike presence. He makes his way to the ring and allows the two women on each of his arms to go before him and climb onto the apron. They sit on the second rope as The Personification of Perfection, Mr. #1derful, and God’s Gift To Everything climbs onto the apron, enters the ring through the second rope and helps his divas into the ring as the lights return to normal. He pauses again for all to admire him as the two ladies take their places on either side of him and look up at him admiringly as the music continues to play.

CSJ calls for the bell to be rung, and this special guest referee match between Magical Top Hat Hunter and the #1 contender for the sVo World Championship belt gets underway! Magical Top Hat Hunter makes his way towards Devereux and starts off the match with a kick to the midsection followed by an irish whip in the ropes. Devereux bounces back and Magical Top Hat Hunter knocks him down to the mat with a stiff clothesline. The fans boo the move from Magical Top Hat Hunter, however Devereux is quickly back up to his feet. Magical Top Hat Hunter aims some punches in the direction of the Cajun Sensation, however Devereux ducks out of the way and sends some right hands to the face of Magical Top Hat Hunter instead to send him down to the mat!

Magical Top Hat Hunter slowly rises up to a standing position, however Devereux is right back onto him by sending him into the corner of the ring. Devereux follows up with some kicks to Magical Top Hat Hunter in the corner of the ring, before pulling him away and hitting the Cajun Driver to Magical Top Hat Hunter! After that big move this one might be over right now as Devereux makes the cover on Magical Top Hat Hunter!



Devereux looks up to see that CSJ has stopped counting and seems to be complaining that he has something stuck in his eye! Devereux rises up to his feet and makes his way over to CSJ with an angry look on his face. Devereux complains to CSJ that he should have won the match right there and then, however as he does Magical Top Hat Hunter sneaks up behind him and rolls him up with a small package!




Devereux only just manages to kick out in time as CSJ sets a new world record for the quickest count ever!

The fans loudly boo CSJ and his attempts to screw Devereux out of the match as Devereux slowly rises up to his feet. Magical Top Hat Hunter hits Devereux with some stiff right hands, before DDT’ing him down to the mat.

CSJ tries to encourge Magical Top Hat Hunter to make the cover on Devereux, but before he can Devereux slowly begins to make his way up to his feet. Devereux runs at Magical Top Hat Hunter and hits him with a Bayou Bash to knock him down to the mat. Devereux takes a few seconds to turn and trash talk with CSJ, before returning to Magical Top Hat Hunter and stomping away on his opponent. Magical Top Hat Hunter slowly staggers up to his feet, however Devereux takes him down to the mat with a belly to back suplex! With Magical Top Hat Hunter down on the mat, Devereux signals for his finishing move!

The fans rise to their feet as Devereux stalks Magical Top Hat Hunter as he slowly begins to rise to his feet, before spinning him around and nailing him with the Devereux Devastation! The fans cheer for the awesome finishing move which if hit next Sunday, would surely mean that Tobias Devereux would become the new sVo World Champion! Devereux quickly leaps down onto Magical Top Hat Hunter to make the cover.



CSJ stops and shows the middle finger to Devereux!

Boos ring out around the arena as Devereux rises up to his feet, only for CSJ to knock him down with a big right hand! CSJ then begins to stomp away on the Alex Ross tournament finalist as Magical Top Hat Hunter slowly rises up to his feet! CSJ grabs hold of Magical Top Hat Hunter and orders him outside the ring to get a weapon! As Magical Top Hat Hunter makes his way to the outside of the ring, CSJ continues to beat down on Devereux! After a few seconds, Magical Top Hat Hunter slides back into the ring with a steel chair. CSJ grabs hold of Devereux around the arms and holds him up for Magical Top Hat Hunter to get a free shot on his opponent with the chair! Magical Top Hat Hunter runs with the chair and swings it at Devereux, however the Cajun Sensation ducks out of the way and Magical Top Hat Hunter smashes the steel chair into the face of CSJ! The fans pop at the accidental chair shot onto the cheating referee, as Devereux nails Magical Top Hat Hunter with a kick to the midsection before hitting a second Devereux Devastation!

With the referee down, Devereux makes the cover on Magical Top Hat Hunter and grabs hold of CSJ, slapping it down onto the mat to make the count for him!




This one is all over, and despite a cheating referee, Tobias Devereux heads into the Resurrection PPV main event with his 100% record intact!

RESULT: Tobias Devereux def. Magical Top Hat Hunter via pinfall


4th April 2010

Chris Bond vs. Beautifal Bobby Dean

Chris Cornell’s “You Know My Name” begins to play and immediately the crowd reacts as the thousands in attendance jump to their feet booing as Chris Bond makes his way out onto the entrance stage. With that smirk of his displayed on his face Bond, in his wrestling gear, makes his way down the ramp ignoring the hands of the outreached fans at ringside. Smirking as trash and debris come flying near him, he simply ignores them all as he makes it to ringside. Walking up the steel steps and through the ropes Bond walks over to his corner and begins stretching, getting ready for the bout at hand.

The time has finally come as the lights once more go dark. Those same three familiar letters flash across the screen. B… B… D… B… B… D… Once again the fans begin chanting along with the letters as “You’re the Best” by Joe “Bean” Esposito begins to play and that same baby blue spotlight shines on the stage. The crowd is on their feet chanting B… B… D… anxiously awaiting the arrival of the one and only, ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean when suddenly the curtains part. The lights go out, the screen goes dark, it’s pitch black throughout the arena. Seconds later the spotlight returns and standing there in the center of the stage is a blonde wig wearing blow up doll dressed just like ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Dean! The crowd moans immediately starts booing as a stage hand dressed in black carries, guides, “BBD” to the ring.

Bond is selling it as he backs into his corner pretending to be scared but as the stage hand enters the ring, Bond charges! Bond tackles the blow up doll onto the mat and immediately begins laying into the fake “BBD” with rights and lefts. The referee stands there with a dumbfound expression on his face as he and the thousands in attendance watch on in confusion. Bond jumps off the prone doll and begins to showboat to the crowd who shower him with boos and booze as they chunk their cups of beer into the ring along with other debris.

The stagehand meanwhile picks the BBD doll off the mat and when Bond turns around the stagehand throws the doll right into Bond who sells it by falling to the mat as if he just got hit with a flying cross body! The referee drops to the mat and counts as Bond “struggles” to kick out!


Bond manages to kick out at the last second! Bond gets to his feet as “BBD” remains prone on the mat. Bond immediately lays the boot to the doll, careful enough not to pop it, as he repeatedly kicks the doll in the back. Bond lifts the doll off the mat and proceeds to execute a cradle piledriver in the center of the ring! Once again as Bond gets back to his feet he goes back to show boating for the fans. Bond calls for the Reality Check as the fans scream obscenities at the recent sVo signee. Bond picks “BBD” off the mat and tries to prop him standing up, but when he goes to hit the super kick “BBD” simply falls to the mat before it can connect. Bond tries a second, then a third, and finally a fourth time, with “BBD” ducking each attempt! Finally Bond drags “BBD” to the corner and props him up against the turnbuckle. Bond steps back, lines up his shot and lets loose with the superkick, a move he likes to call the Reality Check!


“BBD’s” head explodes upon impact as “BBD” falls to the mat, the air quickly seeping out! Some fans laugh others continue to boo as Bond continues to show boat! Suddenly the smirk disappears as “Infra-Red” by Placebo begins to play! As “Infra-Red” echoes around the arena, Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their cheers. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, as Bond wisely backs away holding his arms up in surrender. Paradine walks around the ring asking for a microphone which is quickly rushed forward by another nameless stagehand at ringside.

Bond eyes Paradine as Paradine takes a moment to look out at the cheering crowd.

Nathan Paradine – “So, Chris… this is it, huh? This is your “big match”, the culmination of your challenge to Bobby Dean?”

Paradine glances from side to side, while Bond simply grins and shrugs.

Nathan Paradine – “You know what, I like you Chris. We’re very similar; when we want something, we take it. You learnt that, I learnt that, and look where we ended up! Both of us were World Champions in Hostility, Chris! I wanted a shot so I called out the champion, you… You make an impact when you kicked Talon in the face. You were a cold son-of-a-bitch, Chris… I respected you. But now what? The sVo comes back, the first thing you do is pick up right where you left off with all of your stupid jokes?”

Paradine shakes his head in disgust and indicates towards the fallen blow up doll.

Nathan Paradine – “I’m disappointed, Bond. While everybody else on this roster is busting their asses for a shot at the big time, you’re out here wrestling stupid blow up dolls? Chris, you’re wasting MY time, you’re wasting the time of all these fans, and most importantly… You’re wasting valuable television time that could be used to promote a real competitor… someone like ME, Nathan Paradine!”

Bond, the smile gone from his face, scowls at Paradine, who simply pokes Bond in the chest to emphasize his point.

Nathan Paradine – “But that’s the way it is, isn’t it? In Hostility, it was all about the dynamic duo, Talon and Chris Bond! Everything that happened there, you were involved in it somehow! Title matches, main events, Pay-Per-Views… Everything was about you. Is that how you expect it to be here, Chris? You can wrestle your dolls, and you can play your little pranks? I don’t think so! This isn’t about Chris Bond, oh no no no! And I’m going to prove it… You see, I was on the phone earlier this evening to an old friend of yours, who agreed that maybe you need to be taken down a peg or two. So Chris… if you want a real challenge, how about you and I have a little match at Resurrection? We’ve fought before, and I’ve won some matches, and you’ve won some matches… This can be the decider between us. What do you say? Do we have a deal?”

Chris, “exhausted” from his match, motions for Paradine to hand him a mic.

Chris Bond – “We’ve got ourselves a deal. But Nathan I do have a question for you. Can you even stay sober long enough to make it to Resurrection?”

Bond says with a smirk. The crowd boos at the cheap shot. Nathan just smirks, and snatches the microphone back, and clenches his fist–readying to strike. But he just smirks once more, and shakes his finger. Shaking it off. He goes to turn away, but stops, and refocuses his attention on Chris Bond once more.

Nathan Paradine – “Oh, and there’s one other thing I should mention…”

Paradine slides his sunglasses off his face and stares at Bond, his expression serious.

Nathan Paradine – “I’m not going to be going into our match at Resurrection alone… Heh. At Resurrection, it’ll be Chris Bond versus Nathan Paradine… with the REAL “Beautiful” Bobby Dean in my corner!”

Bond’s eyes widen and all color exits his facial complexion. Nathan Paradine smiles a sly, confident smile as Bond looks like he’s about to pass out. “Infra-Red” by Placebo begins playing once more as ‘the Australian Submission Machine’ makes his way back up the ramp, happy with himself. Chris Bond stands in the center, a deflated “Beautiful” Bobby Dean laying beneath him, speechless and awe-struck. The crowd has a mixture of boos and cheers (for Bond and Paradine, respectively).

Johnny All Star & Christopher St James vs. Howard Thompson & Asesino vs. Killer White & Raven vs. Roscoe Shame & Oliver Ranken vs. DJ & Chris Wrestling

The opening beat of Yes by LMFAO starts to play over the loudspeakers as the lights dim, only to be replaced with gold and white spot lights peppering the arena in what appears to be silver and gold flashes. As the opening verse is played CSJ appears in a shower of golden sparks at the top of the ramp accompanied by two beautiful women one wearing a silver dress while the other wearing a golden dress, each standing on either side of CSJ as he poses for everyone to admire him.

Slowly and deliberately he makes his way down to the ring, taking his time to ensure that everyone can pause and admire his Godlike presence. He makes his way to the ring and allows the two women on each of his arms to go before him and climb onto the apron. They sit on the second rope as The Personification of Perfection, Mr. #1derful, and God’s Gift To Everything climbs onto the apron, enters the ring through the second rope and helps his divas into the ring as the lights return to normal. He pauses again for all to admire him as the two ladies take their places on either side of him and look up at him admiringly as the music continues to play.

“Time to go to work baybee…. Let’s do it.”

Johnny All-Star’s voice imitating Elvis Presley fills the arena as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis begins to play.

Various images of iconic Las Vegas and Johnny All-Star play out on the V-Tron as spotlights move throughout the crowd, all finally coming to stop on a hooded Johnny All-Star somewhere in the audience as he is making his way through the crowd.

The spotlight follows All-Star making his way through the screaming fans as he finally makes his way down hopping over the security barricade. Posing for a few photos’ he shrugs off the robe tossing it into the audience before pulling himself up into the ring to prepare for his match.

With the first tag team of Christoher St James and Johnny All Star in the ring, the pair wait for the arrival of their first opponents in this elimination match, which will see a new team enter the match every five minutes until only one team remains!

“Money” by Pink Floyd hits the pa system as Howard “The Bank” Thompson and his tag team partner for the night Asesnio steps out from the backstage area and onto the top of the ramp way in front of a titantron. Thompson sports a pair of black boots, red knee pads, a white pair of wrestling trunks with a dollar sign on it in green as well as white wrist tape. Howard struts his stuff down the ramp way with the fans booing him like crazy. Howard has a sparkling green robe on that he takes off as soon as he enters the ring. He stands up in a corner and stretches as his music begins to fade now. Asesnio joins his partner in the ring, however he barely has time to do anything as the match launches into life with All Star and St James taking the initiative with some big punches for the pairing of Thompson and Asesnio!

All Star hits Thompson with some right hands to back him into the corner, as St James whips Asesnio into the ropes and then knocks him down with a reverse elbow smashes as he bounces back. The countdown until the arrival of the next tag team starts automatically as Thompson ducks under a punch from All Star and takes him down to the mat with a hip toss takedown. Asesnio is pulled to his feet by St James and nailing with a painful looking backbreaker. St James then makes the early attempt at a cover on his opponent, however Asesnio gets a shoulder up off of the mat well in time.

Thompson grabs All Star as he rises to his feet and attempts a German suplex on the Las Vegas hero. However All Star manages to block the move, before turning the tables on Howard Thompson and hitting him with a German suplex of his own! The fans cheer the massive suplex from All Star, as Asesnio is pulled to his feet by St James. Asesnio is shot hard into the ropes by St James, however he returns to spear St James down to the mat! Asesnio hits some big mounted punches on his opponent, as on the other side of the ring Thompson stumbles up to his feet. Howard Thompson walks straight into a flurry of right hands from Johnny All Star, before he is taken down with a facebuster. Once again the fans cheer the big move from All Star as the countdown until the entry of the next tag team reaches its final stages……






“Rebirth” by Lil Wayne hits and Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, alongside his partner for the night Oliver Ranken! The fans stand and cheer at the mockery Roscoe Shame is making of himself as Ranken quickly makes his way down to the ring to get involved in the action. Roscoe Shame makes his way to the ring while pyros shoot out from the ramp.

Roscoe Shame quickly jumps into the ring and takes down Asesnio with a spinebuster, before stomping away on the downed Christopher St James. On the other side of the ring Oliver Ranken attacks Johnny All Star from behind and knocks the former sVo Tag Team Champion to the floor, before hitting mounted punches on All Star’s former Tag Team Championship winning partner, Howard Thompson! Roscoe Shame pulls Asesnio up to his feet before taking him down with a massive powerslam to show off his size. Roscoe Shame then proceeds to flip St James over and lock in the ankle lock. St James shouts out in pain, until his tag team partner Johnny All Star is able to dive across and break up the submission hold.

Thompson is pulled up to a standing position by Ranken, however as Ranken positions Thompson for a powerbomb, ‘the Bank’ counters with a back body drop! Howard Thompson then bounces into the ropes, before returning to hit a big elbow drop onto Ranken! Ranken rolls to the outside of the ring to recover from the impact, as Howard Thompson turns his efforts towards Christopher St James with a cheap shot from behind. Johnny All Star smashes Roscoe Shame in the back of the head with a huge elbow smash, however the man that he will meet next sunday for the sVo International Championship belt quickly turns around and grabs All Star in a choke hold. All Star struggles to release himself from the hold, however is unable to before being pulled into the air and then tossed down to the mat in a military press slam.

Howard Thompson sends Christopher St James into the corner of the ring, and follows up with a clothesline in the corner, as the clock reaches its final countdown again for the fourth team to enter the match!






Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of Raven. After a few seconds the odd pairing of the Corporation and sVo newcomer Killer White make their way down the entrance ramp and towards the ring to get involved in the tag team title action!

Howard Thompson smashes Christopher St James head into the turnbuckle post as Raven rolls into the ring and opens up with some big right hands on Roscoe Shame. Killer White lays into Oliver Ranken on the outside of the ring by throwing him hard into the security barrier before tossing him into the ring under the bottom rope. In the ring Asesnio DDT’s Oliver Ranken to the mat, before he is attacked from behind by Johnny All Star who hits a back suplex! With Asesnio out of the way, Johnny All Star pulls Oliver Ranken up to his feet. All Star then proceeds to hit Ranken with the All Star Stunner, before making the cover!




Johnny All Star has eliminated sVo newcomer Oliver Ranken, and as a result eliminated the man he will face on Sunday, Roscoe Shame from the match! Roscoe Shame looks shocked at the elimination of him and his partner as he is ordered from the ring by the referee. However All Star doesn’t have much time to celebrate gaining a mental advantage over Shame for the Resurrection match, as he is taken down with a double back suplex from Howard Thompson and Asesnio! Howard Thompson quickly takes advantage by making the cover on All Star!




Christpoher St James gets across just in time to make the save. St James pulls Thompson off of All Star and nails him with a Sitdown Jawbreaker , before taking out Asesino with a ‘Flash of Perfection’ superkick! St James begins to make his way over to Thompson to make a cover, however Raven cuts him off with a stiff clothesline before he joins forces with his tag team partner Killer White to stomp away on St James! As they do, the clock reaches zero and the fifth and final tag team to enter the match make their way to the ring!

Sinner by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the Corporation tag team of Chris Wrestling and DJ sprint down to the ring!

Chris Wrestling quickly spears down All Star and lays into him with some stiff rights and lefts as DJ uses his speed to take down Killer White. As they do Asesino slowly gets up to his feet and grabs Chris Wrestling from behind. Asesino shoots Chris Wrestling into the ropes, however as he attempts the back body drop, Chris Wrestling kicks Asesino in the face! Asesino stumbles backwards before being nailed with a Canadian Roll by Chris Wrestling into the cover!




Asesino and Howard Thompson have been been eliminated thanks to that move from Chris Wrestling! Howard Thompson looks disappointed in his partner as Killer White and Raven double team Johnny All Star. Chris Wrestling and DJ taunt Thompson and Asesino as Killer White throws Johnny All Star into the ring ropes, only for Killer White to dropkick All Star to the floor. However as Raven watches his partner take out All Star, he doesn’t even notice as Christopher St James sneaks up behind him and rolls him up with a school boy roll up!




Thanks to the quick thinking and sneakiness from St James, Raven and Killer White are eliminated from the match! The tag team titles are now down to two teams, the first two in the match All Star & St. James, and the last two in the match, DJ & Chris Wrestling! DJ uses his speed to take down St James as Chris Wrestling pulls All Star up and chops him hard across the chest. Chris Wrestling backs All Star against the ropes, before taking a run up and clotheslining All Star out of the ring and down to the floor! The fans cheer as All Star and Chris Wrestling both fall over the top rope, only to get up and continue brawling on the outside! Back in the ring DJ pulls St James up to a standing position and hits him with multiple German suplexes before going for the cover.




St James gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted, and this one continues! DJ pulls St James up to his feet and positions him for a DDT, however St James spins out of the move and takes down DJ with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! The fans boo the move, and begin to boo even more as St James signals the crowd before climbing to the top rope! St James stands on the top rope looking down at DJ, before leaping off and landing his Super Stardom finishing move! The fans boo the move as St James wastes little time in going for the cover as All Star and Wrestling continue to brawl on the outside of the ring.



No! Out of no where the three count is broken by Tobias Devereux! Devereux pulls St James into the air and nails him with the Devereux Devastation in the middle of the ring, before pulling DJ over St James’s limp body as the referee makes the cover.




This one is all over, and Tobias Devereux has cost Christopher St. James the sVo Tag Team Championships! The Corporation music hits the sound system as the referee raises the hands of DJ and Chris Wrestling in the air and presents them with the sVo Tag Team Championship belts, as All Star looks on in disappointment from the outside, whilst Tobias Devereux backs up the entrance ramp taunting the downed body of Christopher St James who is still suffering from the Devereux Devastation!

RESULT: DJ and Chris Wrestling become NEW sVo TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS via elimination.

A Job Well Done

Nathan Paradine is shown walking backstage, returning to his hotel room to get some well-earned rest. As he walks down a narrow hallway, the lights above flicker momentarily then blink out. Nathan can be heard swearing in the darkness, before the light returns. Nathan staggers back, then gasps when he realizes that he isn’t alone in the hallway anymore.

“You!” he growls. “Come to gloat?”

Maloney chuckles and walks forward, clapping his hands together. The sound echoes around the hallway.

“Bravo, Nathan! I doubt I could have done a better job myself. Chris Bond will get his just desserts for humiliating not only Mr. Dean, but the entire sVo at Resurrection. Now, all you need to do is win. Think you can manage that?”

Nathan smirks, a vestige of his former cocky confidence shining through momentarily.

“This is Chris Bond we’re talking about, I know I can beat him all over the ring!”

“Good to hear.” Maloney nods, then attempts to walk past Paradine. “Goodnight, Nathan, I’ll be in contact next-“

“Wait.” Nathan throws out his arm, preventing Maloney from passing. “I’m doing your dirty work, and I want some answers Maloney. I want to know about you, and this goddamn Company running the sVo. Who are you people!?”

Nathan shouts in rage and throws him up against the wall, pinning him by his shirtfront.

“TELL ME, MALONEY!” Nathan roars. “I want answers! Who are you, why is Paige scared of you, and most importantly, why am I doing your dirty wo-“

Paradine is cut off in mid-sentence by Maloney’s fist connecting with the side of his face, splitting his cheek open. Letting out an “oof!” of surprise, Paradine drops to the ground and releases Maloney, who drives a kick into Nathan’s ribs for good measure. He stands over the fallen Paradine and straightens his suit, before crouching down and speaking into Nathan’s ear.

“I’ll tell you what you want to know, Nathan,” he whispers softly. “My name is Maloney, and I am a representative of the company. Paige is scared of my because, quite frankly, I am a man to be feared. Believe me when I say that I am the absolute. And finally, why are your doing my dirty work? Because I said so, Nathan. Because you’re a pathetic, miserable drunk who has no direction in his life unless he is being ordered about. First by your family, then by your mentor, then by your dear, dead wife, and now by me. You should be thanking me, Nathan. I’m giving you a reason to keep on living. That is why you’re doing my dirty work, and why you will continue to do so. Are we clear? Good.”

Maloney straightens up and walks away, leaving a motionless Paradine slumped on the floor as the scene fades out.


A huge cheer goes up from the crowd as “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones plays over the PA. The blonde-haired president and head booker of sVo Paige Johnson strolls confidently through the curtains and makes her way down the entrance ramp greeting fans on her way. Microphone already in hand the music cuts as she climbs through the ropes and moves to the centre of the ring, where a table dressed in a black cloth and sVo flag sits with two clipboards sitting on it.

Paige: Well here we are, ladies and gentlemen. sVo has been back for one month now – and what a month it has been! In one week we top off our return with a bang with our return to pay-per-view in the appropriately named ‘Resurrection’ event.

A huge pop from the crowd in anticipation of the event next week.

Paige: And as you all know, sadly, our former champion Alex Ross passed away shortly after sVo’s closure two years ago. In his honor we have been holding the Alex Ross Memorial Tournament for the now vacant sVo World Heavyweight Championship and next week…

She is interrupted as the already rabid crowd increase in volume.

Paige: … next week at Resurrection we feature a classic match in the making as the finalists Tobias Devereux and Night will face off in the main event for the title! And right now, is the official contract signing!

The crowd are going ballistic at the news of the contract signing. Paige grins as she once again lifts the microphone to speak.

Paige: So without further ado – introducing first, from Kyoto, Japan… here is NIGHT!

A deafening roar rises from the crowd as the lights extinguish and a whisper fills the arena.

“I’m dreaming…”

The opening chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” play over the PA as purple lights flash on and off. A name illuminates on the big screen.

“N I G H T”

As the song bursts to life, the masked man, Night bounds through the curtain and stands for a moment atop the entrance ramp soaking in the crowd response. Next to Night is his manager/mentor/trainer Akira Kimura, who, although terrified since his return to sVo seems overcome with the great honor of the moment and smiles proudly. The two men make their way down the entrance ramp slapping and shaking hands with fans on their way down. Night, reaching the ring first slides under the bottom rope and, shaking hands with Paige on the way through the ring calls for a microphone from the timekeeper. He is handed one as Master Kimura climbs through the ropes, also shaking hands with Paige.

The lights return to normal as Paige raises her microphone.

Paige: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana – TOBIAS DEVEREUX!

The arena goes dark as a small white spotlight shines on the entrance way. The haunting words of “You’re my Sanctuary” plays over the pa system. Slowly the sounds of a violin comes through before drums kick in as the drums and guitar cut in the lights flash brilliantly causing a momentary blindness. As the lights come back to normal we spot Tobias Devereux standing in the middle of the stage. Tobias is dressed in a black suit with a crimson button up undershit. Tobias makes his way down to the ring slapping the hands of a few lucky fans on his way. As he reaches the steps he climbs up and hops over the top rope to the delight of the fans. Tobias steps up to the nearest turnbuckle climbing to the second rope and taunts towards the fans soaking up the cheers. Tobias hops down and turns towards Night walking up to the man. Tobias stands a few steps away and then extends his hand to introduce himself, Night returns the gesture and shakes hands with Tobias.

Paige: Gentlemen, congradulations on making it this far!

Night: Thank you.

Tobias: Tank yew char

Paige: Now, before we get to the formalities of signing the legal documentation making this match official – I’d like to give you both a chance to speak your minds to each other and to the sVo universe.

Tobias: Tank yew char, ole Tobias aint gotta lot to say. He finds himself in a position to make history. Ole Tobias could be de first champeen in de new ess vee ohh. De Cajun Sensation, like de sound of dat. In my ways dough is yew Meesta Night. A man every body believes has me whooped already. Now I respect wats yew do in dis ring. I respect wheres yew comes from. I respects yew but ole Tobias, aint dead derefore, he aint laying down for notting. We jus gonna see who make de history den, no?

Tobias takes up the pen on the table and signs his name on the dotted line.

Tobias: And dat be dat mon amie

Night: You and I have a lot in common, Tobias. We’ve both come here from nothing and climbed to the top. We both want the same thing and we’re both willing to give everything we have to claim it. I’ve made it no secret that this championship has been my obsession for the past two years – I’ve said my piece and I don’t want to harp on it. But right here, this is where I’m coming from. I don’t expect you to lie down and die… you’re here because you earned it, just as I am. What I expect is a battle – I will put all that I am into our match next week as I know you will too.

And with that, Night too signs the contract.

Night: I look forward to our match.

Paige: And there you have it folks, it’s official – next week on pay-per-view – Tobias Devereux vs Night for the sVo World Heavyweight Championship!

Night and Devereux again shake hands in the ring before moving to opposite turnbuckles and playing to the crowd, soaking in the cheers once more as the sVo awaits the crowning of it’s new champion!

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