sVo Against All Odds
Goodfellas Casino Arena
Sunday 9th May 2021

The sVo logo fades on and then off of a black screen before ‘Venom’ by Eminem hits and the opening video package for ‘Against All Odds’ begins to play, featuring classic action with highlights from the likes of Psyko Stevo, Bobby Dean, Anthony Moretti, Roscoe Shame, William Vorheez, Nathan Paradine, JVD & Night. 

As the package begins to come to an end, the live camera shows a shot of the outside of the Goodfellas Casino, sitting on the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before heading inside and panning around the sold-out Goodfellas Casino Arena. Fireworks begin to shoot up from the top of the entrance ramp as fans jump out at the camera trying to get their face on TV as the atmosphere for tonight’s show continues to build, with the music playing over the arena’s sound system. 

The camera swings around to see the commentary team of Julian Fiasco & Jeremiah Sloan sitting at ringside, before turning to show the giant screen at the top of the entrance ramp as some of the match ups for tonight’s show are shown. 

Proving Grounds

The camera head backstage where there is a big cheer from the fans watching on the big screen from in the arena, as JD James walks into shot. The legendary sVo manager and leader of the ‘Horizon’ stable looks in confident mood as he walks around catering backstage, high fiving and nodding to everyone as he passes them. JD James clearly looks like a popular figure backstage, however the mood changes as James runs across two men he is certainly not popular with, former sVo Tag Team Champions Anthony Moretti and Joe Barone.

James looks around for back up as the massive Barone blocks his path, however everyone behind him quickly melts off into the background. JD James gulps as he stares up at the massive Joe Barone standing in front of him, with Anthony Moretti smirking near by. 

Anthony Moretti: “Well, well! JD, unlike you to be caught out without any of your Horizon boys for back up!”

James stares at Moretti with contempt.

JD James: “What do you want Anthony? You want to beat me up is that it? If you can’t wait until the Organised Chaos match then why don’t you take a shot now.”

JD James points to his chin as he bravely extends it out in front of Moretti, Moretti however laughs JD James off as Barone gently pushes JD James backwards with a hand to his chest.

Anthony Moretti: “Come on, I am not going to hit a defenseless old man. I am glad to run into you though, with Organised Chaos only a few weeks away I hear that you are going to be stepping into the ring right? Seriously, when was the last time you were between the ropes? The 1960’s?”

James looks offended as he stares back at Moretti.

JD James: “Listen kid, I have more experience in the wrestling business than your whole Blood Money group put together. I have been in my fair share of matches, fair enough that I have been retired for a while but if there is one thing I would be happy to come out of retirement for it would be to put you in your place junior!”

Moretti smirks as he slowly shakes his head, half impressed with the old man.

Anthony Moretti: “You god balls JD, I will give you that. But…. I think maybe you should consider stepping aside. This is going to be the biggest match of a lot of my teams careers, I really don’t want it tarnished by having the asterisk next to it in the history books to say that we won by beating an old man to death.”

James looks enraged as his face begins to turn red with anger.

JD James: “Listen, I might be long in the tooth but I can still hang with any of you fools! Tell you what, meet me out there in the ring tonight and I will show you!”

Moretti laughs off the suggestion.

Anthony Moretti: “Come on JD, there is a fine line between brave and stupid! I tell you what, if you want a little warm up match how about I get Page to book you against Lucy tonight?”

JD James looks insulted.

JD James: “Why don’t you give me Lucy and James Von Drake, I will show you just what you have to worry about in the Organised Chaos match!”

Moretti shakes his head in disbelief as he looks up at Barone. 

Anthony Moretti: “Ok you can face both the Von Drake’s, I am not unfair though and I don’t want their reputation ruined either, so bring a partner of your choice with you and I will get Page to set this thing up tonight!”

JD James angrily brushes past Moretti and away from the scene after nodding his head in agreement. Moretti slowly turns to face Barone with a disbelieving look on his face.

Anthony Moretti: “Can you believe the old guy took the bait on that one so easily?”

Moretti shakes his head in disbelief whilst laughing to himself, as Barone stares back with a blank expression, as the scene fades out.

I Want Vorheez

The camera cuts to the office of sVo Owner Jon Page, with the boss sitting behind his large wooden desk, dressed as always in a smart dark suit. Page is tapping away on his laptop as the door suddenly bursts open and in steps Orlando Fox with an aggressive expression on his face. Page looks up angrily at Fox as the former Hardcore Champion slowly walks to the front of Page’s desk and slumps down in a chair. 

Jon Page: “Orlando…. Please come in…”

Fox doesn’t seem to understand what Page is saying to him as he looks around and shrugs his shoulders. Page sighs as he leans back in his chair and stares at Fox.

Jon Page: “Well, what can I do for you? Let’s make it quick as the show is about to start and I want to catch the first match.”

Fox aggressively leans forward.

Orlando Fox: “I saw last week you got beef with Vorheez finally.”

Page slowly shakes his head as he begins to explain himself.

Jon Page: “No I wouldn’t say beef, it was just a small disagre…”

Page catches himself explaining things to Fox and slowly shakes himself out of it.

Jon Page: “Hang on a minute, what do you want?”

Orlando Fox: “I want Vorheez in a match tonight. If I can beat the sVo Champion then that is going to shoot me up those rankings yo.”

Page looks back at Fox for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders and giving a nod of the head.

Jon Page: “Fine, you got it. I am sure Vorheez would be glad of some competition ahead of his sVo Championship match at the PPV.”

Fox screws his face up.

Orlando Fox: “I aint just no competition homie. If I beat Vorheez tonight then I want my shot!”

Page leans back as he stares back at Fox, remembering that Fox only had an opportunity at the Las Vegas Championship a few weeks ago which he was unsuccessful in.

Jon Page: “Whatever. You win tonight and you get a sVo Championship shot later down the line. Seems fair.”

Fox rises up from his seat and gives the air a little fist pump, obviously happy with himself. Fox doesn’t look back as he exits the room as quickly as he entered, leaving Page deep in thought about the sVo Championship picture as the scene fades out.

Single Match
Absolute Zero vs. HyperNova

Sash! – Encore Une Fois hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the young French star HyperNova steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp, with his manager Victoria Isabel Patience by his side. Flashlights go off up and down the entrance ramp as HyperNova marches down towards the ring as if he is on a fashion runway. Victoria Isabel Patience slowly walks behind him as HyperNova stops just short of the ring, and poses for the nearest camera. The boos continue as HyperNova slowly climbs into the ring, before using the nearest turnbuckle as a hammock and relaxing with his feet up on the ropes. 

The familiar sound of “Ice, Ice Baby” hits the sound system and the fans cheer as dry ice rises up from the sides of the entrance ramp. After a few seconds, the vetern Absolute Zero steps out of the dry ice and stands at the top of the entrance ramp bobbing his head to the music! The fans cheer Absolute Zero, as he takes a few seconds to acknowledge them before making his way down to the ring and diving in under the bottom rope! Absolute Zero turns and poses for the hard camera with his arms crossed and his head bopping to the music!

Absolute Zero and HyperNova meet in the middle of the ring with some strong right hands as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started! Zero gets the better of the exchange as he begins to knock HyperNova towards the ropes, however HyperNova cuts off his opponent with a knee to the midsection before taking him down to the mat with a side headlock takedown. Zero quickly rolls back to his feet and returns the favour with a side head lock takedown of his own on HyperNova, before both men rise to their feet.

Zero grabs HyperNova by the arm and tries to send him into the ropes, but HyperNova counters with an an Irish whip of his own, only for Zero to bounce back and landing a spinning heel kick to the face of HyperNova to send him down to the mat. VIP shouts encouragement to HyperNova on the outside of the ring, as Zero pulls him to his feet and throws him into the corner of the ring. The fans cheer as Absolute Zero nails HyperNova with some stiff chops across the chest, however HyperNova quickly grabs hold of Absolute Zero and switches him into the corner, before nailing some stiff chops of his own!

Zero fights his way out of the corner of the ring with right hands, but HyperNova grabs him from behind and lands a quick backbreaker to send his opponent down to the mat. The fans boo as Zero struggles to get to his feet whilst holding his back in pain, as HyperNova bounces into the ring ropes and follows up with a bull dog takedown! With Zero down on the mat, HyperNova quickly makes the cover!




Zero manages to get a shoulder up before the three count and this one continues! VIP screams abuse at the referee from ringside as HyperNova drags Absolute Zero to a standing position, before slamming him to the mat with an impressive side slam. With Zero down, HyperNova darts to the ring ropes before bouncing back with a twisting running senton to his opponent. The fans boo loudly as VIP tries to get them onside, whilst HyperNova screams at Zero to get to his feet so he can finish him.

Absolute Zero staggers up, but as HyperNova looks for a DDT in the middle of the ring, Absolute Zero counters with a Fisherman suplex! HyperNova gets straight back to his feet but Absolute Zero follows up with a twisting neckbreaker, before making his way to the top rope! The fans cheer as Zero stands on the top rope ready to leap onto his opponent, but before he can VIP jumps onto the ring apron and grabs hold of his leg!

The fans boo loudly as the referee rushes over to get VIP down from the ring apron, but by the time Absolute Zero manages to shake her free, HyperNova is up on his feet! HyperNova nails Absolute Zero with a punch to the midsection, before climbing up onto the second rope himself! HyperNova nails an impressive superplex on Absolute Zero from the top rope, before crawling over and making the cover!




It’s all over and thanks to the interference from VIP, it is HyperNova who picks up victory in the opening match of the night over Absolute Zero!

HyperNova struggles up to his feet to have his arm raised in the air in victory, with the Frenchman still feeling the impact of the superplex himself! 

The fans boo loudly as VIP climbs into the ring herself and pushes away the referee, before raising the arm of HyperNova in victory. With VIP at his side, what is next for HyperNova in the sVo?

Winner via pinfall: HyperNova

Patriot Games

The cameras head backstage after the impressive victory for the Frenchman HyperNova, where in the sVo interview area Katie Smith is standing by with a microphone in hand. Alongside Smith is the popular Japanese superstar Hiro Ryuu who is not dressed for action tonight. The fans cheer as they spot Ryuu on the screen, and he responds with a smile upon hearing the reaction. 

Katie Smith: “Hiro, thanks for joining me here tonight. Now I wanted to ask you about the heinous actions of Dallas Jordan last week on Against All Odds….”

The footage from last weeks show begins to play on the nearby monitor with Dallas Jordan starting the one on one match by spitting in the face of Ryuu, and then ending it by picking up a victory in controversial circumstances with a pinfall whilst holding the tights.

Katie Smith: “Now we have just seen the footage again right there, what is your reaction a week on?”

Hiro Ryuu: “Kaite, I am angry with myself.”

Smith looks surprised as Ryuu shakes his head in disappointment.

Katie Smith: “Urm, that is somewhat of a surprise to hear…”

Hiro Ryuu: “Katie, I let my anger get the better of me last week and it cost me the victory. That is all I have to say about it.”

Katie Smith prepares a follow up question, but before she can the fans boo as Dallas Jordan saunters onto the scene with a huge smile on his face. Smith sees that this is only going one way and quickly makes her exit from the scene.

Dallas Jordan: “Did I just hear that right? Typical yellow belly coward! You come over here to the greatest country in the world, you come across a real patriot like me, you lose and you can’t just admit that you lost to the better man!”

Ryuu stays silent as he stares angrily back at Jordan.

Dallas Jordan: “You are just one of many, know your place.”

The boos ring out even louder as Dallas Jordan laughs in the face of Ryuu, before pretending to step away before spitting once again at Ryuu! Ryuu angrily springs forward to grab hold of ‘The Patriot’, but before the two can get into it they are quickly separated by a mixture of security guards and referees! The scene fades out as the two men are led off in different directions, but just how much provocation can Hiro Ryuu take from Dallas Jordan?

Single Match
Dale Norman vs. Jupiter James

With the rookie Dale Norman already in the ring and ready for the match to get started, “Sunflower” by Post Malone hits the sound system and there is a huge cheer from the crowd. After a few seconds a pumped up Jupiter James emerges onto the top of the entrance ramp from behind the curtain and throws an arm into the air to acknowledge the crowd! Jupiter James skips down the entrance ramp side side to side, slapping hands with the fans as she goes before making her way all away the ringside area. Jupiter James finally climbs onto the ring apron on the side of the hard cam and raises both arms in the air to the crowd, before climbing into the ring through the ropes and looking around the arena in awe at the fans cheering her on.

Dale Norman looks nervous for only his second sVo match as the bell rings and the match gets underway! Jupiter James and Dale Norman circle around each other a few times in the middle of the ring, before tying up. Both wrestlers try and push each other backwards, before Norman pushes Jupiter James up against the ring ropes and the referee calls for a rope break. Dale Norman gives Jupiter James a clean break, before they both tie up a second time in the middle of the ring. This time it is Jupiter James that begins to push Dale Norman backwards, but Norman counters by grabbing James into a side head lock. Jupiter James pushes Norman off and into the ring ropes, but Norman bounces back with an impressive dropkick on James in the middle of the ring.

Jupiter James rises up to her feet, but Norman lands some forearm shots to his opponent, before sending her into the corner of the ring. Norman follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring on James, before dragging her away from the ropes and taking her down to the mat with a snap suplex! With Jupiter James on the mat, Norman makes the quick cover.



No. Jupiter James manages to kick out before the three can be counted. Norman wastes no time in bringing Jupiter James back up to a standing position and grabbing her in a waist lock. Norman looks for a German suplex on James, but James counters with a standing switch, before taking Norman to the mat with a waist lock takedown. Norman quickly gets to his feet, but James cuts him off with a kick to the midsection, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a swingblade. 

Norman quickly rises up to his feet, but as he runs at James he is caught with a flapjack in the middle of the ring. Norman holds his face in pain as James bounces into the ring ropes before landing a diving dropkick to the face of his opponent. Dale Norman holds his face in pain still as Jupiter James flips him over and makes the cover.




Everyone thought that it might be all over right there, however Norman manages to kick out at the last second. Jupiter James is quickly back on her opponent with some big punches, before pulling him up to a standing position. Jupiter James lands an impressive side suplex on Norman, before bouncing into the ring ropes and dropping an elbow on her opponent. Norman looks in pain as Jupiter James rolls to her feet and soaks up the cheers from the Las Vegas crowd!

James stands in wait for Norman to get to his feet before looking for her finishing move, however as she attempts the ‘Fifth Rock From the Sun’, Norman counters with an inside cradle!



No! Jupiter James manages to kick out at the very last second despite being surprised by the pinning attempt from her opponent! Both competitors rise to their feet and Norman looks to capitalize with a suplex on Jupiter James! Dale Norman looks pleased with himself with the impressive suplex, as he grabs hold of the legs of his opponent and looks to lock in a submission hold! However as Norman tries to turn Jupiter James over for the Boston Crab attempt, James uses her leg strength to kick Norman away!

Norman stumbles away, before turning and running at his opponent. However James is ready as she hits an arm drag takedown before making her way to the top rope! The fans cheer as Jupiter James stands on the top rope waiting for Norman to get to his feet, before jumping off and hitting an impressive top rope dropkick! Norman looks in pain as Jupiter James soaks in the cheers from the fans for the impressive move from the top, before signalling for her finisher! Dale Norman slowly staggers to his feet and Jupiter James drills him with the ‘Fifth Rock From the Sun’ in the middle of the ring before making the cover!




It’s all over and Jupiter James picks up the impressive win over the rookie Norman! James rises up to her feet and has her arm raised in the air in victory by the referee as she soaks in the cheers from the fans with a smile on her face.

Winner via pinfall: Jupiter James

Blood Feud

The fans continue to cheer Jupiter James on as she celebrates in the ring, however the cheers quickly turn to boos as Ida Guildress makes her way out of the crowd and over the top rope just as she did last week! Guildress jumps up onto the ring apron behind Jupiter James to attack her from behind again, however James seems to have her scouted this week as she spins and knocks her down off of the ring apron with a big right hand!

The fans pop as Jupiter James sits on the second rope and invites Guildress to climb into the ring, however a shocked Guildress picks herself up and makes her way up the entrance ramp! The fans boo Guildress to the back, however Jupiter James stops her in her tracks as she grabs a microphone from Natasha Ortiz the ring announcer.

Jupiter James: “Wow, Ida, where are you running off to? I thought you wanted to fight again?”

Guildress stops at the top of the entrance ramp for a split second, but waves James away.

Jupiter James: “I see, you only want to fight when you are jumping me from behind! I thought so! Well we have a big PPV coming up at the end of the month so how about we switch things up? You busted me up pretty good last week, in fact I still have six stitches in the top of my head. So how about you try and do the same again at Roll The Dice in a first blood match!”

The fans cheer loudly as Ida Guildress stares down as Jupiter James from the top of the entrance, before turning and making her way around the curtain before giving any indication of her answer.

Top Gun

The camera heads backstage to the locker room area of Horizon, where the group are sitting in silence, minus one member. Darwin Jones & Hugo Ryzing cradle their sVo Tag Team Championship belts in their laps as Gunner Lang holds his sVo Las Vegas Championship belt. The only man without gold in the group is Johnny All Star, and the sVo veteran stares silently at the door as the group await their leader.

After a few seconds the silence is broken and in walks JD James into the room, stopping to look around at his troops.

JD James: “Guys, what’s going on? It’s like a mortuary here!”

The group all look around at each other, before it is left to Johnny All Star to speak.

Johnny All Star: “Well we just had Page in here and we are all wondering what is going on JD. We hear that you have entered yourself and one other in a tag match against Blood Money tonight?”

James looks around to survey the room before smiling. 

JD James: “That’s right, we will give those Blood Money bastards a taste of what we are all about ahead of the Organised Chaos match!”

The rest of the group don’t seem to share JD’s confidence.

Johnny All Star: “Well that’s quite the surprise you have sprung on us there JD but will be good for you to knock the ring rust off if you are adamant about being involved in this Organised Chaos match. Don’t worry, I got your back out there, I will team up with you and make sure we take out the Von Drake’s!”

JD James looks awkwardly at his oldest friend.

JD James: “Appreciate it Johnny, but I got a different plan for tonight. Gunner has been on a hell of a run and has a few victories over JVD already. That is why I picked him as my partner for tonight!”

All Star looks stunned for a few seconds before sinking back down in his chair, as JD James high fives the Las Vegas Champion as the scene fades out.

Tag Team Match
Shamrocks vs. Starr Brothers

‘Man in the Box’ by the Alice In Chains hits and there is a small cheer from the crowd as the team of Darren Starr & Simon Starr walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp! Both Starr brothers signal to both sides of the crowd before quickly making their way down the entrance ramp and diving head first into the ring.

“Going out in Style” by the Dropkick Murphys hits the sound system and there is a cheer as the arena is basked in a green glow. After a few seconds Tom Flynn & Sean O’Grady step out onto the top of the entrance ramp and raise their arms in the air to acknowledge the crowd! Flynn cracks his knuckles at the top of the entrance ramp, before marching down to the ring, whilst O’Grady slaps hands with fans at ringside. Both men jump into the ring and get ready for the big match to get started!

With both teams at ringside, it looks like Tom Flynn and Simon Starr are going to start things off for their respective teams as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to officially get started!

Starr catches Flynn with some forearm shots from the opening bell, but Flynn quickly fights back with some straight right hands. The fans don’t know which team they want to win more in this one, as Starr grabs hold of Flynn by the arm and shoots him into the ropes, before landing a stiff back elbow as he bounces back. Flynn holds his face in pain and Simon Starr follows up with a backbreaker on his opponent, before making the tag out to his brother Darren Starr.

The fans cheer as the high flying Starr brother jumps into the ring, and stomps away on Tom Flynn as he tries to get to his feet. Darren Starr grabs Flynn and tries to send him into the ring ropes, but Flynn reverses and sends Darren Starr hard into the turnbuckle. Darren Starr stumbles backwards holding his chest in pain from the impact, and Tom Flynn follows up with some knees the the kidney of his opponent, before taking him down to the mat with a half nelson slam in the middle of the ring. Flynn stomps on Darren Starr, before dragging him to the corner of the ring and making the tag out to Sean O’Grady!

O’Grady leaps into the ring and continues the stomps on Darren Starr, before allowing him slowly up to his feet. O’Grady keeps on the offense with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest of his opponent, before taking him down with a snapmare. With Darren Starr in a seated position, O’Grady bounces into the ring ropes before aiming a big kick to the face of his seated opponent, but Darren Starr sees the move coming and ducks out of the way! O’Grady spins back around looking shocked and Darren Starr lands a jumping high kick to knock him down!

O’Grady stumbles up to a standing position, but Darren Starr lands some stiff punches to the face of his opponent. O’Grady stumbles around holding his face and Darren Starr jumps into the ropes to land a springboard DDT! The fans cheer for the high flying move as Darren Starr looks to follow up with a pin fall attempt!




O’Grady manages to get a shoulder up to save the match for his team! Darren Starr looks disappointed at not getting the cover, as he rises up to his feet and makes the tag out to his brother Simon.

Simon Starr jumps into the ring and pulls O’Grady to his feet, before punishing him with big right hands! The fans cheer Simon Starr on as he pulls O’Grady into a front face lock, before lifting him into the air and nailing a perfect suplex! The fans continue to cheer Simon Starr as he rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd! Simon Starr waits for O’Grady to get to his feet before positioning him for a full nelson slam, but O’Grady blocks the move! Simon Starr tries to hit the full nelson slam again, but O’Grady counters with a back headbutt, before bouncing into the ring ropes and returning with a flying forearm to send Simon Starr down!

The fans cheer as O’Grady and Simon Starr both start to crawl to their corners to make the tag out, however O’Grady makes it to Tom Flynn first, and Flynn leaps into the ring and nails Darren Starr with a right hand to stop him from tagging in!

Tom Flynn turns and peppers Simon Starr with some big right hands, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a Lui Thesz press before landing some mounted punches! Simon Starr struggles back to a standing position, but Flynn follows up with a jawbreaker before following up with a big pele kick to the face! Flynn leaps onto his opponent and makes the cover.




Darren Starr manages to leap into the ring to stop the cover attempt just before the three count!

Tom Flynn can’t believe it as the referee orders Darren Starr back to the ring apron. Tom Flynn pulls Simon Starr up to his feet and punishes him with some right hands, before hooking him up for a double underhook slam! However Simon Starr twists out of the move, before landing a big head butt to his opponent! Flynn staggers backwards and Simon Starr follows up with a superkick to knock down Flynn, before making the tag out to his brother Darren Starr!

The fans cheer loudly as Darren Starr wastes no time in climbing straight up to the top rope, before leaping off and landing the ‘All Starr’ Frogsplash! The fans cheer as Darren Starr makes the cover whilst Simon Starr blocks Sean O’Grady from making the save!




It’s all over and it is a big win for the Starr Brothers over their rivals in the tag team division!

The fans cheer as the referee calls for the bell before grabbing an arm of each of the Starr Brothers and raising them in the air in victory! Darren & Simon Starr celebrate the big victory, as their opponents regroup on the outside of the ring looking disappointed with how things ended up.

Winners via pinfall: The Starr Brothers

Single Match
Yoshi Ono vs. El Froggo

The lights in the arena dim and the mood changes as ‘GTA’ by Meek Mill hits the sound system. As the base reverberates around the arena, the massive figure of Yoshi Ono slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and looks out at the arena. The crowd loudly boo the sight of Ono, but the Japanese star ignores the crowd and performs a sumo ritual dance at the top of the entrance ramp. Ono then slowly walks down to the ring at his own pace, before slowly climbing into the ring and staring out at the crowd from the corner of the ring with a snarl on his face as the lights slowly come back up.

DJ Snake – Taki Taki hits the sound system and the fans watch on as the energetic El Froggo makes his way out from behind the curtain! El Froggo dances around the top of the entrance ramp, getting the crowd pumped up! El Froggo quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp, moving from side to side to slap the hands of as many fans as possible! El Froggo leaps up onto the ring apron, before valunting himself into the ring and rushing across to bounce off the nearest ropes! El Froggo leaps up to the second rope of the nearest turnbuckle before turning and posing for the crowd!

With both men in the ring, the size difference is evident as El Froggo and Yoshi Ono stare at each other in the middle of the ring! The fans are firmly behind El Froggo despite his obvious disadvantage, as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to officially get started! Yoshi Ono stares at El Froggo for a few seconds, as El Froggo lands a flurry of right hands to the face of the big man! However Ono is unmoved by the punches, before he aims a throat chop at El Froggo! El Froggo dodges out of the way and bounces into the ring ropes before aiming a big dropkick at Ono, however Ono swipes El Froggo out of the air with ease!

El Froggo rolls up to his feet and aims some big kicks in the direction of Ono, but it doesn’t seem like they have much impact on the big man from Japan! El Froggo stares at Ono in disbelief, before quickly using the ring ropes to jump to the top of the nearest turnbuckle! El Froggo leaps at Yoshi Ono looking for a cross body splash off of the top rope to try and finally knock down the big man, but Ono catches El Froggo!

The fans boo loudly as Yoshi Ono proudly walks around the ring with El Froggo in his arms, before throwing him onto his shoulders and nailing an explosive Samoan drop! El Froggo staggers to the corner of the ring in pain, but Ono retreats to the opposite corner before running and landing a big splash on the little man.

El Froggo staggers out of the corner of the ring holding his ribs in pain, but Ono sends him straight down to the mat with a savate kick! El Froggo looks in serious trouble, as Ono stares around at the booing crowd with a snarl on his face!

The referee checks on El Froggo, but Ono pushes him away before scooping El Froggo up to his feet. Ono slaps El Froggo across the face a few times, before slamming him down to the mat with a belly to belly suplex! The fans boo loudly, however Ono doesn’t release his grip around El Froggo, as he pulls him back up to his feet like a ragdoll and locks straight into a bearhug in the middle of the ring!

The fans boo loudly as El Froggo quickly goes limp, and the referee immediately calls for the bell to be rung!

Yoshi Ono doesn’t seem to care about the referee ringing the bell as he keeps the submission hold locked onto his limp opponent, only releasing as the referee struggles to physically pull him away from his opponent! Ono drops El Froggo down to the mat before the referee nervously raises his arm in the air in victory!

Ono stands dominante in the middle of the ring as his music plays over the sound system, only just being heard over the loud booing from the crowd. With Vorheez set to defend his sVo Championship against the big man in the near future, can he do anything to stop Ono claiming his crown?

Winner via TKO: Yoshi Ono

Single Match
William Vorheez vs. Orlando Fox

Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy E hits the sound system and the fans boo as Orlando Fox slowly steps out onto the top of the entrance ramp and poses for the crowd. Fox slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, trash talking the fans in the front row as he goes. Fox soon reaches the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and steps onto the bottom rope before performing his signature taunt to the crowd, which brings out even more boos for Fox!

The arena goes pitch black as the opening guitar riff from “Abominator” by Doyle plays. Smoke billows up from the bottom of the staging area, as green laser lights dance across the stage. Just as the opening riff comes to a close, two large hits of a drum can be heard, and pyro goes off syncing with them. The song dives in, as Vorheez makes his appearance at the top of the ramp. Wearing a long black, sleeveless coat, that has green stitching and it covered in small spikes, as well as a black, beat up, cowboy hat covering his eyes. Vorheez marches slowly down to the ring, his eyes fixated on the ring, looking determined, and focused. As Vorheez climbs onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring the lights slowly come up and the music fades, Vorheez undoes his jacket and reveals the old sVo Championship underneath. Removing the belt he lifts it high in the air showing that he is the real reigning sVo Champion.

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and the action is under way with the current sVo Champion Vorheez facing off against former Hardcore Champion Fox! Both men trash talk each other in the middle of the ring, before Fox throws a big right hand at the sVo Champion. Vorheez blocks the punch and fires back with some big right hands to back his opponent up against the ring ropes. The referee quickly dives in and calls for a rope break, but as Vorheez gives a clean break to his opponent, Fox slaps the sVo Champion across the face!

Vorheez looks angry as the referee backs him away from the scene, whilst Fox grins as the fans boo him loudly. Vorheez angrily runs at Fox looking for some more right hands, but Fox uses the Champions own momentum against him to duck out of the way and take him down with a drop toe hold in the middle of the ring. Fox quickly dives on Vorheez with some repeat elbow drops to the neck before the Champion can get to his feet. Vorheez holds his neck in pain, as Fox jumps on him with some kicks to the midsection, before taking him down to the mat with a gutbuster slam. 

The fans boo loudly as Orlando Fox rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd, before waiting for Vorheez to get to a standing position. Vorheez slowly pulls himself up using the ring ropes, but Fox runs at him and lands a big boot to the face to send him straight back down! With the sVo Champion down and struggling, Fox leaps on him to hook the leg and look for the win!




Vorheez powers out of the cover much to the delight of the fans, and this one continues! Vorheez rises up to his feet with a pained expression on his face, as Fox peppers him with some more right hands to try and keep on the offense. Fox lands a kick to the midsection to double Vorheez over in pain, before stepping over him and looking for a powerbomb! The fans boo loudly as Fox taunts to the fans whilst having Vorheez in the powerbomb position, but the former Hardcore Champion takes too long jaw jacking as Vorheez counters with a back body drop!

The fans cheer loudly as Fox rises up to his feet with a shocked look on his face, only to be taken straight back down to the mat with a massive right hand from Vorheez! Vorheez follows up with some more right hands to his opponent, before landing a double arm DDT in the middle of the ring! With Fox’s head bouncing off of the ring apron, Vorheez rolls him over and looks for the cover!



No! Fox gets a shoulder up just before the three count! Vorheez looks disappointed for a few seconds as he rises up to his feet, before then taunting for his finishing move! The fans rise to their feet as Vorheez stalks Fox before positioning him for the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’, however much to the shock of the fans and the Champion, Fox counters with a back body drop of his own!

Vorheez staggers back to his feet and Fox bounces into the ring ropes before returning with a high knee to the face of the sVo Champion. Vorheez holds his face in pain as Fox follows up with a side suplex on the Champion! Orlando Fox rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd to show his dominance over the Champion, before pulling his opponent to his feet! Fox shoots Vorheez into the ropes, but as Vorheez bounces back he lands a big boot of his own on Fox!

Fox staggers up holding his face and Vorheez is quick to follow up with a spinning spinebuster in the middle of the ring! Fox holds his back in pain as he struggles up to his feet while Vorheez again calls for his finisher! The fans again rise to their feet, and this time Vorheez lands the ‘Wrath of Vorheez’ in the middle of the ring before making the cover!




It’s all over and in a hard fought match, it is the sVo Champion who again comes out victorious! Vorheez looks in pain as he slowly rises up to his feet, before the referee holds his arm in the air in victory. Vorheez looks more interested in getting his hands back on his sVo Championship belt as he is passed it from the outside of the ring. Vorheez holds the belt in the air in victory as the fans cheer on the Champion. 

Winner via pinfall: William Vorheez

Contract Signing

Vorheez continues the celebrate in the ring with the championship belt, however the celebrations are cut short as “Sympathy for the Devil” hits the sound system and onto the top of the entrance ramp steps Amy Page! The fans boo loudly for Amy Page, who has a microphone in her left hand and a black folder in her right hand. Vorheez stares up the entrance ramp as Amy Page waits for the boos to die down before speaking.

Amy Page: “Impressive win there Vorheez, real impressive.”

Vorheez stares back from the ring, before holding the sVo Championship in the air which draws cheers from the crowd.

Amy Page: “Yeah that belt in your hand, that is actually what I am out here to talk to you about! You see in my hand here I hold the contract for the Roll The Dice 2021 sVo Championship match which has my client Yoshi Ono’s name on it! You see Yoshi is looking forward to slapping that bear hug on whoever is the Champion at Roll the Dice and claiming that belt for yourself!”

The fans boo at the mention of Yoshi Ono, who was dominant in singles action earlier in the night.

Amy Page: “However as the #1 contender, Yoshi is the only name that is on the PPV contract so far, because you still have a mandatory Championship defence to complete before we get to the end of the month!”

Vorheez looks a little confused as he stares at Page who is still holding the contract in the air.

Amy Page: “Now Anthony Moretti hasn’t taken up his rematch due to the Organised Chaos match that is upcoming, so my other client Scott Washington has graciously stepped in and will take his shot at the sVo Championship next week on Against All Odds!”

The fans boo loudly, as Vorheez stares back in disbelief. Page smiles back at Vorheez for a few seconds, before cheekly waving to the Champion and making her way back around the curtain to the backstage area.

Tag Team Match
Gunner Lang & JD James vs. The Von Drakes

The familiar riff of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck fills the arena. As the pyro goes off on the entranceway Gunner Lang explodes onto the entrance ramp shooting off his own pyro from a gun while the sVo Tron shows Gunner and a band playing his entrance music. The fans are on their feet cheering and shout ‘Gunner’ along with the song. Gunner drops the pyro gun and alongside him steps the leader of Horizon, JD James! The pair run down to the ring slapping hands with the fans. Lang slides into the ring under the bottom rope and proceeds to take off his shirt and bandanna throwing them into the crowd. JD James climbs slowly up onto the ring apron, getting ready for his first match in over twenty years! 

There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. The pink glow is slowly changed to a dark red glow as the letters ‘JVD’ slowly fade to the words ‘Blood Money’ on the giant screen as “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out of the sound system. After a few seconds, James Von Drake walks out from behind the curtain and onto the top of the ramp, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.

With both teams at ringside, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get started with old rivals JVD and Gunner Lang starting things off for their respective teams! Lang and JVD circle around each other for a few seconds, before diving forward for a tie up. JVD quickly grabs the arm of his opponent and twists it behind his back in a wrist lock, before slapping the Las Vegas Champion across the back of the head in a blatant show of disrespect! The fans boo loudly towards JVD, as Gunner Lang turns around slowly and angrily faces the man he won the Las Vegas Championship from. 

Gunner Lang throws a big right hand in the direction of JVD, but JVD ducks the arm of his opponent and lands some stiff kicks to the back of his leg, before taking him down to the mat with a snap mare takedown. With Gunner Lang in a seated position, JVD bounces off of the ring ropes before landing a big kick to the back of his opponent! The fans boo loudly as JVD poses whilst Gunner Lang rises up to his feet holding his back in pain. JVD lands some big forearm shots to the Las Vegas Champion to back him into the corner of the ring, before hitting him with a snake eyes to take him down to the mat. With Lang down, JVD makes the tag out to Lucy Von Drake!

There are loud boos as LVD climbs into the ring and taunts Gunner to get to his feet, before stomping away with some big boots to the back of the Las Vegas Champion. Gunner Lang finally rises up to his feet and LVD quickly rakes her opponents eyes. The fans boo the move from LVD as the referee threatens to DQ the Blood Money member. However LVD laughs off the threats of the referee before grabbing her half blinded opponent by the arm and trying to Irish whip him into the ring ropes. However Gunner Lang uses his strength to reverse the attempt and send LVD into the ropes, before knocking her down with a shoulder block as she bounces back to the middle of the ring!

The fans cheer as Gunner grabs LVD by the hair to pull her quickly to a standing position, before sending her into the corner of the ring. Lang follows up with a clothesline in the corner, before taking LVD down with a spinning suplex! With LVD down, Gunner Lang makes the cover!




LVD gets a shoulder up before the three can be counted, and this one continues! Gunner looks disappointed at not getting the win there, as he grabs hold of Lucy Von Drake as she tries to get to her feet, before sending her quickly back down with a big spinebuster in the middle of the ring. With LVD down, Gunner Lang rises up to his feet and taunts for his finishing move! Gunner drabs Lucy up and sends her into the corner of the ring, before running and looking for a ‘Boomer-lang’ followed up with a ‘Gunner-Struck’, but Lucy Von Drake has the move scouted and dives out of the way, causing Gunner Lang to hit the turnbuckle hard!

Gunner looks in trouble as Lucy Von Drake follows up with a bulldog takedown, before making the tag out to JVD! JVD leaps into the ring and begins to stomp away on Gunner Lang, who looks like he desperately needs to make the tag out to JD James! James watches on powerless from the ring apron, as JVD drags Gunner to his feet and punishes him with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest. Gunner tries to fight back with some right hands, but JVD cuts him off with a knee to the midsection before taking him down to the mat with a DDT! With Lang down, JVD makes the cover!



No! It looked like it was all over right there, but JD James jumps into the ring to break the three count! The fans cheer the action of JD James, but as the referee forces the Horizon leader back to the ring apron, the Von Drake’s leap into action and take the opportunity to double team Gunner Lang behind the refs back!

Lucy Von Drake eventually leaves the ring as the referee turns back to the action, but as he does JVD lands a big powerbomb on Gunner Lang! Lang looks in pain on the mat, however JVD doesn’t go for the cover! The fans boo loudly as it seems that JVD is happy to let Gunner Lang make the tag out to JD James! Gunner Lang slowly crawls across the ring and makes the tag out to JD James, who steps into the ring for the first time in nearly twenty years!

JD James looks surprising confidently as he steps between the ring ropes, and faces up against the former two time Las Vegas Champion JVD! JVD laughs as he stands across the ring from JD James, before running at him with a clothesline attempt. However the delight of the crowd JD James ducks under the arm of Von Drake before landing some stiff knife edge chops! The crowd woo with every knife edge chop across the chest of JVD, but JVD quickly shuts it down with a big right hand. 

JD James struggles up to his feet after the big right hand from JVD, but JVD punishes the leader of Horizon with some big kicks to the midsection. JD James holds his ribs in pain as he gets to his feet, but JVD sends him straight back down to the mat with a ‘Dollar Drop’ in the middle of the ring! With JD James down, JVD looks like he could easily go for the cover, however instead he makes the tag out to Lucy Von Drake before rushing over and knocking Gunner Lang off of the ring apron with a big right hand!

Lucy Von Drake climbs into the ring and the fans boo loudly as she makes a big show of grabbing hold of JD James by the leg, before locking him in an ankle lock submission hold! JD James screams out in pain under the submission hold, as JVD gets in the veterans face and shouts at him to tap! JD James struggles towards the ring ropes for a few more seconds, before finally having to submit to the pain and tap out!

The referee calls for the bell to be rung, but it doesn’t seem that Blood Money is finished as JVD tells his wife to keep the submission hold locked on! 

JVD bullies the referee out of the ring as he tries to intervene, before knocking Gunner Lang off of the ring apron with another right hand as he tries to get back into the ring! JVD screams to his wife to make JD James ‘snap’, as it looks like Lucy Von Drake is going for the ankle break under the painful submission hold! 

JD James screams out in pain under the intense pressure of the ankle lock as JVD stands guard for anyone trying to get into the ring to stop things! Johnny All Star, Hugo Ryzing and Darwin Jones stream down the entrance ramp, but JVD knocks them away with right hands as they jump onto the ring apron one at a time, until the numbers from Horizon become too much and the Von Drake’s bail out of the ring!

All Star, Lang, Ryzing and Jones look beside themselves with anger as they stomp around the ring and check on JD James, whilst the Von Drakes back up the entrance ramp with massive smiles on their faces and their arms in the air in triumph! 

JD James screams out in pain whilst holding his ankle as he lays in the middle of the ring surrounded by the rest of his Horizon group! The Von Drake’s stand at the top of the entrance ramp looking very pleased with themselves, as Against All Odds heads off of the air with Blood Money potentially taking out one of the Horizon members ahead of the Organised Chaos match which is only three weeks away!

Winners via submission: The Von Drake’s

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