RSPW Carnage 1
Samurai Summit Arena & Casino, Tokyo Japan
7th March 2024

[The scene opens with a panoramic view of the vibrant city of Tokyo, Japan, bustling with energy under the neon lights. As the camera zooms in, it captures the majestic Samurai Summit Arena & Casino gleaming against the night sky, a beacon of excitement and anticipation.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the heart of Tokyo, the epicenter of passion and power in the world of professional wrestling! Welcome to Rising Sun Pro Wrestling’s Carnage!

[Explosions of pyrotechnics light up the arena, painting the night sky with dazzling hues of red and gold. The crowd erupts into thunderous cheers, their fervor echoing through the air, as the atmosphere crackles with electric anticipation.]

Announcer: Tonight marks a historic moment as Rising Sun Pro Wrestling embarks on a journey like no other, right here in the hallowed halls of the Samurai Summit Arena! It’s a night where dreams will collide, where legends will be born, and where one man will begin a journey to etch his name in the annals of greatness as the inaugural RSPW Heavyweight Champion!

[The camera pans across the sea of enthusiastic fans, their faces illuminated by the glow of excitement, each one eagerly awaiting the spectacle about to unfold.]

Announcer: Tonight, we kick off the Carnage tournament, a battle royale of epic proportions where warriors from far and wide will clash, leaving nothing but carnage in their wake!

[The arena pulsates with energy as the crowd roars in approval, their anticipation reaching a fever pitch.]

Announcer: So, without further ado, let the mayhem begin! Brace yourselves, Tokyo, for tonight, we witness the birth of a new era in professional wrestling! Welcome to Rising Sun Pro Wrestling’s Carnage! Let the battles commence!

Single Match – Group A
Hugo Ryzing vs. Sota Tokunga


[Backstage, the atmosphere crackles with anticipation as Rei Yoshida stands ready with a microphone in hand, preparing to interview the seasoned competitor, Hiro Ryuu, ahead of his upcoming match in Group B of the RSPW tournament. Hiro Ryuu, clad in his signature wrestling gear, exudes an aura of intensity and focus as he approaches Rei for the interview.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here backstage with the one and only Hiro Ryuu, a veteran competitor with a storied history in the world of professional wrestling. Hiro, thank you for joining me tonight.

Hiro Ryuu: The pleasure’s all mine, Rei.

Rei Yoshida: Hiro, you’ve traveled a long and illustrious path in your wrestling career, including your time with the Sanctioned Violence Organization in America. How does it feel to now be competing here in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling, especially in a tournament as prestigious as Carnage?

Hiro Ryuu: Rei, it’s an honor to be here in RSPW. The energy, the passion of the fans—it’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before. As for Carnage, well, this tournament represents the pinnacle of competition. Every match, every moment—it’s an opportunity to prove myself on the grandest stage.

Rei Yoshida: Speaking of competition, tonight you face Emi Sato in a pivotal singles match, a showdown that promises to be nothing short of intense. How do you plan to approach this matchup, knowing the caliber of your opponent?

Hiro Ryuu: Emi Sato is a formidable competitor, no doubt about it. But tonight, it’s not about past achievements or reputations. It’s about what happens in that ring, under the bright lights of RSPW. I’ve studied Emi’s style, I know what he brings to the table, but make no mistake—I’m here to win. I’ll bring everything I have tonight, and then some.

Rei Yoshida: Strong words, Hiro. Finally, as you step into the ring tonight, what message do you have for your opponents, as well as the entire RSPW roster and fanbase watching around the world?

Hiro Ryuu: To my opponents, I say this: expect nothing less than my absolute best. I’m here to compete, to push myself beyond my limits, and to leave it all in the ring. And to the RSPW roster and fans, I have one simple message: get ready for a battle unlike any other. Tonight, Hiro Ryuu makes his mark in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling.

[With a determined nod, Hiro Ryuu offers a firm handshake to Rei Yoshida before striding off, his focus unwavering as he prepares to face his opponent in the ring. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for the upcoming match reaches a fever pitch.]

Single Match – Group A
Emi Sato vs. Hiro Ryuu


[Backstage, the aura is charged with energy as Rei Yoshida awaits the arrival of the fiery competitor, Akari Tanaka, known to the world as the “Osaka Ember.” Dressed in her signature attire, Akari approaches the interview area with a determined stride, her presence commanding attention.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct honor of being joined by the one and only Akari Tanaka, the “Osaka Ember” of Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Akari, thank you for taking the time to speak with us tonight.

Akari Tanaka: The pleasure’s all mine, Rei. Let’s make this count.

Rei Yoshida: Akari, your presence in RSPW has electrified audiences around the world, earning you a reputation as one of the most tenacious competitors in the business. What drives you to compete at such a high level, night after night?

Akari Tanaka: Rei, it’s simple. I was born to compete, to push myself beyond every limit, to ignite the flames of passion within every fan who watches me step into that ring. RSPW isn’t just about championships or glory—it’s about heart, determination, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. That’s what drives me, fuels me, every single time I step through those ropes.

Rei Yoshida: Your nickname, the “Osaka Ember,” speaks volumes about your in-ring persona—fiery, resilient, and unyielding. How do you channel that intensity when facing adversity, both in and out of the ring?

Akari Tanaka: Rei, life is full of obstacles, full of challenges that test our resolve and push us to our limits. But it’s how we respond to those challenges that defines us, that sets us apart from the rest. When I step into that ring, I carry the hopes and dreams of everyone who’s ever believed in me, who’s ever cheered for me. That’s what fuels the fire within me—that unwavering belief, that unyielding spirit, that I will overcome whatever stands in my way, no matter the odds.

Rei Yoshida: Akari, tonight you face a formidable opponent in the Carnage tournament, a test of skill and endurance that promises to push you to your limits. How do you prepare for such a monumental challenge, knowing what’s at stake?

Akari Tanaka: Tonight, I face not just an opponent, but an opportunity—a chance to prove myself, to show the world what the “Osaka Ember” is truly made of. I’ve trained relentlessly, I’ve studied my opponent’s every move, and I’ve visualized victory in my mind a thousand times over. Tonight, I step into that ring with one goal in mind—to emerge victorious, to leave it all on the line, and to light the way for everyone who believes in the power of the human spirit.

Rei Yoshida: Powerful words, Akari. Before we conclude, is there anything you’d like to say to your opponents, as well as the passionate fans of RSPW who are eagerly awaiting your match tonight?

Akari Tanaka: To my opponents, I say this: underestimate me at your own peril, for the “Osaka Ember” burns brighter than ever before. And to the fans of RSPW, I have one simple message: tonight, prepare to witness history in the making. Tonight, Akari Tanaka takes one step closer to greatness, and nothing—absolutely nothing—will stand in my way.

[With a determined gaze and a nod of acknowledgment, Akari Tanaka turns and heads towards the arena, her spirit unbroken, her resolve unwavering. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for her match reaches a fever pitch, as the “Osaka Ember” prepares to set the ring ablaze with her unbridled passion and determination.]

Single Match – Group B
Riku Hayashi vs. Akari Tanaka


[Backstage, the air is charged with anticipation as Rei Yoshida awaits the arrival of the charismatic wrestler, Kanzuki Nakamura, known for his flamboyant style and theatrical presence. Dressed in his vibrant attire, Kanzuki exudes confidence and energy as he approaches the interview area, ready to share his thoughts before his match.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m honored to be joined by the one and only Kanzuki Nakamura, a modern-day samurai whose presence electrifies arenas around the world. Kanzuki, thank you for joining me tonight.

Kanzuki Nakamura: The pleasure’s all mine, Rei. Let’s make this interview as vibrant as the fireworks in the night sky.

Rei Yoshida: Kanzuki, your presence in the ring is nothing short of spectacular, captivating audiences with your theatrical flair and magnetic personality. How do you balance the artistry of your performances with the intensity of competition?

Kanzuki Nakamura: Ah, Rei, the ring is my canvas, and every match is a masterpiece waiting to be painted. For me, wrestling isn’t just about winning or losing—it’s about telling a story, captivating the audience, and leaving them breathless with every move. I approach each match with the same passion and dedication of a samurai facing his greatest adversary, weaving together a tapestry of excitement and drama that keeps fans on the edge of their seats.

Rei Yoshida: Your nickname, the “Modern-Day Samurai,” speaks volumes about your persona both inside and outside the ring. How do you embody the spirit of a samurai in your approach to wrestling, and what lessons do you draw from their code of honor?

Kanzuki Nakamura: Rei, to me, being a samurai isn’t just about wielding a sword or mastering martial arts—it’s about embracing a code of honor, integrity, and unwavering resolve. Much like the samurai of old, I strive to uphold these principles in everything I do, both in and out of the ring. Whether I’m facing my opponent head-on or engaging with the crowd, I carry myself with the same grace and dignity of those who came before me, honoring their legacy with every step I take.

Rei Yoshida: Tonight, you face Hiroshi Takagi in what promises to be a thrilling matchup. How do you plan to utilize your unique style and charisma to overcome your opponent and emerge victorious?

Kanzuki Nakamura: Ah, Hiroshi Takagi—a worthy adversary indeed. But tonight, the spotlight belongs to me, and I intend to shine brighter than ever before. With my flamboyant style and theatrical flair, I’ll dazzle the crowd and leave Hiroshi Takagi in awe of my prowess. Make no mistake, Rei—I may be a showman, but when it comes to the ring, I’m as fierce as any warrior, ready to face whatever challenges come my way with a smile on my face and a fire in my heart.

Rei Yoshida: Powerful words, Kanzuki. Before we conclude, is there anything you’d like to say to your opponents and the passionate fans of RSPW who are eagerly awaiting your match tonight?

Kanzuki Nakamura: To my opponents, I say this: prepare yourselves for a performance unlike any other, for tonight, you face the “Modern-Day Samurai” in all his glory. And to the fans of RSPW, I have one simple message: brace yourselves for an experience you won’t soon forget, as Kanzuki Nakamura takes center stage and sets the arena ablaze with his vibrant energy and unyielding spirit.

[With a flourish, Kanzuki Nakamura offers a dramatic bow before heading towards the arena, his aura shimmering with confidence and excitement. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for his match reaches a fever pitch, as the “Modern-Day Samurai” prepares to dazzle the crowd with his electrifying presence and unmatched skill.]

Single Match – Group B
Kanzuki Nakamura vs. Hiroshi Takagi


[Backstage, the tension is palpable as Rei Yoshida awaits the arrival of Hiroshi Fujimoto, the Chief Operating Officer of Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Hiroshi Fujimoto, a figure of authority and influence within RSPW, approaches the interview area with a sense of solemnity, his expression betraying the weight of the decisions he must make.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I am privileged to be joined by Hiroshi Fujimoto, the COO of Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Hiroshi, thank you for taking the time to speak with us tonight, especially amidst the recent controversy surrounding tonight’s event.

Hiroshi Fujimoto: Thank you, Rei. It’s important to address the concerns and questions surrounding tonight’s proceedings.

Rei Yoshida: Hiroshi, tonight’s event has stirred up quite a bit of controversy, particularly regarding the decision to allow Hate Watson of Project: Violence to compete on tonight’s show. Can you shed some light on the rationale behind this decision, considering the contentious history between RSPW and Project: Violence?

Hiroshi Fujimoto: Rei, I understand the concerns that have been raised regarding Hate Watson’s inclusion in tonight’s event. Project: Violence’s presence in RSPW has always been a point of contention, given their tumultuous history and their propensity for controversy. However, as the COO of RSPW, it’s my responsibility to ensure that our events are conducted in a fair and impartial manner, regardless of personal grievances or past conflicts.

Rei Yoshida: Many fans and wrestlers alike have expressed reservations about Hate Watson’s participation, citing concerns about the potential disruption and chaos he may bring to tonight’s show. How do you respond to these concerns, and what measures have been put in place to ensure the safety and security of everyone involved?

Hiroshi Fujimoto: Rei, I want to reassure everyone that the safety and security of our wrestlers, staff, and fans are always our top priority. While Hate Watson’s presence may elicit strong emotions and concerns, rest assured that we have taken every precaution necessary to mitigate any potential risks or disruptions. Our security team is on high alert, and we have protocols in place to address any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

Rei Yoshida: As we approach tonight’s event, tensions are running high, and emotions are at an all-time peak. What message do you have for the wrestlers, staff, and fans of RSPW as we navigate through this challenging time?

Hiroshi Fujimoto: To everyone involved in tonight’s event, I urge you to remain vigilant, to stay focused on the task at hand, and to remember the spirit of competition and camaraderie that defines Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. While tonight’s event may be fraught with uncertainty and controversy, let us not lose sight of what brings us together—the love of the sport, the passion for competition, and the shared desire to create unforgettable moments in the ring. Together, we will weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever before.

Rei Yoshida: Thank you, Hiroshi, for your insights and candor. As we await the start of tonight’s event, let us hope that it will be a night of thrilling competition, unforgettable moments, and above all, the triumph of the human spirit.

[With a nod of gratitude, Hiroshi Fujimoto offers a solemn bow before departing, his resolve unwavering as he prepares to face the challenges that lie ahead. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for tonight’s event reaches a fever pitch, as the wrestling world braces for a night of controversy, drama, and unforgettable action.]

Single Match
Hate Watson vs. Kaito

The Terror of Hatezilla

[After an absolute vulgar display of violence in a match that took longer for the wrestlers to get into the ring than to complete, Hate Watson calls for a microphone. He stands stoically in the ring, flashing a sadistic grin from ear to ear.]

[Watson’s entire face is painted white, with his eyes blacked out. Satake left him for dead in Japan, and he has now returned as ‘the ghost.’]

Hate Watson: “So… this is Rising Sun Pro, huh? At least it’s a step up from the dregs of that joke of a promotion from the last time I was here in Japan…”

[Watson looks at his semi-conscious opponent laying motionless in the center of the ring. The exiled Hate Watson snorts in his general direction, and then continues to speak.]

Hate Watson: “Fuck, man. I almost feel a little sorry for you. Put some ice on that welt, and hopefully the swelling goes down. But, to be honest, you’re kind of killing the vibe around here…”

[Hate rolls Kaito out of the ring with the bottom of his boot.]

Hate Watson: “Much better. Now, where were we? Ah, JD James, you no good, dipshit fucking carny! You think you can ship me back to Japan without consequence? I am Hate Watson, the ‘Scumbag Superstar.’ I came to Project: Violence as advertised; ultra-fucking violent and hellbent on the destruction of my former best friend Masafumi Satake. You knew who you were booking, but you couldn’t handle the real deal. Either way… I will get my pound of flesh one way or another. I don’t need you, or Project: Violence for that…”

[Hate’s control of the microphone within the squared circle is masterful. The fans are delightfully lapping up every word from their new favorite gaijin. Hate Watson lowers himself in the corner of the ring, brushing his hair out of his face.]

Hate Watson: “Masafumi… I know you’re listening. You’re nothing but a leech. This is an industry insidious with leeches, just like you, but just as there is an ocean between us; you, Masafumi Satake, are an ocean away from the success you have so craved.”

[Hate pauses, letting those words settle in for a moment.]

Hate Watson: “There’s a world of difference between icons like Bobby Dean and yourself, Masa’. They stepped on the throats of others, and not only found the success they deserve, but they cultivated careers on the backs of those unfit to lace their boots. While you… you hold down others just to help yourself grab that proverbial brass ring. The difference is glaring, senpai… YOU CAN’T DO IT ON YOUR OWN!!

[Watson’s words reverberate through the Samurai Summit Arena.]

Hate Watson: “And, while guys like Bobby Dean are on the Mount Rushmore of pro wrestling; you’re an indie darling whose prime is past him. So, while I’m not back stateside to tear you apart physically, I will continue to wreak havoc, and make your life as miserable as possible. Next week, I want the best this promotion has to offer, and I will continue to stack win after win, I will do what you could never do, and be a champion in Japan!”

[The crowd is ecstatic with his declaration, and continues to listen intently.]

Hate Watson: “Just know this, Masa’, I’m making the most of this ‘exile’, and whether it be six days or six months, we aren’t finished… not by a long shot. It’s my turn to leave you for dead, but for now… ‘ta-ta, senpai!’ I hope to be seeing you REAL soon. Now, hit my music, and get that poor guy some goddamn ice.”

[“As Diehard as They Come” by Hatebreed plays over the PA system with Watson lingering in the corner of the ring. The shot then switches to the commentators booth, leaving the Summit Arena in a frenzy.]


[Backsta, the air is charged with anticipation as Rei Yoshida stands ready to interview Kenshiro, a stoic and disciplined warrior preparing to face the formidable Ryujiro in singles action. Kenshiro, clad in traditional attire, exudes an aura of focused determination as he approaches the interview area, his demeanor calm yet resolute.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I am privileged to be joined by Kenshiro, a true embodiment of the disciplined spirit of a traditional Japanese warrior. Kenshiro, thank you for taking the time to speak with us tonight, especially amidst the intensity of your upcoming match against Ryujiro.

Kenshiro: The honor is mine, Rei. Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts before tonight’s challenge.

Rei Yoshida: Kenshiro, your presence in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling is marked by a deep commitment to excellence and a steadfast dedication to your craft. How do you maintain such unwavering focus and discipline amidst the chaos and unpredictability of the wrestling world?

Kenshiro: Rei, discipline and focus are the cornerstones of my training and my approach to the ring. As a student of traditional Japanese martial arts, I have been taught to remain centered, to channel my energy with purpose and clarity, even in the face of adversity. Each match, each opponent, is an opportunity to test my skills, to push myself beyond my limits, and to honor the traditions that have shaped me as a warrior.

Rei Yoshida: Your fighting style is a unique blend of traditional Japanese martial arts and modern wrestling techniques, combining swift strikes and precise kicks with lightning-fast submission holds. How do you integrate these elements into your repertoire, and what sets you apart from other competitors in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling?

Kenshiro: My fighting style is a reflection of my journey—a fusion of ancient traditions and contemporary innovation. I draw upon the teachings of my masters, incorporating the fluidity of Japanese martial arts with the intensity of professional wrestling. Every move, every technique, is executed with precision and purpose, designed to keep my opponents off balance and to assert my dominance in the ring.

Rei Yoshida: Tonight, you face Ryujiro, a formidable opponent known for his aggressive style and ruthless tactics. How do you plan to approach this matchup, and what strategies will you employ to emerge victorious?

Kenshiro: Ryujiro is a skilled and dangerous competitor, known for his aggression and his unrelenting pursuit of victory. But tonight, I will meet his aggression with composure, his ruthlessness with resilience. I will remain steadfast in the face of adversity, drawing upon my training and my discipline to overcome whatever challenges he may present. Victory is not merely a goal—it is a testament to my dedication, my skill, and my unwavering commitment to excellence.

Rei Yoshida: Thank you, Kenshiro, for your insights and your unwavering resolve. As you prepare to step into the ring tonight, may your spirit remain strong, and may your discipline guide you to victory.

[With a respectful bow, Kenshiro offers a word of gratitude before turning to depart, his focus unwavering as he prepares to face the challenges that lie ahead. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for tonight’s match reaches a crescendo, as Kenshiro, the disciplined warrior, prepares to test his mettle against the fierce competitor, Ryujiro.]

Single Match – Group C
Ryujiro vs. Kenshiro


[Backstage, the atmosphere hums with anticipation as Rei Yoshida awaits the arrival of Kaito Tanaka, the favorite in the tournament and a beloved figure within Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Clad in his traditional wrestling attire, Kaito exudes a quiet confidence and a sense of reverence for the craft he has dedicated his life to mastering.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct honor of being joined by Kaito Tanaka, the favorite in tonight’s tournament and a shining example of excellence in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Kaito, thank you for taking the time to speak with us tonight.

Kaito Tanaka: Thank you, Rei. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Rei Yoshida: Kaito, your presence in RSPW has captivated audiences around the world, earning you a reputation as one of the most skilled and respected competitors in the industry. How does it feel to carry the weight of expectation as the favorite in tonight’s tournament?

Kaito Tanaka: Rei, the support and admiration of the fans mean the world to me, but I don’t see myself as a favorite—I see myself as a student of the craft, constantly striving to improve and honor the traditions of Japanese wrestling. Tonight’s tournament is a testament to the talent and dedication of every competitor, and I am humbled to be a part of it.

Rei Yoshida: Your fighting style is a reflection of your Japanese heritage, blending strong-style techniques with high-flying maneuvers. How do you approach the balance between tradition and innovation in your performances?

Kaito Tanaka: Tradition and innovation are two sides of the same coin, each complementing the other in the pursuit of excellence. In my wrestling, I seek to honor the rich history of Japanese martial arts while embracing the evolution of the sport. Every move, every technique—it’s a tribute to those who came before me and a testament to the endless possibilities of the future.

Rei Yoshida: Tonight, you face a formidable opponent in the tournament, a test of skill and endurance that promises to push you to your limits. How do you prepare for such a challenge, knowing what’s at stake?

Kaito Tanaka: Every match is an opportunity to test myself, to push beyond my limits and discover what I’m truly capable of. I approach each bout with the same focus and determination, knowing that victory is earned through discipline, perseverance, and respect for my opponent. Tonight will be no different—I will step into the ring with humility and gratitude, ready to give my all and leave everything on the canvas.

Rei Yoshida: Before we conclude, is there anything you’d like to say to your opponents and the passionate fans of RSPW who are eagerly awaiting your match tonight?

Kaito Tanaka: To my opponents, I say this: tonight, we embark on a journey together, bound by our shared love for the sport and our unwavering commitment to excellence. Let us compete with honor, integrity, and the utmost respect for one another. And to the fans of RSPW, I offer my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support. Tonight, we write the next chapter in the storied history of Japanese wrestling, and I am honored to share this moment with each and every one of you.

[With a nod of appreciation, Kaito Tanaka offers a respectful bow before heading towards the arena, his spirit unbroken, his resolve unwavering. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for his match reaches a fever pitch, as the wrestling world braces for a night of unforgettable action and unparalleled skill.]

Single Match – Group C
Kaito Tanaka vs. King Neptune


[Backstage, the energy is palpable as Rei Yoshida stands ready to interview Akeno Watabe, a beloved figure adored by the fans of Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Akeno, with his larger-than-life presence and eternally optimistic demeanor, approaches the interview area, radiating positivity and determination despite the looming challenge ahead.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I am thrilled to be joined by the one and only Akeno Watabe, a true giant both in stature and spirit here in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Akeno, thank you for gracing us with your presence tonight.

Akeno Watabe: Thank you, Rei. It’s an honor to be here and to have the opportunity to connect with the amazing fans of RSPW.

Rei Yoshida: Akeno, you are not only a force to be reckoned with inside the ring, but you also possess a heart of gold that has endeared you to fans around the world. How do you balance your brutal style of violence with the positivity and optimism that define your character?

Akeno Watabe: Rei, for me, wrestling is more than just a sport—it’s a platform to inspire and uplift others, to show that no matter the challenges we face, we can rise above them with courage and determination. While I may bring intensity and power to the ring, it’s always with the intention of entertaining the fans and spreading a message of hope and resilience.

Rei Yoshida: Tonight, you face Katsuhiro Kaneda, a formidable opponent known for his underhanded tactics and ruthless demeanor. How do you prepare for a match against someone who embodies everything you stand against?

Akeno Watabe: Katsuhiro Kaneda may be a formidable opponent, but I refuse to let his darkness overshadow the light that shines within me. I’ve faced adversity my entire life, and I’ve learned that no matter how daunting the challenge, there is always a way to overcome it with courage and integrity. Tonight will be no different—I will step into that ring with my head held high, ready to face whatever obstacles come my way and to show the world the power of positivity and perseverance.

Rei Yoshida: Your journey from a broken home to the pinnacle of professional wrestling is truly inspiring, Akeno. What message do you have for anyone facing their own struggles or challenges, both inside and outside the ring?

Akeno Watabe: To anyone facing adversity, I say this: never lose hope, never lose faith in yourself, and never lose sight of the light that burns within you. No matter how dark the night may seem, there is always a new dawn on the horizon, waiting to illuminate your path with possibility and promise. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and never stop fighting for the life you deserve.

Rei Yoshida: Thank you, Akeno, for your words of wisdom and inspiration. As you head into tonight’s match, know that the fans of RSPW stand behind you, ready to witness another chapter in your incredible journey.

[With a warm smile and a nod of gratitude, Akeno Watabe offers a hearty handshake to Rei Yoshida before heading towards the arena, his spirit unbroken, his optimism unwavering. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for his match reaches a fever pitch, as the wrestling world braces for a night of heart-pounding action and unforgettable moments.]

Single Match – Group D
Katsuhiro Kaneda vs. Akeno Watabe


[Backstage, the ambiance is serene yet charged with anticipation as Mei Nakamura, known for her strategic brilliance and composed demeanor, prepares to face Colt Thompson in the main event. Rei Yoshida stands poised, ready to conduct the interview, as Mei approaches with a focused gaze, radiating confidence.]

Rei Yoshida: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m honored to be joined by Mei Nakamura, the epitome of calm and collected in Rising Sun Pro Wrestling. Mei, thank you for taking the time to speak with us before your highly anticipated match against Colt Thompson.

Mei Nakamura: Thank you, Rei. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Rei Yoshida: Mei, your presence in RSPW has captivated audiences worldwide, earning you a reputation as a master strategist and a formidable competitor. How do you maintain your composure and strategic edge, especially in high-stakes matches like tonight’s main event?

Mei Nakamura: Rei, composure is not just a state of mind; it’s a discipline that I’ve honed over years of training and competition. In the ring, every move, every decision is a calculated step towards victory. I trust in my abilities and my preparation, knowing that clarity of mind and strategic precision will see me through even the toughest of challenges.

Rei Yoshida: Your fighting style is a testament to your technical prowess and striking precision, combining counters, submissions, and swift kicks with effortless grace. How do you adapt your strategy to match the unique challenges posed by each opponent?

Mei Nakamura: Every opponent brings something different to the table, whether it’s power, speed, or technique. My approach is simple: study, adapt, and execute. I analyze my opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, identify their tendencies, and formulate a strategy to exploit any openings. In the ring, I remain flexible, ready to adapt to changing circumstances and seize control of the match.

Rei Yoshida: Tonight, you face Colt Thompson, a formidable adversary known for his raw power and aggressive style. How do you plan to neutralize his strengths and assert your own dominance in the ring?

Mei Nakamura: Colt Thompson is undoubtedly a formidable opponent, but I thrive on challenges like these. Against raw power, technique and strategy become my greatest weapons. I’ll use Colt’s aggression against him, luring him into traps and capitalizing on any mistakes. Tonight, the ring will be my battlefield, and I’ll show the world the power of precision and strategy.

Rei Yoshida: Before we conclude, is there anything you’d like to say to your opponent and the fans of RSPW who are eagerly awaiting your match tonight?

Mei Nakamura: To Colt Thompson, I offer my respect and admiration. Tonight, we step into the ring as warriors, bound by our shared love for the sport and our commitment to excellence. And to the fans of RSPW, I promise a main event worthy of your anticipation. Prepare yourselves for a display of skill, strategy, and determination that will leave you on the edge of your seats.

[With a nod of appreciation, Mei Nakamura offers a serene smile before heading towards the arena, her focus unwavering, her determination palpable. As the camera fades to black, the anticipation for the main event reaches a crescendo, as Mei Nakamura prepares to showcase her mastery in the ring.]

Single Match – Group D
Colt Thompson vs. Mei Nakamura


[In the aftermath of a hard-fought match, the atmosphere inside the arena is charged with tension and disappointment as Colt Thompson stands tall in the center of the ring, having just secured a victory over Mei Nakamura, much to the dismay of the fans. The audience’s displeasure reverberates throughout the arena, a chorus of boos echoing off the walls.]

Colt Thompson, towering over the ring with an imposing presence, seizes the microphone, his Texas drawl cutting through the air like a thunderclap amidst the sea of discontent.

Colt Thompson: “Well, well, well, would you look at that, folks? The big, bad Texan just showed y’all how it’s done! Mei Nakamura, bless her heart, she gave it her best shot, but in the end, there’s only one winner in this ring, and that’s me, Colt Thompson!”

[The crowd’s boos intensify, their disapproval palpable as Colt basks in the spotlight, relishing the ire of the Japanese fans.]

Colt Thompson: “Now, I know some of y’all ain’t too happy ’bout how things turned out tonight. But let me tell ya somethin’, folks: I didn’t come all the way from Texas just to play nice and make friends. Nah, I came here to win, plain and simple. And if that means stompin’ on the hopes and dreams of every fan favorite in this damn tournament, then so be it!”

[The boos crescendo into a cacophony of dissent, but Colt remains undeterred, his confidence unwavering as he continues to address the audience.]

Colt Thompson: “You see, I ain’t here to make y’all happy. I’m here to win this whole damn thing, and there ain’t a single one of y’all that can stop me! So go ahead, boo all you want. Cry me a river, for all I care! ‘Cause at the end of the day, when I’m standin’ tall with that championship belt around my waist, y’all gonna have to deal with it!”

[With a disdainful smirk, Colt tosses the microphone aside, soaking in the chorus of boos that rain down upon him like a torrential storm. Undeterred by the audience’s disapproval, he exits the ring, leaving behind a trail of controversy and defiance as he sets his sights on conquering the tournament and asserting his dominance over Rising Sun Pro Wrestling.]

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