The sVo Presents P:V Uprising 39
Live on the HOTv Network on PWA:TV
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
26th March 2023

The entrance video package for Uprising begins, accompanied by the theme song of ‘Uprising’ by Artificial Intelligence as highlights of past action from 2006 to present day are sped up, showing the likes of Elijah Drake, Jay Rayez, Shooting Star & Brutal Steve. As the video package finally comes to an end with an extended look at the ‘Uprising’ logo, the camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Goodfellas Casino Arena, in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, before cutting to a live shot of inside the arena.

The camera pans around the sold-out crowd, most of them on their feet and screaming loudly whilst trying to get their homemade sign shown in front of the camera. The cameras finally head over to the commentary table, where Julian Fiasco and Jeremiah Sloan welcome the fans watching on the HOTv network on PWA:TV to the broadcast and begin to break down some of the action that will take place on tonight’s show!

P:V Management

The fans are pumped up for the second P:V show after its return to action two weeks ago, but the cheers suddenly turn to boos as JD James makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp! James looks angry at the reaction from the crowd as he walks down the entrance ramp and climbs into the ring!

The legendary sVo manager and former Project:Violence roster member calls for a microphone, before waiting for the boos to slowly boo down.

JD James: “Wait, you guys really thought there was going to be a Project:Violence reunion without JD James?”

More boos from the crowd that James waves away.

JD James: “Well I suppose anyone who watched sVo Showdown last week will be wondering just what Jon Page wanted to speak to me about after the camera cut away, and I am here to reveal all! You see Jon Page might have made a mistake in leaving Amy Page in charge of the sVo while he embarked on his little expansion mission, but he made no mistake in who he left in charge of Project:Violence!”

The fans boo loudly, realising just who would be in charge of P:V as JD James raises both arms in the air and smiles into the hard camera.

JD James: “That’s right! I am here to make sure that Project:Violence is THE place to be in the wrestling world! What better way to do that then get some big names on the roster right from the very start! Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome my first signings to the P:V roster!….”

James points towards the entrance ramp, and the fans are left in suspense for a few seconds before boos ring out as ‘There And Back’ by Daughtry hits the sound system and Curtis Knight, Athena and Darwin Jones walk out onto the top of the entrance ramp! The three soak in the boos from the fans at the top of the entrance ramp for a few seconds, before making their way down to join JD James in the ring!

James calls to the ring announcer who produces three contracts, which JD James hands around to Knight, Athena and Jones! The fans boo as all three sign on the dotted line, making their jump to P:V from the sVo official!

JD James: “If you thought that P:V was going to be hear to be a feeder fed then you are dead wrong! We are gunning for every other wrestling federation in the business and we are out to sign all of the top talent this industry has to offer!”

JD James sweeps his hand towards Knight, Athena and Jones who are standing proudly in the ring, however to their shock ‘When the Levee Breaks’ by Led Zeppelin hits the sound system and Kat Kellison makes her way out onto the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand!

The four in the ring look confused by the interruption, but Kellison looks angry as she calls for her music to be cut.

Kat Kellison: “What the hell is this bullshit?”

There is a cheap pop from the fans as JD James looks shocked.

Kat Kellison: “I signed with P:V to get a shot, to get a clean break and an opportunity! Now we have you three chumps who have wasted every opportunity you have ever had coming on in and getting another chance?”

More cheers from the crowd, but Athena, Jones and Knight look less than happy.

Kat Kellison: “What’s the matter guys? Too many losses in the sVo so you think you can have an easy time here? I am out here to tell you HELL NO that isn’t happening!”

The fans pop loudly, but Athena has heard enough as she near enough rips the microphone out of JD James’s hand.

Athena: “Listen you little bitch, if you think you can back those words up, then come down here and face me one on one!”

JD James looks like he has lost control of the situation, as Kat Kellison throws her microphone down and marches down the entrance ramp! It looks like we have our first match of the night as JD James calls for a referee, and Kat Kellison slides into the ring!

Athena vs Kat Kellison


Puck vs. Midas


Rebel Society vs. Steven Love & Greg Stanley


Edwin Ellis vs. Boyd Jackson


sVo Showdown 148
2nd April 2023
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
Live on HOTv!

Bjorn Asulf vs. Dale Norman


Darwin Jones vs Stevie Rigg

End of the Line

As Stevie Rigg celebrates the massive victory over Darwin Jones, the fans quickly begin to boo as they spot the sight of Curtis Knight and Athena making their way down the entrance ramp! Rigg continues to celebrate the win as the referee raises his arm in the air in victory, but he soon notices the arrival of the pair, as he turns around to see Knight and Athena climbing into the ring!

Rigg quickly adopts a fighting stance as he faces Knight and Athena, and it looks like it is going to go down!

Darwin Jones slowly begins to get to his feet behind the back of Stevie Rigg, but as Curtis Knight steps forward, he steps past Stevie Rigg and clotheslines Darwin Jones down to the mat!

The fans are shocked, and Stevie Rigg takes the chance to quickly drop down and roll out of the ring!

Darwin Jones slowly rises up to his feet, looking confused himself, but he is quickly grabbed by his sister and his brother in law, as Curtis Knight and Athena drill him with a double powerbomb in the middle of the ring!

Athena and Curtis Knight stand dominant over Darwin Jones, as P:V Uprising heads off of the air with the crowd in shock!

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