Project:Violence Uprising
Wednesday 20th December 2006
Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York

Champ & Future Champ?

Curtis Knight opens the large metal locker room door in front of him, expecting to see any number of things. It could have been empty, in which case he’d have time to relax and have a cold one before his match. She could’ve been naked, standing right there waiting for him. That would’ve been nice. Hell, he could’ve walked in and seen the President of the United States playing poker with Alanis Morrisette right there in the center of the room, and it wouldn’t have taken him by surprise half as much as the sight before his eyes when the door swung open to it’s full length. There, standing with her back to the wall, was a smiling, giggling… blushing… Raye. And immediately in front of her, his hand on the side of her arm, was the one person no one could have prepared him to see standing before him, here in his own room.

Michael Best.

A thousand emotions swept over him at that very moment, but before he could even utter a single syllable he’d been spotted. Raye immediately turned away, clearing her throat and pretending to do something near the large chair in the corner, but Bestjust turned and smiled. He gave Raye a playful tap on the arm, flashed her a wink, and said the words that made it all too clear .

Mike: We’ll finish this later.

With a defiant smirk, Mike Best walks across the room, nearly passing Knight without acknowledgement. Curtis grabs Best by the front of the shirt, slamming him against the wall hard enough to crack the plaster.

Knight: You got a lotta balls coming in here, Best.

Mike looks shocked for a moment, but he shakes it off and forcibly prys himself back down from the wall, getting to his feet again. That cocky smirk comes back to his face, as he reaches into his pocket and produces something small and shiny.

Mike: Relax, ‘champ’, I just thought I’d swing by and drop these off.

Knight looks at him suspiciously, cocking an eyebrow.

Mike: Come on, take em. It doesn’t take a caveman. They’re KEYS, Curtis. These are called KEYS.

He says these last two sentences patronizingly, as if he was talking to a small child instead of the Xtreme Champion. Knight is trying very hard to hold his temper, but it doesn’t appear it’ll be effective for much longer. Best continues to press his luck.

Mike: You don’t HAVE to take them, I guess. I just figured you wouldn’t want me to have a set of spares for your new car. I’m done with them anyway.. It rides nice, by the way, you made an EXCELLENT choice.

He winks at Knight before opening the door and stepping halfway into the doorway. Before he leaves, he shoots one last look to Raye, who blushes immediately.

Mike: Good luck tonight, Curt. I’ll se BOTh of you later.

With that he closes the door behind him, leaving Curtis Knight and Raye inside, a tension filled atmosphere just moments before The Mike Effect clashes with the Xtreme Champion.

Loser Leaves Town Match
Alex Creed vs. Johnny Stylez

The match starts with both circling around the ring as the fans chant “Creed” loudly. Creed backs Stylez up into the corner and the referee breaks it up. Stylez then leaves the ring. Stylez gets back in and backs Creed into the corner. Creed gets in some chops to Stylez and Stylez falls to the outside. Creed takes Stylez to the ground. Creed continues with a few more take downs, rolling around the ring a bit. Stylez counters this and takes Creed down. Stylez works on the arm of Creed a bit. When Creed gets up, he quickly brings Stylez down into an armbar. Stylez grabs the ropes right away and rolls out. Stylez gets back in the ring. Both feel each other out and Stylez gets in a swift kick to the gut. Creed attempts the Sharpshooter, but Stylez counters out of it. Creed then sends Stylez into the corner and works on his back a bit. Creed throws Stylez to the ground and works on his legs, using the ropes for leverage. Creed then twists the leg of Stylez a bit. Creed drops his body over the knee, applying more pressure bringing the legs together.

Creed continues to work on Stylez’s leg until Stylez rakes the eyes of Creed to break it up. Creed comes back with a big chop on Stylez when he approaches him. Stylez fights back taking down Creed with some knees to the gut followed by a big dropkick in the middle of the ring. Stylez gets in a chop of his own. Creed chops Stylez back. Creed continues the chops, backing Stylez up in the process. Stylez prevents any more chops from Creed with a knee to the gut. Stylez gives Creed a vertical suplex that sees both fall a little too close near the ropes. Stylez covers Creed, but Creed gets his leg on the bottom rope to break up the pin fall attempt. Creed rolls to the ring apron. Stylez tries to suplex Creed in, but as Creed comes in he counters, grabbing Stylez from behind and spins Styles around nailing the Killer Creedzilla!!!. Creed covers Stylez, but only gets a two count. Creed gives Stylez a scoop slam followed by a quick baseball slide to the side of Stylez’s body. Stylez rolls to the outside as Creed leans over the ropes to grab him Stylez reaches up pulling Creed down across the top rope the staggers Creed back into the ring.

Stylez quickly slides in catching the stunned Creed with the Icon Kiss. Stylez covers 1…2…kickout. Stylez tosses Creed across the ring to the opposite corner and follows him in with a clothesline. Stylez climbs to the middle rope and starts the classic ten punches as the crowd counts along. 1…2…3…4…5…Stylez puts his arms into the air and then continues …6…7…8…9…Stylez does a handstand above Creed then quickly whips his body down delivering a hard dropkick to the chest flipping off of Creed’s chest and landing mid-ring. Stylez whips him back to the other corner and follows him in looking for the stinger splash but Creed crumbles to the ground and Stylez hits hard chest first into the turnbuckle. Both men are down and the ref begins the count. 1…2…3…4… nobody is moving …5…6…Creed makes the cover. 1…2…KICKOUT!! Creed favours his elbow a bit as he picks him up and gives him a front suplex on the top rope.

Stylez is hanging prone over the top rope as Creed puts him in a front facelock and pulls him out till his ankles are across the ropes. He immediately drops Stylez hard to the mat with a high impact DDT. Creed covers 1…2…kick out!! Creed begins to get frustrated he rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He rolls back in and looks at the ref. The ref shrugs and says, “I’ll allow it.” Creed grins and approaches Stylez nailing him across the back with the chair. He picks Stylez up and hooks him in the tree of woe in the corner. He places the chair in front of his face. Creed runs and dropkicks the chair into Stylez’s face.. He rolls up Stylez and puts his feet on the ropes 1…2…Stylez kicks out again. Creed covers again 1…kick out with authority. Creed grabs the chair again and walks towards Stylez. Stylez sweeps his legs causing him to hit the mat hard followed by the chair landing on his face. Stylez then kicks Creed off the ring apron to the outside. On the outside, Stylez and Creed exchange some chops. Stylez then knees Creed in the gut and sends him face first into the steel post with force.

Stylez gets back in the ring and brings in Creed by his head from the outside. Stylez gives Creed a snapmare in the middle of the ring and follows that up with a dropkick to the jaw. Stylez covers Creed that results in a two count. Stylez then applies an abdominal stretch on Creed. Creed tries to fight out it and does with a quick hip toss. Stylez is quick to his feet and takes down Creed with a leg lariat. Stylez whips Creed into the ropes and catches him with a nasty looking spinning slam. Stylez pick up Creed and tosses him head first into the turnbuckle. He sits him on the top rope facing the crowd. He climbs to the top and attempts a flipping powerbomb. Creed looks to roll through and counter into a hurricaranna but Stylez hooks his legs around Creed’s arms and falls foreword hitting a Stylez Clash. He covers 1…2…kick out. Stylez jumps up and grabs the chair.

He bashes Creed in the back of the head and takes the chair to the top. He leaps off and hits the Downward Spiral with the chair!!! He rolls Creed over 1…2…Kick out!! He got a lot of impact on that one and Creed is writhing in pain. Stylez leans over the top rope looking to catch his breath. Creed sees an opportunity and rolls him up with two fists full of tights. 1…2… Stylez kicks out and launches Creed between the top and middle rope to the floor near the ramp. Stylez hits the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. He springs to the middle of the top rope and launches himself into a shooting star above Creed who is back on his feet as Stylez comes down on him he grabs his head and nails a DDT out of the shooting star. Both men are down and the ref is outside the ring checking on them. Both are back to their feet at the same time and climb back into the ring. Stylez and Creed meet in the middle of the ring with a big double clothesline.

Creed gets up quickly and gives Stylez a big German suplex. When Creed attempts a second, Stylez counters, he attempts a back elbow that spins him around but Creed ducks and hits a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Creed then hits a hard superkick that just crumples Stylez to the ground. Creed then hits one, two and three German suplexes on Stylez. Creed then signals for the end. Creed climbs to the top. Stylez gets up and trips up Creed on the top rope. Stylez comes up with Creed. Stylez hooks Creed, flips him up, Creed tries to counter from behind, but nails the back of his head on the mat. Stylez hits Creed with a shot to the jaw followed by a huge missile dropkick from the top on Creed. Stylez covers Creed…1…2…Creed kicks out!

Creed gets in a few chops on Stylez, but Stylez comes back with a thrust sidekick. He bounces off the ropes and Stylez lifts him up across his shoulder. Stylez hits a Cradleshock like maneuver on Creed, hooks the leg…1…2…Creed kicks out. Stylez can’t believe it. Stylez picks up Creed, goes for a figure four, Creed counters and locks in the Sharpshooter. Stylez reaches for the bottom rope, gets close and finally gets it as the referee tells Creed to break the hold. Creed then nails Stylez with some forearms and three more German suplexes. Creed then goes up to the top, jumps and connects with a moonsault. Creed hooks the leg of Stylez…1…2…Stylez kicks out!

Creed attempts the sharpshooter again. Stylez rolls out of it. Stylez is back to his feet and attempts the Icon Kiss, which Creed ducks and catches Stylez’s leg over his shoulder Creed lift Stylez up and nails a powerbomb keeps a hold of the legs and applies the Sharpshooter. Stylez is tapping out, but the referee was knocked out when Stylez rolled to dodge the original sharpshooter attempt. Creed breaks the sharpshooter and approaches the ref and begins to shake him. Stylez nails Creed on the back of the head with the chair!

Alex Creed is down on the mat and it looks like Johnny Stylez is going to pick up the win and keep his P:V career intact! Johnny Stylez walks over to the body of Alex Creed and he pulls him up ready to hit his finishing move the ‘Icon Kiss’, however as he nails the finishing move, a mysterious figure leaps out of the crowd and rolls into the ring! The fans wonder just who the man is as he grabs hold of Johnny Stylez and nails him with a snap DDT in the middle of the ring! The man tosses Johnny Stylez over the top rope and to the floor below, before pulling Alex Creed up and doing the same! The referee doesn’t really know what is going on, as the man grabs hold of him and slams him to the mat with a powerbomb! There is chaos in the ring as the mysterious man leaps out of the ring and makes his way back through the crowd leaving everyone down, but just who has the match won and who has to leave town?

WINNER: Nobody via double knockout

A Knight Welcome

The camera focuses on Curtis Knight coming in through the backstage entrance with what looks like the pink hood of a car with Mike Best’s face on it.

Standing by a coffee machine idly chatting are Zak from Icon Wrestling Organization, and Jun Kikenjin from Glory Wrestling Championship.

Jun – Look who’s here. One of the Project: Violence newbies. Ohhh the Xtreme champ. Whooopedeeeedoooooo.

Zak – Hey Knight. Pink’s a good color for ya. You here to join the Ror’s Real Men Wear Pink Club.

Curtis stops. Rests the pink car hood down, and looks at both men.

What do we have here?

He looks at Jun Kikenjin.

The opening act, and

Looks at Zak.

The after show.

Thanks guys. Every main event needs an opening act and after show. Keep up the mediocre work boys.

Curtis makes to pick up the pink hood and be on his way when suddenly both men come screaming at him. Curtis first swings the hood at Zak and nails him squarely in the chest knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying back knocking over the coffee machine spilling hot coffee everywhere.

He then looks at Jun Kikenjin who has stopped dead in his tracks and hoists the hood up over his head and brings it crashing down on Jun Kikenjin’s head knocking him to the ground.

The camera pans from Zak lying in a hip amongst the broken coffee machine and Jun Kikenjen lying unconscious on the floor at Curtis’ feet. The Camera then pans up to Curtis’ face which has a smirk on it.

Think pink boys.

The camera fades as Curtis is walking away with the pink hood.

Single Match
Pat Fullam vs. Eddie Flash

Pat Fullam blocks a punch by Eddie Flash, Pat Fullam applies an armbreaker. Pat Fullam tackles Eddie Flash. Pat Fullam gets up. Pat Fullam hits Eddie Flash with an elbowdrop. Pat Fullam pulls off a beautiful double leg-hook pinning combo. Referee David Campus makes the count. …1 Eddie Flash escapes. Eddie Flash places Pat Fullam over by the turnbuckle. Eddie Flash jumps off with a flying sommersault neckbreaker. Eddie Flash gets back to his feet. Eddie Flash throws Pat Fullam over the top rope, and out to the ringside area!

Eddie Flash follows! David Campus starts the count (.1) Pat Fullam climbs to his feet. (..2) Pat Fullam delivers a spinning backbreaker to Eddie Flash. Eddie Flash stands up. (…3) Eddie Flash chops Pat Fullam. (….4) Eddie Flash holds his head after receiving an earringer from Pat Fullam. (…..5) Pat Fullam carries Eddie Flash over to the steel ring post! Eddie Flash gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Now Eddie Flash standing. Eddie Flash hits Pat Fullam with the Harlem Sidekick! Eddie Flash sucks chants start in the crowd. Pat Fullam gets up. Pat Fullam leaps up, swings around Eddie Flash and DDT’s him onto the steel. Eddie Flash moves back to his feet.

Eddie Flash hits Pat Fullam with the spinebuster slam. Eddie Flash sucks chants start in the crowd. Eddie Flash is back on his feet. Eddie Flash whips Pat Fullam into the steel post! Pat Fullam is holding his shoulder in pain! David Campus starts the count (.1) Eddie Flash swings the microphone and hits Pat Fullam. (..2) Pat Fullam punches Eddie Flash in the gut. (…3) Pat Fullam kicks Eddie Flash in the groin. (….4) A flying shoulder block send Pat Fullam to the padded floor. Eddie Flash gets back to his feet. Pat Fullam stands up. (…..5) Eddie Flash climbs back into the ring, and Pat Fullam follows him. Pat Fullam pulls Eddie Flash’s hair. Pat Fullam with an Aztecan suplex on Eddie Flash sends him to the mat. Pat Fullam gets up. Eddie Flash is up again. Eddie Flash nails Pat Fullam with a double underhook suplex.

Eddie Flash puts Pat Fullam in the double reverse chinlock. Referee David Campus is checking for a tap out. … … (AHHHH!) … (AHHHH!) Eddie Flash breaks the hold. Eddie Flash hits a frog splash on Pat Fullam. Eddie Flash sucks chants start in the crowd. Eddie Flash moves back to his feet. Pat Fullam climbs to his feet. Pat Fullam executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on Eddie Flash from off the top rope. Pat Fullam is up again. Now Eddie Flash standing. Pat Fullam applies the hangman’s noose submission to Eddie Flash. David Campus is checking for a tap out. … Pat Fullam tightens the hold. … … (AHHHH!) … Eddie Flash trys to escape. Eddie Flash escapes. Pat Fullam clotheslines Eddie Flash over the top rope, but Pat Fullam falls over with him!

David Campus starts the count (.1) Pat Fullam swings the bell and hits Eddie Flash. Pat Fullam puts Eddie Flash on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Pat Fullam and Eddie Flash continue fighting on the entrance ramp. (..2) Pat Fullam on the tope rope, leaping, and connecting with a devistating diving headbutt. Pat Fullam gets back to his feet. Pat Fullam drags Eddie Flash towards the ringside area. (…3) (….4) Pat Fullam fist drops Eddie Flash on the padded floor. Pat Fullam gets back to his feet. (…..5) Pat Fullam and Eddie Flash head back into the ring. A corkscrew dropkick by Pat Fullam sends Eddie Flash to the mat. Now Pat Fullam standing.

Eddie Flash gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Pat Fullam. Eddie Flash dropkicks Pat Fullam. Eddie Flash sucks chants start in the crowd. Eddie Flash stands up. Eddie Flash unties the turnbuckle, exposing the steel! Eddie Flash whips Pat Fullam into the steel that the turnbuckle was covering! Eddie Flash climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Pat Fullam. Eddie Flash gets back to his feet. Eddie Flash jumps through the middle rope, and drags Pat Fullam from the ring, to the ringside area! David Campus starts the count (.1) (..2) Pat Fullam slaps Eddie Flash in the face. Pat Fullam gets back to his feet. (…3)

Pat Fullam delivers a short-arm clothesline to Eddie Flash. (….4) Pat Fullam stomps Eddie Flash’s head. Eddie Flash moves back to his feet. Eddie Flash hits a jumping elbow hrust on Pat Fullam. Eddie Flash sucks chants start in the crowd. Pat Fullam gets knocked on the ground and Eddie Flash flips onto him. Eddie Flash moves back to his feet. Pat Fullam climbs back into the ring, and Eddie Flash follows him. Eddie Flash hits the handspring moonsault on Pat Fullam. Pat Fullam gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Eddie Flash. Eddie Flash gives Pat Fullam a belly to back suplex! Pat Fullam gets hit with the Somersault Kick from Eddie Flash. The ref starts the count. …1 …2 …3!!

WINNER: Eddie Flash via pinfall

A Present

A little while later the camera finds Curtis Knight laying the pink hood down outside the men’s locker room. The camera follows him in. Inside the locker room is Brock with his back to the camera talking in the cell phone. Curtis looks beside the door and sees the same baseball bat that Brock brandished at him last week. He picks up the Louisville Slugger, looks at the camera and holds his index finger up to his lips.


Curtis quietly walks up behind Brock and reaches around and grabs the cell phone right out of his hand and clicks it off.

Brock turns around to start swinging when he comes face to face with the Louisville Slugger.

What’re you doin man that was my Mom.

could care less who that was Brock.

I just have some advice for you – keep your nose out of my match tonight. Comprende. If I see anyone from The Legends Club besides Best during that match tonight I’m gonna make you regret it.

Curtis smashes the bat into the locker right above Brock’s head denting it in.

Brock doesn’t even flinch. Just keeps staring intently at the big man in front of him.

We understood Brock.

Oh yeah you ever point this thing at me again. YOU WILL REGRET IT.

The camera fades centered on both men staring at each other.

Single Match
Iron Bull vs. J-Money

The bell rings and here we go. Both lock up and Iron Bull takes down J Money with a side headlock takeover. Iron Bull stands up with it still locked in, goes off the ropes, takes out J Money, but J Money fights back with a jumping hip toss. Iron Bull rolls to the outside. Iron Bull walks around the ring and rolls back in. Both lock up again, Iron Bull applies an armbar hammerlock takedown and keeps it locked on. J Money props up to attempt to break the move. Iron Bull drives his knee into J Money’s arm, but J Money fights back with a side headlock takeover of his own. Iron Bull sends J Money into the ropes and J Money explodes back hitting a shoulder block. Iron Bull goes to charge at J Money again and J Money stands his ground, causing Iron Bull to back off and roll out of the ring. A frustrated Iron Bull circles the ring and tells the camera man to get out of his face. A loud “Iron Bull SUCKS” chant starts up as Iron Bull gets back in the ring. Iron Bull gets in a kick to the gut on J Money followed by a quick uppercut. Iron Bull gets in a few hard rights in the corner on J Money, sends J Money into the opposite corner, charges, but J Money gets up his boots. J Money gives Iron Bull a scoop slam and drops two elbows to Iron Bull’s chest for a two count.

J Money grabs Iron Bull by the head and nails him face first off a few corners. J Money picks up a dazed Iron Bull and executes a sideslam for a two count. Iron Bull fights back with a release belly-to-belly suplex. As J Money gets up, Iron Bull gets in another quick uppercut forearm. Iron Bull kicks J Money on the ground near the corner and uses the rope for more leverage. Iron Bull grabs J Money and hits a quick snap suplex, covers, but gets a two count. Iron Bull applies a chokehold on J Money. J Money fights back with a sunset flip, but Iron Bull breaks out of it. Iron Bull then hits a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex on J Money. Iron Bull picks up J Money and then drives his knee into his head with force. Iron Bull picks up J Money again and does the same. Iron Bull applies a modified bearhug on J Money. J Money attempts a comeback, but Iron Bull hits a quick ddt into a cover for a two count. Iron Bull applies a body scissors on J Money. Iron Bull does his best to get both of J Money’s shoulders on the mat for a pinfall. J Money sits up at two on a few attempts. J Money then fights out of the body scissors with a quick DDT. Both exchange some rights and lefts until J Money explodes with a few clotheslines. J Money connects with a flying shoulder block on Iron Bull followed by a quick suplex for a two count.

J Money goes after Iron Bull again, taking him down and applying a headlock. Iron Bull counters out of the headlock into a big back suplex. However, in doing so J Money keeps the headlock on tight. Iron Bull tries to get in some offence, but each time J Money applies yet another side headlock takeover. Iron Bull tries to send J Money into the ropes, but J Money falls to his knee to prevent him keeping the headlock applied. They move to the corner and the referee breaks it up. J Money applies yet another side headlock taking down Iron Bull. Iron Bull fights back giving J Money a big elbow, shoulder block, but J Money fights back with a high hip toss. J Money applies a submission on Iron Bull’s right arm. Iron Bull reverses into a pin on J Money, J Money reverses back into a pin on Iron Bull. They continue to go back and forth a few more times. Iron Bull shows his strength lifting J Money in the air still in the submission, but J Money counters into a pinfall for a two count. J Money goes right back to another side headlock to stop any type of offence from Iron Bull. Iron Bull pushes J Money to the corner and gets in some hard rights. J Money counters getting in some of his own. Iron Bull then applies an arm bar, but J Money counters out of it and clotheslines Iron Bull over the top rope going along for the ride.

J Money takes off the top of the announcers table and quickly rolls back in and out of the ring to break the 10 count. Iron Bull grabs J Money and attempts a suplex on J Money through the announcers table. J Money counters out of it, but Iron Bull comes back looking to hit a back suplex, but finishes it off by dumping J Money back first into the steel ring post with impact. The referee starts the count when Iron Bull goes back out and starts to work on J Money with some hard rights and lefts. Iron Bull rolls J Money back in the ring and gives him a big suplex, covers, but only gets a two count. Iron Bull applies a body scissors around J Money and drives his forearm into his face. J Money fights back with some punches to the ribs and a few chops in the corner. Iron Bull sends J Money to the corner with force, with J Money flipping up, flipping back down and Iron Bull giving J Money brain buster. Iron Bull hits another, covers, but only gets a two count. Iron Bull applies a modified camel clutch, sitting on the back of J Money. Both get on their feet and J Money fights back with a few chops. Iron Bull quickly takes down J Money with a huge clothesline. Iron Bull covers, but only gets a two count. Iron Bull puts J Money on the top rope. J Money is sitting up on the top rope. Iron Bull comes up trying to lift him off. J Money fights back, knocking Iron Bull off the top. J Money gets up, jumps, but misses the flying elbow when Iron Bull moved out of the way. Iron Bull attempts the spine buster, but J Money counters into an arm drag. Iron Bull charges at J Money, but J Money lifts him over the top rope and Iron Bull hits the outside with impact.

Iron Bull gets up on the outside and J Money gets up on the top rope. As J Money jumps, he appeared to trip a bit and his knee looked to have come across Iron Bull’s face as he came down. J Money gets up on the ring apron, Iron Bull jumps up looking to hit a German suplex off the ring apron. J Money gets in a few elbows followed by a low blow using his boot. The crowd boo’s at seeing this. J Money kicks Iron Bull away who falls on top of the announcers table. J Money springboards off the second rope and comes down hard on Iron Bull. The table does not break when this happens though. The referee starts the 10 count as the fans chant along with. Both Iron Bull and J Money start to crawl towards the ring. Both get in the ring at 9. Iron Bull is bleeding from the mouth at this point. They stand in front of each other as J Money gets in a few punches and chops. J Money takes out Iron Bull with a flying forearm. Iron Bull charges and J Money takes him down with a few punches and an inverted atomic drop. J Money hits a double arm ddt on Iron Bull in the middle of the ring, goes up to the top, jumps and connects with the flying elbow. J Money backs up into the corner and sets up for the Problem. Iron Bull gets up, J Money charges, Iron Bull blocks grabbing J Money head and hitting a bulldog. Iron Bull locks in a single leg crab J Money tries to roll out of it, but Iron Bull keeps it locked on with force.

J Money reaches for the bottom rope. He can’t get it on one side, but gets it on the other. Iron Bull breaks the hold and taunts at J Money to get up. Iron Bull goes for the Spinebuster, J Money counters out of it, but Iron Bull applies the crab again. J Money counters that into a quick two count pinfall. J Money goes for a running calf kick, but Iron Bull counters into a big spinebuster! Iron Bull covers…1…2…J Money kicks out! Iron Bull gets up on the top rope, jumps, attempts a big moonsault, but J Money moves out of the way before he can feel the impact. J Money gets up on the top rope, but Iron Bull jumps up and hits a back suplex. Iron Bull covers…1…2…J Money kicks out again! The fans are going nuts. Iron Bull grabs J Money and yells at him to give up. J Money then knocks him out with a Step Up Enziguri. J Money stays down for a bit, but eventually crawls over, gets an arm over Iron Bull’s chest…1…2…Iron Bull gets a shoulder up. Iron Bull out of nowhere applies an ankle lock on J Money as J Money starts to stand up. J Money starts to scream in pain, trying to fight out of it, but Iron Bull keeps it applied. J Money jumps in the air moving toward any rope he can get, but Iron Bull pulls him away each time. Iron Bull falls to the mat and applies it even more. J Money looks to tap, stops himself, J Money finds the strength to get to the ropes.

The crowd can’t believe that J Money managed to get to the ropes and neither can Iron Bull! J Money rises up to his feet and Iron Bull stares across the ring at his foe. Iron Bull sprints towards J Money who is leaning against the ropes, but as he does J Money drops his shoulder and back body drops Iron Bull over the top rope! Iron Bull hits hard on the outside of the ring as J Money drops to the mat and rolls under the bottom rope! J Money meets Iron Bull on the outside of the ring with some big right and left hands as the referee begins to count both men out! Iron Bull tries to battle back on J Money with some punches of his own, before clotheslining J Money over the security barrier! The referee calls one last time for both men to take it back into the ring, but with both men brawling through the crowd, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the match to be stopped through a double countout!

The fans boo the decision by the referee as J Money and Iron Bull continue to trade right and left hands in the middle of the fans!

WINNER: Nobody via double countout

Sort It Out!

We head backstage to the office of Paige, the manager of P:V and she does not seem happy as she speaks to the referee of the Alex Creed vs. Johnny Stylez loser leaves town match then ended in a draw earlier in the night.

Paige: “What the hell happened out there?

Referee: “Didn’t you see? Some lunatic jumped out of the crowd and took out Stylez, Creed and myself!”

Paige: “I saw what happened, but why didn’t you do anything about it?”

Referee: “What could I do, he was a strong guy and I am only a referee!”

Paige: “This is Project:Violence for fucks sake, can’t you do anything? I promised the fans that either Stylez or Creed would leave P:V tonight and have there career’s cut short, but now what am I supposed to do?”

Referee: “No offence Paige, but Creed and Stylez aren’t exactly doing great here in P:V, how about you just get rid of both of them?”

Paige: “Interesting idea, but I promised the fans that these two would fight it out for there contracts. I have a little something I can do. They can have a rematch at Vindication and the loser will leave P:V, but if some one interferes like tonight, then Creed and Stylez will be joined when they are getting there P45’s by you! Make sure it doesn’t happen again!”

Paige sends the referee out of her office, feeling as if he is being treated rather unfairly.

Single Match
Curtis Knight vs. Mike Best

Krypronite by Three Doors Down hits the sound system. Green lighning starts flickering on the tron. Then an ornate silver sword comes down and then two more come in diagonly from the right and keft corners to pierce the first sword to form a K. Preen pyro and smoke hit. Curtis Knight walks out throught the green smoke and saunters down to the ring. He then gets up onto the apron and steps over the top rope.

Curtis walks out wearing the Xtreme Championship belt, but he is also carrying a pink car hood with Mike Best’s face painted on it. The hood is a little dented.

Announcer: What the hell. It looks like Curtis Knight is carrying a pink car hood with Mike Best’s face painted on it. What can the purpose of this be?

Curtis walks down the ramp about half way and stops. Looks into the audience to his right. Finds what he is looking for, and lays the hood down on the entrance ramp. He steps over the barricade and makes his way through the audience and stops.

Curtis grabs a man about 6 seats from the barricade. He could be heard shouting.


He drags the man over the barricade.

He holds the mans head down near the hood.


He picks Dave the car salesman up and lifts up the hood. He then makes both Dave and pink car hood together in a load thump. Dave slumps to the ground.

A medic rushes out to check on the man. He helps the groggy man to his feet and escorts him out the entrance.

Curtis picks up the severely dented hood and continues down the entrance ramp.

Once down to the ring Curtis lays the Pink hood to the side next to the announcer table. Looks at it for a moment then looks to the audience.


He then steps up onto the ring apron and steps over the top rope and gets ready for the match.

The lights in the arena dim as two lone dice roll out on the tron. On one die, the name “Mike” is printed, and the other reads “Best”. The dice explode as pyro bursts from the stage and “Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace begins to pump through the sound system. A chorus of boos begins as a smug looking Mike Best steps through the curtain, blowing kisses and waving towards the source of the jeers. He struts down the ramp, rolling under the ropes and into the ring.

Mike Best rolls out of the ring suddenly, heading to the timekeeper’s table. He gets a microphone from the ring announcer and begins walking towards the far side of the ring, near the guard rail.

Mike: Ladies and gentlemen, before this match begins I’d just like to say thank you to Curtis Knight for all the hard work and preparation it took him to get to this point tonight. It takes a lot of personal training to lose to Michael Best, and I’m positive you can get the job done here tonight and get your shoulders pinned to the mat. As a special thanks to you, in fact, I’d like to present a very… special… guest. Someone who came here just to see you tonight, Curtis. He is an honorary member of The Legend’s Club for one night only, I introduce to you all…

He walks to the crowd, taking an older man by the arm and raising it up into the air. Curtis Knight’s face is one of sheer horror as he realizes what’s going on.

Mike: YOUR FATHER, Curtis Knight! See, when old pops here heard that I was gonna kick your ass this week at Uprising, he just couldn’t help but be here. After all, after all the years of beating and bruising your sensitive ass, why shouldn’t he take a night off and watch someone who’s a trained athlete do it? This is your life, Curtis Knight. Let me know when you’re ready to have it ended.

He rolls back into the ring and goes nose to nose with Knight, dropping the microphone and smirking devilishly at his opponent. Both men are heaving and ready to snap as the referee holds them apart so the match can begin.

Curtis Knight brings out a page from Ric Flair’s handbook, eye poking Mike Best. Curtis Knight gets caught with an elbow smash to the face. Curtis Knight slaps Mike Best in the face. Curtis Knight gets up. Mike Best goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex but Curtis Knight dodges the attack. Mike Best and Curtis Knight move from the ring to the guardrail Mike Best whips Curtis Knight into the guardrail! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Mike Best whips Curtis Knight with the camera cables.

Curtis Knight hits Mike Best with a Baba chop. (..2) Mike Best jumps from the top and nails Curtis Knight with a flying axhandle smash. Curtis Knight climbs back into the ring, and Mike Best follows him. Curtis Knight bends over as Mike Best elbows him in the midsection. Mike Best holds his chin after Curtis Knight pulls off a jawbreaker. Now Curtis Knight standing. Curtis Knight pulls off a beautiful double leg-hook pinning combo. The ref starts the count. …1 Mike Best kicks out. Mike Best gets back to his feet.

A side kick by Mike Best turns the match around by knocking Curtis Knight to the mat. Mike Best stands up. Mike Best flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Mike Best is up again. Mike Best covers Curtis Knight. The ref starts the count. …1 Curtis Knight escapes. Curtis Knight is up again. Curtis Knight dazed by the turnbuckle, Mike Best leaps off, diving over Curtis Knight’s head,pulling off a neckbreaker Mike Best stands up. Curtis Knight goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Mike Best dodges the attack. Curtis Knight spinning mule kicks Mike Best. Curtis Knight knife edge chops Mike Best. Curtis Knight connects with a low blow. Mike Best goes down. Mike Best climbs to his feet. Mike Best was just bitten by Curtis Knight!

Curtis Knight uses a closed fist on Mike Best. Mike Best bounces Curtis Knight off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Mike Best sucks chants start in the crowd. Mike Best clotheslines Curtis Knight over the top rope, but Mike Best falls over with him! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Mike Best swings the bell and hits Curtis Knight. Mike Best hits the handspring moonsault on Curtis Knight. Mike Best carries Curtis Knight up the entrance ramp! (..2) Mike Best chokes Curtis Knight with the microphone cables. Mike Best tiger suplexes Curtis Knight, bringing him crashing down to the steel. Curtis Knight is back on his feet.

Mike Best drags Curtis Knight towards the ringside area. (…3) Mike Best swings the bell and hits Curtis Knight. (….4) A flying shoulder block send Curtis Knight to the padded floor. Mike Best climbs to his feet. (…..5) Mike Best pulls himself into the ring, and so does Curtis Knight Mike Best hits Curtis Knight with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Mike Best is back on his feet. Curtis Knight moves back to his feet. Curtis Knight comes running with flying head scissors, whipping Mike Best across the mat. Curtis Knight gets back to his feet. Mike Best is locked in an elbow submission by Curtis Knight. Milford Shaner asks Mike Best if he quits. … … Mike Best trys to escape. … Curtis Knight tightens the hold. …

Curtis Knight breaks the hold. Curtis Knight and Mike Best move from the ring to the steel post Mike Best is in trouble here as Curtis Knight slams him shoulder first into the steel ring post! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Curtis Knight swings a chair and hits Mike Best. Mike Best is bleeding as a result. Mike Best stands up. (..2) Mike Best attempts to kick Curtis Knight, but Curtis Knight catches his leg. Mike Best flips around and kicks Curtis Knight. (…3) Mike Best jumps and elbow smashes the lying Curtis Knight. Now Mike Best standing. Curtis Knight stands up. (….4) Mike Best holds his head after recieving an earringer from Curtis Knight. (…..5) Curtis Knight throws Mike Best onto the entrance ramp.

Curtis Knight drags Mike Best towards the ringside area. Curtis Knight carries Mike Best over to the steel steps! Curtis Knight with an illegal chokehold on Mike Best. Mike Best hits Curtis Knight with an earringer. Curtis Knight punishes Mike Best with a swinging neckbreaker. Mike Best gets up. Curtis Knight trys for a DDT but Mike Best avoids it. Curtis Knight slams Mike Best into the steel steps! Mike Best doesn’t look good! Milford Shaner starts the count (.1) Curtis Knight swings the microphone and hits Mike Best . (..2) Curtis Knight explodes Mike Best’s back with an excellent spinning backbreaker. Mike Best is up again. (…3) Mike Best executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Curtis Knight. Curtis Knight climbs to his feet. (….4) Curtis Knight pulls a fist to the midsection of Mike Best out of nowhere. Flying kick by Mike Best takes Curtis Knight down. (…..5) Curtis Knight is holding his neck after he receives a flying legdrop to the throat by Mike Best.

Mike Best is up again. Mike Best and Curtis Knight continue fighting on the entrance ramp. (……6) Mike Best chokes Curtis Knight with the microphone cables. Mike Best with a jumping DDT on Curtis Knight. Now Mike Best standing. Now Curtis Knight standing. Mike Best drags Curtis Knight towards the ringside area. (…….7) Mike Best and Curtis Knight head back into the ring. Mike Best gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Curtis Knight. Flying somersault drop kick by Mike Best puts him back in the match. Mike Best stands up. Curtis Knight hits with a mule kick. Mike Best on the mat, and Curtis Knight with a measured fist drop.

Curtis Knight climbs to his feet. Mike Best nails Curtis Knight with a springboard dropkick. Mike Best is back on his feet. Mike Best goes into his tights….Mike Best pulls out some powder! Curtis Knight gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Mike Best sucks chants start in the crowd. Mike Best executes a flying headbutt on Curtis Knight. Mike Best is back on his feet. Mike Best jumps and elbow smashes the lying Curtis Knight. Mike Best gets up. Curtis Knight is back on his feet. Mike Best comes running with flying head scissors, whipping Curtis Knight across the . Mike Best sucks chants start in the crowd. Mike Best stands up. Mike grabs hold of Curtis Knight and nails him with the famous ‘Mike Effect’ finishing move! Mike Best goes for a pin. Referee Milford Shaner makes the count. …1 …2 …3

WINNER: Mike Best via pinfall


Backstage new P:V interviewer Chrystal Chapman is standing outside the locker room of Brutal Steve. Chrystal knocks on the door of Brutal Steve hoping to get an exclusive interview with the man that will fight at the first ever P:V PPV for the P:V Championship against Mike Best, however it seems that Brutal Steve has already made his way to the ring for his match against Brock tonight as there is no answer. However as Chrystal turns to walk away, she comes face to face with head interviewer Cara Slapalot.

Cara: “Hey.”

Chrystal: “Hey how’s it going?”

Cara: “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

Chrystal: “Excuse me?”


Chrystal: “I was hoping to get an interview with Brutal Steve tonight, he has a big match on Sunday.”

Cara: “Look honey, I know that you are new here so I will cut you a little slack. All the big names here in P:V, Brutal Steve, Mike Best, the Legends Club ect, they are my territory. Just keep your hands off and start off at the bottom where you belong!”

Chrystal scowls at Cara who stares her down, before walking away!

Single Match
Brock vs. Brutal Steve

With Brutal Steve already at ringside, the screen lights up as Brocks music starts and then fades with Brocks voice beginning. the camera pans to Brock.,…with a Christmas background,.. with Brock in a Santa hat. ” Ladies and gentlemen, being the holiday season,.. i felt a need for some giving. as an act of good will i have invited 12 underprivileged children to Project Violence in what im calling Project:Holiday…”

The camera pans to the audience where 12 supervised orphans and underprivileged sit beaming with holiday cheer.

“Sometimes in the business we get caught up in all the fighting and anger,.. that we could become bad people,.. even lying to our friends,.. telling them mean things that aren’t true,… allegations like the one that i have been stealing legs,.. which i assure you is a lie. and as one more sign of goodwill,..”

Brocks music starts and the spotlight hits the ramp. Brock walks out onto the ramp with a small cute little puppy.,… complete with a red bow and everything. Brock Lifts the mic in the other hand to his mouth.

“as a way to say good luck,.. and Happy Holidays,.. this puppy is for you Steve.”

Brock walks to the edge of the ring and places the puppy on the canvas,.. he quickly scampers over near Steve,… and is then picked up by a Referee and showed to Steve before being taken to ringside.

“Steve. i just want to let you know im not here to take your legs,… im not your enemy,.. but if you want to fight then im more than happy to be a good sport…

The mic drops and the bell rings..

The bell rings and Brock goes for Brutal Steve’s leg right away and takes him off his feet. Brutal Steve kicks out and shoves Brock into the corner. Brock steps forward and gets in a quick fireman’s carry, but can’t get in a pinfall as Brutal Steve blocks it. Brutal Steve grabs Brock by the hands and wrenches on them bringing him to his knees in pain. Brock backs up to the corner, gets up on the second rope, kicks Brutal Steve in the chest, but Brutal Steve grabs Brock and launches him off to the mat. Brutal Steve stares down Brock who leaves the ring and reassess his situation.

At this point Mike Best and his manager come out onto the stage.

Brock gets back in the ring and Brutal Steve applies a side headlock. Brock tries to shoot Brutal Steve off the ropes, but Brutal Steve plants himself and keeps the headlock applied on Brock. Brock moves Brutal Steve to the corner and gets in a few shoulder blocks breaking up the headlock. Brutal Steve misses a charge in the opposite corner when Brock moves away. Brock backs up staring down Brutal Steve who smiles back at Brock. Both lock up in the middle of the ring and Brutal Steve applies the headlock yet again. Brock tries to break out of it and almost does when Brutal Steve quickly adds more pressure. Brock again attempts to break out and does with a big elbow to the gut. Brock goes off the ropes and Brutal Steve hits him with a shoulder block followed by a big body slam.

Brock leaves the ring to get a breather. Brutal Steve then peeks through the second rope and chokes Brock, lifting him up onto the ring apron. Brutal Steve continues to lift up Brock when Brock counters and drops Brutal Steve neck first over the top rope. Brock goes up to the top, jumps and connects with a big leg drop! Brock covers…1…2…Brutal Steve kicks out. Brock quickly goes after Brutal Steve with some stiff kicks and then applies a body scissors submission. The referee attends to Brutal Steve and asks him if he wants to give up. Brutal Steve shakes his head and tries to break free of the full body submission by Brock. Brutal Steve rolls over, gets up on one knee, then both feet with Brock on his back and backs Brock into the corner. Brock then runs at Brutal Steve and nails him with a dropkick to the lower back. Brutal Steve grabs his injured lowered back in pain as Brock grabs him and applies a single leg Boston crab submission.

Brutal Steve eventually gets a hand on the bottom rope to break the submission. Brock dropkicks Brutal Steve in the face as he’s trying to get to his feet. Brock then applies a Camel Clutch on Brutal Steve and then falls back applying a rear naked choke along with a body scissors. Brutal Steve turns over and is able to lift up Brock and counter into a bear hug. Brock slaps Brutal Steve on both sides of his head to break up the bear hug and then gives him a drop toe hold when he charges. Brock grabs Brutal Steve by the legs, attempts to turn him over, but Brutal Steve counters into a small package for a close two count. Brock gets up quickly and drives his forearm into the lower back of Brutal Steve. Brock then gets in a few right hands to Brutal Steve’s chest in the corner.

Brock then dodges a charge from Brutal Steve. Brock nails Brutal Steve with a right hand and Brutal Steve charges Brock into the corner with some powerful shoulder charges. Brutal Steve hits a back body drop on Brock followed by a quick spear. Brutal Steve picks up Brock, lifts him up into a powerbomb, but Brock rolls off and attempts a roll up for a pinfall. Brutal Steve grabs Brock by the neck, lifts him up and comes down in a spine buster. Brutal Steve hooks the leg on Brock…1…2…kick out. Brutal Steve attempts a splash off the ropes on Brock, but Brock lifts up his knees that Brutal Steve hits on his way down. Brock picks up Brutal Steve and executes a hard piledriver. Brock goes up to the top,

Brock leaps and connects with a leg drop and quickly locks in the Brock Lock. Steve fights but finally is forced to tap out. Best slides into the ring and begins to stomp Steve but Steve fights back with a big boot but Brock chop blocks him and Best and Brock begin the beat down. Best tells Brock to hold Steve up.

Best sets him up and nails the Mike Effect. Curtis Knight slides into the ring and grabs Brock in the Dragon Tamer. Best sees this and comes after Knight who drops Brock and prepares to fight. Brock and Best slide out of the ring as Knight looks on at them.

WINNER: Brock via submission

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