sVo Vendetta 2011
27th March 2011
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas Nevada

Justice – Genesis hits the sound system as the sVo Vendetta 2011 entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring highlights of all the build up to tonight’s matches.

As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.


You Hear Me Knocking…‘Must Kill’ by Cavalera Conspiracy suddenly explodes from the speakers and the V – Tron flickers to life revealing a disturbing yellow smiley face with one word coming to life over the image: INTREPID. The crowd reacts violently because they are in no mood to withstand another rant from sVo’s newest member Intrepid. The music continues to pulse through the venue and the entrance flashes from the strobe lights that accompany it when Intrepid finally steps onto the ramp.

He stares out at the crowd through the eyelets of his mask absorbing their punishment before sprinting toward the ring. He slides in on his stomach and pushes himself onto his feet. The music comes to a screeching halt and the only sound heard is that of a very angry crowd. He slowly raises the microphone toward his masked face.

Intrepid: Behold…I stand at the door…and knock: if Sheldon hears my voice, then open this door, so that I may come in to contend with him, and he with me.

Intrepid stands firmly in the center of the ring appearing exhilarated by the abuse he receives from the crowd as he waits for Sheldon’s response. Nothing happens and Intrepid continues to remain hooked in the center of the ring.

Intrepid: What shall your answer be?

Without the fanfare of any music Sheldon slowly walks out onto the entrance shaking his head in disbelief and gazes at his newest adversary with interest before raising the microphone toward his face.

Sheldon Hossteder: Since you’ve arrived here in the sVo you have done nothing but torrment me. You set me up two weeks ago on Showdown. After that you assaulted a very good friend of mine. You have me so far off my game that I lost my last two matches and you come out here to ask me if I’ll open your metaphorical door? If the chance to stop you from terrorizing the rest of the sVo is on the otherside of that door then you can consider me standing ready to kick it off it’s hinges.

Intrepid: Now that you have clearly seen what The Voices have in store for you and me, I will honor this time for you to prepare. For The Great Campaign is soon to begin and you will need all the strength you can find, if you are to contend with me and win.

‘Must Kill’ by Cavalera Conspiracy explodes again as Intrepid drops his microphone in the middle of the ring and rolls out of the ring. He continues to hop over the nearby barricade and travels up an empty aisle and exits the venue. The music continues to abuse everyone’s ears as they stand confused, including Sheldon and think about the garbage this newcomer had said.‘My Way’ by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the arena fills with boos as the massive Chezina and Chivo Rodriguez steps onto the top of the entrance ramp! Chezina holds his hands up in the air before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Chivo towers over the fans lining the entrance ramp, and as he steps up onto the ring apron, he is able to step over the top rope with ease! Chezina struts around the ring for a few seconds to show his dominance before preparing for the match to get under-way.

Natasha Ortiz: “The following match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall, coming to the ring first, the Rodriguez Brothers, Chivo and Chezina!!”

Newjack by Justice hits the sound system and there are boos around the arena as Nirvana and the Scarlet Lady slowly make their way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. The super villians look to be in confident mood as they roll into the ring under the bottom rope and taunt to the crowd from opposite sides of the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: “And their opponents, Nirvana and the Scarlet Lady!!”

Very suddenly, the lights go dark and the audience is abuzz with confusion. After a few moments of being plunged in darkness, the V-Tron lights up. The screen is almost blindingly white. Very slowly and eerily, the song “This Night” by Black Lab slithers over the PA system. The screen changes from white to an awkwardly angled shot of a mans’ legs. The footage is in black and white, very grainy and poorly lit. The shot zooms back a bit and stops short of you being able to see the back of the mans’ head. He wears a dark leather jacket and a black baton bag is slung over one shoulder. He stands stoically as other people bustle around him on the busy city street. He flicks a now finished cigarette to the ground and grinds it out with the heel of one of his combat boots. He begins to methodically work his way towards a clock tower in the distance. The camera follows behind him closely, still not able to see his head.

There are things
I have done
There’s a place
I have gone
There’s a beast
And I let it run
Now it’s running . . .
My way

There are things
I regret
To can’t forgive
You can’t forget
There’s a gift
That you sent
You sent it . . .
My way

He makes his way over to the clock tower and slowly opens the door to enter it. The camera continues to follow behind him as he purposefully stalks up the stairs.

So take this night
Wrap it around me like a sheet
I know I’m not forgiven
But I need a place to sleep
So take this night
And lay me down on the street
I know I’m not forgiven
But I hope that I’ll be given . . .
Some peace

The still unidentified man reaches the top of the clock tower. He pushes through some heavy doors and makes his way out on to the top of the structure. He sets the baton bag down and begins to assemble what appears to be a sniper rifle that was in pieces. He gently and carefully puts the weapon together and the camera now focuses on his fingers fiddling with the dials on the scope. He finishes and hefts up the weapon.

There’s a game
That I play
There are rules
I had to break
There’s mistakes
That I made
But I made them . . .
My way

The man slowly strides over towards the edge of the clock tower. He carefully positions himself, shouldering the weapon and taking aim at the dozens of people who are unknowing of his presence. The shot now drifts past the man, hovering out over the courtyard and looking down on the innocents below.

So take this night
Wrap it around me like a sheet
I know I’m not forgiven
But I need a place to sleep
So take this night
And lay me down on the street
I know I’m not forgiven
But I hope that I’ll be given . . .
Some peace . . .
Some peace . . .
Some peace

As the song begins to come to a close, the shot slowly circles around back towards the clock tower. The poor quality of the film obscures the man from view. And as the final moments of the song fade out, the shot fades to black. There is silence and darkness, before the loud report of a high caliber rifle jumps almost every audience member out of their seats. The V-Tron turns white again, and then a date slowly materializes in blood red lettering.


This fades off of the V-Tron and the lights almost immediately come back on. The audience is left in silent confusion…..

With all four competitors in the ring the referee calls for the bell to be rung and for the action to get started! Nirvana starts the match off with a tie up up against Chezina Rodriguez, and the former Tag Team Champion shows off his power by pushing Nirvana back into the corner of the ring and opening up on him with some massive body shots. The fans give a mixed reaction to the giant as he pulls Nirvana out of the corner of the ring and sends him down to the mat with a side slam. Nirvana slowly begins to rise up to his feet, but Chezina catches him with a right hand before making the tag out to his brother Chivo.

Chivo climbs into the ring and stomps away on Nirvana as the mad villain slowly begins to rise to his feet. The former Tag Team Champions look to be in control of this match early on against the newcomers, however as Chivo whips Nirvana into the ropes, Nirvana counters by bouncing back and landing a dropkick to the knees of his opponent! Chivo holds his legs in pain, and Nirvana lays into him with a punching combination. Chivo looks to be swaying on his feet until Nirvana is able to bounce back into the ropes and knock him off of his feet with a big clothesline.

Chivo quickly rises up to his feet, but Nirvana manages to catch him with some punches to the back of the head. Chivo now looks to be reeling, as Nirvana follows up with a head butt combo onto his opponent to send him down to the mat. With Chivo down, Nirvana quickly heads to the top rope before leaping down with a rolling knee drop onto Chivo! The fans boo the move from the super villain as he makes the cover on Chivo.




Chezina is able to break up the three count with a stomp to the back of the head of Nirvana. The referee orders Chezina back out of the ring and onto the apron, and as he does Nirvana takes advantage with some kicks to Chivo whilst he is trying to get up before making the tag out to the Scarlet Lady. The Scarlet Lady quickly jumps into the ring and executes a perfect dropkick on Chivo to send him down to the mat as he tries to get up. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as the Scarlet Lady goes to work on Chivo with some mounted punches, before rising to her feet and bouncing off of the ring ropes before landing an elbow drop on Chivo.

The huge Chivo Rodriguez begins to get up to his feet, but as he does the Scarlet Lady manages to plant him down to the mat with a facebuster. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as she makes the cover.




Chivo manages to kick out before the three!

The Scarlet Lady pulls herself up to her feet and begins to kick stiffly in the direction of Chivo as he slowly begins to get up. The Scarlet Lady quickly grabs hold of her opponents arm and tries to whip him into the ropes, however Chivo is able to use his strength to block the move and pull the Scarlet Lady back towards him before grabbing her around the throat! The fans give a mixed reaction as Chivo lifts the Scarlet Lady up into the air before nailing her with a huge chokeslam!

Both competitors are now down with Chezina and Nirvana both looking for tags into the match! Chivo and the Scarlet Lady both crawl across, but it is Chivo who is able to make the tag out before the Scarlet Lady! Chezina rushes across and knocks Nirvana off of the ring apron with a big right hand! The fans give a mixed reaction as Chezina turns his attention back towards the Scarlet Lady, bouncing off of the ring ropes before planting her with a big boot to the face! The Scarlet Lady looks like she could be out cold as Chezina picks her up with ease, and plants her with a huge powerbomb in the middle of the ring! As Nirvana struggles back to his feet on the outside of the ring Chezina makes the cover on the Scarlet Lady!




This one is all over, and just when it looked like the Super Villains were going to pick up the win, the former sVo Tag Team Champions manage to pull out a victory! Chezina and Chivo both stand in the middle of the ring with their hands high in the air as their music blasts out over the sound system.

Natasha Ortiz: “The winners of this match as a result of a pinfall, the Rodriguez Brothers!!”BACKSTAGE

What We Fight For Pt.1The scene heads backstage to the Company HQ, high above the Goodfellas Casino Arena. Instead of the usual faceless suits that usually inhabit the luxury lounge, the room is filled with Matt Anderson and the five members of the Company Organised Chaos team who will be taking on the rebels in the main event tonight with the future of the sVo on the line.

Matt Anderson: ‘Gentlemen, you keep up your end of the bargin tonight and all this will be yours.’

Nightmare stares straight ahead whilst JVD, Benedict Wilson, DJ and Rey Rosario look around at the surroundings.

Matt Anderson: ‘Tonight we take out Jon Page and his little group once and for all. Starting from next week the whole of the sVo is ours. The fate is in your hands gentlemen, don’t let us down.’

The four men look around at each other, but Nightmare continues to stare at Anderson.

Nightmare: ‘Just remember our deal Anderson.’

Anderson and Nightmare stare each other down as the rest of the team look at each other wondering what deal Nightmare and Anderson have struck together.As Vendetta returns from a commercial break all eleven competitors for the following elimination match are in the ring and ready to get things started. All of the competitors eye each other up as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the action to get underway! The two bitter rivals Achilles Young and Skiddalz quickly pair off and begin to hammer each other with big punches in the corner of the ring, with Skiddalz gaining the upper hand over Achilles Young to the delight of the crowd. Meanwhile England takes down Tyler Matthews with a spear tackle in the middle of the ring whilst Sean Maverick floors Asesino with a big head butt. The Black Out attempts a spinning heel kick on Jack Heart only for the Londoner to duck under the kick and plant his masked opponent with a big DDT. In the opposite side of the ring Jackson and Mr Heart come to blows as Lucas Greene seems happy to lean back in the corner and watch the action unfold!

The BlackOut slowly begins to rise up to his feet after being dropped on his head, but Jack Heart carries on the offence with some big right hands to his masked face. BlackOut finally reaches a standing position and manages to counter on Jack Heart with a clothesline. Heart pulls himself up to his feet using the ring ropes, but Black Out is straight back on him with a knee to the midsection followed by a snap suplex. Jack Heart hits the mat hard and Black Out rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans. The Black Out grabs hold of Heart by his head and pulls him up to his feet before positioning him in a waist lock for a German suplex. However as Black Out tries to hit the move, Jack Heart is able to counter with a go behind into a roll up on The Black Out!




There are cheers from the fans as Jack Heart manages to score a pin fall on The Black Out with 13:28 left on the clock! With Jack Heart now the man to beat he tries to exit the ring, however amongst all of the brawling amongst the rest of the competitors he is caught with a trip from behind by Asesino! The ‘Assassin’ stomps away on Jack Heart as he tries to crawl out of the ring under the bottom rope, before pulling him back up by his foot. Jack Heart throws a big right in the direction of Asesino, however Asesino manages to duck under the punch and grab Jack Heart by the arms before planting him to the mat with the ‘Asesino Unprettier’! The fans boo loudly for the move as Asesino makes the cover on Jack Heart!




Asesino is now the man to beat with the big pin fall over Jack Heart, however before he can even get up to his feet following the pin fall at 11:48, he is nailed with a big kick to the head from Sean Maverick! Asesino staggers up to his feet holding his head in pain, but as he does he is caught by Maverick who bounces off of the ropes before delivering the ‘British Blitzekrieg’! The fans boo the move from the man from Manchester, but he doesn’t seem to care as he pulls Asesino up before dropping him with the ‘London Calling’ into a cover.




It is Sean Maverick with the cover and is now the man to beat, but can he hold on for another eight minutes and fifty two seconds? As the competitors brawl to try and get the advantage on each other Maverick is attacked from behind by Achilles Young! Young knocks Sean Maverick down to the mat with a bulldog takedown before making the cover himself! However just when it looks like Young is able to score the pin fall Maverick is able to kick out before the three count!

Achilles Young looks dissapointed as he rises up to his feet and stares down at Sean Maverick on the mat. Achilles Young stands in wait for Maverick, but as he does Jackson grabs hold of Achilles Young from behind and tosses him over the top rope! Sean Maverick slowly rises up to his feet and is grabbed by Jackson! The newcomer gets a cheer from the fans as the former WWA star drops Sean Maverick down with a ‘Ride the Lightening’! With Maverick down, Jackson makes the cover!




There is now only five minutes and thirty seconds on the clock, and it is Jackson who is currently in pole position to win the match! Jackson rises up to his feet and begins to knock people away with big right hands, until England is able to duck inside one of Jackson’s punches and catch him with a running knee to the face! Jackson stumbles over in pain, but as he does Tyler Matthews rolls through into the cover and grabs hold of Jackson’s trunks, making it impossible for him to kick out and ease for Matthews to pick up the three count!

The fans boo the move from Matthews as he picks up the pin fall on the four minutes mark, but as he rises up to his feet and celebrates he doesn’t notice England step up behind him! The fans cheer England on as he spins Matthews around and lays into him with some big right hands! England backs him into the corner of the ring before lifting him up onto the top rope! The fans cheer as England sends Matthews crashing back down to the mat with a super-plex from the top rope! With Matthews on the mat, England quickly makes the cover and manages to pick up the three!

With only two minutes left on the clock it looks like England is going to be the man to pick up the win in the match until he is grabbed from behind by Skiddalz! Skiddalz lays into England with some big kidney jabs before slamming him down to the mat with a double arm DDT! With England’s head bounces off of the mat Skiddalz quickly rolls him over to make the cover.




England manages to kick out just in the nick of time! England quickly rises up to his feet and as the match enters it’s final minute he grabs hold of Skiddalz by the arm and tosses her into the ropes. Skiddalz catches the ropes to stop herself bouncing back, however England follows up with a clothesline to send her over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! With only thirty seconds left in the match England looks pleased as he turns around into the middle of the ring, however he comes face to face with Lucas Greene! The fans cheer as Lucas Greene scoops up the stunned England, and drops him down in the middle of the ring with the ‘Tokestone Piledriver’ before dropping to make the cover as the match enters it’s final ten seconds!




Just when it looked like England was going to walk out as the winner, it is Lucas Greene who scores a lasp gasp pinfall! Lucas Greene quickly retreats back into the corner of the ring and tries to fight off the attacks of the rest of the competitors as they rush to score one last pinfal as the clock continues to countdown.






There are cheers from the referee as the referee calls for the bell to be rung the delight of a relieved Lucas Greene! The rest of the superstars stare down Lucas Greene as he has his hands raised in the air in victory by the referee!BACKSTAGE

What We Fight For Pt.2We head backstage to the locker rooms of the sVo stars. All around sit various sVo wrestlers and young wrestlers looking to break into the big time, whilst in the middle of the room stands Jon Page surrounded by Night, Sheldon Hossteder, Loki Synn, Sara Pettis and El Locon.

Jon Page: ‘Take a long look around because this is what we are fighting for tonight. Not just for ourselves, not just for each other but for each and every person connected with the sVo. We are fighting for the fans, for your fellow wrestlers and for the future. If we lose tonight then everything that has been built here will be destroyed.’

The five superstars look around at the locker room, and the young stars who look up to them.

Jon Page: ‘If Anderson and the Company win tonight then you will all be out of a job tomorrow morning, but that is the least of our worries. The sVo will be as good as dead. The future of this business is in your hands.’

Page looks around at his team who all look determined, as the scene fades out.RINGSIDE

There Will Be DarknessThe screen above the entrance flickers to life. The warm glow of a solitary candle illuminates a wooden table and a simple chair, in which a large man is seated, a black leather trenchcoat covering his frames, his hands enveloped in black fingerless gloves. The fingers of his right hand play an intricate staccatto on the table, the rhythm echoing hauntingly in the dark emptiness. His face is shrouded in blackness, only his thin lips visible. A black handlebar moustache runs down to touch the corners of his mouth. then continues down on either side of his chin. A grim snarl splits his lips, a grin without humor.

Man: I received the call. I have heard the begging voices, listened to the pleas of the weak. It is set in motion and what comes next will be … exquisite. There are those among you who will question me, those who will not understand and those who will think they understand, but in reality cannot grasp the full extent of my actions.

The man’s voice is low, a rumbling growl laced with barely concealed rage. His palm slams down on the table, fingers spread, the hand large enough to cover a scillet.

Man: Your precious competition, your heartfelt convictions, your egos and justifications … none of it will matter once I trample all-over this … this … this wretched den of shallow personalities and hollow promises. Toilet jokes, madness and ‘bad boys’ who are hardly fit to smell my jock strap, much less carry it. You think you know evil, you think you have seen darkness, but you have seen nothing, you have experienced nothing!

A spot of spittle flies from his mouth as he snarls his words out, contempt flying in equal degree from his curling mouth.

Man: You are worried about the monsters you have created, of the beasts that lurk within those already present in this organization of half-wits and pretentious egomaniacs, delusional evil-doers and starry-eyed goody-two-shoes. But you are worrying about the breeze preluding the arrival of the perfect storm, wringing your hands in fear over a yapping Shitzu while the alpha wolf is circling your camp fire, hiding from the boogeyman under your blanket while the axe-wielding terror is calmly opening your bedroom window…

The big man shakes his head, grasping the candle and twirling it between his fingers, the flickering flame dancing, reflecting in ice-blue eyes.

Man: I am coming to wreak havoc upon this place, a reign of terror, a thunderous wave of fury poised to break this organization in half, pry it open and lap in whatever spills out. And there will be others. There will be those swayed, those willingly gravitating towards a center of power and dominance. There will be blood. There will be chaos.

The man snuffs out the flickering flame, throwing the scene into complete pitch blackness.

Man: There will be darkness.Natasha Ortiz: “The following match is a submission only match scheduled for one fall. First to the ring, ‘CANADIAN PERFECT’ Chris Wrestling!”

“Last Resort” hits the sound system and on the big screen we see highlights of Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling. Then Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling comes out with a huge smirk on his face, trying to prevent the crowd from touching him.

Natasha Ortiz: “And his opponent, representing the Canadian Connection, CRIPPLER!”

“Last Resort” plays as Canadian Crippler comes out completely focused on the ring. He enters the ring and awaits the bell.

The two men stare each other down from across the ring, with the former tag team partners still fuming about what has happened between the two over the past few weeks.

With the two former friends in the middle of the ring staring each other down, the referee calls for the bell to be rung and this submission match to get started! Wrestling and Crippler eye ball each other before slowly moving forward towards each other to tie up. Chris Wrestling quickly tries to take down Crippler with a snap suplex, however Crippler manages to counter the move with some knees to the midsection of his opponent before taking him down to the mat with a side head lock takedown. Crippler tries to keep the side head lock on his opponent, however Chris Wrestling manages to get his legs hooked around his opponents head to free himself.

Both men rise up to a standing position and Crippler runs at Chris Wrestling. Wrestling catches Chris Wrestling with a big knife edge chop across the chest, before tossing him down to the mat with a scoop back back breaker. Crippler holds his back in pain as Chris Wrestling lays into him with some big stomps and kicks to prevent him getting to his feet. Chris Wrestling finally grabs hold of Crippler and throws him hard into the corner of the ring. The fans boo as Chris Wrestling lays into Crippler with some stiff knife edge chops across the chest, before Crippler is able to knock away his opponent with a big head butt.

Chris Wrestling staggers backwards before Crippler runs at him and knocks him down with a short arm clothesline. Chris Wrestling struggles up to a standing position, but is quickly hit with a knee to the midsection followed by a gut wrench takedown from Crippler. Chris Wrestling looks in pain as Crippler looks to lock on an ankle lock, only for Chris Wrestling to be able to dodge the move with some kicks to the face of his opponent to knock him away.

Chris Wrestling limps back up to his feet, but Crippler is there with some big punches to Wrestling to back him into the corner of the ring. Chris Wrestling tries to block the punches, but the fans cheer as Crippler nails him with more big punches. Crippler finally pulls Chris Wrestling out of the corner of the ring before locking on a sleeper hold! The fans cheer as Chris Wrestling looks to be fading fast under the sleeper hold!

The fans are firmly behind Crippler in this match up as the referee asks Chris Wrestling if he wants to quit. Chris Wrestling tries to fight his way out of the sleeper hold with some big back elbows to the midsection of his opponent, however Crippler manages to keep the hold locked on. Wrestling looks like he is beginning to fade quickly under the hold as he drops down to his knees. The referee grabs hold of Chris Wrestling’s hand and holds it into the air, however it quickly drops down by his side! The fans cheer as the referee repeats the procedure, and once again Wrestling’s arm drops down!

Crippler tightens the hold even more knowing that if Chris Wrestling’s hand drops down one more time then he will be the winner! The referee lifts Wrestling’s hand into the air, but as it begins to drop it suddenly shoots up into the air! The fans boo loudly as Chris Wrestling slowly forces his way back up to a standing position, before laying into Crippler with some big elbow smashes to the midsection!

Crippler quickly releases the hold on his opponent as Chris Wrestling bounces into the ring ropes before launching himself back at Crippler with a diving shoulder block! The fans boo the big move from Chris Wrestling as he hits some big mounted punches to the face of his opponent. Crippler forces his way back to his feet, but Chris Wrestling quickly grabs him around the waist before tossing him back with a belly to back suplex.

Crippler staggers up to his feet holding his back in pain, but Chris Wrestling is there again with another belly to back suplex on Crippler! With Crippler down on the mat, Chris Wrestling quickly slaps his former friend in a camel clutch submission hold in an attempt to break his back!

The fans boo loudly as Crippler screams out in pain at the camel clutch submission hold. The referee asks Crippler if he wants to submit, however Crippler quickly shouts out no and reaches out for the bottom rope.

There is a big cheer from the fans as Crippler manages to grab hold of the bottom rope to force a rope break in the match! Chris Wrestling looks disgusted as he leaves the submission hold locked in for a few extra seconds before finally answering the referees five count. Chris Wrestling gets boos from the fans as he slowly rises up to a standing position and stares down at Crippler. Chris Wrestling takes advantage of the injured back of his opponent as he stomps away on Crippler whilst he tries to get to his feet. However the stomps seem to spur Crippler on as he rises up to his feet and lays into Chris Wrestling with some stiff knife edge chops!

The fans cheer the chops from Crippler as they echo around the arena. Crippler backs Chris Wrestling into the corner of the ring, before grabbing him by the back of the head and slamming him face first into the turnbuckle. Chris Wrestling staggers backwards, but is quickly locked in a waist lock by Crippler who follows up with a big German suplex on his opponent! The fans cheer the move as Crippler keeps his arms locked around the waist of Chris Wrestling and follows up with another German suplex.

With Chris Wresting down on the mat and hurting the fans cheer as Crippler rises to his feet and taunts to the fans. Crippler slowly makes his way across and grabs hold of the legs of Chris Wrestling and begins to turn him over into an inverted Boston crab! The fans cheer the sight of the move, however Chris Wrestling seems to have his friend scouted as he grabs Cripplers ankle and rolls through into an ankle lock! The fans boo loudly as Chris Wrestling pulls back on the ankle lock and looks ready to break the leg of his former friend and tag team partner!




There are boos around the arena as Crippler has to do the inevitable and tap out to the painful submission hold! Chris Wrestling this time quickly breaks the submission hold and rises up to his feet before throwing his hands in the air! The fans quickly boo Chris Wrestling who seems to have undergone a major personality change ever since the last PPV when he cost the jobs of five sVo superstars!

Natasha Ortiz: “The winner of this match by submission, CHRIS WRESTLING!!”

Crippler slowly limps up to a standing position behind his former Tag Team partner, and as Chris Wrestling turns around from celebrating he comes face to face with Crippler. There is a hushed silence across the crowd as the two men begin to exchange words in the middle of the ring. Crippler slowly shakes his head, before extending his hand to shake, which gets a cheer from the crowd for his sportsman like behaviour.

Chris Wrestling looks down at the hand of his former Tag Team partner, before suddenly slapping Crippler across the face! There are boos all around the arena as Chris Wrestling quickly bails out of the ring and makes his way back up the entrance ramp whilst staring back at Crippler who is in the ring looking disgusted at his former friend.BACKSTAGE

Ready for Chaos

Backstage at Goodfellas Casino Arena, sVo reporter Tamara Boyd is seen standing in front of an sVo backdrop, microphone in hand. Standing with her are none-other than sVo Hall-of-Famer Night and his mentor/manager, Akira Kimura. As always, Master Kimura grins broadly in a sharp looking suit while Night – now unmasked – stands in his wrestling attire, a serious expression etched strongly on his face.

Tamara Boyd: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing with former sVo World Champion, Night and his manager, Akira Kimura. Tonight Night finds himself as the de facto leader of Jon Page’s ‘Rebel’ team who tonight will face The Company in Organized Chaos 4… the second match of its kind to be hosted under the sVo banner. Welcome Night and Master Kimura.”

Akira Kimura: “Miss Boyd! Always a pleasure.”

Night: “Hello, Tamara. Thank you.”

Kimura chuckles and flashes his trademark toothy grin drawing a smile from the veteran reporter, no stranger to the two men standing beside her.

Tamara Boyd: “Night, you are no stranger to the Organized Chaos – in fact you are one of the few current roster members to have participated in the match and scored two pinfalls in the only other Organized Chaos match in sVo history, including the winning pinfall! This must give you a good deal of confidence heading into tonight’s match.”

Night: “Yes and no, Tamara. The match is aptly named, it is chaos from bell-to-bell. Steel cage matches are dangerous and unpredictable enough as they are, add in to that the arena floor and weapons pinned to the cage and you have the recipe for an extremely volatile situation. While I have some experience in this match, I certainly won’t be considering anything to be a certainty tonight.”

Tamara Boyd: “You must feel somewhat confident though. It was at Retribution back in May of 2008 that the last Organized Chaos match in sVo took place. On that night you captured the International Championship from your longtime rival Isaac White and then went on to compete. Tonight you will be walking into the cage fresh and ready for action.”

Night hesitates, clearly reflective of a night he has openly spoken about as one of the highlights of his career.

Night: “While that may be true, Tamara, I have to point out that while that match was intense, tonight the stakes are far higher. Last time it was bragging rights that were on the line. Tonight we have the chance to rid the sVo of a great evil. An evil which has plagued professional wrestling for many decades now.”

Tamara Boyd: “You’re of course referring to The Company?”

The formerly masked wrestler nods in confirmation.

Night: “I am. For far too long The Company have pulled the strings and manipulated the destiny of federation after federation, buying and selling wrestlers… toying with lives, careers… families…”

Again he pauses and even appears to wince slightly at the mention of ‘families’.

Night: “Jon Page, at great personal risk, and with the assistance of my mentor, Master Kimura…”

The old man nods solemnly.

Night: “… retrieved a document which ensures control of the sVo returns to him – and more importantly out of the hands of Matt Anderson and The Company – in the event of our victory tonight. I know that I personally have had numerous issues with The Company. It is no secret that even my own brother was bought out by then… this rift has shattered my family and caused me no ends of emotional turmoil.”

He grits his teeth, the intensity burning in his voice.

Night: “Tonight is about far more than any match in sVo has been about. Tonight is for every great superstar to have ever stepped into an sVo ring to compete for love of the business – whether or not they appeared to ‘on camera’. Tonight is for guys like Mike Polowy, Psyko Stevo, Nicholas Etch, Johnny All-Star, Alex Ross, Christian Roman, Isaac White, Gunner Lang, Joey Equinox. It’s for Shooting Star, Peyton, Milano, Fullam, Devereux, Fury, Noir, Talon… the list goes on. Tonight is for the guys on the roster still competing as best they can for the right reasons in spite of The Company’s influence.”

Tamara Boyd: “I can see that this match really means a lot to you. You’ve already mentioned that these matches are unpredictable by nature… but do you have a strategy that you plan to employ?”

Night is quiet once more, clearly gathering his thoughts.

Night: “From the moment I step into the ring until the moment I am pinned or the bell rings announcing Team sVo as the victors I will pour every ounce of myself into ridding the sVo of The Company… once and for all.”

Akira Kimura: “Exactly what you would expect from Night, Tamara.”

Kimura interjects with a chuckle, breaking the building intensity. Tamara smiles at the two of them.

Tamara Boyd: “Exactly what I would expect. Strong-words from the former champion – good luck tonight, Night… at the risk of sounding unprofessional, I genuinely hope for the best for you and the rest of Team sVo out there tonight.”

Night: “Thank you, Tamara.”

Tamara Boyd: “And now back to ringside.”Natasha Ortiz: “The following match is for the sVo Las Vegas Championship!!!”

There is a cheer from the fans who are looking forward to seeing if the Unlikely Hero Alex Brooks can win his first piece of sVo gold by defeating the dominating Reaper for the second biggest prize in the sVo.

Natasha Ortiz: “Introducing first, the challenger, ALEX BROOKS!”

“Jukebox Hero” kicks in over the arena PA. Brooks busts out onto the stage and looks at the crowd for a couple of seconds before running down the aisle, slapping hands with as many fans as possible.

Natasha Ortiz: “And his opponent, he is the current sVo LAS VEGAS CHAMPION… REAPER!”

The lights slowly dim as the crowd starts to get anxious. The electric chords of Follow The Reaper by Children of Bodom blares over the pa system as the man known simply as Reaper steps out onto the stage. Reaper stands center stage as a bright white spotlight shines on him. He raises his arms in the air taunting at the crowd. Reaper leans his head back and gives a primal roar towards the crowd as he snaps his head back. The cameras getting a close look at the intensity in his eyes as he starts to march his way down the ramp way. Reaper makes his way to the apron where he slides under the bottom rope into the ring. He uses the second rope to lift himself back up to his feet. Reaper rolls his neck as he goes to the near corner and awaits for the bell.

The referee holds the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match, before handing it to the ring announcer Natasha Ortiz on the outside of the ring. Reaper and Alex Brooks look across at the belt before the referee calls for the bell to be rung and the battle for the Las Vegas title to get started!

The Champion Reaper quickly moves across and takes down the challenger Alex Brooks with a double leg takedown before laying into him with some big right hands. The fans boo the actions of Reaper as Brooks struggles to free himself from the grasp of the Champion. Brooks is slowly able to rise up to his feet, but Reaper is quickly back onto him with some big right hands to back Brooks into the corner of the ring. With Alex Brooks in the corner, Reaper hits a flurry of right and left hands before grabbing Brooks by the arm and sending him corner to corner. Brooks hits the turnbuckle hard, but as Reaper looks to follow up with a splash in the corner Brooks is able to dive out of the way!

The fans cheer as Reaper staggers backwards only to get hit with a big jumping dropkick from the rookie Brooks. The dropkick drops Reaper down to the mat, and Alex Brooks takes advantage by laying into him with some big kicks and stomps. Reaper rises back up to his feet, but as he does Brooks bounces into the ropes and nails a clothesline on Reaper. The sVo Las Vegas Champion looks to be struggling as Brooks takes down Reaper with a vertical suplex before making the cover on the Champion!




Before a new champion is crowned Reaper is able to get his shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! Brooks looks disappointed as he pulls Reaper’s head up and lays into him with some hard punches. The fans cheer on the challenger as the ‘Unlikely Hero’ pulls Reaper to his feet, however the champion is able to counter with a rake to the eyes of Alex Brooks which gets some heat from the crowd. Alex Brooks stumbles away holding his eyes in pain, and Reaper follows up with a bulldog takedown onto the youngster.

Reaper rises to his feet and taunts to the crowd, and the Las Vegas fans boo ‘their’ champion loudly as he allows Alex Brooks to get to his feet. Brooks rushes at Reaper and tries to hit him with a right hand, however Reaper manages to block the punch of Brooks before hitting him with the ‘Jim Beam Special’! The fans boo loudly as Alex Brooks staggers backwards holding his face, and Reaper takes advantage by dropping him down to the mat with a ‘Two Coins’! With Brooks down on the mat it looks like Reaper is all set to retain his title as he makes the cover.




The fans cheer loudly, but Reaper looks like he can’t believe it as the ‘Unlikely Hero’ manages to get a shoulder up before the three count can be made! Reaper rises up to his feet and the fans quickly boo him as he turns and puts the boots to Brooks as he tries to pull himself up. Reaper backs Brooks into the corner of the ring and quickly beats him down into a sitting position with some stomps, kicks and punches. The fans continue to boo as Reaper retreats to the opposite side of the ring and stares at Brooks, ready for the ‘That has to Hurt’!

Reaper runs at Brooks and looks for the baseball slide into the groin of Alex Brooks, but before he can connect Brooks is able to dodge out of the way causing Reaper to slide and low blow himself on the turnbuckle! The fans cheer loudly as Reaper winces in pain and Brooks takes advantage by jumping up onto the second rope before dropping down with a big elbow onto the back of Reaper’s head.

Aex Brooks pulls a pained looking Reaper out of the corner of the ring and takes him down with a snapmare takedown in the middle of the ring. With Reaper in a seated position, the fans cheer as Brooks bounces into the ring ropes before hitting a diving dropkick into the face of his opponent! Reaper holds his face in pain as he staggers back up to a standing position, but as he does Alex Brooks looks like he is gaining momentum with some big right hands. Brooks takes Reaper by the arm and shoots him into the ropes, before tossing him to the mat with an arm drag takedown! The fans get behind Brooks as he taunts to the crowd, before standing and waiting for his opponent to get to his feet.

Reaper slowly staggers up to a standing position, but as he does Alex Brooks lands a perfect dropkick on Reaper! Reaper hits the mat hard and as he scrambles back up to a standing position Brooks drops him with a DDT! The fans cheer loudly for the move from Brooks as he dives over and makes the cover on Reaper!




The referee stops the count noticing Reaper’s leg on the bottom rope, but Alex Brooks thinks he has won the match as he jumps up to his feet! The fans cheer as they see Alex Brooks celebrating in the middle of the ring whilst the referee waves his hands to signal that the match is not yet over!

Confusion reigns in the Goodfellas Casino Arena, but Reaper quickly takes advantage as he crawls up to his knees and nails a low blow on Alex Brooks! The fans boo loudly as the referee shouts at Reaper and threatens to DQ him! Brooks sinks down to his knees whilst holding his groin, allowing Reaper to hit him with ‘The End’! The deverstating knee connects to the back of Alex Brooks’ head, and Reaper hooks the leg of his opponent as he slumps to the mat.




Boos ring out around the Goodfellas Casino Arena, but it is Reaper who slowly pulls himself up to a standing position and is presented with the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt again!

Natasha Ortiz: “The winner of this match and STILL sVo Las Vegas Champion, REAPER!!”

Reaper holds the belt high in the air and gets even more boos from the fans as he stares down at Alex Brooks as the referee checks on the challenger.BACKSTAGE

A Last Word? Pt.1The scene heads backstage to the interview area where the former sVo Owner Jon Page is standing by with interviewer Candi Cross. Page is wearing his ‘sVo’ branded t-shirt and looks to be in a confident mood despite having to lead his team to victory in one of the biggest matches in wrestling history later tonight.

Candi Cross: “Jon Page, Organised Chaos is just hours away and the fate of the sVo will be decided. All week we have been hearing that no referees want to be apart of the match due to the dangers of being involved and the dangers of making a wrong call. How is this match going to go ahead with no referee.”

Page doesn’t seem to happy as he grimaces whilst talking.

Jon Page: “It’s true that none of the referees want to take part in the match, and I can’t say I blame them. I have had to come to an agreement with Anderson on this one and bring in someone from the outside. I can’t say I am too happy with the appointment, but I think our team is good enough to win no matter who the referee is.”

Cross takes the expression on Page’s face as a suggestion to move on and quickly asks the next question.

Candi Cross: “There has been speculation all week that you have DJ on the opposite side who is ready to turn his back on the Company, is that true?”

Jon Page: “I tried to get DJ to join our team before he decided to join the Company. He made his decision, now he will have to live with the consequences.”

Page sternly looks at Candi Cross, before walking away from the interviewer to end the interview.BACKSTAGE

Time to Shine

The scene opens up backstage and we find ourselves in the locker room of the number one contenders for the sVo Tag Team championship, Second to None. Both men are sitting down on folding chairs near their locker, both wearing brand new “Second to None” t-shirts that are of course available at the sVo Shop for only $24.99!!!

Cody Williams: This is it.

Nathan Paradine: This is our chance to prove we are the best.

“The Reflection of Perfection” finishes wrapping up in wrists in wrist tape and tosses to roll into his bag.

Cody Williams: You and I have come a long way. From having one of the biggest rivalries in professional wrestling history, to teaming up together and functioning as a cohesive unit.

Nathan Paradine: We definitely took the road less traveled mate. Tonight, Beautiful Shame are going to pay for what they have done the past few weeks, and the icing on the cake will be when we win the tag team titles.

Paradine tucks his laces into his boots and pulls his elbow pads up. He looks up at Cody who is leaning forward, his forearms resting on his thighs.

Cody Williams: What do you think about the Organized Chaos match?

Nathan Paradine: What?

Cody Williams: Who do you think will win?

Nathan Paradine: Oh, okay. I would like to say The Rebels will walk away with the win, but I have a feeling the Company will end up victorious. They have the better team in my opinion, hands down.

Cody Williams: I don’t know Nate. The Rebels team is a finely assembled machine, and I think their mystery opponent could be the winning factor.

Paradine and Cody nod their heads at each other, and then shrug their shoulders.

Nathan Paradine: Well, we’ll have to wait and see.

Cody Williams: Yeah. We have better things to worry about, like become the NEEEWWWWW sVo TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, SECOOONNND TOOOOOOO NOOOOONNNNEEE!!!

Paradine chuckles and shakes his head. They two of them continue to get ready for the match up tonight as the camera begins to slowly fade to black.BACKSTAGE

A Last Word? Pt.2The scene heads backstage to the interview area where the Company Boss Matt Anderson is standing by with interviewer Candi Cross. Anderson is wearing his trademark wraparound sunglasses and stares intensely at Candi Cross as the interview begins.

Candi Cross: “The Company have ruled the sVo for over a year now, tonight the future of the sVo and the Company is on the line. Are you worried at all?”

Matt Anderson: “As you said the Company has been on charge for over a year. We have seen threats come and go, I am not in the least bit worried, but all of the opposite team should be because it is hard to get a job in today’s economy when you are out of work.”

Anderson’s facial expression does not match his confident words.

Candi Cross: “We heard earlier from Jon Page that you had to come to an agreement about the referee in tonight’s match with no one from the sVo wanting to officiate. Just who will be wearing the stripes out there?”

Anderson’s face turns dark as he slowly shakes his head.

Matt Anderson: “Don’t remind me, I am not at all happy with it but there was no other choice. At least he will know better than most what happens when you screw with the Company.”

Candi Cross: “Well it is not long know until the Organised Chaos IV match, and the future of the sVo will be decided. Good luck!”

The scene fades out as Anderson stares into the camera, as if trying to send a message to whoever is the special guest referee for the night.Natasha Ortiz: “The following match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall and is for the sVo Tag Team Championships!!”

“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

Natasha Ortiz: “Introducing first, he is one half of the sVo Tag Team Champions, BOBBY DEAN!!”

The fans in the arena boo as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.

Natasha Ortiz: “And his partner, he is one half of the Tag Team Champions, Roscoe SHAME!”

“Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. After a few seconds the figure of Cody Williams appears behind the Australian, and both men pose for the flashbulbs going off around the arena. Paradine glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd. Cody Williams marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

Natasha Ortiz: “And their opponents and challengers, NATHAN PARADINE AND CODY WILLIAMS!!”

There are loud cheers for the announcements of Williams and Paradine as the referee takes the sVo Tag Team title belts from Roscoe Shame and Bobby Dean and holds them up in the air to signal that they will be on the line in tonight’s match! The fans cheer as all four men look ready for battle as the referee hands the belts to the outside of the ring.

The bell is rung and this one is officially under way with Paradine for the challengers and Bobby Dean for the champions starting things off. Both men slowly make their way towards the middle of the ring, where Paradine looks for a double leg takedown on Bobby Dean to get things started. However Dean manages to block the move with some big elbow shots to the face of his opponent, before bouncing into the ropes. Bobby Dean bounces back at Paradine looking for a takedown, however runs straight into a shoulder block takedown for the Australian.

The fans cheer the move from Paradine as Bobby Dean slowly rises up to his feet, only to be scoop slammed down to the mat by Nathan Paradine. With Bobby Dean down, Paradine begins to systematically work over the arms of his opponents with some stomps, kicks and twists. Dean looks in pain as he slowly pulls himself up to a standing position and makes the tag out to Roscoe Shame.

The former sVo Champion quickly climbs over the top rope and knocks down the onrushing Nathan Paradine with a straight right hand. Paradine quickly rises back up to his feet, but Shame grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the corner of the ring. With Paradine holding his face in the corner, Roscoe Shame stomps him down to a seated position in the corner of the ring before walking slowly back into the middle of the ring and taunting the fans.

The fans boo loudly for the former sVo Champion as Nathan Paradine slowly pulls himself up to his feet using the ring ropes. Paradine makes his way towards Shame and looks for a right hand on him, however Shame is able to duck under the punch and nail Paradine with a big powerslam before going for the cover.




Shame doesn’t look too pleased at the fact that Paradine was able to kick out as he pulls the Australian up to his feet and lifts him up into the air with a Military Press into a big slam! Paradine looks in pain on the mat as Shame once again showboats with the crowd. The fans boo loudly for Shame as he bounces into the ropes and looks for a big leg drop on Paradine, however the challenger is able to roll out of the way before he can hit the leg drop! Shame slowly rises up to his feet holding his back in pain, but as he does Paradine is able to hit him with a big belly to back suplex! The fans cheer the big move as Paradine dives across and makes the tag out to Cody Williams!

The fans cheer as Cody Williams jumps over the top rope and into the ring and immediately bounces into the ropes. Shame begins to get up to his feet but is caught with a spinning heel kick from Cody Williams who then begins to hit some mounted punches on his opponent! Roscoe Shame is able to use his strength to push Cody Williams away, but as he rises back to his feet Williams is straight back on him with some forearm smashes to the face. Roscoe Shame looks for a right hand of his own on Cody Williams, but the challenger manages to duck the Champions punch before landing the ‘Pure Perfection’!

The fans cheer the big move from Cody Williams, but before he can even think about going for a cover Bobby Dean nails him from behind! The fans boo loudly the actions of Bobby Dean as he ignores the request from the referee to get out of the ring, and stomps away on Cody Williams. Roscoe Shame slowly begins to get to his feet, and as he does Bobby Dean pulls Cody Williams up to his feet and irish whips him towards Shame! Shame is able to knock down the onrushing Cody Williams with a big boot to the face before making the cover!




Cody Williams is able to get a shoulder up! The fans cheer loudly for the kick out from Williams, as Shame rises up to his feet and makes the tag out to Bobby Dean. Bobby Dean quickly jumps into the ring and stomps away on Williams before bringing him to his feet. Cody Williams looks for a desperation kick on Bobby Dean, however Dean ducks under the foot of Williams before nailing him with a German suplex!

Roscoe Shame steps off of the ring apron and begins to taunt the fans at ringside as Cody Williams crawls across and makes the tag out to Nathan Paradine. Paradine rushes at Bobby Dean, but this time Dean has him scouted with a drop toe hold on the challenger! The fans boo loudly as Bobby Dean pulls Paradine up to his feet and tries to whip him into the ropes. With Roscoe Shame half distracted by the fans at ringside, he looks to sweep away the legs of Paradine as he bounces into the ropes, however at the last second Paradine is able to reverse the whip and send Dean into the ropes! There is a big cheer as Roscoe Shame accidentally sweeps away the legs of his tag team partner!

Roscoe Shame looks on in horror, but before he can do anything about it Cody Williams comes flying off of the ring apron with a cross body onto Roscoe Shame! The fans cheer for the high flying move from Williams, as Bobby Dean staggers back to his feet and is spun around by Nathan Paradine! Paradine quickly takes advantage of the Champion with a ‘ParaPlex’ in the middle of the ring! The fans rise to their feet as the referee drops to count as Paradine makes the cover.




This one is all over and it is Cody Williams and Nathan Paradine who pick up a massive victory! Cody Williams rolls back into the ring where he and Paradine are presented with the sVo Tag Team Championship belts as Bobby Dean crawls back to a seated position in the corner of the ring and looks on in horror. Roscoe Shame holds his head in his hands as Paradine and Cody Williams celebrate with their new titles, knowing that his mix up has just cost Beautiful Shame the belts!

Natasha Ortiz: “The winners of this match and NEW sVo TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, NATHAN PARADINE & CODY WILLIAMS!!”BACKSTAGE


Backstage at Goodfellas Casino Arena, Night is seen in his locker room, dressed and ready for action. He bounces from foot to foot, loosening himself up in preparation for the match. Sitting nearby on a bench is his mentor and manager, Akira Kimura.

A knock at the door causes both men to jolt up, instantly alert. The two exchange a glance before Kimura calls out.

Akira Kimura: “Who’s there?”

There is no response and they both become visibly agitated. There is another knock at the door – this time it is Kimura and Night who say nothing… however that doesn’t seem to deter their visitors as two loud bangs are heard on the door before it finally flies open inwards as Nightmare and Matt Anderson strut into the room, Anderson with a dark glare on his face.

Akira Kimura: “Anderson, you have no right to be here – tonight this is all over. Save yourself the additional embarrassment and get out. I may be an old man but I can still rip you apart.”

Matt Anderson: “Now now, Akira, that’s no way to speak to an old friend! I was simply making a point about not going places you are not invited to to your little protege there.”

Anderson holds his stony gaze on the two as Nightmare smirks behind him.

Akira Kimura: “He needed a break – he needed to look down on that ring one-last time, Anderson. Unlike you, Night really cares about this business.”

Without warning and fast as lightning, Anderson starts towards the two men, quickly tailed and flanked by Nightmare. The four men stare off.

Matt Anderson: “Of course we care about this business, Akira… I’m a wealthy man, if I didn’t I wouldn’t have stayed with The Company for so many years.”

Akira Kimura: “You and I both know that means you care about MONEY, Matt… not the business. You still haven’t explained why you are here, though. I’d suggest you get out of here and let the boys sort this out in the ring.”

Anderson whistles loudly and smirks at the two Japanese wrestling legends as one by one The Company members stalk into the locker room, taking up position behind Anderson. The Company manager grins as he indicates behind him.

Matt Anderson: “Take a look while you can, Night… Akira… the two of you pay close attention because I can guarantee you that on of these men will end your career tonight.”

Kimura first grins, then smirks and chuckles before bursting into hysterics.

Matt Anderson: “What’s so fucking funny?”

Akira Kimura: “What’s funny is that after so many years you still try pulling the same crap week-in and week-out.”

Anderson verbally says nothing, but his body-language speaks louder than words.

Matt Anderson: “Fat lot of good it will do you. You might know what we are here for – but the two of you can’t stop the ENTIRE Company.”

Akira Kimura: “Oh, well it works perfectly.”

Kimura places two fingers in his mouth and lets out a crisp, sharp whistle. From outside the locker room steps the rest of Team sVo!

Akira Kimura: “You see – after last week’s successful attack and Night’s subsequent loss, we figured you’d be back to try to weaken Night before this match with so much at stake… so we called in a little backup.”

At first Anderson and The Company members do not notice their adversaries standing there… that is until Sara Pettis and Loki Synn lunge into the room, immediately brawling with JVD and Rosario. This action draws the entire rest of the team into the room and causes the entire Company contingent to turn to face their attackers.

It takes only a moment for an all-in brawl to get underway. Nightmare charges Night, the two brothers immediately begin tearing into each other. Even Master Kimura charges at Anderson, tackling the stunned Company manager against the lockers.

Just as quickly as it all started, a sea of sVo road agents, managers and security pour into the room, attempting to separate the two warring factions as we cut back to ringside!Natasha Ortiz: “The following match is for one fall and is for the sVo CHAMPIONSHIP!”

“Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as Samuel Amos walks out and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring.

Natasha Ortiz: “Introducing first, from Quantico, Virginia , the challenger, SAMUEL AMOS!”

“End of Line” by Daft Punk plays over the PA system as the house lights alternate from green to black lighting and back again. After a few moments of playing, the house lights go out completely for a few moments before they flare to life again with Jay Wildman standing in the center of the ring, his hand pointed up in the air in defiance. He walks over to the corner, steps up to the second belt buckle and stares out into the crowd before hopping down, preparing himself for the match at hand.

Natasha Ortiz: “And his opponent, from Oslo Norway, he is the sVo CHAMPION, JAY WILDMAN!!”

There is a big cheer for Jay Wildman as he holds the sVo Championship above his head before handing it to the referee. The referee holds the belt in the air to signal that it will be on the line in tonight’s match before handing it to the outside of the ring. Amos and Wildman keep their eyes locked on each other as the tension slowly begins to build from the crowd. The referee begins to run down the rules ahead of the match, but both men don’t take their eyes off of each other until the bell is rung and this sVo Championship match is officially under way!

Wildman and Amos both rush forward and tear into each other with big right hands to the roar of the crowd. Wildman begins to knock back Amos, but Amos manages to catch him with a big knee to the midsection before sending him staggering backwards with a big uppercut. Wildman wipes his face off before rushing at Samuel Amos looking for a clothesline. Amos ducks the clothesline, but as he spins around he is caught with a spinning heel kick from the sVo Champion! Amos staggers back to his feet and Wildman backs him into the corner of the ring with some big kicks to the midsection.

Wildman climbs up onto the second rope and the crowd count along with every punch to the face of the challenger, however the boos ring out around the arena as Amos counters by grabbing the legs of Wildman and running forward before slamming him down to the mat with a sit out powerbomb! Wildman rolls back to his feet holding the back of his head in pain, and Samuel Amos is there waiting for him with a DDT to take Wildman down! With the Champion down, the challenger lays into him with some big mounted punches to stop him from getting up to his feet.

The fans boo the actions of Samuel Amos as he grabs hold of the hair of his opponent and uses it to pull him to a standing position. Amos then rushes across and slams Wildman face first into the turnbuckle in the corner of the ring. Wildman staggers out of the corner, and straight into a side Russian legsweep from Samuel Amos. The crowd continue to boo the challenger as he rises up to his feet only to drop an elbow on Wildman before hooking the leg to make the cover.




Wildman manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! The fans cheer the kick out from Wildman, however Amos does not look happy as he grabs Wildman by the head and slams him into the mat. Wildman is finally able to stagger up to his feet, but as he does Samuel Amos retreats into the corner of the ring and begins to mock Wildman! The fans boo loudly as Samuel Amos springs across and lands a ‘Masked Justice’ on Jay Wildman! Wildman looks like he might be down and out from his own finishing move as Amos makes another cover.



Not Like this!



There is a collective sigh of relief around the arena as Wildman kicks out at the very last second! Amos shakes his head in disbelief before slowly getting back up to his feet. The fans boo Amos loudly as instead of continuing with the offence, he makes his way out of the ring and grabs the sVo Championship belt! Amos quickly rolls back into the ring with the title belt and waits for Wildman to get to his feet! The referee warns Amos not to do it, but as he rushes across ready to smash the Champion in the face with his own belt, Wildman is able to duck under the arms of Amos! Amos spins around looking surprised, and Wildman catches him with a big dropkick that sends both men down to the mat.

The fans cheer Jay Wildman on as he slowly rises up to his feet, however Samuel Amos doesn’t seem to want anything of the champion as he rolls to the outside of the ring to try and put some distance between himself and the champion. The fans continue to boo the actions of Samuel Amos as Jay Wildman rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and follows the challenger. There are cheers from the Vegas crowd as Wildman grabs Amos by the back of the head and smashes him face first into the security barrier. Samuel Amos staggers back holding his face in pain, but Wildman quickly repeats the move!

Amos stumbles away holding his face in pain, but as he does Wildman grabs him by the arm and sends him hard into the steel ring steps! Amos goes tumbling over the steel steps and there is once again a big cheer from the fans. The referee shouts at both men to get it back into the ring, however the sVo Champion looks to have other ideas as he makes his way over to the announcers table and begins to clear it! The announcers quickly scatter as Wildman turns away and pulls Amos up off of the floor before throwing him onto the top of the announcers table!

There is a big cheer from the fans as Jay Wildman climbs up onto the announcers table alongside the challenger and taunts to the crowd! Samuel Amos looks like he is out on his feet as Jay Wildman pulls him up to a standing position, before grabbing him ready for a sambo suplex! The fans cheer, but before Wildman can hit the move it is blocked by Samuel Amos with some stiff elbow shots to the face of his opponent. Wildman loosens his grip on the challenger, and Amos counters with an amazing ‘infAMOS’ through the announcers table!

The fans can’t believe the amazing move they have just seen as the referee checks on both men as they lay in the wreckage of the announcers table. Samuel Amos is the first to slowly rise up to his knees, and the stunned challenger makes a cover on the outside of the ring only for the referee to signal that the pin fall has to be made inside the ring. Amos struggles up pull Wildman up and towards the ring before slowly rolling him in under the bottom rope. As Amos rolls into the ring and crawls across the champion himself it looks like we are about to have the crowning of a new sVo Champion!




Somehow Wildman is able to kick out just before the three can be counted despite being thrown through the table with the ‘infAMOS’! Samuel Amos looks besides himself with rage as he rises up to his feet and kicks the ropes. Amos begins to stomp away on Wildman before slowly pulling the champion up to his feet. Amos quickly whips Wildman into the corner of the ring before following up with a clothesline in the corner. Wildman looks in pain as he leans against the turnbuckle in the corner, but Amos doesn’t seem done by a long shot as he grabs Wildman in a front face lock before lifting him up and onto the top rope in a seating position!

The fans rise to their feet as Amos climbs up onto the second rope and positions himself for a super-plex on Wildman off of the top rope, however there is a big cheer as somehow Wildman is able to counter with some right hands before knocking Amos off of the top and down to the mat! The fans cheer as Amos hits the mat hard, before Jay Wildman comes flying off of the top rope with a diving elbow drop onto the chest of his opponent! Amos looks in pain as Wildman slowly crawls across and drapes his arms across the body of his opponent.




This time it is Samuel Amos’ time to kick out just when it looked like the three count was going down! Jay Wildman looks stunned as he slowly rises up to his feet and backs into the corner of the ring. Samuel Amos slowly rises up to his feet holding his chest in pain, but as he does Wildman runs through and hits him with a clothesline. The fans cheer the Champion on as he pulls Amos up to his feet and sends him back to the mat with a spinning back suplex. Amos tries to keep himself in the match by rising up and charging at Wildman, however the sVo Champion cuts him off with a knee to the midsection before taking him down to the mat with a stiff snap suplex!

With Amos down on the mat, the fans pop as Jay Wildman retreats to the corner of the ring and taunts to the fans for his finishing move! Wildman waits patiently for Amos to rise up to his feet, and as he does he dances across the ring looking for a superkick to the face of Amos! However much to the disappointment of the fans, Amos is able to duck under the ‘Masked Justice’ from Wildman! Wildman spins around, but Amos is able to catch him with a big right hand. Wildman is backed into the ropes with some big punches from Amos, who then grabs his opponent by the arm and shoots him across the ring into the opposite ropes. Wildman bounces back and is taken down to the mat with a flapjack from Amos!

The fans boo Amos loudly as he stomps away on Wildman before bringing him back up to his feet. The challenger grabs Wildman in a gut wrench before slamming him hard down to the mat. The match now looks like it is in the control of the challenger as he taunts to the crowd and waves at Wildman to get up to his feet! Wildman stuns Amos as he slowly rises up before firing away with some big right hands to Amos. The punches knock Amos backwards until Amos suddenly ducks under a punch and spins around to nail Wildman with a kick to the midsection! The fans quickly boo loudly as Amos steps forward and positions Wildman for the ‘infAMOS’! We could have a new sVo Champion right here, but before Amos can exeucte the move it is countered with a big back body drop from Jay Wildman!

The fans cheer loudly as Wildman stumbles back into the corner of the ring as Amos rises up to his feet. Amos slowly begins to stumble towards Wildman in the corner, but the sVo Champion explodes out of the corner of the ring and slams his foot into the face of Amos with a ‘Masked Justice’! The fans cheer loudly for the big finishing move from Jay Wildman as he drops to make the cover on Samuel Amos.




The fans are off their feet as the referee calls for the bell to be rung and a battered and beaten Jay Wildman slowly staggers up to his feet with his hands in the air in victory. The referee retrieves the sVo Championship belt from ringside and presents it back to the Champion, who raises it in the air to another big cheer from the fans. Samuel Amos looks KO’ed as he lays on the mat whilst Jay Wildman climbs up to the second rope of the nearest turn buckle and poses with the sVo Championship belt!

Natasha Ortiz: “The winner of the match and STILL sVo Champion, JAY WILDMAN!”

The fans cheer for the announcement as the sVo Champion continues to pose with his belt whilst reflecting on the hard fought victory against Samuel Amos who came within half a second of becoming the new sVo Champion.BACKSTAGE


Inside the Goodfellas Casino Arena, it suddenly all stops. All music and noise fades away, as the sVotron roars to life. The crowd turns towards the entrance way, rising to their feet in unison. The lights fade out in the arena, as five letters fill the tron.


The sound of a drum beating in a precise, militaristic manner fills the air as the numbers slowly revert to letters.

The 2 becomes an E.

The first 1, an I.

The 3, a P.

The second 1, a N.

And finally, the 7 changes into a P, leaving us with PEPIN.

A bright red-light fills the entrance area, as a man stands towards the crowd, a huge smile filling his face. He wears a black sweater, with a tan scarf wrapped around his neck, reaching down to his grey slacks. He gestures towards the back and Candi Cross comes out, begrudgingly. The crowd instinctively boos, not sure what to make of this. The man motions for Cross to bring the mic to his mouth, pointing out instructions while maintaining his scintillating smile.

Man: “Bonjour, friends! Vendetta is here and so am I…as you may know, I am Bruce Pepin, the pride of Montreal! A man who stands up for truth, justice, dignity and honor. Now, I have been told those things are in short supply in this town, but that’s okay!”

The crowd does not approve of this.

Pepin: “Whoa, whoa, no offense. There’s no need to boo Bruce Pepin! I have journeyed very far to be here this evening, the culmination of weeks of planning. Of making new friends all across the S.V.’oh. Of integrating myself into the locker room with the boys, and, like the lovely Sara Pettis, all the ladies (Pepin winks towards the camera). But I did not come here this evening for any of that…no, I am here for a reason, friends. I am here for the same reason you all are… for Organized Chaos!”

Cross: “Bruce, I know who you are but wasn’t aware the Sanctioned Violence Organization was negotiating with you.”

Pepin: “No one knew! After my last home closed up, every company out there wanted a crack at the Canadian Crusader. But I have found my new home here, in the Sin City! And tonight, tonight at Vendetta, I make my impact. I am going to come down to that very cage and make my presence felt.”

Cross: “But on what side? Are you a Company man?”

Pepin takes two steps backwards, before blowing a kiss out to the crowd. He walks back through the curtain, as Cross looks befuddled.
Coming Soon – Only On PPVThe atmosphere in the Goodfellas Casino Arena is electric as the lights begin to dim and the Organised Chaos structure hanging from the ceiling slowly begins to lower down to the ground around the ring. Strobe lights flash around the arena putting on the type of show only available in Las Vegas as the Organised Chaos structure finally is secured around the ring. However with no referee willing to step inside the structure for the match with the highest stakes in professional wrestling, the fans turn their heads to the entrance ramp to see just who will be coming down the aisle to officiate the match. As they do a familiar video hits the V-Tron.











The fans pop for the sight of Chris Bond making his way down the entrance ramp in a referee shirt! Bond has a determined look on his face as he shows no sign of stepping through the door into the structure and sliding into the ring. The fans cheer as Chris Bond makes his way around all four corners of the ring to taunt to the fans who welcome his return to the sVo with loud cheers.

The arena lights fade and a red light begins to slowly strobe as “March of the Pigs” by Nine Inch Nails pounds through the arena over the PA system. The crowd burst into a loud chorus of boos as The Company logo floats onto the sVo tron, quickly replaced by a name.

“N I G H T M A R E”

The curtains part and a man in red trunks with a black streak down the side and a black mask cut away at the top to reveal a freshly shaved head of hair. He half-grins/half-sneers at the jeering audience surrounding him and wastes little time in stalking down the entrance ramp before quickly walking through the door and sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He stands, jawing off at various members of the crowd as he awaits the start of the match.

The eerie beat of “Imagine” performed by A Perfect Circle starts to play over the loud speakers as the lights dim. The crowd simmers to a dull roar as a a name starts to spell itself out on the tron in Balloon Animal form…



The balloons all pop as the music begins to pick up and a spot light shines on Loki Synn, sVo’s resident Jester who poses briefly with his bauble scepter. He acknowledges the crowd with a slight smile and a little wave before making his way down to the ring.

Rolling under the ropes Loki stands up to face the crowd as multi colored graffiti falls down among the crowd and into the ring where Loki swings his scepter back and forth fighting an imaginary foe in a sword duel to the death while he awaits for the match to start.

With two of the strongest competitors from each team starting the match off for the Company and the sVo rebels, referee Chris Bond calls for the bell to be rung and Organised Chaos number four to get underway!

The crowd pop as Loki Synn and Nightmare both dive forward and tie up in the middle of the ring. The powerful Loki Synn backs Nightmare up against the ropes, however Nightmare manages to counter by knocking away the arms of his opponent and taking him to the mat with a double leg takedown. The fans boo loudly as Nightmare lays into Loki Synn with some big mounted punches before the former Red&Black Champion is able to force his way back to a standing position. Nightmare runs at Loki Synn, but Loki Synn knocks him away with a big head butt. Nightmare comes again, but once again Loki Synn knocks Nightmare back with a head butt before taking him to the mat with a scoop slam. The fans roar with approval as Loki Synn lays into Nightmare with some big stomps before allowing him up to his feet.

Chris Bond stands back and watches the action unfold as Nightmare jumps up to his feet and surprises Loki Synn with a double arm takedown. With Loki Synn down on the mat, Nightmare quickly punishes his opponent with a sleeper hold with full leg scissors. Bond can just stand back and watch as Nightmare attempts to squeeze the life out of his opponent! Loki Synn shouts out in pain whilst desperately trying to free himself from the painful hold. Nightmare continues to wear down his opponent, until the powerful Loki Synn is able to push away the legs of Nightmare and free himself with some back head butts.

Loki Synn rises up to his feet, but Nightmare is straight back on him with some big right hands. The fans boo the punches from the masked Nightmare, however Loki Synn is finally able to block one before landing a kick to the midsection on Nightmare. Nightmare doubles over in pain before being dropped to the mat with a DDT from Loki Synn! Loki Synn rises up to his feet, but to his shock so does Nightmare! Nightmare runs at Loki Synn, and the jester is forced to take him down to the mat with a drop toe hold. With Nightmare face down, Loki Synn rushes across and drops an elbow across the back of Nightmare’s head to cause even more damage to his opponent, as the countdown begins for the next entry to make his or her way down to the match.






“All My Life” by Foo Fighters hits the sound system and there are boos around the arena as the Company member James Von Drake makes his way down the entrance ramp as the next entry into the match! Von Drake quickly slides into the ring and takes advantage of the temporary numbers advantage by knocking down Loki Synn with a double axe handle from behind. The fans boo loudly as JVD and Nightmare take turns on stomping down Loki Synn as the jester tries to rise up to his feet.

Loki Synn finally manages to reach a standing position, but as he tries to take down Nightmare he is quickly hit with a low blow from behind from James Von Drake. Chris Bond warns JVD about the low blow, but with no DQ’s there is very little he can do as Nightmare hammers away with big right hands on Loki Synn. Nightmare backs Loki Synn into the corner of the ring with big right hands before grabbing him by the arm. The fans boo as Nightmare irish whips Loki Synn across the ring, straight into a spear from James Von Drake!

The spear looks like it could have broken Loki Synn in half as the former Las Vegas Champion pulls Loki Synn up to his feet. James Von Drake wastes no time at all in nailing a knee to the midsection of Loki Synn, before dropping him to the mat with the ‘Dollar Drop’! The fans continue to boo as they await the next entry to the match to even the numbers, however it can’t come soon enough for Loki Synn as Nightmare drags him to his feet. Nightmare positions Loki Synn dead center in the ring, before dropping him with the Rogue Driver! The fans boo as Nightmare makes the cover and Chris Bond drops down to make the count.




Loki Synn is eliminated from the Organised Chaos match and the match has now swung into the favour of the Company! The fans boo loudly as Nightmare and James Von Drake retreat to opposite corners of the ring and catch their breathes knowing that the next entry into the match will be an sVo rebel. Loki Synn is helped out of the Organised Chaos structure as the countdown begins.






The fans in the arena begin to cheer as ‘Ugly’ by Mudvayne hits the sound system, and the entrance video of the American wannaba begins to play on the sVo-Tron! After a few seconds El Locon, wearing a straight jacket slowly walks down the entrance ramp escorted by a man wearing a white jacket and a net. The fans cheer as El Locon stares down at the ring, before climbing into the cage! El Locon climbs into the ring, but is quickly pounced on by Nightmare and James Von Drake!

Nightmare and JVD knock El Locon down to the mat before beginning to stomp away on him. The fans boo the attack by the Company men, as El Locon rolls to the outside to try and escape the numbers game. Nightmare and JVD quickly follow El Locon to the outside, and Nightmare grabs El Locon from behind before slamming him face first into the side of the cage. El Locon slumps down to the floor in pain as JVD reaches under the ring for a weapon. The fans boo loudly as Nightmare pulls El Locon up to his feet whilst James Von Drake pulls a steel chair from under the ring. El Locon already looks in pain as James Von Drake slams the chair into his skull.

El Locon drops down to the floor on the outside of the ring and looks like he could be out of the match already as the Company continue to dominate. Nightmare pulls El Locon’s limp body up before tossing it with ease into the steel ring steps. The fans continue to boo the Company pair loudly as Nightmare rolls El Locon back into the ring for James Von Drake to scramble across and make the cover.




There is a big cheer from the fans as somehow El Locon gets a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted! James Von Drake looks at his opponent in disbelief before grabbing him by the hair and laying into him with some mounted punches. Meanwhile on the outside of the ring Nightmare grabs hold of the steel chair and rolls back into the ring. As JVD pulls El Locon up to his feet, the countdown begins for the next Company member to enter the match and make it three on one!






The haunting sound of ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath begins to drift over the sound system as smoke begins to emerge from the entrance stage. After a few seconds the figure of Benedict Wilson cuts through the dark smoke and makes his way down to the ring, ignoring the booing crowd. Wilson steps into the cage and slides into the ring, ready to join the beatdown of El Locon. Chris Bond can only watch on as Nightmare hands the steel chair to the newcomer to the match Benedict Wilson before pulling El Locon up to a standing position.

The fans boo loudly as Wilson holds the chair up into the air as if he is inspecting it, before swinging to nail El Locon, however before he can connect El Locon somehow ducks out of the way and Wilson smashes Nightmare in the face! The fans pop as Nightmare hits the deck and El Locon bounces into the ropes before nailing Benedict Wilson with a flying shoulder tackle! James Von Drake quickly nails El Locon from behind, however El Locon turns and begins to lay into JVD with some right hands of his own. James Von Drake tries to come back with a spear, but El Locon counters with a big boot to the face!

The numbers game seem to get the better of El Locon as this time Benedict Wilson grabs him from behind and hits him with a elbow smash to the face. El Locon staggers back, allowing Wilson to grab him by the arm and whip him into the ropes. Wilson stands ready for a side slam in the middle of the ring, but as El Locon bounces out of the ropes he counters with a ‘Loco From Hell’! The fans pop for the massive clothesline as El Locon makes the cover on Benedict Wilson!




JVD comes flying in at the last minute, but is too late to save his partner from being eliminated at the hands of El Locon! The fans cheer loudly for the elimination as James Von Drake begins to kick away at El Locon as the countdown begins for the next sVo rebel to enter the match and even up the numbers!






‘Flower’ by The Moby begins to play, as blue and white strobe lights flash at the entrance. Sara steps out from the back and waves at the crowd with a smile. She then jogs excitedly down the aisle, slapping hands with fans on either side along the way before stepping into the Organised Chaos structure. The fans cheer as Sara Pettis quickly climbs up onto the ring apron and then up onto the top rope. As JVD continues to kick away at El Locon, he is caught from behind as Sara Pettis comes flying from the top rope with a cross body block onto the former Las Vegas Champion!

With Nightmare still down after the chair shot, the numbers game is now in the advantage of the rebels as Sara Pettis pulls JVD up to his feet and throws him into the ropes. JVD looks for a clothesline on Pettis as he bounces back out of the ropes, but as he does Pettis ducks the arm of JVD, and JVD is planted to the mat thanks to a spinebuster from El Locon! The fans cheer as El Locon nails some big mounted punches on James Von Drake as Sara Pettis taunts to the crowd.

El Locon finally rises up off of JVD, and Pettis follows up with a springboard elbow drop off of the second rope! James Von Drake looks in trouble as El Locon makes his way over to Nightmare whilst Pettis pulls the former Las Vegas Champion up to his feet. JVD is thrown into the corner of the ring by Pettis, who follows up with the ‘Blue Moon’! There is a big cheer from the fans as Pettis makes the cover.




JVD is eliminated! The advantage is now that of the sVo rebels as Sara Pettis slowly rises up to her feet. On the otherside of the ring El Locon is choking out Nightmare whilst JVD is helped out of the ring by the referee Chris Bond who has so far called everything right down the middle.






There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as ‘Sinner’ by Drowning Pool hits the sound system and the blackmailed DJ makes his way down to the ring! DJ doesn’t look too happy about competing in this match on the side of the Company as he steps into the Organised Chaos structure, and is met with a flurry of kicks from Sara Pettis on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring El Locon pulls Nightmare up to his feet and whips him into the ring ropes, but as El Locon looks for another ‘Loco From Hell’, Nightmare is able to duck under the move and counter with a belly to back suplex on El Locon!

Sara Pettis lays into DJ on the outside of the ring before grabbing the back of his head and trying to slam it into the ring apron. However DJ is able to counter by putting his hands on the ring apron, and then nailing a back elbow on Pettis in the ribs. Pettis staggers backwards, and DJ is able to take her down with a back suplex into the side of the cage! Sara Pettis holds her neck in pain from the impact as DJ rises up to his feet and rolls into the ring.

Chris Bond checks on Sara Pettis as Nightmare pulls El Locon up to his feet and nails him with a big back breaker. El Locon shouts out in pain as DJ springboards into the ropes to back flip onto the sVo rebel! The fans boo the high flying move from DJ as Nightmare orders him to the top rope! The fans continue to boo loudly as Nightmare manhandles El Locon with ease up to his feet, before dropping him with a hanging cradle brainbuster suplex! With El Locon down on the mat, DJ flies from the top rope to land the ‘DJ Splash’ on El Locon! The fans boo loudly as Chris Bond slides back into the ring to make the cover as DJ pins El Locon.




El Locon is now eliminated and both sides have four competitors left each. The fans boo loudly as DJ and Nightmare rise up to their feet and turn their attention towards Sara Pettis on the outside of the ring who is still laying injured. Chris Bond tries to reason with DJ, but Nightmare looks like he is licking his lips in anticpation as he begins to make his way across the Organised Chaos structure towards the blue haired sVo TapOut Champion as the countdown begins.






A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of purple light as a man in a purple tights with black wrestling boots bursts onto the entrance ramp. A head of black dreadlocks stream off his head, tracing the man’s jaw. The crowd erupts as the sVo Hall-of-Famer stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment. Instead of his usual glide to the ring the former sVo Champion quickly sprints down the entrance ramp and leaps into the Organised Chaos structure to the delight of the fans.

Night means a bee line straight for his brother and tackles him down to the floor on the outside of the ring before laying into him with big right hands. The fans cheer as Night and Nightmare roll around on the outside of the ring trading right hands, both men countering the other as soon as they gain the upper hand. Night and Nightmare finally rise up to a standing position and Nightmare catches his brother with a sucker punch. Night staggers backwards, but as Nightmare runs at him he drops him with a spinning calf kick!

The fans cheer for the move, but Nightmare rises straight back up to his feet. Night quickly grabs hold of his brother by the arm and tries to whip him into the steel ring steps. However Nightmare is able to use his agility to jump up and over the steel steps before landing on his feet on the otherside. Nightmare raises his hands in the air, obviously proud with himself, but his joy is short lived as Night baseball slides into the steps, sending them into his brothers legs! With Nightmare down, DJ looks like he has seen enough as he suddenly comes flying over the top rope to the outside of the ring and crashes into Night! Both men impact hard against the side of the steel cage and all four competitors are down!

DJ and Night are the first two competitors to rise to their feet as DJ lays into Night with some big forearm smashes. DJ tries to grab Night and irish whip him into the side of the cage, however Night reverses and sends DJ hard into the cage! The fans cheer as DJ bounces off of the mesh and holds his face in pain. However before Night can even turn around he is grabbed from behind by his brother. The fans cheer loudly as Nightmare begins to grate his brothers unmasked face along the side of the mesh cage. DJ looks to be a crimson mess as the countdown begins for the next Company competitor to enter the match.






“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as Rey Rosario comes out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Rosario shows no fear of the cage as he steps into it and poses for the crowd before getting involved in the action. With Pettis still down holding her neck in pain and DJ a crimson mess, Night is rolled back into the ring by Nightmare. Night staggers up to his feet slowly, his face also a crimson mask now.

Rosario bounces into the ring ropes and lands a big clothesline on Night as he tries to stand straight. The fans boo loudly as Nightmare joins Rey Rosario in stomping away on Night in the middle of the ring. On the outside Sara Pettis slowly begins to rise to her feet after being suplexed into the side of the cage earlier in the match. The fans cheer as Pettis rolls into the ring, but she is quickly grabbed by Nightmare. Nightmare throws Sara Pettis into the ropes, only for Pettis to bounces back and counter with a spinning neckbreaker! Pettis quickly makes the cover on Nightmare as Chris Bond drops in to count.




Bond holds two fingers in the air to signal that it was only a two count as Pettis slowly rises up to her feet. Sara Pettis is grabbed from behind by Rey Rosario, but Pettis lays into him with some back elbows before taking him down to the mat with a spinning face crusher! The fans cheer the big move from Sara Pettis as she makes her way to the corner of the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. As DJ rises up to his feet on the outside, Sara Pettis leaps from the top looking for a huricarana on DJ, however the Company member counters into a deverstating sit out powerbomb on the outside of the ring!






Sheldon rides out onto the stage on his segway and starts waving enthusiastically to the crowd. Hossteder quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp before stepping into the Organised Chaos structure and evening the numbers in the battle for the future of the sVo! Hossteder quickly makes his way around to DJ and lays into him as in the ring Night is pulled to his feet by Rosario. Rosario shoots Night into the corner of the ring, before following up with a big clothesline in the corner of the ring! Nightmare looks to be directing traffic as he tells Rosario to keep Night in the corner as he rolls out of the ring and searches for something under the ring.

The fans boo loudly as Nightmare pulls as table from under the ring and sets it up onto the outside as Hossteder pulls DJ up and drops him with a spinning suplex onto the steel ringsteps on the outside of the ring! DJ holds his back in pain As Hossteder rises up to his feet and soaks in the cheers from the fans. With the table set up on the outside of the ring, Nightmare rolls back into the ring and waves Rosario away as he grabs his brother in the corner of the ring. Rosario makes his way across and slides out of the ring in pursuit of Sara Pettis as Nightmare powers Night up onto the top rope! The fans boo loudly as Nightmare climbs up onto the top rope whilst holding his brother Night up and positioning him for a ‘Rogue Driver’! Nightmare looks like he is ready to try and put his brother out of action for a long time again with his finishing move off the top rope, out of the ring and through a table! However there is a big cheer from the fans as all of a sudden Night switches his body wait and flips Nightmare up before tossing him off of the top rope with the ‘Dreaming’ off of the top rope on Nightmare through the table on the outside of the ring!

The fans pop loudly for the move as everyone else in the match stops and surveys the wreckage of the two brothers laying motionless in the table on the outside of the ring! Nightmare’s legs look to have slammed into the side of the cage on the way down and now both men could be down and out! Chris Bond checks on Night and Nightmare, who he fought for the sVo Championship before leaving the sVo, as Sheldon Hossteder tosses DJ into the ring under the bottom rope!

The fans cheer as DJ tries to fight back with some weak punches to Sheldon Hossteder, only for him to take him down with a ‘Defrag’ in the middle of the ring! The fans pop for the popular move, as Hossteder quickly locks on the ‘Ctrl Alt Del’ on DJ! DJ struggles to try and position himself nearer the ropes as Chris Bond slides back into the ring to check for a potential submission! With the jobs of his friends on the line DJ tries in vain to pull himself to the ropes, but after a few seconds of struggling he realises he has no choice!




The Company team are now one man down thanks to DJ submitting, and with only the mystery men from both sides waiting to enter the match looks to be in the favour of the sVo rebels! The fans cheer Hossteder as he rises up to his feet and celebrates the big decision in the match. Meanwhile on the outside of the ring Night is slowly rising up to his feet. The fans cheer the hall of fame member on as he pulls his brother up and rolls his limp body into the ring. Night slowly crawls into the ring himself, and drops an arm across the chest of Nightmare!




Chris Bond makes the three count and things are now looking very bad for the Company! The fans cheer loudly as Rey Rosario stands in the corner of the ring looking at the three competitors of the rebels left in the match knowing that it is just himself and one mystery entrant left for the Company! As the countdown begins for the mystery entrant on the Company side to make their way to the ring, Rosario quickly bursts forward and lays into Sara Pettis and Sheldon Hossteder with big right hands in an attempt to try and claw the match back in the favour of the Company!






The fans in the ring and everyone in attendance looks shocked as “Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” by Enter Shikari blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp accompanied by Matt Anderson! The new sVo Tag Team Champion, who actually brought Jon Page back to the sVo and started the rebellion is the mystery entrant of the Company! Anderson smiles broadly as Paradine steps into the cage and quickly backs up Rey Rosario in his fist fight against Sara Pettis and Sheldon Hossteder.

Rey Rosario pairs off with Sara Pettis as Paradine and Hossteder trade big right hands in the corner of the ring. Rey Rosario shoots Pettis into the ropes and nails her with a back drop as she bounces back, whilst Hossteder drops Paradine with a single leg takedown. Hossteder tries to apply a single leg Boston crab onto Paradine, but Paradine manages to roll through the move into an ankle lock on Hossteder! The fans boo the move from the Tag Team Champion Paradine, but as he gets the ankle lock secured it is broken up by Night!

The bloodied hall of fame member who has been fighting against the Company for over a year pulls Nathan Paradine up to his feet and nails him with a flurry of right hands. Night backs Paradine up against the ropes, before taking him down to the mat with a Sandman DDT! The fans cheer the big move from the ring general Night, who battles against his tiredness and injuries to head to the top rope! Night stands on the top looking down on Paradine before landing a 450 splash! However Paradine is able to get his knees up and drive them into the midsection of Night at the last second!

The fans boo loudly as Night scrambles up to his feet holding his gut in pain. Night slowly turns around, but is grabbed by the Tag Team Champion who sends him flying across the ring with a ‘ParaPlex’! The fans are in shock as Paradine makes the cover and Bond dives in to make the count!




After eliminating his brother, the hall of fame member Night is now out of the match as well at the hands of Nathan Paradine! Matt Anderson looks very pleased with himself as he prowls around outside the cage.

With two competitors from each side locked in the cage and one mystery opponent still left to enter on the side of the rebels, Paradine quickly rises up and grabs hold of the TapOut Champion Sara Pettis. Hossteder tries to intervene, however Rey Rosario takes him down from behind with a bulldog. Paradine tosses Pettis into the corner of the ring and begins to lay into her with some big knees into the midsection. Hossteder rises up to his feet, but as Rosario tries to pull him up into a suplex position Hossteder manages to counter with a knee to the midsection of his opponent. Rosario doubles over in pain and Hossteder drops him down to the mat with a big German suplex!

Hossteder makes his way across the ring and pulls Paradine away from Sara Pettis before throwing him into the ring ropes. However as Paradine bounces back he lands a jumping knee to the face of his opponent! The fans boo the move from Paradine as he pulls Hossteder up to his feet. Hossteder nails some right hands on Paradine, but Rosario cuts him off with a steel chair shot to the back! Hossteder holds his back in pain, and Paradine follows up with a ParaPlex on Sheldon Hossteder! The fans boo loudly as Paradine makes the cover on Sheldon Hossteder!




Sheldon Hossteder is eliminated from the match! The fans boo loudly as Paradine rises up to his feet and he and Rosario turn their attentions back to Sara Pettis who is trying to pull herself up to her feet using the ropes in the corner of the ring. Paradine and a steel chair wielding Rey Rosario slowly begin to make their way towards Sara Pettis as the countdown for the mystery and final competitor to make their way to the Organised Chaos structure!






There is a big pop in the arena as ‘Head Like A Hole’ hits the sound system and the other half of the sVo Tag Team Champions Cody Williams steps out onto the top of the entrance stage with Jon Page at his side! Paradine looks shocked in the ring that his fellow tag team champion is on the opposite side, as Williams makes his way down towards the structure. Cody Williams takes a long look up at the huge structure, before making his way through the door which is locked shut behind him! With the last four competitors in the match, the fate of the sVo is in the hands of Paradine, Rosario, Sara Pettis and Cody Williams!

Cody Williams slides into the ring and ducks as Rey Rosario runs at him with the steel chair! Rosario spins around but Cody Williams kicks the chair straight back into his face! The fans cheer for the big move as Paradine lays into Sara Pettis in the corner of the ring! Paradine looks to be avoiding approaching his tag team partner as he grabs hold of Sara Pettis by her blue hair and slams the TapOut Champion into the turnbuckle face first! Sara Pettis staggers backwards out of the corner, and Paradine takes her down to the mat with a full nelson suplex.

Meanwhile Rey Rosario staggers up to his feet holding his face in pain, and Cody Williams grabs him and drops him face first onto the steel chair with a ‘Pure Perfection’! The fans cheer as Cody Williams rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans. Rey Rosario staggers up to his feet, but Cody Williams quickly drops him with a ‘Perfectly Executed’! With Rosario down, Cody Williams makes the cover!




Cody Williams has eliminated Rey Rosario from the match, and now it is two rebels vs. one member of the Company! Paradine looks around and stares at Cody Williams who is standing over the body of Rey Rosario with a smile on his face. Suddenly there is a loud boo around the arena as Matt Anderson rushes across and grabs hold of Jon Page by the back of the head and slams him face first into the side of the Organised Chaos structure! Matt Anderson quickly turns and marches across to the security guards guarding the entrance to the cage and demands the key to the lock!

In the ring Cody Williams and Nathan Paradine stand face to face as Sara Pettis slouches in the corner. The security guards try to restrain Anderson, but the Company man nails them both with right hands to send them down! The fans boo loudly as Anderson grabs the key and unlocks the cage door before entering the Organised Chaos structure! Anderson rolls into the ring and grabs hold of the steel chair in the ring, before slamming it into the back of Cody Williams’ head! Cody Williams hits the mat and the fans boo loudly as Anderson shouts at Paradine to cover Cody Williams! Paradine stares down at his fallen tag team partner, but as he does the fans cheer as Matt Anderson is grabbed from behind by the referee Chris Bond! Bond spins Anderson around and orders him out of the cage!

Anderson turns as if he is about to leave, before spinning around and trying to punch Anderson! The fans cheer as Bond blocks the punch before dropping Matt Anderson with the ‘Reality Check’! With Anderson down on the mat, Paradine begins to make his way over towards Cody Williams to make the cover, but out of no where he is tackled to the ground by Rey Rosario! The fans can’t believe what they are seeing as Rosario, the Company man, pulls Nathan Paradine up to his feet before dropping him with a Rey’s DDT! The fans cheer loudly for Rosario as he jumps out of the ring and makes his way out of the Organised Chaos structure! Rosario exchanges knowing looks with Jon Page on the outside of the cage as the former sVo Owner slowly rises up to his feet.

Meanwhile back in the ring, with Cody Williams and Nathan Paradine both down, Sara Pettis slowly begins to make her way to the top rope! The fans cheer loudly as Pettis taunts to the crowd, before leaping from the top with an ‘Ampflied’ on Nathan Paradine! The fans pop as Pettis makes the cover and Chris Bond slides in to make the cover!





The fans pop and it is all over, with the sVo rebels defeating the Company in Organised Chaos IV! A bloodied Matt Anderson looks on in horror as Chris Bond raises Sara Pettis’s hand in the air in victory!RINGSIDE


As Chris Bond raises Sara Pettis hand in the air in victory there is massive cheers from the fans as the sVo team of Night, El Locon, Sheldon Hossteder and Loki Synn make their way back down the entrance ramp and climb into the ring to celebrate the victory. The group is joined by Jon Page who throws his hands up in the air triumphantly.

As Matt Anderson watches one and slowly skulks away with hatred surely burning from behind his sunglasses, streamers begin to fall from the ceiling and fireworks shoot up from the entrance ramp to celebrate the big victory in the history of the sVo!

The victorious team continue to celebrate in the middle of the ring, until suddenly there is confusion in the arena as “O’ Canada” into “Holding Out for a Hero” by Emery hits the sound system as ‘The Canadian Crusader’ Bruce Alexander Pepin III tears ass for the cage, rebels, Company men, and crowd alike gawking at the brashness of this newcomer. Pepin reaches the door, throws it open, enters the ring, and slams the door shut, turning around immediately and smiling at all that stand before him. He speaks loudly enough for his words to be heard by the camera.

Pepin: Je ne suis pas piégé dans ici avec vous; vous êtes tous piégés dans ici avec moi!

The crowd is mostly muttering with confusion, though some boos are mixed in. The wrestlers in the ring look around at each other, smiles breaking out on more than a few of their faces, until Pepin lunges right for the person nearest to him, Sheldon Hossteder, and nails him with a hard left. The crowd lets loose with their boos as Hossteder stumbles back, mostly from the surprise of the blow, and Pepin turns to attack El Locon, but Pepin is absolutely flattened by the El Loco from Hell before he can even think, “A beaver tail would be very nice right now.” The crowd erupts, and the rebels recommence their celebration.

This is short-lived, as from out of the back run none other than… Greg Segier and Intrepid, much to the distaste of the crowd!

Intrepid: HEATHENS!

The rebels are NOT happy, as this is another interruption to their hard-earned victory in Organized Chaos. The two of them (Segier and Intrepid) reach the cage and enter it as quickly as they can, and the rebels are less nice this time, immediately heading for them and stomping away at them before they can even ready themselves. The crowd cheers loudly again, and once the three intruders are pushed out of the ring, the celebration begins anew, the crisis implied for weeks officially averted.

Until the first man jumped the guardrail. Then the next. Then the next. Six men in all, all stalking right toward the cage, all somehow familiar yet terrifyingly unknown.

The crowd is no longer booing or murmuring, but now screaming at their heroes to see what’s going on. They don’t notice until the largest of the men, a massive mound of man in jeans and a biker’s trenchcoat, reaches the door to the cage, snarls, and tears it off its hinges. The party comes to an abrupt end on this note.

The men all enter the cage, slowly now, eyeing the men and women in front of them coldly, with clearly single-minded but ambiguous intentions. They move around the ring, and one of them, the smallest in the group, bends to rouse the three men that assaulted the ring moments before. Pepin, Segier, and Intrepid, having finally shaken out the cobwebs, join the others, and the outsiders now number nine strong, surrounding the ring. The rebels, and even the Company men, look back and forth at each man on the outside, waiting to see who will make the first move, the crowd screaming in terror, uncertainty for their heroes filling their collective being.

The stalemate lasts until the men on the outside look, slowly, agonizingly, one at a time, to one of their flock in particular, a man with hair, streaked white, hanging in his face. He nods, and as one, they swarm the ring. Instinctively, the rebels shrink back, tightening their group into a smaller size, but the men don’t slow, and are upon them almost instantly, laying into the rebels with rights and lefts, swallowing them all up into a cloud of pain.

Cody Williams is the first out of the pain cloud, clutching at his face, and Greg Segier follows him closely, kicking him in the back, causing him to roll into the nearest corner. Segier yanks Williams over to the corner, exits the ring, pulls his crotch across the turnbuckle pole, and applies a hanging Figure Four. Williams screams in pain, thrashing about, but to no avail. Especially after Intrepid gets directly in his face and begins shrieking at him about the voices.

Night manages to get himself some breathing room, but it’s short-lived as the streaked-haired man nails him with a very stiff knee strike to the head, sending him careening into the ropes. The smallest man adds to the pain, smashing the Kyoto native in the face with a superkick that sends him right out the ring. Bruce Pepin and a man with tribal face paint follow him out like bloodhounds before commencing their assault on the groggy Night.

Sara Pettis boldly wails away at a man with cold, almost soulless eyes, desperately trying to defend herself, but the man pushes her right onto her back. He laughs as she attempts to get back to her feet, and he easily lifts her onto his shoulders, eyeing the nearest ropes before heading for them. He tosses her off and torques himself and her in the air, ultimately catching her in a modified TKO that drops her throat-first across the top rope, her body landing in a motionless heap on the outside.

El Locon and a man wearing a golden bandana are going at it, locked up tight, until they both tumble over the top rope. El Locon seemingly takes the advantage, but a hard boot to the gut derails that train, and the bandana-wearing man sends the huge Puerto Rican not only into the cage wall with a powerbomb, but straight through the wall, tearing a large section out of the cage with a nasty steel wrenching sound. The crowd doesn’t mask their shock and terror.

Sheldon Hossteder and Chris Bond manage to drive the largest of the men back for a moment, but they happen to give him the tinniest of spaces to nail Bond square in the face with a death rattle of a superkick that no man that size should be able to perform. Hossteder stands, looking at the massive man before him, with uncertainty etched on his face, until the beast of a man wipes the look off his face with a spear that has FAR too much power behind it for having absolutely no charge.

With all of the rebels downed, the only man remaining is Jon Page, and the outsiders all turn their attention to him. The camera cuts from one fallen hero to another, each bleeding, moving little, weakly watching their leader as he is stalked by the terrible group of interlopers. He smartly tries to make a run for it, but the biggest, baldest of them all catches him with a boot before picking him up over his head and driving him down with a sitout variation of a Last Ride that shakes the arena down to its foundation. One picks Page up before ripping him right back down with an RKO-like cutter. The man with the bandana picks him up now, grabs him in a front face lock, butterflies his arms, leaps, and dropkicks his victim’s legs out from under him as he obliterates him with a modified Double-Arm DDT. The one with the streaked hair steps up finally, looks down at the fallen leader of the rebels, smiles slightly, and makes his move, gaining side control over the fallen Page, locking both arms, and beginning to deliver sick elbow after sick elbow into Page’s exposed head. The crowd is on full-on booing duty, screaming their hatred and obscenities at these men, but none of them pay the fans any mind. Especially not the man with the streaked hair. He doesn’t notice anything until Page stops moving.

They don’t stop there. The smallest man reaches under the ring and produces a sledgehammer after a bit of digging, and takes it to the cage wall, tearing through it easily. The largest man produces a cinder block from under the ring and makes his way out of the wrecked cage toward the entranceway. The man with the bandana finds a fire axe under the ring, twirling the head of it before climbing into the ring, raising the axe high, and driving it down hard into the canvas with a THWACK. He raises it and repeats the process, over and over, the sound resonating throughout the arena. The streaked-haired man strikes the nearest cameraman, causing the feed to abruptly change from the fallen camera to the main one. The other men continue their assault on the fallen rebels, drawing more blood, causing more pain.

The large baldie has reached the top of the entrance now, and he stares out into the hostile crowd, holding the cinder block aloft like a trophy before throwing it with all of his might at the sVo Tron. The massive screen shatters from the force of the blow, raining down glass onto the large man, who laughs deeply, heartily, like the shaking of mountains.

The shot returns to the ring, where the man in the bandana takes a final swing of the axe, burying it deeply in the ring. He steps back and admires his handiwork, and it is the final image on the screen before the scene fades to black and Vendetta closes.

Three letters.


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