Shadows of Power 2010
23rd May 2010
Goodfellas Casino Arena, Las Vegas
PPV #011
Shadows of Power 2010
The entrance video for the Shadows of Power 2010 PPV hits the screens of millions of TV’s worldwide as the build up for such huge matches such as Night vs. Johnny All Star and Talon/Nathan Paradine vs. Chris Bond/Billy Jacobs is accompanied by the offical SoP10 theme music, “End Credit’s” by Chase and Status ft. Plan B!

Comic Relief“Infra-Red” by Placebo blasts over the Goodfellas Casino sound system, and the crowd erupts as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his hair once again gelled into perfect blonde spikes, his sunglasses reflecting thousands of flashing camera lenses and a cocky smirk on his face. His trunks have changed too, now bright red and bearing the Southern Cross across his left leg. He pauses at the bottom of the ramp and glances around, passing off his sunglasses to a fan in the front row. He then slides underneath the bottom rope and calls for a microphone as the music dies down.

“It has come to my attention,” he begins, however a loud cheer from a section of the crowd almost drowns him out. He waves his arm around, motioning for the crowd to hush. “It has come to my attention recently that there has been a dynamic shift of power here in the Sanctioned Violence Organization. Allow me now, please, to lead you on a little trip down memory lane. Trust me, this is only going to take a moment or so.”

A video starts to play on the video screen above the ramp, showing Chris Bond circa 2008 throughout his tenure in the sVo. The former secret agent had many highlights throughout his career such as several hilarious hijinks with various former roster members such as Gunner Lang and Kerry Milano, in addition to the infamous “motherfucker” angle (specific clips were shown not only in slow motion, but in full high-definition as well) and main eventing Vendetta 2008, teaming up with Psyko Stevo to clash against Mike Polowy and Kelly Flawless. As the footage comes to an end, the camera cuts back to show Paradine standing in the middle of the ring.

“That’s right,” Paradine declares, taking a step forward. “Once upon a time, Chris Bond was not consumed with power or jealousy. Once upon a time he was not the leader of the most ineffectual stable in professional wrestling, known to most as “The Industry”. No, once upon a time Chris Bond was the laid back, suave secret agent man of the Sanctioned Violence Organization, and the punchline to the joke that the rest of the roster happened to be at that time. Now, he might try to hide it behind a tough guy exterior, but I know that deep down Bond is still the bumbling idiot he was made out to be during this time. Tonight, in our tag team match… I’m going to expose that side of him again.”

Paradine starts to pace back and forth once again, apparently musing over his next words. Eventually he looks up again and raises the microphone.

“Now, for those of you with exceptionally long term memory spans, there was an edition of Showdown that never made it to the air in 2008, due to the closure of the sVo. Now, we all know that several things happened on this show, Talon taking possession of the sVo Hardcore Championship being one of them… the rest, all lost in the annals of time past. But, one of the matches that took place on that night was Billy Jacobs versus Nathan Paradine in our first ever meeting… and guess what the result of that match happened to be?”

Nathan lowered the mic and glanced around before flashing the camera a knowing wink.

“I seem to have conveniently forgotten the result of that match. However, tonight the rematch of the bout that never was will take place, and the true victor will stand and take his place in the middle of this very ring. Am I right, or am I right?”

The crowd gives a resounding cheer, and Paradine apparently enjoys the reaction. He moves towards the ropes, once again pointing up the ramp towards the video screen. He raises the mic again to speak, a slight shadow falling over his face.

“If you’ll just pay attention for a moment, please,” Paradine lowers his arm and shakes his head. “The following video may get a little… graphic, for some of our younger viewers. Please rest assured that the young boy in this video came through unharmed and that his kidnapper is now serving a life sentence six feet under.”

The lights dim, and a video starts to play on the screen. Talon’s head can be seen, while a deep voice speaks.

“To the fans of the sVo, Talon is the representation of goodness, of hope, of good always triumphing over evil. While some may think of this as little more than a comic-book cliché, Talon feels that he is a beacon of everlasting strength for the restless seas of the wrestling world.”

Clips are shown of Talon in action, both in Hostility and the sVo, while the voice continues speaking.

“Unfortunately, in reality, Talon is none of these things. His early career was marred by the scandal surrounding the kidnapping of Trenton Williams and subsequent suicide of Alex Ross, the latter being a close personal friend of Talon himself. Indeed, while his many successes both inside and outside the ring during the intervening months have supposedly eclipsed this incident, some people have long memories. Some people remember that once upon a time, Talon was little more than a talented rookie, a small fish in a big pond. Talon, ladies and gentlemen, is still a small fish, albeit one with some big ideas…”

More clips of Talon, this time during his tenure as Hostility World Heavyweight Champion.

“One of these ideas being that he is eligible for a shot at the sVo World Heavyweight Championship. When the time comes to support your NEW number one contender, do NOT believe in Talon. Do you really want to see an accused kidnapper and a man who is KNOWN for consorting with the strippers of Las Vegas as the figurehead of the great Sanctioned Violence Organization? Or would you rather see Nathan Paradine, a down-to-earth, true-blue professional wrestler, a man who exemplifies the word “competition”, a man who has travelled the world and beaten the best of the best, in this position?”

The video ends showing a stylized Talon with wings protruding from his back, the wings quickly burning away and Talon crumbling to reveal a grinning Nathan Paradine, the sVo World Heavyweight Championship slung over his shoulder. The camera cuts to show Nathan Paradine standing in the ring and he shrugs, a grin on his face.

“What can I say?” he laughs. “Obviously, I’m the better candidate for the number one contender spot. Tonight, I’m going to prove that as well when I beat The Industry without any help from that false idol. “The Hero?” Puh-lease.”

Paradine laughs and climbs out of the ring, walking back up the ramp. When he finally reaches the stage he turns around again and bows, his free arm sweeping wide.

“Thank you, thank you! Tonight, for your entertainment, I present to you the thrilling bout of Nathan Paradine versus The Idiotical Industry, consisting of Chris Bond and Billy Jacobs! Also, for comic relief and a cheap pop, Talon may make an appearance or two, but I wouldn’t bet on it. And, if I were a betting man, I’d be putting all your money on me. Just sayin’!”

With that, Paradine drops the mic and walks backstage, as “Infra-Red” resumes playing over the sound system.

Knowledge is PowerThe sVo cameras head backstage to the parking lot where out of a limo steps the current sVo President Paige All-Star, complete with her new look of dyed black hair. With a month now passed since the kidnapping of Paige by the Company, it looks like she is ready to get back to the job here tonight at Shadows of Power 2010! Paige looks as if she is in a confident mood as she walks away from the limo and towards the backstage entrance of the Goodfellas Casino Arena. However before she can step through the door, a huge figure steps infront of it and blocks it off, the figure of Scott Love, the former head of security and Company turncoat.

Scott Love – “Nice to see you back at work Paige….”

Scott Love leers down at Paige in an uncomfortable manor, trying to intimidate the sVo President. Paige simply looks up at Scott Love with hatred burning in her eyes at his double cross a month ago, but a smirk on her face.

Paige All Star – “It’s nice to be back at work…. but I don’t think its going to be too nice for you Scott.”

Scott Love seems slightly taken aback at the confidence showed by Paige. After being kidnapped by the Company, he expected her to be terrified.

Paige All Star – “Just remember that knowledge is power Scott, and unfortunately for you, you don’t know half as much as you think you do….”

Paige leaves her words stinging in the air, and despite her small size pushes through the doorway and past Scott Love, leaving the big man standing there pondering her words.

Killer White vs. Joey Peyton vs. Jakob MurphyDing Ding Ding

The bell rings and White quickly charges and delivers a hopping rolling pin on Peyton.



Interrupted by Murphy.

Murphy now jumps on White and delivers a rolling crutch pin to White.



Interrupted by Peyton.

Peyton now delivers a club to the neck of Murphy. Peyton follows it up with a forearm smash to Murphy. Peyton measures Murphy and connects with a headbutt to Murphy. White recovers and throws Peyton out of the ring and locks in a goku-raku stretch on Murphy. Peyton comes storming back to the ring and dropkicks White off from Murphy and White rolls all the way to the outside. Peyton takes quick advantage and locks in a Boston crab on Murphy. Murphy is about to tap when White makes the save hammering Peyton. White now turns his attention back on Murphy and applies an arm lock to Murphy. Murphy has been stretch out severely and screams in pain but Peyton saves him delivering a side kick to White breaking the hold as Murphy rolls out of the ring in pain. Peyton pins White.




Peyton now locks in a head pound on White. White can’t reach the ropes but Murphy gets back to the ring and delivers knee strikes to Peyton to release the hold. Murphy follows them up with a punch to Peyton. Murphy now throws Peyton against the ropes and takes him down with a leg trip to Peyton. Murphy now starts to angry stomp on Peyton. Murphy picks up Peyton and delivers a fist but to Peyton. Murphy steps back and gets locked in a dragon sleeper by White. Peyton recovers and nails White breaking the hold. Peyton now applies a gory special to White. Murphy recovers and nails Peyton with a back hand chop to break the hold. Murphy follows it up with an abdominal neck wrench on Peyton. White sneaks behind Murphy and locks in a rear naked choke making Murphy release Peyton. Peyton saves Murphy from tapping bu delivering a headbutt to the back of the head of White. Peyton follows it up with an elbow to the back of the head of White. Peyton now throws White against the ropes but White reverses and Peyton comes back with a springboard backflip elbow smash on White. Peyton pins White.




Peyton now applies a fujiwara armbar on White. Murphy kicks Peyton in the back of the head to break the hold. Murphy now picks up Peyton and dumps him to the outside. Murphy steps back into White who delivers the Demonator on Murphy. White pins Murphy.




RESULT: Killer White def. Joey Peyton & Murphy via pinfall

A Champion DownBackstage at Goodfellas Casino we find an uncommon sight as sVo President Paige Johnson runs into sight, disheveled and puffing from the run. Spotting a large group of people huddled around she makes her way swiftly towards the mass. On closer inspection, the mass is in fact a semi-circle surrounding four figures in a pool of blood. Two medics work on the downed man as an elderly Japanese man kneels next to the victim looking extremely concerned. The victim is none-other than sVo Champion, Night.

Paige Johnson: Oh no – they got to him…

Bursting into the crowd, they part as she makes her way through.

Paige Johnson: Mister Kimura…

The old man raises his stony face to see the source of the voice. Spotting Paige he stands.

Paige Johnson: What happened here?

Akira Kimura: Three robed men burst into Akumu’s locker room armed with baseball bats. Initially they attacked me, so Akumu rushed to my defence. He fought them off but was drawn out here into the corridor where he was ambushed. By the time I came out he was as he is now…

Stoically the old master kneels once more next to the injured Night.

Paige Johnson: I’m sorry to hear of this attack, Mister Kimura. Did you happen to see any of the assailants?

Akira Kimura: No, unfortunately not. They were all robed.

Paige pauses, taking a deep breath. The news she was forced to deliver would not be easy.

Paige Johnson: Mister Kimura, there is one other thing – a more official reason for my being here. You know that I’ve always been a supporter and friend to the both of you and I have a lot of respect for the both of you. And while I am deeply upset at the attack and concerned for Akumu’s well-being, I have to tell you that if he can’t compete tonight… we…

Paige shuts her eyes, clearly upset.

Paige Johnson: Akira, Night will have to forfeit.

Kimura remains still, looking up at Paige – reading her.

Akira Kimura: … I understand. Akumu will take it hard, but it will drive him when he recovers.

The crowd parts once more as two more medics arrive with a stretcher. They load Night onto it and rush him off down the corridor out of sight.

Xtreame Fusion vs. The Canadian Connection vs. Los Locos vs. DJ & Chris Wrestling vs. Juliana Torres and RavenTeam One: Juliana Torres & Raven

Team Two: Los Locos

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Torres charges at El Locon and delivers a hopping rolling pin on El Locon.




Torres goes to pick up El Locon but El Locon surprises Torres with a rolling crutch pin on Torres.




Both persons get up and Torres connects with a club to the neck of El Locon. Torres follows it up with a forearm smash to El Locon. Torres now headbutts El Locon and tags in Raven. Raven enters the ring and locks in a Goku-Raku Stretch on El Locon. El Locon gets to the ropes and Raven releases. Raven waits for El Locon to get up and goes for a dropkick but El Locon catches Raven’s legs and locks in a Boston crab on Raven. Raven quickly gets to the ropes and El Locon is forced to let go. El Locon goes to pick up Raven but Raven applies an arm lock on El Locon. El Locon pushes Raven against the ropes and delivers a side kick to Raven. El Locon now locks in a Head Pound on Raven. Angel The Malignant tags himself in. Angel gets in and delivers knee strikes to Raven. Angel follows it up with a punch to Raven. Angel now throws Raven against the ropes and delivers a leg trip to Raven. Angel now delivers an angry stomp on Raven. Angel picks up Raven and delivers a Fist But to Raven. Angel tags in El Locon. El Locon enters the ring and locks in a dragon sleeper on Raven. Raven knees his way out. Both men recover and Raven kicks El Locon in the midsection and follows it up with a Gory Special to El Locon. Raven releases the hold and tries to pick up El Locon but El Locon fires back with a back hand chop on Raven. El Locon follows it up with an abdominal neck wrench on Raven. Raven elbows El Locon in the ribs and hip tosses him off. El Locon gets back up but receives a rear naked choke from Raven. Juliana Torres tags herself in. Torres enters the ring and delivers a headbutt to the back of the head of El Locon. Torres follows it up with an elbow to the back of the head of El Locon. Torres tries to throw El Locon against the ropes but El Locon reverses and Torres comes back with a springboard backflip elbow smash on El Locon. Torres quickly locks in a fujiwara armbar on El Locon. El Locon is about to tap but Angel The Malignant kicks Torres off of El Locon. Raven enters the ring and clotheslines Angel The Malignant and himself over the top rope. Torres gets up staggered and turns right into El Loco From Hell. El Locon pins Juliana Torres.




Ding Ding Ding

Team Three: Chris Wrestling & DJ

El Locon gets off Torres and turns right into a dropkick from Chris Wrestling who had quickly entered the ring. Wrestling quickly locks in a Ne-Han on El Locon. El Locon grabs the ropes to escape the hold. Wrestling bounces off the ropes and El Locon starts to get and Wrestling is caught by El Locon who delivers a slingshot to Wrestling. Wrestling bounces from the ropes as El Locon bounces off the opposite ropes and delivers El Loco From Hell to the back of the head of Wrestling. El Locon pins Wrestling.



Interrupted by DJ.

El Locon picks up Wrestling but Wrestling delivers a back suplex to El Locon. Wrestling pins El Locon.




Wrestling tags in DJ. Wrestling picks up El Locon and throws him right into DJ who delivers a samoan drop to El Locon. El Locon gets up and receives a big kick from DJ. DJ picks up El Locon and delivers a mat slam to El Locon. El Locon rolls out of the ring and DJ rolls out with him. DJ charges at El Locon but El Locon catches DJ witha spinebuster into the step ladder. El Locon picks up DJ and throws him back to the ring. El Locon enters the ring and waits for DJ to get up. El Locon chargest at DJ and delivers a sling blade to DJ. El Locon pins DJ.




El Locon tags in Angel The Malignant. Los Locos pick up DJ and throw him against the ropes and deliver a double clothesline to DJ. Angel now signals for The Malignant Splash. Angel climbs up the ropes but DJ starts to climb up as well. They start to battle on the top rope until Angel jumps over DJ and delivers a sunset flip bomb to DJ. Angel picks up DJ and drops him with an implant ddt. Angel bounces off the ropes as DJ gets to his feet and delivers a shoulder block to DJ. Angel bounces off but DJ delivers a twisting sommersault kick to Angel. DJ pins Angel.




DJ tags in Chris Wrestling. Wrestling goes to a corner as DJ places Angel’s head on the bottom turnbuckle. DJ grabs Wrestling and throws him against the corner where Angel is and Wrestling delivers a broncobuster to Angel. Angel gets up staggered and receives a roundhouse kick from Wrestling. Wrestling now locks in a bow & arrow lock on Angel. El Locon enters the ring and kicks Wrestling making him release the hold. Wrestling gets up and argues with the referee and El Locon and turns to Angel who delivers a sambo suplex to Wrestling. Angel bounces off the ropes as Wrestling gets up and delivers a flying clothesline to Wrestling. Angel pins Wrestling.




Angel tags in El Locon. El Locon picks up Wrestling and delivers an inverted headlock backbreaker to Wrestling. El Locon picks up Wrestling and throws him against the ropes and delivers a back body drop to Wrestling. Wrestling bounces back up and receives a side effect from El Locon. El Locon goes over to The Corporation’s corner and nails DJ knocking him off the apron. El Locon climbs the ropes but Wrestling stops him and climbs up with him. El Locon rakes Wrestling in the eyes as DJ touches one of Wrestling’s legs making a tag. El Locon now delivers a super side effect to Wrestling but DJ quickly jumps on the ropes and hits the DJ Splash on El Locon. DJ pins El Locon.




Ding Ding Ding

Team Four: Canadian Connection

Rey Rosario jumps in the ring immediately and delivers a blue thunder pin to DJ.




Both men get up and DJ delivers a kick to the groin of Rosario. DJ follows it up with a double arm ddt to Rosario. DJ picks up Rosario and throws him against the ropes and delivers a running knee smash to Rosario. DJ climbs the ropes and delivers a diving elbow drop on Rosario. DJ pins Rosario.




DJ tags in Chris Wrestling. Rosario gets up in a corner as DJ grabs Wrestling and throws him against the corner and Wrestling delivers an avalanche to Rosario. Rosario staggers forward and Wrestling delivers a derailer to Rosario. Wrestling picks up Rosario and delivers a double handed suplex to Rosario. Rosario rolls out of the ring and looks for something under the apron. Wrestling follows him but Rosario throws a trash can to Wrestling who catches the can. Rosario quickly runs at Wrestling delivering a running dropkick through the trash can to Wrestling. Rosario picks up Wrestling and throws him back to the ring. Rosario rolls in and picks up Wrestling and delivers a protobomb to Wrestling. Rosario pins Wrestling.




Rey tags in Canadian Crippler. Crippler picks up Wrestling and delivers a pulling piledriver to Wrestling. Wrestling gets up and receives a chop breaker from Crippler. Crippler picks up Wrestling and delivers a full nelson face drop to Wrestling. Crippler bounces off the ropes and connects with a splash on Wrestling. Crippler picks up Wrestling and goes for a suplex but Wrestling blocks and delivers a drop suplex to Crippler. Wrestling pins Crippler.




Wrestling tags in DJ. Both Corporation members deliver a falling headbutt on Crippler. DJ picks up Crippler and delivers a falling armbreaker on Crippler. DJ picks up Crippler and delivers trapping headbutts to Crippler. DJ climbs the ropes and delivers an alley bomb to Crippler. Crippler tries to get up as DJ charges at him but Crippler pulls down the top rope making DJ go over the top to the outside. Crippler goes to the apron as DJ gets up and delivers a hurracanrana from the apron to DJ. Crippler throws DJ to the ring. Crippler rolls in and tags Rey Rosario. Rosario climbs the ropes and delivers a corkscrew top rope splash on DJ. Rosario picks up DJ and delivers Rey’s DDT. Rosario pins DJ.



Interrupted by Chris Wrestling.

DJ tries to get up but receives a back kick to the leg from Rosario. Rosario picks up DJ and delivers a full nelson slam to DJ who in the air made contact with Chris Wrestling making a tag. Wrestling sneaks behind Rosario and delivers the Canadian Roll on Rosario.




Ding Ding Ding

Team Five: Xtreme Fusion

Wrestling gets up only to receive a springboard hurracanrana from Limp. Wrestling gets up as Limp charges at Wrestling and delivers a flapjack to Wrestling. Limp picks up Wrestling and delivers a snap tiger bomb to Wrestling. Limp picks up Wrestling and drills him with a double chokelift slam to Wrestling. Limp picks up Wrestling but Wrestling locks in a hog lock on Limp. DVD quickly enters and nails Wrestling breaking the hold. The referee escorts DVD out as The Corporation switch members. DJ drags Limp to the apron and delivers an elbow smash on the apron to Limp. DJ picks up Limp and delivers a steenalizer to Limp. DJ picks up Limp and delivers a death valley driver to Limp. DJ waits for Limp to get up and delivers a diving spear to Limp. DJ picks up Limp but Limp delivers an inverted atomic drop to DJ. Limp tags in DVD. DVD quickly delivers a Russian neck drop to DJ. DVD climbs the ropes and delivers a swantom bomb to DJ. DJ rolls out of the ring preventing a pin. DVD rolls out with him and delivers a big splash pin outside the ring. DVD climbs the apron and delivers a splash from the apron to the outside. DVD waits for DJ to get up and charges at him but DJ moves out of the ring and DVD eats the post. DJ enters DVD into the ring. DJ climbs the ropes and delivers a rolling wheel kick on DVD. DJ pins DVD.




DJ tags in Chris Wrestling. Wrestling waits for DVD to get up and delivers a springboard ddt to DVD. Wrestling bounces off the ropes and delivers a diving spinning leg drop to DVD. Wrestling picks up DVD and delivers a vertabreaker to DVD. Wrestling picks up DVD and delivers a released powerbomb on DVD. Wrestling climbs the ropes but DVD stops him and delivers a musclebuster to Wrestling. DVD pins Wrestling.




DVD tags in Limp. Wrestling gets up and receives a springboard enziguri kick from Limp. Wrestling almost rolls completely out of the ring. Limp goes to the apron and delivers a leg drop on the apron to Wrestling. Limp picks up Wrestling and delivers an acid bomb to Wrestling. Limp taunts the crowd as Wrestling tags in DJ and then falls back down. Limp turns and picks up Wrestling and delivers a strong sambo suplex and as soon as both men fall DJ jumps from the top rope connecting with the DJ Splash on Limp. DJ pins Limp.




Ding Ding Ding

RESULT: Rodimus def. Chris Chromes via pinfall

The Corporate LadderShadows of Power 2010 returns from a commercial break and heads straight backstage were Scott Love is standing by in a backstage corridor, with a phone pressed up against his ear. Love has a worried look on his face as he paces up and down the corridor talking to someone on the other end of the line.

Scott Love – “I saw her earlier boss and she didn’t seem in the least bit scared and it didnt seem like she was going to do any of the things that we told her to do. Either she is incredibly brave….. or she is incredibly stupid.”

There is a pauses as Scott Love listens to the response from the person on the other end of the line, who must be a member of the Company….

Scott Love – “I thought that maybe we should try and give her one last warning as well, but if she is not going to do what we say after kidnapping her, is she ever going to fall in line?”

Again there is a pause as Scott Love paces nervously.

Scott Love – “I haven’t seen Weapon X all night…. I will find him later and we can give her one last warning…. As far as the other thing goes, I am outside now, I will go in and make them the offer.”

Scott Love hangs up the phone, before walking a few steps to his left. The camera pans back and reveals that he is standing outside the locker room door of Nathan Paradine! Is Scott Love about to extend an invitation to Nathan Paradine to officaly work for The Company?

Fade Out.

Kid F’N Cool (c) vs. SaintCool rolls into the ring and before getting up receives a ddt by Saint as the bell rings to start this match.

Ding Ding Ding

Saint picks up Cool and delivers a knee on head on Cool. Saint follows it up with a jawbreaker on Cool. Saint now grabs Cool and delivers a body press into front slam to Cool. Saint picks up Cool and delivers a forearm smash to Cool. Cool responds with a club to the neck of Saint. Cool follows it up with an elbow to the back of the head of Saint. Cool now grabs Saint and delivers a snake eyes to Saint. Cool follows it up with a knee lift to Saint. Cool now delivers a body slam to Saint. Cool pins Saint.




Cool picks up Saint but Saint delivers a hard headbutt to Cool. Saint follows it up with a hook punch to Cool. Saint bounces off the ropes and delivers a shoulder block to Cool. Saint picks up Cool and sets him in the corner and delivers a big chop to Cool. Saint throws Cool to the other corner and charges at him with a body avalanche. Saint bounces off the ropes as Cool staggers forward and jumps at Cool who catches him and delivers a triple backbreaker to Saint. Cool picks up Saint and delivers an abdominal neck wrench to Saint. Saint hip tosses his way out. Cool gets up and charges at Saint who delivers a monkey toss to Cool. Saint picks up Cool and delivers a back side slam to Cool. Saint picks up Cool and delivers an alley woop to Cool. Saint pins Cool.




Saint climbs the ropes but Cool stops him on the top rope. Cool now grabs Saint and delivers a musclebuster to Saint. Cool picks up Saint and delivers a strong sambo suplex to Saint. Cool picks up Saint and drops him with a drop suplex to Saint. Cool picks up Saint and throws him against the ropes and charges at Saint with a running headbutt to Saint. Cool gets up and waits for Saint to get up. Saint does and turns right into the Cool Aid. Cool pins Saint.




RESULT: Kid Cool def. Saint via pinfall

The PropositionAfter that exciting Las Vegas Championship match we head backstage to the locker room of Chris Bond, where the man himself is preparing for tonight’s Tag Team match where he will attempt to take out his old foe Talon once and for all. However the preparation from Bond is interrupted as there is a knock at the door. Bond slowly rises to his feet and opens the door, to find sVo President Paige All Star standing in the door frame. Bond looks Paige up and down before the sVo President takes it upon herself to invite herself into the locker room of Chris Bond.

Paige All Star – “I am here to make a proposition to you Chris……”

Chris Bond’s eyes light up, as he looks Paige All Star up and down again. However Paige’s face remains stoic as she shakes her head.

Paige All Star – “I’m a married woman.”

Chris Bond – “Well what do you want then?”

The sVo President smiles and flutters her lashes as she places a hand on the shoulder of Chris Bond.

Paige All Star – “Think of this as a business deal. I will do something for you, and you can do something for me. I know you got your match against Talon tonight, but what if I told you I could make sure you destroy him once and for all. What if I put you in a position so you can beat him so bad that he never sets foot in a wrestling ring again! I can book any type of match you want against him Chris. You name it….”

Bond smirks as he looks like he is thinking it over, before shaking his head.

Chris Bond – “Nah. No deal. I’ll take care of Talon tonight, don’t you worry yourself about it….”

Paige looks slightly surprised, however her mood changes as she walks around Bond from behind and leans on his other shoulder.

Paige All Star – “Ok Chris, how about this….. I can offer you a shot next month at the next sVo PPV at the sVo World Championship belt. One of the only World Championship belts that you have never held in your career. All those times you watched the likes of Mike Polowy and Psyko Stevo at the top of the game when you should have had the chance….. what about getting that chance at the next PPV?”

Bonds’s eyes light up again at the thought of getting a shot at the top belt in the business.

Chris Bond – “You do know that if your husband wins against Night tonight, then I would be facing him for the title next month…. And what happened to your golden boy Night? I thought you were going to throw no hoper after no hoper against him.”

Paige All Star – “I’m sure you know that scarifies have to be made in this business Chris…”

Chris Bond – “Well Night or Johnny All Star would be your sacrifice, what sacrifice would I have to make?”

Paige All Star – “It’s come to my attention that the Company are going to recruit a number of people to their cause so that they can run rough-shot over the sVo and do whatever they like. If they manage to do that then any hope of returning the sVo to its glory days will be lost. The Industry is one of the strongest groups in the wrestling business, I need you to help me stop them.”

Bond looks as if he is weighting up the options in his head….. getting a shot at the sVo World Championship against involving himself and the Industry in the feud between the sVo and the Company….

Paige All Star – “I won’t make you decide right now, you have until Sunday Night Showdown next week to decide, and then I will offer the deal to someone else.”

Paige smiles at Bond before leaving his locker room, leaving him to make a decision whilst preparing for his tag team match tonight.

Tobias Devereux vs. Christopher St. JamesThe sound of guitars echo through the arena as Hysteria by Muse plays through the arena. The lights are dimmed and multicolor spotlights spin throughout the crowd. The crowd gets up to their feet as the spotlights all merge together turning white in the middle of the crowd. There in the spotlight is the one and only “De Cajun Sensation” Tobias Devereux. Tobias is dressed in his trademark black tights, trench, and fedora. Tobias is making his way through the crowd slapping hands the entire way. Tobias gets to the railing and hops over it. Taking a bow to the crowd he takes off his fedora and throws it into the crowd. Tobias shrugs off his trench before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring. Tobias kicks up to his feet and makes his way to a nearby corner. Jumping up onto the top rope he taunts at the crowd hyping them up. Tobias jumps off the top rope and proceeds to do the same in every corner before jumping down in the last one and staying in the corner. He waits for the bell as the lights go back to normal.

The opening beat of Yes by LMFAO starts to play over the loudspeakers as the lights dim, only to be replaced with gold and white spot lights peppering the arena in what appears to be silver and gold flashes. As the opening verse is played CSJ appears in a shower of golden sparks at the top of the ramp accompanied by two beautiful women one wearing a silver dress while the other wearing a golden dress, each standing on either side of CSJ as he poses for everyone to admire him.

Slowly and deliberately he makes his way down to the ring, taking his time to ensure that everyone can pause and admire his Godlike presence. He makes his way to the ring and allows the two women on each of his arms to go before him and climb onto the apron. They sit on the second rope as The Personification of Perfection, Mr. #1derful, and God’s Gift To Everything climbs onto the apron, enters the ring through the second rope and helps his divas into the ring as the lights return to normal. He pauses again for all to admire him as the two ladies take their places on either side of him and look up at him admiringly as the music continues to play.

Inside the ring is Roscoe Shame as the referee, looks like CSJ has set this up to stack the odds against Tobias Devereux. Tobias and CSJ meet in the center of the ring, the two talking shit to each other. CSJ is pointing at his forehead where he still has bloody bandages. Tobias just smirks at CSJ and goes to slap him, but CSJ ducks. CSJ goes to punch Tobias but Tobias blocks it. Tobias goes to kick CSJ but CSJ catches his foot. CSJ throws Tobias backwards but Tobias just flips through it and lands on his feet. Tobias bounces off the ropes and comes running back towards CSJ. CSJ ducks down as Tobias goes for a clothesline. Tobias bounces off the other set of ropes and goes for the Bayou bash but at the last second his attack is moved off a little to the side and he takes the head off of Roscoe Shame twisting him inside out!

The crowd is confused for a moment as CSJ starts putting the boots to Roscoe as well! Both men are just stomping away like mad men on the defenseless body of Roscoe Shame. Tobias grabs Shame and lifts him up for the Devereux Devestation! Meanwhile CSJ runs and jumps up onto the top rope. Tobias with the Devereux Devesation only for CSJ to jump off and hit the SuperStardom! Both men get up and laugh at Roscoe as CSJ takes his bandages revealing no wound at all! The man was never hurt!

As the crowd starts to figure it out they start booing loudly at the ring as Tobias has ducked out and grabbed a microphone. De Cajun Sensation rolls back into the ring and walks to the nearest turnbuckle hopping up onto it like a seat and looks around.

Tobias:”Oh shut de fucks up!”

The fans boo even louder only to the delight it seems of the two men in the ring.

Tobias:”Oh boo boo, yews so mad cuz yews didn’t get whats yews want? eh? well too bad, life yews dont get whats yews want. Unless yews Cee Ess Jay, or De Cajun Sensation Tobias Devereux. One buying happiness sense conception, and the other coning it from everyone around.

The fan’s are almost taken back as Tobias’ cajun accent almost immediately dropped away.

Tobias: Oh I’m sorry, did I surprise you, did you think every last son of a bitch from the bayou had to talk like some imbred uneducated bastard? I dont think so there “mon amie”. This here aint the comics and it sure as hell aint the movies. So lets get the first thing, it’s always a why with you stupid people. Only those who aren’t smart enough to figure out why have to ask it. So I’m not surprised that all of you are sitting there dumbfounded with your thumbs up your asses going why did Tobias do it?

Meanwhile in the ring Roscoe seems to be showing life, He’s slowly getting to his feet using the ropes. CSJ puts an end to that popping off a Flash of Perfection superkick sending Roscoe Shame up and over the top rope to the outside.

Tobias: Oh, glad to see you got the trash out of the ring there Christopher. Well let’s see how to put this the best way on the whole reasoning. Because we fucking could, that’s the best reason there is. You see I use to go by the name Tobias Trotter, in another federation and there I met Mr. Christopher St. James. It was while there for the brief tenure that we found we were really rather similiar. The only difference is he was born into his money, and well, I stole my money from everyone else. So when we left that federation and went looking for work. We came upon the s.v.o. and it was at that time I figured it’d be fun to con the hell out of you people. You see I came in early, got into the tourny, threw on an accent and you loved me. While you loved me my merchandising went through the fucking roof. I have to admit, I was overwhelmed with how much you stupid little fucks love that damn fedora and my face on tee shirts. Plan was to become the world champion but Night through a fucking kink into that shit. I’ll deal with that bastard later.

Tobias throws the microphone over to CSJ who just laughs as the crowd keeps booing as loudly as they can, trash begins literring the ring.

CSJ: That’s when phase two of the plan went into play, we wanted to lure someone in, someone with gold. That would be you Roscoe. I mean I could of just bought my way to your title, but I do believe that this way was just more fun. So we set up this whole little fued between myself and Tobias. Lured you all into shoveling out money to support your favorite Cajun. Meanwhile I was luring Roscoe in with the promise of taking care of his little bitch of a daughter. Which by the way Roscoe, i feel so sorry for the lack of a man she got for a father that I’ll still keep up that end of the bargain. Your services on the other hand are truly not wanted, you’re a failure, in every sense of the term. We dont keep your kind amongst mine.

CSJ tosses the microphone back to Tobias who has now jumped from the turnbuckle. Tobias goes to speak but the crowd is deafening in cheers as they see Roscoe sliding into the ring with a chair. CSJ drops out of the ring quickly but Tobias isn’t as lucky as his head is nearly taken off by a flying chair shot. As soon as Tobias hits the mat though CSJ reaches in and pulls him out of the ring before Roscoe can do any more damage. CSJ practically dragging Tobias heads up the ramp way with a furious look upon his face.

The Inside ManAfter doing what she was planning to do on her first night back in the hot seat, Paige All Star makes her way back to her office with the plan of relaxing and watching her husband pick up the first World Championship crown of his career tonight in the main event. With nothing more she can do regarding the situation about the Company until she hears back from Chris Bond, Paige pushes open the door to her office, however immediately she notices that something isn’t right. Her blue eyes scan the room as she pushes her black hair behind her ears. Paige quickly spots a note on her desk that wasn’t there before, and makes her way over to it. Picking up the note, she reads it over to herself.

A look of panic slowly spreads across Paige’s face as she reads the note, before she slowly begins to calm down and relax herself. She had prepared for this moment a thousand times in her mind since last month, she knew what she had to do. Paige heard his rough voice in her head instruct her on her next move. She had to get to where there was a large group of people and then she had to get the hell away from the arena. Johnny wouldn’t be able to protect her while he had his World Championship match, and she didn’t want to be the one that became between him and winning the belt in the event that there was even a match for the title tonight.

Paige quickly dropped the note back on her desk and made her way out of the room towards the crowded backstage area where she would be safe. With Paige making her way out of the room and the door slamming shut behind her, the camera slowly zooms down onto the note laying on her desk.

‘They are coming for you tonight Paige and I will not be able to stop them. Remember your training and get out of there.

– B’

Does Paige have a man known as ‘B’ on the inside of the Company warning her of their next move, and if so just who is he???

Roscoe Shame (c) vs. La Envidia Mata”Rebirth” by Lil Wayne hits and Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar. The fans stand and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself. He makes his way to the ring while pyros shoot out from the ramp. He climbs into the ring stretches and awaits his opponent.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of La Envidia Mata. Then La Envidia Mata comes out completely ignoring the crowd.

The bell rings and the International Title match is underway! Roscoe starts things off by just leveling the leader of The Corporation! Mata goes down hard but bounces back with a leg sweep on the champ!

Roscoe falls to his back and rolls to avoid a standing moonsault from Mata! Mata lands on his feet though as Roscoe climbs back to his feet. Both men stare each other down and the crowd pops!

Champion and challenger tie up, fighting for control! Roscoe, being the bigger man backs Mata up to the corner and the ref calls for a clean break. However, when has anyone seen a clean break in professional wrestling?

Envidia Mata slaps Roscoe across the face with a hard punch! The champion stumbles back as Mata pounces, nailing Roscoe with a step up enziguri! Roscoe once again stumbles, trying to clear the cobwebs but is quickly but back down with a standing dropkick from The Corporation’s leader! Mata goes for the cover…



Not enough as Roscoe kicks out after a one count! Mata begins to stomp away at Roscoe but the champ didn’t get that belt by lying down! He grabs Mata’s boot and twists as hard as he can, bringing Mata down with a modified dragon screw! Mata yells in pain as Roscoe climbs to his feet and starts to attack the ankle that he just twisted stomping away like there’s no tomorrow!

Mata manages to squirm to the ropes though and the ref has to intervene. Roscoe backs off as Mata climbs to his feet. He tests his ginger ankle and winces slightly in pain but nonetheless determined! The two go to tie up but Mata gains the quick advantage by kneeing the champion in the gut! Mata follows up with a DDT and quickly goes for the cover.





Roscoe kicks out at the last second, sending the crowd into a frenzy along with Mata who begins to argue with the ref about weather it was a three count or a near fall. Roscoe rises to his feet though right behind Mata, who turns and fires a hard right at Roscoe! Roscoe takes it and dishes one out himself! The two begin trading punches but Mata begins to lose his ground. Roscoe picks up speed and gives Mata a boot to the gut followed up quickly with a powerslam! Roscoe goes for the cover but Mata manages to get his foot on the ropes.

Roscoe rises to his feet followed quickly by Mata. Mata runs at Roscoe who is ready for the smaller guy and hits his challenger with a spinebuster! Mata grabs at his back in obvious pain and discomfort as the crowd roars its approval for Roscoe shame. Mata rises to his feet…

and Roscoe gives him another quick boot before nailing The Corporation’s leader with Shame Time! The champion goes for the pin…




Roscoe has done it! He has successfully defended his title against one of sVo’s rising talents!

RESULT: Roscoe Shame def. La Envidia Mata via pinfall

Quick RecoveryBackstage once more we find sVo reporter Tamara Boyd standing in front of a locker room – the name ‘Night’ on the door.

Tamara Boyd: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just heard a shocking rumor backstage that amazingly sVo World Champion Night has recovered from a vicious assault he suffered earlier tonight which left him hospital-bound and left many people expecting him to forfeit the title to Johnny All-Star later tonight. Let’s see if we can get a word.

She knocks on the door – there is no response.

Tamara Boyd: Night? It’s Tamara Boyd. The sVo universe are worried about you – do you mind sharing with us how you’re doing at the moment?

Nothing. She knocks again, louder.

Tamara Boyd: Night – are you there?

She knocks again. This time banging against the door. Suddenly and silently it slowly glides open and standing on the other side is… Night. Something seems different though – his attire now red and black as opposed to his usual purple and his hair now shaved.

Tamara Boyd: Uh… you look different. You shaved your head?

Night: Yes.

Tamara Boyd: How are you feeling? Are you back from the hospital already? Are you cleared to wrestle?

Night: Yes.

With that, Night slams the door in Tamara’s face leaving the reporter stunned in the hallway at Night’s uncharacteristic abruptness.

Talon & Nathan Paradine vs. Chris Bond & Billy Jacobs”If you take a life, do you know what you’ll give…
Odds are, you won’t like what it is…
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me…
By the merciless eyes I’ve deceived…
I’ve seen angels fall from blinding heights…
But you yourself are nothing so divine…
Just next in line…”

Multi-colored lights soon begin flickering throughout the arena and much to the chagrin of every fan (aside from the few smart and loyal fans in attendance), out steps former Hostility World Champion, Chris Bond… and with him is the Preacherman himself, Billy Jacobs, in his return to the sanctioned Violence organization! “You Know My Name” by Chris Cornell blasts loudly and with every step the Industry takes, boos and jeers get louder and louder. As they walks down the aisle, Bond with a grin plastered across his face (a blend that can only be described as both suave and cocky) and Jacobs with a grim and serious look on his face, Bond slaps a few hands away, you know the few fans that reach out and try and play grab-ass with the entertainers. This of course sends a shower of jeers raining down upon the pair once more, but let’s be honest. He just doesn’t care. Bond jogs up the stairs, steps under the top rope, and walks into the center of the ring. This is where he stands, as almost all of the fans boo. Save for that small group of guys out there who are cheering him. Just saying… A true wrestling legend, not just in his own right, is ready for competition once again. Jacobs steps up the stairs and takes a breath, stoically putting himself in the center of the ring next to his tag team partner.

One last thing before I shuffle off the planet,
I will be the one to make you crawl,
So I came down to wish you an unhappy birthday
Someone call the ambulance… There’s gonna be an accident

As Placebo’s “Infra-Red” echoes around the arena, Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

The lights drop as red and white lasers begin to flash all over the arena. Fans cry out in surprise at the black-out as ‘Through the Fire and Flames’ begins to blast through the speakers. A spotlight shines on the curtain as a solitary figure steps through, clothed in the black, red and white. He stands there, grinning as he spreads out his arms and lets out a battle cry. Talon makes his way down the ramp, waving and high-fiving fans before entering the ring. He hands his coat off to someone at ringside before raising his arms in the air and taking his place in the ring.

Talon raises his arms in the air as Paradine rushes right by him and lays into Bond with lefts and rights! The referee rings the bell as Paradine won’t get off of Bond until Talon pulls Paradine off and throws him across the ring! Paradine, glaring at Talon and Bond, steps out of the ring as Jacobs exits onto the apron as well.

Talon sizes up Bond, picking him up before delivering a chin shot that sends Bond stumbling back against the ropes. Talon feels the advantage coming his way, so he runs at Bond and attempts to clothesline him! Bond, however, manages to duck out of the way, launching Talon over the ropes!

Talon lands on the apron, getting an elbow up to nail Bond in the head as he lands at the same time as Bond nails Talon in the head with his own elbow! Both men drop, Bond onto the mat and Talon onto the floor!

As the Hero groggily gets up on the outside of the ring, the Preacherman drops to the floor and rushes toward Talon… delivering a shot onto Talon’s back before throwing him back into the ring!

Bond is up and ready with the Reality Check… but Talon rises and blocks it, smashing Bond’s knee on the mat! With Bond howling in pain, Talon stumbles over and tags in Nathan Paradine! The Australian Submission Machine spears Bond to the mat, stomping on the wounded knee again and again before attempting to wrap Bond up into a sharpshooter… but Bond is able to kick out with his good leg and knock Paradine off of him! Paradine gets to his feet, walking right into a Reality Check from Bond! Paradine’s down!



THR-No! Paradine kicks out, and Bond begins to nail Paradine with continued shots to the head as he’s laying on the ground! Bond motions for Jacobs to join him in the ring, and the Preacherman enters, only to be met by a thunderous spear from Talon, who has entered the ring to help his tag team partner!

Talon grabs Bond by the head and throws him into the corner, helping Paradine to his feet! Talon tries to make a connection with Paradine as they try to put the Industry in its place, but Paradine brushes the Hero aside!

Knowing that he isn’t wanted, Talon exits the ring and steps onto the apron, leaning on the ropes and watching as Nathan Paradine hits Bond with a big boot! Paradine goes for the pin!



THR-No! Bond kicks out! Paradine, frustrated, grabs Bond by the ankle and locks it in! He twists and turns the ankle as Bond writhes in agony, finally twisting himself onto his back and kicking Paradine off of him! Bond gets the tag to the Preacherman before Paradine has a chance to get up, and Billy Jacobs is inside an sVo ring for the first time since 2008!

Talon reaches his hand out, motioning for Paradine to take it… but Paradine refuses still, turning back and walking right into a big boot from Jacobs! Jacobs lifts Paradine off his feet… gorilla press slam! Jacobs takes the opportunity to go for the pin!



THR- No! Paradine kicks out and hits Jacobs as he rises, knocking a little sense out of the Preacherman! The opportunity gives him the chance to get to his feet, lifting Jacobs with him and Irish whipping him to the ropes! Paradine gets to the ropes on the other side, bouncing off and going for a cross body block on Jacobs on the return journey… but the Preacherman has taken the same opportunity with a flying cross body of his own! The two big men crash into each other in the middle of the ring! They’re both woozy, shaking their heads as they rise to their feet. Paradine looks back at Talon, who is holding his hand out, before lifting him up and weakly executing a Paraplex! Paradine gets to his feet, wobbling as he looks around him!

Paradine keeps refusing to tag Talon in, insisting that he can take it all on his own! The frustrated Hero watches as Paradine lifts Billy Jacobs to his feet and delivers a chop to the chest that has the Preacherman stumbling back! Paradine goes in to finish off Jacobs, but Jacobs manages to tag Bond in, and now the front man for the Industry enters the ring once more!

He clotheslines Paradine, flattening him onto his back as the crowd begins to chant for Paradine! Talon claps, urging Paradine to tag him in, but Bond picks up the Australian Submission Machine and delivers shot after shot to the face! Paradine stumbles again, giving Bond the chance to Irish whip Paradine into the corner… right next to Talon!

The fans, spurred on by Talon, chant for him and Paradine, urging one partner to tag in the other. Talon claps, grabbing Paradine’s attention, as Paradine shakes his head and spears an oncoming Bond! Paradine raises his fists into the air, turning toward Talon and smiling as he thinks he has proven that he can do it all on his own… but Talon slaps him on the shoulder, and the referee clears it! Talon’s in, and Paradine is turning between the referee, Bond on the mat, and his tag team partner! He can’t believe it, but the fans are cheering!

Talon lifts Bond to his feet, wrenching the arm and driving his shoulder into Mr. Reality’s chest, causing Bond to stumble back, when Paradine spins Talon around and gets in his face! Talon points back at the winded Bond, who is resting against the ropes and catching his breath! Talon points to Billy Jacobs, who seems to be glaring daggers into both of them. Talon points on Paradine’s chest, but Paradine shoves Talon, causing the Hero to step back a couple steps! Talon steps forward at Paradine, daring him to do it again… so Paradine slaps Talon!

The fans are silent, looking at the scene as Talon cocks his fist back… Falcon Punch! He nails Paradine square in the jaw and sends his own tag team partner for a loop! The fans are unsure of what to make of this as Bond is on his feet and steps closer to the scene… Talon lifts Paradine to his feet and NAILS HIM WITH THE WINGS OF DESTINY!

Talon is out of control now, using his finishing moves on his own tag team partner while the Industry is ready to be finished! Talon rolls Paradine off in the direction of Billy Jacobs, before turning to Chris Bond… and shaking his hand?! Talon and Bond look around at the audience, grinning… before Bond drops flat onto his back and Talon covers him! What in the hell is happening?



THREE!!! What in the hell are we looking at here? “Through the Fire and Flames” is playing through the arena, but this isn’t the Hero that we’re used to seeing! Some fans come to their senses immediately and begin to boo. Others cheer as their Hero is triumphant, and they refuse to see it any other way. Most of them, however… are simply shocked. The silence in the Goodfellas Arena, the home of the sanctioned Violence organization, is unlike anything we’ve seen before as Talon and Bond rise to their feet and stand, arms raised high as they bask in the reaction.

In the corner, Billy Jacobs lifts a dazed and confused Nathan Paradine to his feet before launching him over the ropes and out of the ring, where he crashes and burns. Jacobs joins Talon and Bond as they celebrate in the center of the ring, with Bond mocking a bow before Talon.

Has the Hero made a deal with the Devil, or was Talon behind the Industry all along?

The CountdownThe arena goes quiet and black as we wait for the rest of the action of this most wonderful pay per view. Suddenly the sVo tron comes to life

As the countdown at the end of the video hits one and then darkness, as such the arena is in darkness. Then the lights return as “Rise of the Fallen” by Soulfly hits the pa system. We’re shown a man standing in the middle of the ring. He’s dressed in a pair of black jeans and black motorcycle boots. Around his waist for a belt is a chain, and tucked into his jeans is a white muscle shirt. His hair is a little shaggy and blond. He’s got a scar running over one of his eyes and a smirk upon his face. He rolls his neck and smirks as the camera gets a good look at him. The fans of the fallen Hostility rise to their feet in screams and cheers. Immediately we recognize him as the one and only “The Fallen” Azrael Caducus! Azrael has a microphone in his hand and brings it slowly to his lips.

Azrael: Talon…..

Azrael says nothing else as the arena is plunged back into darkness. Soon the lights come back on as the music has died out and Azrael is no where to be seen!!! The Fallen angel has returned with one word, and that word is Talon!

sVo Presents PPV#12 – Showcase 2010

Presidental AssasinationWith only moments to go until the sVo World Championship match between Night and Johnny All Star, Scott Love and Weapon X look in a confident mood as they jog down the corridor of the backstage area towards Paige All Star’s office.

Scott Love – “Lets just get in there and grab her. She will be too busy watching lover boy in action to even realise what is going on before its too late. This time we are going to have to finish the job, there will be no more second chances for Paige All Star.”

Weapon X remains silent as ever slightly behind Scott Love as they before long reach their intended destination. Weapon X quickly kicks the door open and Scott Love steps inside.

Scott Love – “Where the hell is she?”

Weapon X’s eyes scan the room for the sVo President as Scott Love pulls the plasma TV off of the wall in frustration and tosses it on the floor. As he does Weapon X spots the note on Paige’s desk, and reads it over before interrupting Love’s trashing of the room.

Scott Love slowly reads the note over before shaking his head.

Scott Love – “We have a major problem here. The bosses aren’t going to like this at all.”

Cut to ringside

Night (c) vs. Johnny All Star“Time to go to work baybee…. Let’s do it.”

Johnny All-Star’s voice imitating Elvis Presley fills the arena as ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Metal Elvis begins to play.

Various images of iconic Las Vegas and Johnny All-Star play out on the V-Tron as spotlights move throughout the crowd, all finally coming to stop on a hooded Johnny All-Star somewhere in the audience as he is making his way through the crowd.

The spotlight follows All-Star making his way through the screaming fans as he finally makes his way down hopping over the security barricade. Posing for a few photos’ he shrugs off the robe tossing it into the audience before pulling himself up into the ring to prepare for his match.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

An explosion of red light as a man in a black mask appears. At least, the mask appears black at first, but on closer inspection it appears to be made of the night sky. The mask does not entirely cover the man’s head and where normally he sports a head of black dreadlocks, his head does now indeed seem to be shaved.

The red-clad Night stands at the top of the entrance ramp, smirking as he hoists the sVo World Heavyweight Championship high above his head. Night glowers as the crowd erupts with cheers. The champion slings the title over his shoulder as he stalks his way down to the ring ignoring the outstretched hands of fans. Reaching the ring, he tosses the title over the top rope into the ring before rolling under the bottom rope himself once again standing and taking up the belt before tossing it at the referee and leaning back on the top rope. The ref raises the title above his head, his confusion at Night’s behavior and appearance clear. Similarly, across the ring, JAS stares at his opponent with some confusion. No strangers to each other, All-Star raises an eyebrow as he moves in closer to Night.

Outside the ring, the timekeeper rings the bell, signifying the start of the match. All-Star extends a hand to Night in a sign of respect and after a slight hesitation, Night shakes it to a crowd pop. Both men begin circling each other cautiously. They lock up in the middle of the ring, All-Star gains the quick advantage but Night manages to slip around him locking Johnny with a waistlock. All-Star attempts getting around Night but the champion evades his attempts. Finally, JAS rocks Night with a hard back-elbow, loosening the masked man’s grip. All-Star whips Night to the ropes and drops him as he returns with a quick dropkick. As Night sits, All-Star drills him with a hard kick to the back. The masked man stands as Johnny now lays into him with hard rights and lefts. The champion reels as All-Star backs him into the corner. Night attempts to cover up and leans over the top rope leading the referee to warn All-Star to back off.

JAS complies and backs off – only for a moment though as he immediately returns to push the advantage. The momentary pause proves enough for the champion however as Night grabs All-Star turning and throwing him into the corner before laying into him with lefts and rights of his own before launching JAS into the middle of the ring with a monkey flip. Wasting no time, Night immediately stands and charges at All-Star, only to be caught off-guard and sent flipping backwards with a huge lunging clothesline from All-Star who immediately springs to his feet and launches into the air with a standing moonsault, hooking the leg for the pin!



Night kicks out at two and All-Star stands, stomping the downed champion before dropping to the mat with a legdrop – only for Night to roll out of the way. Night stands and attempts a dropkick to the sitting JAS, but All-Star manages to roll out of the way. Both men return to their feet and All-Star whips Night over with a Japanese arm-drag. Night manages to roll through and back onto his feet, following his momentum to the ropes and back before leaping at All-Star with a flying clothesline. All-Star sidesteps sending Night flying through the middle and top ropes and out onto the arena floor! The masked man seems hurt and stunned and Johnny All-Star wastes no time in climbing out of the ring and kicking Night square in the chest. All-Star pulls Night to his feet, before dropping him with a full-nelson suplex on the arena floor! Johnny once again pulls Night first to kneeling – where he pounds him with hard right hands – and then finally back to his feet, before whipping him hard into the corner post. Night slumps against the post as All-Star rolls the near unconscious Night back into the ring before sliding back in himself.

The crowd erupt as JAS drops into a three-point stance! Dazed and unaware across the ring, Night slowly regains his senses before spinning and stumbling into the middle of the ring. All-Star charges, but Night manages to sidestep the incoming spear, instead grabbing hold of All-Star and dropping into a crossface submission!

The pain is evident in All-Star’s eyes as Night viciously wrenches backwards, applying as much pressure in the hold as he can. All-Star reaches for the ropes with his free hand, but he is nowhere near them. He tries to create traction with his free hand – inching his way towards the ropes. He pushes with his legs, but Night has the hold locked in tight and hinders All-Star’s progress. Johnny’s strength seems to fail him as he collapses to the mat, still yelling out in pain. Seeming to get a second wind, he once again boosts himself off the mat with his free arm, again crawling towards the ropes against Night who continues to wrench in the lock. Finally, All-Star shoots his arm out and grabs hold of the ropes, the referee forcing Night to break the hold.

Night rolls away, leaning on the bottom rope nearby to recover as All-Star reels on the mat, his arm still draped under the bottom rope. Using the ropes to pull himself to his feet, Night makes his way to his downed opponent, pulling him to his feet. All-Star stuns Night with a punch to the midsection, but a hard knee to the temple from Night is enough to return the advantage to the champion. Night drives All-Star to the mat with a double-arm DDT, immediately dragging All-Star back to his feet and dropping him back to the mat with an exploder suplex! Night covers for the pin.




All-Star kicks out! Night pulls All-Star to standing once again and backs him into the corner with hard knee and forearm strikes before whipping him across the ring and giving chase. JAS bounces off the far turnbuckle as Night grabs hold of the back of Johnny’s head before jumping over the top rope and slamming All-Star face first into the top turnbuckle. Night slides back into the ring behind All-Star, leaping to his feet and slamming JAS over his head and onto the mat with a HUGE German suplex, bridging for the pin.



Again All-Star kicks out at two. Night stands and begins unleashing on the downed JAS with hard stomps and kicks. All-Star is dazed and hurt but fights to the ropes and gradually to his feet. Night stuns JAS with a spinning back fist before taking JAS over once more with a northern lights suplex again bridging for the pinfall.




NO! All-Star kicks out at the last second, only for Night to lock in the crossface again! All-Star yells out in pain as Night again tries to wrench on the pressure. All-Star thrashes, the tolls of the match starting to show. Slowly he inches forwards, reaching out and grabbing hold of the bottom rope – Night again being forced to break the hold. He does so, now heading up to the top rope where he perches. JAS climbs to his feet and turns slowly to face Night – who launches off with a missile dropkick – dodged by All-Star. The crowd roar’s as All-Star grabs hold of Night and leaps backwards, sending Night flying with a huge overhead release belly-to-belly suplex.

“Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen.”

The sVo-tron flickers to life as a man sitting in darkness fills the screen.

Unknown: Since you’ve both proven you don’t want to co-operate with us, we’ve decided to make this a no-disqualification match… and to make things interesting…

With that, the crowd burst into a chorus of boos as Weapon X and Scotty Love rush down to the ring, baseball bats in hand. In the ring, All-Star’s attention has focused already on the two incoming men as Night peels himself off the mat, also noticing the men and going on the defensive. As Scotty enters from the near side, Weapon X breaks off around the back of the ring. All-Star covers Weapon X as Night covers Scotty – the crowd pop as Night and All-Star find themselves back to back in the middle of the ring. As they bump, they both turn and, seeing the other, each man turns back to his respective opponent. All-Star lunges at Weapon X, but is forced to duck as X swings his bat, Weapon X again swings and misses, but the cheers turn to boos as Scotty Love’s bat finds its mark on JAS, sending the challenger stumbling – right into a shot to the ribs from Weapon X… and right on to the waiting arms of Night! The boos are deafening as Night charges forwards, dropping JAS on his head with The Dreaming before hooking his leg. The referee is stunned and has to be prompted by Scotty Love to count it.




This one is over – in the ring, Scotty Love and Weapon X lift Night’s arm high in the air – the sVo World Championship is handed to him as X and Love hoist the champ up onto their shoulders as they are showered with debris and a deafening chorus of boos as it seems Night has joined The Company!

RESULT: Night def. Johnny All Star via pinfall

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