sVo Infamous 2011
United Center, Chicago, Illinois
May 15th 2011

“The Show Goes On” by Chicago’s own Lupe Fiasco hits the sound system as the sVo Infamous entrance video hits the screens of TV’s all over the world! The video featuring the likes of sVo Champion Night, Nathan Paradine, Cody Williams, Roscoe SHame and Samuel Amos shows some of the best action to have ever taken place in the Sanctioned Violence Organization.All right, I’m ready
The show goes on
All night ’til the morning
We dream so long

 Anybody ever wonder
When we’d see the sun go
Remember when you come up
The show goes on

 All right, I’m ready
The show goes on
All night ’til the morning
We dream so long


Anybody ever wonder
When we’d see the sun go
Remember when you come up
The show goes on

  As the video comes to an end, the camera cuts to the arena and pans around the sold out crowd as pyro’s shoot up from the entrance stage whilst the theme music continues to blast out over the sound system. The camera picks out several signs in the crowd as the fireworks continue to explode around the ringside area.

The camera then pans across to the entrance stage, where a video recap of last weeks action is shown on the giant Violence-Tron before tonight’s action gets under-way.


The new sVo Executive in charge Victoria Isabella Prado is seen standing in the middle of the ring, in front of her sits a folding table draped with a black cloth, with three chairs behind it.

VIP: Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to make the sVo Championship match at Infamous official, with the contract signing by the three competitors. Allow me to introduce, one of the challengers, Nathan Paradine!!!


Queensryche’s “Sliver” begins to blast over the sound system as the lights dim. Nathan Paradine emerges from backstage dressed in a dark suit with his arms crossed over his chest, and as he throws them out pyro explodes from the stage and the lights return to their usual hue. He stares down towards the ring for a moment before starting to move, striding down the ramp without breaking his gaze. He eventually climbs up the steel stairs and steps into the ring, glancing at the head female in charge.

VIP: And his tag team partner, and the second challenger for the sVo Championship at Infamous, “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams!!!

The arena lights slowly dim, synchronized to the sounds of a THX Dolby Surround Sound Test. “Head Like A Hole” by Nine Inch Nails blares on the sounds system and the crowd in attendance erupts, standing on their feet in anticipation of their beloved superstar. Cody Williams emerges from the entranceway sharply dressed in a charcoal grey Christian Dior suit, a purple dress shirt, and tie, holding a stainless steel briefcase. He makes his way down the ramp and climbs the ring steps, climbing into the ring. He passes Nathan Paradine, bumping shoulders with him and walks over to Victoria and shakes her hand.

VIP: And last but certainly not least, YOUR sVo Heavyweight Champion, the one, the only, NIGHT!!!

The crowd erupt as “Knife Party” by Deftones blares over the PA as the arena lights fade, leaving only a purple spotlight glowing on the entrance ramp. As Night’s entrance video plays on the tron, the sVo Champion steps through the curtain with his manager, Akira Kimura standing to his left. The two men stand atop the ramp, taking in the atmosphere, the older man proudly patting his charge on the shoulder. Night is dressed in a sharp, charcoal-grey suit, the sVo World Title draped over his right shoulder. He holds the belt up triumphantly and the already deafening crowd grow even louder. Placing the belt back on his shoulder, Night starts down the ramp slapping hands with fans with his mentor in tow. As he reaches the ring he swiftly rolls under the bottom rope and up to standing in the ring. Kimura steps through the ropes as Night again holds up the belt, the pinnacle of the sVo as purple pyrotechnics erupt around him in the ring.

VIP: Thank you gentlemen for joining me, please take a seat.

The three of them stare each other down and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. They continue to stand, not taking up the offer to sit down and instead choose to stay where they are.

VIP: Or you can stand too, that’s fine. My first order of business as the new sVo Executive is to give the fans what they want, to bring the sVo to new heights, to bring the sVo back to the forefront of the wrestling business. And what better way to do that than to have the three of you wrestle for the game’s richest prize, the sVo Championship!

The crowd in attendance erupts, the sounds of their defeaning screams and cheers echoes through the venue.

VIP: Before we sign the contract and make this match official, I will open up the floor and allow you to make any statements you would like to make.

Paradine is the first to bite, leaning in and picking up one of the microphone that are propped up on the table. He lifts it up and raises it to his mouth, pushing his sunglasses up off of his nose and onto his forehead.

Nathan Paradine: I want you both to take a good, hard look at me. Night… our esteemed World Heavyweight Champion. Only two men have ever succeeded in holding that belt twice apart from you; Psyko Stevo and Mike Polowy. Both men helped shaped the sVo into what it has become and when this little federation that could reformed from the ashes a year ago you were the man to take the wheel and steer the ship out of the storm and into calm water.

He pauses for a few seconds, before turning his attention to his one-time friend, tag team partner, and other half to the tag team championship.

Nathan Paradine: And you, Cody Williams… what a saga we’ve had. Ours is a story spanning ten years and three different wrestling companies, multiple title reigns, several high profile matches and, ultimate, an ill-fated partnership. You’re the ying to my yang, the sun to my moon… the thorn to my side. I want both of you to realize that you’re looking at the next sVo World Heavyweight Champion. I am going to walk into Infamous a champion, and I am going to walk out of Infamous a champion. There’s not a single… damn… thing that either of you can do to stop me.

He tosses the microphone onto the table and pushes his sunglasses back down, flashing a smirk at his two opponents at the pay per view.

VIP: Night? Cody? The floor is all yours.

The sVo champion chooses to be the next one on deck and picks up the microphone that Nathan had just tossed onto the table. He lifts it up to his mouth and pauses for a second.

Night: I can’t think of two more worthy challengers for my first and hopefully not the last defense of my second reign as champion. Cody – you and I came to the sVo around the same time and both of us find ourselves here once more. Although you haven’t climbed the mountain yet and sat perched as champion, I think everyone here knew that sooner or later you would challenge. Regardless of the outcome at Infamous, I have no doubt in my mind that it is in your destiny to hold this belt.

Night switches his gaze to Paradine.

Night: Nathan – I may not agree with every decision you have made while here, for example your baffling decision to align yourself with the inevitable sinking ship that was The Company. It is your aggression and your determination which lead you to those decisions but it is also those qualities in you which have brought you here. I expect that, like Cody, you will bring everything you have to this match and will leave nothing behind in your pursuit of the champion.

The crowd cheers as Night, Cody, and Nathan all peer out into the crowd, nodding their heads at their reactions for the three of them.

Night: But I will also do everything in my power to make sure that I walk out of the pay per view the same way that I came in.. The sVo Champion!

The sVo Hall of Famer flips the microphone upside down and offers it to Cody. “The Reflection of Perfection” takes it from him and starts to pace around in place.

VIP: And that leaves you Cody, to have your statements be made.

Cody Williams: For years, I have climbed up the ladder rung by rung by rung, in hopes of being able to call myself World Champion once again. But everytime I get one step closer, I find myself taking two steps back.

He wipes the saliva from the corners of his mouth, taking a second to collect his thoughts.

Cody Williams: There have been many obstacles in my career that have kept me from fulfilling my destiny, but I have overcome them each and every time. And now, the only thing keeping me from becoming the sVo Champion are the two of you. Night, I have waited for years to get the chance to step into the ring with a well-seasoned veteran like you. And Nathan, everyone knows the history that you and I have and that just like that we can put on a show like no other can. But I will not let the two of you hinder me from finally climbing to the top of the ladder..

Cody tosses the briefcase onto the table and opens it up, revealing a hefty amount of cash to be inside of it. Night, Paradine and Victoria all have confused looks on their face.

Cody Williams: This is thirty thousand dollars cash that I am using to name the rules of our match at Infamous, and to symbolize the struggles that I have had while climbing the ladder to success, I am making this a ladder match for the sVo Championship!!!

The crowd in the arena erupt at the announcement of Cody Williams. VIP has a smirk on her face, pleased that Cody is taking this into his own hands. Paradine and Night flash smirks as well, nodding their head in approval.

VIP: Night, do you accept these stipulations?

The sVo Champion takes the pen from the sVo executive and pens his name to the contract, handing the pen back to her. He adjusts the championship belt on his shoulder and nods his head. Without further delay, Night signs the contract in front of him.

Night: It’s my honor to face you both next week. I know that the two of you will present me with one of the most hard-fought matches of my career – but know this… the title means everything to me, and I will go to no-less effort to defend it as you will to try to win it. Good luck to the both of you, I will see you both in Chicago.

Paradine snatches the pen from Victoria and scribbles his signature onto the binding contract as well. He tosses the pen at Cody’s chest and gives him an evil snarl.

Nathan Paradine: I ACCEPT!!! I would love nothing more than to take that sVo Championship that you hold Night and be able to claim it as my own.. And to have you Cody watch me as I climb that ladder rung by rung and snatch the belt for myself, spoiling your hopes and your dreams in the process!!!

Cody picks up the pen from the table and signs his name onto the contract as well.

Cody Williams: Nathan, it would be my pleasure to be the one to keep you from fulfilling your potential once again. I know I’m better than you and on Sunday I will prove to you once again why I…….. AM SECOND TO NONE! And Night, with all due respect you are one hell of an athlete and a champion, but Infamous will be known as the day Cody Williams became to NEW sVo Champion!

Victoria Isabella Prado examines the contents of the briefcase and closes it. She raises the contract with the three competitors signatures on it and smiles while she raises the microphone to her mouth.

VIP: Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it! At Infamous, it will be Night defending his sVo Championship against Nathan Paradine and Cody Williams in a triple threat ladder match!!! Thank you gentlemen for your cooperation and good luck this Sunday!!!

Nathan Paradine walks over to Night and gets in front of him. He points to the sVo Championship and motions around his waist that it is going to be his come Sunday. Cody cuts in between them and touches foreheads with Nathan. He turns his shoulder and points to the belt and then points to himself, before driving his index finger into the chest of Paradine. He swats his partners finger away and the two of them trade hard, cold stares. Night gets in between them and points to the two of them and raises the sVo Championship letting them and everyone know that this is what its all about. Standing behind them is the new and all too powerful sVo Executive Victoria Isabella Prado, who has a stern look on her face as if she is telling the three men to wait and save it for the pay per view this Sunday. There is a moment of stillness between the three of them, VIP tilts her head and points to the rampway, contract in hand and the briefcase held with her other. Cody backs up and rolls out of the ring, heading back up the rampway while still keeping his eyes on the ring. Paradine reluctantly then climbs outside the ropes and hops down to the concrete floor, motioning around his waist that the sVo Championship will belong to him. “Knife Party” by The Deftones hits the sound system as Night stands in the ring by himself. He makes his way to the nearest corner and raises the sVo Championship belt high above his head as his challengers look on.The lights in the arena go out and “Sundown” by Sirenia begins to play over the speakers. The darkness is cut off when two spotlights shine on the left portion of the stage, uniting at a specific point. With the lights shining, The Scorpion rises from the stage while kneeling in prayer as the song continues to play throughout the arena.

Once through the stage, The Scorpion opens his eyes and slowly walks to the ring without so much as glancing at the crowd. Once in the ring, he proceeds straight to a neutral corner and kneels once again, as if mentally preparing himself for what is ahead of him. After another quick prayer, he quickly throws off his trench coat and simply gazes into space.

Sinner by Drowning Pool begins. On the big screen we see highlights of Raven. Then Raven comes out walking and taunting the crowd a bit toward the ring.

With Scorpion and Raven in the ring the referee calls for the bell to be ring and this match to get underway. Both men slowly make their way towards each other before the sVo veterern Raven nails the newcomer Scorpion with a big right hand. Raven nails Scorpion with a flurry of punches before throwing him into the corner of the ring. Scorpion hits the turnbuckle hard, and Raven follows up with a clothesline in the corner of the ring. Scorpion stumbles out of the corner and Raven takes his opponent down with a neckbreaker before taunting to the crowd.

The crowd give a mixed reaction towards Raven as he pulls up the newcomer by his hair. Raven tries to throw Scorpion into the ropes, but Scorpion manages to reverse his opponent and shoot Raven into the ropes. Raven bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Scorpion takes him down with a drop toe hold in the middle of the ring. With Raven down, Scorpion drops an elbow down across the back of his opponents neck.

Raven rises up to his feet holding his neck in pain, and Scorpion lands some big right hands to his opponent. Raven looks like he is struggling as Scorpion grabs hold of him in a front face lock before taking him down to the mat with a snap suplex. With Raven down on the mat, Scorpion hits some big mounted punches before pressing Raven’s shoulders down to the mat to make the cover.




Raven manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted.

Scorpion pulls Raven back up to a standing position, but as he does Raven cuts him off with a knee to the face. Scorpion stumbles over, and Raven takes him down to the mat with a big DDT. Scorpion slowly begins to get to his feet holding his head, but as he does Raven grabs him by the arm and tries to send him into the corner of the ring. As he does, Scorpion collides with the referee to take him down to the mat!

With the referee down, Raven runs at Scorpion and clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside! With the referee down, Raven quickly follows Scorpion to the outside of the ring before pulling his opponent up to a standing position. The fans cheer as Raven shoots Scorpion hard into the steel ring steps! Scorpion lays on the floor in pain holding his shoulder, as Raven pulls the ring apron up and begins to look under the ring for something.

There is a big cheer from the crowd as Raven pulls out his trademark barbed wire wrapped hockey stick! Raven holds the weapon high in the air before slowly approaching Scorpion who is struggling to get to his feet. Raven tries to hit Scorpion with the weapon, however as he does Scorpion rolls out of the way and the weapon hits the steel ring steps. Before Raven has a chance to move, Scorpion counters with a kidney punch on his opponent, before pushing Raven’s face forward into the barbed wire!

Raven shouts out in pain as the barbed wire rips at his flesh before Scorpion pulls him away to his a rolling German suplex onto the hard arena floor! Raven lays on the floor holding the back of his head in pain as the referee slowly begins to stir in the ring. Scorpion slowly makes his way across to his opponent and pulls Raven up, before rolling him into the ring under the bottom rope. With Raven in the ring, Scorpion rolls in himself before making the cover.




To the surprise of the crowd Raven is able to kick out of the cover!

Scorpion looks at the referee in disbelief as he slowly rises up to his feet. Raven’s blood drips down his face and onto the canvas as he slowly pulls himself up using the ring ropes. Scorpion begins to hit some big right hands on Raven, but the sight of his own blood seems to spur Raven on as he blocks Scorpion’s right before firing back with some big punches of his own!

Raven grabs hold of his opponent before taking him down with a jaw breaker. With Scorpion down on the mat, Raven begins to build momentum with some big stomps on the body of the newcomer before allowing him back up. Scorpion runs at Raven, but as he does Raven takes him down to the mat with a big spinebuster! The fans cheer the big move from Raven as he quickly rises up to his feet and bounces into the ropes. Raven bounces off of the ropes, and lands a diving elbow drop onto the body of Scorpion!

With Scorpion down on the mat, the fans give a big cheer as Raven rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd. Raven then turns his attention back towards his opponent and shouts for him to get back to his feet. Scorpion slowly does rise to his feet, but as he does Scorpion rakes the eyes of his opponent. The fans boo the move from Scorpion as Raven stumbles forward, and walks straight into a buzzsaw kick from Scorpion!

Raven is quickly pulled back up to his feet by Scorpion, and he nails him with a Tiger suplex. The fans boo as Scorpion rises up to his feet and smiles as Raven struggles to get back up to his feet. Raven throws a right hand in the direction of Scorpion, but the newcomer ducks under the punch and drops Raven with a ‘Lament of Innocence’! The fans continue to boo as Scorpion makes the cover on Raven.




This one is all over, and just when it looked like Raven was dominating the match, it is the newcomer Scorpion who pulls out the win. The fans continue to boo the newest sVo star as he rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans as the referee holds his arm in the air in victory.BACKSTAGE

Some Explaining to Do

The scene opens in the office of Jon Page, sitting across the desk from him is Anthony Mitchell Pettis. AMP has his arms crossed and they just look at both of each other as they appear to be waiting for something or someone to come in. Jon sits there tapping a pen in his hand on the desk, when finally the door opens. In walk Sara Pettis, and Sheldon Hossteder. AMP immediately jumps up from his seat.

AMP: You two little shits have some explaining to do!

Jon Page: Woah, AMP, AMP. Calm down.

AMP: Jon, they fucked with my contract, they stole my money!

Sara looks over at Sheldon, then towards her father.

Sara Pettis: I don’t know what you’re talking about AMP.

Jon Page: Sit down you two.

Sara and Sheldon look at each other and pull up chairs, and sit next to each other on the other side of the desk from Page. Jon pulls a sheet of paper out of a yellow envelope, and hands it across to Sheldon.

Jon Page: This is the hard copy of AMP’s contract here in sVo. Someone hacked into the website and took a zero off his salary.

Sheldon Hossteder: Uh, I’m sure it was some /b/tard or something like that.

AMP: Don’t lie you little shit. We all know you hacked the site before for the Wildman information. You also took the pictures from Sara’s slutty little photo shoot.

Sara Pettis: Hey AMP. Back off him. You don’t have any proof.

AMP: You know, I’m getting about sick and tired of you and him Sara. What is it about this geek that gets you off? I know I don’t say this very often, but damn it, you can do so much better.

Sara Pettis: Why do you care?

AMP: Because, our family has an image, and this silicon valley shit isn’t it.

Sheldon Hossteder: I think Sara has made it plainly obvious that she doesn’t want the ‘Pettis image’.

AMP stands up.

AMP: Unless you’re going to admit that you fucked with my contract, then you shut the fuck up!

Sara gets up.

Sara Pettis: Don’t talk to Shelly like that!

Jon Page slams his fist on the desk.

Jon Page: Everyone shut up! I’m not going to let you three tear apart my office! Sara, AMP. You two haven’t been booked yet. I was going to try to find a spot to squeeze the two of you into. But how about this? I don’t normally try to get involved in other people’s family business, but maybe we should just let the two of you beat the living piss out of each other? I’m thinking, Pettis v. Pettis, tonight on Infamos. Unsanctioned, falls count anywhere.

AMP and Sara look at each other.

Sara Pettis: I want to add just one thing.

Jon Page: And that is?

Sara Pettis: This asshole is only in sVo to fuck my life up. So if you don’t mind, why don’t we add the stipulation that loser of the match gets suspended, until the winner either leaves sVo, or decides to reinstate them.

Page thinks it over for a second before looking over at AMP.

Jon Page: Any problem with that Anthony?

AMP smiles.

AMP: That is fine with me.

Jon Page: Alright, then that is how it will be. Have a good match you two.

Sara and Sheldon look at AMP, as he storms out of the office.

Sheldon Hossteder: I hope you know what you’re doing Sara.

Sara Pettis: Oh, I’ll be alright. I’ve been wanting a chance to just beat his ass since he showed up.

Jon Page: Well you better. And I hope this works. Because lately, I can’t help but notice Sara that you haven’t been the same since Wildman retired. Make this count.BACKSTAGE

Top Investigative JournalismThe scene switches to the locker room where EMT’s are rushing to the side of Chris Wrestling who is laying motionless on the floor. Serveral backstage staff members are standing around looking concerned as Chris Wrestling lays in a bloody mess on the floor whilst the EMT’s respond to what looks like a big head wound. As the medics continue to work on Chris Wrestling, roving reporter Katie Smith appears on the scene.

Katie Smith: “What happened here? Did someone attack Chris Wrestling?”

Katie Smith’s question is met with shrugs of the shoulders and blank looks from the backstage staff crowded around the injured Chris Wrestling.

Katie Smith: “Did no one see anything?”

Again no one looks like they are going to answer Katie Smith’s question as Chris Wrestling is loaded onto a stretcher by the medical team.

Katie Smith: “Well if no one saw anything then I will be the one to get to the bottom of this!”

The sVo reporter gets some grim looks from the backstage staff, if they did see who attacked Chris Wrestling then it looks like they don’t want to be the one to say who it was!Mr. Happy by X: THC begins to play throughout the arena. After a few waiting seconds Matt Anderson enters the stage with look of disgust at everyone in the crowd.

I want to be happy

Sparks begin to erupt down the stage as Matt Anderson begins to make his way down the stage.

Mr. Happy

Colt Cooper hits the stage with his head held low. He searces through the crowd sticking his middle finger out to everyone in the crowd while smiling sindictive.

Mr. Happy

Colt begins to walk down the stage tapping his chest while talking to Mr. Happy.

I want to be happy

Colt slides in the ring and stands on a turnbuckle still talking to Mr. Happy, and sticking his middle finger up to the crowd once again.

Mr. Happy

Colt gets down from turnbuckle and begins to chat with Matt Anderson

There are cheers in the arena as the lights dim and smoke begins to rise from the top of the entrance ramp. Through the smoke the mysterious figure of X begins to walk down the entrance ramp towards Colt Cooper and his manager Matt Anderson who are still in the ring. The pair watch intently as X slowly steps to the bottom of the ring, before taking off his hat and climbing up onto the ring apron. There is a big cheer from the crowd as X climbs into the ring and taunts to the fans.

As the lights in the arena come back on the fans cheer as X and Colt Cooper stare each other down across the ring. Matt Anderson climbs to the outside of the ring as the bell rings and this one gets started! Colt Cooper quickly rushes forward towards X and lays into the masked superstar with some big right hands before shooting him into the ropes. X bounces back into the middle of the ring and knocks down Colt Cooper with a big running dropkick which draws a cheer from the crowd.

Colt Cooper rises back up to his feet, but X lays into him with some stiff knife edge chops that back him into the corner of the ring. The fans ‘whooo’ as the chops echo around the arena, before Colt Cooper grabs X by the shoulders and throws him into the corner of the ring. The fans boo as Colt Cooper lays into X with a flurry of different kicks in the corner of the ring, before pulling him away from the ropes. Colt Cooper takes X down with a snap mare takedown in the middle of the ring, before bouncing into the ring ropes and landing a diving dropkick to the face of his opponent.

The masked X slowly rises back up to his feet, but Colt Cooper is there again to grab him by the arm and throw him into the ropes. X bounces back into the middle of the ring where Colt Cooper drops him with a back drop suplex which gets a round of applause from Matt Anderson at ringside. The fans boo loudly for the move as ‘Mr Happy’ Colt Cooper rises up to his feet and taunts to the fans. With X still down on the mat, Colt Cooper quickly turns his attention back to his opponent and locks him in a grapevine ankle lock submission hold!

Colt Cooper looks like he is ready to break the ankle of X in the middle of the ring, however to loud cheers from the crowd X is able to make it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Colt Cooper lays into X with some big kicks as he tries to get to his feet, however X suddenly grabs the leg of Colt Cooper and takes him down with a single leg takedown! The fans cheer as Colt Cooper jumps straight back up to his feet, but receives a spinning heel kick from X!

The fans cheer X on as he grabs hold of Colt Cooper by the back of the head and slams him head first into the turnbuckle. Colt Cooper staggers backwards holding the back of his head, and X takes him down with a gut wrench powerbomb! With Colt Cooper down, X makes the cover!



Just as the referee is about to count the three, Matt Anderson grabs hold of the referee by the ankle and pulls him clean out of the ring! The fans boo loudly the actions of the former head of the Company, as X rises up to his feet and stares at Matt Anderson. Anderson seems pleased with his own actions, until he notices X staring at him! X quickly jumps out of the ring and gives chase as Matt Anderson runs around the ring trying to get away from the mysterious masked star!

As X gives chase, Colt Cooper rolls out of the ring and manages to cut off X as he turns a corner with a big clothesline to the face. The fans boo loudly as Colt Cooper slams X head first into the ring apron, before rolling him back in under the bottom rope. Colt Cooper climbs into the ring himself, and lays into X with some big kicks as he tries to get to his feet. X finally does reach a standing position, but as he does X takes him down with a spinning brainbuster! With X down on the mat, the fans boo loudly as Colt Cooper taunts for his finishing move!

Matt Anderson cheers Colt Cooper on as X slowly rises up to a kneeling position, and Colt Cooper looks for a ‘Colt of Conduct’ on his opponent. However before he can connect with the knee to the face, X ducks out of the way! The fans cheer as Colt Cooper spins around with a look of shock on his face and X rolls him up in the middle of the ring!




Matt Anderson tries to dive into the ring to break up the cover for Colt Cooper, but it is too late as the referee makes the three count and X dives out of the ring! The fans cheer loudly as X backs up the entrance ramp with his arms in the air in victory as Matt Anderson and Colt Cooper stare back at him with angry looks on their faces from the middle of the ring.

The sVo returns to Las Vegas for Showdown #82!
May 22nd 2011

Chicken Hunting

The arena goes black as, all of a sudden, a semi-well known Slash guitar riff blasts over the PA.

“Du nuuu..”

A small portion of the crowd goes wild as the majority wonder why. The guitar riff echo’s again.

“Du nuuu..”

Suddenly red and yellow lights flash the arena as the first lyric of “Chicken Huntin’” by ICP screams through the PA.

“Well I’m headin’ down the southern trail, I’m going chicken huntin’…”

As it does, many men dressed up as psychotic clowns being to pour out from backstage. Some with big colorful afro’s… others with long multicolored dreads. All with black and white face paint hiding their true appearances. Their outfits, however, were far from that of your typical clown. Baggy jeans and football jerseys donned these “clowns”. Long gold chains and tatoo’s everywhere but on their faces. The clowns “crip walk”, “clown walk” and “kick step” their way to the ring. Seemingly enjoying their entrance music more then the fans. A small pop comes from the Juggalo’s in attendance as they cheer a lyric of the song.

“What can you do with a drunkin’ hillbilly!?!”

As the chorus of the song finally kicks in the ring is surrounded by a good two dozen “clowns”. The few Juggalo’s in attendance sing along with the chorus of the song.

“Who’s goin’ chicken huntin’!?! We’s goin’ chicken huntin’!”

Over and over, the chorus plays until, finally, one of the “Clowns” breaks from the pack and slides into the ring. You can tell, as the man bounces back and forth against the ropes, that he, like the rest, is singing along with the song. Everyone in attendance wonders who he is. For all they know it could be Violent Jay or Shaggy 2 Dope himself. The “clown” inside the ring stands at about 6’3″ and weighs about 230 pounds, all muscle. He dons a short sleeve football jersey with a giant red Hatchet Man on his chest. A sleeve of tattoo’s covers all of his visible arm and tattoo can even be seen peaking up out of his collar coming up slightly onto his neck. Short black and red dreads hang to about shoulder length. Weathered jeans hanging long enough to bag at his feet, covering the tops of his timberland boots. He grabs a microphone and the music cuts.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, allow myself to introduce… myself. Some of you may known me as “The Ringmaster”, others as “that Juggalo”… but you, sVo universe… you can call me Jake, Jake Jeckel.”

The few Juggalo’s in attendance pop but they are so few and far between that there is basically no reaction at all.

“As you can tell by my face I, along with many others out there like me, am part of a constantly growing sub-culture here in North America known simply as the Juggalo Nation. Many out their hate us but family runs deep and Juggalo’s will always have one an others backs… which means Juggalo’s will ALWAYS wounder this great dirt ball of ours. I know what most of you are thinking right now. What, is a Juggalo? And if you don’t know, before long, I’ll’s teach ya’… all in good time. Right now, all you have to know… all anyone in the back has to know… is that Juggalo’s don’t take shit from nobody and thrive, I said THRIVE, on a good challenge.”

The crowd seems happy to hear this.

“You see I’m far from new to this game of ours. I’ve been running the independent circute for nearly eight years and, as a Juggalo and middle lower class citizen of this ‘Great’ country of ours, nothing has ever come easy for me. As I worked my way up the roster rankings… the organization rankings… the championship rankings… I always had to worry about keeping a second job because, lets face it, independent wrestling doesn’t quite pay the bills. And to say the least, working 60 hours a week and wrestling, including the hours spent driving to events, another 60 hours a week, aged me well beyond my years. But, even though I’d always thought about the idea over the years, it wasn’t until I recently finally won my first Independent Heavyweight Championship belt that I finally realized that I wanted nothing more then to sign with sVo.”

A small “sVo! sVo! sVo!” chant breaks out.

“When I put on my first even pair of spandex pants and stepped into my first ever wrestling ring, for my first ever wrestling match, I never dreamed I would ever get the chance become champion at all! Let alone the World Heavyweight Champion of an independent wrestling organization… but that was 8 long years ago. That was hundreds and hundreds of matches back. Before I acquired an endless number of moves to my arsenal. Before I acquired the guns I carry with me today… no, not actual guns…”

Jake flexes his arms.

“…these guns. Don’t you know Juggalo’s carry hatchets, not guns.”

Jake smiles.

“Before I put my body on the line night after night, month after month, year after year… I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d win a Heavyweight championship. Today, however… tonight… I can’t help but feel like I deserve more. More then some random Heavyweight championship of whatever random independent federation I find myself in today. And that is why I find myself here, in sVo! Because when I won my first ever Heavyweight Championship, just a few months back, eight long years after I first stepped foot in a wrestling ring, and I realized that I’d be happier losing a dark match on an sVo Unsanctioned Event then winning that Gold… I knew I had no other choice but to do whatever it took to get signed to the Sanctioned Violence Organization!”

Another “sVo! sVo! sVo!” chant breaks out.

“Thankfully for me, I didn’t get the bone this time, and sVo actually added my to their top notch roster. Makes me think I should have come here years ago. Regardless, I’m here now. Here to get wicked on the sVo roster and mow through whoever I have to mow through to get my hands on some gold… because, as you probably know already, ain’t nothing a broke ass fool wants more then some gold. I promise you ladies and gentlemen, over the coming weeks, you will see Jake Jeckel hated on by more men often then that chicken hunted fool Bin Laden! But unlike that punk, ain’t no one taking me out! And in time… you’ll see that. Mad Clown Love everyone! Woo Woo!”

Two or three “Woo Woo’s” come back at Jake as “Chicken Huntin’” by ICP begins to play over the PA. It starts right at the chorus and the camera shows a few fans in front row mocking the lines.

“We’s goin’ chicken huntin!”

The clowns around the ring begin to “Kick Step” and “Crip Walk”, and bounce around like crazy as they begin to make their way back up the runway. Jake Jeckle tosses his arms into the air, clenching his right hand into a fist and forming an L with the index and thumb of his left hand. He then drops the microphone and quickly slides out of the ring, getting lost in the group of clowns before they all finally disappear backstage. As they do “Chicken Huntin’” cuts from the PA.BACKSTAGE

British BrutalityThe cameras head backstage to the interview area where Tamara Boyd is standing by with Sean Maverick who tonight gets a shot at the sVo Red&Black Championship as he takes on the Enigma in singles action. The black haired Tamara Boyd tosses her black hair and pouts into the camera as she address the watching PPV crowd.

Tamara Boyd: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing by with Sean Maverick who has been tipped as one of the future stars of the sVo. Sean, do you think you will tonight defeat Enigma in singles action?”

Sean Maverick: “The future of the sVo is something that I keep hearing tossed about when ever anyone mentions my name. As far as I am concerned I am not the future of the sVo, I am the present! Tonight you will all see the birth of the British Brutality era!”

Boyd continues to pout into the camera as if she is a model as Maverick answers the question.

Tamara Boyd: “So I take it you are confident of walking out as a champion tonight?”

Maverick smirks at Boyd as he nods his head.

Sean Maverick: “Trust me, I will be walking out as a champion tonight. You can take that to the bank. Enigma is going to taste some British Brutality tonight!”

Maverick smirks to the camera before walking away from the interview era before Tamara Boyd can ask any more questions.All the lights fade, and fog surrounds the entrance ramp. The theme music hits the PA system as blue lights start pulsing, Sean Maverick sprints down to the ring and slides in. He then jumps up on the turnbuckles and works up the crowd.

A dark cloud of smoke appears on the rampway as the Smoke clears we see Kai Christianson stood there surrounded by a veil of smoke , he is wearing a leather jacket hood up he removes the hood showing everyone his face and runs down to the ring.

Enigma hands the sVo Red&Black Championship belt to the referee who holds it in the air to signal that it will be on the line during tonight’s match between two of the sVo’s most exciting new talents. Enigma and Maverick both look up at the belt before the referee passes it to the outside of the ring and calls for the bell to be rung!

Maverick and Enigma quickly make their way towards each other before tying up in the middle of the ring. Both men try and push each other backwards in a test of strength, before Enigma is able to take Maverick down to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Maverick quickly leaps up to his feet and knocks Enigma down with a shoulder block, before stomping away on the Red&Black Champion as he tries to get up to his feet.

Enigma finally does reach a standing position, but as he does Maverick sends him into the ropes before burying a knee into the midsection of his opponent as he bounces back into the middle of the ring. Enigma doubles over in pain holding his gut, and Maverick takes the chance to take him down to the mat with a neckbreaker. The fans boo the man from England as he lays into Enigma with some mounted punches before rising up to his feet and taunting to the crowd.

Maverick seems to taunt the crowd for too long as Engima rises up to his feet behind the back of the challenger and lands a dropkick onto Maverick to take him down. The fans cheer the big move from Enigma as Maverick struggles up to his feet. Maverick runs at Enigma looking for a clothesline, but Enigma manages to duck under the arm of his opponent and nail a monkey flip on the challenger to take him down to the mat.

Maverick looks to be getting more annoyed as he jumps up to his feet, but as he does Enigma lays into him with some stiff chops across the chest. Maverick staggers backwards into the corner of the ring, before Enigma lays into him with some big stomps into the corner of the ring. The fans continue to cheer Enigma on as he grabs hold of Maverick and lifts him onto the top rope.

Maverick looks in trouble on the top rope as the sVo Red&Black Champion climbs up alongside him before taking him down to the mat with a massive superplex from the top! The fans cheer for the huge move from the champion as he slowly crawls over the body of Maverick to make a cover on the challenger.




Enigma can’t believe it as somehow Maverick manages to get his shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted by the referee! Maverick slowly tries to rise up to a standing position but looks in pain as Enigma stares at the referee in disbelief. Enigma grabs hold of Maverick and takes him down with a scoop slam in the corner of the ring. With Maverick down, the fans cheer as the champion makes his way to the top rope.

With Maverick down on the mat, Enigma looks to put away his opponent with a moonsault from the top, but before he can impact, Maverick is able to roll out of the way! Maverick slowly tries to rise up to a standing position as Enigma holds his chest in pain after the misfired move leaves him laying on the mat.

Maverick looks cocky as he taunts to the fans before choking out Enigma with a big boot across his throat. The referee begins to count Maverick out and prepares to DQ him, before Maverick releases the choke hold just before the referee can make the five count. The fans continue to boo the challenger Maverick as he pulls Enigma up to his feet and throws him into the ropes. Enigma bounces back into the middle of the ring, but Maverick plants him down to the mat with a side walk slam.

Enigma looks in pain as Maverick rises up before dropping an elbow down onto the body of the Red&Black Champion. Maverick taunts Enigma to get back to his feet, which draws loud boos from the fans who still want Enigma to pick up the victory over Maverick in this match. However as Enigma rises to his feet and throws a right hand in the direction of Maverick, Maverick ducks under the punch and grabs hold of Enigma from behind to hit a bulldog onto his opponent

Enigma struggles back to a standing position, but as he does Maverick is there again with some big right hands to the face of the champion. Enigma staggers backwards, but as he does Maverick plants him down to the mat with a ‘British Blitzekreig’! With Enigma down and hurting, the fans boo even louder as Maverick taunts for his finishing move. With the Red&Black Championship belt glimmering at ringside, Maverick pulls Enigma up to his feet before planting him down to the mat with a ‘London Calling’! With Enigma down on the mat, Maverick makes the cover on the champion!




It’s all over and we have a new sVo Red&Black Champion! Boos ring out around the arena as Maverick rises up to his feet and shouts at the referee to present him with the title belt. The referee fetches the belt from the ringside area, before Maverick snatches it away from him and raises it in the air with a huge smirk on his face. The fans continue too boo loudly as the new Red&Black Champion celebrates his first sVo title!BACKSTAGE

My TimeAs Sean Maverick continues to celebrate his victory in the ring, the cameras head to the backstage area where Rey Rosario is in the gorilla position, ready to hit the ring to take on Sheldon Hossteder in a match that will determine who will get a shot at the sVo Las Vegas Championship belt currently being held by Roscoe Shame who defeated Hossteder last week on Showdown #81. As Rosario warms up, a scowl appears on his face as Jon Page walks into the scene.

Rey Rosario: “What do you want?”

Page feigns that he is hurt by the comment, before placing a hand on the shoulder of Rey Rosario.

Jon Page: “I just came out here to wish you luck in you match tonight, I hope you win it and get the shot that you deserve.”

Rosario looks angry as he knocks the hand of Jon Page off of his shoulder.

Rey Rosario: “What I deserve? You seem to have suffered the same amnesia as the rest of the sVo! It was me that saved the sVo from the Company, it was me that went undercover with them for months to take them out at Vendetta. What I deserve is what I was promised, a shot at the sVo Championship!”

Page stares down at Rosario, the humour slowly draining away from him.

Jon Page: “Keep winning your matches and you will earn your spot.”

Rosario continues to scowl before slowly walking away from Page.

Rey Rosario: “I earned my shot months ago with what I did for this organisation. If I don’t get it soon I am going to step up and take it.”

Page stares at Rey Rosario as he walks away, wondering if this problem is one of his own making.BACKSTAGE

All You GotAs DJ walks through the backstage area looking unhappy that his match tonight against Chezina has been cut from the card, he pushes open the locker room door and steps in before flipping the lights on.

La Envidia Mata: “What took you so long DJ?”

The high flyer stumbles back in shock as he finds Mata sitting on a steel chair in the middle of the locker room. Mata has a strange smile on his face as he stares back at DJ who closes the door behind him and clenches his fists.

DJ: “What the hell are you doing here?”

Mata looks at DJ who looks ready to fight, before laughing softly.

La Envidia Mata: “Calm down DJ, I am not here to hurt you. If I had been you would be on the floor in a pool of sticky warm blood by now. I am here to offer you an olive branch.”

Mata stares into the eyes of DJ with a smile on his face, but DJ scoffs at Mata.

DJ: “And after everything you did and all the problems you created in the Corporation why should I trust you?”

Mata laughs as the self proclaimed ‘God of Wrestling’ rises up to his feet.

La Envidia Mata: “Remember DJ, the fans of the sVo have turned their back on you. The locker room have turned their back on you after you betrayed them and worked with the Company. I am the only one you have left…”

Mata taps DJ on the cheek as he laughs whilst walking past DJ and out of the door of the locker room.“Last Resort” hits the sound system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as Rey Rosario comes out completely ignoring the crowd. Rosario slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, remaining focused on the ring as he continues to ignore the noise from the fans. Rosario enters underneath the bottom rope and sits down on the corner awaiting the match to start.

Sheldon rides out onto the stage on his segway and starts waving enthusiastically to the crowd. as he makes his way to the ring he shakes hands and high fives everyone that he can. He gets in the ring and removes his shirt, bow tie and pants then patiently waits for the bell.

The two former Las Vegas Champions stare across the ring at each other as the referee calls for the bell to be rung. Hossteder and Rosario make their way towards each other, with Rosario quickly raking the eyes of his opponent. The fans boo as Rosario lays into Hossteder with some big right hands before sending him into the ropes. Hossteder bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Rosario nails a big back elbow into the face of his opponent.

Hossteder stumbles away holding his face, but as Rosario grabs hold of him he knocks away his opponent with a big kick to the midsection. Rosario holds his stomach, but as he does Hossteder takes him down with a double arm drag takedown. Hossteder rolls over onto his opponent and hits some big mounted punches before Rosario is able to use his strength to push himself up to a standing position.

Hossteder looks for a big right hand on Rosario, but Rosario ducks under the arm of his opponent before shooting him into the ropes. Hossteder bounces back into the middle of the ring, and Rosario takes him down to the mat with a Samoan drop. The fans boo the big move from Rosario as he locks on an arm bar submission hold on Hossteder to try and wear down his opponent.

Hossteder looks in pain at the submission hold, before being able to use his feet to kick away at Rosario in the face to free himself. Rosario rises up to his feet and hits some big right hands on Hossteder, however Hossteder is able to block the arm of his opponent and grab him in a wrist lock. Rosario looks for some big back elbows to try and free himself from the wrist lock, however Hossteder is able to take Rosario down with a big reverse suplex.

The fans cheer the big move from Hossteder as he rolls up to his feet and taunts for Rosario to get up. The former Las Vegas Champion slowly does pull himself up his feet, but as he does Hossteder lands a knee to the midsection, before hitting a double knee into the face of Rosario! Rosario staggers back in pain as Hossteder bounces into the ropes before taking down Rosario with a rolling leg lock!

Rosario tries to free himself from the painful submission move, however Hossteder keeps it locked on to look for the submission victory which would see him become the #1 contender for the Las Vegas Championship belt that he lost to Roscoe Shame last week on Showdown. Rey Rosario is finally able to make it to the ropes, something that brings loud boos from the fans as Hossteder is forced to break the hold.

Rosario limps up to his feet, but as he does Hossteder takes him down with a chop block. The fans cheer as Hossteder lays into Rosario with some big kicks to the legs of his opponent before flipping him over and locking in a STF! Again Rosario looks in pain with the submission hold as the referee drops down to see if Rosario wants to quit.

Rosario bravely shakes his head and tries to use his power to move himself closer to the ropes again. Hossteder pulls back on the hold to try and secure the big victory, but with one big last effort Rosario is once again able to make it to the ropes! The fans boo as once again the submission expert Hossteder is forced to break his submission move on Rosario who slowly begins to rise up to a standing position.

Hossteder jumps forward and grabs hold of Rosario in a waist lock with a view to hitting a German suplex, however Rosario is able to block the hold by holding onto the top rope. Hossteder lays into Rosario with some big punches to the back of the head before pulling him away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring. However before Hossteder can hit the move, Rosario counters with a back low blow kick out of the view of the referee!

The fans boo loudly as Hossteder sinks down to his knees, allowing Rosario the chance to turn and take him down with a big suplex in the middle of the ring! With Hossteder hurting, Rosario takes the chance to make the cover on his opponent.




Just when it looked like it was all over and we had a new #1 contender for the sVo Las Vegas Championship, Hossteder manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted!

Rosario doesn’t look at all happy as he slowly begins to rise up to his feet and stares at the referee in disgust. Rosario turns from the referee and lands some big right hands to the face of his opponent to back him into the corner of the ropes. With Hossteder in the corner, Rosario climbs up onto the second rope and begins to lay into Hossteder with some big punches to the face.

The fans continue to boo Rosario as he pulls Hossteder out of the corner and slams him down to the mat with a huge spinebuster! Hossteder looks in pain as Rey Rosario rises up to his feet and taunts to the crowd! The fans boo even louder for the former Las Vegas Champion as he allows Hossteder to rise up to his feet, before dropping Hossteder down with a massive double arm DDT in the middle of the ring! With Hossteder down, Rosario makes the cover!




It’s all over and with the outcome of the match turning on the low blow from Rey Rosario, it is Rosario who wins the battle of the former Las Vegas Champions to secure his shot at the Las Vegas Championship belt! The referee raises the arm of Rey Rosario in the air in victory as the crowd continue to boo loudly.BACKSTAGE

Raven = RatingsIt is silent in the medical room as the rainbow haired Raven sits patiently getting the gash on his forehead stitched up by one of the medical team on hand at the arena tonight. However as the doctor finishes work on Raven, the silence is broken by the clicking heels of Victoria Prado as she walks down the corridor and into the room.

Raven rubs the crusty blood from around his eyes as he stares up at V.I.P, the television network executive as she stares down at him.

V.I.P: “Impressive performance out there tonight.”

The hardcore star shakes his head as he rubs the new stitches on his forehead, not the first he had got and probably not the last.

Raven: “Would have been more impressive if I had won..”

Prado shakes her head before shrugging her shoulders.

V.I.P: “The rainbow coloured hair is a good look, could do well with the younger demographic which we need to appeal to if we are to move forward. A few tweeks to the look, maybe a new name and I could see you becoming a big star here in the sVo!”

Prado smiles at Raven, flashing her million dollar smile before turning away and making her way out of the medical room, leaving Raven behind to wonder just what the word demographic means.‘Flower’ by The Moby begins to play, as blue and white strobe lights flash at the entrance. Sara steps out from the back and waves at the crowd with a smile. She then jogs excitedly down the aisle, slapping hands with fans on either side along the way, before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring.

The lights in the arena dim as a green spotlight shines on the entrance to the arena. AMP walks out with a smug look on his face, and stops at the top of the ramp. He looks out at the crowd, and laughs, before making his way down to the ring, pyro going off one either side of him as he does at about every five feet. At the last set of pyro he stops, and pulls a $100 bill out of his tights, tossing it into the crowd to watch a free for all ensue for it. He laughs before walking down to the ring, and climbs the steps where he makes a motion like he’s brushing off his feet before climbing through the ropes into the ring.

With both father and daughter in the ring the fans are firmly behind Sara Pettis as they stare each other down knowing that one of them will be suspended tonight if they fail to secure a victory tonight! The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and Pettis and AMP quickly rush forward towards each other! Sara Pettis lands some big right hands to the face of her father, until AMP grabs her by the arm and throws her into the ring ropes. Sara Pettis bounces back into the middle of the ring, but as AMP looks for a back drop, Sara Pettis counters with a head scissors takedown!

The fans cheer the big move from Sara Pettis as she rises up to her feet and nails AMP with a spinning heel kick as he tries to rise up to his feet. Sara Pettis taunts her father, before aiming a big kick at his midsection. However AMP seems to have his daughters move scouted as he grabs hold of Sara Pettis’ foot and trips her up with a leg sweep. AMP nails Sara Pettis with an elbow drop to the knee before stomping away on her as she tries to rise up to her feet.

The fans boo AMP loudly as he finally allows Sara Pettis up to her feet, before grabbing her by her trademark blue hair and tossing her over the top rope! Sara Pettis hits the floor hard, as AMP taunts to the crowd before climbing out of the ring after his daughter. AMP nails Sara Pettis with some big kicks, before grabbing her by the arm and tossing her hard into the security barrier. The fans boo the move from AMP as he grabs his daughter by the hair and shouts at her, before scooping her up and dropping her head first over the security barrier.

Sara Pettis looks in pain as AMP cockily walks over to the announcers table and grabs a steel chair. The crowd boo loudly as AMP holds the steel chair above his head, before walking slowly over towards his daughter who is leaning against the security barrier. However before AMP can hit Sara Pettis with the chair, she counters with a big kick into the chair which sends it back into her fathers face! AMP staggers away holding his face, as Sara Pettis follows up with a spinning DDT on the outside of the ring!

With AMP down on the outside of the ring, Sara Pettis drops down onto her fathers body to make a cover in this falls count anywhere match.




Just when it looked like Sara Pettis was going to cause AMP to be suspended, he manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted. The fans sound disappointed, but Sara Pettis doesn’t show any mercy as she pulls her father up to his feet and lays into him with some hard chops across the chest. AMP struggles to try and get away from his daughter as he makes his way around to the entrance ramp and looks like he is trying to leave the ringside area!

The fans boo AMP loudly, but Sara Pettis quickly catches up with her father and takes him down with a big bulldog on the entrance ramp! The fans cheer the move as AMP slowly staggers back up to his feet having been busted wide open! Sara Pettis taunts to the fans before grabbing hold of AMP in a front face lock, and taking him down with a snap suplex onto the steel entrance ramp! The fans cheer the move by Sara Pettis as she makes the cover on AMP.




Once again AMP some how manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat just when it looked like the three count was going to go down! Sara Pettis looks frustrated with her inability to put away her father as she rises back up to her feet. AMP slowly begins to rise to his feet, but as he does Sara Pettis aims the ‘Blue Moon’ in his direction! However much to the dislike of the fans, AMP is able to avoid the attack! Pettis spins around, but as she does AMP rakes the eyes of the former TapOut Champion!

The crowd boo the move from AMP, as he follows it up with a scoop slam on the top of the entrance ramp! Sara Pettis squirms in pain as she lays on her back, whilst AMP taunts to the crowd. The crowd boo loudly as AMP pulls Sara Pettis to her feet by her blue hair, and looks as if he is ready to throw his daughter off of the fifteen foot stage down to the hard floor! The fans rise to their feet as AMP grabs Sara Pettis by the back of the head and looks ready to toss her off of the stage, but as he does there is a big cheer as Sheldon Hossteder walks through the curtain with a steel chair in his hands!

Sheldon Hossteder aims the steel chair in the direction of AMP, but as he does AMP sees it coming and ducks out of the way, causing the steel chair to slam into Sara Pettis’ face! The fans boo as AMP cuts Sheldon Hossteder off with a kick to the midsection, before nailing him in the back with his own steel chair! Boos ring out around the arena as AMP tries to take advantage of the situation with a cover on Sara Pettis on the top of the entrance ramp.




Its all over, and in the stipulations laid out earlier in the night, Sara Pettis is now suspended from active sVo duty thanks to her own father! Boos continue to ring out around the arena as AMP rises up to his feet and wipes the blood from his eyes before throwing his arms up in the air in victory as Sheldon Hossteder checks on his girlfriend Sara Pettis who looks like she might be out cold.BACKSTAGE

Fix ItAs Jon Page sits behind his desk watching AMP celebrate his victory over his daughter on the flatscreen at the end of the room, his door comes flying open as if someone has pulled it off of its hinges. Page rises up from his executive chair, and is surprised as the person who comes walking through his door is Victoria Prado.

VIP: “What the hell was that?”

Page can’t help but cast his eye over Prado’s body, but the network executive catches his wandering eyes in the act which makes her all the more annoyed.

VIP: “Sara Pettis is one of our biggest stars. The blue hair spray is a big seller on the website and she brings in huge ratings for Showdown and buyrates for PPV’s. It was just a few weeks ago she was trending on twitter. We can’t afford to have her off of TV! How could you book such a match?”

Page stares at V.I.P and shrugs his shoulders.

Jon Page: “That’s the wrestling business. Stars come and stars go. If she didn’t want to be out of action then she shouldn’t have lost.”

Victoria Prado seems to be going more and more red in the face with every word that the sVo Owner says.

V.I.P: “I don’t care about the wrestling business, I care about our ratings! For our ratings we need Sara Pettis back on TV!”

Page doesn’t seem overly concerned as he sits back down and places his feet on the desk.

Jon Page: “I am sure AMP is just teaching her a lesson. What father is really going to destroy his daughter’s career?”

V.I.P: “The dysfunctional family is great for ratings, but to make it work we need Pettis on the screens so that the fans continue to tune in and buy the product… you caused this problem, you need to fix it!”

Victoria Prado storms out of the office of Jon Page as the sVo Owner turns his attentions back to the flat screen.There are boos in the arena as ‘JVD’ flashes up on the giant screen and the arena is basked in a pink glow. “All My Life” by Foo Fighters blares out as James Von Drake walks out, with his wife Lucy Von Drake as always by his side. JVD signals to the crowd before walking down to the ring and sliding in. JVD holds his arms in the air in the middle of the ring as Lucy Von Drake stands outside the ring clapping on her husband.

“You’re the Best” begins to play as the lights go down and a baby blue spotlight is shown at the top of the entrance ramp. BBD comes out to a chorus of boos in his baby blue Ric Flair-esque robe that is covered in sparkling diamonds. He struts his way down the entrance ramp refusing to touch the out stretched hands of fans at ringside. Walking up the steel steps, he wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. Walking over to his corner he proceeds to remove his robe and warm up for the upcoming match.

The fans look like they don’t know who to cheer in this match as James Von Drake and Bobby Dean stand face to face in the middle of the ring trash talking each other. The sVo TapOut Champion James Von Drake is the first to break from the trash talking, as he lands a big right hand on Bobby Dean which sends him staggering backwards. Bobby Dean nails JVD with a right hand of his own, and the crowd rise to their feet as both men trade big right hands. Bobby Dean manages to break off from the punches with a knee to the midsection, before taking down James Von Drake with a big elbow to the back of JVD’s head.

JVD rises back up to his feet, but Bobby Dean takes him down to the mat with a scoop slam, before stomping down on his face. Bobby Dean taunts to the crowd, before puling the TapOut Champion to his feet and throwing him hard into the ring ropes. JVD bounces back into the middle of the ring, but Bobby Dean is there with a power slam to take his opponent to the mat. Bobby Dean slaps the face of his opponent to show who is in control, however this seems to wake up his opponent as James Von Drake counters with a jaw breaker.

Bobby Dean staggers away, before turning back towards JVD. JVD nails into Bobby Dean with some big right hands, before dropping him with a side Russian legsweep as Lucy Von Drake cheers on her husband from ringside. Bobby Dean pulls himself up to his feet holding his back in pain, but as he does JVD sends him to the ropes before taking him down with a Lui Thesz press. With Bobby Dean down, James Von Drake hits some big mounted punches on his opponent before pressing his shoulders down to the mat to make the cover.




Bobby Dean manages to kick out before the three can be counted. James Von Drake doesn’t look too happy with Bobby Dean as he pulls him up from the canvas before taking him straight back down with a snap mare takedown. With Bobby Dean in a seated position on the mat, the TapOut Champion quickly locks him into a surfboard stretch in the middle of the ring to try and secure a submission victory!

The referee asks Bobby Dean if he wants to quit, but the sVo superstar bravely shakes his head and tries to force his way out of the submission hold. James Von Drake keeps the hold locked in, and with no way of Bobby Dean getting to the ropes it looks like this one might be all over!

However before Bobby Dean has to kick out, he manages to toss JVD over his shoulders with a massive show of strength! James Von Drake quickly rolls back up to his feet, but as he does he is met with some big knife edge chops across the chest from Bobby Dean. James Von Drake staggers back as the chops light up his chest, before Bobby Dean follows up with a snap suplex onto James Von Drake. James Von Drake looks like he has injured his back as he slowly rises up to his feet, but Bobby Dean shows no mercy with a head lock takedown to take his opponent straight back down to the mat!

Bobby Dean tries to keep the head lock on his opponent, but James Von Drake manages to squeeze his way out of the hold and rise back up to his feet, however as he does Bobby Dean scoops him up and drops him with a snake eyes on the turnbuckle! James Von Drake staggers backwards holding his face in pain, and Bobby Dean follows up with a big German suplex out of the corner of the ring!

Bobby Dean keeps his arms locked around the waist of his opponent, and pulls JVD back up to his feet before tossing him back with a second big German suplex! James Von Drake hits the mat hard again, but once again Bobby Dean keeps his hands locked around the waist of his opponent! Bobby Dean pulls James Von Drake back up to his feet before tossing him back over his head with a third German suplex, this time with a bridge into the cover!




James Von Drake manages to kick out just when it looked like Bobby Dean was going to win this one! Bobby Dean complains to the referee that it should have been a three count as he rises up to his feet. Lucy Von Drake shouts encouragement to her husband back in the ring as he slowly rises up to his feet. Bobby Dean nails James Von Drake with a kick to the gut before sending him into the ropes. James Von Drake bounces back into the middle of the ring, but as Bobby Dean looks for a back drop, JVD counters with a DDT onto BBD!

BBD slowly begins to rise up to a standing position, but James Von Drake is there with some big right hands to back him into the corner of the ring. James Von Drake lays into Bobby Dean with some big punches in the corner of the ring, before taking him down to the mat with a spinning suplex out of the corner of the ring. With Bobby Dean down on the mat, the fans boo as James Von Drake taunts for his finishing move. Bobby Dean slowly begins to stagger up to his feet, and JVD lands a big boot to the groin of Bobby Dean before taking down BBD with the ‘Dollar Drop’! With Dean down in the middle of the ring, JVD makes the cover!




Boos ring out around the arena as James Von Drake rises up to his feet and picking up another massive win! James Von Drake is joined in the ring by his wife, who raises JVD’s hand in the air in victory after the big win over Bobby Dean, following up from last weeks win over Nathan Paradine on Showdown.RINGSIDE

Making Good on A PromiseAs James Von Drake continues to celebrate the victory in the ring, he is handed the sVo TapOut Championship belt by the referee which he raises in the air in victory. The fans continue to boo the TapOut Champion, but as they do JVD doesn’t hear the warning shouts from his wife as Sean Maverick leaps out of the crowd!

The fans look on as the new Red&Black Champion, who has the title belt strapped around his waist, rolls into the ring and nails James Von Drake from behind with a big punch to the back of the head. James Von Drake stumbles forward, but as he turns around he turns straight into a ‘London Calling’ from Sean Maverick!

With James Von Drake down on the mat, Sean Maverick calls over the referee, before looking his opponent into an arm trap triangle hold! James Von Drake struggles to escape the hold after the grueling battle he has just had to undertake with Bobby Dean.

The fans watch on as James Von Drake has no choice but to tap the mat! The referee calls for the bell to be rung, and under the 24/7 rule we have a new sVo TapOut Champion! Sean Maverick quickly releases the hold and grabs hold of the TapOut Championship belt before bailing out of the ring.

Lucy Von Drake checks on her husband in the ring as Sean Maverick stands at the top of the entrance ramp holding both the Red&Black and the TapOut Championship belts in the air, making good on his earlier promise that he would be walking out tonight with some gold!BACKSTAGE

Stay AwayAs Katie Smith makes her way through the parking lot back into the arena having got a taxi back from the hospital where Chris Wrestling was taken, she looks keen to get on with the task of doing what no one else seemed to want to do, and find out who attacked Chris Wrestling earlier tonight.

Katie Smith opens the door to the arena and is just about to step through it and back into the arena, when suddenly she is grabbed from behind as a gloved hand grips around her mouth. Katie Smith tries to scream, but finds no air in her lungs.

“Stay away.”

The two words are whispered into the ear of the pretty young interviewer, before she is shoved forward just before passing out through lack of oxygen. Katie Smith gasps for breath as she kneels on the hard concrete floor, before spinning around looking for the man who just grabbed her.

However as the air finds its way back into her burning lungs, her attacker is long gone. Just what did he mean by stay away, and did it have anything to do with her looking into the attack on Chris Wrestling earlier this evening?“Your Betrayal” by Bullet for my Valentine hits the sound system and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo. After a few seconds red fireworks shoot up from the entrance stage as Samuel Amos walks out and taunts to the fans. Amos looks around at the crowd, before slowly making his way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Amos ignores the outstretched hands of the fans as he climbs up onto the ring apron before turning to taunt the fans again. The fans continue to boo Amos as he steps into the ring by climbing through the ring ropes before preparing for the match to start in the corner of the ring.

The fans in the arena boo as yellow and red fireworks shoot up into the air from the entrance ramp as “Drop Tha World” by Lil Wayne hits the sound system. A few seconds later Roscoe Shame appears at the top of the ramp pretending to play the guitar, and the fans go wild for 6’6″ heavyweight from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The fans stand to their feet and cheer at the mockery he is making of himself at the top of the entrance stage before he makes his way slowly down the entrance ramp his way to the ring. As Shame walks past pyro’s shoot up alongside him from either side of the ramp until he reaches the ring. Roscoe Shame slowly climbs into the ring soaking up the fans reaction, before posing on the nearest turnbuckle.

The bell rings and there is a big cheer from the fans as this #1 contendership match for the sVo Championship belt gets started with Roscoe Shame and Samuel Amos slowly circling around each other in the middle of the ring. Amos and Shame both finally tie up in the middle of the ring, and both sVo superstars try their best to push each other backwards in a test of strength. In the end it is Samuel Amos who begins to push back Roscoe Shame, until the former sVo Champion manages to cut him off with a big knee to the midsection. Amos doubles over in pain, and Shame lands a big double axe handle smash to the back of Amos’ head.

Samuel Amos is quickly grabbed by Roscoe Shame as he tries to get back to his feet, but as he tries to whip him into the ropes Amos is able to counter and send Shame to the ropes. Shame bounces back into the middle of the ring and Amos takes him down with a spinning spinebuster. Roscoe Shame quickly rises back up to his feet, but as he does Amos lays into him with some huge right hands to send him into the corner of the ring.

The fans give a mixed reaction for Amos as he stomps away on Shame in the corner of the ring, before Shame is able to use his strength to push Amos away. Amos runs back at Shame, but Shame sends him down to the mat with a huge clothesline! Amos staggers back up to a standing position, but as he does Roscoe Shame scoops him up with ease before tossing him down to the mat with an elevated scoop slam!

Amos looks in pain on the mat as Roscoe Shame taunts to the fans whilst standing above his opponent. Amos slowly does rise up to a standing position, but as he does Roscoe Shame scoops him up above his head, before dropping him with a Gorilla press slam! With Amos down on the mat, Roscoe Shame makes the cover.




It looked like Roscoe Shame was just about to earn himself a shot at the sVo Championship belt, but Samuel Amos manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat before the three can be counted. Roscoe Shame shakes his head as he pulls Amos up to his feet by his hair. Roscoe Shame shoots Amos into the ropes, before dropping him down to the mat with a big boot to the face! With Amos down, Shame stomps away on his opponent before allowing him back to his feet.

Samuel Amos looks unsteady on his feet as he is grabbed by Roscoe Shame and taken down with a big full nelson suplex. Roscoe Shame taunts to the fans before making the cover on his opponent in the middle of the ring.




Once again it looked like Shame was going to pick up the win, but Amos manages to get a shoulder up off of the mat! Roscoe Shame looks at Amos and wonders just what he has to do to put away his opponent and earn himself a sVo title shot! Shame pulls Amos up to his feet, but as he does Amos fires away with some big punches to the midsection of his opponent. Shame tries to get the momentum back with a big clothesline on Amos, but Amos ducks under the arm of Shame and nails him with a knee to the midsection. Shame doubles over in pain and Amos plants him head first with a DDT!

The fans give a mixed reaction to the big DDT from Amos as he slowly pulls himself up using the ring ropes. Shame holds his head as he rises up, but Amos is there to meet him with some massive punches to the face! Amos looks like he is ready to earn himself another shot at the sVo title as he tosses Shame into the ropes and takes him down with a Lui Thesz press! Samuel Amos lays into Roscoe Shame with some big mounted punches before the former sVo Champion is able to force his way back up to a standing position.

Roscoe Shame shakes out the cobwebs and runs at Samuel Amos looking for a big boot to the face, but Amos is able to duck out of the way, before taking Shame down to the mat with a big German suplex! Shame hits the mat hard, and the fans cheer Samuel Amos as he rises up to his feet and taunts the crowd. Samuel Amos turns his attention back towards Roscoe Shame and drags him to a standing position, before dropping him in the middle of the ring with a running jump DDT!

With Shame down and Samuel Amos seemingly in control, the fans cheer as Amos taunts for his finishing move! Samuel Amos stalks Roscoe Shame as the former sVo Champion begins to rise to his feet, before spinning him around and nailing him with a kick to the midsection! Amos steps over Shame looking for the ‘InfAMOS’, but Shame counters with a big back body drop! Amos rises up to his feet with a look of shock on his face about the counter, but Shame follows up with a massive big boot that nearly kicks Amos’ face off!

Samuel Amos struggles back up to his feet and tries to run at Shame, but Roscoe Shame stands his ground with a tilt-a-whirl slam onto Samuel Amos! Amos looks in pain as Roscoe Shame signals that its ‘Shame Time’!

The crowd rise to their feet as Roscoe Shame pulls Amos up to his feet and positions him for a powerbomb! Roscoe Shame taunts to the crowd one last time, before delivering a huge ‘Shame Time’ powerbomb onto Samuel Amos! With Amos bouncing off of the mat, Shame drops down to make the cover!




It’s all over, and it is Roscoe Shame who earns himself a shot at the sVo Championship belt! Shame rises up to his feet and throws his hands in the air in victory knowing that he will get a chance to regain the belt that he lost to Jay Wildman back in December 2010. Shame makes his way to the corner of the ring and celebrates on the turnbuckle as his music blares out over the sound system. As Shame celebrates his victory in the corner of the ring, Samuel Amos slowly rises up to his feet and stares a hole in the back of Shame’s head.

Shame hops down from the turnbuckle, but as he turns around he walks straight into Amos! The crowd rise to their feet as Shame and Amos stand face to face, and it looks like the fight is going to erupt again! However instead of coming to blows, there is a big cheer from the fans as Samuel Amos extends his hand for Roscoe Shame! Shame looks around at the crowd, before finally shaking the hand of his opponent!BACKSTAGE

NextAs Roscoe Shame celebrates his victory in the middle of the ring, the screen splits in three to find Night, Cody Williams and Nathan Paradine watching the celebration on monitors in different places around the arena. With Roscoe Shame waiting for the champion, will it be current champion and hall of fame member Night who emerges victorious from the match as he takes on both of the sVo Tag Team Champions?

Or will it be Cody Williams who finally fulfils his potencial to capture the big win and show Nathan Paradine who is the better man between them once and for all?

Or will it be Nathan Paradine who realises his dreams of climbing the ladder and becoming the sVo Champion for the first time in his career?

The triple threat ladder match for the sVo Championship is next!

The stars of the sVo get to take their Retribution, only on PPV!
July 3rd 2011
The shot opens up to the aisle way where we see the sVo crew setting up ladders along the whole length between the top of the ramp and the ring. Ladders are set up around the ring as well, allowing easy access for the competitors to find a ladder and retrieve the sVo Championship. sVo announcer Natasha Ortiz is in the ring with the competitor introductions.

Natasha Ortiz: The following contest is your main event of the evening!!!

The crowd in attendance at the United Center stands up onto their feet and blows the roof off of the place, screaming at the top of their lungs. This is the match that they have been waiting for all night long. It has finally arrived and they are ready to watch these three men battle it out in order to be able to call themselves sVo Champion.

Natasha Ortiz: And it is a triple threat ladder match for the sVo Championship!!!

The house lights slowly dim, synched to the sound of a THX surround sound test causing the jam packed audience to erupt. The sounds of “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails blares on the arena’s sound system as gold lights wander around the arena. A strobe light flickers at the top of the entrance way while the entrance begins to fog up.Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve

Natasha Ortiz: Coming to the ring first, from Beverly Hills, California… Weighing in at two-hundred and thirty-five pounds, he is “The Reflection of Perfection”… CODY… WILLLLIIIAAAAAMS!!!

Cody Williams can be seen rising up from the top of the ramp by way of lift. Once the lift comes to a halt he throws his arms up into the air to an eruption of pyrotechnics, followed by fireworks raining down on top of him from above the stage. He makes his way down the entrance ramp, pounding his chest and pointing out to the crowd as they continue to drown the stadium with cheers. He slides into the ring and rushes to the nearest corner and stands on the second turnbuckle leaning over, repeatedly pounding his chest and raising his arms in the air. He hops off and heads over to the opposite corner and does the same. He makes his way to the center of the ring and unlatches the buckle on his shoulder coat, handing it to a ringside assistant.


Natasha Ortiz: Making his way to the ring, from Melbourne, Australia.. Weighing in at two-hundred and forty pounds, he is “The Australian Submission Machine”… NATHAN… PAAAARAADIIINNNE!

Queensryche’s “Sliver” blasts around the arena as Nathan Paradine appears at the top of the ramp, his arms crossed over his chest and his head bowed. He glances up, the lights reflecting off his sunglasses and he points out towards the crowd, oblivious to their boos. He marches down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope, climbing to his feet and raising an arm up into the air as the music dies away.

A whisper…

“I’m dreaming…”

The distant chords of Deftones’ “Knife Party” cut through the PA as the arena lights cut completely. The Tron sparks to life as the words “I’m dreaming…” float onto it. As the song errupts the words are replaced by one.

A name.

” N I G H T “

Natasha Ortiz: And their opponent, from Kyoto, Japan… Weighing in at two-hundred and thirty-five pounds, he is the sVo Hall of Famer and the regining, defending, sVo World Heavyweight Champion… The one.. The only.. NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!

An explosion of purple light as a man in a purple tights with black wrestling boots bursts onto the entrance ramp. A head of black dreadlocks stream off his head, tracing the man’s jaw. The crowd erupts as the sVo Hall-of-Famer stands at the top of the entrance ramp – motionless for a moment, his stance elegant and mysterious, giving away nothing of his motives. As the music swirls away, the man only known as Night begins his walk to the ring – only, he doesn’t walk, it appears more of a graceful glide. Although he moves seamlessly, he moves deceptively quickly to the ring, sliding deliberately and headfirst into the ring.

Night folds up the sVo Chamionship and kisses the center plate before handing it to senior official Sherrod Beason and backs into a corner. Beason raises the championship for everyone in attendance to see. He shows it to Cody Williams you places a hand on it and nods his head. Beason then shows it to Paradine who stares at it for a few seconds and then turns to Night and Cody and motions around his waist. Sherrod buckles the belt onto the hanging device in the middle of the ring and it slowly begins to rise high above the ring. Beason looks at the current sVo Champion Night who is standing in his corner, his hands up ready to go. He then looks at Cody who is bouncing up and down in his respective corner, shaking his limbs out. He finally looks at Nathan Paradine who is holding onto the ropes in the corner and looks like a caged animal ready to be unleashed. Sherrod Beason calls for the bell and slides to the outside, this match is underway!




The three of them make their way to the center of the ring, and stand toe to toe, nose to nose with each other. Night slowly tilts his head up and looks up at the sVo Championship hanging high above the ring. Cody looks up and then out into the crowd, nodding his head. Nathan Paradine peers up as well and points to himself, before driving his index finger into the chest of Night. Night takes a couple of steps backwards and tries to think nothing of it. Paradine then turns his attention to his tag team partner Cody Williams and sticks his finger in front of his face, before shoving him a couple of feet backwards. Paradine rushes towards the Hall of Famer Night and attacks him with a forearm to the side of the head, stunning him and sending him into the ropes. Night topples over and Paradine begins to attack him with clubbing forearm strikes to the back. He gives him a kick to the midsection, picking the sVo champion apart. Cody Williams comes rushing towards them and hits a running Yakuza kick to the back of Paradine’s head. He hits him with a european uppercut and then grabs him by the head and tosses him through the ropes and to the floor outside.

Cody grabs Night’s arm and goes for the irish whip, but he reverses it and sends Williams into the ropes instead. Cody comes bouncing back and Night lifts him up into the air and hits him with a til-a-whirl backbreaker that leaves his challenger clutching at his back. Night picks Cody off of the canvas and sends him into the ropes once again, this time Cody handsprings into the ropes and comes flying back with an enziguri kick that sends the champion rolling to the outside. Paradine slides back into the ring but Cody catches him off guard and kicks him in the stomach. He delivers a hard chop and then proceeds to irish whip him into the ropes. He goes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker of his own but Nathan counters it and turns it into a fujiwara armbar. Cody kicks around in an attempt to get out of the submission attempt and rolls out of it. Paradine holds onto the arm and transitions into a cross arm breaker. Night comes back into the ring and kicks Paradine in the stomach, breaking up the submission hold and immediately hits a standing moonsault for good measure.

Paradine begins to get back onto his feet and Night comes from behind him and locks in a waist lock. Paradine reaches between his legs and grabs one of Night’s legs and takes him down to the mat. He runs and bounces off of the ropes, Night dropping down to the mat, Paradine jumps over him and hits the ropes on the opposite side. Night bends over looking for a back body drop but Paradine leaps over him and takes him over with a sunset flip. Night rolls through it and delivers a dropkick to the face of a seated Paradine. Cody Williams starts to stir, clutching hir left arm and is knocked to the outside by a dropkick from the sVo champion. Night doesn’t look as if he is done and knocks Cody back down to the floor with a baseball slide.

Back in the ring Night turns around and eats a right hand punch to the side of his face. Paradine grabs him by the hair and tosses him over the top rope and onto the concrete floor. Nathan rolls to the outside and follows Night. He grabs hold of him and irish whips him, his back colliding viciously with the guardrail. Night is visibly in pain and winces as he holds his back. Nathan looks at one of the ladders that are on the outside and flashes a smirk. He picks Night up and irish whips him into the ladder but it is reversed and Nathan goes face first into the ladder instead. Nathan stumbles a few steps backwards and falls flat onto his back. Night looks around before repositioning the ladder. Paradine starts to make his way onto his feet while Night starts to ascend the ladder. The moment Nathan reaches his feet, Night leaps off of the ladder with a high arched moonsault taking out one of his competitors.






With both Night and Nathan down on the outside, Cody Williams slides back into the ring bringing a ladder with him. He slowly gets up onto his feet and sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring. He looks up at the belt hanging above the ring and begins to climb the ladder. He slowly climbs up and reaches for the belt a couple of times, coming short. He takes on step closer and is suddenly pulled off of the ladder. He turns around and finds Night standing there. The two of them trade right hand punches and Night begins to get the upper hand. He kicks Cody in the midsection and irish whips him into the corner. Night folds the ladder up and runs towards the corner, hitting Cody with the top of the ladder face first.

Night turns around and sees Nathan Paradine running towards him. He hits him in the midsection with the ladder and then throws it at him, knocking him down to the mat. The hall of famer picks the ladder back up and turns around, running towards Cody Williams. Cody ducks underneath the ladder strike attempt. Night turns back around and Cody dropkicks the ladder into Night’s face sending the champ to the outside. Cody looks over the top rope and sees the champion on the floor. He sees this as an opportunity and picks the ladder off of the mat, looking to go for the belt once more. Nathan comes from behind and locks in a waist lock and release German suplexes Cody halfway across the ring, sending the ladder flying to the outside.

Nathan looks down at his fallen partner and then up towards the belt hanging vicariously. He picks the ladder up and positions it in the middle of the ring and begins his climb to the top. He gets up about halfway up the ladder before Cody shoves the ladder over. Nathan lands on his feet, avoiding crashing to the mat. He and Cody meet in the middle of the ring and push their foreheads up against one another, shouting profanities at one another. Cody is the first to strike, hitting him with a stiff forearm shot. Nathan retaliates, giving Cody one of his own. Cody grabs Nathan by the head and delivers a hard European uppercut. Nathan responds by hitting Cody with a European uppercut of his own. Cody knife edge chops Nathan, Nathan attacking him with an over head chop, eliciting the crowd in attendance to cheer them on.





“The Reflection of Perfection” gets the upper hand and delivers repeated forearm shots to the head of Paradine. He lifts his arm into the air and shakes his fist, before knocking Paradine down and out with a rolling elbow. He sets the ladder up underneath the sVo championship and once again makes his way up the ladder. Night then makes his way into the ring and climbs the other side of the ladder, meeting Cody at the top. Cody punches Night several times in an attempt to knock him off the ladder. Night hangs onto the ladder with one hand before Cody pushes him off of the ladder causing him to land throat first across the top rope. Cody reaches up for the belt once more, but it is Nathan this time who tries to pull him off the ladder. He tugs at his boot, but Cody kicks him off. Paradine then goes over to the other side of the ladder and makes his way up. He and Cody begin to battle it out at the top. They both come within inches of the belt before the other spoils their chances. Nathan grabs Cody’s head and slams it into the ladder. He takes one step up and instead of reaching for the belt he flips over Cody and hits him with a sit-out sunset flip powerbomb, dropping Cody right onto his neck. The impact of the move causes Cody to bounce off of the mat.





sVo officials rush to Cody’s side and check on him to make sure that he is okay. Cody doesn’t respond verbally or physically and the referee’s raise their arms up in an “X” signaling that Cody is hurt. A hush comes over the crowd, not knowing if this is a scripted part of the match or if this was a real occurrence. Nathan looks at the referee’s with their arms up and sees the EMTs pulling Cody out of the ring and has a look of concern on his face. The almost identical move that he nearly paralyzed Cody with nine years ago could have possibly injured him tonight. The crowd begins to boo Nathan Paradiine as he looks at what is transpiring outside of the ring. He places his hands on his hips and shakes his head, before turning around and catches a flying ladder to the face to the delight of the crowd.

Night places the ladder on the mat and takes Nathan Paradine crashing into it back first with a suplex. The sVo champion takes his opponent and sandwiches him inside the ladder and looks out into the crowd. He opens the ladder and then closes it onto Paradine. He continuously opens and closes it to which the crowd counts along.











Night opens up the ladder and kicks a lifeless Paradine out of the way. He takes the ladder and places it in the corner before making his way to Paradine. He picks Nathan off of the mat but Nathan irish whips him towards the ladder. Night calculates this and reverses the irish whip attempt sending Paradine colliding back first into the ladder in the corner. Night makes his way to the opposite corner and sizes Paradine up. He gets a running start and hits a corner splash, sandwiching Paradine between himself and the ladder. He takes a few steps back and goes for another corner splash attempt, but Nathan counters with a flapjack maneuver causing Night to land on the ladder upper body first. Paradine stumbles over to the ropes and uses them as support.

Paradine makes his way over to the ladder and slowly drags it to the middle of the ring. He takes a few moments to catch his breath as he finishes setting up the ladder. He starts to climb the ladder, pausing after every rung to catch his breath. He looks up at the sVo Championship and reaches up for it, but it is still too far. Night gets back up onto his feet and sees Nathan reaching for the belt. He makes his way to the center of the ring and dropkicks Nathan off of the ladder. Seeing the opportunity to retrieve his belt, Night makes his way up the ladder in hopes of retaining his championship. Just as he is about to reach for the belt, Paradine meets him at the top of the ladder and headbutts him. Night returns the favor and delivers a headbutt of his own, followed by slamming his face into the ladder. Night grabs hold of Nathan and hooks his arm, the crowd stands on their feet. He grabs hold of Nathan’s tights and lifts him into the air as the two come crashing down to the hard, unforgiving ring canvas with a superplex off the top of the ladder.





The audience in attendance are standing on their feet, giving a standing ovation to the competitors in this match giving it their all as they attempt to capture the most coveted prize in the sVo. Meanwhile, on the outside EMTs and trainers place a neck brace around Cody’s neck and strap him onto a board. They slowly but surely lift him up and place him onto a gurney and start to wheel him away from the ring. Back inside the ring, Nathan and Night start to show signs of life and both grab hold of the bottom rung on the ladder. They slowly make their way up the rungs of the ladder to once again try to win this match. Cheers in the arena can be heard and we see Cody Williams ripping off the straps on his wrists and ankles. He climbs off of the gurney and rips the neck brace off and tosses it on the ground. He clutches his neck and starts to make his way back to the ring. Trainers and EMTs train to restrain him but he shoves them out of the way. He rolls into the ring and with both Night and Paradine both inches away from the belt, he shoves the ladder over sending Night to the outside and Nathan throat first on the ropes.

Cody collapses into the ropes and continues to clutch at his neck. He wobbily makes his way to the ladder and props it back up. He stumbles a few times and grabs the ladder for support. He places his foot onto the bottom rung and begins to make his way up the ladder. He makes it about halfway but stops to grab his neck. Paradine comes from behind and pulls him off of the ladder. He turns him around and PARAPLEX’s him into the turnbuckles!!! He immediately grabs hold of his neck and trainers rush to his side.

With no remorse for his tag team partner he repositions the ladder and starts to climb to the top. Night slides back into the ring and attempts to save his sVo championship. He meets Nathan at the top and hits a forearm to the face. Paradine retaliates with a forearm shot of his own. The two trade forearm shots on top of the ladder, trying to get the best of one another. Night gains the upper hand and takes one step closer to the belt. Night reaches up for the heavens but Paradine elbows him in the sternum and then kicks him in the face, sending the sVo champion crashing down to the mat. Paradine looks down into the ring seeing his two challengers lying on the mat and reaches up for the belt. He unbuckles the belt and clutches it close to his body.

Natasha Ortiz: Your winner, and NEEEEWWWWWW…. sVo Champion… NATHAN PAAARRAADIIINNNEEE!!!!!

As Infamous heads off of the air Nathan Paradine sits on the ladder holding the sVo Championship belt in the air as his music blasts over the sound system. After months of paying his dues, Nathan Paradine has finally reached the top of the world, but who is waiting to take Retribution on the new Champion as he celebrates with his new title belt.

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